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14 RailwaysAbout

March 2011

Page 2: 14 RailwaysAbout - Strukton Rail · developed software for the railways. ... electronic controls based on IGBT chopper ... by order of industrial giant BHEL and


About Railways 14, March 2011

© Strukton Rail bv

Leo Koster (p. 4)

David Larsson (p. 29)

Mario van Maaren (p. 17)

Carry van der Maas (p. 9, 10, 40, 43)

Eva-Lotta Pettersson (p. 24)

Göran Prage (p. 28)

Vincenzo Rotolo (p. 34)

Ronald Tilleman (p. 36)

Martin Uitvlugt (cover, p. 12, 15, 19, 20, 23, 30, 39, 44)

Layout/post production

The Public, Rotterdam


Quadraat, Oud-Beijerland


Antoinette de Bes, Bart Beuving (HanzaRailTeam), Roland Bongenaar (Eurailscout),

Silvia Borghi, Vanessa Cannemeijer, Ann Claes, Jens Otto Daugaard, Joost den Decker,

Jo Derie, Pierre Emans, Lasse Fjell, Oskar Fröidh (TU Stockholm), Anders Gustafsson,

Jan Lucas van Koppenhagen, Leo Koster, Sven Kristiansen, Gert Kwikkers,

Léon Linders (Alstom), Mario van Maaren (Eurailscout), Jochen Meister, Werner Naar,

Gerrit Nieuwenhuis, Rob Redeker, Aike Schoots, Erik Schutte, Klaas Toet, Dennis Tuls,

Ron Velthuis, Patrick Vanhie, Truus van der Vegt, Harold Verbruggen,

Dominique Vleminckx, Ingmar Wijnoogst, Aad van der Zouwen (Eurailscout)


About Railways is a Strukton Rail publication which

appears once a year


Martin Uitvlugt, Den Haag


Irene van Dam-Aaldijk

editoriaL consuLtants

Aike Schoots, Jacob Zeeman

editoriaL contributions

Øystein Hagen, Oslo (p. 5)

Göran Prage, Stockholm (p. 26)

Paul Vreuls, Amsterdam (p. 14, 32)


Accuwrite English Language Services,

Kevin N. Martley, Pumerend


Bombardier Transportation (p. 27)

Anna Groot (p. 33)

Øystein Hagen (p. 5, 6)

Jeroen Lange (p. 4)




















From Toulouse to ChittaranjanWork to be done for Rolling Stock.

The steep climb to the topNorway prepares for a top sport event:

Oslo upgrades its oldest metro line for the occasion.

“Work aplenty and more to come”Lasse Fjell about a rich country with a poor railway network.

“Invariably in cooperation with the client”About the almost countless possibilities and one crucial

limitation of POSS.

A difficult choreDominique Vleminckx describes the scope of her work,

a project named Diabolo.

The Hanze Line, a status reportA big work in progress as experienced by a bicycling


MilestoneEurailscout makes its debut in Norway.

Breakthrough in the world of measurementEurailscout is marketing SIM, a locomotive-driven measurement

system that records the geometry of points.

“Getting the job done together, that’s the best part of it.”Pierre Emans, a railway man in heart and soul, about the

turning points in his career.

The finishing touchesIn three short summer seasons Strukton Rail built 100 km

of the Bothnia Line.

High-speed lines at a snail’s paceThe Swedish government puts the construction of

high-speed lines off to the future.

Strength through unityStrukton Rail and Balfour Beatty join forces in Sweden on a

project basis, together winning a major maintenance contract.

The tram is on its way!From car, car, car to tram, tram, tram - about a tram work

in Kassel.

“Simply trying things out; it’s a trait I already had as a child”Highly praised, recipient of numerous accolades, Jo Derie

developed software for the railways.

Hunting for bigger gameStrukton Rail’s Italian subsidiary Clf joined in a powerful trio

and secured a first tender.

All electricity under the same roofStrukton Systems reorganised. A vision and an overview of

the business operations.

“Rock-solid reliability”About a 24/7 core business of keeping things running,

at railway stations and on and around waterways.

A bitter seed bears sweet fruitOff to a bumpy start! Léon Linders (Alstom Transport) about

how ERTMS kicked off on Dutch soil.

Green and WirelessBattery-powered trams and diesel trains. Tracks with no

catenary system. Strukton Rolling Stock has embarked

on a long-term campaign.

Page 3: 14 RailwaysAbout - Strukton Rail · developed software for the railways. ... electronic controls based on IGBT chopper ... by order of industrial giant BHEL and

From Toulouse to Chittaranjan

The steep climb to the top

French transport company Tisséo

commissioned Strukton Rolling Stock to

deliver a new traction system within the

scope of upgrading 28 VAL trains belonging

to Toulouse Metro. These automated light

vehicles that run on rubber wheels will be

equipped with new drive systems and

electronic controls based on IGBT chopper

technology. This assignment is the second

of its type. Rolling Stock previously

equipped the unmanned shuttles at O’Hare

airport in Chicago with similar life-extending


Winning the assignment from Toulouse was

a major achievement, as it was plucked from

the lion’s den. The VAL system is based on

French designs, was developed in practice

by French engineers and - with the

exception of foreign cities including Turin,

Taipei and Chicago - is applied mainly in

French cities. Rolling Stock’s greatest rival

was French, and far bigger too. Favourable

references from across the Atlantic count for

a lot, it appears. “It’s far from simple, but

France is opening up”, explains Werner

Naar, member of the sales team. “A new

generation of managers is on the rise with

an eye for price and quality beyond the

country’s national borders.” Conversion of

the first VAL train will be completed in 2011,

the last in 2013.

Norway, winner of fourth place in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games

in Vancouver, has something to look forward to - the Nordic World

Ski Championships in February and March 2011. The location is

legendary: Holmenkollen. The world famous ski jumping hill, located

west of Oslo, has hosted no less than nine world championships

as well as the Olympic Winter Games in 1952. Throughout the

world, events of this scale provide good cause to upgrade local

infrastructure. And Oslo is no exception; the Holmenkoll Line

underwent a complete upgrade - including rolling stock - in the

run-up to this prestigious event.

The Holmenkoll Line is the oldest and steepest light rail connection

in the Oslo network. It opened in 1898 as a tramline and has,

since 1916, been carrying passengers along the 14 kilometre

stretch from Central Station through more sparsely though luxuriously

populated areas to the Frognerseteren end station at an altitude of

478 metres. The upgrade was extensive, switching from overhead

lines to a third-rail system and increasing the standard platform

length to 120 metres. The old red metro carriages will be fading

into the mists of time, too, making way for new, non-pantograph

Siemens MX3000 electric trains. Once ready, the line will be able

to carry up to 9,000 passengers an hour.

Strukton Rail was one of a handful of specialised contractors involved

in the upgrade. The company carried responsibility for building the

new superstructure and third rail, as well as the rectifier stations,

cable ducts and power supply system. The level crossings along the

way were quite a challenge. Strukton Rail had to ensure pedestrian

safety, given the ground-level power supply system. The solution:

no continuous power supply at level crossings. The trains,

themselves longer than the width of a level crossing, were equipped

with front and back contact shoes to enable them to travel through

the gap unhindered.

In February and March 2011, the Holmenkoll Line will ensure easy

access to a sports extravaganza of international allure. After the

world championships, the metro line will continue to be the quietest

connection on the metropolitan network, and the only stretch that

remains largely above ground. Local city dwellers and tourists will

definitely continue to use the line all year round as well. Travelling the

line for the fun of it has always been a tourist attraction in itself,

offering outings at the Holmenkoll stop and unrivalled views of Oslo

and the Oslofjord. Even in summer, the new ski jump is an

Somewhat further afield, in Chittaranjan, India,

a 6000HP electric locomotive with flowers on

its sides left the Indian Railways engine plant

in October 2010. As the first in a series of

115 locomotives up for revision, it was

equipped with a new drive system and

on-board electricity supply system developed

by order of industrial giant BHEL and

manufactured by Rolling Stock in

Alblasserdam. Following its festive send-off,

the locomotive headed for Hyderabad, where

it will undergo three months of final testing at

top speeds, carrying a full load.

At the same time, BHEL also placed two

supplementary orders with Rolling Stock for

drive, on-board electricity supply and control

systems - 30 sets for locomotives and 40 for

electric trains - in line with premises

established in earlier framework agreements,

where the gradual transfer of knowledge plays

a key role. Initially, Rolling Stock will be

supplying complete sets. After this, it will then

switch to ready-to-use, tested modules and

a limited number of ready-to-build sets. In the

last phase, these sets will be complemented,

assembled and tested at BHEL’s

establishment in Bangalore.

New prospects are arising in the worldwide

refurbishment market. The position of Rolling

Stock - that of an emerging niche soloist -

appears to be growing into that of a

prominent ensemble player in an international

orchestra. Gert Kwikkers, Managing Director

of Strukton Rolling Stock: “Major train

manufacturers now see us as a highly skilled,

professional subcontractor; as a potential

preferred technology partner within the scope

of refurbishment projects. We have come to

understand that serving key players as a

preferred subcontractor greatly enhances our

effectiveness in the market. We are forcing

ahead with structural alliances.”

About Railways 14 I March 2011 54 About Railways 14 I March 2011

There’s work to be done in France, and still more in India

Norway prepares for Nordic World Ski Championships 2011.

Oslo upgrades its oldest metro line for the occasion.

architectural marvel, and the nearby museum outlines thousands of

years of skiing history. Facilities for dining, drinking, overnight stays

and conferences are also available. And, from this point, you can head

off into the woods, cross-country skiing or Nordic walking - originally

known as ski walking, this involves walking with specially designed

poles - keeping you fit year-round, sunshine or snow.

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“Work aplenty and more to come”

What strikes him most as someone who had

little to do with rail prior to becoming CEO of

Norwegian Strukton Rail AS at the beginning

of 2009? “The enthusiasm of the people.

Their passion for their work”, says Lasse Fjell

without hesitation. “Rail work appears to be

infectious. It either grabs you or it doesn’t.

If it does, there’s no remedy.” That was his

reply to the last question; the first was how

he came to join Strukton.

Norway is a rich country, but its railway network is

sorely in need of repair - the perfect setting for

Strukton Rail to achieve explosive growth.

Lasse Fjell is the man at the helm. This is his vision:

past, present and future.

Lasse K. Fjell began at the other side of the table. As a management

consultant and information manager for Gjermund Sogn, he was

around when Sogn hived off his railway company Jernbaneservice to

Strukton Rail in 2006. It came as a surprise when Strukton Rail asked

him if he would become CEO of the newly established Strukton Rail AS

following a second takeover in 2008. He had become more acquainted

with the world of rail by then. “I found it an interesting world.”

What makes it interesting?

“In Norway, Jernbaneverket acts as the rail infrastructure management

body. It did all the work; private enterprise didn’t exist. When Gjermund

Sogn started his railway company in 2003, a mere 12.5 million euros

was put out to public tender. In 2005, the conservative government in

power at the time decided privatisation was the way forward.

Jernbaneverket had to be reduced in size; the rail market expanded.

National elections were held in that same year and the

red-green coalition took over in government. Although they wanted to

reverse the move towards privatisation, they failed. Many people had

already left Jernbaneverket; it no longer had the capacity to do all the

work itself. The market for rail contractors subsequently sprang to life

and growth was incredible. This dynamism makes it interesting.”

As a rail country, how would you describe Norway - largely a

country of long roads?

“It’s a country of trains and aircraft. The roads are poor across large

sections of the country. We have airfields all over. And, supplementary

to that, we have more than 4,000 km of track, thousands of bridges

and hundreds of tunnels. Goods transport dominates the scene.”

Strukton Rail grew up in this world, boosting turnover from 6

million euros at the start to 50 million within four years. How

was this possible?

“Minimal maintenance had been carried out on the infrastructure for

decades. We were working with systems from before the Second World

War. Enjoying a monopoly as Jernbaneverket had done, you become

sloppy and lazy sooner or later. Disruptions and delays were mounting.

The public became increasingly irritated. Politicians squabbled. This

started seriously in 2004 and grew worse by the year. Problems became

more pressing by the day. The political parties agreed that something

had to be done about the railways. And from one year to the next,

the funds for track maintenance doubled. Then, in the wake of the 2009

crisis, an additional injection of 125 million euros a year followed on the

basis of the National Transport Plan. In a single blow, growth in the

market for maintenance and modernisation had skyrocketed by a factor

of 2.5. This is an interesting situation for several reasons. There is a

market, beyond. There are too few hands to get the job done. We’re

emerging from a situation void of private enterprise. We needed to build

an industry from practically nothing. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

How did you begin?

“Strukton Rail began by purchasing Jernbaneservice, a small-scale

rail contractor and then took over Betonmast Bane, a railway company

comprising two businesses with supplementary expertise in energy,

signalling and telecom. As such, Strukton acquired three companies,

merging them at a time when the market became flooded with work.

From then, Strukton began to grow explosively.”

And what about the competition?

“In house Jernbaneverket - the rail infrastructure management body -

remained the biggest. The second, Baneservice, was a new company

established by Jernbaneverket and the third biggest, also a new

company, Norsk Jernbanedrift, was established by people who left

Jernbaneverket. It is now half our size. All the big companies from

abroad are represented as well. Balfour Beatty is doing everything to

stay in the Norwegian market. And then there are the German

companies with their big machines. What you see is explosively

growing competition in an explosively growing market. But there’s still

more work in the market than the competition and our own company

can cope with. Although I’m not afraid of the competition in terms of

turnover, I am a little concerned about the competition in terms of

high-output equipment. The battle is fierce in this respect.”

How would you describe today’s market?

“Work aplenty and more to come. We’re a rich country. And all the

politicians - left and right - have since agreed that we need to

modernise our rail infrastructure. The remarkable thing now is that

the conservative parties are pushing even harder for this than Red

and Green. They’re very busy with HSL routes from Oslo to Trondheim,

Bergen and Stockholm. Environmental awareness also plays a role.

Norway is still far too dependent on air transport.”

What kind of vision exists in the political arena, say for the next

ten years?

“Punctuality is a big point. People have to regain confidence in the

railways. Especially in and around the cities, people must switch from

their cars to the train and tram. What’s more, train frequencies must be

raised along with the number of stations. In order to achieve this, we

will need to lay new tracks, especially for passenger services, because

many of the existing structures are single track. Also, the relatively high

number of bends in our tracks needs to be reduced as far as possible.”

But there is an absence of structural input in relation to the

Norwegian maintenance market. As far as possible,

Jernbaneverket carries out the maintenance work itself.

“We need to define the border between modernisation and

maintenance. It is shifting ever more towards maintenance. We now

carry out maintenance work within the scope of renewal contracts.

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At present, there are no tenders assigning responsibility for track

maintenance to any given party. This is not Jernbaneverket’s policy,

not yet. But if you look at signalling systems, a maintenance contract

could appear in the market again. We have a one-year contract to

maintain the safety system on one stretch of track. Things are

beginning to take shape, and the politicians can see that this leads to

greater efficiency. The main argument for Jernbaneverket to hang on to

much of the work itself, is to retain crucial knowledge. And yes, that’s

quite valid. But it’s not only about what knowledge you possess. More

importantly, it’s about what you do with this knowledge. There is good

cause for optimism: to the left or to the right, a structural maintenance

market will take shape.”

Odd Erik Berg, head of maintenance at Jernbaneverket, said last

year in an interview in this magazine that all the players in the

rail market need a certain measure of predictability. I’m sure you

must agree with him.

“Yes, of course. That’s what we all want. If you enter each year

together as things are now, with an option for the next year at most,

it’s difficult to look ahead. If you have big projects one year, it’s hard to

say whether the next year will bring the same.”

What does this mean for Strukton Rail? Good prospects in a

blossoming yet unstable market?

“That it’s difficult to consolidate, that is if you don’t want to take risks.

You need to keep your core competencies up to scratch while hiring in

extra manpower during the busy months. Flexibility is the watchword.

The contracts will keep coming, but it remains a question of when and

in what form. I also think we can carry out a lot more work in the winter

period than we do at present. We have more than 700 tunnels. It’s

possible to work in them comfortably most winters, which would bring

some stability to the market. But that will only be possible if

Jernbaneverket succeeds in putting the contracts on the market in


What are your plans for the coming years?

“When we were growing at that pace, we probably engaged more

people than strictly necessary to make sure we deliver in time. In the

past and still today, our central staff units suffer from understaffing, and

scheduling and logistics need to be improved. We are critically

evaluating our procedures. We are taking a step back to have a good

look at ourselves. I’m sure that our 200-strong workforce is capable of

taking on even more work. Our equipment could also be used more

effectively than now. And we must invest in what I call ‘a sense of

business urgency’: it’s great to achieve explosive growth in turnover,

but this must bring increased profitability.”

Strukton Rail in Norway: what will it look like in five years time?

“I hope that we’ve hammered out long-term maintenance contracts by

then. I also hope that we will be making better use of modern

technologies such as POSS. In terms of size, we will have cornered

somewhere between a third and a quarter of the market, generating a

turnover of 100 million euros, which is roughly twice today’s figure. We

have become an efficient company. We do the job properly the first

time round. The relationship with Jernbaneverket could tip the scales in

this story. I hope that it develops into a good buyer of services and

products. That it preserves its knowledge by utilising ours. That fair

competition rules apply and that ‘soft issues’ are considered in

tendering along with the price - as in Sweden.”

One thing’s for sure: money will not be the problem.

“No. And the Icelandic ash clouds gave us an unintended boost.

This again served to demonstrate just how good it is to be in the

railway business. Not a single train stood still during that period,

while on some days not a single aircraft took to the skies from Norway,

not even an air ambulance. There was only one correct answer:

the train.”

The contractor was keen to move towards more efficient, and

preferably also preventive maintenance - that was how it all started. For

instance, it urgently wanted to know how it might prevent faults in

points. In 1999, Strukton Rail first published news of a system it had

developed itself, known as POSS, which is a Dutch acronym for

Strukton preventive maintenance & fault diagnosis system. It turned

out that points need close monitoring - albeit remotely, if at all

possible - as they were, after all, responsible for over half of all ‘units

of operational disruption’; breakdowns in other words. The newly

developed POSS - basically no more than a simple multimeter - was

Invariably in cooperation with the clientGerrit Nieuwenhuis, project manager Monitoring & Travel Systems, speaks about the

almost countless possibilities and one crucial limitation of a successful monitoring

system developed in-house: POSS

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10 About Railways 14 I March 2011 About Railways 14 I March 2011 11

designed to monitor the moving parts of

points, and to plot the readings on a graph.

The idea was that if significant numbers of

these reports were recorded, then one could

compile historic records which would

eventually enable the prediction of future

points behaviour. And if POSS did live up to

these expectations, one would actually be

able to prevent a points failure. And this might

help to considerably increase the availability

of the line. That would yield incredible


So, Strukton conceived the idea and put it

into practice. A pilot project was launched

later that year whereby 22 sets of points in

various areas of the Netherlands were put into

intensive care, as it were, for a period of 18

months. And Strukton almost simultaneously

connected 14 sets of high-speed points

1:34.7 to POSS, purely out of an urgent

sense of self-interest. These were new points,

which were technically not yet entirely in

order. Their lengthy switch movements had

been continually causing problems. Strukton

was doing its utmost to make them operate

properly, without actually allocating further

budget. The infrastructure operator first

wanted to be assured of the nature and

scope of the problem. POSS was designed to

yield clarification.

And POSS did indeed provide clarity. In

practical use in the Netherlands, it proved that

one could avoid between 50% and 70% of

points failures. And now - 11 years after the

conception of the ‘technical device’ -

POSSonline 6.0 is the trade name for an

online monitoring system that is used

worldwide. POSS currently monitors literally

thousands of rail objects in the Netherlands,

the UK, Germany, Belgium, Sweden,

Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary and

Australia. In the Netherlands, it has become

the standard applied by the infrastructure

manager and process contractors throughout

the rail sector. In the UK, Network Rail has

connected the 600 crucial sets of points on

the West Coast Main Line to the system,

while the Stockholm Metro is also benefiting

from its implementation. Use of the system in

other countries is currently more modest, and

it is basically still being tried out on vital points

concentrations. One of the most noticeable

side effects of the development of POSS, is

that it has proven much more widely

applicable than originally envisaged.

technoLogy and domain knowLedge

Gerrit Nieuwenhuis, project manager at

Strukton Systems, PMC Monitoring & Travel

Systems, can explain the success of the

system: “It’s simplicity! We like to describe

POSS in the simplest possible terms, by

explaining that it is no more than a multimeter

fitted with pins, from which we have removed

the display and put it on the Internet instead.

We have installed a database in between,

and an application that converts the data into

information. And people can access this

information, be it current or in an historical

context, wherever they happen to be at the

time. That’s the concept in a nutshell.

However, if that was all that it was - simply an

ICT gadget -it would still be pretty

insignificant. The added value of the system is

that we also provide knowledge that is vital in

the railway domain. That is also actually very

simple, but it literally took us years to simplify

it to such an extent.”

This combination of simple technology and

highly extensive domain knowledge proved

crucial to the further development of POSS in

a broader sense. Each new application was

basically developed in response to existing

market demand, on the part of operators,

managers and contractors, both on the tracks

and in the trains. Gerrit Nieuwenhuis: “You are

constantly involved in discussion with one

another. Let me give you three examples,

which were developed almost simultaneously,

though independently of one another and

within our knowledge domain.

One. We were talking to railway manager

ProRail about points, when the topic of

conversation suddenly turned to level

crossings. ProRail was keen to carry out trials

with timetableless service on the Amsterdam-

Eindhoven route, comprising six intercity and

six slow trains an hour. It was keen to

establish that this increased train frequency

would not lead to unacceptably long ‘closure

periods’ for road traffic on the various level

crossings along the route. We concluded that

it should be possible to measure these

closure periods using POSS. And it did

indeed prove successful.

Two. Swedish regional Metro manager,

Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL), uses POSS to

monitor 150 vital sets of points. The people

we spoke to there were particularly interested

in the possibilities of also using POSS for the

measurement of rail temperature and train

detection using axle resistance. Our simplified

explanation of the multimeter had inspired

them to make their own associations. And

that’s the way things are developed; invariably

in cooperation with the customer.

Three. During the course of talks between our

colleagues at Strukton Rolling Stock and

representatives of the maintenance firm

NedTrain and Lloyds Register, the question

was raised whether POSS might possibly

measure the electrical performance of a train.

Surely if it were possible on the track, then it

should also be possible from inside the train?

The issue in question related to the status of

train systems, and was once again aimed at

preventive maintenance. And that was how

POSS came to be introduced as an energy

meter in trains.”

in search of energy

POSS has therefore been allocated an

impressive list of monitoring functions during

the past few years: points, train detection,

axle resistance, interfering currents, axle load,

wheel quality, train passage, self-

measurement, rail temperature, energy

consumption, camera surveillance, axle

counter, return current, bridge vibration and

construction site security. Gerrit Nieuwenhuis

is the first to put this series into perspective.

poss in 2010

■ Railway manager ProRail switched to POSSonline. Its own system, ProPOSS, in fact the

first version of POSS produced exclusively for ProRail, was phased out gradually.

Using POSSonline, ProRail and the maintenance contractors are monitoring more than

1,300 points at more than 110 locations.

■ As in 2009, POSS was utilised in the timetableless pilot project on the Utrecht - Eindhoven route.

Commissioned by ProRail, POSS monitored closure periods at 25 level crossings; approach

times were monitored especially closely at six level crossings. POSS was successfully deployed

during the test and the system remained operational.

■ POSS served as an analytical instrument. For several years now, a number of high-speed points

in the vicinity of Amsterdam had been causing problems because a point-operating unit regularly

skipped inspection. POSS was put to use to more accurately identify which of the seven or nine

point-operating units was causing problems for the points.

■ On the Harka - Szentgotthard line in Hungary, POSS was connected to 46 points to increase

track availability. The line forms part of the Raaberbahn, an international connection for goods

and passenger traffic. The Austrian-Hungarian firm Gysev operates the line.

■ POSS was connected to six points on a mine railway track at Port Hedland in northwest Australia.

The points are located in such remote areas that maintenance staff have to fly there to sort out

any malfunctions. POSS must help to prevent malfunctions and therefore save costs resulting

from interruptions in regular traffic. The connections will be taken into operation in 2011.

“Points monitoring nevertheless continues to

account for 90% of the market. However, the

other applications will undoubtedly also

become commonplace; we increasingly

receive enquiries about them. This just goes

to show that we have so far been able to

come up with an answer to every additional

question that the rail market has posed, in

both technical and commercial areas.”

Gerrit Nieuwenhuis also has great

expectations in terms of the possible

applications for POSS in a second, hitherto

unexplored, field of knowledge. “Strukton

Systems has always had a sound

understanding of electricity, particularly in the

medium-voltage segment. We build

substations. This is a highly dynamic market.

There are currently only a few suppliers,

namely the major power stations. However,

this model is about to change. We are already

talking about solar panels on your roof, a

windmill in your meadow. A major shift is

about to take place in the distinction between

producers and consumers.

The passage back and forth of currents

involves entirely different dynamics. And you

need to be able to monitor them accurately in

order to settle accounts with one another.

However, there is also a particular need to

gain a clear impression of the status of the

infrastructure, the circuit elements, as these

are also subject to the key issue of our

operations: enabling preventive maintenance.

And that calls for a smart grid monitoring

system. This future development is just

around the corner.”

Are there limits to what POSS can actually

do? “Yes”, Gerrit Nieuwenhuis admits. “It is

not without good reason that I continue to

raise the issue of maintenance. Technically

speaking, the imaginable possibilities of

POSS as an ICT application are almost

endless. However, POSS is becoming

increasingly successful because it is based

on domain knowledge. And this is also where

its limitations lie. After all, if something is so

widely applicable, it generally never excels

in any one particular area.”

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A difficult choreOnce upon a time, when the car still appeared

to be the answer to almost all of our mobility

desires, a section of the four-lane highway

between Brussels and Antwerp comprised a

central reservation a mile wide. Broad enough

- was the idea - to convert the road into a

six-lane highway, should the need arise.

At the time, this appeared to be a prudent

move on the part of the authorities, which had

obviously taken future developments into

consideration. However, events occurred

contrary to expectations. It was not the car, but

the train and tram, which proved more promising

in terms of sustainable mobility. And this

explains why the aforementioned central

reservation has not been asphalted over, but

currently contains a ballast bedding, sleepers

and the first of the rails, which have already

been neatly riveted to form a track several

kilometres long. And it will not be long before

trains start running here, as Strukton Rail is

hard at work to make that possible.

The master plan is better known as Diabolo,

which was conceived by the rail infrastructure

manager, Infrabel. Brussels and the national

airport located nearby were suffering from

chronic road traffic congestion. Zaventem,

which is basically Brussels Airport, therefore

had to be rendered more accessible. And the

plan was to do so by means of new rail links,

with connections to through trains, and tunnels

beneath the airport itself. Once Diabolo has

been completed, in fact, the airline authorities

will be able to justifiably claim that they are

directly connected to the Paris-Brussels-

Antwerp-Amsterdam and Paris-Brussels-

Liege-Frankfurt axes. And when it becomes

fully operational, furthermore, Diabolo should

considerably reduce congestion on the

labyrinth of motorways in and around Brussels.

The improved international connections,

timesavings at a national level, and regional

air-quality improvements that this will bring

about are all sorely needed.

Dominique Vleminckx is Strukton Rail’s project

manager. Armed with eight years of experience,

she proceeds to a steel site hut, hidden away in

the shrubbery between the motorway access

and exit lanes just south of the city of Mechelen.

In a swift businesslike manner, she briefly

describes the extent of the work to be

performed, layer upon layer.

baLLast and concrete

“We are building a 14-kilometre stretch of

classic dual track laid on a ballast bedding

along the central reservation of the E19

motorway, which is the connection to

Mechelen. In addition, we are to lay some

six kilometres of concrete line with chemical

anchoring in the new tunnels. We are to start

work on the latter at Zaventem, in a tunnel

containing two tracks, which splits after 400

metres into two single-line tubes, which are

the branch lines to Brussels and Mechelen.

Laying the ballast lines would be pretty much

a routine job, were it not for the fact that it is

subject to stringent quality standards, comparable

to those applicable on the high-speed rail link

between Rotterdam and Antwerp. Although the

specifications are based on a speed limit of

160 kph, this is to be eventually raised to 220.

The tolerance margins are therefore very tight.

As soon as the track is laid, it has to be within

two centimetres of true direction, before the

tamping machine has even touched it.

Then we will proceed to do around four to five

tamping runs and two or three runs with the

stabiliser to ensure that dimensions are to within

a millimetre. The concrete line in the tunnels is

new to us. Grooves have to be cut in the

concrete, in which the rails are then laid.

Our greatest challenge is to maintain the

highest possible levels of accuracy in terms of

the gauge, direction and height. A surveyor will

therefore be present every minute of the day

during these operations, until they are finally


The logistics are pretty complicated. The

physical distances can be significant. This is a

highly extended site, with very, very few access

points. People sometimes have to walk long

distances to reach the workplace. And this also

applies to the supply of materials. There is only

one access route in the zone comprising almost

14 kilometres of classic line. You can’t simply

lay an access road, as you are flanked by

motorway on either side. Furthermore, materials

and equipment can only be delivered to the

tunnels during the night, via the Zaventem

entrance. This calls for particularly tight

scheduling. And there is very little opportunity to

depart from schedule, either in terms of time or


We are therefore working in stages, 16 in all,

and not always consecutive. Certain zones only

are made available during the course of time.

Towards the close of 2010, we were working at

four sites consecutively. We are dependent on

The aim of the Diabolo Plan launched by the Belgian

network infrastructure manager, Infrabel, is to improve

the accessibility of its national airport. Strukton Rail is

involved in the construction project. Project manager,

Dominique Vleminckx, describes the scope of the work.

the completion of the civil engineering works

that precede us, while we ourselves are closely

followed by the overhead lines and cabling

operations. A lot of work has to be performed

within short periods of time. And we were

already delayed in getting started on Stage 1;

we effectively commenced work three months

later than initially envisaged. Furthermore, we

were recently informed that Stage 4 is to be put

back two weeks. And this is not in line with the

schedule of work in progress. However, we will

simply have to reshuffle things, re-plan

operations, and reschedule the deployment of

our machinery. We are supposed to complete

this work by October 2011. Delays are therefore

simply not an option to us. If the civil

engineering works suffer delays, however, then

we are expected to make up for lost time.”

standards and circumstances

“A difficult chore”, is the way Dominique

Vleminckx sums it all up in her remarkably

cheerful manner. Under the pressures of both

time and quality, at a site enclosed by

motorways, dependent on other people’s

scheduling, the friction between tight planning

and flexibility, while late completion is hardly an

option - and facing these aspects in a vast

range of combinations. If anyone knows, then

it’s Dominique, given her eight years in the rail

construction industry, throughout the length and

breadth of Belgium, and in the Netherlands, too

- on the Betuwe Route. Having completed her

general studies in Industrial Architecture, she

entered the rail industry. She might just as easily

have ended up building factories or offices, or

laying roads, or bridges or even canals. She

ultimately opted for railways: “I was absolutely

captivated by the industry during my first ever

job interview, and I still am basically.”

This raises the question of what is so

captivating about doing a difficult job. She leaps

to her feet in response: “Exactly that. The

simple fact that it is so complicated is what also

makes it exciting. The combination of standards

and circumstances makes it difficult alright, but

that is also the challenge. Driving yourself on all

the time, continually endeavouring to do things

even better. Architects often view the field of

railway works with a look of pity; rumour has it

that it is all pretty simple stuff. Well I’ll tell you,

nothing could be further from the truth.”

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You simply cannot deny the man a little pride. According to schedule, the B and C layers of

the track bed for the Hanze Line were to be completed by 15 September 2010. “We did

indeed empty the final shipload of rail ballast just the day before”, as Operational Manager,

Harold Verbruggen, puts it himself.

The work is being executed as part of a four-party consortium - HanzaRailTeam - which, apart

from Strukton Rail itself, comprises VolkerRail, Alstom and Arcadis. One cannot help but feel

respect for the fact that this mega-project is to be concluded - the ink on the contract was

still wet in May 2009. This also reflects the considerable pressure on those involved to

perform: while HanzaRailTeam proceeds with the superstructure, other parties are still in the

design phase.

If one follows the route of the Hanze Line from Lelystad towards Zwolle, it gradually becomes

clear just how tightly scheduled the construction process is. While the cables have already

been laid and the overhead lines erected in the west, the rails have yet to be laid in the east,

near Zwolle. However, there is not even a hint of chaos present, which is quite miraculous

when one considers that a completely new, fifty-kilometre-long railway line is being built,

featuring a total of 88 engineering structures along the way. Total cost: one billion euros.

The fact that HanzaRailTeam managed to secure the contract for the superstructure, was

largely due to the combination of its keen price and a range of measures designed to promote

sustainability, both during the construction and operational phases. Examples of such can be

found spread along the length of the line, like the first railway yard close to Lelystad, which

serves as both a pre-construction site and the logistics centre for the entire superstructure.

“For instance, we have set up a workshop there which makes glued insulated rail joints for

electric welding”, Mr Verbruggen explains. “We used to purchase these from a manufacturer,

but now we make them ourselves. First of all, we avoid lengthy and unnecessary road haulage

journeys, namely from the rail joint supplier’s workshops to the site. And secondly, eight-metre

lengths of rail which were previously sawn out and disposed of as scrap, are now recycled in

the manufacture of the same glued insulated rail joints.”

a sketch on the horizon

The presence of mechanical excavators bears witness to the fact that cable and pipe laying

operations are already in full swing. And although the majority have already been laid and the

trenches backfilled, the job cannot be completed a moment too soon in the eyes of Bart

Beuving, the site safety officer. “I don’t pause to take a deep breath until everything’s safely

buried beneath sixty centimetres of soil.”

The Hanze Line, a status reportThe Hanze Line is designed

to bring the north of the

Netherlands and the

Randstad conurbation

closer to one another.

The laying process is in full

swing. ‘About Railways’ got

on its bike in September

2010, cycled as close as

possible alongside the

route, and spoke to people

it encountered along the


As one cycles towards Dronten, the Hanze Line seems to evaporate

into the background of the landscape. Just like everything else here, it

appears very distant, nothing more than a pen sketch on the horizon.

This is the stretch where the trains will be able to accelerate to around

two hundred kilometres an hour, thanks to the ERTMS system

provided by Strukton’s partner, Alstom. What do the area’s residents

think of the arrival of this railway line, though? A resident of a village

near Lelystad considers it a favourable development in terms of the

accessibility of the province. “Children in particular are bound to

benefit from its construction. They are more or less all obliged to travel

to a secondary school in Zwolle. It’s just a pity that we’re not getting a

station in our village itself.”

A little further on, stands a dairy farm that had to give up two (of their

total eighty) hectares of land. The farmer’s wife: “It’s quite a pity really,

because the land in question is part of the plot on which our house is

built. We can appreciate why we were forced to sell, but would much

rather have surrendered land a bit further away from the farmhouse.

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“No problem”, said the Norwegian pilot. And the train drew to a halt,

stationary against the bleak landscape upon a somewhat uneven

plateau, not exactly welcoming. Out the train, up the hill, took the

shot. The image of a milestone, literally and figuratively. On the left

the milestone itself; on the right, Eurailscout’s ultrasonic UST 02

inspection train passing the polar circle for the first time in its working


Norway. In November 2009, Eurailscout Inspection & Analysis was

commissioned by rail infrastructure operator Jernbaneverket to

measure the national rail network, both ultrasonically to detect internal

defects and using eddy-current technology to identify surface flaws.

This involved some 4,000 km of track. Things got off the ground in

June and July 2010. A thirty-day stretch followed from the south in

Kristiansand to the north in Bodø. It took some getting used to.

Norway is not like Switzerland, Germany or the Netherlands, familiar

ground for the ultrasonic inspection train. Norway only resembles


A landscape of steep mountains and deep valleys dictates the

character of the infrastructure and that, in turn, would determine the

direction of the work. Like Norway, Switzerland may be made largely

of rock, but it doesn’t have loads of fjords around which the rails

have to wind in tight bends. Norway’s rail network is close to 40%

shorter than in the Netherlands, despite the country being nine

MilestoneIt seems no other monumental place in Europe could move Mario van Maaren to ask:

“Could we stop for a moment? I’d like to take a photo.”

times as big. The Dutch railway network has 2,000 km of dual track;

Norway only has 200 km. Both countries have tunnels - Norway 700,

the Netherlands 13. Single track followed by more single track, sharp

bends and an endless series of long tunnels to challenge you.

That’s where it started.

Mario van Maaren was the measurement campaign manager on the

UST 02. More than half way through the project, just back in Oslo from

another day of measuring in the field: “You get to deal with stretches of

single track between stations that could be dozens of kilometres away

from each other, with absolutely no signs. Consequently, you have

to wait at stations until a train has passed in the opposite direction.

This could take up to two hours. And the risks are only compounded

by the combination of worn single track with sharp bends. You need

to move slowly to take accurate measurements while adhering to the

permissible line speed - and, yes, you may be set aside at the next

station. Tunnels have no impact on the measurements, but do affect

location since the GPS signal dies. It’s then down to the kilometre

markings. At yards, you still see rails dating back to the 1930s -

I’ve even seen some from 1916. Their profiles are foreign to us now.

Then, mostly en route, you have to reset your profiles. And if you

come across a twisted rail with a half worn head, it’s practically

impossible to continue measuring.”

That’s why it took some getting used to.

I suppose we mustn’t really grumble though, as our neighbours were

obliged to sell seven hectares. The polder can only benefit from the

construction of the Hanze Line, in terms of the economy. However,

a farmer doesn’t relinquish lightly all that he has worked hard for to

acquire. And the compensation is never quite as much as one would

like to receive. We’ll just have to wait and see how things turn out.

The trains will pass just half a kilometre from our home. What sorts

of noise will we hear, and will it also continue at night? How frequently

are the trains going to run? And how might the wind affect the noise


One of the places that will certainly benefit from the Hanze Line is

Dronten. Fifty years after being founded, it is finally being connected

to the rail network, which should put an end to its relative isolation.

Although the station has yet to be built, the residents are already

looking forward to it. Lettie Schimmel, who just happens to be

walking her dog, expects that young people will now more readily

opt to set up home in Dronten, given that they will be able to travel

to work in Lelystad or Kampen by train within the foreseeable future.

A lady neighbour explains that the Hanze Line is ‘ideal’ even for her.

“I will shortly be able to reach Amsterdam by train in a jiffy and finally

be released from the monotony of traffic jams.”

in a smooth Line

Halfway between Dronten and Kampen, no overhead power lines or

gantries at all have been built yet. Harold Verbruggen nevertheless

has every faith in the team’s ability to achieve the delivery date of

Summer 2011. “Construction will be complete by then. Absolutely!

This does not imply that the line will immediately become operational.

That will take another eighteen months, up to around December

2012. That much time will be needed to test all the systems, which

will take place in three phases. Firstly, we will test everything that

we built ourselves. Then, we will proceed to carry out tests with the

other parties involved. And finally, it will be ProRail’s turn to perform

test runs.”

Close to substation five - substations transform the high-voltage

current from the power stations into a compatible voltage to power

the trains - a security officer suddenly appears from nowhere.

An alarm has gone off in the control centre in Diemen, and given

that substations and their equipment need to be closely monitored,

he has come to check things out. There are some thirty security

containers situated along the entire Hanze Line, the man explains,

which are fully equipped with cameras and PA systems. “If we had

to, we could therefore basically order the man there in the red shirt

to leave the site immediately.”

On approaching Kampen, the Hanze Line makes a ninety-degree

bend in a smooth line to the southeast, bound for Hattem. There,

another ninety-degree bend awaits, curving to the northeast this time,

over the river IJssel towards Zwolle. Although we have now returned

to traditional terra firma - recognisable from its crooked dykes and

T-shaped farmhouses on ancient dwelling mounds - the Hanze Line

continues through the great outdoors featuring the same sort of

scenery as that of Flevoland.

Slap bang in the middle of all this open space lies Kampen-Zuid

railway station, perched high on the railway embankment created here.

And here we also encounter enthusiastic residents, pleased with the

construction of the Hanze Line. Ton Kruithof, a former photographer,

is already eagerly looking forward to taking the train via Lelystad to

Schiphol airport. “I will then no longer run the risk of missing a flight,

due to problems on the line at Amersfoort for instance. And I have

no fear whatsoever of the pack of thieves that some people suggest

the train will convey to our fair city of Kampen to burgle our homes.

This fear really exists, as does the fear that hoards of westerners are

champing at the bit to buy up our homes, as soon as Kampen

becomes more accessible.”

aLong the steeL motorway

The closer we get to Zwolle, the barer the line becomes. While

previously only the overhead power lines and gantries appeared to

have run out, this also seems to be the case with the rails as we

approach our destination - first on the one side, and later on both

tracks. The sleepers have been laid, however, as have the bases for

the catenary system. How did they get here? These bases are normally

not installed until the rails have been laid. The answer looms large

before us as we ride along the access road. The road is suddenly

blocked by a low-loader truck, which is in the process of lifting steel


When asked to explain, Harold Verbruggen says the following: “That is

what is known as the steel motorway, an innovation that we also used

when laying the Betuwe Route. It enables heavy plant to access the

track embankment, so that one does not have to transfer freight to

dumpers. This was one of the principles that we applied for the entire

logistics process. We were keen to ensure that materials were only

handled once or twice at most; literally ex works, straight to the site.

The steel motorway also enabled us to install the bases for the catenary

system in advance. This offers the added advantage of not having to

excavate in a ballast bed that has just been laid, which would only

disturb its settlement. Furthermore, use of the steel motorway

considerably reduces fuel consumption, as vehicles no longer have

to plough through loose sand.”

Not a single one of the four young fellows with whom the cyclist strikes

up a conversation at his final destination, Zwolle station, has ever

heard of the Hanze Line. Nor are they really interested. However, their

attitude suddenly changes on learning that they should be able to

travel to Amsterdam 15 minutes quicker by the close of 2012. It turns

out that they’re football fans, not of the local first division team, but of

the pride of the nation’s capital, Ajax. “This Hanze thingy is cool

then, innit? The sooner I arrive at the Arena, the better.”

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18 About Railways 14 I March 2011

For many years, the best worldwide efforts on the scientific sidelines to resolve the issue

invariably drew a blank. However, the puzzle has finally been solved. A measurement system

has been developed which can accurately record the geometry of points to within a margin

of half a millimetre, at speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour. It has been dubbed SIM,

which stands for Switch Inspection and Measurement. Thanks to a group of Italian engineers,

Eurailscout Inspection & Analysis was able to introduce the system at the InnoTrans in Berlin,

in September 2010. This truly is a breakthrough; manual measurement and inspection train

video footage of points at stations and railway yards were previously the most one might


The points measurement system comprises a measurement setup mounted on a flat bogie -

driven by a light locomotive - a measurement method and a management & analysis system

that is compatible with the generic management systems. The measurement method was

developed by the Turin engineering firm DMA. The Italians had already acquired a reputation

for precision and reliability by cooperating with Deutsche Bahn (DB) in the development of a

system for the measurement of the equivalent conicity and all related wheel-rail contact

parameters. This led to the execution of another joint project - in partnership with DB once

again - aimed at developing a points measurement system, suitable for use at high speeds.

Eurailscout, which was primarily interested in application of the measurement system at

speeds below 80 kilometres per hour, was the third partner in the project. This enabled DMA

to test and perfect its invention in two markets, which were entirely distinct from one another in

terms of speed.

New techNology

What made the development of a points measurement system such a difficult issue? Roland

Bongenaar, project leader at Eurailscout, puts it as follows: “It was a combination of factors.

The main issue was that the UFM (Universal Rail Geometry Measurement Train) simply wasn’t

suitable to perform measurements on those stretches of line containing the most sets of

points. This is due to the fact that the UFM was designed to operate at high speeds.

A new technology therefore had yet to be developed to enable the measurement of points

geometry at low speeds. The theory had been around for years already. In order to measure

profiles and geometry without making contact, one has to establish exactly the spatial

trajectory of the measurement system above the line. Furthermore, you need to establish the

distance between this spatial curve and the inner edges of the two rails, as this provides the

relative position of the track. In order to achieve this, however, one required both a sufficiently

rapid measurement system and a high frequency profile meter that was capable of doing two

things. Not only did it have to take measurements every two centimetres, but it also had to

have a broader measurement range than was customary, in order to measure not only the rail,

but also measure guard rails and common crossings alongside it. Only when you have solved

these problems - which DMA has now succeeded in doing - can you actually proceed to build

a measurement system that operates on the basis of accurate positioning.”

Breakthrough in the world of measurementThe invention originated in

a cooperation programme

between Deutsche Bahn

Systemtechnik (DB) and

DMA. Eurailscout is

marketing it: a locomotive-

driven measurement

system that records the

geometry of points.

The benefits are evident.

Fewer line closures and

improved track safety, as

well as the provision of

precise information to the

maintenance managers.

It is exactly what rail

infrastructure managers

have been looking forward

to for years.

The ultimate design and content of the

system originally developed by the Italians

were then established in cooperation with

employees of DB and Eurailscout, who

possess a great deal of experience in the

field. “In order to measure the geometry, you

require an extremely high level of knowledge

in the area of systems integration”, Roland

Bongenaar explains. “You have to connect

personal computers to a series of

measurement instruments in such a manner

as to ensure that they continue to operate in

unison, despite the difficult conditions that

may be encountered. Test beds are therefore

simply not sufficient. You have to be able

to perform practical tests, while not only

establishing that the system works properly,

but also that it will continue to do so.

What’s more, you have to be fully acquainted

with the concept of rail geometry, and how it

relates to the measurement data you produce.

This calls for a rather unique combination of


From operatioNs to coNsultaNcy

The introduction of this measurement system

is highly significant for a number of reasons.

It offers greater accuracy, further availability

and improved safety. Until now, the only

means of accurately establishing the position

of a set of points was to take measurements

using manual equipment. Every single

measurement called for the presence of

people on the track, which is hazardous,

and therefore led to reduced availability of

tracks. From now on, however, it will be

sufficient to simply include the points

measurement system and its locomotive in

the train timetable, to acquire data on the

geometry of the points of a level of precision

that exceeds that of manual measurement,

without having to put people on the line.

This should provide the maintenance

managers with the best possible arguments

in favour of efficient preventive management.

And this is expected to bring about a further

reduction in the incidence of points failures.

Eurailscout proposes to adopt a different

market position with the measurement system

than has so far been customary. In stark

contrast to the large internationally operating

measurement trains and the video inspection

trains currently run in Dutch railway yards,

Eurailscout envisages leaving the actual

measurement operations to the customer,

should it so request. Roland Bongenaar:

“We intend to supply the system on the basis

of a lease or licensing construction, where

the infrastructure manager retains responsibility

for all the operational aspects. We will

naturally remain responsible for all matters

relating to the actual measurement

technology, including data computing,

organisation and analysis, and the attendant

quality control. In this respect, our core

business will shift from the field of operations

to consultancy. This might entail our setting

up and manning data processing centres for

customers in other countries, for example.

In the meantime, however, we will naturally

also continue to provide our services in ‘old

school’ fashion: the customer calls us, and

we do the rest.”

The first order based on the lease concept

has already been secured. In December,

the SIM 09 embarked on a fourteen-week-long

measurement campaign commissioned by the

Italian rail infrastructure manager, RFI,

commencing with four Turin railway yards.

About Railways 14 I March 2011 19

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In Pierre Emans’ opinion, there are certain

dates one should remember. And if those

dates commemorate an event you are still

proud of, then they are certainly worth a

mention. Other dates, however, mark events

one should learn from, and then forget.

“I started working for Strukton on

29 June 1979.”

Rail layer, foreman, site manager, contract

manager, production manager - step by step,

during a period spanning thirty years, Pierre

Emans has developed in the footsteps of a

firm that expanded from a humble supplier

of the brute force and calloused hands of a

couple of hundred men, into an ambitious

European full service provider with a workforce

of over 3,000.

“ Getting the job done together, that’s the best part of it.”Pierre Emans and Strukton Rail have in a way grown

together, the one from a rail layer to production

manager, the other from a local supplier of manpower

to a full service provider throughout Europe.

A railway man in heart and soul tells us about the

turning points in his career.

From manhandling sleepers to operating

major machines, from backache to headaches,

from doing what you are told to devising one’s

own solutions. Mr Strukton? Don’t be silly;

there are plenty of others. But it isn’t far short

of the mark. A Struktonite in heart and soul;

he certainly is.

“I was assigned to a local crew. My first job

was the preparatory work for the construction

of a set of points. I was told to bring along the

rail spikes. And that very first day, I learned the

hard way that there were three or four different

types, and that I just seemed to have brought

the wrong ones every single time. It was simply

a matter of pestering the new boy, trying me

out. As were the cases of the square

screwdriver and the long stand. Until I informed

them that I lived just round the corner, and

could easily go home if they would continue

like that. The world was still a small place in

those days, while the site manager was God

himself, to put it plainly.”

A farmer’s son with a clear tenor voice; softly

spoken from close by, but extending over

considerably large construction sites, with a

ready laugh. From pretty much the outset, he

was the sort of bloke who wanted things done

quickly, but correctly, so that one did not have

to return to carry out repairs. It was your duty

to work hard to earn a living; not just for

yourself, but for the boss too - that was just

the way he’d been brought up to think.

And the characteristics he had in those days

are present to this very day. “I have to keep

myself busy all the time. There needs to be a

certain sense of tension. My target has to lie

just one step beyond what might reasonably

be expected.” The site manager spotted him

as one to hold on to.

a brief excursion

If you were to take someone back in time,

tracing your footsteps through the world of

the railways, where would you pause?

Pierre Emans prefers not to speak in terms

of footsteps, but rather turning points.

After all, you never know what sort of lasting

impression a footstep will make. The arrival of

young people and the launch of mechanical

innovation were the first really important issues.

That must have been back in 1986, or 1987.

“The change came along with the lads who’d

been trained, and therefore had a different

perspective of the labour process. A truly

new generation took charge of matters.

And suddenly everyone had a greater say in

the way things were done. You were accepted

more for what you were. However, there was

no question of working less hard. Productivity

nevertheless remained key. Although one did

have more of a sense of belonging to a team.

Up until then, the foreman had kept the

measuring tape. No one else even dared

glance at it, as there was only one person who

knew what it read. Things were changing

though; you now had the option of going to

headquarters for training.”

A peacock screeches, then a donkey brays,

but Mr Emans doesn’t appear to register their

cries, despite the fact that they are quite close:

“The traditional manual actions were followed

up by mechanical innovation. Prefabricating

sections and loading them aboard the train,

embedding and positioning rails alongside the

track, then renewing some 25 to 30-metre

sections at the weekend, using Donelli gantry

cranes. Whether manual or mechanical,

however, it remained a race to see which site

manager’s crew could lay the most sections.

They pitted their wits against one another; no

time for idle chatter, but get laying as though

your life depended on it.”

Pierre had worked his way up to foreman by

this time. Everyone viewed him as site

manager, but he wasn’t. He opted for security.

With sadness weighing heavily on his heart, he

embarked on a brief excursion that would

ultimately last three years. He became the

overseer of a 16-man crew working on DSM’s

industrial lines. And although Strukton

continued to appeal to him, he simply isn’t the

sort of man who comes crawling back at the

first time of asking. “DSM was an entirely

different world. The things that I learned there, I

guess, enabled me to become the man I am

today. Discussing the job extensively with one

another in advance. Invariably pausing for a

moment to reflect whether you are working as

safely as possible. Weighing up all the factors

involved in relation to one another. Operating

as partners, rather than bosses and workers.”

Time for a short break, during which Pierre

Emans very calmly pours glasses of milk for a

group of toddlers, lovingly extracts a splinter

from a child’s hand, and ushers two little mites

towards the playground. He is beaming, just as

much in his element here as on a railway line.

It won’t be long before he starts waxing lyrical

about Italy, the biggest turning point of all. The

story of Italy and his introduction to the renewal

train, the epitome of mechanisation. It appears

that we’re about to get two turning points for

the price of one this time. About Strukton’s

audacity in marching straight into Italy and

proceeding to secure the contract for a highly

substantial four-part renewal project, which

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included the Porrettana. How he had just a

week to decide whether he wanted to be

the site manager on that particular series

of projects. Ah, the Porrettana… a grand

old lady who had fallen on hard times;

who dated from 1862, and wound her weary

way through the middle of the Apennine

range, from Bologna to Pistoia. It was almost

100 kilometres long, comprising 73 viaducts,

45 tunnels measuring over 18 kilometres in

total, and one of the Italian rail network’s most

stunning and daring construction projects.

Pierre Emans, proudly relates: “I worked in Italy

from 25 February till 19 November 1996.”

an adventure

Suddenly, it’s the summer of 1996 once again:

“I thought: We’ll go to Italy, establish a

schedule and set to work according to that

schedule. And that was the general line of

thought. The idea was: the Italians are hard

workers; they’re good with machinery and

can improvise at the drop of a hat. All we

have to do is carry out the preparatory work,

planning and monitoring, while making the

necessary adjustments now and then. At that

point we had no insight whatsoever into the

problems we would later encounter. And I’ll

tell you straight, they were worse than

anything we could have previously imagined

in our wildest dreams.”


However, the horrors that lurked in the

darkest depths of those tunnels, which were

absent from the twelve-metre-long plans

dating from 1892, which were not visible

to the naked eye, and which Ferrovie dello

Stato’s infrastructure management team

either couldn’t or wouldn’t tell us even if

we asked a hundred times, remained a

harrowing secret which was only gradually

uncovered day by day.

Graders breaking when they hit the rock just

beneath the track bedding. The 475-metre

section of track in the Galleria Pisanacco that

rises due to the effects of the injection of

quick-dying cement. A tunnel, which it

transpires needs to be extended a further

20 centimetres during the process; some 350

cubic metres of concrete, rock and cement

were ultimately excavated. The forks

of conversion trains bending when they collide

with rocks and concrete cement situated just

a few centimetres beneath the sleepers.

Water cunettes in tunnels, which turn out to

be porous. Water that sometimes rises as high

as the top of the sleepers, and continues to

pursue you as you work moving downhill.

Old water pipes, which sometimes run on

the left of the track, then on the right, and

sometimes right underneath it. Sleepers so

rotten that they fall to pieces when lifted by

the renewal train, only to turn sideways and

become jammed in the machinery. These often

prove to be in such a state of decomposition,

that they simply turn to dust if left outside the

tunnel in the sunlight for a few days.

Diagnosis on a 132-year-old: hardening of the

arteries, incontinence; both of which she had

adeptly kept concealed. Pierre Emans:

“The Italians wouldn’t have dared tackle this

project without our assistance, although we

ourselves would never have completed the

job without the Italians.”


The schedules simply became a bit less

ambitious, while consultations were held more

readily; that’s what it basically came down to.(1)

Back in the here and now, in the garden of his

home. “It was fire and brimstone at the start.

You met with opposition everywhere. Until I

reverted to screaming at one subcontractor in

my own dialect, to such effect that he caught

my drift exactly. We finally ended up

cooperating almost like siblings. Basically,

anyone who dared drag their heels the one

day, needn’t bother coming back the next.

Getting the job done together, that’s always

the best bit of it. Oh yes, and that wagon

wheel pasta at lunchtime, of course. I left

home weighing 82 kilos, and returned a

proud 93. And I’ve never been able to lose

the weight again since.”

Having experienced an adventure he still fondly

reflects on, Pierre Emans returned from the

Apennines with a love and understanding of its

people, as well as a thorough knowledge of

operating High Output machinery. Strukton Rail

got the job done, acquired a long-term interest

in Italy’s leading rail construction firm, Clf, and

introduced the first ever track renewal train to

the Dutch network. “The arrival of that train”,

he admits, “was the major turning point in the

company’s history.” He insists that it was

destined to be that way. If you really wanted to

stand up and be counted among the world’s

major contractors, and there was nothing you

wanted more than to become Europe’s largest

and most highly skilled contractor, then you

simply had to own such a train. However,

the way you actually use such a piece of

equipment can often prove an entirely different

story. “We in the Netherlands do things

differently to the Italians and Germans. While

this sort of machinery is kept continually busy

there; I sometimes got the impression that we

were doing our best to keep ours looking clean

and new. It’s one of those typical throwbacks

of the former Dutch Railways culture.”

a stroLL

A stroll across the chunk of land that he owns

follows. Little paradises still exist it appears;

just past the city of Weert, straight on for a

good while, then turn left. The final turning

point: “The business has outgrown me.” It is

no more than a dry remark in passing. Three

hectares of land surround his home like a shell.

He points out the tall lime trees, which he

planted himself as a young man. The outer ring

is for the animals; the ram, the donkeys, the

piglets, the peacocks, the chickens, the

cockerel. The middle one comprises the

vegetable garden, pond, English country

garden, arbour, tool shed, and a warm porch

for the grapevines. All of them are neatly

demarcated with fences and hedges,

organised according to a certain autonomy, an

indubitable logic. And everything reflects care,

dedication and pleasure.

“The company has outgrown me. I was able to

keep pace with developments until a couple of

years ago. A whole range of reorganisations

and job changes meant that I increasingly had

to spend my time indoors. Performing other

duties, taking care of different matters. Initially, I

was supposed to focus on acquisitions and

pricing only, but then I got involved in

specification supervision, from calculation to

execution. Although it’s a good job, it is carried

out very much on the sidelines. Before you

know it, you’ve become old school. And that’s

not so much fun anymore. I am the sort of

person who has been forced indoors, but

cannot really hack a sedentary job. The latest

reshuffle enabled me to get out and about

again, thankfully. Supervising projects enabled

me to get involved in calculation again, which

is real rail work. I’ve actually got too much on

my plate again now. However, that’s just the

way I like it. You need a little enjoyment now

and then.”

The inner ring of land, just behind the house

itself, features a sprawling lawn with an

artificial cow, next to the day nursery run by

his wife, Riet. You would be pleased to send

your kids there. There’s a playground next to

the nursery, and a tree house just behind it.

On his days off from work, Pierre Emans plays

grandfather to all of them. The little people

really do live at the end of the garden in this

case. There are pathways on either side, in

the shade of the tree house, where they’ve

arranged their little birch chairs. And while the

children doze, they discuss what needs to be

done next, while laughing just as often and

heartily as Pierre Emans himself.

Pierre, would you go to work on the railways

again? Would you do it all again, given the

chance? “I would never have been more busy,

and perhaps I’d never have got around to

renovating furniture. I would certainly have

started earlier, that’s for sure. If I were 18 or 19

again, and they were to ask: ‘Pierre, what shall

we do?’ Then my reply would be: ‘I’ll start work

for Strukton tomorrow, just tell me where!’”

However, he’s not quite sure when he wants to

retire at the time of the interview. Then, a few

months later, when another season has slipped

by unnoticed, he knows for sure. “I have

decided to take early retirement; 31 January

2011 will therefore be my last day at work.”

(1) Snippet from Railwork 2, February 1998

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The finishing touches

The Bothnia Line is ready. Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf took the

new rail connection into operation at the end of August 2010. The

passenger and goods line skirts the eastern coastline from Nyland

to Umeå, and the trains can travel at speeds of up to 250 kph.

In just three brief summer seasons, Strukton Rail built 100 km of

the 190-km stretch. Here, at the bridge over the river Umeälven,

Strukton Rail makes the finishing touches to the tracks.

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High-speed lines at a snail’s paceNice words from a departing authority, the Swedish national rail infrastructure

operator, recorded in its closing annual report and signed by its last managing

director Minoo Akhterzand:

“Banverket has now completed its task and operations will be shut

down on 31 March 2010. Banverket’s responsibilities will be

assumed by the Transport Administration from 1 April 2010 onwards;

it is a transport authority created to initiate a new era in Swedish

transport policy and ensure a coordinated and comprehensive

approach to traffic and traffic infrastructure. It is my belief that there

are great benefits to be gained from the implementation of an

integrated traffic authority with a faster and more integrated planning

process. The overall approach to all modes of transport will afford

greater benefits to customers, and the railways will have a key role in

resolving future key transport issues. The Transportation

Administration will certainly become a model for many countries and

put Sweden on the map in the area of infrastructure and transport.”

From sector-based to holistic; the whole being more than the sum of

its parts - Trafikverket shapes shifting political and administrative

perceptions. After several years of preparation, Trafikverket will be

replacing the four existing authorities for road, rail, water and air

transportation. They need to develop broader, more cohesive, long-

term transport plans while simultaneously carrying out the daily tasks:

the construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure on land,

at sea and in the air. The level of optimism expressed by Minoo

Akhterzand in terms of the benefits of Trafikverket above those of the

departing sector-based management bodies is not shared by everyone.

Political rhetoric certainly leans towards combining concepts such as

broad, cohesive and long term, inviting a diverse response. Some

recognise balance and due care, while others wander off track in

search of honey.

Left and right

For example, the rail arena faces the dilemma of whether to embark

on laying high-speed lines in earnest, or to calmly postpone such

endeavours. In Sweden, numerous stretches of track are already

built for speeds of 200 to 250 kph. This raises doubt about whether

the timesavings are worth the investment. What’s more, service is

unreasonably expensive in a network characterised primarily by its

limited size in relation to the country, while being too large for its


There are two HSL candidates: Götabanan and Europabanan.

Götabanan would bring Sweden’s two biggest cities of Stockholm

and Göteborg, one to the east and the other on the west coast

closer together: 500 km in two hours. Europabanan branches

southwards from Jönköping to Copenhagen - the potential starting

point for a high-speed connection with Northwest Europe. Even before

the parliamentary elections last year, the left and centre-right rivals

expressed their views on the future. The Red-Green alliance earmarked

more than 12 billion euro to invest in the lines and had calculated

that annual CO2 emissions would be reduced by 100,000 kg.

Construction was set to commence as early as in 2014. More asphalt-

oriented critics argued that a reduction of this magnitude could also be

achieved on the basis of cheaper investments in road traffic. The

former centre-right cabinet minister responsible for infrastructure, Asa

Torstensson, said that as long as her party was in power, laying the

high-speed lines would not get off the ground before 2021, only

opening up for operation in 2027. Centre-right won the elections and

therefore remained in power. And thus the focal points remained:

improving metropolitan networks, upgrading existing rail connections,

electrification of diesel lines and improving port connections. HSL?

We’ll see at a later date. Layout studies were conducted by Götabanan

to appease proponents.

Too little, believes supporter and scientist Oskar Fröidh, a Swede who

saw that things could be done differently elsewhere in Scandinavia.

He is a member of an international group of experts commissioned

by Norwegian rail infrastructure management body Jernbaneverket

to investigate possible ways of expanding the network, including the

option of high-speed lines. The study presents the alternatives along

with their associated costs. He points out that the Norwegians are

perhaps more ambitious than the Swedes, because of the possibility

of big time savings. Oskar Fröidh is a researcher at the Transport and

Logistics faculty of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

In 2005, he published the findings of a study into the market effects

of regional high-speed trains on the Svealand line, a 115-km stretch

between Stockholm and Eskilstuna. From it, he drew the general

conclusion that high-speed trains have a big impact on the transport

market and on traveller behaviour. ‘Prospects for high-speed trains in

the domestic Swedish transport market’ followed in 2008. In this study

he asserts, amongst other things, that the high-speed trains on key

Scandinavian routes such as Stockholm-Copenhagen, Stockholm-Oslo

and Oslo-Copenhagen would have to travel at speeds of between

350 and 400 kph in order to compete successfully against air traffic.

But his initial conclusion, expressed during the UIC World Congress in

Sweden’s fastest: a modified Regina train of Bombardier -

designed for 200 km/hour in daily use - set up the new national

speed record on 303 km/h in 2008

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Strukton Rail and Balfour Beatty will jointly maintain 726 km of track

in the north of Sweden. To this end, both parties signed a contract with

infrastructure manager Trafikverket in November 2010. The maintenance

area lies in the extension of the new Bothnia Line, embracing the

connection between Holmsund and Boden with two branches to the

ports of Skellefteå and Piteå on the Gulf of Bothnia and one towards the

Norwegian border to Storuman. The contract is valid for a five-year term,

with an option for two years more. Trafikverket expressed admiration for

the cost-effective approach adopted by both companies and how they

responded to the call for maintenance.

Previously in June 2010, Strukton Rail and Balfour Beatty spoke out

in favour of practical forms of cooperation on a project or contract

basis in order to curb operational costs for both parties. Magnus

Jonasson, Managing Director of Balfour Beatty, said the following:

“I believe cooperation of this nature offers great potential.

We will mainly use each other’s equipment, where this is readily

available. It’s extremely costly to move equipment around in Sweden.

We’re becoming more efficient in this respect. At the same time,

this will serve to reduce our CO2 emissions. And, in a similar manner,

we intend to engage the services of each other’s people - depending

Strength through unityStrukton Rail and Balfour Beatty join forces in Sweden on a project basis,

together winning a major maintenance contract in the north of the country

on the location. Typically, cooperation such as this presents everyone

with a win-win situation.”

Strukton Rail and Balfour Beatty have been active for many years in

the Swedish maintenance market. Strukton Rail is the bigger of the

two, carrying responsibility for more than 1,800 km of train, light-rail

and underground tracks. Over the past year, both parties have had

to contend with newborn giant Infranord, the maintenance division of

the former Banverket, which inherited around 65% of the maintenance

market on its foundation at the start of 2010.

For Strukton Rail, the new contract also brings a continuation of its

existing order book. For seven years, the organisation independently

maintained the Boden-Holmsun route; effective May 2011, this will be

done together with Balfour Beatty. As such, employment opportunities

will be safeguarded in the region for the coming five-year period.

Strukton Rail’s Regional Director Anders Gustafsson: “By cooperating

with Balfour Beatty within the scope of this contract, we can offer our

skilled personnel a level of continuity that comes with working for an

employer they know well. This brings security and stability and puts both

our companies in a position to achieve further development locally.”

Amsterdam in 2008 was: “Foresighted

planning is essential to achieve future-proof

infrastructure.” Oskar Fröidh examined the

different approaches adopted by the

Norwegians and Swedes, and wanted

seriously to activate his fellow countrymen

and women to invest in the future of high-

speed trains.

“I want Trafikverket to look into the option of

more tracks along existing main lines - entirely

new tracks for high-speed trains. What’s

more, account must be taken of being able to

combine fast goods transport and passenger

transport on these high-speed lines. If you

want to create space for lots of trains, they all

need to travel at around the same speed. We

will not achieve this on the main lines as long

as commuter, regional, goods and express

trains continue to use the same tracks. We

must find cost effective, safe solutions to

create infrastructure corridors alongside the

existing network. In a nutshell, highways for

trains without any intersections.”

Oskar Fröidh asserts that high-speed lines

generally present economic incentives: “You

could say that the high-speed lines increase

passenger range. After all, you can travel

greater distances than by car or on a slower

train. The economic value of shorter travel

times and increased accessibility are reflected

in higher community earnings, greater

business development potential and lower

public sector costs.” He refers to a study into

the effects of a high-speed link between

Stockholm and Eskilstuna: “The number of

train passengers increased sevenfold and the

share of the market held by rail transportation

grew from 6% to 30%. Before the Svealand

line was built, the population in Eskilstuna was

declining. Now, better accessibility has fuelled

an increase in the number of businesses and

service providers, including Energymyndigheten,

the Swedish Energy Agency. The number of

residents has also risen. The Eskilstuna

training institute serves as another example,

as it succeeded in attracting highly-qualified

teachers from Stockholm.”

Oskar Fröidh argues that the major

investments needed for high-speed lines do

not fit within the current spatial planning

models: “It’s difficult to accurately estimate the

dynamic effects of high-speed lines based on

current economic models. For example, how

much the business community will develop

or how operating the new areas will boost

industrial and residential development

throughout the region. But it’s up to us to

make sure that Sweden does not fall behind

in terms of developing its transport system.

We cannot view high-speed lines solely within

a Swedish context; a Scandinavian perspective

is needed to chart all the potential benefits.”

Supporters of stepping up the pace of

construction, like Oskar Fröidh, will have to

be patient for the time being, however, until

the winds of politics stop blowing from the

centre-right. Until then, the development of

high-speed lines in Sweden will progress

at a snail’s pace.

Boden-Holmsund: a wood transport passes the railway bridge near Vindeln

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Nowadays, Kassel is blessed with a highly enviable public transport

system, which comprises urban trams, regional trams and buses.

It conveys some 50 millions passengers a year from the depths of the

region to the heart of the city and back. However, the city had only

very narrowly missed going down the same road as many other

European cities, which dug up their tramways during the first few

decades following the Second World War. They did away with them

in an endeavour to create a sumptuous, open city, which was light

and airy, as well as being prepared for considerable motor traffic flows;

that was the dominant ideal during the post-war period of reconstruction.

The ultimate in mobility was viewed as a system that travelled on

pneumatic tyres. In the former West Germany alone, the tram

disappeared entirely from the streetscape of some 50 cities during

the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Kassel itself had a narrow escape.

Kassel had always been a tram town, as well as a cultural city and home

to heavy industries, including the firm known as Henschel - currently

called Bombardier. Firms like Henschel prompted a night visit by a

squadron of British bombers in 1943: Resulting in the devastation of

the city and ten thousand fatalities. The war was then followed by the

political aftershock: Kassel was no longer a prominent city in the centre

of an undivided nation, but rather a concrete jungle just thirty kilometres

from the Ostzone, surrounded by American garrisons - not really a cosy

spot. The reconstruction of Kassel therefore commenced much later

than that of many other German cities further to the west. And it began

with broad streets and sumptuous squares there, too. All the stops had

to be pulled out just to render a minor portion of the tram network

operational. And it was to remain a matter of simply making do for quite

some time to come. In fact, when Jochen Meister took the tram to

school as a ten-year-old boy, in 1965, he still passed through streets

lined with ruined buildings on either side.

The actual switch from the car to the tram came much later, in 1980.

It followed two years of heated debate, both within and without pressure

groups. Yes, it was time to finally call a halt to all that tram expansion

nonsense, or better still, do away with the existing infrastructure, in the

interests of making further progress. And no, the same interests would

actually be better served if the tram system were finally comprehensively

extended. The proponents of public transport ultimately won the battle.

The municipal council opted for the plans put forward by the Kasseler

Verkehrs Gesellschaft (KVG). “This largely comprised the replacement of

the old-fashioned urban trams”, the mayor at the time admitted. It would

take over a decade longer before the first of the new lines were actually

commissioned. Slowly but surely, they made inroads into the depths of

the region, with the Kassel-Vellmar connection forming the final piece in

the puzzle for the time being.

However, Kassel was also to become worthy of a sightseeing visit for

other reasons. It was to re-establish itself as a city of culture, albeit in a

different form. The 5-yearly Documenta was held there for the first time

in 1955, making the city an internationally renowned place of pilgrimage

for visual arts enthusiasts. These visitors had the added benefit of being

able to travel everywhere they wished by tram. And the chances were

that they would also encounter an equally varied group of city

councillors, urban planners and developers in the process. In the

meantime, Kassel’s regional network had begun to serve as an example

to other European cities. As a city of some 190,000 inhabitants,

it boasted 9 tram and 28 bus routes. This included dual use of railway

lines by both ordinary trains and a sort of hybrid, halfway between a train

and a tram. Direct connections were also made to the urban network, as

the vehicles changed from direct to alternating current to convey

passengers right into the city centre. This coherence, the smooth

interconnection of urban and rural areas, could hardly fail to make the

city a force to be reckoned with. Kassel had it all, and one simply had

to witness it personally. Dutch urban planner Rob van der Bijl, who is

internationally renowned as an expert in the field of light rail, described

the approach adopted by Kassel as follows: “As a regional tram, this

network represents a new icon in the world of rail.” The Head of the

District Authority, Udo Schlitzberger, was also particularly pleased with

this investment in the future: “Wherever the regional tram goes, new

houses are being built.”

Back at the crossroads on the periphery of the city, however, the

infrastructure bound for Vellmar is being constructed by a cooperative

comprising three civil engineering companies and two rail construction

firms, one of which is Georg Reisse. This particular firm already had ties

with the local rail and public transport organisations back in the days

when the rail company still had the designation ‘Kaiserlich’ or Imperial,

and Kassel was still spelt with a C. During the past two decades of

growth in particular, Georg Reisse was regularly involved in various

aspects of the network’s construction. Wilhelmshöher Allee,

Holländischer Platz, Wilhelmshöhe ICE station, Baunatal and

Lossetalbahn, among numerous others, are examples of projects in

its own city, in which the firm is proud to have participated. One of the

queries the interviewer posed Jochen Meister, while they stood there

at the crossroads, was whether the Kassel-Vellmar connection had

also been readily accepted by the inhabitants from the very outset.

It proved to be a naive question. After all, even Kassel is not that ideal.

Jochen Meister reflects with a wry smile: “Although basically everyone

here wants to travel either by tram or train, none of them want a stop

outside their front door. Nor do they want to live alongside the line,

or with a view of a terminal loop.”

Georg Reisse becomes Strukton RailAs of 1 January 2011, the firm of Georg Reisse Bauunternehmung

GmbH & Co KG has changed its name to Strukton Rail GmbH &

Co KG. This should make the firm a more prominent subsidiary

of Strukton Rail in the German market, too. This German subsidiary

of Strukton Rail was originally founded in 1913, as the family

business known as Georg Reisse GmbH & Co KG.

Three generations of Georg Reisses actually managed the

business, until it was acquired by Strukton Rail in 2007.

The tram is on its way!Jochen Meister stands by a crossroads

on the northern periphery of the city,

which is a prime example of the history

of sixty years of public transport


Jochen Meister was born and bred in Kassel, and is currently project

leader at the rail construction firm of Georg Reisse GmbH & Co KG.

The firm, which has been associated with the city since 1913, was

renamed Strukton Rail GmbH & Co KG in January 2011. Turning his

gaze towards the city centre, he sees a terminal loop - that’s as far as

the tram goes. Turning his back on the city again, his eye falls upon the

four-lane provincial highway, with its service road and central reservation

and, there on the asphalt, a tram line in the making. It won’t be long

before the swift connection is completed, comprising eight stops on

a line connecting the big city of Kassel to the much smaller town of

Vellmar, four kilometres away. Along this short stretch, the tramlines will

nevertheless cross the road twice. First, from the left-hand lanes to the

central reservation: traffic lights. Then again, from the central reservation

across the right-hand lanes: another set of traffic lights. The cars once

had right of way here, and could proceed at full speed to Vellmar.

Shortly they will have to stop twice for the tram. From 1950 to 2010,

and from car, car, car to tram, tram, tram.

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“ Simply trying things out; it’s a trait I already had as a child”Highly praised, recipient

of numerous accolades,

Jo Derie developed

software for the railways

Great ideas should really be announced with eureka - which is ancient Greek for ‘I have found

it.’ So, when did Jo Derie think ‘Eureka!’? When did the project manager at the Survey

department of Strukton Rail’s Belgian division come up with the idea of making a software

toolkit that would render the railways both more readily and accurately measurable and


After all, the idea was not only good for a check to the tune of 11,000 euros from the boss,

but also a bronze medal in the Dutch Creativity Prize 2009, and the Innovation Award at the

Belgian Building Awards. Can he still recall when he conceived the idea? Sitting on the couch

at home, or driving the car perhaps, or even when awakening one morning?

Unfortunately, his ideas do not come to him as a sudden brainwave. As the healthy looking

forty-something-year-old gazes out of the window at the trees, he admits: “That’s not the way

it works at all. It’s more of a process that continues to grow and grow, on the basis of the

problems that you encounter. And if I could attribute any reason at all to making this particular

discovery, then it would have to be the fact that I can readily envisage the solutions that

software offers to problems encountered on the railways. And writing software is one of my


What Jo Derie fails to mention and what only transpires towards the close of the interview,

however, is perhaps far more significant. And this is the fact that his hobby arose as part of

a sort of philosophy, which very much typifies Jo Derie and which he himself describes as

“simply trying things out, or exploration in the broadest sense of the term.”

Jo Derie originally trained as a land surveyor. Having spent some twelve years producing highly

specialised topographical maps at Eurosense, however, he considered it time for a move to

something different. “I was keen to witness the more tangible effects of my work. And I fancied

the challenge of major infrastructure works. And because the Dutch have made a name as a

nation of major infrastructure works, I applied for a job at Strukton. They were looking for

someone for their Survey department at the time.” It ultimately proved quite a ‘confrontation’

as Jo Derie describes it. “I had been accustomed to applying the most highly advanced

technologies at Eurosense. What I encountered here in terms of surveying was archaic to say

the least. It was as though time had stood still. At the same time, however, I also cherished the

huge challenge I was posed to raise the department to a higher plane.”

never sit stiLL

On reflection, he admits that it certainly wasn’t water off a duck’s back. “Even to this day, I still

encounter a certain reluctance to innovate; and certainly among surveyors we engage through

a third party. Change is always difficult for people to accept. However, my motto is: ‘Never sit

still. Dare to innovate’. Just look at the company itself. What is it doing in the tunnelling & road

building sector? And what about the field of hydraulic engineering? There are always overlaps,

always aspects you can use to your own benefit.” He was determined from the very outset to

bring the world of land surveying closer to that

of the machinery used to build and maintain

the railways respectively. “Surveyors used to

go out in the field to take two-dimensional

measurements manually, on the basis of which

the machinery was put to work. When that

was done, they simply moved on to the next

section. However, one could never be

completely sure that it had been surveyed

using the same method as the previous

section. One never had a complete picture of

the entire - say, thirty-kilometre - stretch of line

to be laid, but just a little piece at a time.”

The first thing that Jo Derie envisaged making

was an inspection wagon capable of recording

three-dimensional data. “That is much quicker

and more reliable than sending surveyors into

the field with a measuring tape.” And it was

indeed an excellent idea, were it not for the

fact that the Swiss firm Amberg Technologies

and its partner Leica Geosystems were just

one step ahead of him, which prompted two

responses from Jo Derie: “That we were on

the right track, but still just a little too sluggish!”

His next concern was how to bring about the

launch of the inspection wagon in such a

traditional market. “The strange thing about

the matter is the following: within the year,

specifications were drawn up for the high-

speed rail link from Antwerp to the Dutch

border, and said specifications prescribed

the use of precisely this new form of

measurement technique. That was my


Jo Derie’s system has since been developed

into a platform which enables measurement

equipment on the one hand, and tamping

machines, track work machines and levellers

on the other, to exchange data, for the

purposes of either laying or checking track.

Smart software is the key to this whole

process, and while many are still very cautious

in this regard, Jo Derie insists that software is

simply a modern-day equivalent of the

hammer and pliers. This is perhaps also the

reason that he prefers to refer to his award-

winning invention as a toolkit. “In the old days,

people opted to buy a new hammer, or a

better screwdriver. Nowadays, we’re talking

software. My toolkit therefore contains all

sorts of software tools and accessories.

These enable measurement equipment and

machinery to operate in one and the same

world, as they all speak the same language.”

the benefits of software

His concept offers a number of major benefits.

For instance, it generates cost savings because

the machinery that carries out the work is more

accurately controlled, and therefore needs to be

deployed less often. This also helps reduce the

costs of failures caused by the poor operation

of track. What’s more, it makes things less

dangerous, as the inspection teams spend less

than half the time that they used to on the line.

Jo Derie adds: “Much of the work that used to

be performed in the field, is now carried out by

software which provides a digital solution.”

Jo Derie claims that the fact he was able to

develop software on his own, while entire

office blocks full of IT experts were left

scratching their heads, is “due to the

coincidence that I encounter problems in a

professional capacity, which my hobby -

writing software - enables me to resolve.”

At the age of 45, however, he is not a child

of the computer era. So, how did he manage

to make this world his own? “When the

evolution occurred, I had a clear sense of

wanting to learn what it was all about. I wanted

to know how it actually worked. It’s a trait that I

already had as a child. Making things up, trying

things out: exploration in the broadest sense of

the term.”

Incidentally, how did he spend the eleven

thousand euros?

“Bought new running gear - as I always come

up with my best ideas when jogging. And I

intend to invest the remainder in solar panels.

However, that project is still very much in the

exploratory stages.” And we all know what

that means in Jo Derie’s case.

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Genoa, Sampierdarena station, May 2009 -

Bulldozers set off with several symbolic

digging gestures on a project set to last

seven years, completely replacing the

railway yard in Italy’s biggest port. The aim is

twofold. The need to untangle international,

transit, regional and urban traffic is urgent;

each of these arteries requires its own

tracks. At the same time, the city is set to

become the efficient start and finish of the

envisaged ‘corridor of two seas’ - the

European Genoa-Rotterdam transport

connection with the Betuwe Route at the

other end.

The work involves renewing the lines

between Genoa Voltri and Genoa Brignole,

expanding the four lines between Genoa

Voltri and Genoa Sampierdarena, increasing

six-fold the lines between Genoa Principe

and Genoa Brignole, renewing the systems

at the various stations, and installing new

safety and security systems. The actual

work on the tracks began in February 2010.

The Eureca consortium won the EUR 363

million tender. The total investment amounts

to more than EUR 600 million.

Consortio Stabile Eureca? It appeared that

three already weighty construction parties

had pooled their resources like genuine

musketeers in hunting for bigger game. And

that was indeed the case. Their first venture

met with success: ‘Genoa’ was the first

tender for which Eureca competed.

Hunting for bigger game

There can be no misunderstanding about

Eureca’s ambitions. “We’re taking our first

steps in a complex market offering enormous

potential, within and outside of Italy”, says

Eureca’s Chairman of the Board Aldo Tognetti.

“Companies of our scale are compelled to go

international; take North Africa, the Gulf States

and even Eastern Europe.” Vice-President

Stefano Immovilli adds: “We intend to play a

leading role in both the public and private

sectors. We need to put forward our own

plans, including financing models. The three

of us will be able to compete on levels neither

of us could individually.” From one day to the

next, Eureca became the third largest

construction conglomeration in Italy. In June

2010, the Ministry of Infrastructure and

Transport awarded its ‘General Contractor

Qualification - Grade III’ certificate, making it

possible for the organisation to vie for work in

excess of EUR 700 million. Without this

certificate, the individual parties would only

have been able to take on work representing

lower values.

a cooperative tradition

The three parties that make up Eureca

originate from a cooperative tradition in the

environments of Bologna and Modena. CMB

Società Cooperativi Muratori e Braccianti - a

cooperative of bricklayers and workers - was

established in Carpi in 1908, and today

counts among Italy’s Top 10 construction

companies, generating an annual turnover of

more than EUR 600 million. The second party,

Unieco, is roughly half the size of CMB, and

was founded in 1904 as ‘Cooperativa Muratori

di Campagnola’ - a cooperative of bricklayers

only. The third in the group, Costruzione Linee

Ferroviarie or simply Clf, was once called

Cooperativa Lavori Ferroviarie, and has for

many years operated as one of Italy’s leading

railway contractors. It certainly holds the lead

in terms of how many kilometres of high-

speed track can be attributed to its name.

Together, the trio possesses experience in

practically all fields of construction.

Strukton Rail has held a participating interest

in Clf since 1998. In that year, the Dutch

company acquired 40% of the shares in what

would then have been considered a medium-

sized railway company - by Italian standards -

with a workforce of 120 employees and an

annual turnover of EUR 8 million. Unieco

retained ownership of the remaining 60%. Clf

then invested in Arfer - also rail works - and

in taking over Sifel, in complementary rail

disciplines including signalling and catenary

systems. Clf became the Clf Group and went

on to renew its machine park.

Today, employing a 500-strong workforce,

Clf is the biggest railway construction company

in the country, with its head office in Bologna

and establishments in the vicinity of Alessandria.

Clf has always acted on its international

aspirations, too. In the former communist era,

the Italians helped to build tracks in Poland

and former Yugoslavia. In recent years, Clf

has competed systematically for tenders in

the Balkans and in North Africa, often in the

wake of civil engineering giants such as

Astaldi (11,000 employees in 21 countries)

and Condotte. This secured new projects on

foreign shores.

In Bulgaria, Clf will be busy with the renewal

and electrification of the Plovdiv-Slivengrad

line until the end of 2011. This 120-km

stretch is one of the historic Orient Express

connections, changing from single, non-

electrified track with a maximum permissible

speed of 80 kph into electrified, double track

Strukton Rail’s Italian subsidiary Clf joined partner

Unieco and construction giant CMB in a powerful trio

and secured their first tender

with a 160-kph speed limit. Barely on

completion of the work in Bulgaria, Clf plans

to start laying Algeria’s first-ever high-speed

line. Measuring in at 132 km of double track,

this line will run from Qued Tlélat, just below

Oran, to the Moroccan border. This project is

set for delivery in 2013. The government in

Algeria has great plans. Within an undisclosed

number of years, the country will boast 1,200

km of high-speed line, stretching from

Morocco to Tunisia and back, passing

through stations in Algeria’s major cities.

a good move

On presentation of Clf’s annual figures for

2009, ‘Growth’ featured as the obvious

theme. Expectations are that turnover will

increase further in 2012 to a figure of around

EUR 140 million. At that time, too, more than

30% of the company’s turnover will be

generated offshore, against a figure of only

4% in 2010. The workforce will also have

increased to around 600 employees.

Chairman of Strukton Rail’s Board and Vice-

Chairman of Clf’s Supervisory Board, Aike

Schoots: “Our investment in Clf in 1998

appears to have been a good move, not only

on financial grounds. Our joint strategy -

Strukton Rail concentrates on Central and

Northern Europe and Clf on the south and

east, and on North Africa - appears to be

bearing fruit. Clf offers us in-house technology

for high-speed lines. Additionally, we have

huge potential for further development through

the mutual utilisation of our combined

machine park and in-house development of

new machine technology. Clf has also

acquired a 50% stake in the shares of Italian

machine manufacturer Sorema. Jointly, they

recently developed a ballast-profiling machine

capable of doing the job at a better price and

higher quality than those of the established

contractors. And that’s not all, because we

will be in a stronger position up north as a

result: offering a great product at a

competitive price.”

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“Basically, the whole idea was to pool our resources. And we therefore

now have eight trump cards in the same hand, which we can play in

any combination required.”

Joost den Decker, Deputy Director of Strukton Systems, requires few

words to explain why his business - one of the pillars of Strukton Rail’s

operations as a full service provider - has been reorganised.

Some of the electrical engineering operations were already carried out

under the Systems banner, while others had developed as autonomous

businesses under that of Strukton Rail. It was a rather fragmented

affair, which had grown that way during the course of time, and quite

understandably so. However, just where the individual businesses’

operations began, ended and merged with one another, was

sometimes rather unclear to customers and staff alike. So, there was

room for improvement and greater efficiency above all, which was

achieved internally by merging staff departments wherever possible.

The reorganisation took place during the course of 2010. The outlines

were drawn up in a jiffy; the details took a little longer to gradually

sink in. Joost den Decker: “We have become a lot better prepared.

Primarily because we now have more direct access to one another’s

knowledge and skills in the field of electrical engineering.

We can also put together logical combinations more readily. After all,

Systems invariably gathers together under the same banner all the

electrical engineering aspects that one finds in rail specifications,

while it can take charge of them with one hand. Consider, for instance,

the new construction of the Hanze Line, where four of our eight new

product/market combinations are cooperating in a single project:

Cable Solutions, Electric, Signalling & Power Supply and Installation

Services. Moreover, this rearrangement of competences enables us

to operate further up the production and marketing chain.”

All electricity under the same roof Strukton Rail has reorganised its division

known as Strukton Systems. Firstly, the

Deputy Director of Strukton Systems,

Joost den Decker, explains why.

This is followed by an overview of the

reorganised business operations.

product and market in eight combinations

Strukton Systems has rearranged its commercial operations into

eight product/market combinations, or PMCs.

The Safety & Measurement Services PMC relates to matters of rail

safety, occupational health & safety, electrical engineering safety and

technical measurements. It also bears responsibility for safety within

all the other PMCs, while supplying services to the other divisions

of Strukton Rail. Safety & Measurement Services (S&MS) deploys

engineers with a broad background, well versed in both electrical

engineering and safety. They indicate whether a system is compliant

or not. The PMC also provides external services, for instance as the

party responsible for systems at Keyrail, the operator of the Betuwe

Line. No work can be performed on the line’s systems without

Strukton Systems’ explicit prior permission and subsequent approval.

S&MS is highly adept in the measurement of cabling routes, which it

also carries out in sectors far beyond the range of rail-related

structures only. For instance, it assists in municipalities including

Rotterdam and The Hague, which regularly face street lighting


Energy Solutions’ daily duties comprise the transformation of high

to low voltage current. It is involved in the entire process, from design

to the laying of distribution grids that supply users. It also carries

out complete project management, as a constructor of substations

and switching stations. Its highly internationally oriented approach

has previously led Energy Solutions to execute projects in Africa,

while it is currently involved in large-scale operations in Surinam.

Furthermore, it is branching out in the direction of wind and solar

energy farms, primarily in Belgium and Germany.

The Cable Solutions PMC was founded three years ago. It performs

every imaginable sort of cabling in and around the railway environment,

as well as jacking and drilling, largely in the field of new construction.

Its operations are largely focused on the Dutch market, in which field

it is also responsible for laying a large part of ProRail’s fibre optic


Electric is the new name of the catenary systems division. It currently

performs new construction, renovations and maintenance of the

power supply systems for trains, trams and metro. This ranges from

carrying cables, contact wires and connections, to the erection of

portal structures and catenary supports and laying foundations.

Electric operates both in the Netherlands and abroad, often in

combination with Strukton Rail and other parties, too. It performs the

engineering for general specifications in partnership with Strukton Rail

Consult. Its operations often involve the use of a considerable fleet

of machinery, from both road and rail-operating hydraulic platform

vehicles to the catenary renewal train known as Gemma.

The installation and maintenance of information systems is the field

of operations of Monitoring & Travel Systems. Its operations

revolve around two particular system types. The installation of travel

information systems for trains, trams and metro is a largely domestic

operation. That of the online monitoring system known as POSS(1)

on the other hand, is of a highly international nature.

Telecom & Technical Installations assumes responsibility for the

new construction and renovation of data structures in the railway

environment, usually at the request of ProRail. This may involve

anything from public address systems to the control systems for

power supply. In addition, it carries out maintenance of the control

systems for tunnels and bridges.

The design, installation, commissioning, functional testing and corrective

maintenance of both classic relay interlocking systems and electronic

control systems that link signals, points and train detection to one

another, comprise the field of operations of the Signalling & Power

Supply PMC. Signalling established itself as a specialist in installing

the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) within the

space of just a few years. It operates primarily in the Netherlands,

Sweden, Denmark and Turkey. Power Supply is involved in the design

and construction of electricity substations and switching stations,

while in rail circles, this entails connecting the power company’s

supply cable to the rail operator’s overhead line.

PMC number eight is known as Installation Services. It performs

a great deal of work in railway station environments. Installation

Services carries out the day-to-day maintenance of lifts, escalators

and automatic doors. It also performs the installation and maintenance

of points heating, climate control and other low voltage systems at

railway stations and yards. During the past few years, external

customers have increasingly engaged its services. For instance,

the Netherlands Directorate-General for Public Works and Water

Management (RWS) awarded Installation Services the contract for

preventive and corrective maintenance of all beacon structures along

the Dutch coastline.(2)

(1) also consult page 9-11

(2) also consult page 38-39

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“Rock-solid reliability”Installation Services is

one of Strukton Systems’

eight product/market

combinations. Its core

business is keeping things

running. At railway

stations and on and

around waterways.

Today, it’s time to put IJmuiden’s lighthouses in the limelight. Ingmar Wijnoogst lets himself

into the taller of the two, wielding a bunch of keys that would put a prison warder to shame.

Ingmar is a service engineer at Installation Services, one of Strukton Systems’ product/market

combinations (PMCs). He has another two such bunches of keys in his van. This lighthouse is

one of the works of classic beauty amongst around 1,500 beacon structures situated along

the Dutch coastline, for which RWS awarded Strukton Systems the maintenance contract in

September 2009.

Ingmar checks the electrical system, establishes which lights are working and which not,

replaces a 2000 Watt lamp, and tests the system. He works his way through the maintenance

checklist, point for point: switchgear, wiring, the motor control, the gearboxes, the emergency

power generator, the lens aperture, the fall protection, cracks in lenses and windows.

The hours slip by. He pauses for a moment to enjoy the view. Yes, this job certainly gets you

out and about. There’s the sea; and the steelworks chimneys; and that’s Amsterdam; and over

there, amid the greenery, is Haarlem, his hometown. He makes a mental note of the points for

attention he came across during the course of his inspection.

A lighthouse is something out of the ordinary. What Ingmar Wijnoogst and his colleagues

mainly do, is to keep things running at 90% of all railway stations in the Netherlands, round the

clock, seven days a week. The things in question comprise hundreds and hundreds of lifts,

escalators and automatic doors at traffic junctions, as well as the lighting there, and the

systems at traffic control centres. Strukton Systems’ PMC Installation Services does what its

name suggests: It is a 24-hour service organisation that carries out systematic maintenance

on the electrical, mechanical and gas systems which vouch for the daily mobility and safety of

several hundred thousand travellers.

Ron Velthuis is the manager there. He defines it as follows: “We are a true service organisation.

We adopt a preventive approach, by inspecting and keeping the properties in question clean

according to an established plan. If a fault occurs, then we’re on the spot within two hours.

You encounter all manners of faults in this business: from a loose screw, to a crowd of football

hooligans shoving a steel refuse container down an escalator. We also perform major

renovations; so new construction is the only segment in which we are not involved.

The number of faults we handle amounts to around 3,000 annually. I personally consider that

a pretty low figure, particularly if you bear in mind that there are a few sets of automatic doors

at the rear of Amsterdam Central Station through which some 200,000 people pass back and

forth on a daily basis. The complicated part of our job is not purely a technical matter, but also

relates to the control process, the logistics, the coordination and the handling. Although it’s

not exactly rocket science, our reliability is as solid as a rock.”

As the market became more privatised, it

offered us scope for expansion. The care we

were already providing in railway station

environments, proved to be just as needed at

police stations and regional hospitals. The step

from these sorts of institutions to RWS was

therefore not a particularly large one. Ron

Velthuis explains: “In 2009, the ‘Maintenance

of RWS’ fixed signage’ was put out to tender.

It comprised 1,500 beacon structures along

the Dutch coastline, from lighthouses to

beacons and navigation lights along canals

and river estuaries - basically the entire range

of shipping safety & traffic regulation systems.

However, it also comprised a contract for 24/7

fault-clearing service. We therefore submitted

a tender, as we were well established in the

field of maintaining mechanical and electrical

engineering systems. Furthermore, we already

had almost complete national coverage and

a fault-clearing coordination centre, which

takes care of the management, registration

and accounting aspects. In fact, the contract

requirements were entirely in line with our

competencies; we therefore ticked all the


A few doors along from Mr Velthuis, is Erik

Schutte’s office, which has a poster on the

wall depicting all the lighthouses throughout

the Netherlands. Erik Schutte is a planner.

So, once Installation Services had actually

been awarded the RWS contract, Erik had

the entire maintenance management system

set up in no time. And although that was

more than a year ago, his pride remains

undiminished. He mapped out all the beacon

structures digitally, each linked to its own

particular characteristics, colour, frequency and

geo coordinates, the last of which were also

converted into Google Earth and TomTom

files for the service engineers.

improving the systems

Ingmar and his colleagues receive monthly

schedules from Erik. Those who are to perform

work for RWS know well in advance that they

have to carefully study the characteristics of

the properties and their locations on the map.

In stark contrast to railway stations, beacon

structures tend to be less readily accessible

by road, and one therefore sometimes has to

make arrangements in advance for an aerial

platform, a boat or occasionally even,

a helicopter. Erik Schutte weighs up the

results of his work. “You have to keep a really

close check on everything, not just rectifying

faults, but also improving the systems in such

a manner as to ensure that you only need to

perform scheduled maintenance in future.

Proper maintenance implies that the fault

report ‘light out’ is more or less a thing of the

past. When we first started, in September

2009, we received anything from four to ten

fault reports a day. It is currently down to

around three or four a week.”

Before the day is over, Erik will receive Ingmar

Wijnoogst’s report on the work performed at

the tall lighthouse earlier, including points for

future attention that Ingmar came across

during the course of his duties. “The lock on

the main door should be replaced as it sticks

a little. There are a few weak spots in the

wiring for the backup light. Although that’s

not urgently in need of attention, it is worth

mentioning. The property’s cooling unit also

needs servicing. Otherwise, the place

appeared to be in pretty good shape.”

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A bitter seed bears sweet fruit

It was only to be dubbed ERTMS at a later

date, although discussions about it amongst

Europeans in capitals began towards the

end of the 1980s in the unifying forges of

Brussels and Strasbourg. A single European

Railway Traffic Management System, a

cross-border safety control and signalling

system for rail was to have paved the way

for the unrestricted movement of people and

goods within the European Union. Away with

all national and even regional train safety

control systems in international train traffic;

counting at least twenty, and equally as

many obstacles on the road to the

envisaged, unified economic power.

At the time, Léon Linders showed more than

just a general interest in rail technology.

For twenty years, he was to actively push to

expand and improve infrastructure for regional

tram operator HTM. His career was ultimately

crowned with a position on the board.

He watched ERTMS taking shape from a

distance. First in the intensely complex standards

arena, then in directives and obligations for the

respective European member states and, finally,

in its implementation in practice. He saw

discussions about ERTMS develop into heated

arguments, some of which have yet to subside,

certainly in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands was involved from the

outset. After the first cautious steps taken by

Dutch Railways in 1990, work commenced on

laying the Betuwe Route in 1998. Intended for

international goods traffic, therefore subject to

ERTMS safety control. In the same year, the

Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water

Management decided that ERTMS alone had

to be installed on the south section of the

High Speed Rail Link (HSL south), without

backup from the national ATB system.

But lots of dust was yet to be kicked up,

especially in the first years constructing the

Betuwe Route and from start to finish of HSL

south. And the new European safety control

system was regularly at the heart of great


Léon Linders had a good idea about what he

was getting himself into when he left HTM in

2004 and took up position as Managing

Director at Alstom Transport in the Netherlands.

Alstom Transport is an international giant in

trains, trams, traction, train control and train

safety, and forms part of an even bigger

group employing a worldwide workforce of

more than 96,500 employees. He traded his

position on the sidelines from one day to

another, becoming a fellow player - not just

a lightweight.

In the Netherlands, Alstom would equip the

Betuwe Route with ERTMS, Siemens had

been awarded the HSL south section up to

the Belgian border, and Bombardier would

take care of the Amsterdam-Utrecht line.

And, not unimportantly, Alstom also supplied

the Belgian HSL branch. Laying the safety

control system on the Hanze Line which is

currently being built, was still a distant reality

at that point but would also be awarded to

Alstom. Alstom was also poised to do very

well internationally. Unlike several competitors,

the French parent company invested heavily

in a new generation of high-speed trains and

the development of ERTMS. Alstom would

become Europe’s market leader. Three

quarters of all sections of track currently

driven by ERTMS, now operate with the

French product. And irrespective of their

manufacturer, nine out of ten trains are

equipped with an ERTMS cabinet made by

the same producer.

In broad terms, Europe is still something of

a tapestry of different systems. Belgium and

Switzerland are the most advanced, with Italy

and the Netherlands hot on their heels.

The bigger countries are lagging. According to

Léon Linders, this is because these countries

are vaster and therefore lack the same sense

of urgency at traffic intersections as in the

Netherlands and Switzerland. He is unperturbed

by how long things are taking: “Creating

Europe-wide infrastructure is not an overnight

job. But we’re making gradual progress.

After all, the financial incentives for filling in the

missing pieces are huge. And that’s fine,

because that’s a great motive.”

ERTMS got off to a bumpy start in the

Netherlands, securing a firm foothold in

terms of both rail and train. Where did

it all start? The interviewer suggests the

point at which loads of potential suppliers

started vying for the first assignments.

Léon Linders thinks differently.

“Not exactly… preparations are of course

needed: standardisation. All of the competing

parties first play a role in defining the

standard. Looking back, I see the

standardisation process still underway while

companies such as Alstom were already

Off to a bumpy start! This certainly describes how the European Rail Traffic

Management System (ERTMS) kicked off on Dutch soil, getting a firm foothold in rail

and train systems alike. Léon Linders, Managing Director at Alstom Transport, sheds

light on its journey.

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starting the development phase. And before

development was completed, assignments

were already on the market. In some cases,

implementation got underway - the Betuwe

Route in 2003 - before standardisation had

even been concluded. And questions are

raised later on as to why so many versions

of ERTMS level 2 exist? Yes, if we’d all

waited patiently we would surely have had

a single version. But the real question is if

this would have been realistic or in fact

desirable. Consider today’s computer

systems. Some people work with version 5

while others prefer version 7. And they can

still communicate with one another. Some

market parties waited till standardisation had

been wrapped up. It took a year and a half

for the EU to grant approval, preceded by

heated dialogue between the respective

countries. We didn’t want to wait that long.

We continued with development

immediately, aware of the risk that things

may have changed in the interim.”

Is it not quite far fetched to consider

applying a system that has yet to

be standardised, even before its

development is complete?

“Yes. I can only explain it in retrospect.

We were in the thick of it and HSL south

and the Betuwe Route appeared on the

market, these aspects should already have

been rounded off. We thought, we’re almost

there, but it would still take another 18

months. The question was how the generic

ERTMS solution would translate to the

specific situation in the Netherlands.

We believed we’d made the right choice by

starting off with it already. And the Dutch

government, the Ministry of Transport, Public

Works & Water Management and ProRail as

the Betuwe Route’s principal, purposefully

opted to conduct the remaining development

phases within a framework of projects.”

All of the parties took a number of

calculated risks.

“Until 2006, there was certainly discussion

about whether we needed to install a

back-up system in the Netherlands in

combination with ERTMS. The conclusion

was that if we’d wanted to do so, we should

have done so from the outset. Introducing

a back-up system half way down the track

gave so many supplementary problems

that we sooner expected to get it working

in sync with ERTMS level 2. And it appears

this expectation was spot on. We had to

chew on quite a few bitter seeds to get there

during the first two years working on the

Betuwe Route - principal and contractor alike.

It took a great deal of effort to get everything

up and running properly. But to everyone’s

satisfaction, the last two years went well.

It was clear to us that things would work out.

And now, looking back again in 2010:

it wouldn’t really have made any sense to

be ready with the Betuwe Route sooner.

Of course, from the perspective of public

opinion and all the commotion, it would have

been nicer to be ready sooner. But when it

was finished, the Betuwe Route, hardly any

locomotives had been equipped with onboard

ERTMS systems! So if it were completed six

months earlier, it would still have taken some

time before a sufficient number of trains were

ready. Only by 2009 were sufficient electrical

locomotives equipped with ERTMS. Ultimately,

the entire project was carried out within the

budget assigned by the Dutch House of

Representatives, including all the changes

deemed necessary by parliament itself for the

environment. And the infrastructure was ready

in time for the rolling stock.”

It would have been possible to do things

differently, perhaps better?

“On paper, everything can be done differently

and better, but if we’d waited for the

standardisation and development processes

to be rounded off, some of the existing,

successful Dutch projects would perhaps not

have materialised at all. Either way, we would

not have achieved what we have today.”

Sounds almost like it was the ideal


“No, of course not; it wasn’t an ideal process.

But you see this in other worlds as well as

ours: if you start off with something new, it’s

not that unusual. As long as you together

understand the potential implications of

initiating a new technology, it needn’t be a


Acting in their own interests, market

players like Alstom wanted to get going

as soon as possible in order to secure

the biggest possible share of the market.

“No. It serves everyone’s interests.

The politicians wanted ERTMS to be taken

into operation as soon as possible. They

were chasing politically driven and desirable

motives of an economic nature. And the

business community responds to this.”

Although the safety control system is

now stable and operational on the

Betuwe Route, HSL south seems to be a

different story. ‘Technical hitches’ are still

affecting the border section between

Belgium and the Netherlands.

The ERTMS system from Amsterdam to

the border, supplied by Siemens, didn’t

work optimally with the system from the

Belgian border to Brussels supplied by


“No, that was different. The biggest problem

at the border actually hinged on communication

through GSM-R radio signals. In layman’s

terms, an interruption occurred as you

crossed over the border. Just a small section

without reception. Initially, this was a significant

problem. It was sorted out brilliantly in the


So, unlike what many people think,

competition between market parties was

not an inhibiting factor…

“No. In fact, Siemens and Alstom cooperated

closely to resolve the problems in the

transition area. There was no competition.

Except initially, in securing the two assignments

in both countries. But, yes, the Netherlands

did choose for the most difficult situation:

different infrastructure providers in two

countries, a border crossing at the midpoint,

and trains equipped with ERTMS cabinets

supplied by yet another party, AnsaldoBreda.

And it was the first ever cross-border project

in Europe of this nature and it needed to be

interoperable for the market… In retrospect,

I’d probably have done it differently. I would

have assigned full responsibility for safety

control to a single party for the full Brussels-

Amsterdam stretch. Not the infrastructure and

all the viaducts; unlike safety, they can be

completed in the traditional manner.

On the track and in the train, it would perhaps

have been better to call for an EU tender.”

That’s something Belgium and the

Netherlands should have done together

then. But at that point they were at

loggerheads with one another about

practically all bilateral transport files -

the Iron Rhine, the Westerschelde,

HSL south, a train connection for Breda.

Relations were hardly conducive to a

combined tendering process.

“True. And, at the time, the national railway

companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and

France were also competing against one

another for the transport concession for HSL

south. So, the assertion is true.”

Then ERTMS in the trains themselves,

a source of delay. The train operators

were not looking forward to the costs

of installing ERTMS in their rolling stock.

The big problem was money, not


“This also appeared to be the case for goods

transporters. When the Betuwe Route’s

timetable stabilised after two years, and its

date of delivery became clear, this clarified

when the locomotives, diesel and electric,

needed to be equipped with an ERTMS

cabinet. What followed was a commercial

discussion between transporters and

government. The goods transporters said:

‘great that you’ve said we need to install

ERTMS, but we need to have all the other

national safety control systems built in as well,

because ERTMS can only be used on that

little stretch to Germany and otherwise not.

It just means having to add a fourth system

and it’s not worthwhile. So fork up governments

- Europe or the Netherlands.’ Ultimately,

Europe and the Netherlands admitted this

might hold some validity. A subsidy scheme

was developed. But this discussion also took

so long that the goods transporters waited

far too long to order their ERTMS installation

that they weren’t nearly ready for the opening

of the Betuwe Route. These too were choices

made on economic grounds. The technology

itself was ready.”

The Hanze Line will be taken into

operation in 2012, featuring both the

Dutch safety control system (ATB) and

ERTMS safety control systems. What

should happen then in terms of safety?

“ERTMS has proved to be stable in various

countries, without requiring any back-up from

the national systems. I would now say to the

Dutch Railways, equip a core fleet of your

trains with ERTMS and focus on finding out

how to get the most out of ERTMS. Look at

the Swiss, they’re already busy doing just

that. They’re increasing capacity on stretches

of track using ERTMS level 2. They’re working

on follow-up times of two minutes. They still

have some way to go, but from their efforts it

is clear that they are prepared to adjust their

safety rules and timetable to the opportunities

afforded by ERTMS. We have yet to apply

ERTMS in the Netherlands at a level the

Swiss are already familiar with. They say:

‘we now have a good, inherently safe system;

we’d have to be crazy not to make the most

of it.’ In the Netherlands, ERTMS or not, we

are for the time being at risk of hanging on to

all the existing rules. If you continue to uphold

all the old safety regulations, introducing a

new system almost always results in reduced

capacity. Sometimes you have to say:

‘the new system is so good and reliable,

perhaps we need to assess whether we still

need to uphold all the old protocols related

to safety and the timetable.’”

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It should be done and dusted by… let’s say 2025. The last ever diesel train has just been

dispatched to the Dutch Railway Museum in Utrecht, amid much flag-waving, brass-band music

and Dutch gin. Ninety years long, large numbers of them roared along the lines; the grumblers.

Although for the past few dozen years, they operated primarily in the provinces of Groningen,

Friesland and Gelderland. Now, there is no longer a single one left running. It took fourteen years

to finally decommission them, which is actually quite a short time. Step by step, line for line,

the entire diesel network was replaced by an emission-free transport system. And this implies

that in Gelderland alone, a total of 12 million less kilos of carbon dioxide were released into the

atmosphere annually. Pure profit; not to mention the respite from soot, particulate matter, stench

and noise.

Once upon a time, in 2011, a pilot run in the Province of Gelderland provided the impetus for a

structured greening programme for all diesel lines throughout the Netherlands. Provincial

Green and Wireless Battery-powered trams and diesel trains. Tracks with no catenary system.

Reduced energy consumption. Reduced CO2 emissions. These are four ingredients

for a healthy idea. Now, it just has to be put into practice: Strukton Rolling Stock

has embarked on a long-term campaign.

authorities were all too eager to do away with

polluting forms of transport; after all, one

simply did not count in either the service

sector or the business community, unless one

was seen to actively pursue ‘green solutions’.

In the case of the diesel lines in question,

complete electrification initially appeared to be

the sole solution. However, the costs would

prove quite considerable, amounting to well

over half a million per kilometre, which was

simply too high in relation to passenger

numbers. Then, a partnership forged by

Strukton Rolling Stock and Epyon succeeded

in breaking the impasse, convincing the

administrators in Gelderland that a combination

of battery-powered vehicles and partial

catenaries would prove considerably less

expensive, both in terms of construction and

operation, while it offered the added benefits of

being cleaner and quieter. After a brief period

of wrangling, a pilot was therefore carried out.

And the rest is history.

Wishful thinking 2010-style? Yes, absolutely.

The umpteenth green hot-air balloon?

Certainly not. The idea presented to transport

companies and municipal and provincial

authorities in 2010 had certainly been well

worked out. Equip your trams and diesel trains

with batteries. Do not opt for complete

electrification, but instead a partial catenary

system, installed at stations only. This would

enable trains to access the power surge they

require to get started. And once they are

actually on the move, then their on-board

batteries provide the current to power the train

systems. It could hardly be simpler - and it

has been made feasible by Epyon, which

invented high power batteries that can be

rapidly charged; and Strukton Rolling Stock,

which tied up the loose ends and discovered

the market.

a fast-charge battery

In 2005, a group of young engineers at the

Delft University of Technology founded a

company called Epyon as a spin-off during

their studies. They had succeeded in

developing the world’s first Ultra-Fast Charge

Technology, which enabled a reduction in the

charging time for high power batteries from

its current eight hours to no more than

30 minutes. The economic significance of

this discovery for the entire range of vehicles

known as people movers and cargo movers -

which should preferably remain available 24/7

- is almost unimaginable. Epyon attracted

international investment capital and developed

operations in the world of transport, though

not yet the rail sector. In 2009, things clicked

between Epyon and Strukton Rolling Stock.

Battery-powered trams, it was estimated,

would yield energy savings of around 30% to

40%. Preliminary calculations had revealed

that a 700-litre battery weighing 1300 kilos

would be required to drive a tram, which had

no overhead power line.

That was the technology. Next came the

matter of the markets. It all depended on

where you went first, and who you spoke

to: the carriers and owners of the fleets of

vehicles or the infrastructure concession

holders, the provincial and municipal

administrators, not to mention policy-makers

with access to the necessary funds. All offered

prospects, the one brighter than the next.

The one conjured up a vision of the whole of

Europe - a continent comprising 8,000 trams,

expanding to 12,000 by 2020. At the time,

some 260 trams were being overhauled

annually to extend their useful life. This figure

could rise to 350 by 2020. Just imagine that

those carriers could be interested in also

rendering their trams several dozen percent

more economical… even if it were initially only

the domestic companies. The other remained

within the confines of the Netherlands for the

time being, on some 750 km of diesel track,

equivalent to a quarter of the country’s entire

rail network. These 750 kilometres comprised

16 stretches of line, three in Groningen, three

in Friesland, three in Overijssel, six in

Gelderland and one which basically ran along

the provincial border between North-Brabant

and Limburg. All in all, they connected dozens

of towns and villages to their administrative and

economic provincial centres - as well as

forming the link between the main Dutch rail

network and more finely meshed bus and taxi

transport. All but a few were owned by major

carriers, such as Arriva, Syntus, Veolia and

Connexxion. Just imagine that at least one of

them were to appreciate the significance and

want to become involved…

a wiLLing market

Money; also an important aspect. Money for a

pilot project, money for trials. After all, the plan

had to be rendered proven technology as soon

as possible. And the provincial authorities had

the money. The provinces either already owned

or were to assume ownership of the regional rail

routes, and therefore bore responsibility for the

operational concessions. In the meantime,

reduced exhaust emissions, the purchase of

sustainable energy and continuous accessibility

had become the touchstone of policy in all

fields - and certainly in the transport sector.

The authorities’ jargon suggested structure,

urgency and decisiveness. And a climate &

energy agreement had already been concluded

at an interprovincial level with central government

in The Hague. The place was simply strewn

with climate policy plans, which sought to

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achieve ‘structured cooperation between the

various stakeholders’. Ambitious plans were

launched to boost the ecological capital, while

considerable attention was devoted to gaining

broad support, arguments were made in

favour of an adequate monitor, and everyone

appeared to become passionately involved in

taking matters in hand, reducing, segregating,

connecting and communicating. Becoming

carbon neutral was also designated one of the

main provincial aspirations. Just imagine…

In early 2010, Strukton Rolling Stock -

henceforth to be known as a stakeholder,

and by tradition a competent participant in

structured partnerships - concluded that a

suitable green plan had been laid, there was

an extensive market, and those involved in

decision-making were simply brimming with

good intentions. Klaas Toet, Senior

Consultant at Rolling Stock, however,

preferred to label the status of the plan

‘embryonic’ at that juncture. It was

nevertheless a good start, and the talking

and persuasion could commence.

a graduaL process

At the Rail Conference (Dag van de Rail)

held in Scheveningen, the Netherlands, on

23 June 2010, Gert Kwikkers, Managing

Director of Strukton Rolling Stock, presented

the firm’s plans for ‘Green and Wireless’ to a

select audience of several dozen colleagues in

the rail sector. One carrier raised a finger in

favour. Parties entered into discussion. A week

later, a press conference was held. The press

responded favourably. Green and Wireless had

been put on the map, although it had to be

admitted that it was still rather up in the air.

Six months, a stack of business cards and

even more cups of coffee down the line, the

time came to draw up the initial balance of all

this fieldwork. The matter of funding test bed

trials of a ‘battery-powered tram’ at the Delft

University of Technology had already been

broached during internal consultations; its

merits were currently being weighed up.

In connection with the tender for the Zutphen-

Almelo-Hengelo diesel line, Connexxion

requested and received a business case

based on partial electrification. The Rotterdam

public transport operator RET asked what it

could save per tram annually, if it were to have

its existing vehicles converted, and promptly

received the figures calculated.

It was eco tuning in practice, in very much the

same manner as the motoring world.

Thanks to the mediation of ProRail, Rolling

Stock was approached to explain once more

all the benefits of Green and Wireless to a

provincial ‘activation workgroup’.

Klaas Toet had been on the case for almost

a year at that stage. His answer to a tricky

question was as follows: “Hmm, well it remains

a question of giving things a chance to gradually

mature. In the space of just one year, we have

progressed from nothing to promising.

That’s pretty good going in an area where

people watch every single new development

like a hawk, and all decision-making processes

are referred to the government.” His ideal vision

of 2011: “That we have converted around six

trams to battery power. And that one of the

provinces has granted us the engineering

contract for the partial electrification of a diesel

line.” And it may be a complete digression at

this point, but it would not surprise him if this

battery were to become a compulsory

requirement in trains within around five years,

as it would be fantastic way to vouch for tunnel

safety. In the unfortunate event of a train

becoming stranded in a tunnel, it would then

have sufficient power to convey passengers to

a safer spot at which to disembark…

(to be continued…)

Strukton Rail bv

Westkanaaldijk 2, 3542 DA Utrecht, the Netherlands

telephone +31 (0)30 240 72 00

e-mail: [email protected]

internet: www.struktonrail.com

Strukton Rail nv

Burg. Maenhautstraat 64, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium

telephone +32 (0)9 210 79 10

Strukton Rail AB

Uddvägen 7, 131 34 Nacka, Sweden

telephone +46 (0)10 480 50 00

internet: www.struktonrail.se

Strukton Rail AS

Nittedalsgata 7, 2000 Lillestrøm, Norway

telephone +47 (0)22 64 02 00

internet: www.struktonrail.no

Strukton Rail GmbH & Co KG

Forstfeldstrasse 5, 34123 Kassel, Germany

telephone +49 (0)561 57047-0

internet: www.struktonrail.de

Construzioni Linee Ferroviarie s.p.a. (Clf)

Via della Cooperazione 34, 40129 Bologna, Italy

telephone +39 (0)51 32 34 24

internet: www.clfspa.com

Eurailscout Inspection & Analysis bv

Stationsplein 121, 3818 LE Amersfoort, the Netherlands

telephone +31 (0)33 469 70 00

Markgrafendamm 24, Haus 16, 10245 Berlin, Germany

telephone +49 (0)30 293 808-50

internet: www.eurailscout.com

For more addresses and contact details,

please refer to www.struktonrail.com

Strukton Rail is a full-service provider in

the field of rail systems in Europe.

Everything Strukton Rail does is connected

with the development, construction, upgrade

and upkeep of infrastructures and electric

systems in rolling stock. The aim: safe and

reliable railways.

Strukton Rail’s contribution to safety and

reliability involves systematic rail component

status information, provided both to

management organisations and to its

internal operational disciplines. We work

on the principle that up-to-date knowledge

enables preventive action. The point is to

keep one step ahead of breakdowns to

maximise rail system availability.

Strukton Rail supplies all relevant

professional disciplines and is involved in

all stages of projects, from design to

construction and maintenance.

Our specialists in various departments

develop maintenance concepts, monitor

systems, and process and manage data.

The company has long-term operations

in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany,

the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, and

works on projects and products far

beyond Europe. With a view to further

internationalisation, Strukton Rail is

investing in the quality of its personnel and

a substantial, ultramodern fleet of equipment

for deployment in all the countries involved.

Strukton Rail is rail. Nothing more,

nothing less, and has been for more than

75 years. Strukton Rail currently employs

some 3000 men and women.

The company is part of Strukton Groep.

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