14th november, 2019 term 4, week 5€¦ · books, small toys, balls, keychains, matchbox cars, farm...

93—107 Darling Street, Wentworth Phone: 03 50273146 or 0350273489 or Fax: 03 50273778 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wentworth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Purpose Statement At Wentworth Public School we value persistence, respect and safety. We support all learners to be successful. NEWSLETTER 14th NOVEMBER, 2019 TERM 4, WEEK 5 Our PBL Focus this week is: - The size of the problem. Let’s try to think, is it a little problem or a large problem?

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93—107 Darling Street, Wentworth Phone: 03 50273146 or 0350273489 or Fax: 03 50273778

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wentworth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Purpose Statement At Wentworth

Public School we value persistence,

respect and safety. We support all learners to be



14th NOVEMBER, 2019 TERM 4, WEEK 5

Our PBL Focus this week is: - The size of the problem. Let’s try to think, is it a little problem or a large problem?

LIFE EDUCATION The Life Education van will be here next Tuesday and Wednesday. Pomona and Palinyewah students will be here on Tuesday to participate in sessions with their school. Their students will be joining our classes at various times during the day. Our students will have class sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. WORLD WAR 1 EXPERIENCE On Thursday next week, we will be hosting the “World War 1” Interactive Experience in our hall. Students from Buronga, Pomona and Palinyewah will be joining us for the day. All students will have an opportunity to participate in interactive sessions and see displays around this theme. Any parents or caregivers who would like to pop in during the day to see the displays are most welcome. Just sign in at the office as a visitor. Student sessions are at 9:30am, 10:30am, 12:40pm and 2:30pm. ATTENDANCE Help us to ensure your child has the best opportunity to learn and grow, by having them at school on time every day. Please contact the school if they are going to be absent. ROAD SAFETY We have two designated crossings at our school. Please assist us in keeping your child safe by using the crossings before and after school. There are also a number of cars that are stopping in bus zones and “No Stopping” areas near crossings. Hefty fines are in place if you are caught. Please make sure that you are parking in the correct places. YEAR 5 LEADERSHIP SPEECHES Our Year 5 students prepare a speech to deliver at our special assembly on Friday, 22nd November at 9:25am. All of our Year 5 students are encouraged to participate in this important experience. We ask that you support your child by also encouraging them to have a go and we hope that you can come to see them deliver their speeches. YEAR 6 SHIRTS 2020 All Year 5 students have received a note regarding the purchase of Year 6 school shirts for 2020. Some shirt sizes are available at the office to try on to get the correct size you need. Please return the order and total payments to the front office before 29th November, 2019. If you require another note or have any questions please see Miss Marziano. BOOK CLUB Issue 8 of Book Club, which is the last for the year has gone home for those students who were interested. Any orders and money are due back by Friday, 29th November. SKOOLBAG APP We will not be renewing our subscription for the Skoolbag App. All teachers are now using SeeSaw as a form of communication to our families. The newsletter is also being uploaded to SeeSaw. This App can be downloaded from your App store. UNIFORMS FOR 2020 If you are requiring uniforms for next year, please order them before the end of November to ensure that we have enough stock to cater for your needs. Order forms were attached to last week’s newsletter. They can be paid for when you pick them up at the beginning of the 2020 School year. P&C NEWS Please be advised, the P&C AGM is on the 21st November at 5pm. Please come along and show your support.

P&C CHRISTMAS RAFFLE For this year’s Christmas Raffle, each class are asked to donate items for a hamper. Each hamper will have a theme. Items can be given to teachers or to the front office. The raffle will be drawn on Presentation Night. Kinder/1: Christmas and New Year Hamper- Suggested items: Glow sticks, sparklers, tinsel, pretzels, wrapping paper, sticky tape, Christmas lollies, plastic plates, serviettes, chips, dried fruit, Christmas decorations, Christmas cake and pudding, batteries, Christmas cards, candy canes, balloons, party poppers, fruit boxes, soft drink. YEAR 1/2: Gardening, Outdoors and Petcare- Suggested items: Gardening gloves, soap, handwash, sunscreen, hats, insect repellent, tins of cat or dog food, a dog or cat toy, birdseed, small tools- screwdriver or hammer, measuring tape, picnic items- plastic plates or cups, tablecloth, picnic rug, gardening tools, pool toys, travel mugs. Year 3: Pantry, Kitchen and Laundry- Suggested items: Tinned food, biscuits, soup, pasta and noodles, coffee, tea, sugar, biscuits, snack foods, dishwashing liquid, kitchen sponges, washing powder or liquid, stain remover, air freshener, pegs, peg basket, tea towels, cleaning products, tablecloths, storage containers, travel mugs, batteries, pens, fridge magnets. Year 4: Health and Wellbeing- Suggested items: Soap, handwash, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes, brushes and combs, hair ties, bath gel, bath bombs, bubble bath, towels, face washers, bath sponges, chocolate, candles, essential oils, body lotion, deodorant- men and women. Year 5/6: Kids Hamper- Suggested Items: Books, small toys, balls, keychains, matchbox cars, farm animals, pens, pencils, colouring books, treats- chocolate bars, chips, lolly pops, things for school- lunch box, drink bottle, scrunchies and hair ties, hair clips, hats, temporary tattoos, stickers, glow sticks, tennis balls, down balls, pool toys, bath toys, a new school hat, craft items- glue sticks, coloured paper.

IMPORTANT DATES NOVEMBER 15th – Early Learning Group 20th – Life Ed Van 21st – P&C AGM 22nd – Year 5 Speeches 25th – CCA Young Leaders Sydney DECEMBER 12th – Presentation Evening 16th – Year 6 Farewell 18th – Last day of Term 4




Lachlan – Nuggets because they taste great.

Zayden – Pizza because it’s yum.

Jacob – Noodles because they are yummy.

Finn – Steak because it taste good.

Layla – Cob loaf because it’s my favourite.

If you could eat only one thing for a week, what would it be and why?