15 ideas for better sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. i f you have t roubl e f...

22 Ideas for Better Sleep By: Dr. Carol Schumacher

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Page 1: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi

22 Ideas for

Better Sleep

By: Dr. Carol Schumacher

Page 2: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi

If you’re having trouble sleeping, you’re

not alone.

Note: If these simple solutions don’t work for you, be sure to check with your doctor to see if they can find the root cause.

A functional medical practitioner or naturopathic doctor may be able to find a good natural solution for you.

If you make ‘getting more sleep’ a priority, you may see some changes.

It can take several weeks until something may start to work for you, so don't give up after a few

days of trying.

It typically takes time for your body to adjust. Experiment with different methods and choose what

works best for you.


It is estimated that as many as 70 million Americans

suffer from sleep deprivation!

Let's get started...

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Getting less than 7 hours sleep on a regular basis will not only make you feel sluggish and leave

you with poor judgment the next day, it can also increase your risk for heart disease, high blood

pressure, and diabetes, as well as impair your immune system and cause depression.

Page 3: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi

1. Establish a Regular Bedtime

 2. Eliminate Caffeine

Caffeine is known to cause restless sleep. If you can't eliminate caffeine completely choose to have

your caffeinated beverage (a serving of coffee contains about 150 mg, black tea about 40 mg and

green tea about 25 mg) only in the morning.

Be aware that decaf coffee and tea still contains some caffeine (2-5 mg) and that you may be more

sensitive than others. Which means stay clear of chocolate 6-7 h from mid-afternoon onwards as it

also contains caffeine (1/4 bar of dark chocolate about 23mg).

Going to bed at a regular time will create a healthy sleep routine. Consistency is important as we

are creatures of habit and there is comfort and security in routines. Establishing a sleep schedule

that is in harmony with your life also includes a regular wake up time in the morning.

Try to go to bed before 10 pm to enable your body to do its maximum recharging and detoxifying.


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4. Have Dinner Early 

Finish your dinner at least 3 hours before your bedtime. Late night meals can cause indigestion that

can interfere with your sleep and may increase your risk of acid reflux.

Also, late night eating may throw off your internal biological clock and lead to weight



At least 1 hour before your bedtime turn off your electronic devices. This includes your telephone,

computer, and TV. All these devices emit blue light and trick your brain into thinking it's still daytime.

Use blue blocking eyewear if you must use them in the evening.

If possible turn off your Wi-Fi as well to eliminate as many electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as


Also, move your alarm clock as far away as possible from your bed, and if you must keep your cell

phone with you, either shut it down or put it on airplane mode.


3. Turn Off Electronic Devices

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5. Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Have a cup of calming and soothing tea as part of your evening ritual, but not within 2 h of going

to sleep as you may have to use the restroom. Choose a blend of tea that contains passionflower,

hops or chamomile. The pleasure of sipping warm tea can just be part of the transition into sleep

and dreamland.


6. Take a Hot Bath

A hot bath (or shower) before bed will not only help you wind down from the day but also help

your body reach the temperature it needs for sleep. The temperature drop from getting out of

the bath (or shower) will signal your body that it 's now time for sleep.

Add some Epsom Salt and/or a few drops of Essential Lavender Oil to relax your

muscles and mind even more.

Page 6: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi

8. Create White Noise


Use a fountain, fan or white noise machine to block out the sounds of the outside world or your

partner's snoring.

If you have trouble falling asleep, are easily awakened during the night, or have tinnitus, white

noise will not only block distracting sounds but also soothe and relax you. You could also use

nature sounds like rainfall or ocean waves as the repetitive sounds are easy to ignore by

the brain.

7. Wear Bed Socks

As funny as it sounds, this is one of my favorite tools when having difficulties to fall asleep. Feet

often tend to feel cold as they have poor circulation compared to the rest of the body. Warm feet

relax and thereby activate the relaxation response helping you to fall asleep faster

and improve sleep.

As an alternative, use a hot water bottle or a bed buddy (microwavable heat pack) near your feet.

Page 7: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi

9. Sleep in Complete Darkness

Choose blackout curtains or blinds to make your bedroom as dark as possible. If not available use a

well fitting black eye mask.

Even the tiniest bit of light, from an alarm clock, can disrupt your sleep cycle, as it will interfere with

the production of melatonin by the pineal gland.

10. Use Your Bedroom For Sleep

Use your bed for sleep (and sex) only. Don't watch TV or work in your bed. Make sure the

atmosphere of your bedroom is conducive to sleeping and relaxation by choosing soft colors and

materials that agree with you.

Also, choose a pillow that will support your head and neck so you will stay asleep and won't wake

up from head or neck pain in the middle of the night.


Page 8: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi


12. Do Yoga or Meditation 

Maybe your bedroom is too hot or cold for sleep. Recommended is to keep the temperature in your

bedroom no higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit and setting it to 65 degrees seems ideal.

A drop in core temperature will signal your body "it's time to sleep". Your brain loves it cold, so cover

up as necessary but keep your head nice and cool.

11. Set The Right Temperature

Yoga in the evening can be very beneficial for your sleep if you choose a deep stretch, yin or

otherwise relaxing form of yoga. I have had my best and most rejuvenating sleep after a calming

yoga class in the evening.

Meditation and relaxing breathing techniques are also great for preparing you for sleep.

Page 9: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi


13. Read

Read before you go to bed. Reading has not only health benefits but will reduce your stress

levels and help you sleep better. Remember how great story time was as a child? Fictional and

inspirational books are wonderful in creating an oasis of peace and serenity.

Don't read mystery or suspense novels though where your mind gets too engaged as it will

have the opposite effect by tempting you to read into the early morning hours.

Soft and relaxing music at bedtime may help you fall asleep. Experiment with classical music

that has a slow rhythm. When you are falling asleep your heart rate slows down and moves

towards the 60 beats per minute rate which slow music may help you tune towards it.

Try a pillow with a build in speaker as headphones or earbuds may be uncomfortable.

14. Listen To Music

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15. Journal

At bedtime write down everything that is still coming to your mind and troubling you. Things

that you didn't get accomplished and know you need to get done.

Write a list of these things for the next day or put them on your calendar. Now it is recorded,

and you won't worry about forgetting things. This is an excellent way to rid your brain of

unnecessary information and details which will help you relax.

16. Avoid Alcohol

The effects of alcohol are short lived. You may feel drowsy and more easily fall asleep but

you may wake up a few hours later to find you can't go back to sleep anymore. Alcohol is a

stimulant and it also prevents the more restorative part of your sleep, deep sleep, from


So don't drink a glass of wine as part of your bedtime ritual.

Page 11: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi


18. Use a Sleep Tracker

17. Exercise

Studies have proven that regular aerobic exercise will not only help you sleep better and longer, but

also improve your mood and vitality.

If you are not exercising yet, be patient, the process is gradual and will be rewarding if you stick

with it for a few months. Exercise should be done during the day and best in the morning.

A fitness tracker that includes a sleep tracking system is perfect for collecting real-time data about

your sleep. You may be surprised to find out how little sleep you are actually getting as time in bed

doesn't necessarily equal sleep.

With a sleep tracker, you will get some good data not only about the quantity but also the quality of

your sleep when experimenting with different methods to help you sleep better.

Page 12: 15 Ideas for Better Sleep · 2018. 6. 12. · part ner' s snori ng. I f you have t roubl e f al l i ng asl eep, are easi l y awakened duri ng t he ni ght , or have t i nni t us, whi


 20. No Pets in The Bedroom

19. Increase Your Melatonin

It might be your beloved fur babies that are preventing you from getting a good sleep. As

much as we love them and need their comforting presence, they have their own idea of a

good night and may disturb your sleep. Midnight hairball, dreams of hunting or digging, loud


Cats and dogs have a different rhythm and may easily wake up...like when they get

excited about all the things that go bump in the night. Have them sleep in their

own room.

Taking a melatonin supplement before bed may help you fall asleep more quickly and help you

stay asleep.

There are ways to increase your melatonin levels naturally by exposing yourself to bright sunlight

in the daytime, avoiding the blue light from electronic devices in the evening (or use blue light

blocking glasses) and keeping your bedroom dark at night.

Melatonin is naturally made by our body and has many other health benefits as well.

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22. Stay Calm

21. Take Magnesium

Don't freak out when you find out you either can't fall asleep or wake up and can't go back to

sleep. Rather, instead of tossing and turning, get out of bed, keeping the lights dim.

Write down troubling thought, prepare a hot water bottle to take back to bed or read something

until you are tired enough for sleep again.

Magnesium is a natural sleep remedy. It relaxes your muscles and calms your nervous system.

About 80% of people are deficient in Magnesium.

Take a magnesium supplement in the evening that's easily absorbed to help you get to sleep and

wake up less frequently. It may also help with restless leg syndrome As an alternative, take a bath

with Epsom Salt.

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