15. international mother earth day prayer service


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Page 1: 15. International Mother EARTH DAY Prayer Service

PRAYER SERVICE for International Mother EARTH DAY 2012.

Quote: ‘Earth's crammed with heaven’ Elizabeth Barrett BrowningTheme: ‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children’ Logo: ‘Mobilize the Earth’ Event: Earth Hour: Last Sat of March: 8:30 - 9:30pm. ‘Extend the Life of our Earth’

Earth Week: April 16 to April 22 the Earth DayEarth Day: April 22nd, 2012

Ritual : A Candle to be lit after the introduction.Scripture: Mathew 6: 26Prayer Songs: 1. Yakko’s Song on the Universe - http://youtu.be/f_J5rBxeTIk

2. Earth Day Anthem set to "Ode to Joy" : http://youtu.be/nDLybM4JKhc

Preparation: Preferably hold the prayer service in the open surrounded by nature; sky, trees, birds, warmth of the sun, gentleness of the breeze and the feel of distinct space - unique GPS.

Introduction: {At the start of the prayer service before the prayer song: A candle is lit while all stand in silence holding hands in solidarity with the earth community}

Leader:The Earth our only home is a living planet. In each breath we celebrate the wonder of life on our planet - the mystery, beauty and glory of creation especially the Earth. ‘Earth Day’ promotes awareness with a call for the protection of our planet. ‘Earth Day’ was founded on April 22, 1970 and celebrated first in United States only. From 1990 the Earth Day Network coordinated globally ‘International Mother Earth Day’ on April 22. Earth Day 2012 theme ‘Mobilize the Earth’ seeks global support to motivate people on ‘Earth Care to Save Our Planet’.

Earth Week is about learning Mother Nature linked to sustainability issues/activities as ‘green economy’, ‘less is more’... Earth Hour: 8.30 - 9.30 pm. is a symbolic global event organized by (World Wide Fund) WWF on last Saturday of March every year from 2007. It encourages households to switch off non- essential lights and electronics at the Earth Hour and go beyond to reduce carbon print checking on wastage, lifestyle in order to tread gently on the earth. June 5 World Environment Day is observed by U.N. yearly in a different nation on a specific theme.

Let us hold hands linking with humanity in a moment of silence, as we light this candle to express our solidarity with earth community on ‘Earth Day’. Let us join the choir in prayer song..

Prayer Song 1: Yakko’s Song on the Universe - http://youtu.be/f_J5rBxeTIk

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Reader 1: Earth our home symbolizes stability, safety, security. The essential factors as the earth's proper size and distance from the sun, its surface temperature, atmosphere, ocean, crust, tilt and rotation fit our planet for life. OUR Earth has 4.6 billion year geological history of mysterious geological formations, unique magnetic and electronic environments for instant communication with any and everyone. Our precision time clocks are set on the movement of celestial bodies.

Google Earth has mapped every inch of the earth’s surface to locate any place /person on the globe and the discovery continues, as every bit of earth beneath holds hidden secrets and treasures as precious metals, minerals, medicines, mysteries, marvels of archeological / geological / economical significance. Earth provides resource material for ideas / inspirations / inventions than just a hard ground to root us.

We stand in awe and gratitude as members of God’s marvelous creation for ‘the world is charged with the glory of God’. We rejoice in the unique splendor and mystery of countless species with innate interdependence. All Creation is a manifestation of God as He permeates this universe. ‘Each and every one of us is a unique expression of God in this world’ (Aquinas), for God chose to situate His image in human person after He had fashioned and designed the earth for life with welfare of humanity. We reverence our Earth and recognize every form of life as of significance.

Reader 2: Prayer: Creator God, we praise you for the grandeur of the celestial universe with billions of galaxies and our splendid Earth in the dynamic solar system. We praise you for the miracle of teeming life with its cycle of growth on our creative planet; for the countless variety of different creatures each distinctively fitting into the complex ecosystems you have gifted us with. We thank you for the endless sky, vast oceans, gentle streams, majestic hills, whispering breeze, mighty trees and the lowly grass. May our hearts be opened wide to see all the magnificence and splendor as each dawn is filled with endless potential for new beginnings and discoveries. Restore and renew us to the wonder of our world in conscientious stewardship.

Reader 3Nature is beautiful, dynamic, life friendly and resilient instructing us as Job (6/6) says “ask the beasts of the land, birds of the air and fish of the sea and they will teach us of the Glory of God. Nature illustrates God’s loving care for the bees, birds, beasts and flowers in the natural order of creation; Jesus says will not God do much more to us humans as his children. (Pause..)

Scripture reading Mathew 6:26“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

( Pause. .) ‘Every time you admire something in nature, it is a prayer to the Creator." In Proverbs 6/6 we are advised ‘Go to the ant, and be wise’. Let us reflect upon an aspect of nature - a flower / bird / animal/ rock / scene. How do I experience the presence of God in creation? What can I learn from this? Let us share in a sentence or two with our neighbor next to us. ……( Pause..)

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Let us be wise habitants of the earth so that we learn strength from the storm, gentleness from the rain, warmth from the sun. The earth rejuvenates seed into tree yielding flowers, fruits and seeds in unending cycle of life, stream flows into sea /ocean in continual giving. Mother Earth nurtures all life forms in peaceful harmony.

Reader 4: Earth our home is restless and alive. Earth is both the planet we live on and the matter we live from. Its thin skin of soil produces commodities for us and all creatures, cleans our water, protects us from floods and regulates our climate. Soil is the critical part of an ecosystem providing nutrients, anchoring plants, and a home for many life forms.

“The web of life is one. Our mistreatment of the natural world diminishes our own dignity and sacredness, not only because we are destroying resources that future generations of humans need, but because we are engaging in actions that contradict what it means to be human. Our tradition calls us to protect all life forms and defend the dignity of every person. It is very clear that this task cannot be separated from the care and defense of all of creation." (Renewing the Earth)

The Earth Charter (2000 UNESCO) is a declaration of the fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Earth Charter inspires cooperation, collaboration and commitment in our task so that we protect, preserve and promote Earth's beauty and bounty, vitality and diversity for our own and future progeny. The Earth Charter endorses sustainable ways of living and development on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity and justice.

On Earth day we re-bond with the universe, appreciate its beauty, recognize its laws and systems. Let us bond in the Mayan Prayer of 7 directions. (Prayer in the open to feel world of space)

Mayan prayer of the 7 directions: (Leader and different readers will read different parts)Leader: We symbolically invite the whole of creation to be with us here and now.

Leader: North - the House of night … I invite you to face the north! Reader: North is a place of trust, wisdom, strength and courage to bear what is cold and harsh in life and be transformed. North is waiting and watching. We welcome the spirit our ancestors who have gone before and on whose shoulders we stand. We welcome the spirits of the children yet to come, who will stand upon our shoulders. May wisdom ripen in us to live upon this gracious earth in gratitude and respect to every species!

Leader: East - the House of light … I invite you to face the east!Reader: East is the place of the rising sun. East is for the illumination, awakening of life and birth; connection with beauty and richness of the world. May my eyes lift to see the freedom of the birds and may we be recreated anew each day. May wisdom dawn in us to be in awareness of the gifts of each moment!

Leader: South - the House of eternal sun … I invite you to face the south!Reader: South is the place of growth and transformation, refreshing warmth and loyal friendship. South is for vitality and innocence; sacred fire of creativity; seeds that flower and energy of service. Thank you for the gentleness of relationship; for music, dance, art and those things that

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carry joy and communion. May right action reap the harvest and let wisdom unfold that we live in harmony with our kin in all realms.

Leader: West - the House of transformation … I invite you to face the west!Reader: West is the place of the setting sun; mystical rest and solitude. West is for introspection - to seek within the darkness the gift of renewal and transformation. Thank you for the lightening and cleansing rain, for those things that teach compassion and truth. May we find God dwelling in the temple of our hearts; may our hurts be healed and may we rest in peace.

Leader: Heaven - the House of heaven … I invite you to look up to the heavens!Reader: The heavens are the source of light, life and throne of God. The Father sky is the place of emanation, inspiration and vision encircling all beings. Welcome the gifts of wind and sunshine; compassion and protection. May the wonders of all mysteries be revealed to us! Grant us the courage to bring the radiance of true self out into the world and the humility to foster the radiance of others.

Leader: Earth - the House of Earth … I invite you to gaze down at the earth!Reader: Mother earth is the holy vessel enfolding all beings with the beauty of compassion and spirit of generosity. The mother earth receives, embraces, nurtures and nourishes. We welcome the gifts of nurture and support, beauty and bounty, sustaining energy and spirit of Mother Earth. May we be humble stewards of our planet, grateful for the bountiful gift of life and blest with harmony and peace!

Leader: Centre - the Galactic source I invite you to look toward the centre! Hold both hands over your heart

Reader: The centre of our very being is the balancing place. We welcome the gifts of oneness and the connection with all things, for all things are one and related. We welcome the desire for serenity and spirit within. We invite into this circle the spirit and energy of those who guide, protect and bless us to be fully who we are. The centre of our being is God dwelling in our heart. “O source of love, may we enter into you, and may you reveal yourself to us, the pure one revealed in the many. You are the refuge of all who love you; we love you: make us your own!” (Upanishad)

Let us conclude our prayer service singing the Earth Anthem. Prayer Song 2: Earth Day Anthem set to "Ode to Joy": http://youtu.be/nDLybM4JKhc


Requirements for the Earth Day Prayer Service:

A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation: 1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements. 2. Prepare the Ritual – Practice the Mayan prayer (assign different readers for each part)

A candle on a stand to be lit before the prayer song, after the introduction to prayer.3. The choir to practice earlier the given songs and lead the assembly to sing. 4. Assign 4 or 5 readers to responsibly render their role; practice earlier to set the prayerful tone of

devotion with reflective pauses to let the prayer service flow without flaw. 5. Display prominently – The Theme, Quote and the Logo.


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{AVEC Prayer Services are comprehensive to conduct once a month during the school assembly or class assembly. Pupil participation in preparation of Rituals, Poster, Singing and Reading will enhance the effect. In case of time constraint, you are encouraged to condense and have it rather than miss its dynamism. Kindly spread the prayer for the benefit of others.}


Prayer Song1. Yakko’s Song on the Universe - http://youtu.be/f_J5rBxeTIkEverybody lives on a street in a cityOr a village or a town for what it's worth.And they're all inside a country which is part of a continentThat sits upon a planet known as Earth.And the Earth is a ball full of oceans and some mountainsWhich is out there spinning silently in space.And living on that Earth are the plants and the animalsAnd also the entire human race.

Chorus: It's a great big universe And we're all really puny We're just tiny little specks About the size of Mickey Rooney. It's big and black and inky And we are small and dinky It's a big universe and we're not.

And we're part of a vast interplanetary systemStretching seven hundred billion miles long.With nine planets and a sun; we think the Earth's the only oneThat has life on it, although we could be wrong.Across the interstellar voids are a billion asteroidsIncluding meteors and Halley's Comet too.And there's over fifty moons floating out there like balloonsIn a panoramic trillion-mile view.

And still it's all a speck amid a hundred billion starsIn a galaxy we call the Milky Way.It's sixty thousand trillion miles from one end to the otherAnd still that's just a fraction of the way.'Cause there's a hundred billion galaxies that stretch across the skyFilled with constellations, planets, moons and stars.And still the universe extends to a place that never endsWhich is maybe just inside a little jar!

Chorus: It's a great big universe And we're all really puny We're just tiny little specks About the size of Mickey Rooney.

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* Though we don't know how it got here * We're an important part here * It's a big universe and it's ours!

Prayer Song 2. Earth Day Anthem set to "Ode to Joy": http://youtu.be/nDLybM4JKhcJoyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wondermentSimple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise

Chorus: Now we must resolve to protect her Show her our love throughout all time With our gentle hand and touch We make our home a newborn world. (Repeat Chorus) ……………………….