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The Age of Exploration 1500-1800 Section I Section II Section III

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The Age of Exploration1500-1800

Section I

Section II

Section III

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Exploration: Motives and Means

Spice TradeReligious zealFame and FortunePolitical Ambition

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Portuguese Trading Empire

Vasco da Gamma

Discovered a route to India by sea which allowed him to trade for spice and Make a profit of several thousand percent.

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Colonial and Trade Interests

Portugal maintained a colonial or trade interests in West Africa, India, and South America.

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Gold Coast

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AshantiGold Coast State

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Voyages to the AmericasTreaty of Tordesillas

Established a line of demarcation between Spanish and Portuguese territories to protect their claimed lands. It also gave Portugal control over its route around Africa, and it gave Spain rights to almost all of the Americas.

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New England Coast

Section one

John Cabot-England

The Dutch were the first European settlers in the Hudson River Valley

Dutch Settlers

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Spanish EmpireQueen IsabellaDeclared that all original inhabitants of the Americas were her subjects and granted the Spanish “encomienda” or the right to use Native Americans as laborers. Conquistadors were Spanish conquerors used by the queen to take over the Americas.Mercantilism

A set of principles that dominated economic thought during the 17th century. This included the belief that the prosperity of a nation depended on the amount of gold and silver the country held.

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Balance of Trade

The difference in value between imports and exports over time.

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“They longed and lusted for gold. Their bodies swelled with greed, and

their hunger was ravenous; they hungered like pigs for that gold.-

Aztec describing Spanish conquerors

1.Based on this quote, what might the Aztec have inferred about the Spaniards and their civilization?

2.What do you think they meant by “they hungered like pigs for that gold”?

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13-1 VocabularyColonyMercantilismConquistadorsBalance of trade“Encomienda”Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494Line of demarcationVasco de GammaJohn Cabot

Using your text define the following terms and names:

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Triangular Slave Route

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Decline of the traditional African Political System of tribal clans including the depopulation of some areas. Deterioration of art and culture and an increase in warfare.

The society of Ibo of eastern Nigeria produced more slaves than anyone.

Indirect effects such as Moroccan forces attacking the weakened empire of Songhai or entire brilliant societies ruined like Benin.

The spread of Islam to North and West Africa.

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King Afonso of Congo wrote a letter to the King of Portugal in 1526 stating: “so great is the corruption that our country is being completely depopulated.”

King Afonso I1456-1545

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13-2 VocabularySugarcaneMiddle PassageTriangular TradeAshantiPlantationsKing AfonsoIbo

Using your text define the following terms and names:

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Southeast Asia and the Spice Trade

1500’s Southeast Asia was a fairly stable region with Buddhism as its predominant religion on the mainland states like Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Muslim traders came to the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago by the lure of spice trade.

Islam became their dominant religion.

This was where the most European influence would eventually take place do to weak central monarchies.

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Arrival of the Europeans to Southeast Asia

1511 the Portuguese seized Melaka, (Port City on Malay) and occupied the Moluccas. Known to the Europeans as the “Spice Islands”.

Dutch traders arrived with more funds and better organization and forced the Portuguese out of the spice trade in the early 1600’s. Limiting them to working trading posts.

The Dutch also forced out the English traders limiting them to a single port off the coast of Sumatra.

The Dutch seized Java to help protect their possessions in the east.

Dutch tried to limit the growth of Clove to one island and stop all others from growing it.

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Southeast Asia Map

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Political Systems in Southeast Asia

Mainland used the Buddhist style of government where the king was superior and served as a link to the universe.

Islamic Sultans ruled the Malay Peninsula and the small coastal states of the Indonesian Archipelago. He was viewed as a mortal with special qualities. He staffed his bureaucracy(a body of non-elected government officials) with aristocrats (A member of a ruling class or of the nobility).

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13-3 Vocabulary

MelakaMainland StatesThe MoluccasBureaucracyBuddhismJavaSumatra

Using your text define and or locate on a map the following terms :

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