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UPCOMING EVENTS 27th & 29th May Kindy Screening Wednesday 28th May Book Fair Parade 8.45am Thursday 29th May Musica Viva 11.30am Friday 30th May Pupil Free Day Monday 2nd June Western Australia Day Public Holiday Thursday 5th June Assembly—Leaders Tuesday 10th June Class Photos Friday 13th June P&C Disco Tuesday 24th June Tuckshop Rm 4 From the Principal Teaching & Learning at NFPS—An Update As staff we have begun a process to clarify what teaching & learning is at North Fremantle Primary School. The process will see us gaining informaon about what our major school community stakeholders (students, staff and parents) view teaching and learning to be at North Fremantle Primary School. We have gathered informaon about learning from our parents through the parent quesonnaire sent out last term (sent along with the parent engagement survey through the IPS applicaon process). A summary of this is provided in the link below and presented as a word cloud. Our aim is to also create a word cloud for our students based on student focus groups, interviews and staff workshops. We will then synthesize the 3 word clouds to idenfy trends and commonalies. Similar keywords would then form a part of our common framework for teaching and learning at North Fremantle Primary School. Once we have developed our teaching and learning framework it will allow us to engage in deeper staff and student conversaons about teaching and learning, inform school strategic direcons, clarify teach- ing and learning in our community and promote teaching and learning to our community and beyond. Please click on the link below for a summary of what our parent community value about learning. Words that appear larger in the word cloud were stated more frequently in the quesonnaire. hp://www.tagxedo.com/art/bc2de001c7f14199 Year 7 Transion to Secondary School In 2015 Year 7 students will move to secondary school. The move will provide your child with the same opportunies as children across Western Australia, giving them access to specialist subject teaching and facilies needed for the Australian Curriculum. As a year 7 student in a secondary school your child will be introduced to new and more demanding mathemacal concepts including formal algebra and geometry, and will study biological and physical Newsletter Issue 6, 16 May 2013 Newsletter Issue 18, 5th December 2013 Our Vision For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to become life long learners. Our Mission Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential. Email the school administration: [email protected] Email Teachers direct: Room? [email protected] (Please insert which room # your child is in) range of learning experiences such as computer science, robocs food science woodwork and metal work. The move will provide excing new opportunies for your child. Our school and staff are working hard to prepare for this transion. If you have any quesons I encourage you to visit the Department’s parent website at www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsandyou or make me to meet with me. Kindergarten Enrolment for 2015 The cut off date for Kindergarten enrolments for 2015 is fast approaching so this note serves as a reminder to all families who wish to enrol at North Fremantle Primary School Kindergarten for 2015 that we are now taking applicaons for enrolments. Applicaons will then be considered and families will be formally nofied of enrolment aſter the cut off date 25 July 2014.

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27th & 29th May Kindy Screening

Wednesday 28th May

Book Fair Parade 8.45am

Thursday 29th May

Musica Viva 11.30am

Friday 30th May Pupil Free Day

Monday 2nd June

Western Australia Day Public Holiday

Thursday 5th June


Tuesday 10th June Class Photos

Friday 13th June

P&C Disco

Tuesday 24th June Tuckshop Rm 4

From the Principal

Teaching & Learning at NFPS—An Update As staff we have begun a process to clarify what teaching & learning is at North Fremantle Primary School. The process will see us gaining information about what our major school community stakeholders (students, staff and parents) view teaching and learning to be at North Fremantle Primary School. We have gathered information about learning from our parents through the parent questionnaire sent out last term (sent along with the parent engagement survey through the IPS application process). A summary of this is provided in the link below and presented as a word cloud. Our aim is to also create a word cloud for our students based on

student focus groups, interviews and staff workshops. We will then synthesize the 3 word clouds to identify trends and commonalities. Similar keywords would then form a part of our common framework for teaching and learning at North Fremantle Primary School. Once we have developed our teaching and learning framework it will allow us to engage in deeper staff and student conversations about teaching and learning, inform school strategic directions, clarify teach-ing and learning in our community and promote teaching and learning to our community and beyond. Please click on the link below for a summary of what our parent community value about learning. Words that appear larger in the word cloud were stated more frequently in the questionnaire. http://www.tagxedo.com/art/bc2de001c7f14199 Year 7 Transition to Secondary School In 2015 Year 7 students will move to secondary school. The move will provide your child with the same opportunities as children across Western Australia, giving them access to specialist subject teaching and facilities needed for the Australian Curriculum. As a year 7 student in a secondary school your child will be introduced to new and more demanding mathematical concepts including formal algebra and geometry, and will study biological and physical

Newsletter Issue 6, 16 May 2013

Newsletter Issue 18, 5th December 2013

Our Vision

For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to become life long learners.

Our Mission

Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential. Email the school administration: [email protected]

Email Teachers direct: Room? [email protected] (Please insert which room # your child is in)

range of learning experiences such as computer science, robotics food science woodwork and metal work. The move will provide exciting new opportunities for your child. Our school and staff are working hard to prepare for this transition. If you have any questions I encourage you to visit the Department’s parent website at www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsandyou or make time to meet with me. Kindergarten Enrolment for 2015 The cut off date for Kindergarten enrolments for 2015 is fast approaching so this note serves as a reminder to all families who wish to enrol at North Fremantle Primary School Kindergarten for 2015 that we are now taking applications for enrolments. Applications will then be considered and families will be formally notified of enrolment after the cut off date 25 July 2014.

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Room 2 - Liz Smith

We’ve been ferociously busy in Pre-primary - it’s no wonder we’re all so tired! Last week the chil-dren triumphed in their retelling of Pamela Allen’s story ‘Who Sank the Boat’ in our Class Assembly Item. They really rose to the challenge of public speaking and I was so proud of their performance. We baked many delicious treats and hosted an afternoon tea in honour of Mothers’ Day on Friday which was simple to the point of perfection, thank you to all who were able to attend. Alongside our ongoing acquisition of vital literacy and numeracy skills the children have been creating interesting transport models using a range of construction toys and recycled goodies and working collaboratively on a

background for class artwork. The children are becoming more adept at explaining what they are learning and why and their many efforts in the classroom – both social and academic - are really paying off and I think we are almost wholly responsible for Mr. Di Felice running out of Principal Award stickers! Parents, there is a LOT going on at our ‘little school with big

ideas’ please look out for the additional Pre-primary infor-

mation sheet which the children will be bringing home soon.

Room 1 - Lisa Miller

What a busy few weeks we have had in Kindy. We have been learning all about syllables in words and recognising our numbers up to 10. Well done to Wes and Amelia who have been our Stars of the week and have had Benson Bear visit their home. Have a look at some of the fantastic things we have been doing!

Room 3 - Bev Lane

Last week everyone wrote some lovely things about their mums for Mother’s Day. It was good to see that all of your hard work is appreciated. Its great to see the children are developing good work habits through doing their home reading and homework. This week as part of our history project we are talking about ourselves as babies,

so it would be appreciated if you can find a baby photo that we could photocopy

and return. It is always fun and educational to compare ourselves now and then.

NAPLAN This week our Years 3, 5 and 7 students participated in the 2014 NAPLAN assessments. I was impressed in the way our students gave 100% during all assessments. We look forward to gaining the students results later this year. Alex Di Felice Principal

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Rooms 5 - Brent Snook As you can imagine this week has been a busy one with our year 5 students completing their NAPLAN testing. Well done to all students for an excellent effort and application. As a class this term we have been reading the novel ‘Gift of the Gab’ by Morris Gleitzman. We are focussing on connecting parts of the story to individual events that have happened in our own lives, which has created some interesting discussion around some the adventures our students have been on. We would like to wish all the hard working mums out there a happy Mother’s day for last Sunday. We hope

you all got spoilt with breakfast in bed and a lovely day with your family.

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves & Belinda Baldey

Room 7 - Chris John

Room 4 students have put on their dancing shoes and are rockin’ out in our edudance

lessons. We have some very talented groovers.

Our budding scientists are getting lots of exposure to

chemistry with the help

of Mr Bill. We blew into

a test-tube to find out if

we are human. What do

you think the result was?

Some of us are feeling

fractured about fractions

and don’t be surprised if your children are trying to chop

everything into fractions this week.

There has also been a lot of discussion about doing your

fair share of chores at home. We are sure that all mums

and dads must be reaping the rewards.

The first few weeks back in Room 7 have been

packed with NAPLAN revision and preparation but

we have found some time to cover some different

content. The class has been creating some fantastic

poetry in English, using metaphor and symbolism to

show the attributes they share with different


In Health we have been looking at the definition of

maturity, more specifically the ability to respond

appropriately to the environment. Last but not least

we’ve also been getting stuck into Edudance on

Fridays with enthusiasm, as the photos show.

“Wolf” By Marcus Lelong I am a wolf Standing on the mountain snow Watching a winter stream flow My life is shared with those for whom I care I am a wolf My loyalty cannot be compared.

On Tuesday May 6th three teams from North Fremantle headed over the road to

compete in the WACA T20 Blast Cricket Carnival against Winterfold, White Gum

Valley, Fremantle and East Hamilton Hill Primary Schools. The day saw our students

take some amazing catches,

bowl and field brilliantly and

try their best to hit some balls

into the river.

Although we didn’t win

enough games to bring back some silverware our bunch represented

the school beautifully. Well done to all that took part, and thanks to the

P&C for their contribution on the day.

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P&C News

The opening time for the Uniform Shop has now changed to 8.30am – 9.00am TUESDAYS.

Book Club at North Fremantle PS 2014 What: Book Club is run as a fundraiser thru the P&C and involves offering a catalogue each term of mostly book items. Choosing to purchase or not is your call – no pressure. Age appropriate catalogues are given to each year group – an older child may have a different catalogue to the younger- but they usually offer a generic “specials” catalogue at the same time. Why: The company gives back 20% of sales as credits for the school to use. In the past book prizes & awards as well as class books have been purchased. History: Book Club thru Scholastic Pty Ltd has been running for over 10 years at the school. In 2012, we reviewed our relationship with the company & decided to continue to offer their catalogues once a term. How: Fill in the back page order form & return it to the marked purple box in the front office. Who: Glenda Farmer (Ruby Yr.3) has managed the book club for a few years now & has raised upwards of $500 which has been

used to purchase the majority of Merit Award prize books which is fantastic. Your Book Club co-ordinator this term is Francine (Lini

Yr.7 & Tino Yr.5) 0413 248 241

Art News—Margie Campbell Well I do hope you all enjoyed the ceramics that the students made. There was certainly a lot of effort put into making sure the wrapping was neat and, oh boy ribbon curling can be very challenging. I thought the gifts looked amazing, I hope you all enjoyed them. This term the students will be embarking on a T and E project. The younger years will be creating a ‘party kit’ designing their own set including party hat, napkin, paper plate and cup. If you have any leftover hats, etc. from parties at your house please send them in for examples.

National Walk Safely to School Day—Friday 23 May 2014

National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term health of our children. The event also promotes improved diets, positive environmental action, better use of public transport with reduced car dependency and important road safety messag-

es such as “children aged 10 years or under must always hold the hand of an adult when crossing the road”. There are 2 Dockers players (we’re not sure who at this stage) coming to the school this Friday to take photos to help promote this initiative. Mrs Lane is very excited! We encourage as many families walking to school on Friday 23rd May as possible.

The older students will be designing a milk carton and promotional poster. Please send in any choc milk, iced coffee cartons that you may collect to use as discussion models. I am pleased to announce that we have once again been successful in receiving the PALS grant from the Department of Indigenous Affairs. Our aim is to work with Artist and Author Norma MacDonald during the NAIDOC week celebrations. Please come and see me if you have any ideas for events for NAIDOC week in our school.

Wednesday, May 28 (Viewing on Tuesday 27th after school until 4pm) A Fancy Dress Parade will be held in the music room from 8:45am - Parents and Families are welcome. Classes will visit the Book Fair in the library during their normal library time. (There will be no returning or borrowing of books that week). Imagine Dymocks and Smiggles got married – That’s what our Book Fair looks like only ours is affordable! Don’t forget this month is “National Family Reading Month”, so take time to read with your children. They’ll love you for it. A Reminder - All book reviews and colouring in entries need to be submitted to the office by Wed 21st