150904 mathematics

7/23/2019 150904 Mathematics http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/150904-mathematics 1/28 HKDSE Mathematics HKDSE Mathematics Ronald Hui Ronald Hui Tak Sun Secondary School Tak Sun Secondary School

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HKDSE MathematicsHKDSE Mathematics

Ronald HuiRonald Hui

Tak Sun Secondary SchoolTak Sun Secondary School

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

201# HKDSE E$amination201# HKDSE E$amination%aper " &'() 1* minutes+%aper " &'() 1* minutes+

Section ,&1+ &* marks+-Section ,&1+ &* marks+- . / 10 Short uestions. / 10 Short uestions

Section ,&2+ &* marks+-Section ,&2+ &* marks+- / ' on uestions / ' on uestions

Section 3 &* marks+-Section 3 &* marks+- / ' Shorton uestions / ' Shorton uestions

%aper "" &*() # minutes+%aper "" &*() # minutes+ 4 Multiple 5hoices uestions4 Multiple 5hoices uestions

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

2012 HKDSE Math E$amination2012 HKDSE Math E$amination2 &.162(+ 7s6 HK #.60(2 &.162(+ 7s6 HK #.60(

201* HKDSE Math E$amination201* HKDSE Math E$amination2 &.6#(+ 7s6 HK 806#(2 &.6#(+ 7s6 HK 806#(

2014 HKDSE Math E$amination2014 HKDSE Math E$amination

2 &.*60(+ 7s6 HK 8060(2 &.*60(+ 7s6 HK 8060( 201 HKDSE Math E$amination201 HKDSE Math E$amination

2 &.*6#(+ 7s6 HK 806*(2 &.*6#(+ 7s6 HK 806*(

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

 ,ssessments in 9orm  ,ssessments in 9orm !ni:orm Tests!ni:orm Tests

Standard Home;orkStandard Home;ork

Re7ision E$ercisesRe7ision E$ercises

Standard <ui==esStandard <ui==es

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

Readins and ReuirementsReadins and Reuirements Re:er to the book listRe:er to the book list

>SS Mathematics in ,ction ,>SS Mathematics in ,ction ,

>SS Mathematics in ,ction 3>SS Mathematics in ,ction 3

HKDSE5E <uestion %apersHKDSE5E <uestion %apers 

?ther school@s past paper ?ther school@s past paper 

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

To be readyATo be readyA 3inders ;ith home;orkB3inders ;ith home;orkB

3inders ;ith Standard <ui==esB3inders ;ith Standard <ui==esB

3inders ;ith your notesB3inders ;ith your notesB

Hui sir@s :ormula sheetsBHui sir@s :ormula sheetsB

Cour healthBCour healthB

Cour concentrationBCour concentrationB

?ther subectsB?ther subectsB

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

201* 9orm 'M &*+ '% &22+201* 9orm 'M &*+ '% &22+1 F) 4) 1* *) 2) 1 11 F) 4) 1* *) 2) 1 1

Geak class does not meanGeak class does not mean


2014 9orm 'M &*+ ' &1*+2014 9orm 'M &*+ ' &1*+1 ) ' 4) # *) 2 21 ) ' 4) # *) 2 2

3etter class may not be the bestA3etter class may not be the bestA

201' 9orm '% &*+ 'G &1#+201' 9orm '% &*+ 'G &1#+

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

 DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9urther in:ormation9urther in:ormation http-;;;6hkeaa6edu6hkhttp-;;;6hkeaa6edu6hk

iImail- rohJtsss6edu6hkiImail- rohJtsss6edu6hk

9acebook9acebook http-;;;6:acebook6comhuisir http-;;;6:acebook6comhuisir 

GhatsappGhatsapp .2'8 82..2'8 82.

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2 September 20142 September 2014Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

Good Luck!Good Luck!

Shall we start?Shall we start?

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My trip to Tai;anMy trip to Tai;an

Ronald HuiRonald Hui

Tak Sun Secondary SchoolTak Sun Secondary School

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"


 蘇迪羅 &S?!DE?R+

米克羅尼西亞 &Micronesia+波納佩島 &%ohnpei+傳說中的將領

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"


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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"




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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"






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4 September 2014 September 201

Ronald H!"Ronald H!"







$ W0y-z{|v}~w[{|的


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4 September 2014 September 201

Ronald H!"Ronald H!"






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4 September 2014 September 201

Ronald H!"Ronald H!"






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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"








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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

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對d鏡子說:「我辦得到!」  「靠°±5振心情」þ法Ó決萎靡

2 September 20142 September 2014Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

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Re7ie; on ;hat you ha7e learntRe7ie; on ;hat you ha7e learnt

Ronald HuiRonald Hui

Tak Sun Secondary SchoolTak Sun Secondary School

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9orm 4 Term 19orm 4 Term 1<uadratic Euations in ?ne<uadratic Euations in ?ne

!nkno;n &"+!nkno;n &"+

<uadratic Euations in ?ne<uadratic Euations in ?ne

!nkno;n &""+!nkno;n &""+

9unctions and Lraphs9unctions and Lraphs

Euations o: Straiht inesEuations o: Straiht ines

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9orm 4 Term 29orm 4 Term 2More about %olynomialsMore about %olynomials

E$ponential 9unctionsE$ponential 9unctions

oarithmic 9unctionsoarithmic 9unctions

Simultaneous EuationsSimultaneous Euations


More about TrionometryMore about Trionometry

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9orm Term 19orm Term 13asic %roperties o: 5ircles3asic %roperties o: 5ircles

Tanents to 5irclesTanents to 5ircles


inear %rorammininear %rorammin

 ,pplications o: Trionometry in 2D ,pplications o: Trionometry in 2D


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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9orm Term 29orm Term 2 ,pplications o: Trionometry in *D ,pplications o: Trionometry in *D


Euations o: 5irclesEuations o: 5ircles


Measures o: DispersionMeasures o: Dispersion

%ermutation and 5ombination%ermutation and 5ombinationMore about %robabilityMore about %robability

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics

9orm ' September / ?ctober 9orm ' September / ?ctober  ,rithmetic and Leometric ,rithmetic and Leometric

Seuences &,S N LS+Seuences &,S N LS+

Summation o: ,S N LSSummation o: ,S N LS

More about Lraphs o: 9unctionsMore about Lraphs o: 9unctions

!ses and ,buses o: Statistics!ses and ,buses o: Statistics

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4 September 2014 September 201Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

DSE MathematicsDSE Mathematics


Re:erendum on re7ie; topicsRe:erendum on re7ie; topics

?utside class time?utside class time 5T% ,:terIschool5T% ,:terIschool


Section ,Section ,3e:ore public e$amination3e:ore public e$amination

Section 3Section 3

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2 September 20142 September 2014Ronald H!"Ronald H!"

Time to do somethingTime to do something

Don’t look back!Don’t look back!

Move forward!Move forward!