17 manifest destiny

Ch 17 Manifest Destiny Theme: American expansionism gained momentum in the 1840s, leading first to the acquisition of Texas and Oregon, and then to the Mexican War, which added vast southwestern territories to the United States and ignited the slavery question. Theme: American international prestige grows as the United States expands. Successful military campaigns against Mexico along with well negotiated treaties with Britain force Europe to respect America more while Latin America begins to be wary of the “Colossus of the North.”

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Page 1: 17 Manifest Destiny

Ch 17 Manifest DestinyTheme: American expansionism gained momentum in the 1840s, leading first to the acquisition of Texas and Oregon, and then to the Mexican War, which added vast southwestern territories to the United States and ignited the slavery question.

Theme: American international prestige grows as the United States expands. Successful military campaigns against Mexico along with well negotiated treaties with Britain force Europe to respect America more while Latin America begins to be wary of the “Colossus of the North.”

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I. Tyler StrugglesA. Election of 1840

1. “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”B. President Tyler

1. Struggles with Whigsa. Veto 3rd BUS (2x) and two

years for a tariff!b. 9/11/41 Resignations and

expulsionc. Impeachment attempt

(House vote 83-147)2. Struggles with British

a. Caroline Incident, 1837b. Aroostock War, 1838c. Creole Incident, 1841d. Webster-Ashburton Treaty,


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II. Polk FlourishesA. “Manifest Destiny”

1. “sea to shining sea” JQA 1818

2. John L. Sullivan3. Thomas Hart Benton

B. Election of 18441. Expansionists Democrats

a. “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”2. Clay undecided on Texas3. Liberty Party4. After election: Tyler

annexes TX as lame duckC. Presidency-COIL

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American Progress by John Gast (1872)

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III. OregonA. International Dispute

1. Adams-Onis Treaty2. AFT Co. on Columbia

RiverB. American Migration

1. Oregon Trail (Jed Smith)2. 17 miles per day3. 5000 in Willamette Valley4. Whitmans

C. British Dispute1. Proposed 49th parallel2. South happy with Joint

Resolution in Texas3. Oregon Treaty, 1846

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IV. Mexican WarA. Texas Republic, 1836B. Texas Annexation, 1845C. Causes of War

1. Mexican anger over annexation2. Boundary dispute3. Payment to Americans

D. Steps to War1. Slidell’s Mission2. Zachary Taylor to Rio3. War Message

a. Lincoln’s “spot resolutions”b. On the Duty of Civil Disobedience


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V. ImpactA. Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

A. Provisions1. CA, NM, AZ, UT, and NV2. $15 and $3,250,0003. Bitter Debate4. Wilmot Proviso

B. ImpactA. Huge territory increase!B. Manifest Destiny Increased!C. “Colossus of the North”D. “Civil War Pre-game”

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Map Questions(use the maps and charts in chapter 17 to answer the questions)

1. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty line settled the boundary between the American state of Maine and which two Canadian provinces?

2. The part of the Oregon Country that was in dispute between the United States and Britain lay between what two boundaries?

3. How many degrees and minutes of latitude were the northern and southern boundaries of the whole Oregon Country?

4. Stephen Kearny’s invasion route from Fort Leavenworth to Los Angeles led him across what three rivers?

5. Name any three of the cities within present-day Mexico that were occupied by the armies of generals Taylor or Scott.

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Map Answers1. Quebec and New Brunswick2. Columbia River and the forty-ninth parallel3. 12 degrees 40’4. Rio Grande, Gila, and the Colorado5. Three of the following: Matamoros, Monterey, Vera Cruz, and Mexico City