17/1/2012 mega trends 2020: ‘shaping india’s future’1 mega trend # 4 collaborative education...

17/1/2012 MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’ 1 Mega Trend # 4 Collaborative Education Nitin P Khanna

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Page 1: 17/1/2012 MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’1 Mega Trend # 4 Collaborative Education Nitin P Khanna

117/1/2012 MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Mega Trend # 4

Collaborative Education

Nitin P Khanna

Page 2: 17/1/2012 MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’1 Mega Trend # 4 Collaborative Education Nitin P Khanna


MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Overview… TIR Implications for Education

o Rethinking the traditional ‘education model’o Deconstruct the learning processes :: re-construct

Traditional ‘Ed Model’ :: Problem of Perspective A Framework :: Conceptual, Thinking Model

o Qualitative, diagnostic, exploratoryo NOT : quantitative, statistical, deterministic, predictive,

numerical…o NOT ABOUT : as-is or expected indicators – literacy rates, GER,

numbers and %ages…

Using the Framework

Some Future Gazing…

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Model Framework… Construct

Constituent Vectorso V1 : Transformation Dimensionso V2 : Elements of Educationo V3 : Levels of Education

Stakeholders / Influencing Factorso DEMAND : students, parents & civil society, industry & labour

marketso SUPPLY : academicians, government policies & support, private

and aided support Vision?

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

V1… Transformation Dimensions

‘What’ to Transform Personal Competencies

o Learningo Knowledgeo Skills

Social & Ecological Sensitivitieso Behavioro Attitudeso Values

Systemic Responsibilityo Structureso Orientationo Consciousness

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’


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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

V2… Elements of Education

5 Elements of Education : ‘how’o Content & Curriculumso Pedagogyo Evaluation & Certificationo Delivery Modelso Finance Models

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

V1 + V2 V3… Levels of Education

The transformation MUST be interpreted and reflected in each element of education and across levels…

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Aligned & Collaborative Education

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Using The Framework…

Early Childhood & Pre-

primary Education

School Education


Technical Education

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Future Gazing!(Some Transformations With or In Spite of Us)

Content & Curriculums


Evaluations & Certifications

Delivery Models

Finance Models

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MEGA TRENDS 2020: ‘Shaping India’s Future’

Path Forward…

Still WIP!

Some Roles & Expectationso Governmento Industryo Academiao Civil Society

FICCI :: A Nodal Role

Just A Beginning…