17th c-hpp symposium 27-28 april 2017 tehran, iran tehran program... · 17th c-hpp symposium 27-28...

1 17 th C-HPP Symposium 27-28 April 2017 Tehran, Iran Jointly Organized by Royan Institute and IPS (Prof. Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh) and HUPO C-HPP Consortium (Prof. Young-Ki Paik)

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C-HPP Symposium

27-28 April 2017

Tehran, Iran

Jointly Organized by Royan Institute and IPS (Prof. Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh) and HUPO C-HPP Consortium (Prof. Young-Ki Paik)



April 27-28, 2017; Conference Hall of University of Science & Culture, Tehran, Iran

Conference venue: University of Science & Culture, Bahar Ave, Shahid Ghomoushi Ave, Hemmat

Highway, Ashrafi Esfehani Blvd, Tehran, Iran

Date & Venue



Professor Young-Ki Paik

Yonsei University, Korea

Chair-Chromosome Centric Human Proteome Project

Principal Investigator-Chromosome 16 of Human Proteome Project

Director of the Yonsei Proteome Research Center

Talk Title:

Functional Validation of the Previous Missing Proteins Involved in Human Reproductive Disease:

Experimental Strategy and Pitfall

After earning his bachelor’s in Biochemistry at Yonsei University in

1975, Seoul, Korea, Young-Ki Paik briefly held a Research

Associate position for the Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon,

Korea, before moving to the United States in order to pursue his

doctorate at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Achieving this goal in

1983, he held a postdoctoral position at the Gladstone Institute of

Cardiovascular Diseases until 1986 when he became a Staff

Research Investigator. After leaving the Gladstone Institute in 1989,

he returned to Seoul and had an associate professorship at the

Department of Biochemistry, Hanyang University (1989-1993) and the

Department of Biochemistry, Yonsei University (1993-95). In 1995,

Paik became a full Professor, and in 2000 was appointed Director of

the Yonsei Proteome Research Center (www.proteomix.org), a

flagship proteome center in Asia where he performs research on the discovery of disease biomarkers. Paik is

currently Professor of Dept. of Biochemistry and Director of Yonsei Proteome Research Center. He is the former

President of HUPO, AOHUPO, KHUPO and KSBMB. Paik has been named as “Underwood Distinguished

Professor” since 2009 and has authored or co-authored over 180 scientific journal publications and has been

awarded several prestigious Awards including Kyung-Am Awards, HUPO distinguished service award, Scientist of

the Month and dozens of international patents for his discoveries of biomarkers of liver cancer and pancreatic

cancer, dauer pheromone and cholesterol regulators. Paik served chair of Basic Science Division of the Korean

Academy of Science and Technology (2013-2014). He was one of the key founders of international consortium of

‘Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project’ and serves currently Chair of this global project (www.c-hpp.org).

He is also senior/associate editor for multiple peer-reviewed international journals including Proteomics,

Invited Speakers


Proteomics: Clinical Applications and BMC Cancer. His research is focused on C-HPP, biomarkers of HCC and

pancreatic cancer, and dauer pheromone signaling in C. elegans.

Professor Christopher Overall

University of British Columbia

Co-Chair-Chromosome Centric Human Proteome Project

Canada Research Chair in Metalloproteinase Biology and Proteomics

Oral Biological and Medical Sciences

Talk Title:

Antiviral Immunity Cellular Substrates revealed by TAILS Terminomics

Dr. Overall is a Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Protease

Proteomics and Systems Biology at the University of British Columbia (UBC),

Life Sciences Institute, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Foundation Grant holder. With 23 Nature Review, Science, and

Nature/Cell/Science-sister journal papers, he is a pioneer of degradomics, a

term he coined. His 240 papers have been cited over 15,558 times (16 over

200 citations) and has an h index of 67. He completed his Honors Science

and Masters degrees at the University of Adelaide, South Australia; his Ph.D.

at the University of Toronto; and MRC Centennial Fellow with Dr. Michael

Smith, Nobel Laureate, UBC. He was a Visiting Senior Scientist at British

Biotech Pharmaceuticals, Oxford (1997/1998) and Visiting Senior Scientist

Novartis, Basel (2004/2008), External Senior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for

Advanced Studies, and in 2014 was appointed as Honorary Professor, Albert-

Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. Awarded the 2002 CIHR Scientist of the Year,

the UBC Killam Senior Researcher Award 2005, and was the Chair of the

2003 Matrix Metalloproteinase and the 2010 Protease Gordon Research

Conferences. Elected to HUPO Council and as Co-Chair of the

Chromosome–Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) in 2014. He was recognized by the International Society

of Proteolysis (2011 Lifetime Achievement Award); by the Matrix Biology Society of Australia and New Zealand

(2012 Barry Preston Award); by the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Research in Oral Biology (2013); and

in 2014 by the Tony Pawson Canadian National Proteomics Network Award for Outstanding Contribution and

Leadership to the Canadian Proteomics Community. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Proteome

Research, Editor of mSystems and on the Executive Committee of HUPO and co-chair of the Chromosome

Centric Human Proteome Project of HUPO.


Professor Pengyuan Yang

Fudan University, China

Principal Investigator-Chromosome 8 of Human Proteome Project

Deputy Director of Institutes of BioMedical Sciences, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University

Talk Title:

Progress in Chr 8 with Disease Implications

Chairman/Chairman of Department of Chemistry (2000-2002/2003-2006),

and currently is the Deputy Director of Institutes of BioMedical Sciences

(2005-), Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University. He gained Ph D

from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA,1987), with Prof.

R.M. Barnes in Analytical Chemistry. He was Postdoc Fellow in Indiana

University at Bloomiongton (USA) with Prof. G.M. Hieftje(1987-

1989)and in Xiamen University with Prof. BL. Huang(1989-1991.

Dr. Pengyuan Yang is very active in bio-mass spectrometry for protein

analysis, glycoproteomics and disease proteome areas. He is specialized

in Mass-Spectrometry based technology and methodology, especially in

the field of Biomass Spectrometry and its application in Glycoproteome

and Cancer-proteome. He was the Principal Scientist for National 973

Project “Proteomics for disease study”(2002-2006), and for“Micro-fluidics

and its application in chemistry and bio-medicine” (2007-2011), and is the Principal Scientist for National 863

Project “Instrumentation and reagent for proteomics”, supported by Ministry of Science and Technology. He is the

Council Member of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society, and is the President of Chinese HUPO (human

proteome organization, 2011-2015) and Past- President of Chinese HUPO now. He is also a member of editorial

board of Proteomics, and J Proteome Res. Currently, He is the PI in charge of Proteome of Chromosome 8, in

coordination with Chinese colleagues for Ch#1, 8, and 20 in C-HPP plan. Dr. Yang has published a number of

scientific papers on many important journals, including Anal Chem, Mass Spectrom Rev, Ripad Commun Mass

Spectr,Proteomics, J Res Proteome, Mol Cell Proteomics, Nat Commun, Hypatoogy, Adv Mater, Angrew Chem Int

Ed., Chem Comm, and etc.


Professor Je-Yoel Cho

Seoul National University, Korea

Principal Investigator-Chromosome 9 of Human Proteome Project

President of Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO)

Talk Title:

C-HPP Project (Chr 9): Proteogenomic Study in Human Lung Cancer

Je-Yoel Cho, DVM, PhD is currently associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University. He was an assistant and associate professor at the Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea from 2003 to 2011. He has been working in proteomics research field since his postdoctoral researcher at the BIDMC genomics center in Harvard Medical School (2001-2003). He received his Ph.D. degree in Physiology and Cell Biology from the Ohio State University. He served as a secretary general of KHUPO (2012-2013) and elected as 10th President of KHUPO (2018-2019). He is currently the PI of Chromosome #9 team in the international chromosome-based human proteome project (C-HPP). His current researches include the development of cancer biomarkers by glycoproteome and low molecular weight proteome analyses using LC-ms/ms-based mass spectrometry. One of the main approaches for the biomarker development is based on the comparative medicine between companion animals and humans in the similar environment. He validates the biomarkers by MRM technologies and further develops multiplexed point of care testing (POCT) kit useful for cancer diagnosis. Another research area is cardiovascular regeneration using stem cells combined with biomaterials. In this project, stem cells are modified to be functional by delivering the therapeutic genes into safe harbor site and protected by biocompatible materials.


Professor Charles Pineau

IRSET institute, France

Principal Investigator-Chromosome 14 of Human Proteome Project

Research Director at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm)

Talk Title:

Looking for missing proteins in the testicular germ cell lineage: new insights into normal and pathological


Dr Pineau currently serves as Research Director at the French

National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). He is

team leader at the IRSET institute (www.irset.org) and is heading

the Protim Core Facility (www.protim.eu) at Rennes, France.

Charles Pineau received his Ph.D. degree from University of

Rennes 1 in 1990. Following a post doctoral stay at the Population

Council, Rockefeller University, New York, USA (1990-1993), he

was recruited as a permanent senior staff scientist at Inserm. Over

the past thirty years, Dr Pineau has been working in the field of

reproductive biology and is a renowned specialist of

spermatogenesis. He has heavily invested in the development of proteomics, integrative proteomics,

bioinformatics and imaging mass spectrometry technologies and his applying these to answer biological and

clinically relevant problems in the field of testicular pathophysiology and reproductive toxicology.

Dr Pineau’s team focuses on the deciphering of the testicular proteome in mammals with a priority given to the

identification of novel germ cell proteins that play a key role in the normal and pathological spermatogenesis. His

recent breakthrough work identifies novel testicular germ cell proteins using a proteogenomics approach. C.

Pineau's team is part of the Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project and is tackling the characterization of

"missing proteins" in the human spermatozoa. Among applications of its fundamental work to clinics, the team

also uses germ cell-specific proteins markers identified by integrative proteomics for developing a diagnostic

multiplex test of infertilities in men (FertichipTM assay).

Dr Pineau is also keenly interested in biotechnology and was the co-founder of Innova Proteomics, a Contrat

Research Organization (2003-2012). Dr Pineau serves as a recognized scientific expert in the field of male

reproduction, proteomics and reproductive toxicology for national and international funding agencies. He is a

scientific consultant for several pharmaceutical companies and past President of the French Proteomics Society

(SFEAP). Finally, among other activities, Charles Pineau is Vice-President of the French Society for Reproductive

Medecine (SMR) and PI of the Chromosome 14 initiative of Human Proteome Project (C-HPP).


Professor Fernando J Corrales

CIMA, University of Navarra , Spain

Principal Investigator -Chromosome 16 of Human Proteome Project

Head of the Proteomics Laboratory at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología

Talk Title:

Searching for missing proteins: Update on chromosome 16 activity

Fernando J Corrales received the BSc degree in Biological Sciences (1986)

and the PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1992) from the

University Autónoma of Madrid. After a Postdoctoral period at the University

of Cambridge (UK), he joined the CIMA, University of Navarra where he has

been Professor of Biochemistry and head of the Proteomics, Genomics and

Bioinformatics Facility. He is currently Senior Scientist and head of the

Proteomics Laboratory at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. He is an

active researcher in the field of Biochemistry. His interest is now focused on

the study of the mechanisms associated to liver function as well as those

involved in the progression of liver diseases using proteomics and genomics

approaches, which are then combined in a systems biology-based strategy.

His research activity has been regularly founded by regional, national and

international grants and lead to the publication of more than 130 scientific

articles. He is member of the editorial board of different journals specialized

in proteomics and hepatology, General Coordinator of the Molecular and

Bioinformatics resources Platform and ProteoRed-ISCIII (Spanish Proteomics Network) and is member of the

Executive Councils of the European Proteomics Association and the BD and C-Human Proteome Project as well

as PI of the Human Liver Proteome Project and the chromosome 16 Spanish Human Proteome Project.


Professor Alexander Ivanovich Archakov

Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia

Principal Investigator-Chromosome 18 of Human Proteome Project

Director of the V.N. Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


Talk Title:

SRM-based ‘missing’ proteins of UPS2 (sigma) and Chr18 expressed in human liver, HepG2 cells and in


Full member of the RAS, Professor, Scientific Advisor of Institute of

Biomedical Chemistry, Was born January 10, 1940, in Kashin, Kalinin

(Tver) region – scientist, biochemist.A.I. Archakov had organized a

scientific school to study molecular organization and functioning of

oxygenase cytochrome P450-containing systems, molecular

mechanisms of the structure and function of membranes and

biological oxidation. Under the guidance of A. I. Archakov, the

institute’s members have developed a fundamentally new

pharmaceutical composition “Phosphogliv” with antiviral activity for

the treatment of liver diseases of various etiology. A.I. Archakov’s

present-day/current areas of expertise relate to research in the field

of post-genomic technologies, nanobiotechnologies, proteomics,

development of approaches to create personalized medicine of the

future. A.I. Archakov is the pioneer in the development of proteomics

in Russia. Currently, he is the international “Human proteome” project coordinator in Russia/ the coordinator

representing Russia in the international “HP” project (http://www.proteom.ru). A.I. Archakov is one of the

Russia’s top 100 scientists by Hirsch number-27. He is the author of more than 700 scientific works including

about 482 scientific articles, 6 monographs, 30 patents and author’s certificates. He was scientific adviser for 15

doctor’s and more than 60 Ph.D. thesis. Winner of three State Prizes of the USSR, the RSFSR and of the Russian

Federation, the Russian Federation Government Award, the Bach Prize of the USSR Academy, the Order "For

Merit to the Fatherland» (IV, III, II class).


Professor Gong Zhang

Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

Co-Principal Investigator -Chromosome 20 of Human Proteome Project

Team leader, translatome sequencing as the 4th resource pillar of the C-HPP

Talk Title:

The hidden human proteome: the protein-coding "lncRNAs"

Dr. Gong Zhang completed his PhD in 2009 in Germany. Now he is a

professor in Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. His major research

interest is in translatomics, proteomics and bioinformatics. His group

accomplished the first full-length translating RNA sequencing (RNC-

seq) in human cells and the first genome-wide translation speed

evaluation under physiological condition, providing an in-depth and

global view on translation regulation. These technologies were applied

in cancer research, antibiotic resistance and protein engineering. He

and his group also developed several accurate algorithms for next-

generation sequencing and proteomics analysis, including the hyper-

accurate mapping algorithm FANSe series with extremely high robustness and experimental verifiability, which

has been successfully applied in clinical diagnosis. Dr. Gong Zhang and his colleagues are involved in the Human

Proteome Project (HPP) with the translatome sequencing as the 4th resource pillar of the Chromosome-centric

HPP, identifying missing proteins and the new proteins encoded by “long non-coding RNAs” in an unprecedented



Professor Tadashi Yamamoto

Niigata University

Co-Chair-Chromosome X Human Proteome Project

Director of ”All-in-One Urine Test” project

Institute for Social Innovation and Corporation

Talk Title:

Identification of Missing Proteins Encoded in Chromosome X

Dr. Yamamoto is a Research Professor and Director of “All-in-One Urine Test”

Project at the Niigata University. He is a pioneer of Kidney and Urine Proteomics

with the background of nephrology and kidney and pathology and molecular

biology. He has published more than 200 papers regarding from basic researches

on kidney glomerular diseases to clinical researches for urine biomarker

discovery and kidney tissue proteomics. He graduated at the School of Medicine,

Niigata University (1974) and completed his PhD, Degree of Medical Sciences

(D.M.Sc.) degrees at the Niigata University (1981). He was a Visiting researcher

at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla (1984/1992) He became the Professor

of Department of Structural Pathology, Institute of Nephrology, Graduate School

of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University (1999), the Director of Institute

of Nephrology (2011) and the Director of Niigata University satellite Center of

Innovation Program (2013). He organized the HUPO Kidney and Urine Initiative

as the chair (2005) and also chaired the Chromosome X project (Japan). He was elected to the HUPO council

(2011) and the President of Japan HUPO (Japanese Proteomics Society, JProS) (2012). He was recognized by

the Japanese Proteomics Society (2012 Japanese Proteomics Society Award). He is on the Executive Committee

of Biology/Disease Centric Human Proteome Project of HUPO.


Professor Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh

Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Principal Investigator-Chromosome Y of Human Proteome Project

Talk Title:

Heart of Y Chromosome: Searching for Functions of Missing Proteins Involved in Disease

Dr. Salekdeh joint Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran in

2002 after receiving his PhD in Genetics. He started his collaboration with

Department of Stem Cells at Royan Institute, Tehran in 2005. His

researches focus on discovery novel pathways and genes involved in

embryonic cell proliferation and differentiation using proteomics and

genomics approaches. He is co-founder of Iranian Proteomics Society (IPS)

and president elect of the society from 2004 till 2015. He is council member

of Asian Oceanian Human Proteome Organization (AOHUPO) and Human

Proteome Organization (HUPO). He is also vice-president of AOAPO and

Middle East Coordinator of INPPO. He is also Principal Investigator of

Human Y Chromosome Proteome Project. He is on a number of editorial

boards, including Nature Scientific Reports, Journal of Proteome Research

and Proteomics journal. He received several awards and honors including

National Biotechnology Award (2007), National Razi Medical Science

award for advance technologies (2009), the Khwarizmi International Award for fundamental research (2010), and

Hadavi award from Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences (2010 and 2014), National Distinguished Scientist in

Biotechnology (2013), Best National Researcher Award (2015), and National Distinguished Scientist in Genetics

(2016). He has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers in international journals such as Nature Biotechnology,

Nature Protocol, Molecular Cellular Proteomics, Stem Cells, Journal of Hepatology, and Journal of Proteome



Professor Andrea Urbani

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy

Principal Investigator- Human Proteome Project- Mitochondria

Head of the Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics facility in the Centre of Study on Aging

Talk Title:

Mitochondrial Proteome-Completion of Missing Protein Annotation

Prof. Andrea Urbani is the Head of the Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics

facility in the Ce.S.I., (Centre of Study on Aging) University Foundation “G.

D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara where he investigates Proteomics and

Metabonomics by mass spectrometry. He is also Head of Proteomics and

Metabonomics Laboratory at the IRCCSFondazione Santa Lucia – Rome which

supports the research of CNR Istitute for Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine as

well as the European Brain Reasearch Istitute – Rita Levi Monatalcini Foundation.

He is also Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

and Faculty Chair at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” Since 2009, he has

been the organiser of the National Congress of the Italian Proteomics Association

(ItPA, www.itpa.it) and is the President of ItPA for the 2009-2012 period. Since his

PhD in 1998, he has authored over 180 papers in the field of proteomics and

metabonomics investigations. He is currently the President of European

Proteomics Aocossiation.


Professor Paola Roncada

Istituto Spallanzani , Italy

Co-Principal Investigator- Human Proteome Project- Mitochondria

chair of the international program FOOD AND NUTRITION PROTEOMICS

Talk Title:

Update on the Food and Nutrition Initiative

Professor Paola Roncada received her PhD in Biochemistry from Faculty of

Medicine, Università degli Studi di Sassari. Dr Roncada is responsible,

from 2001, of Proteomic Research of Istituto Spallanzani,

(www.istitutospallanzani.it) and her major interests of scientific activity are

foodomics, food safety, food quality through proteomics, peptidomics and

metaproteomics. Her research lines are realized in the topics related to

proteomics applied to one health approach. She is the chair of the

international program FOOD AND NUTRITION PROTEOMICS, an initiative

of the Human Proteome Project - Biology and Disease (HPP/BD).


This action was also recently approved in European Proteomics Association.

She is the President of Italian Proteomics Association Foundation. She

served for six years the Italian Proteomics Association Council. From 2015 she is elected member of Council of

Human proteome Organization. (HUPO). From 2014 She is also co-PI of the international program chromosome

Centric Human Proteome Project- Mitochondria. She published more than 120 papers.


Ph. D Heeyoun Hwang

Korea Basic Science Institute

Biomedical OMICS Research Group

Senior Post-Doc

Talk Title: Updates of missing proteins and novel variants findings from chromosome 11

Dr. Hwang is a senior postdoc supervised with Dr. Jong Shin Yoo

and Dr. Jin Young Kim, in Korea Basic Science Institute, Biomedical

OMICS Research Group. He completed his Masters degrees at

Yonsei University, South Korea; his Ph.D. at the KyungHee

University. Awarded the Young Scientist Award of KHUPO 2009,

2013, and 2016, the Young Scientist Award of ICAST 2015, The

Excellent Contribution for KBSI Award 2015, C-HPP Young

Investigator Award of HUPO 2014 and 2016, The Clinicians and

Clinical Scientist Travel Award of HUPO 2015, and PhD Abstract

Competition Finalist of HUPO 2016. As a first author, he has

participated to publish the papers of Proteogenomics and

Glycoproteomics field; In-depth Analysis of Site-Specific N-

Glycosylation in Vitronectin from Human Plasma by Tandem Mass

Spcetrometry with Immunoprecipitation (ABC 2014), Chromosome-

Based Proteomic Study for Identifying Novel Protein Variants from

Human Hippocampal Tissue using Customized neXtProt and GENCODE Databases (JPR 2015), Analysis of

fucosylation in liver-secreted N-glycoproteins from human hepatocellular carcinoma plasma using liquid

chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (ABC 2016), Integrated Proteomic Pipeline Using Multiple

Search Engines for a Proteogenomic Study with a Controlled Protein False Discovery Rate (JPR 2016). Recently,

he designed the cover of Journal of Proteome Research, 2016 15(11) C-HPP Special Issue.


Ph. D. Seul-Ki Jeong

Yonsei Proteine Research Center, Yonsei University.

Talk Title:

Bioinformatic tools of Chromosome 13 team for finding missing protein

Dr. Jeong got his Ph.D in biochemistry at Yonsei University and now, working at

Yonsei Proteme Research Center as research professor.

He contributed to writing 1st Nature Biotechnology paper about C-HPP with Prof.

Young-Ki Paik and William Hancock in 2012. And also, He contribute to setting up

1st standard guideline for the C-HPP in 2012, JPR.

His major topics are creating bioinformatics tools for analyzing biological data and

constructing databases. He published 28 papers about protein function prediction,

statistics analysis of expression data, proteome database and biomarker discovery.

He made C-HPP homepage (C-HPP.org) and GenomewidePDB, the chromosome

centric proteome database containing comprehensive information.


Dr. Fan Zhong

Institutes of Biomedical Science, Fudan University, China

leads the analysis of chromosome 8 and contributes to the analyses of chromosomes 1 and 20 for the

Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project

Talk Title:

Probable Physicochemical and Epigenetic Causes of Missing Proteins

Dr. Fan Zhong is Associate Researcher of Institutes of Biomedical Science,

Fudan University, China. As a member of the bioinformatics and data analysis

faculty of the CNHUPO, he is mainly focussed on proteomics data processing

including mass spectrometry signal processing, database searching, QC,

quantification, post-translational modifications (PTMs) finding, differential protein

screening, network analysis and pattern discovery. Dr. Zhong has developed new

proteomics data processing methodologies, including data standards, label-free

quantification, data integration (with transcriptome), and pathway / network

analysis. he has also discovered evolutionary, structural and functional-

associated protein abundance distribution patterns among multiple species by

integrating multiple proteomics data. These are successful examples of deep

mining and meta-analysis of proteomics data in knowledge discovery. Dr. Zhong

has contributed expert bioinformatics analyses in the Human Liver Proteome

Project (HLPP), which generated the first global human organ proteome. He

leads the analysis of chromosome 8 and contributes to the analyses of chromosomes 1 and 20 for the

Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP). By using multiple-omics methods, Dr. Zhong has carried

out systems biology research in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) metastasis, and screened out several biomarker

and drug target candidates for further clinical intervention. Based on the construction of the largest integrated

human protein interaction database, PathPPI, which includes pathway flows and protein-protein interaction (PPI)

pairs, he has also developed novel methods in network pattern discovery. In addition to research activity, he is

active in knowledge transfer and outreach activities, especially promoting proteomics and systems biology in

China. He introduced and participated in the translation of the leading European-authored book “Systems Biology

in Practice: Concepts, Implementation and Application” (Edda Klipp et al., Wiley, 2008) into Chinese.



Thursday, April 27th

08:00-08:50 Registration 08:50-09:00 Welcome Message: Prof. Hamid Gourabi (President of Royan Institute) Plenary Lecture Chair: Hamid Gourabi 09:00-09:20 Prof. Reza Malekzadeh- Deputy Minister for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran)

Invited Session I: Introduction and Overview C-HPP- Direction, Importance, Data Guidelines and Technology Resources Chair: Young-Ki Paik 09:30-10:00 C-HPP: Past, Present and Future: Young-Ki Paik (C-HPP Chair, Korea) 10:00-10:20 JPR Special Issue and MP50 Campaign with HPP Data Guidelines Chris Overall (C-HPP Co-Chair, Associate Editor for JPR) 10:20-10:40 Link between C-HPP and Biology/Disease HPP Fernando Corrales, Spain 10:40-11:10 Coffee Breaks

Invited Session II: Uncovering Missing Proteins by Using Various Biological and Clinical Samples Chair: Chris Overall 11:10-11:30 Searching for missing proteins: Update on chromosome 16 activity Fernando Corrales, Spain


11:30-11:50 Looking for missing proteins in the testicular germ cell lineage: new insights into normal and pathological spermatogenesis Charles Pineau, France 11:50-12:10 Identification of Missing Proteins Encoded in Chromosome X

Tadashi Yamamoto, Japan

12:10-12:30 Mitochondrial Proteome-Completion of Missing Protein Annotation

Andrea Urbani, Italy

12:30-12:50 Updates of missing proteins and novel variant findings from chromosome 11 Heeyoun Hwang, Korea 12:50-13:10 SRM-based ‘missing’ proteins of UPS2 (sigma) and Chr18 expressed in human liver, HepG2 cells and in plasma Alexander Archakov, Russia 13:10-14:30 Lunch Break

Invited Session III: Functional Study of Missing Proteins with Disease Implication

Chair: Fernando Corrales 14:30-14:50 Functional Validation of the Previous Missing Proteins Involved in Human Reproductive Disease: Experimental Strategy and Pitfall Young-Ki Paik, Korea 14:50-15:10 Heart of Y Chromosome: Searching for Functions of Missing Proteins Involved in Disease Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh, Iran 15:10-15:30 C-HPP Project (Chr 9): Proteogenomic Study in Human Lung Cancer

Je-Yoel Cho, Korea

15:30-15:50 Progress in Chr 8 with Disease Implications (tentative) Pengyuan Yang, China 15:50-16:10 Update on the Food and Nutrition Initiative

Paola Roncada, Italy


16:10-16:30 The hidden human proteome: the protein-coding "lncRNAs" Gong Zhang. China 16:30-17:00 Coffee Breaks

Invited Session IV: Invited Special Lectures

Chair: Fernando Corrales 17:00-17:30 Antiviral Immunity Cellular Substrates revealed by TAILS Terminomics

Chris Overall, Canada 17:30-18:00 General Discussion on All Pending Issues Chairs: Young-Ki Paik, Chris Overall, Fernando Corrales 19:00-21:00 Milad Tower (PIs and Co-PIs)

Friday, April 28th

Young Investigator Invitation Session Chair: Pengyuan Yang, Fudan Univ., China 08:30-08:45 Identifying 17000 human proteins in a single MS experiment using high throughput de novo identification aided by translatome sequencing Dehua Li, China 08:45-09:00 Human Y chromosome genes regulate Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation to cardiac cell Anna Meyfour, Iran 09:00-09:15 Probable Physicochemical and Epigenetic Causes of Missing Proteins Fan Zhong, China 09:15-09:30 Human Y chromosome proteome project and male infertility Mehdi Alikhani, Iran 09:30-09:45 Bioinformatic tools of Chromosome 13 team for finding missing proteins Seul-Ki Jeong, Korea


09:45-10:00 Human Membrane proteomics: searching for missing proteins Faezeh Shekari, Iran

10:00-10:30 Coffee Breaks Working Group Formation: Networking and Interaction through the C-HPP Clusters

Co-Chairs: Young-Ki Paik and Chris Overall

10:30-12:00 Organization of Intra C-HPP Cluster Groups Rare Tissues and Cell Lines Cluster Olfactory Receptor Cluster Novel Protein Cluster PTM Cluster IVTT Cluster Infertility cluster lnc RNA Cluster Call-In: Gil Omenn 12:00-13:30 Future Directions Chair: Charles Pineau Update on the 18th C-HPP Workshop in Dublin (Young-Ki Paik and Fernando Corrales) Update on the JPR Special Issue (Chris Overall, Co-Chair & JPR AE) Planning on the 19th C-HPP Workshop in Santiago (Fernando Corrales) Planning on the 20th C-HPP Workshop in St. Malo (Charles Pineau) Planning on the Collaboration with B/D-HPP Group (Fernando Corrales) End of Symposium