18 invaluable lessons about adf-jsf interaction

<Insert Picture Here> 18 Invaluable Lessons About ADF Faces Page Lifecycle Steven Davelaar twitter:@stevendavelaar blogs: www.ateam-oracle.com and blogs.oracle.com/jheadstart Oracle Fusion Middleware Architects Team (the “A-team”)

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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While coaching ADF development teams over the years, Steven has noticed that many developers lack a thorough understanding of the JSF lifecycle and how ADF optimizes this lifecycle in specific situations. As a result ADF developers who are tasked to build a seemingly simple ADF page, get extremely frustrated by the -in their eyes- unexpected or unlogical behavior of ADF. Using simple examples, this presentation teaches you step-by-step 18 invaluable lessons which will greatly enhance your insight in how ADF and JSF work together under the covers. With this knowledge you will build your pages quicker and better, while avoiding some common mistakes.


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<Insert Picture Here>

18 Invaluable Lessons About ADF Faces Page


Steven Davelaar twitter:@stevendavelaarblogs: www.ateam-oracle.com and blogs.oracle.com/jheadstartOracle Fusion Middleware Architects Team (the “A-team”)

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• Worls’s most comprehensive Hello World Demo

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Just Say Hello – JSF Lifecycle Initial

1. Restore View

UI Component Tree



6. Render






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JSF Lifecycle - Postback

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values



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JSF Lifecycle - Postback

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations

•Validate and convert (if needed) name and date

•Call richInputText.setValue() with converted value if valid

•Clear submittedValue

•Queue valueChange event (if applicable)

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1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations



JSF Lifecycle Postback

4. Update Model

•Call HelloBean.setName with component value

•Call HelloBean.setDate with component value

•Clear submitted and (local) component value

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JSF Lifecycle Postback

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations


4. Update Model

•Call HelloBean.sayHello

5. Invoke Application

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JSF Lifecycle - Postback

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations

4. Update Model

5. Invoke Application

6. Render Response

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Current Lifecycle Phase in JDeveloper

while Debugging

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Just Say Hello – Reset Values

• Clicking the Reset button should not fire validation,

and should clear the Name and Date fields

• We need a lifecycle shortcut that bypasses validation

(both client-side and server-side) and model update

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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

• Lesson 1: An immediate command executes the

action and actionListener in phase 2. Apply Request

Values and then jumps to phase 6. Render

Response, skipping validation and model update


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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

• richInputText.setSubmittedValue(“Steven”)

• richInputDate.setSubmittedValue(“04-12-2012”)

•Call HelloBean.reset

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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

6. Render Response

• We clicked the Reset button8.

• Name and date are cleared in HelloBean8.

• But we still see the old values in the page!

• How come??

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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

• Lesson 2: When executing an immediate command, the

UI components do NOT re-evaluate their underlying

value binding, possibly showing stale data

• How to force the UI components to do this?

• Three options

• Use af:resetActionListener

• Use oracle.adf.view.rich.util.ResetUtils.reset()

• UIComponent.resetValue()

• On an individual UI component, the reset action

• Clears the submittedValue

• Clears local component value so value binding is re-evaluated

• Marks the component as valid

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Using af:resetActionListener

• Easiest option, no Java method needed

• Automatically added when dragging and dropping a

Rollback operation from Data Control Palette

• Lesson 3: af:resetActionListener does NOT reset child

regions, use ResetUtils.reset() instead.

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Using ResetUtils.reset(UIComponent


• Reset method takes one

parameter: the start UI

Component to reset

• However, this is not the REAL start component

• Is used to traverse up the component tree

• until a region, form, subform, popup, carrousel or

panelCollection is found

• that component is used as the real starting point

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• Worls’s most comprehensive Hello World Demo

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Say Hello Suggestions

• Suggest the type of greeting based on a person’s


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Say Hello Suggestions – Will this work?

Not reallyD..

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Say Hello Suggestions – Will

immediate=true work?

• No, model is no longer updated, getName() will return

null (or old model value): remember lesson 1!

• AND (wrong) greeting will NOT be displayed anyway:

remember lesson 2!

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Say Hello Suggestions – Challenges

• We need immediate=true to prevent premature

validation of greeting field and date field

• We need to refresh the greeting field properly

• We need somehow to get hold of value entered in

name fieldname field

• We do want required validation on name field


• We already learned how to refresh the greeting field

with underlying model value8..

• 8 we need to call resetValue on the greeting


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Say Hello Suggestions – Use Binding

Property to Refresh Greeting Field

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Say Hello Suggestions – Greeting Field


• At least the suggested greeting is displayed now,

although it is still the wrong default greeting because

getName() returns null in the suggest method

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Side Step – More About Component


• The getter/setter methods generated by JDeveloper

when using binding property are wrong

• Code is not serializable, causing errors in clustered env.

• UI Tree not released properly, more memory usage

• UI component might be reused in UI Tree of another page


• This can happen EVEN with request-scoped and

backingBean-scoped beans

• Lesson 4: Always use ComponentReference in

component binding getter/setter methods

• Lesson 5: Never use component binding in session-

scoped bean, even ComponentReference won’t be

safe then.

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Side Step – Correct Code for

Component Binding Methods

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Side Step – More About Component


• Component binding is often overly used

• Use UIManager pattern from Duncan Mills to avoid

unnecessary component binding

• https://blogs.oracle.com/groundside/entry/the_uimanager_pattern

• You can also find a component by id programmatically

using invokeOnComponent API

• See (google for) “ADF Code Corner sample 58”

• Starting UI component should be as low as possible in UI Tree,

starting at UIViewRoot can kill performance with large, multi-tab


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Say Hello Suggestions – Challenges

• We need immediate=true to prevent premature

validation of greeting field and date field

• We need to refresh the greeting field properly

• We need somehow to get hold of value entered in

name fieldname field

• We do want required validation on name field

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------

• May be we can use a valueChangeListener on name


• May be we can use immediate=true on the name


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Say Hello Suggestions – Using a


• ValueChangeListener fires in phase 3. Process


• That phase is skipped with immediate command

• Now, let’s set immediate=true on name field 8

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Say Hello Suggestions – Using a


• Lesson 6: When immediate=“true” on an Editable UI

Component Component

• Component validation is processed in phase 2. Apply

Request Values

• The validated and converted value is stored on the


• valueChangeListener is also called in this phase

• YES, now it works!

• But wait 8.

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Say Hello Suggestions – Using

immediate on editable component

• If we enter all fields except name, then Reset button

no longer works!

• Why? Because of Lesson 6: name field now validated

in Apply request Values, before reset command is

executed. Arrrrggghhh!executed. Arrrrggghhh!

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Say Hello Suggestions – Using

Immediate on Editable Component

• This makes setting immediate=“true on an editable UI

component pretty useless, because then the general


“Validations are skipped when setting a command

component to immediate=“true”component to immediate=“true”

is no longer true!

• Lesson 7: Never set immediate=“true” on an editable

UI component, it prevents you from

cancelling/abandoning a page.

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Say Hello Suggestions – Back to the


• We need immediate=true to prevent premature

validation of greeting field and date field

• We need to refresh the greeting field properly

• We need somehow to get hold of value entered in

name field name field

• We do want required validation on name field


• Not a solution: valueChangeListener and

immediate=true on name field

• New solution: we need to get the value entered for

name directly from the UI component

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Say Hello Suggestions – Use

Component Binding to Get Name Value

• YES, this works, and the reset button still works too!

• But wait8. it works too well8

• Method should not execute when name empty, or less than 4 chars

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Say Hello Suggestions – Use

Component Binding to Get Name Value

• We are using the raw, possibly invalid value by calling

getSubmittedValue() on the name field

• We need to do programmatically what normally

happens automatically

in phase 33. Process Validations

in phase 3

•Validate and convert (if needed) name and date

•Call richInputText.setValue() with converted value if valid

•Clear submittedValue

•Queue valueChange event (if applicable)

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Say Hello Suggestions – Use

Component Binding to Get Name Value

• Lesson 8: You can programmatically execute JSF

lifecycle phases 3 and 4 on a component:

• comp.processValidations(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())

• comp.processUpdates(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())

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Say Hello Suggestions – Optimizing

Using Partial Page Rendering (PPR)

• When clicking the suggest button, only the greeting

field needs to be refreshed in browser.

• Easily implemented using ADF Faces PPR

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• Worls’s most comprehensive Hello World Demo

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying

• It was quite a challenge to get this greeting

suggestion implemented

• Is there really no easier way to do this?

• The af:subform tag represents an independently

submittable region of a page. The contents of a submittable region of a page. The contents of a

subform will only be validated (or otherwise

processed) if a component inside of the subform is

responsible for submitting the page.

• Sounds promising, let’s try!

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 1

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 1

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying –Try 1


• Lesson 9: Items not in any sub-form are still

processed in lifecycle when submitting a sub-form.

• Fix: put all items in sub-forms

• Lesson 10: Layout messed up when using sub form

• Fix: Each subform must contain its own panelFormLayout, • Fix: Each subform must contain its own panelFormLayout,

align accross panelFormLayouts using labelWidth property

• Submitting the main form, does not submit items in


• Solution: set property default=“true” on the subform

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 2

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 2


• Suggest button now works with empty date!

• Layout cleaned up!

• Pressing enter key on name shows suggested greeting!

• But wait8. what is functionally different from previous


• Greeting field is not required, what if we fix that?

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 2


• Let’s try to move greeting field to other subform

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 3

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Sub Forms of Hello Saying – Try 3


• No validation error on greeting field!

• But greeting no longer shown

• Lesson 11: Partial page refresh does not work across


• Sub forms do not work for this use case �

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Sub Forms of Say Hello - Conclusion

• Sub forms can be used in corner cases to avoid

premature validation

• Sub forms most useful for “default command” behavior

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• Worls’s most comprehensive Hello World Demo

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying

• Auto-suggest the type of greeting when tabbing out

the name field

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying – Will

this work?

• Will field validations fire prematurely?

• Will greeting field be refreshed correctly?

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying – ADF-

optimized lifecycle

• Using autoSubmit = true on an editable UI

Component kicks of the ADF-Optimized JSF Lifecycle

• This optimized lifecycle always:

• fires a partial submit

• By default will only process and refresh the autoSubmitted• By default will only process and refresh the autoSubmitted

component itself

• Additional UI components will be processed in this lifecycle

when partialTriggers property points to autoSubmitted item

• So, with code in previous slide no premature

validations fire but greeting field is not refreshed

• So, what will happen when we add partialTrigger

property to greeting field?

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying –

Refreshing Greeting Field

• Greeting field now processed as well -> validation

error when null

• Solutions:

1. make greeting optional

2. add greeting programmatically as partial target

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying – Making

Greeting Optional

• Making greeting optional seems to work

• But it doesn’t work always 8

• It does not work when user clears greeting first

• User clears existing greeting

• User navigates back to name field and changes the name• User navigates back to name field and changes the name

• User tabs out name field, nothing happens!

• Why??

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What happens when greeting is cleared

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations

•Calls valueChangeListener method HelloBean.nameChanged which in turn calls.setGreeting(“Hi”)

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1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

3. Process Validations

What happens when greeting is cleared

4. Update Model

•Calls HelloBean.setGreeting(null)

•Overrides the value set by valueChangeListenermethod D.

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How to prevent suggested greeting is

overridden again

• The JSF Model Update phase only updates

underlying model value when the local component

value differs from the model value

• We need to reset the local UI Component value in

namedChanged methodnamedChanged method

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying –

Refreshing Greeting Field In Code

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying –

Lessons Learned

12.Auto-submitted fields use ADF optimized lifecycle

preventing premature validation on other fields

13.The components that are processed by ADF optimized

lifecycle can be configured using partialTrigger

property. This is known as Cross Component Refreshproperty. This is known as Cross Component Refresh

14.Values set in value change listeners might be

overridden in model update phase if not coded


15.Use programmatic PPR instead of partialTriggers

property to prevent components to be processed by

ADF optimized lifecycle, avoiding premature validation

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New in JDeveloper 12c: the af:target


• Provides a declarative way to allow a component to

specify the list of targets it wants executed and

rendered when an event is fired by the component.

• The list of components on which the JSF lifecycle will

be executed, can be defined separately from the list be executed, can be defined separately from the list

of components that needs to be re-rendered


• Let’s revisit our previous examples8.

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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

1. Restore View

2. Apply Request Values

6. Render Response

• We clicked the Reset button8.

• Name and date are cleared in HelloBean8.

• But we still see the old values in the page!

• How come??

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JSF Lifecycle – Postback Immediate

• Lesson 2: When executing an immediate command, the

UI components do NOT re-evaluate their underlying

value binding, possibly showing stale data

• How to force the UI components to do this?

• Three options

• Use af:resetActionListener

• Use oracle.adf.view.rich.util.ResetUtils.reset()

• UIComponent.resetValue()

• On an individual UI component, the reset action

• Clears the submittedValue

• Clears local component value so value binding is re-evaluated

• Marks the component as valid

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Implementing Reset/Cancel

Functionality using af:target tag!

• No need to set immediate=true on the button

• No issues with fields not being refreshed

• No issues with subregions not being refreshed when

using af:resetActionListener

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Say Hello Suggestions

• Suggest the type of greeting based on a person’s


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Say Hello Suggestions – Challenges

• We need(ed) immediate=true to prevent premature

validation of greeting field and date field

• We need to refresh the greeting field properly

• We need somehow to get hold of value entered in

name fieldname field

• We do want required validation on name field


• With af:target tag this becomes easy!

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Suggest Greeting Using af:target tag

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Auto-Suggested Hello Saying

• Auto-suggest the type of greeting when tabbing out

the name field

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Auto-Suggest Greeting Using af:target


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The af:target tag is your friend!

• Lesson 16: When using JDeveloper 12c, use the

af:target tag to easily define which components

should be validated and submitted, and which

components should be re-rendered.

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• A bit more on the ADF optimized lifecycle

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ADF Optimized Lifecycle

• ADF Faces sets boundaries on the page that allow

the JSF lifecycle to run just on components within the


• As we learned before, when autosubmitting an

editable field, the boundary is the component itselfeditable field, the boundary is the component itself

• Boundaries can be changed by using partialTriggers


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ADF Optimized Lifecycle

• A number of component events always trigger the

optimized lifecycle

• Events on table, treeTable: disclosureEvent, selectionEvent,

rangeChangeEvent, columnSelectionEvent, etc

• Events on tree: disclosureEvent, selectionEvent

• Events on showDetailIHeader: disclosureEvent

• Events on panelAccordion (showDetailIItem) :


• Events on components inside panelCollection (toolbar,

context menu, etc)

• 8

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Optimized Lifecycle of Employees –

Overflow Right

• When clicking on another row

• Overflow area should be refreshed

• Changes in overflow area should be preserved

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Optimized Lifecycle of Employees –

Configuring optimized lifecycle

• When clicking on another row, changes in overflow

area are now preserved

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Optimized Lifecycle of Employees –

Adding New Employee

• Clicking the New Employee button should also preserve

changes made in table overflow area

• Easy8 works out-of-the-box

• Now, let’s move that button to panelCollection toolbar

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Optimized Lifecycle of Employees –

Adding New Employee

• Now, it will NOT work out-of-the-box

• Button inside panelCollection will trigger optimized lifecycle

• Changes in table overflow area will not be submitted

• What is the “obvious” fix?

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Optimized Lifecycle of Employees –

Adding New Employee

• “Obvious” fix is to add button id to partialTriggers

property of panelFormLayout

• Lesson 17: To add components that should be

processed in optimized lifecycle, the partialTrigger

property must point to the boundary component

• In this use case, the boundary component of the

optimized lifecycle is the panelCollection

• So, “obvious” fix does not work, this will work:

• Note that you can use cascading partialTriggers

• If panelCollection partialTriggers property refers to table,

panelFormLayout only needs to refer to panelCollection

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• Worls’s most comprehensive Hello World Demo

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Say Hello with a Song

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Say Hello with a Song

• Choose Song checkbox will need autoSubmit = true

• Question 1: Can we use a partialTrigger property or

do we need programmatic PPR to show/hide the

Song drop-down list?

• Song selectOneChoice will need autoSubmit = true• Song selectOneChoice will need autoSubmit = true

• Question 2: Can we use a partialTrigger property or

do we need programmatic PPR to show/hide the

YouTube video frame?

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Say Hello with a Song

• Choose Song checkbox will need autoSubmit = true

• Question 1: Can we use a partialTrigger property or

do we need programmatic PPR to show/hide the

Song drop-down list?

• Song selectOneChoice will need autoSubmit = true• Song selectOneChoice will need autoSubmit = true

• Question 2: Can we use a partialTrigger property or

do we need programmatic PPR to show/hide the

YouTube video frame?

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Say Hello with a Song – Try 1

• Will this work?

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Say Hello with a Song

• Lesson 18: To show/hide a component, the parent

component should be refreshed

• Answer 1: we need to refresh the enclosing

panelFormLayout to see the song selectOneChoice

• Using partialTrigger would cause premature validation errors • Using partialTrigger would cause premature validation errors

(lesson 15), so we use programmatic PPR

• Answer 2: No validation issues, we can safely use

partialTriggers property

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Say Hello with a Song – Correct Code

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More Info

• Understanding the JSF and ADF Optimized Lifeycle

• Slides and sample apps downloadable

• http://www.ateam-oracle.com/?p=3719

• Avoiding JSF and ADF Lifecycle Frustrations

• Shortened recording of this presentation by Frank Nimphius• Shortened recording of this presentation by Frank Nimphius

• http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/11gde


• A Hidden Gem of ADF Faces: The af:target tag:

• http://www.ateam-oracle.com/?p=20570

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Final Recommendation

• Write the lessons down, print them, put them on the

wall, learn them by heart, and rehearse them every

week, it will save you tons of frustration!