18 month review meeting project #033902 enabling access to sound archives through integration,...

18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval WP1. Project Management WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator

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18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval

WP1. Project Management WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - ThursdayDate Time Participant WP title

WP participation

Thursday Nov 22nd

9:00-9:30 Introduction & Presentation of Project Participants

9:30-10:30 QMUL WP1 Management 3,4,5,6,7

10:30-12:00 LFUIWP2 Media Semantics and


12:00-13:30 Lunch


Jewish National University


Expert User Advisory Board

15:00-16:30 ALL WP3 Retrieval Systems 2,4,7,8

16:30-18:00 NICEWP4 Sound Object



18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - Friday

Date Time Participant WP lead WP participation

Friday Nov 23rd

09:00-10:30 DIT WP5 Enriched Access Tools 3,4,7,8

10:30-12:00 SILOGIC WP6 Intelligent Interfaces 2,7,8

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 RSAMDWP7 Evaluation &


15:00-16:00 QMULWP8 Dissemination &


16:00-16:30 Review of the minutes

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Project Schedule, WP1-418 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

WP1 Management T 1.1 Consortium administrationT 1.2 Financial management T 1.3 Quality AssuranceT 1.4 Activity planning and reporting D1.3

WP2 Media Semantics & OntologiesT 2.1 Ontology and semantics for media object representation T 2.2 Ontology management environment D2.1

WP3 Retrieval SystemsT 3.1 Music retrieval T 3.2 Speech retrievalT 3.3 Cross-media retrieval D3.3

T 3.4 Vocal query interface.WP4 Sound Object RepresentationT 4.1 Audio stream segmentation T 4.2 Sound source separationT 4.3 Sound object identification D4.3

T 4.4 Transcription D4.2



18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Project Schedule, WP5-818 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

WP5 Enriched Access ToolsT 5.1 Looping and markingT 5.2 Time-scale / pitch-scale modificationT 5.3 Multimedia alignment and enrichment D5.2

T 5.4 Sound enhancement and noise reduction D5.3

WP6 Intelligent InterfacesT 6.1 Operational interface designT 6.2 Cognitive interfaceT 6.3 Cross & multi-media interface D6.1

WP7 Evaluation & BenchmarkingT 7.1 Evaluation methodology and metricsT 7.2 Demonstrator prototypes and testbeds T 7.3 Testing, validation and feedback assessment D7.3

WP8 Dissemination & ExploitationT 8.1 Deployment D8.2

T 8.2 DisseminationT 8.3 Exploitation


18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Type of deliverable: R = Report P = Prototype D = Demonstrator O = Other

Deliverables- Part 1# Title Month Type Level

D8.1 Public website and promotional brochure 1 D PU

D1.1 Quality assurance protocols & policies 3 R CO

D3.1 Retrieval system functionality & specifications 6 R RE

D5.1 Prototype of looping and marking modules 9 R PU

D7.1 initial user requirements & evaluation procedures 9 R PU

D1.2 management, financial & activity reports 12 R CO

D4.1 Prototype segmentation, separation & speaker/instrument identification system

14 P PU

D3.2 Prototype speech, music retrieval systems w/ vocal query interface 20 P PU

D1.3 management, financial & activity reports 24 R CO

D2.1 metadata management infrastructure & ontology language for media objects

24 R PU

Dissemination level: PU = Public RE = Restricted group specified by consortium+

Commission. CO = Confidential, for consortium + Commission.

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Type of deliverable: R = Report P = Prototype D = Demonstrator O = Other

Deliverables- Part 2

Dissemination level: PU = Public RE = Restricted group specified by consortium+

Commission. CO = Confidential, for consortium + Commission.

# Deliverable title Month Type Level

D3.3 Prototype on cross-media retrieval system 26 P PU

D4.2 Prototype transcription system 27 P PU

D5.2 Time stretching modules w/ synchronized multimedia prototype 27 P PU

D8.2 Demonstator of deployed access tools 27 D RE

D4.3 Final report on sound object representations 30 R PU

D5.3 Final Enriched Access Tools report, with sound enhancement 30 R PU

D6.1 Aligned cross- and multi-media interface report 30 R PU

D7.2 Report on formal evaluations and deployment 30 R PU

D8.3 Final Plan for Dissemination and Use of Knowledge 30 R CO

D1.4 Final Public Report 30 R PU

D1.5 Mandatory Final management, financial and activity reports 30 R CO

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Deliverable Procedure & GuidelinesWP Team Leader

Gather inputs from partnersNotify coordinator of conflicts between partners

lack of communication, delays…Organise inputs into consistent, detailed, formatted document

Supplement with additional material, Incorporate summary, references, conclusions, etc.Communicate with partners for editing, comments, criticism, suggestionsDeliver document to Coordinator 1 month before deadline Implement changes & resend document atleast 1 week before deadline

CoordinatorReceive document at least 1 month prior to deadlineAssist in resolution of conflicts between partnersEdit document & provides comments, criticism, suggestionsProvide supplementary material to WP Team LeaderReceive revised document from Team Leader 2 weeks before deadlineDeliver document/prototype to Commission

Edit & Revision cycles may occur more than once

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

WP1 MilestonesStatus reports & Co-ordination meetings1.1 Private website deployed (M1) 1.2 Basic development tools; user groups; content databases; first scientific

achievements; tentative dissemination & use plan; self-assessment & workplan specification (M6)

1.3 Disseminate scientific developments; revised user-feedback methodology & workplan, software progress update (M12)

1.4 Internal assessments; first prototype components available; Evaluation procedure specification and integration report (M18)

1.5 Final prototype available, initial business plan; Initial evaluation results, revision requests & deployment procedure (M24)

1.6 Final public & private reports issued, project ends (M30)

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

WP1 Deliverables & Milestones

Deliverables 1.1 Quality assurance protocols and policies (M3) 1.2 Management, financial and activity reports (M12)

1.3 Management, financial and activity reports (M24)

1.4 Final Public Report (M30)

1.5 Final management, financial and activity reports (M30)

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Upcoming Work Plan – project roadmap Months 1-6 Design & Specification

Function specifications mock-ups, use-case scenarios testbeds

Months 7-12 Algorithm development proof-of-concept software infrastructure

Months 13-18 Building the archiver delivering feature extractors metadata schema support

Months 19-24 Integration System testing Interface refinement

Months 25-30 Deployment On-site software installation refinement

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Meeting Emphasis Integration is the key focus for upcoming months.

Begin deployment of complete EASAIER system by month 24. Emphasise integration in presentations and discussion.

1. What functionality has been integrated into the EASAIER system? Are there any outstanding issues or further work required?

2. What functionality has been delivered for integration, but not yet fully integrated. What are the issues, how and when will they be dealt with?

3. What functionality has not been delivered? What is current status on preparation for integration? What are remaining issues, how and when will they be dealt with?

4. If there are no plans to integrate a certain technology, why not?demonstrate integrated prototypes, whenever possible.

do not demonstrate standalone prototype if there is integrated or partially integrated prototype available.

The only standalone prototypes that you should demonstrate are new technologies that haven’t yet seen.

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902


Available HOTBED Hungarian speaker corpus Instrument recognition Oyez

Needed Language testbeds … ?

In Progress Small, detailed testbed for system testing

RSAMD to report

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Integration Workplan – Completed or almost completeComponent Partner(s) WP Status

Integration workplan QMUL 1 First draft Aug. 30, revised every 2-4 weeks

DEMOs Everyone 2-7 Delivered, requires integration, see above

Metadata mappings – MARC, Hotbed, Dublin Core

DERI 2 Delivered, is it usable?

Music ontology QMUL 2 Delivered

Speech ontology ALL 2 Delivered and integrated with music ontology

Video time/ pitch scale modification

DIT, QMUL 5 Delivered and integrated

Speech retrieval testbed with aligned transcripts

QMUL 3 Delivered to ALL

Timetable for prototype testing RSAMD 7 Delivered to partners, continually revised

Client application SILOGIC 7 Available, tested, lacking integrated routines

Speech retrieval mock-up ALL 3 Delivered to SILOGIC for integration along with API for a web interface, lacking working functionality

Feature extractor QMUL 4 Developed, being refined

Small, detailed testbed RSAMD 7 First draft delivered, needs revision

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Integration Workplan – Planned for later / low priorityComponent Partner(s) WP Status Deadline

Metadata mapping – METS

DERI 2 DERI Needs a METS package to examine content.

Work to start after meeting

Crossmedia retrieval QMUL 3 Specified Work to start after meeting

Instrument ID DIT 4 In development Delivered soon after Jan 08

Speaker recognition NICE 4 Functional, in development Preparation for integration to begin after 18 month meeting

New visualisation paradigms

SILOGIC 6 In development Showcase at year 2 meeting

Test soundbite on speech

NICE 3 Planned No immediate need

annotated English broadcast quality tested

NICE 7 Planned Requested by ALL, date unassigned

Language detection testbed material

Everyone 7 Planned, Hungarian delivered

Requested by NICE, date unassigned

DEMO integration SILOGIC 6 Dependent on partners.All demos DONE except speech & music retrieval, speaker recognition, to discuss at


Dependent on partners.All demos DONE except speech & music

retrieval, speaker recognition, to discuss at meeting

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Integration Workplan – In progress, WP2-3 Component Partner(s) WP Status Deadline

Import metadata feature

DERI 2 Based on metadata mappings, DERI to report

To be determined

Ontology –based searching

DERI 2 Under revision Begin integration immediately after meeting

(Dec 1?)RDF storage DERI 2 under development Begin integration

immediately after meeting (Dec 1?)

Archivist metadata management tool

QMUL (feature extractor) /DERI (Ontology editor)

2 In development, needs serious discussion

January 2008

Segment editing SILOGIC/QMUL 2 Adapt from existing marking and visualisation in Sonic

Visualiser/ EASAIER client

To discuss

Music retrieval QMUL 3 Developed and demonstrated deliver by Dec 31

Speech retrieval ALL 3 Mock-up available, ALL to report, discuss with SILOGIC

Initial version prepared for integration by Dec 31

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902

Integration Workplan – In progress, WP4-5 Component Partner(s) WP Status Deadline

NICE plugins (speech/nonspeech,

gender, emotion, language, laughter,


NICE 4 speech/nonspeech, gender, emotion, delivered but

currently not working. Others not delivered.

To be assigned at meeting

Speech segmentation ALL 4 Delivered, not working Resolve issues and set deadline at meeting

bar line, music structure segmentation

DIT 4 Developed, but no integration work yet

Progress made should be delivered January


Polyphonic transcription QMUL/DIT 5 Developed, under evaluation, note duration needs further


Progress made, should be delivered Feb./March


EQ & Source separation DIT 5 Developed DIT to report

18 Month Review Meeting

Project #033902


2nd payment received and distributed to partners.

Reminder: Audits should be done for the end of year 2

20% of funding will be witheld until successful completion of the project

Annual financial reporting should be received by Queen Mary by 15 May 2008 in order to make the deadline of 15th June

All funds for the period should be spent to receive maximum funding for the following period.