18020732 yantra puja worship

7/29/2019 18020732 Yantra Puja Worship http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/18020732-yantra-puja-worship 1/12 YANTRAS

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As already mentioned, it is a prerequisite that puja is offered according to the specific rituals and by aqualified person, in order to benefit from the yantra. If this is not followed the yantra will be ineffectual. Thesteps for this worship are as follows: Using both hands, flowers should be offered to the yantra whilechanting the bija mantra. Remember that each yantra is representative of an individual "deva", orworshipable deity, so the aspirant must meditate on this particular form.

Holy water is next given up to the yantra. Generally this is water from the Ganges river.


Garlands of flowers should be tendered, together with individual flowers and unhulled rice grains. Thegarlands should be placed upon the yantra. This is followed by the burning of incense, and subsequently by the lighting of the ghee (clarified butter)

lamp while the correct mantras are chanted.

Fruits are then offered, along with betel nuts and leaves. "Aroti" and "pradakshina". which are ceremonies in which the yantras are propitiated, follow. Lastly prayers and then again flowers are offered, with all humility and sincerity, by the aspirant

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YANTRAS (writing)

There is a very definite system of writing yantras, and the methodology, as well as the specific pattern thatmust be utilised and adhered to if the yantra is to be effectual. The aspirant creating the yantra must sitfacing a particular direction, depending on the yantra and its use. There are different materials used in themaking of different yantras. If done properly then the desired effect will be manifest.

There are different directions for drawing the lines within the yantra. If the yantra is for a positive purposethe lines are drawn beginning from the east and toward the west. On the other hand, yantras forover owerin enemies or death-inflictin antras are drawn be innin from the west toward the east.

Lines drawn for progress in specific actions are drawn from the north toward the south. It is also extremely important that an auspicious time is chosen to make the yantra. Yantras for positive

and good causes should be drawn early in the morning. Yantras for peace (shanti) are to be drawn atmidnight. "Videshan" yantras (made for creating disputes or differences between people) should be drawnat midday. "Maran" (death-inflicting yantras) must be drawn in the evening. "Uchattan" (yantras to keep anenemy distracted and away from home) are to be drawn in the afternoon. Yantras such as "Vashikaran"(yantras to bring another person under the aspirant's control), are to be done before noon.

There are even exact hours at which time it would be most auspicious to make the yantra in order to gainthe most powerful effects. Different hours of the day or night are ruled by different planets and are thus

proper for making specific types of yantras. The yantra should be inscribed or embossed in copper and,after worship and purification, should be placed in the shrine at home or at the temple. Note: these are available in market designed over gold or copper, here I am only showing the


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Yantras for gaining favoursfrom government, gainingpersonal powers andmee ng w mpor anpeople.


"Om reem krani suryae adithey shreem om" 

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Yantras for love and

affection between am n n w m n n

for blessing of moon.


"Om shreem kreem 

cham chandraya nama" 

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Yantras for successful

business progress,k in r wn

counsel, or yantrasmeant to control others.


"Om rim hram krom dam grahnadhay 

budhay swaha” 

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Yantras for legal difficulties,defeating any enemy,death-inflicating yantras, or, again,or con ro ng o ers.


"Om eam ram shram dram kam grahadipathaye bhavmay swaha" 

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Yantras done for positivereasons, such as curingdisease or for higher lovean sp r ua y.


"Om reem shreem kleem em glawm grahadhipatheye vrihspathaye shreem tta 

shree, tta em tta swaha" 

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Yantra for successfulbusiness progress,keeping your own

counsel, or yantrameant to controlothers..


"Om em jam greem graheswaray shukraynamaha" 

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Yantras for inflicting

death, or controllingh r .


"Om hreem shreem

grahichakravarthinishanay scharay kleem

em sa swaha"

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Mantra"Om kreem hum humh m h m k h rin

rahve ramhreemshreem mem swaha.

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"Om hreem krumkrnr r in k h v

em sone swaha"