1809). (lexington, ky) 1819-11-19 [p ]. - university of...

jgcfctftf PLEASURE. Oh, happy ! blest of all his race,- - The man who tills the soil, "Whose spring and harvest hopes, in peace, Come sweetning every toil. Were mine a field of .waving grain : A mead, with " cattle sprinkled o'er j" A wood to tempt the warbling train, , Before my house a grassy plain, Descending to some shore. In joyous ease I'd spend my life, In spite of fortune's frown, Hor e'er like Lot's unduteous wise, Regret the noisy town. Farewell, the counting house and store, Amid the city's din ; 'Sly eyes and ears be vex'd no more, With " Lend me, Sir," without the door. And, " Sir, your note," within. Lord help the man who spends his days In borrowing and lending ! Dogged here and there a hundred ways, Yet times are never mending1. 33a mine the waggon, plough and spade, ' lis man's first destination ; WUh health and plenty more than paid, I'd take my cheer and shake my head, At fools oi rank and station. ' - PlNDEr; HAYLOFT. GO Dollars Reward. KAN AWAW from the subscriber, living 5 from Lexington, on the Hickman load, a NEGRO MAN, named BAZIL About 25 or 26 years old, about 6 feet high and not 'very slender made, as black as negroes gen- erally are, of mild icountrnance and speech. It is impossible to sav precisely what time he 'lest Lexington, as he had been hired out some ' time';f but the presumption is,on or about the 20th of October He wore aua a dark co- loured great coat lined with red flannel, and a blue close coat; but can describe his cloth- ing no farther, as he may no doubt change all, and attempt to pass as a free man. 1 have .strong suspicions,, that under a pass issued or given to a nei;ro nian, who obtains his passes .from the Clerk of the Fayette, County Court, under a deed ,of emancipation from James , AL'Oleary to certain Negroes which have yet an l unueicriumeu sun uuu tne ncirs oi sum to obtain their freedom, has beert ob. plained by the said Negro. There are circum- - stances to induce a belies that he rode away a .sorrel mare, tile property of Mr. Wm. T. Dry-;an- t, and that he took with him a pair of horse. man's pistols, the property of cant. Jas. Kav iThe above reward will be paid on his being iacu anu cujuuiuu ju jau so mat l gel Him ,is out of the state, is taken within the state, a .reward of 25 Dollars, and reasonable charges in either case is brought home. , , . GEO. RERRV, Adm'r. of John Pettit, deceased. .Lexington, Nov. 11, 1819 G3t For Sale or to Hire, A NEGRO MAN, WHO has been used to driving a team and on a $farm for several years; but has recency been employed as a waiter in a Tavern. His character for industry, and' honesty, is indisputable. and the owner's reason for selling him is on account of. ins. leaving tne state, ana the man having a wise and family, from whom he does not wish to part.- - A long credit will be given. Apply at this Office. August 5, 1819 32-- tt For Sale or to Kent, A C OTTO AT FACTORY, Containing 108 Spindles &? 3 Canting .Machines, XITH every necessary appurtenance, all "T in good order and ready, for immediate business. This property is fijicd up in a good brick house, located in .v valuable and con venient part of the town, and willbc sold sepa rately or with the house to suit the purchaser. Terms liberal, both as tq price and time of payment : ana we .believe, that we can assert without presumption, that no place in Ken- tucky would better support an establishment of its. size than YersailleSj where there is a regular and increasing demand for Cotton Yarns. Apply to 77 R. & W..B. LONG. Versailles, Feb. 5 tf ' State of Kentucky : '"' ' FAYETTE CIRCUIT, SCT.- - ' September Term, 1819. Henry yJirjComplainant, ' Against James Garrison and Juliann Garrison his wise, and the Banders Manufacturing Company, Defendants, ' .j.-.- " " IN CHANCERY. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the'eotirt that the defendants, James Garrison, and Juliannhis wise, are noinhaVitatsof this and they having sailed to enter 'their appearance herein agreeably to law and the 'rules' of this court, on the motion of the cotijplainant, by his counsel, it is ordered, that unless the said defendants, James Garrison and-w"if- do appear here on of before the 1st day of the next February term and answer the. complainant's bill herein, the same will be takenfor confessed against them ; And it is further ordered,1 that a copy of this order be inserted in some authorised newspaper pub- - lisneu in this state tor two inonlhs.succes&ive lyi ',' . A copy. Teste, v, . 46.2m THOMAS RODNEY, c.f.c.e. '. Strayed drStolen, TTIROMthe subscriber living 7 ipiles from Jo Lexington, Kentuglm on Cane Run, about me miaaioii .nine lasry Two years' old last snrinir. about 5 feet two indies highVKer ears uncommonly large, large hial a little' rqundiner. heaw limbs, docked hai ,,'.c appearance of making an uncommon Urge mare': slugi&h in her moving, very ha-- c "cca, na-- i on a voice when she went av:. i .: 1o a horse last spring andmavV with f ; i f straved a reward of Ten Dollars w ill '.. !, on the delivery of the mare. II .' I'wv!) Hirs will' lie given for the ii. ,, V . n Hutu hon leading t" a discove- - r- - o i''w 1 i aiul all reosonalile char - ) ", pel i v M'.llarsfoi thejhicf. Ii II be off as She was "" -- ''" , i, i AfOr.S RVNUOLPJl S30 BFWKD. J ILL JlE GIVEN FOB A 2sc'o JNian naiweA Joe, PURCHASED by John Read of Lewis Ded-- . 1 man, and by nieof said Read. The said Negro ranaway froih Lexington about two weeks ago He is 24 or 25 years of age; five feet 9 or 10 inches high ; a dark nfulatto ; has grey eyes ; had on when he went away a blue frcc'k cloth coat, considerably worn, blue cloth or linen pantaloons j a fur'd hat, with a a broadbrim and roughly napped. The above reward will be given is said negro man is t. keh out of Fayette, and delivered to me ; or 25 DOLLARS is taken within the limits of the county. WM. JJOWMAJ. Lexington, Oct. 23, 1819--44- 3t 100 Dollars Reward. ITJ) AN AWAY from the subscriber on the 2d HH of September, living in AVoodford county, near Versailles, A Necrp Man named Daniel, 5 feet 10 div"ll indies high, square built, his weight about0U lbs., anil uncommonly ulacK ; lias large tfhite eyes, with a down look ; and remarkable white teeth, and manifests a gooa deal of pride when walking: he hid on when he went away black velvet pantaloons, and old black silk waistcoat, tow linen thirt, and a iur hat about half worn. I will give the above reward is apprehended and 'confijed in any jaii so that l get him again. L.A1JAN bUEAKUli. October 14th, 1819. 44tf WESTERN HOTEL, NO. 288, MARKET STREET, PIIIUiDELPUIA, Sign y Gcv. Yaslmigton. rilllK subscriber beers leave to inform his JL friends and the public, that he h:n taken that well known establishment in Market st. next door to the Pittsburgh Mail Stage Office, and lately occupied by Sir. George YcJie. To those who have been accustomed to resort to this house, it is unnecessary to point out its superior advantages. For the information of otliers, however, he deems it proper to state that its situation is central, high, healtliy and convenient to business : an extensive range of backbuildings, consisting of lodging rooms, attorn a hue view ot the city to the eastward, and admit of a free and uninterrup- ted circulation of air, and what will jrivc tbem a decided preference in the opinion of many, is the attachment thereto of balconies, so con structed as not only to afford pleasant pro menades, but easy means ot escape in the e- - vent of necessity from anv sudden alarm of hre. The great western Stages slart every Morning irom the uoor, and on the premises isone of the best Livery Stables in the city, conducted by Mr. John Tomlinson, where travellers' horses will be faithfully attended to. Willi these advantages, nd some further improvements now making, added to his own unremitted exertions to please, the Subscri ber confidently hopes for, and very respect- fully solicits, a share public patronage. K. SMITH. Printers of the Lexington Gazette, Lexing. ton, Ky ; Pittsburgh Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Western Spy, Cincinnati, Ohio, will please insert tliis advertisement once a week for three months, and forward their bills for piiv. ment to the Office of the ''The Union, kc." No. 50, Chcsnut street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Ang. 11, 1819. THE PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, the andlNM'IRM of the Western coun. try, are hereby informed, that Joshua & Charles Ilnmnhrcus, As Druggists , liexAngton, Have on hand at their Dnitr Store, corner of aim .uaruet-sircet- s, say M'(;alla's Old Stand, a large and excellent assortment of Drugs, .Medicine & Shop Furnilnre, Which they osier for sale on rrood termi sir Cash. To Physicians and others who may purchase larsrelv. a credit of 90 davs will be allowed, oh satisfactory assurances and a discount for prompt payment. In addition to their present stock, nnd a large and general assortment of PAINT, DYE STUFFS &c. of whichthey expect to be constantly supplied, they will shortly re- ceive a large supply of Medicines Sec. which have been laid in on such terms that they be- lieve they can sell at prices uncommonly low, Among others coming on a)e Epsom Salts Tooth Kevs Cream Tarter Forceps Caster Oil Sprinir Lancets Spirits of Turpentine Flour .ink Calomel " ' Fattnf Yellow Spirits Nitre sweet Camomile Flowers cquatortes Gum Shcl Lac OHof Vitriol Mastic' Gum Aloes Quasia Emp Diacholum Vio!s; assprtad Sugar of Lead Liquorice Guin Arabic i , Sassap'arell'a' ".'' Magnesia . .Rhcubarb ', ,,.. Oil of Sassafras Fine 'Spnmre ' Morters, Wedgewood Chalk.'Red fe'WIiile Sal Glouber Yellow.Ochie Tammarinds ' Japan Earth Spirits Hartshorn Sen'nn ' Lunar Caustic ... ., Izeihcr Glass ' Pocket Instruments Gold Leas .. ' Camphor - Corks Arrow Root i Sal Soda Snake Root Fancy Smelling IlottlcsiuiSeecl " Rlue Vitriol ' Coreander Seed Manna , ' Rulck 'Silver &c. sc. Lexington, Sept. 16 38.2m ., Infoi mation Wanted. TTN September 1817. Maicr Jon Willium. 11 who occasionally a'cts tis n llaptisf preach- er, moved from Martin county, North Caroli na, to the Western country, where to is net kuown. Wm. A WiLtiAjis,an only son, who as thought to have dicjl aj; sea, but lias re- cently returned to the (Tinted States, aster a lorg confinement m the dungeons of Spain, is anxious to find out his residence, and takes this method to apprize him of his existence. 311u111-.i- t 11c is nos' at tne nouse ot Mr. Clai- borne Goodman, about 14 miles from N114I1. ville, where he will remain fur a while in hopes of hearing from his father. Sept. 12. Printers in the Western st.ites.w'fll serve the cause of humanity, and oblige a young njii. who scrvcti 111 tne last war in lis navy, by 111- - sviiuiijiinte or twice tne anovc article. viixsnsuv vvano. . & IfiS be given for Q. .YEGliO POYS and.1 GIItL of aniuncxceptionablc cliaractcr. wfETTtiliiieofthciPiinters. . Jur.e, 3d, !Ci9-e-23t- f Sebree Johnsons, CORNUH OF MAIN k MILL STREETS, A early opposite the Branch Punk of the U. ?. HAA E just opened, and will constantly keep hand, for sale, either by retail or whole sale, an assortment ol DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. COSSISTISO O- F- BROAD CLOTHS, NEGRO CLOTHS, CASSIMF-RES-, BLANKETS, CASS1NETS, HARU-AVARG- SATTINETS, NAILS of every des KERSEYS, cription, tic. iSc. They will also keep a cor.stantrfsupplyof HANK, PRINTING, WRITING, LETTER, and WRAPPING PAPER. Orders from anv part of the countrr will be promptly attended to. Jxinglon, Jan. 1, 1319 tt J"eio Commission tfarthouse. the snnicmnr.ns iiavf. established a CoYYvmission WiwcAwvisc, AT LOUISVILLE, KEXI UtKY, UNDER THE FIRM OF WM. ). DUNCAN & CO. THE business will be conducted y WM. DUNCAN, a young man, whohas been in our einplymenttor a length ot t;m3, ana in whose steadiness, abilities and attrition to business, we have the most perfett reliance, and solicit our friends and the puMic indul- gence with a share of their patronaje s and at the same time inform our friends, fiat WM. 1). DUNCAN is authorised to reieive any debts due us at Pittsburgh, whose rceiptwill be good for the same. CROMWELL, DOBBIN U PIEBLES. Pittsburgh, May 1st, 1819 21-- 3ames Yi. Davis ILL practice Law in the Fayetc Courts. His office will be sound overthe room formerly occupied by Ja. Hairein.esq.i first! door below Frazer's corner. He plclges him-- j self to be diligent and punctual m business confided to him. Aug. 20 34tf HEMP. THE HIOrtEST PllICE CASH It HANDj Given so Hempi delivered at the Rope Walk formerly the pyopert) of James Keiixs, des'd. on Water- - stteet. HEMtY WATT. t.exingt'm, February 5, 1819 tf' "Elegant Covptling. lustrecci ed and for sale at the Store of T. E. BOSWELL V. CO. Biiissels 65 Scotch Cavpelings iv hith they olter at a very reduced pvice. . Jin. 1, lS19-- tf Eagle Tbwder Mills, 31 MILE'S SOUTH OF LEXLVGTOX, o.v the mcxmaa- - 1:0 ad, HiUiam ltoman V Tilfnd, Trotter ii Co. usiier 'rnr. niM or Uonan, Ti'oiiete & Co. Manufaoturo GUN-POWDE- Which they will warrant of equal quality to any made in the United States. Orders will be punctually attended to, and forwarded, ROMAN, TROTTER & Co. Lexington, K. May 5, 1819.-19- tf The above to be published in the Fredonian, Chilicothe ; the Inquisitor, Cincinnati ; the Pub- lic Advertiser. Lomsxtillc . tile Sun. Vinrmnes the Clarion, JWuhville ; the F.nquirtr, St.'Lciiis; ttmJagle,.llainnl!e,tv.o mo'iths, and their bills to befoiivifde-- l to J!, 'J (J Co. . sjiDt. ThE Subscribers'liave Just Peceived, A quantity o Salt, For sale at tvu dollars per bushel, by the Harrcl. MGGIXS 1'P.ITCIfAPTT. August 12, 18 19. 33tf - 0A lil'Cr'WfcYX Of Lexington, Re-opene- d.' JOHN M'mThON. k. Co. ARE sitting up the above well knnwn estab. , furmprlv orr.nniprl .. bv.lolm .. Cnp. v... .j ( j man. They look to the public, is they are luuno. 10 merit it, tor a remuneration ot the great expense attending their iihdcrtaking. 11A.1U.U A 1.AUU. U.L.A.1111X UJT BA li L E T, For wich Cash vvill bu paid. Ann. xn iriitr- - A NEGRO MAN who understands the Coop-arin- g Busines. JOHN M'MAHON Sc Co. Lcs.Sept. 23, 1819 39tf .. Wai-RdlA- , . Will give the highest price for 1JV11LKY, At his Store in Lexington. Oct. 15th, 1819 42tf. iN'oticc. THE subscribers having rented Mr. Hart's Walk for a term of years, with the uiienuuii ui carrying on lire Hope-Makin- g Business, In all its various branches, they will give the highest price in CASH for HEM', delivered at said Wall:, Where PALE POPE, TAPUE1) IlOPE'biaW descrip tions, mav be had on the shortest notice, war- ranted of equal quality to anymanufactiiredin the United States, 'i'hey wish to purchase a quantity of TAP. MoitnisoM a niiucE. Lexington, Jan. 15, 1819-- tf For Sale or Kent, And possession given immediately, .I large Jfew 2 Slorij Uriel: House, SITUATED at the corner of Market and streets, near the University. This building is well situated, and calculated for a boardinzliouse. havinc 7 rooms above the seller, with 3 in the seller. Is sold a great bargain will be given, aiid is rented, it will be rentcu low. terms, apply to Bushrud uoswen, or to tno subscriber. JOHN STAllKS. October 15th, 1819 12-t- f Woodford County. Set. ' 1 1 AKEN UP Iiv.Jnbn nrnvoq. ns cniil inn A lv, living near Clear creek Meeting-house- , a SuRUEL HORSE, supposed to be" 9 or 10 years um, .mum iij nanus nigh, a pair ot old shoes on before ; blaze face, and roached, some sauiiie spots, no brands perceivable appraised to 25 dollars before mc this 7th day fl,, 1R1Q K. B. A little lame behind. , J. DAVIDSON, J. P. L - Acavv. Teste. . '. y- JOHN M 'KINNEY. .Tr c Wq, -, lleplevih';Jpmls',-'- r ': FOP SALE AT THIS OFIICE. COLOGNE WATER. OOO V0itieS OF this admirable wa-te- r, just received and for sale by J VMES M. PIKE, who considers no other recommenda- tion necessary tLan to assure the nublic that it is of the genuine French' importation. vucapsiuc, no. 1 , juiy zv ouii One mile west as Lexington, on the WoUford Jfn.ul .TflKF.PH R-- r.i'ciunr tinaWPt t II AVE entered into With SPENCER CnniF.ll.rnili nurnm manufacturing under the firm of SPKNCER COOPER 8? CO. Who will keep a constant supply of r, equal to any made in the United States anu win sen on as jfoou terms. All orders will be strictly attended to, and they will continue to (rive' the highest price for SALT-PETR- delivered at.l. & (I. Hos- - welt's Store, on Cheapside, Lexington, or at U1CU .UlllS. SPEjXCEp cnnPF.nEi co. Jan. 1, 1819-- tf United States of America, Seventh Circuit Court, 5 Kentucky District. sct November'Term, 1818. Alexander Cranston & Co. conipts. against John P. Schatzell, &c defts. LX CirA.VCEPY. X JOHN II. IIANNA,.Clerk of the Seventh Circuit Court of the United States in and for the District of Kentnckv. dn ImrMiv mi-tif- (hat the order of injunction awarded herein. restraining the defendant Schatzell from dis posing ot the effects of the Firm of J. P. Schat zell & Co. was at the present term rescinded, and that the said John P. Schatzell has been invested with power and authority to receive and collect all money due to the said firm of J. v. schatzell & Co. and John P. Schatzell, ana to settle and adjust all accounts which re late to the partnership. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the L. S. seal of said Court this 22d day of; uecemoer ibih, and ot the Indepen dence oi tne united states the 4 Jd. JOIA' II. II.VMTA NOTTCE. i LT. persons indebted to J. P. Scluitzell, or i.JL me late ot J. r. Schatzell & Co. are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, who alone is authorized to receive the same. 1 hose to whom said firms stand indebted will also please to apply to him for settlement. J i: SCHATZELL. Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819.-- tf The Editors of the Nashville Whig, Lpuis-vill- e Courier, Natchez Republican, New Or. leans Gaztte, Charleston S. C. City Gazette, New York Alercantile Advertiser. ItplPs Phi. ladelphia Gazette, c Augusta(Geo.) Chronicle, are requested to insert the above advertise. mentthree times and forward theiraccounts to the Kentucky Gazette Office for payment. State of Kentucky, FAYETTE CIRCUIT, SCT.-Septemb- T-r- 1819. Elkenah Ilendley, Complainant, Against Samuel 1,. Wells, George Iloswcll and James a. uouins, lleteiidants, IN CHANCERY. I'MHS day came the complainant by his M. counsel, and it appearing to the satisfac- tion of the court, that the defendant, Samuel ' "W ells, is no inhabitant of this common- wealth, and he having sailed to enter ins ap pearance herein agreeably to law, and the rules of this court: On the motion of the t, by his counsel, it is ordered, that unless tiie said defendant, Samuel L. Wells, do appear here on or before the first day of the next February Term, and answer the com- plainant's bill herein, the same will be taken fof confessed against him j audit is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inserted in same authorised newspaper published in this statd for two months successively. A copy. Atti 45.2iTr THO. ISODLEY, c.f. c.c. Stale of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit, Sct. OcTonr.n Special Term, 1810. Hiram Wortham, Complainant, Acrainst John Reiser's children, John Eoulware and others, Defendants, IN CHANCERY. rjJ'HIIS'day came the complainant aforesaid by his counsel, and it appearing to the satis- faction of the court, that the defendants, Wm. Rbulware and Jacob Iloulware, are no inhabi- tants' of this commonwealth, and liej luiing sailed to enter their apperance herein agrcea-bl- y to I .aw, and the rules of this court : On the complainant liy his counsel, it is or lered, that unless the said defendants, Wil-lia- St Jacob Iloulware do appear here on or before the first day of the next February term, and answer the complainant's bill herein, the same will be taken for confessed against them, and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inserted in some authorised newspa per published in this state for two months sue cessively. A copy. Att 45 THUS ISODLEY, c. f. c. c. State of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit, Sct. August Special Term, 1819, Thomas 11. Pindell, Complainant, Against Samuel Long, and David Hill, Befendants. IX CUAXCEIiY. THIS day came the complainant aforesaid, his counsel, and it appearing to the of the court, tint the defendant, uavm tnu, is no inhabitant ol tins common-wealt- and he having sailed to enter his herein, agreeably to law, and the rules of this court: On the motion of the com- plainant by his counsel, it is ordered that un less the said defendant, llat id Hill, do appear here on or before the first day of our next Fe bruary term, and aimer the complainant's bill herein, the same will be taken for confes- sed against him, and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inserted in spme authorised newspaper published in this state, for two months' successively. A Copy. Attest, TH: IIODLEY, cf.ee. sept. oH LAW OFFICE. ' t Wm. T. Hurry C Laurence Lcavy, TTTT AYING associated themselves in flio n. Bs liec oFLAW. - , will ..... .......... nlfi.lirl.fr, . ...., nnv 1, t..i.iiit:a: ,,o, ...... that may be entrusted to them. Their Ofiice is kept oppbsjte the Court-hous- on Main street, adjoilfing Morton's corner. Waived, ON hire, for 12 months, a NeproWofnan ac with cooking aid Sashing. En. quire at the SazettcOifisx.-- . WuTj 9 TO THE LADIES. iMS. TYVAYiyitoYl, Has just received from New York and Phila- delphia, an elegant assortment of Leghorn, Gimp, Chip and Straw BOXXETS; LtktWISt A.X EtEOAXT ASSOIlTJtEXT Or Fancy Articles, Jew dry and Silvci War , All of which vll be sold as cheap as can be purchased in the,Vestern Country. Opposite the Gazette Oflict, Main street. Lexington, 3d June, 181 23tf TiCoi:a,Ti-ottfcY&Uo- . HAVE Fgu SALE, GOLD AND SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES, Tor sale at l'hihdclphia prices. BOLTING CLOTHS, from No. 3 to 7. Lexington, May 10, 1819 20tf Lexington Brass, Iron & Bell "- - I ' i it zr ON'IINUES to carry n the FOUNDER- - 1NG HIJS'INESS. , in ... llip lnrnnfl.PTini,. ... ..unl,. ton. second door below tie Theatre. Water street, where all kinds of Brass ai( Itoh vVovkioi; iMaciGv jc. May be had on the shorteit notice. Also, will be kept on hand HELLS for Taverns, Houses and Horses; refined Wagon, Carriage and Gio-- llOXEK Tnitnr' nnrl PI AT IRONS ; Scale Weights and Woffle Irons ; uun mountings and uiotK uastings; Rivets and Still ocks, with maiy other articles too tedious to mention. Lexington, .Tine 18, 1619 25tf Tobacco, Segars & Swjj) FUR SALE. TIIE subscriberjias on hand a quantity of 'above articles of the best quality, which he will sell low for Cash. He still con- tinues to carry qn the TOBACCO business in all its branches, on Upper-stree- t, thrcc?Uoors above Church alley urdcrs tor the above articles will be thank- fully received, and punctually attended to. 11ENJ. LOTSPEICH. May 4th, 1819 l9tf Blank Checlcs. TTUST printed and for sale at the nfRre nftbe 5 Kentucky Gazette, CHECKS on the Far mers and Jilechanics Bank of Lexington, ni dooki, or oy the quire. Also, hecks on the United states Branch and the Lexington Branch Banks May 29-- tf Eor Sale, TWO TRACTS OF LA, YD. CONTAINING 4013 j acres each, being survevs nn slip niiin rbclow the mouth of Tennessee. I he first begins a small distance below- the mouth of Catfish creek, and its front on the Uhio terminates a small distance abovejthe mouth of Massac creek, beintr n.irt nffbo sur vey of 30,902 acres. the second is part of general Clark's survey of 37,000 acres, beginning at a stake on the Ohio, 1150 poles below the upper comer of said survey, having a front on the Ohio reduc ed to a strait line of 353 poles. Both tracts extend from the river tn th. ltnoc nrn.. respective survej s, of which they are parts, uciucuii jiarauei lines. The title is derived directfro m Gen. Clark ; the deeds on record in the Offlro ns t li r'r...... of Appeals in Kentucky. Apply to i.t.u iiULUAUSWORTH, Phllnrlxlnl.:.. Jan. 1, Thomas Essex & Co. BOOKBINDERS Sc STATIONER'-- , J ESl'ECTFULLY inform their friends and 5f the ftiihlic that thov Itnvo vtT.ni.n,i ur Pnh Kimptir tlPYt ...... rlnm tn 1. ."'" iw tne Bure now oc- - ciimefl hv Messrs. FInT(tprmin pDnBrn- - 9. n opposite the court house, on Alain street 4lm. .... i .11 ..na. ...I.. 1. , . .i.w.. ...I. uuauiuLi xeep on hand Blank Books, of every description. Banks, Public Offices and Merchants, can be supplied with every thing in their line, op the best tprm Jind nil the lini.fee ..,. nnfl.. T-- i uu. iiicv nave now for sale a quantity of Writing and W'rap- - JllJg I .IJJI, OU11UU1 DOOKS, ecc. X. B. A first r.ite Wn.l7tn.n ...n .,,'"" """ "tu recom- mended, will meet with liberal wages and con stant employ Dy applying as above. march 19-1- 2tf IflB BtiWs Toy SaW. PnilE subscriber has on hand STILLS, of dif M. 1cre1lts17.es, and.ot the best quality, which he will sell low for cash. He has l.dely received from Philadelphia a quantity of COPPER, which enables him to furnish STILLS and BOILERS, of any size, at the shortest notice. Heals'o carries on tbeTsVlvrivr: tittstxtpqc as usual. :' STOVE PIPES, fcc. also for .'ale. M.FISHEL. Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819-- tf Cash for Barlev. rfEORGE WOOD, will give the highest j price uaoii in nana, lor BARLEY of The LeJTuffLnn JVew nrvvmn-,- , Enquin-ma- j bcipadeof Dr.Elisha Warfield irMr. JoluiBrind. - October I. -- JOtf 6r Suls' at this office. "By the President of the Uni-- , tfd States. '7"HKRE"AS, by an act of Congress, passed 1111 rue. iti imv ill liiuiT-.i- i n .1. enrir e.i "An act to prnidc for the ascertaining and surveying of the boundary lines fixed by tho treaty with the Creek Indians, and for ot icx purposes," the President of the United State? is autuoriscu to cause me iaous acquired Dy the said treaty to be pffered .for sale, when surveyed: Therefore, I, James Monaoc, President of the United States, do hereby declare and make known thatTiuhlic snips fur the rliennai agreeably to law, of certain lands in the Alaba- ma ... fprritninr. , shlll .... he .. hell n. foliol.o :.. .1. .....u. ,..vk w wiu.l, lit IUI- - siid territory, on the first Mpnday in Decen - ber next, and shall continue for three weeks; during which time will be offered for sale, t u: x--- n irt : e 1 UH I1311113 1V. 7 tU LV, 111 iailtC J. Townsliips 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, in ranjre G 9, 10, 11, 12, in dS 7 9, 10, 11, 12 in do 8 except such lands as have been or shall be reserved by law for the support of schools, ot for other nurnoses. The lands shll ho ns- - fered for sale in regular numerical order, com mencing wiin sue lowest pumaer ot section, townsliipand range. uivei under my napd, at tne city ot Wash inpton, the 24th of August, 1819. JAMES MONP.OE By tie President. Josiin iIeigs, Commissioner of he General Land Office. Printlrs who nre nnthnriceil tn TuiMT!. 1. ........,- - - j.uwitoii.iiiita laws of he United States, will publish tbea. hove oire a week till the first of December next, anl send their bills to the General Land office so navment. IAugut28 38 t Peel Uy the t of the U. States. TKpHREAS; by an act of Congress, passej T V of the 3d of March, 181 S, entitled An act to ptivide for the ascertaining ard survey- ing of.tl? boundary lines fixed by the treaty ith theCreek Indians, andfprqther purpo- ses, ' thePresident of the United Sttte.s is .au- thorized ,o cause the lands acquired by the said trcay p be offered for sale, when sur- veyed. Therebre, I, James Monroe, President of the Unitel States. ti herphv Hprlnr ami .!. known, tiat public sales for the dsppsal a- - LTeeablv o lnw ns eert.-ii- lnnrls i tho ,A: tory of Aabama, shall be held at Hihtsville, in sitiu tcru:ory, as iouows : On the first Monday in July rictt, for tha sale of townships 9, 10, 11, 12, Land 14, in ranges, and 2, west 9, 10, 11, 13 13 and 14, in rang; 1, east 9, 11, 12 and 14, in range 2, east 12 and 13, in range 3, east 11, 12 and 13, in iinge 4 east. On tie first Monday inSeptenber, for the sale of bwnships9 and 0, jnranfe 3, west 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 11. 1Q 9n j 21, lnmges 4 and 5, west. On tlinfircf Afnnilnv in V.. r .. v.. i.tv ...wiivKtj tn A.uvciier, ior tne sale of townships 9, 10 and 11, in 'anges 6 and 7, west 5 and 10, inrange.8, west 9, 10 and 1 1, in nnre 9, west 9, 10, 11 anc 12, in ransre 10, 10, 11, 12 and 13, fl ranee " ,1, west. On tlielrstMondnvin TnTmnwlR9n r- -i saleoftovnships9, 10,11, 12," ,3 and 14, in range u ana it, west 1U, 11, u, 1J and 14, in rangel5, west 11, 12, 13 anl 14, in range! 16, west 12 and 13, in range 1', west. And sdes shall'be held' at Coljaba, in the said terrtory, on the first Moniay in A.ug tst next, fmthe sale of townsliips 9, 10, Is, 1,2.. 13. 14 aid 15. in ran?e 5 O. In 11 1 11 15 and 15, in range 611, in raige 7 10 nd 11. in Knere 9 8. 9. 10 nnrl 11 in nn-o- . in and 119, 10 and 11, in range 12. Excepting such lank as have been, or shall be, reser id .iccominf to law, tor the use of schools and hv other1 nurnoses. F.nrli salocliall f.on;.. op.ei. weeks and no longer, and snail commeice with the lnvps!-nnmK.i.i- . .!. .."'. V. .1 WV,klll, tounshnand range, and proceed in regular IlLllJltl lUli UiTJd. Git in under my hand, at ths City of Wa-i- iigton, this 20th day of March, 1819. .TAMPS Jimronu By the Tresident, JOSIAI MEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Office, (ff Pnntersof Newsnnnprsurlin o .....1 ised to publish the laws of the United States,, will insert the above once a week till the 1st of January next. liT.3rt By the President of the United States. WHEREAS, by an act of Congress, passed dav of .March. 1K15. pc,tl,1 " An act to provide for the ascertaining and surveying of the boundary lines fixed by the trP.llV With ...... tllP ..... Hrpnl-- In.llflna nn.l I' .K- - j w.bA t.iii.uiii .nn., Jur uuier purposes' the President of the United States is authorized to cause the lands acquired d treaty to be offered for sale, when sur-- VPl'Pll 1 herefore, I, James Moxhoe, President of the United (States, dq'hereby decide and make know n ihit . nnViKo c...iA. r .u - ,,.. IW9 ,UI ule dispo- sal (agreeably to law) of certain Lands in the Alabama territory, shall be held at Cahaba, in the said territory, on the second Monday in January next, and shall continue open three weeks, during which time shall be offered Townships 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22, and? 23, in range 5 5 6, 7, 19, 20, & 12, in do 6 7 and 19. in do. 7 17 and 18 in dp, 8 17, 18, 19, and 20, in dp. 9 21 and 22 in do. 13 21 in do. 15 IK : j. o partoftownp.ir in do. 18 except such lands as have been, or shall be, re served by law for the support of Schools, pr ... ...v.r.,UJa- - mere snail oe ottered for sale in regular numerical order, commencing with the lowest nnmhpT.if nrf; . t.: -- . ..Ku.uw. w. ...viiwii, VUWIISU1IJ, and range. tuven under my hand at the City of Wash-ingto- n, tliis 28th day of September, 1819. JA.I1M muniwe. By the President, JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the Gen. Land Office, Printers wbnarp nutliriTOo.l ..!! 1 .. Laws of the tTniiPiT . ,, 1" JT!U s " tne bote once a vnektill the 7th of January next, and,send their bUls to the General LanS office lor rjnvTTiATit tj t. 42 Just Published, AND FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, THE SPEECH JESSE liEDSOE, ESQ, ma SUEJECT OF .Banks aniV Banking. . PfiJCE 25 DENTS. NOTICE. " AL Maxwell5 Uirbte-- l the C5,atc 0" oha claims againstthe VmT authenticated as fiSS J.VMES L'E.MpNl (Ex. 'Oct. 38, 1519-4- 4.

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Page 1: 1809). (Lexington, KY) 1819-11-19 [p ]. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hjc52/data/2251.pdfI'dtake my cheer and shake my head, At fools oi rank and station.-' PlNDEr;



Oh, happy ! blest of all his race,--

The man who tills the soil,

"Whose spring and harvest hopes, in peace,

Come sweetning every toil.

Were mine a field of .waving grain :

A mead, with " cattle sprinkled o'er j"A wood to tempt the warbling train,

, Before my house a grassy plain,Descending to some shore.

In joyous ease I'd spend my life,

In spite of fortune's frown,

Hor e'er like Lot's unduteous wise,

Regret the noisy town.Farewell, the counting house and store,

Amid the city's din ;

'Sly eyes and ears be vex'd no more,

With " Lend me, Sir," without the door.And, " Sir, your note," within.

Lord help the man who spends his daysIn borrowing and lending !

Dogged here and there a hundred ways,Yet times are never mending1.

33a mine the waggon, plough and spade,' lis man's first destination ;

WUh health and plenty more than paid,

I'd take my cheer and shake my head,At fools oi rank and station.


GO Dollars Reward.KAN AWAW from the subscriber, living 5

from Lexington, on the Hickmanload, a NEGRO MAN, named BAZIL About25 or 26 years old, about 6 feet high and not'very slender made, as black as negroes gen-erally are, of mild icountrnance and speech.It is impossible to sav precisely what time he

'lest Lexington, as he had been hired out some' time';f but the presumption is,on or about the20th of October He wore aua a dark co-

loured great coat lined with red flannel, anda blue close coat; but can describe his cloth-ing no farther, as he may no doubt change all,and attempt to pass as a free man. 1 have.strong suspicions,, that under a pass issued orgiven to a nei;ro nian, who obtains his passes

.from the Clerk of the Fayette, County Court,under a deed ,of emancipation from James

, AL'Oleary to certain Negroes which have yet an

l unueicriumeu sun uuu tne ncirs oi sumto obtain their freedom, has beert ob.

plained by the said Negro. There are circum- -stances to induce a belies that he rode away a.sorrel mare, tile property of Mr. Wm. T. Dry-;an- t,

and that he took with him a pair of horse.man's pistols, the property of cant. Jas. KaviThe above reward will be paid on his beingiacu anu cujuuiuu ju jau so mat l gel Him

,is out of the state, is taken within the state, a.reward of 25 Dollars, and reasonable chargesin either case is brought home.

, , . GEO. RERRV, Adm'r. ofJohn Pettit, deceased.

.Lexington, Nov. 11, 1819 G3t

For Sale or to Hire,A NEGRO MAN,

WHO has been used to driving a team andon a $farm for several years;

but has recency been employed as a waiterin a Tavern. His character for industry,

and' honesty, is indisputable. and theowner's reason for selling him is on account of.ins. leaving tne state, ana the man having awise and family, from whom he does not wishto part.-- A long credit will be given.

Apply at this Office.August 5, 1819 32-- tt

For Sale or to Kent,A C OTTO AT FACTORY,

Containing 108 Spindles &? 3 Canting .Machines,

XITH every necessary appurtenance, all"T in good order and ready, for immediatebusiness. This property is fijicd up in a goodbrick house, located in .v valuable and convenient part of the town, and willbc sold separately or with the house to suit the purchaser.Terms liberal, both as tq price and time ofpayment : ana we .believe, that we can assertwithout presumption, that no place in Ken-tucky would better support an establishmentof its. size than YersailleSj where there is aregular and increasing demand for CottonYarns. Apply to77 R. & W..B. LONG.

Versailles, Feb. 5 tf '

State of Kentucky :'"' 'FAYETTE CIRCUIT, SCT.--

' September Term, 1819.Henry yJirjComplainant,' Against

James Garrison and Juliann Garrison his wise,and the Banders Manufacturing Company,Defendants, '

.j.-.- " " IN CHANCERY.

IT appearing to the satisfaction of the'eotirtthat the defendants, James Garrison, and

Juliannhis wise, are noinhaVitatsof thisand they having sailed to enter

'their appearance herein agreeably to law andthe 'rules' of this court, on the motion of thecotijplainant, by his counsel, it is ordered, thatunless the said defendants, James Garrisonand-w"if- do appear here on of before the 1stday of the next February term and answerthe. complainant's bill herein, the same will betakenfor confessed against them ; And it isfurther ordered,1 that a copy of this order beinserted in some authorised newspaper pub- -

lisneu in this state tor two inonlhs.succes&ivelyi ','

. A copy. Teste, v, .

46.2m THOMAS RODNEY, c.f.c.e.

'. Strayed drStolen,TTIROMthe subscriber living 7 ipiles fromJo Lexington, Kentuglm on Cane Run, aboutme miaaioii .nine lasry

Two years' old last snrinir. about 5 feet twoindies highVKer ears uncommonly large, largehial a little' rqundiner. heaw limbs, dockedhai ,,'.c appearance of making an uncommonUrge mare': slugi&h in her moving, very ha--

c "cca, na-- i on a voice when she went av:.i .: 1o a horse last spring andmavV with

f ; i f straved a reward of Ten Dollars w ill'.. !, on the delivery of the mare. II.' I'wv!) Hirs will' lie given for theii. ,, V . n Hutu hon leading t" a discove- -

r- -o i''w 1 i aiul all reosonalile char

- ) ", pel i v M'.llarsfoi thejhicf. IiII be off as She was

""-- ''" , i,i AfOr.S RVNUOLPJl


2sc'o JNian naiweA Joe,PURCHASED by John Read of Lewis Ded-- .

1 man, and by nieof said Read. The saidNegro ranaway froih Lexington about twoweeks ago He is 24 or 25 years of age; fivefeet 9 or 10 inches high ; a dark nfulatto ; hasgrey eyes ; had on when he went away a bluefrcc'k cloth coat, considerably worn, bluecloth or linen pantaloons j a fur'd hat, with aa broadbrim and roughly napped. The abovereward will be given is said negro man is t.keh out of Fayette, and delivered to me ; or25 DOLLARS is taken within the limits of thecounty.

WM. JJOWMAJ.Lexington, Oct. 23, 1819--44- 3t

100 Dollars Reward.ITJ) AN AWAY from the subscriber on the 2dHH of September, living in AVoodford county,near Versailles,

A Necrp Man named Daniel,5 feet 10 div"ll indies high, square built, hisweight about0U lbs., anil uncommonly ulacK ;

lias large tfhite eyes, with a down look ; andremarkable white teeth, and manifests a gooadeal of pride when walking: he hid on whenhe went away black velvet pantaloons, andold black silk waistcoat, tow linen thirt, and aiur hat about half worn. I will give the abovereward is apprehended and 'confijed in anyjaii so that l get him again.

L.A1JAN bUEAKUli.October 14th, 1819. 44tf


PIIIUiDELPUIA,Sign y Gcv. Yaslmigton.rilllK subscriber beers leave to inform his

JL friends and the public, that he h:n takenthat well known establishment in Market st.next door to the Pittsburgh Mail Stage Office,and lately occupied by Sir. George YcJie. Tothose who have been accustomed to resortto this house, it is unnecessary to point outits superior advantages. For the informationof otliers, however, he deems it proper tostate that its situation is central, high, healtliyand convenient to business : an extensiverange of backbuildings, consisting of lodgingrooms, attorn a hue view ot the city to theeastward, and admit of a free and uninterrup-ted circulation of air, and what will jrivc tbema decided preference in the opinion of many,is the attachment thereto of balconies, so constructed as not only to afford pleasant promenades, but easy means ot escape in the e- -vent of necessity from anv sudden alarm ofhre. The great western Stages slart everyMorning irom the uoor, and on the premisesisone of the best Livery Stables in the city,conducted by Mr. John Tomlinson, wheretravellers' horses will be faithfully attendedto. Willi these advantages, nd some furtherimprovements now making, added to his ownunremitted exertions to please, the Subscriber confidently hopes for, and very respect-fully solicits, a share public patronage.

K. SMITH.Printers of the Lexington Gazette, Lexing.

ton, Ky ; Pittsburgh Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa.:Western Spy, Cincinnati, Ohio, will pleaseinsert tliis advertisement once a week forthree months, and forward their bills for piiv.ment to the Office of the ''The Union, kc."No. 50, Chcsnut street, Philadelphia,

Philadelphia, Ang. 11, 1819.

THE PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, theandlNM'IRM of the Western coun.

try, are hereby informed, that

Joshua & Charles Ilnmnhrcus,As Druggists , liexAngton,Have on hand at their Dnitr Store, corner of

aim .uaruet-sircet- s, say M'(;alla's OldStand, a large and excellent assortment of

Drugs, .Medicine & Shop Furnilnre,Which they osier for sale on rrood termi sirCash. To Physicians and others who maypurchase larsrelv. a credit of 90 davs will beallowed, oh satisfactory assurances and adiscount for prompt payment.

In addition to their present stock, nnd alarge and general assortment of PAINT,DYE STUFFS &c. of whichthey expect to beconstantly supplied, they will shortly re-ceive a large supply of Medicines Sec. whichhave been laid in on such terms that they be-lieve they can sell at prices uncommonly low,

Among others coming on a)eEpsom Salts Tooth KevsCream Tarter ForcepsCaster Oil Sprinir LancetsSpirits of Turpentine Flour .inkCalomel " ' Fattnf YellowSpirits Nitre sweet Camomile Flowers

cquatortes Gum Shcl LacOHof Vitriol Mastic'Gum Aloes QuasiaEmp Diacholum Vio!s; assprtadSugar of Lead LiquoriceGuin Arabic i , Sassap'arell'a' ".''Magnesia . .Rhcubarb ', ,,..Oil of Sassafras Fine 'Spnmre 'Morters, Wedgewood Chalk.'Red fe'WIiileSal Glouber Yellow.OchieTammarinds ' Japan EarthSpirits Hartshorn Sen'nn '

Lunar Caustic ... ., Izeihcr Glass 'Pocket Instruments Gold Leas .. 'Camphor - CorksArrow Root iSal Soda Snake RootFancy Smelling IlottlcsiuiSeecl "

Rlue Vitriol ' Coreander SeedManna ,

' Rulck 'Silver &c. sc.Lexington, Sept. 16 38.2m .,

Infoi mation Wanted.TTN September 1817. Maicr Jon Willium.11 who occasionally a'cts tis n llaptisf preach-er, moved from Martin county, North Carolina, to the Western country, where to is netkuown. Wm. A WiLtiAjis,an only son, who

as thought to have dicjl aj; sea, but lias re-cently returned to the (Tinted States, aster alorg confinement m the dungeons of Spain,is anxious to find out his residence, and takesthis method to apprize him of his existence.311u111-.i- t 11c is nos' at tne nouse ot Mr. Clai-borne Goodman, about 14 miles from N114I1.ville, where he will remain fur a while inhopes of hearing from his father.

Sept. 12.Printers in the Western st.ites.w'fll serve the

cause of humanity, and oblige a young njii.who scrvcti 111 tne last war in lis navy, by 111- -

sviiuiijiinte or twice tne anovc article.

viixsnsuv vvano. . &IfiS be given for Q. .YEGliO POYS and.1

GIItL of aniuncxceptionablc cliaractcr.wfETTtiliiieofthciPiinters.

. Jur.e, 3d, !Ci9-e-23t- f


A early opposite the Branch Punk of the U. ?.

HAA E just opened, and will constantly keephand, for sale, either by retail or whole

sale, an assortment olDOMESTIC MANUFACTURES.



SATTINETS, NAILS of every desKERSEYS, cription, tic. iSc.They will also keep a cor.stantrfsupplyof


Orders from anv part of the countrr will bepromptly attended to.

Jxinglon, Jan. 1, 1319 tt

J"eio Commission tfarthouse.

the snnicmnr.ns iiavf. established aCoYYvmission WiwcAwvisc,



THE business will be conducted y WM.DUNCAN, a young man, whohas been

in our einplymenttor a length ot t;m3, ana inwhose steadiness, abilities and attrition tobusiness, we have the most perfett reliance,and solicit our friends and the puMic indul-gence with a share of their patronaje s and atthe same time inform our friends, fiat WM.1). DUNCAN is authorised to reieive anydebts due us at Pittsburgh, whose rceiptwillbe good for the same.

CROMWELL, DOBBIN U PIEBLES.Pittsburgh, May 1st, 1819 21--

3ames Yi. DavisILL practice Law in the Fayetc Courts.His office will be sound overthe room

formerly occupied by Ja. Hairein.esq.i first!door below Frazer's corner. He plclges him-- jself to be diligent and punctual m businessconfided to him. Aug. 20 34tf


Given so Hempidelivered at the Rope Walk formerly thepyopert) of James Keiixs, des'd. on Water- -

stteet. HEMtY WATT.t.exingt'm, February 5, 1819 tf'

"Elegant Covptling.lustrecci ed and for sale at the Store of


Biiissels 65 Scotch Cavpelingsiv hith they olter at a very reduced pvice. .

Jin. 1, lS19-- tf

Eagle Tbwder Mills,31 MILE'S SOUTH OF LEXLVGTOX,

o.v the mcxmaa- - 1:0ad,HiUiam ltoman V Tilfnd, Trotter ii Co.

usiier 'rnr. niM or

Uonan, Ti'oiiete & Co.Manufaoturo GUN-POWDE-

Which they will warrant of equal quality toany made in the United States.

Orders will be punctually attended to, andforwarded,

ROMAN, TROTTER & Co.Lexington, K. May 5, 1819.-19- tf

The above to be published in the Fredonian,Chilicothe ; the Inquisitor, Cincinnati ; the Pub-lic Advertiser. Lomsxtillc . tile Sun. Vinrmnesthe Clarion, JWuhville ; the F.nquirtr, St.'Lciiis;ttmJagle,.llainnl!e,tv.o mo'iths, and their billsto befoiivifde-- l to J!, 'J (J Co.


ThE Subscribers'liave Just Peceived,A quantity o Salt,

For sale at tvu dollars per bushel, bythe Harrcl.

MGGIXS 1'P.ITCIfAPTT.August 12, 18 19. 33tf -

0A lil'Cr'WfcYX

Of Lexington, Re-opene-d.'

JOHN M'mThON. k. Co.

ARE sitting up the above well knnwn estab., furmprlv orr.nniprl.. bv.lolm.. Cnp.v....j ( j

man. They look to the public, is they areluuno. 10 merit it, tor a remuneration ot thegreat expense attending their iihdcrtaking.

11A.1U.U A 1.AUU. U.L.A.1111X UJT

B A li L E T,For wich Cash vvill bu paid.

Ann. xn iriitr- -

A NEGRO MAN who understands the Coop-arin- g

Busines.JOHN M'MAHON Sc Co.

Lcs.Sept. 23, 1819 39tf

.. Wai-RdlA-, .

Will give the highest price for1JV11LKY,

At his Store in Lexington.Oct. 15th, 1819 42tf.

iN'oticc.THE subscribers having rented Mr. Hart's

Walk for a term of years, with theuiienuuii ui carrying on lire

Hope-Makin- g Business,In all its various branches, they will give the

highest price in CASH for HEM', deliveredat said Wall:, Where PALE POPE,

TAPUE1) IlOPE'biaW descriptions, mav be had on the shortest notice, war-ranted of equal quality to anymanufactiiredinthe United States, 'i'hey wish to purchase aquantity of TAP.

MoitnisoM a niiucE.Lexington, Jan. 15, 1819-- tf

For Sale or Kent,And possession given immediately,

.I large Jfew 2 Slorij Uriel: House,

SITUATED at the corner of Market andstreets, near the University.

This building is well situated, and calculatedfor a boardinzliouse. havinc 7 rooms above theseller, with 3 in the seller. Is sold a greatbargain will be given, aiid is rented, it will berentcu low. terms, apply to Bushruduoswen, or to tno subscriber.

JOHN STAllKS.October 15th, 1819 12-t- f

Woodford County. Set.' 1 1 AKEN UP Iiv.Jnbn nrnvoq. ns cniil innA lv, living near Clear creek Meeting-house- ,

a SuRUEL HORSE, supposed to be" 9 or 10years um, .mum iij nanus nigh, a pair ot oldshoes on before ; blaze face, and roached,some sauiiie spots, no brands perceivableappraised to 25 dollars before mc this 7th dayfl,, 1R1Q

K. B. A little lame behind., J. DAVIDSON, J. P.

L - Acavv. Teste. . '.y- JOHN M 'KINNEY. .Tr c Wq,-, lleplevih';Jpmls',-'- r ':FOP SALE AT THIS OFIICE.

COLOGNE WATER.OOO V0itieS OF this admirable wa-te- r,

just received and for sale by J VMES M.PIKE, who considers no other recommenda-tion necessary tLan to assure the nublic that itis of the genuine French' importation.

vucapsiuc, no. 1 , juiy zv ouii

One mile west as Lexington, on the WoUfordJfn.ul

.TflKF.PH R-- r.i'ciunr tinaWPt t

IIAVE entered into WithSPENCER CnniF.ll.rnili nurnm

manufacturing under thefirm of

SPKNCER COOPER 8? CO.Who will keep a constant supply of r,

equal to any made in the United Statesanu win sen on as jfoou terms.

All orders will be strictly attended to, andthey will continue to (rive' the highest pricefor SALT-PETR- delivered at.l. & (I. Hos- -welt's Store, on Cheapside, Lexington, or atU1CU .UlllS.

SPEjXCEp cnnPF.nEi co.Jan. 1, 1819-- tf

United States of America,Seventh Circuit Court, 5

Kentucky District. sct

November'Term, 1818.Alexander Cranston & Co. conipts.

againstJohn P. Schatzell, &c defts.


X JOHN II. IIANNA,.Clerk of the SeventhCircuit Court of the United States in and

for the District of Kentnckv. dn ImrMiv mi-tif-

(hat the order of injunction awarded herein.restraining the defendant Schatzell from disposing ot the effects of the Firm of J. P. Schatzell & Co. was at the present term rescinded,and that the said John P. Schatzell has beeninvested with power and authority to receiveand collect all money due to the said firm ofJ. v. schatzell & Co. and John P. Schatzell,ana to settle and adjust all accounts which relate to the partnership.

In testimony whereof, I have hereuntosubscribed my name, and affixed the

L. S. seal of said Court this 22d day of;uecemoer ibih, and ot the Independence oi tne united states the 4 Jd.


NOTTCE.i LT. persons indebted to J. P. Scluitzell, or

i.JL me late ot J. r. Schatzell & Co. arerequested to make immediate payment to thesubscriber, who alone is authorized to receivethe same. 1 hose to whom said firms standindebted will also please to apply to him forsettlement. J i: SCHATZELL.Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819.--tf

The Editors of the Nashville Whig, Lpuis-vill- e

Courier, Natchez Republican, New Or.leans Gaztte, Charleston S. C. City Gazette,New York Alercantile Advertiser. ItplPs Phi.ladelphia Gazette, c Augusta(Geo.) Chronicle,are requested to insert the above advertise.mentthree times and forward theiraccounts tothe Kentucky Gazette Office for payment.

State of Kentucky,FAYETTE CIRCUIT, SCT.-Septemb-

T-r- 1819.Elkenah Ilendley, Complainant,

AgainstSamuel 1,. Wells, George Iloswcll and James

a. uouins, lleteiidants,IN CHANCERY.

I'MHS day came the complainant by hisM. counsel, and it appearing to the satisfac-

tion of the court, that the defendant, Samuel' "W ells, is no inhabitant of this common-wealth, and he having sailed to enter ins appearance herein agreeably to law, and therules of this court: On the motion of the t,

by his counsel, it is ordered, thatunless tiie said defendant, Samuel L. Wells, doappear here on or before the first day of thenext February Term, and answer the com-plainant's bill herein, the same will be takenfof confessed against him j audit is furtherordered, that a copy of this order be insertedin same authorised newspaper published inthis statd for two months successively.

A copy. Atti45.2iTr THO. ISODLEY, c.f. c.c.

Stale of Kentucky,Fayette Circuit, Sct.

OcTonr.n Special Term, 1810.Hiram Wortham, Complainant,

AcrainstJohn Reiser's children, John Eoulware and

others, Defendants,IN CHANCERY.

rjJ'HIIS'day came the complainant aforesaid byhis counsel, and it appearing to the satis-

faction of the court, that the defendants, Wm.Rbulware and Jacob Iloulware, are no inhabi-tants' of this commonwealth, and liej luiingsailed to enter their apperance herein agrcea-bl- y

to I .aw, and the rules of this court : Onthe complainant liy his counsel, it is

or lered, that unless the said defendants, Wil-lia-

St Jacob Iloulware do appear here on orbefore the first day of the next February term,and answer the complainant's bill herein, thesame will be taken for confessed against them,and it is further ordered, that a copy of thisorder be inserted in some authorised newspaper published in this state for two months suecessively. A copy. Att

45 THUS ISODLEY, c. f. c. c.

State of Kentucky,Fayette Circuit, Sct.

August Special Term, 1819,Thomas 11. Pindell, Complainant,

AgainstSamuel Long, and David Hill, Befendants.


THIS day came the complainant aforesaid,his counsel, and it appearing to the

of the court, tint the defendant,uavm tnu, is no inhabitant ol tins common-wealt-

and he having sailed to enter hisherein, agreeably to law, and the

rules of this court: On the motion of the com-plainant by his counsel, it is ordered that unless the said defendant, llat id Hill, do appearhere on or before the first day of our next February term, and aimer the complainant'sbill herein, the same will be taken for confes-sed against him, and it is further ordered,that a copy of this order be inserted in spmeauthorised newspaper published in this state,for two months' successively.

A Copy. Attest, TH: IIODLEY, cf.ee.sept. oH


Wm. T. Hurry C Laurence Lcavy,TTTT AYING associated themselves in flio n.Bs liec oFLAW.- , will..... ..........nlfi.lirl.fr,. ....,nnv 1,

t..i.iiit:a:,,o, ......that may be entrusted to them. Their Ofiiceis kept oppbsjte the Court-hous- on Mainstreet, adjoilfing Morton's corner.

Waived,ON hire, for 12 months, a NeproWofnan ac

with cooking aid Sashing. En.quire at the SazettcOifisx.-- . WuTj 9


iMS. TYVAYiyitoYl,Has just received from New York and Phila-

delphia, an elegant assortment ofLeghorn, Gimp, Chip and Straw


Fancy Articles, Jew dry and SilvciWar ,

All of which vll be sold as cheap as can bepurchased in the,Vestern Country. Oppositethe Gazette Oflict, Main street.

Lexington, 3d June, 181 23tf



WATCHES,Tor sale at l'hihdclphia prices.

BOLTING CLOTHS, from No. 3 to 7.Lexington, May 10, 1819 20tf

Lexington Brass, Iron & Bell

"- -I ' i it zr

ON'IINUES to carry n the FOUNDER- -1NG HIJS'INESS. , in... llip lnrnnfl.PTini,.... ..unl,.

ton. second door below tie Theatre. Waterstreet, where all kinds ofBrass ai( Itoh vVovkioi;

iMaciGv jc.May be had on the shorteit notice. Also, willbe kept on hand HELLS for Taverns, Housesand Horses; refined Wagon, Carriage andGio-- llOXEK Tnitnr' nnrl PI ATIRONS ; Scale Weights and Woffle Irons ;uun mountings and uiotK uastings; Rivetsand Still ocks, with maiy other articles tootedious to mention.

Lexington, .Tine 18, 1619 25tf

Tobacco, Segars & Swjj)FUR SALE.

TIIE subscriberjias on hand a quantity of'above articles of the best quality,

which he will sell low for Cash. He still con-tinues to carry qn the TOBACCO

business in all its branches, onUpper-stree- t, thrcc?Uoors above Church alley

urdcrs tor the above articles will be thank-fully received, and punctually attended to.

11ENJ. LOTSPEICH.May 4th, 1819 l9tf

Blank Checlcs.TTUST printed and for sale at the nfRre nftbe5 Kentucky Gazette, CHECKS on the Far

mers and Jilechanics Bank of Lexington, nidooki, or oy the quire. Also, hecks on theUnited states Branch and the Lexington BranchBanks May 29-- tf


CONTAINING 4013 j acres each, beingsurvevs nn slip niiin

rbclow the mouth of Tennessee.I he first begins a small distance below- the

mouth of Catfish creek, and its front on theUhio terminates a small distance abovejthemouth of Massac creek, beintr n.irt nffbo survey of 30,902 acres.

the second is part of general Clark's surveyof 37,000 acres, beginning at a stake on theOhio, 1150 poles below the upper comer ofsaid survey, having a front on the Ohio reduced to a strait line of 353 poles. Both tractsextend from the river tn th. ltnoc nrn..respective survej s, of which they are parts,uciucuii jiarauei lines.

The title is derived directfro m Gen. Clark ;the deeds on record in the Offlro ns t li r'r......of Appeals in Kentucky. Apply to

i.t.u iiULUAUSWORTH,Phllnrlxlnl.:..

Jan. 1,


J ESl'ECTFULLY inform their friends and5f the ftiihlic that thov Itnvo vtT.ni.n,i ur

Pnh Kimptir tlPYt...... rlnm tn 1.

."'" iw tne Bure now oc- -ciimefl hv Messrs. FInT(tprmin pDnBrn- - 9. nopposite the court house, on Alain street4lm..... i .11 ..na. ...I.. 1. , ..i.w.. ...I. uuauiuLi xeep on handBlank Books, of every description. Banks,Public Offices and Merchants, can be suppliedwith every thing in their line, op the besttprm Jind nil the lini.fee..,. nnfl.. T-- iuu. iiicv navenow for sale a quantity of Writing and W'rap- -JllJg I .IJJI, OU11UU1 DOOKS, ecc.

X. B. A first r.ite Wn.l7tn.n ...n.,,'"" """ "tu recom-mended, will meet with liberal wages and constant employ Dy applying as above.

march 19-1- 2tf

IflBBtiWs Toy SaW.

PnilE subscriber has on hand STILLS, of difM. 1cre1lts17.es, and.ot the best quality, whichhe will sell low for cash.

He has l.dely received from Philadelphia aquantity of COPPER, which enables him tofurnish STILLS and BOILERS, of any size, atthe shortest notice.

Heals'o carries on tbeTsVlvrivr: tittstxtpqcas usual.:' STOVE PIPES, fcc. also for .'ale.

M.FISHEL.Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819-- tf

Cash for Barlev.rfEORGE WOOD, will give the highestj price uaoii in nana, lor BARLEY of

The LeJTuffLnn JVew nrvvmn-,- ,

Enquin-ma- j bcipadeof Dr.Elisha WarfieldirMr. JoluiBrind. -

October I. --JOtf

6r Suls' at this office.

"By the President of the Uni-- ,

tfd States.'7"HKRE"AS, by an act of Congress, passed

1111 rue. iti imv ill liiuiT-.i- i n .1. enrir e.i"An act to prnidc for the ascertaining andsurveying of the boundary lines fixed by thotreaty with the Creek Indians, and for ot icxpurposes," the President of the United State?is autuoriscu to cause me iaous acquired Dythe said treaty to be pffered .for sale, whensurveyed:

Therefore, I, James Monaoc, President ofthe United States, do hereby declare andmake known thatTiuhlic snips fur the rliennaiagreeably to law, of certain lands in the Alaba-ma... fprritninr. , shlll.... he.. hell n. foliol.o :.. .1......u. ,..vk w wiu.l, lit IUI- -

siid territory, on the first Mpnday in Decen -ber next, and shall continue for three weeks;during which time will be offered for sale,t u: x--- n irt : e1 UH I1311113 1V. 7 tU LV, 111 iailtC J.Townsliips 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, in ranjre G

9, 10, 11, 12, in dS 79, 10, 11, 12 in do 8

except such lands as have been or shall bereserved by law for the support of schools,ot for other nurnoses. The lands shll ho ns--fered for sale in regular numerical order, commencing wiin sue lowest pumaer ot section,townsliipand range.

uivei under my napd, at tne city ot Washinpton, the 24th of August, 1819.

JAMES MONP.OEBy tie President.

Josiin iIeigs, Commissionerof he General Land Office.

Printlrs who nre nnthnriceil tn TuiMT!. 1.........,- - - j.uwitoii.iiiitalaws of he United States, will publish tbea.hove oire a week till the first of Decembernext, anl send their bills to the General Landoffice so navment.IAugut28 38 t PeelUy the t of the U. States.TKpHREAS; by an act of Congress, passej

T V of the 3d of March, 181 S, entitled Anact to ptivide for the ascertaining ard survey-ing of.tl? boundary lines fixed by the treaty

ith theCreek Indians, andfprqther purpo-ses, ' thePresident of the United Sttte.s is .au-thorized ,o cause the lands acquired by thesaid trcay p be offered for sale, when sur-veyed.

Therebre, I, James Monroe, President ofthe Unitel States. ti herphv Hprlnr ami .!.known, tiat public sales for the dsppsal a--LTeeablv o lnw ns eert.-ii- lnnrls i tho ,A:tory of Aabama, shall be held at Hihtsville, insitiu tcru:ory, as iouows :

On the first Monday in July rictt, for thasale of townships 9, 10, 11, 12, Land 14, inranges, and 2, west 9, 10, 11, 13 13 and 14,in rang; 1, east 9, 11, 12 and 14, in range 2,east 12 and 13, in range 3, east 11, 12 and13, in iinge 4 east.

On tie first Monday inSeptenber, for thesale of bwnships9 and 0, jnranfe 3, west9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 11. 1Q 9n j21, lnmges 4 and 5, west.

On tlinfircf Afnnilnv in V.. r ..v.. i.tv ...wiivKtj tn A.uvciier, ior tnesale of townships 9, 10 and 11, in 'anges 6 and7, west 5 and 10, inrange.8, west 9, 10 and1 1, in nnre 9, west 9, 10, 11 anc 12, in ransre10, 10, 11, 12 and 13, fl ranee" ,1,west.

On tlielrstMondnvin TnTmnwlR9n r- -i

saleoftovnships9, 10,11, 12," ,3 and 14, inrange u ana it, west 1U, 11, u, 1J and 14,in rangel5, west 11, 12, 13 anl 14, in range!16, west 12 and 13, in range 1', west.

And sdes shall'be held' at Coljaba, in thesaid terrtory, on the first Moniay in A.ug tstnext, fmthe sale of townsliips 9, 10, Is, 1,2..13. 14 aid 15. in ran?e 5 O. In 11 1 1115 and 15, in range 611, in raige 7 10 nd11. in Knere 9 8. 9. 10 nnrl 11 in nn-o- . inand 119, 10 and 11, in range 12. Exceptingsuch lank as have been, or shall be, reser id.iccominf to law, tor the use of schools andhv other1 nurnoses. F.nrli salocliall f.on;..op.ei. weeks and no longer, and snailcommeice with the lnvps!-nnmK.i.i- . .!..."'. V..1 WV,klll,tounshnand range, and proceed in regularIlLllJltl lUli UiTJd.

Git in under my hand, at ths City ofWa-i-iigton, this 20th day of March, 1819.

.TAMPS JimronuBy the Tresident,

JOSIAI MEIGS,Commissioner of the General Land Office,(ff Pnntersof Newsnnnprsurlin o .....1

ised to publish the laws of the United States,,will insert the above once a week till the 1stof January next. liT.3rt

By the President of the United States.WHEREAS, by an act of Congress, passed

dav of .March. 1K15. pc,tl,1" An act to provide for the ascertaining andsurveying of the boundary lines fixed by thetrP.llV With...... tllP..... Hrpnl-- In.llflna nn.l I' .K- -j w.bA t.iii.uiii .nn., Jur uuierpurposes' the President of the United Statesis authorized to cause the lands acquired d

treaty to be offered for sale, when sur--VPl'Pll

1 herefore, I, James Moxhoe, President ofthe United (States, dq'hereby decide andmake know n ihit. nnViKo c...iA. r .u- ,,.. IW9 ,UI ule dispo-sal (agreeably to law) of certain Lands in theAlabama territory, shall be held at Cahaba, inthe said territory, on the second Mondayin January next, and shall continue open threeweeks, during which time shall be offered

Townships 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 22, and?23, in range 5 5

6, 7, 19, 20, & 12, in do 67 and 19. in do. 7

17 and 18 in dp, 817, 18, 19, and 20, in dp. 921 and 22 in do. 1321 in do. 15IK : j. o

partoftownp.ir in do. 18except such lands as have been, or shall be, reserved by law for the support of Schools, pr... ...v.r.,UJa- - mere snail oe ottered forsale in regular numerical order, commencingwith the lowest nnmhpT.if nrf; . t.:-- . ..Ku.uw. w. ...viiwii, VUWIISU1IJ,and range.

tuven under my hand at the City of Wash-ingto- n,

tliis 28th day of September, 1819.JA.I1M muniwe.By the President,

JOSIAH MEIGS,Commissioner of the Gen. Land Office,

Printers wbnarp nutliriTOo.l ..!! 1 ..Laws of the tTniiPiT . ,, 1" JT!U s" tnebote once a vnektill the 7th of January next,and,send their bUls to the General LanS officelor rjnvTTiATittj t. 42



ma SUEJECT OF.Banks aniV Banking.

. PfiJCE 25 DENTS.


AL Maxwell5 Uirbte-- l the C5,atc 0" oha

claims againstthe VmTauthenticated as fiSS

J.VMES L'E.MpNl (Ex.'Oct. 38, 1519-4- 4.