(1887) ingalls' illustrated catalogue

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  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


    Hollinger Corp.


  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


    M liK( HI i i:k -ialso used i'"' tmtlif three yard

    SILK is used in mi ipall) ii I mbroidei \ . 1ii i

    ' Plush, etc. It can bi bought inEskeinfor 5c, pi ' si I Briggs' (imported) cmoroiaeryeighl yards and is sold foi 3i pel skein. 12 foi 30c

    on spools containing ten jrards,ted) Embroidery Silk comes in skeins ol

    It i .in be had in Jioo

    dine. en( shades

    Briggs' Imported Embroidery Silk,FLOSS AND ETCHING SILK.

    E TCHlNfi ill.KHi. ii

    in " in washing,

    Silk is in skeins

    Embroider} Silk.is used for outliningupon iiiirii yFelt and Satin.

    Florence F.uhiiieSilk is upon spools,twentj -ir. i' yards, twosizes, X"-. Tiini andlimn, and is sold foi5c. per spool. I 01

    use lil.M !.. litue, Urown, i >ki

    if ciLi h t yards.

    i. i-f i . .I. .is, w Inch wifiold, \ e ll nu 01 fink.

    Brigji's' (imported) Etchin! skein. I- for ifOc.

    FLOSS, sometimes called Killing Silk, and Filoselle. This is the'priii ipal material used in Kensington Embroidery. It i omes in .ill coloi

    and sli.n les.

    Y>RIGGS' EMBROIDERY SILK. This Silk is the same size a- otherA3 closer twist, is perfectly round, has .1 1 reive! finish, and does not in ,vi 1 ino 1 lineir untwist. U IS AN ELEGANT SILK. TKV IT. We ha' 300 shades of this


    is put up in LO-yd skems. Price, 3 cents per skein : IS skeins for :to cents.Y>RIGGS' IMPORTED FLOSS. The Floss is furnished in the a shadeAl> is put up in li-yd. ske in s. P ri ce . 3 cents per skein ; 12 skeins for 30 cants.*>RIGGS' ETCHING SILK. The Etching Silk is put rip in 8-

    d. skeins.

    JL> skein ; 12 skeins fur 30 cents.T>RIGGS' SHADE CARDS. These Shade Cards show 300 shades and coinA> and FLOSS. 1 hey will be found a great help in selecting colors. Price, 15 cen

    .ilk, buttn the li

    popular Si

    5 a s th e Si

    Price, ::

    IS of tin-ts.

    Ik. It

    Ik. 11



    Briggs' (imported) Floss comes in skeins of sisDrift I Ast c::l"ls. 1 k 1 elu e I li iss :. per skc III

    f sis yards, ic. per sker rj

    / 1HENILLE is used for parts oi flowers, as the upper I cues of BAnsies.\j 1 1 is used for Golden Rod; and foi Sumac it comes coarser, and in threishades of red. Best imported Chenille, per skein :tc. 12 for 35c. i Stimaii luiiille. -He. per bunch.


    ARRASENE is used principally for working leaves and large flowers.For large leaves it is very effective, and works much quickei tlian

    Floss. Best Kensington Arrasene, 3c. per skein. 12 skeins for 30< -

    BRAIDENE takes the place of narrow ribbon used in ribbon work. I:is used principally for Roses. Daisiesand Forget-me-nots. AM Colors:8c. per skein. 12 for 30c.

    ENGLISH CREWEL is used for Kensington Embroidery by thosewho do li" t care to use Floss. It IS not as pretty, anil not as CXpensivi

    3c. per sketn. 12 for 35c.

    FELT is used for Tidies, 'J'able Scarfs, Lambrequins. Panels, etc. Ken-sington Embroidery is done mure easily upon this than any other

    materia!. It i-. therefore, better for beginners than Turkish Satin, ' Floss.Chenille, Arrasene, and everything is used to embroider Felt. It comes in.dl shades. (\r Special 1 1 Twlesalc Price List on Page /.)

    GOLD FELT is used principally for trimming Felt Table Spreads, el o






    fibber? # anvaWidth 18 inches. Price 37 cents per yard. fcgg 1" Wc furnish this

    Ribbon Canvas in Cream, Ecru and Old Gold. It is used forTidies, etc. Mention Color Wanted.

    Ribbon, Braitlene and Arrasene are used for the Open Work.

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue



    CHAIR SCARFS.WKfamish all ol these Chair Scarfs Designs stamped on Sn k Ponoke,Felt or Knotted Fringe Linen. 56S" Order by Vumber,a.^@& We

    farnlsli these Chair Scarp Designs, stamped on Silk Pongee.olors: Blue -Bed Gold Orange Yellow Olive, size. 18x38 Inches.rice, 70 cts. each. Stamped on Knotted Fringe Linen [See Vo. 83), sizeMS \ 30 inches. Price, :$ ots. cadi: 4 for $1.00. Stamped on Felt, size,18 x lM Inches. Price, :$ cts. each; 4 for $1.00. Mention color of FeltWanted. Please Takk n^mc b that we sell all of these Chair Scabs Designs,tamped on Silk Pongee Felt or Knotted Fringe Linen.



  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue



    pctq * s.

    Order by Numbers.

    Stamped on Fringed Linen Size 20 x r. k2 inches.Price, 25c. each; 5 for $l.GO.

    Stamped on Fine White Damask [Fringed] Size_N x 30 inches. Price, 60c. each.

    Fringed Linen Doilies Size 7 inches sqnare. Fruitand Floicer Designs. Price, tOc. each; 6 for 50c.;lii for90c.


    |,J, . .

    1WW^%@ m mSv^

    No. 68.






    No. 70\



    m Llt'.V/.'ll !

    a d $ \

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue




    Or K customers sometimes write that (hey would like some of our llm ks. but not all, and want t..know ii thei cannot liave a discount on those thev wish. To meet this demand, we present thefollowing list of our populai FANCY WORK BOOKS, Knur; the Regulai Kn.nl Price,

    .ils.. the Special P ri i e ol r.irli.Selei the Boi I you want, and we will send them to you, postage paid ior the Special Prices

    riven ! toi less than tlira Books will be sold at fAese Special Prices. The threi Hithe same, .is > ou prefer.

    Reta 7 Price. Sp,. ial Pri

    Ingalls' Manual of Fancy Work 36 < t-. 18 its.Colors of Flowers for Embroidery 35 cts, 25 cts.Crochet and Knitted Lace 30 its. 20 cts.

    Darned Lace Patterns2511s.


    Worsted Cross-Stitch Patterns 25 cts, 15 cts.Tidy and Point Russe Patterns 25 cts, 15 cts.Ingalls' Crazy Patchwork Book 15 cts. 10 cts.Macrame Lace and Rick Rack Trimming 15 ns. 10 its.Instruction Book for Stamping 15 its. 6cts.How to use Fancy Work Materials 10 tts. 2 cts.Kensington, Lustra and Hand Painting 2511s. 20 cts.Lida Clarkson's Brush Studies 35 cts. 30 cts.Ingalls' Big Catalogue of Stamping Patterns 25 1 ts. 10 cts.Briggs' Catalogue of Transfer Patterns 25 cts. 10 cts.Jennie June's Knitting and Crochet 50 cts. 40 cts.Jennie June's Needlework 50 cts. 35 cts.Jennie June's Letters and Monograms 50 cts. 40 cts.Artistic Embroidery 2511s. 15 cts.Ladies' Manual of Fancy Work 50 cts. 25 cts.Ladies' Complete Guide to Fancy Work 2511s. 15 cts.

    Retail Price of these ao Books $5-9t


    All of the 20 Books for $3.00 postage paid.

    BRUSH STUDIES:By I.IDA Clarksom. New and Revised Edition. Finely Illustrated

    with original designs by the Author.CONTENTS: The Amateur's Outfit. Harmony ami Combination >r

    Color; A Panel of Field Daisies. Some General Mints: Fabric l*uiiitfne.Practice on Academy Board and Sketching < .anvas: A Study >f WildRoses. A Study of Pansles. How to Paint Photographs in "nil or InWater Colors. Hat Marks and Linings: Appropriate Designs, Initials,etc. Plaques: How to Taint and Frame Them. How to Paint TrailingArbutus, Feathery Clematis, Dogwood and Tulips. Panel and ScreenDecorations: The Purple Clematis, F le ur d e Lis, Water Lily, etc. DyePainting: Lustra, Iridescent and Kensington. Lambrequins and OtherArtistic Home Furnishings: Clock Scarf. Banners and Bannerettes.Christmas, New Years, Easter and Birthdav Cards: How to Paint Them.Suggestions for Holiday and Birthday (ilfts: Pretty Trifles for Home1> -ration. Painting Back-grounds. Modeling in Relief. Puzzling

    Queries Auswered. Some useful Hints In Conclusion. Sent postpaid, Fuk 35 CENTS.

    m.- NEW PATCHWORK BOOK contains 40 .a variety of Fancy Pat te rn s. P ri ce , 15c; 5 for 50c.; 12 for $1.00


    Price, $1.50, postage paid.

    THIS THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COOK BOOK will be warmlv., h i.ined by all housekeeper!

    liable aid and guide in the kitchenwcl< omed by all housekeepers, who, we are confident, will find it a va t

    The writer has aimed not only to give a large collection of valuablereceipts, but also to teach cooking, and likewise, by ai ranging departmentsfor Breakfast, Luncheon. Dinner and Tea, to present suggestions to thosehousekeepers who lind themselves taxed to make variety in the differentmeals. I he style of cooking is for the most part adapted to people ofmoderate means, and especial attention lias been paid to showing how touse rt mnants from a former meal in a tempting manner.

    These suggestions for what is left are put, in each case, with the direc-tions for first COOking, so that they follow in natural sequence, and aremuch more likely to be made use of than if put under the general head of" Made-over Dislies."

    The measurements given are exact, and great care has been used in mak-ing the directions very lull and plain, as well as accurate. Some of thereceipts are original, and will be found well worth trying; while the oldfavorites arc nearly all included, and there i s l it tl e of real value in othercook books not given here, in similar form, but altered after trial, accordingto taste.

    The book makes 425 pages, including the Index, which is full, and care-fully arranged, and besides its many valuable tested receipts f"i the table,has a dozen pages devoted to preparations for the sick, and a chapter onmiscellaneous matters, that will be found very serviceable.

    For real practical use in the household, we know of no Cook Book thanequals it.

    WASH CLOTHS!Size in x in inches.

    .1// stamped, ready to be worked.

    Price 12c. each; ~ for, 50c.

    In working these designs, useEmbroidery Cotton : price 52cper skein; 12 skeins for 17c.


    Sg^** Order by tVumbt rs.


    KENSINGTON EMBROIDERY!ANI> THE COLORS OF FLOWERS:A NEW Hi ii iK. riving the Correct Colors and Shades to be used In embroidering Roses, Daisies, I, lines,

    Clover. Poppies, (forget-me-nots, Bachelor's Buttons, Sorrel, Violets. Sun Flowers, Pansles, Lilies o< theValley, Sumac Golden Rod, Woodbine, Trailing Arbutus, Thistles, Apple Blossoms, Barberries, Im ence.Peach Blossoms, Lilies, Dandelions, Tulips. Pine Cones. Cat Tails. Wheat, ats. Grasses, Ferns. Mi luinAsn. Sinilax Leaves, Heliotrope, Strawberries, Pussie Willows. Wild Columbine, Wild Geranium, Black-berry Vine, Buttercups. Golden coreopsis. Iris, Coletis Leaves, Nasturtiums, Hardback, A/alia. FloweringAlmond, Morning Glory, Geranium, Russian Snowflower, Love-ln-the-Mlst, Love-lies-Bleeding, CallaLilies. Coxcomb, Crocus, Cactus, Fuchsia, salvia. Marygold, Carnation Pink, Cherries, Bitter Sweet.Japonic*, Wild Laurel, Chicory, etc. This Hook also contains illustrations ami Clear Descriptions of theBatches: tells irhni colors look best together; icliat Materials and stitches io use in Working the Flowers; hmr toPress Embroidery; host to Wash Silk, and an Illustrated Chapter on Finishing Fancy Work. Ladies doingKensington Km id :ry, Art Needlework, etc., will And this book a great help. We send lids book by mailfor 35c; U for si .


    Tins New Edition has Patterns and Instructions for KEN8INGTON EMBROIDERY, ARTISTICNEEDLE WORK, etc. II has ."ST Illustrations of Stitches. Including South Kensington, outline.Satin, Feather, Cross, Persian, Tent. Tapestry, .star. Irish. Hem. Janina, Wound, Knot, chain. Button-Hole,Filling, Ornamental Stitches for Flannel, stem, open Work, Ribbon Work. Application, Point Russe, Snow


    new Renaissance Stitches from Paris, etc. Gives alist of

    the Fabrics and Materialin

    Fancy Work;has a nc collection of Artistic Designs, Including Table Scarf, Piano Cover, designs for outline Tidies,Banner Screen, Daisies in Kiliixm Work, Banner Thermometer, Brocade Sachet, Tassels for Fringes, Knot-ted Fringes, Squares for Patchwork, Lambrequins, Butterfly Penwiper. Work Bag, Floral Design, Hum-ming Bird and Butterflies in South Kensington stitch. Decorated Towel. Drawn Work, Bag for Soiled Clothes,Mantel Lambrequin, Afghan for Babv Carriage, Ribbon Book-Mark. Tidy Design, Scran Basket, Fan PinCushion, Splasher, etc. (lives Directions for Stamping, Illustrations of our Stamping Patterns; alsoBriggs' Transfer Patterns: a list of the Colors and Shades to be used In working Briggs' Patterns, etc.We send this Manual by mail for 18 2-cent stamps, for $1.

    DARNED LACE PATTERNS.OUR New Edition of DARNED LACE PATTERNS contains a large number of these line Patterns. In-

    cluding s ihone designs from Paris. They can be used for making Tidies, Toilet Sets, Splashers,Shams, lied Spreads. Aprons. Edgings, etc. Price 2o> cts. ; H for SI.


    fTTHIS ItOOK contains a large number of beautiful Patterns for tills work: with Directions for W'ork-X In ; also, a number of handsome Thread Edgings, etc. We send this Book by mail for :tO cts. ; for $1. Get live of your friends to buy one. Send us $1 ior 6, sell 5 for :)0 cents each make 50 cents, andget vour Book free!


    Worsted Cross-Stitch Patterns.^j^NEW EDITION. gr , t .THIS NEW EDITION contains 13 Alphahets and over lno other Patterns for Worsted Work, Toilet

    Sets, Crazy Cushions, etc. Patterns of Borders, Corners. Flowers, Birds, Animals, Pansles, Roses,Htork, Elenhant, I leer. Rooster, Bugs, Butterflies, Cats, Dogs, Rabbit, Comic Designs, etc Price 25 cts.postpaid; 8 for $1.00; 1! for $1.23.


    Instructions for Patchwork.Point Russe and Snow Flake Stitches, also

    No. lOl .



    No. io:s


  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue



    NEEDLE-WORK Felt Panels.eedle-Work : A Manual of Stitches and Studies in Em-?^lSu aa^s Da rna l? t eU


    t\> Edited by Jenny Junesystematize and arrange! a an order convenient faf-Satin Stitch" * Padding Darning Stitch Skeleton Outline Couching, Kensing-

    ton, Filling, Coral, Italian, Leviathan and Holbein Stitches-Applique Interlaced Ground Weaving Stitch J old and Silver

    : Thread \rrasene Ribiv-n Work, etc. Designs in Needle-Work are given to decorate My Lady's Chamber, My Lady's

    Robe, the Dining* Room, Parlor and Library, and for Linen and Cotton Fabrics,Including embroidery designs for Mantel Scarfs Bed Spreads-Child'* Quilt Pillow Covers CushionBoves-Buruau Scarf's -Table Covers Chair Hacks-Morning Scquea- Artist Jackets Walking Dress-Afternoon Dress- Evening Dress Handkerchiefs Mufflers Fichus -Piazza Wraps-Sashes-Fans-Slip-per-- -Bonnets Parasols- Anr-ms Work Bags-Opera Bags Glove Case -Sachets Lunch Cloths- DinnerCloths -Napkins Doilies Table Mats Corn Napkins-Fish Napklns-Trav Covers Tea Cloths-CurtainsPanels-Banners Screens Sofa Cushions Piano Scarfs-Chair Scarfs Sofa Rues- Photograph CasesBook Covers, etc., etc. This will be found to be the only standard book on tue subject of needlework. '

    Has 128 p-iges size of The Century Magazine. Price 50 cts. ; 5 for S2.00

    Knitting & Crochet.Knitting- and Crochet. a. guide c^'+^^l U.. I.-,.,. I..

    to the use of the Ne,d.e and the Hook. Edited by Jenny JuneIn arranging this work the editor has taken special pains to systematize andclassify its different departments, give thw greatest possible variety of designsand stitches, a: *d explain ti-e technical details so' clearly, that any one caneas'.ly fol.ow the directions. There a re a large variety of stitches and a greatnumber of patterns fully illustrated and described,which have all been tested by an expert beforeInsertion lath's collection. The aim of the editorhas been to supply wonvn with an accurate andsatisfactory guid i to knitting and crochet work.Th s book is printed on fine paper, bound with ahandsome cover, and

    Size, 9 x 18 inches. Price only 14c.,4 for 45c., 10 for 81.00. %&~ Men-tion color of Felt wanted. These Panelsand Bannerettes are nsedfor walls, lampscreens, etc. They are finished by put-ting a strip of Gold Felt, 3 inches w : de,on each end, with fine Chenille Tasselsto match. (We furnish the Gold Feltand Chenille Tassels for finishing thePanels, for 37c. extra.) 10-inch BannerRods, 28c. Wfr~ Order h- Numbers.

    List of Designs :

    551 Snow Balls.726 Phlox.730Wild Roses, Daisies and Wheat.731 Wild Roses and Daisies.737 Daisies and Wheat.749 Morning Glories.766 Poppies and Golden Rod.774 Pansies.777 Wild Roses, Daisies, Pansies,

    Golden Rod, Ferns.7205 Forget-me-nots.9147 Wild Roses.9430 Thistle,

    B3T" Mention Shades of Felt Wanted

    Finely IllustratedThe kn'ttlupr stitches Illustrated and described

    are : To Cast On with One and Two Needles ToNarrow To Widen-To Purl-To Cast Off-To SlipaStltoh-Round Knitting To Join Together Edge Stitch. Patterns. Peacock's Tail Vandyke LoopedKnitting-Cane Work-Leaf and Trellis -Triangular Kilted Gothic Coral Knotted Stitch Diamond-Wave Cable Twist Scripes, etc. _Macramestitches. Solomon's Knot Simple Chain Spiral Cord Waved Car Spherical Knot Slant-

    iDg Rib-Op-n Knotting Picot Heading Cress Knot-Fringe Tassels, etc. Crochet Stitches. Chain Stitch - Single Crochet -Double Crochet Half Treble Treble Double TrebleCross Treble Slip Stitch-Tricot Muscovite Tricot Shell Pattern Basket Pattern Raised Spot Stitch-Ring Stitch -Hair Pin Crochet Crochet Lace, ete.Designs and Directions are given to Knit and Crochet Afahans-Undervests Shirts Pe'ticoats

    Jackets-Shawls -Insertion Trlnuuiny and Point Kusse Patterns 25 cts.Ingalls' Instruction Boor 15 cts.

    Retail Price of these g Books $2.21

    SPECIAL OFFER: We will send you these g Books by mail,postage paid, for $1.00 andy/re 2-ct. stamps. .Send For all, and sell thoseyou don t want at the retail prices.

    For fall description of these Books, please read the Advertisements.

    CORTICELLI SILK PUBSE~!This cut is reduced in size

    nearly one-half from the orig-inal, which is one of many newengravings which illustratethe latest edition of



    BOOK OFg6 PAGES.Special prominence given

    to Crocheted Silk BeadWork, introducing a rareand choice alphabet, engravedfor this work. This Bookmailed to any address for 6c.

    Crochet PurseOUTFIT.

    This Outfit contains 1 Spoolof Purse Twist, you can selectany of the following colors :Dark Red, Maroon,, NavyBlue, Golden Brown, DarkBrown. Peacock Blue. Black,Very Dark Green. (Mentioncolor wanted.) Beads andBar Trimmings, CrochetHook, and Rule for Making.

    Price ot this Outfit is $1. 00, postage paid. Please remember that we sellthis Corticelli Purse Twist in any of the colors mentioned above. Put upon "4 oz. Spools. Price per spool. 30 cts.

    SACHET POWDERS.^Price, 25c. per Package.

    ' ODORS New Mown Hay, White Rose, Heliotrope, Jockey Club,Violet, Rose Geranium.

    rpHIS SACHET POWDER is used for perfuming Art NeedleworkX. Embroidery \ Cushions, etc. It is also placed among Clothing. Placed

    in the Wardrobe, it gives an agreeable odor. The Powder should be dis-tributed evenly between layers of cotton. 1^" Be sure to mention Odors

    Such a multiplicity of books upon the Ruhject of Fancy Work wanted.are now oii'ered (or sale, it is often diirk-ult lor ladies to dis-criminate between the good and the bad. In the case of tins N/T A "XT HPT XT' T A A. A TU T^> XT f~\ T t t\tcwork, however, the name of the author, Ella Rodman Church, ivl/\i\ X^ J_L, iv/\'Yl XJ3 XK Xl^XJ X i 1 IN C">should he a purtu-ient guarantee of its excellence, for a lady so s;, P 14 , n rl.f>

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue




    ConUimj full directloiu u>v this bcnu-AAEW KOOH I Fmeiu itlwIraU d,tiiui and popular work,KENSINGTON PAINTING Is done with pens instead .f with brushes. This

    ^tmtik tells what Pens and Paints to use; vivisa Description of the terms and ma-terials used; tells Hom i Ix Paints In the Preparation ofTints and Sltades ; also

    1 lias an Illustrated Description >>t Color* to ice In palntlnje Rou* y PondOolden Rod , Pttnsies, Cat- i\xUt* Cltmatis\ Ato^ias* Fuchsia* Sumac* Wheat* JapanI. ih/, Fbrget~tne-nots* Thistles, Leaves, Bird** Otttb* Storks* etc.

    Tiie Instructions for Ldstra Painting were written by the well-known artist, l.n> \ Clarkson, and itl* needless for us to dd that tin* directions given are full and complete, and so plain that It will i".- readilyunderal I how to do this Fascinating w ork,

    Tlie Instructions for Hand Painting (rive Directions for Palntlnjr on Silk* Satin, Plush. Vtlvet, Felt,Bolting Cloth* etc. This k Is FULLY ILLUSTRATED with artistic designs. IVIt-e only 2."* It*-O for SLOP; I-Mur SI.::."..

    MoGranie Lace and ^ \w\ Trirn_iT\ing.A BOOK OF PATTERNS AND INsTia'CTIONS f,.r making Htenmt Lace and Rick Rack Trim-ming. This Book al t:dn Patterns ami Directions for > 1 1 : i K t > i_' Border Designs tor Canvas,Thread-and-Needle Case, Sachet and Pin Cushion, Decorated Band for Fancy Work, Corner or CenterPleoe, Spring Lap-Rolie, Tidy "( Ribbon and Lace, ami Toilet Bet tor Bureau. Price only IS eta.postpaid. 6 for 60 cts.; 13 lor $1.00.

    TIDY and POINT RUSSE PATTERNS.Tins (TEW ItoiiK contains Patterns tor Java Canvas, Darned Lace and Twine Crochet Tidies, also

    Point Russe Patterns lor Jva Canvas Toilet Sets,! Irazj Patchwork, etc. Price a.1 eta. postpaid.8r.,r$1.00, U for $1.90.

    INGALLS' INSTRUCTION BOOK.AZVKWBOOKI Riving full Instructions tor Dry and Wet Stamping. Tells how to make Stamping

    Powder; how to mix White Paint for sumplng dark goods, and Black Paint for stamping light u Is.(itvi-a Hints to m ocpkrs; contains Illustrations of our Stamping l*atterns*; has Sample Pages and Pat-lernsrroi r different Fancy Work. Books: and gives Instructions for Kensington, Lustra and llaiw.Painting, and full Information about tlie goods we nave tor sale. Price of (His Rook, 1.5 cts.

    Invaluable to Every Lady!The Ladles* Manuel of Fancy Work, a mwboo*, pmojj plain directiono for Artutio

    Embroidery, l.ace Work. Knitting, Tatting. Crochet Work. Net Work and all kinds of fancy Needle Work,ToiJ Tn.uin>-i book ia beautifully printed on fine tinte d paper, has a h ludsome cover, and con tains over

    BOO Illustrations, Price only 50 cents!Comprising design! for Hunograma, Initials, Knit Edging*. Cross Stitch Pattern], Point Russe, Berlin

    and Shetland Woo) designs. Applique designs, Kate Grcenawa; designs for Dovlbys, etc., HandkerchUfBorden, afacr&me Lace work, Holbeim work, Java Canvas work, Worsted Fringes, Turkish Ruga, ToiletCushions, Footstools, Hat Racks, Pin Cushions, Ottomans, Work Baskets, Pen Wipers, Bed-QuMU, Lam*brequina, Work Bags, Book Covers, Wood Boxes, Door Panels, Scrap Baskets, Sofa Coverlets, Toilet BottloCases, Table Top Pattern*. Folding Screens, Chur :li Font Decorations, Sofa Cushions, Music Portfolios,Slipper Patterns, Persian Ru^t, Wall Pockets, Carriage Rugs, Chair back Covers, Towel Racks, PerfumsSachets, Tidy Designs. Flower Pot Covera, Lamp Shades, Needle Cases, Watch Cases, Fancy Work Bags,Catch-alls, Hatch Safes. Eye Glass Pockets, Collar Boxes, Chair Bolsters, Umbrella Cases, School Bags,Patch-work Designs, Coin Parses, Designs for Tricot and Burlaps, Wood Baskets, Commodes, Bibs, GloveOz'SBO, Air Castles, Gypsey Tables, Hair Receivers, Paper Weights, Table Mats. Night-dress Cases, ShoeBags, Needle Books. Jewel Boxes, Door Mats, Knitted Jackets, Bottle Cases, Paper Racks Pillow ShamsHair Pin Holders, Floss Winders, Uosalc Window Shades, Buok Harks, and every design In fancy worka lady can desire, to the Dumber of over 400.

    Every lady will find thb book a uaefnl companion and Invaluable to all who love faney work* Platadirection! with eaeb desisrn.

    Jenny June In her prrfaes to this book, eaya: *' The present volume does not pretend to farauvh thetheory or practice of tb highest Needle work art, but It does aim to supply within Its eonipasa a greatervariety of exeellanl design* >ry one of which Is oaeful for dreas or honaoaold decoration than haveover before beaa gathered within the leaves of one manual."

    PEACOCK.Stamped on Velvet For Lustra Painting'.

    ( ( ILORS Dark Brawn nnd lihn k.Size 18x;!4 inches. Price. $sl.OO.

    We also furnish this Peacock stamped on Felt, for Embroidery, samesize (18x24). Price, 35c. Mention Color of Felt Wanted.

    COMBINATION FRINGE.Used for Table Scarfs, Tidies, Lambrequins,

    Bannerettes, etc., etc.

    This is the Book that has been advertised so much. Price only 50 cents. VVe willsend you 3 copies for $1.00; 12 for $3.50, by mail, postage paid.

    DRAWN WORK. THIS Book lias 31 Illustrations and H'nll [Mustructlons formaking this popular 1 work. Fries', 2.5 Cts. 8 tor $1.00.BRISTOW'S CROCHET BOOKS.

    STo. 1. llow to Crochet. A book tor beginners. Price, 15c.j^o. 2. Twiue Crochet Work. Aitookof Instructions and Ritterns for Crocheting Twine, Win-

    dow, Mantel. Talile and Bracket Lanilircqnlns. Price, 15c.No. 3. Miscellaneous Designs for Crochet IVorte. A hook of Patterns for Tld es. Squares

    for lied Spreads, Rosettes. Table Mats, etc. Price, l.">c.Wo. t. Fine Crochet Work. Patterns for [.ace Edgings, Insertions, etc. Price, l.c.So. 5. Maltese or Hair lin Crochet Work. Tins hook contains designs tor Fringes, Af-

    ghans. Maltese Edgings, lusn lions, etc. Price, l.'ic.X3T SPKl'LUi OFFISH :- These Five Crochet Books for tSOc.

    The LADIES' COMPLETE GUIDE to FANCY WORKOver 500 Illustrations! Price only 25 Cents.THE Rules and Patterns are clearly and plainly Illustrated and described. With this book as an aid,

    every home In the land may be handsomely embellished at a TrifliiiR

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


    -PRICES:Rustic Brass Banner Rods. * inches long, price 22 cents ; 10 in.. :

    is.; 16 in., 4t> cts.: 18 in. ,52 cts. We pay postage,Gilt Ornaments (Including Sf angles ^ Crescents^ Sequences and Stars.)Brass Crescents. - cts. each, 12 cts per dozen.Brass Rings. - cts. each, 12 cts. per dozen.Stamped Brass Sequences. 10 cts. per do/.., 3 dnz. for 20 cts.Tinsel Cord, Large Balls. 12 cts. per ball. (See Illustrations of Ti

    12 in., 34 cts.; 14 in.. 40

    a package.


    CLOCK SCARF".FOR TINSEL EMBROIDERY. Stampedon FELT.Size 12 \ I*. Price 15c. 'IJ 1 ' Mention Color of Felt

    Wanted. Tinsel Cord, 12c. per ball. (See [(lustra-tion of Tinsel Cord.) ET' ' Wc also furnish this < :lo< kScarf, stamped on Blue, Red, Olive r Old Gold Plush,same size (12 n is inches). Price 60c. each.

    How to work LINEN SPLASHERS, TIDIES, DOILIES, BABIES*BIBS, PILLOW SHAMS, etc. They are generally worked


    In making the Outline Stitch, the needleis held with the point almost directly towardsyou, the thread being drawn from you. It isnearly the opposite of the ordinary back stitchwhich can be used in outlining if preferred.The object is to cover all the lines of the pattern,as stamped on the Felt. The Outlines only areto be worked ; the pattern is not to be rilled in.

    liy looking atthe Illustration of the Outline

    Stitch, you will readily see how it is to be done.

    SPLIT OUTLINE STITCH.Same as the abo\e except that the needle is

    brought up through instead of at one side ofthe thread of the preceding stitch. Tins makesthe outline finer and more even. < tut line woi kis much easier to make than filled in, or Ken-sington Embroidery, as the Outline work re-quires no shading.

    For working linen goods in ( Hitline. useWASH LINEN FLOSS. 3c. per skein. 12skeins for 35c. ;CORTICELLI WASH SILK,

    6c. per spool, 12 spools for 60c: P.RIGOS' SILK and FLOSS, 3c. per skeins, 12 skeins for 30c;MADONNA EMBROIDERY COTTON U\\ colors) gr. per skrin. 1--Skni^ f,,i 17c

    TURKISH RUC PATTERNS.^rn-A.T -a-^-e the-z"?

    They illshaded hi


    Aniu Flowers, Scrolls, etc, printed on stamped or heavy Burlap .and are_ re d to make them perfect. You understand that the Designs) ol Patterns

    are NOT o paper, but cloth, which forma the foundation for UierKup. Thuj ;irc llllctl with rags, orworsted yarn, carpet filling, etc, arranged in narrow strips, and drawn up through from the


    with a Hook (made expressly for this purpose), and clipped or sheared off to imitate Turkish llugs; andsome of them are so nicely made that it is liard to tell one from the other. Now save your rags and trjand see if the above is not true.

    Full printed Instructions for making sent with each Pattern.l.lsr OF DESIGNS sent by mail, postpaid, for prices named. Order by numbers.\Ve also furnish Kng Hooks made of brass wire, with hard wood handles, and uonl to lil the hand, so :is

    not to lire tile arm in workimr, for only 20 els.\o. IO Size %x 1 yd. Has a vine of morning glories running around the rug for ;i border, aud a

    small cluster of flowers in center. Price, 40 cts.A'o. 17 size % x 1 yd. Has ;i plain scroll border, with a pair of ducks ju-t going down into the water;

    a lew flowers, brakes, etc, for center. A handsome pattern and easy to work. Price, 40 cts,\o. IO si/e l 2 v 1 yl. Has a Spaniel dog lying on a box, very clearly printed In moss and brown

    colors, in center; with a variety of roses, leaves, buds, etc., in corner, and a plain bonier. Price, *o '-is.\o. 21 Size ' . x I vd. Has a rooster, lien and chickens, and some flowers in center, with hawk com-

    ns down after a ehi ekon . P la in border. Price, So cts.EVo 22 si/e 'i x 1 S yds. Has very pretty moss scroll border, with a stag standing near a lake of

    water, very pretty landscape scenery, etc, In center. A very nice sofa rug. Price, *."* cts..\o. 2H size" 2 j x l*a yds. Half oval. Has a very handsome branch of roses, leaves, etc., tor center,

    with the word ** "Welcome* beneath it, making a very nice door mat. Price, 50 cts,.\o. SO Si/e 3 ,' xlJ^yds. Has a wreath of autumn haves for border; with a renter of fruit and

    flowers, and a peach with leaves, etc., in each corner. V. good pattern for those learning to work. Price,0 cts.

    t^" Send stamp for Complete < Catalogue and Wholesale Price List if you wish to buy Rugs at Wholesaleto sell.

    EMBOSSED SCRAP PICTURES.your scrftp books. These be;iuiifiil Pictures :ir.' used

    s beautiful, Decorate your puliery, vosea, boxes, Ac.

    *\X7"e "will seaad.


    ftoep Pictures!

    BY MAIL,

    IF'ostag'e :F>aid.,

    For $1.00.

    .in.-1 read our prii es! w by II tbem fora

    We have eoine pretty things Iin a thousand ways t like hoMake every thing look handsoanothing! Order bj the number only. The price i- fot each sheet and not foi eachpicture; you get all there is on n sheet ior the prices named. All pot-pnld. No. 410,Ilobiimoii trii-.n-. shows twelve rlifferenl scenes in his life on rhe inland, from ihelime be was wrecked until his rescue, mi h iding "Raft Building," "Hunting," "Rescueof Friil :iy,'' nn.l niue other scenes, all For 5c* PTo.405j Uliie Heard: the story of.this monster la here represented in plowing > rs, twelve scenes in all. including "TheCourtship," "1 I Kei to the Forbidden Chamber," "The Awful Sight," "BluebeardDiscovers Her" and "Tries to Kill Her." bui i- stopped by the Arrival of her Brotb-

    I leath of Bluebeard." Kh-t^ child who knows (be story (and whodoess't) musthave the set; only .% enes, 'ill lor .">*. Nu. 4o4. lied Riding- Hood. This popularnursery atorM is graphically reproduced in line colors and nil the twelve scenes aresplendid. The set includes "Starting tor Grandma's." "The First sight of the Wolf ,""Wolf takes possession of Grandma! Cottage." "Frighl ol Red Riding Hood," "TheWolf Killed by tbe Woodcutters." Price complete, Sc. No. 1060 is a matchlessWinter scene; A. Iluppy MclffMiiR Party. The elegant cutter is drawn by aspanking pair of l>a\ -, and all seem enjoying it to the utmost. " The ven best picture wehave, ill? frosted by a new and e.vj.etisive process. The trees are laden with Ice nudreflects thousand dazzling raj sof light; the snow, which is scattered hi ever;, directionby the horses' flying feet, sparkles like diamonds in the .sun. This sheet is worth twicewhat we ask for it. but aa we wnnl all qui customers to see this gem of art we have put

    the price down to lJSc. No. 1156, A Fire In a Great City. Firemen, Engines, And all, 4e. No.406, Kittens in Mischief,four scenes, ic. No. 1983, Two Large Horses, dogs, cats, Ac, -4c. No. 8188. Six Picture* of Chickens, Ac, true tolife, 4c. No. 1197, Ten Kittens and dogs i n a ll sorts of amies: climbing ou t ot hats, into i Is, Ac, 4c. No. 190, TwentyEaster Eeir, good si/e, sheila broken and flowers just coming through, 4c. No. 1140, This shows a crew of lifeboat men hasten-ing to tbe rescue of the crew of a shipwrecked vessel. It show- tin- lii_'lith"iw m the shore and the ship in the distance. The salt spraydashes into the boat aud tlie faithful sailors are drenched to the skin. 'This is a thrilling scene; 3e. No.456, Two very largeRaster Crosses ith ftowera, lOc. No. 8409, Two small Raster Crosses. Go. No. 1S32, Departure ot Animals fr Noah's Ark "twoIn two." All is natural. This is a very large sheet : 30c. No. 1716, Two Moss Rose Bouquets, c. No. 9I5S, Eight BeautifulHLoses,

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue




    Kii$flaml Where thoj are alt tin /.' fie. See

    (I,... oods "ii Page 8 of i lover.

    ^ ^=- : ~::::::S":""""-:::?::-.::,

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    : >vf^ :^,\


    No. '*. IOC. each; 3 for 'inc.


    Wall Pocket. 25c. each; 3 for 50c.

  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


  • 8/9/2019 (1887) Ingalls' Illustrated Catalogue


    10 "13 514 811 8 *