19-20 november, rotorua, new zealand 2014 nz... · 11.45amhigh resolution forest inventory and...

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Page 1: 19-20 November, Rotorua, New Zealand 2014 NZ... · 11.45amhigh resolution forest inventory and pruning assessments Arko Lucieer, Team Leader, TerraLuma Research Group, University


19-20 November, Rotorua, New Zealand

Event Supporters:Event Sponsors:

Supporting FIEA Partners:

Page 2: 19-20 November, Rotorua, New Zealand 2014 NZ... · 11.45amhigh resolution forest inventory and pruning assessments Arko Lucieer, Team Leader, TerraLuma Research Group, University

Remote Sensing Field Inventory Forest Estate Planning


DAY ONE - Wednesday 19 November 2014

8.30am Welcome & Introduction, FIEA

8.40am Exploring Innovative Approaches to Growing and Quantifying Forests. Practical forest inventory and remote sensing tools being developed and applied in Canadian forests Dr. Doug Pitt, Research Scientist, Quantitative Silviculture, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Canada

SESSION 1: Mobile Computing & Tools to Improve Forest Data Collection

9.20am Designing, Selecting and Implementing Rugged Mobile Devices into Your Field Operations. How to blend both rugged and consumer platforms into forestry’s business requirements. Lessons from the US Forest Service Art Clinton, National Mobile Computing Programme Manager US Forest Service, USA (via video link)

10.00am Morning Tea & Networking

10.30am The World’s First Precision Forestry Platform. Using a full cloud based system to measure, value and plan for forest operations Enda Keane, CEO, TreeMetrics, Ireland

11.00am Mobile Mapping App Development and use in FCNSW. Design, development and use of the FC Map app Mike Sutton, Manager, Forest Information and Planning, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Australia

11.20am A New Resource Assessment Tool to Replace Intensive Field Plot-based Inventories. Results and lessons from this region’s first large scale commercial inventory using LiDAR and the k-nearest neighbour approach across a 190,000 ha Radiata pine estate David Herries, GM and Forest Analyst, Interpine Group

12.00pm Lunch & Networking SESSION 2: UAV’s and Aerial Robotics Advancements - Applications for Forest Managers

1.00pm Recent UAV Research from the TerraLuma Project. Comparison of LiDAR and photogrammetric point clouds collected from a UAV for high resolution forest inventory and pruning assessments Arko Lucieer, Team Leader, TerraLuma Research Group, University of Tasmania, Australia. (via video link)

1.30pm UAV’s. Global technologies, tools and trends Philip Solaris, CEO, X-craft Enterprises

2.00pm Case Study: Zespri Going Mobile. Effective integration of technologies such as GPS mapping, UAV’s, cloud computing and mobile app’s to more effectively manage their business Matt Flowerday, Director, GPSIT

2.30pm Regulations Governing the Ever Increasing Use of UAV’s in NZ Airspace Frank Usmar, Senior Technical Specialist, Special Flight Operations & Recreational Aviation, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ

3.00pm Afternoon Tea & Networking

3.30pm Technology Showcase (Short presentations from key technology providers - full sessions to be confirmed)

1. Inventory Tools · Christian Pilaar, Project Manager, Integral · David Herries, GM, Interpine Group

2. Mapping & Data Capture Tools · Kevin Lim, President, Lim Geomatics Inc, Canada · Darryn Smith, Toughbook Manager, Comworth · Paul Standen, senseFly, Switzerland · Chris Blazkow, Account Manager, GeoSystems

3. Forest Information Management and Decision Support Tools · Gordon Robson, Director Sales & Business Development, Cengea Solutions, Australia · Anthony Kruning, Remsoft, Canada

5.00pm Refreshments & Networking

6.30pm Conference Dinner

DAY TWO - Thursday 20 November 2014

8.15am Development of Nationwide Databases for Key Forest Attributes Using National Forest Inventory Plots, Satellite Imagery and LiDAR Dr. Hakan Olsson, Professor, Remote Sensing/Dr. Mats Nilsson, Research Scientist, Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden (via video link)

8.45am International Developments in Forest Mapping, Inventory and Remote Sensing. Key trends and issues from the ForestSAT 2014 conference in Italy held on 4-7 November Jonathan Dash, Scientist, Scion

SESSION 3: Advances in Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR and its Successful Integration into Forest Operations

9.15am Practical Implementation of LiDAR Inventory. How current technology is being adopted and used operationally by Canadian forest companies Dr. Doug Pitt, Research Scientist, Quantitative Silviculture, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Canada

9.45am Morning Tea & Networking

10.15am Integrating Satellite Imagery with Existing Forest Resource and Management Systems. Lessons from China, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand Pete Watt, Head of Resource Mapping, Indufor Asia Pacific Ltd

10.45am Use of Remote Sensing in Forestry Corporation of NSW. Overview of the development, use and future directions of remote sensing in FCNSW Mike Sutton, Manager, Forest Information and Planning, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Australia

11.15am Terrestrial LiDAR Potential for Forest Inventory using a new Hand Held unit. Results from recent trials comparing a hand held scanning system with conventional inventory and linking it with aerial LiDAR Dave Pont, Research Leader, Team Forest Systems, Scion

11.45am Lunch & Networking

12.30pm Operational Use of LiDAR in Australian Softwood Plantations. Results from a just completed FWPA project Dr Christine Stone, Leader Forests Research, Agriculture NSW, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Australia

1.00pm Remote Sensing Technologies. Operational use and lessons from FCNSW. Harvest planning, tactical inventory, ecological surveys, flood plain and habitat modelling Tony Brown, Remote Sensing Specialist, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Australia

1.30pm The Importance of Accurately Locating Field Plots For LiDAR Based Pre-harvest Inventories. Results from a recent trial to establish the effect of plot location error and GPS performance on the value gained from LiDAR analyses Ben Slui, Student, University of Canterbury

SESSION 4: Recent Advances in Photogrammetry, Multispectral & Thermal Imaging for Forest Management

2.00pm New Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technologies. Opportunities for forest management and forest health Steve Smith, Business Development Manager, Aerial Surveys

SESSION 5: Forest Information Management and Decision Support Tools

2.30pm Closing the Tactical Planning Loop. Operational use and early lessons in planning Nelson Forests’ harvesting operations Marion Hughes, Resources Forester, Nelson Forests Ltd

3.00pm Conference Concludes

Page 3: 19-20 November, Rotorua, New Zealand 2014 NZ... · 11.45amhigh resolution forest inventory and pruning assessments Arko Lucieer, Team Leader, TerraLuma Research Group, University

Remote Sensing Field Inventory Forest Estate Planning

www.foresttech2014.com 3

• Mobilecomputingtoimproveforestdata collection• AdvancesinairborneandterrestrialLiDAR• Derivingstandlevelmeasurementsfrom LiDARdata• PracticalapplicationsofLiDARforusein forestplanningandoperations• UAVandaerialroboticsadvancements• Recentadvancesinphotogrammetryfor forestmanagement• LinkingremotesensingwithGISstandsystems• Forestinformation,managementanddecision supporttools

• Forestrymanagers• Forestowners• Inventoryforesters• Forestryconsultants• ForestGISremotesensingspecialists• Forestresourceplanners• Forestresearchers• Technologyandequipmentsuppliers

Without doubt, remote sensing over the last two years has made the most profound impact on how foresters are planning and managing their forest estates. Last year’s ForestTECH event was a sellout. Over 400 attended. The last technology series profiling new developments in remote sensing and forestry analytical tools was back in 2011. ForestTECH 2011 detailed results from early trials of forestry companies evaluating the technical, operational and financial feasibility of using LiDAR across a range of forest management activities.

Results clearly demonstrated that LiDAR was able to be integrated into a forestry company’s inventory and planning systems. Significant savings could be made over traditional systems, particularly where terrain and drainage was not well understood (for harvesting and road construction planning) and where forest inventory costs were high. The quality of the data being captured over traditional methods was also vastly superior and technical issues around processing and handling large volumes of data had successfully been overcome.

A lot has happened since that technology update just three years ago. A large number of operational trials have been rolled out. LiDAR is now firmly incorporated into the forest inventory and management systems of numerous forestry companies. LiDAR data is now being used by foresters to measure the maturity and density of a stand, and reliably count trees, making it possible to predict key stand metrics and plan supply chain logistics accurately from the office. Individual tree metrics and maps showing spatial variation in tree stocking have also recently been developed allowing forest managers to accurately predict stocking and tree dimensions.

In addition to LiDAR, there have been significant advances in photogrammetric software. High-resolution DSM and DTM production is no longer the domain of LiDAR scanning. New generations of satellite imagery are also being evaluated by forestry companies and unmanned aerial vehicles or drones are now opening up a raft of exciting opportunities for forestry companies for improved planning and management. ForestTECH 2011 set the scene. It whet the appetite for technical foresters in both Australia and New Zealand. ForestTECH 2014 will provide a long overdue insight into how remote sensing and mobile communications technologies have developed, how they’re being employed operationally and what impact the technology has had on the company’s operation.


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BackgroundWhat will ForestTECH 2014 cover?What will ForestTECH 2014 cover?

Who will be attending?


SpecialRegistrationOffer!Sign up for Early Bird tickets before 17 October and go in the draw to win an $1800 Panasonic FZ-A1 Toughpad.

Page 4: 19-20 November, Rotorua, New Zealand 2014 NZ... · 11.45amhigh resolution forest inventory and pruning assessments Arko Lucieer, Team Leader, TerraLuma Research Group, University

Registration Details:• All prices exclude GST (15%).• Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA) member discounts of 10-25% apply on ALL listed Conference Rates. FIEA Membership Details and Benefits can be seen on www.fiea.org.nz Membership status and discounts available can be checked by calling our FIEA offices. • Supporting Associations include: New Zealand Forest Owners Association, New Zealand Institute of Forestry and FICA.• To be eligible for the Early Bird Rate, registrations and payment must be received ON or BEFORE Friday 17 October 2014. All ‘Early Bird’ discounts require payment at time of registration.• Any discounts offered (including group discounts) require payment at the time of registration. • Your conference registration payment covers the morning and afternoon teas, lunches, refreshments, a conference handbook and access to presentations (electronic download for those presentations where presenter approval has been given).

Cancellation policy: For cancellations before Friday 3 October 2014 a 10% administration fee applies. Cancellations received after 3 October 2014 are non-refundable but are transferrable. Please allow 30 days for refunds to be processed. If you wish to transfer your registration to another individual from within your company, please provide us with at least 24 hours advance notice.

4 Ways to Register• Website: www.foresttech2014.com • Tel: (+64) 7 921 1383• Fax (+64) 7 921 1381 or post this registration form to: FIEA, PO Box 1230, Rotorua 3040, New Zealand.

SPECIAL Early Bird Discount: Register BEFORE Friday 17 October 2014Discounts are also available for multiple registrations and listed Supporting Association Members.

Name: Position: Email:


Postal Address:

Contact Person:

Tel: Fax:

Delegate Details:

Programme Rates: Rate # Attendees TotalEarly Bird Rate (applies on or before 17 October2014) NZ$860 $Standard Rate (applies after 17 October 2014) NZ$960 $Group Rate (when booking 3 or more delegates - same workplace) NZ$720 $ Supporting Association Discount Rate NZ$840 $(Participating Associations listed below)

FIEA Discount Rate -$

Dinner Tickets NZ$80 $ SUB TOTAL $ + GST (15%) $ GRAND TOTAL $

Wednesday 19 - Thursday 20 November 2014, Distinction Rotorua Hotel, Rotorua, New Zealand

Payment: Cheque payable to Forest Industry Engineering Association, or Direct credit our Westpac Account: 03 1552-0257749-00, or Please debit my MasterCard / Visa (circle one)

Amount enclosed: $ Cardholder’s signature:

Credit card number: CSC Number:

Expiry date: Cardholder’s name:

For more information contact us on (+64) 7 921 1382, OR register online at www.foresttech2014.com

Please return to Forest Industry Engineering Association, PO Box 1230, Rotorua 3040, New ZealandFax: (+64) 7 921 1381, e-mail: [email protected]

Conference Registration




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SpecialRegistrationOffer!Sign up for Early Bird tickets before 17 October and go in the draw to win an $1800 Panasonic FZ-A1 Toughpad.