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Abbey News Sheet 19th October


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19TH OC TOBER 2014

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Stability; one of the Abbey’s core

values, and let’s be honest not a

particularly exciting word. Nobody

seems to cry out to heaven ‘I want

the gift of stability.’ But when you

consider an image like building a

house upon rock (from Matthew

7:24-27) or a flourishing tree

planted by streams of water (from

Psalm 1:3) you start to get to the

heart of it. Roots matter, founda-

tions matter, and what we pass on

to the next generation matters.

With a decent appetite for theology

and practice of praying more times

in a day that most of us manage in

a week, St Aldhelm, the first inspira-

tional Abbot of Malmesbury, built

Abbeys and churches in the 7th

century on the foundation of a

community shaped and inspired by

the Bible. From this flowed pioneer-

ing street evangelism and church

planting that had stability and lon-

gevity. Hey, we’re still here!

But what does stability say about

us? Well, we’re working together to

build an Abbey for the 21st Century

and beyond. Sowing faithfully in

prayer so that the generations that

come after us may reap. There’s a

growing crowd in the chapel every

morning at 9am, and Glory! is going

monthly in 2015 as our praying

numbers keep increasing. If any-

thing encourages a vicar it’s that.

We’re also preserving and develop-

ing our 12th century building so that

the church in the 22nd century

won’t be meeting in a ruin. (Yes, we

need architectural stability too.)

Stewardship matters as well. We’re

committed to a sound financial

foundation at the Abbey, and in

late November we’ll present our

2015 budget to our congregations,

but we’re not ungenerous and find

we grow through working in part-

nership with charities like Music for

Autism and Tearfund (in southern

STABILITY Vicar’s Blog

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Uganda) and being a positive part-

ner in the Diocese of Bristol.

However Stability is primarily about

the formation of people; equipping

people to follow Jesus, to live holy,

good lives. Small community life is

crucial and we have approximately

175 people committed to midweek

small groups. With 50 on Alpha in

2013 and 40 on Alpha this year the

number of people coming to faith

and being baptised or confirmed is

also strengthening the church.

But our priority in prayer this week-

end has to be the development of

our leadership team and our minis-

try to the emerging generation by

the appointment of our new full-

time Children’s & Youth Minister.

Please pray, on both knees, for wis-

dom and a clear sense of the Spirit’s

leading for all involved.

THIS SUNDAY: October 19th

8am BCP Holy Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

4pm Informal Worship,

Junior Church & The Grid

6pm The Mix//the Archers



EACH DAY 9am Morning Prayer

WED 22nd 10.30am Communion

THURS 23rd 10.30am Time for Chat

7pm Choir Practice

SAT 25th 10am The Meeting Place

2pm Matt & Chloe’s


am & pm Alpha Away Day


8am BCP Holy Communion

10.30am Morning Prayer &

Healing Ministry

4pm All-age Communion


Oct 31st Glow in the Dark Party

Nov 18th Glory!

Nov 25th Refresh!

Nov 30th Advent Carol Service

Dec 21st Nine Lessons & Carols

Dec 20th The Malmesbury Nativity

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16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the

lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the

lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not

yet joined them. 18 A strong wind was blowing and the wa-

ters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed about three or

four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking

on the water; and they were frightened. 20 But he said to

them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’ 21 Then they were willing to

take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached

the shore where they were heading. 22 The next day the crowd that had stayed on the opposite

shore of the lake realised that only one boat had been

there, and that Jesus had not entered it with his disciples,

but that they had gone away alone. 23 Then some boats

from Tiberias landed near the place where the people had

eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks. 24 Once

the crowd realised that neither Jesus nor his disciples were

there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in

search of Jesus. 25 When they found him on the other side of the lake, they

asked him, ‘Rabbi, when did you get here?’ 26 Jesus an-

swered, ‘Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not

because you saw the signs I performed but because you

ate the loaves and had your fill.27 Do not work for food that

spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the

Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has

placed his seal of approval.’

Additional Reading: Psalm 148

JOHN 6 :16-27

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DA I LY READ INGS 1. Read verses 16-21. Did this

really happen? Is your Christian

faith strengthened or chal-

lenged by such an extraordi-

nary supernatural event?

2. Now read John 1:3 & Colossians

1:15-17. What dimension of Je-

sus Christ do these passages

reveal to us, and how might

they inform our prayer and

worship differently?

3. Read Matthew 14:22-31. What

does this longer account re-


4. In Matthew 14 John the Baptist

is not saved from execution but

Peter is saved from drowning.

How do we hold these two

things together?

5. A new song we’re singing at

the 4pm, Oceans, begins with

the words ‘you call me out

upon the waters.’ Listen to it, or

sing it if possible. Then discuss:

‘Christian discipleship can only

ever take place upon the wa-




Psalm 80

2 Kings 5

Acts 26:1-23


Psalm 89:1-18

2 Kings 6:1-23

Acts 26:24-end


Psalm 119:105-128

2 Kings 9:1-16

Acts 27:1-26


Psalm 92

2 Kings 9:17-end

Acts 27:27-end


Psalm 88

2 Kings 12:1-19

Acts 28:1-16


To regularly support the mis-

sion and worship of the Abbey

with your Christian giving

please contact Alan McAdam at

[email protected]

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On Sunday 2nd November at

6.30pm there is Service of Thanksgiv-

ing for the Faithful Departed. During

this reflective 45 minute service we

remember all those whose funeral

we have conducted at the Abbey,

and nearby, in the past year. If you

have lost somebody in the last 12

months and would also like their

name read out during this service

please contact Sandie in the Parish


A few significant roles are emerging

in the life of the Abbey that we’d in-

vite you to prayerfully consider if you

are the right person for. We’re cur-

rently looking for a Health & Safety

coordinator, a Safeguarding Adults

responsible person, an extra Café

Director and Bookshop Director,

someone for the PCC to represent

people in their 20s and 30s, a New

Media person (Facebook & Twitter)

and a chair for our Property Team.

E-mail Neill if you’d like a conversa-

tion about any of these.


On October 19th & 20th we will be

looking to appoint a new full-time

Children’s & Youth Minister for the

Abbey. We have been blessed with

many applications and three really

excellent short-listed candidates.

Please pray for them and for our

interview panel as we all seek to

discern the Lord’s will for the next

chapter of our ministry and mission

with children and young people in

our community.

Whatever your age you can be part

of this new exciting event on Oct

31st aimed at primary school age

children! Before the event we need

people to pray, make fairy cakes and

sew simple drawstring goody bags

(material provided). At the event we

need helpers to move chairs, super-

vise bouncy castles, serve hot dogs

and run side shows. If you are able to

offer your support for this great com-

munity outreach event please con-

tact Gill Shaw (on 825647) or Sandie

in the Parish Office.

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Glory! our time of extended contemporary worship and Spirit-led prayer, is

going monthly in 2015. This information is for your diary, and we’d encour-

age all our Abbey small groups not to meet that week and to prioritise our

intercession together on: Jan 20, Feb 24, Mar 31, April 28, May 19, June 23,

July 21, Sep 22, Oct 20 and Nov 24


GLORY ! 2015


God is good. On Saturday 18th October Peter & Emily from our 4pm congre-

gation are getting married in Northleach, and then on Saturday 25th Octo-

ber Matt & Chloe, formerly of our 4pm and now based in London, are getting

married at the Abbey. Please pray for God’s richest blessing on them.


The Abbey PCC (Parochial Church Council) met on 20th September. After

Sam Saunders led us in prayer, we were encouraged to hear how God is

growing our Abbey life together: Daily Morning Prayer at 9am is often well

attended, HiTS is evolving into a fresh expression of church—The Meeting

Place, our new Alpha Course has 40 attendees, and Glow in the Dark, a party

for our younger members, is planned for Halloween. There has also been an

encouraging number of enquiries and applications for our Children's &

Youth Minister post. After coffee the PCC Focus was a presentation on

Lifepath and a conversation with its leader, Lianne Smith, from Scripture Un-

ion. Next year we will be partnering with Scripture Union to run Lifepath in

the Abbey from 29th June - 3rd July. Lifepath will use the monastic back-

drop and Christian history of the Abbey to offer a unique RE day trip to Year

5 pupils from Swindon, Chippenham and the local area. Full PCC minutes

are available from the Parish Office.

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