1926. appea~s 8495- · garvets· leadership 'imperils :~}~}. , usefulness of u~ n= i~ a= 1 :;...

,_June 1926. .on· pages· 8495- 8510.- 8494

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Page 1: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

,_June 1926. appea~s .on· pages· 8495- 8510.-


Page 2: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt


.; .

. .,

. . ..

. ASSAIC · NEGR • -· .--: •• •• • # -·

"- uprerne ·court's Dec_ ~-~:;.;':'~'~ . A . . 11!1 N ' - . . ''"' :'! ···=.···.··- ~~n . " ':~-:··;:;~ _. __ 111er• ~~ •• Ill • egroe$: }:: ·}lrl·CROWISM AND MOB .LAW COlORED WORKERS . ,, ~ ·:-. -· . CHAllENGE NEGRO FREEDOM FiGHT A . . . . .

' •.. . ~~ ~:::;·:r~~ ·- . . CBy Starr GorrMtpcmd"'Tlt.) cei' S!"~C!.~!. conn .. . ·--.· : .. , . . . . . . .... . .

... u.. .... ~ · ... ""..~· : . .., .. ,-. _· • CSpe-<:1~1 oto t'h(" !l:t•J:To Champion.) I LOt>.!:. N. 3!, M~_,. %9.".::- · . .JJni .Cro.-, ,. .... r11tl .. nl!. t...w ,,. .. ;,nnl!' t>nuno. runt

Page 3: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

. . ' •

• • •..._' ,,_.,..,.,., o ' ' I •• ·• • . . : ~ ..

c:r ,,.. . . - . - . , ""- . . ···;"''l&:i. New Negro -Acknowledges No "Superior" Race! .>·i

. ~· - -- .

. - - .


·7 ~:_-:- .- ·- ~- • ·- 'Addreu: Ari1erh::.11n- N.e;ro Labor Qo"greSI, 34S1 Miohig:ttn AvE., Chlc.=;;e, 111. ·. '. -, • t • • • .• ,_, ' • .._;-- . ' • . . .

per • JUNE,

. .·

· n- to- Be Color S:clr to · · _.::~:- · · hd.·W.ant Better .. Homes.~~ ··• . . . . - .

·' ' ... --------'------'---'--·---__:.


-~:~·:-:\· - . -- \ ·· .;·~;·, : (Sp~el!l !~ th" NeQ'rn Chamoion.l

~Ne<!TO'ei · ·. • CAPE TOWN, May 15.-Th~t- Hert:.oz governi'n•nt. has 3ccot-npllshed its :~.tm: th• · '·"' .,._., ..... _ ............. , ,h .. .,,,,..h h·•th h'"''"'"" nf 1;h• ~nufh Afria1ln ua.rlinmftl\t and will soon become

Page 4: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

. ~~~:;::~~~;;;i~:~! th11.n any .ha.ve bt'en o7''"'"'·1 thn.t this speaker

th!nl:.lng (1( tbelS lyncbln,;r. J.a.st. • 'inAhlll collnt;rr: of otbe two N,,., . .;,.j : ~-:tSztCbea In three days' time In

: :Jilal r'ecenuy; <Jr maybe be wa!' think· · -~·'in3:or 'be· tad. ""t!Mlt in spa(' ar tbc

. -··'.:i_s"ln:u:hlllJ:B in l!:IZS. in .e'Ptte or tbe · ·atrea.d,.- Iar~~:e tnunber of acts (If

"-r9t:,hmCe tba,t baTe taken plncf'

···c 0 M P tR S I SM·STill RQLES IN • ·• ""<. '". , -.. -~. . ;.... a P ftl" I . AliTI 11!:1\Dn t'I:MTIUtr>JT Hll 11-m:.unu \)Lit 1 mn .. n 1


·A. t. ur L.; ....... AMO-NG LEADERS STill RAMP A

All Negro Workers BOST6N, April 11.-Repudiating his invitation extended a Should Join a •

week previous-even denying that he extended the invitation- UNIQNl. John J. Kearney, president of the Local Central Labor Union arbitrarily ruled out of participatioh in the parade of organized See About·Jt Today! labor the members of the Boston~l~o:c:a~l~o:f_t:h::::•_AC::m:.:::•~r.:ic:a:n~::,:~~:_------..:.-_.: _ _;_:-:~-=-:-:::':! l..abor Congress. \\'"boIs aleo a ml'mber or the Amerfcsn ,.,.bo lnspect1!d the placardll

- 'Th~ parade o~ned tbe local CR.lD· Nt>!O'O lAbor C:On(l:n.>H arpUed to ~rdered them nplacad 1n o;aalp to .. orcanl&e the unor~=,"atr.l.:ted" KPatDii:J' tor permlsalon tor tbe A. N'. The Jlla.canla or t1;lt1 A. N. 'AJJrll 4. ·:srolher Robert H. lsnactl, L. c. kl participate and Kcarne,- tn· u folJ0\11"11; "Lnbor, the del•stto to the C. L. U. frntn APit.TL· Tited them t"' me.rc::h with tb• Cen· er 18 'With. ~:~:~·";~.;~;.~::: mPnt·Fouee Jc.n:tou• Local So. 5, I. trnl Lttl>or Union Dh;alon. In tb• :N v. B. s. E .. introduced ll Tt'~olutlon A. N. L. C. Outwits Kearney. alml'd,_al tl'ID(I\'lng tht- r••t.:rlr~l'lDII I Dnplti! tbe ar.tlnn t~f Kt"aroe~· th~ Jll~C'etl aral:u:t Segro wn:-f.t>r& In tbP A. s. J •• c. prorrt'r1t>d to Tunrt:Pl nan uniC~ns and c-nlHnc for a 1-P .. rlnl c::.m· (tb~ "Cradh· (lf Llla•rf:r"l wbNt• a

;: in£ N'<>r;TO ..,.o~ke111 •. Kettrn":r took the lhtort- pli\~Pd tbtolr l•nnnn.l an4 pla· To Fight to Flnlt,n • .; _. 'JIAIJ:Il d'l'&~lJPd ~flpi;'(.J&ll,. tu O':'J:4tll7•1' UUI~~ nn·~·tlll,ll' folJCIWe-d thf' DatrC'h aod • ·

· flonr aa:alnr:t 1b& tlrlt IJ1'(1\'II'to:: or Uu~ t.Atdfl 1•n ,.,!"'· KPIIt'tlll'~ ro:~. l'fttHtnr Tbe Arn''l'rlco.n :St·~:ro Labor ~·•;1,'!::~~ rl'J.olut.lan, llo f'lalmln~: thn.t In Do'I\Cin 1 lllP hull lmmPillfltPl~· thrto\11' do.,:u thto ,:::NUl !!•of:~ nrot lnt.Plu1 to le1 1hla

• thu~ ,.-u no l!hcrlmlnllth•n. Aft"'rl )'1Ac~~;r!s. Jlrn!Ler bkiiCS or:-otc.~ttod tt>r t<Ud b_!te. 1'11P" 0.1\' r .. tbe ·um•IU .. , :~8 rro•o;~uoe 1•aa•~ Drt.thtr Jn.a.~a to S~to Ors;a:llur J:'roLll'-':'l:~anhr, rnl~ lc.r ~lal ,..,.u~lltr n.=.d ~·

-- L,_.,;...;....;.--------.:..:._....____; _____ ~.-~,.........,

Page 5: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

-..,. . I - ' ~4 F.J .,

Page 6: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt


. ...:..-: ~----- ~ . ------· . , . ·:;~. GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :<a>~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A=

1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt <' · of Garvey Leaders to Hypnotize Masses of Ne-

.· ···~ gro People with Wild Dreams of Fantastic . . . . Empires and Mythical Steamship Lines. No

·.<:· J -~ Practical Buoinesslike Plan& or Policy Adopted. •• • .:·."'!}·,; :-:· .,;.... . .

l.- '; '! Th"e much heralded international convention of the U. N. I. . A. has ended in Detroit. The.A. N. L. C. was represented at

-:_ lf,is' nreeting by fraternal delegates, but there was very little op­, _ _po~unity for fraternal delegates or any other class of delegates,

.• ... whO wero not already committed to Car.•eyism in its most rabid .: ~ a.."ld fa.ntistical form to ge't a hearing. Vit~~.l and important ques-

<:-'. ~ :tions pertaining to the industries, economic and labor conditions · .. ,....among the -toiling masses Of the Negro· people werr- almost ig~ · nored, or· were second~rate questions, or pushed aside, that Mr.


· .


' Oe.rvev mivht bA prahoed and :\~r. Sherrill condemned. The A. N. E~ttcr': Nctc: L. C.' had hOped that the _con;~ention wouid adopt a working: class The following report hu bun ·reCeiVed _prograf!l. for the people. the publicity c!epartment of the "League

·• . : nW-Jng tbe WorJd War the claim or In The Colonie.," Bru11ela, Eielglurn. A w'"''I·Wido ·~ :: lead!J;g ,o~t&teFmeD thn:out the world or~. ote., are the chief J)rodlletli and repruentlng an· of the opprened

'that tll•,. war 'tll"ll~ be1oo;- fou.rht II:. t.be constitute t.hc aource of TE-a1tb of !:!ru::cl: In A~gu:t of thla year. The A,;,.;000 •• · ·.::. ;::e~:!ato~r ~·=::.£;~ P~=~e~·=~~~ ~~;fo;~t~:· e=~ ~~~~r.;:.?t::m.!a;:; be repruented at that conference. It I• also

• · u. "'The- rfSht or eeU' determtaatto1:1·or ~l be fmaglDed !or 01:10 moment that l organb~tlcma will und deleQatac., : ··the -.rea.lr:errace~ or poople," "the rl!:bt the legislatures of U:Jeao 1t.a.tes would --=---'---7.

, •· Gr •~lf ~"emment," ~.coupled with gtvt\ the IIII&bteu consll'leraUon to any The Fr~1~11~c~h~,,~;~]~;~~li~~r~~~~~:~~ ,.· tbe ·unlvnsa.l t;blftln& of .oc1&1 rela· proposition tllat meaDt the drawing ment by the .. · :. UonllhJp a.Dd tb~ ~::rest msues of back· &.way or the labor aupp)7 upon which Palestine • ~ ' w~ni ~pte dG';!;'Il !=~ t=.~ a.:o:.t mtot~l· ~c r,..:.plc}1n;; cl:l;:;: ilO U;;;::;c :t:.t=:;

't~trom llad Ha pocultar erl'et<t ,;;;pon tbe and Lhe!r respective Kovernmenta d~ I :Kt-~ou or .AmPrlc& as well a. oll pend for proftttt and z-evenue? OrdJ ether opprenrll 10nd e:cplolt~ raclol the moat cbUd·lUs.e anll unlttform!!d crouP• of the world. ne u1:1rut bad mind could believe .,o,

· developt!d amon~ tbe N't<Cl'O Pl'OPlP or The AfrJcan continent h•11 been in America .e:c a oort or baell;·ftte to preal· eompeUUon amo1:1c the creal Ell.:,.

- d<!!Dl l\'UIICID'a Fourteea l'e~lnt.a Prea· l'DPPD.I:I J)O~en:. Nes-roea like tc ca~· ented .r. tbo peace t'Onference and lD· lh!!.t at laaat. there 7et remaln11 two 'm~•lat.DCY ot U.;. ::c;:ro ~;lo be!n; free and lndepP.:::.dent Nerro State5 in cz.lled uroon to ff~hl fer & E01'erntnPnl Africa but eYeD tbl• Ia uot trUll, that doe• DOt prole='- tbp.m from H·nc:h· I.thrrla t• :lot rree: uelt!iPt b Ab:ra· ~ng, Jlmerowt&m, poUttcal dldranchi~IP· filet•. Ally ma.n who k1:1owa anything me.Dt an~ eouatln.1 o~er aorlal what•oeYer :abnut prC!'~enL da:r inter· abuar. •. ..:-u "I~J't'llt to the mo!Jt national Jt!!lltkr tnowa that tbe eanle hscJr.•ar-.1 a:ad un1a\le!'t'd ~•cro. Tblt abte tlf the "'orld. even though they 1.ln:rf!l1 amon.- tbt' c:reat mu1 of ha,.e :a Jol'trtunt:nt or thelr (.'"-'~ nrc !"II!V'(Itlll tn Atnf'&dca waa at ~n"" \Jut no:nl:::.aU~·-!rt>l' and tbr;;.t th.- crcat •eh11'14 nro:. IU'Id crltldaei br !41". 1-tar· powera havf- lt.-:"t:tt>tl·.toc to ny In TP.. ~~~• Garver wb~ "!'BClt' to America 11:1 ,:~rd to tb~lr !'on:,rn »ollcr and -ev .. o lUI uuder the .nflucD4• or tbeae dN:ZI• thttlr lnttorruL1 J'>CI:lcy. The Ltberlan nentlc ~llo«&DII wblch e~erybody "'•11 ~cu·prnml'nl bru: llt'~~r folltPrPO: tbt> :iu>Hi:.t:::.;;., -~ • . I ij. N, I. A.. mvn·m'!'nt aDd Fur Uw

Jdfl&l propoaitlol:l cl I. trer and lru1t .. ~~mr>J~ f"f':U•on :~r.t tbt! t.!ht!rllln J:Ol'• l"t'ftdtoftt .AJ'rlea fer th• Xr•rn flMT·lt>f., o'rn:u-n! IF In a t't>n"t"nt rtatt• of nl"

•:t'• ... ~. t.,nu.'1':•: .. •n!t,."'1 .. ('bfllll" 1•9-'~' ...... tl'"" ·--·'·-•• .. c~ ......... __ ._ .. ~ .. -•-•· ........ .

Page 7: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

' .•

..... ~ ...... .

I.:ecturer of the N. ·Beard of Education Make Speaking

of A. N. L. C. Locals the Ea•t in Interest

l!di·!or's NOte: _, . .. .. .- ~~.,~i'~~rt~~~,~~:'i Th'e Pullman -co. is persis'!:ing In and blacklistin&" ags.inst all porters who Porters' Union which the Pullman oortcn·s, tion have formed in an attempt· to ~;~~if~~:~~ and a dec:~~nt livin~t waste. For years the betm the worst treated and most poorly paid era. Very naturally then, thousands of the n~w union because they f&el they have a right workers do for a better liW:fihood.

ST. PAVL. Mlnn.-ln Stille ot the j~:,~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ omcJal l!ta.tf-l:M'Dtll of tbe Pullm .. u n&llt CQmpan,. that ''nil empluyes are per­mitted to betome membbrs of llDY

La.bor C):r~~aniizai:i<md ~;~r,.anltatlon that they 110 de11lre, .. f"rnhk Bo;vd, porter tn good 11taodlng for 'l":J :.,..c:::r&, !!= bee~ nootttied to llt&:o' ort bls run. · , . .

On Janua.r.r 13 ll.ll.d U at moetlntts of tbp newlr o;,;antzed PuUman Por· tcrs' t!nlon. h~ spoke In !aYor.ot lbe unlnn. On the l&th he "'WI nolllied not to takfl b!. "rep:uh•r run. Hfo haP

~:.·~:~~~~:I not l~ecn employed D01'l' ror three ~ month& .. altho technlc.e.lly be 111 •till

au employe of the PullmaD. Ctlmpsny. This 11 tbe metbol1 U1ed by tbe Pull·

man Company to UIP;:&Uy dlschara:e union men. wtt~n Doytl att~mptt'd to brlag hl!l cue b~forc the t:rie,.a.nc~ commlttf'r, 11.8 prnTidcd In tbe fr.kto Employe•• Rl'PH•uatatlon J>lan, the company omct5l: nofuaed to In~ rona No. !1,161 llf/OD wblch r.rlf'TIUictts are ruude iu i[,l' zane f.'l'lllrniU.-e. Accord• Inc lo the a~ttl'f'ment made Febrn&r"T lfitb, Ito:&, e\""f't1 f'm(lloye baa tb• rlsbt of "l•lr nn~ lmJIUtlal b .. rtnc at lh«' t"arlh!lt Pt>•slble date •• to thf' caUif' and jusliDt'aUon ot eu•p•Mion

dlenrtual, provldtd b .. l'Jnc h r•· Rt~atuad latterw baT-. bua

Hub·, the dl•trlct fUptltiD• and lo c. r.nu. tbt> eb'llme.n dl•trlet JIOrtt~:-a' rept4',.Nltll·

Still no a.nalt:f'r hat btriO J""OllCl• from tbl'm.

A few pm\'lalcnll of the Jl]a.n W"IU ••r-re tr> Ululltratt bow tmrM~.,Ible It 111 for portt:!!'D lo F:et Jultlce tbrous;b lbt' plall. Rulr P. fll'"!:t"IPQ 3, \lroTide:t:

. ... -·

"Should till emplfl;tl~ aubJect to thla !l.jtflf't'D"ll'Dt ht•Jit'l't' hf' baa !lf't'U tJD· ju111)~· trratf'd •• , hto m•:r AJII>N\1 U• hi• dlurlct omclal i1lt>-al,·~." Thlr

r:pp'!nl m11~· nr may ne>t l'l" Tf'f'Cif!Oind, :~~jf~~t::.~~~~§[~~~~:f na tbt" IIUJ•t-rlntt"nlh .. nt J1lt-1n•ta. ln thl• thf' J'Ortf'til u a!J. nu;p nl> ~•u!k~· lolo.o. L(.,L Liolot'II o: t.ht

1 tn,; u: tho;. ':'-;::1: CHte:::

&a..J•I'!'al. ,rur~!n!r: fd) "lit' m11.r Tt"ff'r l>\•tttt:- w<>rlilh'll!: cwonotttl.,nt U1., n'I•Hilr In lhl' hor10..1 C'nmmllt- H:". toa.-, tr>ln th .. 1.>1"IID1l UCIW

Page 8: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt



rnori! rzt.Jrctlon to Ne.C"ro !'a.tlonnli~;n: that to Irlah :;auocalbm, Hindu r.:.:~rt:"-':'1._ Satk>nalbm. 'l'h~ M .. a. ac t1Sr:1 ..-as a ne>blfo on!. but tb~

Of carrying ·

"'t ;

•''li ;_:::.·, ~~~~~~~~i~!~· ;~;.i' ~ Yhleh Ameriea .... -;: .. b:J)'s .trcm the trgplcal areu: of tbt­

,'. :.world and later ba\'lnr; el!t up warE--• ·~ ~ :bou•"" ln A.mcrlra ud Europe fllatl!s

'r 11_!1~ -~~D t.be propoaltlu;.,. c! the -steam· _ · 'f'DIP .u.Da • ..;;;u.ui4 lu..T~ ·uau a jJI-.t:tiot>i.i If the Negro j'J!I a lamb tn AmerJea

'; _ Jn'OPQ'Iltlo:i; tt wout4 · bue bad certain.Jy he Js 110t £OJng to' be a lloll - , . :. ::." n:u•diah• _uae. Tbis ta cinl:r on~ co-._c7 I In Afriea under· France •nd Ellrlanl\

· .:·::. ot how lmpract!cable tn4 .... ho hold large sect.lo~ ot: Afrl~ and . ·-,~: ~ :Mr; G&r"Te:r·11 .ll'f'Op-&m ot: a-re the main formh:!able powers t.n

'· ,. bMD, Howner. much ~e Europe, It is certAinly better to fight ~ -"' .• ~late &D6 admtN hlm fOr lila one ...-roup tba.n half a dozen~ Africa .· ··.:: and .. for !:11.& ~Yotlon to ihe cause 1C"!ll b~ free but .t"'be lnillallt'e

: . .! ..... :rac::e lfbt!rat~ we c:anuot OTerlook hif come in Alrlca on tLOJ pan a.nd :~'<~-.. "ll!owm1cbt ~ol'SIICe of present day Its naUTe people. "What bas :, ~~. '"FG.dd 'Soelal o:-Eaalmt!on, ::;either did by the rue ot: '-·~.;.. we f&U to m.ppreelu~ th!t ftne TeYOlu· NDTtb and ;· .. _~·,~ tSoll&1'7 ooetal dem&Jlda of the u. N. Xadalle· ot South Atttca ":·.' •• ~:t. I~ .L ln tll.- ...:ly ye&ra of Ill! e%1 11 t 18cce .... e Noe,s:roea of th18 new .,.orld ean a1d ·· · · 11ueh u the :rJsbt of tbG N6gro e•en-· thetn In theh" etruggle. We can help

·: wh•re. "'To the poUUeal ballot."' "thE- them or-a.rry on the fl~bt o...s alre&.dT ·• r:'!;:ht of.the- Ner;ro to enter the trBd~ atllM.~ Jr. At:ricl'. ud we wonder -rrbO:t

· 'UIIlou.'' "'aoual employment with tbf' tbe U. N. 1. A. hru1 done to help A~ ~~ ·• -.blt1111,~ ""abolition o1 J'lmcrolll'lsm," el·Kr1te agatnet :.he ·united fOrces· or

·;:..... .ut: ;o~..UT- ~!l!:er l'!ce, ent! "':r~ellent eo- Spa.ln and France; who ba.e ha4 to ·;; ;·-~·~ d.:nandc, but tbe U. N.l. ".&.. llu Uleae countries wltb their own -weap­. ·r· . .. drollpelil -a lon~: ways "back fr'om ttai O'llB .,r tl:le moat modern t;rpe. Weap. ..:.;~- .".1!.ne aptrited position, a.)' e-ren tn the en:& tb&t ca.nnol be found In M<lrocco ::;,-:.;_:·. ;:,ev ct! 1911: but what did we tlnd'f but mu11t be aecured abroad. Has ~·· -. ;..~Tb&t the. whole mOTO!ment haa aim· U. N. I. A. C!YC%: .=ancd aa a. -purcha.e.­i, "!.-:~"~OT1t4 do'II'Jl to not..blnr: mot'ti than 8 in.~" qeac,.•hJp for. the acquisition of 'j~· • colonlSattou r.~ctety. modem rlfl'!'a, ma~hlne prna, etc. (\,.,:··~· __ 'EYerJ'C'"~ who ealln thfo Abd•l-Krlm! Certatnl:r not. Tbe · { .• at Detroit.. 'W&S struck by tbe NeDO or Amflrlca. is a::t. American. He

· an4 •hamerul ~treat or lbe 11. has cro1t"D up w:lth Amerlcan Ute. ·we • A.. and 1~ leaders lla.d made from Ita Dsht here for our pJaee. We

rcormer ~ltloll. At tb~t eol!-rentlon prllt.~erlr atted all~s. ·we mu11t the prlnte4 naolutltJD -..... tntroduced haads with ll:: ·"" ~o have.. a

~~ b:r Nra. GUTe:r cotniD&i!l'rom Mr. 0&1'- Erle't"&DCel. The Negro's de&· ~ · .~ ~ : :-reT,. ""li.D4 lUI coDtenh VBI that tt&cb In Ameriea Ia D<lt due to ;;.;...., • an"il e"rel'1" local orpalu.Uoa or the n.ce 'bot to hh: lnereaaed and "f . •, U •. N. t. A. approa.ched thtt t.tate lri:IJ· eondlt!on. He Ia & TICtlttJ • -:"· l;Uure '1l: L~~!!' ~rtlrul&r diUriC"l a11ll· IIYII'tem ,.,Jtb & poliC'~ ea1·

·: ' In: that the"• r?!W'Ilutlona bo l'rC.a .. D.t• ever keep the Negro j:. •. -: t'd to tbft .u.te 1eJII'JatloD a ad hnlnJ: of ::he-ap lsbor u.nd an

.,. • • FOtten J:•Ut to tbe "'1'"7 •tate c-apttol 11\"Dr'kers ror the ' • r.PnantAUn bodleft that It 111a~ "'bf' mlnn tl.Dd ,;reat planta•

! . · t•AJTJe4 on to CODCTYia at l\'asbio,ton. e&\!1~ <lf tlle Ne,:ro't;. Jowlv · • Tbe nsolutlon 'aakiDII: olhat the tedtra! rondltlon le: to be toun4 in the copltai .

.-ov~tnmrnt ac-qulr• tt'nltory In Africa lrt f.YI'tem or 110t'le1r. ta be ,u,..d tor wlonlzin.: AIU('!'Ic:an

,, i.

:.:~o;:-oe!!. !t •b<lUld b& Qultc dear, to t". N.-1. A. lmbodl~~ tbf' lat:er ~av ,.-nmaD or tb• tr.OI't a;l!rit of "''·oll In lli<e I\epoo peopl~

""";,.,. lnlOrllli<Ono•,th~t ttbboe S(IUlb· arldnst l'ODdill<lDI. This 13 to be a~

'~·~·~:~t.~~:;~.~:•t•~·~·~··~:i"rcoc!a~e4 bl~b· but oc-e b,. onto tbe rut e.e:IJI!'DU or the u. X". J. A- wm df.un 1:• rankt~ IIN.'ID;: tbat to• It h>


b•NJ:ue no Uillf't> than an ;:-n: ,.

--~~.;..;;;.;:: ;;:;; j ,.. . •.. - L?IIETJ"·FORT WHITEMAN . ' .. : . . -. -~

. • ...

Page 9: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

~~~~~f~f~!~"Y~~.A~!Rb>ma ~'~~~~~~~~~~ Vlr£inlll. have Iarg<:: numbera ot minar9 beca.u3r. !b.<!i <.an be ••>l<>ltoJ 11n.:ceel!!ully under tbe system ta!ne-d. by lcdustrb.l ov~Jrlorda. Frae speech LCd tree a~semblage a.re ~r­blddeD antl the right ot: combination tor lllUtual protection Is dented. They are clubb~ by a. C9)ll company thUI' If they complain oC cond!Uons, and are accord.,d no right but to work !or what the operators give them.''

Conditions tn the ;ole,.. River tleld, another anti-union strongh-old. prove that the eo:al baroos treat white workers· jUI!It aa their boalne!s U'!!O· et11te~ treat ~e;;rce:: !n !'.!cr::~r =d McDowell couDtrles,-

ln tbl!t New RITer seetfon miners do not· earn...an· a.Terage wa.ge or $%.50 a day. Tbey are forced to lay their ow:~. track: for the coal cars and rtre robbed

rca- by comP"CY checkwelghmen. It they QbJt.::t they are threatened· with PhTlll·

Y"l'""l cal '•lalence by tbug'l'll employed by the op~ratunr.. ·

OF AFRICAN REVOLUTION (Contlnueli from P•Q"o 1.) '\,

There is no gainsaying the fact that if the proposed Native Policy, as enunciated by Oeneral H&rzog at Smithfield on Novem­.ter 13th la:!it and ~ubsequently embodied in various Billa which ii.~e intend-ad tc IJe. laid before the tabla of both -HoUses of Parlia-

this ses:~ion, are placed in the Gtatute Book, South African

I :r~~~~~~:mEu~s~tie;v~entually expect political revolution of the great. Tho Prime Minister's Native Policy has certainly .African natives• thought and fceJiniZ. The

Convention, whose r-esolutions we published In our h1sue, !ndicates that political war b~Jtween the privileged few tho:se who have been cynically robbed In the land of their'

We prophesy that our country shall bo­whoro African patriots and mcrtyrs !!1!-lall banner of freedom. A struggle is await­

stru'"''le in which we are sure to· conquer. We I ~•••-m•o bu able to lead the seven million souls

Page 10: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

tween Gre~ of labor ~o 11 be left alone. paytbeni.wal is an undenit. 000 workeft: are memben; ganize- the W: ioilS _ thou·si ma.nds- oti th bosses· do- t)C ions, no· ml!.· might De, tlj• had power.~ to aet. · ThUI· A.F.of-U ~ tbe : ~mp1o:f' wages to 'ieB~ the United S the omclals to orga.Dize. on the railro.l the Execu!f...~ be an under tram!ng o1 f1 adopted is DD

b~J::::::~ Jt!lg the tral:!: good w8.ge i' the _other de. sJsted to def1 ba ve· recelvet other lltUB OJ ba.l"e not rec was redu<'ed train "'and .e~ tht! pockets c -:-:BY~ a ~!_:,~

Page 11: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

. ~. •,

--- ·.r "·:; .. ~ ~:.' --.


the ·~l!ullettn, .. omc:l;~! or;a., of America, tho f"llowi~g ar·

frlenda or tho N~ro Ch11m• with tho f•o:t ihat tho A N. L. C~ -'Trads Unlol'l Movement in tkh1

ovllr ~~~~ country, =r• .fut ;.,,olllcn againat the rollctlonary

Arnerle<r.q L.:abor movt• milking it a .l«bor. mo'O'e•

~eeplng about Sl!i% of the • u<'10,n5.o •

~ni~e the unorga.nh:P.d is nOt rsent omcialdom of the A~ J!~. f tO be an und.erstac.dlng be­t!& ·neocbme'n.; ·~itp. .. employers

: lc;:t tba,t the unorganized' wW

Eanlze· the skilled crafts. and experise ~t tho uz;organlzed. t. There are about 33.000.·

· \he -u~ ·s. about 2,900,000

r. so·caUed ~alone. To or­

ed would bring Into the un• meu who would make da­ot:l<!lats, that they and the to hear. OnCe ln the un-

w reactionary the officials bP.rs would realize that .they

would terce their ottk:laJ;s · a.nt.Ed by the official of the lll unc£tt .this ayatem. Is, that

. wDUng to pay talfly good , n8"'thlrd ·or tho worken of

t ~Q _exp~sa or ~ose that t A..·F-or L.·make no ertort pttar policy haa been sdoopted f~ween the BrotherboodD and ~e rat!rOads thiare eeems to

tg. ·:Ttl&_ lo: ';;:-cTe::.. by tbe on-:Pa.rker Law.~ The poUcy

, eep t::n:Jaa. mo'f'Jns-by pay-

len gina_ service.. m4!n .. to.trly ~:zpen~ of the employes ln

.pmt3. The Brotherhood• aa-11: shopm~n.. @lace tben they tJe bOnUs.. _Tha,-.wUJ pt au­tose In th~ ether d11partments .pny Incra.af!!S•atnce their pay

. ~·li Jncrea.ae slVen the-- men In -tli~c:n·lce is re3lly taken trom te wbo&e :wagea ,were red':.eed. I .. . · .... : ...

Pullman Porters· By _W. E. B. _OU BOIS.

(Republlahed from "The C~isls.''}

0 ..>

........... _, ..... t··-· .· ...


T.h9re are some things connect!ld with the fight of Pullman porters for recognition as mod. ern working mon which shoufd hold our atten· tion. Firsty thero is the threat of the Pullman company to substitute Filipino porters. This -threat is sheer poppy cock. Let them import -CAPETOWN, s. :..uncB.- Th~ ~-- -1 • -~ ~ as many Filipino., as they want .. The Negro por- color bar ]'UI bt the tabor .j·oc: 1 •

ters can 8asily hold the1r own. But of course party ot South Africa, which· : :· ..:..: , the Pullman company ha:s not the slightest in· .would exclude the colored racec. .-.- .... ":~ . , tention of importing Filipinos ev'en if they could whether native or _ Jmmigra.u.t. •.. ;.i::_"-:~: _ ..

1 ~o so legally. :T_hey are simply trying ~to scare (as the .Indians) frOm evet7- _.:.~;..~~.':1-colored men. • - thing but the most menial occu- ·· :·;~: i ·

Then again they are trying to influence the paUons. has started a. struggie · J. N!lgro press and apparently they are succeed· between various groups of l.n· Jng .. Of the.five or more colored papers in Chi- terP.sts. The labor party and'thu;' cago not a single ontJ has come out openly and small ·business. men favor the . ·:'· .... ~ fearlessly in defense of the porters. Most'Of bill. The big business men.·etro ·_.·-:~S:"i~} them ha"e treatad the matter with shuffling and peclally the owners_ot the m.f.ueB:!*l"t'f:;.:l with silence.· - a.nd also the natives tb.emselvea,·..,. ... ;:tfi: ... ~!

But It Is perhaps the attitude of Calvin Coo... are strongry opposed to the' bm. ~:':'(:· ·. ~ Udge and h1s government which is most dfs .. altho"for very dltrerent rea.soua. ·V ·1-·t _: graceful. The government has not only ·~t s.pias The eo-o:ane4 labor party, "'!"hkh 91.· ·-~; ·:'t I to hound Negroes who d.a.re to study CJJmmu .. TOn the color bar bW, ·u. not rsalli • .. J··t.~. l •. nism, but It has allowed one_ of its own job- a liiU"tY ot' l:s.bor as a whole, but • · .. ·.::~.;..· ! , holders to accept a fee from the Pullman com ... pa.rt7 ol the compantiffiT ~ty -.:~";f- 4:·! pany in return for throwing dirt and bribes aldUM whtte worker.11. who haft natr · -~-.,-"""::· .• \ am on~ Negroes. As the Brooklyn Oaiy Eagle :r. monopol7 of the 11lr.Uled trdes, ad • '"'~ :.: · • ~ ~aya: 'Coet'cion of labor unions by pai agents a.r., drav•inK blsh .... &.&:"· "l'W.. th~T -.·."'~-;·::· : of employers holding federal ooffice is not cap- a.re sepamted. tor the tlme belnc. f'nu:a . : •J ~ able of anv defense, ce:rta.inly of none teat loas the eolored ami W1.!1kDIN wo)rkera ot~ ·:. ~__.:.,. c ;;

.t n th!! C>lUiltl']". . .• ;.:!'··~.:;':· l' any re:ation to practical politics in America:• Tbe rreat mine owner~, who ·11&.,.. :t-'~ ... ·{-··. 1


Finall)'. if American N6groes.want to know on been the .nr7 onea to eupport the!.~;Jr\;~~. which Sldl& to take their stand in this matter of seSTec:..tlon a.cd ~bb..-emeat of Ute'"::':':-.~. ! labor ofganizatlon among Negroe~ the:;r should IJ&Uve 'Worlrten. now and lbemseiT• :::.j,·f.:.~: f nota the people who aro against it: Mark Sui- ~:r.ucht In their own trap. WJth the·.: ;;.~ '/..; .. Hvan, the most: unfair of new~paJ?er correspond- lnt>!tultl.c:t.tloa ot the tndnstrlea hen~~'t ;~0,f ents on Negro problems, the Memphi!! Com- a.ntl the creater-d~a:.ru:r.d :or tabor, •· · .~.~ .. }I

,me:rcial App·eat. ths da.liy press of Miami, Flor- Illt(:lally chu.p l&bilr. the mtn• oW1:1.-: · ·;~ . ida! When such forcae as .these take one side. f!r:t £1nd that the color bu p.Nnnts ~ ... ~~.., 1t Is the business of thinkln&r; Negroes to take tbe Jmport.at!on ot oe:!l~a-p ID.Ua:~ Jabot' ·:;t,.._;~ tho other. • ~t! the ~c l:l ~~~:' e~~~ o! !!.!.U•~:· ~.~-,

•"""''"'""""""""""::::::s::::::s:l::S:C::::I::<::::::::=::r;:::::='> .Af!'\(:att wor:C'!tS. Tha m!9flla reqllllr• .•• ~.·:."·

Reatl THE. DAILY WORKER I ;lho•tt 1!(),000 Q&UTO wurk!:S ..M !1.&&1:·'-~_,;.;.::"f= ·

17 :G,I)OI) EtltoPM!l (ler th• akll1114. ':· ~t. ~ !aMr from "'ll'b.1dl th• nathee are b&F- -·~·~r· ro,tl), accortflnl" :.a & n!"ee!lt sl)fteeh or· ::;;:..-::~ the pr~ldont ot th• ebamber of mki.N ...... i ~~. He potnt~d out tll.at ow iDe to c. short- . !.~ .. ~, ~o.;.~· f :t.ce of oathe 'fi'O:tk'!l'll lD. Iioc~&ba-r :.;, •. ' .. .,:; ... · t.be miD.,. th•n 11m~la7ed onlr lli".OOO. '.-~-• ...-:;:

ABOUT NEGRO PE. OPL. £! . The ''""" waa tho 1lon•omplc.,.Tot.". " '·).'· ot sner:l tbouN.a•! wbltu W'ha oth· .._ .;·'~.,..:. ..

• , eriorln "fou!d haTe fiHn reqalHd. 'l'hli · ... ~ ";,~.if.:·

Th• Only Dally Paper. in America.

:That Pl.~y~ Fair y.tith News

':c::;:,a::::;:J::l:::r:::C:J::l:::<:=:::::::::::::::::=:::::::::c::c:c:::::::::;:::::c~l rCJPiaei"menl ot natt..-e bJ' B:urooea:t. I• .. -;~.:.;:-.. •.-. bar, DICftiUI.JT If the eolor bUt ~' .•'::t.:;.J;. _ --~----, cotn•• n. taw. !I• eat1zru1ted "'.oul<d 111.·:··~··,·.~.•::·;·

Page 12: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt
Page 13: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

Jersey Negroes· Want Civil Rights

! ;;;;·,,,;;;: Dr •. ""hoG<! outdoor an<! Harlem have been so

eate•uned that. a!l !ar back as Jsnies Weldon J'ohnson safd of ''Here· Is one ~olore-t apeakt"-:­

wbo, tt :!:le could be secured, would give a series or lecture-!!: that. "'III'OU!d b~ m.,re than ~qllt'l'alent to a yO?ar at C'OI· le~~:e ned o! Incalculable beneftt to tbe communlt)".'' And since thn.t time Dr. Harrison waa s1Yen at Cralg'3 Res· laurels an•1 the scho!:a.rly retrute o! his race.

A publtc tel!tlmonlr.l dlr:nO?r to Dr. HaTTisoa •Iii bo gh·en at crals's R.es· taurant en-ly In Ma:r to mark the end or his fourtb. yea.r as a st.:ltr lecturer o! the New York Doard at Education


R:evolts Against Drudgery Southern- Farm Life ,


Will Organize A, N. L. C.: liiAiatnlrni. . to LiberatO Negro ;Youtha :'·

Page 14: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt



·• •


·~: ·< ~-


. - r· : :.,_ - , . . .. - ' '' - . . , . · : _'A Burning .Question for the Armenian People · • "' --~. ·- . :· :-- ~ . .. - . . - . :.-'~ lly MARJE HOUSTON. ( pone.t£ta •re llV blahops who are hell-

.. ·-· Tb-eo iJU!;~.,.. Dh;ee~ tor- A.pr1J '17, RPP<!lnted-~ok•a)".!or mllllona ot :P<!!o-19:6. ,P!"t'!>'e~U. _.a moP:t JnteT€>fltlu'" dls· pie ·:who. know notbklk nor :ce9'er C'l:S&ion or 11o:ne 11.1:1glea of our 11ati-onal hl:!ard of the treaty ot Le.uaanDe, Sen­

. c1Le;pute .{]Ter tbe N-t!ltabll!'hmtn:tt of ator Borah, _to l'Dt~::- tbe omce which l't"ace time relations wJth the "Sel>.· he now- hold~&, lll~lt'ed Jorau,. and-to

. ·- '1'1::1rJ.: Sa.Uott 1~.u 1 t ,:ovcr.u:'lent. ·llraded t':J.e:-t bi~ diplomatiC abflitT to make ·::liT~ :Mnst.llfa E:ema) P.nba. FUC.,ellrlul e.ny ,.ruJ &1l ~ntf'tp .. bel! en-

:, . , . u•red '!nt.o 'by blfl em~loY'eT'Ii, the eat>-. :::..--·,A~o'i-dftt~: •. tel tbe Dis est,. 'llle two lla1l6t clr.'!ul. \';"hal tlou Sen~>tor

• C&lta eou.tenden~ in 'tbts are 110 blsh· Bn:"ab care ror th!" little, 11que:~.k;r, OilS 0! the ~Oie.B!Ant·Eplsool)al cbur<:b ca.mouflagtod JlTt>tet:tatiO'ta• vf this J"f>.

. .' . Uld, Senator 'Borah, -.!ht:lrman or lh"' llp;lo1:1, or u.at tl!ll~lon. HI" r~J>re 11 ~1:1t.G • z;..en&te fo~t~:n l'elatlona comtnJttee. profttl!l and morto :profltJJ. ,· Then- 11.re

_ ~-bJ~OPII contend th&t the .Tilrkl' abur.dant ;~rotlt.a hi Turkey and U Sft:J· --.. areot.h~ 8'-1ll" today u tbeoy eTer WE"re, a(or &rab ·had to. u1e tW terrible

Z. Ct".lel.; b:.rb:.rOU$ p~Cpla wbu· Cfa.IlliOl "J'U!"k~ tO =~kE: i"tiC~Mi&fD.J ilu~ clf'UIIU:Ui - be depended upcm t.o keep tllelr word ot bls "bonn,'' t.liea he~ ...-c.ould com

or .. w!t!:l.bold their llftV.t.Ge an~er U'lD.Dd tbe Turk• to mu,.ru:re ona and a«a.!lut the· Chrlstla.n ATme!l.1an peo- all-of hh• tSe.c•tor Borah"•) fell.>w :ple., who _ue r•uldent wJthtu 7urk!sb Chrhlhtt:.ll.

·tel'Tit.cry for. any length· or time. Yes, the gonrnment promised to , . 'Therefore, for tb!!l rf!aaon thiP b!~boP'!! a~en.ze the .Aro::enlana .for the aup-

A meeting was held in '.~:.:~~~~;!ri.'l~! Rivei'~ide County, Sunday a organizing a local A. N • croppers and tenant farmers.

Tbe meettn~ 11:'&.8 well ud a &ood PTe>!= ram -was .Tobn H. 0-.r;ell.Jl ot Ripley, &red the: matn a~dre~~s and llnt"c'! the ~ndame::~tal Zleed .:011 Orf;!i.ll'iU'f:i(}n lla tbe 'A. N,

made a eiee.r, &imple, .e.nd ~:;.·~~I undenta»dable f:'OOnomk: · 1 4,uwo, .. tl~n or oUt.,. race problem.. :. _

Mr. G. L. Tounp; wae: cbatrmati.· and ,..W be ~n eiutrJ;e -or J~ t!.eth1Ue~o. Ht" l!lbcr11ld ba addre-Ued u follows: G. L, '!r'OPD¥, Bl;rtbe, Callt. Mr. Youug b~t.s 'been T'f"TJ' aCil•e Ju behaU of tbP



• •11y; •·wf' a.re a.sJnd to reaume friend· )'10!'£11 crime• or the Turka but tb-e l:r, r.latJ.onr:. with SZJ a~owedly Unr~· dead Armenlane a:re Otaf' tblllg and tb*' ,pemt.Jnt and auU-cbrl1tb.n IO"o!rll· !1alt pel!.esf'ul -explo!t.e.tlou or Turkish ment, which destro!"ed a miJllon and sol! Ia auotber. The proteltatlon1 of a balf 171otrenaiTe men, women and tbP 110 hyrocrttiea1 bl11hope are on()" ehlldraJ:2; ea:p6llec! :!:rom tht1!r ancu• to blind (u. WIU&U the Ignorant

.:.. '• Val ~mtHI O":J!:' a m.IUioD a!:d a half, manu. Tbe:r tnow tllat tbel' l":ould --·-•- •• 1 . '· • •- '- •- • 1 < · • • .. .,..,.,,. u.J'IJUIII&DO .Ntl~ .aUDI1f'7

._ ... ::.:1. :lOW ..o; "'"I;j .... i •D iii •"•'7 il\ Turk· no Clare to &ltiPmpt to obatruet Uu .-ortera &ra now enc&,...d in au orca.r.J. I:_~.::< •. ;. ft!lb bareme tar .. or lh~suds ol CQrt.- rre.:tdy bUill! or the clue tb&t teedt l&tlon. eatDl'J&I.;n lt'ltb the determtn•l ~·•••••u

I'L,, ';·;.-· tfan wom•n a.nd chUdr~n.'" ' and. employa 't!lec. Tbtt "1\!.rka til! tloD to tncn:ue Ulelr 11"&;e:s and short· Ard~a rro:a bt~ ce1u1rAl etatemut Chrutl•n•. Th• Cbrlatl&r!a Trill Turkl ~n their hou.n u ...,ell a. rc-medr lhe

;bat tb• trntT Ot.!Jrbt to be J"alltled at and tbrn the Chrllt11111.1 kUI Chria. onnnlt&r'J' ~tu:!ltion1 under .,..1'-fc:h tbl• tJ=•· al::oplf l>~auet tt '" t.h• b&r- IIane. J knew th-e "Cbrlrtlan Amer· thr:y work In the ~Ur. ! l'a1D that 01.11. b• ••cund !l.t thla tlrul!' lr~on" rubHl' t'&Dnot ba.u rorl!nttt-D1ht' Tbb~c-~oepal~n II' c:srt>let'i on -.,oder

1 • • ud W.a-an & lll-Jorhy ot otb•r ptJ'fr., bloo\lf Chrhtl&.n ID!UI&.creo or Cbrl•· tbe leadent.lp or a Jnlnt ,.ommtue11 ~ .. f ~, . en lla•la.l al,..ad)' acc~ttld It, l'ot :inn N'Nr!lu In Eut St. -"Lou Ia hs lt11. r~Jl_M>untiDK (he 1\"c:-mea'n Tra.c!e UD·

r . • -: U.. tJDiltld Stat•a not to dro 11o0, would Ther. &te thoUM.21da cf atber D.:IU· ion L ... IUO. the Trade Ut~loa Oot:lmll­

, • b~ culklt!~ o'Qt Ia tba rain whll• uu"'• ,..~,.•• an.t •In; I. J;rnto:blqp:a .nr Ch!'l!!• t- fOil' or!"'"'! !in: S~r.o WUi'ken~, and. U~DIJIIUlJOua co 1n to tb• ~l.llQUN ta·1 tlan American 1'\ll'•toea tll11.t t.b••• the lnttltbational La.undr," v.·o·r)r:er-· 1···•'-· .. •

.~ - ble; U:.r ebalnnl.b or U.a rarel,-a nh.· u,..mc- b!Jbop, .a:y IU•thlnc about &nd Union:. IoWa ISO &Dd 2PO. • Tht• or-'t'!OM Mt~UGILt•a l'l!pJiea t.qo th• c:r111· .-ltb tbiP IM"lDib£ COtldODI!,tion of !he (fahla&tSob Wlltt has bee1:1 tO!D&' f'llm \if Biabop Manult~~r Md th\' 110 ChrlaUaD IW\"eornrn•nt UDder wbl~b th• qUtlltl,r (or month&. . •

... b!lhoJ~o~: .. To rduae nlatlool' ..-ub N'rt:ran liTe. J ,..,. •••rnlnl', bPCil.Uit• Jt bo t!P'tlm.tot~d Cb•t ;r; per cetat Or all peopliia who' reJe.ct Chrb·ll&nhy thlr- r~a;u~ 11'0\"f'rtltDt'Dt dou notblo1= lht' mu cod 1rOtn9n empkiJI'tf Jn laun·~~ll~~;;,,;,ir 11 bOL oat:- liDtbtnkabl• u a prat':lclt.l ahout ll. • d;IN ID 1'\t";;" Jark liN eolnred, Moat eo11no. far th• lrO'i't!l":lmeot to rur11u~. Tht' ttark~r r&OC!I ar-e t~IDir to t-I• o. th" womra ..re lllatrieod and b~t-1"0 b1:1t J had al11"&n nr~••d thAt tl:•· rei :he Cbrh!lu D:llnlo~an~1 hlr l'b.lldr.D <teo "Uf>J'Qtl. StaUtUcs "how rreot flbJect ol Cbrlttlat~.lfr In Jntt't• ITII!I bl~~our111 fro.ai their land b.-"atltf' 1 thu t:,OI1t1 !':~~rcw bt.bl•a dll" each :JatJonaJ atralra ·••• to ""ahll•h tht~y rf'nll!e tltat whr.re .. r Chrfatlllll·l b~~rcau•e thr .., .• ,.,.or thrtr panaolll trhndl7 nla.Uu11a aot ODl,r wHb otht-r II)" ,;tta a 11trnnr fooJ:bold: tbeb 11 too lo,.. fG oa'ord tbt-m J>roper ll\"ID& CZI.rlallan J'Jatlons, but with the anti· tll"an1 11han:r,- !:r.thc:n, B~ not fool· rund!Uona aDd modlcal•ut"ntlon. Col:l·

,~ Chrl11la.a t~atlt'Jbl, tbl.t tbpy ml,.:bt !u· ul, df'11r ruder, tb!~ Ill no rt~ll~lnu@l dltlona tD ;he trade ~lUI onb' b~t 1m· · .. brGUibt In !u"d' ...-Uh .riu~ t•athl::r lrlrht brtll'l'oorl .Amrrtea· aDd Turkey I J.nn·.-cl to ruaratlliltll tbr •·ork•ra a

...J~--'"- .,,_ ~l'.!!!ll"'!'l!!L .,. · - · . - It !t~ o. tlrhftur J•roflh nd ruorf' lll'nf: ~:.n! !J',1~: •• ar.;, .:d.:~~ .t!'~

Page 15: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt


·woRKING CLASS THRJ)UGHOUT WORlD for United Front of. Working Claas of Nations; Races~ ColorS arid CQluritries.

··. ,.;,:·.:.,~i_f:·'

.~···-~·' ' .>

· .............. . t •••••

. ...

Page 16: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt


:>. ·· .. ~ No• for a_few Jlen.onal rf'markl' ou " · tlle bTJIOC:f'b,. and the attempt at

"critid~:m i!lduJ~ed 11:1 tiy ~the :·~,~!Jf~:;:!:l:•i•;;: meDtiODed. dbputruits. OTeJ' Turki!b · e:esn:!z::u .... a ad v!nue being _a ~uar-

- U1e·

·.,-;,})VIIH, T.HE YOUTH ~;~~~~~f:~~~~~~~~~¥lf~~~l~~~f~1~~~~i~ ··' · ·,. (Cont;nuod from Feb: Issue)" ~;; $,~ -~-.;· ?fiu~h·.J:der A~erican- the

. ...:t.·••. ·.··. : :.~ ... '~.E .. :.~;;~~~ENOAioT:IO. EN~L T!i OF ~~;~;;:~~~f :!."~~:,:~:~~.'-~; - ,_ ::- - 'lll;"ealtb he eoncllldes thl\t the rich ol

the l:nt:ed State•. bf'cau•e of theh

•.>~i:~.-;.~,' ~-.1.-~ee:e l:::r:~~~; :·::~~~:: ~~~!~:. :r~n~::~~~~:a~:o ~~·~h11e ~!J::~~h;,•ttnb~' ~~ · · :""tJcs --flhowtng tbe db!rlbutJoD or na!lon. And hir:tory bQ..f;. ,bown tba! :-~- : ·;· ·~·eallh. This. he>trtTer. was a ban- capltalil'm a""alls 1taetr·ot the full <~~.d --~~<~ ·:-'aoned, and lnYe":otl_t-atlon "in this dl· 1·anta,:e of Its power. especially In an -~ :.~ .:->.: r•cUon 1: .. fallen intn the hands or errort to lncrea11e It& holdi.oge I!Uld tn · · ....... private indiTJduals. Tbe enc:t ,,~,1 "'ap greater .and .-reater :wealth.

· porUPn of we'llth di!<IribuUo:u Js _.,..:·,--' . p.:n;.&lble of caleulatlon to date. • ~ £ J that Hte $187.739,060,000 e~<Umated as

_ .• t-'.~!llJirisinr: the total wealth of, the na­'. --~~,·::·· • tiun is contralled largely by a "'l'ery :·_/".e..;__·;.- sinal! mlnor1ty of the ~pnlallon c:an-

.; ~ • .,:.. '" ft9t be-dll:pnte. • .~f,-,··-:.~- -~ :.\n-mrord J. Kiii~::. Ph. Df· in his OOok. ''2.·_,._. -~·ea.lth and Income of the People nf

.• , .. ' · tbe-t"nltt:d. Srntcs." ba!l collt"c:tP.d t<ta• ' - tlstlc~ the rebult or which 1Nid~; him

Ut lhl• conclu!<lon that ti5 per cent of , ~--.. . .·tt-_, popuiJ~tlon own" nothing; 15 p~::r

·, "'-_ ;_ .-:-··cent one thOt.IIUIInd dollara and ~o~nder.: f~ &r_t'- ~_;-• .-· 1e ... r C::~t twp thoU5,\nd tlGIIiilra and

·: -~.-~-:£'-'"ove--;. While~ .per ce,!lt may be ~:ailed • .'·~.:.~ ·,. _rich, po .. _c"'"" ~.000 Ol" over.

·-' ~ ::';.·-J- · .Richard Henry Ech:ard.s of thE' UDI· · :•::'.·:·=·1-.-er.;-fty ol 1\"lsC<:~nsln in -a pamphlet, -i::;.? ·-:-• !••concentrated "Vt.'ulth."' declue~: "ODe - ,;;.· .-·_':7 ~er ceut of Amerlc:an fatnllie!l control i.:..r-·::.:r ..m-oie -nf the ~enernl ·.oc-ea.Ith tha.n the ~-.?":!:. ;: :" ".femalntnz ZlhJ.et:r·Dine per <et!Dt," and ·• • • · """::- lie· soe~ -on furtller to rtbow t.be !ltU•

• · PemJous coneentratfon of the means of production and wealth tn tbt" hanclR of the. few ...-bile tbfe T&Rt maJorJ.ty is

. • lert properOlen. -.<.:-;·.~~---~The portion ot U!.e population --Jth­_;,-.~~.,~.~.:: OUt -wealth muat 111-lKir ltz order that It 7..,· ~::- -_:· '7-n•Lll'"e, ..and Mr.· Edw.uds tells ua

· ',-_ · ·· tba.:. "fifteen million -..a~;e E"aroer~ :re--0 • C't!l"'l'e le:as than tour hundred dollat11 a

,.ear" rnl5.. bowe,.er. WllS beforp. the =.:ar.'The 'fl"&.l' r-hanp-ed matter11 llllJhtl,­ae to tbt> amount ret•elved by Ya.f::e t.'&n:len. But at pre11eDt the drlte!!' for t.be "Amtork.stl plan" and "oP<"D shop"

"briofl;" ..Ot.h tbem condltioo1 that Prto­Ta!led at that time. wltb the addtod m!!!'erlo:-• fnr thP ..-r>r):in.!: ~::1:!.~~ L~:-:: of the war.


·;.;;e ,-oun: ..,-Oi-'hra <~::&D r~ad:llr ftet! that a .... -rr-tuJt 0~ tbl• mnro!!'lng o!

· ...-E"altb lo thro ct:~tt~>rs of 1bto 11\""0 ~r -' ~ ce!!l. the po•er to CUDtroJ the ~f'$tlt:.y


The law protects property With greater ardor tban ll 'ever p-urported tO protec-t the. lnterellt of the -wage f'arners. Property 1s lnT"iolable; It is sac:red. · M a,:-alnst the unlo:J m'n on ~trike, Droperty recelvea the tlrn !!ideratlon. For Instance. durinc tbr ~tril!e In ·the ('()&! llelda in "\'\"est Yir­giDill. troop!< "~<"ere l!leDt 10 a;uard tbe nl:nes; In G!i.~ii·. •lnd .. durlnc- tbe steel I;trlke, i>Uhlier~ "protec:t('d;•• the- prop­erty 10f tbf! nlinols Steel cOrporation. On the other hand, when 11·orkers-are terrorized by tbe armed 1.bu;:l!l, hired b~· largto C:apltallsta to tlgbt the wotll.· ers' c.rq'anlza.tlona. tbe goYernmeul. (true to Its dua nature") shields Its eyes and ta.kaa :ao DOUce.

There are dillY c-onaUtuted qeDcles &Uc-b as the Dald"lfiD·Felts detectl\-e a~;enc)·. "J'InkertoD, etc .. who furnish the emploJo·criS with armed guards, lll."bo of1en pro~oll;e T"lole~:ce In strlkeY.Tbc a.ctiYith.•s of these a~cles !::a1'P. not b~>en lnterrered wJtb by the r;oTC!rD· meat. wbUe tbe armlna; cf tbe wort:·

as a me11.Ds of seU-pr-otec:Uon ...-ould bp. r-o~thlessl,- suppr~s1ed.

A~ tbe reoulu; or an iDTe~~HgaUou for Dr. Rlebar-d C. CAbOl., prcrea:~or of t~ocial etblca at Harvard, Mr. Sid­ney Howard. tn hts rl;'port. dotoclarea: 'Detectives were obvloudy and dl· recUr n:sponaiblt'! for mucb provoke-d Tiolencf' tn the steel strike, th• Cen­tralia -r.rh.tr. the !!hooting at E-rerett, '\'ai!<hlnJ::!on. and In almo1t r:.ll thto riot~> attof'r.c!ant Ut'O!l Uc ;;:rtH rail· way s-lrlke_.;• !Tbe Labor Spy, p, ti!;.)


Tbt- l~:~junc:t!oJI h a.nnther .,.raf>":ln of tht- f'tufllo,.-!n~ cla:o~

Ftr:iri.e:-a, &lid 1t ~~- c:tn~ ,U:at t~toF.

' ..

Th~ •,;:~:::,;:;~,~'ill-::~~'~ t~P.ans -of protest aod c ~o theil- fellow wcrkers their Nasons ror atrlktng-that:Js by -picketlns. Ye-iofchall;~g·d · the,. "lmpa~Jalv justlce-dlspena1D4 courts ·haT"e d~olan:d pic:ket!ng m~ gal. In lKllnt 1s -" dedslon or tlle liU· nols Appellate COurt 1n t!:le American Cigar ---comP&DY, ease, -.:bleb io part Elates: . _

"To us tt set-m!l f":J:Ceedl~ly nufor­:unate tbat after oPe auprtome COilrt :uu1 be!d that Deaceful p1cketJt~~;. ou-0 c; ___ ,c_ :--.ailed, Is Illegal. a'Dd therc-1.:1· no 1biDg as peac~fuJ picketln!:. a numb~"<r ,t meo 11nd w.·omco wtn. !!Ol c::l;r :>J&r­slst 1D.tbelr refusal wut TdU be gu.llu· .Jf contempt of court for plllC&ni·J ••• ,,-., _____ ,, tug and· PkkeUnc the company'• plant ..... ..

Al:!d tbla i" aa d!'cctt,.e meaDs cf dt:­stroyiag _!.be Utility of 11trlkes. The 111.-orkera art.' dt'!ealed. man:r Urn68~ net by their 1nabUUy to -withhold !:-tim g.-.1!': b:&ek to work, but be..-.,.au the ccurtc talr:e ant ot' T.belr h&-0011 "Oaa·of their· most. effective ..--pons-picket• l11g. in ibia way the rTa;ht to slt;.lke jlO-e>>m'' collec:tll'ely 15 1111 but pronounced Told.

(TO b-e continued.!

(Contlrlued fi"Cim p•;e 1.j Jt?aead on ball under IDdlctment, h~ "lng (il"'"ld shots. • ;.

"'Today, April 2:1, mHttiDCII of PI"'·Ih~•••>•; 1e$t e.!"e btola;: held ~-rer:r- where. :Pdom­berB of t'be couD<:U of Bt.a.te. "Wbo elact­Pd Borno. are guarde~ Ia the-Ir bomt!i by armde const;;ble:s. The:r 11.re afraid to pay -tbto ~bally f<.~r t~=-.&on toll'l.rd the DBtlon b,- !::.:::!:e ;;.a ;;:-"Mo.nt

rather than a man -of As the COD!!tltutloa

':~::~·;;;!!tJ';~{::r-::y?~-~.<;:;c- :• "": . ~£~c.i) --: . ~~----<~""=~~---"~'-!;o...:..:.;__..,___:__.._~--

Page 17: 1926. appea~s 8495- · GARVEts· lEADERSHIP 'IMPERILS :~}~}. , USEFULNESS OF u~ N= I~ A= 1 :; ' · Detroit Convention of the U. N. I. A. An Attempt

C<><J.Dti''\ t'~UU'Ol!tlb .!< l"'!"fll :""n;-r.,,.,.· T"-

pQblJC. - .. 1•,--~h"" '·._Thus Rusr<la ~;aTt:> a :ce.- lead to thE" 'lrorken; o! the world. and behold. "We gral1oaUy W"!Ule'S!Of'\:! European work· eri fmbucid with a n(>w; iliea tbal

''~:::~,·;~ lln.jcr,- to oc.,. f! C.D injury. to ttl.l. o! GrE"at .-· ;:·::-:c;o. ___ -••-·•·•

::J.r...-lc~ ran ao<l ~or oD., to ::u~~rt suppre~s anot!ler. we c;:an cnty eiP<'d a. pollt!cal clal!t. To our ob'ler..-a.tton the polsitioo i!l that the pi!'O[!i" South" Afr:lc.:=. are st:r.ad_lng on a 11ol· C3110.' The wbl:e popu:atton.~led'b7 a tew imperla!bt wJu..rds, oire- pl:ly­ln~ with !Ire.• white on the otb'er !laca the bkcks a.rP. determlced to oppoM

illDytblng: :u·the si:zape of '"~~:·~::~~::;I·:;~ lntellfgeot!y .SDe.:J.k~nv.

So>uth Africa b confrrn:nmJ wll!l &

Wa!", and It Is the dut:r ·ot: the Bl1tlsh Lahot:" Party anot the Trade Union ConJ;TeS:I to mooot n.t occe and &Tert pendfng cat.1!!trophe. 1\-"by shou)lt or· gani1:f'd white labor !ltal:ld by while a

<em••mln,, I seCtion or the movement -l:s being at­ta.r.ked by the enemy. we eannot COli· Cefre. The tntereoBt!lo ot •be .l.rriean workers are fotsnroycn •nh lhoee of the •bite workers in Sou-!b Atrica abro01.d. Let !t bli!', thea, U!.at all


should unite tn one army one eaemy-the capttall~

moltto has been Jlll:i\"eo to tn by :.\fa~: ~'\\.·orker"$ or the world. unite! .. Ye!l, Jet u:s uolte for the purpo"'"' ~