
T MESS 3 To 2, In Stirring Pitchers' Duel Sloan oubpttehed Joe iri » brilliant pitching MA and *« ¥ |,,, Aces, 3 to 1 in l The bat- , 1 .', (hit place. The victory lh , Hovers first idaee in the „,! Robin baseball tournament ,„,,,, flP nior teams. Up until ., 1( ,,,lay night the Rovers and ,,,,., were tied for the pole i,,,,!. The yame was called in , v ili because of darkness. h ;, ^mp developed into a tor- ,i,.jiiii(c contest between Sloan k. Sloanhad the,bet- t h ll nil*' ',f the argument as h* allow* ,' .i,,,.,, hit* while Martlnteak was '. [. r-.t for four hit*. ; ,\,.,. fl started the scoring run in the first inning. , lv ,. t s came back in their I,.- same session and scor- , runs to take the lead, 8 l)nMi the first half of the fifth Ace. Willed to tie ft. i did't i a •••' „,, Ace. W t ,i B t 2 2. But it didn't remain ; v9y long for Ae Rovers ,.,l what proved to be the win- n ttielr half of the fifth, by Dinner CotBfea and by John Barbarczuk n ,n in r|11 .,| the trick. \,,<t Wednesday the kagu „!;„(/ Rovers will meet the Clo , ;,t the high schoul fleid. The , -: muit win thU game to ,.,, lirst place as a defeat will ,.,, them into a Joint tie with , \.<s for the top position. Round Rob™ Tournament Team Sttn<Hn r Aces ... Clovers W 2 1 0 N.xt W. Clovers vs Rovers. The box score: ROT-T» (3) L 0 1 2 Pet 1.000 .500 .000 AB Zagleski, If 4 Cjajkowski, 2b Corniba, lb Kosel, ef j Sosnowski, 8b 8 Barbarciuk, rf a B. Sloan, ss 3 O. Sloan, p 2 Koster, c ' 2 MsrkowiU, If Smith, p AM, (2) 0 . 1 if 26 AB.. Hagan, ss ., Van Deventer, If 2 Marciniak, p 8 Jackson, lb 2 Barbarczuk, Sb 2 Kami, 2b „... 2 Diion, c 0 Colgan, rf 2 Millik, cf 8 Frankowski, c 1 Clark, If ....' 1 R 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Score by innings: 21 2 8 Aces 100 Rovers 200 010- Olx—8 Start Mow For To Be Taught By Red Crou Instructors Must Pats Test* To Join Squad. \ meeting was held in the Bor- nuifti Hall Wednesday night to take preliminary steps toward the formation of s first aid and fiafe- ty squad inTCarUret The squad is to be organised along lines simi- lar to such squads in South Am- and other shore towns. Any ii) Carteret 21 years old it U to join provided he has a first, aid certificate or obtains one. Most of those in the Carteret win hare to obtain certifi- buy sfld ill h cate by taking training from ap- d A i Rd C in proved' American Red Cross stnu'tors and -passing tests. p in- tion of ort and passing tes flrat step will be die forma- f ^ about ths aecrod .i CARTERET, Orocer Is Fined $80 For Moonshine Vincent Yash who runs a eery in Emerson street, was'' raipied in police court Tu it and fined $50 and costs ; ng illegal liquor, police ed a warrant on him Satuf after a secret operative ed alleged moonshine liquor in 1 store. Yash paid the fine. , AUGUST 17, "l»*4" PRICK Factory Heads Send Letters To Worl Warner Chemical Company In Full Accord WithCam- paign For Employment ( Local Men Two Other*) Write, SflftH 'After a sufficient ntrmV ii d have taken the training and sed the tests, a permanent or- ganization will be formed. At the meeting, Wednesday nii'lit there were talks by Captain K 1 1 n K er and two other members ii the South Amboy squad. They i >'•! '>f how the squad in that place w;is 1 rained and organized. It is a v:il..- uf these sfuaas that no com- ,•1-1 i-iition or pay of any kind shall <r .iccepted from persons who l.:r.'- received aid. The members \MI! In' trained thoroughly in in- 'luaiiK artificial breathing, the u i- uf inhalators or lung motors, 1 r.ui' »f drowniag persons, care in .in-idi'iiU and all that the word, "iii t aid" implies. The instructors uill be furniimed by the American Ki-d *'ross and will be thoroughly In organising the Carteret -•'iiiiiil aneffort will be made to en- li-! all those in the borough hold- lirst aid certificates. The 'ii holders of such cards are •li'liu Cico, Robert Horn Jr., and Klwiiid Lloyd, who were at the lu.inijf, and Harry Baker, Joseph Miu-uney Henry Green Jr., and William Misdom. l'i'rsons desiring to join the ••].)-«! may do so by getting in 1 "ii-li with Edward A. Lloyd, Jos- <-pli .shutello or Frank Born. Pres- et at the meeting Wednesday i"(,'lit were: FUv, Father John '! iixliuk, John Cico, Edward A. Andrew Ella, John Hila, 1932 US. Class Holds Reunion Forty-One Members Attend Event Held Near Long - Branch Last Night—Chic- ken Dinner, Dancing and Entertainment. The Carteret High School class of 1032 held its first reunion last night in "The Derby" at Sunshine Beach near Long Branch, forty- one members of the class attend- ed, The members assembled at the Borough Hall and went from there to the beach in private cars. The program included dancing, a chkken dinner, and entertain- ment. When the class arrived "Many Happy Returns," was sung as a song ol welcome by "Nutsy Fagan, of the Village Bam, a well known entertainer and comedian. The reunion was arranged by a comittee Includin Misses Dorothy and he committee was given a vote of thanks by the class for the sue cess of the affair. Those who attended in addition 6 the committee were: John Rich- Al Stutzke, Joseph Skimmons, Reservations Read; For'ledwickDay" Carteret Bus Service An- nounces It Will Run Two De Luxe Buses To Game At Polo Grounds Septem- ber 16. 'Sam George, proprietor of the Carteret Bus Service, Inc., has nnounced he will run two deluxe iuses to the "Medwick Day" game to be held at the Polo Grounds, New York, Sunday, Sept. 16. Res- ervations, Mr. George said, must be made at least two weeks in ad- vance so that the committee on the affair may purchase a block of seats of 100 or more. On Sept. 16 in the game be- tween the New York Giants and the St. Louis Cardinals Meddy will be fittingly honored by his •home town when he will be pre- sented with a valuable gift. The presentation will be made by an official of this borough. The committee will start to so- icit contributions early next week. Each week a list of the contributors will be announced in the PRESS. This list will be car- ried forward from weok to until Sept. 16. Three letters from local in* trial concerns were read at a ing of the Carteret Worker's sociation Friday night. Ane, h W Chil C For Big Drive HI Units Of Party Unit To Boost Evwt General Committee and Sub-Conv mittee* Named Expect Moore ud Dill To Attend. All of the Democratic units of ho borough, organiied Into "The "oorc-Dill Club," Joined forces «nd rosource» Tuesday night to . «t over the annual Democratie family pionk with a bang. They 'met in Firehouse No. 2 and there were so many present the hall was fllll The women's unit had sup- plied sandwiches and the men had supplied bottled beer and soft drinks which were served after tin' business meeting, and kept the l i th h l l f h Woman Fined $80 For Soiling Moonshine Mrs, Mary Papp, of 19 Warren street, was arraigned In police court yesterday morning for sell- ing illegal liquor. She was fined ffiO and costs, It Is tte third time the woman has been arrested for the sale of illegal liquor, police said. Workers Seek Aid Mon Th*n 100 Attend M*tJn t Of Council _ PrtacVal Speaker hi TWr Behalf iMhwtries Do Not Gr*» Local Men Jobs ft*I Not-Resident, Mayor and Council Coaditiona Described WU1 Seek Factory Heeds. the Warner Chemical Compeaf said the company is in full ap cord with the workers in thftt campaign to give Carteret workelf employment in Carteret plants. The writer, J. H. Coleman, plant manager, suggest the workers formulate a plan and then subflalt it to fine Industries at a confer* ence. A letter from the Genetw- Ameriran and Tank Storage CoBh >any informs the workers me cottS" ing J ' •"••""I* W »» VtflVH 1—J ' >t Sivon Joseph Lloyd John •mi Robert Horn Jr., Jsroe Hips and the visitors fromtn< »uth Amboy squad. <ew Boy Scout-Troop To Be Organiied At St. Mark* \meeting to organise a new ' - 1 -•' ' l America | o f Boy •••.•. held last llul > <>f the fit. 'lunch. The ' l but aay ol America the pfrish Bplswpa ni* the >•« or mote may joja. ,i>iw...ll L ^ 1^111 t . - LI. men work. It is signed by Roy HY Henwood, manager. The letters were in response an appeal from the workers for 1 conference to discuss labor cond ions. The Benjamin Moore C01 jany's manager wrote there WO' le no advantage in holding a erence. The question or 'or unemployed, he wrote, is upj o the Mayor and council who haW ,ad the matter up with the factori- es and obtained a promi.se to give" , p Carlisle, Louis Turner, aza Sisko, John Kantor, Mr. and ilrs. Bernard Rockman Andrew inege, Stanley Viater, William Gross, Stephen Baksa, Stephen Babies, Louis Brown, Harold "Uauss, Michael Poll, Jacob Ea sig, Andrew Hiler, John Poptel, Joseph Venook, Philip Foxe, John >chein, Joseph Czajkowski, Harold larrington and Sidney Rockman. The Misses Anna Lehman, Lena Rosenblum, Henrietta Nadel, Paoline Szcesny, Mary Gerzanich, Dorothy Dalrymple, Stella Chumi- Sato Wins By KO In Union City Otto Soto, who promises to press Baby Face Fiaher for fistic honors in this borough, scored an impressive victory when he kayoed Eddie Langdon of Newark in the third round of a schdduled four round bout in Union City last Fri- day night. The knockout came af- ter 2 minutes and 45 seconds of the third round. Suto is scheduled to appear in a four-rounder at the Elizabeth Sta- dium next Thursday night. Suto, representing the Harmony Club, drew a large crowd fromthe club. in the hall for an hour or more after tihe meeting adjourned. A general committee on the ar- rangements for the picnic was ap- pointed by Fred Colton who pre- sided. William J. Lawlor is gener- al chairman. William Duff is treas- urer, and Mrs. Dennis O'Rorke is secretary There were several sub- committee chairmen appointed. Kilwsrd Demish was appointed publicity chairman to (five the af- fair plenty of publicity during the dnys until the date of the picnic which will be held Sunday, Sep- tember ft in Markwalt's Grove in the East Rahway section. The pic- nic will start before noon and will iany is cooperating in giving locat last all day and late into the eve- p g Oarteret men the preference. Thg industries are ding ll they cafl^ ning. There is a platform for danc- ing and the t*rove is lighted. Free transportation between the grove and the central part of the bor- ough will he maintained all day. Transportation will be in charge of Mathias Beyjert and Frank Cselle. In the afternoon there will be a card party in charge of the women's unit. They will provide cards, tables and prizes. Ambrose Mudrak ia chairman of muaie and will provide an orchestra and per- haps a band. A p ndustries are doing all they the writer said. A CommnnicaHofl Dear Editor: I'm standin' thin! in' of this and that when Scrofp* gins comes along with his cnSssi eyed cat an' gives me a bid to go with him an' some friends to a place called Asbury PaTk. They's groin' to have a pleasant after, noon, he tells me. Scroggins I< carryin 1 a funny-shaped bottle that looks like it might growup. to be a fancy electric lamp some time. He says the stuff in it is call- ed Castilian Vitalizer. "It's the li*» p A program of games and ath- letic events in the afternoon will be in charge of Frank Green. Charles Morris will be in charge of the "hot dog" stand. Other re- freshments will be in charge of j the Women's Unit, except the beer J which will be in charge of a com- mittee of men. In the afternoon there will be Slated Here Sunday Carteret To Meet Catasaqua At High School Field In Quarter - Finals Of Na- tional Jednota Baseball Classic. ( After three days of negotiations, Steve Chama, manager of the Car- teret Jednotas, has finally re- ceived word from the sports direc- tor of the Jedndte Leagues that the Carteret- Catasa<rua game postponed from -last Sunday be- cause of rain will be played at the High School Field Sunday after- noon. When negotiations first opened the Catflsaque (fame was slated for tomorrow with the Rsmey game scheduled for Sunday. Man- ager Steve Chamra objected to this strenuously, declaring that two (fames in two successive days was too much for the Carteret team. Finally after a series of night letters, telephone calls, and what not, Steve Chamra received a let- ter Wednesday from the sports director of the league, calling the Catasaque game for Sunday at the High School Field, with Ramey (if Carteret beats Catasaqua fol- lowing next Sunday afternoon also on the local field. The game Sunday will start promptly »t 2J30 o'clock, There were nor* Chan 100 members of the Carteret Workers' Association packed into ttts coun- cil chamber Wednesday night at the regular meeting of the coun- cil. They came to renew their re- quest that the council aid them in their fight for Carteret labor. They had a committee of five speakers. The principal one was Rev. Father John Haadiak. The pritst is an ardent worker for the unemployed of Cartertt. John Cico, president of the as- sociation. He said the industries marks, stating the case of the as- the industries give Carteret sociaion. He said had promised to a period devoted to speakers. Gov- ernor Moore is expected to be ?resent and make an address. Ef- urts will be made to have Judge Dill at the picnic also and speak. There will be some county candi- dates present. The local speakers listed include Joseph Shutello Jr. Mayor Joseph A. Hermann, James Lukach arid Peter Sivon, all can- Lead Plant Dropped To Cellar By Tank House Tank House Wins, 7 to 3, Behind Steady By Al Stutzke. Pitching or nisabetii mmin ^tWh cki, Julia Kanhur, ~>ances Auito and kow. Dors Louis, Evelyn Fed- /ett it a Veterans To Hold Dance On Eve Of Armistice Day Star Landing Post No. 2314 'eterans ol Foreign Wars voted t a meeting in the Borough Hall Vonday night to hold a dance on the eve of Armistice Day, Novem- ber 10. The place will be selected by a committee including William Bishop, Gus Freeman, Pasquale De Santis, Anthony Connolly, Charles Lee, Andrew Sivon, Stan- ley Pelsak and Charles Thorn. The members discussed the na- tional convention of the V. F. W. to be held inSt,. Louis next month- None of the members of the local post will attend because of the dis- tance, ABC MEN UNCOVER 500-GALLON STILL Radich Is Held In Bond Of $1,000 By Judge Vogd; Probe Continues SEWAREN— 11 ' ii well isur he.tbrt«°u<» twelveiboyi were record- J units Raid, k ftsld eojumis- ;;"'>"• of the BaAaii Council of v -Scouts, was present and talk- \1 Guyon as&ttd in &• P"- II iimmary Th, eha will arrive <" stated at Jtclic. There * '»k r Thursday'] a ' 7:16 t'*u.L. work, new troop a vaanttL it jasstin* l**t MOth^mwt- To Announce Winner In Yard and Garden Contest Judges for a ysrd and garden. competition conducted by a New York paper were in Carteret re- cently inspecting gardens and yards the owners of wihioh had en- tered the competition through the efforts of the Carteret Woman's Club.: It was announced tothe olub the judir«* will announce the. win- ners next month. The annual /lower show of the Woman's Club will be held in the Borough Hall, September 12. Mrs. Henry J. Harrington chairman 6t th» committee in charge of the show. • , Operatives of the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission had not yet suc- ceeded this morning in link- ing Nicholas Radich, of Old Road, Sewaren, with the 600-gallon still discovered in op- eration last Friday. Radich was arrested and later released by Recorder B. W. Vo- gel under bond of $1,000 on a charge of illegally possessing an unlicensed i&O-gallon cooker dis- covered on his property. Owner- ship of the completely equipped plant on the next property, which belongs to the Modern Building and Loan (Society of Perth. Am- boy, had not yet been established today. Two of State Commissioner D, Fr*'lerick Burnett's investiga- tors seized the elaborately-equip- JH«1 plant, iiM-liiiii.ng 4 steel cook- er double action pumpa and elec- tric blowers, and also discuvurei 12 000 gallons of maah in foui tanks. The still's productive ca- pacity was estimated at 3.&00 gat IOTW a week. of ans. Vgijiy'drrakt *tt6ugih he can walk Spanish," We go to where the bunch is to meet an' most of 'em is waitin'. There's the barber with a lame arm whic4i he says he got from carryin' salt water (pails in the mountains. They's the Little Fel- low an' a couple of banker guys, an' one lad which Scroggins in- troduces as the inexperienced law- yer. This lawyer guy has a funrty haircut with Borne sign of bangs I guess the barber used his Uime ,rm when he gave the lawyer guy haircut. We're a pretty sociable bunch ,n' pal along- together except icroggins an' the 'inexperienced iwyer. Them two sort of concen- •ate on the Castilian Vitalizer. Veil, every time they takes shot f that vitalizer they think they :now a little more than they did ust before they took the shot. ?hey's a hanker guy named Paul the bunch says it's a cumulative :ries effect. It seems the inex- lerienoed lawyer had a couple of sxtra ones of them funny lookin' jotttes of the vitalizer because by ;he time t)he first one is knocked iff they's another bottle. The irosseyed cat sniffed the cork an' lad a fit an' then keeled over an' ut like a Light, When we get to Asbury them wo guys think they's a new brain didaWs in November, president of and Fred the dub. Ukrainian Club Name* ' Delegates To Convention Tie Ukrainian SMM Club wet Tuesday night in the oljtr hops* In LiJWt avenue and electad ft*<t dlto \ th*«onv«»t»uof Uw Incomplete The State's detectives 8tre»s«i today the fact their investigation npt yet complete. Sidney B White of the Newark office stated men went out merely to in- has t"— found. eventually un unattended bu „»» Mr en won the'<• thinks K's says foe' an' St the High Sciooi Class Cl**» Reunion «Ye also comprise tiie 'torn- mlttee on speakers. At the meeting Tuesday night several of the leaders spoke urg- ing all members of the party to boost the picnic, from now until it is held. Confidence in the out- come of the November election was universally expressed. It was •pointed out the several Demo- cratic units are working in bet- ter harmony than ever before, and that all indications point to a victory at the polls for all the party candidates. The annual pic- nic is regarded as the opening event in the campaign. uys Th trust. They're tellin' how tofixup the home loan an' develop Mohe- la Park, »n' the PWA an' the )emoe.ratji an' lots of things. The rest of the bunch sticks to Icotch an' keep away from the fttalizer. We go round seein' the ights. One place they's some la- lies dancin' an' the cross-eyed cat cornea to and starts a ruckus so we get along little doggie an' bring up in one of them joints where you throw balls at stuffed ctttu to win cane3. By that time Scroggins an' the inexperienced lawyer is so far gone with this CWilian Vitaliier each one thinks he's the other. They're the worst niixed-iup guys you ever see. Scroggins thinkB he's a lawyer an says the way to play this cane game is to first draw a ordinance ;o regulate it. The inexperienced lawyer says he drew a good or- dinance once but some other guy pot hold at it an"shot it full of Th'o rest of us tries a few times for the eanea but don't get no Mulocks Tie Rangers For Softball Lead The Mulocks tied the Rangers for the league leadership in the Harmony Softball League by de- feating them, 11 to 10, last Friday night at the Harmony field. While the Rangers and the Mu- locks are deadlocked for the pole position, the Indians and Aces find themselves in a tie for second place, ono full game behind the leaders. The defeat suffered by the Rangers last Friday was their first of the season. HARMONY SOFTBALL LEAGUE The Tank House and the Lead Plant fought it out for the cellar in the U. H. Metals baseball lea- gue and the Lead Plant won. That is to say, they won the right to occupy the cellar position by los- ing to the Tank House last Friday night, 7 .tft,fc*««v- ,,•-,'• -• . .- Al Stutike, former high school star, turned pitcher for a day and did a fairly decent job of it, hold- ing the Lead Plant to seven hits. Al was presented with a 3-1 lead in the first inning and after the Tank House increased its margin to 6-1 in the second frame lie hiul easy sailing the rest of,the way. Al did a little hitting on his own account, getting three bingles to drive in three runs. For the Lead Plant, Manager Kelly got three for three, knock- ing in two runs and scoring the third himself. He certainly con- tributed his share, but his com- rades evidently found Pitcher Stutzke's curves a bit too puzzling. The box score: Tank Home (9 AB R H F. Garonsky, c 4 2 2 Clark, rf 4 8 2 Stutzke, p 4 1 S Umax, 3b 4 0 1 Deats, If 4 1 0 Dumanski, 2b 2 0 1 J. Garonsky, ss 8 0 1 Kostenbader, lb 3 0 0 labor the preference Inhiring help but are not keeping their promise, and that speakers to follow him would produce proof, The facto ries, he said, are hiring Carteret help to a limited extent only. This assertion was backed up by the speakers that followed. , Rev. Father Hundiak was the first speaker. He said the Workers' Association had been called a radical organisation, Bolshevists, Reds and whatnot. As a matter of fact, the priest said, tine members of the association are Carters working men who have been ou of work for many months, some for years and cannot get a job while men from other communities come into Carteret and are hired by the big industries here. He sal Tie realized the council had at tempted to arrange a conferenci between Industrial heads, th work-ers and official!) and that th industries, or some of them, hav refused. They seem to be passing the buck or trying to wear down the workers organisation, Father Hundiak said, but they will never succeed. If the outsiders hired in the Carteret factories were laid off and the jobs given to Carteret men who have been residents and taxpayers here there would not be an idle man in the borough, Father Hundiak said. There enough common tabor and semi- skilled labor Jobs In local planU for all the idle here, he declared. The workers and the council have been asking for a conference and for the establishment of an employment office. If the indus- tries continue to ignore these r«- quMts, the priest said, there art other means at the djs] •writers that wlfr W The plant properties are not taxed as high as they should be. That could b-e remedied by invoking the County tax board and othtr pow- ers. More taxes paid into the (Mac then tetters M plant A mat! aborers have sett In recent weeks by Crowley letters, *" on an inatanc* twenty-two Elhmfetth Wwd and oaly ^^ u All of the „ , plant* Included ill the Industrial worst dent help. Somt _ plants, they said, art to Carteret workers ner Chemical Con as being lOd p e n Dsvid Lynch said he was a foreman for one ndustries and part of 1 to hire help. He was structed by his superioie 7 Carteret men, tie said, of his own accord. , The council chamber ed and so was the than seventy around thewalls and in but from the tlm« 1 started there was not U nolse or disorder, Mayer \ commented upon this fa on the straightforward which the speakers 1 case. He said he was „. prised at some of th* _ scribed. He had thought tories were hiring " wherever possible as promised to do. Councilman John 1. said in regard to the n raising taxes that the . ^ nothing to do with that work of the assessor, the ipeople, to fix vail ople. to fix Wlrfiam D. borough would enable the borough to undertake projects that would help the unemployment situation. We could have more playgrounds, parks and schools. Edward Steiner spoke of work- ing conditions where plants re- quired help to take charities ut least, once a week. He said such working conditions could be stop- ped by the State Department of Health. Steiner urged that an ef fort be made to establish an em- ployment office in the borough hall so that a sure means would be available to secure work for local men. At present he said, local businessmen are not prospering because local workmen have no money to spend. David Lynch charged that a councilman named Crowley in Elizabeth is able to securewor! T««m Stuuting W L 2 1 1 Indians 1 2 Aces 1 2 Rangers 2 Mulocks 2 Pct| .666 .608 .883 .333 ' 28 LM4 Plant (3 9 10 Witheridg-e, c 2 Wudzke, c 2 Korneluk, rf 8 Gr lb Kelly, ef Jarnutowaki, 8b .8 ^ 3 Zagleski, If .,... 2 Hose, p 8 Stojks, 2b . 3 Schonwald, ss 8 B 0 0 '2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 sessor William D. Cater L the council that makes m i get. ** Mr. Donahue Int , tion to ask each industry*, with the council and m 1 in adjusting the tetmhiei unemployed; A storm Followed this motion nanimously adopted. The discussion of the i ation occupied a gnat d T time of the meeting, and nance respecting liquor due for discussion, « u " to an adjourned 1 m< Some oth,8T ^J^fflty, ._, ,, showed permits issued in 1 improvements totaling' value. Most of the for hanging signs. Councilman William suggested a conference Public Service Electric ComW to discuss the removal of ortnM wires. The council authorised I $1,000 be turned over to 1 Board of Education. Albert Lehrer applied for newal of hi» appointment as C atttblt 1 and the matter was tUTj over to the police committee, j Board of Education was the use of the engineer's" for a meeting room as room in the hirii school used thia year for class |._. The building and groundp! mittee held a session , meeting adjourned to rooms in the borough hall to provide a place for the I neer. The meeting was adji to meet again at the call of chair. : for the place. So finally g an 1 the place. So finally S c r g g s awytr starts in. The only time they hits a «afc Is when they start* arg-uin' and throws at one. another. Then they takes another shot at the vitalizer ant steadies up a e poi Migratory Bird Stamps At Post Office Soon Stamps giving permission to hunt migratory birds will be avail- able at the local post office within two or three weeks according to a communication received this week by Postmaster T. J. Nevill. It is necessary to be provided with these stamps before one may le- gally hu«t wild geese and such other game birds as travel from state to state. EXCURSION IS SUCCESS There were more tfhan 1,200 persons on the excursion conduct- ed Saturday by Fire Company NV>. 1, The committee in charge report- ed th« affair a social and financial 27 8 7 The score by innings: Lead Plant 1W> 101 0—8 Tank House 820 200 »—7 Surprise Shower Given For Lowell Street Girl A surprise shower was given re- cently in honor of Miss Lottie Sosnowski, of 83 Lowell street Refreshments were served and there was dancing. Miss Sosnow- ski received many gifts. Those present were: the Misses Stella Leslie, Stella Sosnowski, Rose Tomico, Helen Lucss, Eliza- beth Balog, Mary Ciimbak, Jose- pWne Komenda, Mrs. J. Walgus, Mrs. George Sharkey, Mrs. Mi- chael Capinski, Mrs. M. Menge, Mrs. Harry Golaszewski, Mrs. Sendziak, Mrs. J. Sulkowski, Mrs. wof Paul says that way; a gome poisons overdose is a h cu«s. Anywjsya, they geu so they throw pretty good «t the flats but uggtns eneaks in a eJrtf 6 ^ 1Llt of tb« -vitalker ft* theft a uk* comes to him. 9e O^ala 4fn»iawyer guys balls aid wln» a cane. That startsa scrap between '""• success The comP»ny chartered "Empire State", a new steam- and went to Rojon Point. TONIGHT Clams, Steamed dam Health Code Violation Costs Driver $5 Fine James Higgins, of 126 Meserole avenue, Brooklyn, a driver for the Continental Baking Company, of Hoboken, was arraigned' in police court last night on complaint of the Board of Health and fined |5 and caeta. He was charged with doing business witlhout fd hanaW permit. Al** S of Pershing avenue, wtio police say, nearly caused a riot in Holly street Wednesday night, while in- toxicated, will not be arraigned until Tuesday night of next week, He was arrested by Patrolman Thomas Donoghue. OV; ii (4*1 a A), ana, w Wutkowski, Mrs. Mrs. Sol Sokler, G. Gombosh, Mrs. Charles food Roth, Mrs. Lisecki, Mrs. H, Sos- nowski, Mrs. S. WoJkowBki, all of Carteret; Miss Eleanor Zawistow- 8ki, Mrs. J. Penkiewics, Mrs. M. Zawistowski and Mrs. P. Ponow- ski, of Perth Amboy; MJiM Jeanne Bonalski, Mrs. W, Bonalskl and Mrs S. • WoitanowsW, of Fords; Mrs. F. Suyfcolski, of South Am- boy, and Mrs. J. Vernoft, of Soutlh River. Foster Wheeler N. Y. Office To Move To Carteret WOR Watchman Threatens Suit Against Contractor , IATUWJAY NIGHT "' and'Get a Good asa of The local ofllce of the Kostar- Wheeler Company today confirm- ed a report th** th« New Yqrt of. ffce"WW'M* corporation win ttt removed to Carteret. Nothing «•* stated i s to when the move will be made but it was stated the John Hrivnak, of Ixig street, said Wednesday he wil start suit in a small cause court against Mahoney a^Troost, con- tractors In charge of the WOE construction work in Bast Sehwrny on the ground .they violated a con- tract, ifrivnak was employed by the 'contractors a i * nigM r w»teh- H i^i ti Wt of Avend Man Hurt In Accident Motorcycle and Crash In Chrome —Victim Has juries, Physician Gasa Dafclk, of Rahv nue, Avenel, was riding hi cycle in Rooaevelt aven night about 10 o'clock crashed into an auto <~ " chael Barna, of 6 street. Bsrna w*s from Port Reading te undertaking establi' was turning out of \ nu« to the rear of Coon when the accident hap Officer Dan Kasha, w«s ] scene. He and fitrna too to the office of Dp, San singer who was put. 11 took him to Dr. K y first aid and had Dafciki Perth mboy General Ha physwian said Defeik bruises and laceration* j u to internal Injuries. Tfttti cycle was damaged and sft t car. Foresters To Open man. ont He ai * nigMw»t a certain Wt«of tth He si^i a certain W was agreed Ujon together WiU, * dutoite writing' vmajt When it tile to gtttinir hU according to Hlivnak, ha h th t ding to Hlivnak, ha wcf than the amount stipulated td t k 105 With Big SocUJ At s meeting of COB No. 48 Ferestars " Odd F»llows Ip T plans were mads, to , season with a sqela 1 tember 11. T tainment and members of attend. T* charge of a < raents t

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TMESS3 To 2,I n S t i r r i n g P i t c h e r s ' D u e lSl oan ou bptte he dJoei ri bril l iant pitchingMAand* |,,,Ace s,3to 1inl Thebat- ,1.',(hit pl ace .The victoryl h ,Hove rs first idae e inthe,! Robin base bal l tou rname nt,,,,,fl Pniorte ams.Up u ntil.,1(,,,l ay nighttheRove rs and,,,,.,we re tie dfor thepol ei,,,,!.Theyame was cal l e din,vil ibe cau se of darkne ss.h;,^mp de ve l ope d intoa tor-,i,.jiiii(c conte st be twe e n Sl oank.Sl oanhad the ,be t-thl lnil*'',ftheargu me ntas h*al l ow*,' .i,,,.,,hit*whil e Martl nte akwas'. [. r-.tfor fou rhit*.;,\,.,.fl starte dthe scoringru nin the first inning., l v, . ts came backin the ir I,.- same se ssionand scor-,ru nsto take thel e ad,8l ) n Mi the firsthal fofthefifthAce .Wille dto tieft.idi d' tia ',,Ace . Wt,iBt 22. Bu t it didn't re main;v9ylongforAeRove rs,.,l what proved to bethe win-n ttie l r halfof thefifth,byD inne rCotBfea andbyJohnBarbarczu kn, n inr|11.,|the trick.\,,r.Most of the pl aids we re obviou s- tnmt.store has ju st pu t forth aly chose n .be cau se the y we re aiHu s-n"wE l e cti on of e xciting u e gl i-SPECIALSFOR FRID AYAND SAT URD AYM iiffing.Some were targe ,some we resmall.There we re more ingr e e n\ Cyn t i n D r Au mQknu mthananyothe rcolor.One smartu l CtJi l ,D l UWl l Ju OWi ldiagonal checkorgandie WM inblackandwhite .A ginghamfrock/ \ Jthatwasnomore thanasportdre sswithalongskirtwasbrownjr.*i Agre e nandwhite .Ithadahatte r" *' *neck,like abathingsu itor apairofbeachpajamas.No je we l ry wan Tu niCSMwaus ibc Best at lowest Prices-BONELESSP OTROAST,23LBLEGandRUMPVE AL19L6EXTRAFANCYBROILERS 25COTTAGE HAMSIRLOINS T E AKD RYBEVERAGESWECARRY A FULLLINEOFFEIGENSPAN'SSCHMID T'SRUBSAM&KORRMANNBALLANTINE'SKRUEGER'SKING'S,BREILT'SPAB3TBLUERIBBON,BETZ,SCHUT Z,BEfcRSALES,PORTERSdiffe re nt,trimme rway.Ke rchie f.aa thou gh the re wil l be some hang-knows no man cou l d re -To this e nd a Ne w York de part-re t.Mu ch l ace ,care fu l l y tnse rttdto e nch-cl e tk shou l de rs and e toff UM l bow-l ngth pu ff sl e e ve *,al so trims the front of both gar-me ntc The ne gHgMtia at theaide and (Its snu gl y abou t thehipl ine .* * iFormore private momontc wenightie that is re al l y ju at a wiipof fl e sh-col orshe e rde pe nds forits acce nt on fl ou nce *and fl ou nce *and a gay swisby train.Again,l ace ,the ine vitabl e aid to thebou doirwardrobe ,fl u tte rs frombndice to he m and pyramids intie rs u p from the fl oorto the be -ginning of the train.Ml e hl gtn wote u m."MttytotdOflMOol bwttonrIt th tl tl Kl *O IH| l tn thl ie arly animal ,which tadtte tottl and de ntal charattttittktrtMmbl l nibain th* modm twtMtod ru minating anl mtl t.Wbn tbttke l tton Is mode le d OT#Twtth cl ay,to re produ ce IB bnlk of l ife ,"Mery" re ne mhlct the rtngy rtior-back hog of the Sou th,bat wl tb asome what diffe re nt sku l l form anda Ions;.Inste ad of t thnrt.tal l .D rovm of the l l ttU nnl nHl s wtrtto he fou nd In the D akota* du ringth (Hljrnrptifl pe riod,l ime whenarl yIng ou tginningtjr|snfmtfnmaliwe># dy-tnndtl i fAnndernfnrns.i be-Many kowrtttaslwe l l * t i *l anorte K*ta tiiekttdwe .A'ptftjrhaa e r*dwwivta,offtriactfceMsiffnedsMdAtal *forIOMcu tting df*it iinsiteftVlentfortabl e tandfru l te .Variou scomwiMe anbe usedtoope nu nscrewtopsofJan,atitcomestofttl u rartl e te t,alira*or Iandanu t cracke r.NMIIMIChine andgl attwar*,innau ticaldttignt, ai t *(a yacht orse t of dishe s has agrou nd with raws ofarou nd th* e dge s,AInblu e ,anchors. gittrimmedTfWfAre Popu l ar,Soe n on the fl oor.The tre nd was distinctl y to aRagl ailSlF AM I L YL I QUO RS TO RE82 MAIN ST .,WOOD BRID GEPH O N E W D B G.8-0858VEGETA BLE;JreshHereBe e t,, Carrot. 3bu n. 10cOnion* 3 l bs. 10cCookingAppl e s5 l b25cOrange s15 for25cCe l e ry 2 bu n. 19cPotatoe s15 l bs.23cPHONEYOUR ORD ERWoodbridge 8-0739FREED ELIVERYS UI T SA G A I Nwho areand pre p school gradu ate soday wil l be col l e ge and u nive r-ity fre shme n a month from now.l ife ,and many ofvo cl othe s in the irCol onFirst,to got col orou t of thno ne gl e ct of the off shade s.FUELAND FURNACE OILHIGHESTQUALITYFOREVERYJohnnyJohnny Apple*ed,who trartl e dthrou ghou t the cou ntry In the wrl jl nys pl anting tppl e orchard* forhe coming se ttl e rs,Is rtgardtd tstho most e cce ntric fl gnrs In Anwr-lean hUtory.He we nt bare foote dnot onl y In su mmerhu t ofte n Inwinte r,wore tt a coat a c oft msack with hol e s cu t In It forhitneck and arm,wild fre qu e ntl ywe aring a pan fora hat,thou ght Itsinfu l to kil l e ve n a rat ora poi-sonou s tnahe ,wnn ne ve rwithou thi! Bibl e ,e ndu re d pain as themost re sol u te stol e ,and was love dhy the se ttl e rs ntul fe are d by thetndlnns,tho bite rof whom wou ldnot harm him Iwcaww the y thou ghthis mind wat pathe tl e nl l y warpe d.Stil l ,de spite his nu pe rne ss,hy hise xte nsive plHiiihiK of nu rse rie s l iepe rforme d a se rvice to hu tnnnltynol l e ss lie ne flrlal than have beenpe rforme d hy many state sme nthe mse l ve s.MAKEOFBURNERPROMPTAND COURTEOUS SERVICELOOKA T THE S x ti a V a i u s YOUGETwhat is to come .It is appe aring i i , ;WM rt o t h e firat c l a s s e s'high shade s,some with a sl ightof ol ive .All sorts of gre e n, imandarin to bu ttl e ,nre be -j |ing made u p forne xt se ason,with | )l | t th(1 i mi K)r t a n t t h i n | ra b o ucol oris its su itabil ity to thel ivkiu al .Cl ass cl othe s shou l d no*he tire some .Bright re d cannot beworn day afte rday withou t strain-ing not onl y t.h we are rbu t thepe opl e who wil l be doing cal cu l u aprobl e ms be hind he r.Startl ingche cks have the wime fau l t.Styl e s of cu t forCHmpUH we arare simil arto the styl e s of smartspe ctatorsports ou tfits.And the yse e m to have tho fol l owingcharacte ristics;Tu nics are in.The re is nothingbe tte rto cu t you rhe ighttif youare tal l amife e l a bit riin^icu ou aabou t it.The rows of pl e ats andal its which arc be ing fe atu re d atthe akirt he ml ine s this se ason hayethe same e ffe ct bu t are not tooshorte ning forany bu t the ve rysmal l .CuffSome of tiie smarte st col l e geKirl frocks are ina"""rH*T"f"ir''*r!Tfi:r''r''r''i!l iWIH'-ffTnSI M M ON S "Gr aceline3 P t e c rEXPUW JOST WHM VUVPPtNEOTO YOURCP& 1HM YttiVlftrt THEHRE llttORMKECOrtPMW TO]EXPLANATIONire asop why so many thou -nds < motorists al l ove rthe /Qntry rid ou GOOD RICHs.g k f ()u n d i noe pe nu abl e ,non-skid,I mil e age the y (five .Re -~ ,w iwve the *) tire s i a. . .and at ve ryirit>4- We al soH C aTUB E S !$1 WEEKLYD ELIVERSSI M M ON S "Gr aceline" Steel BeiA ll-Cotton M attr ess andR estful Coil Spr ingWe 're mightyprou dtooffe rabe dou tfitvl oe l ike thisove rou rname ,be came it're pre se nts u nqu e ationabl ythe pe akinval u e !Imagineit!Ane atgrace fu l Simmonsme tal be dinrichWal nu tnni*u ,are al l ycomfortabl e Simmon*,cottonmattre w,andare ail ie ntSimmome dltpringal l thre epie ce *for onl yf1&7S!To marte n u p th*gu e at rWwa,ortopu tre al sl e e pcomfortintoyou rownroomJte re av*h youmayne ve r againe qu alI.CARTERETPRESS'SnbMrtpttOB,11.BO Pe rYe arI .Te l e phone Carte r* 8-1600rPublished byC ar t er et P r ess,Bate re dM ond cl an matte rJnne S,1924, t Carte re t,N.X,Pont Office ,u nde rtiie Act of MarchS, 1879.Pdre l gn Adve rtisinrBe prcaBttl TMKw ftrse y Ne iffe borbood Ne wspape rs,Inc.Th W or k er *S peakTher enn> point s of int er estint he meet ingof t he c oun-c il andw or k er sW ednesday nig ht .O ne of t he speak er s, at or iest ,pledg ed t hat t he W or k er sAssoc iat ion is notapoli-t ic al or g anizat ion,notr adic alorB olshev ist .H e said t heyfc r ejust or dinar y w or k menseek ingjobs andbeliev ingt hatt*r esident s of C ar t er et t hey should g etfir stc hoic ew hen^sr t er et fac t or ieshir ehelp.N o fair - minded per sonc an0 ndfault w it h t hat aim. The mor e C ar t er et menar e putt o|for k t he bet t eritw illbe forev er y one, t he businessmen,H wfac t or ies,t he c hur c hes,t he bor oug hg ov er nment .'';M enw ho ar e employ ed athonest labor do notc ausedouble.Ac ommunit y ofw or k ing menw ho hav ejobslid be andw ould be ahappy c ommunit y .Ther ew ouldO t oneyt o spend amongt he st or es.The small pr oper t yaer s w ouldbe able t o payt heir t axes. Ther ew ouldbe aer feeling ,mor ec ommunit y spir it .Ther ew er emor et han 20 0menint he g r oupt hatt int ed t he c ounc il W ednesday nig ht .M anyw er e inr ag g eddes butev er yone w as ag ent leman.Ther ew as nodia-ler ,no " w isec r ac k s," no hec k ling .They w er eidealr ic an c it izensbec auset hey used t heAmer ic an pr in-I t plet hat w her et he peoplehav e ag r iev anc et hey shouldW inyitt o t he pr oper ly c onst it ut ed aut hor it y foradjust -M ot . Ther eneedho no fearof law lessness inanor g aniza-|k m t hat st ic k s t o t hat pr inc iple so t enac iously as does t heW or k er sAssoc iat ion.The speak er sw er elowv oic ed,w ell(lanner edandmanly . They st at ed t heir c ase andw er e r ea-O nable int heirr equest s.|':.O nt he ot herhandt he at t it ude of t he may orandc oun-S ^l w asequally fair .The member s of t he g ov er ning body!%rho spok emade itc lear t hey w er eaw ar e of t heir dut yt ot hew or k er s midt o t he indust r ies. Thew or k er s liv e inC ar -t er et andmp.ny of t hempayt axes. The indust r ies paymost ft he t axes of t hebor oug h. B ot hhav e r ig ht s. I tis t he busi-ness of t he c ounc il t o pr ot ec tt hose r ig ht s so longas neit her uses it s r ig htt o t he damag e of t he ot herside.Thec hiefc omplaint is t hat non- r esident sar e beingedbyC ar t er et fac t or iesw hileC ar t er et w or k er sar er e-Bed employ ment .Anot her c omplaint is t hat men w hojjfejfever eac hed t he ag e of for t y hav elit t lehope of g ainingE mploy ment .H bok ed up w it ht hislat t er c omplaint ist heolnt t hat menof for t y ar e usually family menw it h de,-ndent s.I nt he labor ingc lass menof for t yar e st ill inpossession! phy sic al st r eng t handbyalloddaar e st eadier andmor e!. Ther emustbe ar eason if suc hmenar enotan. equal oppor t unit y w it hlads of eig ht een.I t c anilybe aquest ion of w ag esinc eallw ag er at et odayisThe ot her c omplaint t hat loc al menar e t ur nedaw ayI enon- r esident s ar e hir ed,shouldbe inv est ig at ed t hor -lily .The fac t or y headsnotlong ag o pr omisedt heand c ounc il t hat C ar t er et menw ould be g iv ent hefer enc einhir ing help.M enw ho ar e heads of big in-r ies mayhav efault sbutt hey usually ar e menst r ongt ok eept heir w or d, I f non- r esident sar e beingfa-v or ed int he mat t erof employ mentitis v er y lik elyt he fa-t iam is t he w or kof for emen orot her s of limit ed aut hor -f.ThiBw r it erk now s t hatint he c ase of one of t he big g estnploy er s of meninC ar t er et t he C ar t er et w or k er sw er efav or ed w hent her ew as oc c asiont o layoff help. N on- r esi-'flent sw er elaid off w hileloc almenw er ek ept ondespit e"%ha fac t t hat t he non- r esident sw er e t he mor ew illingandjjp*pablew or k er s.Themay or andc ounc il hav e, pr omised t hew or k er ssit uat ion w illbe inv est ig at ed.The w or k er smayr est_ ar ed t hat suc haninv est ig at ion w ill be madeandt hat*w ill c ome of it . I nt he meant ime t he indust r iesshouldfc k enot e of t he fac t t hatt he w or k er shav eshow n afineitof c it izenship of t he best k ind.They hav ebeenlawlading andor der ly under c ondit ionsw her eor der linessnot alw ay spr ev ail. The c onfer enc e t he w or k er shav eledforshouldbe g r ant ed.M en. w ho askforafair hear -|ar e nott r oublemak er s.They should'r ec eiv er ec og ni-N o har m c anc ome of anhonestfac ing of fac t s.!HE MEN IN THE NEWSByCHARLESE. GREGORYHisExce l l e ncy,Arthu rHarryMooreley fr equent ly gayt hat A. H ar r y M oor ec ouldbet oany t hing ,any t imew het her he r anas aRepubiP emoc r at orF ar mer *L abor it e.ijiapr obably iat r ue.Jar r y M oor e, int he v er nac ular ,has 'it ' H e is g enial,poised,anappealing per sonalit y .H is polit ic alis notlimit edt o par t yforhe has as manymilit antent s inone as inanot her ,H e is ev en- t emper ed,c oin-w ithhis enemies,r espec t fult o t hot t eW fto op-id disag r eew it h him.- All'oft heseat t r ibut esm,ur tbe inher it ,notst udied,leyalw ay s ar e ev ident . The g ov er noritathome int heI ng r oomoronac ampaig n plat for mandhe ione[jMt menr eg ar dless of t heir posit ion inlife.** e; was theshre wdpolitical e ye ,al ways pe e l e d for op-Y, of FrankHagu eof JerseyCitywho singl e d out[ooret * te l ^nt you ng man who in timewou l d goinsu chinstance sis practical l ythe e xce ptionof hto pre diction onft chafl cw J*# etimeof the Chicago conve ntion,bW M$ this assertion.!Si.pu tMooreon thedrat City Com-THREE ROOMS AND BATH1U K P7 t * w K tIT YA N DCCTiHTeaeiTeoIHA BOOK/fiSiIAW,Co TO steep NOW.JAOM ; yfItt'j GETTING t Atf ./f l\I ' /6OO0+MGHT. r \II\I''I est ar t ed outt o k eepev er y speak ing eng ag ement t hatw as offer ed t o himfr omanyg r oup t hatmig htg ett og et her ,I e t alk ed t o lar g eaudienc es andsmall ones, he nev er fail-idt o k eep anappoint menthe hadmade. Andall t he t ime,ie w as bec oming somet hingof anor at or .W or d finally bec amebr oadc ast t hat t hisy oung fel-ow c ould mak eabet t er speec ht han allt heold- t imer s,c ollec t iv ely orindiv idually .H ar r y M oor ew as aamuc h inlemandinJer sey C it yas i3aN ewYor kt axic abonar ainyday .They g othim up ear lyint he mor ning andk epthimunning fr omone meet ingt o t he ot her unt il lat e atnig ht .H enev er seemed t o t ir e.H e nev er said now hent heequest sforhis t imeandhis ener g iesw ould hav ew or niw ay t he pat ienc eandent husiasmof t he most ar dentofc ampaig ner s.H ar r y M oor elik ed g et t ing ar ound,shak -ngt he hands of t he peoplein'hisbelov ed Jer sey C it y .O fc our se,he w as elec t ed,ov er w helming ly .H er anfar ahead of t he r estof t he t ic k ett he fir st t ime out . V et er -insst opped int heir t r ac k s,amazed att he st r eng t ht his/oung st er display ed.B utt o M oor e,t her ew asnot hingny st er iousabout it hew asdoing w hathe enjoy ed.W hyhouldn'the do itw ell?W hen t he C it y C ommission or g anized,M oor ew aslamed D ir ec t or of P ar k sandP ublic P r oper t ies.B eing:ust odian of t he munic ipal building sw as somet hing ofat ask forhim, buthis func t ionsas par k dir ec t or w er e somuc h t o his M k ingt hat he for mulat edand dev elopedr ec r eat ion pr og r am unpar allelled int he S t at e.M oor eimmediat ely bec amet he c hampion oft hey out hof t he c it y .H e idolized t he y oung st er sw hoher et o-for ehadno c hanc e t o play .H e w entt o batfort hem. H eir g ued atmeet ing s of t he financ e c ommit t ee t o g etfundsw it hw hic ht o build t hem play g r ounds.H e foug ht , bar -g ained,st r ug g led dayinanddayoutt o g etfort hem w hathey nev erhadbefor e."H iaenemies sayt hat his effor t sint hisdir ec t ion w er epolit ic al. Thatis nfotso. Any oneneeds mer elyt o see H ar r yM oor e int he pr esenc eof ag angof k ids t o r ealizeimmedi-it elyt he fallac y of t hat ac c usat ion.Ther e is ac er t ainmu-ual under st anding bet w een t hem,ac er t ain admir at iont hatis so obv ious as t o mak e adenial of t he fac t impossible*****Ther est of t he st or y of H ar r y M oor e is pr et t y w ellk now n. H e w as fir stelec t edGov er norin1 9 25w henhe r ang ainst one Ar t hur W hit ney , amillionair efr om M endhamw hohaddefeat ed int he Republic an pr imar y one oft heS t at e'sout st anding menof allt imelov able TomM c C r an,M oor e w onbyabout40 ,0 0 0 . H e c ame bac kin1 9 31andde-feat ed D av id B air d,Jr ., byov er 20 0 ,0 0 0 .*****P r obably no maninN ewJer sey 'spublic lifehasen-joy ed t he r espec t andc onfidenc eof t he new spapermenw hoc ov ert he c apit olas has Gov er nor M oor e.H e alw ay s play afair w it h t hem. I f t heyputaquest iont o hiir i he answ er s itt r ut hfully ,eit heronoroff t he r ec or d.D ay sw hen new s is sc ar c ehe dig sup piec es fort hem t ospec ulat eabout .H e seemst o r ealizet he diffic ult ies t ow hic ht hey ar e subjec t andigoeal outof hi"w ayt o helpt hem. I t 's $mar tbusiness, O f c our se, ont he Gov er nor 'spar tbuthe doesn'tdo itfort hat r easonalone.H e'st hesqr t of per son w ho w ould helpany onew het hert heyev erw er e inaposit iont o r et ur nt he fav orornot .H e alw ay s is ac c essible t o t hem w het heritbe int henjir jdle, of t he nig htorint he midstof his meal. N o apolog yis av ernec essar y . ,Andnow,GovernorMooreis ru nning fo*theUnitedState sSe nate^gainstHamiltonFtahKe an.Hi*e le ction isa fore goneconclu sion.TheRe pu blicanswil l te l l youthatforthe y have cometo looku pon him aeu nbe atable ,the irpe rpe tu al ne me sis,And the y're abou tritht.net1,lik eM r . H oov er ,is nnat iv eifI ow a.S ur ely ,hehas notfor -g ot t en t hint er minable pr oc essionifc omplet ely unfounded st at e-ment st hatt heD emoc r at s andP r o-g r essiv e Republic ansmar c hedlinst M r .H oov er .N ew Yor kTimes.IfHitl e rRu l e d UsTog eta r eal idea ofw hat lifeir uler Ger man F asc ismis lik e, useI 'lmr imac - inat ion and t r ansplantlie w hole businesst oAmer ic an< Oi l .Pr et end w e ar e labor ing underN aziismandt hat t he t hing st hathav e happened inGer manyof lat enav e r eally happened ov er her e.Youst ar t byimag ining t hatallpolit ic al par t iesbutt he D c .oer a-iopar t y hav e been for c iblysup-pr essed.H er ber t H oov er has beendr iv en int oexile; H enr y F let c herr unsw hat ialeft oft he Republi-c an par t y fr oma safe hav en inM exic oC it y .O g den M illsislang uishing inL eav enw or t h;S ena-t or B or ahhas been shot .C ong r essisc omposed solelyofpar t y henc hmen pic k ed byJimF ar ley ; but t hat mak eslit t lediffer enc e,foritmeet sonly w henM r .Roosev elt say sitmay , anditdoesexac t ly w hat het ells itt odo.Ther e w on't beany fall elec -t ions; ift her e w er e,all t he v ot erc ould dow ould bet omak eablank et indor sement ofall D emo-c r at ic c andidat es,w it hafloc kofTammany t hug sar ound t obeathim up if he r efused.The edit or ofy our fav or it enew spaper pr int san edit or ialsug g est ing t hat t he N RAis some-w hat jesst han per fec t ,and isimmediat ely t hr ow n in jail. Youy our selfhappen t ov r emar k t haty out hink Gen. Johnson isa flatt ir e,andt hedepar t ment of just ic elug sy ouofft oa c onc ent r at ionc ampinGeor g ia.N o public speak er ,no edit or , nomag azine w r it er dar est o"sug g estt hat M r .Roosev eltis any t hingbutt he w isest P r esident w ehav e ev erhad.Then,t oc ap t hing spr oper ly ,imag ine t hat t he D emoc r at shav ehad anint er nal r ow , andt hatt heP r esident set t lesitbyhav ingC ar -t er Glass,H uey L ong ,B er nar dM .B ar uc h,and Al S mit hexec ut edw it honly a semblanc eofa t r ial.M uik c g on,M ic h.,C hr onir le.F lour ishingC ARD O F TH AN K SW e,t he under sig ned, desir et opiTxsmil t hank st oal l t hO B ek inr l neig hbor s, .fr iendsandr ela-iv esw ho aided us inour r ec entber eav ement int heH eat hof M r s.W allnc e Keft t W eespec ially w ir iito thank tfe v.Carl B.Prate r,/hie fof Pol ice Harringtonandhisoffice rs,those who se nt fl owe rsandwho l oane d the ircars,Unde r-take rJ. J.I.ymanand al l othe rswho aide du s in anyway.(signe d)Wal l ace Ke atand famil yF lour ishingt r eeofH olyast he g r een bayW r it must be t he y W be t hepolit ic al c ar eer ofS enat or B obL itF ollet t eofW isc onsinaft erM r .Roosev elt 'sGr een H ayspeec h. TheP r esident alt er ed t he pr epar edt ext of his addr esst o ment iont heP r og r essiv e Republic an by nameand t o ac c laim liini fr iend.W or k -ing polit ic iansoft he D emoc r at icpar t y w ill'be disg r unt eld att heP r esident 'sw r ec k ing ofa pat r on-ag e mac hinein W isc onsin,butM r .Roosev elt beliv esin net t ingbig g er g amet he y r og r essit e v ot enot onlyinW isc onsinbutt hr oug h-out t he W est N ew r k E v ening \iP ow de t Bas eFoun dat i on Cr e amsHoot S t ve r dP t t r pos e sF oundat ion er eamn and lo-t ion* not only mak e pow dernt ny ont he k in long er , butt hey ser v et o pr ot ec t delic at et issuesfr omt hedr y ingh*ec taoft he sunshine,w ind anddust .Unlessshehaspr ov edt oher ow nsat isfac t ion t hather sk in look sbet t er w it houtone,ev er yw omanneeds somek ind of a pow der base.O fc our se t her ear e afewfir hw ho need no foundat ion.fy ou happent o c ome int hatc at eg or y ,inv est y onr moneyon beaut y pr epar at ionst haty oudoneed.F or inst anc e,some sk inshav e enoug hnat u-r al oilt o r et ain pow der . Andt hese only look smear edandunt idy ifa foundat ion isfor c ed on t hem.Youar e y our ow n bestjudg ein suc hmat t er s- simply t r yt w o or t hr eedif-fer ent k inds.I fnoneim-pr ov est he sk in'sappear anr oomit foundat ion for nfewday s andsee howt hat w or k s.S omeoft henew founda-t ion c r eamsc an be mixedw it h*nt er or sk in t onic .These ar eoft en v er y sat isfac -t or y and, inaddit ion,seem t ohnv ea c ooling effec t ont heak in.S imply put a lit t leor flamin t he palmofoneI mml,pour inafewdr ops ofc old sk in t onic ami mix w ell.Then,aft er r ubbing palms t o-g et her ,smoot ht he c oolmix-t ur e ov er fac eandnec k .O iDKN O C KE RW or mS ay t her e,M r .W oodpec k -er ,use t hebell w hen y ou c all. I o nar e punc hing our door full of holes.Grant'iMamoiriI n t he lat t er y ear sofhie lifeI D fac t w hilelut he shadow ofdeat hC .S .Gr unt c omposed bis'M emoir s," pr inc ipally fort he pur -poseof pay ing bor r ow ed inonej andpr ov iding forhis family .The pub-lished w or k ev ent ually br oug ht M r *.Gr ant near ly one- !iulfmilliondol-lar s,t heg r eat est suc c essa sing lebook up t ot hat t ime hnil r ealized.P ot ashusedft sfer t illM S rfapot BRRlnm c hlor idesnd pot aiM Msulphat e.I nv ar iousot her for m* ft ?c ommodit y h many" " P W ^uses.M ilady 'sfur sn dr essedw it hpot assium aluminum sulphat e.it nd I I maypur ify t he w at er ihedr ink * Tim c olor ed desig n on(r r H nr t um'sc nllc oO TPH S w aspr int edw liht he use ofpot assium blc hr o-mut e w hic halsoI s ext ensiv ely usedhy phot og r apher s, t anner sandbine- pr int paper manufac t ur er s.Rv er y dr ug st or e.say sft N at loftal (jeog r aphle soc iet y bullet in,c on-t ainsa Jarofpot assium br omider or medic inal use.Glassandsoftsoap manufac t ur er semploy pot as-sium c ar bonat e, w hile pot ssslnmc hlor at elaessent ial I nt he manu-fac t ur eoffir ec r ac k er ssndr oc k et s,phot og r apher s' flashlig ht pow derand some paint * and t oot hpast es.(lold I sext r ac t ed fr omor eW it hpot assium c y anide.P ot assiumhy -I r ov lr t eI sext ensiv ely used 1 0*oap.disinfec t ant andRr ease- mak -I ng .The pink c olor of c ft nned c or nbeefI s c aused hypot anRlum nit r at e,bet t er k now n as snlt pet er , w hic ht sa pr eser v at iv eandalsoI snsed I n(he manufac t ur eofblac k blast ingpow der , shr apnel shells, fuses andsmok elesspow der c har g e.P ot assium ac et at eandpot uB slumper mang anat ear bleac her ssnddy er s.Thelat t er alsofindsI t sw ay I nt omedic al pr epar at ions,I sa S t r ong disinfec t ant ,andI susedI n t he manufac t ur eofsac c har ine.P ot assium t ar t ar nt eI s t hec hiefc on-Rt lt nent of c r eamoft ar t ar .B ak ingpow der manufac t ur er suse aboutM> perc ent oft hesupply .I n t hec hemic al labor at or y t he usesofpot ashsr e leg ion.tinIII.:..TadpoleL iv esL ik eF ish,Then D ev elopsI nt oF r ogThe fr og beg inslifeasa t inyblac k spefk ofnneg g sur r oundedby nnalbuminousc oat .Thisc oatsw ellsenor mously w hen exposed t ow nt er nndser v est opr ot ec t t hedelic at eeg g w it hin.Aft er manyw eek st he eg ghut c hesI nt oa t inyw r ig g ler w it ha v er y long and v is-ible I nt est ineandalong t all.Thist adpole liv esas sfish, " br eat hing "I n t hew nt er t hr oug hI t s g ill!).Aft er many w eek soffeedingupon t healg aeI nt he pond,t het ad-pole under g oest r ansfor mat ion int o fr oc .Uslong t nll I sabsor bedc omplet ely ,and it sI nt est inesshr ink t o one- four t hof t heor ig inalleng t h.S inc eI t nowsubsist suponnn animal diet ,I t has no need forsuc ha leng t hy dig est iv e appar at usfor t hishig hly nut r it iousfood.Asa v eg et ar ian I nI t sy out h,I tr e-quir ed hug e quant it iesofalg aet oder iv et he nour ishment nec essar yfor g r ow t h, henc et be long I n-t est ine.Tiie y oung fr og spr out sleg sslow ly ,andlosesI t s g illsw hic h ar er eplac ed bya pair oflung s,mak -ing t he fr og anair br eat her .I nbr eat hing ,t he fr og must sw allowI t sair , v er y muc has I t sw allow sit sfood.A disloc at ed or br ok enJaw I na fr og w ould- .bea ser iousI fnotfat nl mat t er .Tbe moist t hinsk in alH oser v esasan or g an ofr espir at ion I nt he fr og .c*ntse emu tchUso i n. , , ,l e ge be cu t Phin WnmiBatche l e niD e gre e amitl ate rhewe ntandBn { ,'.,ISu ndaywe l l afte r;ie nirdiand he aring- Rffi.he mme rsinga cu ppi,. kindof a Tre attoP H}jwtafe w ol d re ckon!, VicktroU.Eve nmaininvve ry hartUl y.Mu ml aypaga^ jt,Prospe nrityis comeiiiKfhe se d hene w of se ve nwite his paying mu ni hi,me ntson fou rsrtickl ...ste adof one yiOrTw,months ago.Te u iday-Mrs.Tngmnu p ttiis e vningtotawk 1pa incl u de ingAntEmnShe i sstartingfor Yu do,,a we akor 2. * ^y,sl i(. ,,toge t to Ve nnice and i,,-.,,-pl ayon the re Gondol asu ,(|du sse nt costto mu tch,|,,. ,,Ingto have su mbu ddy ] , , ,o pl ay one .WanadayThe te e cV,--,VIVII IMA ofIttil hl o^D iiimmondmor e t h r i lli n t f mor e e .r vi t i r i f/t h an ' vvr be for e !D ru mmoncre tire sfromal ife of ad-ventu re,AlgyI re tire sonhis'wedding night. D ru mmonddiscover*the"girl of thefogl "iS isBET^W^ENMID NIGHT'AND M m . 4*.WITHBULLD OGi^pMMOND !'JO S E P H M . S C H E N C Kpr e i t n ltR ON A LDD r ommond[ findia murder-e d mtnand,l otMhimlm t it het iiri tte rPriu cAcfamedlmD ARRYLF.ZANUCK'Sprodu ctionofWu nmw i t h LORET T AYOUNGWARNJaiOUNDUNAMERKELCHARLESBUT T ERWORT HP ir at ed byRO Y D E L RUTH4I t w 4 t hr u UN I TE D k^JlinD ru mmou i li"cou nte r!t'ie "l l".ppe ariiijjl i "u l1I nt o>> B lplUST JEANHARLOWinwhich the son's pathhnri i on and >*&,,^,,fl the su n to si*k to,,>,|distance ., Indian*pl aye d,i,i,-h the y inve nMd tne ml V i rdice we re *of,,il ,l pl u ms *WW*P2.ih hl nck on one,.,,,', on the o *,11,,,,in * smau,.1,the y shook vg' ,,.v l l 8d forthe col or,nf,,,l to tu rn u p.TJMjr,..,.,|,n dice to *e grou ndMir,it.ho col ors.NOTH'SOF ACCOUNTfd mart* notl ,nwd,l ntandito, ,mcminl to th Orphn',,,.,ou nly of Ml l idl tWI,OB,,tnnnth ( dm l ai d f l ot U7 *shown on- , , . i , [ , . f i ve 111.fe e t to l l i. !. - nf l ot Nil .177;the nce runt* I ' l i iand al ong th we l te r-i .t N 177 an e hown on l ai d' HI in the northe rl y aide of< '< ii'itnkl : ru nnl nithe nce (4), .iitlnff the northe rl y aideh iaMre ial d twe ntT -fl ve (Jl )i. !'!iorpl ace of be gi nni ng.,:;{are known on a map'I i|,i.rPrope rty of J.S l e l n-MH..I In Ml . l dl e miCou nty,N.i1'iMf.19l t, " made by Fr*d F.^ii1 which map bae be e n du l yHi>rrka of the Cl e rk of therMl Ml t>irx nt Ne w Bru nawl ch,.IMl aid down,known and>'!"t No 17W,(he aameINK I,II ' I)" Btrint aa e hown on,,i-iinl .awJe amou nt of the !e -)> ^Atle Ftd by Raid aal e In thei w .' ihmmand one hu ndre d twe n-.i.-iII2.I1B.00),toge the rwithi- I thl a aal e->'with i l l mid si ngu l artil e1'ij-l l fge a,he re di tame nt* and''n,the rau nto be l ongi ng orInALAN H RLY,She rl l f.-l -D OKBUSol icitor.' i;.n ,l l .lJ J> 0U4HT* 1HJM TATL - ,TIM-TE K ELLYK IDS -n *SHERIFF'SSALEl (KANCERY OF NEW JER-JKY Be twe e n HERMAN D A-III) nd IJENA D AVID ,Comu ita,and GABOR TRAK-IKRCEK and ELIZABETHRAW MERGER,e t al s.,D e fe n-isrits,Ki.Pa.forthe sal e of;itrcd pre mise s date d Ju l y10,l!i:U.jy virtu e of the above state djit,to me dire cte d and de l ive r-II will e xpose to sal e at pu bl icID NKSD AY,THE22ND D AYUK AUGUSTA.D .1934w o'clock D ayl ight Savingeinjj in theliof Carte re t,Cou nty ofi'x and .State of Ne w Je r-Nil known and de signate dl ots nu mbe rs twe nty-e igW (28)'we nty-nine (29) on a mapl"l "Map of Su b-division ofni y of Lou is Knie sl e r,Roose -N- I " which said maw is on'" tht- Office of the Cl e rk ofu lcsi'x Cou nty,at Ne w Bru ns- Je rse y.the attim- pre mise s as co&-(I t..(l aborTrakibe rge randiTrakbe rfre r,his irife ,asfi ts in common,wl Uj AntonTiaii,widowe r,by D e e d of Mar-l aamu k and Mary Macanik,if*',date d Octobe r19A,1928re corde d in Book 934 of'< fu rMiddl e se x Cou nty,at!.u ,e tc.L'i"K the pre mise s commonl yviiand de signate d as No.51if Stre e t,Carte re t,N.J.'"approximate amou nt of the"to be satisfie d by said sal ei; Humu f Two Thou sand Se ve nI'-'-d D ol l ars ($2,7O57o0),to-with the costs of t hisal e ."gethorwith al l and aihgru lar'isnts,privil e ge s,hwsdita-"d appu rte n*nfl s.the re -iil onifing orin anywise ap-t AI.AN H.BLV,ShMiff."TL.BROWN,. ,lSol icitor.F*2-27: 8-8,10,IT""'" - n . r.tortk | t we rt-t tht tbovittna Writ.('d tnd fl il l vtrrf,I wil l tb* t thaj,nd SUtti Ji * ;jr-f sTIt "t Schl n-dt l' t tomorrow.Eirrj dma worthdou bl e .Shop nr l j forbc>t rtactl ou .V\a* =j ! t f r -' "vol iFu l l .uW*II IBMb.M l M( 4.r:>ri-l>l!c.