1947 april anchor


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Page 1: 1947 April ANCHOR
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Page 3: 1947 April ANCHOR


April 1947

Vol. XXII No.3


An Alpha Sigma Tau in Germany ... ..

Pine Moun tain Settlement School, Inc.

An Alpha Sigma Tau in South America

A " Danny Grad" .... . . ....... .. . .. . ... .

National A.F.C.W. Convention

Lillian Vogt Schippers . .. ..

Collegiate Chapter News









Alumnre Chapter ews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Personals 30

D irectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Entered as second class ma tter rovember 25., ·1937 . a t the post office at M enasha. \ Visconsi n , under the Act of August 24, ! 912. TnE A NC HOR of Alpha Sigma T au is publi shed d uring th e month of November, J anuary, April, and July. Subscription pti ce, $2.00 per yea r. Publi cation office, George Banta Publishing Co., 450·4 54 Ahnaip S t. . M enasha. \•Vi s. Editoria l offi ce: i\Irs. P a rry Schippers, 3605 N. ewstead, St. Loui s, Mo.

Page 4: 1947 April ANCHOR

Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him fo r peace.

When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the " nay" in your own mmcl , nor do you withhold the " ay."

And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart ; For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations

are born and shared, with joy that i unacclaimed. When you part from your friend, you grieve not ; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence,

as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spiri t. For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love

but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught.

And let your best be for your friend. If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its fl ood also. For what is your fr iend that you should seek him with hours to kill? Seek him always with hours to live. For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness. And in the sweetness of friendship Jet there be laughter, and sharing of

pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

R eprinted from T HE PRO PH ET


by permission of Alfred Knopf, Inc. Copyright 1923 by Kahlil Gibran

Page 5: 1947 April ANCHOR


An Alpha Sigma Tau in Germany This is a letter from Helen Roberts Call, Eta, to Helen Wick, Eta

Giessen, Germany D EAR H ELE '

I have been in Germany since Nov. 25, 1946 at which time I joined my husband, who is stationed at the 388th Station Hospital.

We are fortunate enough to have our car with us so we're able to drive to most any part of Germany within a few hours.

The small villages were not damaged and they really do look like color plate from Grimm's Fairy Tales. Their streets are very narrow and winding. Driving through them, the houses on either side of the road seem to bend over and almost touch each other. Most of the people wear peasant dress, sweep the sidewalks with home made brooms which have short handles and long straws, much like our fireside brooms. The barns, horses, pigs, cows, chickens and geese are kept in the courtyard which adjoins the house. In other words the farmers live in the village (with their animals) and cultivate the soil near the village.

The feudal system still exists in Germany. The people are very class conscious. In a nearby village I know of a man who hasn 't poken to his father fo r ten years because his

father is a woodsman while the son is only a HELEN ROBERTS CALL

beater (for the huntsman) so he is too far beneath his father to be per­mitted to speak to him.

Giessen, a university center, was eighty two per cent destroyed . As I look out the window, I can see nothing but rubble in two directions. The citizens of Giessen though, look quite well nourished and most of them have very good clothes. When they go walking on Sunday, they look like a prosperous people. The children living on our street have very nice warm snow-suits made from army blankets. Many of them wear these for every day and on Sundays the little girls wear white fur coats with hood and muffs to match.

The people in the larger cities, Frankfort, Berlin and Ca sal, do look hungry.

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Every German carries a brief case which usually holds some goods he hopes to barter for cigarettes.

The German philosophy is obedience without question. On the whole they 're quite honest hardworking people. But in the three months I've been here, and observed them I believe them to be self-centered, selfish, unco­operative and hard. They won 't share with each other and love to tattle. For example, our neighbors are on a tour of Switzerland and left the nurse­maid in charge. She's very capable and takes excellent care of their baby. But the nursemaid being in charge saw to it that the cleaning maid did a good day's work then refused her any dinner. So the poor woman went home after a hard day's work without any evening meal. Our eighteen year old maid will try her best to make Herr Michel , the janitor, miserable­but never fear, he retaliates.

You watch the little children playing- so rosy cheeked, merry and you wonder what makes them become the kind of adult we ee about us. In the family household, "Papa is all. "

You visit the German school and teacher wants you to see how they are teaching democracy. At a sharp command all children stand, another bark and they 're seated, another and they fold their hands.

Perhaps in time Germany will learn- but so far I've met none of them who feel any guilt for the destruction they have wrought in the world­they look at you and say, "Before the war all was good but now all Ger­mans are poor. " And you feel that they 're thinking, " orne day we'll get even."

The majority of American women are aghast at how hard the German women work. I think they must try to take out their revenge and frustra­tion on the floors and scrubbing brushes. If they had won the war and moved into the states for occupation- American women would be on their hands and knees from dawn till dark.

I have yet to find one of them who puts himself in the other person's place and acts accordingly.

I wonder if any other Alpha Sigma Tau girls are in the E.T.? Sincerely yours,




Please send contributions before October 1 for the Jovember ANCHOR to Mrs. Parry Schippers, 3605 N. Newstead, St. Louis Mo. Changes of addre s go to Miss Elizabeth Wilson, 100 Kuhs Pl. , St. Louis, Mo.

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Pine Pine

Mountain Mountain.

Settlement School, Inc. Harlan County. Kentucky

H. R. S. BENJAMIN Director


This morning as I walked through the kitchen I noticed Ola Mae, one of our seniors at work. I asked her what she was responsible for during the work period, and she replied with pride, "I make the whole wheat bread." These fragrant loaves, which 8.re a traditional part of Pine Mountain supper, are a great favo rite with the whole school. If the supply runs out, one hears the injured cry, "What! No more bread!" Visitors, too, delighted by its qual­ity, often take home the recipe.

At Pine Mountain , from the earliest days of the school, work hr,s been an essential part of learn­ing. Let me quote from a letter written by Miss Ethel deLong in Novem­ber, 1914 ! "Pioneers must handle axes and plows vigorously and long be­fore they can pause to wield the pen. We seem to have taken a long time for this. While the school is a-building Miss Pettit and our farmer have accomplished titanic tasks on the farm. You would really believe that this is an industrial school if you could see what our children are learning as they help in these tasks. Although we are pioneers we have tried to keep in mind not only the present needs but a future ideal. " Today we remember these words as we continue to build for the future, watching Ola Mae in the kitchen, and George in the workshop.

George is a new boy- one of 28 chosen from 172 applicants last fal l. Through generous neighbors I met this orphan boy last August and asked him if he would like to come to Pine Mountain. He replied eagerly, " I sure would and I got a notion to study if hit 's all the same to you !" " Can you make out this application and send it to me soon? " Quickly he answered, " I sure can !" He was a tall young chap with a lean face and eyes which sought friendship. George soon found a place for himself here for he is friendly and a great favorite with his fellows. Since last Sep­tember he has grown taller and increased in weight and vigor. He has re­sponded in a very heartening way to the daily leaven of Pine Mountain.

Faithfully yours, H. R. s. BE J .\ MI


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An Alpha Sigma Tau in South America


A letter from Margaret Pollock Small, Alpha to Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha

Driving from Ibague to Bogota was quite an experience. The highest spot we crossed was 14,000 ft. Up that high it was rainy and so foggy that we could hardly see two yards ahead. And then the climb down, but not down very far was beautiful. Sometimes I hardly dared look at the view. 1 wish I could adequately describe everything along the way. The small towns we traveled through all looked alike with a plaza in the center of town ; and all along the streets, the houses were built right next to the sidewalks or earth-walks as the case may be. Many towns looked very deserted. Then out of the towns one would see poor people walking or on mule or horseback - also a few passenger cars, some jeeps, but mostly trucks.

One sees mostly dark clothing worn here. A top coat is a necessi ty although the poorer class native women wear a large black shawl wrapped around them over thei r long dresses, and only sandals, no stockings. The native men wear ponchos, similar to the Mexicans, over their clothing­but here they are called ruanas, not ponchos. Most native women wear hats that look like men 's hats, either of felt or like Panama hats. The men wear felt hats. But along side of these native costumes, one ees the better class people dressed as one would dress in Michigan on a cool fall day.

The money they use here is very easy to get used to. It is in the same denomination as ours except for a quarter they have a 2 centavo piece as well as a 1 centavo piece. There is no fifty centavo piece, but once in a while one gets a 1 peso bill that has been torn in two for two fifties. Crazy, eh ? The exchange though is not equal with American dollars. When we first came the current rate was for every $1 one could receive 1 peso 7 5 centavos. Toothpaste here costing 70 centavos- so that would equal about 40¢.

On a Saturday night we visited a night club- the Monte Carlo. That was the first and only evening we stepped-out. The Monte Carlo is similar to any better class night club in the States with a small dance floor and tables, at various levels around the floor. The orchestra was very good and didn 't play many fast numbers. I had expected to see dancing and fussy dresses similar to what we'd seen in Puerto Rico but the couples danced and dressed as they do in the States. I was very amu ed at eeing chaperones at some tables. Here it is quite the custom. One lady almost fell out of her chair trying to keep an eye on her daughter whose escort always kept her dancing on the opposite side of the floor . At times the lady could get a good view and she'd sit back in her chair very much relieved- then when the view was gone, she'd practically stand up in order to ee better.

We visited a bull fight also. Our seats were in a front row so we bad a good view. The arena is perfectly round with a double wall. Below our section the bull-fighters and their aides gathered when not in the arena. Their costumes were very fancy affairs beginning with a black braid cap elaborate waist coat, fancy tight knee-pants, pink ilk tacking and black ballet-like slippers. Fighting the bull goes through variou taae - the fir t is to worry the animal with fancy pinkish cape · then on man skill-

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fully attempts to stick two short wooden poles with metal barbs at the end, into the bull at the top of the shoulders (when this is accomplished the spectators go wild and the bull jumps around trying to rid himself of these sticks); then again several men worry and tire out the animal; when he is about winded, the real bull-fighter comes into the ring, bows deeply, throws his cap in the air, and with his scarlet cape concealing a sword (I wonder if the bull was aware of his intentions) he continues to worry the beast until at the proper moment he attempts to plunge the sword into him near the shoulders.


A "Danny Gradll Pearl Parker, president, Beta Chapter, has

been selected as the candidate from Central Michigan College to become a "Danny Grad." Each year Mr. Danforth (author of " I Dare You") selects fifteen colleges and universities all over the United States to choose a graduat­ing girl to go to 5 weeks' training camp to get further development of leadership abilities. She is then sent to some college or university outside her own state to work as a campus social worker with religious groups etc. for nine months. He offers $1300 for the 10 month period.

Kathleen Sanford and Virginia Guy also Beta have been in his 2 week camp for college freshmen and benefited a good deal from the experience. P EARL PARKER

If you took a trip this summer, write a travelogue with snaps for the ANCHOR. Send it in while it is still vivid , before school starts. Contributions will be accepted until October 1.

~ -·--------·

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National A.F.C.W. Convention at Greensboro

SEARCH for the truths of the past so that as we work in the present, our dreams of the future may be hastened into reality ;" this quota­tion from Mme. Chiang Kai-shek was the theme for the eleventh

national convention of the Athletic Federation of College Women held at Greensboro, North Carolina April 18, 19, and 20. The A.F.C.W. was

founded in 1916-17 under the guidance of Miss Blanche Trilling. former head of the department of physical education of the Uni­versity of Wisconsin, to di cuss problems perti­nent lo the athletic organization of colleges and universities in thi country. Attesting to the vitality of this organization is the fact that more than 300 students and many fac­ulty members from 12 5 colleges representing 35 states ranging from the west to the east coast and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, met on the University of North Carolina Women's College campus to exchange ideas, solve problems, gain knowledge, and have fun.

The purpose, as stated in the constitution, " ... shall be to further athletic interests and

R uTH GRIFFITH activities for girls and women according to the highest and soundest standards of sports and

recreation. The Federation shall strive to increase consciousness of its pur­pose during and after college." Of the pitfalls of Women's Recreational Association members, these were the most common: too many girls out for one sport and too few for another ; too much reliance on posters and bulletin boards for publicity instead of the actual program itself, and the board members all of one clique or area. . In summarizing the meetings two outstanding trends were noticed­that of recognition of the state organization and the trend toward a co-recreational program. Others were: state conferences are of un­limited value to A.F.C.W.; close, friendly, working companionship between the physical education departments and the W.A.A. ; general trend is away from point system; trends toward small individual awards for participa­tion ; extramural competition as the play day and sports day ; National Section on Women's Athletics standards must be observed· a well rounded program is the best publicity agent.

Doctor Harold D. Meyer, Department of Recreation, Univer-ity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in his addres at the banquet stres ed that recreation should not be considered just as the active ports, but also such activities as photography, writing, dramatic , etc., and that in recreation we mu t have a balanced program for all ages, all sexe all race ," and that young women of the colleges and univer ities hould work to attain this goal.

R TH GRIFFITH Iota 4 Delegat to tltc .t.F . . H'.

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Lillian Vogt Schippers, Acting Editor of the "Anchor"

I ILLIAN VOGT SCHIPPERS was a charter L member of the local sorority which be-

came the Pi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau at Harris Teachers College in 1930. It was taken for granted that "Lil'' was Chapter Edi­tor and Recording Secretary during Collegiate days. In the Alumnre, however, she expanded her activities to include being president. Lillian edited the first Alpha Sig-Nal ai: the conven­tion in St. Louis.

After graduating from Harris Teachers College, Lillian did social case work for a year. Then she taught at the Long and Irving Schools. On Sept. 2, 1944, Lillian married Dr. Parry F. Schippers, a dentist. However she has not given up her career and is now teach- LILLIAN VocT ScHIPPERs

ing in a private school. Lillian has several hobbies. The one that gives her the greatest pleasure

is writing. She has taken several courses in short story writing at Wash­ington University. Recently she wrote a book for her pupils who keep clamoring for more. The story is about Lillian's pet rooster, Scennacarib, who is certainly an unusual one. He resents the fact that more interest is shown his mistress than himself. Matilda, a hen , is also a pet but Scen­nacarib rules the roost.

Reading, sewing and traveling are Lillian's other hobbies. Dr. Schippers likes the outdoors; hunting, fi shing and golf and Lillian

accompanies him often. Sometimes she thinks between her Iiobbies and her husband 's hobbies, there isn 't much time left for the serious pursuits.


Good taste is e:;sentially a moral quality. Taste is not only a part of an index of morality-it is the only morality. The first, last , and closest trial question to any living creature is, "What do you like ?"-and the entire object of true educati on is to make people not merely do the right things, but enjoy the right things. What we like de­termines what we are; and to teach taste is inevitably to form character.

}OHN R usK I N

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• COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS • ALPHA CHAPTER Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan

The opening of school in September marked the beginning of an eventful season for the Alpha Chapter. Our first open house featured movies which were taken while we were at the cottage at Wamplers Lake during the summer. They showed the various activities we partici­pated in and it was an excellent drawing card as far as rushees were concerned. Our informal party was held at our sponsor's home, Mrs. Lord, in the form of a Hallowe'en party. Our refrt!shments were in accordance with the Hallowe'en custom; cider, doughnuts and apples. Our Treasure Hunt helped us to become better acquainted and left us feeling our party was very successful.

Our preference party was a formal dinner held at the Union. In our dinner gowns we welcomed the new pledges: Conna Campbell, Jean Da Fraini, Pris­cilla Jane, Jeanne Kanno and Lorraine Stigleman.

Founders' Day was celebrated with a Tea held at McKenny Hall. Many of our alumn<e members came and an ad­dress was given by Fran Brown.

Our annual Alpha Sig party was held at the Gilbert House in the form of a night club. Tables decorated with tiny lamps surrou nded the dance floor. The pledges acted as waitresses and helped make the evening one to be remembered .

Normal's Homecoming was also a gala affair for us Alpha Sigs. In the parade which preceded the big game, we entered a float along with every club on the campus. Our theme for the float was "Floating Along the Torma! Way." We decorated the car with blue crepe paper and perched on top a row boat with two stuffed life-sized figures in it. One represented an Alpha Sig and the other an injured Albion football player. Mother

ature didn 't seem to be in the spirit of things as it rained all day, but regardles of the fact that our decorations were drenched, our spirits weren 't.

In the midst of our packing and preparations for the holidays, we had our Chri tma party at Mrs. Lord's. In­lead of the usual exchange of gifts, we

donated money for our Social Service Fund which went toward the adoption of a European War Orphan. At every party we have given, we have donated money toward this worthy cause.

Our informal initiation was postponed until later this spring since arrangements could not be made to rent the cottage at the lake during the winter.

Following our breakfast at the Union, we had our Formal Initiation the second week of the new semester and the pledges became eager actives. They are now help­ing plan the new rush season which will begin in a short time with a Panhellenic meeting.

The Alphas are set for a new and busy semester and have many exciting plans on the agenda so as we look ahead we'd like to extend our best wishes to our other far-away sisters.


BET A CHAPTER Central Michigan College of Edu­cation, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

We just want to shout to the big wide world all the wonderful things that have happened to the Betas since our last writing.

Of course we've had bridge parties, regular meetings, and all the usual run together , but with wonderful new sur­roundings to top it all off. For we, the Betas, have a new sorority room ! So­rority houses are banned here at Central , but the Gover family has given us their basement recreation room to use as our very own. It has pine paneling on the walls, a coke bar, stools made of nail kegs, and a chandelier fashioned from a wagon wheel! We even have a mascot, "Mr. Bones," a life-sized, cardboard skeleton who resides in our closet.

A "shingle'' hung outside our door proclaims to the world that this i "Our Tau Haven," and what a wonderful pot it is. We hold all our business meetin!!S there, a well as ocial gathering . A few weeks ago, after our regular meeting. we entertained our brother fraternity. the Sigma Tau Gamma , at Tau Ha,·en. The whole gang at on the floor drank coke , ang, and had a marvelous time.

Bles ings eem to orne in aoodly num-

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bers, for "Scotty" Chisholm, the Beta who was "Homecoming Queen," was also recently chosen as one of the four out­standing seniors on Central's campus!

We are now making big plans for our annual spring rush party, "Sleepy-Time Heaven ," to be held at Govers'. And with spring and summer so much in evidence, we 're already gett ing excited about the spring houseparty at Houghton Lake.

With all these glad tidings we're about to pop the buttons off our proverbial vests with happiness, so best wishes and may all of you be as fortunate as the Betas at Central !


IOTA CHAPTER Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

The closing of the spring term leave3 the I ota girls many memories to think

upon this summer when we are scattered throughout the country-side. We are ex­ceptionally lucky in only lo'sing two of our girls, Dottie Price and Velma Vlcek, to the graduating class of '4 7.

Emporia State's annual recognition con­vocation was held as usual and, as usual, Alpha Sigma Tau had her share of the honors. Dorothy Overholt, Lorena Rob­erts, and Ruth Griffith were all on the honor roll. Congratulations also go to Bobbie Puhr, a second semester pledge, who was asked to join Pi Kappa Delta, the national honorary forensic society, this being quite an honor for a freshman . Ruth Gri ffith was initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, a national honorary physi­cal science fraternity; honors also to Ruth Puckett who was elected secretary of the national honorary co mmerce fratern ity, Pi Omega Pi.

Iota continues to have acting talent in her group. Bobbie Boynton, new to Em­poria State second semester, and our

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pledge, played in both the productions that the speech department presented this spring .... "I Remember Mamma," the first and "State of the Union" next.

Marjory Stead, our soloist on our Sweetheart song, helped the Treble Clef of the music department present a lovely concert this spring. And Phyllis Schroeder and Ruth Griffith were also in a spring concert-these girls were among the dancers in Rhythmic Circle, Emporia State's modern dance club, which pleased the audience with a variety of dances.

The Alpha Taus really went to town in working with the Women's Recreation Association' of Emporia State. An active interest was taken by our group and we participated in every sport! Incidentally we walked off with the second place plaque for the year's intramural program - the program was based on competition and participation. Ruth Griffith was elected as one of the two delegates to represent our W. R. A. at the national Athletic Federation of College Women at Greensboro, orth Carolina. She had a great time and came back chuck full of new ideas which, as vice-president for the coming year, she hopes can help the organization.

Mother Nason, our "college mother" was our guest of honor at one of our Thursday evening dinners this spring on which we celebrated her tenth year of being with us. We certainly appreciate the wonderful service and love that she has given us.

But gee, all this talk and no parties? Oh no-our annual spring formal was beautiful and grand fun for all. "Tau Heaven ," our theme, was carried out in the decorations by a pastel colored crepe paper false ceiling with a picket fence gate opening into the ballroom. Cherubs around the walls plus an angel above the band completed the decorations.

The Iota <>iris look forward every spring to having their "mothers' week­end" in which our mothers come for a weekend and both mothers and daughters have a grand time. This year we had a barbecue picnic in the school park and then went to a how. On Sunday we all attended Church and then had dinner at the house. We like to show our mothers our home here at school.

ot only were many rushees entertained this term at the Alpha Tau hou e but also the Alpha Tau Alums at a tea for them. We had a centerpiece of yellow jonquils and napdragons, and a musical pro!(ram provided the entt>rtainment.

We girls were entertained too! Miss Helen Garman. our sponsor, had a scrumptious buffet supper at her home and our alums gave us a wonderful picnic. Incidentally the alumnre chapter initiated twelve new alums into its folds. It is a good feeling to know that we have a strong alumnre chapter back of us.

Dottie Price already has sianed the dotted line as general assistant librarian in the Faribault, Minne ota library. And we're proud as punch of Lois Heubert because she has been accepted in mem­bership in the class of Physical Therapy at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

he and Dottie are already planning their get-to-gethers.

ext year with Lois Anderson, Mardy Bell, Bobbie Boynton, Joyce Hedges, and Jean Ruby, our newly initiated actives and with Betty Geist our new president, Iota can not help but have a succe sful year and she wishes all the rest of you the same.


PI CHAPTER Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Missouri

Pi girls were all smiles a few short weeks ago when we became Basketball Champs of '4 7, after defeating Pi Kappa Sigma in a thrilling game. They had been champs for the last two years, and all of us think the team captain, Jean Kountz, did a wonderful job of gett ing the team in shape for the championship. Those early morning practice sessions in the gym worked wonders. Congratulations to our hard-working team.

On Saturday, May 15, the chapter gave an informal party and dance for the Veteran's Club at H. T . C. Ruth Beeson and her committees worked long and hard decorating and planning, with the result that the place had a gay carnival atmos­phere, aided by balloons galore.

A juke box and our own favorite records furnished the music, and everal peppy dance mi.'<ers succeeded in getting the party rolling moothly. everal of the gi rls' mothers took charge of the kitchen, barring entrance to all e.xcept those on business-bent, and in a urpri -inaJy short time ser ed dozen upon dozens of juicy, grilled hot dog , with all the trimmings. Case of coke di appeared like magic and cake vanished rapidly down hungry throat . It was, alt gether. a very ucce ful part in pite of a broken juke box, whi h fortunate! · oc-

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curred just before time to leave. The beginning of the spring semester

found Pi girls literally bursting with energy and enthusiasm.

Our very elegant formal rush party at the Hotel Lennox was happily climaxed by the acquisition of two wonderful new pledges, Dorothy Van de Vooren, and Betty J ean Laminger. The question of who enjoyed the party more, actives or rushees, is still being debated. The evening began with a vigorous game of "Hand­shaking," during which several pennies were passed unobtrusively from hand to hand. All rushees "caught" with pennies were asked to sing several peppy sorority songs, assisted by the actives, of course. A game of "Human Lotto" followed, after four of our enterprising young Thespians presented their very entertain­ing version of " Darlin' Nell ." A table groaning with food " hit the spot" with everyone, and the evening drew to a sentimental close with the actives singing sorority songs, and finally presenting each rushee with the sorority colors.

We were all thrilled to claim Miss Julia Kohl , H arris' much-admired li ­brarian, for our new co-advisor. Miss Kohl is a graduate of Wisconsin Uni­versity, and has already proved a very valuable and well-loved addition to the sorority.

The social season started with a gay "Big and Little Sister Party." The girls all met at the home of J eannie Doyle for a light buffet supper of hot dogs, potato chips, soda, cookies, and all t he trimmings, after which we all made hasty tracks for the Arena roller rink, for an exciting evening of laughs, spills, and gen­eral confusion. F ortunately, we are happy to say that no serious casualties oc­curred, and a wonderful time was had by all.

The marriage of Opal Lang to Philip Neuman on March 21 was a beautiful , memorable event, well attended by actives and alumnre. Opal is making her new home in the city, and we're very happy to have her remain in the active chapter.

Pi girls were all elated to become "aunties" on J anuary 28, w!~en a bounc­ing baby girl was delivered to Betty J oy McLean (Betty J oy Webb ).

The chapter was well represented on the rolls of several national honorary fra­ternities this semester, when J eanne Leilich and J ane Condon joined the ranks of Kappa Delta Pi. Many of the other girls have pledged other honor societies also.

Our second annual "Skit Nite" was a huge succes , in spi te of to rrential downpours, and numerous co mplications. The large auditorium was completely fi lled with an enthusiastic audience of Harrisites, parents and friends. Strangely enough, t he two sorori ties which carried off the honors l a~ t year staged a repeat performance, winning in the same order. Many clever skits were given, revealing much local talent.

We're all proud as punch of our brand new pledge of a few weeks, Melba Ill i­nager.

T he remainder of the term calendar is heavily marked wi th coming events, a dance for the local Veteran's Club, a rummage sale, Mother's Day tea, and last, but not least, a picnic.


ZETA TAU CHAPTER State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

The warm summer breezes are blowing and that means it ' time for picnics. We Zeta Taus had a really super one on May 17. I t was held at Longwood in the rustic little log cabin . The fo od was delicious, thanks to our toi ling chefs. Plenty of merry making fo llowed, and the fun lasted on into the night.

We have had so many wonderful times this past quarter. T he rush party was a great success. It was held in "Tau H eaven," and we were completely sur­rounded by constellations, pajamas and punch. T wenty-two new 'l:au " babies" joined our group and they are: Helen Arington, Luci lle Baldwin, J une Banks, E leanor Ba s, Marjorie Baswick, Gris­wold Boxley, J o Ann Brittingham, Dot Carter, Betty J ean Cecil , Hope Duke, Dolores Duncan, Lelia Mae Ferrall, J ane Long, J oan Moore, Pat Paddison, Colan­thia Rippon, Evelyne Rippon, Gwen Smit h, J ean T urner, June Walsh, J essie Whi te and J ane Williams.

The Chapter room was fi lled with just the best looking couples you. ever saw at our Panhell , Mardi Gras and Coti ll ion intermission parties. Refreshments and conversation flowed freely, and everyone enj oyed the pause between dances.

May Day was imply beautiful this year except fo r the torrents of rain that fell in the very middle of it . We are so proud of all our girls who took part in the court and dances. Maid of honor this year was Gwen Acki who i a senior from r orfolk. Gwen was al o

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elected to May Court last year and reigned as queen over the annual Mardi Gras Ball held on February 15. The pro­gram this year centered around the his­tory of State Teachers College and was dedicated to our beloved Dr. Jarman.

In March we bad our election of officers and the following gi rls were cho,en: Peggy Moore, president; Virginia Bailey, vice-president; Mildred Davis, recording secretary; Katherine Rainey, corresponding !;ecretary and Jackie Bob­bitt, treasurer.

On May 20 we bid our seniors fare­well with a party in their honor. It was held in the Chapter room, and the new sisters provided plenty of good food and entertainment. A lovely floor lamp was presented to the Chapter room by the new girls at this time. We sang our favorite songs until it was time to say goodbye. We are proud of our graduates, and our thoughts go with them as they leave us to fo llow their different paths.


CHI CHAPTER Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W est Virginia

When the girls in Alpha Sigma Tau returned to school after Christmas our president surprised us with the news that she was no longer Miss Agnes DeLauney but instead she was Mrs. John Flook . Agnes and John had motored to Florida during the holidays and were married in St. Paul's Episcopal church at Key West. The news of the wedding got to us too late to be published in the last issue of THE A ' CHOR.

With the beginning of the second se­mester it came time to give some rush parties and entertain the eligible gi rls. On March 11 , we rented "The Diner" for the evening and invited each girl and her guest to spend the evening with us dancing and having fun . By eleven o'clock , most of the girls had tired feet but they went home happy and full of memories of an enjoyable evening.

The fo llowing Thursday, our alumnre chapter invited the gir ls to a formal din­ner in the "Travel Room" of the Hotel Shenandoah in Martinsburg, W.Va.

Tuesday, March 18, was the day of ribbon pledging and we welcomed Laura Jean Burch, Aida Hayes, Virginia Higg and Marjorie hirley into our midst. Following the pledge service Mr . Kena­mond, a patrone , spoke to the gi rl on " Chri tian itizen hip." April l was pin

RosALIE MoORE, a senior member of Chi Chapter who reigned as May Queen at Shepherd College on May 9 and two attendants.

pledging when the gi rls received their pins and books to study for their ex­aminations.

The initiation service for these girls was held at Hager House in Hagerstown, Maryland and was followed by a banquet in the dining room there. The menu was composed of fruit cup, combination salad, roast turkey with stuffing, asparagus, mashed potatoes, iced tea and fresh straw­berry parfait. There were place cards and favors at each place in Alpha Sigma Tau colors including the shield.

After the dinner, Agnes DeLauney Flook, pre ident of the sorority for the present school year , introduced the two patronesses, Dr. Catherine Burns and Dr. Ruth carborough, who said a few words to the girls. Then Miss Sara Helen Cree, the faculty advisor, gave a short talk on the ideals and aims of sorority life. Eileen Bergdoll, the future pre· i­dent of Alpha Sigma Tau pledged to do her best next year. At thi time it was mentioned that one of the initiate· , Laura Jean Burch, was the one hundredth girl to sign the con titution . Chi chapter now has 104 members.

The initiation wa very effective with all initiates and active dre · ed in white. The initiate were given yellow r c· and

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sorority pins. Transportation was pro­vided by a chartered bus from Emery's Motor Coach Line. The girls entertamed the bus driver by singing on the way back from Hagerstown .

As it is our turn to elect a chairman for the Panhellenic we selected Gladys Lewis.

Several of our members and pledges participated in a play "Out of the Frying Pan" that was presented to the student body and public on March 27. Inez Ansel was "Kate Ault," Eileen Bergdoll was "Mrs. Garnett" and Laura Jean Burch, a pledge played the part of "Marge Benson."' Laura Jean and Eileen were later initiated into the Alpha Chi cast of Alpha Psi Omega dramatic fraternity.

For May Day on May 9, many of our girls participated and one of our gtrls, Rosalie Moore, was May Queen. Agnes Flook Gladys Lewis, Naomi Fourmer,

anc? Manuel, Virginia H~ggs, Aida Hayes, Marjory Shirley and Etleen Berg­doll were some of the members of the Queen's Court. Dorothy Brandenburg played the piano for the en.ttre. progr.am.

Two of our girls were tmttaled mlo the Delta Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi National Honorary Fraternity on March 22 in the Gold Room of the Shenandoah Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia. These two girls were Agnes Hull and Patricia Lynch.

Many of our girls have received hono;s this year by being elected to offices t.n other organizations. Cora Rou!ette ts president of the Home Economtcs clu.b for 1947-+8 while Agnes Mason IS presi­dent of the Young Womens Christian Association for next year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lynch of Evanston, Illinois have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann to Mr. Edward B. Rogers of Shepherdstown, West Vir"inia. Pal is a graduate of Stevens C~llege, Columbia, .Missouri and araduated from Shepherd m June. She has been very active in Chi Chapter.

In assembly, on May 21, we were happy to hear the names of two of ~ur crirls announced as being Outstandmg Freshmen. Virginia Higgs was outstanding in English and History while Aida Hayes was outstanding in Art.

Senior members of Chi Chapter who araduated in June and will not be back in school in September are Agnes Flook, Pat Lynch, Jane Gold Dean , Inez Ansel, May Bohon, Kathleen Zombro and Rosalie Moore.


PSI CHAPTER Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Psi Chapter recently installed its offtcers for the coming year. They are : Joan Holbrook, president ; Ann Williams, vi~e­president; Betty Milia Cox, recordm secretary; Johanna Shallcross, correspond­ing secretary; Leslie Hall, treasurer ; Gladys Farmer, chaplain; Ruby Ann Horsley, custodian; Ruth Thompson, edi-tor; J ean Jessee, historian. .

Twelve girls recently accepted the shield of AST during open bidding. After the initiation service, in which they pledged to live up to the ideals and standards of Alpha Sigma Tau, the new sisters w~re entertained at Lincoln Home. The gtrls taken into the bonds of friendship and service were: Betty Lou Brooks, Willie Mae Buckner, Betty Milia Cox, Nancy Ellis Catherine Horst, E leanor Palmore, Belt~ Riggins, Vivian Ritenour , Norma Rutter, Velner Sowers, Doris V. White, and Doris W. White.

Two members of Alpha Sigma Tau , Mar"uerite Coffman and Margaret Ritchie have


been selected to be in Who's Who In American Colleges and Univ ersities . Both airls are seniors and have been very active o in campus activities. Marguerite and Margaret were presidents of the Col­Jeae Orchestra and Kappa Delta Pi, Na­ti~nal Educational Society, respectively, during the past year.

Other members of Alpha Sigma Tau who have been honored and have brought our sorority into the limelight on the campus by being elected to fill major of­fices are: Rose Marie Pace, president of Kappa Della Pi, and treasurer of Athletic Association; Gladys Farmer, prestdent of the Home Economics Club and president of The Wesley Foundation; Frances Hundley, president of the Business Clu.b and Business Manager of the Athletic Association· Ann Williams, treasurer of Pan hellenic' Council , Ruth Thompson, edi­tor of the Student Handbook ; and Betty Milia Cox, assistant editor of Student Handbook.

Psi Chapter is losing twenty-three grad­uates this spring and one adviser. At a social in May, Miss Marbut was pre -ented with a portable radio from the chapter and the seniors were given A T hair barettes.

R u TH THOMPSO ', '+

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OMEGA CHAPTER Minot State T eachers College, Minot , North D akota

Dan Cupid has really been working here in the Omega Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. First of all he shot his arrow at our president of last year, Marion

elson, who is teaching this year. Then he spotted Betty Haner, another alumnre who is working here at M.S.T.C. Of course he had to hit an active and the arrow hit Clarice Rhoads. Then back to an alumna, and this time it was Jan ice Henderson of Sherwood.

Christmas vacation brought one more engagement into our midst. Delaree Morley, one of our queen candidates. Her fiance is the senior president and they intend to be married at the end of the quarter and leave for the Univer­sity where he will get his master·s degree. Delaree has already left us. But to her and all the re t , we wish much happiness.

We Alpha Sigs rea lly had a good send off for Christmas vacation. December 18, in the Student Union Fireplace room, the pring initiates gave us a dinner, a time

didn 't permit them to, in the pring. Those who served were Beth und, Vir­f:(inia Halver on, Clarice Rhoads, Maybelle German , Lillian Roalkvam, Ethel Thomp­on , delaide Johnson and Elaine viegen.

The dinner wa formal , and afterward

we all gathered around the Christmas tree and opened our gift . After the open­ing of the gifts we held initiation services for Margery Evans, an active now, Mrs. Bertha Weyrauch and Mrs. Louis Mc­Clean, two former Delta Epsilon Phis.

As a contribution to M.S.T.C. this year we again published the annual di­rectory and distributed it , the first week after Christmas vacation. It includes the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone enrolled, also the names and addresses of faculty members.

Our winter rushing went off with great success. Miss Reishus, our advisor gave the rush tea at her home, January 19. Winter Wonderland was cho en for a theme. Delaree Morley and Shirley Ander­son, dressed in skating costumes, met each girl at the door, escorted her to the dressing room, where each rushee was presented with her favor, a pin repre-enting a winter sport. A clever snowman

with a program and a list of all our actives, advisers, and patronesses printed on them , were given to each girl aJ o.

Carrying out the theme, the Alpha ig Trio, ylvia Pfieffer, irginia Halverson and Jean Toyama, sang "Winter~ onder­land." Sylvia Aafedt, our president ex­plained the aim , and a compli hment f our ororit . M rna Kirkiede ang "Let it now" and Delaree Morley ~ave , humorou reading. ix of the girl ended

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the program by singing a group of so­rority songs.

Spiced tea with the usual tiny sand­wiches and a variety of tea cakes were served from a table covered with an old embroidered linen banquet cloth and set with crystal and silver. Tall green candles and crystal candelabra were on the table as well as about the rooms. Yellow roses centered the table and tulips, jonquils and snapdragons were placed everywhere.

Wednesday evening January 29, we held ribbon pledging in the Home Ec Suite. Those who were pledged were J anet Sillers, Meredythe Olson , Bonnie Talley, Constance Halseth , Irene Palmberg, Faith Briehr, Jeannine Sayler, Ruth Gehring, Ruth Brieseth, Lucille Bohlin, Mavis Tor­grimson, and Annabelle Opland ; a swell group of pledges. Each one was presented with a yellow rose and her ribbon by her big sister. Mercedes King then t r:ok over as pledge ca~tain and explained the duties of a pledge. Myrna Kirkiede and Mer­cedes King sang "Sentimental Journey." Thelma Hill gave a reading ~nd Sylvia Pfieffer led the group in the singing of our sorority songs.

M.S.T.C. has a new national sorority on the campus. The Sigma Sigma Sigma was installed April 13 , 14 and 15. We Alpha Sigs welcomed the new sorority with a tea April 13. It was held in the parlor of Dakota Hall. Mrs. Don Carlson , our patroness, poured for us. Mavis Torgrimson sang two solos and Sylvia


Aafedt, president, welcomed the Tri-Sigs. The tea was given that a bond of friend­ship might be woven between the two sororities.

This year we Alpha Sigs walked off again with girls' athletic honors. The Women's Athletic Association held a volley ball and basketba ll tournament. In volley ball we were undefeated. We tried our best to do the same in basket ball and maintain the standard of la5t year, but we suffered one defeat. Never­theless we are M.S.T.C. girl basketball champions. Ardis Christenson and Mary­jane Gruber were elected to the all star team.

Minot is having a queen contest this


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year and each organization is to have a candidate. Alpha Sigs chose Connie Halseth, a freshman ; tiny, dark and cute. She should have a good chance. The final judging is May 28.

This year we decided to do something new and different for our local Founders' Day. We took off for a weekend at Lake Metagousie. We rented three cabins, loaded cars with food , bedding and twenty girls and away we went. Miss Anderson, Shirley Anderson and Beth Sund took cars. We left Minot but didn't get very far before trouble over took u and Miss Anderson had to go back to Minot to get a fuel pump for Beth's car.

We stopped at Newberg on the way and there Beth's mother gave us a most delicious dinner. We appreciated the hos­pitality of the Sund's very much, es­pecially Jan Kelly, who forgot her moth­er"s birthday until she had left Minot. She had a chance to call and several of the girls sang "Happy Birthday" over the phone.

On Saturday we did anything we pleased. We explored the lake, took pic­tures. Two of the girls posed in bathing suits although it was only the second of May with snow at our back door and ice on the Lake. It looked good to the girls back at school. Saturday afternoon we took the cars and drove all over to the different beaches, and hiked several miles even though the weather was a little raw.

This was not only Founders' Day but also Miss Anderson 's birthday. We had a lot of fun trying to pank her , but at supper t ime we drank toa ts to her and to the future of Alpha Sig. Saturday evening we went to the neighboring town of Botineau. Some of us went to the show, while the rest went to a regular old time dance. It was a great deal of fun and we all went to bed all tired out.

Sunday morning we were going to leave early so we could keep appoint­ments in Minot, but poor Beth, had lost her jacket with the car keys in it. Miss Anderson had to go to Botineau to have new ones made. The weekend was an event never to be forgotten and we have decided that it will be an annual get together with us. Incidentally Beth ha her jacket now. It was found in Botineau and mailed to her.

We initiated nine girls in to the orori ty on April 2, at the home of Miss Henrietta Anderson, ac!vi or. ylvia afedt pre ided

at the ceremony which made the girls active Alpha Sigs. Initiates were given Alpha Sigma Tau candleholders and yellow roses.

Those who became active were: Jean­nine ayler, .Mavis T orgrimson, Mere­dythe Olson, Constance Halseth, Ruth Brei eth, Ruth Gehring, Annabelle Opland, Lucille Bohlin , and J anet Sillers.

We joined the two other sororities on the campus in a Panhellenic formal dance on May 17, in the Student Union. The theme u ed was "Prelude to Spring" and the program dances were named for in­sects and placed in a butterfly folder. We danced to the music of Bunny Hanson and his orchestra.

M.S.T.C. is getting back to normal again. We are publishing the Beaver, our yearbook, again this year. Alpha igs have a full three pages. We are putting in picture of all the actives and lots of in­formal naps. Marilyn Saug tad has taken charge of our pages with J anet Kelly helping. Marilyn is also on the R ed and Green staff. J anet Si llers, a new pledge, is also on, o the Alpha Sigs are well represented.

Ardis Christenson was installed as presi­dent the other evening in the Home Ec Suite. Sylvia Aafedt , reti ring president, presided over installation. Along with Ar­dis, Ruth Gehring was installed a vice­president ; Clarice Liets, secretary; Ethel Thompson, treasurer ; J anet Siller, editor; Annabelle Opland, historian ; Jeannine Sayler, chaplain; Connie Halseth, custo­dian ; E laine Svingen, corresponding sec­retary.

On May 29, we held our annual break­fast for graduates and mothers at the Presbyterian Church . Graduates and guests were welcomed by Ardis Christen-on, president. Mavis Torgrimson sang

two songs and Ruth Gehring and J ean Toyama played "Star Du t." J eannine Sayler gave a reading. The traditional anchor was presented to ylvia Aafedt, Sylvia Pfieffer, Ruth Brieseth, Thelma Hill an? Ad laide J ohnson all who gradu­ated wtth a four year degree. A yellow rose was given to standard graduate who were Mavi Torgrimson, Lucille Bohlin, Maybelle German, Lillian Roal­kvam, Beth und , Virginia Falvro h, Shirley Anderson, Marjorie Evan , Yfyrna Kirkeide and Clarice R hoades.

ylvia Aafedt , retiring president wa presented with a "ift from the ororit y and Mi Reishu presented the ororit~· with a gavel. •

}A" ET K ELLY, '-1~

Page 21: 1947 April ANCHOR


ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Now that school is out, it is pleasant to relive the memories of Alpha Sigma Tau and its activities since you heard from us last.

Miss AMY J EAN GREENE, one of the beloved sponsors of the Alpha Gamma Chapter.

We regretted losing Peggy Brown as our president, but we welcomed back Maxine McCauley who was our first president. Our new officers were installed May 2 and a wonderful banquet with delicious food fo llowed. It was held in the beautiful Home Economics cottage and those girls can really cook.

The new officers are: Ida Catherine Daniel, vice-president; Peggy Graves, sec­retary; Joy Townsend, chaplain ; Fanny Atkinson, historian ; Belva Crowley, music chairman; Irma Hamby, editor; Bobby Jean Johnson, treasurer ; Bonnie Wood , corresponding secretary; Mary Jackson, pledge mistress; Barbara Johnston , rush chairman; E illen McGraw, custodian; Peggy Brown, Panhellenic representative, and Oralee Bryant, program chairman .

After much cramming and a little worrying, we were ready for the annual sorority test. We hope all our sisters everywhere passed with fl ying colors.

One of the most thrilling events this spring was our spring formal. It was held at the beautifully decorated Country Club and each member's guest received a tie pin with a gold AST crest on it for a favor. Dancing and a special pro­gram made it a gala evening.

"Burpie" Johnson, our able treasurer, was one of the proudest of our group when the yearbook The Star finally arrived from the publishers and was pounced on with jubilant glee by every student. " Burpie" you see, was the editor. Incidentally, three of our members; Louise Parham, Peggy Graves and Amanda Reese were yearbook beauties. Wish you could see just how pretty each of them is.

We were saddened at graduation at the loss of four of our ab lest member:r­Blanche Drake, Rosie Byrd, Maxine Mar­shall and Louise Parham, but we're look­ing forward to an active summer and the beginning of a successful year next Sep­tember.


UPSILON Arkansas State Teachers, Copway, Ark.

We're still looking back over the past three months of this term in a sort of happy daze, wondering how we ever man­aged to pack so much fun and so many activities into such a short length of time.

The highlight on our social calender was, of course, our Spring formal. Be­cause it was Spring, we decOl'ated the ball room with lots of flowers and pastel co lors. We chose as our theme, a "May­pole Dance" and carried it out by hav­ing a maypole covered with beautiful pastel streamers standing in the center of the room . Nosegays of fl owers helped carry the theme through, and soft lights and soft music added to the effect and made it a wonderful dance we'll always remember.

More fun was in store for us when we in vited our mothers up for the week-end of Apri l 19-20. We all had a frolicking good time at our banquet, breakfast, a nd tea- and of course it was loads of fun meeting a ll the other mothers.

Let's see--I haven 't even mentioned all those girls who carried off individual honors, have I? Well , at the Sigma Tau Spring formal , we all nearly burst with pride when Joanne Owen was crowned " White Rose." And of course Avajean Bowden walked off with the title of

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Beauty Queen of A.S.T.C. Betty Ann Mc­Dougald, who was initiated at mid-term, was elected president of the sophomore class for next year, and Dot Yancy, an­other new member has proved her talents in a vocal way by her recent appearance in the "Mikado," presented by our music department. On the dramatic side, we point with pride to Mrs. Charles Reed , who is being most instrumental in the formation of an acting company which plans to tour Arkansas high "chools, pre­sentinu plays by Shakespeare in order to help raise the educational and cultural standards of secondary school tudent .

After Nan Gillette resigned from the presidency of the sorority (she has de­cided to graduate this summer) we got busy and elected another grand uirl- Sue Breedlove. And from the way things look now, we're going to have another great

Look to this day :

year under her leadership. To wind up the year we had a bunking

party in the sorority room in honor of our graduates-Madelyn Jenkins, Eloise McCoy, Ruth Smith, Mary Burris Brad­ley, Ci sy Reed, Nan Gillette, a nd Louise Gallegly. The food committee provided andwiches, potato chips, cookies, cokes,

and cake, and then we sang sorority songs " loud and lonu.' It was a grand party except for the funny feeling we all got to think that we were losing seven good " tried and true'' Alpha T au sisters.

Now that school is out, we've con­verted our energy into another channel­planning for our Convention this summer in Little Rock, where we'll see each other again and map out our plans for another prosperous year in Alpha igma Tau.


For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief cou rse lie all the verities

And realities of your existence: The blis of growth ; The glory of action; The splendor of beauty;

For yesterday is already a dream , And tomorrow is only a vision;

But today well lived Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day !

From the Sanskrit

Page 23: 1947 April ANCHOR


On Founder 's Day last fall when you gave me the adviser's pin with its lovely pearls and emeralds, I tried to thank you, but I felt that my words were inadequate. You cannot know how much I appreci­ated the beautiful pin and the thought that prompted the giving. Since it is al­most impossible to write each of you to tell you how proud I am of my pin, I am thanking you through THE ANCHOR.

Bluefield alumnre chapter under the leadership of Henrietta Mahood has had a very successful year . We all loo ked for­ward to our monthly meetings so we could see each other and chat after we took care of the business.

In January we met at the home of Virginia J . Coates on College Avenue in Bluefield. We made plans for the book review which was held at the Y.W.C.A. room F ebruary 8, and we also discussed plans for the benefit bridge party which was given March 19. Vir­ginia was assisted by Gladys Udy and Dorothea Lindsay in serving tempting refreshments to eighteen members who were present.

We met at the· Y.W.C.A. room in Bluefield in February. Mrs. C. W. Jack­son entertained us and our guests with an interesting review of The Miracle of The B ells by Russel Janney. Henrietta Mahood, president, presented Mrs. J ack­son a corsage and a copy of Mary O'Hara's latest novel, Green Grass of Wyomin g as gifts from the chapter. Fol­lowing the review a tea was given by the hostesses, Henrietta Mahood, Polly Mahood , Charmie Johnson, and Helen Gatherum.

The March meeting was in Princeton at the home of Lucille Walthall with Eloise Morgan and Alice Wallingford as­sisting as hostesses. H enrietta Mahood appointed the nominating committee to select the officers to be voted on at the annual meeting in April.

Helen Gunnoe and El izabeth Bowling were the hostesses for the April meeting which was held at the home of Mr3. Horace McNeer in Athens. Plans were made for the joint initiation and tea to be given in May. The fo llowing officers for the coming year were elected and installed : president, Lucille Litz Walthall;

vice-president , Helen Bailey Bryant; re­cording secretary, Thelma Wilson; corre­sponding secretary, Elsie Brenaman; treasurer, Virginia Bailey; ed itor, Helen Bradley Gatherum; historian , Billie Tan­ner ; chaplain , E loise Fry Morgan.



In May Bluefield alumnre invited the college seniors to a luncheon given at the Appalachian Room in Princeton.

The benefit bridge party which was given March 19 at the Appalachian Build­ing in Bluefield proved to, be quite a success. T wenty tables were in play dur­ing the evening and at the conclusion of an appointed number of progressions, tart and coffee were served. High prize was a copy of The Walls of J ericho, second high prize was a double deck of cards, and a box of Whitman's candy was given as a door prize. Proceed from the party were sent to the rational ocial Service Committee.

The War, Beckley and Bluefield alumnre chapters gave their annual initiation tea Saturday, May 17 at the social room at Concord College. All the active chapter girls were invited. Irene Smith was in­itiated into t he War chapter ; Lucille Harman into the Beckley chapter; and Bluefied chapter initiated Juanita Bruce, Tommy Gibson , Polly Ma h, Virginia Roncaglione, Betty Rose Smith, Norma Lee Shanklin, and Kathleen Nash. The receiving line con isted of Janet Koch, Beckley pre ident ; Lucille Walthall, Blue-

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There will be a new Wa hincrton, D .C., Alumnre Chapter in the fall. The picture was taken after our April Luncheon Meeting at the Statler Hotel. From left to right: Kathleen Kelchner, J ean Trotter, E leanore An man, Meda R ay E lliott, Mary Budge, and Betty Wolfe.

fie ld president; and Edith Ell iott , War president. Mary Ann Lilly played several vio lin selections accompanied by J oan Newman at the piano.

Congratulations are in order to Tommie Gibson and the Collegiate Chapter. T ommie was the winner of the Lida Davis Scholarship Award and the Col­legiate girls won the Panhellenic Scholar­ship Cup. I'm sure I can speak for all the Bluefie ld alumn re when I say we're proud of you.


BUFFALO ALUMNJE The Buffalo alumnre have lived up to

intentions about making 194 7 the biggest and best yet, and we come to the end of the year's activities with a feeling of achievement.

Our social calendar for the winter and spring season has been quite well filled. In February alumn re member enjoyed themselves at an intersorority ball , which was held at the Hotel Statler. April brought the annual Easter luncheon at Mac Doel's with an opportunity to visit with our out-of-town member and friends. May was our busiest month of all. It is hard to say who had more fun at our Graduate's Party- the graduate or regular members. At any rate, all the guests were in accord with their thank to the ho te s, Mrs. Lucille Peterson , and the chairman of the entertainment com­mittee, Betty Michel for a grand evening.

s a climax , the Buffalo alumnre held a emi-formal dance at the Hotel Touraine

for members and friend of Alpha igma Tau . The evening wa a distinct succe ,

with a party spirit and enj oyment for all the age groups, the keynote of the affair.

At the May monthly supper meeting, the officer for the year 1947-1948 were elected and installed: president, Frederica Brodie; vice-president, Betty Michel; treasurer, Jeannette Adams; recording ecretary, Marjorie Paintner; corre5pond­

ing secretary, Ruth Miller ; historian , Betty Rech; editor, Jeanne Coultons; chaplain, Marian Holdsworth.

June will bring our annual baby's tea and the close of the year's activities. The Buffalo alumnre join in wishincr their sisters everywhere the nicest ummer pos­sible.


DETROIT I ALUMNJE February's meeting was held at the

Wayne Campus House with Genevieve Repeta as hostess. We all were forced to use our brains both in acting and gues -in g. Charades were the order for the evening. Books, songs, and movies were our topics. It was a grand evening for all.

Charm was our theme for the month of March. We met at the home of Aulga May. Diane Milne, a model here in Detroit, gave an informal lesson on poi e and charm. We were given a chance to have her analyze our faults, but onl the brave ventured forth . After having ice cream and cake we all went to our cars ver self-consciously.

April wa a surpri e to most of us . Our ver lever ecretary ent ur in­vitation to a " orne a you arc." \Yr

Page 25: 1947 April ANCHOR



came as we appeared to the other mem­bers of our famil ies. The results were as you can imagine. After we had our laughs at each other, we settled down to cards. Eunice Little was the hostess and she served the treat of the year, cream puff hot fudge.

This year's election of officers was held at the Wayne Campus H ouse on May 7, 194 7. President, Genevieve Repeta; vice-president, Vinelle Rice; recording '-t!cretary, Ingrid Nagy; corresponding secretaries, Elsa Garan and Ava Strachen ; treasurer, Helen Traskos; historian, Janet Roberts; chaplain, Olga Echols; editor, J ohanne Favaloro.

JoHANNE FAvALORO, Theta '-1 2

DETROIT II ALUMNJE Evidently the Flint alumnre were

prophets when they planned their spring luncheon for as pretty a day as May 3.

We, who journeyed to Flint enjoyed the weather and scenery to and fro, as well as the delicious luncheon served at the Kings Daughters' H ome.

A week later our president, Irene Butkowski , went north again to be maid of honor for Marjorie Anderson (Beta, '44 and now Mrs. Bob Griffin ) in Mount Pleasant.

Talking about weather (again ) our meeting in downtown Detroit on May 17 was a wet one. We made fina l plans for our end-of-the-year picnic to take place Saturday, June 7, in Grosse Pointe. Prior to the picnic we will hold our initiation and insta llation at Bev Preston's home.

Many of our members a re looking for wa rd to Old Grads' Day in Mount Pleasant June 14.

And for EVERYBODY we are looking forward to a warm and sunny summer.



Page 26: 1947 April ANCHOR


EMPORIA ALUMNJE We had election of officers :md Mrs.

Charles Wayman is president, Miss Beverly Harnden, editor. Bev is to be married this summer. Our new pre,·ident is doing fine. She has already sponsored a picture show ticket sale.


FLINT ALUMNJE The first get-to-gether of 1947 was at

Shirley Green's when Pauline Demp~ey reviewed Farnily on the Hill by Ambrose Flack.

This was follo wed by a meeting in February for Red Cross work at Hazel Schultz's home.

Barbara Keller, assisted by Crystal Hearn and Pauline Wood, was hostess at the Anniversary dinner. This occasion was chosen for the initiation of Florence Doyle, A! ph:~.; and Marion Wilt and Dorothy Procissi, Betas. Dorothy con­tributed to the evening as she had re­cently returned from Italy where she had been in consular service

In April , the group . met at E loise Howes' for the annual business meetin o-

Twenty-four attended the May lunch~ eon with members from Lansino- Detroit Pontiac, Saginaw, and Wyandott~ present: Hostesses included Gretchen Gaffney Florence Doyle, Lucille MaWhinney and Louise LeRoy. '

A picnic at Pauline Dempsey's new home in Flushing concluded the year.

News items: Harriet Pfeiffer, Flint's ?nly charter member, with her family , ts movmg to San Francisco. Shirley Green has a new baby girl , Sara E lizabeth born May 1. Dorothy Procissi is i~ Monterrey, Me:'l:ico.

Slate of officers for 194 7-48: Myrl Mc­Kellar, president; Marion Wilt, vice-presi­dent; Fl~rence Doyle, recording secre­tary; Shtrley Green , treasurer ; Hazel Schultz, cor~esponding secretary; Pauline D~mpsey, ru~tor ian ; Lucille MaWhinney, edt tor ; Pauhne Wood, chaplain.


HUNTINGTON ALUMNJE Daisy (Mrs. S. A.) Gillette was elected

president of the Huntington (West Vir­ginia) alumnre chapter of Alpha Sicrma Tau Soro rity at a recent meetin"


and installed along with other new ;fficers at the traditional luncheon honorin" grad­uate· of the active Alpha Beta ~hapter on the Marshall a llege campu 'lay

25 at the Hotel Frederick in Huntington. Mrs. Gillette succeeds Phyllis (Mrs.

Clyde L.) Crabtree who has been named alumnre representative of the Alpha Beta Chapter. At the luncheon Mrs. Crabtree was presented a gift by the alumnre chap­ter for her outstanding work and the personal sacrifices she made in the in­terest of the sorority during her term of office. In addition to heading the alumnre group, Phyllis served in lieu of a faculty spo nsor for the actives pending the nam­ing of an adviser, and permitted the Alpha Betas the use of her home for their meetings. The gift she received con­sded of six plates in her crystal pattern.

Other new officers of the Huntington alumnre are Miss Shelba Pew, vice-presi­dent; E lizabeth (Mrs. Warren ) Brown, recording secretary; Miss Clara Closter­man, corresponding secreta ry; J enoise (Mrs. J ohn ) Pratt, treasurer (reelected ) ; Miss Marion J ohnson, historian; Miss Eva Miller, chaplain; and Miss Mary Louise Washington, ·editor.

At the luncheon honoring the seniors of the Alpha Beta Chapter, two were voted into membership in the Huntington alumnre chapter. They are Miss Dalean Green, retiring president of the active group, and Miss Chloe Ann Adams, who recently brought honor to the sorority by winning the annual award of the Marshall College Chamber of Commerce for outstanding scholarship and leader­ship. Mrs. Virgil Dolen, also a graduate, was another guest at the luncheon but was not initiated into the Huntino-ton alumnre chapter. Miss Dorothy Mc­Donald, the fourth senior, was out of town doing practice teaching and there­fore unable to be present.

Another special guest at the luncheon was Mrs. Clayton R . Page, Jr., instructor m speech at Marshall College, who has accepted the post of faculty adviser to the Alpha Beta Chapter with the en­thusiastic endorsement of the alumnre as well as the active chapter.

The luncheon concluded the spring calendar of the alumnre and it was de­ctded to hold picnics or other outdoor meetings during the summer. During the past winter the group has been busy not onl ,Y in Huntington but also has been acttve in assisting formation of the new Charleston, West Virginia alumnre chap­ter .

We are hoping that \ will be a successful during the coming months as we have been during the past year.


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At a form al reception held in the Stu­dent Union Building we held initiation services for ten girls who are leaving school and installation of officers for the coming year.

In the group initiated were Ruth Breiseth , Adelaide J ohnson, Lillian R oal­kvam, Marilyn Saugstad, Mavis T orgrim­son, Shirley Anderson, Beth Sund, Marge Evans, Isabel Furman, Maybelle Furman, Maybelle German and Sylvia Aafedt. Two of these girls plan to be in Minot next year and we will be very happy to add them to our roll of active members.

The new officers installed were : Eileen Brandon, president ; Mary Williams, vice­president ; Vern ice Connors, treasurer ; Yvonne Schultz, corresponding secretary; Dorothy Hanson, recording secretary; Florence Peterson, chaplain ; and Ruth Bonness, editor.

We had a musical program which in­cluded some very fine piano numbers by some sixth grade girls. A gift was pre­sented to our retiring president, Grete Broten.

R uTH B oNNEss

MUNCIE ALUMNJE Greetings from Muncie! We have just

completed t wo years in our life as Muncie alumna! and in reminiscing, I think it is the thought of every member that it has been good to be a n Al pha Sigma Tau. Our fell owship together has enriched our lives and broadened our horizons until now the cha llenge of life before us has new meaning.

We have had some very good times

together. One of the outstanding meetings was a joint one held with the Alpha Alpha collegiate group of Ball State. They planned and conducted the meeting and we all heard a talk by Miss Martha Wickham, Director of Girls' Activities at Ba ll State, who spoke on "True Womanli­ness." We alumna! served refreshments. I think we would all enj oy more joint meetings. They help to strengthen the fri endship of the two groups and help us all to know one another better.

In February, Miss Frances Botsfo rd, Collegiate sponsor, entertained the Muncie alumna!. A very timely talk was given by Miss Nancy Scramlin , another sorority sponsor, on "Health Problems of Today."

In April , Rachel Scott entertained us in her suburban home near ..Muncie and it was here that fi nal plans were made for the formal initiation and our local Founders' Day tea which were to climax our activities for the year.

New officers were elected for 19.f7-.f8 and are: Mrs. Vernon Fox, president ; Mrs. J . Carl Humphrey, vice-president; M rs. Lamar Wyrick, recording secretary ; Mrs. Leon Scott, corresponding secre­tary; Mrs. Robert Harshman, historian ; Mrs. Louis E. Nelson, chaplain ; M rs. Robert W. Wallace, editor ; Mrs. Roger

ottingham, magazine chairman. On Saturday, May 17, in East Lounge

at Ball State, initiation of four seniors from the collegiate group into M uncie alumna! was held . T hey were Phyll is Shuman, Martha Willman, Mart ha Zigler, and June J ackson. Annual reports were given by the past year 's officers. In the afternoon a lovely tea and candlelight service were held at the home of Madonna Gilbert. Many of the alumna! who had

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not been ab le to attend monthly meet­ings were back for the tea and all enjoyed renewing acquaintances and visiting with old friends.

Muncie Alumnre are very proud to re­port that a distinctive honor has come to one of its members. Mrs. Jessie 1ae Waggoner Sanderson , Alpha Alpha '46, has been selected as one of five outstanding younger librarians of the United States. She has charge of the Lincoln Park Branch of the Wayne County Public Li­brary, Detroit, and will attend the As­sembly of Librarians of the Americas, convening in Washington, D.C. during the last of May through June.

Invitations were ex tended by Luther H. Evans, Librarian of Congress, to thirty leading librarians in Latin America and many of the leading librarians in the United States and Canada, but only five of the younger members of the profe3-sion have been in vited.

J essie Mae has been active for some time in the Junior Members Section of the Michigan Library Association and a t pre:ent is serving as chairman of that organization. She is a graduate of Ball State and the School of Library Science at the University of Michigan.

Miss Frances Botsford, Alpha Alpha and Muncie Alumnre sponsor, has the distinction of owning one of the few collections of antique typewriters in the United States. Miss Botsford, associate profe~sor of busineEs education at Ball State Teachers College, has her collection of twenty-four typewriters on display in Room 301 Science Hall. H er collection, though incomplete, has some im portant and va luable machines showing the de­velopment of the typewriter. Several of


the machines were donated by former Ball State students and others by Muncie business men and women. The oldest machine, a Model 2 Remington, was manufactured in 1878. She has two of thi model. Variety is evident in her col­lect ion, the machines ranging from a Japanese typewriter ; a Blickensderfer ; a Corona portable; a Caligraph; a Smith Premier; three Hammond ; an Oliver ; a noiseless portable; a Den more; and an O'Dell. Miss Botsford is still looking for several other models treasured as collec­tors· items and if she could collect a ll she wants, would have around one hun­dred . Muncie Alumnre and Alpha Alpha chapters are indeed proud of Mi s Bots­ford's unique co llection.

MARY WALLACE, Alpha Alpha '45

PHILADELPHIA ALUMN.IE Our meeting this year have proved

that Alpha Sigma Taus can and will meet a challenge for in spite of blizzard , ice storms and rain, rain , rain ( !) , the a t­tendance a t meetinas has been exception­ally good.

In J anuary we celebrated the chap­ter's birthday with a luncheon at Snellen­burg's. The hostesses, Claire Jenkins, J ack ie P ostpichal and Mildred Day, created a festive atmosphere for the happy gathering with original snowman table decorations. Betty Maisch and Alice Mosteller were the envied winners of the door prizes, attractive Pine Mountain calendars. President Peg R eed reported that the scrapbooks made by our mem­bers were sent to the Woman's Medical College Hospital.

Our February Valentine party a~ Snel-

LU 1 .'E CHAPTER t' OR \04()- \0-li

Page 29: 1947 April ANCHOR



lenburg's was gay and entertaining thanks to the work of Irene Wunderlich, Ruth Brungard, Lenore Tidlow Horne and Ruth Rauschenberger. Emily Reedy re­ported that the alumnre rummage sale netted $63 for Lambda Chapter. Although we should all be thoroughly familiar with the history and work of Penland School, most of us for the first time were defi ­nitely acquainted with its aims and ac­complishments through an excellent re­port given by Betty Maisch and Elinore DeCou. We were happy to have as guests at this meeting Marian MacPhee, Zeta, and Betty Yeagley, Psi.

Carolyn Ogle, Eleanor Heydrick, and Betty Cooling entertained us with a St. Patrick 's party at Carolyn 's home in March . After the business meeting Lois O'Dell led us in a round table discussion concerning behavior problems in children of pre-school age .

In April we entertained the 1 9-17

Lambda graduates and their adviser , Mrs. Fairlamb, at the annual Graduate's Party. The party this year was held at the home of Ruth Knapp with Lois Black­burn and Mary Whitley as co-hostesses. Again we were privileged to participate in the dignifi..~d initiation service at which we welcomed as new members of our chapter: Doris Wetter, Lambda; Inez Plumley, Lambda; Jean Gilbert, Lambda; Mary Whitley, Lambda; Betty Yeagley, Psi; and Edwinna Davis, Zeta.

This year the Mother-Daughter Tea was held at the home of President Peg Reed on the Saturday preceding Mother's Day. This purely social event has deep significance to us for its brings our mothers into close contact with our so­rority group. An appropriate program was

provided by Nancy Fbher, monologuist and by the members oi our music com­mittee.

Charlotte King and Polly Souder were hostesses at our regular May meeting at Charlotte's home. Peg Reed reported that various members of our music commit­tee had earned money for the treasury by singing for other groups, and that they already have some engagements for next fall. We are very, very proud of these girls for their talent and their readi­ness to work for sorority. Betty Scher­baum , Lambda president, was initiated at this meeting. After the repo rt of the nominating committee, we unanimously elected the following officers for next year: Clai re J enkins, president ; Peg Reed, vice president; Irene Wunderl ich, record­ing secretary; Doris Kaufmann , corre­sponding ~ecretary ; Lois O'Dell , treasurer ; Ru th Knapp, historian; Doris Wetter, chaplain ; Charlotte King, editor.

T o all A.S.T. 's the Philadelphia Alum ­na: extend best wishes for a happy vaca­tion.

MARION BoRST ENos, Sig·ma '33

ST. LOUIS ALUMNJE The Riverview Room of the Edgewater

Club was the place chosen for our annual Mother's Day Dinner this year. Situated on a bluff above the Mississippi River the Club affords a view of the muddy brown river as well as the farms of Illinois on the East side.

Five of the girls met at -1 :30 in the afternoon to prepare the favor which were old-fashioned nosegay containing a red rosebud, several yellow and white daisies, and a few pale blue weetpeas

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against a white lace paper doily, tied with delicately colored pastel ribbons. When these were placed before every mother's plate, they added a gay and festive air to the table.

The president gave a short address of welcome, the chaplain asked an appropri­ate blessing, and the feast began. Sixty five mothers and daughters enjoyed the roast beef and trimmings and then set­tled back to wait for the program pre­pared by the chairman of the party, Grace Walters. T welve girls left the table immediately after dessert and when they reappeared, half of them wore old­fashioned costumes, complemented by the other half in comparable modern dress. Such veiling, fl owers, draped skirts, puffed sleeves, lace insertions-! never saw the like but many of the mothers re­membered the styles shown.

The clever patter of the skit , plus the piano accompaniment added to the fun of the evening.

The last order of business was the a warding of the attendance prize. For the past two years my mother has won , and if she had won this year also, I'm afraid both she and I would have been unwel­come guests indeed . However, Mrs. Her­man Ziegenmeyer, mother of Ruth Z. Lewis who now lives in Detroit, won the lovely centerpiece of yellow and red calendulas.

We all enjoyed our party very much, and are looking forward to next year 's already.



In December the War Alumn:£ met at the home of Lolloh Waite in Caretta for their annual Christmas party with Doris Berta and Maryalyce Cox assisting as hostesses.

Eight members were present and Meda Rae Elliott of Washington, D .C. was a visitor.

Each member was given five beautiful boxes of stationery to sell for the soror­ity. A get well card was prepared to send to Nellie Mu tard. A little message was written and signed by each member pres­ent.

At the close of the meeting delicious refreshments were erved. Lovely minia­ture hri tmas trees were given as favors.

In J anuary we met in War at the home of Virginia Rhin hart. After a brief busi-

ness meeting a delightful social hour was enjoyed by each member. Virginia served a delicious salad plate.

Our annual Valentine's Day luncheon was held at the Coolwood Club House, February 15, 19-17 with Maryalyce Cox as hostess and Doris Berta and Lolloh Waite co-hostesses. The table was very well arranged wi th a beautiful large Valentine as the centerpiece, made by Lolloh Waite. The favors and place· card were also hand made. These went to make up a truly beautiful table. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon.

On old fashioned sewing circle was the high light of the March meeting held at the home of Lil Buckberry with Edith E lliott as hostess. You should have heard the click of the needles!

Edith Elliott of Canebrake was elected as our new president at the April meeting held with ellie Mustard in Bishop, Va. Other officers were elected and installed. After the insta llation service, each officer was presented with a yellow rose by Nel­lie.

In May, a beautiful Mother's Day Tea was given at the home of Mary J ane Howard with Margaret Martin as co­hostess. A very inspiring Mother's Day program was given, and each mother wa presented with a rose bowl containing a yellow rose.

War Alumn:£ Chapter has paid each member's Endowment Fund in full. Thi includes the entire eleven members. Mary­alyce Cox, Lolloh Waite, Doris Berta, Ruth Burke, Virginia Rhinehart, Lil Buckberry, Nellie Mustard, Edith Ell iott, Edith Monk, Margaret Martin and Mary Jane Howard . In addition to this, one former member, Meda Ray E lliott, Wash­ington , D.C., has sent her money in full, too . Three former members have moved away and six dollars has been paid on their E ndowment fund by selling Christ­mas wrapping paper, Christmas cards note paper, everyday wrapping paper and· greeting cards. We old approximately 300 boxes with each girl responsible for 5 to 10 boxes each time; therefore it wasn't so much for any one girl to ell.



aturday night before 1other' Da we Beck ley Alumnre honor d our mothers with a banquet in the pri\'ate dininl! room of the Beckley Hotel. To ea h f our

Page 31: 1947 April ANCHOR


mothers we gave a yellow carnation cor­sage. Our president, Janet Koch, wel­comed our guests, and Mrs. Donzie Lilly, patroness of Omicron Chapter and mother of Lillyan Lilly, our vice president, gave the response in which she said that she had never before realized she was a Beckley Alumnre mother as well as an Omicron patroness and mother. J oan Newman accompanied Mary Ann Lilly when she played "Ave Maria" and "Mother Machree" on her violin .

We were grieved to hear of the death of Mrs. Staehle's brother. To her and her family we extend our deep sympathy.

Margaret Moses, Dessie Sarrett, Janet Koch, Lillyan Lilly, Martha Genz and Ferne Phipps attended initiation services and a tea in honor of the Omicron Seniors on May 17 in the Social Room of Con­cord College. At that time Lucille Harmon was initiated into Beckley Alumnre.

Our final meeting, at the home of Theda Radford, was highlighted by a shower for our ex-prexie, Lillian Baum­gartner, who expects a visit from the long­nosed " Doc" early this summer, and the initiation of Helen Moses Fleshman.

With best wishes for a pleasant sum-

MRs. FERNE PHIPPS, Mount Hope, W.Va. and her mother, Mrs. Wavie Gates.

mer , Beckley Alumnre sends love to Alpha Sigma Tau. FERNE S. PHIPPS

AT THE BECKLEY ALUMNIE CHAPTER, ALPHA SIGMA TAU MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET IN BECKLEY HoTEL. Left to right, M rs. J ohn R. Koch and daughter Janet Koch, president ; Mrs. Donzie Lilly, a patroness of the Collegiate Chapter at Concord College; and Mrs. Lillyan Lilly, Beckley Alumnre Chapter member and dauo-hter of Mrs. Donzie Lilly.

Page 32: 1947 April ANCHOR

• PERSONALS • MARRIAGES Beta Annibel Bush to Dr. Robert C. Byers,

March 11 , 19-17 . Marjorie Anderson '-1-1 to Robert P. Grif­

fin, May 10, 19-17. Kathryn Bollinger to William Lutz, May

10, 1947.


Jeanne Steven '-16 to Hobart Jenkins, February 21 , 19-17.

Shirlee Reed '-16 to Reginald Holloman, February 8, 19-17.

Lambda Lila Todd to Richard Butler, March 29,


Chi Agnes DeLauney '-I 7 to John Flook, De­

cember, 1946.


Dagney Transgrude '-16 to Arthur Sund­by, January 1, 1947.

Betty Haner to Thomas Eidness, Febru­ary 12 , 19-17.

Dalaree Morely to Theodore Keck, March 8, 19-17.


To Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Thorn on (Aud­rey Maltby ) a son, Larry David , De ­cember 3, 19-16.

To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartalocci (Mary Hemingway), a daughter, Mary J o, November 5, 19-16.


To Mr. and Mrs. James Nesbitt (Donna Leeman '-10 ) , a son, James William, September 7, 19-16.

To Mr. and Mrs. Roland Deni on (Olga Jones '-10), a daughter, Diane Christine, January 8, 19-17 .

To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fowler (Kath­leen Walcott '-11 ), a daughter, Carol Lee, February 1, 19-1 7.


To Mr. and Mrs. arl huler ( oreen Cooper '35) , a on, Charles lorman,

ovem b r 6, 19-16. To Mr. and 1rs. Yci cr ( L rrainc 1ct-

t ier '-11 ), a son, Michael Wayne, Octo­ber 25, 19-16.

To Mr. and Mrs. Jo eph Westphal (Mar­guerite Bernard '-13), a daughter , Sandra uzanne, March 15, 19-17.

To Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy (Janice Pence ), a son, Danny Owen , Decem­ber, 19-16.

Lambda To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp (Ruth

Fabeck '-13), a daughter, Jo Anne, December 11 , 19-16.

Omicron To Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson

(Eileen Godsey), a son, William Ronald, March 29 , 19-17.

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walthall (Lu­cille Litz) , a daughter, Margaret Jane, December -1 , 19-16.

To Mr. and Mrs. Grover Morgan (Eloi e Fry ), a son , Thomas Cedric, Decem­ber 11 , 1946.

To Mr. and Mrs. James Bowling (Eliza­beth Thornton ), a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, May 19, 19-17.

To Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gatherum, Jr. (Helen Bradley), a son, James Bradley, April 21 , 19-17.

To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buck berry (Lillian Wolsencroft ), a son, Joe Bill, Decem­ber 17 , 19-16.

To Mr. and Mrs. Virgil A. Ball (Gula Halstead ), a son , Andrew Wyatt , May 21, 19-17.

Pi To Mr. and Mrs. McLean (Betty Joy

Webb ), a daughter, January 28 , 1<J-17. To Mr. and Mrs. William Vit (Alice

Boa! '3 6) , a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, April 30 , 19-1 7.

To Mr. and Mrs. Clem Orf (Margaret Wallis '3 9 ), a daughter, Patricia Ann, March 21, 19-17.

To Mr. and Mrs. orman Winkler (Clarisse Birk '3 6 ), a daughter, Ellen Kathleen, February 9, 19-17 .

SYMPATH Y We extend our sympathy to Mr. and

1rs. Barn Mustard (Mellie Ca ell) in the death of their infant on .

Our sympathy goes to Margaret far ­tin and Mr . Jack Tracter (Irene Martin ) in the recent Jo_ of their f, th r, t \ ' C

Martin, Berwind, \ .\ a. H died Iar h 12 , 1<l.J 7.

Page 33: 1947 April ANCHOR


NATIONAL COUNCIL President ... . . . ..... . ...... . ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . Mrs. Haswell Staehle (Alpha)

481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing:

Miss Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo 13, N.Y . . . .. . . . ... ... (Sigma) Mrs. Carl Rohinson, 943 7 Talbot Dr., Afton 23 , Mo. . . . .. . . . . . ..... (Pi ) Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mount Hope, W.Va ........ . . .. (Omicron) Mrs. L. J . Maher, R. 2, Box 96, Chillicothe, Ill. ... .. . . ... . .. . . .. .. .. .. . (Pi )

A .E.S. Representative ....... . ........... . . . ... . . Mrs. Haswell E . Staehle (Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd, Columbus 2, Ohio

Secretary . .... . .. . .. . .. . . ........... . ... . ... . . .. . . . . Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta) 6-12 E. 115th St., Cleveland , Ohio

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. .... . Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 13, N.Y.

Editur .... .... . .. .... . .... . ...... . ... . .. .. . .. .. . . . Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta) Tokyo, J apan

Acting Edito·r of the Anchor .. . .. . ... . .. . . .. . . . .... . . . ... Mrs. Parry Schippers (Pi ) 3605 N. ewstead, St. Louis 15, Mo.

Business Mana.ger of the Anchor .. . .. . .... . ... . ... . ..... . Miss Elizabtth Wilson (Pi ) 1008 Kuhs PI., St. Louis 17, Mo.

Chaplai11 and Historian ............. . .. ..... . . . . .. . Miss Elinore De Cou (Lambda) 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, N.J.

STANDING COMMITTEES Awards ... .. . ... . . . .. ... ... .. .. . . ........ .. . . . .. ... Mrs. John Mai.ch (Lambda )

2 Stanley Ave., Glenside, Pa. Examinations . . . .. .. .. . . . ... . . .. . .. . .... ... .. . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . ... . Mrs. F. P. Ace

814 State St., Emporia, Kan. Memorial Loan Fund . . . . .. ... ... . .. . . . . . ... . ... . . Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw (Iota)

27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. Life Members/tip . 00 • •• • •••••• 00 ..... . . ... . . ....... .. Mrs. Fred R. Griffith (Iota)

1520 Market St., Emp;>ria, Kan . Music .......... . . . .. .. ... . .... . .............. . . . . Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha)

807 N. El Dorado, Stocktm~ , Calif. Program .. . ... . ... .. . . .... .. ..... .. ... . . . . . ... . .. . . . . Mrs. E. F . Peterson (Iota)

R.F.D. 1, Crawfordsville, Ir.d. Social Service .. .. .. ... . . ..... .. . . ... . . .... ... . . . . . . . Mrs. Joseph Steen (Sigma)

83 Woodcrest Blvd., Kenmore, N.Y. Endowment ......... . . .. . .... .... . .. . . . . . .... ... Mrs. Meade McNeill (Omicron)

Athens, W.Va. News Agency . ... . . ... .. . .. ... .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... . Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi)

1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo. Courtesy .. .. . . . . .. ... . .. .... . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... Mrs. Alfred Jandt (Eta)

8-11 Helmsdale Ave., Cleveland H gts. , Ohio Rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . Miss Ro e Marie Schmidt (Theta)

5106 Harvard Rd ., Detroit 24, Mich . Sorority Study ..... ........ . ... . .. ... . . .. .. . .. Miss Charlotte Greeley (Zeta Tau)

104 Arbutus, Roanoke, Va . Convention . .. .. ............ ..... ... . . .. .. .. . . . Miss Henrietta Mahood (Omicron)

116 Cedar St., Bluefield , W.Va.

ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATION SORORITIES Chairman .. . .. . .. .... .. .. . . . . .. . ... . .. Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon

Wesley Junior College, Dover, Del. Secretary ........ . . . .. ... .. ... .. ... ....... Mrs. Haswell Staehle (Alpha iama Tau )

481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio

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Treasurer ........ . ... ... ....... . .... . . . . Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Director of Local Panhellenics . . ... . .. .. ...... . Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma 3400 Custer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

Chairman of Publicity .. .... ... ... ... .. . Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon 816 Columbus, Rapid City, S. D .

Chairman of Interfraternity Relationships . . Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma P.O. Box 108, Clermont, Fla.


Members ational Panhellenic Congress Professional Panhellenic A55ociation

Association of Education Sororities

Council Members Chairman ... . . ..... . .. . .... Mabel Lee Walton, Association of Education Sororities Secretary .......... . ........ .. Gertrude Evans, Professional Panhellenic Association Chairman of Publicity Committee ......... .. ....... . .............. . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, National Pan hellenic Congress National Panhellenic Congress:

Mrs. Irving F . Brown, 91 Burnett St., Maplewoorl, N.J. Miss L. Pearle Green , 13 East Ave., Ithaca, N.Y. Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, 85 Dean Rd ., Brookline, Mass.

Association of Education Sororities: Miss Mabel Lee Walton, P.O. Box 108, Clermont, Fla. Mrs. H. E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio. Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Professional Panhellenic Association: Miss Gertrude Evans, c/o Mrs. C. M. Sale, 3741 Purdue, Dallas, Tex. Miss Ruth Ensor, 14 Old Short Hills Rd., Millburn, N.J. Mrs. Ruth Moorhead Hildebrand, 4501 Cathedral Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.


ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State ormal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. President- Irene Ringel , 111 Goodison Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich. Corresponding Secretary- Vir-ginia Spaulding, 412 Goodison Hall , Ypsilanti, Mich. Editor- Betty Largess, 104 Goodison Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich Adviser- Mrs. R. B. Bates, 20 S. ormal, Ypsilanti , Mich . Alumnre Representative-Mrs. John Riehl, 1678 McBrady St., Port Huron, Mich.

BETA (1905-1917: 1940)- Central Michigan College of Education , Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President- Miss Jean Chisholm, 108 Sloan Hall , Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Kathleen Sanford, Sloan Hall , Mt. Pleasant , Mich. Editor- Donna Ingersoll, 201 Ronan Hall , Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adviser- Mrs. Catherine Ux, 119 S. Mission St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Leo J . Gaffney , R.F .D. 3, Holly, Mich .

GAMMA (1900-191 3)-State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnre Representative- Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 2327 N. 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis.

DELTA (1916)- State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. President- Jane Sawhill, 52 Clark Hall , Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary- Rosemary Simmons, 5th St., Indiana, Pa. Editor- Annette Shirey, 4 Clark Hall, Indiana, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Alumnre Representatives- Mi s Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave ., Ford ity, Pa .;

Mrs. Daniel H. Bee, 133 orth 6th t. , Indiana, Pa.

EPSILON (1919-1923 ; reorganized as Lambda 1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, ra.

Alumn Representative- ee Lambda Chapter.

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ZETA (1921)-Lock Haven .State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa. President-Helene Porter, S.T.C., Lockhaven, Pa. Correspondmg Secretary-Jane Thomas Gray, Teachers College Lock Haven, Pa. Editor-Minnie Belt, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. ' Adviser-Dr. Edna Bottorf, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumme Representatives-Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln, Johnstown, Pa.;

Mrs. I. W. Miller, 540 Wood St., Johnstown, Pa. ETA (1927-1939)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.

Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio.

THETA (1923)-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich . President-Janice Reagan, 13816 Hamilton, Highland Park 3, Mich. Co:responding Secretary-Kirsti Buehl, 2285 Pasadena, Detroit 6, Mich. Efllitor-Louise Tandy, 2710 Nebraska, Detroit 8, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. Elizabeth H: Gottesleben, 4762 2nd Ave. , Detroit 2, Mich . Alurnnre Representatives- Miss Lillian Schmidt, 5106 Harvard Rd ., Detroit 2-t,

Mich., Miss Genevieve Repeta, 2634 Medbury, Detroit 11, Mich. IoTA (1923) -Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kan.

Pr~iclent-Velma Vlcek, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan. Corresponding Secretary- Marjorie Stead, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan. Editor-Dorothy Overholt, 1111 Rural St., Emporia, Kan . Adviser-Miss Helen R. Garman, 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Magdalena Baker, c/ o Board of Education, Emporia,

Kan. KAPPA (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Alumnre Representative- Isabel Finkbine, R.R. 3, Oxford, Ohio. LAMBDA (1926)~Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

President-Betty Scheerbaum, 56 Harding Ave. Oaklyn, N.J. Corresponding Secretary-Ruth Trauger, 513 Chestnut St., Perkasie, Pa. Editor-Margaret Green, 1661 N. Redfield St., Philadelphia 31, Pa. Adviser : Mrs. Mildred P. Fairlamb, Mitton Hall, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnre Representative-Emily Reedy, 7 Elm Ave., Cheltenham, Pa. ; Mabel

Schreiber, 511 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa. Nu (1928-1933)-ColDrado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo .

Al~mnre Repreoentative-Mrs. Bruce Ewer, 1145_ Clayton, Denver, Colo. Xr (1929-1933) - Western State Teachers College, Gunnison , Colo .

Alumnre Representative-Grace Quinby, 1301 Monroe St., Commerce,' Tex. OMICRON (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W.Va.

President-Betty Rose Smith, Box 1470, Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Mary Anne Lilly, Athens, W.Va. Editor-Virginia Roncaglione, Box 1470, Athens, W.Va. Adviser-Miss Mae Hunter, Athens, W.Va. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Garth Gunnoe, Athens, W.Va.; Miss J anet Calfee,

87 Princeton Rd., Bluefield, W.Va. Pr (1930)-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo.

President-Miss Clara Ann Muenz, 1510 John, St. Louis, Mo. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Undine McGrath, 4435 Red Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Editor-Miss Jeannine Doyle, 3802 Castleman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Advisers- Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th St. , St. Louis, Mo. ; Miss Julia

Kohl, 5238 Murdoch, St. Louis. Mo. Alumnre Representatives-June McCarthy, 4602 W. W. Florissant, St. Louis 15 ,

Mo.; Lois Wamhoff, 5705 Neosha, St. Louis 9, Mo.

RHo (1932)-Southeastern Teachers College, Durant, Okla. President- Miss Patsy Cox, 420 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Joyce Choate, 1301 . 4th St., Durant, Okla. Editor- Miss Pat Baldwin, 516 W. Poplar , Durant, Okla. Adviser-Miss Mildred Riling, 912 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. · Alumnre Representative-Mrs. N. E. Wright, 406 Clayton Ave., Poteau, Okla.

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SIGMA (1925)-State Teachers 'College, Buffalo, N.Y. President-Mary Masterson, 132 Macamley St., Buffalo, N.Y. Corresponding Secretary-Freda Frost, 627 Kenmore Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. Editor-Edna O'Brien, 208 Amber St., Buffalo, N.Y. AG!visers-Dr. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. Harold

F. Peterson, 230 Knowlton Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. W. J . McGlynn, 243 Fayette Ave., Kenmore, N.Y.

Ruth Ochs, 319 Parkside Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. ZETA TA 11 (1935)-State T eachers College, Farmville, Va.

PresiJent-Betty Bibb, Box 66, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Corresponding Secretary- Virginia Tindall, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Editor- Janie Hanks, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Adviser- Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T .C., Farmville, Va. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. E. F. J esse, Jr., 314 CalY~ll t., Lynchburg, Va.

UPSILON (1935)-State Teachers College, Conway, Ark : Pr-esident-Mary Lee Burris, 272 , A.S .T.C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Ruth Smith , Box 45 , A.S.T .C., Conway, Ark. Editor-Elizabeth Reed, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Adviser-Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumnre Representative-

PHI (1940)-Southeastem Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President- Miss Norma Jean Brumfield, Box 187, S.L.C. , Hammond, La. Correspondino- Secretary- Colleen Palmer, Box 54, College Station , Hammond, La. Editor-Charlie Ann Isorr., 505 East Hanson Ave., Hammond, La. Advisers--Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L.C., Hammond, La.; Miss Margaret Waldrep,

S.L.C., Hammond, La. Alumnre Representative-Miss Sarah Dosher, S.L.C., Hammond, La.

Cm (1940)-Sbepherd College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. President-Agnes DeLauney, Sharpsburg, Md. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Edra Riley, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Editor- Eileen Bergsdoll , Miller Hall , Shepherdstown, W.Va . Adviser- Miss Sara Helen Cree, S.T.C., Shepherdstown, W.Va. Alumnre Representative-Elizabeth Millard, 604 W. King St., Martinsburg, W.Va.

Psr (1944 )- Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President- J ean Marie Smith, Box 561 , Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Corre~ponding Secretary- Helen Squyres, Box 101, Madison College, Harrisonburg,

Va. Editor-Leslie Hall , Box 23, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Advisers- Helen Marbut, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. ; Helen M . Frank,

Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Alumnre Representative-Miss Mary Budge, 526 r . Oakland St. , Arlington, Va .

OMEGA (1945)-Minot State Teachers College, Minot, N.D. President- Sylvia Aafedt , 600 3rd St., N.W., Minot, .D. Corresponding Secretary-Kathleen Sjaastad, Box 35, S.T .C., N.W., Minot, N .D. Editor-Janet Kelly, 916 7th Ave., .W., Minot, N .D. Adviser-Miss Louise Reishus, 807 2nd St., N.E ., Minot, N.D. Alumnre Representative-Miss Henrietta Anderson, 805 11th Ave., N.E., Minot, N.D.

ALPHA ALPHA (1945)-Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. President- June J ack on, Lucina Hall , B.S.T.C., Muncie, Ind. Corresponding Secretary-Edna Davis, Lucina Hall, B . . T.C., Munc:e, Ind. Editor- J oan Schipper, Lucina H all, B . . T .C., Muncie, Ind. Adviser-Miss Francis R. Botsford, 70 N. McKinley Ave., Muncie, Ind. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. R . B. Cro s, 206 N. Martin, Muncie, Ind.

ALPHA BETA (1946) - Marshall College, Huntington, W.Va. President- Dalean Green, Laidley Hall, fa r hall Colleae, Huntington, W.\'a. Corre ponding ecretary- Theresa Arcuri , Rome, Ohio. Editor- Montella Bate , 1820 1 th t., Huntington, W.Va. Adviser-Alumnre Representa tive - Mi Tellie laude mith, Glen re· t, \\ hitnker Hill,

Huntington, W.Va. ; Mrs. C. L. rabtree, S_Q ~1st t. , Huntington W.\ a.

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ALPHA GAMMA (1946)- Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Ark. President-Peggy Brown,.Box 2S2, S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Louise Hesterley, Box 442, S.T.C ., Arkadelphia, Ark. Editor-Irma Hamby, Box 168, S.T.C ., Arkadelphia, Ark. Advisel'5--Miss Amy Jean Green, S.T .C., Arkadelphia, Ark.; Miss E leanor Gill iam,

S.T.C. , Arkadelphia, Ark. Alumme Representative-Beverly Beane, 312 N. Woodrow, Little Rock, Ark.


President- Mrs. J . A. Baumgartner , Box 3S 1, Oak Hill , W.Va. Editor-Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mt. Hope, W.Va.

BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA President- Miss Henrietta Mahood, 116 Cedar St., Bluefield , W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Robert Gatherum, Bluefie ld Sanitarium, Bluefield , W.Va.

BuFFALO, NEw YoRK President-Eve)yn A. Grampp, 686 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 13, N.Y. Editor-Miss Jeane Coultous, 269 Lemon St., Buffalo 4, N.Y.

CLEVELAND, OHIO President-Leota Stanley, 1384 Lakeland Ave., Lakewood, Ohio Editor-Mrs. Alfred Jandt, 841 Helmsdale Rd., Cleveland Heights 12, Ohio

DENVER, CoLORADO President- Miss Marianne Lamberty, 1374 Dahlia St. , Denver, Colo. Editor-Mrs. Edna Parsons, Arvada, Colo.

DETROIT I , MICHIGAN President-Miss Eunice Little, 12125 E . Outer Dr. , Detroit 24, Mich. Editor-Mrs. Frank Favaloro, SOSO Lemay, Detroit 13, Mich.

DETROIT II, MICHIGAN President- Irene Butowski, SOlS Reuter , Dearborn, Mich. Editor-Beverly Preston, 317 Wesley, Rochester, Mich.

EMPORIA, KANSAS President-Mrs. John Beck, 618 Garfield, Emporia, Kan. Editor- Mrs. J . R. Engers, 1111 71, Commercial, Emporia, Kan.

FI.INT, MICHfGAN President-Mrs. Michael M cKellar, Apt. 262 D, 31S Sheffield Rd. , F lin t , Mich. Editor-Mrs. Burton McWhinney, Columbiaville, Mich.

H UNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA President- Mrs. C. L. Crabtree, S2-9 21st St. , Huntington, W.Va. Editor-M iss Dorothy M. Buzek, 5720 P ea Rid ge Rd. , Huntington, W.Va.

LAN SING, MICHIGAN President, Mrs. Cecil Springer, Route S, Box 66, Lansing, Mich. Editor-Mrs. Dewey Craddock, 2S07 Eaton Rd ., Lansing 10, Mich .

LITTLE ROC K, ARKANSAS President-Marie Atwater, 1318 W . lOth, North Little Rock, Ark. Editor-

MINOT, NORTH DA KOTA President-Miss Grete Broten, Box 9, Minot, N.D. l·:ditor-Marian Carlson, 20 8th Ave. N.W., Minot, N .D.

MuNciE, INDIANA President-Ethel Himelick, 424 N. Calvert, Muncie, Ind. Editor-Mrs. Robert W. Wallace, R .R . #2 , Dunkirk, Ind .

NEw YoRK, NEw YoRK President- Miss Annette Kennedy, 12 H orton St. , R ye, N .Y. Editor- Mrs. Harold George, 42-10 82 nd St., Elmhurst, L .I. , N .Y.

PHII.ADET.PHTA, P ENNSYLVANIA President- Mrs. Charles Reed, 214 Borbeck St. , Fox Chase, Philadelphia 11 , Pa. Editor-Mrs. Marion Enos, 526 Lincoln Ave., Paulsboro, N.J.

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA PresideTJt-Mrs. Virginia K. Cosey, 4S.'l W. Antietam St. , Hagerstown, Md. Editor-Ruth Seibert, 446 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg, W.Va.

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ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI President-Evelyn Luecking, 4946 Odell, St. Louis 9, Mo. Editor- Miss Marie Ann Fajt, 1853 So. 14th St., St. Louis 4, Mo.


President- Mrs. S. L. Howard , War, W.Va. Editor- Miss Edith H . Monk , North Tazewell , Va .


President- Mary Leroux , 104 Beechwood Dr. , Wicniia, Kan . Editor- Caroline Dawson , 1001 River:;ide, Wichita, Kan .


Presid ent~Miss Marianna Tallman, 832 Funston Ave., Williamsport H , Pa. Editor- Mrs. E. L. Wright, 34 1 Hastings, South Williamsport 23, Pa .


President- Mary Claude Park, i24 N. 4th St. , Durant, Okla. MT. PLEASANT , MICHI GAN

President- Mrs. George Wheeler, R. R. 6, Mt. Pleasa nt , Mich. NORl'OLK-PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA

President-Mrs. Linwood Roberts, 1100 Ann St. , Portsmouth , Va. WELCH, WEST. VIRGINIA

President-Mrs. Lena Caporossi , Welch , W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Helen B. Decker, Welch , W.Va.

YouNGSTOWN, Oaw President- Mrs. Keith McGowan, 2368 Midlothian , Youngstown, Ohio .


First Dutrict: (central) Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin . President-Mrs. L. J. Maher, Rt. 2, Box 96 , Chillicothe, Ill .

S econd District : (eastern) New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, New Hamp­shire, Vermont, Massachusetts. Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

President-Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave. , Buffalo, N.Y. Third District: (western ) All states west of the Mississippi River.

President- Mrs. Carl Robinson, 943i Talbot Dr., Afton 23, Mo. Fo11rth District: (southern) Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware,

Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.

President- -Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mt. Hope, W.Va.

CENTRAL OFFICE 481 Torrence Rd ., Columbus 2, Ohio


Give me wide walls to build my house of Life-The North shall be of Love, against the winds of fate ; The South of T olerance, that I may outreach hate ; The East of F aith, that rises clear and new each day ; The West of Hope, that e'en dies a glorious way. The threshold 'neath my feet shall be Humility; The roof- the very ky it elf- Infinity. Give me wide walls to .build my hou e of Life.