1953-1973. allies france united states pres. jfk pres. lyndon b. johnson gen. westmoreland ...

The Vietnam War 1953-1973

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Page 1: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

The Vietnam War1953-1973

Page 2: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS



France United States Pres. JFK Pres. Lyndon B.

Johnson Gen.

Westmoreland Robert McNamara Pres. Richard



VietnamSoviet Union

Ho Chi MinhVietcong

(communist guerilla fighters)

Page 3: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS


French Colony

Independence Movement

French troops surrender

Vietnam ÷

N Vietnam=CommunistS Vietnam=non-


Page 4: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

Causes for U.S. Involvement

•Keep France as an ally

•Contain the “spread of Communism”

•Afraid of the domino theory

Page 5: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

U.S. Actions

$$$ to S. Vietnam through SEATO

1961=Pres. JFK sends

U.S. Military Advisors

“Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” (gave Pres. Johnson power to commit troops to warw/out approval of


Page 6: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

U.S. Actions…

Napalm: jellied gasoline

Agent Orange-defoliant

The Draft College-bound

students exempt

1965=Pres. Johnson

More More groundairstrikes


strategy ofSec. of Defense, McNamara & Gen.


Page 7: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

Strategies & Tactics



Agent Orange

My Lai American troops

killed over 400 unarmed Vietnamese in My Lai village.


Guerilla Warfare

“booby traps”

Tet Offensive Attack by Vietcong & N.

Vietnamese on S. Vietnam & U.S. forces at the beginning of Tet (New Year), 1968

Page 8: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS


•Hawks: Supported war

•Doves: Questioned war

•SDS (Students for a Democratic Society):

•Against racism•Against poverty•Against war•Became leading anti-war group

Page 9: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

Kent State University

Members of the National Guard fired into a group of protesters, killing 4.

Page 10: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

“Credibility Gap”

Differences between realistic journalists’ reports

& optimistic government reports

regarding the war.

Page 11: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

The Pentagon Papers

Documents that showed that the government had been dishonest

with the American public

and with Congress

regarding the Vietnam War.

Page 12: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

End of War

“Vietnamization” Pres. Nixon’s belief that the South

Vietnamese Army should fight on its own.

Paris Peace Accords, 1973 Signed by U.S., S. Vietnam, N. Vietnam &

Vietcong agreeing to the withdrawal of U.S. troops in S. Vietnam

Page 13: 1953-1973. ALLIES  France  United States  Pres. JFK  Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson  Gen. Westmoreland  Robert McNamara  Pres. Richard Nixon COMMUNISTS

Effects of Vietnam War

South Vietnam united with Communist North Vietnam

›58, 000 Americans killedReturn to “isolationism”Distrust of government leaders1973 War Powers Act

Restricted the President’s authority to commit troops to foreign conflicts