1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e the donation of constantine at...

1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa de The donation of Constantine at Byzan- tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor- sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963) 46-65 .. 183. * ma d de e n d i e t a: Basi1e de Cesaree et Damase de Rome Bib1ica1 and patristica1 studies· in memory.of R. Casey, Freiburg 1963 122-166. 184. L. Carr 11: Thou art Peter Testamentum 6 (1963) 268-276. 185. * Cu 11 m a Peter, discip1e, apost1e,martyr, F. Fi1son 3 , Phi1ade1phia 1962. 186. J. Darr u Les documents byzantins du XIIe sie- c1e sur 1a primaute rom9.ine REB 23 (1965) 42-88. 1 7. F. D r i k: za r 188. * i d: La figure juridique du patriarche 2 , Roma 1962. 189. G g e The primitive Church C. Snape; London 1964. 191. Gr t Die Hauptkirchendes Ostens den .

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Page 1: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

1964 1965

§ 29.

181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. .


38 (1963) 46-65.. 183. * m a d d e e n d i e t a: Basi1e de Cesaree

et Damase de Rome Bib1ica1 and patristica1 studies· in memory.of R. Casey, Freiburg 1963 122-166.

184. L. C a r r 11: Thou art Peter Testamentum 6 (1963) 268-276.

185. * C u 11 m a Peter, discip1e, apost1e,martyr, F. Fi1son3 , Phi1ade1phia 1962. 186. J. D a r r u e· Les documents byzantins du XIIe sie-

c1e sur 1a primaute rom9.ine REB 23 (1965) 42-88. 1 7. F. D r i k: za r 188. * i d: La figure juridique du patriarche2 , Roma 1962. 189. G g e The primitive Church C. Snape;

London 1964.

191. G r t Die Hauptkirchendes Ostens den .

Page 2: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


192. G r u m e Les origines du vicariat apostolique de Thes-sa10nique Actes Congr. byz. (1964) 451-461.

193. R. G u d r The narrative framework of Matthew 17-19 Testamentum 7 (1964) 1-9. 194. W. a g e m a Die recht1iche Stellung der Patriarchen

A1exandrien und Antiochien Ostkirch1iche Studien 13 (1964) 171-191.

195. G. e b e r t: Apost1e and bishop. study of the Go-spe1, the Ministry and the Church-community, London 1963.

196. * e m m e r d i g e r: La preponderance de l' eg1ise de Rome 95 Revue des sciences phi1osophiques 47 (1963) 58-60.

197. * Duchovna Ku1tura

45 (1965) 10-22. 198. * a r r e r: Peter and the Church. examination of

Cullmanns' thesis R. Walls, New York 1963. 199. * D. r e i k a m The origin of the patriarchate of

.Constantinop1e and the first recognition of its patriarca1 jurisdiction, Arbor -Washington 1964. 200. * S. L e g a s s L' exercice de dans l' Eglise

d' apres 1es evangi1es synoptiques Nouvelle revue 85 (1963) 1009-1022.

201. J. F. a c C u e : The roman primacy in the second cen-tury and the prob1em of the deve10pment of dogma Theo1ogica1 studies

25 (1964) 161-196. 202. F. a s s a i: La politique des Isaurieris et 1a naissance de

]' Europe ByzaI1tiOll 33 203. u e a A:rc leplscopi.a Justiniana-Prim-a-sr-jlTo-:O--------

. ..----------204.

549-569. . ' __

, 41 1964) 173=182,"-209-218, 243-247, 273-283,302-306,326-337,354-364,384-394,410-418,434-4 ,

6 477, 505 512 J9M.' _ 206. * F. R e f u de Pierre dans 1es evangi1es

Revue des sciences religieuses 38 (1964) 1-41. _______ s e' die Autonomiebestrebungen der

russischen Kirche in der Zeit 10. ,bis 15. Jahrhundert Byzantin,i- J. Irmscher, Berlin 1964 291-332,

Page 3: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

208. C. L. S e s s e n s: Les patriarches d' Antioche et leur succession apostolique Orient syrien 7 (1962) 389-434.

209. 1965.

210: * u 1 e Le sens l' adjectif (\oecumenique» dans la tradition patristique et dans la tradition byzantine Nouvelle revue tMolog'ique 86 (1964) 260-271.

211. d e V r i e s: Rom und die Patriarchate des stens, Freiburg-Mtinchen 1963.

212. u Antiochien und Seleucia-Ctesiphon, Pa-triarch und Katholikos Melanges Tisserant Citta del Va-ticano 1964 429-450.

§ 30. K(tl,

213. a d: Did the early Church baptize infants? G. S. Beasley-Murrey, Philadelphia 1963. 214. D u j a r i e r: Le par.r:ainage des adultes aux trois· pre-

miers siecles de l' Eglise, Paris 215. * J. J e r e m i a s: Nochmals die Kindertaufe. Eine Re-

plik auf Alands SChrift, Mtinchen 1962. 216. u u: The origin of infant baptism. further

study in reply to Aland D. Barton, Napervil1e 1963. 217.

42 (1965) 417-428. 218. u r c k: Catechein et catechesis chez les premiers Peres

Revue des sciences philosophiques 47 (1963) 361-372. 219. u Aux origines du catechumenat 48

(1964) 0'•. 20-31.

13 (1965) 0'. 993-997.

§ 31.

§ 33. &:

Page 4: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


223. J. G. D a v e Deacons, deaconesses the minor or-ders the patristic periods Journal of eccIesiastical history 14 (1963) 1-15.

224. * G u e r r a G m e Diaconos hellenicos bi-blicos, Burgos 1962.

225. * presbiteros. se-mantica de Ios terminos... Burgos 1962.

226. * J a v e r r tema Iiterario de ia sucesion. Pro-Iegomenos para e1 estudio de la sucesion apostoIica, 1963.

227. F. s t e r m a n Das christIiche ApostoIat, Innsbruck 1962. 228. * G. n d a r s: De Ia pretendu divergence des for-

mes dans le regime du christianisme primitif. Ministres et ministeres du temps des Apotres a Ia mort de saint PoIycarpe Istina (1964)

59-62. 229.

15 (1960-1965) 633-658. 230. * S. a g La hierarchie ecc1esiastique a l' epoque de

activite missionnaire de S, PauI Roczniki teoIogizno-Kanoniczne 11 (1964) 55-80.

231. * J. a s r a b a h: Le manuscrit 180 de Ia BibIiotheque orientale de Be)rrouth Proche Orient chretien 13 (1963) 221-233.

------.;&232. * h: Die ta'

------·:23-3.-'LB.-----R-u-t-I-e-g'e-:-60s-mie-t-heotogy. The ------rarchy of Pseudo-Denys. introduction, London 1964.

234. 1964. ---,---basrs-for-the

236. * D. a a c a c s: Noms de famille neogrecs derivant e mots Slglll lant es grades, titres et offices eccIesiastiques Studia-

onomastica Monacensia 14 (1961) 753-761.

174571965 31

Page 5: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

, 650

§ 34. 't'ou 238. * L a f t a e: Lesconditions positives de l'

accession aux ordres dans 1a premiere 1egis1ation ecc1esiastique 300-492, Ottawa 1963.

239. ;;. J. L e c u e r: Le prob1emedes pa1es dans l' eg1ise d' A1exandrie Bulletin de litterature ecc1esiasti-que 4 (1964) 241-257. .


1962. 240.

19 (1964) 13-40. 241. 54

242. * J. S t r a u b: Zur Ordination BischOfen und Beam-

ten der christlichen Spatantike Reformvorsch1ag der Historia Augusti?) Mullus. Festschrift Th. K1auser, 1964 336-345.

§ 35.

243. * a c h t: Zur Typo1ogie des koptischen MQnchtums: Pachomius und Evagrius Christentum am hrsg. Wesse1, Recklinghausen 1964 131-141.

244. S. e s a r Il bizantino nella Sicilia e nell' Italia .meridiona1e prenormanne, Napoli 1963.

245. * C. C a e 11e: La d' obeissance des origines au XIIe siec1e, Paris 1959.

246. ..R. F a r a g: Socio1ogica1 and mora1 studies inthe fie1d coptic monasticism, Leiden 1964.

247. J. F e Cenobitisme feminin ancien dans 1es eglises syriennes orienta1e et occidenta1e L' Orient syrien 10 (1965)

248. At 1963 151-175.

249. ri

* Cl __ _ .. '-'6

r-251. * W. S c h e e m e 1 h e r: Erwagungen. dem .srun; 11· hrsg. WesseI, 190"4:.

Page 6: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


252. 1",46 (1963) 156-169.


253. * G. L a n g g ii r t n e Das Aufkommen des. okumeni-. schen KonziIsgedankens. Ossius Cordoba aIs Ratgeber Constantins

Mtinchener theoIogische Zeitschrift 15 (1964) 111-126. , 254. * R d r g u e procedimiento de votacion eI tercer

conciIio de ConstantinopIe Burgense 4 (1963) 275-293.

§ 38.


41 (1964) 79-85. 256.

26 (1964) 177-182. .257. * F r t ProbIemes de succession episcopaIe au mi-

Iieu du IIIe siecIe LavaI theoIogique 'et phiIosophique 19 (1963) 49-61. ' . .

258. C.

Studii teoIogice Ser. IIa 14 (1962) 300-327. 259.' a&. YJ:



262. _ 1'.1 42"'

263. _____

, 264. *

1964. * v


Page 7: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


265. F. S t a n c u 1 S C Studii teologice Ser. IIa 14 (1962) 598-617.

266. ' 1965.

267. * W. d V r Der Episkopat auf den Synoden Nicaa Theol. Prakt. Quartalschrift 111 (1963) 263-277.

§ 39.

268-269. 1169/1961 19 (1964) 56

106/1964 12 (1964) 735

§ 40.

270. 35 (1964) 87-123, 271-304


271-272. 2403 /1965 14 (1966) 568

30/1964 12 (1964) 421 &.'1. 2039/1939.

§ 41.

.273. ' 139891 12 /17 1964 .

§ 43.

274. R. G a n g h f f r: L' evolution des e


Page 8: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

653 .

§ 46.

283. * C r u e 1: Virginite et mariage se10n Origene, Bruges 1963.

284.' t t i g: ZudenStrafen und Bussen ftir die Wieder-verheiratung in der frtihen Kirche Oriens Christianus 48 (1964)

143-149. 285. * J. F r d: Levirate marriage in St. Pau1 Cor.

New Testament studies 10 (1963/64) 361-365. 286.

8 (1960/63) 239-284.

§ 44.

277-282. 362 363 /1964 12 (1964) 739, 866/1964 19 (1964) 190 1141/1965 13 (1965) 1222

472/1964 12 (1964) 19 (1964)

107 773/1965 20

(1965) 33 i)E; 209/1965 13 (1965) 1145

288-290. L 24/1964 -------

(, \ . .. \ A",.J.._ ( , .....

67/1964 13 (1965) 1088 887

425/1964 12 (1964) 1031

2 7. * . 1\. 1 C marna

thirteent]} century Studies in C]lurc]} History 1 (1964) 160-172. ------28 ,11)'05'-.'-----------

Page 9: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


§ 49.

291. * C h r s t h L' usage chretien du droit de propriete dans l' Ecriture et 1a tradition patristiques, Paris 1964.

292. G 1 k a t h r w e i 1 e r: La concession des droits incorpore1s. Donations conditionnelles Actes XIIe Congr. byz. 11 (1964) 103-114. .

293. R. G u 11 a n d: Etudes sur l' histoireadministrative de l' empire byzantin. L' REB 23 (1965) 205-221.

294. J. d e a 1 a f s s e: La part du mort a Byzance Etu-des... dediees a G. Le Bras, Paris 1965 1311-1316.

295. * L. r a -b n a: passi neotestamentari sulla comu-nione dei beni ne1 commento dei Padri della Chiesa Annali della Facolta di Lettere e Fi1osofia della Universita di 8 (1958/9)

77-100. 296. a s t a S a S f n u: Les fondements juridiques de

l' aumone et de 1a charite chez Jean Chrysostome Revue de droit canonique 14 (1964) 241-269.

297. 36-38

15 (1960/65) 659-766.

298. F. d e s s c h e r: Le droit des tombeaux romains, Milano 1963 261-276): Le regime juridiquedes p1us anciens cimetieres chretiens a Rome.

299. L. e 1 k 1: Die des Kaisers Konstantin im Lichte .des romischen Sakra1rechts, 1964.

300. 42/1965 13 (1965) 1193


Page 10: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


(1963 )


§ 58.

§ 53.

, 311. c a u Das Sacrament der Busse. Geschichte, Wesen und Form der kirchlichen Busse, Mainz 1961.

312. * V r g r m 1 e r: Matthieu 16,18 s. et le sacrement de

404/1965 13 (1965) 899

308-310. 31/1964 12 (1964) 741, 1237/1965 13 (1965) 1217 2189/1965 14 (1966)

§ 51.


60391 26 /1 1964

306. 100927 15 /

10 1965

307. 202 22 1965

j>eni ence e anges erts au . . e u ac ar1S 51-65.


313. * W. a u e r: Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei _____-.Cl!ristentum2 ,


Page 11: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

656 . ! ..

315. a r 1i n- a t e Arethas et 1e droit d' asi1e zantion 33 (1964) 613-617.

316. \): 1964. .

§ 65;

317. 20 (1965) 4 (1965) 154= 14 (1966) 568

§ 67.

318.* &. "1): 11 (1962)


§ 68.

319. 75 (1964) 320. J. D a r r u es: Liste des de l'Athos Le Mil-

1enaire du Mont Athos 963-1963, Etudes et Me1anges Chevetogne 1963 407-445.

321. J. D e c a r r e a Du monachisme primitif au mona-chisme athonite 19-57.

322. F D 1g e Kaiser und Monch auf dem Athos 145-148.

323. J. D e n s: Bibliographie de 1a Sainte Montagne de l' Athos b

324. xcxt

xcxt 'APXEr.ov 26

Page 12: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


326. 1, 1964 142

327. V. S i n i C a: 1518-1519

26 (1965)

328-329. 170/1964 12 (1964) 613 = 19 (1964) 58

" • \.), \ \ -

aEV ae: 145/1963 19 (1964) 109



Page 13: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)

179,180. 153.

Aland 213. Alexander 181.

15, 172, 182. Altaner 46. Amand de Mendieta 183. Anastos 71. Anciaux 311.

39,50. Armstrong G. 72.


Bacht 243. Baer J. 58.

236. 40.

154. Barbero G. 51. Bauer W. 313. Baus 41. Beldiceanu 155. Billanovitch G. 96. Blum G. G. 221. Boeld W. 52. Boesari S. 244. Bogdanovic D. 53. Bompaire J. 116,117. Botte 91.

118. Brown 73.

-Brown R. 1.

Campenhausen 47. Capelle C. 245. Caron G. 314. Carroll L. 184.

Darrouzes J. 106,133,157,158,186,320. 319.

Davies J. G. 223. Decarreaux J.321.

159. Devos 134. Dolger F. 122,322. Doens J. 323.

. Dujarrier 214. Dujcev 123. Dvornik F. 97,187.

Ehrhard 75,76. Eid 188.

d' 107. Ercole G. d' 31,69. Esser 77.


Faral R. 246. Feine 32. Fera G. 78. Fiey J. 246. Ford J. 285. Fortin 257.

Gaina D. J. 108. Ganghoffer R. 274. Gaudemet J. 33,109. Gautier 124.

J. 98,99,100. 147,286.

Hel. 292. Goguel 189. Goppelt L. 45. Gouillard J. 93. Grabar 190.

120. Gregoire 59. Chitescu 2. Griffe 60.

291. Grotz 191. 29,30,105. Grumel 192.

156. Guerra Gomez 224,225. ..

. . Cullmann 185. F. 135,136,137,138.

Hebert G. 195 .

. li2.

Page 14: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


Honigmann Hornus J. 61,62. . Metz 85.

Instinsky U. 86.

Morrison F. 87. Ioannou 55. Janin R. 130. 170. Jaschke G. 16. Javierre 226. 270. Jedin Munier Ch. 112. Jeremias D. 215,216. Munteanu

Kaesemann Nagy S. 230. 197. Nasralbah J. 231.

160. NicoJ D. 287. Patr. 111,315. Nikolainen 9.

6,7,17. Karrer 198. Callaghan J. 115. Kazdan Orabona L. 295. Keressztes 63. Ortiz de Urbina J. 102.

G. F. 81. Ostrogorsky G. F. 227.

Kodov Chr. 161. 178.

288. 150. 18,19,82,228,229,259. 217,262.

163. 325. . Korbacher J. 8. 205.

167. 250.

D. 199. 165. Peitz W. 113.

Perowne S. Lafontaine 237. 263. Lampe G. W. Ploechl W. 36.

'08. 125,139. Langgartner G. 253. Laurent 101126 32 Lecuyer J. -----Legasse . """2'0- • 289. Lehmann J .95.

Refouil, F. 206. Leroy J. Richard L' Huillier 35. Roberg 13. Loenertz R. 127. Rodriguez

.. osiJ'ri07. . -----------------

Magne J. 92. Rutlege G. 233. Magoulias . aln e l'OlX • • e 6

Mango C. 128. Santos Hernandez 22.


-----,··..asSaI • 202. Schneemelcher W. 251. 151. Schwarte 66.

152. 166. Rose-Marie 89.

Page 15: 1964 1965 - ecclesia.gr · 1964 1965 § 29. 181. e xa d e The donation of Constantine at Byzan-tiu,m and its ear1iest against the Western Ostrogor-sky (1963) 11-26. . 182. 38 (1963)


Sherwin-White 67.

Sinicyna V. 327.


220. Spiessens C. L. 208. Spuler 23.

167. Stanculescu J. F. 265. Stanley D. 235.

Straub J. Svoronos 129.


266. 38.

Tidner 70. W.

28,56. 318.

C. 25-8. 287.

37,209, 316.

169. 131.

Tulien 210. Turck 218,219. Tyskevic S. 10.

Voelkl L. 299. Vogt J. 90. Verosta S. 57. Visscher F. de 298. Vorgrimler 312. Vries W. de Ware . Wessel Wolf


