1a snake bean(vigna unguiculata )


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Post on 15-Dec-2014




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biology of economic agriculture


Page 1: 1a snake bean(vigna unguiculata )
Page 2: 1a snake bean(vigna unguiculata )

Introduction Snake bean (Vigna unguiculata ) is one of popular

vegetables in Malaysia, also known as long bean or kacang panjang

Snake bean is consumed as ulam or fried or steamed depending on cooking preference

Snake bean is also known as vegetable cowpea, asparagus bean, string bean, yardlong bean, snake pea, snap pea, bodi, bora or sitao

Its origin is possibly from the Middle West Africa or Southern China widely grown in Southeast Asia, South China, Bangladesh,

Taipei and West Africa for immature pods

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Area grown with snake bean

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Nutrition They are a good source of protein, vitamin A,

thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, and a very good source for vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and manganese.

Nutritional value per 100 g Energy 196 kJ (47 kcal) Carbohydrates 8 g Dietary fibre 3.6 g Fat 0 g Protein 3 g (USDA Nutrient Database)

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TaxonomyKingdom: Plantae : Plants

Subkingdom: Tracheobionta : Vascular plantsSuperdivision: Spermatophyta : Seed plants

Division: Magnoliophyta : Flowering plantsClass: Magnoliopsida : DicotyledonsSubclass: Rosidae

Order: FabalesFamily: Fabaceae : Pea familyGenus: Vigna Savi : cowpea

Species: Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.: cowpeaSubspecies:

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. ssp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.: yardlong bean(Source : Wolfram|Alpha knowledgebase, 2011)

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Land Preparation It begins 2 weeks before planting with ploughing

activity and drainage system Land should be well prepared by ploughed and

harrowed for good root growth and increase pH 5 to 7.

The size of beds with 120cm x 300 cm x 25 cm 60 cm width of drain between seed beds for

drainage system The beds are layered with plastic silvershine Application of basic manuring with vermicompost

about 5kg each bed.

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Land Preparation

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Planting Technique Plastic silvershine is utilized for cover up the seed

beds before planting time could prevent the growth of weed and also for soil

moisture conservation

The planting distance is about 30 cm X 30 cm The number of holes (population per bed)

= 4 x 10 = 40 The seeds of snake bean are sown by hand on

the beds. Seeds are sown in rows 2-3 cm depth.

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Planting Technique Two seeds are put in each hole after holes After 2 weeks, only one plant is let to grow per hole The selection is based on the plant health To have a population of 200, we need 5 beds The support system (trellis)used bamboo 2 meters

height connected each other with ropes and strengthened each post at the end

Ropes were installed on bamboo trellis, formed a triangular shape

This installation is provided to help the plants to climb up and will bedone 3 weeks after snake bean planting.

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Irrigation, weeding and fertilizing Snake bean plants need enough water to

growth well and produce high yields Irrigation is done 1-2 times per day except on

rainy days, with manual irrigation The land surface near snake bean plant should

be kept clean and free from weed Manual weeding is necessary after planting to

prevent the competition between snake bean and weed.

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Irrigation, weeding and fertilizing The amount of fertilizers given to the plants

Rotation Time Type of fertilizer Amount/seed bed






2 weeks

4 weeks

6 weeks


NPK 15:15:15

NPK 12:12:17:2

NPK 12:12:17:2

6 kg

150 g

450 g

600 g

(Source :Jabatan Pertanian Daerah Manjung,2011)

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Pests and Diseases There are many pests and diseases that attack

long bean plants

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Harvest Tuai pertama umur 50 hari selepas tanam Kriteria tuai: buah buah berpolong padat dan

berwarna hijau segar. Tanaman dapat berproduksi sampai umur ± 4

bulan, dengan interval setiap 5 hari sekali tuai Tiap ha dapat menghasilkan 5-6 tan.

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Post Harvest Umur petik yang tepat Penyimpanan pada tempat yang tepat (sejuk

dan lembap) Buah / polong diikat Elakkan adanya luka pada buah Keranjang dilapisi kertas atau plastik sebagai

bekas untuk pengangkutan.

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