
1 6 9 SAP FI NOTES INDEX PARTICULARS Page No. Introduction 3 Enterprise Structure 1. Chart of Accounts 2. Accounts groups customization 3. Open and Close Posting Periods 11 15 19 27 Sales Tax Procedures 1. Tolerance Groups 36 36 General Ledger Accounts (GL Accounts) 1.Negative Postings 2. Creation of GL Masters 3. Parked document 41 41 43 54 Foreign Currency Transaction (FCT) 1. Reversal of Reversed document 2. Mass Reversal 3. Balance Interest calculation 4. Accounts Principles 72 77 78 87 92 Accounts Payable (AP) 99 House Bank 1. Link between sundry creditors and Advance to vendors 2. Purchase Invoice Posting 3. Term of Payments-Maximum Cash discount 4. Automatic payment Program(APP) 5. Check printing 6. Credit Memo 106 115 116 119 128 130 132 Accounts Receivable (AR) 1. Sales Invoice Posting 2. Incoming payment 3. Link between sundry debtors and advance from customers 4. Advance Receipt posting 134 135 142 144 144 Bill of Discounting (Bill of Exchange) 1. Define dunning areas 148 156 Sales Tax 162 Asset Accounting (AA) 1.Chart of Depreciation 2. Asset Classes 3. Asset Sale /Transfer/Scrapping 170 172 176 199/201/202 Reports 1.Chart of Accounts List 2.Trail balance / Ledger /Vendors List 3. Data Takeover 4.Up loading of master in SAP (LSMW) 5.Balances uploading 204 204 205/206 209 212 217 Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS) 1.House Bank 228 231

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PARTICULARS Page No.Introduction 3Enterprise Structure

1. Chart of Accounts2. Accounts groups customization 3. Open and Close Posting Periods


Sales Tax Procedures1. Tolerance Groups


General Ledger Accounts (GL Accounts) 1.Negative Postings 2. Creation of GL Masters 3. Parked document


Foreign Currency Transaction (FCT)1. Reversal of Reversed document2. Mass Reversal 3. Balance Interest calculation 4. Accounts Principles


Accounts Payable (AP) 99

House Bank1. Link between sundry creditors and Advance to vendors2. Purchase Invoice Posting3. Term of Payments-Maximum Cash discount4. Automatic payment Program(APP)5. Check printing6. Credit Memo


Accounts Receivable (AR)1. Sales Invoice Posting2. Incoming payment 3. Link between sundry debtors and advance from customers 4. Advance Receipt posting


144Bill of Discounting (Bill of Exchange) 1. Define dunning areas


Sales Tax 162Asset Accounting (AA) 1.Chart of Depreciation 2. Asset Classes 3. Asset Sale /Transfer/Scrapping



Reports 1.Chart of Accounts List 2.Trail balance / Ledger /Vendors List 3. Data Takeover 4.Up loading of master in SAP (LSMW) 5.Balances uploading



Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS) 1.House Bank 2.Check Lots 3.Sales and Purchase Invoices posting


Cash Journal (CJ) 245Withholding Tax(TDS/TCS) 1.Maintain Calendar 2.Withholding tax codes 3.Create Remittance Challan 4.Print TDS Certificate 5.Quaterly Return


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SAP stands for System Application and Products in data Processing

FI stands for Financials

CO stands for Controlling

Version : ECC6

ECC stands for ERP Central Component

SAP was released in 1972 – It head quarters in Germany

What is ERP?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource planning, it is integrated all functions in one system.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |Purchase Dept. Store Dept. Production Dept. Accounts Dept.

Will have no of departments in organization. ERP integrate all the functions into one system.

It will facilitate free flow of data among the departments.


Once stores person updates in the system – It can be shared by account person.

No mismatch in reporting – Data Source is only one once updation.

Store Department at Factory: Where the material is received are updates his records send the bill to account person.

Accounts department at City office : Pass an entry in the books


Duplicate jobTime gap.

ERP Packages:

SAP, Oracle, Financials, Peoples soft, BAAN , J.D.Edwards1972- SAP R/1 – Real time data processing1980-SAP – R/2 Included no.of countires and no.of currencies1990 – SAP R/3- R/3 stands for Data Structure

1.Application Server 2.Data based server 3.Presentation

1999 – My SAP.com – Web baed2004 – Net weaver – Integrates information, people and process.

Areas to be covered under FI /CO

FI:1. General Ledger accounting2. Accounts payable3. Accounts receivable4. Asset accounting

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CO:1. Cost element accounting2. Cost center accounting 3. Internal orders4. Profit center accounting5. Product costing6. Profitability analysis

Integration of:

1. Material Management Module to Financials (MM to FI)2. Sale & Distribution module to Financial module integrate (SD to FI)3. Data take over(From Non-SAP to SAP)4. Closing procedure


In all the module systems gives around 2000 reportsYou can attaché the reports to favoritesSome important reports you can attach the reports on desk top.

Cross company code transactions:India version: TDS , Excise and sales tax

Companies Act:1956: as per Schedule VI Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c

What are difference between SAP EE 4.7 and ECC 6.0?

SAP EE 4.7 SAP ECC 6.0Stands for Enterprise Edition Stands for Enterprise Central CompoundNo Netware concept (Offline) Netware concept (Online)Segment wise report is not possible Is it possibleOnly one currency Multiple ledgers in currencies

Document splittingForeign currency revaluation based on accounting principles

Role of FI /CO Consultant

1. Project Manger2. Senior Consultant3. Junior consultant (Each project 3 to 6 members)4. Support Consultant ( Eg.IBM, Accenture )5. Core Team Members6. End User

How to Open SAP

Open: Double lick on SAP Logon Icon

Double Click ECC 6 Server

First Screen:First Field : Client :2 Clients

1. Development client2. Production client

In the implementation SAP

1. Consultants2. Company staff (Core Team Members)

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The consultant they do the customization in development clientThe company staff will do the testing.The customization will be transferred to client through transport requests.In the production client you enter day to day transaction.

Some companies they will give 3 clients:

1. Development client2. Testing client3. Production client

Client : 800/000/810 – You can copy and give any number

User : Cost of package will depend on the no. of users licenses.100 users license –used by 1000 employees It fixes the responsibility on employee.

User ID : SAP user: You can use small or capital letters (It’s not case sensitive)

Password: The length of password – Min3 – Max 8(it can be numeric, Alpha Numeric , Alphabets, and Special characters.)Password is not case sensitiveNot possible to change password more than once in a dayLatest 5 passwords can not be usedPassword can not be restored

Money is the password.

What is client?There is two client s in SAP which are: Production Client and Development Client . To Purchase Sap Package From Sap India Bangalore Wipro Will Customize(Map) Aravind Requirement In SAP.

Production Client Development Client

Aravind Group Wipro(Aravind Industries Ltd) (Consulting Firm)(Aravind Steel Ltd)

To Purchase Sap Package From Sap India Bangalore Wipro Will Customize(Map) Aravind Requirement In SAP

ARAVIND WIPROProject Manager Project managerCore team accounts manager FI ConsultantCost accountant CO ConsultantPurchase Manager MM ConsultantSales Manager SD ConsultantIt staff ABAP programmer

BASIS Administrator

Aravind :Core Team As is Process What Is Requested From SAP

Wipro :To Be Process What Should Be Done In SAP

Development Client Production Client

Wipro Customization - Transport Request

Aravind Core Team - Testing

After testing by Aravind core team customization will be transported to production client through transport request

Production client is live client where we enter day to day transactions

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If the consultant do customization once again in production client, if they commit any mistake all the postings will go wrong where as development client customization is tested customization by the Aravind core team and corrected by Wipro team.

We will not get any mistakes in the development client customization.

In live environment we should have minimum 2 clients but some companies keep 3 clients

Development Client Testing quality Client Production Client

Wipro Customization Transport Request ->

Aravind Core Team -> Testing

"When SAP is purchased from SAP India we get clients like 000,001,067 and 800" Basis consultant copies 000 client and give the number required by Aravind care team”

Client :800 (Development Client)User : Cost of package will be based on number of user licensesUser Id Creation Is The Job of BASIS Administrator

A) Cost FactorB) User Id Fixes Responsibility on Employee

SAP User : It Is Not Case sensitive (Capital Letters Or Small Letters)Password : Password Is Case Sensitive (From Ecc 5 Onwards)Length of Password : Minimum 6 Maximum 40

NOTE: "We can use alphabets, Numerical, alphanumeric, special characters-like" Not possible to change password more than once in a day. System will not permit to use latest previous 5 passwords. Password can not be restored.

EG: 1.09.2008 ABC1235.09.2008 XYZABC12.09.2008 ABC123 system will not permit

BASIS Administrator deletes old password and gives a new password : oracleLanguage : 41 Languages

If we do not specify any language it takes English by default or we can use EN for English

If we use user id as “DE“ the menu will be in German

Client : 800User : SAPUSERPassword : oracle

Press enterNow open SAPSelect and choose the radio button depend on necessity.

Employee1 Employee21st Radio button Can not work Can work2nd Radio button Work Can work3rd Radio button Can work Can not work

In training institutes we have to select 2nd radio button


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1st row is called menu bar : Menu Edit ,Favorites ,Extras2nd raw is called standard tool bar3rd row is called in title bar4th is called application tool bar5th & last is called status bar

The second row the tick is called “enter” , beside tick box is called is “command field".

One employee can work in number of sessions (windows) at a time -the maximum is 6 sessions

How to create a new session?

Path: From the menu bar - Select system- Create session

NOTE: To move from one session to another session (alt+tab)

How to end session?

Path :From the menu bar - select system- End session

To view which version we are using?

Path : From menu bar - Select system- Status-Sap system data

How to use transaction codes (T/C)?

We want posting of transaction.

option-1 option-2

Go through the path and post Use transaction code in command field the transaction and press enter

Path: Accounting --> Financial accounting -> General ledger-->Posting ->General posting

we can create our own transaction and codes they should start with Y or Z

To go back to SAP easy access screen:

Use: /n in command field and press enter.

For Posting Transaction:

Document (Voucher) entry (F-02)Account display (FS10N)

After posting we want to view the ledger

a) Use:/n (changing) in command field and enter - to back to sap easy access screenb) Use FS10N in command field and press enter- to go to account display

Instead of this

use:/NFS10N in command field and press enter change session with new transaction code.use /OFS10N in command field and press enter- create session with new transaction code.

./N for change

./O for create

How to activate transaction codes in sap menu?Path :From the menu bar - select extras - Settings - Display technical names- Enter

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To make one screen as beginning screen

Path: From menu bar select extras - set start transactions (transaction code is F-02)


Give a message transaction F-02 set as start transaction


Path: From the menu bar select system - log off - select ‘yes’ button for the message to logoff

Select yes button to log off


At the time of customization -screen will come with display mode not enter mode

Path Tools-Administrator- Monitor-Lock entries (Tr.code is SM12)

Select list button- Message - No lock entries found

Path: From the menu bar select lock entry- Delete all-select’ yes’ button for the message

Delete all lock entries - Enter.

:Organization structure:

Organization structure|

SAP-------------------------| |Group Company| |Company Company code| |Units Businesses Area

:Creation of Project: Group --> Companies Units

In SAP –

Group is called as companyCompany is called as company codeUnit is called as Business area



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |

Aravind Mills Ltd(AML) Aravind Steels Ltd(ASL) Aravind Industries ltd(AIL)| | | | | |HYD BGL HYD BGL HYD BGL

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Here, we do customization for Aravind Mills Ltd after words we copy customization including accounts to other company codes in one step and make modifications where ever required.NOTE: FI consultant will do customization at company code level -company or group is only for information.


1.DEFINE COMPANY: ( Tr code is OX15)

Path: Tools - Customizing –IMG (implementation guide) - Execute project (trns.code SPRO)

SPRO stands for SAP Project Reference ObjectSelect SAP reference IMG button : This is called Customization area or Configuration area or Implementation area

Path: SPRO > Enterprise structure - Definition - Financial accounting - Define company)

If we select IMG activity documentation button: It gives description part about company

To select IMG activity button: To do customization

Select IMG activity button

Select New entries button

Company : AVG

Company name :Aravind group

name of company2 :blank

street :Ameerpet

postal code :500034

country :For country select dropdown(pull down) button, select in for india"

Language key :select drop down button select EN for English

Currency :For currency select drop down button here 218.

Select INR for Indian rupees

Select save button or Ctrl+s

Development client Production client|

consultant - Customization - Transport request→

By default it gives the latest request we have to create our own request and afterwards to transport to production client.NOTE: For each step we need not create separate request.

For Basic settings :1st requestFor General ledger :2nd requestFor Account payable :3rd requestFor Accounts receivable :4th requestFor Asset accounting :5th request For Controlling :6th requestSelect create request button (F8)Give the short description :FI basic settings for Aravind Mills Ltd

Press enterPress enter once again to save in the request. We get a message data was saved: Data was saved in two places:1.Development client 800 2. In Transport request

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2.DEFINE COMPANY CODE:( Tr code is OX02)

Path: Tools - Customizing - IMG- executive project (SPRO)

Select sap reference button IMG

SPRO - path upto select sap reference IMG button is same.

NOTE: SPRO No SPRO-Consultant job -End user job

Note the path SPRO

Path: Enterprise structure - Definition- financial accounting - edit, copy, delete, check company code

Edit company code data

Select new entries button

Give company code :AMLCity :HyderabadCountry :INCurrency :INRLanguage :EN

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Title :Select companyName :Aravind mills ltdStreet :AmeerpetPost code :500034City :HyderabadCountry :IN

Press enter

To select our request number select dropdown button beside request number.We can see here number of requests.Select request number by seeing the description.Press enter to save in the request.

Description can be same should be different


Path: SPRO - Enterprise structure - Assignment - Financial accounting - Assign company code to company

Select position button give the company code AML enter

For company AML assign company AVG

Select save button or Crtl+S

Select dropdown beside request number

Select your request number

Press enter to save in the request

4.Define Business Areas: ( Tr code is OX03)

path: SPRO- Enterprise structure- Definition -financial accounting- define business area

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Select New entries button

Business area : AMLHDescription : Hyderabad Business area for AML

Bangalore business area link this number

Select save button or Ctrl+sPress enter to save in your request

NOTE: Assignment of business areas to company code is not required.

Aravind Group|

Aravind Mills Ltd Aravind Steels Ltd Aravind Industries ltd| | |

--------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------HYD BGL HYD BGL HYD BGL

AML accounts person ASL accounts person AIL accounts person

At the time of posting

Company code : AML ASLBusiness area : HYD HYD

NOTE: Without giving company code we can not pass to business area

At the time of request generation:

Company code AML ASLBusiness area HYD HYD

We get HYD data of company Code AML only Code ASL only

NOTE: Some business area can be used by number of company codes in the client assignment of business area to company code is not required. HYD incharge for AML, ASL and AIL in the report

Company code AML +ASL+AILBusiness area HYD

NOTE: Hyderabad data for all company codes we have Hyderabad business area separately for each company code.

HYD Hyderabad business areaHYD1 Hyderabad business areaHYD2 Hyderabad business area

AML accounts person and ASL accounts personCompany code :AML ASLBusiness area :HYD/HYD1 HYD1/HYD2

There will be a mix up


Option-1when we want to compare or consolidate-we can have same set of accounts (Chart of accounts) -i.e.,Accounts coding will be same.

AML ASL AILConveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000

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(E.g. Rent Account )


Each company code has their on AML ASL AILset of accounts conveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000

Compare or consolidate by using group 400000 300000 200000Chart of Accounts

when we create conveyance account nowe use 2 numbers

Company code no. 400000 300000 100000Group no. 100000 100000 100000

We are comparing or consolidating by using group account number.1.Chart of Accounts name (Code) 2.Description of chart of accounts 3.Maintenance language English4.Length of account number Max 10 digits (we are using 6 digits)NOTE: Companies following option1.

5.CREATION OF CHART OF ACCOUNTS: (TR.CODE.OB13)path: SPRO - Financial accounting- General ledger accounting - GL accounts - Master Data-Preparation - Edit chart of accounts list

The other way to give transaction code is from the menu bar -> Select system – Status?

Select New entries button.

Chat of accounts : AMLDescription : Chart of Accounts for Aravind groupMaintenance language : EnglishLength of GL account no. : 6 (min 6 max 10)Controlling integration : select manual creation of cost elementsGroup chart of accounts : Blank

Under status deselect blocked check box (do not select blocked check box)Select save button or Ctrl+S

Select your request and press enter to save in your request

:Controlling integration:

Select manual creation of cost elements.FI (Financials),CO (Controlling) and expenditure accounts creation.

When we past to expenditure accounts in FI it updates, CO automatically provided. We create expenditure accounts as cost elements.

All expenditure accounts need not be cost elements expenditure accounts like interest, Depreciation, Non-operating expenses -will not be consolidated for costing -they are debatable.

:Cost elements creation:

Manual creationAutomatic creation

When we select manual, when expenditure account is created and posted in FI, we want that expenditure to update co-create that expenditure account as CO element. If we do not want to update co-records that expenditure create expenditure account only and not to create as cost element -here we have flexibility. If we choose automatic, when

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we create an expenditure account automatically cost element will be created. When we post to that expenditure account in FI, automatically CO records will be updated-no flexibility.


Accounts creation is at end user area, users at the time of posting, they will not check whether account is there as not they create new account and post accounts.

We will have number of duplicate accounts in SAP once we create an account and past transaction-IT can not be deleted

In live environment after up leading accounts - select blocked check box. No body can create any account whether original account or duplicate account. When there is a necessity to create a new account an authorized person say accounts manager deselects the blocked check box, create the account and afterwards select blocked check box.

We have to create the accounts now. We are deselecting the blocked check box.

6.ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO CHART OF ACCOUNTS :(Tr.code OB62)path: SPRO- Financial accounting - General ledger accounting- GL Accounting- Master data-Preparation-Assign company code to chart of accounts.

Select position buttonGive the company code : AMLEnterFor company code AML assign chart of accounts AMLSelect save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request.

:Accounts groups:100000 Equity share capital100001 Cash account100002 Preference share capital100003 SBI current Account

We have created 1000 accountsWe want to view current assets balance or transaction.We can not get directly-we have to verify each and every account and add the respective accounts- in this example account no.100001 and 100003

We are preparing balance sheet on liabilities we have items like share capital, Reserves & surplus-We have to verify each and every account and assign to the respective items-it takes so much time to assign accounts.

To get account balances directly or to assign accounts easily SAP has given account groups.

AML Chart of accounts |

------------------------------------------------------------Accounts groups Share capital (100000 - 100099)

| |Accounts Current assets (200000-200099)

When we create the accounts, we create within the range.Cash account will be created within the range of 200000-200099. Equity share capital will be created within the range of 100000-100099.

When we want to see current assets balances-we give current assets or at the time of crating balance sheet for Share capital-we give the range 100000-100099

While crating account groups we take client's balance sheet and crate the groups-after implementation also we wants to see the way he used to get.

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NOTE: WHILE CREATING THE ACCOUNTS GROUPS:1 Series for liabilities2.Series for assets3.Series for income4.Series for expenditure

We have 1000 accounts the user at the time of posting to expenditure account he need not see all accounts he gives 4 only expenditure accounts will appear.


path: SPRO-Financial accounting-General ledger accounting- GL accounts-master data-preparations-Define account group

select New entries button

Chart of accounts

Account group Name From account

To account

AML SCPL Share Capital 100000 100099AML RSPL Reserves & Surplus 100100 100199AML ACDN Accumulated depreciation 100200 100299AML SCLN Secured Loans 100300 100399AML UNSL Unsecured loan 100400 100499AML CLPL Current Liabilities and Provisions 100500 100599AML FAST Fixed Assets 200000 200099AML CAST Current Assets loans & Advances 200100 200199AML SALE Sales 300000 300099AML OTHER Other Income 300100 300199AML INCR Increase / Decrease in stocks 300200 300299AML RMCL Raw material consumption 400000 400099AML PRSN Personnel cost 400100 400199AML MFRG Manufacturing Expenses 400200 400299AML ADMN Administration Expenses 400300 400399AML INTR Interest 400400 400499AML DEPR Depreciation 400500 400599

Select save button or Crtl+S

Select your request and press enter and save in your request

Name ACCOUNT GROUPS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 digits 4digits 10 digits100000 -100099 1000-1099 1000000000-1000000099

Share capitalReserves & SurplusAccumulated Depreciation Unsecured loansCurrent Liabilities & ProvisionFixed Assets

Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series –10 account groups.

How many groups we can crate with 1sries . available accounts (1999-1599)=400 accounts. New account groups with 1series we can create 400/100=4 groups .

Now we have to go for –5 series .

The user at the time of posting first the will give 1*

If the account is not there then he will check with 5*

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: When we use 6 digits :

Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series to 10 account groups. How many groups we can create with 1 series available accounts (199999-100599=99400) accounts.

For each account group we are assigning 100 accounts new account groups with 1 series. We can create 99400/100=944 accounts groups. 5/6/7/8/ digits.

8: RETAINED EARNINGS ACCOUNTS: (Tr code OB53)Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts – Master Data – Preparations – Define retained earnings account.

In the year end: P & L account balances transfer to surplus in P & L A/c Reserves & Surplus (100100-100199) Balance Sheet A/c balances –carry forward to next year as opening balance.

This is required in the year end and not during the implementation. SAP has made mandatory this step during the implementation. If the consultant does not do this step, we will have problems in the year end.

Though accounts are not yet created assign on account for retained earnings account purpose. We can specify retained earnings account any account number which is with in range 100100-100199.

Generally we specify the first account i.e.100100 as Retained earnings account and when we start creating the accounts the first account to be created is 100100 surplus in P & L Account.

At the path which is end with Define retained earnings account

Give you chart of accounts AML enter.

Account assignment P & L Statement type ‘X’Account 100100

Select save button or Ctrl+S

We get a warning message account 100100 not created in chart of accounts AML.

Ignore the warning the message press enter. Press enter once again to save in the request.

: Accounts creation: (Tr code is FS00)

Accounts creation is at end user area and the transaction code is FS00

P & L type Account No400300 Rent AccountP & L A/c X 100100Balance Sheet A/cIn the year end the balance will go to account no.100100

100000 Equity share capitalP & L A/cBalance Sheet A/c SelectIn the year end the balance will go to the same account as opening balance 1 and 2 series for Balance Sheet Accounts 3 and 4 series for P & L Accounts.

a) Net operating profit (operating income – operating expenses.b) Net non-operating profit (non-operating income non operating expenses)

400300 Rent account P & L Type Account No. P & L Statement A/c Select X 100100 Net operating profitBalance Sheet A/c X Y 100101 Net non operating profitIn the year end the balance will go to account no.100100

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300100 profit or sale of shares.P & L A/c.P& L Statement A/c. type YIn the year end the balance will go to account no.100101.

Fiscal year Fiscal year variant

Indian companies periods April to March +4 special periods V3US Companies Jan to Dec +4 Special Periods K4

July to June+4 Special periods V6Oct. to Sep+4 special periods V9

April 2007 – March 2008 Accounting year 2007-08. In SAP we will call it as fiscal year 2007.

July 2007-June 2008 - Fiscal year 2007Oct.2007 –Sep.2008 - Fiscal year 2008

2007 2008 Fiscal year

April 2007-March 2008 9 3 2007July 2007-June 2008 6 6 2007October 2007-September 2008 3 9 2008

It is above 6 months in next year take next year otherwise same year.

April 2007 March 2008 Fiscal year 20071 12 13 14 15 16(Normal periods) (Special periods)

For year end adjustment purpose SAP has given special periods .Special periods are part of MarchMarch will have total 5 periods 1noraml period 4 special periods.To get the profitability and different stages SAP has given special periods.

Why special periods are required:

20th March 2008 we have declared profitability up to February 2008 to the management profitability figures should not be changed.

Users should be allowed to post transactions only for March 2008.

April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year is 2007.

Open periods March 2008-March 2008For posting 12,2007- 12,2007

No user can post transaction before March 2008 and after March 2008.

30.03.2008 April 2007- March 2008 Fiscal year 2007April 2008- March 2009 Fiscal year 2008.

Open periods March 2008-March 2009 12,2007-12,2008

15/04/2008 accounts dept. finalized profitability for the year ended 31/03/2008

Management adjustment entries Entry Date 05/05/2008Periods date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.We get profitability finalized by management audits by Auditors.

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20/05/2008 No.of ratification entriesEntry Date 22/05/2008Posting date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.

We get profitability finalized by auditors. To day we want to see profitability finalized by accounts department . we can not got March 2008 includes normal entries .

Management adjustments and auditors rectification entries.

Auditor is asking to show rectification entries list we can not get the list separately.

To get profitability separately or to get the rectification entries list separately SAP has given special periods.

Usage of special periods is optional.

Special periods can come in the same month or different months.

Here stage means department profitability, Management profitability and Auditors profitability – the state can come in the same month or different months.

Accounts Dept. profitability April 2008

Management adjustments and Auditors rectification entries May 2008

How special periods will be used:April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year 2007

20th March 2008 open periods for posting March 2008-March 2008 12,2007 - 12,2007

NOTE: No user can post transactions at this time that is before March 2008 and after March 2008.

April 2007-March 2008 F.Y 2007April 2008-March 2009 F.Y.2008

15/04/2008 accounts dept. finalized profitability for the year end 31/03/2008 Management adjustment entries.05/05/2008 March 2008 - March 2009Open periods 13,2007- 12,2008

Entry date : 05/05/2008Posting date : 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger Period : 13

We get profitability finalized by Management audit by auditors.

22/05/2008 no.of rectification entries.

Open periods March 2008 - March 2009 14,2007-12,2008

Entry date : 22/05/2008Posting date : 31/03/2008 to update last year ledgerPeriods : 14

We get profitability finalized by auditors.Accounts dep. Profitability : 1-12Management Profitability 1-13Auditors finalized profitability 1-14List of auditors rectification entries 14-14NOTE: SAP known only calendar year periods –we have to convert calendar year periods to our accounting year periods.

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Months Month Days Periods Year shift

January 1 31 10 -1February 2 29 11 -1March 3 31 12 -1April 4 30 1 0May 5 31 2 0June 6 30 3 0July 7 31 4 0August 8 31 5 0September 9 30 6 0October 10 31 7 0November 11 30 8 0December 12 31 9 0

April 2008April 2008 – March 2009 F.Y.2008In which year it is coming 2008As which year we are calling in SAP 2008 Year shift - 0

January 2009In which year it is coming 2009As which year we are calling in SAP 2008Year shift -1Posting 05/01/2009 update 2008 ledger not 2009 ledger

Oct.2008-Sep 2009 F.Y.2009Month Days Periods Year shift October 20081 31 4 0 In which year it is coming as which 20082 29 5 0 year we are calling in SAP 20093 31 6 0 year shift +14 30 7 05 31 8 0 January 20096 30 9 0 In which year it is coming 20097 31 10 0 as which year we are calling8 31 11 0 in SAP 2008 9 30 12 0 year shift +110 31 1 011 30 2 0 Posting 05/10/2008 update 2009 ledger12 31 3 0 not 2008 ledger

Path : SPRO – Financial accounting – Financial accounting Global settings – Fiscal year – Maintain fiscal year variant (Maintain shortened fiscal year) :( Trs.code is OB29 )

Select position button fiscal variant V3Enter

Select fiscal variant V3Double click on Periods folder

Select back arrowSelect New entries button

FV : B1Description : April to March 4 Special periods

NOTE: Do not select year depend check boxIf we select year depend check box – when we save it will ask for year – when we give year 2008 – The conversion is applicable only for the year each year we have to create the conversion.If we deselect year dependent check box – The conversion is common for all years.

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NOTE: Deselect calendar year check boxIf we select calendar year check box – It takesMonth 1 (Jan)will be as period 1Month 4(April ) wil be as period 4

Where as we require month 4(April) should be as period 1 so deselect calendar year check box.

No. of posting periods :12No.of special periods :4Select save button or Ctrl+SSelect your request press enter and press enter save in your request.

Select Fiscal year variant :B1Double click on periods folder.Select new entries button

First column MonthSecond column DayThird column PeriodLast column Year shift

Month Day Period Year Shift1 31 10 -12 29 11 -13 31 12 -14 30 1 05 31 2 06 30 3 07 31 4 08 31 5 09 30 6 010 31 7 011 30 8 012 31 9 0


Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant

Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – Global settings – Fiscal year – Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant (Tr.code is OB37)

Select position buttonGive your company code:AMLEnter

For company code:AMLAssign fiscal variant :V3Select save button

Ignore the warning message press enter and press enter to save in the request.


Fiscal year: April 2008 - March 2009 > F.Y 2008 August 2008- March 2009

5,2008 - 12,2008

Open means: from August 2008Close means: to March 2009

Company codes : AML ,ASL and AIL

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NOTE: All company codes fallow the same open and close periods.

Option 1A) Define posting periods Variant ……...…… XB)Assign posting period Variant to company codes


C)Define open and close periods for variant XFor X,5 2008 – 12,2008

Option-2Each company codehaving separate openAnd close posting period variant X Y ZAssign posting period variant to company codes

X to AML Y to ASL Z to AILPeriod for variant July 2008 to March 2009 April 2008 to March 2009 Sep 2008 to Sep 2008

For X For Y For Z04,2008 12,2008 06,2008

In this step we are defining which periods are open for posting.

Define variants for open posting periods:

Path : SPRO – Financial accounting global setting – Document – posting periods-Define variants for open posting periods

Select new entries button

Variant NameAML posting period variant for AML

Ctrl+S, press enter in save

Assign posting period variant to company code:

Path : SPRO-Financial Accounting- Financial accounting global settings- Document – posting periods – assign posting period variant company code.

Select position button

Give the company code AMLFor company code AML Assign variant AML select save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request.

Define open and closed posting periods for variant:

Path: SPRO – Financial accounting Global settings – Document – Posting periods- open and close posting periods.

Select new entries button.

Var (Variant) : Select AMLAccount type (A) : Select + (valid for all accounts type)From Account BlankTo account BlankFrom period (1) : 1Year : 2008

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To period : 12Year (Fiscal year) : 2008From period (2) : 13Year : 2008To period : 16Year : 2008

Second column is option (from period 2)Authorization group (Au.Gr): Blank

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Select your request and press enter to save in your request.

Authorization Group:

This screen is required every month in production client nobody will have access for customization areas.

The same screen is given at user level when it is available at user level, the users will misuse.

SAP has given authorization group.

BASIS Administrator gives authorization group say X and X will be assigned to user IDs manager accounts and deputy manager accounts.

When we open the system with the above user IDs then only we can change the periods at the user level.

Posting periods entry at end user area:

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting –General Ledger - Environment –Current settings-open and close posting periods ( Transaction code :S_ALR_87003642)

Select position buttonPosting period variant: AMLEnter

Document type and no. rangesIn normal accounting, account person only will pass all the entries. He will get voucher no’s continuously. In SAP voucher we call it as document.

FI Accounts Person MM Stores Person SD Sales PersonMaterial Receipt 1Payment 2Sales 3Receipt 4

To get document number serially SAP has given document type

Doc.type SA RE RVNo.Range 01 02 03

No.Range interval 1-100000 100001-200000 200001-300000

We are getting the document no’s continuously by seeing the document number we can tell where it is generated.

In a year 100000 vouchers are consumed system gives a message we give available numbers 300001-400000

Path:SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings –Document –Document Header-Define Document Types (Tr.code:OBA7)

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Select position buttonDocument type select : SA

GL Account document


Select type :SA

Select details button (Ctrl+Shift+F2)

Number range :01

Select number range information button

Give the company code : AML

Select change intervals button (↓)

Select interval button

No.range :01

Year :2008

From number :1

To Number :100000

Current number :0

Deselect external(Ext) check box

If we select external check box, we have to give at the time of posting what should be the document number.Select press enter.Select save button or Ctrl+SIgnore warning message press enter

Number range interval can’t be transported to production client – what ever number for development client for testing.

1. Consultant is an outsider – he does not know how many document numbers are required for each area.

2. All the departments want to have 1—100000 which is not possible. In live environment, before going live all the department heads sit together and decide for production client.

What should be FI document numberWhat should be MM document numberWhat should be SD document number.

SAP have given two options.

Opetion1: Year specific Option 2: Common to all years

01-2007-1-100000 500000 500001 01-9999-1-10000001-2008-1-100000 3000 3001 53000-53001-53002

1 st Entry Date:24.09.2008 9999 means any yearPosting date:24.09.2008 in 2nd option we don’t know how many

2 nd Entry Entry date:29.09.2008 Documents we have posted for each yearPosting date:31.03.2008

Note: companies follow 1st option.

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Field status variant and field status groups

At the time of posting on screen we get around 70 fields. Fields are quality, text (Narration), business area, value date

Debit 70 FiledCredit 70 Filed

------140 Filed====

If we start filling up all the fields it takes so much time to post one document.

SAP has given a facility to make any filed as 1.Suppress 2.Required 3.Optional

1. Suppress: The filed will not be visible on screen a the time of posting.

2. Required: We have to enter values to the field compulsory. The field value will appear with question mark or tick mark-without entering the values we can not go to next screen.

3. Optional: The field will be visible on screen our choice to enter values or not the fields selection is not common to all accounts. It depends on the account what we are using. In case of sales account quantity filed is required. In case of repairs account quantity filed is not required, we have 1000 accounts – we have to create 1000 scenarios. In stead of creation of 1000 scenarios SAP have given field status groups.

Filed status Group Suppress required optional

Repairs A/c GeneralEquity share capitalSales A/c materials quantity selectPurchase A/cCash A/c Bank AccountsBank A/c Cost Accounts

1. When we create accounts we have to assign field status group.2. For filed status group we is field is suspected and which filed is optional.3. At the time of posting by the user-he gives the account number the screen will appear based on the fields

selection to the field status group which is assigned in account number.4. Filed status groups are created under field status variant and field status variant is assigned to company

code / codes.


Cash account DrTo Equity share capital

Bank accounts|

Value date text Business area|

Required Entry


Text Business area|

Required entry

Screen layout at the time of posting

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Path:SPRO- Financial accounting – Financial global settings – Document –Line item-Controls- Define filed status variants

Select field status variant 1000 that is IDES group

Select copy as button (F6)

Change filed status variant (FSTV) to AML

Change field status name to field status VAR for AML

Press enter

Select copy all button

We get a message number of dependent entries copies 47


Select save button or Ctrl+S

Select your request and press enter to save in your request.

Select field status variant : AML

Double click on field status groups folder

Double click field status on G001 that general (with,text, allocation)

Double click on General data

Text make it required entry filed

Select next group button

Select next page or page down button two times.

Business areas make it as required entry field


Double click on field status group G005

That is Bank A/c obligatory value date

Double click on General data

Text make it as required entry field

Select next group button

Select next page or page down button two times.

Business area make it as required entry field.

Select next group button two times,

Value date make it as required entry filed.


Value date( Effective date):

Term loan from IDBI :20.09.2008Deposit by us in our bank :22.09.2008Document date :22.09.2008Posting date :22.09.2008

In SAP we have interest calculations, Interest calculations in our book from 22.09.2008 where as IDBI calculates from 20.09.2008. There will be mismatch.

Interest calculations:Value date :Required entry filedDocument date :22.09.2008Posting date :22.09.2008Value date :20.09.2008 field is modifiable after posting .

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In our books also interest will be calculated from 20.09.2008

Value date :31.08.2008DOC & POS

Assign company code to field status variant :

Path: SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings-Document – Line time-Controls-Assign company code to field status variants.

Select position button

Give the company code :AML


For company code :AML

Assign field status variant :AML

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request


General ledger, Accounts payable, Accounts receivable and Assets accounting

BasicExciseVAT /CSTTo do normal posting also, sales tax procedure is required.

A) Create procedureB) Create tax codesC) Create accountsD) Design accounts

Assign for country in-tax US ( Sales tax USA)Tax IN (sales tax India) Temporary assignment

For our company any code: Country INNote the path this oneSPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings-Tax on sales / Purchases - Basic settings - Assign country calculation procedure

Select position buttonGive the country IN for IndiaEnterFor country IN assign procedure TaxUSSales Tax – USASelect save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request.


This is two types1.GL Accounts 2.Employee

a) Receipts / Payment transactionsb) Mandatory area

Retained area called open item management.

This is used for vendors, customers and balance sheet accounts where clearing is required.

Outstanding expenses A/c

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Salaries 500000

Bank 15000 Rent 15000Wages 100000

If we see the account in the month end or year end-we will have no of credits and no. of debits. We don’t know which item is pending and how much is pending.

As per SAP open item management –At the time of making payment –System will as against which provision we are making the payment. When we specify the payment is being made against rent provision. It clears the transaction.

The advantage is we can see the account in 3 ways.

1) If we select open items payable Eg.Salaries and Wages.2) If we select cleared items :paid Eg.Rent and bank3) If we select all items: Payable + paid

The same way we use for vendors and customers and also.

Vendors X A/cBank – For 1 100 1 1000Bank –For 2 200 2 2000Bank-For3 300 3 3000Bank for 4 400 4 4000Bank for 5 500 5 5000

Bill wise out standings we can see for vendor.

We can have tolerances (payment differences). It can be amount tolerance or percentage tolerance or both it can be debit amount or credit amount.

Outstanding expenses A/cSalaries 500000Rent 15000

Bank 15000 Wages 100000Bank 100000 Commission 100005

There is difference of Rs.5 in the account for commission which need not be paid.We can difference tolerances.

ToleranceGroup Amount percentageA 100B 5%

A) We have to assign tolerance group in account –in outstanding expenses A/c we have assigned tolerance group A

B) At the time of making payment system checksProvision 100005Payment 100000Difference 5

If the difference of Rs.5 is within tolerance group amount. i.e.100 system will clear the provision and transfer to sundry balances written off account at time of making payment.


1. Tolerance group is given at account level and not at the transaction level.

Outstanding expenses A/c.

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Diff to giveSalaries 500000 200

Bank 15000 Rent 15000 15

Wages 100000 500

Bank 100000 Commission 100005 100

2. There is not flexibility amount percentage tolerance group.A 100B 5%C 0

Outstanding Expenses A/c.

Salaries 500000Bank 15000 Rent 15000

Wages 100000Bank 100000 Commission 100005

If we give tolerance group A in outstanding expenses account if the difference is less than tolerance group amount and transferring sundry balances written of account automatically.

When we give tolerance group C instead of A in outstanding expenses account.

Outstanding expenses A/c.

Bank 100000 Salaries 500000Bank 15000 Rent 15000Bank 100000 Commission 100005Provision 100005Payment 100000

-----------Difference 5

=======Not payable payable

Transfer 5 Now Rs.100000 as part payment

To sundry balances off a/c and clear the transaction. This is mandatory area.

Tolerance Group Amount PercentageA 100B 5%

Bank C 0

Instead of crating group C - keep the filed blank and give amount zero.

While creating 1000 GL accounts, Vendor accounts and customer accounts.Keep tolerance group field blank, system expects we have created blank Tolerance group and already assigned.

For our company code: we are creating bank tolerance group wit amount zero so that no need to assign. Tolerance group while creating the accounts.

Path :SPRO – Financial accounting – General Leger Accounting –Business transactions-open item clearing –clearing difference- Define tolerance groups for G/L Accounts

Company code : AML

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Tolerance group :BlankDescription :Tolerance group for AMLDebit posting :0Credit posting :0Debit percentage :0Credit percentage :0Save

Select your request and press enter and save in your request.

Tolerance group for employees.

User wise upper limits for posting

Tolerance Group A B C100000 100000 10000000 Amount per document100000 100000 10000000 Amount per open item

account item0 5 10 Cash Discount0 0 0 Payment Differenced

We have 1000 users distance – we have to create 1000 scenarios (short cut method)

Accounts Dept:1. City office cashier2. Factory cashier3. Branch cashier4. Account 1 A5. Account 26. Deputy Manager Accounts B7. Manager Accounts 8. DGM Accounts C

In live environment / training institutes

SAP User AML A BlankSAP User XYZ Use onlyASP user ABC Use onlyA

Path: SPRO-Financial Accounting –General Ledger Accounting –Business transactions – Open Item clearing - Clearing differences – Define tolerance groups for employees.

Select new entries buttonGroup : BlankCompany code : AMLUpper limits for postingAmount per document (Maximum Amount 9999999999)Amount per open item account item 9999999999 cash discount per line item 10Permitted payment difference : BlankSavePress enter to save in your request.


Path :SPRO-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-Company code-Enter global parameters

Select position buttonGive the company code :AMLEnter Select company code :AMLSelect details button (F2)

Select business area financial statements check box

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Select propose fiscal check boxSelect define default value date check boxSelect negative posting permitted check boxSelect addition data button

Company code : AMLBusiness Area : HYD BGLBusiness place :City factory City office FactoryPermanent Account No. (PAN) – At companyCode level(Form 49A) 10 Digits Alpha numeric codeTax Deduction at Source No (In SAP TDS No. / TAN) Form 49B -10 Digits alpha numeric code

At company code level / business area level / at business place level(GIR No.: General Identification Number)

TDS No.ABCDE 35467NPAN NO.BBBBB5678N Select back arrow, thenSavePress enter to save in your request

Negative postings:In case of reversals if we select negative postings check box it reduces from the same side.

In SAP, when we post a wrong entry, we can’t change the document. We have to go for reversal or pass rectification entry.

1. Equity share capital receipt:Cash account Dr 400000

To Equity share capital 400000 Doc.No.1

2. Preference share capital receipt:Cash account Dr 100000

To Equity share capital 100000 Doc No.2

Reversal 3. Equity Share capital Dr 100000

To Cash account 100000 Doc.No.3

4.Cash Account Dr 100000To Preference share Capital 100000 Doc No.4

Rectification 3. Equity share capital Dr 100000

To Preference Share capital 100000 Doc.No.3

Account No.100000 Ledger summaryCompany code AMLFiscal year 2008

Period Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance Cumulative Balance123456 100000 500000 400000 Cr 400000 Cr7 -100000

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1 2 3Cash flow statement Reversal without selecting

negative postingsReversal by selecting negative postings


Opening cash and bank balancesAdd: Inflows Equity share capital

Preference share capital Less:Out flows Equity share capital Closing Cash and bank balances
















To check transport request::

Path: Tools – ABAP work bench-Overview-Transport Organization (Tr.Code :SE09)Enter

Select find request (Ctrl+F)


Find company code (Ctrl+F)

Double click on define company code


1 2 3Chart of Accounts level Company code level Centrally

1 GL Account Number Account currency Chart of accounts fields2 Company code Only balances in local


3 Account group Tolerance group +4. Whether it s P & L Account Line item display Company code fields5 Whether it is a Balance Sheet A/c Open item Management 6. Description

a) Short text – Max 20b) Long text –Max20

Sort key

Field status group

Accounts to be created:1. Surplus in P & L Account – Reserves & Surplus 2. Equity share capital – Share capital3. Cash account –current assets, loans & advances

To check accounts groups for giving account numbers.

Path: SPRO – Financial Accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts –Master Data- Preparations- Define Account group (Tr.Code:OBD4)

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Select position buttonGive your chart of accounts AML


Reserves & Surplus 100100-100199

Share capital 100000-100099

Cash account-current assets 200100-200199

1. To check account-Group for giving account numbers.2. Creation of General


Path : Accounting-Financial accounting –General Ledger-Master records –GL Accounts-Individual Processing –Centrally (Tr. Code is FS00)

Give the GL account 100100Company code AMLFrom the menu select -> GL Account create

Account group: select reserves & surplus

Select balance sheet account radio button

Short text: surplus in P & L Account

GL Account Large text: Surplus in profit & Loss Account

Select control data tab

Select only balances in local currency in check box

We have

Tolerance group: Blank

Select line item display check box

Short key select 001 posting data

Select create / bank / interest

Field status group G001 General (with text, allocation)


GL Account :100000

Company code : AML

Select with template button

GL Account :100100 (Surplus in P & L Account)

Company code : AML


By mistake save button

Your can not save

Change account group to Share capital

Select balance sheet a/c radio button

Change short text to equity Share capital

Change GL account long text to Equity share capital

Other filed common select save button

GL Account 200100

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Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL Account 100100 surplus in P & L account

Company code : AML


Change account group to current assets, loans & advances

Change short text to Cash account

Select balance sheet a/c radio button

Change GL account long text to Cash account

Select create / bank / interest tab

Change filed status group to G005 bank accounts (Obligatory value date)

Select relevant cash flow check box,

Select save button or Ctrl+S

To view the accounts created

Select drop down button beside GL account

Match Code:Give the company code : AMLEnterShort text : At the time of entryGL account long text : At the time of General ledger display

Posting of transactions

Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger –posting –General posting (Tr.Code is F-02)

Posting transaction :10/07/2008

Document date : In case of purchases document date will be party bill date- we can enter manually

30.09.2008 or select F4- It gives calendar and select F-2 – It selects today’s date .

Posting date : Ledger updation will be based on posting date period will appeal automatically

based on

Posting date : 30.09.2008

Reference :Party bill No.

Doc No :1

Normal cases

Document date (F4) :30.09.2008

Posting date: will come automatically this is server date.

Type :SA

Company code :AML

Currency : INR

System does not know debits and credits to differentiate between debit and credit SAP

Has given posting keys

Posting key 40 GL account Debit

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Positing key 50 GL Account Credit

Posting key: Select 40

Account select the drop down button

GL long text :*Cash*

Company code : AML

GL Account : Z*


Select account No.200100Enter

200100 Cash account – Filed status GRP-G005

Text Business Area Value date RequiredIn enter global parameters select define default value date check box

Amount :400000Business area :AMLHText : Equity share capital receiptPosting key : Select 50Account select drop down buttonGive the company code AML and press enterSelect account :100000 Equity share capitalPress enterAmount enter :*(star)

Note: * (star) Means debits and credits equal

Cash A/c Dr 500000To Equity 300000To Preference *

Business area :AMLHText Enter : +‘ + ‘(plus) mean copies the last line item narration in the same document.

Salaries A/c Dr 100000(Salaries provision for Sep.)

Wages A/c Dr(Wages provision for Sep.)

To outstanding ExpWe can not use *Press enter

From the menu select document simulate (Shift +F9)In one document we can have 999 line items.

Debit will be posted without any assign and credit amount will be posted with minus sign.

Select save button or Ctr+S

We get a message document 1 was posted in company code:AML

How to view the last posted document 1.

From the menu select document display.

Select display document header button or (F5)

Display document

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Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger-Document –Display (Tr.Code:FB03)

Select document list button

Give the company code :AML

Document type :SA

Select executive button (F8)

To view last one week posted document 24/09/2008 to 1/10/2008

Select execute button

To view self (documents posted by us)

Select own documents only check box

To view documents posted by a specific user

From the menu select –> Edit –> Dynamic –> Selections (Shift +F4)

User name :SAPUSER

Select execute (F8) button

Double click on document no.1

Change document :

Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger-Document –Change (Tr.code is FB02)

Document No. :1

Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008


Double click on first line item cash account

We can change only value date filed assignment filed and text filed.

Account display:

Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger – Account – Display balances ( Tr.code is FS10N)

To view more than one account transactions select multiple selection button beside GL Account no.

We want to view random account numbers transactions.

Press select single value tab.

Give the account no.100100 200100

Select copy button

To view continuous account numbers transactions

Press select intervals tab Low limit :100000Upper limit :100099

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Select copy button

Account no.100050To exclude an account from the rangeSelect exclude single value tabSinge value : 100050

Select copy button

To exclude a range of accounts :select exclude intervals tab

Low limit :100050

Upper limit :100059

Select copy button

To view only one account

Select drop down button beside GL Account

Give the company code :AML


Select account no.100000 Equity share capital

Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Business area :AMLH

Select execute (F8) button

Double lick on cumulate balance amountDouble click on document No.1Select call up document overview button (F9)Select back arrow (F3)

Document Number Posting date Text Amount1 1000002 2000003 300000

-----------Total Amount 600000

======We can create our own line layout

How to create our own line layout:

Select change layout button (Ctrl+F8)Select the filed which are not required Select right arrow or hide selected fields buttonFrom hidden fields columnSelect posting dateSelect left arrow show select fields button change column positions

Column Pos LengthDocument No. 1 10Amount in local currency 4 20Text 3 35Posting date 2 10

Change text length 35 characters for amount in local currency select total check boxSelect copy button

How save the layout:Select save layout button (Ctrl+S)

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Option 1 Option 2Common to User specificAll

A) Deselect user specific Check box A) Select user specific check boxB) We have to save with any number or name B) we can save will any number or

NameLayout : / AMLDeselect user – specific check boxDescription : Standard layout for AMLSelect save buttonSelect back arrow two timesExecuteDouble click cumulate balance amount

How to choose our layout:Press select layout button (Ctrl+S)Select : AML

How to make default line layout:From the menu select settings – layout - Administration

Keep the cursor on /AML

Select define default setting button


Select back arrow three times

Give the account no.200100 cash account

Execute (F8)

Double click on cumulative balance amount

Hold Document:It is a temporary document This is user for adjustment purpose or at the time of posting we do not know either debit or credit.

This document can be deleted there is no tracking for this document.

A) Loans to DirectorsCreate as hold document an once he gives money back delete the document.

B) Payment to a party –purpose of payment we don’t know

Cash balance = Account balance +/ Hold documentsHold documents will not update records

Steps:1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents2. Creation of hold documents3. Delete / complete hold documents

1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents

Path : Tools – ABAP Workbench- Development –ABAP Editor (SE38)

Program : give the program name :RFTMBLU”Select execute button Select no. termination for read error check boxExecute

2. Creation of hold documentsUse the transaction code (F-02)

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Document date : Today date

Type :SA

Company code: AML

Posting key :50

Account no. :200100 (cash account)


Give the amount : 5000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Amount paid to Mr.X

From the menu select document hold

Tem parry document No. :AML

Select hold document button

We get a message document AML was held


Give the document date: Today date

Type :SA

Company code :AML

Posting key : 40

Account 200100 (Cash account)


Give the amount 20000

Business area :AMLH

Text : Hold document testing

Posting key: : 50

Account no.: 100000 (Equity share capital)


Amount enter :* (Star)

Business area : AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document –> Hold

Give the temporary document no. 123456 (give any number)

Select hold document button

3. Delete / Complete hold document (F-02) Use the transaction code f-02From the menu select Path :Document – Get held document –Select document list button

Keep the cursor on document number 123456

Select delete button

select yes button

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select back arrow (F3)

select document list button

Keep the cursor on document no. :AML

select choose button

Give posting key :40

Account no. :100000 Equity share


Amount Enter :*(Star)

Business Area : AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document –Simulate and save

Park Documents :This is used for approvals Cashier

Enter the document he will park in the system

Informs to SR person approval

SR person he can make changes to the document form amount / Date / head of account before release

Accounts will not be updated And release documentAccount will not be updated Once he release the document will be posted

and updates records

Steps:1. Posting of packed document by cashier 2. Informed to Sr. person for release –Be cashier3. Display packed document and change date and amount4. After change, inform to Cashier about approval5. Display changes to packed document

1. Posting of Packed Document Path : Accounting – Financial accounting – General Ledger- Posting-General document parking (F-65)

Give the document date : Today date

Document type : SA

Company code : AML

Posting key :40

Account :200100 (Cash account)


Amount :9999

Business area : AMLH

Text : park document testing

Posting key: :50

Account :100000 (Equity share capital)


Amount enter : *(Star)

Business area :AMLH

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Text : +

From the menu select – Document – Park document

2. Informed to Senior Person for release

From the menu select system –>short message

Give the title : Please release Doc.No.3

Receipt user id of Senior person (sap user)

Recipient type : Select SAP logon name

Select express mail check box (Screen down right side)

Select send button (Shift+F8)

From the menu select system –> Create session

4. Display packed document and change date and amount

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document – parked documents- post / delete (FBV0)

Select document list button

Give the company code :AML

Enter by user ID :Cashier

Execute (F8)

Double click on document no.3

To change the date

Select document header button

Change document date and posting date to 5.10.2008

Select back arrow

Select fast data enter button

Change amount 6000 Debit

6000 Credit

Select back arrow

From the menu select document post

Inform to cashier about approval

From the menu select –System –>Short message.

Title document no.3 released

Recipient User Id of Cashier

Recipient type

Select SAP logon name

Select express mail check box

Select send button (left side upper)

From the menu select system –> Create session

4 .Display changes to packed document

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document - Parked Documents-Display changes (FBV5)

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Company code : AMLDocument No :3Fiscal year :2008EnterSelect all changes button

Sample document:

This is used for month end provisionsSalaries A/c Dr. 100000Rent Dr 50000Wages Dr 500000

To outstanding 650000

Create a sample document and store in the system every month by coping sample document number and by changing date and amount we an post the provisions we will not forget any provisions.

Steps:1. Create 3GL masters

A) Salaries A/c Personnel costB) Rent A/c Administration C) Outstanding expenses – Current liabilities & Provision

2. Difference no.range interval for no.range X23. Creation of sample document 4. posting of transaction by copying sample document

To check account groups for giving account numbers. The transaction code is OBD4

Select position buttonGive the chart of accounts : AMLEnterThe personnel cost is 400100-400199Administration range 400300-400399Current liabilities & Provision range is 100500-100599

Creation of GL masters (FS00)

Give the GL Account 400100

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL Account 100000 (Equity share capital )

Company code :AML


Change account group to personnel cost (Staff cost)

Select P & L statement radio button

Change short text to Salaries A/c

Change long text to Salaries A/c

Other fields are common

Select save button or Ctr+S

GL A/c No: .400300

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account :400100 salaries

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Company code :AML


Change account group to Administration

Change short text to Rent account

Change long text to Rent account

Other fields are common

Select save button or Ctrl+S

GL Account :100500

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account :100000 (Equity share capital)

Company code : AML


Change account group to Current liability & Provisions.

Change short text to Outstanding express

Change GL Account Outstanding express

Select control data tab

Select open item management check box


Define no. range interval for no. range X2:

Path: SPRO – Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings – Document – Document number ranges- (Tr.Code is FBN1)

Give the company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No. range :X2

Year :2008

From number :500001

To number :500100

Enter & Save

Ignore the message press enter

Creation of sample document

Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger - Posting – Reference documents – Sample document (F-01)

Document date :30.09.2008

Posting date :30.09.2008

Type :SA

Company code :AML

Posting key :40

Accounting :400100 (salaries a/c)

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Ignore the warning message ,press enter

Amount :500000

Business area : AMLH

Text : Salaries provision for the month

Posting key: :40

Account :400300 (Rent account)


Account :75000

Business area : AMLH

Text : Rent provision for the month

Posting key: :50

Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)


Amount enter : *

Business area :AMLH

Text : Provision for the month

Select save button or Ctrl+S

We get a message document 500001 was stored in company code : AML

5. Posting of transaction by coping sample document : F-02)

From the menu select document post with reference.

Give the document no. :500001

Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Select display line items check box


Change the document date :31.10.2008

Posting date :31.10.2008


Ignore the warning message press enter

Change the amount to 600000

Text :Add October (Salaries for the month of October)

Amount :0


Line item having zero will not update records

Ignore the warning message

Amount enter :*(star )

For text : Add October

From the menu select document simulate

Select save button or Ctrl+S

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Month end provisions:

Option 1: Option 2Accrual / Deferral document Open item management

Option 1: Accrual Deferral document

31.10.2008 Salary provisionSalaries Dr 100000

To out standing 100000

01.11.2008 reversal next month 1st Outstanding Dr 100000To Salaries 100000

05.11.2008 Payment of salariesSalaries Dr 105000

To Bank 105000

Salaries A/c31.10.2008 10000005.11.2008 105000 01.11.2008 100000

Outstanding Expenses A/c31.10.2008 100000

01.11.2008 100000

Profitability effect::For October 100000For November because October 5000

Option 2: open item management 31.10.2008 Salaries provision

Salaries Dr 100000To out standing 100000

05.11.2008 Salaries payment Out standing Dr 100000Salaries Dr 5000

To Bank 105000

Salaries A/c31.10.2008 10000005.11.2008 5000

Outstanding Expenses A/c31.10.2008 100000

01/11/2008 100000

Profitability effectFor October 100000For Nov. because of October salaries 5000

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Companies follow 1st option (other than year end)In case of option 2 – the person who makes the provision is accountant and the person who is making the payment and clearing is Cashier - Cashier has to track the provision and clear against the provision.

Option 1: Accrual / Deferral document :Steps1.Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should allow us to reverse on any day.2. Enter accrual / Deferral documents A) Rent Provision 08.10.2008B) Salary provision 31.10.2008

3.Reversal of accrual / deferral documents in one step

1. Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should any day.

Path : SPRO- Financial accounting –General ledger accounting-Business transactions –Adjustment posting / Reversal - Define reason for reversal

Select new entries buttonReason :11Text : Real / Deferral Reversal reason for AMLSelect neg. posting check boxSelect alternative position date check boxSelect save button or Ctrl+SSave in your request

If we do not select alternative posting date check box

31.10.2008Salaries Dr

To out standing

System will allow you to reverses only 31.10.2008We want to reverse next month 1st select alternative posting date check box

Rent provision:

Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General ledger –Periodic processing – Closing – Valuate- Enter Accrual / Deferral Document (Tr.Code is FBS1)

Document date : Today date

Type :SA

Company code : AML

Reversal reason : Select 11

Reversal date :1.11.2008 (next months)

Posting key :40

Amount :400300 (Rent A/c)


Amount :50000

Business area :AMLH

Text : Rent provision for October

Posting key :50

Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)


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Amount : *(star)

Business area : AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document –>Simulate and save

Salaries provision:Tr.Code is FBS1

Document date :3110.2008

Posting date :31.10.2008

Type :SA

Company code :AML

Reversal reason :11

Reversal date :01.11.2008

Posting key :40

Account :400100 (Salaries A/c)


Ignore the warning message press enter

Give the amount 100000

Business area AMLH

Text :Salaries provision for the month of October

Posting key 50

Account :100500 (outstanding exp.)


Amount : *

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document –> Simulate and save

Reversal accrual / Deferral document :

Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General Ledger – Periodic processing – Closing –Valuate – Reverse accrual / Deferral Document (Tr.Code is F.81)

Give the company code : AML

Reverse posting date :01.11.2008

Select text run check box

Execute (F8)

Select reversal documents button

Select back arrow

OPTION 2 : Open Item Management This is used vendors customers / Balance Sheet items where clearing is required. We have to select open item management check box

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While crating the GL accounts

Out standing ExpensesSalaries A/c 500000Wagers A/c 300000

Bank 25000 Rent a/c 25000

We can see the account in 3 ways1. Open items: Payable – Salaries and wages2. cleared items : Paid rent and bank 3. All items : Payable + paid

3. Scenarios1st Scenario 2nd Scenario 3rd Scenario

Full Clearing Partial clearing Residual items method

Provisional and payment –Same amounts

A) Rent Provision –(Transaction code F-02)Document Date & posting date :13.10.2008

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Posting key :40

Account no. :400300 (Rent A/c.)


Give the amount :15000

Business area :AMLH

Text : Rent provision

Posting key :50

Account no. :100500 (outstanding exp)


Amount :* (enter star)

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document –> Simulate and save

B) How to view open item managed account transactions:

Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General Ledger- Account – Display / Change line items (Tr. Code is FBL3N)

Give the GL Account :100500 (outstanding exp)

Company code : AML

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box

Execute (F8)


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Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General Ledger - Posting – Out going payments (F-07)

Give the document date : Today’s date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Clearing text : outgoing payment

Account Under bank data :200100 (Cash A/c.)

Business Area :AMLH

Amount : 15000

Text : Outgoing payment

Account under open item selection :100500 (out standing expenses)

Amount type : S(S is default) (S: Stands for GL Accounts)

Select process open items button

Reversed documents will not appear for clearing:

Double click on payable amount 15000

Document – > Simulate and save

Go and see open item account transactions Tr.Code is FBL3N

Give the GL Account no :.100500 (outstand expenses)

Company code :AML

Select cleared items radio button

Clearing data : Today’s date

Select normal items check box

Execute (F8)

Select back arrow

Select open item radio button


(-*- This symbol is open item(document no. below))

2 nd Scenario 3 rd Scenario Partial Clearing Residual items method

When we make part payment we can use either partial clearing or residual items method.

Out standing exp. Outstanding Exp.OI OIRent 40000 Cr Rent 30000 28000 CrCash 5000 Dr

------- -------35000 Cr 28000 Cr===== =======

CI :Rent 30000 CrRent 30000 Cr

-------------- 0


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A) Rent Provision A) Rent Provision Rent Dr 40000 Rent A/c Dr 30000

To Outstanding 40000 Outstanding 30000

B) Part payment B) Payment Rs.2000

Out standing Dr 5000 Outstanding Dr 30000 cleared To Cash 5000 To Cash 2000

To Outstanding 28000

Residual: Balance payable

Note : OI means Open ItemsCI Means Cleared Items

Companies follow 1st method

We test how to view bill wise outstanding:

Rent Provision F-02

Document date : Today date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Reference :3456

Posting key :40

Account No. :400300 (Rent a/c)


Amount : 40000

Business Area : AMLH

Text : Rent provision

Posting key : 50

Account No. :100500 (Outstanding exp.)


Amount : * (enter star)

Text :+

From the menu select Document –Simulate and save

Out going payment using partial clearing method: ( Tr. Code F-07)

Document Date : Today’s Date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Reference : 3456

Clearing text :Outgoing payment

Account under bank data: 200100 (Cash a/c)

Business area : AMLH

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Account : 5000

Text : Outgoing payment

Account under open item selections 100500 (outstanding exp)

Select process open items button

Keep the cursor on the amount filed of line item against which we want to adjust.

Select partial payment tab

Creates payment amount column

Double click amount 40000

Double click on payment amount 40000

From the menu select Document – >Simulate

Gives a message correct the marked Line items

Double click on blue font line items

Text enter :+

Select save button or Ctrl +S

Go and see open item account transactions

The Transaction is code is FBL3N

Give the GL account :100500 (outstanding Exp.)

Company code : AML

Select open items radio button.

Select normal items check box

Select execute button

To view bill wise outstanding

Select change layout button (Ctrl+F8)

From the hidden fields column

Select reference field

Select amount in local currency under column contain.

Select left arrow or show selected fields button

Select copy button

Keep the cursor on reference

Select sub total button

To make balance payment of 35000 and cleared provision and part payment (F-07)

Give the document date : Todays date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Reference :3456

Clearing Text : Out going payment

Amount under bank date :200100 (Cash A/c)

Business Area :AMLH

Amount :35000

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Text : Outgoing payment

Account : Under open item selection 100500(out standing exp)

Account type : S

Select process open item button

Double click on provision 40000

Double click on part payment 5000

From the menu select document –> Simulate and save

Go and see open item managed account transactions (FBL3N)

Give the GL Account o. :100500(out standing exp)

Company code : AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box


Residual items method:

Rent provision F-02

Give the document date : Todays date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Posting key : 40

Account no. :400300 (Rent account)


Amount :30000

Business area :AMLH

Text : Rent provision

Posting key :50

Account no. :100500 ( outstanding exp)


Amount : *

Business area : AMLH

Text : +

From the menu select Document ->Simulate and save

Out Going Payment Using Residual Items Method: (F-07)

Give the document date : To days date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Clearing Text : out going payment

Account under bank date : 200100 (Cash a/c)

Business area : AMLH

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Amount :2000

Text : out going payment

Account type :S (default comes)

Select process open item button

Account : Under open item selection 100500 (out standing exp)

Keep the cursor on the amount filed of the line item against which we want adjust.

Select residual items tab

It creates residual items column

Double click on next amount 30000

Double click on residual items amount

From the menu select Document –> Simulate

It gives the message correct the marked line items.

Double click on blue font line item.

Text enter : +


Go and see the open item managed account transactions (FBL3N):

Give the GL Account no. :100500 (out standing exp.)

Company code : AML

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box



1. Check exchange rate type

Bank buying Exports G typeBank selling Imports / Expenditure B type

Average rate MM /SD users type

Path : SPRO-SAP Net weaver- General Settings – Currencies – Check exchange rate types

Select position button Exchange rate type: B (enter B)Enter

Define translation rates for currency translation:

Giving conversion factors for two currencies:

USD 1 : INR 1JPY 100 : INR 1 JPY=Japanese - YenERO 1 : INR1GBP1 : INR1 GBP=Great Britain -PoundITL1 : INR1 ITL=Italian -LiraJPY 100 : INR1 37Rs

Or1 : 0.01 0.37

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Once we follow one conversion factor follow continuously for all the years. Don’t change in between if we change in between it gives wrong results.

This is given at client level and not at company code level (Client 800)

Path: SPRO – SAP Net weaver- General settings – Currencies – Define translation ratios for currency translation

Ignore the message select yes button.Select new entries button

Exchange rate type From To valid (from) Ratio (from) Ratio (to)G (Bank buying) USD INR 01.10.2008 1 1B (Bank selling) USD INR 01.10.2008 1 1M (Average rate) USD INR 01.10.2008 1 1

Select save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request.

Enter exchange rates:

Path: SPRO- SAP Net weaver- General settings- currencies – Enter exchange rates

Forex TableWe can enter Daily quotations / Week end quotations / Month end quotations.

For each day end for each type we can enter only one rate.

Select new entries button

Exchange type Valid from R From currency Director quotation ToG 10.10.2008 1 USD 47.00 INRB 10.10.2008 1 USD 47.50 INRM 10.10.2008 1 USD 47.10 INR

Press enter and save in your request.

Exchange rates entry at the End User Area:

Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger-Environment – Current settings – Enter translation rates (S_BSE_68000174)

Foreign currency postings for end user area:

SCENARIO :1 SCENARIO 2When exchange rate is not entered at When exchange rate is entered at the the time of posting. Time of posting

a. IF we don’t enter the rate at the time of posting, it takes rate from Forex table

b. If take the latest date rate01.10.2008 4510.10.2008 47

Enter date :15.10.2008Posting date :09.10.2008

c. To enter default exchange rate type based on document type.General ledger posting : SA Bank selling rate

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Purchase INV posting (FI purchases) :KR Bank selling rateMM Purchases :RE Bank selling rate

Sales invoice posting (FI Sales) DR Bank buying rateSD sales RV Bank buying rate

If we do not specify system takes average rate.

1. To enter default exchange rate type B (Bank selling rate) for document type ‘SA’

Use the Tr. Code is OBA7

Select type : SASelect details buttonUnder default values exchange rate type for foreign currency documents. Select B (Bank selling rate)Save

2. Posting of expenditure in USD F-02

Give the document date : To days date

Type : SA

Company code :AML

Currency : USD

Rate : Blank

Posting key :40

Account : 400100 (salary)


Give the amount :1000

Business area : AMLH

Text : Salary payment


Posting key : 50

Account :200100 (cash account)


Amount : *

Business area : AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document ->Simulate

To view in INR

Select display currency button


When exchange rate is extend at the time of posting

Expenditure posting Tr.Code is F-02

Document date : To days date

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Type : SA

Company code : AML

Currency : USD

Rate :50

Posting key :40

Account no. :400100 (salary account)


It gives the warning message exchange rate 50 deviates from table rte 47.50 by 5.26%

Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :10000 USD

Business area : AMLH

Text : Salary payment


Posting key :50

Account no. :200100 (Cash account)


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document ->Simulate and save

REVERSELS:1. Individual Document Reversal2. Reversal of Reversed document 3. Mass Reversal 4. Clearance Items Reversal5. Account Deferral document reversal

1. Individual Document ReversalA) To reverse one document at the time B) To give reversal reasonC) At the time of reversal, it we do not give reversal date it takes original document posting.

Date incase, that period should be open1. Document posted on 10th April 2008 Doc.No.1 Generated2. Now, we have open the periods from September 2008 to October 2008

6,2008 – 7,2008

3. Ledger scrutiny - Doc.No.1 is wrong

Document No.Reversal reasonReversal date Blank Save

It takes original document posting date 10/04/2008It can not reverse, since the April period is not open

Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General ledger – Document – Reverse – Individual Reversal (FB08)

Give the document no. :1

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Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Select 01 reversal reason

Posting date : Blank

Select display before reversal button

Select back arrow

Select save button or Ctrl+S

From the menu select Document –>DisplaySelect Go to Display document Head button (F5)Double click on document no.1

Select display document header button1. Posted Documents 1

23456 Reversal for 17 Reversal for 2

2. Document type and no./ranges : OBA7Select type : SASelect details button Number range :01Reversal Doc.type : AB

3. Document display : FB03Company code : AMLDoc. Type : SA original documents

AB Reversed documents

2. Reversal of Reversed Document

Indirect method (work around)

To reverse Doc No.2 By mistake we have reversed Doc.No.1 and it has generated Doc.No.18

Use transaction code F-02

From the menu select post with reference

Give the document no. :18

Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Select generate reverse posting check box

Select display line items check box


Enter once again

Change the text to reversal for Doc No.18


Text :+



EnterFrom the menu select Document ->Display

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Select display document header button

3. Mass Reversal

A)To reverse more than one document at time we use mass reversal. B) The documents to be reversed can be continuous numbers or random numbers.

Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger – Document – Reverse – Mass reversal (F.80)

Give the company code : AMLTo reverse random numbersSelect multiple selection button beside document no.(-->)Under single valuesGive document no .2

4Select copy buttonReason for reversal 01Select test run check box ExecuteSelect reverse documents button

Cleared Items Reversal

1. Go and see open item managed account transactions (FBL3N)Give the GL Account Number 100500 (out standing exp)Company code : AMLSelect clear items radio buttonExecute

Out standing exp A/c01

10 Bank 15000 9 Rent 15000CI9 Rent 15000 Cr10 Bank 15000 Dr

Stop payment instructions to the banker

A) Reset cleared items – Delink between the provision and payment.

Out standing expenses A/c01

10 Bank 15000 9 Rent 15000

B) Reverse cheque transaction Out standing expenses A/c

019 Rent 15000

Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger-Document –Reset clear items (Tr.Code is FBRA)

Clearing document : 10

Company code : AML

Fiscal year : 2008

Select save button or Ctrl +S

Select resetting and reverse button

Reversal reason :01

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We get a message clearing 10 reset


Go and see open item managed account transactions Tr code is FBL3N

Give the GL Account no.100500 outstanding expensesCompany code : AMLSelect open item radio button Execute

Interest CalculationsBalance Interest calculation Item interest calculationS Type P TypeGL Account Vendor / Customers

Define interest calculation type:

Path : SPRO- Financial accounting – General ledger accounting- Business transactions – Bank account interest calculation – Interest calculation Global settings – Define interest calculation types

Interest indication : G1

Name : 10% Monthly

Interest calculation type : Select S

Balance interest calculation

Press enter to save in your request

Prepare account balance interest calculation:

Path : SPRO- Financial accounting – General ledger accounting- Business transactions – Bank account interest calculation – Interest calculation Global settings- prepare account balance interest calculation (Tr.Code OBAA)

Select new entries button

Interest calculation indicator : G1

Interest calculation frequency : Select 01

Calendar type : Select G (28 31/365)

Select balance plus interest check box


Press enter to save in your request

Calendar TypeIn case of rupee loans we use G Calendar In case of foreign currency loans we

use F calendar.FC Loan from SBI LIBOR +2%

(LIBOR Mean London Inter Bank Offer Rate)For interest calculations the denomination will be always 360 days

FIBOR – Frankfurt Inter Bank Offer Rate

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MIB - Mumbai Inter Bank Offer Rate

Define Reference Interest Rates :

SBI rupees term loan 10/04/2008 10000010/09/2008 10000

Interest calculation for the year

1 st method On 100000 from 10/04/2008 to 31/03/2009 at 10% 15000On 100000 from 10/09/2008 to 31/03/2009 at 10% -3000


2 nd Method On 10000 from 10/04/2008 to 09/09/2008 at 10% 5000On 90000 from 10/09/2008 to 31/03/2009 at 10% 7000


If the account is having credit balance 10%If the account is having debit balance 8%Loan account – Interest indicator Account Credit balance reference interest rate : G2-

10%Account debit balance reference interest rate G3-8%

A) Interest rates are given to reference interest rate (G2 and G3)B) Reference interest rates are specified separately if there is a credit balance and if there is a debit balance

and it will be assigned to interest indicatorC) Interest indicator will be specified in loan account.

Define reference interest rates:

Path : SPRO – Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – Business transaction –Bank account interest calculation – Interest calculation –Define reference interest rates (Tr code is OBAC)

Select new entries button

Ref int.rate : G2

Long text : Credit balance 10% interest

Description also credit balance 10% interest

Date from :01.04.2008

Currency : INR


Press enter to save in your request

Select next enter button

Ref.int.rate : G3

Long text : Debit balance 8% interest

Description : Dr. Bal 8% int

Date from : 01.04.2008

Currency : INR

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Define Time – Dependent Terms

Path : SPRO – Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – Business transaction – Bank account interest calculation – Interest calculation- Define time – Dependent Terms

Select new entries button

Interest calculation indicator : G1

Currency key : INR

Effective from : 10.04.2008

Sequential number :1

Terms : Select credit interest balance interest calculation

Ref.interst rate : G2


Press enter to save in your request

Select next entry button (F8)

Interest calculation indication : G1

Currency key : INR

Effective from :01.04.2008

Sequential number :2

Term : Select debit interest balance interest


Reference rate : G3


Enter Interest ValuesSame path as above (Tr code is OB83)

Select new entries button

Reference interest rate : G2

Valid from : 01.04.2008

Interest rate : 10 (one month)

Reference interest rate : G3

Valid from : 01.04.2008

Interest rate : 8


Press enter to save in your request

Creation Of 2 Gl Masters

A .SBI rupees term loan Secured loansB. Interest account Intrest

To check account groups for giving account numbers OBD4Select position button

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Give the chart of accounts : AMLEnterSecured loan range :100300 -100399Interest range : 400400-400499

Creation Of Gl Masters (Fs00)

Give the GL account no. :100300

Company code : AML

Select with template button

Give the GL Account no. :100000 Equity share capital

Company code : AML


Change the account group to secured loans

Change short text to SBI rupee term loan

Change GL account long text to SBI rupee term loan

Change GL Account text to SBI rupees term loan

Select Create / Bank / Interest tab

Field status group change to G005

Interest indicator select G1


Tr.Code: FS00

GL Account no. :400400

Company code : AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no. :400100 salaries account

Company code : AML


Select type / Description tab

Change account group to interest

Change short text to interest a/c

GL account long text: Interest account


Assignment accounts for automatic postings:

Path : SPRO- Financial accounting – General Accounting – Business Transactions – bank account interest calculation- Interest Posting – prepare GL Account balance interest calculation (Tr.Code OBV2)

Select symbols button0002 Interest paid2000 GL Account (paid)Interest account Dr 0002 400400To SBI rupees term loan 2000 100300If more than term loan 2000 ++++++++++ ( 10 Times plus)

(10 times +(plus) mean any account number)

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Length of account no. maximum 10 digitsWe are using 6 digits – why can not we use ++++++ (6 times plus)When we post a transaction – Cash account Dr

Credit to equity share capital and when we give the account number 200100 for cash account and 100000 for Equity Share Capital – It takes in the beginning 0000200100 Debit and 0000100000 Credit and when we save it saves with 200100 and 100000.

If we gives 6 times plus – when we simulate for loan it takes 000010 and it can not save.

SBI rupees term loan 100300IDBI rupees term loan 100301ICICI rupees term loan 100302

At the time of interest calculation, we give for which loan account interest is to be calculated. Now we are asking the system to calculate interest for 100301 – IDBI rupees term loan account 100301 will be replaced in ++++++++++

Select accounts buttonGive the Chat of Accounts : AMLEnter

Accounts symbol Currency GL A/c0002 INR 4004002000 INR ++++++++++

Select save button or Ctrl +SPress enter to save in your request

Open Posting period (Tr.Code is OB52)

To open posting periods for April 2008

Select position button

Give the posting period variant : AML


For Variant : AML

From the period 1 is :1

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request

SBI rupee term loan receipt : F-0210.04.2008 SBI cheque date 10000012.04.2008 cheque deposit in bankDocument date :12.01.2008Posting date :12.04.2008

Interest calculation in SAP from 12.04.2008Where as bank calculates from 10.04.2008We are giving value date 10.04.2008Now SAP also calculates interest from 10.04.2008

Document date & posting date :10.04.2008

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Posting key :40

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Account :200100 (Cash a/c)


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :100000

Business area : AMLH

Value date :10.04.2008

Text : SBI Term loan receipt

Posting key :50

Account key :100300 SBI Rupee term loan


Amount : *

Business area : AMLH

Value date :10.04.2008

Text :+

From the new select document simulate and save.

Term loan repayment (F-02)Due date :10.09.2008Cheque date :10.09.2008 To bank credit in SBI books only on 12.09.2008 interest credit will be in our books 10.09.2008SBI gives credit from 12.09.2008Cheque date :07.09.2008Value date :10.09.2008

F-02Give the document date & posting date 07.09.2008

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Currency : INR

Posting key :40

Account no. :100300 SBI rupee term loan


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :10000

Business area : AMLH

Value date :10.09.2008

Text : SBI Term Loan Repayment

Posting key :50

Account :200100 (Cash account)


Amount enter :*

Business area : AMLH

Value date :10.09.2008

Text :+

From the menu select document –>Simulate and save

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Balance Interest calculations:

Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger- periodic processing- Interest calculation-Balance interest calculation (F.52)

Company code :AML

Give the GL account :100300 ( SBI Rupee Term Loan)

Calculation period :01.04.2008 to 31.03.2009


Select back arrow

To view line item wise interest

Select additional balance line check box


Select bank arrow

How to give effect for floating rate of InterestInterest rate change from 10% to 12% from 01.06.2008On 100000 from 10/04/2008 to 31/05/2008 @10%On 100000 from 01.06.2008 to 09.09.2008 @12%On 90000 from 10/09.2008 to 31/03/2009 @12%

Open one more session with SPRO

Path :SPRO- Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – Business transactions- Bank account interest calculation – Interest calculation- Enter Interest Values (OB83)

Select new entries button

Reference interest rate : G2

Valid from :01.06.2008

Interest rate :12


Press enter to save in your request come to the first session


Select back arrow

Interest postings to accounts:

Change the calculation period : 01.04.2008 to 30.04.2008

Select post interest settlements check box

Select update master records check box

Session name : AML

Posting to business area : AMLH

Posting date of session :30.04.2008

Posting segment text : Interest for April 2008

Select execute button

To view the batch input session

From the menu select system – >Services –> Batch input Session

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Select session name : AMLSelect process buttonSelect display errors only radio buttonSelect process buttonWe get a message processing of batch input session completedSelect exit batch input button

To view the document posted use the (Tr. Code FB03)

Go and see the GL maser (FS00)

Give the GL Account no. :100300 (SBI rupee T.L)Company code : AMLFrom the menu select GL account –->Display –-> Select create / Bank / Interest tabKey date of last interest calculation :30.04.2008Date of last interest run :20.10.2008On which date we have to run

1. Simple interest 2. Compound interestSBI rupee term loan 10.04.2008 100000 SBI rupee term loan 10.04.2008 100000

30.04.2008 5750002-400400 Interest A/c For may it calculates on 1005752000-100510 Interest payable a/cFor may it calculates on 100000

Interest also to post to separate accounts400400 Interest on SBI Rupee Term Loan400401 Interest on IDBI Rupee Term Loan400402 Interest on ICICI Rupee Term Loan

0002-400400 interest on SBI rupee term loan, we are calculating interest for IDBI rupee term loan

In batch input session – select process forward radio buttonDeselect display errors only radio button

40 400400 Interest on SBI Term Loan 1000Change account no to 400401

How to make open items initially inactive:Clearing

1 1000 Cr2 2000 Cr3 3000 CrPayment 1000 Dr

The difference is too large for clearing all items are initially inactive1 1000 Cr2 2000 Cr3 3000 Cr

Payment 1000 Dr

Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General ledger – Environment – User parameter- Editing options (Tr.code is FB00)

Select open items tabSelect selected items initially inactive check boxSave

Foreign Currency Balance Revaluation FC term loan (Foreign currency TL)

|Long term working capital Fixed assets purchase

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|Local assets Imported assets

21.10.2008 100000 USD 47 470000013.10.2008 100000 USD 50 5000000

----------- 300000========

As per accounting standard 11 (ASII)Balance to be revaluated and change to profit & loss account.

Creation of 3 GL MastersA) SBI FC Term loan Secured loansB) Exchange again other incomeC)Exchange loss Administration

To check account groups for giving account no.OBD4Select position buttonGive the chat of accounts : AMLEnterNote the other income range 300100 to 300199

Create of GL masters FS00

Give the GL account no.100301Company code : AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no :100300 (SBI Rupee Term Loan)

Company code : AML


Change short text and long test to SBI FC term loan

Select control data tab

Account currency change to USD

Deselect only balance and loan currency check box

Select create / bank / Interest tab

Interest indicator : Blank

Delete the dates


GL Account :300100

Company code : AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no. :400300 Rent account

Company code : AML


Select type/ Description tab

Change account group to other income change short text and GL account long text to exchange gain


GL Account : 400301

Company code : AML

Select with template button

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Give the GL account no.400300 rent account

Company code : AML


Change short text and GL account long text to exchange loss



Path : SPRO- Financial accounting(new)-Financial accounting global setting (new)-Ledgers-Parallel accounting-Define accounting principles

Select new entries button

Accounting principle :B

Name / Description of accounting principle.: INDIAN ACCOUNTING STANDARDS

Press enter to save in your request

Assignment accounting principle to ledger groupsSame path as above

Select new entries button

Accounting principle : B1

Target ledger group :0L


Press enter to save in your request

Define valuation methods

Path: SPRO- Financial accounting (new)- General ledger accounting (new)-Periodic processing – Valuate- Define valuation methods Select new entries button

Valuation method : AML1

Description : FC valuation bank selling method for AML

Select always evaluate radio button

Document type : SA

Exchange rate type for debit balance : B (bank selling rate)

Exchange rate type for credit balance :B

Select determine exchange rate of ratio button


Press enter to save in your request

Define Valuation AreasSame path

Select new entries button

Valuation area : BA

Valuation method : AML1

Currency type : Select company code currency


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Press enter to save in your request

Assign valuation areas and accounting principles Same path

Select new entries button

Valuation area : BA

Accounting principle : B1


Press enter to save in your request

Prepare automatic postings for foreign currency valuation:

Path :Upto valuate the path is same-Foreign currency valuation-Prepare automatic posting for foreign currency valuation (Tr code is OBA1)

Double click on exchange rate difference using exchange rate key

Give you chart of accounts : AML

Select change valuation area or right arrow button

Give the valuation area : BA


Exchange rate difference key : USD

expenses account :400301

Exchange rate gains account :300100

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request

Delete ledgers (other than OL) for Ledger Group – OL

April –March OL Leading ledger (India)Jan- Dec G1 Non leading ledger 1(US)July – June GL Non leading ledger 2(Australia)

At the time of posting – FI we don’t give ledger group it updates all the ledgers automatically

Indian accounting standards / US Accounting Australian accounting standards standards (US GAAP)

FC revaluation Add to assetCreation of ledger groups OL G1Assign ledgers OL and GI G1

Delete ledgers assigned to ledger group OL other than OL

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting (new)- Financial accounting Global settings (new) – Ledger-Define ledger group-

Select ledger group :0L

Double click ledger assignment folder

Select ledgers other than OL

From the menu select delete

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Ignore the message press enter and save

Press enter to save in your request

Assign exchange rate difference key in GL Master (FS00)

Give the GL 100301 SBI FC Term loan

Company code : AML

From the menu select GL Account change

Select control data tab

Exchange rate difference key: Select USD

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Foreign currency term loan receipt (F-02)

Give the document date : Today’s date

Type : SA

Company code : AML

Currency : USD

Rate :47

Posting key :40

Account :200100 ( Cash account)


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Text :SBI FC Term Loan Receipt


Posting key :50

Account :100301 SBI FC Term loan


Amount enter :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document Simulate and Save

Enter year end exchange rate in Forex table – OB08 Select new entries button

Exchange rate Valid from From Direct quotation ToG 31.03.2009 USD 49.50 INRB 31.03.2009 USD 50.00 INR


Foreign Currency Revolution

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Path: Accounting – Financial accounting-General ledger-Periodic processing-closing-valuate-foreign currency valuation (new) (Tr.code is FAGL_FC_VAL)

Give the company code : AML

Valuation key date :31.03.2009

Valuation area : BA

Select GL balance tab

Select valuate GL Account balance check box

GL account 100301 SBI FC term loan

Select postings button

Give the batch input session name :AML

Select execute button

Select 1postings button

Select back arrow two times

Month end revaluation Diff

23.10.2008 100000 4731.10.2008 47.50 0.50 500030.11.2008 49 2.00 200000

Exchange Loss Option 231.10.2008 5000030.11.2008 200000 01.11.2008 50000

SBI FC Term loan23.10.2008 100000 470000031.10.2008 5000001.11.2008 500000 30.11.2008 200000

Loss for October 50000Loss for November 150000

---------Loss up to Nov. 200000


procedure for month end revaluation: (Tr code is FAGL_FC_VAL)

Enter month end exchange rates in Forex table

Company code : AML

Valuation key date : Month end date

Valuation area : BA

Select crate posting check box

Select reverse posting check box

Select execute button

Procedure for year end revaluation

Enter year exchange rate in Forex table

Company code : AML

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Valuation key date year end date

Valuation area : BA

Select create posting check box

Reversal posting date :Blank

Deselect reverse posting check box

Select execute button

From the menu select System –-> Services-Batch input – Sessions

Select session FAGL_FC_VALU

Select process button

Give the business area : AMLH



Business area : AMLH


We get a message processing of batch in put session completed

Select exit batch input button

To view the document posted view the Tr.Code FB03


Select display currency button

End user area customization area SPRO

SAP easy access screen)

How to view path when transaction code is given

In command filed enter search – SAP- menu

Search –SAP-Menu

Press enter

Search text entry : F-02


CUSTOMIZATION AREA: Use the Tr.code is SPROSelect find button (Ctrl+F)Search term : Fiscal yearEnterSelect fiscal year in area financial accounting global settingsEnter

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This is subledger (subsidiary ledger). This is used when material management (MM) module is not implemented for all type purchases material purchase services.

When Material Management(MM) module is implemented.

This is used for services where TDS is to be deducted.

Eg.Job work charges /legal and professional charges

In normal accounting for raw material purchases.

Purchase A/c DrTo party

In SAP :for Raw material purchasesInventory RM Dr General ledger

To party Sub ledger –Sundry creditors –General ledger|

Reconciliation account on control account

Trail balance will not match –when we post to party automatically it updates sundry creditors –RM

Basic settings for account payable: 1. Creation of vendor account groups

a) we create FI vendors services partiesb) MM vendors -Reconciliation account

Material parties -Required entry field2. Create number range for vendor accounts:3. Assign number range group to vendor account group.4. Define tolerance group for vendors.5. Creation of 2GL masters.

a) Inventory raw material - Current assets, loans & advancesb) Sundry creditors – RM -Current liabilities & Provisions

6. Creation of vendor master 7. Document type and no.ranges

KR: Vendor invoicesKZ: Vendor payment KA: Vendor document for transfers / Reversals

8. Posting keys :31 Vendor credit:25 Vendor debit

Creation of vendor accounts groups:

Path :SPRO –Financial accounting –Accounts receivable and accounts payable-Vendor accounts-Master data-preparation for creating vendor master data- Define account groups with screen layout (vendors)

Select new entries button

Account group :AML1

Name :FI vendors for AML

Double click on company code data

Double click on account management

Reconciliation account make it required entry field

Cash management group make it suppress

select save button

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select create request button

short description :AP customization for AML


press enter to save in your request

select next entry button

account group AML2

Name :MM vendor for AML

Double click on company code data

Double click on account management

Reconciliation account : Make it required entry filed.

Cash management group select suppress


Create number range for vendors account :

Up to preparation for creating vendor master data path is sameCreate number ranges for vendors account.(Transaction code is XKN1)

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

Number range :13

From no. :4200001

To no. :4300000


Select interval button once again

No.range :14

From No. :4300001

To no :4400000



Ignore the warning message press enter

Assign number range to vendor account groups:Same path

Select position button

Account group :AML1


For account group :AML1

Number range :13

Account group AML2

Number range :14

Press enter to save in your request

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Define tolerance group for vendor

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Account receivable and account payable-Business truncations-Outgoing payments-manual outgoing payments-Define tolerances(Vendors)

Select new entries button

Company code :AMLTolerance group : BlankDescription :Tolerance group for AMLSavePress enter save in your request

Creation 2GL masters (FS00)

Give the GL account no.200120

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no.200100 Cash A/c

Company code : AML


Change short text and GL A/c long text to Inventory RM (Raw material)

Select create /bank /interest tab

Field status group change to G001

Deselect relevant to cash flow check box


One more A/c

GL Account No.100501

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c No.100500 (Outstanding exp)

Company code :AML


Select type/ Description tab

Change short test and GL account long test to Sundry Creditor to RM

Select control data tab

Deselect only balances in local currency check box

Reconciliation account for account type select vendor

Deselect open item management check box

Sort key :Select 012 vendor number

Select create /bank /interest tab

Field status group change to G067 (reconciliation accounts)


Creation of vendor master:

Path : Accounting-Financial accounting –Account payable-Master records-Maintain centrally-Create (Transaction code is XK01)

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Give the company code :AML

Account group :AML1


Title :Select company

Name :Birla Chemicals Limited

Street : Ameerpet

Post :500082

City :Hyderabad

Country :In(India)

Telephone no. :040123456

Select next screen button three times

Reconciliation account :Select 100501 (sundry creditors raw materials)

Sort key :012 Vendor no

Select next screen button

Payment terms :Select 0001 (payable immediately)

Tolerance group :Blank

Select check double invoice check box


MM ModulePurchase order

|Goods receipt

|Invoice verification

FI ModuleDocument date :Party bill date 01.10.2008

Posting date 31.10.2008 07.11.2008Reference vendor no. party bill no.

1234 1234 | |Save save

Doc no.100001

System gives a wrong message no.100001 is posted to the party with the same amount. Do you want to post once again.

Provided we select check double invoice check box (If MM module is not implemented and same bill two times entry)

Document types and no. ranges (OBA7)Select type KR Vendor invoice

Select details button

Number range 19 (Note down the no.range)

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Select number range information button

Give the company code : AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No.range :19

Year :2008

From no. :100001

To no. :200000

Enter and save

Ignore the warning message press enter

Select back arrow 3 times

Select type -KZ vendor payment

Select details button

No. range 15 (note down the no.range)

Select no.range information button

Give the company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No.range year From no. To no.

15 2008 200001 300000

Enter and save

Ignore the warning message press enter

Select back arrow 3 times

Select type – KA vendor document

Select details button

No.range 17

Select no.range information button

Company code : AML

Select change interval button

Select interval button

No.range :17

Year :2008

Form no. :300001

To no. :400000

Enter and save

Ignore the message press enter

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HOUSE BANK Bank branch name Bank AddressContact personTelephone no.

Senario11. House bank SBI Main branchNo.of account Current A/c Current A/c Current C/AID’s (Identification) No.1 No.2 No.3

Scenario 2

2 House banks SBI Main branch BI Begumpet Branch | |

Account ID Current A/c No. Current A/c No.

Steps:1) Creation of GL Master SBI current account Under Current assets , Loans & Advances2) Define House bank3) Creation of check lots check from no., check to no.

* In SAP check mean cheque

1. Creation of GL Master (FS00)

Give the GL account no.200105Company code :AMLSelect with template buttonGive the GL account no. : 200100 Cash A/cCompany : AMLEnterChange short text and GL account long text SBI current A/csave

2. Define house banks

Path : SPRO-Financial accounting –Bank accounting-Bank accounts –Define house banks (FI12)

Give the company code : AML


Select new entries button

House bank :SBI

Bank country :IN

Bank key :AML1 (text field)


Bank name :State Bank of India

Street :Bank Street

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City :Hyderabad

Bank branch :Main branch


Press enter to save in your request

Double click on bank account folder

Select new entries button

Account ID :SBI1

Description :SBI current A/c no.1

Bank account no. :AML1234

Currency :INR

G/L Account no. :200105 SBI current a/c

Select save button

3. Creation of check lots:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts Payable –Periodic Processing -payments (F110)

From the menu select Environmentcheck Information Number ranges (FCHI)

Paying company code :AML

House bank :SBI

Account ID :SBI1

Select change button (Shift +F5)

Select create button

Lot no. : 1

Check no :500001

To no. :500100

Select –Non sequential check box

Short information :SBI

Purchase date :Today’s date i.e Check box issue date

Enter and save

Manual payment Automatic payment 1. We can issue any check any time System will issue check one after another 2. Sequential or Non-sequential Sequential

Purchase invoice posting

Path : Accounting-Financial accounting-Account payable –Document entry- Invoice general (Transaction code F-43)

Give the document date :Todays date

Type :KR(Vendor)

Company code :AML

Posting key :31 (Vendor credit)

Account :4200001 (Vendor no.)


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Give the amount :500000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Purchase invoice posting

Posting key :40

Account no. :200120 (Inventory raw material)


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document Simulate and save

2. How to view vendor account transactions

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting-Account payable-Account –Display change line items (Transaction code is FBL1N)

Give the vendor account :4200001

Company code :AML

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box

Select execute button

3. To view general ledger sundry creditor raw material –Transaction code is FS10N

Give the GL account no. :100501 Sundry creditor raw material

Company code : AML

Fiscal year :2008

Business area :AMLH

Select execute button

Double click on cumulate balance amount

To view vendor wise

Select change layout buttonSelect assignment field from the hidden fields column Select amount in local currency (under column content)Select left arrowSelect copy button100501 Sundry creditors RMSort key :012 Vendor numberSort key updates assignment field automatically

Outgoing payment with clearing

Path :Accounting – Financial accounting-Accounts payable -Document entry–Outgoing payment –Post (F-53)

Give the document date : Todays date

Type :KZ

Company code :AML

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Clearing text :Outgoing payment

Account under bank date :200105 (SBI current account)

Amount :5000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Outgoing payment

Account under open item select :4200001

Account type :K comes by default (K stands for Vendors)

Select process open items button

Double click on payable amount :5000

Document Simulate

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Go and see the vendor account truncation (Tr.code is FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no. :4200001

Company code :AML

Select cleared item radio button

Select normal items check box


Creation of manual check

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Environment –Check information –Create –Manual checks (Tr code FCH5)

House bank :SBIAccount ID :SBI1Give the check no. :500025Save

Display check resister Upto check information the path is same Display –Check register (Tr code is FCHN)

Give the paying company code :AMLExecuteDouble click on check no. :500025Select accompany documents button

Path A/cBill no. Amount Payment Payment doc.no. Check 1 5000 5000 200005 5000012 50003 150004 5000 5000 200001 500025 payment history5 5000 5000 200010 500005

Assignment of check no.to payment no.payment doc no.is cleared will be number

Check encashment date updating: Based on bank statement we update check encashment date.

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Advantage 1 1. We know on which date the check is encased by the party2. Bank reconciliation is easier3. upto check information the path is same change –Additional info/Cash

(Tr code is FCH6)paying company code :AMLHouse bank :SBIAccount ID :SBI1Check no. :500025EnterGive the check encashment :20.11.2008Save

Go and see check register FCHN

give the paying company code :AMLExecuteSort date wise –FI the encashment date is bank or offer 30.11.2008Checks issued but not presented.

Unissued checks cancellation

Some time while writing check we commit mistake before issuing to party – we cancel checkUp to check information the path is same void –unused checks (Tr code is FCH3)

Give the paying company code :AMLHouse bank :SBIAccount id :SBI1Check no.from :500001Void reason code :Select 06 destroyed select void button (Shift+F5)

Go and see the check register (FCHN)

Give the paying company code :AML

Select execute button

Once the check lot is over all check keep the cursor and cheque no.from to select sort in ascending order button

(Ctrl +F5)

If any number is missing between the check is misused.

How to create void reason code

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable and accounts payable-Business truncations-Outgoing payments –Automatic outgoing payments-Payment media –check management –Define void reason codes (Tr code is FCHV)

Select new entries buttonReason :15Void reason code :Stop payment for AML Select save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request

How to delete encashment date data:500019 we have to give encashment date 20.11.2008 for 500019.by mistake we have given for 500020500025 20.11.2008 to delete encashment date500021500022

Path :up to check information the path is same – Delete –Reset data (Tr.code is FCHG)

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Give the paying company code :AMLHouse bank :SBIAccount id :SBI1Check number :500025Select reset cashing data radio buttonExecuteSelect yes button for the message to reset data

Go and see the check register (FCHN)Give the paying company code :AMLExecute

Issued check cancellation System will not permit to cancel encashed checks.

Vendor account a) Invoice posting (F-43) a) 01 (open items)b) Outgoing payment with clearing (F-53) b) Bank 5000 Dr a)5000 Crc) Manual check creation (FCH5) CI (Clearing items)

A) 5000 CrB) 5000 Dr

d)Display check register (FCHN)e) Issued check cancellation 1) Reset cleared items –Delinking bill amount and payment amount

Vendor Account01

B) Bank 5000 Dr A) 5000 Cr2) Reverse payment

Vendor account 01

A) 5000 Cr

Cancel check

Path :upto check information the path is same –Void-Cancel payment (Tr.Code is FCH8)

Paying company code :AML

House bank :SBI

Account ID :SBI1

Check number :select 500025

Void reason code :15 (stop payment for AML)

Reversal reason :select 01(reversal in current period)

Select cancel payment button

Go and seethe vendor account FBL1N

Give the vendor account no. :4200001Company code :AMLSelect open items radio buttonSelect normal items check boxSelect execute button

Go and see the check register FCHN

Give the paying company code :AMLSelect execute button

Advance payments to vendors (down payments to vendors)

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Sundry creditors Purchase Advance Advance to vendors (current liabilities) (current assets)

Payment purchase1. Creation of GL master –Advance to vendors –Current assets, Loans & Advances2. Link between sundry creditors ands advances to vendors

A (Advance special GL indicator)^

Sundry creditors Advance to vendorsReconciliation account Alternative reconciliation account or special

GL Account 100501 200150

Vendor A/c 4200001 – BirlaChemals Limited -100501At the time of making payment –we know the purpose of payment.If it is payment against a bill -4200001100501-Sundry creditorsIf it is payment as an advance 4200001 A 4200001 – Birla Chemicals Limited -100501

A(Advance (Special GL indicator))^

100501 200150

Advance payment posting

Purchase invoice postingTransfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items.Clearing of normal items.Vendor account have two parts

1) Normal items2) Special GL items

Creation of GL master advance to vendors (FS00)

GL A/c No. :200150

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no.100501 (Sundry creditors raw material)

Company code :AML


Change account group to current assets loans & advances

Change short text and GL account long text to Advance to vendors

Other fields are common

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Link between sundry creditors and advance to vendors:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Accounts receivables and accounts payables – Business transactions-Down payment made-Define alternative reconciliation account for down payments (Tr code is OBYR)

Double click on A or down payment on current assets

Give the chart of accounts :AML


Reconciliation account :100501

Special GL account :200150

Select save button or Ctrl+S

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Press enter to save in your request

Advance payment posting:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Account payable –Document entry-down payment –Down payment (F-48)

Document date :Todays date

Type :KZ

Company code :AML

Vendor account :4200001

Special GL indicator :A

Bank account :200105 SBI current account

Business area :AMLH

Amount :25000

Text :Advance payment posting


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document –Simulate and save

Go and see the vendor account transaction (Tr.code is FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no. :4200001Company code :AMLSelect open items radio buttonSelect special GL transaction check boxExecute

Purchase invoice posting (F-43)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :KR

Company code :AML

Posting key :31

Account no :4200001


Amount :25000

Business area :AMLH

Text :purchase invoice posting

Posting key :40

Account no. :200120 inventory raw material


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

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From the menu select document –simulate and save

Go and see the vendor account (Truncation code FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no. :4200001

Company code :AML

Select open item radio button

Select normal items check box


Select back arrow

Select special GL truncation check box along with normal items


Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts payable-Document entry-Down payment –Clearing (F-54)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Document type :KA

Company code :AML

Vendor account :4200001

Text :Advance transfer to normal

Select process down payments button

Transfer posting :25000


Go and see the vendor account transactions FBL1N

Give the vendor account no. :4200001

Company code :AML

Select clearing items radio button

Select special GL transaction check box


Select back arrow

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box


Clearing of normal items:

Path : Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Account –Clear (F-44)

Give the account no. :4200001Company code :AMLSelect process open items buttonDouble click on credit 25000Double click on debit 25000

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Go and see the vendor accounts (Transaction code .FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no. :4200001Company code :AMLSelect cleared items radio buttonSelect normal items check boxExecute

Vendor account|

Normal / Items6 5 25000 425000 Sundry creditors C/L

Special GL itemsAdvance to vendor 3 25000 5 25000

2 nd Scenario Advance more bill lessAdvance 200000Bill amount 50000

A) Advance payment posting (F-48)B) Purchase in voice posting (F-43)C) Transfer of advance of Rs.500000 from special GL to normal (F-54)

Vendor A/c normal itemsD C 50000 B 50000Special GL itemsA 200000 C 50000

D) Clearing of normal items (F-44)

Final resultVendor special GL shows a balance of Rs.1500000 – Advance to vendorsTo be cleared against future bills.

3 rd Scenario Advance bill moreAdvance 9000Bill amount 90000

Vendor A/c normal items

A) Advance payment posting (F-48)B) Purchase invoice posting (F-43) C 9000 B 90000C) Transfer of advance from special GL to normal

by clearing Special GL ItemsSpecial GL (F-54) A 9000 C 9000

D) While making balance payment Of Rs.81000 double click on bill

Amount 900000 and payment amount Rs.9000. All the 3 line items will go to Clearing items (F-53)

TERMS OF PAYMENT 01 Payable immediately - Due net

Path : SPRO-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable and accounts payable –Business transactions-Incoming invoices / Credit memos – Maintain terms of payment

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Select new entries buttonPayment terms :AML1Select customer check boxSelect vendor check boxDefault for base line dateNo default :No.of purchases during the month base line date at the time of Invoice

posting –Blank For all purchases during the month give month end date.

Document date :Party bill datePosting date :Goods receipt dateEntry date :Quality approval date

Payment terms :If the payment is made within 10 days -3% cash discount If the payment is made within 20 days -2% ash discount payable within 30 days

Under default for baseline date: Select posting date radio buttonPercentage No.of days

Term 1 3 10Term2 2 20Term3 - 30

Press enterSelect save button or Ctrl+SPress enter to save in your request

Cash Discount Received

Trade discounts are to be adjusted to purchases where as cash discounts are to be shown under other income.

Creation of GL master –Cash discount received other income (FS00)

Give the GL A/c no. :300101

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account 300100 exchange gain

Company code :AML


Change short text and GL account long text to cash discount received.


Assignment of account for automatic postings:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Accounts receivable and Accounts payable-Business transactions-Out going payments-Out going payments global settings –Define accounts for cash discount taken. (Tr Code is OBXU)

Give the Chart of Accounts :AMLEnterSaveGive the account no.300101 cash discount received SavePress enter to save in your request

Purchase invoice posting (F-43)

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Document date :25.10.2008

Posting date :01.11.2008

Entry date :Today’s date

Type :KR

Company code :AML

Currency :INR

Posting key :31

Account :4200001


Amount :100000

Payment terms :Select AML1

Text :Purchase invoice posting


Ignore the warning message press enter

Posting key :40

Account no. :200120 Inventory raw material


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document –Simulate and Save

Go and see the vendor account (Transaction code is FBL1N):

Vendor account :4200001

Company code :AML

Select open item radio button

Select normal items check box


Form the menu select change layout button

Form the hidden fields column

Select current cash discount amount

Select amount in document currency under column-contain

Select left arrow or show selected fields button

Select copy button

Outgoing payment with clearing (F-53)

Document date :Today’s date

Type :KZ

Company code :AML

Clearing text :Out going payment

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Account under bank data :200105 SBI current account

Business area :AMLH

Amount :97000

Text :out going payment

Account :Under open item selection 4200001

Select process open items button

Double click on payable amount :100000

From the menu select document Simulate

We get a message correct the marked line items.

Double click on blue font

Text enter :+


Automatic payment program (APP)

System will -Check due dates-Issue check-Pass the enter and cleared party account -Generate payment advance- update check register

The check lot should be sequential –we are not programmer –system given payment program.Check format and payment advice formatAPP will be used by cash rich companies They run weekly / for every 10 days /For every 15 days

At the time of APP run, we have to give bankwise ranking with available amounts.SBI 1 1000000IDBI 2 500000ICICI 3 300000

It will issue checks from SBI upto 10 lakhs. Then afterwards it issued form IDBI upto 500000 – Then it goes to ICICI and issued up to 3000000

After run, it gives a proposal – In the proposal it shows for which parties for which bills from which bank it is going to issue to checks.

We can edit proposal By blocking some invoices for payment Or

By charging bank

Due Party X Party Y1 12 23 34 45 5

Black invoices 4,5 and make the payment for 1,2 and 3 use the fund for party bill payments.

System is issuing form SBI for party X 3 bills –party is having account in ICICI-Change bank from SBI to ICICI.

Setup payment methods for country for payment transactions

Path :SPRO –Financial accounting-Account receivable and account payable –Business transactions-Outgoing payments –Automatic outgoing payments -Payment method /Bank selection for payment program-Setup payment method per country for payment transactions

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Select new entries button

Country :IN

Payment method :B

Description :Check

Select outgoing payments radio button

Select check radio button

Document type for payment :KZ

Clearing document type :KZ

Payment medium program :RFFOUS_C

Name of print date set :LIST1S


Press enter to save in your request

Setup payment methods per company code for payment transactions:

Same path

Select new entries button

Paying company code :AML

Payment method :B

Minimum amount :10

Maximum amount :9999999999

Select payment per due day check box

Select from data button

From for the payment medium: F110_PRENUM_CHECK

Drawer on the form : for Aravind Mills Limited

Authorized signatory


Press enter to save in your request

Setup all company codes for payment transactions:

Same path

Select new entries buttonCompany code :AMLPaying company code :AMLSeparate payment per business area check boxOut going payment with cash discount from : Bank interest rate 1.5% per month

18% per annum Payment term: If we make the payment within 30 days we get -1% cash discountDue within 60 daysSystem will payment 60 days since discount is less than bank interest rate.Within 30 days :Interest for month 1.5Within 60 days :Interest for month 1.5+1.5

Payment terms:If we make the payment within 30 days we get 2% cash discount.Due with in 60 days

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System will within 30 days since discount more than bank interest rate.

Maximum cash discount:Payment term:If we make the payment within 30 days we get 1% cash discount. Due within 60 days.Though we are not entitled, system claims 1% cash discount and make the balance payment only even if it is paid with 60 days.Special GL transaction to be paid under vendors : Select A (Advances)SavePress enter to save in your request

Setup paying company codes for payment transactions:

Same path

Select new entries button

Paying company code :AML

Select forms button

From for the payment advise F110_D_AVIS

Select sender details button

Text ID :Select ST (ST stands for Text)

Letter header :F_0001_HEADER

Footer :F_0001_FOOTER

Sender :F_0001_SENDER

Save and Press enter to save in your request

Creation of sequential check lots (FCHI)

Paying company code :AML

House bank :SBI

Account ID :SBI1

Select change button

Select create button

Lot number :2

Check number :800001

To :801000

Deselect non-sequential check box

Short information :SBI

Purchase date :Today’s

Enter and save

Assign payment methods in vendor master:

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting –Accounts payable-Master records –Maintain centrally-Change (XK02)

Give the vendor no. :4200001Company code :AMLSelect payment transaction check box under company code dataEnter

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Payment methods :Select ‘B’Payment block :If we don’t want to make the payment to this party in this

run, select -Skip account

Alternative payee :We have purchased from Birla Chemicals Limtied –BCL has to make the payment to party XYZ –BCL instructs us to make the payment to XYZ-in alternative payee give XYZ no. when we run APP ,check will be in the name of XYZ and party clearing will be BCL

House bank :BCL in having account in ICICI –It instructs us to issue check from ICICI only – We give house bank ICICI- check we issued only form ICICI.

Individual payment :When we run APP, it will issue one check only for all the bills due –some parties ask us to issue separate check for each bill. Select individual payment check box.

Separate check will be issued for each bill.Select save button or Ctrl+S


Purchase invoice posting (F-43)

Document date :Today’s date

Type :KR

Company code :AML

Posting key :31

Account no. :4200001


Give the amount :9999

Business area :AMLH

Text :Purchase invoice posting

Posting key :40

Account no. :200120 Inventory raw material


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Document –Simulate and save

Setup bank determination:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable-Periodic processing-Payments (Tr code is FBZP)

From the menu select Environment maintain -Configuration

Automatic payment program –Customization one –Screen FBZP

Select bank determination button

Select position button

Paying company code :AML


Select AML

Double click on ranking order folder

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Select new entries button

Payment method :B

Currency :INR

Bank order :1

House bank :SBI


Press enter to save in your request

Double click on bank accounts folder

Select new entries button

House bank :SBI

Payment method :B

Currency :INR

Account ID :SBI1

Bank sub account :200105 (SBI current account)

Business area :AMLH


Double click available amounts folder

Select new entries button

House bank :SBI

Account ID :SBI1

Days :999

Currency :INR

available for outgoing payment :1000000


Automatic payment program run (Tr code is F110)

Path :Up to periodic processing the path is same- Payments (Tr code is F110)

Run date :Today’s dateIdentification :AML1Select parameter tabCompany codes :AMLPayment methods :B

Though we have given the date, we can run tomorrow it self

Payment term :If we make the payment within 10 days we get 2% cash discount (Dues within 30 days)

Purchase today :07.11.2008

If we make the payment to day -2%If we make the payment on 14.11.2008 2%System will not issue check today’s – It will issue in the next run since the discount amount is same.

It control the cash flows

Party bill date :07.11.2008Payment term :AML2 30 days credit 07-12-2008

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APP run today : It asks next Posting date :14.11.2008

APP run2 :14.11.2008 21.11.2008Next payable date :14.11.2008Next posting date :14.11.2008

Vendor from :4200001Vendor to :4300000Save

Select bank arrow

Select proposal button (Shift +F1)

Select start immediately check box


Go on press enter (Basic Tr code box green tick mark box)

Till we get the message payment Proposal has been created

To edit the proposal -Select any proposal button enter (Shift +F4)

Double click on vendor no.

To block on invoice for payment

Double click on document no. :100001

Payment block :Select A (Block for payment )


To change bank for second bill

Double click on document no. :100004

Select reallocation button

Payment method :B

House bank :SBI

Account ID :SBI1



Select bank arrow two times

We get a message payment proposal has been edited

Select payment run button


Go on press enter .

It we get the message payment run has been carried out.

To take check printing:

Select printout / data medium tab for the program RFFOUS_C

Give the variant :A1

Select maintain variants button

Select for all selection screen radio button

Select continue button

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Program run date :07.11.2008

Identification feature :AML1

Paying company code :AML

Payment method :B

Business area :AMLH

House bank :SBI

Account id :SBI1

Check lot no. :2

Select print checks check box

Printer :LP01

Select print immediately check box

Select print payment advice notes check box printer :LP01

Select print immediately check box

Select print payment summary check box

Printer :LP01

Select print immediately check box

No.of sample print outs :0

Select don’t void any checks check box

Select attributes button (F5)

Meaning :SBI check printing date 08.11.2008


Select back arrow

Save once again

Select bank arrow

Select print out button

Select start immediately check box

For job name –in place of question of mark –Give variant A1A1 Company code :AML

Business area :AMLHBank :SBIAccount ID :SBI1Check lot no. :2

Parameters are saved in the variant in place of question mark A1Press enterEnter once again

To view check printing

From the menu select system –Services output control

Select execute button

Select spool no.check box for check

Select display contents (F6)

Go and see the vendor Account FB11N

Give the vendor account :4200001

Company code :AML

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Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box


Double click on document type :KZ

For the amount :9999

Select call up document overview button (F9)

Select display document header button


From the menu select Environment check information

Go and see the check register (FCHN)

Give the paying company code :AMLExecute

Credit memo postings

Purchase from Birla Chemicals LimitedIf the material is not goodReturn the material or reduce the amount (Price)

BCL will issue credit note to mail or AML raises Debit note on BCLBoth are same

Doc type :KG (Credit memo) KANo.range 17 17No need to give no.range interval already we have given earlier

Path :Accounting- Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Document entry –Credit memo general (F-41)

Document date :Today’s date

Type :KG (Vendor credit memo)

Company code :AML

Posting key :21 Credit memo

Account :4200001


Give the amount :1000

Business area :AMLH

Text : Credit memo posting

Posting key :500

Account no. :200120 Inventory raw material


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document –Simulate and save

Note: Cash journal postings – not accept negative balances

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Normal postings Accept negative postings

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (A/R) This is also a Sub Ledger (Subsidiary Ledger)

This is used when Sales & Distribution (SD) Module Is not implemented-All types of sales.

Eg: Product Sale/Raw Material Sale/Scrap SaleWhen Sales & Distribution(SD) Module is implemented-This is used for Raw Material Sale /Scrap Sale/Asset Sale-(Other than Product Sale)

At the time of sale:

Customer Account Dr Sub ledger Sundry Debtors(General Ledger)| | TO SALES

General Ledger |||

Reconciliation AccountOrControl Account


1.Creation Of Customer Account GroupsA)FI CustomersAsset Sale/Scrap Sale/RM Sale Reconciliation account fieldParties

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B)SD CUSTOMERS Required Entry field

PRODUCT SALE PARTIES 2.Create number ranges for customer accounts

3.Assign number ranges to customer account groups

4.Creation of 2 GL masters

A)Sundry Debtors- "Current Assets,Loans&Advances"

B)Sales Account Sales5.Creation Of Customer Master6. Document Types And No.Ranges OBA7

DR Customer InvoiceDZ Customer PaymentDA Customer Document For


7.Posting Keys 01 Customer Debit15 Customer Credit

We test a scenario where vendor is a customerParty BCL Party BCL

Purchase 100000 Sales 100000Sales 20000 Purchase 20000

-------- -------Net Payable 80000 Net Receivable 80000

When we Pay/Receive net amount we have to clear vendor transactions and customer transactions at a time

Note : Create receipt terms (if any cash discount debit - Debit expenses )


Creation of customer account groups

Path: SPRO- Financial Accounting- Account Receivables and accounts payables customer accounts – Master data- Preparation for creating customer master data- Define account groups with screen layout (customers)

Select new entries button

Account group : AML1

Name : FI Customers for AML

Double lick company code data

Double click account management

Reconciliation account make it required entry filed


Select create request button

Short description for AR customization for AML

Press enter

Enter once again to Save in your request

Select next entry button

Account group : AML2

Name : SD customers for AML

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Double click on company code data

Double click on account management

Reconciliation account make it required entry filed.


Create No. range for customer accounts:

Path :Upto preparation for creating customer master data the path is same.-Create no. range for customer accounts (Tr.code is XDN1)

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No. range :23

From no. :6600001

To no. :6700000.


Select interval button once again

No.range :24

From no. :6700001

To no. :6800000

Enter and Save

Ignore the warning message press enter

Assign Number ranges to customer account groups:

Same path

Select position button

Account group : AML1


For AML1 Assign no.range :23

For AML2 Assign no.range :24


Press enter to save in your request

Define tolerance group for Customer

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Account receivable and account payable-Business truncations-incoming payments-manual incoming payments-Define tolerances(Customers)

Select new entries button

Company code :AMLTolerance group : BlankDescription :Tolerance group for AMLSavePress enter save in your request

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Creation of GL Masters (FS00):

Give the GL account no. :200110

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no.200150 advance to vendors

Company code : AML


Change short text and GL account long text to Sundry Debtors

Select control data tab

Change reconciliation account for account type to customers

Change sort key to 031 customer number

Select Create / Bank / Interest tab

Field status group :G067


GL account no :300000

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Change GL account 300100 Exchange gain

Company code :AML


Select type/description tab

Change the account group to sales/.

Change short text and GL account loge text to sales account

Other fields are common

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Creation of customer master

Path: Accounting- Financial accounting –Accounts receivables-Master records-Maintain Centrally-Create (Tr.Code is XD01)

Account group :select FI customer for AML

Company code :AML


Title : : select Company

Name : BIRLA Chemicals Limited

Country : IN for India

Select control data tab

Vendor :4200001

Select company code data button

Reconciliation account :200110 Sundry debtors

Sort key :031 (Customer no.)

Select payment transaction tab

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Terms of payment :0001 payable immediately due net


Document type number ranges (OBA7)

Select type Dr customer invoice

Select details button

No.range :18

Select no.range information button

Company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select intervals button

No.range :18

Year :2008

Form no. :400001

To no. :500000

Enter and save

Ignore the warning message press enter

Select back arrow 3 times

Select type :DZ (Customer payment )

Select details button

No. range :14

Select no.range information button

Company code ::AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No.range :14

Year :2008

From no. :500001

To no. :600000

Enter and save

Ignore the message press enter

Select back arrow three times

Select type :DA (customer document)

Select details button

No.range :16

Select no.range information button

Company code :AML

Select change interval button

Select interval button

No.range :16

Year :2008

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Form no. :600001

To no. :700000

Enter and save

Ignore the warning message press enter


Sales invoice posting:

Path accounting – Financial accounting –Account receivable- Document entry-Invoice –General (F-22)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DR

Company code :AML

Posting key :01 Invoice (Customer debit) C:Customer D: Debit

Account : select 6600001


Give the amount :500000

Business area : AMLH

Text : Sales Invoice posting

Posting key :50

Account :300000 (sales account)


Account :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document Simulate and save

2.How To View Customer Account Transactions-

Path : Accunting – Financial accounting – Accounts receivable- Account-Display / Change line items (Tr.code is FBL5N)

Give the customer account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box

Select execute button

Select back arrow

To view vendor and customer transactions together

Select vendor items check box along with normal items


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3.Incoming payment and clear vendor and customer transactions together

Step A)Document type DZ should allow vendor transactions

Document types and no. Ranges-OBA7Select doc type: DZ Select doc type: kzSelect details button Select details buttonBelow no. Range- Below no. Range-Account type: Account type: A Assets A assetsD Customers selected D customers to selectK Vendors to select K vendors selectedM Materials M materialsS GL accounts selected S GL accounts selected

Normal receipt entry: Normal payment entry:Bank A/c DR GL vendor a/c DR Vendor To customer customer To Bank GL

use the Tr.code OBA7Select document type : DZ (customer payment )select details buttonselect vendor check boxsave

Incoming Payment :Path :Accounting – Financial accounting – Accounts receivable- Document entry- Incoming payments – (Tr.Codes is F-28)

Give the document date : Today’s date

Type : DZ Customer payment

Company code : AML

Clearing text : Incoming payment

Account under bank data : 200105 (SBI current account)

Business area :AMLH

Amount :496000

Text : Incoming payment

Account under open item selection : Select 6600001

Account type :D comes by default (D stands for


Select other accounts check box

Select process open item button

Select standard open items check box

Account type : Select K (Vendors)

Company code :AML

Account :4200001

Select continue button

Double click on all open items

Document Simulate and save

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Go And See The Customer Account Transactions (Tr.code is FBL5N)

Give the customer account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box

Select vendor items check box


Advance Receipts From Customers(Down Payment Receipts From Customers)Sundry Sale Advance Advance fromDebtors Customers(Current (Current Liabilities)Asset)

Receipt Sale

1. Creation Of GL Master-Advance From Customers- under Current Liabilities & Provisions (FS00)

2. Link between Sundry Debtors and advance from Customers

A (Advance) Special GL Indicator/\

Sundry debtors Advance from customers

(Reconciliation Account) (Alternative reconciliationaccount or special GLaccount)

3.Advance Receipt Posting4. Sales invoice posting5. Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items6. Clearing of normal items a)Customer account two parts b) Special GL items

1. Creation of GL master –advance from customer current liabilities & provisions (FS00)

Give the GL account no. :100502

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no. :200110 Sundry debtors

Company code :AML

Change account group to current liability & provisions

Change short & GL account long text advance from customers


3. Link between Sundry Debtors and advance from Customers

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Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Accounts receivable and accounts payable-Business transactions-Down payment received –Define reconciliation accounts for customer down payments(OBXR)

Double click on special GL indicator A

Give a your chart of accounts :AML


Reconciliation account :200110

Special GL account :100502

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request


Advance receipt posting:

Path :Accounting- Financial accounting –Accounts receivable-Document entry-Down payment –Down payment (Tr.code is F-29)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DZ

Company code :AML

Customer account :6600001

Special G/L indicator :A

Bank account :200105 SBI current account

Business area :AMLH

Amount :12000

Text :Advance receipt posting


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select –Document –Simulate and save

Go and see the customer account transaction (FBL5N)

Give the customer account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select open items radio button

Select special GL transactions check box


Sales invoice posting ( Tr code is F-22)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DR customer invoice

Company code :AML

Posting key :01

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Account :6600001


Amount :12000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Sales invoice posting

Posting key :50

Account no. :300000 Sales A/c


Amount enter :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Form the menu select document –Simulate and save

Go and see the customer account transaction (FBL5N)

Give the customer account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box


Select back arrow

Select special G/L transactions check box along with normal items


Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items:

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable-Document entry-Down payment clearing (F-39)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DA

Company code :AML

Customer account :6600001

Text :Advance receipt clearing

Select process down payment button

Transfer posting :12000


Go and see the customer account transactions (FBL5N)

Give the customer account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select special GL transactions check box


Select bank arrow

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Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box


Clearing of normal items:

Path :Accounting- Financial accounting –Accounts receivable –Account –Clear (F-32)

Give the account no. :6600001

Company code :AML

Select process open item button

Double click on debit :12000

Double click on credit :12000


Go and see the customer account transactions FBL5N

Give the customer account no. :6600001Company code :AMLSelect cleared items radio buttonSelect normal items check boxExecute


Fund based limits(Money will be given physically by the bank)

Non fund based limits(Money will no be given physically by the bank to the company)

1. Cash credit Local Sales order 1. Bank Guarantees (BG)2. Packing credit Export sales orders 2. Letter of credit (LC)3.Bank overdraft 4.Bill discountingBill discounting mechanism AML

Sale 500000 on 12.11.2008Term of payment –30 Days Credit

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AML Discounts the bill With the bank

|Bank will charge 30 days

|On due date, bank will collectFrom customer

|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |

Customer makes the customer does not make thepayment to the bank Payment to bank liability to AML

No liability to AML Liability to AML

Contingent liabilitiesLiability is uncertain

Year end: This is shown in notes to accounts –Under contingent liabilities

Bills discounted with bank

Normal Accounting SAP AccountingA) Incase of sales

Customer A/c Dr To Sales

Customer A/c Dr(Sundry debtors) To Sales

B) Bill of exchange payment - No entry -

Customer special GL (W) Dr(Sundry debtors bill of exchange) To customer a/c with clearing (Sundry debtors)

C) Bill discountingBank current A/c Dr To Bank bill discounting

Bank current A/c Dr To Interest A/c To Bank Bill discounting

D) Report view customer wise /BIllwise due date wise/Bankwise out standings available in SAP

E) Reverse contingent liability Bank bill discounting Dr To Customer

Bank bill discounting (with clearing) Dr To Customer special GL(W) with clearing (sundry debtors will of exchange)

Presentation in Balance sheet:Sundry debtors=Sundry debtors

Sundry debtors Debit(Bill of exchange) } Net ZeroBank bill discounting Credit

OrDon’t plot sundry debtors bill of exchange and bank discounting in balance sheet-It is required only for notes to accounts.

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Customer A/c SBI bill discountingNormal items OP BAL 300000

A) 100000 B)100000 E)100000 C)100000----------400000

Special GL

B)100000 E)100000 300000

Limits with banks: SBI IDBIBill discounting limit 5000000 2000000Already discounted 3000000 2000000

------------- ------------Limit available 2000000 0

=======Bill discounted as per C 1000000

-----------Limit available 1000000Payment by customer as per E 1000000

-----------Now limit available 2000000


Creation of 2 GL mastersSundry debtors (Bill exchange under current assets, loans & advances.

SBI bill discounting Secured loans

Fund based limits and non-fund base limits First change on current asset and second change on fixed assets.

Creation of GL account (FS00)

Give the GL account no. :200111

Company code :AML

Select with template

Give the GL account no.200110 Sundry debtors

Company code :AML


Change short text to sundry debtors Bill of Exchange

Change GL account long text to sundry debtors (Bill of exchange)

Other fields are common

Select save button or Ctrl+S

GL account no. :100302

Company code :AML

Select with template with button

Give the GL account no.100300 SBI Rupee Term loan

Company code :AML

Change short text and GL account long text to SBI bill discounting

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Select control data tab

Select open item management check box

Select create /bank /interest tab

Select post automatically only check box


Link between sundry debtors and sundry debtors bill of exchange

Path:SPRO-Financial account-Bank account –Business transactions-Bill of exchange transactions-Bill of Exchange receivable-Post bill of change receivable-Define alternative reconcile –Actual for Bills/Exchange receivable (Tr code is OBYN)

Double click on special GL indicator :W (Bill of Exchange receivable)

Give the chart of accounts :AML


Reconciliation account :200110

Special GL account :200111 Sundry debtors (Bill of exchange)


Save in your request

Link for Bank current account, Sundry debtors Account and bank bill discounting account

Path: up to the bill of exchange receivable at bank-Define bank sub accounts(Tr code is OBYK)

Select new entries button

Chart of accounts :AML

Bank account :200105 SBI current account

Usage select discounting special GL indicator :W

Customer reconciliation account :200110(sundry debtors)

Bank sub account for liability :100302 (SBI bill discount)


Press enter to save in your request


Sales invoice posting (F-22)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DR

Company code :AML

Select posting key :01

Account no. :6600001


Amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Payment terms :Select NT 30 Net 30 (30 days credit)

Text :sales invoice posting

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Posting key :50

Account :300000 Sales account


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select document –Simulate and save

Bill of exchange payment:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting- Accounts receivable –Document entry-Bill of exchange –Payment (F-36)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DZ

Company code :AML

Posting key :09 Customer special debit

Account no. :6600001

Special GL indictor :W


Amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Bill of exchange payment

Due on :14.12.2008 (30 days due date)

Placement usage :select discounting

Domicile :SBI

Control bank location :Main Branch, HYD

select choose open item button

Select process open item button

Double click on receivable :100000

From the menu select document –Simulate and save

Note the document no.500003

Bill discounting:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting- Accounts receivable- Document entry –Bill of exchange –Discounting (F-33)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DA

Company code :AML

Bank account :200105 (SBI current account)

Business area :AMLH

Amount :95000

Text :SBI bill discounting

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Posting key :40

Account no. :400400 Interest account


Amount :500000

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Press select bill of exchange button

Doc no. :500003

Document –Simulate and save

Report to view customer wise bill wise, document wise and bank wise outstanding:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts receivable-Periodic processing –Bill of exclude processing –Korea-Bill of exchange management (Tr codes S_ALR_87012213)

Give the chart of accounts :AML

GL account :200111 Bill of exchange

Company code :AML

Special GL indicator :W

Usage :select D (Discounting)

Select discounted /Collected radio button


Select current layout button

Keep the fields due date, document no, customer received form, document data-Domicile.

Amount in local currency

Select copy button

Reverse contingent liability :

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable-Document entry- Bill of exchange –Reverse contingent liability (F-20)

Give the document date & Posting date :13.12.2008Type :DACompany code :AMLGL account :200111 (Sundry debtors bill of exchange)Usage :Select discounting Due by :31.12.2008Customer :6600001Select edit line items buttonIgnore the all warning message and press enter

Select drop down button for command column

+ Set items to active++ Set items is blocks to active- Set items to inactive- Set items in blocks to inactive

Customer made payment for 2,3 and 4 bills.

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Bill No or or–

2 + ++3 +4 + ++5 -

Customer made payment for 1 and 5 billsBill no. or or1 +2 - -3 -4 - -5 +

Command filed select +SaveFrom the menu select document –Display

If bill is dishonored:Contingent liability becomes actual liability base step E reverse contingent liability additional entry to be passed.

Customer account DrTo SBI current account (Sundry debtors)

Dunning (Reminder)If the customer does not make the payment as per terms of payment system will issue dunning letters.

We are not programmers we use system given dunning letter formats.

Dunning area: Company code as a whole /Regional wise / location wiseEg.Big companies

Separate marketing heads

For East For West For North For South

Only to his area customers.Here we create each session as one dunning area .Small companies –one marketing head for all the regions.Company code will be the dunning area.

(Cash credit : Loan from bank and after sales we discharge the liability export sales order , packing credit loan from bank , bill discounting after sale)

Dunning levels type of lettersMaximum :9 levelsWe are using :4 levelsDunning intervals (Frequency) :10 daysGrace period :3 days

Eg: 1st Letter 2nd Letter 3rd Letter4th LetterSale on 17.11.2008 after after after afterPayment terms 0001 20.11.2008 30.11.2008 10.12.2008 20.12.2008Payable immediately

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Dunning charges: For sending the letter we can collect dunning charges form the customer.It can be level based / amountBasedIt can be fixed percentage amountIt will be shown only in the letterIt will not be posted the accounts

Define dunning areas:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Accounts receivable and account payable-Business transactions –Dunning –Basic settings for dunning –Define dunning areas.

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Area :Blank

Text :Dunning area to AML


Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Define dunning procedures:

Path :Up to dunning the path is same –Dunning procedures-Define procedures (Tr code is FBMP)

Select new procedure button

Dunning procedure :AML

Name :Dunning procedure for AML

Dunning interval in days:10

No.of dunning levels :4

Line item grace periods :3 days

Interest indicator :Select 01 standard item interest calculation

Select standard transactions dunning check box

Ignore the warning message press enter

Dunning texts button

Company code :AML

Select customer radio button


Select new company code button

Give the company code :AML


For company code :AML select separate notice per dunning level check box

Select back arrow two times

Select Yes button for the message to save date

Press enter to save in your request

Select dunning levels button

Select always dun check box for all the four levels

Select charges button (F6)

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Give the currency :INR


Company code :AML

Select customer radio button


Open one more session with transaction code :FBMP

Double click on procedure 0001

Select dunning text button

Give the company code :0001

Select customer radio button


Come to the first session

Dunning level 1

From F150-Dunn -01

Dunning level 2

Select pagedown button (right side)

Dunning level 3

Form F150_dunn_02

Dunning level 4th

Form F150_dunn_02

Now select charges button

Give the currency :INR


Select back arrow


Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Assign dunning procedure in customer master:

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting-Accounts receivable –Master records-Maintain centrally-Change (Tr code is XD02)

Give the customer account no. :660001

Company code :AML


Select company code date button

Select correspondence tab

Dunning procedure :select AML



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Sale invoice posting (F-22)

Give the document date & posting date :10.11.2008

Type :DR

Company code :AML

Posting key :01

Account :6600001


Amount :1111

Business area :AMLH

Text :Sales invoice posting

Posting key :50

Account no. :300000 Sales account


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu Select Document –Simulate and save

Dunning run

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts receivable Periodic processing-Dunning-(Tr code F150)

Run on :Today’s date

Identification :AML1

Select parameter tab

Dunning date :Todays date

Documents posted up to :Today date

Company code :AML

Customer :6700000


Select back arrow

Select schedule button

Select start immediately check box

Output devise :LP01

Select schedule button

Go on press enter till we get the message ‘ Dun selection is complted’

Select dunning print out button

Select print button

Go on press enter till we get the message dunning print out is completed

Select dunning history button

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Give your company code :AML

Execute (F8)

Keep the cursor on 1111

Select display dunning notice button

Keep the cursor on the document no.

Select print preview button

Go and see the customer master (XD02)

Customer :6600001Company code :AMLEnterIts updates automaticallyLast dunned date :17.11.2008 and dunning level.

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VAT means valued added tax or LST Local Sales TaxCST mans Central Sales Tax

Purchase Sales (Output tax) Input tax

1 2 3 4Local outside Local Outsidepurchases state Sales State sales

VAT/CST CST purchase VAT /L CST salesPurchase

Basic 100 100 200 200Excise 8% 8 8 20 20VAT 4% 4.32(B+E) 2.16(CST2%) 27.50(VAT12.5%) 4.4(CST2%)

--------- -------- --------- ---------Bill amount 112.32 110.16 247.50 224.40

====== ===== ===== ======

Payment to sales Department 1. Local sales –Local purchases 27.50-4.32=23.182. Local sales –CST purchases 27.50=27.503. CST sales –Local purchases 4.4-4.32=0.084. CST sales –CST purchases=4.4=4.4

At the time of local purchases, tax paid on purchases, can be adjusted –to tax payable at the time of sales. (Local sales /CST sales)

At the time of CST purchase, tax paid on purchases can not be adjusted –to add to inventory.

Excises rates are based on productsExcise rates are given central excise tariff, in central excise tariff we have 8 digits chapter ID.

52000000 Textiles 8%Central excise will be covered in the end.We are testing now without excise duty.

Customization of sales tax

1. Define tax procedure

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings-Tax on sales /purchases-Basic settings-Check calculation procedure.

Double click on define procedures

Select new entries button

Procedure :H Tax

Description :Sales tax India


Press enter to save in your request

Select H Tax

Double click control data folder

Select new entries data folder

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Select new entries button

Step Co C Type Description From To Account key

10 0 Select BASB Base amount

20 0 MWVS Input tax 10 10 Select VST -Input tax

30 0 MWAS Output tax 10 10 MWS output tax


Assign country to calculation procedure

Up to basic settings the path is same Assign country to calculation procedure

Select position button

Give the country :IN for India


For country IN assign procedure H tax


Press enter to save in your request

Define tax codes for sales and purchases

Up to tax on sales of purchases the path is same-Calculation –Define-Tax codes for sales and purchases. (Tr.code is FTXP)

Give the country :IN for India


Give the tax code :Vo


Description :0% input tax

Tax type :Select V input tax


Input tax, tax percent rate 0

Keep the cursor on ouput tax, tax percent rate

Select deactivate line (F5) button


Tax code :V1


Description :4% input tax

Tax type :select V input tax


Input tax, tax % rate 4

Keep the cursor out put tax, tax percent rate

Select deactivate line button


Tax code :A0

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Description :0% output tax

Tax type :select A output tax


Output tax, tax percent rate 0

Keep the cursor our input tax, tax percent rate

Select deactivate line button


Tax code :A1


Description :12.5% output tax

Tax type :Select A out put tax


Output tax, tax percent rate 12.5%

Keep the cursor on input tax, tax percent rate

Select deactivate line button


Assign tax codes for non-taxable transactions

Path :Up to tax on sales/purchases the path is same Posting-Assign tax codes for non-taxable transactions (Tr code is OBCL)

Select position buttonGive your company code :AMLEnterFor AML select input tax V0

Out put tax VoSavePress enter save in your request

Creation of GL master FS001. VAT receivable Current assets,2. VAT payable Loans & Advances

Current liability

Tr code is FS00

Give the GL account no. :200155

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no. :200120 (Inventory RM)

Company code :AML


Change short and GL long text to VAT receivable

Select create / Bank /Interest tab

Field status group change to G041 (Tax office clearing accounts)


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One more account

Give the GL account no.100505

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL account no. :200155

Company code :AML


Select type/Description tab

Change account group to current liability and provisions

Change short text and GL account long text to VAT payable


Give the GL account no.:200120

Company code :AML

From the menu select GL account change

Select control data tab

Tax category :Select * (All tax types allowed)

Select posting without tax allowed check box


Ignore the warning message press enter

GL Account 300000 Sales A/c

Company code AML

From the menu select GL account change

Tax category :select *

Select posting without tax allowed check box


Ignore the message press enter

Assignment of accounts for automatic postings:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings-Tax on sales/purchases-posting-Define tax accounts (OB40)

Double click on transactions VST (input tax)

Give the Chart of Accounts :AML


Select save button or Ctrl+S

Give the account :200155 VAT receivable


Press enter to save in your request

Select back arrow

Double click on transactions MWS(output tax)


Give the account no.100505 VAT table


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Press enter to save in your request

In line environment FI consultant’s job: Customization Creation of Tax procedureCreation of tax codesCreation of GL accountsAssignment of GL accounts

MM module:Purchase order material no.RM1Purchase order vendor 1234Purchase order Qty 1 KgPurchase order Rate 100Purchase order tax code V1 (4% input tax)Goods receipt

Tax procedure:Base amount 100 (1* 100) inventory AccountInput tax on base amount 4 VST -200155 VAT receivable(V1-4% ) -----Vendor credit 104

===SD module:Sales order Customer no. 9876

Material FG1Qty 1KgRate 200Tax code A1 (12.5%) output tax

Tax procedureBase amount 200 sales accountOutput tax on base amount 25 MWS -100505 VAT payableAt 12.5% -----

Customer debit 225===

In FI for sales:Customer account Dr 225

To sales 200To VAT payable 25


Sales invoice posting Tr code is F-22

Give the document date :Today’s date

Company code :AML

Posting key :01 customer debit

Account :6600001


Give the amount :225

Select calculate tax check box

Text :Tax sales invoice posting

Posting key :50

Account no. :300000 (Sales a/c)


Amount :*

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Tax code :Select A1

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

From the menu select Document- Simulate

Double click on VAT payable line item

Business area :AMLH

Text :+



Bad debits:1. Creation of GL Master :Provision for bad debts reconciliation A/c No.2001122. Link between sundry debtors and provision for bad debts :OBXY

E Reserve for bad debt /\

200110 200112

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3. Sales invoice posting F-22

4. Transfer from customer normal to customer special GL

E F-30Customer special GL E ER Dr Provision for bad debt

To customer with clearing Sundry debtors

5. After 3 years bad debtors Dr F-30 To Customer special GL Provision for bad debt

Asset accounting: This is sub ledger (subsidiary ledger)

Chart of DepreciationAsset accounting customization will be done for Chart of Depreciation will be assigned to company code/codes.

We have to copy either Germany chart of depreciation or Indian Chart of Depreciation.

Depreciation areas:Book depreciation (Postings to accounts)

Income tax depreciation |Group depreciation | Only for informationCosting depreciation |

Depreciation methods; Straight Line Method depreciation method (SLM)

Written down value depreciation method (WDV)

Depreciation keys Rate +Method5% SLM Rate5% WDV Rate

Transaction types100 External acquisition 110 In-house production \210 Retirement with revenue

Asset debit The debit can be use of External acquisition (Outside purchase) /In house production/Inter unit transfer/Inter company purchase.

With transaction type we will come to know because of what it is debited.

Posting keys: 70 Asset Debit75 Asset Credit

Asset accounting is based on 4 rules:1. Sub asset master is to be created with reference to main asset master.2. Main asset master is to be created with reference to asset class3. Account determination is specified in asset class4. For account determination we assign GL accounts based on the nature of transaction.

Account determination

Asset class Main asset master

Sub asset master

Purchase200000 P & M 1.Land Free hold200000 P& M 2.Building Lease hold

Factory Non factory

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Profit on asset sale Dept A

3. Plant & Machinery

Machine no.115.05.2003

Machine no.2



Loss on asset Sale Dept BDept C

Loss due to scrapping

4. Furniture & Fixtures

Furniture & Fixtures

Depreciation 5. Vehicles Heavy , OthersAccumulation depreciation

6. Capital work in progress

General Expansion 1Expansion 2

Additions to specific mechanical will be created as sub asset masters.

Main asset will be have always sub number zero.

Crate machine no.1 Master 1-0Motor to machine no.1 1-1Addition to machine no.1 1-2

If we give 1-0 it gives main asset valueIf we give 1-1 it gives motor valueIf we give 1 it gives machines 1 with additions

Why we call Land /Buildings etc. as account determinations.

These items will determine the GL accounts to be posted automatically.

Motor purchase: .Motor A/c Dr SL 500000 Transaction type :100

2000000P & M 50000 GLTo Bank GL 500000



Copy reference Chat of Depreciation /Depreciation Area:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Asset Accounting –Organizational structures –Copy reference Chart of Depreciation /Depreciation area (Tr code is EC08)

Double click on copy reference Chart of Depreciation

From the menu select organizational object

Copy org. object (F6)

From Chart of Depreciation :Select ODE

(Maximum valuation: Germany)

To chart of Depreciation :AML


Ignore the message press enter

Select create request button

Short depreciation :Asset customization for AML


Press enter once again to save in your request

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We get a message chart of depreciation ODE copy to AML


Select back arrow

Double click on specify depreciation of Chart of Depreciation

Select position button

Chart of Depreciation :AML


Change the description to Chart of Depreciation for AML

Press enter to save in your request

Select back arrow

Double click copy /delete depreciation areas

Give the Chart of Depreciation :AML


Select areas 3,10,15,20,31,32,41 &51

From the menu select Edit Delete


Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company code

Path :Up to organization structure the path is same –Assign Chart of Depreciation to company code (Tr code is OAOB) Select position button

Give the company code :AML


For company code AML Chart of Depreciation AML


Press enter to save in your request

Specify account determination

Path :Up to the organizational structure the path is same –Asset Class-Specify account determination

Select new entries buttonAccount determination Description AML10000 LandAML11000 Building AML20000 Plant & Machinery AML30000 Furniture & FixturesAML31000 VehiclesAML40000 Capital work in progress


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Press enter to save in your request

Create screen layout ruleSame path

Select screen layout 1000

Select screen layout 1100

Select screen layout 2000

Select screen layout 2100

Select screen layout 2500

Select screen layout 3000

Select copy as button

Change screen layout 1000 to AML1

Name :Land

Change screen layout 1100 to AML2

Name :Buildings

Change screen layout 2000 to AML3

Name :Plant & Machinery

Change screen layout 2100 to AML4

Name :Furniture & Fixtures

Change screen layout 2500 to AML5

Name :Vehicle

Change the screen layout 2600 to AML6

Name :Capital work in progress

Enter & Save

Press enter to save in your request

Define number range intervals

Path :Same path (Tr code is AS08)

Company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

Number range :01

From number :100000


Select interval button once again

No.range :02

From no. :100001

To no. :200000


Select interval button

No.range :03

From no. :200001

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To no. :300000


Select interval button

No.range :04

From no. :300001

To no. :400000


Select interval button

No.range :05

From no. :400001

To no. :500000


Select interval button

No.rage :06

From no. :500001

To no. :600000

Enter & Save

Define asset classes:

Path :Same path (Tr code is OAOA)Select new entries button

Asset class :AML1000

Description :Free hold land

Short text also :Free hold land

Account determination :select AML10000 Land

Screen layout rule :select AML1 Land

No.rage :01

Select included asset under inventory data

Select no.AUC or Summary Management of AUC


Press enter to save in your request

Note: AUC stands for Asset Under Construction

Select next entry button (F8)

Asset class :AML1100

Description :Factory Buildings

Short text : Factory Buildings

Account determination :select AML11000 Buildings

Screen layout rule :AML2

Number rage :02

Select include asset under inventory data check box

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Select no.AUC or Summary Management of AUC


Select next entry button (F8)

Asset class :AML2000

Description : Dept A

Short text : Dept A

Account determination :select AML20000 P & M

Screen layout rule :AML3

Number rage :03

Select include asset under inventory data check box

Select no.AUC or Summary Management of AUC


Select next entry button (F8)

Asset class :AML3000

Description : Furniture & Fixtures

Short text : Furniture & Fixtures

Account determination :select AML30000 Furniture & Fixtures

Screen layout rule :AML4

Number rage :04

Select include asset under inventory data check box

Select no.AUC or Summary Management of AUC


Select next entry button (F8)

Asset class :AML3100

Description : Vehicles and others

Short text : Vehicles and others

Account determination :select AML31000 Vehicles and others

Screen layout rule :AML5

Number rage :05

Select include asset under inventory data check box

Select no.AUC or Summary Management of AUC


Select next entry button (F8)

Asset class :AML4000

Description : Capital Work in Progress -General

Short text : Capital Work in Progress -General

Account determination :select AML40000 CWIP-General

Screen layout rule :AML6

Number rage :06

Select include asset under inventory data check box

Select line item settlement radio button

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Select include asset under inventory data check box:

Inventory means fixed inventory, whatever assets we create they will be included in fixed assets inventory.As per companies auditors report order (CARO) – the auditor will state whether fixed assets have been physically verified by management or not.

Incase of big companies physical verification in a phased manner

When we create an asset master – There is a field called last verification date

Asset nos Last verification date1 31.03.20082 31.03.20073 31.03.20084 31.03.20085 31.03.2007

In the report we give the report date – From 01.04.2007 to 31.03.2008 we get the list of asset verified during the year

1 31.03.20082 31.03.20083 31.03.20084 31.03.2008

We have not selected for capital work in progress

We can not verify every that assets –once they are commissioned they will be shown under respective head and not under capital work in progress

For capital work progress general –Select line item settlement radio button

Machinery Debit to Asset commissioned on 22.11.200801/11/2008 CWIP as machine no.10

Fright AMT15/11/2008

Settle from Capital Work In Progress to machine no.10 line item wiseCommissioning charges 22/11/2008

Determine areas in the asset class

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Asset accounting-Valuation –Determine depreciation areas in the asset class (Tr.Code is OAYZ)

Give the chat of depreciation :AML


Select position button

Asset class :AML1000 (Free hold land)


Select AML1000 (Free hold land)

Double click depreciation areas folder

Deselect deactivation check box for area 01 Book depreciation

Layout :Select 2000 depreciation on asset sub-no level

For area 01 layout 2000

For area 02 layout 2000

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For area 30 layout 2000


Press enter to save in your requestSelect back arrowThe same procedure the followed for asset class

AML1100 Factory buildingAML2000 Dept AAML3000 Furniture & FixturesAML3100 Vehicles & otherAML4000 Capital work in progress

Deselect deactivation check box for area 01 for land there is no depreciation

In asset master creation-Capitalization date –required Land purchase details registration date

Depreciation key(Rate) 0%

For area 01- Select 2000 – Depreciation on asset sub number level

Asset no. Sub.no.Machine 10 1 - 0 10/08/2005Motor 1 - 1 22/11/2008

Creation of 15 General ledger master FS00


GL Account No. Account No.to copy

Parameters to Maintain

1 200000 Land

200110 Sundry debtors

-Account group – Fixed assets-200000-20009-Change the account group Fixed Assets-Sort key -018 Asset number Reconciliation A/c for account type –Asset -Field status group 067 Reconciliation accounts.

2 200005 Buildings

200000 Land -Do -

3. 200010 Plant & Machinery

-Do- -Do -

4. 200015 Furniture & Fixtures

-Do- -Do -

5. 200020 Vehicles

-Do- -Do -

6. 200025Capital work in progress

-Do--Do -

7 100200Accumulate depreciation- Building

-Do- Account group-Accumulate depreciation-100200-100299-Sort key -018 Asset number-Reconciliation A/c for account type –Assets-Field Status group- 067 Reconciliation accounts

8 100205Accumulated depreciation –Plant & Machinery

100200 Depreciation -Buildings

-Do -

9. 100210Accumulated depreciation –Furniture & Fixtures

-Do- -Do-

10 100215 Accumulated -Do- -Do-

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depreciation –Vehicles11. 300102 Assets sales 300100 Exchange

gainAccount group –other income300100-300199Sort key -018 Asset numberField status group G052

12 300103 Profit on asset sale -Do- -Account group other Income-300100-300199-Sort key 018 Asset number-Field status group -G001

13 400302 Loss on asset sale -Do- -Do-14 400303 Loss due to scrapping -Do- -Do-15 400500 Depreciation Change the Account group Depreciation

400500-400599Sort key -018 Asset numberFiled status group-G001

Assignment of accounts for automatic postings:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Asset accounting-Integration with the general ledger-Assign GL accounts.

Give the your Chat of Depreciation :AMLEnterThe Transaction code is AO90

Select chant of accounts :AML

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML10000 Land

Double click on Balance sheet accounts folder

Acquisition column :Acquisition and production costs Give the A/c No.:200000 Land

Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue.(w/o revenue mean scrap)

Give the account no.400303 loss to scraping

Clearing account revenue from asset sale :300102

Gain from asset sale :300103

Loss from asset sales :400302

Press enter

Select save button

Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML11000 Buildings

Double click on Balance Sheet accounts folder

Acquisition column acquisition and production cost a/c no.200005

Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue :400303

Clearing account revenue from asset sale :300102

Gain from asset sale :300103

Loss from asset sale :400302

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Ignore the message press enter

Double click on depreciation folder

Accumulated depreciation for ordinary depreciation 100200 accumulated depreciation buildings

Expense account for ordinary depreciation 400500 Depreciation account


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML 20000 P & M

Double click on Balance Sheet accounts folder

Acquisition column acquisition and production cost Give the GL account no.:200010

Loss made on asset retirement (without) w/o revenue 400303

Clearing account revenue from asset sales :300102

Gain from asset sale :300103

Loss from asset sale :400302

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Double click on depreciation folder

Accumulated depreciation account for ordinary depreciation a/c no.100205

Expense account for ordinary deprecation :400500


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML30000 Furniture & Fixtures

Double click on balance sheet account folder

Acquisition :Acquisition and production costs 200015 (Furniture & Fixtures a/c)

Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue :400303

Clearing account revenue from asset sale :300102

Gain from asset sale : 300103

Loss from asset sale :400302


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on depreciation folder

Accumulated depreciation account for ordinary depreciation 100210

Expense for ordinary deprecation :400500


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML 31000 vehicles

Double click on Balance Sheet accounts folder

Acquisition: Acquisition production costs :200020

Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue :400303

Clearing account revenue from asset sale :300102

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Gain from asset sale :300103

Loss from asset sale :400302


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on depreciation folder

Accumulate depreciation for ordinary depreciation :100215

Expenses account for ordinary depreciation :400500


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on account determination folder

Select account determination :AML40000 Capital Work In progress

Double click on Balance Sheet accounts folder

Acquisition :Acquisition and production cost :200025

Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue :400303

Clearing accounts revenue from asset sale :300102

Gain from asset sale :300103

Loss from asset sale :400302

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Ignore the message press enter

Specify document type for posting of deprecation:

Up to integration with general ledger the path is same –Post-Deprecation to the GL –Specify Document type for posting deprecation-Double click on define document type (Tr code is OBA7)

Select type AF Deprecation postings

Select details button

Note the number range 04

Select number range information button

Give the company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select intervals button

Number range :04

Year :2008

From no. :700001

To no. :800000

Select external check box

Enter and save

Ignore the warning message press enter

As per SAP documentation : From ECC5 onwards Not to select external check box Up to 4.7 EE Select external check box

When we select external check box, we have to give what should be the document number at the time of posting.

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There is an exception –for deprecation postings also we have to select external check boxIn normal postings we are posting are document at a time.

Incase of deprecation / when we run depreciation number of documents will be generated at a time based on account determination

04-2008 -700001 -800000 Select external check box

AML 10000 LandAML11000 Buildings Depreciation accountAML20000 Plant & Machinery Assessment for AML30000 Furniture & Fixtures Account determinationAML31000 VehiclesAML40000 Capital work in Progress

When we run depreciation 4 documents will be generated automatically every month.

700001 Depreciation DRTo Acc Dep Buildings

700002 Depreciation DR To Acc. Dep-Plant & Machinery

700003 Depreciation DRTo Acc Dep Furniture & Fixtures

700004 Depreciation DRTo Acc Dep -Vehicles

Specify intervals and posting rules:

Same path (next step) (Tr code is OAYR)

Select company code AML

Double click on posting rules folder

Select monthly posting radio button


Press enter to save in your request

Specify rounding for net book value and /or deprecation:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Asset accounting-Valuation –Amount specifications (company code/Deprecation area) –Specify rounding of net book value and /or deprecation

Ignore the message press enter

Select company code :AML

Double click on rounding specifications folder

Select area 01 book deprecation

Select details button

Select automatically calculated depreciation check box

Select arithmetic rounding radio button


Press enter to save in your request

Define screen layout for asset master data:

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Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Asset accounting-Master data-Screen layout-Define screen layout for asset master data

Double click on define screen layout for asset master data

Select layout :AML1 Land

Double click on logical fields groups folder

Select 2 posting information

Double click on field group rules folder

Capitalization data make it required entry field

Select main number check box

Select sub-no check box

Select copy check box

We have created AML1 by copying layout 1000

Afterwards we create XYZ layout by copying

AML1 what ever fields we have chosen for AML1 should be copied XYZ

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request

Select back arrow

Select 3 time dependent date

Double click on filed group rules folder

Business area make it required entry field

Select main no.check box, sub no.check box


Select back arrow two timesThe same procedure is to the followed for layout AML 2 Buildings

AML 3 Plant & Machinery AML10 Furniture & Fixtures AML5 Vehicles

AML6 Capital Work in Progress

Define screen layout for asset deprecation areas:

Same path (Tr code is AO21)

Select screen layout 2000 deprecation on asset sub no.level

Double click on field groups folder

Depreciation keys make it required entry filed

Select main no.check box

Select sub-no.check box

Select copy check box


Deprecation keys creation (Rate+ Methods)

1. Define base methods2. Define declining balance method3. Define period control methods4. Define period control methods

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5. Maintain deprecation keyFirst steps will be assigned in 5th step and 5th step will be assigned in Asset master.

1. Define base methods:

Path :SPRO –Financial accounting-Asset accounting-Depreciation –Valuation methods –Depreciation key-Calculation methods –Define base methods

Base method :0014 Ordinary :Explicit percentage (after end of life)A) Ordinary deprecation B) Explicit percentage –creation percentages rate given in Companies Act Schedule XIVC) After end of line –If the next box value becomes zero no depreciation should be calculated.

Define declining balance methodsSame path

Give the Char of Depreciation AMLEnterNote down decimal balance 001002Decimal factor 2Max percentage 20Beginning years :Wear and tear will be lessAcquisition value 100000Rate of depreciation 5%First year 5Second year 5Third year 5Fourth year 5


First 4 years :100000*5% *98% (2% discount as per companies act)5th year onwards :100000*5%

Define multi level methods: (Tr code is AFAMS)same path

select new entries button

multilevel method :A

Description :5% SLM

Validity star :Select from ordinary deprecation on star date


Press enter to save in your request

Double click on levels folder

Select new entries button

Acquisition year :9999

Year :999

Periods :12

Base value :Select 01 Acquisition value

Percentage :5


Acquisition year :9999

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We have given say any year 2008- This rate is applicable for the assets purchased in the year 2008 –Next year also we are purchasing an asset having 5% rate-we have to create acquisition year once again in the next year.

When we give 9999 purchase can be in the year2. Years 999

A) 5% SLM rate 20 years (100/5)B) 5% WDV rate ?C) 1% SLM rate 100 years (100/1)D) 1% WDV rate ?

999 max no. of year

In base method –once the net book value becomes zero –Do’t calculate depreciation .In some countries.

First 5 years 5%Next 5 years 10%Next 5 years 15%

3. Periods 12 months4. Base value 01 Acquisition value in case of SLM

24 Net book value incase of WDV 5. Percent 5 rate of depreciation6. Reduction 1Acquisition vale 1000001% Scrap value 1000


Dep 5% only on 99000

7. Remine life Percentage method Useful life methodIndia Machine no.1-In year 2003

Useful life :20 YearsGoing for SAP in 2008Select rem lifeAsset master -15 Years

Select acquisition year 9999Double click on Multi level method folderSelect next entry buttonMultilevel method A2Description :5% WDVValidity star :From ordinary depreciation star dateSave

Select acquisition year 9999Double click on levels folderSelect new entries buttonAcquisition year :9999Year :999Periods :12Base value :Select 24 net book valuePercent :5Save

Maintain period control methods:

Same path

Give the Chart of deprecation :AML

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Select new entries button

Period method :006

Description :AML period control method

Acquisition year :Select 01 pro rate at period start date

Add year :Select 01

Retirement year :01 (Retirement mean sale)

Transfer year :01

Press enter to save in your request

Maintain deprecation key:

Same path Tr code is AFAMA

Select new entries button

Depreciation key :AML1

Description :5% Straight line dep.method

Select period control according to fiscal year check box

Select dep. to the day check box


Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Double click on assignment of calculation methods folder

Select new entries button

Depreciation type :Select ordinary deprecation

Phase :Select from the start of depreciation

Base method :0014

Declare balance method :001

Period control method :006

Multilevel method :A1

Class :Select straight line depreciation


Select back arrow 4 times

Select depreciation key :AML1

Select activate button


Select new entries button

Depreciation key :AML2

Depreciation :5% written Down Value Deprecation method

Period control according to Fiscal year check box

Select depreciation to the day check box


Ignore the warning message press enter

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Double click assignment of calculation methods folder

Select new entries button

Depreciation type :Select ordinary depreciation

Phase :Select from the start of depreciation

Base method :0014

Declare balance method:001

Period control method :006

Multilevel method :A2

Class :Select declining –balance depreciation


Select back arrow four times

Select depreciation key AML2

Select activate button


Select first page control page up button

Select depreciation key :0000(no depreciation no interest )

Select activate button



Create of main asset master:

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting-Fixed assets-Asset –Crete –Asset (The Transaction code is AS01)

Asset class :Select AML2000 Department A

Company code :AML


Give the description :Machine no.1

Capitalized on :18.04.2008

Select time dependent tab

Business area :AMLH

Select depreciation area tab

Depreciation key :Select AML1

Useful life :15 years

Period :6 months

Ordinary depreciation start date :18.04.2008

Note: Commissioning date –Indian system, sum countries is next month first day Eg. 01/05/2008)


Creation of sub asset master

Path :Up to fixed assets the path is same-Asset-Create-Sub number –Asset(The transaction code is AS11)

Asset :200001

Company code :AML

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Description :Motor

Capitalized on :29.11.2008

Select time dependent tab

Select deprecation area tab

Change the depreciation key AML2

Useful life :15 years

Period :01

Ordinary depreciation:29.11.2008


Main asset purchase posting:

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting-Fixed asset –Posting-Acquisition-External acquisition -With vendor (Transaction code is F-90)

Give the document date and posting date :18.04.2008

Type :KR (Vendor invoice)

Company code :AML

Posting key :31 Vendor credit

Account :4200001


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :500000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Machinery purchase posting

Posing key :70 Debit asset

Account :Select 200001 -0 Machine no.

Transaction type :Select 100 External asset acquisition


1 st Rule: Sub asset master with reference to main asset master200001-1 with reference to 200001

2 nd Rule Main asset with reference to asset also 200001 with reference to AML2000 Dept A

3 rd Rule Account determination is specified in asset classAML200000 Plant & Machinery specified in AML2000 Dept A

4 th Rule For account determination we assign accounts based on the nature of transactionFor AML2000-Incase of acquisition-2000010 Plant & MachineryAmount enter :*Text :+From the menu select document Simulate and save

Sub asset purchase posting (F-90)

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Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :KR

Company code :AML

Posting key :31

Account no. :4200001


Amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Motor purchase posting

Posting key :70

Account :200001-1 that motor

Transaction type :100


(Applicable 1st rule)

Amount :*

Text :+

From the menu select document –Simulate and save


Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Asset –Asset explorer (Tr code is AWO1N)

Give the company code :AML

Asset no. :200001

Sub No. :0

Fiscal year :2008


Select Display depreciation calculation button

Select period information button

Select back arrow

Select compression tab

Change the asset to 200001

Sub no. :1


Select planned values tab

Change the fiscal year to 2009


Select display depreciation calculation button

2 nd Report

Report to view for all assets for particular period

Path :Accounting-Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Information system –Reports on asset accounting –Asset balances –Balance lists –Once again asset balances –By business area (Tr code is S_ALR_87011965

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Press all selections button (Shift +F7)

Give the company code :AML

Report date :31.12.2008


Double click on Dept A

Double click on Machine no.1

Select back arrow 3 times

Change the report date to 30.04.2008


Double click on Dept A

Depreciation run:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets -period processing –depreciation run –Execute (Tr code is AFAB)

Give the company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Posting period :1

Select planned posting run radio button

Select test run check box

(Note :If you run in middle of year select unplanned posting run radio button)


Ignore the warning message press enter

Select error list button (F7) (Right side corner)

Select back arrow

Deselect text run check box

From the menu select program Execute in back ground


Select continue button

To schedule in the rights select date /time button

Give the schedule start date :01.12.2008

Time :Give HR 23.00


To post immediately select immediate button


Note down get a message background job was scheduled for program RA POST 2000

To check whether the job or not from the menu select System –Jobs-Job overview-Services –select execute button

To view the document posted: (Tr code is FB03)Select document list buttonGive the company code :AMLDocument type :AF

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ExecuteDouble click on document no.Use the Tr code is AFAB

Company code :AMLFiscal year :2008Before Dep run for May 2008 and after Dep run for April 2008 we have commissioned an asset with back date 200002-0 Machine no.2 25.04.2008Posted period 2

1. select planned posting run radio button posting as per plan (earlier we have selected monthly posting)

For 200001-0 from 1st May 2008 to 31st May 2008For 200002-0 for 25th April 2008 to 31st May 2008

Report run:

Before run for MayPosting period Select report runSystem checks which assets are commissioned in April and not posted depreciation.200002-0 from 25th April 2008 to 30th April 2008Once it is completedPosting period 2Select planned posting run200001-0 From 1st May 2008 to 31st May 2008200002-0 from 1st May 2008 to 31st May 2008

Repeat run is possible only after planned posting run

We have run depreciation up to October 2008 -now we have commissioned an asset with April date repeat run is possible only for last planned posting run-In this example only for October.


Rare cases –server is down during processing time system gives message restart.

Unplanned posting run:

Posting run not as per plan, We have run for AprilWe want to run May to November Dep. At a time.Posting period 8Select unplanned posting runDepreciation will be posted from May to no.at at time.

Asset sales :

200001-0 Machine no.1Acquisition value 500000Acquisition depreciation 890

---------Net book value 30.04.2008 499110Asset sales on 01.05.2008 501000

----------Profit on asset sale 1890

1to check fields status for field status group G052 use the Tr code is OBC4Select field status variant :AMLDouble click on filed status groups folderDouble click on field status group G052Accounts for fixed assets retirement

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Double click on Asset accounting Asset retirement make it required entry fieldSave

Press enter to save in your request


Path :Accounting –financial Accounting –Fixed assets –Posting –Retirement –Retirement with revenue –with customer (F-92)

Give the document date & Posting date :01.05.2008

Type :DR

Company code :AML

Posting key :01

Account no. :6600001


Ignore the message press enter

Give the amount :501000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Asses sale

Posting key :50

Account no. :300102 Asset sale


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Select asset retirement check box

From the menu select document –Simulate

EnterAsset no. :200001Sub number :0Transaction type :210 comes by default

(210 stand for retirement with revenue)

Give the asset value (Capitalization date):01.05.2008Select complete retirement check boxEnter


01 Customer 50100070 Account Dep P & M 200001-0 89040 Asset Sale 50100075 Plant & Machinery 2000001-0 50000050 Profit on asset sale 189001 Customer 50100050 P & M 501000

We get a message correct the marked line item.Double click on blue font line itemSelect display document overview button

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Asset sale on 20.05.2008 Sale 2000001-0 Machine01 Customer 501000 Acquisition value 50000070 Acc Dept P & M 1500 Acc Dep up to 19.05.2008 1500

2000001-0 ----------Net book value 19.05.20084985000

40 Asset sale 50100050 Asset sale 50100075 Plant & Machinery 500000 Asset sale on 20.05.2008 501000

2000001-0 CONTRA ----------50 Profit on asset sale 2500 profit on asset sale 25000

Depreciation A/c Accumulated Depreciation account3014 890 DR 2015 1500 3014 8903115 610 DR 3115 610(Dep up to 19/05/2008)ASSET TRANSFER

When we transfer an asset from one unit to another unit with the company code –we have to transfer at cost HYD BGL

200001-0Capitalization date 20/04/2008To transfer asset on 01.05.2008 to BGLTo transfer acquisition valueTo transfer accumulated depreciation from the date of receipt (From 01/08) depreciation will be calculated in Bangalore unit

1st Method 2d MethodTwo step procedure one step procedureA) Creation of asset master in BGL (AS01) Creation of asset master and transfer values B) Transfer values

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Posting –Transfer –Transfer with in company code (ABUMN)

Give your company code :AML


Give the asset no. 200001 Sub No.0

Document date :01.05.2008 |

Posting date :01.05.2008 | Today’s date

Asset value date :01.05.2008 |

Text :Asset Transfer

Select new asset radio button

Give the description :Machine no.1

Asset class :AML2000 Dept A

Select master data button

Give the business area :AMLB

Select additional data button

Give the capitalized on 01.05.2008

Select depreciation area tab

Give the depreciation key :AML1

Useful life :20 years

Period :5 months

Ordinary depreciation date :01.05.2008

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Select back arrow


Select save button or Ctrl+S

Go and see the document FB03

Give the document no.30

Company code :AML1

Fiscal year :2008


1) When we want to transfer no. of assets at a time go for two step procedure2) When the asset has to be created in the receiving unit as a sub asset goes for two step procedure.

Asset scrapping

200000-1 Motor in Hyderabad unit 29.11.2008This can’t be sold transferred /used we can scrap the assetScrap asset on 01.01.2009It calculates depreciation up to 31.12.2008The net book value will be charged to P & L Account

Impairment of assets (AS28)

If the expected relation of the asset is less than net book value and future cash flows are negative, we have to impair the asset for the difference.

To check motor value as on 31.12.2008 (Tr code is S_ALR_87011965)

Press all selections button

Give the company code :AML

Business area :AMLH

Report date :31.12.2008

Select execute button

Double click on Dept A

Asset Scrapping:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed Assets –Posting –Retirement- Asset retirement by scrapping (Tr code ABAVN)

Give the asset no.200001 Sub No.1Document date :01.01.2009Posting date :01.01.2009Asset value date :01.01.2009Text :Asset scrappingSave

Go and see the document (FB03)

Document no. :31Company code :AMLFiscal year :2008EnterCapital work in progress line item settlement Machinery 01.11.2008 Debit to CWIP Machine No.5Freight charges 05.11.2008 Asset commissioned as machine no.5 on 31.12.2008

We settle from CWIP to respective asset

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Commissioning charges This is linked with CO this will be covered in the 30.11.2008end


Step 1.How to create a folder?

Keep the cursor and favorites from the menu select Favorites –Insert folder Give the folder name FI reports Enter

Step 2. How to attach the report to folder ?

Keep the cursor on FI reports folder from the menu select Favorites –Insert truncation tr code is (S_ALR_87011965)Double click on asset balances report

Step 3. How to attach the report on desktop?

Go to report –Asset balances on right top select generates a short cut buttonSystem description :ECC6EnterSelect OK buttonClose SAPIcon desktopDouble click on asset balances IconGive the password :oracle (SAP password)

Step 4: How to create variant?Go to asset balances report

Give the company code :AML

Report date :30.11.2008

From the menu select go to variant --Save as variant

Give the variant name :AML

Date :30.11.2008.

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Now close SAP

Double click on asset balances Icon on desktop

Give the password :oracle


Select get variant button (Select asset balances S_ALR_87011965)


Select :AML

Chart of Accounts List

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –General ledger –Information system –General ledger reports –Master data –Chart of account- Chart of account (S_ALR_87012326)

Give your chart of accounts :AMLExecute


Path: Up to general ledger report the path is same -Account balances –Korea-Trail Balance (Tr code is (S_ALR_87012310)

Country :Korea

Trail balance :South Korea

Give the company code :AML


Ignore the warning message press enter

Select current layout button

Keep the fields

GL account

GL account long text

Closing balances


To down lead to excel from the menu select list export –spread sheet


List –>Export local file

Select spread sheet radio button


See directory file name :AML.xls

Select generate button


Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –General ledger –Periodic processing closing –Document –Balances audit trail –All accounts -General ledger from the document file (Tr code is S_ALR_87100205)

Give the company code :AML

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(Select menu bar –Settings-Layout –Current button ) or

Select current layout button(Ctrl+F8)

Keep the fields document no.

Posting date

From the hidden fields column

Select text fields

Select left arrow

Select debit amount in local currency

Select left arrow

Select credit amount in local currency

Select cumulative balances

Select left arrow

Select total check box for debit amount in local currency, Credit amount in local currency

Select copy button

To go the document level

Double click an amount no.

Select call up document over view button


Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Information system -Reports for accounts payable accounting –Mater data –Vendor list (Tr code is S_ALR_87012086)

Give the company code :AMLSelect address and telecom check boxExecute

Vendor wise patches

Path :Up to report for account payable accounting the path is same -Vendor balances vendor business (S_ALR_87012093)

Give the company code :AMLExecuteEach vendor wise

Out standing lit of vendors:

Path :up to reports for accounts payable accounting the path is sameVendor Items- List of Vendors Open item for printing (S_ALR_87012083)

Give the company code :AMLExecute

Age wise analysis of vendors:

Path :Up to vendors column item the path is same -Vendor payment history with open item sorted list (S_ALR_87012085)

Give the company code :AML

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Summarization level :0

Select days overdue squirted list check box


Vendor advances report

Path :Up to vendors column items the path is same –List of Down payments open on key date vendors (S_ALR_87012105)

Give the company code :AMLExecute

Vendor ledger:

Path :Open and cleared up to vendors: Item the path is same –List of vendor line item (S_ALR_87012103)

Give the company code :AMLExecute

Depreciation fore cost

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed Assets –Information system -Reports are asset accounting –Depreciation fore cost-Depreciation on Capitalized Assets (Depreciation simulation) (S_ALR_87012936)

Give the company code :AMLReport date :31.03.2011 (Give the any month end date)Execute

Fixed assets schedule as per schedule VI of Companies Act

Path :Information system –Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets -Asset history sheet (Tr code is AR02)

Give the company code :AMLReport date :31.03.2009Select group totals only radio button ExecuteSelect assets buttonDouble click on asset retirements

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Master uploading Balance uploading

Master uploading:GS Master :FS00Vendor masters :XK01Customer masters :XD01Asset masters :AS01Material master :MM01

Create an excel file conversion to text file Up loading to SAP

Legacy System Migration Work bench (LSMW)

Batch data Communication (BDC) Computer aided testing tool (CATT)

ABAP :They teach all 3 methods

LSMW:Job of functional consultant

Open an excel file and note down for which fields values are to be uploaded

GL Account no.

Company code

Account Group

P & L Statement A/c

Balance Sheet A/c

Short Text

Long Text Account currency

Only Balance in local currency

Line item display

Sort key

Field status group

100001 AML SCPL X PREF –Share cap.

PREF Share Cap.

INR X X 001 G001

200125 AML CAST X Inventory –Stores

Inventory –Stores

INR X X 001 G001

300005 AML SALE X Sales trading

Sales Trading

INR X X 001 G001

400101 AML PRSN X Wages account

Wages account

INR X X 001 G001

Delete above column headings

Delete other sheets (like sheet 2 , sheet 3)

Select complete sheet

Press right mouse button

Select format cells

Select number Category Text

Select ok button

From the menu select file save as

Save type :select Text (tab delimited)

File name :AML Text

Select save button

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Select no button

Select cancel button

From the menu select file close

Select no button

2. Open an excel file and not down technical name of each filed technical name shall be noted down as per step one order

Open an excel file

Component Data type length

Open SAP FS00

Give the GL No.100000 Equity share capital

Company code :AML


Keep the cursor on GL A/c press F1

Select technical information button

Double click field name SAKNR

Copy component SAKNR in excel 1 component column

Data type :C

Length :10

Copy component BUKRS that is company code in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :4

Select back arrow in SAP

Keep the cursor on account group

Press F1

Select technical information button

Double click on filed name KTOKS

Copy component KTOKS that is account group in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :4

Copy component XPLACCT That is P & L statement account in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :1

Copy component XBILK that is I Balance Sheet A/c in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :1

Copy TXT20-ML That is GL A/c short text in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :20

Copy component TXT50_ML That is GL long text in excel component column

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Data type :C

Length :50

Select back arrow

Select control data tab

Keep the cursor on account currency press F1

Select technical information button

Double click on filed name WAERS

Copy component WAERS that is account currency in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :5

Copy XSALH that is only balance in local currency in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :1

Line item display :copy component XKRES that is line item display in excel component column

Data type :C

Length :1

Sort key: copy component ZUAWA that is sort key in excel component column Data type :CLength :3Copy component FSTAG that is field status group in excel component Data type :CLength :4Save the file an ex file, file AML

Up loading of master in SAP (Tr code is LSMW)

Note: LSMW used for create No. of GL accounts at a time. Ignore the message press enter

Project :AML

Subproject :FI

Object :GLMaster

Select create entry button

Description :AML Project


Sub project description FI Area


Object name :GL master up loading


Select continue button (F8)

Select double click Display click change button (Shift +F7)

Select execute button

Select batch in put recording radio button

From the menu select Goto recording Overview

Select create recording button (Ctrl +F1)

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Give the recording name :AMLGL

Description :GL Master uploading



Give the GL Account :100305

Company code :AML

From the menu select GL Account create

Account group select secured loans

Select balance sheet account radio button

Short text and GL account long text :IDBI rupee term loan

Select control data tab

Select only balances in local currency check box

Select line display check box

Sort key :001 Posting date

Select create 1 bank /Interest tab

Field status group :G005 Bank Accounts


Keep the cursor on FS00

Select default all button


Select back arrow two times

Give the recording name :AMLGL

Enter and save

Select back arrow


Select create a structure button

Source structure :AMLSTR

Description :AML GL Structure

Enter and save

Select back arrow


Keep the cursor on AMLSTR

Select table maintain button

Copy from

AML excel component column in SAP field name column

Copy from excel

AML excel data type column in SAP type column

Copy AML excel length column in SAP length column

Verify the copies data some data not copied copy to next page


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Select back arrow

Select back arrow once again

Select save button or Ctrl+S


Select back arrow


Kept the cursor on AMLGL


Back arrow


From the menu select –Extras-Auto field mapping

Press enter

Go on select accept proposal button (Press Accept proposal button many times)

Till we get the message

Auto field mapping completed

Enter and save

Select back arrow

Skip maintain fixed values, transactions user defined routines

Select specify files radio button


Keep the cursor on the PC (Fronted)

Select add entry button

Select file :AML text

Name :GL Master uploading

Select tabulator radio button

Enter & Save

Select back arrow



Select back arrow


Execute once again

Select back arrow two times

Skip display read data

Select convert data radio button


Execute once again

Select back arrow two times

SKIP Display converted data

Select create batch input folder session

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Execute once again

We get a message /batch input folder

With 4 transactions created

Ignore the message press enter


Select session name GL master

Select process button

Select display errors only button

Select process button

We get a message processing of batch input session completed

Select exit batch input button

To view accounts created (Tr code is FS00)

Selected drop down button for GL A/c No.Company code :AMLEnter

(Note: check it uploaded GL Accounts 100001, 200125,300005,400101)


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Company going live in SAP from 1st December 2008 unloads – take balances as on 30th November 2008 and enter in SAP – P & L Account balances as well as Balance Sheet Account balances.

Company going live in SAP from 1st April 2008 on wards, - Take Balance Sheet account balances as on 31.03.2008 in SAP don’t enter all the transactions –

Reasons:1. In normal accounting all vendors, Customers, Assets are part of General Ledger where as in SAP we

have sub ledger concept.

2. In normal accounting –for vendors/ customers –Purchases /Sales transactions and advances will be entered in one account where as in SAP we have normal items and special GL Item.

3. In normal accounting for Fixed Assets- We have account wise acquisition value and accumulated depreciation where as in SAP for Fixed Assets, we have each sub asset wise acquisition value and accumulated depreciation.

4. In normal accounting depreciation in a provisional figure where as in SAP it is actually calculated figure.

5. In normal accounting raw material consumption is a derived figure.

Opening stock +Purchases –Closing stock whereas in SAP we maintain each material wise quantity, rate and amount and raw material consumption is actually calculated figure.

6. In normal accounting we will not pass production entries and delivery entries where as in SAP, system pass production entries and delivery entries with production cost.


1) We should enter day to day date in SAP production client till balances are up loaded and tallied.

2) Incase of Vendors /Customers we have to prepare a statement showing only open items which should match with trail balance figure.

3) Incase of Assets, prepare a statement showing each asset wise acquisition value and accumulated depreciation which should match with trail balance figure.

4) Incase of materials, prepare as a statement showing Material wise, Quantity , Rate and Amount which should match with Trail Balance figure.

5) We have to create 5 dummy accounts under any account group.

A) GL Clearing B) Vendor clearing C) Customer clearingD) Asset clearingE) Stock takingF)

6) After uploading balances, if the above 5 clearing accounts become zero, Then our date takeover is correct

Trail Balance (For opening balances)

Debit CreditEquity share capital 500000Party A/c 100000Accumulated Dep. P & M Machine no.40 300000

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Sales 400000P & M –Machine no.40 500000Party X 200000Inventory RM 100000Cash account 150000RM Consumption 350000

--------- ----------13000001300000.======= =======

1. GL clearing A/c2. Vendor clearing A/c3. Customer clearing A/c 4. Asset clearing A/c5. Stock taking A/c

1. To take GL Credit side items:Tr code F-02)

GL clearing A/c Dr 1300000To Equity share capital a/c 500000To Vendor clearing a/c 100000To Asset clearing a/c 300000To Sales a/c 400000

2. To take GL debit side items (F-02)Asset clearing Dr 500000Customer Dr 200000Stock taking Dr 100000Cash account Dr 150000Raw material consumption Dr 350000

To GL Clearing 1300000

3. A) Prepare a statement showing each vendor wise bill wise open item and advances which showed match with trail balance .Party ABill no.1 400000 CrBill no.2 50000 CrBill no.3 30000 CrAdvance 20000Dr 100000 Cr

B) Entry for Vendors (f-43)Vendor clearing Dr 115000Party A (SPLGLA) Dr 200000 advances to vendor

To party A-BIL1 No.1 400000 } Sundry creditorsTo party A-BIL1No.2 500000 }To party A-Bill No.3 45000 30000 Sundry creditors

4 (A) Prepare a statement showing each customer wise bill wise open items and advances which should match with trail balances

Party XBill no.1 50000 DrBill No.2 1800000 DrAdvance 30000 Cr 200000 Cr

4 (B) Customer balances F-22Party X- Bill no.1 Dr 50000 Sundry debtorsParty X-Bill no.2 Dr 180000 Sundry debtors

To party X (SPL GLA) 300000 Advances from customer To Customer clearing 200000 Advance from customer

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5(A) To make fixed assets P & M GL account and accumulated depreciation plant & Machinery GL Account as non-reconciliation accounts and pass. F-02

40 Plant & Machinery 50000050 Accumulated Depreciation P & M 30000050 Asset clearing 200000

Non-reconciliation means in FS00For Plant & Machinery GL A/c and accumulated depreciation P & M GL A/cReconciliation a/c type –Assets remove

5 (B) Creation of asset masters:| |AS01 LSMW

Use the Tr code is AS01

Asset class :AML2000 Dept ACompany code :AMLDescription :Machine no.40Give the capitalized date :20.06.2006Select time dependent tabBusiness area :AMLHSelect depreciation areas tabDepreciation key :AML1Use life :15 years Period 4 monthsOrdinary deprecation date :01.04.2008Save

5 (C ) To take over acquisition value and accumulated depreciation for asset 2000004-0It will not updated our GL Accounts since account for account type –Assets.

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Asset Accounting –Asset data transfer –manual online transfer –Create/Change /Display legacy asset (The Tr code is AS92)

Double click on change legacy asset

Give the asset no. :200004Sub number :0Company code :AMLSelect takeover values buttonIgnore the warning message press enterCumulated acquisition value :500000Accumulate ordinary deprecation :30000No book values :200000Save

5. D) To make fixed assets P & M A/c and accumulated depreciation P & M account as reconciliation accounts.

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Asset accounting –Preparing for production start up-Production start up-Set or reset reconciliation accounts (Tr code is OAMK)

Select company code :AMLDouble click on change control of reconciliation account folder From the menu select Edit –selections –select allSelect set reconciliation indicators for all accounts buttonSavePress enter to save in your request

6 (A) To propose a statement showing each material –match with trail balance.

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Material Qty Rate Amount RM1 2000 20 40000RM2 7000 5 35000RM3 2500 10 25000


6 (B) Creation of material masters (Transaction code MM01) –and in accounting view –For moving average price

RM1 20RM2 5RM3 10

Use the transaction code MB1C

Movement type :561 QtyRM1 2000 KgsRM2 7000 KgsRM3 25000 KgsSave

Accounting entry will be generated automatically Inventory RM Dr 1000000 BSXTo stock taking 1000000 GBB BSA

Closing procedure

In the year end what steps we have to do April 2008 –March 2008 fiscal year 2008

In last week of March 20091. To carry forward Vendor and Customer balances to next year.

Path Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts payable –Periodic processing –Closing –Balance carry forwarded ( Tr code is F.07)

Give the company code :AMLCarry forwarded fiscal year :2009Select , select customer check boxSelect , select vendors check boxDeselect detail log check boxExecuteIgnore the warning message press enterOne time exercise for each year

2. To carry forwarded asset balancesWe can open 2 years at a time

2007 2008To open 2009 we have to close 2007

A) To check which year is closed for asset accounting

Path :Accounting -Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Periodic processing –year end closing –Undo-Entire company code (Tr code is 0AAQ)

Select position buttonGive the company code :AMLEnter

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To close fiscal year 2008 (not mandatory step)

Up to periodic processing the path is same –Year end closing –Execute (Tr code is AJAB)

Company code :AML

Fiscal year to be closed 2008

Deselect text run check box

Form the menu select Program- Execute in back ground


Select immediately button

Select save button (down side)

We get a message Back ground job was scheduled for program RAJABS00

To check whether the job is processed or not

From the menu select System –Services-Jobs –Job overview

Select execute buttonTo view result of the jobSelect job RAJABS00 check boxSelect spool buttonSelect spool no .check boxSelect display content button

To close only year for asset a accounting we have to post depreciation for all assets and for all months

C) To open fiscal year 2009 for asset accounting

Path :Up to period processing the path is same –Fiscal year change (Tr code is AJRW)

Give the company code :AML

New fiscal year :2009

Deselect test run check box

From the menu select program execute in back ground


Select immediate button

Select save button

We get a message back ground job was scheduled for program RAJAWE_00

To check whether the job is processed or not

From the menu select System Services Jobs job overview

Select execute button

To view the result of job

Select job RAJAWE00 check box

Select SPOOL button

Select SPOOL no.check box

Select display contents button

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3. To carryforward GL Balances

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –General Ledger –Periodic processing –Closing –Carryforward-Balances carryforward new Tr cod is FAGLGVTR

Ledger :select OL leading ledger

Company code :AML

Carryforward fiscal year :2009

Deselect test run check box

Select output list of results check box

Select balances in retired earning check box


Select retired earning accounts button

Select back arrow

Select Balances sheet accounts button

To copy number range interval for next year

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings –Document –Document number ranges –copy to fiscal year (Tr code is OBH2)

Ignore the message press enter

Company code :AMLTo fiscal year details under source fiscal year :2008

To fiscal year under target fiscal year details :2009ExecuteSelect Yes button

To open periods for next yearApril 2009-March 2010April 2009-April 2009 Fiscal year 2009

1st 1, 2009-1,2009 |April 2008-March 2009 | Mandatory

2nd March 2009-March 2009 Optional 12, 2008-12,2008

Path :Up to document the path is same –Posting periods –Open and close posting periods

Select position button

Posting period variant :AML



From period 1 is 1 (April )

Year :2009

To period :1

Year :2009

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From period :2

Period :12 March to March

Year :2008

To period :12

Year :2008

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Save in your request

How to open special periods

On 15.04.2008 –Accounts Dept Finalized profitability management, management adjustment entries.To post in special periodsApril 2009 –March 2010 Fiscal year 2009April 2009 –April 2009

1st 1, 2009 -1, 2009April 2008 –March 2009 Fiscal year March 2009-March 200913,2008 -13,2008

Same path :OB52For variant :AMLFrom the period2 :13Year :2008To period :13Year :2008Save

How to post to special periods (F-02)(Adjustment of management entries )

Document date & Posting date :28.03.2009

Type :SA

Company code :AML

Posting key :40

Account no. :400100 Salaries A/c


Change the period to 13


Ignore the warning message press enter

Amount :500000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Salaries provision

Posting key :50

Account no. :100500 Outstanding exp


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Select document –Simulate and Save

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Go and see the GL A/c FS10NGive the GL A/c No. :400100 Salaries A/cFiscal year :2008Business area :AMLHCompany code :AMLExecute


Check Deposit Bank statement | |

-------------------- ------------------| | | |Manual Electronic Manual Electronic

Manual check deposit /manual bank statement For each current account we have to create ¾ accounts

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Account no. should with 1. Main bank account 02. Check issue account Open item 13. Check deposit A/c Open item 24. clearing account Open item 35. Bank Changes

If we have 100 Bank current accounts instead of assigning accounts 100 times –we assign only one time using masking.1. Main bank account +++++++++02. check issue account +++++++++13. check deposit a/c +++++++++24.clearing account +++++++++3

Always main bank account balance and bank statement balance will be same.


1. Sales invoice posting F-22

Customer A/c Dr 100000To Sales 100000

2. Check depositA) Bank keyB) Bank accountC) Pay slip no.D) Transaction typeE) CustomerF) Bill no.G) Amount and Save

IDBI Check deposit a/c Dr 100000To Customer with clearing 100000

3. Enter manual bank statement A) If the check deposit credit is not there –open items in bank check deposit A/c-Checks

Deposited but not credited

B) If the check deposit credit comes in bank statement A) Pay slip no.B) Bank keyC) Bank accountD) Transaction typeE) Amount and save

IDBI main bank A/c Dr 100000To IDBI Check deposit a/c 100000(with clearing)

Purchases :4. Purchase invoice posting F-43

Inventory RM Dr 200000To Party A/c 200000

5 Outgoing payment with clearing F-53Party A/c Dr with clearing 200000 To IDBI check issue A/c 200000

6. Manual check creation Assign check no.to payment doc.no.

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7. Enter manual bank statement A) If the check debit is not there open items in bank check is issue A/c check issued but not presented.B) If the check issue debit is there

A) Bank keyB) Bank accountC) Transaction type D) Check numberE) Amount and save

IDBI check issue Dr with clearing 200000To IDBI Bank a/c 200000

Bank charges direct debits

8. Enter manual bank statement A) Bank KeyB) Bank accountC) Transaction typeD) Amount and save

Bank charges Dr 5000To IDBI main bank a/c 5000

IDBI main bank A/c IDBI bank statement

3 10000 7 B) 20000 7 B) 20000 3 B) 100000 Cr 8) 500 8) 500 DR

IDBI check Dept A/c2. 100000 3. 100000IDBI Check issue A/c

7 B) 20000 5 20000

1. Creation of GL masters (FS00)

Give the GL A/c no. :200130 Wages A/c

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c no.200105 SBI A/c

Company code :AML


Change short text and GL Account long text to IDBI main bank


GL A/c No. :200131

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c NO.200130

Company code :AML


Change short text and GL A/c long text to IDBI check issue

Select control data tabs

Select open item management check box


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GL A/c No. :200132

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c No. :200131

Company code :AML


Select type/description tab

Change short text and GL A/c long text to IDBI check deposit


GL A/c No. :400304

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c No. :400300 Rent A/c

Company code :AML


Change GL A/c short text and GL A/c long text to Bank charges


Define House Bank (FI12)

Give the company code :AML


Select new entries button

House bank :IDBI

Bank country :IN

Bank key :AMLIDBI1


Give the name IDBI bank limited

Street :Bank Street, Koti

City :Hyderabad

Bank branch :Main branch


Press enter to save in your request

Double click on bank accounts folder

Select new entries button

Account ID :IDBI1

Description :IDBI current no.1

Bank account no. :AMLIDBI1234

Currency :INR

GL A/c No. :200130 IDBI Main bank


3. Creation of Check lots (Tr code is FCHI)

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Give the paying company code :AML

House bank :IDBI

Account ID :IDBI1

Select change status button

Select create button (shift+F5) beside details button

Lot no. :1

Check no. :100001

To no. :100100

Select non-sequentional check box

Short information :IDBI bank

Purchase date :Today’s date

Enter and save

Define posting keys and posting rules for check deposit

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Bank accounting –Business transactions –Check deposit –Define posting keys and posting rules for check deposit

Chart of accounts :AML


Select new entries button

Accounts symbol :AMLA

Text :Main Bank

Accounts symbol :AMLB

Text :check issue

Accounts symbol :AMLC

Text :Check deposit

Accounts symbol :AMLD

Text :Bank charges


press enter to save in your request

double click on assign accounts to account symbol folder

select new entries button

accounts symbol :AMLA

Account symbol Currency GL A/cAMLA INR +++++++++0 (9 times plus)AMLB INR +++++++++1 (9 times plus)AMLC INR +++++++++2 (9 times plus)AMLD INR 400304 –Bank Charges A/cSaveDouble click create keys for posting rules folderSelect new entries button

Posing rule TextAML1 Check receipt –Clear customerAML2 Check deposit clearing in Bank

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AML3 Check issue clearing in BankAML4 Bank charges direct debit by banksSave

Double click on define posting rules folderSelect new entries button

Notes:Check receipt –clear customerAML1-Check receipt clear customerIDBI check deposit Dr GL

To Customer –with clrg SL

Doc.Type DZ

Posting rule :AML1Posting area :select 2 sub ledger accountingDebit posting key :40Account symbol :AMLC (check deposit)Document type :DZPosting type :select 8 sub ledger a/c

Select next entry button

Posting rule :select AML2 (check deposit clearing in bank)

Notes:AML2 :Check deposit clearing in bank

IDBI1 Main account Dr GLTo IDBI check deposit with clearing GL

Doc .type :SA

Posting area :select 1 Bank accounting Debit posting key :40 Accounts symbol :AMLA main bank a/cDocument type :SA (GL account document)Posting type :select 5 clear credit GL AccountSelect next entry buttonPosting rule :AMLB check issue clearing in bank

AML3 Check issue clearing in BankIDBI check issue with clrg DR GL

To IDBI main bank A/cDoc .type :SA

Posting area :select 1 bank accounting Debit account symbol :AMLBCredit posting key :50Account symbol :AMLA Main bankDocument type :SAPosting type :select 4 clear debit GL AccountSelect next entry buttonPosting rule :AML4 Bank charges :Direct debit by bank

Bank charges Dr GLTo IDBI Main bank A/c GLDoc type :SA

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Posting area :select 1 Bank accountingDebit posting key :40Account symbol :AMLDCredit posting key :50Account symbol :AMLADocument type :SAPosting type :select 1 post to GL A/cSave

Create and assign business transactions :

Path :Up to business transactions the path is same –Check deposit –Create and assign business transactions (Tr code is OT53)

Select new entries button

Transaction :AML1

+/- :+

Posting rule :AML1

Text :Check receipt clear customer

Transaction :AML1

+/- :- (for posting revenues)

Posting rule :AML1

Text :Check receipt clear customer reversal

Select save button

Select cancel button

Select Yes button


Press enter to save in your request

Define variants for check deposit Same path ( Tr code is OT45)

Select create buttonVariant :AML1Name :check deposit variant for AMLEnterFrom the possible fields columnDouble click on reference document no.(selection)Enter

Column Offset Length1 32 20 163 37 44 52 10

SaveSelect create request button short description :Work Bench request for AMLEnterpress enter to save in your requestkept the customer on AML1select activate button

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create and assign business truncation for manual bank statement

path :up to business truncation the path is same –Payment transactions –manual bank statement –Create and assign business transactions

select new entries buttonTransaction +/- Posting rule Interpretation

algorithm Text

AML2 + AML2 Check deposit AML2 - AML2 Check deposit

clearing in bank reversal

AML3 - AML3 011 (Outgoing check :Check no. different from payment doc.no.

Check issue clearing in Bank

AML3 + AML3 11 Check issue clearing in bank (Reversal)

AML4 - AML4 Bank charges direct debit by bank

AML4 + AML4 Bank charges direct debit by bank (reversal)

SavePress enter to save in your request

011- Check no. different from payment doc.no. purchases

1. Purchase invoice posting F-43

Inventory RM DR 200000To Party A/c 200000Doc no.1

2. Outgoing payment with clearing F-53

Party A/c DR with clearing 200000To IDBI Check issue A/c 200000Doc no.200001

3. Manual check creation FCH5

Assign check no. to payment doc no.Assign check no.100001 to payment Doc no.200001

Check no. and payment Doc no. are different

Define variants for manual bank statement

Same path (Tr cod is OT43)

Select create button

Variant :AML2

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Name :Manual bank statement variant for AML


From the possible fields column double click on reference doc .number (selection)


4the column (20+16) :36

From the possible field column double click on bank reference


From the possible fields column double click on business area

Enter (53+13+4):67


Press enter to save in your work bench request

Keep the cursor on AML2 :select activate button

To make text field optional field for field status groups G001 and G005 (Tr code is OBC4) Select field status variant :AML

Double click on field status group folder

Double click on G001

Double click on general data

Text make it optional entry field


Press enter to save in your request

Double click on G005

Double click on General data

Text make it optional entry field



Sales invoice posting (F-22)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :DR

Company code :AML

Posting key :01

Reference bill no. :2345

Account :6600001


Amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Sales invoice posting

Posting key :50

Account no. :300000 Sales a/c


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Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Document –simulate & Save

Manual check deposit

Path :Accounting –financial accounting –Banks –Incomings –check deposit –manual entry (FF68)

From the menu select settings Specifications

Start variant :select AML1


Bank key :AMLIDBI1

Bank account ;AMLIDBI1234

Currency :INR

Group :1 (paying slip no.)

Transaction :select AML1 (check receipt clear customer )

Posting date :Today’s date

Value date :Today’s date

Currency :INR


Amount :100000

Reference no. :2345 (bill no.)

Business area :AMLH

Customer no. :6600001

Enter & save

Save once again

From the menu select System –>services Batch input Sessions select session name :IDBI-IDBI1

Select process button

Select Display errors only radio button

Select process button

We get a message processing of batch in put session completed

Select exit batch input button

Go and See the customer A/c FBL5N

Give the customer no.6600001Company code :AMLSelect cleared items radio button Select normal items check boxExecuteDouble click on type DZSelect column document overview button

Check deposit credit in bank statement

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Banks-Incoming –Bank statement –manual entry (Tr code is FF67)

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From the menu select settings –specifications

Start variant :select AML2


Bank key :AMLIDBI1

Bank account :AMLIDBI1234

Currency :INR

Give the statement no. :1

Statement date :Today’s date

Opening balance :0

Closing balance :100000

Posting date :Today’s date


Ignore the warning message press enter

Transaction :select AML2 check deposit in bank

Value date :Today’s date

Amount :100000

Give the reference doc no. :1 (That is paying slip no.)

Business area :AMLH

Enter & Save

Save once again

From the menu select System –Services –Batch input session

Select session name :IDBI –IDBI1

Select process button

Select display errors only radio button

Select process button

Ignore the message and exit batch input button

Go and see the IDBI check deposit A/c (FBL3N)

Give GL A/c No. :200132

Company code :AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box


Double click credit 100000

Select call up document overview button

1. Purchases

Purchase invoice posting F-43

Give the document date :Today’s date

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Type :KR

Company code :AML

Posting key :31

Account no. :4200001


Give the amount :20000

Business area :AMLH

Text :Purchase invoice posting

Posting key :40

Account no. :200120 Inventory RM


Amount :*

Business area :AMLH

Text :+

Document –Simulate and Save

2. Outgoing payment with clearing (Tr code is F-53)

Give the document date :Today’s date

Type :KZ

Company code :AML

Clearing text :Outgoing payment

Account under bank data :200131 (IDBI cheque issue date)

Business area :AMLH

Amount :20000

Text :Outgoing payment

Account under open item selection :4200001

Select process open item button

Double click on payable amount :20000

From the menu select Document --Simulate & Save

3. Manual check creation (FCH5)

Give the check no.100010Save

4. Enter manual bank statement (FF67)

Select overview button (F8)

Keep the cursor on AML IDBI Bank Ltd

Select new statement button

Closing balance (100000-200000)=800000

Posting date :today’s date


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Transaction :AML3 check issue clearing in Bank

Value date :today’s date

Amount :20000 with minus

Bank reference :100010 (cheque no.)

Business area :AMLH


Select save button , save once again

From the menu select System –Service –Batch input –Sessions

Select session name :IDBI-IDBI

Select process button

Select Display errors only radio button

Select process button

Ignore the message exit batch input button

Go and see IDBI cheque issue account (FBL3N)

Give the GL account :200131 IDBI cheque issue account

Company code :AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box


Double click on debit 20000

Select call up document overview button

Bank charges Direct debits

Enter manual bank statement FF67

Select overview button

Keep the cursor on AML IDBI Bank Ltd

Select new statement button

Give the closing balance :79500

Posting date :Today’s date


Transaction :AML4 Bank charges direct debits

Value date :Today’s date

Amount :500-

Business area :AMLH

Enter & Save

Save once again

From the menu select System –Services –Batch input –Session

Select session name :IDBI –IDBI-1

Select process button

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Select display errors only radio button

Select process button

Ignore the message and select exit batch input button

To view the document posted (FB03)EnterTo view bank statements in SAP FF67Select overview buttonDouble click on AML IDBI Bank Ltd

To view the transactions in the statement Double click on statement no.


1) To view daily cash and ban opening balances, Receipts , Payments and closing balance 2) GL Cash account accepts negative cash balance –Cash Journal will not accept negative cash balance 3) For petty cash purpose

1. Creation of GL master –Petty cash account –Current assets-Loans & Advances (FS00)Give the GL A/c No. :200101

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c No. :200100

Company code :AML


Change short text and GL a/c long text to Petty Cash A/c

Select create /bank /interest tab

Select post automatically only check box


Define number rage intervals for cash journal documents

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –bank accounting –Business transactions-Cash journal –Define number range intervals for Cash journal Documents (FBCJC1)

Give the company code :AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

No.range :01

From no. :500001

To no. :600000

Enter & Save

Ignore the warning message press enter

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Setup cash journal (FBCJC0)Same path

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Cash journal no. :0001

GL A/c No. :200101

Currency :INR

Document type for GL A/c :SA

Document type vendor payment :KZ

Document type vendor receipt :KZ

Document type customer payment :DZ

Cash Journal name, :AML HYD petty cash


Press enter to save in your request

Create ,Change delete business truncations (FBCJC2)

Same path

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Business transaction type :select R Revenue

G/L A/c :300000

Cash journal business transaction :Revenue

Select account modifiable check box

Company code :AML

Business transaction type :select E Expenses

GL A/c No. :400100 Salaries A/c

Cash journal Business transaction :Expenses

Select account modifiable check box


Press enter to save in your request

Setup print parameters for cash journal

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Cash journal print program name :RFCASH00

Report variant :DEMOEN (Demo English)

Correspondence :select SAP18 Cash document


Press enter to save in your request

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Posting to Cash journal

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –General ledger –Posting –Cash journal posting (FBCJ)

From the menu select Extras Change Cash journal

Give your company code :AML

Cash journal :0001


Select cash receipts tab

Business transaction :select Revenue

Amount :5000

Business area :AMLH

G/L A/c :300000 Sales A/C

Text :Cash sales


Select post button

Select print cash journal button

Ignore the message press enter


TDS: Tax deducted at source on Vendors/ Contractors/Local and professional charges

TCS: Tax collected at source –on Customers/ scrap sale /waste sale

TDS is part of CIN (Country India Version)

TDS two types

Classic with holding Tax Extended withholding taxUp to 4.6 C SAP CIN from 4.7 EE on words CIN is part of SAPSAP was released in India 1995 –SA and CINFebruary 1996 Finance Budget Govt. made changes to TDS for the changes in Budget.SAP releases –Patch (program)February 1997 finance budget changesFebruary 1998 Finance budget changesFebruary 1991 Finance budget changes

Released extended with holding taxOriginal CIN program modified with the budget changesNumber changes A) Education cessB) Higher and Secondary Education cessC) Return –Contractors –annual Return –form 26CD) Changed to annual return Form 26E) Changed to quarterly return –Form 26QF) ETDSTDS on contractors/Professional charges /Rent/Interest other than salaries

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TDS on contractors (Income Tax Section 194C)

1 Status –Company /Partnership firm Individual 2. TDS Rates

Basic 2%Surcharges 10% on 2% ED 3% on (basic +Surcharges )

10% on 2% contract value in the whole year exceed 10 Lakhs other wise NIL3% on Basic +Surcharge (Note :contract value in the whole year exceeds 1 core other wise NIL)

4. TDS is to be deducted at the time of invoice posting or advance payment posting whichever is earlier

5. If each contract value is less than 20000 and all contract value in the whole year is less than 50000 –No

TDS is to be deducted.

6. To create only one code for invoice postings and one code for advance postings (Max codes can be created


7. If the contractor does not have taxable income he for lower rate of deduction or NIL rate of deduction .

Company has to deduct at lower rate or Nil rate –Exemption certificate will be given by Income Tax Dept for

each year.

8. In the bill amount includes material cost and conversion charges – (composite contacts) To deduct TDS only

conversion charges.

9. TDS deducted should be deposited within 7 days from the month end incase of year end credits TDS to

deposit within 2 months from the year end.

If 7th day comes on public holiday –choice to make the payment day before or after.

10. Issue TDS certificate in form 16A to the contractor –It can be a monthly certificate or consolidated certificate

for the whole year.

11. File quarterly return in form 26Q earlier annual return Form 26

12. Permanent Account Number (PAN) will be allotted at company code level where as Tax Deduction at

Source (TDS No./TAN can be obtained at company code level/Business area level/Business places level.

Maintain calendar

Path :SPRO-SAP Net weaver –General settings –Maintain calendar

Select public holidays radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Select with fixed date radio button

Select create button

Day :1

Month :select 05 May day

Short holiday name :May day

Long holiday name :May day


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Ignore the message select Yes button

Ignore the message press enter

Select back arrow

Select holiday calendar radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Calendar ID :A1 (AML HYD Factory Holiday calendar)

Select assign holiday button

Select May day check box

Select assign public holiday button


Ignore the message press enter

Select back arrow two times

Select factory calendar radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Factory calendar ID :A2

Description :AML HYD Factory calendar

Holiday calendar ID :A1

Work days select Monday to Saturday check boxes


Ignore the message press enter

Check withholding tax countries

Path :SPRO-Financial Accounting –Financial accounting global settings-With holding tax-Extended withholding tax-basic settings-Check with holding tax countries

Select new entries button

Country :IN

Withholding tax country :IN

Description :India

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Save in account payable customization request

Define withholding tax keys Same path Give the country key :In for India EnterSelect new entries buttonOfficial withholding tax :194CName :TDS contractorsSavePress enter to save in your request

Define Business places (section code )

Path :Up to extend with holding tax the path is same -Basic settings India Define business places

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Select new entries

Company code :AML

Section code :AMLF

Name :AML HYD factory


Give the name :AML HYD Factory

Press enter to save in your request

Assign factory calendars to section code (Business places) Same path

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Section code :AMLF

Factory calendar ID :A2

Rule :select day before


Press enter to save in your request

Define business place

Path: Form the menu select System –Services –Table maintenance –Extended table maintenance (Tr cod is SM30)

Table/view :J_1BBRANCV

Select maintain button

Give the company code :AML


Select new entries button

Business place :AMLF

Description :AML Hyderabad factory


Give the name :AML Hyd factory

Press enter to save in your request

Assign section code to business place (Tr code is SM30)

Table /View :V_seccode

Select maintain button

Give the company code :AML


For section code :AMLF

Business place :AMF


Press enter to save in your request

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Define withholding tax type for Invoice posing:

Path: Up to Extended with holding tax the path is same –Calculation –With holding tax type –Define with holding tax type for invoice posing

Give the country key :IN


Select new entries button

With holding tax type :D1

Description :section sec 194C contractors Invoice posting

Select gross amount radio button

Select with holding tax commercial rounding radio button

Select post with hold tax amount check box

Select no accumulation radio button


Press enter to save in your request

Define withholding tax for payment posing

Same path Give the country key :IN


Select new entries button

With holding tax type :DA

Description :Sec 194 C contractors –Advance posting

Select gross amount radio button

Select withhold tax commercial rounding radio button

Select no accumulation radio button

Select post with holding tax amount check box

Select central invoice propitiate radio button

Select save button or Ctrl+S

Press enter to save in your request

Why to select central invoice proportionate for advance payments

2.266%1. Advance payment F-48 20.11.2008

Party special GL (A) Dr 100000To Bank 97734To TDS (To deposit before 07.12.2008) 2266

2. Purchase invoice posting F-43 14.12.2008Conversion charges Dr 300000

To party 293202To TDS (to Deposit before 07.12.2009) 6798

3. Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL -54 14.12.2008

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Party Dr 97734TDS Dr 2266 auto debit

To Party special GL (A) 100000

TDS payable on 07.12.2008 on 07.12.2008 2266TDS payable on 07.12.2009 4532(6798-2266)

Define withholding tax codes

Path :Up to extend with holding tax the pat is same –Calculation With hold tax codes Define with holding tax codes

Give the country key :IN


Select new entries button

With holding tax type :D1

With hold code :D1

Description :section 194C contractors Invoice (2.266%)

Official with holding tax :section 194 C

Base amount percentage subject to tax :100

With holding tax rate :2.266%

Posing indicator :selection 1 (standard posting :Bank /Vendor /Customer line item



Press enter to save in your request

Select back arrow

Select with holding tax type :D1

Select copy as button

Change with holding tax type :D1 to DA

Change with hold tax code :from D1 to DA

Description :sec 194 C (contractors –Advance 2.266% )

Enter and Save

Check recipient type

Path :Up to extended with hold tax the path is same –Basic settings –Check recipient types

Give the country key :In for India


Select new entries button

With holding tax type :D1

Recipient type :CO

Text :company

One more

With holding tax type :DA

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Recipient type :CO

Text :Company


Press enter to save in your request

Maintain tax due dates

Path :Up to extend with holding tax the path is same –Basic settings –India Maintain tax due dates

Select new entries buttonCountry :INOfficial with holding tax key :194CRecipient type :CONo.of days unit tax due date :777Save

Assign withhold tax types to company code

Path :Up to Extend with holding tax the path is same –company code Assign with holding tax types to company code

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Withholding tax type :D1

Recipient type :CO

Select with hold tax agent check box

Withholding tax obligated firm :01.04.2008

Obligated to with hold tax until :31.03.2009


Press enter to save in your request

Select back arrow

Select company code AML with tax type D1

Select copy as button

Change the With holding tax type to DA

Enter & Save

Activate extended withholding tax :Same path

Select position button

Give the company code :AML


For company code AML select extended with holding tax check box


Ignore the warning message press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Combined with holding tax code

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Path : up to Extend with holding tax the path is same –Calculation –India –surcharges –Maintain surcharge rates (Surcharges combined with basic withholding tax codes)

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Withholding tax code :D1

Recipient type :CO

Surcharge rate :10

Company code :AML

Withholding tax code :DA

Recipient type :CO

Surcharge :10


Press enter to save in your request

Creation of 2 GL masters (FS00) 1. Conversion charges under manufacturing group 2. TDS on contractors under Current Liabilities & Provision group


Give the GL A/c No. :400200

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c :400100 Salaries A/c

Company code :AML


Change the A/c group to manufacturing expenses

Change short text and GL A/c long text to Conversion changes


One more

Give the GL Account no. :100510

Company code :AML

Select with template button

Give the GL A/c No.100500 out standing exp.

Company code :AML


Change short text and GL account long text to TDS on Contractors


Assignment of accounts for Automatic postings:

Path :Up to Extended with holding tax the path is same –Posting –Accounts for withholding tax –Define accounts for withholding tax to paid over

Give the Chart of Accounts :AML

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Select with holding tax code check box

And with withholding tax type check box


Withholding tax type :D1

Withholding tax code :D1

Account :100510

Withholding tax type :DA

Withholding tax code :DA

Account :100510


Press enter to save in your request

Maintain company code settings

Path :SPRO-Logistic- General –Tax on goods movement –India –Basic settings –Maintain company code settings

Select new entries buttonGive the company code AML and SavePress enter to save in your requestSpecify document type for remittance challans

Remittance challans TDS on contractors

1 CO 1000 (Company)2 OT 2000 (Individual)3 CO 30004 CO 40005 TO 5000

When we make TDS payment –we have to prepare two challans1 for Companies2 for Individuals

In remittance challan screen

recipient type Company (CO)1 CO 10003 CO 30004 CO 4000

TDS on contractors Dr-With Clg 8000 GLTo Bank 8000 GL

Doc .Type :SA

Path :Up to Extended with holding tax the path is same –Posting –India –Remittance challans –Document types –Specify document type (Accounts payable)

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Remittance challan document type :SA

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Press enter to save in your request

Maintain number groups:Same path

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Section code :AMLF

Official withholding tax key :194C

Number group :08


Press enter to save in your request

Assign number ranges to Number groups: ( Tr code is J1INO)

Same path

Select new entries buttonInternal number range group :08Internal challan :08Save

Maintain number ranges:(Tr code is J1INUMBER)

Same path

Select maintain groups button

Select group without tax having 08 check box

From the menu select Interval Maintain

Give the company code :AML


Select interval button

Year :2008

From no. :1

To number :100000

Enter & Save

Ignore the message press enter

Assign remittance challan number group to Business place

Tr code is (SM30)

Give the Table /View :J_1IEWTNUMGR

Select maintain button

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Business place :AMLF

Official with holding :194C Tax key

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Number group :08


Assign remittance challan number group to section code :(SM30)

Table /view :J_1IEWTNUMGR_1

Select maintain button

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Selection code :AMLF

Official withholding :194C Tax key

Number group :08


Press enter to save in your request

Maintain number groups and SAP script forms

Path :Up to Extend with holding tax the path is same –Postings –India –Withholding tax certificates for Vendors and Customers –Maintain number groups as SAP script forms

Select new entries button

Company code :AML

Section code :AMLF

Official withholding tax key :194C

Form :J_11EWT_CERT

No group :09


Press enter to save in your request

Assign number ranges to number groups

Same path Select new entries buttonNumber group :09Internal number range :09SavePress enter to save in your request

Maintain number ranges

Sam path

Select maintain groups button

Select group without text having 09 check box

From the menu select interval maintain

Company code :AML


Select interval button

Year :2008

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From number :100001

To number :200000

Enter & Save

Ignore the message press enter

Assign withholding tax code in Vendor master

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Master records-Maintain centrally –change (Tr code is XK02)

Give the vendor no. :4200001

Company code :AML

Select with hold tax check box


Give the withhold tax country :IN (India)

With holding tax type :D1

Withholding tax code :D1

Select liable check box

Recipient type :CO

Withholding tax type :DA

Withholding tax code :DA

Select liable check box

Recipient type :CO

Select CIN details button

Ignore the warning message press enter

Select withholding tax tab

Give the PAN of vendor :AP4C12345C

Select back arrow



Conversion charges posting (F-43)

Document type :Today’s date

Type :KR

Company code :AML

Posting key :31

Account no. :4200001


Give the amount :100000

Business area :AMLH

Business place /section code :select AMLF


Text :Conversion charges posting

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Posting key :40

Account :400200 conversion charges account


Conversion charges

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3If the bill value is less than 20000 and whole year contract value is less than 50000

If the value consists of material 30000 and conversion charges 70000

If the bill amount is only for conversion charges

No TDS A) For D1 with –holding tax base amount enter 70000 TDS will be deducted on 70000

A) Remove DA

Remove D1 and DA B) Remove DA

Remove with hold tax code :DAEnterAmount :*Business area :AMLHText :+From the menu select Document Simulate and Save

Note : If you get a error message once check it Activate extended withholding tax / Document splitting

Create remittance challan

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –With holding tax –India –Extended with holding tax –Remittance of withholding tax-Create remittance challan (Tr code is J1INCHLN)

Company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Business plane/ Second code :AMLF

Posting date :01.01.2009 to 31.01.2009

Section :194 C

Recipient type :CO

Document date :07.02.2009

Posting date :07.02.2009

Bank account :200105 SBI CA

Execute (F8)


Business area :AMLH

Text :Conversion charges amount

Double click on all open items (by default one rupee can not see in SAP zero)

Select document overview button

Double click on the line item

SBI current A/c with one rupee

Amount :*


Select clearing document button

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Select back arrow

Enter Bank challan

Path: Same path ( Tr code is J1INBANK)

Give the company code :AML

Fiscal year :2008

Challan clearing number :select document no.37

(Once we select challan clearing number, Internal challan number and internal challan date will be update


Base challan no . :789

Bank challan date :07.02.2009

Bank key :select SBI


Print TDS Certificate

Path :Up to extend with holding tax the path is same –Certificates –Print (J1INCERT)

Company code ;AML

Fiscal year :2008

Business area /Section code :AMLF

Section :194C

Posting dates :01.04.2008 to 31.03.2009

Bank challan dates :01.05.2008 to 30.04.2009

Certificate date :30.04.2009

Signatory :Mr X

Designation :Manager

Place of printing :Hyderabad


Select print button

Output device :LP01

Select print button

To view the print out

From the menu select –System –Services –Output control

Select execute buttonSelect spool no.check boxSelect display contents button

Quarterly return

( Tr code J1INQEFILE)

Path for Entering acknowledgement numbers.

In TDS certificate we have to specify acknowledgment number for each quarterly return field.

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Path :System –Service –Table maintenance –Extended table maintenance (Tr code is SM30)

Table /View J_1IET_ACKN_N

Select maintain buttonSelect new entries buttonCompany code :AMLYear :2008Section code :AMLFPeriod :select second quarter ACK No. :123Save

Note: Quarterly return not working in pirated software’s patches updated in genuine SAP software

Advance posting:1. Advance payment posting F-48

15.12.2008 50000 1133 TDS to deposit before 07.01.20092. Conversion charges posting F-43

02.01.2009 200000 4532

3. Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL F-54 02.01.2009 1133 Auto debit will come before 07.02.2009 to deposit 4532-1133=3399