1_introduction to earth science - branches and systems (1st day)

Welcome to the first Welcome to the first day of day of Earth Science!!! Earth Science!!!

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Welcome to the first day Welcome to the first day of of

Earth Science!!!Earth Science!!!

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WHY are we studying Earth Science?

•Hopefully you will gain an interest in, and appreciation our home planet and our surroundings by challenging yourself mentally and actively pursue and answer our Earth’s mysteries.

•Studying Earth Science will enable students to make informed and responsible decisions concerning their environment. They will develop attitudes and problem-solving skills that will be useful throughout their life.

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WeWe’’re in it together…re in it together… Everything that happens on Everything that happens on

our planet is part of a our planet is part of a complex set of interactions complex set of interactions between between air, water, land, air, water, land, and life. and life.

All Earth system science is All Earth system science is ultimately focused on the ultimately focused on the question:question:

"How is the Earth changing and what are "How is the Earth changing and what are the consequences for life on Earth?the consequences for life on Earth?““

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And…And… It is required for


Students will earn a verified credit for graduation by a) passing the Earth Science class and passing the corresponding b) the end-of-course SOL tests.

It is a prerequisite for upper level sciences.

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1. What is your name?

2. What are your favorite hobbies?

3. What kind of music do you like?

4. What was your favorite movie this past summer?

5. Favorite summer memory?

6. If someone wanted to give you an unusual pet to take care of, what kind would you select and why?

7. If your house was on fire and you had time to recover ONE inanimate object, what would you save and why?

8. What two qualities do you consider essential in a friend?

9. If you could change one rule that you must follow at home, what would it be?

10. What would you like to accomplish this year?

Interview the person next to you…

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Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space. It is an exciting science with many interesting and practical applications. Some Earth scientists use their knowledge of the Earth to locate and develop energy and mineral resources. Others study the impact of human activity on Earth's environment and design methods to protect the planet. Some use their knowledge about Earth processes such as volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes to plan communities that will not expose people to these dangerous events.. 

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Class ExpectationsEvaluation and Grades:Nine weeks grades are determined using a “total points” system average system, where the semester/course grade is based on the total number of points earned, divided by the number of points possible. During a quarter, a student may earn the following points: Tests: 100 points per testLabs: up to 50 points.Projects: up to 200 pointsClasswork/Homework: 20 points per assignment. Classwork and Homework is usually assigned on a daily basis. Projects:One project may be assigned after each semester and will count as a test grade.      




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Class ExpectationsGRADING POLICY:Grades are based on total points. So it is necessary for each student to complete and turn in all assigned work. Total points do not put more emphasis on tests or homework but on the whole. Each class will have their own total.  Grades will be determined by the scale established by Virginia Beach City Public Schools:





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Grading in our class…Grading in our class… Based on TOTAL POINTS…Based on TOTAL POINTS… Assignments are not Assignments are not ““Weighted.Weighted.”” Depending on the assignments, points may Depending on the assignments, points may


Tests = 100 pts.Tests = 100 pts.Labs = up to 100 pts.Labs = up to 100 pts.Quizzes = up to 20 pts.Quizzes = up to 20 pts.Homework = up to 20 pts.Homework = up to 20 pts.

How do you calculate your class average?How do you calculate your class average?

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How do you calculate your class How do you calculate your class average? average?


1)1) Quiz (20 points)Quiz (20 points)

2)2) Homework (20 points)Homework (20 points)

3)3) Test (100 points)Test (100 points)

4)4) Lab (100 points)Lab (100 points)

What is the total amount of points that you can earn? 240 points

15 points

13 points86 points

90 points

Example: 204 earned points/240 points (Total possible points) = 85 % C

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Class Expectations

PARENT PORTAL:VBCPS Parent Portal is a powerful online tool for parents and guardians to monitor their child’s progress in school. Class assignments and progress will be updated on a daily basis. Best of all, it can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Parents will have access to important current school year information such as: • Grades• Attendance records • Student assignments • Missing assignments  Parent Portal registration and login information: http://www.vbschools.com/schoolnet/index.asp 




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Class Expectations

REQUIRED MATERIALS:•Textbook: Textbook: Holt: Earth Science ($74.95)•colored pencils•2 inch 3-Ring Notebook Binder with dividers and pockets•dry erase marker •loose leaf paper•calculator•pen and pencil•colored pencils

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Class Expectations

Notebook organization is to follow these guidelines:

Division 1 -- Class Info -- Class Expectations.

Division 2 -- Warm ups -- daily warm ups.

Division 3 -- Notes -- lecture notes (in chronological order: date and unit).

Division 4 -- Graded assignments –class/homework, tests, quizzes, and labs. 


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CLASSROOM PROCEDURES •Students should be in their seats and ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings.•Copy homework •Warm-up•Discussion/lecture/lab – Cornell style notes will be used•Classwork•Formal/informal assessments, quizzes, reviews, and tests•Homework •Your first and last name, date, and block is to be written on all of your assignments.  Students will be dismissed by the teacher not

by the bell!

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Daily homework for all classes includes completing assigned work, finishing any unfinished classwork, studying notes, and completing reading assignments.       




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Class ExpectationsMAKE UP WORK•When absent, a student should refer to our class website for important assignments and announcements: •SchoolNet: http://tiny.cc/bantay•Work may be made up for excused absences only. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero for each missed assignment.•It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher for make-up work immediately after an absence. This should be done at an appropriate time, usually before or after class.•If a student is absent only on the day of a test, it must be made up on the very next day of class.•All other work must be made up within one week of the absence. For example: A student is absent from class Monday and returns to class on Wednesday. The student will ask the teacher for makeup work on Wednesday and it is due by Monday at the latest. Long-term absences or extenuating circumstances will be discussed individually.•Any work not made up will receive a grade of zero.

 Extra Help:Help is available daily in room 701. I am usually available before school at 6:40 and after school.   



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STUDENT CONDUCT •Students must sit in their assigned seats•Students must raise their hand to be recognized by the teacher and should not interrupt the teacher or another student while they are speaking•Food and Drink in the Classroom--•Students may not leave class to get food. School breakfasts are permitted in class during the first 10 minutes of arrival in the event of late buses. Students may consume healthy beverages from closeable bottles (exception: computer labs, science labs and library).  Energy drinks and sodas are not allowed. No deliveries of food from outside of school are allowed.•Students will not be allowed to leave the room without a planner•Students must help to maintain the school facilities and respect the property of others•Honor Code--As a student of Kempsville High School, you are expected to practice complete honesty in all school-related matters.   



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Use of Student Owned Technology--•The use of student owned portable communication devices is encouraged. A Red / Yellow / Green system will be used to indicate the level of use permitted; with red meaning use is prohibited, yellow meaning use is allowed at teacher discretion, and green meaning use is allowed at student discretion. Students are expected to adhere to all guidelines listed in the Parent/Student Handbook/Planner.   



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*Science requires hands-on labs.

Any student who cannot follow the rules or behave in a mature and responsible manner will lose the privilege of working in that lab and lose credit for the assignment. Misbehavior in class may also require phone calls/emails home, detentions, and referrals to the office.   



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TUTORING & EXTRA HELP •Extra help is available upon request. Please ask for assistance as soon as you are having difficulties. I am available most days after school until 2:35PM in room 701.• •If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact:

myself at: [email protected]

•Or call the Guidance Department at 648-5461 

Or visit our class website at: http://tiny.cc/bantay

 Kempsville High School

(757) 648-5450http://www.kempsvillehs.vbschools.com




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Class Expectations

CLASS ORGANIZATION:1.Attendance is required. Missing more than 6 absences per semester will result in failure.2.Tardies – Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action.3.Be prepared - have textbook, notebook, paper, pens and pencils.4.Study daily objectives by writing them in your Oceanography notebook.5.Discussion/lecture/lab.6.Classwork.7.Formal/Informal assessments, quizzes, reviews, and tests.8.Homework.9.Appropriate behavior is expected.  

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Class ExpectationsSTUDENT PLANNER:1.Students are issued a student planner and are required to bring it to school daily.2.Students must write their legal name (no nicknames) in the designated place.3.Planners are used for all hall passes. No additional hall pass pages will be issued. When all hall pass sections are used up, the student will have to purchase a new planner or stay in class.4. Teachers will ONLY write passes in the planner. (Exception: A student who is called to the office or clinic) NO PLANNER = NO RELEASE.5.Students are NOT to alter their planners, i.e. tearing out pages, folding them up, etc.If a planner is altered in any way or contains any foul or improper language and/or pictures, it may be taken and given to administrator. The student must purchase a new planner at the cost of $5.00.6.Planners cannot be loaned or borrowed. Doing so will result in disciplinary action.7. Students should write their daily and weekly assignments in the planner.8.Planners should be used for communication between home, school, and teacher.9.All late arrivals/early releases must have their planners when checking in to or out of school. The weekly calendar pages will be used for late arrivals/early releases. Students who do not have their planners when arriving late or leaving early are subject to Saturday School or ISS.



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Earth Science

AstronomyGeology Oceanography



•Our Solar System


•Galaxies and Universe

•Rocks and Minerals


•Wind, Glaciers, Erosion, Groundwater

•Plate Tectonics




•Energy & Earth Resources





•Weather Maps

•Forecasting Weather

•Cloud formation




•Origin of Oceans


•Salt and freshwater


•Shoreline Features


•Tide, waves, and currents

•Seafloor Topography

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Objects beyond Earth

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1st Assignment: CREATE YOUR EDMODO ACCOUNT!1)First, you must create a Gmail account for the sole purpose of EDMODO notifications.

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Click “I’m a student” to register

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Group Code is: radsmh

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Fill in appropriate blanks.

For email, create a GMAIL account for EDMODO purposes ONLY.

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Login using your username and password.

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Click on Earth Science Group

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Here you can post concerns and feedback.You will find announcements, polls, and quizzes, and extra credit.

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