1lortbcrii tfntana 1h1ej fi1o - library of congressbank to return $3,500 of the $4,500...

1lortbcrii tfntana 1h1ej Mae Ge**eest ss *51 . r me Wmat Ib MAAA uh m fesOu seas toes bpam "as apopeUs. SANTA CLAUS WEEK no esasd lligwm a]gem a Id a. MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES No Combtdtnise With Kellison - The Suit Against the Chioago Bank - Primary Orad.. Are Crowded-Other Business. Great Nlalls, Dec. i0.-The trustees have deMed to close the publc sobools from Dec. 24 until Jan. 2, in order to gtve the pgpas a bolisay vacation. rhey aso determined eat no more pU- pi should be admitted to the fist pri- mary grades until after April 1. 1361, on aoount of as crowded oontloa of these grades. It a. thosaut by the 1st of April the new central hbgh school buikding will be so Car completed th.t a number of the rooms can be used to reMove the crowded comndltan In other schools in the city. An esmtate of $3,838.50 was aMlwed on *e kigh school buiading. and the totowAlg amounts were allowed to the seb-oomtr otors. les he o10 per cent. reserve: J. Beanes, stone work. $1,735; Doolos & s., wood- woki% $1.165; Muster &Ca., stoa 'Wek. $7r;: Willem Winters S1 gM. i$sp H. W~dkelopt, pal8t2SS makes a raid to con- tract of 01S.741.07. Attorney Stanton eappeasd atm.foe the board and ofered to compseame the claim of A. T. Kelliaos againt the school distct. Kialsaom bas recovered a j'dement asanet the MntapM for ser- vioes on coatamet as a teacher for 8135, sad the case wdil be appealed to the su- preme count. Mr. Seanton, on behalf of Kellison, offered to soaept $400 and set- tie the case. On the advice of Trustee Cooper, hbimself an eatorney, the board refused dn offer. Mrs. R. W. Berry wee employed as a substitute to teach the B. & M. addi- tton school from month to aiorth. The matter of the silt of the school district ageanst the American Ez- change bank of Obxiogo was discussed at some langtl by the board. Lt wdll be rementbered that the sukt arrow out of the detentkm of the old school bonds, which were held by the Edheamge tank on the strength of the allegation that (hey bad been pledged by the Mer- chants Nattonal bank of this city as secuatty for advances made to it. Fi- nally the bonds were released on the school board depoetting $4.500 oash in the Chicago beank referred to, subject to the outocone of Mde suit. A few weeks ago this bank offered to comproaise the suit on the basis of easc party to the suit paytng Its own costs arnd the bank to return $3,500 of the $4,500 depos- uted-tlhe bank thus securing $1.000 for its claim against said bonds. The board finally authorized Trustee Cooper to effeot a esetlement on this basis. Miss (.e.rin was employed as a teach- er at the ULAm sahool. THE CATTLEMEN. Annual Meeting of the North Montama Round-Up Assoelation. Great Falls, Dec. 10.-The eamwnu meeting of the executtve committee o I the North Montana Roundup associa- tion was tead at the Park hotel last evening. The comsfattee consists of M. E. Milner of the M~lner Live Stock company, J. L. Harrisond of the Home Land & Cattle company, John Survant of the Bloom Cattle compy of oo- rado, Chariey Prtoe of the P - rod Cattle company, A. W. Kingsbury of the Ohateau Live Stook company, L. E. Kaufman and 8. 8. Dobson of Utcae, upzosenae the Besr Paw pool, Henry Sleben of Helena, and Matt of Sun River. A es from the committee, there were also present Con Kobre of Deer Lodge, W. K. FPowerree of Cho- tsau, Juohn R. Rumney of Cascade, John Haers of Fort Benton. Robert Cobwrn of ealta. Dan Samples of Great FPals, F. D. Kingsbury of Benton and Stook Inaspetor Ltmd of Oaasgow. The reports mude of the business of the assool.4Uon were gratffrlnt to the manembers iad indisate that the asso- iotion has acoonplished a great deal of valuable work, saving the cattlemen of Noet ern Montana a groat deal of money. Work will be continued in the ttsre along -the s lie ine pursued this year, and the property of the aaeooia- tese will be protected by most vigorous measures against ax depredations. The associstion epresais 12 liot roundup sasolatitons. The field of its opera- tione compile.s every county it the Northern pert of the eta'te. The aesocoaitadon complimeoted Sheetff Dwyer and Coumty Attorney Faeeman for their successful etoits to protect the property of the aseoieation by vig- orously prosecuting cattle thieves in Cascade ounrty. Another meeting of the association wtill be held ihis afternoon to conclude the business for whach the meeting was called& esoual Preseedemgs. Great Falls, Dec. 11.-At an adjourn- ed meeting of the iety comacil held last night H. R. King was alowed 8740, the final eetsaste on h1s contract for con- struoting the sewer between Second and Third avenues nerthb. Fotlowiag the recommendeation of the fire departmnent. 1,000 feet of aew abs. was ordered. *The bilts at X. R. Russell and W. H. Smith for $30 for type-witting Mr. Ls'- gent's codifed oedinances were discuss- ed. Mr. ILagent was present and asee these bllbs ought to be d. The work had been done is faith and 42ge gentlemen were entitled in thee money. The claim war not allowed. Mayor Webster said that there was ywt due Henry Vogel 89,887 on his con- otrat for peetig Central avenue, but thaxt caims aggregating $12.525 had been filed against Vogel. Of this amount $7.400 Is held or claked by H. B. Palmer of Helena, and the cky clerk was instructed to request Palmer to ttemnise his claim and present some to the nest n needag of the conumo. The Water Maan Treeb e. Great Falls. Dec. 10.-Nothing new has developed in the controversy be- tween the Great Northern ralrhod peo- ple and the Great Falls Water company regarding the laying and subsequent tesring up of water mains on what railway offIcials maintain is their right- of-way. The latter claim there was danger of the water mains bursting and submerging their tracks. thus practicafly stopping railway trafic in Oet gserow the. ea ag* ate my e rtiree e~My . that sm thwh uneari b e e aa wat caseo w the aIe mSagr a eat es ohe s a me of ksttles, proee ate wt game O4 Sean d desireadt copesa the staS Mofed seatloead who wilt avene.3r give te* alarm te cane of eIke Wteo wehks plan am esired hi tRo tao &e aus o wth manse ow man shish, w s Inov ros sing of ldmi the atreema tismath watod the daetriment section by !desas of another large Waght with the preaet systep of pipes. no In the now a main paraHew weth - e anoer and desired to eulsr the tao es of the .ralead at Ninth avenue. htr sothe reason the compfay objeptan to this plan anad desired him to talke a cote wate his new an, wasich wisegy pnvolve be fml the old mait three tihes, mhed to the detrimedt o r o safety of the water supply o f the e th ca p of accidentd He wee not t5W of any droage whfcr his plau hcse Dstoly onflict upon the ty way agyet pany or why they seould resort to hes creme measures to defeat et. fe'to the the resight of the compant thme water masin down, as org planned, the Wlet coKedent that coutws would submtantiate the they held, but he did not care to cuss It any further ,lea to say tibt the company had a deedv steing a right-of-way from the pump os to connect with the city water ysemg, and this deed was executed before tdie ratway was ever banin oan ae rlt nof fear of the result noe cohets. LEYDBN'S CAtSE Mee Attgesys Wiei t aoave @ to XWv t im I e r aso de ao e ev . tha Great k lledg Dec. el. T ae ies and Dgwere d ad steve daho shot and ae Vietor Elk, or e at Belt Monday m elh of last bohMy before tatge Benton of toe d whent court this forning on a wced olet for cordep. tI e purpose of the doeings attoneys have sIpeaede mim bee n to hml yprovin to h e. witneses reason to beieve that ant ksled Ile in ewfdeftense. wIthe ocedinge were decidedly tntersettm ag day. Inasmuch as 4the case must be re- vwewed and metadt to- and thestipe. dy considered that wIll be tntroeoryd when Leyden te formally .placed on tatl for Iurder. It Co underseood that Leera den's attonaeyd have subpoensed frne wstnesses who w on testify that, nses.o opinion, the defendent killed Inot e In self-defense. Two of these wit oth were state stand to-day and tiheir Ma Mr.iFory was fvrable towards the self- defense theory. It Is aid County Attyen toFeb e an ties subapoenaed but one witness for the state. He Is long on witnesses, bow- ever, bfro t Is presumed does not ftend giving the defene the benefit of the testimony whidh wHil be Introduced by the state at Leyden's trakl in March. Mr. Fareeman is making a strong fighrt agadnet admntbting Leyden to bail and, judging from tody's proceedngse, It will be several days before the court pases on the Important question at issue. BRIEF MENTION. Great Falls. Dec. 10.-Frank Wilsey, the horse meat crook, was up before Judge Burleigh this morning. He waived examination and was bound over to the district court In the sum of $500. The prisoner was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. Deputy Sheriff Prodtor accompanied him to Bett in seardh of bondsmen. Meantime a cord of horse flesh is stacked up in the rear of the county jail awaMing the appearance of a band of Cree In- dians to banquet on. Judge Hawkins, Charley Wagner and John Moran called on Mrs. C. P. Downing this afternoon and presented her with a check for $2,000 from the Insurance department of the A. 0. U. W., of whidh the late city marshal, C. P. Downing, was an honored member. The Amniton-Wtivers mining pnoperty at (lk Edge wtB hereafter be managed by M. 8tivers of New York who is now at the mines wrth abundant means to work the different Deospeacts sic- ceesfully. Creditors of the suspended Merchasjh National bank received the recekser's cheoks for the third dividend to. y, amoutnting to 10 per cent, making La all 30 per cent thus far paid by the bank, which failed 4uring the pant t 1893. J. B. Neuman, formerly a butcher in Great F.Ms, has just been convicted o( arson in Colorado and sent to the pen- itentiary for 10 years. During his beua- ness career in 'this city Neuman's maget market was destroyed by fire twice and in bchb cases he carried ineurance. The Old Felks at Eeme. Are anxiously watching and waiting for you. Why not go home for the Holidayst What more appropriate time to make glad their hearts again? Your time may be limited, hence yea desire the most direct route. There is none better than the 'Bur- lington" and very few as good. It will land you home hours in advance of other routes. Our folders tell you all about it. Write for ne. PHIL DANIELS. T. P. A.. Butte, Mont. H. P. RUGER. T. P. A.. Helena. Most. W. W. JOHNSTON. ComlI Agent, Billings. Most. peesal Eseursle Estes. Effective Oct. 5, special steamship excursion rates to Scandinavian, Eng- lIsh, German and French points have been authorized; also an additional re- duction in the through rates to ts Town and Jobaanesburg. effective Oct. 10. via the Great Northern railway. J. E. Dawson. general agent, 41 N. Main street, Butte. A Hesh to ' salh Africa. At present exlerienced minersa all classes of mechanics are in demand in South Africa. If it is eor intention to visit the gold fields se South Africa. you will find it to rour advastage to call on or write the ub. dersigned for rates. routes, etc. Ys the Northern Pacific have an a meat with all the steamship Uises ase Ias from New York to England sad with the Castle and Union i a. Ues, saillna from lAndoa and Somthamp. ton direct to Casetowa. whereby they can seil you throush tickets to eM South African oiatns at lowest raten W. M. Tuohy, Qee'l AgtL. N. P. 3. 3.. Butte. Mewa. If the hair has been made to grow a natural color on bald heads in them mads of cases, by using Hall's Mair Renewer. why will it not in your ease? ClAIM PLAYS Fi1O ;h bi, I hpsrs, Hi Da skiug 81.I Wrthhleu isib COLEMAN WAS ONE VICTIM "a Was Arrested for NegetbUg Mn This Manner and Them Will Be Many to Appear Against Him. Great 511. Dec. 10.-Dr. 3. A. Cah, who sea" to Great rals a taw dey aego from Missoula with the avewed purpose of locating in the city aad engaging In the practlce of bhi pro- lesion. was arrested and placed 13 Jail last sight on the charge of hay, ina negotitaed a worthless check with A. C.f Coleman. When arralgaed in Judge Race's court this morning Craia pleaded guilty to the charge. but claimed he had been under the l- auesce of liquor, and uttered the cheek without realising what he was doing. Judge Race suspended sentence for U8 hours in order to give the doctor a ohanoe to arrange a satisfactory seottle- mdht with Mr. Coleman. The Stau' end reporter was requested last sight to sumnress the news of the doctor's arrest os aecount of the fact that he had an eucelleot and respected family residing in Missoula. who would suffer by the publication of the facts in the case. It was also claimed the check Incident was but the result of a pro- tracted spree on the part of Dr. Crain and that matters would be quietly ad- justed to-day. However, it now de- velopes that Mr. Coleman is not the only victim of the doctor's checks. gad Runsler cashed one for $30 and Mrs. Olsen oaed another for $3. Another party cashed a $1 check and still an- other cashed one for $35. It is nsa8rued that 'other checks are also out. but are not likely to be presented for obvrsum reasons. Since Dr. Crala's arrival he has de- voted a greater part of his time to playing faro. He played in a small way and never attracted attention by lMiang lame sums. In one gambling hqs m he Is reported to have wor quite a sew m.-enough to have redeemed every ohq uttere--but it is pro- mstaed he lost the money at other names. After losing what money the had yesterday afternoon he arose from the game and said to the dealer: "I hope you will attend my funeral." Nothing was thought of the matter at tbe time and a little later he returned and resumed playing, being interested in the name at the time of his arrest. He is said to be a fine physician and conducts himself in a gentlemanly manner when not under the influence of liquor. But he presented a sorry appearance this morning after spend- ing the night in jail. He expects as- sistance from friends at Missoula, and if this is not forthcoming Dr. Crain will likely become an inmate of the county Jail for some months to come. ONE ON THE CAPTAIN. He Diseovered That the Sanler Had More Wit 7 baa Politeaees. Prom LoIdon Tbdats. The captata of a certatn large awiling vemel is probably the neost polite off- cer in the wtuoe mercantile service. Ue has, however, a gret idea of his Imtportan e, and bosee no opportunhty of inrprerning it upon his crow. In par- tioular. he insists upon being addreseed as "Sir" by evwyone on board. One day a new band aitned the ship, and a dhort theme avter leaving harbor, being a seasoned old alt, be was intrurted with the wheeL The captaatn caone up end put the usual queotion: "How' he head?" "Nor -by-east," sasweer the old tar, very gruffiy. "My *ame" etamely easwerd the oaptain, % dhis arat, when one of Arew rr eaims to me, be gIvee me a iase et seopeot. Don't you aink you might do us, toot Now, bow's her "Nor'-by.raft I teN yer." shiouted the ear. dqistpWlai aft a aiite s ar tson. 'Tm sataeid you don't quite under- dtaind me." responed the captain good humoirely. "Let me ndieve yoa at the wtasel. and ghee do you take my place and ask s the questton. I will then ahoy you how it should be answered." They aoooudkgly dansged pclsn. "OOw's her 'ead?" toared the tar. "Norc4b4 est. sei." replied the cap- eteag wSat empbeelsi on the "stir." "fthen keep her a.o my mmin, whilst I goes fonraed and has a rnwoke.' was dthe stwthug regohsde' flom the old repuvdbite, who calmly commtened to suit the action to tie woed. For 'the first time on peacle the cap- fto lost i2 teaper. Christian selemes. In a waei-wartten eeay showing what Chrttac eatcsee has done for the ad- veacenient woman's* cause Carol Nonc eare kitsereetkag eta- stice or the estmordkson-y growth sad gaanut great prosperity of that tsh. It was ota*ida to ostm del 1866 by Dr. Mary Belgar Uddy, and now bas 300 in- earpormted aum'dhes In the United Staues beidre others hi which lees Ioseml tewvtoes are held. Their text book. "8chance and Health," first pub- Itdhd by Mrs. Eddy in 1875, is now in Ips !75th edition, and the Measachuseits 'Me aqiysteel ootlegewhere sbe taught. has graduated 400 stsudenis. In New Yest city the ocagreg&houi has grown aiu. a seall handful 10 years ago to ene 'Mast mow overflows ittlh Rite hail. where the services ne held. Mr. Nortonas thie assetaunt pastor there. Ameadiag Auber. Aubeer. som.e sixty years ago, was oantent to call his best-known opera FIro Dirvolo." A Famtt manager who rweived the work not fan ago con- trWvd to 0w. it as up-to-date interest by means of a shdwidtle. and it was arccrdo ssanosdas "Fen Dia- v ' r, L 'iadge n Sicily." This ktbst Millurstee the evolution of art to adverttaig. The WMte Star Uteaaner Majeasto will wake a special holiday trip from New York to Liverpool. England. lear- lag Niw York Dec. 17th. and reaching Liverpool Dec. 38d. This steamer has superior oocommeodations for all claes, and berths will be very much In embaat. An intending passengers oameld nesre reservations as early as 4 W. Lamson. Agent Gernsr Main and Broadway. Butts. e bswas de. wie hber weseek lbwhss was a c, do or for cM6Wse Ahast tecamme X k she sinm t ` Wealse aschikiwow~hept gae hemar-ay~ THE MARKETS. New Terk, Dee. 3.-The ladmstrial shwas again ebserbed pulaitve attm- tion, despite seveeal faerable afluseoses Uage the ether asrhsw tes*e asad Smeds. U. S. mew 's regstteed................12i t. I. mew ts coupo a....................121 V. S. 4' regsltered ...................... 111 U. S. 4e ourpon ......................... 112% U. i. Pe rugistere ....................... 115 U. 3. 5's coups ......................... 115 Pacific $ ......... 6.......... ............. M Atchison ........ ..... ......... ......... 16% Amerlcan Exprms ..... ....... ........ 112 Canada Pa cic...... ........ ............ 54 Central Pacic ........... ............... 15% Burungton ....... . ................ Of% Adams Express ............... ......... 140 General Electric ... .... ....... 20% Kansas & Texas petereed ............ 1% Lake Shore ........ ....................... 150% Illinois Central ..... ................ /6% Michigan Central ........ ............... 100 Missouri Pacific ......................... 2% Northern Pacific ....... ........ ........ 4 Northern Pacific preferred ............ 15% Northwestern ........ ..... ....... 101% Northwestern preferred .... ".. ........ 147% New York Central .......... ............ 15% Oregon Short Line ............ ........ 7 Pacific Matt ....... ........ ............. 22 Pullman Palace ... ............ 102 New York & New England............ 50 Rock Island .......... ................... 73% St. Paul ....... .................... 75% St. Paul preferred ....................... lf National Linseed ........ ............... 2% Union Pacific ......... .................. $ United States Express .................. 42 Pargo Express ...... ..... ............ 100 Western Union .............. ............ 88% Southern Pacific .......... ............... 22 Lead Trust ........... ...... ............. 20% Rio (hand. Western .................... 17 Rio Grande Western preferred ........ 40 Distillers .. .............. .... 19% Great Northern preferred .............. 115 Sagar ........ .................. .... 106% National Cordage ........ ............... 6% Netideal Cordage preferred ........... 12% Msaey WKrhee. Nosin, easy: olesed 2 per pent. kter- t edahange dull: 14@.%@4.#I for do- `hd $.2%04.M for M days. Gov- treast bonds firm and higher. Metat Markeo. wher, M. Pig Iron, quiet. Copper, eas- aer; broker's price, $10.75: exchange pies. $10.15010.75. Lead, steady. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Dec. 1-4n the eattle market eastern shipper were on a beels of 32 for common droves up to 14.50 for choice beer es. Many cattle are selling for less than their original coot, as feeders two or three months ago. Stockers and feed- meu, 2.5003.00; veal owves, $6.50056.5; bull.. 5762.30; cows, $1.7502.75. Hog sold at an extreme range of 52.25 @2.00 and pigs mostly at 31.003.50. Sheep were saleable at $1.5003.50. West- erns were In demand at 52.7005.15; lambs. 2252.40. The Wheat Market. Profits have come to the bulls in wheat so seldom of late that nearly every one who had returned with long wheat yes- terday sold it out to-day. The govern- ment report was looked upon as a men- ace to the bulls. The foreign mark"e were a disappointment, the northwestern receipts were liberal and the trade was disposed to question visible supply fig- urea. urea. Chieago General Market. CIoei-May wheat, 13c; corn, Uc; oats, 19%c; pork. $8$.2; lard, 85.50; rIbs, $4.50. Receipts: Wheat, 102.000 bushels; corn, 196,000 bushels; oats, 326.000 bushels. Boston Miming Stock. Boston, Dec. 10.-Boston & Montana, 70%: Butte & Boston, 15w. Beest. WooL Boston. Dec. 10.-The demand in the wool market continued quiet, though prices were maintained. The market in terrisory wool has met with a moderate trad.. With encouraging reports from all other parts of the world, dealers here are sangaine in their views of the market and are keeping the prices up to the high- eat notch. Territory wools: Montana fine medium and fine, 11@14c; scoured price, 35@f7C; Montana No. 2, medium. 14@l6c: scoUred price. 32033c: Utah. Wyoming, etc., fine medium and fine, 1013c; soour- ed Ofce, 33036c; Utah, Wyoming, etc., No 2 medium, 12614c; socured price, 32c. CalliOrala wools: Northarn spring, 11( 17c: scored prioe, 3303k; middle county spring 11@13c; sooured price, 33036c. Loaden Weal. Londen, Dec. 10.-A good selection, In- cluding some fine Darling and Riverina new elips, was offered at wool auction saless o-day. The bidding was keen, the best parcels bringing extreme rates. Ceoditiee ef the Treasury. Westbington, Dec. 10.-To-day's state- ment qi the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash halance, $174,885,- 219 gold reserve, 876,745.32. SOMETHING NEW. Meals Saered a Ia Carte em the Great Nerthern Diaing Cars. The Great Northern through train, leaving Butte at 6:10 p. in., carries a dining ear and will serve supper leav- ing igtte a Ia carte hereafter. This Is the osny line running dining car out of Butte. Buffet and library car on every through main line train. Safety speed sad Comfort Can be had by using the Northern Pa- dfcl. Their train Is the first to reach et. Paul. notwithstanding the fact it does sot leave Butte until 10:30 p. m., four hours and 30 minutes later than trams on any other line. Reduced rates to Austria. Germany. Uwsdea, sad all points in Europe. Tick- ets to Chicago. New York, Boston, Phildeiphia and all eastern and Can- adios p54Mm. Call at Butte. Anaconda A PFaels passenger depot for rates, maps~ Slim Ipesil 22ssarates to Esrope for the Hel. idays. Thi Northern Pacific. in nonneetlon with the leading steamship lines saU- jag tra New York. have arranged to make a very low rate to all European points for the holidava Before making your .vgea.emeots for tickets call on or write W. M. Tuohy, general agent, N. P. R. R. Butte. for rates. routes. ete. Conasumption can be cured by the use of Shiloh a Cure. This great Cough Cure to the only known remedy for that terrible disease. A Sepers Critielm Probably no two artists ever criti- cised each other more severely than did Paseht and Northcote. yet they re- maiaed fast friends. At one time Fi- sell wes looking at Northeatees paint- itm of the angel meeting Ralaam and his ass. "How In y.'u like i:t asked Northcote. alter a long silence: *N*.rthi- cote." renlled Fusels. promptly, you are as sagel at an ass, but an ass at an sagel a's mastse" & a ga sseUNN as m s mer. mm war ba em lb -A Park H oTeL C7 &. e . LeY. Ma-gsr ORBAT PALLS. MON. a e1na er PRIM MOTEL COMP Y. J. J. KELLEY. Masager. AN EXTRA SESSION. tS seams to es Imevesse sad Loussibg to the Cod... The Northern Pacific has inaugurated a ohauge that will be appreciated by a large secton of the traveling public by running a tourist sleeper through trom St. Paul to San Francisco without change every week. This car leaves St. Paul every Wednesday and will pass Garrison every Friday at 10 : a. tee. The car connects at Portland with the Southern Pacific. and lays there oaly N mijutes. Te Clifsesais N itheet Change iam Orbe Milwaukee MRote." On every Saturday during the win- ter, an elegant Pullman Tourist Bleep- er will leave Minneapolis (3:25 a. m.). St. Paul (3:15 a. m.). and arrives at Los Angeles. Cal. at 6:70 p. m. following Wednesday. Via "The Milwaukee's" famous "He- drick Houte" to Kansas City, thence via the A.. T. & S. F. Ry., through Southern California. A most delightful winter roste to the coast. Quicker time is made via this route between St. Paul and Minneapolis and California than via any other line. Rates per double berth, $6 through from St. Paul and Minneapolis. Leave St. Paul and Minneapolis every Saturday morning, arriving Los Ange- les every Wednesday afternoon. For berths, complete information and lower rates, apply to '"The Milwaukee" agents, SIt Paul or Minneapolis, or ad. dress J. T. Conley, LAst Gea'l Pass. Agt., St Paul. Mian, edgese to rreaters. Estate of Cornealia M. Stevens, deOeased. Notice is hereby gives by the uaner- signed, administrator of the estate of Cornella M. Steveab, deceased. to the creditors of. and all persceu having claims against the said deceased, to es- hibit them with the necessary vouajbe, within four monts after the Brst publica- tion of this notice, to the said adminis- trator, at 611 Birch street. to the city sf Anaoonda, the same being the plase for the transaction et the besasess of saw estate. In the county of Deer Lodge. Dated December 2, 116 ALBERT P. STEVENS, Administrator of the Estate of Cornelia M. Stevens. deceased. Commencing Sunday, Sept. 23d. 1M86 the C. M & St. P. railway will in- augurate daily through buffet sleeping car service between St. Paul and Min- neapolls and Peoria. Ill., passing through Faribault. Owatonna. Austin. Marshalitown. Oskaloosea, Keithsburg, etc. Leave Minneapolis 4:00 p. m. and St. Paul 4:10 p. m. dally, arriving at Peoria 10.00 o'clook next morning. For particulars apply to local ticket agents or address J. T. Conley. assistant gen- eral passenger agent. St. Paul. MKan. A trip from Montana to the East can be made a pleasure instead of a burden by traveling a route rich in resources, and lined with prosperous cities. Time and service via the Union Paci- fic system are unsurpassed; only two changes from Butte to New York city, and no vexatious delays at desolate junction points. All trains are lighted with gas and fitted with modern appli- ances. Omlce. corner Main street and Broad- way, Butte. See that your tickets read Buring. ton route via Northern Pacific at Bill. ings. The reduced rates to the eastern points go into effeot on the 10th via ,he Great Northern railway. Second class rate to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Du- luth. $30. Rates to points East, come. spondingly reduced. City ticket oee 41 North Main street. Through sleeping Cats. The Northern Pacific is the only line operating through Pullman vestibuled standard sleeping cars between Butte and St. Paul. City ticket oftie*, 3 East Broadway, Butte. 13 hours and 2o minutes is the time made by the Burlington Route's even- train from St. Paul to Chi- cago. Distance. 432 miles. an hour-a higher rate Average speed, 32% miles than is maintained by any ether line between the Twin Cities and Chicago. Write for information about our service to Oma- ha. Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago or any other east- ern or southeastern point. rhin Daslela T r sd F Agest Batt! SltL J e beates C. miliig1. Pies! IteRom in th Gea FalM ollog *f the ane. lard. in the Josbeh-ry bresa Pbieases room. thero l e~y veasti.le4 and beasted, wil *eetrie 1iable sad )astor ervea Terms rassenabie. Ap- pay at Mandard orbs Great Fall.. Mon ans. Want dV5. ADUtB I "EMENTllunder Ire head of ' En- pItoytamea Was * t" .Iad ''t eeins to Bent w a et wnord each Insert on, under all other beadle a. s cen:. a wora for the flrst aesertion and I cent a wart for each subs-qu-ot lasrr- tion No d.v. .axes for teos Ilan 6 cea:sa Clasiel' I Aiva ror Tine net m- ....... i..$A (('ount 5 words to the line). WABT)D-HALP. PEOPLES ikil*MPWLYMNT BLREAli. second Loer Owatey block. Butte. TeL 31[ Oldest agency best rustiera Fam- ily girls dialag girla, hotes help ete. Come to the People's ofcie WANTED-AANEXPERIENCED SAiksc man for wh'uesai* liquor and cigar house, none but flrst-class man need app y. Addrses Itux 3n. Anaconda. Mon tazaa WANTE -- A FIRST-Cl.ASS E.PERR- enced Lady tookkeoper: must have ref- eronoe& Call Standard. Butts WANTED-SECOND COOK: ALSO pastry girl, at the Montama. Anaosed, Ie.t'IiWANTED TOi IIINDit new glass writing pens. Reasone why our agents sell them so fast. they mev- er rust, they will last for lifetime sad will write 100 words with each dip of the ink. They will write on any qualiy of paper without blotting or scratching the paper, bear heavy or light, it doesn't msutter. it writes the same even hand. Jult the thing for nervous or heavy- handed people. Send 13 cents in money and receive sample pen and holder, put up in a nice case, and full terms to agents. Address Tate Glass Pen Works, Sedalia, Mo. WANTEDI - RL8 FOR OENERAL housework at Anaconda Employmeat Agency. WANTED - DRT MMER FOR MER- chant tailoring. 30s East Park. Butte WANTED-GIRLS FOR DINING ROO6 kitchen and general housework. St Paul Employment Office, 115 North Main. Butte. WANTED-A MILLWRIGHT WHO UN- derstards spouting in flour mill: m ist be fast and skillful. Apply to Joseph F. Carter, U S. Indian Agent, Jokee P. 0.. Mont. WANTKI-bITUATIOWs, WANTED--WORK IN PRIVATE FAM- Ily or at perter work or oars of boras. Room 3, Rose and Thistle, oorner Paet and Wyoming. Butte. WANTED-POSION_ BY COLID woman as cook or chambermaid. Reoms M. Rems amd Thitile house, corner Part sad Wyolaiq, Bofto, ,lM bl .i*tk.?4sCaJ URS CALL. at " West Peurth street. Anaeeada. WOE MALK. eel chair. Address Bos 343, Missoula. tORALE-8IX-ROOM HOUSE AND let IB Walkervwlle, near cable liea Good chance for any one who wants to seepe Butte smoke for the winter. In a loaikty where houses always reat seedily. Apply to S. L. Dunnavan, West Daly street, Waikervill. FR SALE-CHEAPTU'NR5WARWO machinery; lot of belting, a lot of 12-lb "T" rails; also one burglar proo saes. George Lewis, room 3, upstairs, 35 1, Main. Butte. FOR SALE-A.a00. oWa i XWI5ONE l2 room furnished house, bringing NO per month; all modern improvements; cen- trally lonated; halt cash. Address L., Standard. Butte. LIVERY STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP. Ruby stable, Sheridan. Address George McLeod, Pony. Mont, FOR SALE-Ue STOCK OP GROCUK- 1ea, established trade. good loeastie. Pew rent. Siemens & Lawler, Detto, POR SALK OR RuNr-4uCO D.5Ax Oiae m aebaeeyr. Iegatr, et oeef S Lewis, I5 Sosth Maud SL. Datsa LOST. LOST-4UITABLE REWARD FOR RE- turn of black and white collie dog. tag No 37. John Gllie, S00 West Broadway, Butte: , VOn M14 . F- RENT - FURNISHED ROOMS: water; first floor. 161 3. Broadway. Butte. Inquire 37 W. Granite. Pk niNT- FURNISHED E limag all modern conveniences. 34 E. Bhead- way. Butte. FOR RENT-TWNtWREDW light honeekeeplng. 10 N. Washlngtes street. Butte. FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM FURNI5HUD house. Address M.. Standard. Asa- coeda. HOFFMAN HOTEL-,NEW MANAGE- ment; eteam beat, electric lights: rooms rented by day, week or mpath; reasonable prices. C. W. Brega, propri- etor. 41 East Park street. Butte. FOR RENT-A SMALL FURNISHED house. MS East Broadway. Butte. FOR RENT-HOUSE FOR LIGHT housekeeplng. 414 West Quarts street. Butte FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. West Fourth street. Anacoada. FOR RENT-FU'RNISHED ROOMS AT the Wills & Onese block. B. Park ave- aue. Anaconda. FOR RENT-THE BOULDER NOT Springs Hotel for a term of years. Ad- dress A. C. Qualntance. Boulder. Meas MO RENT-EIGHT ROOMS, FUR- lsbhed or unfuralebed. James R. Camp- bell, corner Siath and Spruce streets. Anaconda. VUO ltMNT-TURtNh HALL (OBR- merly French ball). for bails, parties and society meetings. For particulars Apply to B. Radeieldt. 6 Main street. Amaseeds. FOR ItENT-NICELY FURNIZSMD rooms with Sart-clas table board Sherman House. 1'% West QuarsA Butte. *Cs.cLLA4ta)Ui. WANTED-A F RNISIIED HOUSE OP 4 or 5 rooms for .Ight housekeepIng ia southwest portin of city. Address D. J. Standard. Butte. PROFESSOR BAYNES. PHRENOLOI gist, will remain in Butte only a few days longer. Have your children es- ambnrd. Rate. $1 and upward. Mo charge If you are not satislfied. N D. Main street. Mit. J HELD. RELIABLE CLAIU voyant. Readings. Si. L_1 South Art- mona. Butte. HAIRDRESSINO. MANIC RING. COM- plexIon specialist o W. Park at.. Butte. PRIVATE DETECTIVE. BOX HD. Butte. YOU CAN MAKE iJONEY BUYING wheat at prresnt prices. Our book a.ci careful mark, t l.-tte- expiainnng how to do It and consalning pants of speoiej interest sent free Wakem & Co.. Ow- lags butildlig. Chicago. WANTE.I)-QFFICE bAVE STATE SIZE make and price. Addreas Moa, N.. Great Fail Mont. A PEM .AN.NT CORN AND BUNIONE Cure--Other ourwe may give soalls se a tha4 but we guaraata as give a wp. maneat cure for as oes ir bhga Our cure will be mest to war adre postage paid on receipt co a A. Ega. or. Horr. Wark County. Meastsa. MINES FOR LEASE-A N'UMBUE valuable mlmes tfr lease is bvegeat terms Montasa Mlalas & IAHS O-. " West Granite street, Butt.

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Page 1: 1lortbcrii tfntana 1h1ej Fi1O - Library of Congressbank to return $3,500 of the $4,500 depos-uted-tlhe bank thus securing $1.000 for its claim against said bonds. The board finally

1lortbcrii tfntana 1h1ejMae Ge**eest ss *51 . r me

Wmat Ib MAAA uh m fesOuseas toes bpam "as apopeUs.

SANTA CLAUS WEEKno esasd lligwm a]gem a

Id a.


No Combtdtnise With Kellison -The Suit Against the Chioago

Bank - Primary Orad.. AreCrowded-Other Business.

Great Nlalls, Dec. i0.-The trusteeshave deMed to close the publc soboolsfrom Dec. 24 until Jan. 2, in order togtve the pgpas a bolisay vacation.rhey aso determined eat no more pU-pi should be admitted to the fist pri-mary grades until after April 1. 1361,

on aoount of as crowded oontloa ofthese grades. It a. thosaut by the 1stof April the new central hbgh schoolbuikding will be so Car completed th.ta number of the rooms can be used toreMove the crowded comndltan In otherschools in the city. An esmtate of$3,838.50 was aMlwed on *e kigh schoolbuiading. and the totowAlg amountswere allowed to the seb-oomtr otors.les he o10 per cent. reserve: J. Beanes,stone work. $1,735; Doolos & s., wood-woki% $1.165; Muster &Ca., stoa 'Wek.$7r;: Willem Winters S1 gM. i$sp H.W~dkelopt, pal8t2SSmakes a raid to con-tract of 01S.741.07.

Attorney Stanton eappeasd atm.foe theboard and ofered to compseame theclaim of A. T. Kelliaos againt theschool distct. Kialsaom bas recovereda j'dement asanet the MntapM for ser-vioes on coatamet as a teacher for 8135,sad the case wdil be appealed to the su-preme count. Mr. Seanton, on behalf ofKellison, offered to soaept $400 and set-tie the case. On the advice of TrusteeCooper, hbimself an eatorney, the boardrefused dn offer.

Mrs. R. W. Berry wee employed as asubstitute to teach the B. & M. addi-tton school from month to aiorth.

The matter of the silt of the schooldistrict ageanst the American Ez-change bank of Obxiogo was discussedat some langtl by the board. Lt wdllbe rementbered that the sukt arrow outof the detentkm of the old school bonds,which were held by the Edheamge tankon the strength of the allegation that(hey bad been pledged by the Mer-chants Nattonal bank of this city assecuatty for advances made to it. Fi-nally the bonds were released on theschool board depoetting $4.500 oash inthe Chicago beank referred to, subjectto the outocone of Mde suit. A few weeksago this bank offered to comproaisethe suit on the basis of easc party tothe suit paytng Its own costs arnd thebank to return $3,500 of the $4,500 depos-uted-tlhe bank thus securing $1.000 forits claim against said bonds. The boardfinally authorized Trustee Cooper toeffeot a esetlement on this basis.

Miss (.e.rin was employed as a teach-er at the ULAm sahool.

THE CATTLEMEN.Annual Meeting of the North Montama

Round-Up Assoelation.Great Falls, Dec. 10.-The eamwnu

meeting of the executtve committee o Ithe North Montana Roundup associa-tion was tead at the Park hotel lastevening. The comsfattee consists ofM. E. Milner of the M~lner Live Stockcompany, J. L. Harrisond of the HomeLand & Cattle company, John Survantof the Bloom Cattle compy of oo-rado, Chariey Prtoe of the P -rod Cattle company, A. W. Kingsburyof the Ohateau Live Stook company,L. E. Kaufman and 8. 8. Dobson ofUtcae, upzosenae the Besr Paw pool,Henry Sleben of Helena, and Matt ofSun River. A es from the committee,there were also present Con Kobre ofDeer Lodge, W. K. FPowerree of Cho-tsau, Juohn R. Rumney of Cascade,John Haers of Fort Benton. RobertCobwrn of ealta. Dan Samples ofGreat FPals, F. D. Kingsbury of Bentonand Stook Inaspetor Ltmd of Oaasgow.The reports mude of the business ofthe assool.4Uon were gratffrlnt to themanembers iad indisate that the asso-iotion has acoonplished a great deal

of valuable work, saving the cattlemenof Noet ern Montana a groat deal ofmoney. Work will be continued in thettsre along -the s lie ine pursued thisyear, and the property of the aaeooia-tese will be protected by most vigorousmeasures against ax depredations. Theassocistion epresais 12 liot roundupsasolatitons. The field of its opera-tione compile.s every county it theNorthern pert of the eta'te.

The aesocoaitadon complimeoted SheetffDwyer and Coumty Attorney Faeemanfor their successful etoits to protectthe property of the aseoieation by vig-orously prosecuting cattle thieves inCascade ounrty.

Another meeting of the associationwtill be held ihis afternoon to concludethe business for whach the meetingwas called&

esoual Preseedemgs.Great Falls, Dec. 11.-At an adjourn-

ed meeting of the iety comacil held lastnight H. R. King was alowed 8740, thefinal eetsaste on h1s contract for con-struoting the sewer between Secondand Third avenues nerthb.

Fotlowiag the recommendeation of thefire departmnent. 1,000 feet of aew abs.was ordered.

*The bilts at X. R. Russell and W. H.Smith for $30 for type-witting Mr. Ls'-gent's codifed oedinances were discuss-ed. Mr. ILagent was present and aseethese bllbs ought to be d. The workhad been done is faith and 42gegentlemen were entitled in thee money.The claim war not allowed.

Mayor Webster said that there wasywt due Henry Vogel 89,887 on his con-

otrat for peetig Central avenue, butthaxt caims aggregating $12.525 hadbeen filed against Vogel. Of thisamount $7.400 Is held or claked by H.B. Palmer of Helena, and the cky clerkwas instructed to request Palmer tottemnise his claim and present some tothe nest n needag of the conumo.

The Water Maan Treeb e.Great Falls. Dec. 10.-Nothing new

has developed in the controversy be-tween the Great Northern ralrhod peo-ple and the Great Falls Water companyregarding the laying and subsequenttesring up of water mains on whatrailway offIcials maintain is their right-of-way. The latter claim there wasdanger of the water mains burstingand submerging their tracks. thuspracticafly stopping railway trafic in

Oet gserow the. ea ag* ate

my e rtiree e~My .that sm thwh uneari be e aa wat caseo wthe aIe mSagr a eates ohe s a me of ksttles,

proee ate wt game O4Sean d desireadt copesa the staS

Mofed seatloead who wilt avene.3rgive te* alarm te cane of eIke Wteowehks plan am esired hi tRo tao &eaus o wth manse ow man shish, w s

Inov ros sing of ldmi the atreema

tismath watod the daetrimentsection by !desas of another large Waghtwith the preaet systep of pipes. no

In the now a main paraHew weth - eanoer and desired to eulsr the tao esof the .ralead at Ninth avenue. htrsothe reason the compfay objeptan tothis plan anad desired him to talke acote wate his new an, wasich wisegypnvolve be fml the old mait threetihes, mhed to the detrimedt o r osafety of the water supply o f the eth ca p of accidentd He wee not t5Wof any droage whfcr his plau hcseDstoly onflict upon the ty way agyetpany or why they seould resort to hescreme measures to defeat et. fe'tothe the resight of the compantthme water masin down, as orgplanned, the Wlet coKedent thatcoutws would submtantiate thethey held, but he did not care tocuss It any further ,lea to say tibtthe company had a deedv steinga right-of-way from the pump osto connect with the city water ysemg,and this deed was executed before tdieratway was ever banin oan ae rlt noffear of the result noe cohets.


Mee Attgesys Wiei t aoave @ to XWvt im I e r aso de ao e ev .tha

Great k lledg Dec. el. T aeies and Dgwere d ad stevedaho shot and ae Vietor Elk, or eat Belt Monday m elh of lastbohMy before tatge Benton of toe dwhent court this forning on a wced oletfor cordep. tI e purpose of thedoeings attoneys have sIpeaede mimbee n to hml yprovin to h e.

witneses reason to beieve thatant ksled Ile in ewfdeftense. wItheocedinge were decidedly tntersettm agday. Inasmuch as 4the case must be re-vwewed and metadt to- and thestipe.dy considered that wIll be tntroeorydwhen Leyden te formally .placed on tatlfor Iurder. It Co underseood that Leeraden's attonaeyd have subpoensed frnewstnesses who w on testify that, nses.oopinion, the defendent killed Inot eIn self-defense. Two of these wit othwere state stand to-day and tiheir MaMr.iFory was fvrable towards the self-defense theory.

It Is aid County Attyen toFeb e anties subapoenaed but one witness for thestate. He Is long on witnesses, bow-ever, bfro t Is presumed does not ftendgiving the defene the benefit of thetestimony whidh wHil be Introduced bythe state at Leyden's trakl in March.Mr. Fareeman is making a strong fighrtagadnet admntbting Leyden to bail and,judging from tody's proceedngse, Itwill be several days before the courtpases on the Important question atissue.


Great Falls. Dec. 10.-Frank Wilsey,the horse meat crook, was up beforeJudge Burleigh this morning. Hewaived examination and was boundover to the district court In the sumof $500. The prisoner was remanded tothe custody of the sheriff. DeputySheriff Prodtor accompanied him toBett in seardh of bondsmen. Meantimea cord of horse flesh is stacked up inthe rear of the county jail awaMingthe appearance of a band of Cree In-dians to banquet on.

Judge Hawkins, Charley Wagner andJohn Moran called on Mrs. C. P.Downing this afternoon and presentedher with a check for $2,000 from theInsurance department of the A. 0. U.W., of whidh the late city marshal, C.P. Downing, was an honored member.

The Amniton-Wtivers mining pnopertyat (lk Edge wtB hereafter be managedby M. 8tivers of New York who isnow at the mines wrth abundant meansto work the different Deospeacts sic-ceesfully.

Creditors of the suspended MerchasjhNational bank received the recekser'scheoks for the third dividend to. y,amoutnting to 10 per cent, making Laall 30 per cent thus far paid by thebank, which failed 4uring the pant t1893.

J. B. Neuman, formerly a butcher inGreat F.Ms, has just been convicted o(arson in Colorado and sent to the pen-itentiary for 10 years. During his beua-ness career in 'this city Neuman's magetmarket was destroyed by fire twiceand in bchb cases he carried ineurance.

The Old Felks at Eeme.Are anxiously watching and waiting foryou.Why not go home for the HolidaystWhat more appropriate time to make

glad their hearts again?Your time may be limited, hence yea

desire the most direct route.There is none better than the 'Bur-

lington" and very few as good.It will land you home hours in advance

of other routes.Our folders tell you all about it. Write


T. P. A.. Butte, Mont.H. P. RUGER.T. P. A.. Helena. Most.

W. W. JOHNSTON.ComlI Agent, Billings. Most.

peesal Eseursle Estes.Effective Oct. 5, special steamshipexcursion rates to Scandinavian, Eng-

lIsh, German and French points havebeen authorized; also an additional re-duction in the through rates to tsTown and Jobaanesburg. effective Oct.10. via the Great Northern railway. J.E. Dawson. general agent, 41 N. Mainstreet, Butte.

A Hesh to ' salh Africa.At present exlerienced minersa

all classes of mechanics are indemand in South Africa. If it is eorintention to visit the gold fields seSouth Africa. you will find it to rouradvastage to call on or write the ub.dersigned for rates. routes, etc. Ysthe Northern Pacific have an ameat with all the steamship Uises aseIas from New York to England sadwith the Castle and Union i a. Ues,saillna from lAndoa and Somthamp.ton direct to Casetowa. whereby theycan seil you throush tickets to eMSouth African oiatns at lowest raten

W. M. Tuohy,Qee'l AgtL. N. P. 3. 3.. Butte. Mewa.

If the hair has been made to grow anatural color on bald heads in themmads of cases, by using Hall's MairRenewer. why will it not in your ease?

ClAIM PLAYS Fi1O;h bi, I hpsrs, Hi Da

skiug 81.I Wrthhleu isib


"a Was Arrested for NegetbUgMn This Manner and Them

Will Be Many to AppearAgainst Him.

Great 511. Dec. 10.-Dr. 3. A. Cah,who sea" to Great rals a taw deyaego from Missoula with the avewedpurpose of locating in the city aadengaging In the practlce of bhi pro-lesion. was arrested and placed 13Jail last sight on the charge of hay,ina negotitaed a worthless check withA. C.f Coleman. When arralgaed inJudge Race's court this morningCraia pleaded guilty to the charge.but claimed he had been under the l-auesce of liquor, and uttered the cheekwithout realising what he was doing.Judge Race suspended sentence for U8hours in order to give the doctor aohanoe to arrange a satisfactory seottle-mdht with Mr. Coleman. The Stau'end reporter was requested last sightto sumnress the news of the doctor'sarrest os aecount of the fact that hehad an eucelleot and respected familyresiding in Missoula. who would sufferby the publication of the facts in thecase. It was also claimed the checkIncident was but the result of a pro-tracted spree on the part of Dr. Crainand that matters would be quietly ad-justed to-day. However, it now de-velopes that Mr. Coleman is not theonly victim of the doctor's checks. gadRunsler cashed one for $30 and Mrs.Olsen oaed another for $3. Anotherparty cashed a $1 check and still an-other cashed one for $35. It is nsa8ruedthat 'other checks are also out. but arenot likely to be presented for obvrsumreasons.

Since Dr. Crala's arrival he has de-voted a greater part of his time toplaying faro. He played in a smallway and never attracted attention bylMiang lame sums. In one gamblinghqs m he Is reported to have wor quitea sew m.-enough to have redeemedevery ohq uttere--but it is pro-mstaed he lost the money at othernames. After losing what money thehad yesterday afternoon he arose fromthe game and said to the dealer: "Ihope you will attend my funeral."Nothing was thought of the matter attbe time and a little later he returnedand resumed playing, being interestedin the name at the time of his arrest.He is said to be a fine physician andconducts himself in a gentlemanlymanner when not under the influenceof liquor. But he presented a sorryappearance this morning after spend-ing the night in jail. He expects as-sistance from friends at Missoula, andif this is not forthcoming Dr. Crainwill likely become an inmate of thecounty Jail for some months to come.

ONE ON THE CAPTAIN.He Diseovered That the Sanler Had More

Wit 7 baa Politeaees.Prom LoIdon Tbdats.

The captata of a certatn large awilingvemel is probably the neost polite off-cer in the wtuoe mercantile service.Ue has, however, a gret idea of hisImtportan e, and bosee no opportunhtyof inrprerning it upon his crow. In par-tioular. he insists upon being addreseedas "Sir" by evwyone on board. Oneday a new band aitned the ship, and adhort theme avter leaving harbor, beinga seasoned old alt, be was intrurtedwith the wheeL The captaatn caone upend put the usual queotion:

"How' he head?""Nor -by-east," sasweer the old tar,

very gruffiy."My *ame" etamely easwerd the

oaptain, % dhis arat, when one ofArew rr eaims to me, be gIvee me aiase et seopeot. Don't you aink youmight do us, toot Now, bow's her

"Nor'-by.raft I teN yer." shiouted theear. dqistpWlai aft a aiite s ar tson.

'Tm sataeid you don't quite under-dtaind me." responed the captain goodhumoirely. "Let me ndieve yoa at thewtasel. and ghee do you take my placeand ask s the questton. I will thenahoy you how it should be answered."They aoooudkgly dansged pclsn.

"OOw's her 'ead?" toared the tar."Norc4b4 est. sei." replied the cap-

eteag wSat empbeelsi on the "stir.""fthen keep her a.o my mmin, whilst I

goes fonraed and has a rnwoke.' wasdthe stwthug regohsde' flom the oldrepuvdbite, who calmly commtened tosuit the action to tie woed.

For 'the first time on peacle the cap-fto lost i2 teaper.

Christian selemes.In a waei-wartten eeay showing what

Chrttac eatcsee has done for the ad-veacenient woman's* cause Carol

Nonc eare kitsereetkag eta-stice or the estmordkson-y growth sadgaanut great prosperity of that tsh.It was ota*ida to ostm del 1866 by Dr.Mary Belgar Uddy, and now bas 300 in-earpormted aum'dhes In the UnitedStaues beidre others hi which leesIoseml tewvtoes are held. Their textbook. "8chance and Health," first pub-Itdhd by Mrs. Eddy in 1875, is now inIps !75th edition, and the Measachuseits'Me aqiysteel ootlegewhere sbe taught.has graduated 400 stsudenis. In NewYest city the ocagreg&houi has grownaiu. a seall handful 10 years ago toene 'Mast mow overflows ittlh Ritehail. where the services ne held. Mr.Nortonas thie assetaunt pastor there.

Ameadiag Auber.Aubeer. som.e sixty years ago, was

oantent to call his best-known operaFIro Dirvolo." A Famtt manager

who rweived the work not fan ago con-trWvd to 0w. it as up-to-date interestby means of a shdwidtle. and it was

arccrdo ssanosdas "Fen Dia-v ' r, L 'iadge n Sicily." Thisktbst Millurstee the evolution of artto adverttaig.

The WMte Star Uteaaner Majeastowill wake a special holiday trip fromNew York to Liverpool. England. lear-lag Niw York Dec. 17th. and reachingLiverpool Dec. 38d. This steamer hassuperior oocommeodations for allclaes, and berths will be very muchIn embaat. An intending passengers

oameld nesre reservations as early as

4 W. Lamson. AgentGernsr Main and Broadway. Butts.

e bswas de. wie hber weseeklbwhss was a c, do or for cM6WseAhast tecamme X k she sinm t `Wealse aschikiwow~hept gae hemar-ay~

THE MARKETS.New Terk, Dee. 3.-The ladmstrial

shwas again ebserbed pulaitve attm-tion, despite seveeal faerable afluseosesUage the ether asrhsw

tes*e asad Smeds.U. S. mew 's regstteed................12it. I. mew ts coupo a....................121V. S. 4' regsltered ...................... 111U. S. 4e ourpon ......................... 112%U. i. Pe rugistere .......................115U. 3. 5's coups ......................... 115Pacific $ .........6.......... ............. MAtchison ........ ..... ......... ......... 16%Amerlcan Exprms ..... ....... ........ 112Canada Pa cic...... ........ ............ 54Central Pacic ........... ............... 15%Burungton ....... . ................ Of%Adams Express ............... ......... 140General Electric ... .... ....... 20%Kansas & Texas petereed ............ 1%Lake Shore ........ ....................... 150%Illinois Central ..... ................ /6%Michigan Central ........ ............... 100Missouri Pacific ......................... 2%Northern Pacific ....... ........ ........ 4Northern Pacific preferred ............ 15%Northwestern ........ ..... ....... 101%Northwestern preferred .... ".. ........ 147%New York Central .......... ............ 15%Oregon Short Line ............ ........ 7Pacific Matt ....... ........ ............. 22Pullman Palace ... ............ 102New York & New England............ 50Rock Island .......... ................... 73%St. Paul ....... .................... 75%St. Paul preferred ....................... lfNational Linseed ........ ............... 2%Union Pacific ......... .................. $United States Express .................. 42Pargo Express ...... ..... ............ 100Western Union .............. ............ 88%Southern Pacific .......... ............... 22Lead Trust ........... ...... ............. 20%Rio (hand. Western .................... 17Rio Grande Western preferred ........ 40Distillers .. .............. .... 19%Great Northern preferred .............. 115Sagar ........ .................. .... 106%National Cordage ........ ............... 6%Netideal Cordage preferred ........... 12%

Msaey WKrhee.Nosin, easy: olesed 2 per pent. kter-

t edahange dull: 14@.%@4.#I for do-`hd $.2%04.M for M days. Gov-treast bonds firm and higher.

Metat Markeo.wher, M. Pig Iron, quiet. Copper, eas-

aer; broker's price, $10.75: exchangepies. $10.15010.75. Lead, steady.


Chicago. Dec. 1-4n the eattle marketeastern shipper were on a beels of 32 forcommon droves up to 14.50 for choicebeer es. Many cattle are selling for lessthan their original coot, as feeders twoor three months ago. Stockers and feed-meu, 2.5003.00; veal owves, $6.50056.5;bull.. 5762.30; cows, $1.7502.75.

Hog sold at an extreme range of [email protected] and pigs mostly at 31.003.50.

Sheep were saleable at $1.5003.50. West-erns were In demand at 52.7005.15; lambs.2252.40.

The Wheat Market.Profits have come to the bulls in wheat

so seldom of late that nearly every onewho had returned with long wheat yes-terday sold it out to-day. The govern-ment report was looked upon as a men-ace to the bulls. The foreign mark"ewere a disappointment, the northwesternreceipts were liberal and the trade wasdisposed to question visible supply fig-urea.urea.

Chieago General Market.CIoei-May wheat, 13c; corn, Uc; oats,

19%c; pork. $8$.2; lard, 85.50; rIbs, $4.50.Receipts: Wheat, 102.000 bushels; corn,196,000 bushels; oats, 326.000 bushels.

Boston Miming Stock.Boston, Dec. 10.-Boston & Montana,

70%: Butte & Boston, 15w.Beest. WooL

Boston. Dec. 10.-The demand in thewool market continued quiet, thoughprices were maintained. The market interrisory wool has met with a moderatetrad.. With encouraging reports from allother parts of the world, dealers here aresangaine in their views of the marketand are keeping the prices up to the high-eat notch. Territory wools: Montana finemedium and fine, 11@14c; scoured price,35@f7C; Montana No. 2, medium. 14@l6c:scoUred price. 32033c: Utah. Wyoming,etc., fine medium and fine, 1013c; soour-ed Ofce, 33036c; Utah, Wyoming, etc.,No 2 medium, 12614c; socured price, 32c.CalliOrala wools: Northarn spring, 11(17c: scored prioe, 3303k; middle countyspring 11@13c; sooured price, 33036c.

Loaden Weal.Londen, Dec. 10.-A good selection, In-cluding some fine Darling and Riverina

new elips, was offered at wool auctionsaless o-day. The bidding was keen, thebest parcels bringing extreme rates.

Ceoditiee ef the Treasury.Westbington, Dec. 10.-To-day's state-

ment qi the condition of the treasuryshows: Available cash halance, $174,885,-219 gold reserve, 876,745.32.


Meals Saered a Ia Carte em the GreatNerthern Diaing Cars.

The Great Northern through train,leaving Butte at 6:10 p. in., carries adining ear and will serve supper leav-ing igtte a Ia carte hereafter. This Isthe osny line running dining car out ofButte. Buffet and library car on everythrough main line train.

Safety speed sad ComfortCan be had by using the Northern Pa-dfcl. Their train Is the first to reachet. Paul. notwithstanding the fact itdoes sot leave Butte until 10:30 p. m.,four hours and 30 minutes laterthan trams on any other line.

Reduced rates to Austria. Germany.Uwsdea, sad all points in Europe. Tick-ets to Chicago. New York, Boston,Phildeiphia and all eastern and Can-adios p54Mm. Call at Butte. AnacondaA PFaels passenger depot for rates,maps~ Slim

Ipesil 22ssarates to Esrope for the Hel.idays.

Thi Northern Pacific. in nonneetlonwith the leading steamship lines saU-jag tra New York. have arranged tomake a very low rate to all Europeanpoints for the holidava Before makingyour .vgea.emeots for tickets call onor write W. M. Tuohy, general agent,N. P. R. R. Butte. for rates. routes.ete.

Conasumption can be cured by the useof Shiloh a Cure. This great CoughCure to the only known remedy for thatterrible disease.

A Sepers CritielmProbably no two artists ever criti-

cised each other more severely thandid Paseht and Northcote. yet they re-maiaed fast friends. At one time Fi-sell wes looking at Northeatees paint-itm of the angel meeting Ralaam andhis ass. "How In y.'u like i:t askedNorthcote. alter a long silence: *N*.rthi-cote." renlled Fusels. promptly, youare as sagel at an ass, but an ass atan sagel

a's mastse" & a ga sseUNN as m smer. mm war ba em lb -APark H oTeL C7 &. e . LeY. Ma-gsr

ORBAT PALLS. MON. a e1na er


tS seams to es Imevesse sad Loussibgto the Cod...

The Northern Pacific has inaugurateda ohauge that will be appreciated by alarge secton of the traveling public byrunning a tourist sleeper through tromSt. Paul to San Francisco withoutchange every week. This car leaves St.Paul every Wednesday and will passGarrison every Friday at 10 : a. tee.The car connects at Portland with theSouthern Pacific. and lays there oalyN mijutes.

Te Clifsesais N itheet Change iam OrbeMilwaukee MRote."

On every Saturday during the win-ter, an elegant Pullman Tourist Bleep-er will leave Minneapolis (3:25 a. m.).St. Paul (3:15 a. m.). and arrives at LosAngeles. Cal. at 6:70 p. m. followingWednesday.

Via "The Milwaukee's" famous "He-drick Houte" to Kansas City, thencevia the A.. T. & S. F. Ry., throughSouthern California.

A most delightful winter roste tothe coast.

Quicker time is made via this routebetween St. Paul and Minneapolis andCalifornia than via any other line.

Rates per double berth, $6 throughfrom St. Paul and Minneapolis.

Leave St. Paul and Minneapolis everySaturday morning, arriving Los Ange-les every Wednesday afternoon.

For berths, complete information andlower rates, apply to '"The Milwaukee"agents, SIt Paul or Minneapolis, or ad.dress J. T. Conley,

LAst Gea'l Pass. Agt.,St Paul. Mian,

edgese to rreaters.Estate of Cornealia M. Stevens, deOeased.

Notice is hereby gives by the uaner-signed, administrator of the estate ofCornella M. Steveab, deceased. to thecreditors of. and all persceu havingclaims against the said deceased, to es-hibit them with the necessary vouajbe,within four monts after the Brst publica-tion of this notice, to the said adminis-trator, at 611 Birch street. to the city sfAnaoonda, the same being the plase forthe transaction et the besasess of sawestate.

In the county of Deer Lodge. DatedDecember 2, 116

ALBERT P. STEVENS,Administrator of the Estate of Cornelia

M. Stevens. deceased.

Commencing Sunday, Sept. 23d. 1M86the C. M & St. P. railway will in-augurate daily through buffet sleepingcar service between St. Paul and Min-neapolls and Peoria. Ill., passingthrough Faribault. Owatonna. Austin.Marshalitown. Oskaloosea, Keithsburg,etc. Leave Minneapolis 4:00 p. m. andSt. Paul 4:10 p. m. dally, arriving atPeoria 10.00 o'clook next morning. Forparticulars apply to local ticket agentsor address J. T. Conley. assistant gen-eral passenger agent. St. Paul. MKan.

A trip from Montana to the East canbe made a pleasure instead of a burdenby traveling a route rich in resources,and lined with prosperous cities.

Time and service via the Union Paci-fic system are unsurpassed; only twochanges from Butte to New York city,and no vexatious delays at desolatejunction points. All trains are lightedwith gas and fitted with modern appli-ances.

Omlce. corner Main street and Broad-way, Butte.

See that your tickets read Buring.ton route via Northern Pacific at Bill.ings.

The reduced rates to the easternpoints go into effeot on the 10th via ,heGreat Northern railway. Second classrate to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Du-luth. $30. Rates to points East, come.spondingly reduced. City ticket oee41 North Main street.

Through sleeping Cats.The Northern Pacific is the only line

operating through Pullman vestibuledstandard sleeping cars between Butteand St. Paul. City ticket oftie*, 3 EastBroadway, Butte.

13 hours

and 2o minutes

is the time made by theBurlington Route's even-train from St. Paul to Chi-cago.

Distance. 432 miles.

an hour-a higher rateAverage speed, 32% milesthan is maintained by anyether line between theTwin Cities and Chicago.

Write for informationabout our service to Oma-ha. Kansas City, St. Louis.Chicago or any other east-ern or southeastern point.

rhin Daslela T r sd F Agest Batt!

SltL Jebeates C. miliig1. Pies!

IteRom in th GeaFalM ollog *f the ane.lard. in the Josbeh-rybresa Pbieases room.thero l e~y veasti.le4and beasted, wil *eetrie1iable sad )astor erveaTerms rassenabie. Ap-pay at Mandard orbsGreat Fall.. Mon ans.

Want dV5.ADUtB I "EMENTllunder Ire head of ' En-

pItoytamea Was * t" .Iad ''t eeins to Bentw a et wnord each Insert on, under all other

beadle a. s cen:. a wora for the flrst aesertionand I cent a wart for each subs-qu-ot lasrr-tion No d.v. .axes for teos Ilan 6 cea:saClasiel' I Aiva ror Tine net m- ....... i..$A

(('ount 5 words to the line).


PEOPLES ikil*MPWLYMNT BLREAli.second Loer Owatey block. Butte. TeL31[ Oldest agency best rustiera Fam-ily girls dialag girla, hotes help ete.Come to the People's ofcie

WANTED-AANEXPERIENCED SAikscman for wh'uesai* liquor and cigarhouse, none but flrst-class man needapp y. Addrses Itux 3n. Anaconda.Mon tazaa

WANTE -- A FIRST-Cl.ASS E.PERR-enced Lady tookkeoper: must have ref-eronoe& Call Standard. Butts

WANTED-SECOND COOK: ALSOpastry girl, at the Montama. Anaosed,

Ie.t'IiWANTED TOi IIINDitnew glass writing pens. Reasone whyour agents sell them so fast. they mev-er rust, they will last for lifetime sadwill write 100 words with each dip ofthe ink. They will write on any qualiyof paper without blotting or scratchingthe paper, bear heavy or light, it doesn'tmsutter. it writes the same even hand.Jult the thing for nervous or heavy-handed people. Send 13 cents in moneyand receive sample pen and holder, putup in a nice case, and full terms toagents. Address Tate Glass Pen Works,Sedalia, Mo.

WANTEDI - RL8 FOR OENERALhousework at Anaconda EmploymeatAgency.

WANTED - DRT MMER FOR MER-chant tailoring. 30s East Park. Butte

WANTED-GIRLS FOR DINING ROO6kitchen and general housework. StPaul Employment Office, 115 NorthMain. Butte.

WANTED-A MILLWRIGHT WHO UN-derstards spouting in flour mill: m istbe fast and skillful. Apply to JosephF. Carter, U S. Indian Agent, JokeeP. 0.. Mont.


WANTED--WORK IN PRIVATE FAM-Ily or at perter work or oars of boras.Room 3, Rose and Thistle, oorner Paetand Wyoming. Butte.

WANTED-POSION_ BY COLIDwoman as cook or chambermaid. ReomsM. Rems amd Thitile house, corner Partsad Wyolaiq, Bofto,,lM bl .i*tk.?4sCaJ URS CALL.at " West Peurth street. Anaeeada.


eel chair. Address Bos 343, Missoula.tORALE-8IX-ROOM HOUSE AND

let IB Walkervwlle, near cable lieaGood chance for any one who wants toseepe Butte smoke for the winter. In

a loaikty where houses always reatseedily. Apply to S. L. Dunnavan, WestDaly street, Waikervill.

FR SALE-CHEAPTU'NR5WARWOmachinery; lot of belting, a lot of 12-lb"T" rails; also one burglar proo saes.George Lewis, room 3, upstairs, 35 1,Main. Butte.

FOR SALE-A.a00. oWa i XWI5ONE l2room furnished house, bringing NO permonth; all modern improvements; cen-trally lonated; halt cash. Address L.,Standard. Butte.

LIVERY STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP.Ruby stable, Sheridan. Address GeorgeMcLeod, Pony. Mont,

FOR SALE-Ue STOCK OP GROCUK-1ea, established trade. good loeastie. Pewrent. Siemens & Lawler, Detto,

POR SALK OR RuNr-4uCO D.5AxOiae m aebaeeyr. Iegatr, et oeefS Lewis, I5 Sosth Maud SL. Datsa


LOST-4UITABLE REWARD FOR RE-turn of black and white collie dog. tagNo 37. John Gllie, S00 West Broadway,Butte: ,

VOn M14 .

F- RENT - FURNISHED ROOMS:water; first floor. 161 3. Broadway.Butte. Inquire 37 W. Granite.

Pk niNT- FURNISHED E limagall modern conveniences. 34 E. Bhead-way. Butte.

FOR RENT-TWNtWREDWlight honeekeeplng. 10 N. Washlngtesstreet. Butte.

FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM FURNI5HUDhouse. Address M.. Standard. Asa-coeda.

HOFFMAN HOTEL-,NEW MANAGE-ment; eteam beat, electric lights:rooms rented by day, week or mpath;reasonable prices. C. W. Brega, propri-etor. 41 East Park street. Butte.

FOR RENT-A SMALL FURNISHEDhouse. MS East Broadway. Butte.

FOR RENT-HOUSE FOR LIGHThousekeeplng. 414 West Quarts street.Butte

FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM.West Fourth street. Anacoada.

FOR RENT-FU'RNISHED ROOMS ATthe Wills & Onese block. B. Park ave-aue. Anaconda.

FOR RENT-THE BOULDER NOTSprings Hotel for a term of years. Ad-dress A. C. Qualntance. Boulder. Meas

MO RENT-EIGHT ROOMS, FUR-lsbhed or unfuralebed. James R. Camp-

bell, corner Siath and Spruce streets.Anaconda.

VUO ltMNT-TURtNh HALL (OBR-merly French ball). for bails, partiesand society meetings. For particularsApply to B. Radeieldt. 6 Main street.Amaseeds.

FOR ItENT-NICELY FURNIZSMDrooms with Sart-clas table boardSherman House. 1'% West QuarsAButte.


WANTED-A F RNISIIED HOUSE OP4 or 5 rooms for .Ight housekeepIng iasouthwest portin of city. Address D.J. Standard. Butte.

PROFESSOR BAYNES. PHRENOLOIgist, will remain in Butte only a fewdays longer. Have your children es-ambnrd. Rate. $1 and upward. Mocharge If you are not satislfied. N D.Main street.

Mit. J HELD. RELIABLE CLAIUvoyant. Readings. Si. L_1 South Art-mona. Butte.

HAIRDRESSINO. MANIC RING. COM-plexIon specialist o W. Park at.. Butte.


YOU CAN MAKE iJONEY BUYINGwheat at prresnt prices. Our book a.cicareful mark, t l.-tte- expiainnng how todo It and consalning pants of speoiejinterest sent free Wakem & Co.. Ow-lags butildlig. Chicago.

WANTE.I)-QFFICE bAVE STATE SIZEmake and price. Addreas Moa, N.. GreatFail Mont.

A PEM .AN.NT CORN AND BUNIONECure--Other ourwe may give soalls se atha4 but we guaraata as give a wp.maneat cure for as oes ir bhgaOur cure will be mest to war adrepostage paid on receipt co a A. Ega.or. Horr. Wark County. Meastsa.

MINES FOR LEASE-A N'UMBUEvaluable mlmes tfr lease is bvegeatterms Montasa Mlalas & IAHS O-." West Granite street, Butt.