1º bto may 2013 test

IES. MUÑOZ TORRERO 1º BTO MAY 2013 TEST NAME: DATE: 1.- Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original.(14) a. I didn´t go to Helen´s party because she didn´t invite me. b. Anne can´t buy a new car because she hasn´t got enough money. c. Jim missed the plane because he arrived late at the airport. d. I´d like to buy a bigger flat, but I haven´t got enough money. e. Ice melts down when you heat it. f. I´ll buy a new computer provided that I get a rise in salary. g. The government won´t win the elections unless they create employment. 2.- Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the most suitable tense. (22) I _________________ (learn) English for seven years now. But last year I ________________ (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks __________________ (not / be) really good then. As I __________________ (want / pass) my English exam successfully next year, I __________________ (study) harder this term. During my last summer holidays, my parents __________________ (send) me on a language course to London. The fact is that before I __________________ (go) to London, I __________________ (not / enjoy) learning English. But while I __________________ (do) the language course, I __________________ (meet) lots of young people from all over the world. There I __________________ (notice) how important it __________________ (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays. At the moment I __________________ (revise) English grammar. And I __________________ (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I __________________ (think) I ___________________ (do) one unit every week. My exam ___________________ (be) on 15 May. If I___________________(pass) my exams successfully, I ____________________(start) an apprenticeship in September. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I ___________________ (go) back to London to work there for a while. As you ___________________(can / see) , I __________________ (become) a real London fan already. 3.- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. 1. I want to borrow your history book tonight. …………………… you …………………… (use) it? 2. In another 30 minutes, the students …………………………………… (finish) the test. 3. Richard …………………………………… (receive) the letter by now. 4. They …………………………………… (sleep) at nine o’clock, so don’t phone them. 5. Let’s meet later. I …………………………………… (come) home from work by then. 6. By the end of summer, the children …………………………………… (go) to the beach about ten times. 4.-a) Complete the sentences with a particle from the box.(9) after on up off with after down in with Babysitters look ____________ children while the parents are out. She was brought ____________ in Australia, where her father ran a business. Be careful! The switch is still plugged ____________ to the electricity supply. He doesn´t look much like his father; he takes ___________ his mother. Take ____________ your dirty shoes in the house, please. He insisted ____________ paying for the meal. My car broke _____________ on the road to Bristol last night. I can´t put up ______________ your behaviour any longer. The article is concerned ________________ the flow of immigrants coming into Germany.

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1º Bto May 2013 Test


Page 1: 1º Bto May 2013 Test



1.- Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original.(14)

a. I didn´t go to Helen´s party because she didn´t invite me.

b. Anne can´t buy a new car because she hasn´t got enough money.

c. Jim missed the plane because he arrived late at the airport.

d. I´d like to buy a bigger flat, but I haven´t got enough money.

e. Ice melts down when you heat it.

f. I´ll buy a new computer provided that I get a rise in salary.

g. The government won´t win the elections unless they create employment.

2.- Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the most suitable tense. (22)

I _________________ (learn) English for seven years now. But last year I ________________ (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks __________________ (not / be) really good then.

As I __________________ (want / pass) my English exam successfully next year, I __________________ (study) harder this term. During my last summer holidays, my parents __________________ (send) me on a language course to London. The fact is that before I __________________ (go) to London, I __________________ (not / enjoy) learning English. But while I __________________ (do) the language course, I __________________ (meet) lots of young people from all over the world. There I __________________ (notice) how important it __________________ (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.

At the moment I __________________ (revise) English grammar. And I __________________ (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I __________________ (think) I ___________________ (do) one unit every week. My exam ___________________ (be) on 15 May. If I___________________(pass) my exams successfully, I ____________________(start) an apprenticeship in September. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I ___________________ (go) back to London to work there for a while. As you ___________________(can / see) , I __________________ (become) a real London fan already.

3.- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or FuturePerfect Simple.

1. I want to borrow your history book tonight. …………………… you …………………… (use) it?2. In another 30 minutes, the students …………………………………… (finish) the test.3. Richard …………………………………… (receive) the letter by now.4. They …………………………………… (sleep) at nine o’clock, so don’t phone them.5. Let’s meet later. I …………………………………… (come) home from work by then.6. By the end of summer, the children …………………………………… (go) to the beach aboutten times.4.-a) Complete the sentences with a particle from the box.(9)

after on up off with after down in with

Babysitters look ____________ children while the parents are out.She was brought ____________ in Australia, where her father ran a business.Be careful! The switch is still plugged ____________ to the electricity supply.He doesn´t look much like his father; he takes ___________ his mother.Take ____________ your dirty shoes in the house, please.He insisted ____________ paying for the meal.My car broke _____________ on the road to Bristol last night.I can´t put up ______________ your behaviour any longer.The article is concerned ________________ the flow of immigrants coming into Germany.

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b) Use the following phrasal verbs in the suitable sentence.(8)

Switch off – change into- hold on – look into – put off – find out- put out- give up- run into

Before leaving the room, make sure you have __________________ TV.I should ________________ smoking to be healthier.The police is _______________ the case to find out who the murderer was.After a few days, worms _______________ beautiful butterflies.The concert was ________________ because of heavy rain.______________ a minute, I´m very busy at the moment.The headteacher is trying to ______________ who is responsible for the damage at school.Before entering the building, make sure you have __________________ your cigarette.

5.- Fill in the gaps with a suitable tense. (8)

1. They offered me more tea, but I …............................. (drink) enough.

2. By the time Mia ….................................... (decide) which jeans to buy, she had tried on seven pairs.

3. Jason ….................................. (be) upset last night because he..................................... (not score) a goal the night before.

4. The thieves were caught after they …..................................... (already/ rob) three banks in a month.

5. I …................................... (just/speak) to my sister when she called home yesterday.

6. Yesterday night Alice ….................................... (come) home after her parents …................................. (go) to bed.

6.- Rewrite the sentences using a conditional sentence.(8)

1. They didn’t come because they didn’t want to....................................................... ................................................................................2. Sally must apologise, or we won’t be friends any more........................................................................................................................................3. The Browns want to buy a new car, but they haven’t got enough money..........................................................................................................................4. The girls left because you insulted them.….......................................................................................................................

7.- Change these sentences into the passive voice. (14)

1 Hooligans have spoilt the enjoyment of football.

…......................................................................................................2 The referee watched the players very closely.


3 They play American football in many countries nowadays.


4 Someone’s taken my pen.


5 Did your teacher give you extra homework?


6 They think hooliganism is one of the oldest sports on earth.


7 They expect trouble at the match this afternoon.


7.- Gerund or infinitive? (9)

___________________________ (Swim) in the sea in cold weather is quite relaxing.

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In spite of _______________________ (study) until late, she didn´t pass the test.

After many years, he managed ________________________ (get) a job as an engineer.

I am used to ___________________________ (get) very late at weekends.

_________________________ (Take) regular exercise every day helps you to lose weight.

I often forget __________________________ (answer) my friends' e-mails.

Jen doesn´t mind _________________________ (stay in) Saturday evenings. She doesn´t like

________________________ (go out) with friends.

Lewis can´t help _________________________ (scratch) her head before an important exam.

8.- Complete the sentences with a particle from the box.(5)

back on forward of down

Although she was made a good offer, she turned it ____________ .Write to me soon, I am looking ___________ to hearing from you.Keep ____________ studying like this and you´ll pass all your exams.Could you give me ______________ the books I lent you.I´ll go the supermarket, we´ve run out ____________milk.

9.- Combine the two sentences using third conditional clauses. (8)

Karen split up with her boyfriend. He betrayed her with another girl.

I didn´t know she was vegetarian. I made paella and roasted chicken.

I didn´t watch Survivors because I didin’t have time.

They didn’t come to the meeting because they didn´t know anyting about it.

10. Translate these sentences into English. (16)

● Si hubieses aparecido antes en la fiesta, habrías conocido a Robbie.

● Aunque podríamos haber ido a la fiesta, al final decidimos quedarnos en casa.

● Una vez hubimos completado el proyecto, logramos enchufar el cable a la máquina.

● Para cuando hayas aparecido en la reunión, ellos ya habrán planificado todos los detalles.

11.- Choose the most suitable modal verb to complete the sentences.(6)

1.- You ............. come with us if you don´t want to.a. must b. don´t have to c.should2.- That sign says taht we .............. be quiet in this area of the hospital.a. may b. must c.can3.- According to the school rules, you .............. smoke in there.a. can´t b. shouldn´t c.mustn´t

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4.- I´m a bit bored.We .............. go to the cinema.a. could b. will c.can´t5.- You ................ tell them the truth. At least, that´s what I would do if I were you.a. need b. should c. don´t have to6.-Look at the sky.It ................ rain in a minute.a. should b. can´t c. may

12.- Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible.(8)

a. The postman may have delivered the letters to the wrong address...........................................................................................................................................b. We didn’t see the famous painting because somebody had stolen it...........................................................................................................................................c. The doctor is examining the patient now...........................................................................................................................................d. The prisoner escaped while the police were questioning him.

13.- Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive. (10)

Many people use the Internet, or the Net as it 1.............................. (call). Some people consider it as an encyclopedia, which 2.............................. (can / use) to get information. However, when it 3.............................. (invent), the Internet had a different purpose. Until then, people 4.............................. (communicate) by radio and telephone, but these means of communication 5.............................. (not consider) safe ways of sending private messages. A new way of sending private or secret information 6.............................. (need). Researchers in the American Defence Department studied the problem, and in 1969 they 7............................... (establish) the Internet. Since then, the Net has grown and changed. In recent years, it 8.............................. (use) for e-mail, shopping and chatting to people all over the world. Millions of people 9............................... (connect) to it. Perhaps, in the future, phones 10.............................. (replace) entirely by e-mail, but for the time being, there are still many people who prefer to chat on the phone.

14.- Complete the Conditionals with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5)

- If she had gone to more lessons, she……………………………..(learn) to play the guitar.- Mary will come on Saturday if she……………………………..(finish) work on time.- It …………………………………………(not be) a bad idea if you explained it again.- What………………….…you……………….……(say) if I told you that I loved you.- If he ………………..………………(feel) sick, he would see the doctor.

15.- Complete the sentences about Thomas with modal perfects

1. Thomas didn’t come to the meeting. He …………………………… forgotten about it.2. I …………………………… reminded him about it, but I decided not to.3. The boss …………………………… called Thomas at the start of the meeting, but he didn’thave time.4. Thomas …………………………… written the date in his work diary. Maybe that’s why heforgot.5. Thomas has missed meetings in the past. He …………………………… done it again!

16.- Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word or phrase.

set off/ unpredictable/ determined/ relieved/ plot/ run out of/ do a favour/ based/ landmarks/ irritated/ injured/ realised/ stayed calm/ deal with

John …………………… me …………………………… and helped me paint my room.The class …………………………… on the school trip at 7.00 this morning.Michelle …………………… that Tim wasn’t interested in her when he stopped phoning.When the fire started, the office workers …......................... They left the building quietly.The most interesting ….................................. are in the centre of the town.Dad sent me to the shops because we …………………………… sugar.Mou was ….............................. by the team’s performanceBrad and Ellen were because a car hit them.The police are trying to …………………… the growing violence at football games.The young mother was …………………… when the police found her lost child.The weather is very …………………………… in the spring. You never know when it might rain.Andrew is ….......................... to win the race.The …………………… of this book is very confusing. I don’t think that there will be a film…………………… on the book in the future