1st quarter 2014 lesson 10 discipling the nations powerpoint show

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  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Adult Bible Study Guide

    Jan Feb Mar 2014

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente


  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Adult Sabbath School Bible Study GuideAn Appeal

    Dear User.This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all whomay find it beneficial. While intended primarily

    for personal use, some find it useful for teaching

    the lesson in church.There are those, however, who add illustrations,change background, change fonts, etc. Whiletheir intention may be good, this is not right.

    Slide #1 says designed by claro ruiz vicente.For honest Christians, it is not necessary for

    anothers creation to be copyrighted in order tobe respected.


  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    1 Disciples and Scripture2 Discipling Through Metaphor

    3 Discipleship and Prayer

    4 Discipling Children

    5 Discipling the Sick6 Discipling the Ordinary

    7 Jesus and the Social Outcasts

    8 With the Rich and Famous

    9 Discipling the Powerful10 Discipling the Nations

    11 Discipling Spiritual Leaders

    12 Harvest and the Harvesters

    13 The Cost of Discipleship


  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    DiscipleshipOur Goal

    We will look at discipleship asthe process by which we become

    followers of Jesus and, as such,better soul-winners.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    DiscipleshipLesson 10, March 8

    Discipling theNations

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the NationsKey Text

    Isaiah 56:7 NKJV

    For My house shall be called a

    house of prayer for all nations.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the NationsInitial Words

    Jesus, the Desire of all nations, wasnot to be limited to a single group.

    Christs followers would transcendnational boundaries, internationalconflicts, language differences, and

    other difficulties, because He hadestablished the pattern of cross-

    cultural evangelism.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the NationsQuick Look

    1.Foretold By the Prophets(Micah 4:1, 2)

    2.Exemplified By Jesus(John 12:20-32)

    3.Commissioned By God (Matthew 28:19, 20)

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    1. Foretold By the ProphetsGentile Conversions

    Ancient prophets foretold theconversion of non-Jewish people(Gentiles) to a scripturally based


    Israels commission was to broadcast

    Gods universal invitation to thesurrounding nations.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    1. Foretold By the ProphetsGentile Conversions

    Israel was to be the light of thenations.

    Seeing the wonderful advantagesthat the Israelites had, heathennations would inquire about the

    Israelites monotheistic faith, andthus many of them would beconverted to the true God.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    1. Foretold By the ProphetsGentile Conversions

    Modern Christians face a similarchallenge. Will they sacrificially investin furthering the gospel, or will they

    become inwardly focused, forgettingtheir larger purpose?

    Our burden for the regions beyond

    can never be laid down until the wholeearth shall be lightened with the glory

    of the Lord.Testimonies 6:28, 29.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    1. Foretold By the ProphetsGentile Conversions

    Christ wanted His own people towake up to what their true callingand purpose was as a people; to see

    that salvation, even for them was notsomething that a person is born into.

    It was something that requires aconscious choice to accept, a choicethat even those who werent of Israel

    could, and did, make.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the Nations2. Exemplified By Jesus

    John 12:20-26And there were certain

    Greeksthat came up to worship at

    the feast. The same came toPhilipsaying, Sir, we would see

    Jesus. And Jesus answered them,If any

    man serve me, let him follow me;

    and where I am, there shall also my

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    2. Exemplified By JesusWe Would See Jesus

    Among the crowd assembling forPassover were Greek worshipers.

    Notice their words to Philip, Sir, wewould see Jesus. In other words,

    they wanted to see Jesus.

    They wanted to be with Him.They wanted to learn from Him.

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    2. Exemplified By JesusWe Would See Jesus

    What a testimony to the universalcharacter of Christ and His message!

    Jesus granted these men their wish.Notice what He said to them:

    If any man, meaning any man,

    woman, Jew, or Greek, wanted tofollow Him, they could, but it would

    come at a cost.

    l f d

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    2. Exemplified By JesusBreaking Down Barriers

    Israels leaders found it unthinkablethat Jesus would consider teachingGreeks. Jesus countered by empha-

    sizing character above ethnic origin.He used the story of a Samaritan to

    teach what it meant to fulfill Gods law.A rebuke to all who scorn someone in

    need because the person is not of

    their own ethnic background.

    D l h N

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the Nations3. Commissioned By God

    Matthew 28:19, 20 NKJV Go therefore and make disciplesof all the nations, baptizing them in

    the name of the Father and of theSon and of the Holy Spirit, teaching

    them to observe all things that Ihave commanded you; andlo, I am with you always, even to the

    end of the age.

    3 C i i d B G d

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    3. Commissioned By GodInto the World

    Gods final work is incomplete untilthe eternal gospel expressed in the

    message of the three angels found inRevelation 14 has crossed every

    racial, ethnic, national, and

    geographical boundary.Gods triumph and its proclamation

    are assured.

    3 C i i d B G d

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    3. Commissioned By GodInto the World

    This must happen, but whowilloffer themselves as Gods channels

    of grace? Whowill join Christ in the

    overturning of the racial, ethnic, andlanguage barriers? Whowill empty

    their wallets and pocketbooks?Whowill sacrifice earthly comfortsand family associations in order to

    advance heavens cause?

    3 C i i d B G d

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    3. Commissioned By GodInto the World

    Our missionary success has beenfully proportionate to our self-denying, self-sacrificing effort.

    God alone can estimate the workaccomplished as the gospel message

    has been proclaimed in clear,straight lines. Thousands havebeen brought to a knowledge of the

    truth as it is in Jesus.Testimonies 6:28.

    Di i li th N ti

  • 8/12/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Discipling the Nations Powerpoint Show


    Discipling the NationsFinal Words

    A certain Samaritancame wherethe sufferer was, and when he saw

    him, he had compassion on him.

    He did not question whether thestranger was a Jew or a Gentile.

    Thus the question, Who is myneighbor? is forever answered.

    Our neighbor is every person who

    needs our help The Desire of Ages 503