1stanford kyf it - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m748g/data/0559.pdf ·...

T THE INTERIOR JOURNAL 1STANFORD KYf Ant 28 1903 ID dlllng your proicriptlont wo ueo the right medicine In the exact done and with proper care Wocould- Dot do better If yon paid ui double the price which Is always reasonable Pen cvi Drug Store Id IPERSONALS CHAS E Cox went to Louisville yea torday MR II J McRoUERTS li out after a I lelgo with the mumps NANNIH DAVIS of Liberty li with Mitt Bessie Lanbara ATTOJINKY CIIAKLKS MONTGOMERY I of Liberty was hero Sunday JOE E NEVICB camo down from r T 1alnt Lick to spend a few Jay I Mil A O SINE went to Salvlea you terday to organize a Maccaboo lodge I Miss ELLA MAY NEWLAND of Dan Tllle spent Sunday with her mother hero MilS JOSIE RANEY of Danville Is guest ol the Misses Jones at May D K SWOIE of Mlddlebur 1the hero yesterday en route to Oarrard DR D F MORRIS of Mayfleld t arrived Friday Lailoy to volt her mother W D ODANNON and E J 1Dns attended LoulsTllle the State Medical Sos PLEAS TUCKER of Parksvllle spent Sunday with Mr Sam Helm of Turnorsvllle section Mn AND MRS W L MCCARTY of 1 Klnesvllle were with tbo family of Dr W 130BanconB- ONTA little son of Mr and Mrs John Coulter 01 McKlnnoy has been seriously 111 but Is some bettor MRS E Q DBAZLEY and little daughter Josephine wo visiting th t formers parents at FloralDgiburc MR DAVID FREEMAN who bai been spending several weeks at Crab Grab ard returned to Illobmond yeiterday MR AND MilS JAMBS MERSIIOK of Livingston are spending a few day s with her parents Mr and Mr J It Hale Miss STELLA DISHOX of Lincoln Is with her aunt Mrs George Pope a- Q the Eight Gables notul Livingston p can loU Verooo Rlgnal MR S T HOIIBRTS and family loft Saturday to make their homo at Mc Mecbon W Va much to the re grot o their many friends In this county Miss MARY ADAMS who Is teaching a largo muiloolais In Corbln past- a d down to Danville Sunday to spend a few days with her mother and sister e A HBIORT was ourrent horn yester ¬ 1 day that Mr A O Rutland formerly 1of this place was at the point of death from typhoid fever at his homo In Louisville LITTLE RIll his arrived to auk e 1A home with Mr and Mrs U S Moore of Kansas City Mo The moth whi o MR J0 DAILEY will move his tam J lly to the house on Lancaster street oc ¬ cupled by Mr W A Canon as soon as tbo latter moves to the Drooaugb property on the some street LOCALS I WANTED to borrow 11000 on goo d I real estate Tbb oflcea WOOLWealll p aay the highs price for wool Call and get sacks now Carson It Penea TilE U D C ladles aro requested to meet tblt Tuesday afternoon lOt 230 with Mrs J C Hays i I A TENANT house on David Dudde rarn farm near Gilbert Creek burned Sunday causing a 1200 loss FOLKS Up Willow Greekwill b- at o Walton Opera Douse to ntght Get a your scat now at McRoberts drug tore CfPUP LOST Red pointer pup about five months old white breast and white spot In face Return to J T Embry and got rewarda G L PENNY the druggist has put up the handsomest soda fountain In Central Kentucky It I worth dropping In to see TilE silo advertisement of Mr Geo W Evans of Garrard appears In th Issue Read It After his sale M- I Evans will locate In Lancaster IF It rains on Easter It will rain every succeeding Sunday for six says an old weather sago Thorn was very little rain last Sunday though enough I prove tbo law It Is clear today and lot ui all hope It will continue so GOOD SERMONS PAnt English clergyman has organized himself Into a sermon syndicate and tends out this notice A clergyman of experience and moderate views who distinguished hlmiulf during bIB university course In Divinity and English composition will furnish original sermons Jn strict ac ¬ cordance with the Church of England at five shillings each dlOnly o ceio Sermons to or er on any required subject on reasonable terms it i k a Via 2 LOOK at the ready made skirts and waists at Severance ft Sons 1 ciloos Go toWaltont Opera Houneto night and sea the Folks From Willow Crook WM ROWSEY for killing Sam Maa tin In Doyle was given 21 year In the r enitentiaryb SEE us for carpets umtlngi oil cloths curtains shades Poles Sev erance S Boat a TilE L k N I another oxcur lion to Cincinnati Sunday Tho trainL leaves Stanford at 5 A M Faro roundtrip II 60 TUB delinquent lIt of 1002 will bo sold at public auction In front of the court house on Monday May 11 1003 county court day t FOR RENT room Lancas tar street and law offices formerly oc ¬ ncupled this office or wrIte to W P Walton Lexington 4t DONT fall to see the Folks Up Wil ¬ low Creek at Waltons Opera House tonight Remember If you aro not pleased with the show you can got your money beck Prices 25c 35o and tOc TilE Courier Journal has the follow log to sit of the Willow Creole Co Tho play U the best of Its kind ever een at this theatre the mounting are superb a big weeks buslnesi ii aosur edsh TILE INTERIOR JOURNAL joint u Oeckhamlies since the withdrawal o Its Ideal choice Col Brccklnrldge W- elcome ° w this addition with a full real Itatlon of Us meaning and value to the cause of tho greet common people Somerset Journalp oDEDOE U preparing to run for ofllco aga n and he expect a big vote from tbo 11th district Do has sent to that district In the last weak 60000 pounds of literature and moro Is to follow Tbo reading matter come from Wasblng ton and as Uncle Sam pays the pos toga the distinguished gentleman will likely flood the State with It belongIngt to from the Baptist church yard Sunday night during services was found a Bonyvllle a Negro settlement boa stenof was too lazy to walk Mr Mabony Is considerably provoked and Is making every effort to fled the guilty parties The horse which Is splendid animal i bad been used very bard KILLED William Florence Ion of J F Florence who lives In tbo West End was killed near Paris by the e plosion of a stick of dynamite In pocket It Is supposed tbo was exploded by coming In contact wit a smell battery which Floranco carried about hit neck Two months ago his brother Manly Florance was killed by a dynamite explosion and Floranco bad taken his place In the employ ot a tele phono company The body was brought homo for burial MILLER George Mf11er pre il dent of the 101 ranch east of Bliss Okla died at the ranch of pneumonia after a weeks sickness Ho was tho largest land holder In Oklahoma hay ¬ etlag 30000 acre of leased Indian land blifconlrol He was 00 yeari old Tbo body will be taken to Crab Orchard Ky for burial and It was duo to arrive theta lest night In ovant It did tbo burial will occur tb morning Mr Miner married a sister of Mr J E Carson formerly of the East End- S TUB following gentlemen have been chosen to serve at the primary May 0 They are all volunteers and their ler vitae are free- Staolord No IJ B Paxton Judge J I Wllmot Sheriff J W Walter Judge E D Kennedy Clerk Stanford No 2J B Foster Judge + W A Carson Clark R R Gentry Judge A G T Smith Clerk Stanford No3C V Gentry Judge J T Duddorar Judge E D Penning ettoo Clerk T D Newland Sheriff Sheri1e 1t ft Clerk Tbos Pence Judge Crab Orchard No 1J C Hay Judge Cbaa Spoooktnore Judge njto Clerr lj o ton Sheriff J B Gllkerson Clerk S A MIddleton Judge Sam Chandler Judge Wnynciburg No IW F Camden Ou JudiclWayoeeburJ Judge Jno McKee Clerk O L Hens toy Sheriff D B Flint Judge Wayncsburg No 3Davo Adams Clerk Hen Bough JudgeGreon Acton Sheriff Tim Huicbtnson Judge Hustonvllle No IM E Prul tt Clerk W S Drye Sheriff M F Her ring Judge Jaa P Goodo Judge Qustonvlllo No2H S Scudder Clerk D O Allen Sheriff H Q JuditeDUltonvllleNo < Jet Hill Sr Sheriff B D Carter udge Sam Helm Judge AT a meeting of the county commit teo Friday Mr James F Holdim was declared the democratic nominee for rcuit clerk no one else having an flounced for the office It was decided that separate ballots should be used In Ibo representative race from those for Stato offices and In the drawing for po eltlons Mr Alverson beat Mr North nd got first place on tbo ballot This secured the job of printing tbeso allots and will turn them over to Chairman W S Burch the latter part of ibis week to taund who asks the democrats ofM incoln county to nominate him tbo ofllco of sheriff At present Mr McKlnnoy It deputy under Sheriff Baugbman and le so excellent and trustworthy official and the exper ¬ ience ho derives while serving In that capacity will In every way qualify himu for the office he Ieokl Bolsu c rat in whom there Is no guile and If nominated will beyond all doubt sue the gentleman whom bo now serves so well as assistant THERE are those who favor the ro moval of the tower containing the clock and bell two of the most essential equipments of the building and at tbo same time affording the moat service able end valuable accommodations to tbo public those who are willing elth jr to take chances on the walls stand loll In the condition they ore In or to patch and prop them up until they at least look safe and those who prefer to continue rooting oRIces for the off > until ne under tbo statute ihe courts li recordsI a thinking people whether this li ordl nary prudence moro especially since It has been conclusively demonstrated a new building can be erected and aid for within a tax years and Ibo tax- cs not robed The tower Is the only ihlng that would prevent a itrang r from thinking that It U the jail In fact the building without the towel would be as Incomplete ai a jack ass wliboul cars or voice The bell clock and Us fixtures are valuable and expcn slve If they are kicked and knocked about until a new house Is built lt a doubtful whether tbo clock will look like Itself then much less keep tlmo Of course a cowbell could ba used to convene court We take the position destroysl d d bolad g formed such danger does exist that a new court house lea present necessity and that sop unnecessary delay In avoiding this danger by building a new court house Illalo economy Within the last tea weeks several persons oar a Injured and killed In the court house In doze llablh say patch the mass of patches Tbo county has ape- over120D001npatches ° l fortbebulldlngai Itis and wbat have we Insecure walls an Immense overhead weight that no oce can tell just what moment It le go lag to fall bow many It will kill nor who they will be a roof that no human being has yet been able to keep from leaking valuable record going to de- cay the county officer scattered all over town and the county renting off tae others occupying iho same rooms It does not pay when the necessary re pairs coat moro than the value of the thing after U le repaired In other words It doesnt pay to spend II 50 I eepecallp1e ly worn The times are hush they may not be so when all the existing county debt has been paid beside what at turance have wo that this man trap all not have killed some one before that time It should be remembered that If the bond aro voted only 10 many will be sold by the court an la necessary to build a safe secure fire proof building largo enough to warrant the transaction of the countys busl ness which may bo dono for lees lhan the amount propose- dBROUIIEADI always had a desire to go to B rod head and Imagine It la a delightful little place remurk I ed the writer brother to him a tax months ago when be was visiting him I I in Atlanta Our brother was right Brodhead Is not only a pleasant place live but le a business town of no small pretensions In fact there are few town of Its ilze doing anything like the amount of business and there I ti no town In the writers knowledge whore such an excellent feeling exist between people generally There li competition In moat all lines of bull ease there but absolutely no rivalry nor jealousy To make a long story short Brodhead Is a model place peopled b- as olever moo and women as ever lived tbo standard of morals U high and last but not least It Is a democratic strong- hold Following Is n list of the bud ncisflrma there and If they are not all flourishing signs count tor naught Dunn S Hamm general merchants Martin is Sowder general merchants Fowler s Albright monument moo Albright > Adams general merchants FraoIchco general merchant J L Roblni RenI I 4 oral merchant C S Kelellng restau ¬ rant Herman Frith general merchant J H Albright proprietor of the Al- bright ¬ Hotel F Fracclsco proprietor of the Frith Hotel W C Turpln bar- ber ¬ T S Frllh miller J G Frllh b- on S lumber men Robert L Collier umber dealer and contractor J F Watson and Dr Clark druggist B H Reynolds bUcksmlth and saw mill man Each hotel has a livery stable tbrlvlollbuelocu L It N and JR Cats Is night man Both are exceedingly clever and gen t gentlemen and the companys In are never neglected by them r Fallen FraccUco Is police judge and Egbert M Wallen city marshal and they deervo credit for making Brodbead one of the most orderly towns In the State Mr Evans Is the efficient postmaster and he gives night well ai day service Mr Collier told s tbat since Jan lit be had shipped 110 ease of lumber of various kinds Ho lean old Crab Orchard boy but has loaned to love Brodhead as well aa the rest of the Inhabitants Mr Kelsllng the reaiauranier le doing a big bust ¬ nose in his line In the last month be prepared and delivered to trainmen 1475 lunches at 25o each and did more than I200t worth of business at his lunch counter Both feet are cut oft and Mr Kelsllng walks on his knees but be does more business than a great many men who have not hid the mIl ¬ fortune to lose a limb In doctors Brod ¬ bead le well supplied They are Dr 1 S Burdelt the wellknown eye and ear specialist and Dre Percy Benton Graveley and Clark Each baa a good practice and all aro popular physicians Brodhead line the reputation of being the cheapest town In the country Ne ¬ cessities of life sell for considerably lees than In other towns hotels furnish 12 fore and appointments for tl and other prices are In proportion It Is a live and let live plats and a good one In every respect MATRIMONIAL J P Brown aged TO and Miss Hal lie Brooks 17 were married al Albany Clinton county Tbruxton Beal hoe married MlaaOge IbotEditor MtVeroon 01RockeaILe ston by Rev F P Gates Mr C A Emmlck of Danville IHi and Mill Fannie daughter of Rev W R Davidson were married in Dayton O Sunday and will make their home veryhaodeome man while the gentleman who has won her la said to be a hoe business man WOOL WANTED 100000 pounds of rood wool wanted at the highest market price Call for sacks We 0Went jour wool McOORMAOK k SON Hutonvllle Ky SalelD Fifty secondband sewing machines In good repair from 12 50 I MOROAM BOOtfE Stanford Ky Hemp Seed For Sale I A limited amount of strictly nice clean ImportaUontor DANKd HUDSON Lancaster Ky A 8 PRICE tJorgeon Dentist tanrord Ky Offleor OwslyDandle DR P I WI Carter- DENTIST Stanford Kontucky Office in Myers House Flats- UMBRELLAS Recovered and repaired and made almost as good as new for a small amount I can fix your upabrella better than the tramp repairer for less money Give me a FRANK ATKINS Stanford NOTICE I I If you think of building or repairing we I can save u money on your material All I lengthbeveled ceilings casings bogie or cornice boards I veranda poste and brackets bored and plastererslathes or priceI1UMPUREV Ky BLACK HAWK JR 9Is sired bv plack Hawk No 1 15 hands high black with mealy poInts good bone and length and one of the finest stylo jacks atbooks ford at IT to Insure a living colt and money withY I Public Sale I Having sold my farm J will sell to the highest 1ddC on- THURSDAY MAY II 1003 the following property 4 horses 4 cow with young 21 10 lambs 3 tows and pigs farming Implement house hold and kitchen furniture 20 barrels cprn 25 bushels wheat S buggies 1 snlkey tam Ing Implements all In good and near ¬ ly new K Interest In a new rlano Hinder Sale to commence at 0 oclock a m at my farm 1J< miles from Lancaster Terms made known on day of sale A M Bourne Auctr OW W EVANS I I Clothing pointers I Quality Fit and WorkmanshipSh- ould bo noticed closely before a Suit is pur ¬ chased All these points arc important See that the coat fronts are well atiflbncd eo that they will sot up well on the chest nnd not wrinkle buck this keeps the lapels up in place whether tho coat- is buttuned or unbuttoned The collars should be put on by hand The button holes should be worked by hand Our largo stock of Perfect Fit ¬ ting Clothing have all these points of superiority We are the only dealers in Stanford selling Cloth lug made with PATENT SHAPE UETAINING COAT FRONTS Our values tire the best our fits are perfect See our large assortment of pat- terns ¬ Cummins a McClai r1 < a r 41 e tO- s 11 qtl wasIl ° e w o 1 < apa 0 c 0 r = Z 6 oarI O 8 = J ao c U c3 g e s 0 oo 0 = 0 O a o iA III oc2 = 0 en < SZ Saw Ribbon Bargain A Good Thing For You We place on sale today 1000 yards nil Silk Taffeta Ribbons in Black White Pink Red Blue Nile Moiee Green and Navy three to four inches wide as long as they last at the round price of ONLY lOc PER YARD usual price 15 to 2oc but by buying a large quantity we can make this low price SEVERANCE < SON CLOTHING A Select Lino of Suits For Men Boys and Children Also a Splendid Lino of TROUSERS all Manufactured by tho very best manufacturers in tho country Call and see our stock W E PERKINS 4tJ3J glllL cV ys- oawa A Crab Orcl1ardJI W B McROBERTS THE DRUGGIST Has New Spring Styles of WALL PAPER Best Ready Mixed PAINT for any Purpose r

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Page 1: 1STANFORD KYf It - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m748g/data/0559.pdf · 2013-06-20 · T THE INTERIOR JOURNAL 1STANFORD KYf Ant 28 1903 ID dlllng your proicriptlont


1STANFORD KYf Ant 28 1903

ID dlllng your proicriptlont wo ueothe right medicine In the exactdone and with proper care Wocould-Dot do better If yon paid ui double theprice which Is always reasonable Pencvi Drug Store

Id IPERSONALSCHAS E Cox went to Louisville yea

tordayMR II J McRoUERTS li out after a

I lelgo with the mumpsNANNIH DAVIS of Liberty li



of Liberty was hero SundayJOE E NEVICB camo down fromrT 1alnt Lick to spend a few Jay I

Mil A O SINE went to Salvlea youterday to organize a Maccaboo lodge

I Miss ELLA MAY NEWLAND of DanTllle spent Sunday with her motherhero

MilS JOSIE RANEY of Danville Isguest ol the Misses Jones at May

D K SWOIE of Mlddlebur1the hero yesterday en route to Oarrard

DR D F MORRIS of Mayfleld

t arrived FridayLailoy

to volt her mother


1Dns attendedLoulsTllle

the State Medical SosPLEAS TUCKER of Parksvllle

spent Sunday with Mr Sam Helm of

Turnorsvllle sectionMn AND MRS W L MCCARTY of

1 Klnesvllle were with tbo family of

Dr W 130BanconB-ONTA little son of Mr and Mrs

John Coulter 01 McKlnnoy has beenseriously 111 but Is some bettor

MRS E Q DBAZLEY and littledaughter Josephine wo visiting th

tformers parents at FloralDgiburc

MR DAVID FREEMAN who bai beenspending several weeks at Crab Grabard returned to Illobmond yeiterday


Livingston are spending a few day s

with her parents Mr and Mr J ItHale

Miss STELLA DISHOX of LincolnIs with her aunt Mrs George Pope a-

Q the Eight Gables notul Livingstonp can loU Verooo RlgnalMR S T HOIIBRTS and family loft

Saturday to make their homo at Mc

Mecbon W Va much to the re grot o

their many friends In this countyMiss MARY ADAMS who Is teaching

a largo muiloolais In Corbln past-a


down to Danville Sunday to spend afew days with her mother and sister

e A HBIORT was ourrent horn yester¬

1 day that Mr A O Rutland formerly

1of this place was at the point of deathfrom typhoid fever at his homo In

LouisvilleLITTLE RIll his arrived to auk e1A home with Mr and Mrs U S

Moore of Kansas City Mo The mothwhi o

MR J0 DAILEY will move his tam

J lly to the house on Lancaster street oc ¬

cupled by Mr W A Canon as soon

as tbo latter moves to the Drooaugbproperty on the some street


WANTED to borrow 11000 on goo d I

real estate Tbb oflceaWOOLWealll paaythe highs

price for wool Call and get sacks now

Carson It PeneaTilE U D C ladles aro requested to

meet tblt Tuesday afternoon lOt 230

with Mrs J C Haysi I

A TENANT house on David Dudde

rarn farm near Gilbert Creek burnedSunday causing a 1200 loss

FOLKS Up WillowGreekwill b-


Walton Opera Douse to ntght Geta your scat now at McRoberts drug


CfPUP LOST Red pointer pup aboutfive months old white breast and whitespot In face Return to J T Embry

and got rewardaG L PENNY the druggist has

put up the handsomest sodafountain In Central Kentucky It

I worth dropping In to see

TilE silo advertisement of Mr GeoW Evans of Garrard appears In thIssue Read It After his sale M-

I Evans will locate In Lancaster

IF It rains on Easter It will rain everysucceeding Sunday for six says an oldweather sago Thorn was very littlerain last Sunday though enough I

prove tbo law It Is clear today andlot ui all hope It will continue so

GOOD SERMONS PAntEnglishclergyman has organized himself Into

a sermon syndicate and tends out thisnotice A clergyman of experienceand moderate views who distinguished

hlmiulf during bIB university course In

Divinity and English composition will

furnish original sermons Jn strict ac ¬

cordance with the Church of Englandat five shillings eachdlOnly o

ceio Sermons to or er on any

required subject on reasonable terms it


k a Via 2

LOOK at the ready made skirts andwaists at Severance ft Sons 1

ciloosGo toWaltont Opera Houneto nightand sea the Folks From WillowCrook

WM ROWSEY for killing Sam Maatin In Doyle was given 21 year In therenitentiaryb

SEE us for carpets umtlngi oilcloths curtains shades Poles Severance S Boat a

TilE L k N Ianother oxcurlion to Cincinnati Sunday Tho trainLleaves Stanford at 5 A M Faroroundtrip II 60

TUB delinquent lIt of 1002 will bosold at public auction In front of thecourt house on Monday May 11 1003county court dayt FOR RENT room Lancastar street and law offices formerly oc ¬ncupledthis office or wrIte to W P WaltonLexington 4t

DONT fall to see the Folks Up Wil ¬

low Creek at Waltons Opera Housetonight Remember If you aro notpleased with the show you can got yourmoney beck Prices 25c 35o and tOc

TilE Courier Journal has the followlog to sit of the Willow Creole Co

Tho play U the best of Its kind evereen at this theatre the mounting are

superb a big weeks buslnesi ii aosuredsh

TILE INTERIOR JOURNAL joint uOeckhamlies since the withdrawal oIts Ideal choice Col Brccklnrldge W-


w this addition with a full realItatlon of Us meaning and value to thecause of tho greet common peopleSomerset Journalp

oDEDOE U preparing to run for ofllcoaga n and he expect a big vote fromtbo 11th district Do has sent to thatdistrict In the last weak 60000 poundsof literature and moro Is to follow Tboreading matter come from Wasblngton and as Uncle Sam pays the postoga the distinguished gentleman willlikely flood the State with It

belongIngt to

from the Baptist church yard Sundaynight during services was found aBonyvllle a Negro settlement boastenofwas too lazy to walk Mr Mabony Isconsiderably provoked and Is makingevery effort to fled the guilty partiesThe horse which Is splendid animal ibad been used very bard

KILLED William Florence Ion ofJ F Florence who lives In tbo WestEnd was killed near Paris by the eplosion of a stick of dynamite Inpocket It Is supposed tbowas exploded by coming In contact wita smell battery which Floranco carriedabout hit neck Two months ago hisbrother Manly Florance was killed bya dynamite explosion and Floranco badtaken his place In the employ ot a telephono company The body was broughthomo for burial

MILLERGeorge Mf11er pre ildent of the 101 ranch east of BlissOkla died at the ranch of pneumoniaafter a weeks sickness Ho was tholargest land holder In Oklahoma hay ¬

etlag 30000 acre of leased Indian landblifconlrol He was 00 yeari

old Tbo body will be taken to CrabOrchard Ky for burial and It wasduo to arrive theta lest night Inovant It did tbo burial will occur tbmorning Mr Miner married a sisterof Mr J E Carson formerly of theEast End-

STUB following gentlemen have been

chosen to serve at the primary May 0They are all volunteers and their lervitae are free-

Staolord No IJ B Paxton JudgeJ I Wllmot Sheriff J W WalterJudge E D Kennedy Clerk

Stanford No 2J B Foster Judge +

W A Carson Clark R R GentryJudge A G T Smith Clerk

Stanford No3C V Gentry JudgeJ T Duddorar Judge E D Penning

ettoo Clerk T D Newland SheriffSheri1e 1t

ftClerk Tbos Pence Judge

Crab Orchard No 1J C HayJudge Cbaa Spoooktnore Judge njtoClerr lj

oton Sheriff J B Gllkerson Clerk SA MIddleton Judge Sam ChandlerJudge

Wnynciburg No IW F CamdenOuJudiclWayoeeburJJudge Jno McKee Clerk O L Henstoy Sheriff D B Flint Judge

Wayncsburg No 3Davo AdamsClerk Hen Bough JudgeGreon ActonSheriff Tim Huicbtnson Judge

Hustonvllle No IM E Prul ttClerk W S Drye Sheriff M F Herring Judge Jaa P Goodo Judge

Qustonvlllo No2H S ScudderClerk D O Allen Sheriff H Q

JuditeDUltonvllleNo <

Jet Hill Sr Sheriff B D Carterudge Sam Helm Judge

AT a meeting of the county committeo Friday Mr James F Holdim wasdeclared the democratic nominee for

rcuit clerk no one else having anflounced for the office It was decidedthat separate ballots should be used InIbo representative race from those forStato offices and In the drawing for poeltlons Mr Alverson beat Mr North

nd got first place on tbo ballot Thissecured the job of printing tbeso

allots and will turn them over toChairman W S Burch the latter partof ibis week

totaundwho asks the democrats ofMincoln county to nominate him

tbo ofllco of sheriff At present MrMcKlnnoy It deputy under SheriffBaugbman and le so excellent andtrustworthy official and the exper¬

ience ho derives while serving In thatcapacity will In every way qualify himufor the office he Ieokl Bolsuc rat in whom there Is no guile and Ifnominated will beyond all doubt sue

the gentleman whom bo nowserves so well as assistant

THERE are those who favor the romoval of the tower containing the clockand bell two of the most essentialequipments of the building and at tbosame time affording the moat serviceable end valuable accommodations totbo public those who are willing elthjr to take chances on the walls standloll In the condition they ore In or topatch and prop them up until they atleast look safe and those who preferto continue rooting oRIces for the off >

until ne under tbo statute ihe courts lirecordsIa thinking people whether this li ordlnary prudence moro especially sinceIt has been conclusively demonstrated

a new building can be erected andaid for within a tax years and Ibo tax-

cs not robed The tower Is the onlyihlng that would prevent a itrang rfrom thinking that It U the jail Infact the building without the towelwould be as Incomplete ai a jack asswliboul cars or voice The bell clockand Us fixtures are valuable and expcnslve If they are kicked and knockedabout until a new house Is built lt adoubtful whether tbo clock will looklike Itself then much less keep tlmoOf course a cowbell could ba used toconvene court We take the positiondestroysl d

dbolad g

formed such danger does exist that anew court house lea present necessityand that sop unnecessary delay Inavoiding this danger by building a newcourt house Illalo economy Withinthe last tea weeks several persons oar aInjured and killed In the court house Indozellablhsay patch themass of patches Tbo county has ape-over120D001npatches

° lfortbebulldlngai

Itis and wbat have we Insecure wallsan Immense overhead weight that nooce can tell just what moment It le golag to fall bow many It will kill norwho they will be a roof that no humanbeing has yet been able to keep fromleaking valuable record going to de-

cay the county officer scattered allover town and the county renting offtae others occupying iho same roomsIt does not pay when the necessary repairs coat moro than the value of thething after U le repaired In otherwords It doesnt pay to spend II 50 Ieepecallp1ely worn The times are hush they maynot be so when all the existing countydebt has been paid beside what atturance have wo that this man trapall not have killed some one beforethat time It should be rememberedthat If the bond aro voted only 10many will be sold by the court an lanecessary to build a safe secure fireproof building largo enough to warrantthe transaction of the countys buslness which may bo dono for lees lhanthe amount propose-

dBROUIIEADI always had adesire to go to B rod head and ImagineIt la a delightful little place remurk I

ed the writer brother to him a taxmonths ago when be was visiting him I


in Atlanta Our brother was rightBrodhead Is not only a pleasant place

live but le a business town of nosmall pretensions In fact there arefew town of Its ilze doing anythinglike the amount of business and there I

ti no town In the writers knowledgewhore such an excellent feeling existbetween people generally There licompetition In moat all lines of bullease there but absolutely no rivalry norjealousy To make a long story shortBrodhead Is a model place peopled b-

as olever moo and women as ever livedtbo standard of morals U high and lastbut not least It Is a democratic strong-hold Following Is n list of the budncisflrma there and If they are not allflourishing signs count tor naughtDunn S Hamm general merchantsMartin is Sowder general merchantsFowler s Albright monument mooAlbright > Adams general merchants

FraoIchcogeneral merchant J L Roblni RenI



oral merchant C S Kelellng restau ¬

rant Herman Frith general merchantJ H Albright proprietor of the Al-bright


Hotel F Fracclsco proprietorof the Frith Hotel W C Turpln bar-ber

¬T S Frllh miller J G Frllh b-

onS lumber men Robert L Collierumber dealer and contractor J FWatson and Dr Clark druggist BH Reynolds bUcksmlth and saw millman Each hotel has a livery stable

tbrlvlollbuelocuL It N and J R Cats Is night manBoth are exceedingly clever and gen

t gentlemen and the companys Inare never neglected by them

r Fallen FraccUco Is police judgeand Egbert M Wallen city marshaland they deervo credit for makingBrodbead one of the most orderlytowns In the State Mr Evans Is theefficient postmaster and he gives night

well ai day service Mr Collier tolds tbat since Jan lit be had shipped

110 ease of lumber of various kinds Holean old Crab Orchard boy but hasloaned to love Brodhead as well aa therest of the Inhabitants Mr Kelsllngthe reaiauranier le doing a big bust ¬

nose in his line In the last month beprepared and delivered to trainmen1475 lunches at 25o each and did morethan I200t worth of business at hislunch counter Both feet are cut oftand Mr Kelsllng walks on his kneesbut be does more business than a greatmany men who have not hid the mIl ¬

fortune to lose a limb In doctors Brod ¬

bead le well supplied They are Dr1 S Burdelt the wellknown eye andear specialist and Dre Percy BentonGraveley and Clark Each baa a goodpractice and all aro popular physiciansBrodhead line the reputation of beingthe cheapest town In the country Ne ¬

cessities of life sell for considerablylees than In other towns hotels furnish12 fore and appointments for tl andother prices are In proportion It Is alive and let live plats and a good oneIn every respect


J P Brown aged TO and Miss Hallie Brooks 17 were married al AlbanyClinton county

Tbruxton Beal hoe married MlaaOge

IbotEditorMtVeroon01RockeaILeston by Rev F P GatesMr C A Emmlck of Danville IHi

and Mill Fannie daughter of Rev WR Davidson were married in DaytonO Sunday and will make their home

veryhaodeomeman while the gentleman who has wonher la said to be a hoe business man

WOOL WANTED100000 pounds of rood wool wanted at the

highest market price Call for sacks We

0Went jour wool McOORMAOK k SONHutonvllle Ky

SalelDFifty secondband sewing machines Ingood repair from 12 50

I MOROAM BOOtfE Stanford Ky

Hemp Seed For Sale I

A limited amount of strictly nice cleanImportaUontorDANKd HUDSON Lancaster Ky

A 8 PRICEtJorgeon


tanrord KyOffleor OwslyDandle

DR P I WI Carter-


Stanford KontuckyOffice in Myers House Flats-

UMBRELLASRecovered and repaired and made almostas good as new for a small amount I canfix your upabrella better than the tramprepairer for less money Give me a



If you think of building or repairing we I

can save u money on your material All I

lengthbeveledceilings casings bogie or cornice boards I

veranda poste and brackets bored andplastererslathesor priceI1UMPUREV Ky

BLACK HAWK JR9Is sired bv plack Hawk No 1 15 hands

high black with mealy poInts good boneand length and one of the finest stylo jacksatbooksford at IT to Insure a living colt and moneywithYI Public Sale I

Having sold my farm J will sell to thehighest 1ddC on-


the following property 4 horses 4 cowwith young 21 10 lambs 3tows and pigs farming Implement household and kitchen furniture 20 barrels cprn25 bushels wheat S buggies 1 snlkey tamIng Implements all In good and near¬

ly new K Interest In a new rlano HinderSale to commence at 0 oclock a m at

my farm 1J< miles from LancasterTerms made known on day of sale

A M Bourne Auctr OW W EVANS



Clothing pointersIQuality Fit and WorkmanshipSh-

ould bo noticed closely before a Suit is pur ¬

chased All these points arc important Seethat the coat fronts are well atiflbncd eo that theywill sot up well on the chest nnd not wrinkle buckthis keeps the lapels up in place whether tho coat-is buttuned or unbuttoned The collars should beput on by hand The button holes should beworked by hand Our largo stock of Perfect Fit¬

ting Clothing have all these points of superiorityWe are the only dealers in Stanford selling Clothlug made with PATENT SHAPE UETAININGCOAT FRONTS Our values tire the best ourfits are perfect See our large assortment of pat-


Cummins a McClai

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Ribbon BargainA Good Thing For You

We place on sale today 1000 yards nil Silk

Taffeta Ribbons in Black White Pink Red

Blue Nile Moiee Green and Navy three to

four inches wide as long as they last at the

round price of ONLY lOc PER YARD

usual price 15 to 2oc but by buying a large

quantity we can make this low price


CLOTHINGA Select Lino of

Suits For Men Boys and Children

Also a Splendid Lino of TROUSERS allManufactured by tho very best manufacturersin tho country Call and see our stock










Has New Spring Styles of

WALL PAPERBest Ready Mixed PAINT for any Purpose
