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2019 Annual Planning Guide Feng Shui for YOU! Annual Planning Guide with Dara Eden the8elements.com

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Feng Shui for YOU! Annual Planning Guide


Dara Eden


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Annual Planning Guide

Annual Planning Guide

Guidelines for Setting Intentions

Empowering Questions

Lofty Questions

Intentions Simplified

Intentions Personified

The Abundant Life

Vision Bagua

Planning for Success


In this annual planning guide for The 8 Elements,

you will be provide with lots of ideas to help

you create a truly abundant life in 2019.

Wishing you peace & prosperity

and an abundance of health & happiness

in the new year!

Dara Eden


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Annual Planning GuideIt has been said that, we tend to overestimate what we can do in an average day,

but underestimate what we can do over the course of a year.

What if taking the time to pause and making the effort to plan, is all that's required

to design and create your Ideal Life?

Reflect & Review

Reflecting on what worked, what didn't, and what is still a work in progress, is a

good first step.  

Reviewing the past year, will provide the vital information and valuable insights

you can use to create better experiences and more desired outcomes in every area

of your life, going forward.  


Clearing & Clarity

Clearing your personal energy is essential. You have to create space before

inviting more of what you are desiring into your experience. Forgive yourself and

others. Let go of the things that don't support you. Let go of the people who don't

honor you. 


Gaining clarity about what you intend to invest your energy in, is next.  What

would you like to learn or master? What gifts would you like to contribute and to

whom? Think of creative ways to deliver your knowledge, wisdom and expertise.

Determine what you will need in order to give what you have to share.   


Dream & Desire

START with the BIG Dream! In as much or as little detail as you like, describe:

My Ideal Lifestyle, My Ideal Day, My Ideal Partner, My Ideal Health/Body

My Dream Business/Career/Vocation, My Dream Home, Car & Vacation

Write about all of your heart's desires. What do you desire to be, have and do? 


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Annual Planning Guide

Goals & Intentions

Once you’ve dreamed and know what your desires are, it's time to write down your

goals and set your intentions. There is power in stating what you intend to create

and manifest and claiming what you desire to be, do and have. Use the Guidelines

for Setting Intentions below to help you write the most powerful life goals and

personally empowering intentions.

Prioritize & Plan

Now that you've written down all your goals, it's time to prioritize them. What are

your top 3 goals for this next chapter of your life? Select a personal goal, financial

or relationship goal and a business/career/vocation goal.

Now, make a plan to accomplish your top three goals. What do you need to do to

achieve them? What tasks or action steps are required? In what order do you need

to do them?

Simplify & Schedule

Before even beginning, ask yourself what you could simplify. What could you

eliminate? What could you stop doing or start doing? What kind of help could

you ask for that would bring more ease to your life? What could you delegate or

outsource? What system could you automate? What aspect of your business could

you batch?

Schedule the first 90 days or 6 months of the year. Create an outline with all of

your prioritized goals and required tasks leading up to achieving them.  Put those

tasks in your calendar.  Remember to schedule in time to celebrate after the big

wins and reaching all the milestones along the way.


“It’s only a dream until you write it down…then it’s a goal.”

And a goal is only an intention, until you plan how and when to accomplish it.

Don’t make resolutions.  Make a plan of action!

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Annual Planning Guide


Checks & Balances

Make reviewing your life and work part of your schedule. It will help you see where

you need to make some additions or adjustments.

Daily: At the end of the work day or before going to bed, check off what you did and

look at what you plan to do and accomplish the next day.

Weekly: Saturday, review what was completed and what needs to be added to the next

week.  Sunday, make any necessary adjustments to the next week’s schedule.

Monthly: Check in to make sure you are on track to meet your goals and make

changes to next month’s schedule to catch up, as needed.

Quarterly: Review what has been achieved over the last 90 days.  Make sure you are

on track to reach your goals for the first half of the year.

Halftime: Celebrate what you've achieved.  Set more goals for the rest of the year.

Annually: Review your year and plan for the next one.

Check in with yourself monthly to make sure you are maintaining your balance. Are

you meeting your needs and honoring your boundaries? Are you maintaining good

health? Do you have personal well-being? Are you taking enough time for self-care?

Are you nurturing your cherished relationships? Do you enjoy fulfilling work?

Tracking & Treating

Create a system for keeping track of your influence and achievements.  Track

income, rank, position or title, customer reviews, video views, post likes, blog post

shares, website visitors, readers, client testimonials, referrals, social media followers,


Acknowledge yourself for what you have achieved. Think about what you'd like to

do, buy or experience. Treat yourself to a green juice, coffee or dinner you didn't

make yourself. Take time off to spend the day at the beach, salon, spa or hot springs.

Go on a special trip, weekend getaway or luxury vacation.

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Intentions are descriptions of your “Ideal Life” written as if you are

already experiencing and enjoying the many aspects of that life NOW!

First Person

When intention setting, write in the first person. Use the pronouns: I,

me, my, mine.  If you are writing about your marriage or family,

friends or staff, you can include them, of course.


Present Use the present tense.  Write your intentions as if you already are

being, having or experiencing them. End each request with the word




Focus on the positive.  Set intentions about what you need or would

make you happy to be, do or have.  Avoid putting energy on what you

don’t want to have happen. Avoid the words: no, not, and don’t.  Find

ways to describe what you would like to create in positive ways.  For

example: when writing about your finances and describing being debt

free, talk about loans, mortgages or credit cards having a $0 balance.



Claim that what you are desiring is yours NOW.  For the moment,

don’t worry about the cursed “hows”.  Just claim your dream life,

partner, home, car, business, etc.


guidelines for setting intentions

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Intentions must be specific and measurable.  Being happy and having

more money are too vague and not quantifiable.  Describe a quality of

life that would make you happy.  Declare a monthly or annual dollar

amount.  Include specific details like make/model, location/view, etc.


Be ambitious!  Set lofty goals.  Make sure your intentions ask you to

stretch beyond your current state but are also doable from your current



Use words that make you feel empowered.  Also, include a lot feeling

words.  For example: describe how you will feel when you are driving

your dream car off the lot.


Leave room for improvement.  Create space for even better

results.  Something even better may be in the works for you.  For

example: when writing down your goals for your annual net income,

write down the dollar amount and add “or more”.  Or, when describing

your dream home, add “this, or something even better”.

Practice writing your intentions following these guidelines.  Make sure

they reflect YOUR highest values, not what others think you should do

or what you think they should be. May they inspire you to dive into the

deeper work of self-knowledge, self-care and self-actualization.


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What could you manifest if you put your mind to it?  

Let your imagination run wild. Describe what you will think into existence.

"I create…"


Empowering Questions

For the Doers

For the THINKers

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Dream BIG! Describe your most ambitious, amazingly successful and personally

satisfying year.

"I do..."

Who will you need to BE to experience and enjoy your Ideal Life?

Visualize. Describe who YOU will BE this year.

"I am…"

What will you need to choose, to BE who you intend to be?

What qualities will you need to embody?

For the FEELers

For the BEINGers

How do you desire to feel?  

Get into the feeling space of it. Describe how you would like to feel throughout

the year and about yourself and accomplishments by this time next year.

"I feel…"

What will you do to feel the way you desire to feel?

What will you choose to stop doing to feel the way you desire to feel?

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Lofty Questions

Lofty Questions

Mountain Earth energy inspires people to set lofty goals for themselves and their

businesses. You will be challenged to reach a little higher. You will be excited to

expand your circle of influence a little wider. You will find the energy you need to

dig a little deeper to get to the top of whatever mountain you are climbing.

Setting lofty goals can be a bit intimidating, especially for the personal elements

who aren't naturally good at goal setting. One of the recommendations that

Intuitive Life Coach, Christie Marie Sheldon makes, is to ask lofty questions.

Many people ask disempowering questions, if not aloud, then within their own

head. Instead of asking: Why can't I catch a break? Why do I have so many bills?

Why am I always so broke? How did I get into so much debt? Why doesn't anyone

want to pay me what I'm worth? Why am I the only one who ever does anything

around here? Why are all the good men (or women) taken? Why does my life have

to be so hard? Why am I so tired all the time?


Why are all my dreams coming true so quickly?

Why do I manifest everything I ask for instantly?

Why do I have so much abundance in every area of my life?

Why is my life so amazing?

What's the million dollar idea I can manifest into my life today?

Why is my business so successful and profitable?

Why is it so easy for me to make money, even while I sleep?

Why do I have so much more money than I need?

Why am I so rich and prosperous?

Why do I have so many wonderful people in my life?

Why does my partner love me so much?

How does it get any better than this?

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Choose one to three words to describe your 2019.

2019 is full of...


Intentions Simplified



Choose a theme for your 2019.

2019: A Year of...

Choose something you already know, that you will master this year.

I will master...



Choose something new that you will learn this year.

I will learn...



Set intentions to achieve three goals.

I am...

I do...

I have...

Write your personal mission statement for 2019.

This year I will...

AffirmWrite a positive affirmation for 2019.

I have an abundance of...

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This section provides supplemental content for those who desire to go a little deeper

and really make this year a personal best.

Personal Goals

Procrastinate much?  Or have you put off doing the things that mean the most to

you?  The things that make you feel the most alive? Make a list of the personal goals

you have set for yourself in previous years that have yet to be achieved.  Or revisit

the goals you had set aside for later - when the kids are grown or you have a home

office or you're independently wealthy, etc. 

Examples: get a degree or certification, take a dance class, get fit, train for a

marathon, write and publish a book, create an online course, give a Ted Talk, be a

speaker, start a business, travel, buy a house, own a vacation home.


Personal Development

Think about ways that you can continue to learn and grow.  Make a list of things you

will begin doing or doing more of.  

Examples: journal, write affirmations/intentions every day, subscribe to Audible, read

books, listen to podcasts, join a mastermind, take a class or certification course, learn

a new skill, take up an instrument, practice yoga, martial arts or an energy healing



Personal Health

Do you drag your body around with you?  

Have you forgotten what it feels like to feel good in your body?  

How would you like to feel in your body?

What new choices do you need to make to feel that way?

What one new habit could you stop doing that would make you feel better?

What one new habit could you begin doing that would make you feel better? 

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Intentions Personified


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Intentions PersonifiedCheck in and ask your body what it needs to be healthy and feel well. Listen.

Write down what comes to you.

Now, make a list of the things you know you need to do to take better care of your

body and honor your body’s needs.

Examples: enough quality sleep, rest, exercise, grounding/earthing, natural

sunlight, saunas, detox baths, better nutrition, cleaning eating, organic foods,

whole food supplements, fasting, intermittent fasting, pure water, herbs, essential

oils, fat coffee, ketones, less caffeine or alcohol, more herbal teas, superfoods,

juicing, organ or cellular detox, colonics, etc.

Write down some more things you can receive from others to increase your health.

Examples: get an annual physical, make a well woman appointment, get some

bodywork, massage, acupuncture, reflexology, therapeutic touch, Reiki, intuitive

energy healing, etc.

Physical Fitness

Are you moving your body everyday?  What would you enjoy doing?

Examples: stretching, Vinyasa yoga, Pilates, martial arts, team sports, seasonal

sports, gym membership, weekly dance class, exercise on home gym equipment,

strength training, weight training, HIIT, daily walking, walking the dog,

jogging/running, biking, swimming, etc.

Write down how you would like to feel about your body. How would you like to

look? What would you like to improve about your body?

Examples: Weight. Strength. Tone. Flexibility.

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Intentions PersonifiedSelf-Love

Think about some things you need in order to have access to your highest values.

For example: If you value inner peace, you may need quiet, time alone, harmonious

relationships, a clean and orderly environment, a peaceful home, a private office, a

beautiful view, etc.

Think about some things you can do to show yourself more love and compassion.

Examples: buy yourself fresh cut flowers once a week, take yourself on a date to a

favorite café, go for a walk at sunset by yourself, take naps, hire someone to clean

your house, hire a personal or virtual assistant, practice self-healing and create self-

care routines


Set intentions for honoring your need for personal well-being with self-care.

Create a morning routine that grounds and centers you and sets you up to have a

peaceful, productive and prosperous day.  Get up an hour early to: give yourself

Reiki, wash your face, do breathing exercises, meditate, journal, read, write

affirmations and intentions, exercise, stretch, do yoga, go for a walk, personal

hygiene, drink lemon water or hot tea, watch the sunrise, listen to something


In Usui Reiki, we learn Five Reiki Principles that teach us how to show ourselves

compassion and begin to embody that compassion, so it becomes our new way of

being.  The Five Reiki Principles begin with, “Just for today…”

Make a commitment with yourself to honor your need for self-care. Write and sign

an agreement that begins with "Just for today, I will..."

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Intentions PersonifiedRelationships

Answer the following questions for all of your relationships: romantic partnership,

family, friendships and business.


What do you appreciate about your relationship?

(If you are not in a relationship, describe your Ideal Relationship.)


How would you like to feel?


Who would you like to spend more time with?


What would you like to experience more of and with whom?

What would you like to give? What would you like to receive?


Who would you like to contribute to?



Boundaries are one of the biggest challenges for everyone this year.  Think about

what your boundaries are in your relationships, both personally and in your business.

Do you have any?  Have you set them and then not followed through by reinforcing

them when tested or dishonored?  

Do you honor your own boundaries?


What boundaries do you need to set for yourself? What do you need to honor them?


What boundaries do you need to set in your personal life?  With whom? 


What boundaries do you need to set in your business?  With whom?

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Intentions PersonifiedHome

Your home should be a peaceful environment that honors your favorite memories, is a

reflection of who you are and supports who you are in the process of becoming.


Think about what your home needs for you to feel safe and be comfortable.  Make a

list of what you might need to make your home more balanced and beautiful.  

Examples: new furniture and appliances, new paint or flooring, window treatments,

repairs and upgrades, remodel/addition, professional feng shui consultation, deep

cleaning, organization, house cleaning service, yard maintenance, houseplants and

fresh flowers, art, etc.


Now focus on specific areas/rooms in your home:

Sacred Space for energy healing/yoga/meditation

Kitchen for clean eating and healthy lifestyle

Bedroom for peaceful and restorative sleep and intimacy


Your work space needs to be a functional space that is inspiring and supportive of your

productivity.  Think about what your home office or place of work needs, to make you

feel more prosperous.  Make a list of what you need to add or remove, change or


Examples: new office furniture, standing desk, beautiful view, inspiring art, natural

sunlight, healthy green plants, music, essential oil diffuser, vision board, day planner,


Now focus on specific needs for you career or business:

Tools of the trade

Office Equipment

Computers & Tech

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Intentions Personified

The energy this year is results driven and action-oriented.  However, staying busy

and doing lots of work doesn’t always produce the desired results.  Don’t waste your

time and energy, running yourself into exhaustion and getting nowhere. Learn to

work smarter, not harder.  Spend your time, energy and money on the aspects of your

personal life and business that will provide the intended results and desired outcomes.


What’s your number?  Write down your income goal for 2019.  Include monthly

income goals as well, if you like. Make a list of other financial goals.

Examples: Paying yourself 10% first, $0 balances on loans, mortgage, credit cards,

minimum bank balance, savings account, investments, assets, gold & silver, real

estate, rental property, home ownership, vacation home, new car, life insurance,

retirement, inheritance for children, living will or trust, charitable giving, scholarship

or endowment, hire a CPA or financial planner.

Career or Business

What will you be doing in your career or business to bring that money

in?  Brainstorm ideas.  Think about what your areas of expertise are.  What are you

naturally good at?  What do you enjoy doing?  What have you mastered?  What

product or service could you create and offer? What would people pay you for?

Examples: start or grow a business, write a book, teach a class/workshop, lead a paid

mastermind group, create an online course, design or make products, become an

affiliate for a product or program, start a blog or podcast, grow your email list.

businessBeing busy isn’t the same as being productive.

~ Joey Yap

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The Abundant Life


Mountain Earth energy resonates with infinite abundance. Mountain Earth element

years bring an abundance of good things and positive vibes.

Dream, meditate or visualize living the abundant life. Write down what you intend

to have an unlimited abundance of this year. Print it out and place it somewhere

you will see it everyday. Or read it out loud or to yourself each morning.

I have an abundance of love

inner Peacejoy



happy familygood friends

supportive staffgreat health

moneyassets & resources

opportunitiesbusiness sales & success

customers & clientsreferrals & positive reviews

wonderful experiences

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Vision Bagua


Vision boards can be quite powerful. Seeing pictures of your goals and intentions in your living

or work space on a daily basis is inspiring and can accelerate the manifestation of your dreams

and desires. While you can arrange your photos and images however you like, intentionally

placing them in the gua that corresponds to that area's life center on the Western feng shui

bagua, can exponentially enhance your vision board's effect on bringing that vision to life.

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

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Planning for Success



Success is 90% preparation. Are you prepared? Do you have what you need to

achieve your goals? Do you know what you need to do and by when? Have you

prepared an environment that supports your productivity?

What are some things you need that you've been putting off spending money on?

For example: You have an online business that you operate from a laptop, so you

need to upgrade to one that is better and faster.

Prioritize Being able to focus on what's truly important to you is essential to your success.

Are you focussed? Do you have too many priorities? Do you know what your

highest priorities are? Have you selected your top three goals for the year?

What are some choices you need to make to honor your priorities? For example:

You've prioritized self-care and plan to get up an hour earlier to devote to your

morning routine, so you need to choose to go to bed, to honor your need for sleep.


Progress, not perfection. To succeed you need to devote your time to result-

producing activities. Even if you do the important things imperfectly you will make

progress. Are you making choices that honor your intentions to meet your goals?

What are some goals that you aren’t setting time aside for or putting any effort into?

For example:  You intend to finish writing your book, so you need to schedule

writing into your day, for at least an hour.


Plan B

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Succeed anyway. Be

flexible. Go with the flow. Have a Plan B. Adjust accordingly.