2 draft script

Upload: alex-zepherin

Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 2 Draft Script


    SCENE 1

    Opening establishing shot of the forest. Evening shotA shot of Hansel and Gretel walking past the ground of their feetA Medium camera shot of both Hansel and Gretel looking scared and lost

    SCENE 2

    A camera shot behind an owl watching Hansel and Gretel walk past on the groundThe shot shifts to Gretel hearing a slight noise (camera lens noise) flinching looking over her shoulder and noticing a security camera faintly in

    the background.

    SCENE 3

    A focus of Hansels hands holding a loaf of bread is seen breaking of crumbsA shot of the breadcrumbs now chips, falling to the ground whilst both teens walk on.

    Crows enter the scene eating them hungrily

    SCENE 4

    Walking along Hansel and Gretel medium close up shot of Hansel and Gretel, a loud squishy noise occurs and Hansel stops and notices he has

    stepped on something.

    A close up shot of Hansel lifting his foot and we notice that sticky gum is attached to the sole

    An extreme closeup shot of Hansels face with reflected light

    A full length shot of the camera panning out behind the two teens to reveal lampposts flicking on automatically with some exploding off

    SCENE 5

    The lights light up further into the distance revealing the ground to now be concrete groundAnd Graffiti has been spray painted on the walls

  • 7/31/2019 2 Draft Script


    SCENE 6A fade zoom into the concrete pathway reveals a ginger bread house in the center. Gleaming with sweets and candy.

    A closeup of Hansel and Gretels eyes widening and back shot of them running towards to the houseOne shot of Gretel breaking of and eating candy cane fencing, another stuff of Hansel nibbling the chocolate stairs

    SCENE 7The camera then zooms into the door of the house,

    A shot zooming into the eye slot with it sliding viciously revealing a pair of demoning piercing eyes.The door bursts open with a gleam of light exposing a wicked witch like silhouetted figure.

    Once the light had diffused the Witch is finally shown his full glory.The children look bedazzled as the witch beckons them inside

    SCENE 8

    The camera focus shifts from the witch to the interior of the house.

    A few camera shots of cauldrons, cutlery and the oven are shown

    The witch turns back around and shows them some sweets.A closeup shot of them being entrants and amazed by the sweet selection in the witches hands The door shuts firmly behind them and a sharp cut to black.

    The montage scene of the drug use is playing

  • 7/31/2019 2 Draft Script


    Scene 9

    The scene focus jolts back and forth showing the witchs (revealed to be a London drug dealer) arm around Gretels neck now c lothed in

    tracksuit bottoms

    Close up of The dealer borderline licking Gretel whilst her gaze seems lost but focused in.

    The camera pans to Gretels point of view and sees Hansel almost passed out of the floor looking dazed and shacken

    Back to Gretel a close up on her eyes fixating on something

    The camera shoots to the oven next to Hansel. It has a weird and hypnotic glow around it

    The camera switches back and forth a couple times from the oven Gretel and the dealer.

    Soon Gretel hurls the dealer into the oven with a mighty push, the oven suddenly transforms into a window and the dealer tips over it

    A loud thud is heard as the camera views Gretel looking out of the window. (Hansel turns his head slowly towards the window, still in a daze

    and unaware of what happened)

    Gretel walks and bends over the window to see the mangled and bleeding body of the Dealer

    A camera shot of Gretels silhouetted figure in the window as the camera pans out to see a city shot of urban London.