2 emissions inventory

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  • 2 Emissions inventory


    2 Emissions Inventory

    The emissions inventory was one of the main phases of the present project and was aiming to the collection and processing of appropriate data for the estimation of air pollutants emissions from different sources. Usually, much of this information is available through the databanks of EUROSTAT, but in case of Cyprus this was not the case. This was the first time that a systematic and coherent inventory was performed. As explained in the following sections, some data was available from different departments, but this had been collected for other purposes and no effort has been made before for the calculation of emissions. Apparently, the work performed within the framework of this project is a first good approximation and has set the basis for continuous improvement and update of the developed database in order to achieve the smallest possible uncertainty, an inherent parameter of the emissions inventory process. The year 2001 is the reference year for this emissions inventory and all projections for the future need to be performed based on that year. The air pollution sources being considered in this project are treated as linear, point and area sources and cover: Emissions due to road traffic Emissions due to the use of industrial boilers Emissions due to dry cleaners Emissions from the hotel industry Emissions due to domestic heating, heating in hospitals/other buildings Emissions due to agricultural activities Emissions due to petrol stations Emissions from airports The air pollutants being considered here are: Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Carbon monoxide (CO) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Particulate Matter (PM) Maps of the emissions estimates have been created which in conjunction with the in-situ performed measurements will be the main tool for the presentation and evaluation of the projects findings The following sections give a relatively brief description of the process being followed for the estimation of the emissions from each of the above sources (further details are include in the Annex) and include an overall view of the results of the inventory. The last section of this report includes some suggestions for the expansion of the performed emissions inventory.

  • 2 Emissions inventory


    2.1 Road Traffic Emissions

    The COPERT methodology/program has been prepared to introduce the road traffic emissions inventory in the CORINAIR framework and has been proposed to be used by EEA member countries for the compilation of CORINAIR emission inventories. The equations given in the CORINAIR have been adopted for the calculation of the vehicles emissions in this project.

    Total emissions estimates are calculated with combination of firmed technical data (e.g. emissions factors) and activity data (e.g. number of vehicles per category, per unit time). The emissions of the traffic sector depend on a variety of factors such as the distance that each vehicle covers, its speed (or road type), its age, engine size, and weight. As will be explained later, the split of vehicles into categories is necessary. The general equation for the estimation of emissions is the following:

    Emissions per period of time (g) = Emission factor (gr/km) x Number of vehicles (veh) x

    Mileage per vehicle per period of time (km/veh)

    Vehicles emissions are heavily dependent on the engine's operation conditions. Different driving situations impose different engine operation conditions and therefore a distinct emissions performance. In order to account for these variations in driving performance, three driving modes have been defined (EMEP/CORINAIR approach), namely urban driving, rural driving and highway driving. Different activity data and emissions factors have been used for each driving situation. Also, vehicles emissions are directly related to the engines technology (e.g. catalytic, non-catalytic vehicles, open loop, uncontrolled vehicles). These parameters are explained in detailed in the Annex, and a brief description is given in the following sections. The pollutants that are being estimated based on the COPERT emission factors are nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM), while for the estimation of the sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions a different approach is applied, as explained in the following section.


    The estimation of the air pollutants emissions due to road traffic depends on:

    the main vehicles category

    the vehicles engine technology, meaning the emission control technology

    the vehicles engine capacity (cylinder capacity) or the vehicles weight class

    the mean vehicles speed according to the driving mode (urban, rural, highway)

    the emission factors being applied, and

    the quality of fuel being used

    The emission performances of different types of vehicles vary considerably, so it is necessary to establish a classification in which the vehicles in each class display sufficient homogeneity to be treated as a single group. The main vehicles categories being considered in this project are the following:

  • 2 Emissions inventory


    Passengers' cars (PC): gasoline and diesel vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising not more than 8 seats in addition to the drivers seat. This category does not include the so called in Cyprus commercial cars that have only front seats. These are included in the LDV category.

    Light duty vehicles (LDV): vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight not exceeding 2.5 tones (e.g. vehicles with only front seats, single and double cabin pick-up trucks, small vans)

    Heavy-duty vehicles (HDV): vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 2.5 tones (e.g. trucks, fort lifts). In this category include all construction and big agricultural vehicles.

    Buses (B): Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising more than 8 seats in addition to the drivers seat.

    2-wheeled vehicles (2-W): motor vehicles with less than four wheels

    Within each of these five main categories there is still a diversity of vehicle types, with respect to their emissions and operational characteristics. Therefore, for the estimation of the emissions, it was necessary to define a further sub-classification of the vehicles so that each group displays a reasonably uniform emissions performance. The main criteria involved in this classification are:

    the vehicle type (PC, LDV, HDV, B, 2-W)

    the vehicle size (engine capacity or gross weight)

    the level of emission control (according to the EU emission control legislation)

    the fuel being used (petrol, diesel, LPG)

    the engine (for the 2-W 4 strokes or 2 strokes)

    In order to identify the level of emission control, the years of introduction of the various amendments to EU legislation is linked to the model years of vehicles within the fleet. Table A 2.1 in the Annex includes all the categories being adopted by the COPERT methodology. It must be kept in mind that the different Member States have some differences in the procedures they follow. Future vehicles categories are not included.

    As evident from the classification of vehicles in Table A2.1 of Annex A2 there is a need for a detailed database of the registered vehicles fleet. Unfortunately, for the case of Cyprus there is no much of information concerning the technology of the registered fleet. Therefore appropriate assumptions and reconstruction of the fleet categorization were necessary. It has been assumed that the manufacturing year of the registered vehicles is directly related to the technology restrictions implied from the EU regulations. However, this assumption could not be applied universally since the use of unleaded gasoline in Cyprus was introduced in 1992, meaning that before 1992 even new vehicles were non-catalytic, despite the corresponding EU regulations for the Member States. In order to overcome the lack of information of the registered vehicles, the COPERT categorization of the vehicles has been modified as follows for the purposes of the present project (Table 2.1):

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    Table 2.1. Modified Vehicles Categorization for Cyprus

    Category Fuel used Size Manufactured Level of ControlPassengers Petrol < 1.4 l Until 1971 Pre-regulation

    Cars (PC) 1972 - 1977 70/220 &

    1978 - 1980 77/102/EEC

    1981 -1985 78/665/EEC

    1986 - 1991 83/351/EEC

    1992 - 2001 Improved

    1992 - 1996 91/441/EEC

    1997 2000 94/12/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    1.4 2.0 l Until 1971 Pre-regulation

    1972 - 1977 70/220 &

    1978 - 1980 77/102/EEC

    1981 -1985 78/665/EEC

    1986 - 1991 83/351/EEC

    1992 - 2001 Improved

    1992 - 1996 91/441/EEC

    1997 2000 94/12/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    > 2.0 l Until 1971 Pre-regulation

    1972 - 1977 70/220 &

    1978 - 1980 77/102/EEC

    1981 -1985 78/665/EEC

    1986 - 1991 83/351/EEC

    1992 2001 Improved

    1992 - 1996 91/441/EEC

    1997 - 2000 94/12/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    Passengers Diesel < 2.0 l before 1985 Uncontrolled

    cars 1986 - 1996 88/436

    1996 - 2000 94/12/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    > 2.0 l before 1985 Uncontrolled

    1986 - 1996 88/436

    1996 - 2000 94/12/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    Light Duty Petrol < 3.5 t before 1995 Uncontrolled

    Vehicles 1995 1998 93/59/EEC

    (LDV) 1998 2000 96/69/EEC

  • 2 Emissions inventory


    2001 - today (EURO III)

    Diesel < 3.5 t before 1995 Uncontrolled

    1995 1998 93/59/EEC

    1998 - 2000 96/69/EEC

    2001 - today (EURO III)

    Heavy Diesel 3.5 7.5 t before 1993 ECE R49

    Duty 1993 1997 91/542/EEC

    Vehicles 1997 - today 91/542/EEC

    (HDV) 7.5 16 t before 1993 ECE R49

    1993 1997 91/542/EEC

    1997 - today 91/542/EEC

    16 32 t before 1993 ECE R49

    1993 1997 91/542/EEC

    1997 - today 91/542/EEC

    32 40 t before 1993 ECE R49

    1993 1997 91/542/EEC

    1997 - today 91/542/EEC

    > 40 t before 1993 ECE R49

    1993 1997 91/542/EEC

    1997 today 91/542/EEC

    Buses Diesel Urban buses

    Tourist buses

    2-wheeled Petrol < 50 cc up to 1996 EXE R 47

    vehicles 1997 1998 COM(93)449

    after 1999 COM(93)449

    > 50 cc up to 1996 ECE R 40.01

    4 strokes after 1997 COM(93)449

    > 50 cc up to 1996 ECE R 40.01

    2 strokes after 1997 COM(93)449

    The main modifications of the applied categorization is related to the passenger cars (PC), where all the vehicles without catalytic converter and being manufactured after 1986 are considered to belong to the class improved conventional.

    As mentioned in the introduction, the emissions (E) can be calculated if the emissions per unit of activity (e=emission factor, expressed in g of emitted pollutant per covered distance in km), the number of vehicles in each defined category (n per unit time) and the covered distance (l in km/unit time) are known, according to the formula:

    E = e * n * l (in kg of pollutants per unit time)

    It is obvious that the above equation has to be applied for each vehicle category and each road separately, since the emissions factors and the activity (traffic load and distance) are different. Consequently, the data required include:

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    the distance traveled in each case, or equivalently the length of each road segment

    the average speed on each road segment (in km/unit time)

    the emission factor

    the number of vehicles in each vehicle category on each road (traffic load)

    The following sub-sections briefly describe the methodology followed for the collection of the required information, where a more detailed description is provided in the Annex A2.

    Road length

    For the identification of the length of each road segment the development of a GIS (Geographical Information System) application was necessary. This application was including the digitization of the road network of the island and the use of appropriate software. An electronic map with the highways network and the 2-lanes roads of both GCC and TCC. The map was in raster format and had to be converted into vector format, in order to provide geographical information. For the cities, the paper maps of 1:7500 scale were scanned and geo-referenced, in order to provide the basis for the identification (name) of roads included in the provided electronic map and for further digitization of the road network. The length of each of the digitized roads was calculated with the use of an appropriate script and it is provided into meters (m). More information about the digitization of the road maps and the categorization of the road network are provided in following paragraphs and in the Annex.

    Mean speed

    Different approaches have been used for the estimation of the mean speed of vehicles. These include: a) the use of radar device for the measurement of the speed on the left lane of selected roads during selected periods of the day and b) the monitoring of the time required to drive specific distances on selected roads during selected periods of the day. Comparison the results of these two approaches indicated an averaged agreement better than 15%, which ranges within the acceptable accuracy of emissions inventories. However, since the daily emissions have been decided to be reported, an estimate of the mean daily speed of each road was made based on the road category (main city road, secondary city road, highway, rural road, etc), the mean traffic load and the personal experience of the persons responsible for the emissions inventory. For the cases of highways a mean speed of 110 km/hr in GCC and 100 km/hr in TCC has been considered, for the rural roads the corresponding adopted mean speeds are km/h in GCC and km/h in TCC, while for the cities roads the monitored traffic load was the main criterion. It is worth mentioning here that although the mean vehicle speed is an independent variable in the emission factors functions, the uncertainty introduced by the speed is relatively small compared to the uncertainties due to the different assumptions in emissions inventories. The average deviation of the Copert NOx emission factors at 39 km/h compared with 46 km/h is +/- 5,66%.

    Emission factors

    For the needs of the present project the emission factors given in the COPERT have been applied. These factors are usually expressed as function of the vehicles speed (in several cases different emission factors are used for different speed ranges), the considered air pollutant and vehicles category. The full equations were introduced in a FORTAN code

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    prepared for the needs of the project. Totally, 230 emission factors equations are being applied.

    Traffic load

    The assign of an appropriate traffic load in each road of the network is a time consuming process and several assumptions are required. The data being used for the assignment of the loads is coming from:

    Analytical traffic load measurements performed by the team in cities of both GCC and TCC, meaning monitoring of the vehicles of the 5 main categories with the use of manual counters for 16 hours, covering the period 06:00 to 22:00. A methodology was developed (see Annex) for the expansion of the measurements during the nighttime (00:00 to 06:00 and 22:00 to 24:00).

    Semi-analytical traffic load measurements have been performed for GCC urban roads, meaning combination of hourly total traffic loads with the use of automatic monitoring sensors and analytical traffic loads with the use of manual counters for specific periods of the day. These measurements have been made available to the emissions inventory team. A methodology was developed (see Annex A2) for the split of the total traffic loads into the 5 main categories.

    Total traffic load measurements have been performed and estimated in the GCC rural network and highways. The results have been taken from an existing annual report. These are measurements performed with automatic devices and a methodology has been developed (see Annex A2) for the expansion of the categorization of the provided data.

    Estimates of the traffic loads in the TCC rural and highways network. Since no information is available for the rural network of TCC and manual measurements could not be performed within the frame of the present project a methodology based on the comparisons of the TCC vehicles fleet to that of GCC and the corresponding traffic loads has been applied (see Annex A2).

    For the categorization of the GCC urban network, the categorization provided in the 1:7500 paper maps has been adopted. According to this, the roads are separated into main roads (being colored as brown in the paper maps), secondary roads (being colored as yellow) and roads with less traffic (being colored as white). In the case of the TCC urban network, since no official categorization is available, the TCC team prepared the required categorization based on their own experience. All the main and secondary roads in all cities are included in the finally produced digitized maps and an appropriate traffic load has been assigned to them, as explained in the following paragraph. The same is true for several less frequently used roads.

    The information on the traffic loads of the rural, urban and highways network that is included in the database of the present project has been assigned on each road separately. In cases that there are classified roads for which no direct data are available, then the average traffic load of the corresponding road category in the corresponding urban region is assigned. For example, the traffic load assigned to a yellow road in the city of Limassol for which no analytical data are available is the mean load of all yellow roads of the city of Limassol for which data are available. Statistically is expected the assigned load not to introduce great uncertainty in the overall calculations. Special treatment has been introduced for the residential areas (see Annex), since the digitized maps do not include all the residential roads.

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    According to the developed methodology, the GCC residential areas are classified into 3 categories on the basis of their building density, as evident from the 1:7500 paper maps and in comparison to the GCC Nicosia residential areas, for which analytical information is available, appropriate emissions are assigned. The main assumption made here is that the traffic load in residential areas is proportional to the building density of the area.

    As mentioned before, the COPERT methodology provides different emission factor equations for the different vehicles categories; therefore the initial 5 main categories had to further be splitted. The composition of the fleet of the registered vehicles has been used for this split. Tables 2.2 to 2.3 and Figures 2.1 to 2.2 show the fleet composition in GCC and TCC, while the methodology for the split of the fleet as appears in the tables is described in detailed in the Annex. One main assumption made for the calculation of the emissions is that the composition of the entire registered vehicles fleet is representative of the composition of the fleet moving in the individual urban, rural and highway road network. Since no information on the registered catalytic passenger cars vehicles is available the consumption of unleaded gasoline (Figure 2.3) since the year of its introduction in the market was used for the estimation of the percentage of passenger cars with catalytic converter (see Annex for the applied methodology).

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    Table 2.2. Composition of the GCC vehicles fleet

    Type of vehicle

    Fuel Engine capacity / load 2001 1997-2000






    Before 1971

    Passengers Petrol < 1400 cc 3013 11456 36511 32038 16171 4279 3251 2411

    Cars 1400-2000 cc 4932 17691 60377 31327 10702 2483 2267 1725

    > 2000 cc 466 1463 2868 1792 1159 295 422 243

    Diesel < 2000 cc 387 874 6909 1161 850 178 82 27

    > 2000 cc 813 4041 7359 4659 2141 572 454 220

    LDV Petrol < 3,5 tns 88 486 1772 2468 3329 924 1061 375

    Diesel > 3,5 tns 6656 23166 29177 28677 7594 1011 74 84

    HDV Diesel > 3,5 tns 768 2608 6099 6166 4090 1990 3400 1986

    Buses Diesel Public 57 232 272 360 151 126 236 118

    Coaches 77 352 499 344 94 8 39 39

    2-wheeled Petrol < 50 cc 1638 5915 8200 8183 3585 1046 286 191

    vehicles >50 cc, 2 strokes 804 2449 2483 1282 1056 585 240 160

    50-250 cc, 4 strokes 276 840 851 439 362 201 82 55

    250-750 cc, 4 strokes 52 157 160 82 68 38 15 10

    750 cc, 4 strokes 17 52 53 27 23 13 5 3

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    Table 2.3. Composition of the TCC vehicles fleet

    Type of vehicle

    Fuel Engine capacity / load 2001 1997-2000






    Before 1971

    Passengers Petrol < 1400 cc 598 5168 6099 11789 3732 782 6657 23

    Cars 1400-2000 cc 972 9578 8544 7371 1726 445 4591 37

    > 2000 cc 185 3903 1185 485 203 111 751 20

    Diesel < 2000 cc 91 2219 1264 833 528 48 132 4

    > 2000 cc 149 3663 1205 358 348 134 144 1

    LDV Petrol < 3,5 tns 77 426 569 560 470 414 1531 7

    Diesel > 3,5 tns 624 3288 3163 1517 1019 217 513 4

    HDV Diesel > 3,5 tns 356 1026 1242 1362 1269 315 1209 9

    Petrol > 3,5 tns 4 20 14 6 9 3 21 0

    Buses Diesel Public 6 50 27 19 5 5 1 0

    Coaches 78 375 325 467 339 68 563 0

    2-wheeled Petrol < 50 cc 208 1525 1258 2199 2382 448 917 4

    vehicles >50 cc, 2 strokes 95 775 443 1308 1114 3621 1193 2

    50-250 cc, 4 strokes 32 266 152 449 382 124 409 1

    250-750 cc, 4 strokes 6 50 28 84 72 23 77 0

    750 cc, 4 strokes 2 17 9 28 24 8 26 0

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    ber o

    f veh



    Passengers LDV HDV Buses 2-W

    Fleet composition in GCC

    Figure 2.1. Fleet composition in GCC








    ber o

    f veh



    Passengers LDV HDV Buses 2-W

    Fleet composition in TCC

    Figure 2.2. Fleet composition in TCC




    (M. t


    s * 1


    Leaded Unleaded Diesel

    Total Fuel Consumption for Vehicles


    Figure 2.3. Total fuel consumption for vehicles

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-12

    Annual Air Pollutants Emissions Traffic Sector

    As mentioned in the Introduction, the air pollutants being considered in this study are nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter (PM), and sulphur dioxide (SO2).

    The following Table 2.4 includes information about the estimation of the total emissions in different areas in both communities due to traffic.

    Table 2.4. Overall annual air pollutants emissions due to traffic

    Region NOx (tns/yr) CO

    (tns/yr) VOC

    (tns/yr) PM

    (tns/yr) SO2


    Greek Cyprus Community (GCC)

    Nicosia urban area

    1776 8372 1436 86 731

    Limassol urban area

    1773 7129 1520 143 784

    Larnaka urban area

    531 2488 430 34 215

    Pafos urban area

    1032 4111 678 65 253

    Highways network

    3545 6894 663 111 1825

    Rural network

    2925 5432 875 164 1866

    Total GCC emissions

    11677 35987 6480 540 5674

    Turkish Cyprus Community (TCC)

    Nicosia urban area

    522 1443 252 22 525

    Famagusta urban area

    271 1356 251 12 171

    Kerynia urban area

    274 1006 184 9 153

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    Morphou urban area

    78 393 99 3 45

    Rural and high-way network

    529 925 127 18 510

    Total TCC emissions

    1674 5123 913 64 1404

    Total emissions due to traffic

    13256 39549 8271 667 7078

    For the estimation of the SO2 emissions the mean S-content of the fuel has been used. Specifically:

    S-content for Leaded and unleaded gasoline in GCC = 0.1% per weight

    S-content for diesel in GCC = 0.8 % per weight

    S-content content for Leaded and unleaded gasoline in TCC = 0.005 % per weight

    S-content for diesel in TCC = 0.7 % per weight

    For the calculation of the SO2 emissions no emission factors are available, since all the S-content of the fuel being used is converted into SO2. Therefore, for the calculation of the SO2 emissions it would be necessary to have information on the fuel being consumed from each vehicle. Since such information is not available, the following methodology was adopted: Calculation of the total SO2 emissions due to traffic by combining the total consumption

    of fuel in each of the two communities (as given from the official fuel consumption reports for 2001) with the corresponding S-contents. It was found that 5674400 kg SO2/year (or 15546,3 kg SO2/day) and 1402700 kg SO2/year (or 3843 kg SO2/day) are emitted due to traffic in GCC and TCC respectively.

    Calculation of the percentage of distances covered in different types of roads with respect to the length of the entire road network in each community. In other words, the total road length of the highways, the remaining rural network (B, E and F-roads in GCC and M and S-roads in TCC) and the main roads in each city separately was calculated. Then for each category of roads (e.g. GCC-Nicosia road network) the percentage of the category with respect to the community total network length (GCC network in this case) was calculated.

    Assuming that the SO2 emissions are directly related to the distance covered by the vehicles then the above percentages were applied on the total daily community SO2 emissions. That way, an estimate of the expected SO2 emissions (in kg/km) due to the traffic in each of the roads (e.g. in GCC-Nicosia roads in the case of the given example) is taken. Similar procedure was followed for the residential roads as well.

    In Figures 2.4 to 2.9, the daily emissions of NOx and PM for the cities of Nicosia (also VOC), Limassol, Larnaca and Famagusta and Kyrenia (only NOx, PM emissions are verly low there) are depicted. Here, the spatial emissions distribution can be observed well. Further diagrams can be generated with the help of the Annex-CD.

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    Figure 2.5. Daily PM emissions of road transport sector in Nicosia

    Figure 2.4. Daily NOx emissions of road transport sector in Nicosia

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    Figure 2.6. Daily VOC emissions of road transport sector in Nicosia

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    Figure 2.7. Daily NOx emissions of road transport sector in Limassol

    Figure 2.8. Daily PM emissions of road transport sector in Limassol

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    Figure 2.9. Daily NOx emissions of road transport sector in Larnaca

    Figure 2.10. Daily PM emissions of road transport sector in Larnaca

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    Figure 2.11. Daily NOx emissions of road transport sector in Famagusta

    Figure 2.12. Daily PM emissions of road transport sector in Famagusta

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    2.2 Industrial Emissions

    2.2.1 Industrial Boilers

    The pollutants emitted from the heavy industry, such as the Petroleum Refinery and the Power Generation Plans and the operation of the registered boilers are included here. All these are considered as individual point sources and the coordinates of the corresponding industry are assigned to each source.

    The pollutants considered are NOx, SO2, CO, PM and non-methane total organic compounds (TOC). Nitrogen oxides (NOx =NO + NO2) formed in combustion processes are due either to thermal fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in the combustion air or to the conversion of chemically bound nitrogen in the fuel. The rate of CO emissions from combustion sources depends on the oxidation efficiency of the fuel. By controlling the combustion process carefully, the CO emissions can be minimized. Thus if a unit is operated improperly or not well maintained, the resulting concentrations of CO might increase by several orders of magnitude. Smaller boilers, heaters and furnaces tend to emit more of these pollutants than larger combustors. This is because smaller units have a higher ratio of heat transfer surface area to flame volume than larger combustors have. In any case, the presence of CO in the exhaust gases of combustion systems results from the incomplete fuel combustion. The SO2 emissions are directly related to the S-content of the fuels being used, while the PM emissions depend on the fuel composition. Small amounts of TOC are also emitted from combustion. The rate at which organic compounds are emitted depends mainly on the combustion efficiency of the boilers. Therefore, any combustion modification, which reduces the combustion efficiency, will most likely increase the concentration of organic compounds in the flue gases. TOC include VOCs, semi-volatile organic compounds and condensable organic compounds. Emissions of VOCs are primarily unburned vapor phase hydrocarbons. These include essentially all vapor phase organic compounds (aliphatic, oxygenated and low molecular weight aromatic compounds) emitted from a combustion source (e.g. alkanes, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene). The remaining organic emissions are composed largely of compounds emitted in condensed phase, and can be classified under the group known as polycyclic aromatic matter (POM) and the subset of compounds called polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). For the purpose of our study we are applying the emission factor for the non-methane TOC for the calculation of the VOC emissions. The overestimation in the emissions that might result from this assumption is not considered significant since VOC is the largest part of NMTOC.

    In TCC several enterprises are using Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Since we were not able to identify emission factors specific for liquified petroleum gas, the emissions factors given for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) were used (Toleris 2004). Given that liquified petroleum gas is mainly consisted of propane and butane while liquified petroleum gas of methane and ethane, it is expected the use of these emissions factors to underestimate the emissions of CO and PM and overestimate the emissions of VOC. It is believed that these discrepancies fall well within the uncertainties of an emission inventory, taking into account the relatively small consumption of liquified petroleum gas.

    Two methods are followed for the estimation of the pollutants emitted:

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    Use of available emission data: This is data coming either from direct measurements at the industries chimneys, or estimates of the pollutants emitted based on the consumption and the specifications of the fuel being used.

    Estimation of the emissions based on the consumption of fuel: In this case a list of the registered boilers for GCC was made available to the emissions inventory team with the name, the address, the activity of the industry operating a boiler and the vapor production capacity of the boilers. The emissions inventory team visited each of these industries/enterprises, registered their geographical position with the use of a GPS (Global Position System) and interviewed the shift engineer or technician in order to retrieve information about the type of fuel and the quantities being used per unit time, as well as the operation hours of the boilers. This information was registered in pre-prepared forms and then was introduced in a database. The same procedure was followed for TCC, and the information was made directly available to the emissions inventory responsible scientist directly by the TCC projects team.

    It is worth mentioning that the inventory team faced difficulties to retrieve the requested information. Furthermore, in some cases the registered enterprises could not be found due to incorrect or incomplete position information in the lists provided to the team.

    Since the CORINAIR database provides only ranges of emissions factors for different types of boilers, the fuel consumption was used for the calculation of the emissions based on emission factors provided from the US Environmental Protection Agency. These factors are based on direct experimental results (emission factor rating A) or on estimates (emission factor rating B), and their value depends on the boilers capacity. Two main categories are considered: boilers of capacity more than 100 million Btu/hr (= 341,3 MW) and less than 100 million Btu/hr. In the first category fall the boilers of the Cyprus Petroleum Refining and those of the power plants in both TCC and GCC. For the case of GCC direct emissions data is included while in the case of the power plant in TCC the corresponding emissions factors have been used. Tables 2.5 and 2.6 give the emissions factors that were used for the present study, along with the emission factor rating for each factor (letter in parenthesis).

    Table 2.5. EPA Emissions Factors (in kg/103 L of fuel)

    Fuel NOx CO SO2 PM VOC

    Boilers < 100 million Btu/hr

    Diesel 2,4 (A) 0,6 (A) 17,04 S (A) 0,24 (A) 0,024 (A)

    Light Fuel Oil (LFO) 2,4 (A) 0,6 (A) 18 S (A) 0,84 (B) 0,024 (A)

    Boilers > 100 million Btu/hr

    Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) 5,64 (B) 0,6 (A) 18,84 S (A) 1,2 (B) 0,1356 (A)

    S indicates that the weight % of sulphur in the oil should be multiplied by the value given. For diesel the mean S-content is 0,6% per weight in GCC and 0,7% per weight in TCC, while for light fuel oil the mean S-content is 2% per weight in GCC (no light fuel oil is being used in TCC).

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    Table 2.6. Emissions Factors for industrial boilers (in kg/103 L of fuel)

    Fuel NOx CO SO2 PM VOC

    Boilers < KW

    Liquified pertoleum gas (LPG)

    5,02 0,33 0,01 0,11 0,063

    As evident from the above Tables 2.5 and 2.6, the type and the quantity of fuel being used per unit time (daily in our case) is the required information for the estimation of the air pollutants emissions. In some cases, not the fuel quantity consumed was acquired from the enterprises but the cost of the fuel consumed. In these cases an averaged price of 0,25 CYP/L of diesel and 0,17 CYP/L of light fuel oil was used for the calculation of the fuel being purchased. For the conversion of fuel mass into fuel volume the following mean densities have been used:

    diesel = 0,8414 kg/L LFO = 0,93 kg/L HFO = 0,95 kg/L LPG = 0,5 kg/L

    Overall, the database being created within the framework of the present project includes information from 194 industries in GCC and 125 in TCC, and the total emissions are given in Table 2.7.

    Table 2.7. Air Emissions from Industrial Point Sources

    Boilers Registered in

    NOx (tns/yr) CO (tns/yr) TOC (tns/yr) PM (tns/yr) SO2 (tns/yr)

    GCC 10782 117 509 1452 30388

    TCC 965 104 6 203 9544

    TOTAL 11747 221 515 1655 39932

    Figure 2.10 depicts the daily NOx emissions of boilers in Cyprus.

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    Figure 2.13. Daily NOx Emissions of Boilers

    2.2.2 Dry Cleaners

    Dry cleaners and industrial laundries are point sources. The reason that they are treated separately from the industrial boilers, described in the previous paragraph, is due to the use of solvents, meaning that except the emissions due to the use of fuel for the boilers there are additional emissions of VOCs due to the evaporation into the atmosphere of the solvents. It is assumed that all the used solvent eventually evaporates into the atmosphere, so the applied emission factor is equal to 1. The amount of the VOC emissions due to solvents depends on the technology applied, meaning if the enterprise has a closed circulation solvent system or not, and it is reflected to the amount of solvent consumed.

    As in the cases of the industrial boilers a visit was paid to the registered dry cleaners where the owner was interviewed for the type and the amount of fuel as well as of solvents being used. The fuels being used are diesel and light fuel oil. The geographical position of each dry cleaner was recorded with the use of a GPS device. Some of the dry cleaners are using electricity for the production of water vapor and in these cases only the amount of solvents being consumed was recorded. In a few cases, no information was available from the owners of the dry cleaners; therefore an indirect methodology was used to estimate the amount of fuel being used. As mentioned in the previous section, one of the information that was made available was the vapor production of the registered boilers in GCC. Theoretically, the vapor production is directly related to the amount of consumed fuel. The detailed information from the dry cleaners in Nicosia-GCC was used for the calculation of the vapor production to fuel consumption ratio. This ratio was calculated to be 13,514 and it was applied to all cases that analytical information could not be retrieved. This way the total amount of fuel being consumed was calculated. In order to identify the amounts of

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    diesel and light fuel oil being consumed, the mean contribution of each of these fuels to the total fuel consumption in the dry cleaners of the different counties (Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaka and Pafos) was calculated and then it was applied to the corresponding cases that information was missing.

    Overall, the present database includes information from 198 dry cleaners and industrial laundries in GCC and in TCC. Table 2.8 includes the air pollutants emissions calculated using the EPA emission factors for the different types of fuel, assuming 282 working days per year in GCC (most of the dry cleaners operate on Saturday as well) and 240 working days per year in TCC:

    Table 2.8. Emissions of dry cleaners

    Dry cleaners


    Light Fuel Oil

    consumed (?)

    Diesel consume



    Solvent consume



    NOx (tn/yr)

    CO (tn/yr)

    VOC (tn/yr)

    PM (tn/yr)

    SO2 (tn/yr)

    GCC (198)

    7273 4196 209 30,7 7,7 209 7,8 333

    TCC (12) 0 46 2,347 0,14 0,04 2,349 0,01 0,6

    TOTAL 7273 4242 211 31 8 211 8 334

    2.2.3 Hotel industry

    In the cases of hotels, significant quantities of diesel are being consumed for central heating during wintertime and water heating during both winter and summertime. Most of the hotels have solar systems for the water heating, but in cases of large hotels these solar systems do not satisfy their needs for warm water, therefore boilers are being used. Although, there is no database with the hotels that do operate boilers for central heating and water heating, the emissions inventory team tried to retrieve information from at least the large hotels in GCC. The same was applied to TCC. The hotel apartments and the smaller hotels are using split units for heating and mostly relay on solar systems for the water heating. The current database includes information from 118 hotels in GCC and 41 in TCC. It has to be mentioned that most of the hotels in TCC consume liquified petroleum gas and since no emissions factors are available for liquified petroleum gas the corresponding emissions are calculated based on the emissions factors for liquified natural gas as in the case of industrial boilers, but the factors for heating boilers are a little different than those for industrial boilers, as evident from Table 2.9:

    Table 2.9. Emissions Factors for heating boilers (in kg/103 L of fuel)

    Fuel NOx CO SO2 PM VOC

    liquified petroleum gas 1,46 1,46 0,01 0,12 0,063

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-24

    The hotel emissions are given on seasonal basis (winter and summer) due to the different operational conditions of the hotels. The wintertime includes the period November to March (5 months) and the summertime the period April to October (7 months). The following Table 2.10 includes the emissions related to the hotels that are included in the present project.

    Table 2.10. Emissions of Hotels

    Hotels in Wintertime (Nov. Mar.) Summertime (Apr. Oct.)

    NOx (tn/yr)

    CO (tn/yr)

    VOC (tn/yr)

    PM (tn/yr)

    SO2 (tn/yr)

    NOx (tn/yr)

    CO (tn/yr)

    VOC (tn/yr)

    PM (tn/yr)

    SO2 (tn/yr)

    GCC (198)

    9,6 2,4 0,1 1 41 9,8 2,5 0,1 1 41,9

    TCC (12) 1,3 0,8 0,03 0,1 3,2 0,9 0,6 0,02 0,08 2

    TOTAL 10,9 3,2 0,13 1,1 47,2 10,7 3,1 0,12 1,1 43,9

    2.3 Domestic heating and other sources

    2.3.1 Domestic heating

    For the calculation of the emissions due to the use of diesel for domestic heating, relevant information from the latest population census in GCC was used. More specifically, the census database was including information about the number of occupied housing units with domestic heating within a community or quarter. Then, all regions were classified into three categories, namely coastal, mountainous and flat, and a short survey was performed in order to estimate the average amount of diesel being consumed in a house with central heating in each of the 3 considered regions. The survey revealed that the diesel consumption for heating in an average house is 20,5 L/day for houses in flat areas (about 2,5 tons/year), 22 L/day (about 4 tons/year) for houses in mountainous areas and 16,5 L/day (about 2 tons/year) for houses in coastal areas, while the use of central heating lasts for 3,5 months (120 days) in coastal and flat areas and 5 months (180 days) in mountainous areas. According to the TCC team, most of the houses in TCC have no central heating; therefore no emissions from domestic heating TCC are included in the database.Table 2.11gives the overall emissions due to domestic heating in GCC.

    Table 2.11. Emissions due to domestic heating in GCC

    Area Diesel consumption

    NOx (tn/yr) CO


    VOC (tn/yr)



    SO2 (tn/yr)

    Coastal 26207 12,5 18,7 0,7 7,5 318

    Mountainous 4869 2,3 3,5 0,1 1,4 59

    Flat 106062 50,4 75,6 3 30,3 1289

    TOTAL 137138 65,2 97,8 3,8 39,2 1666

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    In addition to domestic heating there are emissions due to heating in other public buildings, such as hospitals, schools, etc. No data is available for many of these sources, and the current database includes information about the consumption of fuel for heating from the main hospitals in GCC and TCC, as well as some public buildings in TCC. Almost all fuel being used for heating in TCC is liquified petroleum gas. The overall emissions are given below (Table 2.12):

    Table 2.12. Emissions due to heating

    Hospitals and other

    Liquified petroleum gas


    Diesel consumption


    NOx (tn/yr)



    VOC (tn/yr)



    SO2 (tn/yr)

    GCC 0

    TCC 633 0,4 0,3 0,02 0,03 0,3

    TOTAL 633

    2.3.2 Agriculture In agriculture, diesel is being used for the operation of electrical generators and for agricultural vehicles in the fields. No detailed information is available for the consumption of fuel for agricultural purposes. The only information an official estimation for the consumption of 41000 tones of diesel in GCC. For the spatial distribution of this quantity, the main agricultural areas were defined in the GIS application and the fuel as well as the corresponding emissions have been equally distributed. Due to lack of information, it has been assumed that all the fuel is being used for the generators, meaning that the emissions are estimated with the application of the emission factors corresponding to boilers. The following table 2.13 gives these estimates: Table 2.13. Emissions due to agriculture in GCC

    Community Diesel consumption (tn/yr)

    NOx (tn/yr) CO (tn/yr)

    VOC (tn/yr)

    PM (tn/yr)

    SO2 (tn/yr)

    GCC 14000 19,5 29,2 1,1 11,7 498

    2.3.3 Petrol Stations

    Air emissions from petrol stations are related to evaporations during the pumping of fuel into the vehicles and evaporations during the storage of fuel to the underground tanks. The formal emissions could be calculated only if information on the consumption of individual products from each gas station was available. Unfortunately such information was not made available to the team from the different oil companies in both communities. The evaporation during the storage of fuels is considered loss for each gas station and this

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    reported loss that was available for GCC was used to directly estimate the emissions, which are in the form of VOC. For the case of petrol stations in TCC, the team gathered information about the fuel sales of individual products as these declared from each petrol station to the tax office in TCC. Then an emission factor equal to 0,25% for leaded and unleaded gasoline and 0,15% for diesel and kerosene was applied in order to calculate the mean losses due to storage. For all the petrol stations their geographical position was identified with the use of the GPS. Overall, the current database includes information from 240 petrol stations in GCC and 109 petrol stations in TCC. The following Table 2.14 gives the total VOC emissions.

    Table 2.14. Total VOC emissions from petrol stations

    Gas stations emissions


    (240 Gas stations)


    (109 gas stations)


    VOC (tns/yr) 532,4 204 736,4

    2.3.4 Airports

    The two airports in GCC and one in TCC are additional emission sources that are included in the current database. At first approximation, the airports are considered as point sources and an emission factor of 0,3 on the total aviation kerosene consumption is applied, since on the average 30% of the fuel is consumed during the taking-off process, while the S-content of the aviation fuel is 0,01% per weight. Monthly information on the number of taking offs in both airports in GCC was available along with the total aviation kerosene consumption. Then the daily emissions per month were calculated for both airports. For the case of TCC only the monthly mean fuel consumption for summertime and wintertime was available. This information was treated as before in order to estimate the relevant emissions. The following Ttables 2.15 and 2.16 give the overall information:

    Table 2.15. Emissions due to aircrafts taking off during wintertime

    Airports in Kerosene consumption


    NOx (tn/season)



    VOC (tn/season)



    SO2 (tn/season)

    GCC (2 airports)

    89847 81 20,3 0,8 28,3 5,8

    TCC (1 airport)

    500 0,5 0,1 0,005 0,2 0,03

    TOTAL 90347 81,5 20,4 0,805 28,5 5,83

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-27

    Table 2.16. Emissions due to aircrafts taking off during summertime

    Airports in Kerosene consumption


    NOx (tn/season)



    VOC (tn/season)



    SO2 (tn/season)

    GCC (2 airports)

    313601 175,6 43,9 1,8 61,4 12,4

    TCC (1 airport)

    910 0,8 0,2 0,008 0,3 0,06

    TOTAL 314511 176,4 44,1 1,808 61,7 12,46

    2.4 Total emissions in Cyprus

    The emissions of the different sources have been summarized and calculated for each area within the 1x1 km of whole Cyprus including the cities. For the components NOx, SO2 and PM the total emissions distribution is depicted in the 1x1 km grided map of Cyprus (see Figures 2.11, 2.15. and 2.19). As an exampler for the emissions distribution in the cities, the NOx, PM and VOC gridded maps of Nicosia, Limassol and Kyrenia are shown in the Figures 2.12 to 2.14, 2.16. to 2.18 and 2.20 to 2.22.

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-28

    Figure 2.14. Total daily NOx emissions in Cyprus

    Figure 2.15. Total daily NOx emissions in Nicosia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-29

    Figure 2.16. Total daily NOx emissions in Limassol

    Figure 2.17. Total daily NOx emissions in Kyrenia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-30

    Figure 2.18. Total daily SO2 emissions in Cyprus

    Figure 2.19. Total daily SO2 emissions in Nicosia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-31

    Figure 2.20. Total daily SO2 emissions in Limassol

    Figure 2.21. Total daily SO2 emissions in Kyrenia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-32

    Figure 2.22. Total daily VOC emissions in Cyprus

    Figure 2.23. Total daily VOC emissions in Nicosia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-33

    Figure 2.24. Total daily VOC emissions in Limassol

    Figure 2.25. Total daily VOC emissions in Kyrenia Figure 2.25. Total daily VOC emissions in Kyrenia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-34

    Figure 2.26. Total daily PM emissions in Cyprus

    Figure 2.24. Total daily PM emissions in Nicosia Figure 2.27. Total daily PM emissions in Nicosia

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-35

    Figure 2.28. Total daily PM emissions in Limassol

    Figure 2.29. Total daily PM emissions in Kyrenia

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    2.5 Uncontrolled diffusive emission sources

    Besides the emissions and their sources mentioned in the chapters before there are other sources which can be categorized as follows:

    2.5.1 Sources the emissions of which are difficult to be estimated

    Official waste dumping areas

    Quarries and mines. A map with the sites of quarries and mines in Cyprus is shown in Figure 2.30. It is obvious that in the vicinity of quarries increased PM concentrations and dust depositions are occurring.

    Unpaved roads

    Stockbreeding installations

    The estimation of emissions from these sources would require the design of special monitoring network or special investigations for the acquisition of information that could be considered representative for each of the above sources.

    Figure 2.30. Sites of mines and quarries in GCC Cyprus

    2.5.2 Existence of unknown and uncontrolled sources

    Within uncontrolled sources the following activities or events can be categorized:

  • 2 Emissions Inventory 2-37

    The fertilization and spraying of agricultural areas the unofficial waste burning areas the agricultural burning areas the burning of used tires the accidental fires

    The emissions of such sources is impossible to be determined, since no information about them is available or can be retrieved. The waste burning, outside the 6 official waste dumping areas in GCC is forbidden and is considered illegal action. However, a considerable percentage of the villages have their own waste damping/burning area, usually just a few kilometers away from the villages boundaries. Unfortunately, the local authorities have not managed yet to control this illegal activity. In TCC the situation is similar, although there are many more waste dumping areas officially registered, where the dumping is expected to be controlled. The burning of the straw after the cereals reaping period, of the cut branches after the pruning period and of the dry grass are other illegal action that take place extensively in agricultural regions and contribute to the emission of mainly CO2, CO, unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Although the authorities do not allow the uncontrolled agricultural burning, since it is one of the main causes for fires, the farmers continue the burning. Such sources are expected to have some contribution to the overall emissions during early winter and early summer. Unfortunately, the burning of used tires continues especially in the countryside and is an uncontrolled source of black smoke (soot particles) and hydrocarbons. Finally, the accidental fires contribute to the atmospheric emissions and take place usually during the summertime. As mentioned before, the agricultural burning is several times the cause of these fires.