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    2 Esdras

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    For other biblical books called "Esdras", seeEsdras.

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    2 Esdras (also called 4 Esdras or Latin Esdras) is the name of an apocalyptic book in many

    English versionsof theBible[1]

    (see"Naming conventions"below).[2][3]

    Its authorship is ascribed


    It is reckoned among theapocryphabyCatholics,Protestants, and mostEastern


    Although Second Esdras exists in its complete form only in Latin, it was originally

    written in Hebrew.[6]

    Nonetheless, 2 Esdras has not been preserved in modern Jewish tradition,typical for works dating from the period of theSecond Temple.


    1 Naming conventions 2 Contents

    o 2.1 5 Ezrao 2.2 4 Ezrao 2.3 6 Ezra

    3 Author and criticism 4 Usage 5 See also 6 Notes 7 External links

    Naming conventions

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    Main article:Esdras#Naming conventions

    As with1 Esdras, there is some confusion about the numbering of this book. Some earlyLatin

    manuscripts call it 3 Esdras, whileJeromeand the medieval Latin manuscripts denoted it 4

    Esdras, which to this day is the name used for it in modern critical editions,[7][8]

    which are

    typically inLatin, the language of its most complete exemplars.[9]

    Once Jerome's 1 and 2 Esdraswere denotedEzraandNehemiahin more recent times, the designation 2 Esdras became

    common in English Bibles. It appears in the Appendix to the Old Testament in theSlavonic Bible,

    where it is called 3 Esdras, and theGeorgian OrthodoxBible numbers it 3 Ezra. This text is

    sometimes also known as Apocalypse of Ezra (chapters 3-14 known as the Jewish Apocalypse

    of Ezra or 4 Ezra, chapters 1-2 as 5 Ezra, and chapters 15-16 as 6 Ezra).


    5 Ezra

    The first two chapters of2 Esdras are found only in the Latin version of the book, and are called

    5 Ezra by scholars.[10]

    They are considered by most scholars to be Christian in origin; they assert

    God's rejection of the Jews and describe a vision of theSon of God. These are generally

    considered to be late additions (possibly third century) to the work.

    4 Ezra

    Chapters 314, or the great bulk of 2 Esdras, are aJewishapocalypsealso sometimes known as

    4 Ezra,[10]

    or the Jewish Apocalypse of Ezra. The latter name should not be confused with a

    later work called theGreek Apocalypse of Ezra.

    AmongGreekFathers of the Church, 4 Ezra is generally cited as [Prophetes

    Esdras] ("The Prophet Ezra") or [Apokalupsis Esdra] ("Apocalypse of Ezra").

    Wellhausen, Charles, and Gunkel have shown that the original composition was in Hebrew,

    which was translated into Greek, and then to Latin, Armenian, Ethiopian and Georgian, but the

    Hebrew and Greek editions have been lost.

    Slightly differingLatin,Syriac,Arabic,Ethiopic,Georgian, andArmeniantranslations have

    survived; the Greek version can be reconstructed (without absolute certainty, of course) from

    these different translations, while the Hebrew text remains a bit more elusive.

    TheEthiopianChurch considers 4 Ezra to becanonical, and calls it Izra Sutuel (); it

    was also often cited by theFathers of the Church. In the Eastern Armenian tradition it is called 3


    4 Ezra consists of seven visions ofEzrathe scribe. The first vision takes place as Ezra is still in

    Babylon. He asks God how Israel can be kept in misery if God is just. ThearchangelUrielis sent

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    to answer the question, responding that God's ways cannot be understood by the human mind.

    Soon, however, the end would come, and God's justice would be made manifest. Similarly, in

    the second vision, Ezra asks why Israel was delivered up to the Babylonians, and is again told

    that man cannot understand this and that the end is near. In the third vision Ezra asks why

    Israel does not possess the world. Uriel responds that the current state is a period of transition.

    Here follows a description of the fate of evil-doers and the righteous. Ezra asks whether therighteous may intercede for the unrighteous onJudgment Day, but is told that "Judgment Day

    is final".[11]

    The next three visions are more symbolic in nature. The fourth is of a woman mourning for her

    only son, who is transformed into a city when she hears of the desolation of Zion. Uriel says

    that the woman is a symbol of Zion. The fifth vision concerns aneaglewith three heads and

    twenty wings (twelve large wings and eight smaller wings "over against them"). The eagle is

    rebuked by alionand then burned. The explanation of this vision is that the eagle refers to the

    fourth kingdom of the vision ofDaniel, with the wings and heads as rulers. The final scene is the

    triumph of theMessiahover the empire. The sixth vision is of a man, representing the Messiah,

    who breathes fire on a crowd that is attacking him. This man then turns to another peaceful

    multitude, which accepts him.

    Finally, there is a vision of the restoration of scripture. God appears to Ezra in a bush and

    commands him to restore theLaw. Ezra gathers five scribes and begins to dictate. After forty

    days, he has produced ninety-four books: the twenty-four books of theTanakhand seventy

    secret works:

    "Make public the twenty-four books that you wrote first, and let the worthy and the

    unworthy read them; but keep the seventy that were written last, in order to give them

    to the wise among your people." (2 Esdras 14:45

    46 RSV; 4 Ezra 12:45


    The "seventy" might refer to theSeptuagint, most of theapocrypha, or the Lost Books that are

    described in the Bible.

    Most Latin editions of the text have a large lacuna[12]

    of seventy verses between 7:35 and 7:36

    due to the fact that they trace their common origin to one early manuscript,Codex

    Sangermanensis I, which was missing an entire page. In 1895Benslyand James published a

    critical edition restoring the lost verses; it is this edition that is used in the Stuttgart edition of

    theVulgate. The restored verses are numbered 7:36 to 7:106, with the former verses 7:377:69

    renumbered to 7:1077:137.[13]

    For more information, see the articleCodex Sangermanensis I.

    Second Esdras turns around a radical spiritual conversion of Ezra in a vision, where he stops to

    comfort a sobbing woman who turns instantly into a great city (2 Esd. 10:2527). On this pivotal

    event, one scholar writes that Ezra

    is badly frightened, he loses consciousness and calls for his angelic guide. The

    experience described is unique not just in 4 Ezra but in the whole Jewish apocalyptic

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    literature. Its intensity complements the pressure of unrelieved stress evident in the

    first part of the vision, and it resembles the major orientation of personality usually

    connected withreligious conversion.[14]

    The following verses (10:2859) reveal that Ezra had a vision of the heavenly Jerusalem, the

    true city of Zion, which the angel of the Lord invites him to explore. As the angel tells Ezra at theend of Chapter 10 in theAuthorised Version:

    "And therefore fear not,

    let not thine heart be affrighted,

    but go thy way in,

    and see the beauty and greatness of the building,

    as much as thine eyes be able to see;

    and then shalt thou hear as much as thine ears may comprehend.

    For thou art blessed above many other

    and artcalledwith the Highest and so are but few.

    "But tomorrow at night thou shalt remain here and so shall the Highest show thee

    visionsof the high things which the Most High will do unto them that dwell upon earth

    in thelast days."

    So I slept that night and another like as he commanded me (2 Esd. 10:5559).

    6 Ezra

    The last two chapters, also called 6 Ezra by scholars,[10]

    and found in the Latin, but not in the

    Eastern texts, predict wars and rebuke sinners. Many assume that they probably date from a

    much later period (perhaps late third century) and may be Christian in origin; it is possible,

    though not certain, that they were added at the same time as the first two chapters of the Latinversion. It is possible that they are Jewish in origin, however; 15:5759 have been found in

    Greek, which most scholars agree was translated from a Hebrew original.

    Author and criticism

    The main body of the book appears to be written for consolation in a period of great distress

    (most likelyTitus' destruction of theSecond Templein AD 70).[15]

    The author seeks answers,

    similar toJob's quest for understanding the meaning of suffering, but the author doesn't like or

    desire only the answer that was given to Job.

    Critics question whether even the main body of the book, not counting the chapters that exist

    only in the Latin version and in Greek fragments, has a single author. Kalisch, De Faye, and

    Charles hold that no fewer than five people worked on the text. However, Gunkel points to the

    unity in character and holds that the book is written by a single author; it has also been

    suggested that the author of II Esdras wrote theSyriac Apocalypse of Baruch.[15]

    In any case, the

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    two texts may date from about the same time, and one almost certainly depends on the


    Critics have widely debated the origin of the book. Hidden under two layers of translation it is

    impossible to determine if the author was Roman, Alexandrian, or Palestinian.

    The scholarly interpretation of the eagle being theRoman Empire(the eagle in the fifth vision,

    whose heads might beVespasian,TitusandDomitianif such is the case) and the destruction of

    the temple would indicate that the probable date of composition lies toward the end of the

    first century, perhaps 9096, though some suggest a date as late as 218.[15]


    The book is considered one of the gems of Jewish apocalyptic literature. Except for the

    Orthodox Slavonic Bible (Ostrog Bible,Elizabeth Bible, and later consequentlyRussian Synodal

    Bible), it was not received into European Christian canons. The Jewish Apocalypse of Ezra, i.e. 2Esdras 314, is regarded as Scripture in theEthiopian Orthodox Church, and it was also widely

    cited by early Fathers of the Church, particularlyAmbrose of Milan. It may also be found in

    many larger English Bibles included as part of theBiblical Apocrypha, as they exist in the King

    James version, the Revised Standard Version, and the earliest editions of the CatholicDouay-

    Rheims Bible, among others.[1]

    The introitus of thetraditional Requiem Massin the Catholic Church is loosely based on 2:34

    35: "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them." Several

    other liturgical prayers are taken from the book. In hisVulgate,Clement VIIIplaced the book in

    an appendix after theNew Testamentwith the rest of the Biblical apocrypha, "lest they perish


    See also

    1 Esdras Ostrog Bible Vision of Ezra


    1. ^Jump up to: abIncluding theKJB,RSV,NRSV,NEB,REB, andGNB2. Jump up ^NETBible,Apocalyptic Esdras3. Jump up ^4 Ezra is the title used in modern English translations as in Charlesworth's

    (ISBN 978-0-385-09630-0). See also bibliography there.

    4. Jump up ^Stone, Michael Edward (1990). Fourth Ezra; A Commentary on the Book ofFourth Ezra. Hermeneia.Fortress Press. p. 37.ISBN0-8006-6026-9.

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    5. Jump up ^For example, it is listed with the apocrypha in the AnglicanThirty-NineArticles of Religion.

    6. Jump up ^Stone, 1.7. Jump up ^Bensley, R. The Fourth Book of Ezra, the Latin Edition edited form the MSS

    Cambridge 1895

    8. Jump up ^Metzger, the Fourth Book of Ezra in J. Charlesworth the Old TestamentPseudepigrapha vol 1 pag 517ss

    9. Jump up ^See for example the articleEsdrasin the 1913Catholic Encyclopedia10.^Jump up to: abcSee for example B.M. Metzger, "The Fourth Book of Ezra", in

    Charlesworth, James H. (ed.) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol 1 (1983). Garden

    City, NY: Doubleday. p. 517.ISBN 978-0-385-09630-0

    11.Jump up ^2 Esd7:102-104, GNB12.Jump up ^Article from Early Jewish Writings13.Jump up ^Biblia Sacra Vulgata, 4th edition, 1994,ISBN 3-438-05303-9.14.Jump up ^Stone, 31.15.^Jump up to: abcdJewish Encyclopedia article16.Jump up ^Clementine Vulgate, Note to the Appendix

    External links

    Wikisourcehas original text related to this article:

    The King James Version of 2 Esdras

    Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims Version, O.T. Part 2atProject Gutenberg. (See in theappendix: The Fovrth Booke of Esdras in a 1610 translation. Also included isRobert

    Lubbock Bensly's 1874 translation of a "rediscovered" 70-verse fragment (7:36-105) on apage that was omitted from the 1610 translation, though present in all earlier versions.)

    Revised Standard Version (includes the missing page with 7:36105) 2 Esdras at earlyjewishwritings.com Latin text of 2 (4) Esdras World Wide Study Bible: 2 Esdras Catholic Encyclopedia: Esdras: The Books of Esdras: IV Esdras Jewish Encyclopedia: Esdras, Books of: II Esdras 2 Esdras 1NRSV King James version of 2 Esdras.

    Ezra/Esdras Chart


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