2. german gender differentiation

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Excellent n numerable example


Gender of German Nouns - Masculine Names of the days, months and seasons Names of directions and winds Names of cars and trains Most nouns ending in -ich and -ling Most nouns ending in -ig (Exception: das Riesig) Most nouns ending in -el (Some Exceptions: die Bibel, die Insel, die Kartoffel, das Kapitel ) Most nouns ending in -en (Exceptions: all infinitives, das Examen, etc.) Nouns ending in -er, when they refer to people (exceptions: die Mutter, die Butter, das Poster)

Four seasons: der Frhling [but das Frhjahr because of the noun das Jahr {year}] (both words meaning spring), der Sommer (summer), der Herbst(autumn/fall) and der Winter (winter).Days of the week: der Montag (Monday), der Dienstag (Tuesday), der Mittwoch (Wednesday), der Donnerstag (Thursday), der Freitag (Friday), der Samstag (Saturday), der Sonntag (Sunday).Months of the year: 1. der Januar(January),2. der Februar (February),3. der Mrz (March),4. der April (April),5. der Mai(May),6. der Juni (June),7. der Juli (July),8. der August (August),9. der September(September),10. der Oktober (October),11. der November (November),12. der Dezember(December).

The cardinal directions or cardinal points: der Westen (west) der Osten (east) der Norden (north) der Sden (south)

Precipitation (meteorology) or rainfalls: der Regen (rain) der Schnee (snow) der Nebel (fog) der Hagel (hail)Car and train names: der VW, der Skoda, der Fiat, der Opel, der ICENote ! Ship and airplane names are feminine gender nouns!Words ending in -ismus: der Journalismus (journalism), der Kommunismus (communism), der Synchronismus(synchronism) [equal -ism words in English

MasculineMale people, male animalsder Mann, der Professor, der Lehrer, der Stier

Many instruments/things that do things (when these words end in -er or -or)der Computer, der Toaster, der Kugelschreiber, der Motor

Days, months, seasons, most weather elementsder Tag, der Freitag, der September, der Winter der Schnee, der Regen, der Nebel [=fog]

Points on the compass:der Norden, der Sden, der Osten, der Westen

Makes (names) of cars: der Volkswagen/der VW, der Porsche, der Toyota BUT NOTE: das Auto

Most non-German riversder Mississippi, der Mekong, der Nil, der Amazonas

Most nouns ending in -ender Garten, der Hafen [=harbour], der Ofen [=oven]

Nouns ending in...

-igder Honig [=honey], der Kfig [=cage]

-lingder Schwchling [=weakling]

-antder Elefant, der Lieferant [=supplier], der Kontrast

-usder Idealismus, der Kommunismus, der Zirkus

Gender of German Nouns - Feminine Names of cardinal numbers Most nouns ending in -e (exceptions: those with prefix Ge- and those denoting males) Nouns ending in -heit, -keit and -schaft Nouns ending in -in (persons only) Nouns ending in -ei (exceptions: nouns denoting a type of egg eg. das Spiegelei) Nouns ending in -ung Nouns of foreign words ending in -ade, -age, -anz, -enz, -ette, -ie, -ik, -ine, -ion, -isse, -itis, -ive, -tt and -ur Names of ships and planes: dieTitanic, die BoeingNouns ending in -ei, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -ung: die Malerei (painting), die Partei([political] party) die Gelegenheit (opportunity), die Krankheit(disease) die Kleinigkeit (doit), die Fhigkeit(ability, capability) die Gesellschaft (society, company) die Wirtschaft (economy) die Heizung (heating), die Zeitung(newspaper)Nouns of foreign origin ending in-age, -t, -anz, -ie, -ik, -ion, -ur, -enz: die Etage (floor) die Qualitt (quality) die Toleranz (tolerance) die Kopie (copy) die Politik (politics) die Aktion (action) die Frisur (hairstyle) die Differenz (difference) Nouns derived from numbers: die Eins (number one, for example a school vote/mark in German school system) die Acht (eight) die Million (million)

FeminineFemale people, female animals die Frau, die Professorin, die Kuh, die Gans

Most German riversdie Donau, die Mosel, die Elbe, die Weser, die Oder BUT NOTE: der Rhein, der Main

Most nouns ending in -eBUT NOTE: der Kse, der Name, das Ende, das Auge, der Affe [and other animals], der Biologe [and other male job designations], der Kunde [=customer]

Nouns ending in...

-ei die Bcherei (library), die Datei (file [on a computer])

-schaft die Wissenschaft [=science], die Freundschaft [=friendship]; die Wirtschaft [=economy; also means "pub"!]

-heit/ -keitdie Dummheit [=stupidity], die Schwierigkeit [=difficulty]

-ung die Landung [=landing], die Bedeutung [=meaning]

-tt die Universitt, die Elektrizitt

-iondie Situation, die Religion, die Funktion

-ik die Logik, die Ethik, die Symbolik, die Mechanik

-ie die Philosophie, die Biologie, die Monotonie, die Magie

-enz/ -anzdie Frequenz, die Toleranz, die Diskrepanz

-ur die Kultur, die Prozedur, die Natur

Gender of German Nouns - Neuter Names of towns and countries (Exceptions: die Schweiz, die Turkei) Names of letters and musical notes Names of colours Infinitives used as nouns: das Schwimmen Most nouns starting with Ge- (Exceptions: der Geschmack, die Geburt, etc.) Most nouns ending in -chen and -lein Most nouns ending in -ment (Exceptions: der Moment, der Zement ) Most nouns ending in -nis (Exceptions: die Erlaubnis, die Erkenntnis, die Finsternis) Most nouns ending in -tum (Exceptions: der Irrtum, der Reichtum ) Most nouns ending in umNEUTER GENDERNouns expressing physical units, letters, music notes, colours and languages: das Kilowatt (kilowatt) das A, das B, das Ypsilon (letters A, B, Y) das Cis (music note) das Grn, das Blau (green, blue) das Englisch(e), das Deutsch(e) (English, German language)Collective nouns (which describe a group of objects) with the prefix Ge- das Gebirge (plural: mountains), das Getreide (rick, grain, corn, cereal), das Gerede (idle talk)Infinitive functioning as a noun: das Essen (meal), das Sprechen (talk, speaking)Adjectives functioning as nouns: das Gute (good/welfare), das Neue (novelty)Nouns of foreign origin ending in (i)um and (m)ent: das Datum (date), das Zentrum (center), das Museum (museum), das Studium (study), das Gymnasium (gymnasium), das Dokument (document), das Argument (argument).Names of cities, continents and most countries in situations in which gender is clear from the word standing next to the noun: das alte Nrnberg (old Nrnberg), das tropische Afrika (tropical Africa), das benachbarte sterreich (neighbouring Austria) NeuterHuman babies and animal babiesdas Baby, das Kind, das Kalb, das Lamm

Most metals das Gold, das Kupfer, das Silber, das Nickel, das Kadmium

Verb infinitives turned into nouns das Leben [=life], das Schwimmen (as in: Swimming is fun)

Collectives with Ge-das Gebude [=building], das Gebirge [=mountain range], das Geschrei [=screaming], das Gebsch [=bushes]

Nouns w. diminutive suffixes: -chen, -lein (and their dialect forms: -le, -erl, -el, -li) das Kindlein, das Mdchen, das Hartmutchen Hnsel & Gretel

Nouns ending in -ment or -(i)umdas Experiment, das Museum, das Datum, das Opium

Note!The gender of compound nouns depends on the last part of the word: der Spielplatz (playground) [das Spiel + derPlatz], die Briefmarke (stamp) [der Brief + die Marke], das Abendkleid (evening gown) [der Abend + das Kleid] Compound Nouns Compound nouns take the gender of the last noun: Ex: das Semester = die Semesterarbeit die ArbeitSome nouns have the same forms, but different genders and meanings:Noun Gender MasculineFeminineNeuter

Bandder Band (issue, volume) -das Band (ribbon)

Erbeder Erbe (heir) -das Erbe (heritage)

Leiterder Leiter (leader) die Leiter (ladder)-

Kieferder Kiefer (jaw) die Kiefer (pine)-

Messerder Messer (gauge, meter) -das Messer (knife)

See der See (lake) die See (sea)-

Steuer-die Steuer (tax)das Steuer (rudder, wheel)

Tauder Tau (dew) -das Tau (rope, cord)

Torder Tor (fool) -das Tor (goal)

Verdienstder Verdienst (profit) -das Verdienst (merit)

Table 1. Nouns with same forms but different genders and meanings

Noun numberMost nouns have singular and plural forms. The easy aspect of German plural nouns is that the plural form of each noun is determined by the article die. All German nouns, regardless of gender, have die in the nominative and accusative plural. So, a the plural form of a noun such as das Buch (book) is die Bcher(books). Sometimes the only way to recognize the plural form of a German noun is by the article: das Gebude (building) - die Gebude (buildings).3) Abstract nouns: der Flei (diligence), der Verkehr (traffic), der Hunger (hunger), der Durst (thirst), das Wetter (weather)4) Infinitives functioning as nouns: das Singen (singing)Some nouns have only the singular form:1) Material nouns: das Gold (gold), das Holz (wood), die Milch (milk), der Kaffee (coffee)2) Collective nouns: die Bevlkerung (population), das Gepck (luggage), das Publikum (audience)

Note ! Some compound nouns made of material nouns, collective or abstract nouns can also have the plural form: der Kaffee die Kaffesorten (sorts of coffee) die Bevlkerung die Bevlkerungsgruppen (population groups) das Alter (age) die Altersstufe die Altersstufen (age)

Certain nouns have only the plural form:1) Some geographic names: die Alpen (the Alps), die Niederlande (the Netherlands), die USA.2) Groups of people: die Eltern (parents), die Leute (people).3) Other nouns: die Ferien (vacations), die Chemikalien (chemicals), die Lebensmittel (ingredients, foodstuffs), die Kosten (costs), die Spesen (expenses), die Diten (daily allowances/wages), die Kenntnisse (knowledge), die Fachkenntnisse (expert knowledge), die Unterlagen (documentation).Note! When learning a German noun, always treat its article as an integral part of the word! Not Sprache (language), but die Sprache (language).

NOUNS WITH MORE THAN ONE GENDERSome nouns have two different genders, depending on the definition. Here is a list of the most common such words. der Alp (nightmare)die Alp (mountain pasture)

der Band (volume)das Band* (ribbon)

der Bauer (farmer)das (der) Bauer (birdcage)

der Bund (federation)das Bund (bundle, bunch)

der Erbe (heir)das Erbe (inheritance)

der Flur (hallway)die Flur (meadow)

der Gefallen (favor)das Gefallen (pleasure)

der Gehalt (content)das Gehalt (salary)

der Harz (mountain range)das Harz (resin)

der Heide (heathen)die Heide (heath)

der Hut (hat)die Hut (protection)

der Junge (boy)das Junge (animal offspring)

der Kiefer (jaw)die Kiefer (pine tree)

der Kristall (type of mineral)das Kristall (type of glass)

der Kunde (customer)die Kunde (news, information)

der Leiter (leader)die Leiter (ladder)

das Mark (marrow)die Mark (monetary unit)

der Marsch (march)die Marsch (marsh)

das Ma (measure)die Ma (liter container--Bavaria)

der Mast (mast)die Mast (fattening of animals)

der Messer (surveyor)das Messer (knife)

der Moment (moment, instant)das Moment (motive, factor)

der Otter (otter)die Otter (adder)

der Reis (rice)das Reis (twig)

der Schild (shield)das Schild (sign)

der See (lake)die See (sea)

das Steuer (rudder)die Steuer (tax)

der Stift (pin)das Stift (convent)

der Tau (dew)das Tau (rope)

der Tor (fool)das Tor (gate)

der Verdienst (earnings)das Verdienst (merit)

das Wehr (dam)die Wehr (defense)

* also "die Band" (with English pronunciation; band)

With a few nouns two (or, rarely, even all three genders) are possible without any difference in meaning. Most of them are foreign words for which a firm gender has not (yet) been determined, but there are also a few old Germanic ones in this category: der (die) Abscheuder (das) Mndelder (das) Dotterder (das) Simsder (das) Erbteilder (die) Wulstder (das) Knuelder (das) Zubehr Some of the foreign words include the following: der (das) Barockder (das, die) Dschungelder (das) Kathederder (das) Kompromider (das) Lassodas Taxi/die Taxeder (das) Bonbonder (das Filterder (das) Keksder (das) Lampionder (das) Radardie (das) Cola

TEST Haus ist hier.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

2. ___ Mann ist gro.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

3. ___ Kind ist intelligent.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

4. ___ Mdchen ist freundlich.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

5. ___ Frau singt.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

6. ___ Hund ist laut.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

7. ___ Schule ist gut.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

8. ___ Familie wohnt hier.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

9. ___ Auto ist neu.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

10. ___ Katze heit Ludwig.A. Der

B. Die

C. Das

1. _____ Mdchen (girl)

2. _____ Bro (office)

3. _____ Tr (door)

4. _____ Kommunismus (communism)

5. _____ Sonntag (Sunday)

6. _____ Schnee (snow)

7. _____ Wein (wine)

8. _____ Musik

9. _____ Freundschaft (friendship)

10. _____ Rhein (the Rhine)

11. _____ Universitt (university)

12. _____ Huser (houses)

13. _____ Film (film, movie)

14. _____ Radio

15. _____ Frhling (spring)

16. _____ Verkuferin (sales person)

17. _____ Gefahr (danger)

18. _____ Schreiben (writing)

19. _____ Ecke (corner)

20. _____ Irrtum (error)

1. das2. das3. die4. der5. der6. der7. der8. die9. die10. der11. die12. die13. der14. das15. der16. die17. die18. das19. die20. der

1. _____ Frulein (miss, young lady)

2. _____ Bier (beer)

3. _____ Kino (cinema)

4. _____ Fenster (window)

5. _____ Jahr (year)

6. _____ Luft (air)

7. _____ Industrie (industry)

8. _____ Nebel (fog)

9. _____ Berg (mountain)

10. _____ Donau (the Danube)

11. _____ Fernsehen (television)

12. _____ Sd(en) (the south)

13. _____ Zug (train, draft, parade)

14. _____ Gesundheit (health)

15. _____ Mond (moon)

16. _____ Tor (gate, arch)

17. _____ Festung (fort, fortress)

18. _____ Boeing 747

19. _____ Grenze (border, limit)

20. _____ BMW (car)

1. das 2. Das 3. Das 4. Das 5. Das 6. Die 7. die8. der 9. Der 10. Die 11. Das 12. Der 13. Der 14. die15. der 16. Das 17. Die 18. Die 19. Die 20. der