2 interview ahmed


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Post on 17-Sep-2015




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Archival #: 1Site: GujranwalaInterviewers: Muhammed MughniInterviewee: Ahmed Shah Interviewee Status: Consumer Demographics: Student, age-18, male, Elite College Interview Time: 40 minuteDate of data collection: 15.05.2015Data collection method: Semi-structured interviewLanguage of Data: Urdu/EnglishTranscriber: Muhammed MughniTranslator (from Urdu to English): Muhammed Mughni Typist: Muhammed MughniDate of computer data entry: 15.05.15

[Ahmed is my Friend he is doing ICS from Elite College. I had called her for interview. He agreed and I call him at my home for interview. We started informal discussion about counterfeit topic]

Interview topic is counterfeit products.Counterfeit is replica of original product or duplicate productThis interview was designed to gather information from interviewee in regard to the following outcomes: To understand what motivates peoples to buy counterfeit products. When people buy counterfeit then how can they justify it. What is the intention of people behind purchasing of counterfeit products? Buying counterfeit product is ethical or unethical.Mughni: do you know what counterfeit product is?Ahmed: yes I know counterfeit is replica of original product.Mughni: ok thats great you already know what counterfeit products is.Ahmed: thanks Mughni: have you ever purchased Counterfeit products.Ahmed: I purchased counterfeit products very few times I prefer to buy branded products. Mughni: When you buy product do you know that you purchase original or counterfeit product?Ahmed: yes I known what thing I going to purchase I clearly differentiate which one product is original product and which one is replica product.Mughni: how did you identify which product is original and which product is replica.Ahmed: look it is very easy to identify which product is original and which product is counterfeit basically there is huge difference between qualities of both products. Quality of original product is very fine and it is easy and comfortable to use and quality of replica product is not so good and it is easily identifiable.Mughni: you say you purchase counterfeit products. What kind of counterfeit product you purchase?Ahmed: as I mention earlier I purchase very few counterfeit products in my life I purchase night wear like shorts and trousers and pirated CDs and some time glasses. Mughni: why you purchase only these things.Ahmed: look it is difficult to define why I purchase only these things but I have to answer so I purchase these things because these things are less expensive. These things are easily available and original of these products are so much expensive. Mughni: which counterfeit brand you mostly buy.Ahmed: in glasses I purchase Ray ban, in night wear I prefer to purchase any counterfeit product. These products are commonly use products and its look good when you wear a branded night wear and it is difficult to identify weather it is original or counterfeit.Mughni: What is the intention behind the purchase of counterfeit product?Ahmed: according to me I purchase these products because price of such products is low and price of original brand is high and I did not want to purchase these products from any branded shopsMughni: do you think there is any difference in quality of original and counterfeit product.Ahmed: yes of course there is too much difference in the quality of original and in the quality of counterfeit products. Brand always provide good quality products and counterfeit provide less quality products. You can use counterfeit products for 5 or 6 months but you can use original or branded products for 3 or 4 years. But you can purchase 3 or 4 products in the price of 1 branded product. Mughni: According to your perception why people purchase counterfeit products.Ahmed: look its depend on people perception why they purchase counterfeit products according to my perception people purchase counterfeit products because price of counterfeit products is relatively low and people cannot afford branded products thats why they prefer to purchase counterfeit products. price is major factor behind the purchase of counterfeit product and I thing more I want to add now people are more status conscious they want to wear branded products but they cannot afford it so they buy counterfeit products to strong their social belongings. Mughni: From where you buy counterfeit products?Ahmed: In Pakistan Counterfeit products are easily available products you can find less branded shops and more counterfeit products shops its mean you can buy easily counterfeit products. In every mall in every market you can easily purchase counterfeit products. Mughni: according to your perception when you mostly buy counterfeit product.Ahmed: Its depending on their need when they need it people mostly purchase counterfeit products when Quality is close to the original, and price of product is low and if the quality of the product is high.

Mughni: How can you differentiate original and replica product?Ahmed: look it is very easy to differentiate original and replica product Stuff, quality of original is good and replica product quality is low. Quality of original product is good and quality of replica product is not so good. But both the product same in look there is no difference in look of replica product they look like original. Mughni: You feel guilty when you purchase counterfeit product?Ahmed: when I buy counterfeit product I try to hide this from my friends because its look odd to wear counterfeit products. But trend is rapidly changing and people cannot afford branded things because price of branded products is so much high so people prefer to buy counterfeit products because they can approach these products.Mughni: When you buy counterfeit product you tell your friend that you buy counterfeit product?Ahmed: no I never tell other peoples that I buy and wear counterfeit products because its hit my personality and whenever I buy branded product I try to tell every persons because I live in a community where every person wear branded products.Mughni: is counterfeit help your personality to build image in society.Ahmed: counterfeit give confidence to lower class people counterfeit give confidence to lower class people because they think they get respect by wearing good things. Person who wear cheep cloth no one person try to approach it and the other person who wear good or branded cloths every person try to approach.Mughni: What is your motivation behind purchasing counterfeit product?Ahmed: there is not such a motivation behind counterfeit purchasing, people purchase counterfeit products because these products are less expensive and easily available products.Mughni: Selling counterfeit products is ethical or unethical?Ahmed: According to business point of view it is unethical because brand advertises heavily and makes other expenses to stand so it is unethical according to business point of view. But according to customer point of view it is ethical because they have the right to buy anything.Mughni: How people come to know about counterfeit products?Ahmed: there are different way to know about counterfeit products like social media, TV advertisement and word of mouth. Word of mouth is cheapest way of communication people come to know about replica product people tell other peoples about different offerings and the place from where replica products are easily available. Mughni: Do you recommend other people to buy counterfeit?Ahmed: I recommended to only those people who did not have buying power because mostly people are not able to buy brand product due to high price then he can buy counterfeit products. Counterfeiting takes place mostly in middle class level where the consumer does not know enough regarding brand conscious product.Mughni: Why people buy counterfeit?Ahmed: its depend on different things like they have less resources, they did not have buying power so thats why people purchase counterfeit products and branded products are much expansive so they did not afford branded products and buy counterfeit products.