2) nato to leave 15,000 troops in afghanistan after … · web viewsenior minister maulana abdul...


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Page 1: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

AFPAK / Iraq Sweep13 December 2011


Afghanistan 1) US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrived in Kabul on Tuesday for an unannounced visit at a time of persistent violence and as the United States and its Western allies are reducing troop levels in Afghanistan. Panetta's visit comes on the heels of bomb attacks on Shi'ite Muslim ceremonies in three Afghan cities. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the attacks killed 80 people. Reuters

2) NATO intends to leave around 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after all combat troops have been withdrawn by the end of 2014, NATO's chief of staff in Europe said Tuesday. German General Manfred Lange said he was 'extraordinarily confident' that the withdrawal would take place as planned. M&C

3) A clash happened between Taliban and Hezb-i-Eslami Afghanistan militants in the Nerkh district of central Maydan Wardag province on Tuesday, an official said. The battle erupted in the Darmandianso, Nerkh district chief, Mohammad Hanif Hanifi, told Pajhwok Afghan News. He said the two sides exchanged fire, using heavy and light weapons. BBC Translations

4) A gas agreement will be signed among Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, in the near future, President Hamed Karzai's said on Monday [12 December]. BBC Translations

5) The Afghan Interior Ministry said in a statement on 13 December that coalition forces, Afghan National Army soldiers, national police and National Directorate of Security forces had killed the 18 opponents, injured the six and captured the 55 in 12 joint operations in Ghazni, Logar, Urozgan, Khost, Helmand, Nangarhar, Konar, and Kabul provinces over the past 24 hours. The statement added that the security forces seized 82 different kinds of weapons, eight mines, five hand-grenades, 54 kg of narcotics and a quantity of war equipment. BBC Translations

6) The Afghan Interior Minister Bismullah Khan Mohammadi has survived an assassination attempt in which a bomber tried but failed to blow himself up near the minister's convoy in northern Afghanistan. The incident took place in the Sayed Khail district of Parwan province on Tuesday when Bismullah Khan Mohammadi was visiting the region, said Parwan governor Abdul Basir Salangi. Press

Pakistan1) US have not cut $700 million in aid to Pakistan, said State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland. Struggling hard to restore its ties with Pakistan in

Page 2: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

the aftermath of NATO air strike last month, the Obama administration today said that it has not cut any civilian aid to Pakistan, noting that this is an on-going move in the Congress right now. Dunya

2) Marine Gen John Allen tells reporters at a news briefing in Kabul that he recently spoke on the phone with Pakistan army chief Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. Allen says that by the end of the call on Monday, both expressed a commitment to work through the incident. He says he believes Pakistan will soon send liaison officials back to NATO headquarters in Kabul that were pulled after the Nov. 26 incident. Dunya

3) With no end to blockade in sight, NATO tankers have started leaving Balochistan. The government had announced to block the NATO supply route after NATO attack on November 26 when Salala Check post was targeted by Nato gunships, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers. NATO oil tankers and containers have started leaving under tight security of Balochistan government. Dunya

4) IG Sindh Mushtaq Shah Tuesday said that various jihadi groups were also involved in kidnapping for ransom and robbery incidents. Talking to media after attending Public Accounts Committee Sindh meeting, IG said that security personnel were target in several bomb blasts that occurred this month. He told media that two groups involved in bank dacoity have been arrested, adding that two to three gangs were yet to be arrested. Geo

5) As the US-Pakistan relationship continues to unravel, the US has placed its covert air campaign that targets Al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives in Pakistan's tribal agencies "on hold." Several US intelligence officials involved in the CIA program, which uses unmanned Predator and Reaper strike aircraft, more commonly called drones, told The Long War Journal that US officials fear that an attack at this point in time would further damage the already fragile relationship between the US and Pakistan. Geo

6) The Punjab and Balochistan assemblies on Monday passed resolutions, condemning the NATO attack on Salala border post in Mohmand Agency in which 24 officers and soldiers were martyred. The treasury and opposition benches in the Punjab Assembly, showing solidarity with the Pakistan Army and backing the PPP government decisions in the war on terror, unanimously passed the resolution on Monday. Daily Times

7) The National Assembly Standing Committee on Human Rights Monday recommended that outsiders and militants should be expelled form Parachanar. The in-camera meeting of the committee commended the efforts of LEAs to bring improvements in peace and steps taken to rehabilitate the affected families in Parachanar. The meeting chaired by MNA Riaz Fatayana also urged that steps should be taken for enhancement of educational programmes and health programs. Daily Times 

Page 3: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and



1) hree bombs hit an oil pipeline that transports crude from Iraq's southern oilfields to storage tanks around the oil hub of Basra on Tuesday, an oil police source said. The impact on oil production or exports was not immediately clear, but firefighters were working to put out the blaze caused by the blast, the source who was at the explosion site said. Reuters

2 ) Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki issued an open invitation for US firms to help rebuild Iraq Tuesday, as his oil-rich nation closes the door on a nearly nine-year American military presence. Hailing a new stage in the country's history, Maliki declared his war-scarred nation was ready to construct a new economy, one that holds "limitless" opportunities for US firms. AFP

3) Iraq's oil police have stepped up patrols to protect installations against a possible surge in al Qaeda attacks as U.S. troops withdraw, the head of the force said on Tuesday. Multibillion-dollar deals Baghdad signed with energy majors could quadruple oil output capacity to Saudi levels within six years but that depends on the OPEC member securing oilfields, refineries and other vital infrastructure. Reuters 4) The security situation in Kirkuk has deteriorated since the U.S. forces stationed there withdrew from the province last month. Halo Najat, a director of the Kurdish security service doubted security forces will be able to maintain security in Kirkuk without U.S. assistance. “Kirkuk security forces do not have the capacity or capability to protect the city.” AKNews

5) Kirkuk budget will double next year says Najmadin Karim, Kirkuk Province governor, despite overspending the previous year. He said at a press conference: "This year we have spent almost 2 billion IQD ($2 million USD) more than the budget reserved for Kirkuk." Karim added: "Next year's budget is twice the size of this year's budget and we hope with this extra money we can solve the electricity problem by building a new electricity plant." AKNews


Full Articles 

Page 4: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and


1) US defence boss makes unannounced Afghanistan trip

KABUL | Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:39pm IST

(Reuters) - US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrived in Kabul on Tuesday for an unannounced visit at a time of persistent violence and as the United States and its Western allies are reducing troop levels in Afghanistan.

Panetta's visit comes on the heels of bomb attacks on Shi'ite Muslim ceremonies in three Afghan cities. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the attacks killed 80 people.

NATO commanders say that a "surge" of more than 30,000 U.S. troops in 2009-2010 helped push the Taliban out of some areas of its southern heartland.

But the United Nations and other groups say violence nationwide is at its worst since U.S.-backed Afghan forces toppled the Taliban from power in late 2001.

Afghanistan's future remains unclear as the government and its Western allies race to train and expand the national police and army while foreign troops start heading home.

The Obama administration plans to withdraw its surge troops by the end of next fall, leaving about 68,000 American soldiers.

Most foreign combat troops are expected to leave by the end of 2014, when the Afghan government is due to have complete control of security across the country.

The gradual transition to Afghan control began this summer, and a second phase announced late last month will mean more than half the population is living in areas where security has been handed over officially.

2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after withdrawal

Dec 13, 2011, 16:03 GMT

Mons, Belgium - NATO intends to leave around 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after all combat troops have been withdrawn by the end of 2014, NATO's chief of staff in Europe said Tuesday.

German General Manfred Lange said he was 'extraordinarily confident' that the withdrawal would take place as planned.

Page 5: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

The military alliance was currently debating how many troops should be left behind, he told journalists at NATO's military headquarters in the Belgian city of Mons.

'I would say around 15,000, plus or minus, I can imagine,' said Lange. The number depended on whether the Afghan army and police force was to continue being supported by the West, he said.

There are currently around 130,000 troops from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

'There will be no more combat operations against the Taliban, that's what we want to achieve,' Lange said.

However it was important to leave some troops behind to provide training and technical support, as well as possible medical aid, he said. Soldiers were also needed to protect 'what we're leaving behind,' he said.

3) Taleban, Hezb-e Eslami insurgents clash in Afghan east

Text of report in English by Afghan independent Pajhwok news agency website

Maydan Shahr: A clash happened between Taliban and Hezb-i-Eslami Afghanistan militants in the Nerkh district of central Maydan Wardag province on Tuesday, an official said.

The battle erupted in the Darmandianso, Nerkh district chief, Mohammad Hanif Hanifi, told Pajhwok Afghan News. He said the two sides exchanged fire, using heavy and light weapons.

One Taliban militant was killed during the clash, said the governor's spokesman, Shahidollah Shahid.

But one of HIA fighters, Zabihollah, claimed six Taliban were killed and a seventh seized. He said HIA rebels escaped unhurt. \

According to residents, former prime minister Golboddin Hekmatyar's loyalists control most parts of the troubled district and the Taliban are trying to reduce their influence.

Source: Pajhwok Afghan News website, Kabul, in English 1315 gmt 13 Dec 11

BBC Mon SA1 SAsPol ceb

© Copyright British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

4) Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, India, Pakistan to sign gas agreement

Page 6: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Text of report in English by Afghan independent Pajhwok news agency website

Kabul: A gas agreement will be signed among Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, in the near future, President Hamed Karzai's said on Monday [12 December].

A statement from the Presidential Palace in Kabul said Karzai met Bayramgeldi Nedirow, the Turkmen energy minister [minister of oil, gas and mineral resources], late on Monday.

Nedirov said a meeting would soon take place in Ashgabat on inking the agreement, the statement said.

The proposed deal would benefit the four countries besides having a positive impact on the security situation in the region, Karzai hoped.

Source: Pajhwok Afghan News website, Kabul, in English 1122 gmt 13 Dec 11

BBC Mon SA1 SAsPol jg

© Copyright British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

5) Joint forces kill 18 insurgents, detain 55 in operations in Afghan operations

Text of report by private Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news agency

Kabul, 13 December: A total of 89 opponents [of the Afghan government] have been either killed, injured or detained.

The Afghan Interior Ministry has reported that 18 opponents were killed, six injured and 55 others detained in operations by Afghan and foreign forces in separate areas of the country.

The Afghan Interior Ministry said in a statement on 13 December that coalition forces, Afghan National Army soldiers, national police and National Directorate of Security forces had killed the 18 opponents, injured the six and captured the 55 in 12 joint operations in Ghazni, Logar, Urozgan, Khost, Helmand, Nangarhar, Konar, and Kabul provinces over the past 24 hours.

The statement added that the security forces seized 82 different kinds of weapons, eight mines, five hand-grenades, 54 kg of narcotics and a quantity of war equipment.

The opponents of the government have not commented on this Afghan Interior Ministry claim yet.

Page 7: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

The Interior Ministry reported that [separately] the No 101 Asmaye police zone [forces] have detained two people with fake passports in an area near Kabul International Airport.

Source: Afghan Islamic Press news agency, Peshawar, in Pashto 0753 gmt 13 Dec 11

BBC Mon SA1 SAsPol sa/qhk

© Copyright British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

6) Afghan min. survives assassination bidTue Dec 13, 2011 10:15AM GMTShareLAST UPDATEAfghan Interior Minister Bismullah Khan Mohammadi

The incident took place in the Sayed Khail district of Parwan province on Tuesday when Bismullah Khan Mohammadi was visiting the region, said Parwan governor Abdul Basir Salangi.

The Afghan official noted that security guards opened fire on the bomber when he tried to approach the minister.

He was shot dead before he could detonate his explosives, added the governor.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt.

The minister escaped a similar assassination attempt in the northern province in October.

The security situation remains fragile in Afghanistan, despite the presence of nearly 150,000 US-led foreign forces in the Asian country.

Pakistan1) No cut in $700m aid to Pakistan: US State Department. DunyaLast Updated On 14 December,2011 About 2 hours ago US have not cut $700 million in aid to Pakistan, said State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland.

Page 8: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Struggling hard to restore its ties with Pakistan in the aftermath of NATO air strike last month, the Obama administration today said that it has not cut any civilian aid to Pakistan, noting that this is an on-going move in the Congress right now. "Well, first of all, just to clarify what has and hasn t happened here in our understanding. We have not cut $700 million in aid to Pakistan," State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily news conference. "What we have is something on the defense authorization bill, which is currently moving in the Congress, which would require the Department of Defense to continue providing a strategy on how we will use certain military assistance and measure its progress, in particular on progress that we are making with Pakistan on the IED issue," Nuland said in response to a question. Leaders of a US House-Senate negotiating panel had agreed to freeze $700 million in aid to Islamabad. In a statement issued late last night, negotiating panel of the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously agreed to freeze the $700 million aid to Pakistan pending Pentagon s delivery of a strategy for improving the effectiveness of such assistance and assurances that Pakistan is countering Improvised Explosive Devices networks in their country that are targeting collation forces. "If this legislation becomes law, we ll work with the government of Pakistan on how we can fulfill the requirements. But this requires us to maintain a strategic perspective and to be clear with our Congress about the strategy," she said. "As you know, this is a subject that the US and Pakistan have been working on for some time together, both through DOD programmes and through State Department programmes," Nuland said. The spokesperson did not comment in detail when asked about the conference of the diplomatic corps in Pakistan chaired by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani. "I don t have a comment specifically on the outcome of the conference. I don t have full information from our embassy after the conference. I think you know our view that while this relationship is sometimes difficult, it s very important for the US and Pakistan to continue to work together, particularly on threats that face both of us," she said. "Our dialogue with them continues on how we can do that together," Nuland said.

2) NATO hopes Pakistan will lift blockade. DunyaLast Updated On 13 December,2011 About 7 hours ago

Page 9: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Marine Gen John Allen tells reporters at a news briefing in Kabul that he recently spoke on the phone with Pakistan army chief Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. Allen says that by the end of the call on Monday, both expressed a commitment to work through the incident. He says he believes Pakistan will soon send liaison officials back to NATO headquarters in Kabul that were pulled after the Nov. 26 incident. Allen says the two did not discuss when Pakistan would reopen its border crossings to NATO convoys transporting supplies for troops in Afghanistan. --AP

3) NATO tankers start to leave Balochistan. DunyaLast Updated On 13 December,2011 About 7 hours ago With no end to blockade in sight, NATO tankers have started leaving Balochistan. The government had announced to block the NATO supply route after NATO attack on November 26 when Salala Check post was targeted by Nato gunships, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers. NATO oil tankers and containers have started leaving under tight security of Balochistan government.

4) Jihadi groups also involved in kidnapping, robbery: IG. Geo13 December 2011 KARACHI: IG Sindh Mushtaq Shah Tuesday said that various jihadi groups were also involved in kidnapping for ransom and robbery incidents.

Talking to media after attending Public Accounts Committee Sindh meeting, IG said that security personnel were target in several bomb blasts that occurred this month.

He told media that two groups involved in bank dacoity have been arrested, adding that two to three gangs were yet to be arrested.

Shah said that various activists of jihadi groups involved in kidnapping for ransom and various other crimes were also arrested.

5) US drone strikes 'on hold' in Pakistan: US official. Geo13 December 2011

WASHINGTON: As the US-Pakistan relationship continues to unravel, the US has placed its covert air campaign that targets Al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives in Pakistan's tribal agencies "on hold."

Page 10: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Several US intelligence officials involved in the CIA program, which uses unmanned Predator and Reaper strike aircraft, more commonly called drones, told The Long War Journal that US officials fear that an attack at this point in time would further damage the already fragile relationship between the US and Pakistan.

Relations between the two countries have been deteriorating over the past two years as the US has ramped up the drone program while accusing Pakistan of supporting the Taliban and other terror groups.

The Raymond Davis affair and the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan earlier this year further inflamed the Pakistanis.

But the Nov. 26 US airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani troops in Mohmand has led to Pakistan's shutting down the Chaman and Torkham (Khyber Pass) border crossings to Nato supply convoys.

"There is concern that another hit [by the drones] will push US-Pakistan relations past the point of no return," one official. "We don't know how far we can push them [Pakistan], how much more they are willing to tolerate."

One official was clear that the program is "on hold" but that they would consider striking if a target of opportunity presented itself.

"We may strike soon if an extremely high value target pops up, but otherwise there is hesitation to pull the trigger right now," the intelligence official said.

The official refused to say which terror leaders would cause the US to reconsider the pause, and attack.

6) Punjab, Balochistan assemblies pass resolutions against NATO. Daily TimesTuesday, December 13, 2011

* Show solidarity with Pak Army, govt decisions in war against terrorism

* Demand withdrawal of all bases and facilities given to US on the pattern of Shamsi airbase

By Hussain Kashif and Mohammad Zafar

LAHORE/QUETTA: The Punjab and Balochistan assemblies on Monday passed resolutions, condemning the NATO attack on Salala border post in Mohmand Agency in which 24 officers and soldiers were martyred.

The treasury and opposition benches in the Punjab Assembly, showing solidarity with the Pakistan Army and backing the PPP government decisions in the war on terror, unanimously passed the resolution on Monday.

Page 11: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Through the resolution, the House expressed its annoyance and protested against the NATO forces attack against its ally that had already given tremendous sacrifices in the war on terror.

The resolution said that the NATO attack was unprovoked and directly against the sovereignty and independence of Pakistan.

The resolution said that the House presented a high tribute to the Pakistan Army, its officers and soldiers who had sacrificed their lives for the country. The resolution also supported decisions of the federal government, including stoppage of NATO supplies, vacation of Shamsi airbase by the US Army and boycott of the Bonn Conference. The resolution also showed complete solidarity with the Pakistan Army.

Law Minister Rana Sanaullah, Opposition Leader Raja Riaz, PPP parliamentary leader Maj (r) Zulfiqar Gondal, PML-Q parliamentary leader Chaudhry Zaheeruddin, Makhdoom Ahmad Mehmood, Shahid Anjum and Ali Noor Niazi tabled the resolution in the House.

Speaking on the floor of the House, Raja Riaz condemned the NATO attack and declared that the PPP-led government in Centre would make decisions following the will of the nation and without taking any external pressure.

PML-Q leader Chaudhry Zaheeruddin said that Shahbaz airbase should also be vacated from the US forces and all visas given to Blackwater agents in Pakistan would be cancelled.

The House offered prayers for the health of President Asif Ali Zardari and PML-F chief Pir Pagara. It also offered a special prayer for Begum Nusrat Bhutto on the request of Law Minister Rana Sanaullah. The Balochistan Assembly, in its resolution, on Monday demanded the withdrawal of all bases and facilities from the US-led allied forces on the pattern of Shamsi airbase. The resolution categorically stated that Pakistan was an independent country, and nation would never accept any kind of intervention from anyone.

Speaker Muhammad Aslam Bhootani presided over the session. Senior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and J Parakash jointly moved the resolution.

Speaking on the occasion, Maulana Abdul Wasay said that vacation of the Shamsi airbase and blockade of the NATO supplies was a positive step. He said that the federal government and security forces must ensure the implementation of this decision on permanent bases. Abdul Khaliq Bashar Dost also spoke on the occasion. Later, the speaker adjourned the House until December 15.

7) NA body wants expulsion of Taliban from Parachanar. Daily Times

Page 12: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly Standing Committee on Human Rights Monday recommended that outsiders and militants should be expelled form Parachanar. The in-camera meeting of the committee commended the efforts of LEAs to bring improvements in peace and steps taken to rehabilitate the affected families in Parachanar. The meeting chaired by MNA Riaz Fatayana also urged that steps should be taken for enhancement of educational programmes and health programs. The recommendations of Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) should be implemented in letter and spirit and there should be more improvements in FCR, the Committee recommended and urged that Youth programmes should be introduced in the area. The provinces should facilitate Free Higher Education and grant of special funds in FATA. More Radio /TV Channels and awareness programmes should be launched in FATA area by Ministry of Information and Technology, PEMRA and Pakistan Baitulmal. The Committee condemned murder of Zarteef Khan Afridi, human rights activists on and recommended for grant of highest peace award and grant of financial assistance and also condemned rape incident of Uzma Ayub and brutal murder of her brother namely Alam Zeb outside the court. The Committee appealed for arrest of culprits of both murders and grant of shelter to Uzma Ayub at safer place. Governor, Khyber Pakhtunkwah personally assured for arrest of culprits. Samina Mushtaq Pugganwala, MNA, Shakeela Khanam Rashid, MNA, Rahela Baloch, MNA, Fauzia Habib, MNA, Dr Mehreen Razzaque Bhutto, MNA, Kishwar Zehra, MNA, Yasmeen Rehman, MNA, Nisar Tanveer, MNA, Sumaira Yasir Rasheed, MNA, Jawad Hussain, MNA, Jamila Gillani, MNA, Dr. Attiya Inayatullah, MNA, Syed Mumtaz Alam Gillani, MNA, and Ms. Sabeen Rizvi, MNA, attended the meeting. Barrister Masood Kausar, Governor Khyber Pakhtunkwah, Mr. Sajid Hussain Turi, MNA, and Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai, MNA, were also present in the meeting. staff report


1) Bombs hit southern Iraq oil pipeline-sources13 Dec 2011 21:19

Source: reuters // Reuters

(Adds details, quotes, background)

BASRA, Iraq, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Three bombs hit an oil pipeline that transports crude from Iraq's southern oilfields to storage tanks around the oil hub of Basra on Tuesday, an oil police source said.

Page 13: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

The impact on oil production or exports was not immediately clear, but firefighters were working to put out the blaze caused by the blast, the source who was at the explosion site said.

"The explosions happened in succession and caused an enormous fire," he said.

"We cannot go near the explosion site because the fire is still raging ... we fear the fire might extend to other nearby oil pipelines."

The source said the oil police were checking other pipelines for more bombs.

An oil official in Basra confirmed the blast was caused by a bomb attack. The pipeline was carrying crude to the Zubair 1 storage facility near Basra, the two sources said.

In early June, militants blew up a storage tank at the Zubair 1 storage facility, despite tight security.

Basra, which handles the bulk of Iraq's oil exports, has generally seen fewer attacks this year than other cities in the country following an overall decline in levels of violence since the peak of sectarian conflict in Iraq in 2006-07.

In October, two bombs hit pipeline networks transporting crude from Iraq's Rumaila oilfield, the country's biggest, cutting output from the field to 530,000 barrels per day from about 1.24 million bpd.

Iraq's oil police have stepped up patrols to protect installations against a possible surge in al Qaeda attacks as U.S. troops withdraw before Dec. 31, the head of the force said on Tuesday. (Reporting by Aref Mohammed; Writing Rania El Gamal; Editing by Louise Ireland)

2) Iraq throws open doors to US firms as army exits

AFPBy Andrew Beatty | AFP – 45 mins ago

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki issued an open invitation for US firms to help rebuild Iraq Tuesday, as his oil-rich nation closes the door on a nearly nine-year American military presence.

Hailing a new stage in the country's history, Maliki declared his war-scarred nation was ready to construct a new economy, one that holds "limitless" opportunities for US firms.

"It is not now the generals but the businessmen and the corporations that are at the forefront" of Iraq's future, he told a business gathering just steps from the White House.

Page 14: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

"Circumstances have improved because of better security," said Maliki, playing the role of salesman-in-chief for an economy that was ravaged by authoritarian rule and multilateral sanctions even before the war began in 2003.

"We are not satisfied with the number of US corporations in Iraq," he added. "All sectors of the economy are there, open for business for American business."

On the list of sectors open to business, oil will be first among equals.

With massive proven reserves of 115 billion barrels of oil, the fourth largest in the world -- much of it untapped -- foreign oil companies are girding to return to the country.

Output today is around 2.5 million barrels per day, but that rate could be nearly doubled by 2016, according to oil cartel OPEC.

But a political tug-of-war between the semi-autonomous Kurdish north and Baghdad has stalled efforts to create a new law governing the sector for the last three years.

While many companies, including ExxonMobil, have piled into Iraq despite the absence of a clear regulatory framework, there has often been confusion about their legal status.

Last month Exxon signed a deal with the authorities in the north, against the wishes of Maliki's government.

The Kurdistan contract potentially puts another Exxon contract with the Iraqi government in jeopardy.

Crafting a new hydrocarbon law that makes the most of the country's resources, while attracting knowledgeable and deep-pocketed foreign firms, will be essential to putting the country on a sound footing.

Oil exports already account for around two thirds of Iraq gross domestic product, but actual revenues could be increased dramatically if production can be ramped up and if an estimated $100 billion of funds to rebuild the oil sector can be found.

Maliki gave little indication that a deal with the Kurdish north was imminent, but said, "we do need a great package of new laws."

On Monday Maliki held talks with US President Barack Obama in an attempt to create a new paradigm in relations that have frequently been overshadowed by Iraq's descent into civil war and fierce divisions in the United States over the war's prosecution.

Page 15: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

The prime minister's delegation included 40 Iraqi businessmen.

US Commerce Secretary John Bryson said that American firms were eager to play a role.

He noted that the Iraqi government had set out $186 billion for around 2,700 projects to meet the country's economic and social needs.

"Meeting those needs can help create jobs here in the United States he said."

3) INTERVIEW-Iraq's oil police gear up for attacks as U.S. withdraws13 Dec 2011 20:25

Source: reuters // Reuters

By Rania El Gamal

BAGHDAD, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Iraq's oil police have stepped up patrols to protect installations against a possible surge in al Qaeda attacks as U.S. troops withdraw, the head of the force said on Tuesday.

Multibillion-dollar deals Baghdad signed with energy majors could quadruple oil output capacity to Saudi levels within six years but that depends on the OPEC member securing oilfields, refineries and other vital infrastructure.

Major General Hamid Ibrahim, head of Iraq's energy protection force, said half of all attacks planned by al Qaeda targeted the country's oil sector. His force has so far managed to foil most attempts, he said.

"There is direct targeting of the oil sector ... By the start of the withdrawal there will be attacks not just on oil, but they (insurgents) will try to rattle the situation in the country," he told Reuters in an interview. "We are ready and on alert".

Although Iraq took responsibility for the security of its oil sector in 2005, the United States has still been providing aerial surveillance and other support to battle Sunni insurgents and Shi'ite militia, who have plagued the country since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

But by the end of December - nearly nine years after the U.S.-led invasion - only a small contingent of civilian trainers and fewer than 200 U.S. military personnel will remain.


Page 16: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

The Iraq-Turkey pipeline in the north, which carries around a quarter of Iraq's oil exports, is regularly hit by sabotage, usually blamed on al Qaeda and former members of Saddam Hussein's banned Baath party.

And in early June, militants blew up a storage tank at the Zubair 1 storage facility near Basra, despite tight security.

Ibrahim said Iraqi security forces had foiled more than four plots against the nearby southern Doura refinery and were now coordinating with the Iraqi air force to monitor oil sites and pipelines.

The poorly equipped force has also received Hummer military vehicles and other supplies from U.S. forces as they pack up, he said.

"We used to dream of having a few cars to reinforce our forces, now we have thousands," he said. "Now we have good equipment, guns and bullets. It is a positive thing."

The government has built blast walls and watch towers and installed cameras and is talking to foreign investors such as British major BP to train the force, he said.

But Ibrahim added that his 40,000-strong force was still stretched, especially in the vast west of the country.

"We have shortages and we can't say we are self-sufficient... The worry that we have now is that some oilfields in the western parts are vast fields," he said.

U.S. officials say that Iraq's oil security forces are up to the task but coincide they need to improve further. (Editing by Patrick Markey and Ben Harding)

4) Kirkuk security deteriorating with U.S. withdrawal

13/12/2011 08:42

KIRKUK, Dec. 12 (AKnews) – The security situation in Kirkuk has deteriorated since the U.S. forces stationed there withdrew from the province last month.

The Americans handed over their base, Kirkuk airport, to Iraqi security forces on 17 November.

Halo Najat, a director of the Kurdish security service -- the Asayish -- in Kirkuk, told AKnews the withdrawal of the U.S. forces has left a long border with neighboring Nineveh, Diyala and Salahaddin province unguarded.

“Kirkuk’s provincial borders have remained open and Arab families freely migrate from those provinces to settle in Kirkuk. This in turn has paved the way for

Page 17: 2) NATO to leave 15,000 troops in Afghanistan after … · Web viewSenior Minister Maulana Abdul Wasey, Sultan Tareen, Engineer Zamrak Khan, Maulana Abdul Samad, Ali Madad Jatak and

terrorists to infiltrate into Kirkuk more easily,” Najat said.

Najat doubted security forces will be able to maintain security in Kirkuk without U.S. assistance. “Kirkuk security forces do not have the capacity or capability to protect the city.”

The multi-ethnic province of Kirkuk has been one of the unstable areas in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. It is one of the areas disputed by Kurdistan Region and Baghdad and this tension has made it a flashpoint for violence and strife.

The Americans stationed in Kirkuk used to launch operations alongside the Iraqi forces. They also formed multilateral bands with Kurdish security forces, Iraqi Army and U.S. troops to prevent ethnic clashes in the province.

Currently, the U.S. army contingent in the country has dropped to 6,000 according to Iraqi sources. A complete withdrawal of those forces is expected by Dec. 20 and must be completed by Dec. 31.

5) Kirkuk overspend means budget doubles

13/12/2011 15:17

KIRKUK, Dec.12. (AKnews) - Kirkuk budget will double next year says Najmadin Karim, Kirkuk Province governor, despite overspending the previous year. He said at a press conference: "This year we have spent almost 2 billion IQD ($2 million USD) more than the budget reserved for Kirkuk."

Karim added: "Next year's budget is twice the size of this year's budget and we hope with this extra money we can solve the electricity problem by building a new electricity plant."

The governor gave little reason for the overspend in 2011 and did not comment on how this lack of fiscal responsibility will affect next year's spending measures.

Geographically Kirkuk is located 255 kilometers north of Baghdad. Three main ethnic groups, the Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs, are competing for control of the city and its vast reserves of oil - 40% of Iraq's total.

The Kirkuk Question is a significant unsolved problem between Baghdad and Erbil. This is leaving Kirkuk behind the rest of Iraq and especially Kurdistan as development and infrastructure improvements lag.