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Page 1: 2 The Alternative Well-Being Sciences - Lovely Silks Publishing · ZQuite simply, Pranic Healing acts as a potent catalyst to spark the body [s inborn ability to heal itself. [ Master


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The Alternative Well-Being Sciences Edited by Jacqueline Rose Research by: Sarah Chapman, James Morgan, Katerina Smith, Gregory Blackman and Olivia Cartwright. Published by Lovely Silks Publishing 2017

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The Alternative Well-Being Sciences

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Published by Lovely Silks Publishing 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. This book is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes. The author and publisher are not offering it as legal, accounting, or other professional services advice. While best efforts have been used in preparing this book, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties of any kind and assume no liabilities of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness of use for a particular purpose. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be held liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any loss or incidental or consequential damages caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information or programs contained herein. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. Every company is different and the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should always seek the services of a competent professional.

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The thought leaders who contributed to this book: Les Flitcroft – Pranic Healing Amrita Madhusudan - Emotional Freedom: It’s Just A Tap Away

Connie Rogers - Health Coach Science Overcoming Malabsorption

Sonja Courtis - How Our Beliefs Affect Our Health & The Missing Piece Of The Healing Puzzle Sarah Todd - Second Brain Psychology: It's Not All In Your Head!

Dipti Tait - Hypnotherapy Helped Me With My Own Mental Health

Gina Yallamas – Resistance To Love Alice Bullivant – Integrative Complimentary Medicine Meagan Cohn – Energetic Healing Laken Brooks – Cavemen & Musicals – Story Telling As A Tool For Emotional Healing Jason Gilbert – When Alternative Is Complimentary Jay Anderson – The Human-Animal Connection

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Sharing Some Thought Provoking Quotes

Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it… Unknown Author

"If I'm in a car accident, don't take me to an herbalist. If I have bacterial pneumonia, give me antibiotics.

But when it comes to maximizing the body's natural healing potential, a mix of conventional and alternative procedures seems like the only


Author DR. Andrew Weil MD Is An American Celebrity Doctor

Eating well is a form of self-respect Author Unknown

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 9

Welcome To

The Alternative Well-Being Sciences 11

Pranic Healing 13

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Welcome To

The Alternative Well-Being Sciences

Welcome to The Alternative Well-Being Sciences. Our researchers have worked tirelessly for the best part of two years to produce a book which, I believe, will play a critical role in ushering in a new period in the history of public health.

Over the following chapters, our handpicked team of contributors provide an extraordinary collection of articles exploring the role played by complementary and alternative health care and medical practices in the health and general well-being of the public.

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There’s no escaping the fact that the widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine is of major importance to today’s health care consumers, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.

In almost every country in the world, hospitals, managed care plans, and conventional practitioners are incorporating well-being sciences into their practices. Medical schools, nursing schools, and schools of pharmacy are teaching their students about complementary and alternative medicine. Information about complementary and alternative medicine flows freely in various media: newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets, and the Internet. Friends talk to friends about remedies for specific problems.

With chapters covering the practical applications of Pranic Healing, The Human-Animal Connection and When Alternative is Complimentary among other topics too. The Alternative Well-Being Sciences introduces fresh new ideas to the continuing debate over how we can avoid conceptual stagnation and gain new knowledge in this growing field.

By exploring the use of alternative well-being sciences in our everyday lives

we will not only transform the culture of medicine, but it is my profound

belief that we will provide ordinary people with the tools they need to

make better, informed decisions about their health and well-being.


Publisher of My Well-Being Magazine

Jacqueline Rose, Lovely Silks Publishing

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Pranic Healing


At the heart of Pranic Healing is one simple yet powerful principle: we all have an innate ability to heal our own bodies once we understand how to harness the laws of nature.

Pranic Healing harnesses two fundamental laws of nature in particular — the law of self-recovery and the law of life’s energy. Indeed, the word Pranic derives from prana, the Sanskrit for life force or bio-energy.

We are all familiar with the first law — self-recovery. Indeed we take it for granted that if we are intrinsically healthy and get a minor viral infection, the body will almost always heal itself over the course of a few days without any medical intervention. And we know that if we break a bone that too will heal over time, assisted only by a plaster cast to keep the limb from moving.

But most of us are less familiar with the law of life’s energy. This is the energy — also known as Chi (as in acupuncture and Tai-Chi) and Ki (as in Reiki) — we can’t see or touch but without which we cannot survive. In the Old Testament, this essential life force is ruah: ‘the breath of life’.

And while healers have used nature’s invisible energy for millennia, what Pranic Healing does that has never been done before is put the breath of life to focused use in a clearly defined system of step-by-step protocols that anyone can learn and practise.

It is this measured, systematic non-touch, non-drug approach — the result of 30 years of intense research and experimentation — that makes Pranic Healing a pragmatic science for the 21st century and not just an intuitive art form.

Specifically designed to complement — not replace — conventional orthodox medicine, Pranic Healing primes the physical body to heal itself

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by working with the energy body, or bioplasmic field. Also known as the aura, this is the blueprint that surrounds the physical body, absorbing life’s energy through 11 energy centres called chakras.

We draw in prana from the air, through the ground and directly from the sun and as we do, a chemical reaction takes place that allows this fresh energy to be distributed from the energy centres — chakras — throughout the physical body via energy channels called meridians. It’s this, in tandem with the air we breathe and what we eat and drink, that keeps us alive.

But while we can live for some time without food and even water, we will not survive long without absorbing fresh prana.

Our bioplasmic blueprint is therefore essential for our survival and it’s here that physical ailments are first manifested: we have all for example experienced the sensation of feeling ‘under the weather’ a day or two before we start suffering the symptoms of a cold. What has happened is that the virus has penetrated the energy system — generating those below par feelings we’re subtly aware of — but has yet to take hold in the physical body.

More complex conditions may however have less easily labelled origins — they may, for example, stem from stress or poor lifestyle choices — and because we do not get the same advance warning as we do with something like a cold they can already be present in the physical body long before we become aware of them.

But whether we are afflicted by a simple virus or something much more complex — including cancers, heart conditions, and addictions — Pranic Healing can help alleviate our suffering quickly and easily.

How Pranic Healing Works

When energy is flowing as it should through the body — our aura is clean, our chakras are balanced, and our meridians are clear — we are in a state of good health.

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However, as soon as the chakras malfunction — because they are congested or have become depleted — the chemical reaction that allows energy to flow freely through the body will be reduced. This in turn affects all our physical systems — cardiovascular, lymphatic, gastrointestinal, and neurological, among others — and our vital organs.

And, in time, we will start feeling unwell.

Pranic Healing addresses the root cause of a wide range of physical, psychological, and emotional conditions using a simple two-stage process that involves no physical contact with the patient. At all times, the Pranic Healer stands a few feet away as they first sweep out stale energy from the entire bioplasmic blueprint before cleansing all the major chakras to remove diseased energy and complete the first part of the process.

That done, and once the chakras and energy body are completely cleansed, the Pranic Healer moves on to re-energising. This is done by the healer drawing in fresh prana through their hands and then projecting it into the patient’s chakras and — where there is a specific physical condition or injury — directly onto the affected part of the body.

To do this, Pranic Healers follow simple ‘cookbook style’ instructions to systematically cleanse and re-energise. Nothing is left to intuition — every condition has its own detailed protocol, every stage of the healing is clearly spelled out, and there is never any need to improvise.

It’s this that makes the science of Pranic Healing so safe and straightforward to learn and to practice.

The Origins Of Pranic Healing

Modern Pranic Healing was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, a chemical engineer, highly successful businessman and a philanthropist. Growing up in his native Philippines, he was from an early age fascinated by spiritual development, advanced approaches to meditation, esoteric teachings, and the concept of energy healing.

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At the same time as he was developing his business, Master Choa began in his mid-20s to explore energy healing in much more depth, experimenting with multiple ancient techniques and then testing them rigorously to validate what worked best to address most of the physical and psychological conditions any of us is ever likely to experience.

His studies and experiments led him to this conclusion: ‘As we heal the bioplasmic or energy body, it creates a new and perfect pattern for the physical counterpart to follow, thus resulting in healing.

‘Quite simply, Pranic Healing acts as a potent catalyst to spark the body’s inborn ability to heal itself.’

Master Choa published his first book of Pranic Healing protocols in 1987, and before his death in 2007 wrote a further 24 books which have been published in 30 languages. He also established healing centres in 100 countries, a figure that has now risen close to 130 and is growing all the time.

His goal was to see a Pranic Healer in every household, worldwide — an objective that continues to be pursued by the global Pranic Healing movement — and he explained his mission like this: ‘In ancient times, Pranic Healing could only be practised by an elite few.

‘My job was to develop a very effective healing system which ordinary people could learn in just a short period. Anybody can practice Pranic Healing now.’

Becoming A Pranic Healer

Master Choa not only developed the science of Pranic Healing, he also developed the courses that allow anyone to become a healer — either just to help themselves, their family and friends, or to develop their understanding as a complementary therapist.

He believed strongly that nobody should take anything at face value and all his courses are therefore built on explanation and validation: the teacher explains, the student uses their intellect and validates, at every step.

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Students are invited to challenge what they have been taught and to explore for themselves whether or not the techniques they are being introduced to are effective.

This approach underpins Pranic Healing and the importance of validating for yourself is emphasised at every stage of the three-step self-development programme he created which is now delivered across the world.

The Programme Focuses On Five Key Objectives:

1. Improving health and well-being

2. Removing fears and phobias

3. Taking control and improving all areas of our lives

4. Achieving short-term and long-term goals

5. Fulfilling our full potential in life.

Beginning with Level 1 (or Basic) course, students explore in detail the fundamental principles of Pranic Healing as well as practical issues such as energetic hygiene. Practitioners who work in hands-on therapies — such as remedial massage — often develop physical pain in their hands and arms: this is in part the energy they have absorbed from their clients and in Pranic Healing students learn simple techniques to remain etherically ‘clean’.

As with Reiki and other energy-based therapies, students are taught to feel for disturbances in the bioplasmic body, but the Pranic Healing method — known as scanning — is more precise. Simple exercises help students open and sensitise the chakras in the palms of their hands, so that they can not only detect congestion — energetic blockages — but also depletion where there’s an energetic deficiency.

During the two-day Level 1 course, the syllabus covers a wide range of relatively straightforward ailments such as coughs and colds, constipation and diarrhoea, asthma, earache, back pain, and menstrual problems. Among more serious conditions are hypotension (low blood pressure), paralysis due to stroke, and kidney infections.

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Also covered are ‘emergency’ conditions including cuts and burns, wounds, and fevers, together with the more psychologically-based migraine, stress and tension.

At the end of the course, students are encouraged to start practising what they have learned right away to ensure they retain all their new skills. This often puzzles people who may struggle to understand how a student can be ready to heal after just two days’ training, but the answer lies again in Master Choa’s unique approach: because each condition has its protocol and step-by-step instructions, the student need only focus on the healing techniques they have been taught, not on the remedies themselves.

They just need to refer to the Level 1 book — Miracles Through Pranic Healing — and follow the instructions!

For many people, Level 1 gives them enough of an understanding to become — as envisaged by Master Choa — part of the movement to have ‘a healer in every household’. They know enough to take care of their own well-being and can now help friends and families with even quite serious conditions.

But most go on to take the Level 2 course, which also takes place over two days: they are fascinated by what they have already learned and want to find out more about this healing science and how it can help them understand better the mind-body-spirit connection.

At Level 2 — Advanced Pranic Healing — students learn how to activate the immune system and are introduced to healing with colour. They learn that different colours have different qualities — some cleanse, some stimulate, and others regenerate — and these can be used to accelerate healing across multiple ailments. Among conditions covered in this course are vertigo, epilepsy, pneumonia, osteoarthritis, and gout, as well as guidance on treating much more serious conditions such as cancer and AIDS.

Level 3 moves away from the physical and explores Pranic Psychotherapy. Over two days, students gain much deeper insight into how the mind and body are intricately connected, how what we think and feel can manifest as

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physical symptoms, and it leaves students better able to analyse how their own thoughts, action, and deeds have led them to where they are in life.

Treatments covered in this two-day course include stress, anxiety, depression, obsessions, phobias, relationship problems, and addictions, but the focus is always on exploring the root cause of conditions and never just the symptoms.

The value of this course is reflected in the growing number of psychotherapists and counsellors who are now using Pranic Psychotherapy to help accelerate their own orthodox treatments and produce faster results for their clients.

These courses — Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 — form the bedrock of Pranic Healing and many students successfully launch their healing practices once they have completed all three. But there is much more to explore, such as using crystals to heal and learning psychic self-defence, as well as the spiritual side of Pranic Healing.

The Spiritual Aspect Of Pranic Healing

Master Choa was fascinated by the role spirituality plays in our physical and psychological well-being and as well as developing the science of Pranic Healing he brought several ancient meditations and practices back into the public domain.

Chief among these — and practised by tens of thousands of people across the world — is the deceptively simple but immensely powerful guided Meditation on Twin Hearts, also known as the ‘planetary meditation for peace’. Although this is actually an advanced meditation technique, it can be practised by virtually any adult and works on the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels to bring about a deep sense of inner peace, transformation, and healing.

The meditation — a key feature at every stage of the three-step Pranic Healing self-development programme — pivots around the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi which focuses on turning negatives to positives and blessing the Earth with loving kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. By shifting

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away from the negative, two energy centres are activated — the heart centre and the crown chakra on the top of the head. The flow of prana increases throughout the meditator’s body, flushing out stress, anxiety and all other negative energy, and instead leaves them feeling relaxed, calm, and with more positive energy and focus.

A 2015 study using quantitative brain waves, or an electroencephalogram, has confirmed that this beautiful meditation — which only takes around 20 minutes to complete — has a remarkable impact on the brain.

The study showed that among those who never meditate, just experiencing the Meditation on Twin Hearts once brought immediate benefits, including a decrease in anxiety and stronger P300 responses — those involved in decision-making — reflecting an improvement in cognitive function.

These results further suggest that practising the Meditation on Twin Hearts long-term can bring multiple sustained benefits, including a reduction in anxiety, increases in happiness and coping self-efficacy, and improved reaction times.

For these reasons — among others — the Twin Heart Meditation is increasingly being used in workplaces to help those taking part de-stress and relax and so enhance the contribution they can make when back at their desks.

Because the Meditation on Twin Hearts is guided, it’s easy to just take time out and listen and follow at home. But many people also enjoy attending the group meditation sessions taking place daily around the world because the energy created by even just seven people meditating at a time brings enormous benefits to everyone involved.

This meditation is one of several that form part of the advanced yoga practice that Master Choa developed in tandem with Pranic Healing, but it’s not just adults who can now benefit from the power of meditation.

Developed and validated in the UK, the gentle yet powerful Pranic Healing Children’s Meditation helps children as young as five relax, unwind and re-centre in the space of just 10 minutes. The effects go far beyond the

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meditation itself, however, with parents reporting that their children are getting to sleep more quickly at night and releasing negative thoughts and feelings, while teachers find pupils can deal more effectively with their emotions in the classroom, and get on better with their classmates.

This guided meditation was launched in 2015 and the results have been so remarkable that more and more schools across the UK, Ireland and Spain are now adding it to their curriculums.

A significant number of older teenagers who have enjoyed the Children’s Meditation are now going on take the three-step Pranic Healing programme, so creating a whole new generation of Pranic Healers.

The Children’s Meditation is just one example of how Pranic Healing continues to evolve, using the foundations laid by Master Choa to explore new ways of achieving his goal of seeing a Pranic Healer in every household.

Personal Experiences

Pranic Healing has helped many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Here are testimonials from a woman who sought help for knee and kidney problems, a woman who had suffered migraines for years, the mother of a child with autism and complex needs, and from a Pranic Healer who has introduced the Pranic Healing Children’s Meditation to schoolchildren.

‘From the second treatment, I noticed significant changes’

I had my first healing in 2012. I had a kidney/adrenals burn-out issue and a damaged knee that had caused me regular pain for 20 years.

From the second treatment onwards, I noticed significant changes and within three treatments, the knee pain had gone altogether. Since then, all stress and stress-related ailments have diminished beyond my wildest dreams.

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I've tried many other therapies over the years but Pranic Healing is in a different league for the positive, long-term health shifts it achieves. — Andrea Hamilton, UK

‘I was desperate to be able to function normally’

I started having Pranic Healing treatments in January 2015 for migraines, which I had suffered from for 11 years. At the time, I was being treated by specialists through the National Health Service and I was taking various medications.

These were initially beneficial, but after a while they started causing rebound headaches. These headaches occurred daily and the migraines continued at least once a week. With four children and a husband to care for, I was desperate to be able to function normally so I went for my first Pranic Healing session — admittedly with a somewhat sceptical mind.

After six monthly sessions, my migraines had gone! I was elated — and not only that, the anxiety attacks I had been left with since suffering a nervous breakdown six years earlier were subsiding as well.

It was then I decided to take the Level 1 Pranic Healing course. My husband has had a double hip replacement and the children had suffered seeing their mother so poorly for so long: it was now time to give back to them all the help, love and support they had given to me.

Today our lives are incredibly different. We are all a lot calmer because I am a lot calmer. In such a short space of time an amazing transformation has taken place within me, and we now all have Pranic Healing in our lives. I can help my children when they are poorly or under pressure with exams at school, and my husband loves having treatments. I am also helping friends and family, and through them people I didn’t previously know who come to me in my capacity as a Pranic Healing therapist.

I am filled with gratitude and truly look forward to the future — something I never thought I would hear myself say before I found Pranic Healing. — Marie O’Brien, UK

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I am the mother of a teenager with autism and complex needs, and my daughter had been attending a special needs school since 2005. In 2014, I learned that she had hurt herself more than 13,000 times and had hurt others more than 3,000 times. She had been also been restrained more than 300 times, and in 2015 she was — unlawfully — suspended because I refused to allow the restraints to continue.

I contacted a tutor who was also a Pranic Healing therapist as I was becoming increasingly concerned for my daughter who was getting very little support. My aim was to introduce somebody new into her environment, but also to see if Pranic Healing could ease her anxiety, autism, complex needs, and probably post-traumatic stress. She also had some underlying issues like congestion, constipation, and sleep difficulties.

The difference was amazing and within one week the tutor was interacting with my daughter without me. We got to do some lovely work with her and took her on community outings. This happened during the third of five weeks during which I managed to get some home support while trying to resolve the schooling issue. She had five different carers who were taking her for drives and into the community, and spending up to five hours a day in the home with few or no incidents.

I am confident that it was the tutor’s persistence and the intervention of Pranic Healing that now has us on a much more positive path for my daughter. I am very grateful for the tutor’s kindness and for a more relaxing life. I will continue to use a more holistic approach in our lives also. — Parent of child with autism and complex needs, UK

‘The children are concentrating more’

The teacher is very happy with the Pranic Healing Children’s Meditation. The children are concentrating more, they are more relaxed during their exams, and since having starting with the meditation their grades have improved. — Pranic Healer, Spain

Les Flitcroft, Director Of The Institute Of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland

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About The Author

Les Flitcroft is the Director of the Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland and a former aircraft engineer who discovered this energy-based complementary therapy following a serious sports accident. After achieving life-changing results for himself, he has gone on to devote his life to Pranic Healing and as senior instructor for the UK, Ireland, southern Spain, and Gibraltar, has already trained several thousand others to become Pranic Healers. He is the founder of two associated charities, the MCKS Charitable Foundation UK and The Association of MCKS Ireland.

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Page 27: 2 The Alternative Well-Being Sciences - Lovely Silks Publishing · ZQuite simply, Pranic Healing acts as a potent catalyst to spark the body [s inborn ability to heal itself. [ Master