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Page 1 of 1054 Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya http://www.valmikiramayan.net/ayodhya_kanda_contents.html © K. M. K. Murthy 17 June 2012

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Page 1 of 1054 Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya http://www.valmikiramayan.net/ayodhya_kanda_contents.html K. M. K. Murthy 17 June 2012 Page 2 of 1054 Chapter [Sarga] 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter [Sarga] 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Chapter [Sarga] 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Chapter [Sarga] 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Chapter [Sarga] 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Chapter [Sarga] 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 60 Chapter [Sarga] 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Chapter [Sarga] 8 ........................................................................................................................................ 76 Chapter [Sarga] 9 ........................................................................................................................................ 86 Chapter [Sarga] 10 .................................................................................................................................... 102 Chapter [Sarga] 11 .................................................................................................................................... 111 Chapter [Sarga] 12 .................................................................................................................................... 118 Chapter [Sarga] 13 .................................................................................................................................... 145 Chapter [Sarga] 14 .................................................................................................................................... 152 Chapter [Sarga] 15 .................................................................................................................................... 167 Chapter [Sarga] 16 .................................................................................................................................... 179 Chapter [Sarga] 17 .................................................................................................................................... 190 Chapter [Sarga] 18 .................................................................................................................................... 196 Chapter [Sarga] 19 .................................................................................................................................... 206 Chapter [Sarga] 20 .................................................................................................................................... 216 Chapter [Sarga] 21 .................................................................................................................................... 229 Chapter [Sarga] 22 .................................................................................................................................... 245 Chapter [Sarga] 23 .................................................................................................................................... 252 Chapter [Sarga] 24 .................................................................................................................................... 262 Chapter [Sarga] 25 .................................................................................................................................... 271 Chapter [Sarga] 26 .................................................................................................................................... 283 Chapter [Sarga] 27 .................................................................................................................................... 292 Chapter [Sarga] 28 .................................................................................................................................... 298 Chapter [Sarga] 29 .................................................................................................................................... 305 Chapter [Sarga] 30 .................................................................................................................................... 311 Page 3 of 1054 Chapter [Sarga] 31 .................................................................................................................................... 322 Chapter [Sarga] 32 .................................................................................................................................... 330 Chapter [Sarga] 33 .................................................................................................................................... 342 Chapter [Sarga] 34 .................................................................................................................................... 350 Chapter [Sarga] 35 .................................................................................................................................... 365 Chapter [Sarga] 36 .................................................................................................................................... 374 Chapter [Sarga] 37 .................................................................................................................................... 382 Chapter [Sarga] 38 .................................................................................................................................... 391 Chapter [Sarga] 39 .................................................................................................................................... 396 Chapter [Sarga] 40 .................................................................................................................................... 406 Chapter [Sarga] 41 .................................................................................................................................... 418 Chapter [Sarga] 42 .................................................................................................................................... 423 Chapter [Sarga] 43 .................................................................................................................................... 432 Chapter [Sarga] 44 .................................................................................................................................... 438 Chapter [Sarga] 45 .................................................................................................................................... 446 Chapter [Sarga] 46 .................................................................................................................................... 454 Chapter [Sarga] 47 .................................................................................................................................... 463 Chapter [Sarga] 48 .................................................................................................................................... 468 Chapter [Sarga] 49 .................................................................................................................................... 477 Chapter [Sarga] 50 .................................................................................................................................... 482 Chapter [Sarga] 51 .................................................................................................................................... 494 Chapter [Sarga] 52 .................................................................................................................................... 501 Chapter [Sarga] 53 .................................................................................................................................... 525 Chapter [Sarga] 54 .................................................................................................................................... 534 Chapter [Sarga] 55 .................................................................................................................................... 545 Chapter [Sarga] 56 .................................................................................................................................... 553 Chapter [Sarga] 57 .................................................................................................................................... 563 Chapter [Sarga] 58 .................................................................................................................................... 571 Chapter [Sarga] 59 .................................................................................................................................... 580 Chapter [Sarga] 60 .................................................................................................................................... 588 Chapter [Sarga] 61 .................................................................................................................................... 594 Chapter [Sarga] 62 .................................................................................................................................... 601 Page 4 of 1054 Chapter [Sarga] 63 .................................................................................................................................... 606 Chapter [Sarga] 64 .................................................................................................................................... 619 Chapter [Sarga] 65 .................................................................................................................................... 637 Chapter [Sarga] 66 .................................................................................................................................... 644 Chapter [Sarga] 67 .................................................................................................................................... 652 Chapter [Sarga] 68 .................................................................................................................................... 661 Chapter [Sarga] 69 .................................................................................................................................... 667 Chapter [Sarga] 70 .................................................................................................................................... 673 Chapter [Sarga] 71 .................................................................................................................................... 681 Chapter [Sarga] 72 .................................................................................................................................... 692 Chapter [Sarga] 73 .................................................................................................................................... 705 Chapter [Sarga] 74 .................................................................................................................................... 712 Chapter [Sarga] 75 .................................................................................................................................... 721 Chapter [Sarga] 76 .................................................................................................................................... 737 Chapter [Sarga] 77 .................................................................................................................................... 743 Chapter [Sarga] 78 .................................................................................................................................... 750 Chapter [Sarga] 79 .................................................................................................................................... 757 Chapter [Sarga] 80 .................................................................................................................................... 762 Chapter [Sarga] 81 .................................................................................................................................... 767 Chapter [Sarga] 82 .................................................................................................................................... 772 Chapter [Sarga] 83 .................................................................................................................................... 780 Chapter [Sarga] 84 .................................................................................................................................... 787 Chapter [Sarga] 85 .................................................................................................................................... 792 Chapter [Sarga] 86 .................................................................................................................................... 798 Chapter [Sarga] 87 .................................................................................................................................... 804 Chapter [Sarga] 88 .................................................................................................................................... 810 Chapter [Sarga] 89 .................................................................................................................................... 817 Chapter [Sarga] 90 .................................................................................................................................... 823 Chapter [Sarga] 92 .................................................................................................................................... 829 Chapter [Sarga] 93 .................................................................................................................................... 838 Chapter [Sarga] 94 .................................................................................................................................... 845 Chapter [Sarga] 96 .................................................................................................................................... 858 Page 5 of 1054 Chapter [Sarga] 97 .................................................................................................................................... 865 Chapter [Sarga] 98 .................................................................................................................................... 873 Chapter [Sarga] 99 .................................................................................................................................... 877 Chapter [Sarga] 100 .................................................................................................................................. 887 Chapter [Sarga] 101 .................................................................................................................................. 905 Chapter [Sarga] 102 .................................................................................................................................. 912 Chapter [Sarga] 103 .................................................................................................................................. 915 Chapter [Sarga] 104 .................................................................................................................................. 927 Chapter [Sarga] 105 .................................................................................................................................. 936 Chapter [Sarga] 106 .................................................................................................................................. 947 Chapter [Sarga] 107 .................................................................................................................................. 956 Chapter [Sarga] 108 .................................................................................................................................. 961 Chapter [Sarga] 109 .................................................................................................................................. 966 Chapter [Sarga] 110 .................................................................................................................................. 977 Chapter [Sarga] 111 .................................................................................................................................. 986 Chapter [Sarga] 112 .................................................................................................................................. 994 Chapter [Sarga] 113 ................................................................................................................................ 1002 Chapter [Sarga] 114 ................................................................................................................................ 1008 Chapter [Sarga] 115 ................................................................................................................................ 1015 Chapter [Sarga] 116 ................................................................................................................................ 1022 Chapter [Sarga] 117 ................................................................................................................................ 1029 Chapter [Sarga] 118 ................................................................................................................................ 1036 Chapter [Sarga] 119 ................................................................................................................................ 1049 Page 6 of 1054 Chapter [Sarga] 1 Introduction Valmiki describes the innumerable virtues of Sree Rama in this sarga. Dasaratha wants to coronate Rama as the crown prince with the approval of all his people. With this end in mind, he invites various citizens, important people from all cities and villages in his kingdom. H?dl Rld77 Td d(l'H` UHl l9UHl ld` lldTFd` \{{ 1. shatrughnaH= Satrughna, anaghaH= who has no sins, nitya shatrughnaH= he who always annihilated his enemies, neetaH= was taken, priiti puraskR^ithaH= with love, bharathena= by Bharatha, gachchhathaa= while going, tadaa= then, maatulakulam= to the maternal uncle's house. Bharatha, while going to his maternal uncle's house, has taken his brother Satrughna (he who has no sins and who annihilates his enemies) along with him with love. R d 94RTll RB RlTRd` Rld7lMldl GB 7ll7d` \{\ 2. satkaara satkR^ithaH= treated with good hospitality, putra snehena= with paternal love, asvapathinaa= lord of cavalry, maathulena= his maternal uncle, saH= that Bharatha, bhratraa saH= with his brother, nyavasat= stayed, tatra= there. Treated with good hospitality and paternal love by his maternal uncle, Yudhajit, who was a lord of cavalry, Bharatha stayed with his brother there. dll l4Rdl dl d'9RlTl lRd` HldTl FRTdl 4lTl 46 (RT4 R \{\ 3. viirau= those heroes, bhraatarau= both the brothers, nivasanthau= staying, tatra= there, tarpyamaaNauchaapi= though satisfied by, kaamathaH= all the wants, smarathaaM= were remebering, dasaratham nR^ipam= the king Dasaratha. Those heroes of valour Bharatha and Satrughna, though staying there enjoying all the comforts, were remembering their age old father. Tl=ll dl RBld=l` RFRlT lldl Rdl 7l TdUHl RBd4TlRl \{ Page 7 of 1054 4. mahaa tejaaH= Mighty, raajaapi= king (Dasaratha), also, sasmaara= was remembering, sutau= his sons, bharata shatrughnau ubhau= both Bharatha and Satrughna, proshhitau= who were out of state, mahendra varunopamau= (and who were) equivalent to Indra and Varuna. The mighty Dasaratha was also often remembering his sons Bharatha and Satrughna who were out of his state and who were equivalent to Indra and Varuna. R4 4 d dF9 4lT` l` F4UTlTllpl4fl4lT 4 4lB4` \{' 5. tasya= that Dasaratha, isTaaH= was loving, chatvaaraH= his four sons, purushharshhabhaaH= best among men, chatvaaraH baahavaH= like four hands, sarve evatu= all of them, nirvR^ittaaH= emerging, svashariiraat= out of his own body. Dasaratha was bestowing his equal love to all his four sons who were best among men, as though they were his four hands emerging out of his own body. dlRl RBld=l TlRl TldT` ld` F49-lT4 dll 44 HT4fT` \{\ 6. raamaH= Rama, svayambhuuriva= like the Brahma, bhuutaanaaM= among all the living beings, guNavattaraH= the most virtuous, teshhaamapi= among those brothers, mahaatejaH= the mightiest , ratikaraH babhuuva= was a source of joy, pituH= for his father. Rama, like the Brahma among all the living beings, the most virtuous among those brothers and the mightiest was a great source of joy for his father. R lB (4 (lTF9 Tl4TF9 4ll4l` l4dl Rl 7l =Q l4'T` Rld` \{~ 7. saH= That Rama, sanaatanaH= the eternal, vishhnuH= Vishnu, jajJNehi= was born, maanushhe loke= on the earth, arthita= as urged by, devaihi= gods, vadhaarthibhihi= to kill, udiirNasya raavaNasya= the egoistic Ravana. That Rama - was He not the eternal Vishnu who was born on earth as prayed by celestials to kill the egoistic Ravana? lR~9l UU TllRdd=Rl 94l 4TT (4llRl(ld4 TllTl \{ 8. aditiryathaa= like Adithi, vajrapaaNinaa= by Indra, devaanaaM vareNa= the best among celestials, kausalyaa= Kausalya, shushubhe= was shone by, putreNa= her son, amitatejasaa= the mighty. Like Adithi by Indra, best among the celestials, Kausalya shone by her son Rama, the mighty. Page 8 of 1054 R lB FlR 4l94lR9` Rl4R` RHTUT4lR` \{ 9. saH= Rama, ruupopapannaH cha= having beautiful form, viiryavaan= a hero of valor, anasuuyakaH= without envy, gunaiH= by virtues, dasarathopamaH= like Dasaratha, anupamaH= an incomparable, suunuhu hi= son indeed, bhuumau= on earth. Rama was beautiful in form, a hero of valor and without envy. By virtues, he was like Dasaratha. In this way, he was an incomparable son on earth. R l9 UldlRl R4 d ld 79Rll'l lfT ldTd \{{ 10. saH= that Rama, nityam= always, prashaantaatmaa= with a peaceful mind, bhaashhate= talked, mR^idupuurvakaM= softly, uttaram na prapadyate= he did not respond to, parushhaM= hard words, uchyamaanaha api= spoken by others. That Rama was always peaceful in mind and spoke softly. He did not react to the hard words spoken by others. 4llTT d d'9ld FRT9lTlTl UdR'9lR4f9l \{{{ 11. saH= That Rama, aatmavattayaa= because of his good bent of mind, tushhyati= feels glad, kathaMchit= even by , aikena= one, upakaareNa= good thing, kR^itena= done, na smarati= (but) does not mind, satamapi= even a hundred, apakaaraaNaam= bad things. That Rama, because of his good bent of mind, feels glad even by whatever way a good thing is done to him. He does not remember any number of bad things done to him. Ul746 Ql4649l46 R=` 49RlFd 4l9 RM9l9ldT'4l \{{\ 12. astrayoga antareshhvapi= Even during intervals while practising archery, nityam= always, kathayannaasta= used to converse with, shiilavR^iddhai= elders by conduct, jJNaanavR^iddhai= elders by wisdom, vayovR^iddhai= elders by age (or), sajjanaiH= with good people. Whenever he finds some time even while practising archery, Rama used to converse with elderly people, elder by way of conduct or wisdom or age or with good- natured people. 4l6Rl RTlll 4ll l94(` 4l94lR 4l9T RBdl F4 l4lFRd` \{{\ 13. buddhimaan= wise man, madhurabhaashhii= sweet conversationalist, puurvabhaashhii= one who initiated a talk, priyaMvadaH= whose speech was compassionate, viiryavaan= person with valor, na cha vismitaH= not arrogant of, svena= his own, mahataa= great, viiryeNa= valor. Page 9 of 1054 Rama was a wise man. He used to speak sweetly. He was the first man to initiate a talk. His speech was compassionate. He was valorous. But he was not arrogant of his mighty valor. ld4l l4pl 46ll ld=` T` =ll =ll'9T9d \{{ 14. na cha= not, anR^itakathaH= speaking untruth, vidvaan= all knowing person, pratipuujakaH= Receptive and worshipful to, vR^idhaanaam= elders, anuraktaH= being loved, prajaabhi= by people, anurajyate= loving, prajaashchapi= also the people. He did not speak untruth. He was all knowing. He used to be receptive and worshipful to the elders. People used to love him and he used to love the people. RllUl l=dll lTld=` (ll-l Rl l9 B4l Ul` \{{' 15. saanukroshaH= had compassion, jitakrodhaH= conquered anger, braahmana pratipuujakaH= receptive and worshipful to the wise, diinaanukampii=had mercy towards the meek, dharmajNaH= knew what was to be done, nityam pragrahavaan= Had always self control, suchiH= was clean (in conduct). He had compassion. He conquered anger. He used to be receptive and worshipful to the wise. He had mercy towards the meek. He knew what was to be done. He had always self-control. He was clean (in conduct). 7lldRld` Hl R F4 4R9d R9d T9l l9 RBF4HT7 dd` \{{\ 16. kulochitamatiH= attitude suitable for his social rank, bahumanyate= giving due respect to, kshaatraM dharmam= righteousness of warrior-class, manyate= thought, tataha= by following that righteousness, parayaa kiirtya= by great fame, mahat= great, swargaphalam= fruit of heaven. That Rama, having an attitude suitable for his social rank, giving due respect to righteousness of warrior-class, believed that by following the righteousness he would attain great fame and through it the fruit of heaven. lH9lR Tdl l4plR l464ll` 7fTlfT9l 4l 4lFld 94l \{{~ 17. na rataH= not interested(in), ashreyasi= actions not beneficial, vidvaan= scholar, Na viruddhakathaaruchiH= no taste in tales opposing righteousness, vaachaspatiryathaa= like brihaspathi, uttarottarayuktau= in showing series of strategies, vaktaa= a fluent speaker. Rama was not interested in actions, which were not beneficial. He was a scholar. He had no taste in tales opposing righteousness. Like vchaspathi, his eloquent speech contained a series of strategies for action. Page 10 of 1054 TlHFdTl 4lRl 4'Rl (Ul7l4d 7l RlTQFRlTl l4llRd` \{{ 18. arogaH= without disease, taruNaH= young man, vaagmii= speaker, vapushhmaan= person with a good body, deshakaalavit= knew time and place, purushhasaarajJNaH=could grasp the essence of men, ekaH= the one, saadhuH= gentleman, vinirmitaH= created, loke= on earth. Rama was a young man without any disease. He was a good speaker. He had a good body. He knew both time and place. He could grasp the essence of men. He was the one gentleman born on earth. R d G9HT9 ` =ll ll44lR=` 4lBT 4 lTl 44 HTd` l9` \{{ 19. prajaanaam= To people, priyaH= loving, saH= that, paarthivaatmajaH= prince, shreshhThaiH= with good, guNaiH= virtues, yuktaH= contained, babhuuva= existed, praanaH aiva= like spirit, bahishcharaH= moving outside, guNataH= by virtues. People loved the virtuous prince Rama and treated him as their spirit moving outside. R-9l4TldGldl 94l4Rl\4(l4d '4M ld` H9l 44 Tdl=` \{\ 20. vidyaavratasnaataH= after bathing in the discipline of education, samyak= properly, saaN^gavedavit= After knowing archery, yathaavat= as prescribed, bharataagrajaH= elder brother of Bharatha (Rama), babhuuva= was, shreshhThaH= better than, pituH= father, ishhvastre= in archery. After completing his education properly, Rama, after knowing the science of archery as prescribed, was better than his father in the use of bow and arrows. ~9lTll=` RlT(l` R94lH=` 46Tll4ld lp=Rl4(lUl` \{\{ 21. kalyaanaabhijanaH= having born in a good clan, saadhuH= gentleman, adiinaH= not a feeble man, satyavaak= speaker of truth, R^ijuH= straightforward man, abhiviniitaH= properly trained by, vR^iddhaiH= elderly, dvijaiH= wisemen, dharmartha darshibhiH= who realized righteousness. Rama, having born in a good clan, was gentle minded. He was not feeble. He spoke truth. He was straightforward. He was properly trained by elderly wise men that knew righteousness. RlRl4df4Q` FRldRl ldl4l 7ll RR9llT d~l l4UlT(` \{\\ 22. dharma kaamaartha tattvajnaH= one who knew the real form of desire, wealth and righteousness, smR^itimaan= one who had a good power of memory, pratibhaanavaan= one who had a spontaneous wisdom Page 11 of 1054 to respond, vishaaradaH= one who had skill, kR^itakalpaH= one who had created arrangement of, samayaachaare= customs useful at that time, laukike= for the society. Rama knew the real form of desire, wealth and righteousness. He had a good memory power. He had a spontaneous wisdom. He had skills in arranging customs useful to society prevalent at that time. ld` R4dllTl H8R` RBl94l RlHlB 9lHR 9Rl7l4d \{\\ 23. nibhR^itaH= Humble man, saMvR^itaakaaraH= Had an enclosed form, gupta mantraH= kept thoughts to himself, sahaayavaan= helped others, amogha krodha harshhashcha= his anger and pleasure not wasteful, tyaagasaMyama kaalavit= knew the timing of giving and non-giving. Rama was humble. He did not let his feelings appear outwardly. He kept his thoughts to himself. He helped others. His anger and pleasure were not wasteful. He knew when to give and when not to give. Tl` lF4TQl lRlBl 4l` lFdldTRf F4(lT(ll4d \{\ 24.dR^iDha bhaktiH= had a firm devotion, sthira prajJNaH= had steadfast mind, aasadgraahii= was not stubborn, na durvachaaH= not speaking evil words, nistandriH= had no idleness, apramattaH= was alert, svadoshhaparadoshhavit= and recognized his own errors and those of others. Rama had a firm devotion and steadfast mind. He was not stubborn nor did he speak evil words. He was free from idleness and was ever alert. He recognized his own errors and those of others. UlMQ dQ ldTll4(` 9` BlB9l 94l9l9 l4HT` \{\' 25. shaastrajJNaH cha= He knew sciences, kR^itajJNaH + cha= knew their practice, purushhaantarakovidaH= understood differences among men, yathaanyaayam= as per justice, vichakshaNaH= discriminator of, pragrahaanugrahayoH= punishment and protection. Rama knew the theory and practice of sciences. He understood the differences among men. He could judiciously discriminate whom to protect and whom to punish. RRBBT F4ll4lRBF9 l9R"9l9Q` R99Rl4d \{\\ 26. satsaMgrahapragrahaNe= identifying the good and protecting them, sthaanavit= knew the people, nigrahasya cha= to be reprimanded, upaayajJNaH= knew the ways and means of, aaya karmaNi= getting income, sandR^ishhTa vyaya karmavit= knew the system of spending as mentioned in sastra. He identified good men and protected them. He knew the people worthy of reprimand. He knew the ways and means of getting income as well as the system of spending, as perceived by economic sciences. Page 12 of 1054 H9 UlMRRB l8l 9llRH 4Rl R HO RMdl l7R` \{\~ 27. praaptaH= obtained, shraishhThyam= great skill, shaastrasamuuheshhu= in groups of sciences, vyaamishrakeshhu cha= and in their subsidiaries, sukhatantraH= Interested in enjoying comforts, saMgR^ihya= after understanding, artha dharmau= economic realities, na alasaH= and never remained inactive. Rama could obtain great skill in the groups of sciences along with their subsidiaries. He was interested in enjoying comforts only after understanding the economic realities. He never remained inactive. 4BllTlTl lU~ll l4Qldl4l4lHl4d lTlB l49 4 9l4lTT4ll=lR \{\ 28. vijJNaataa= acquainted with, shilpaanaam= fine arts, vaihaarikaaNaam= useful in entertainment, arthavibhaagavit= knew how to distribute wealth, yuktaH= efficient in, aarohe= in riding, vinaye= in taming, vaaraNavaajinaam= elephants and horses. Rama was acquainted with the fine arts useful for entertainment. He knew how to distribute the wealth. He was efficient in riding and taming of elephants and horses. 4(l4(l G9l 7l 'ldT4RRd` l9ldl Bdl Rl9l4UlT(` \{\ 29. shreshhThaH= best of persons, dhanur veda vidaam= knowing the science of archery, athirathasaMmataH= appreciated by the champions of archery, senaa nayavishaaradaH= Attained skills in moving the army properly, abhiyaataa= facing the enemies, prahartaa cha= (He) used to kill them. Rama was the best of persons knowing the science of archery in the world; and was well appreciated by the champions of archery. He attained skills in marshalling the army. He faced and killed the enemies in battle. '9 RlR 6Tl RTlRT` R9l l=dll 8l RRTl l4Rdl dll l74UlH` \{\ 30. kruddhaiH= enraged, suraasurair api= even by suras and asuras, apradhR^ishhyaH= (He) could not be defeated, saMgraame= in battle, anasuuyaH= had no jealousy, jitakrodhaH= conquered anger, na dR^iptaH= Had no arrogance, na matsarii cha= Had no envy, na cha avamantaa= not humiliated, bhuutaanaam= living beings, na kaala vashaanugaH cha= had not surrendered to time. Even enraged celestials and demons could not defeat Rama in battle. He had no jealousy. He conquered anger. He had no arrogance and envy. He had not humiliated any living being. He had not surrendered to time. Page 13 of 1054 4 H9HT9 ` =ll ll44lR=` RRdlM 7l 4Rl9l` HRlHT` \{\{ 4l 4BFdFd~9l 4l9Tll Uld` 31. paarthivaatmajaH= That prince Rama, evam shreshhThagunaiH= with these good virtues, yuktaH= fair, prajaanaam= to the people, saMmataH= was agreeable, trishhu lokeshhu= to the three worlds, kshamaa guNaiH= virtue of forgiveness, vasudhaayaaH= (comparable) to the earth, budhyaa= By wisdom, bR^ihaspate= to brihaspathi, viiryeNa= by valour, shachiipate= to devendra, tulyaH= (He was) equal. That Prince Rama, with these good virtues, was fair to the people. He was agreeable to the three worlds. By patience and the related virtues, he was equal to earth, by wisdom to Brihaspathi and by valor to Devendra. d4l R4=lld` lldR=` ld` \{\\ HTl4 TlRl (l8` R9 4lUl` 32. raamaH= Rama, guNaiH= by virtues, sarva prajaakaantaiH= which are enlightening to all the people, priitisamjananaiH= which are source of liking, pituH= to his father, viruruche= was shining, suurya eva= like the sun, diiptaH= shining, aMshubhiH= by the rays. Rama, by his virtues, was a source of happiness to all the people and a spring of joy to his father. As the sun shines with his rays, Rama was shining, thus, with his virtues. dR4dRRR'9TlRR \{\\ 7ll7lR l4RlR9d Rl(l 33. medinii= the Earth, akaamayata= wished, tam= Rama, naatham= (to be) the lord, evaM vrathasaMpannam= as he was adorned with disciplined life, apradhR^ishhya paraakramam= having undefeatable valor, lokapaalopamam= equal to the universal lords like Indra. The earth wished Rama to be her Lord as he was adorned with self -control and norms of behavior bearing undefeatable valor equal to that of universal lords like Indra. dFd 4l9 HTTR` RdR \{\ 4l (UT4l Tl=l ldl Td` 34. raajaa= King dasaratha, paraMtapaH= who annihilates enemies, chakre= constructed, chintaaM= thoughts, dR^ishhTvaa= after observing, sutam= the son, bahubhiH= (having) many, anupamaiH= incomparable, etaiH= these, guNaiH= virtues. Dasaratha, who annihilates enemies, started thinking as follows after observing his son with his many incomparable virtues. Page 14 of 1054 4 TlQl 444 46F9 lT=ll4` \{\' lldTl 4 TlRl Tl=l F9lRl9 =l4ld 35. atha= thereafter, chiranjiivinaH= long living, vR^idhasya= aged, raajJNaH= Dasaratha, evam babhuuva= thus thought, katham syaat= how will, raamaH= Rama (become), raajaa= king, maya jiivati= while I am alive, eshhaa priitiH= (shall I enjoy) this happiness. The long living and aged Dasaratha thought: "Will Rama become king while I am still alive? Shall I enjoy that happiness?" l OF9 Tl lldQl( RlT4dd \{\\ (l lR Rd d9l-9llRB l9R 36. eshhaa paraa= this great, priithiH= loving thought, saMparivartatehi= was ringing, hR^idi= in his heart, naama= when, drakshyaami= shall I see, priyam sutam= beloved son Rama, abhishhiktam= crowned as king. A great loving thought was ringing in his mind that when he would be able to see his beloved son Rama crowned as a king. 4l6lRl lB 7l F9 R4 dl-` \{\~ Rf` l9dTl 7l 9 4 4lRl 37. loke= In the country, mattaH= Better than me, priyataraH hi= (he is) better liked, vR^ishhTimaan= raining, parjanyaH iva= like cloud, vR^iddhi kaamaH= desires development of, lokasya= world, sarvabhuuta anukampanaH= has equal compassion towards all living creatures. "Is not Rama, as a raining cloud to the earth, better liked by people than me, as he desires the development of the world and has equal compassion towards all living beings." 9RURRl 4l9 4BFldRRl Rdl \{\ RBlTRRl 9l Rf HT4fT` 38. viirye= In valour, yama sakra samaH= equal to Yama and Indra, matau= in wisdom, bR^ihaspati samaH= equal to Bruhaspati, dhR^ityaam= in courage, mahiidhara samaH= equal to mountain, guNavattaraH= better virtues, mattaH cha= than me. "Rama is equal to Yama and Devendra in valor, to Brihaspati in wisdom and to a mountain in courage. He is more virtuous than me." RBlRBlRRl GlRlld9dRlR=R \{\ 49Rl 4l 94l F4HR4l9lR 39. yathaa= How, aham= I, avaapnuyaam= attain, svargam= heaven, dR^ishhTvaa= after seeing, anena vayasaa= in this age, aatmajaam= my son, adhitishhThantam= ruling, kR^itsnaam= the entire, imaam mahiim= this Earth. Page 15 of 1054 "Shall I attain heaven, after seeing in this age, my son ruling the entire earth?" 9d l4l4 FdFd T9ll447` \{ lUTlTR9