20_ acoustic liquid level testing of gas wells

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  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Acoustic Liquid LevelTesting of Gas Wells

    Acoustic Liquid LevelAcoustic Liquid LevelTesting of Gas WellsTesting of Gas Wells

    Lynn RowlanLynn Rowlan

    European Conference Gas Well DeliquificationEuropean Conference Gas Well Deliquification

    2828--30 September 2009, Hampshire Hotel, The Netherlands30 September 2009, Hampshire Hotel, The Netherlands

    Originally Presented OKC POS 2009 - SPE 120643

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Acoustic Fluid LevelsAcoustic Fluid Levels

    Traditionally Fluid Level shotTraditionally Fluid Level shot

    down the annulus where tubingdown the annulus where tubing

    collars are counted to determinecollars are counted to determinedepthdepth

    Acoustic liquid levelsAcoustic liquid levels typicallytypicallyused for:used for:

    Well Potential and BHPsWell Potential and BHPs

    Artificial Lift OptimizationArtificial Lift Optimization

    Plunger trackingPlunger tracking

    Gas Well and Liquid Loading DiagnosticsGas Well and Liquid Loading Diagnostics

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Fluid Level

    on Gas Well

    Fluid Level

    on Gas Well

    Gas Velocity Impacts Result ofGas Velocity Impacts Result of

    Acoustic Liquid Level Shot:Acoustic Liquid Level Shot:

    1.1. Below Critical Velocity:Below Critical Velocity:

    Usually see liquid levelUsually see liquid levelabove bottom of Tubingabove bottom of Tubing

    2.2. Above Critical Velocity:Above Critical Velocity: May not see a liquid levelMay not see a liquid level

    because liquid dropletsbecause liquid droplets

    may fill tubing and absorbmay fill tubing and absorb

    all energy from shotall energy from shot

    May see bottom of tubingMay see bottom of tubing

    and/or perforations due toand/or perforations due to

    small amount of liquidsmall amount of liquid

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Acoustic Fluid LevelAcoustic Fluid LevelGenerate Blast atGenerate Blast at

    Surface to CreatesSurface to CreatesTraveling WaveTraveling Wave

    Acoustic WaveAcoustic WaveTravels in the WellTravels in the Wellat Speed of Soundat Speed of Sound

    Echoes RTTT fromEchoes RTTT fromwell bore changewell bore changediameter recordeddiameter recorded Reduction seen as aReduction seen as a

    downdown--kickkick Increase is seen as anIncrease is seen as an


    Fluid level gives largeFluid level gives largekick and lets almost nokick and lets almost noenergy throughenergy through







  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Gas Gun Physical set-up on WellGas Gun Physical setGas Gun Physical set--up on Wellup on Well

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    Display of Reflections of Pressure WaveDisplay of Reflections of Pressure WaveDisplay of Reflections of Pressure Wave

    Reflected PulseReflected Pulse

    caused bycaused byDECREASEDECREASE in thein theannular crossannular cross--sectional areasectional area ISISdisplayed as andisplayed as an

    downward kickdownward kick ononthe acoustic trace.the acoustic trace.

    Initial Acoustic PulseInitial Acoustic Pulse caused by explosion of compressed gas into the tubingcaused by explosion of compressed gas into the tubingor casing annulus, explosion into annulus forms compression travor casing annulus, explosion into annulus forms compression traveling wave.eling wave.

    Reflected PulseReflected Pulse

    caused bycaused byINCREASEINCREASE in thein theannular crossannular cross--sectional areasectional area ISISdisplayed as andisplayed as an

    upward kickupward kick on theon theacoustic trace.acoustic trace.

    Acoustic Trace AcquiredAcoustic Trace Acquired

    down the Tubing Showingdown the Tubing Showing

    Upkick from Hole in TubingUpkick from Hole in Tubing

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Shot Down TubingVerify Liquid Level Above/Below Tubing Inlet

    Shot Down TubingShot Down TubingVerify Liquid Level Above/Below Tubing InletVerify Liquid Level Above/Below Tubing Inlet

    End ofEnd ofTubingTubing

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Use an Acoustic Fluid Level Instrument

    To Identify The Depth To The Hole

    Use an Acoustic Fluid Level InstrumentUse an Acoustic Fluid Level Instrument

    To Identify The Depth To The HoleTo Identify The Depth To The Hole1.1. ShootShoot

    tubing/casingtubing/casingannulus whileannulus whileflowing upflowing uptubingtubing

    With CasingWith CasingValve ClosedValve Closedthe Fluid Levelthe Fluid Level

    should be nearshould be neartubing intaketubing intakeor belowor belowperforations (Ifperforations (Ifno Hole)no Hole)


    Time 12:12:27Time 12:12:27

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Shots Down Tubing & CasingShots Down Tubing & CasingShots Down Tubing & Casing

    Hole in TubingHole in Tubing

    @ 6868@ 6868

    Tubing ShotTubing Shot Casing ShotCasing Shot

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Use Acoustic Surveys to

    Alert You to What is Downhole

    Use Acoustic Surveys toUse Acoustic Surveys to

    Alert You to What is DownholeAlert You to What is Downhole

    @ 4750@ 4750Tight SpotTight Spot

    in Tubingin Tubing

    @ 5050@ 5050

    1/81/8 HoleHolein Tubingin Tubing

    Tight SpotTight Spot

    1/81/8 HoleHole



    End ofEnd of


  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Liquid Level Depth (LL) determined by multiplying the RTTTLiquid Level Depth (LL) determined by multiplying the RTTT

    (Seconds) by the average of all collars counted (JTS/sec) times(Seconds) by the average of all collars counted (JTS/sec) times thetheaverage joint length (Feet). (5.566*20.5725*31.670 = 3626.41 feaverage joint length (Feet). (5.566*20.5725*31.670 = 3626.41 feet)et)

    Acoustic Trace with Depth DeterminationAcoustic Trace with Depth DeterminationAcoustic Trace with Depth Determination

    Collars count depthCollars count depth

    (C) is noted on the(C) is noted on the

    acoustic signal.acoustic signal.

    Liquid LevelLiquid Level

    Depth (LL)Depth (LL)1 Sec1 Sec

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Analysis Method: Automatic Collar CountAnalysis Method: Automatic Collar CountAnalysis Method: Automatic Collar Count

    Automatic Collar Count analysis will determine the depth to theAutomatic Collar Count analysis will determine the depth to theliquid level for most wellsliquid level for most wells


    3030 4040



  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Downhole Marker Using Known Perforation Depth

    to Determine Distance to the Liquid Level

    Downhole Marker Using Known Perforation Depth

    to Determine Distance to the Liquid Level

    1.921 sec1.921 sec

    1369 ft1369 ft

    ? = 1875 ft? = 1875 ft2.631 sec2.631 sec

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Offshore Wellbore Schematic and Corresponding Acoustic TraceOffshore Wellbore Schematic and Corresponding Acoustic TraceOffshore Wellbore Schematic and Corresponding Acoustic Trace

    Offshore Wells:Offshore Wells:1) Use of Downhole1) Use of Downhole

    Markers most oftenMarkers most often

    used analysisused analysis


    2) Acoustic Velocity2) Acoustic Velocity

    Method often usedMethod often used

    initially to identifyinitially to identify

    general location ofgeneral location of

    Known MarkersKnown Markers

    3) Should use Deepest3) Should use Deepest

    Marker for Depth toMarker for Depth toLiquid LevelLiquid Level

    4) Data Always Critical4) Data Always Critical

    in Calculation ofin Calculation of


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    Analysis Method: Low Pass Filter Identifies

    Downhole Marker Gas Lift Mandrel

    Analysis Method: Low Pass Filter IdentifiesAnalysis Method: Low Pass Filter Identifies

    Downhole MarkerDownhole Marker Gas Lift MandrelGas Lift Mandrel

    See DownholeSee Downhole


    SCSSV@ 1575SCSSV@ 1575

    XX--NIPL@ 3161NIPL@ 3161

    GLM1@ 3618GLM1@ 3618

    GLM2@ 11743GLM2@ 11743BHP Ch@ 11798BHP Ch@ 11798

    CIM@ 11874CIM@ 11874

    XX--NIPL@ 11993NIPL@ 11993

    XO@ 12041XO@ 12041

    XNXN--NIPL@ 12374NIPL@ 12374






  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Depth Determination:Depth Determination:Acoustic VelocityAcoustic Velocity methodmethod

    Depends on:Depends on:

    1.1. Gas gravity / compositionGas gravity / composition

    2.2. Temperature along completionTemperature along completion

    3.3. Pressure in the completionPressure in the completion

    (automatically calculated from(automatically calculated from

    measurements taken during themeasurements taken during the


    4.4. May use Casing Shot for Tubing SGMay use Casing Shot for Tubing SG

    Acoustic Velocity options:Acoustic Velocity options: Manually enteredManually entered

    Calculated based on SG of gasCalculated based on SG of gas

    Calculated based on compositionalCalculated based on compositional


    (Manual gas velocity can be used for(Manual gas velocity can be used for

    approximations or in case whereapproximations or in case where

    velocity already determined byvelocity already determined by

    downhole marker correlation in otherdownhole marker correlation in other


  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Gas flowing into wellGas flowing into well

    Tested Gas Production = 265 MCF/DTested Gas Production = 265 MCF/D



    FBHP = 1080.6 psiFBHP = 1080.6 psi

    Closed Valve 2.5 Min. to

    Determined Gas Flow

    Rate and % Liquid

    dP/dT Gaseous Correction

    86368636 Gaseous HeightGaseous Height

    Adjusted Gas FreeAdjusted Gas FreeGaseousGaseous



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    Gas flowing into well



    PBHP = 373.9 psi


    Da, Adj. Gas Free HeightDa, Adj. Gas Free HeightGaseous


    = 61813= 61813

    Da = 9719Da = 9719

    DetermineDetermine% Liquid% Liquid



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    Backpressure in a Liquid Loaded WellBackpressure in a Liquid Loaded WellBackpressure in a Liquid Loaded Well



  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Fluid Level Results on Gas Well Treated with

    Surfactant Foam 1/3 of Gaseous Liquid Gradient

    Fluid Level Results on Gas Well Treated with

    Surfactant Foam 1/3 of Gaseous Liquid Gradient

    ?? -- %Liquid%Liquid

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    Static Fluid Level on Gas WellStatic Fluid Level on Gas WellStatic Fluid Level on Gas Well

    Measured SurfaceMeasured SurfacePressure 2249.5 PsigPressure 2249.5 Psig

    365.8 Psig Gas Column365.8 Psig Gas ColumnPressurePressure

    High Pressure GasHigh Pressure Gas

    Pushed all but 87.8 ft ofPushed all but 87.8 ft ofLiquid Back intoLiquid Back intoFormationFormation

    Easy to Observe UpEasy to Observe Up--kickkickcaused by the top perfs atcaused by the top perfs at6032 feet (Next Slide)6032 feet (Next Slide)

    Collar Recesses CountedCollar Recesses Countedto Perforationsto Perforations


    Gas WellGas Well

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    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Sec




    ( ft ) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

    C -

    Acoustic Trace From

    Static Fluid Level on Gas Well

    Acoustic Trace FromAcoustic Trace From

    Static Fluid Level on Gas WellStatic Fluid Level on Gas WellCollar RecessesCollar RecessesCounted toCounted toPerforationsPerforations

    778 Sec8 Sec

    778 Sec8 Sec

    Collar RecessesCollar RecessesNot Seen @ LowNot Seen @ LowPressure OR inPressure OR in

    Flush JointFlush JointTubingTubing


    See Clearly @See Clearly @High PressureHigh Pressure

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    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Sec




    ( ft ) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

    C -

    Analysis Method :

    Counting Collars versus Using Top of

    Perforations as Known Marker Depth

    Analysis Method :Analysis Method :

    Counting Collars versus Using Top ofCounting Collars versus Using Top of

    Perforations as Known Marker DepthPerforations as Known Marker Depth

    Collar RecessesCollar RecessesCounted to PerforationsCounted to Perforations

    Depth to LL = 6162.22Depth to LL = 6162.22


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Sec




    ( ft ) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


    Depth to LL = 6164.21Depth to LL = 6164.21

    6032 ft to Top6032 ft to Topof Perforationsof Perforations

    Acoustic Velocity = 1420Acoustic Velocity = 1420 --1500 ft/sec1500 ft/sec

    Comparison of Two Methods shows Depth to Liquid Level within 2 FComparison of Two Methods shows Depth to Liquid Level within 2 Feeteet

  • 7/24/2019 20_ Acoustic Liquid Level Testing of Gas Wells


    General CommentsGeneral CommentsGeneral Comments

    1)1) Acoustic fluid level measurements are easilyAcoustic fluid level measurements are easilyperformed in flowing or shut in gas wellsperformed in flowing or shut in gas wells

    2)2) Recommended practice is to always acquire atRecommended practice is to always acquire at

    least two (2) acoustic fluid level records whenleast two (2) acoustic fluid level records whenconnected to a wellconnected to a well

    3)3) When shooting down the tubing, EUE collarWhen shooting down the tubing, EUE collar

    recess Echoes can often be detectedrecess Echoes can often be detected4)4) Using an echo from a known down hole markerUsing an echo from a known down hole marker

    near the fluid level is usually the most accuratenear the fluid level is usually the most accuratemethod to determine depth.method to determine depth.

    5)5) Using gas specific gravity or composition isUsing gas specific gravity or composition isoften the least accurate depth determinationoften the least accurate depth determinationanalysis methodanalysis method

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    Questions ?Questions ?