20 great puddings (1)


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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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2. Brownies

  • Brownies are a thick and heart warming dessert.

3. Best served hot with the chocolate melting. 4. Can be served with cream but judges preference by itself.Our Rating: 76%
5. Bread and Butter Pudding
A British Classic.
Can be served with cream or custard.
Is a warming dessert on a Winters day.
But is not very good in the Summer.
Our Rating: 85%
6. Welsh Cakes
Welsh Cakes are a traditional Welsh dessert.
Can be served plain but best with butter.
Best eaten hot with lots of butter.
Judges Rating: 80%
7. Gurnkenerdal
The Gurnkenerdal is a famous Austrian Dessert.
It is filled with poppy seedjam and on the outside there are poppy seeds and also a sweet bread which contains the jam.
Vanilla custard is pouredover it too great effect.
Judges Rating: 70%
8. Golden Syrup Steam Pudding
Golden Syrup Steamed Pudding is traditional in England.
The sponge is a light fluffycovered in a golden syrup sauce.
Best served with custard.
Judges Rating:90%
9. Chocolate Lava Cake
Chocolate Lava Cake is a American Pudding.
The sponge is fluffy and it is covereda chocolate sauce.
The middle has chocolate lava sauce in it.
Can be served with ice cream.
Our Rating: 87%
10. Pancakes
Pancakes are a traditional English pudding, adopted by the rest of the world.
Pancakes are light and fluffy.
Can be served with maple syrup or sugar and lemon.
Our Rating: 92%
11. Treacle Tart
Treacle Tart is a traditional English Dessert.
The Toffee bit is delectable and the Pastry is as well.
Can Be served with cream .
Our Rating:81%
12. Lemon Meringue Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie is a mixture of Spanish, French and English cuisine.
The Meringue is crunchy and sweet, and the lemon is zingy.
Is quite heavy.
Our Rating:96%
13. Cheese Cake
A True British dessert.
It is made with Cream Cheese and biscuit .
Is best served with anything.
Is good in all seasons.
A friend had it dropped on her head by a waiter!
Our Rating:90%
14. Rice Pudding
Rice Pudding is a Traditional English and Chinese mix.
The creamy rice is a warming winters pudding.
Can be served with cream and berry compote.
Our Rating: 80%
15. Sticky Toffee pudding

  • Sticky Toffee pudding is a traditional English pudding.

16. The toffee sponge is covered with a toffee sauce. 17. Can be served with cream or custard. Our rating:88%
18. Ice Cream
Ice Cream was an Chinese dessert but the Italians stole and perfected it.
Everyone likes different ice creams.
Can be served with anything.
Lots of different flavours from chocolate to octopus!
Our Rating: 99%
19. Golden Syrup Balls
A modern English pudding.
Golden Syrup Balls are a tasty sweet pudding.
The balls are deep fried dough with golden syrup in the middle and poured on the outside.
Can be served with cream.
Our Rating: 84%
20. BakedAlaska
Baked Alaska is an English pudding.
On the inside of Baked Alaska there is ice cream and on the outside there is meringue
Can be served in the summer or winter.
Our Rating:70%
21. Crme Brule
A modern pudding discovered by accident in Cambridge University. A chef burnt the sugar he was serving on top of custard.
Originally called Trinity College Cream.
A custard filling with burnt sugar on the top.
A pudding adopted by the French.
Our Rating: 82%
22. Apple Crumble
A Traditional Scottish pudding.
Oats and Apples mixed together and then baked.
Can be served with cream.
Our Rating:93%
23. Victoria Sponge
A traditional English dessert.
Light sponge cake with jam and whipped cream. Named after Queen Victoria, it was a popular dessert during her reign.
Served with icing sugar.
Our Rating: 87%
24. Chocolate Mousse
A traditional French dessert.
Whipped chocolate and cream mixed to make a smooth mousse.
Served with more chocolate.
Our Rating: 75%
25. Christmas Pudding
From Everywhere.
Raisons, plumsANYTHING!!!
Served with Brandy Butter.
Served at Christmas (obviously!)
Our Rating: 100%
26. Now it's your turn to decide!!!
27. Your Choice! Hand in Your Sheets,Only Tick Three
28. Here are some brownies and welsh cakes for you to try