20, pope street, - disa.ukzn.ac.zadisa.ukzn.ac.za/sites/default/files/dc metadata...


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    20, Pope street,

    Salt River,


    6th November, 1968.

    Dearest Phyll,

    Firstly, may 1 apologise for this very belated correspondence

    and then enquire as to your health and that of the rest of

    the family.

    I also wish to thank you for the letter you wrote and give

    you the assurance that 1 aim to fight for my rightfull place

    in the family not only by turning my attentions to study,

    but also by being a good wife to John and mother to our


    At the beginning 1 think it would be to adjust ourselves to

    married life, with our ith in each other, the understanding

    we both have 1 know we will go a long way. I aim to make

    our marriage a success not because the whole world will

    be looking, but because 1 love John very much~ and will spend

    my entire life making him happy.

    I have long since realised that he loves you and the rest of

    the family very much. I don't think that he loves you all

    less by loving me, 1 would be very selfish to expect him

    to diminish his love you and 1 am not a selfish person.

    As you no doubt are aware, the love one has for your family

    is not the same type of love one has for a person one chooses

    to marry.

    I have given your letter carefull thought and as always

    admire your frankness, I 11 take heed Phyll, your advice

    1 shall value, thanks very much.

    Now that summer is here atlast, the office has become quite

    busy as work on the bridges and Dams which the firm specialises

    can go forth. It is pretty dangerous to do this type of work

    when 'the climate is like it has been these last few months.

    The change of weather gives us all more work and 1 am very

    pleased about this, sitting around doing nothing in the office


    1\' I

  • -2

    can be very depressing.

    At home there is much to be done as mother works and

    we have to do our @wn washing and ironing also the

    polishing and cooking.

    It is very difficult to get someone to do ones work in

    Cape Town so its a real luxury to have a maid here.

    To get someone to do your house and washing for you,

    atleast R20 is expected. I think this is because the

    factory workers are very well paid. They earn almost twice

    the amount here than in Natal. A women with your experience

    considering the circumstances would get up to R180-00 per

    month even more.

    Job reservation does not seem to affect the people here so

    much as in Natal, every big Company has white and Non-white

    employees on their staff with very little difference in salary ,

    if any.

    I seem to be getting away from the point, in the beginning,

    believe me Phyll, 1 lt so darn listless,that combing my

    hair was an effort. I feel worlds better now,probably

    just a passing stage. I am now looking forward to the

    baby's arrival. I have done lots of knitting, 1 only hope

    it will not be too hot as 1 don't really know what sort of

    garments babies wear in Durban.

    I have bought Nighties and Matinee jackets made of Dacron

    and others made of linen which 1 think will be suitable.

    I would appreciate it very much if you could advise me on this

    score. as 1 don't want to buy things that would not suit the

    climate. I havent knitted any baby socks as 1 don't really

    care to see such small little mites in socks. I have knitted

    a shawl which 1 know will come in handy its been a big job

    but looks really lovely.

    How is Sukthi, still as lively as ever? 1 would love seeing

    her again and the boys. "

  • ./


    Do write and let me know about those baby things

    until 1 hear from you. my love to you and the

    children, not forgetting A.J., 1 am patiently

    waiting for him 1 think 1 shall burst if he does

    not come soon.

    Yours sincerely,

    , . C (it·,

    P.S. Just have a little faith in me please.

    , ,,"


  • 27 Me.{rick Avenue,


    Nov. 16th, 1970.

    Dear Phylliu,

    You certainly have a pack of trcu-oles to contend with. I io hope your sons

    are .!c;ttiYl..! better ae;ain, ami that ",hen the t~llle comes for the tOll€ila to come out,

    h~ ;;rill not be fri~h ened., but rill i.,akt; 1. ,;001 an:! zpe recover)'_ It raus t

    :,e lireaclful to SEe JOur once active anJ. intelli~ent father a sl~eecl:less an..i l.elpl~8s

    invalid.. No -;ron;;'er you feel sore and. frustra.ted, realy to or:y out ac.:ainst th

    unfairness of it all.

    Now onlt want to _et involvel in ar~ment aN:.ut thL:. For t.}~oJe of' us

    who be lieve il1 the ell." tence of a. God of ::oodness an.... love, the exi£: tenc'£: of pain

    nd. sufferinfj, poze fl'ol)lemH wh.ich. a re not ea3.y to anS\-l.;:r. I believe there iB ~

    ansgar, but not the kin of slick, u1i b a:l8Wt:r .i' ou C&_n ~.i V't. to a i'GrSOn in (!.e~1

    trouble Have :vou rt:::... • . .lan Paton I s book "Instru.m~nt of Thy Pe'ice?" Be wrote it

    w~ule Dorri a was seriously ill; Jr..no,l'1n", that she ,-iOulli (Let Yore~ FIn at better.

    It is baaei Oll a very beaut ifLl _r a;, er of t. Franci3, who love~ Gol, his fellow

    men, the biras ana ani~ale, ana all creation; a-ho cho::>e a lii\) of p"verty·

    a.:w.d. j-et enjoYed lii~e !!lOrE fully than most of us manz_e to J.o. If ~ ou havend: t a. '::01-'

    I can len.i you minCe It is not a. pmlosCiphical ar~ument; but it tells where

    .dl""n foun.i .;;; tren~ th and ltl:llJ to ca.rr;} Lim throu. a vcry Qiffioult time.

    But there is one thin~, I lo want: to Gay, a tuat is, please don't let this

    eulinr.. of sorenesfI ieptroy your peace and a:11 to Jour already heavy bUXae!1l>.

    I am sorr .y that Y0l... .i fn. ther I s belief In :rayer lreventE;,i hi:;} from seekin(; medical

    help a.t a tilJe l~LeL. th~ lac tors 'Ili",ht h~vtl b.een b!st able to help him. Nevertne

    le;,'3, fro!': ~ha.t .Jot;. tall ree, thou[):•. ue oan no lon",er speak, he Ca.;:) unier;:;t.a.n.i

    -,1.Ll:i t is ,-,ai~ to him, fUl was 8.h10 to exyre;::s his love foI. you, s ud his balief

    in the pOW",J:' of rr:~y6r, b the sJ"-l:Ibolic z.ction of CUl'l)in~ h~.! haniF' ill p ra:;-3r.

    In spit~ of his disabilitieo, _e still f inds 8tren~th and aUPlort in tJi~ beli8f.

    Shoul d. you not boa thankful that now, ".-hen he ._leeds it moet, he still h-=t3 thi~ •

    ciUlJ:f,Ort? I c a n un-9rstdr.d . oii it haneuoi tnat YOUl' visit to him ~€:t him. You

    1'",1t hi helr.lescness, -ou rt:H~ted the "bIer that he.d .fallon BO ltnfairly ; - aB it ~

    seef!H.;GL t.o :vo'.!; you conv.ejei ;yourdi3tre0S and frustrction t o him; int!' thin!:s

    WOr se fer -lim. But ... f nBzt 'tir.e .Iou ~o , ;you trj' to ,0 in a more pOsl.tive spirtt;

    ,iet.erm->-ll.:;l to ,us.re ,dtl hl.m, not Jot'r lia treas, but your lov il. !affer-tio'1 for

    im; could ~G4 not to !Us har.r.i!le.:c" ]- oinf!? Brain l.njuri&3 cl.l'el ... ear thi~


    - --,


  • Ond doe$ not knO'i'T fo r SHrt: l:J.C'IJ much will be restoreri '1 fu the .!'~,:;ain~ of ti ,1

    I visited a centlBman in our ohurch rE cc-ntl;y,