2003 ecs annual report - electrochemical society · 2016. 4. 27. · the ecs centennial campaign...

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004 57 he election of the first ECS presi- dent from Europe set the stage for the year 2003 as a year of ECS firsts. Not only are these firsts important achievements, but, in the words of that first European president, Bruno Scrosati, they also represent a “point of departure.” (See Interface, summer 2003, p. 7.) Our other firsts have occurred in our essential program areas. These firsts validate the long-term strategic planning and actions of the ECS leadership, and indicate that we are effectively serving the community of scientists and engineers engaged in solid-state and electrochemical science and tech- nology. These firsts have become our new benchmarks and allow ECS to jump into the future from a higher launching point than ever before. A Wealth of Technical Content The Society’s journals have seen a marked increase in activity, setting records for both the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) and Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters (ESL): JES published 822 papers and 5,389 pages, and ESL published 222 papers and 770 pages. While both journals published more in terms of sheer quan- tity, the quality remained just as high. The ISI Science Citation Index impact factors were also the highest ever, with JES at 2.361 and ESL at 2.742. The “all-electronic” workflow for ECS journals took another step, taking advan- tage of all the speed and efficiency of the Internet. In July, the Society launched Peer X-Press (PXP) at esl.peerx-press.org for online submissions to Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. PXP is a tightly-integrated Web- based system provided by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). It enables online manuscript submissions, editorial process tracking, and peer-review workflow management. The PXP system provides for fast peer-review and acceptance decisions for authors anywhere in the world. By September 2003, JES also began using the system (jes.peerx-press.org). Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, which began publication in July 1998, reached a major milestone in 2003. From its beginning, the editor and edito- rial board of JES also served the same functions for ESL. In 2003, ESL had grown to the point that it required a separate editorial structure, and the Society was pleased to announce the appointment of Dennis W. Hess as the new editor of this rapid-pub- lication journal. Dr. Hess is the William W. La Roche, Jr. Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a past president of ECS. Paul Kohl, who served as editor for both journals, and who was responsible for the cre- ation of the Letters journal in 1998, continues on as Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Meetings Reflect the International Tone With 4,430 presentations, the Society’s two meetings in 2003 combined drew the largest number of papers ever scheduled. The two meetings also drew the largest number of attendees ever: 4,618. At 2,936, the spring 2003 meeting in Paris alone drew the single largest number of attendees for a single, non-jointly sponsored ECS meeting. The spring meeting in Paris, France marked the second time that the Society met on European soil. The meeting was a huge success, despite the challenges associated with SARS, the war in Iraq, and restrictions on travel. Attendees had an abundance of technical content from which to choose: 2,939 papers in 57 symposia. The ple- 2003 ECS Annual Report A Point of Departure T This past July, the Society launched Peer X-Press (PXP) for online submissions to the ECS journals. Dennis W. Hess was named the new editor of Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.

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Page 1: 2003 ECS Annual Report - Electrochemical Society · 2016. 4. 27. · The ECS Centennial Campaign was another Society program setting some new standards. Over $200,000 was raised in

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004 57

he election of the first ECS presi-dent from Europe set the stage forthe year 2003 as a year of ECSfirsts. Not only are these firsts

important achievements, but, in the words ofthat first European president, Bruno Scrosati,they also represent a “point of departure.” (See

Interface, summer 2003, p. 7.)Our other firsts have occurred in our essential

program areas. These firsts validate the long-term strategic planning and actions ofthe ECS leadership, and indicate that we are effectively serving the community ofscientists and engineers engaged in solid-state and electrochemical science and tech-nology. These firsts have become our new benchmarks and allow ECS to jump intothe future from a higher launching point than ever before.

A Wealth of Technical Content

The Society’s journals have seen a marked increase in activity, setting records forboth the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) and Electrochemical and Solid-StateLetters (ESL): JES published 822 papers and 5,389 pages, and ESL published 222papers and 770 pages. While both journals published more in terms of sheer quan-tity, the quality remained just as high. The ISI Science Citation Index impact factorswere also the highest ever, with JES at 2.361 and ESL at 2.742.

The “all-electronic” workflow for ECS journals took another step, taking advan-tage of all the speed and efficiency of the Internet. In July, the Societylaunched Peer X-Press (PXP) at esl.peerx-press.org for online submissionsto Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. PXP is a tightly-integrated Web-based system provided by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Itenables online manuscript submissions, editorial process tracking, andpeer-review workflow management. The PXP system provides for fastpeer-review and acceptance decisions for authors anywhere in the world.By September 2003, JES also began using the system (jes.peerx-press.org).

Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, which began publication in July1998, reached a major milestone in 2003. From its beginning, the editor and edito-rial board of JES also served the same functions for ESL. In 2003, ESL had grown tothe point that it required a separate editorial structure, and the Society was pleasedto announce the appointment of Dennis W. Hess as the new editor of this rapid-pub-lication journal. Dr. Hess is the William W. La Roche, Jr. Professor of ChemicalEngineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a past president of ECS. PaulKohl, who served as editor for both journals, and who was responsible for the cre-ation of the Letters journal in 1998, continues on as Editor of the Journal of TheElectrochemical Society.

Meetings Reflect the International Tone

With 4,430 presentations, the Society’s two meetings in 2003 combined drew thelargest number of papers ever scheduled. The two meetings also drew the largestnumber of attendees ever: 4,618. At 2,936, the spring 2003 meeting in Paris alonedrew the single largest number of attendees for a single, non-jointly sponsored ECSmeeting.

The spring meeting in Paris, France marked the second time that the Society meton European soil. The meeting was a huge success, despite the challenges associatedwith SARS, the war in Iraq, and restrictions on travel. Attendees had an abundanceof technical content from which to choose: 2,939 papers in 57 symposia. The ple-

2003 ECS Annual ReportA Point of Departure


This past July, the Society launched Peer X-Press(PXP) for online submissions to the ECS journals.

Dennis W. Hess was named thenew editor of Electrochemical andSolid-State Letters.

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58 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004

nary lecture was delivered by GerdBinnig of IBM Zurich and was entitled,“Nanotechnology: The Path toHandling Complexity?” Binnig was thelatest Nobel Laureate to address an ECSmeeting.

The fall 2003 meeting was held inOrlando, Florida, a new meeting desti-nation for ECS. Many attendeesbrought their families to enjoy DisneyWorld and the other Orlando attrac-tions during the meeting week. Themeeting was host to over 1,800 atten-dees choosing from 1,491 papers in 41symposia. Bernard Tribollet of CNRSFrance presented the Sunday evening“XYZ Talk,” entitled “The HiddenTreasures of Impedance Spectroscopy.”Fritz Kalhammer, an independent con-sultant, presented the plenary lectureentitled, “When Will We Be Able to Buyand Drive Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?”At the meeting, the Society had thepleasure of naming three distinguishedECS members as Honorary Members:Robert P. Frankenthal, Larry R.Faulkner, and Lubomyr T. Romankiw.This honor is not conferred every yearand is only given for outstanding con-tributions to the Society.

Topical (“satellite”) meetings spon-sored and managed by ECS continue tohave increased interest from our scien-tific community. In June 2003, theSolid State Ionics meeting (SSI-14) washeld in Monterey, California at theAsilomar Conference Center.Approximately 344 participants frommost of the key academic and industri-al laboratories attended and con-tributed to the conference scientificprogram. The SSI conference series,held every two years and rotatingamong three continents, provides aninternational forum for scientists, engi-neers, and technologists to further theirunderstanding of ionic transport incondensed phases that underpins thedevelopment of efficient and environ-mentally sustainable advanced tech-nologies for energy conversion andstorage. The next Solid State Ionicsmeeting (SSI-15) is scheduled for Baden-Baden, Germany, in 2005.


The ECS Centennial Campaign wasanother Society program setting somenew standards. Over $200,000 wasraised in 2003 bringing the overall totalfor the campaign to over $800,000. Theoverall goal, based on the member-developed ECS Case for Support, is $6.5million.

The 2003 appeal was highlighted bya 1,000,000 Yen gift from Yukiko

Nobel Laureate Gerd Binnig (left) delivered the ParisPlenary Lecture, entitled “Nanotechnology: The Pathto Handling Complexity?” Dr. Binnig is shown herereceiving a certificate of appreciation from 2002-2003ECS president Karl Spear.

The Society had the pleasure ofnaming three distinguished Societymembers as Honorary Members atthe fall 2003 meeting. This honoris not conferred every year and isonly given for outstanding contri-butions to the Society. 2003-2004ECS President Bruno Scrosati (farleft) presented the new HonoraryMembers to the Society; they are

(from left to right): (Scrosati),Robert P. Frankenthal, Lubomyr T.Romankiw, and Larry R. Faulkner.

Participants at the SSI-14Conference were treated to a beachbarbecue on the Asilomar grounds.Seated at the front table are, mov-ing counter-clockwise from thefront: Joop Schoonman, ISSIPresident and conference co-chair;Marina van Geenhuizen; JohannaBoukamp; Turgut M. Gür, ISSITreasurer and conference co-chair;Boryann Liaw; Werner Sitte; andBernard Boukamp.

The first Heinz GerischerAward of the ECS European

Section honored AkiraFujishima at a special recep-

tion. Joining Dr. Fujishima(second from right) were (left

to right) Mrs. UlrichGerischer, Reshef Tenne,

Claude Lévy-Clement,(Fujishima), and 2002-2003

ECS president Karl Spear.

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004 59

Dokiya and family, in memory ofMasayuki Dokiya, for attendees to trav-el to the ECS international meetings. Intotal, 117 donors from seven differentcountries contributed an average gift of$1,986. The Electrochemical Societysincerely thanks these individuals whohave the satisfaction of knowing theyhelped not only their Society, but alsotheir colleagues.

Recognition of ECS members andothers involved in the Society’s areas oftechnical activity has always been animportant component of what ECSdoes. In 2003, another prize was addedto the already-impressive list of awards.The first Heinz Gerischer Award of theEuropean Section was presented in2003, in Paris, to Akira Fujishima. Thefirst award presentation was accompa-nied by a symposium in honor of Prof.Gerischer on the subject of nanostruc-tured semiconductor materials andinterfaces; and the reception markingthe symposium and award was animportant occasion attended by theGerischer family and leaders in thefield.

Two other awards were created in2003: the Oronzio de Nora IndustrialElectrochemistry Fellowship of TheElectrochemical Society, and theCharles W. Tobias Young InvestigatorAward of The Electrochemical Society.Both prestigious awards are gearedtoward improving opportunities foryoung scientists and engineers, andhave been funded through the effortsof the ECS Centennial Campaign.

The Benchmarks Are Set

This record-setting year has by nomeans been taken as a signal that ourwork is done. Maintaining quality,improving functionality, and increas-ing the speed and distribution of all ourcontent remains a constant goal.Whether that content is delivered in apublication, at a meeting, or throughinteractive, Web-based media, we willcontinue to enable our members tokeep moving forward and set their ownnew benchmarks as well. �

ECS Meetings—Paper submission and attendance. (� Attendance and � Papers)

Table I. ECS Membership Statistics(As of October 1, 2003)

ECS Membership by Class2003/2002

Category 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 %Change

Active 5183 5523 5525 5297 5411 2.2Member Reps 75 79 79 58 63 8.6Life 56 57 57 51 52 2.0Emeritus 233 240 235 247 246 -0.4Honorary 27 26 27 26 29 11.5

Subtotal Active in Good Standing 5574 5925 5923 5679 5801 2.1Delinquent 874 710 851 961 797 -17.1

Total Active on Record 6448 6635 6774 6640 6598 -0.6Students 838 960 876 869 882 1.5Delinquent 265 250 382 315 330 4.8

Total Students 1103 1210 1258 1184 1212 2.4Total Individual Members 7551 7845 8032 7824 7810 -0.2

ECS Membership by Sections2003/2002

Section 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 %ChangeArizona 106 122 15.1Brazilian 47 45 34 -24.4Canadian 212 250 220 213 223 4.7Chicago 183 178 161 149 178 19.5Cincinnati 59 60 54 52 46 -11.5Cleveland 105 111 107 123 125 1.6Detroit 98 92 106 94 90 -4.3European 985 1093 1072 1029 1178 14.5Georgia 147 142 163 173 172 -0.6Israel 37 41 42 34 35 2.9Japan 597 681 692 698 754 8.0Korea 167 219 235 213 224 5.2Metropolitan New York 340 362 388 337 322 -4.5Midland 21 21 21 21 17 -19.0National Capital 218 230 253 238 217 -8.8New England 356 346 344 347 353 1.7Pacific Northwest 125 115 117 115 125 8.7Philadelphia 140 143 136 138 119 -13.8Pittsburgh 87 100 101 88 89 1.1San Francisco 404 379 -6.2San Francisco (ES&T) 156 157 164 0.0 0.0 0.0San Francisco (SS&T) 286 280 258 0.0 0.0 0.0South Texas 173 177 167 183 172 -6.0Southern Wisconsin 51 52 45 0.0 0.0 0.0Twin Cities 105 106 98 80 77 -3.8Non-Section 1764 1929 1800 1668 1632 -2.2

Subtotal All Classes (current) 6412 6885 6744 6548 6683 2.1Delinquents (Active and Student) 1,139 960 1288 1276 1127 -11.7Total 7551 7845 8032 7824 7810 -0.2

the society for solid-stateand electrochemical science

and technology

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60 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004

1—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of TheElectrochemical Society, Inc. and its Divisions and Sections, and its wholly-owned subsidiary, ECS Holdings LLC. All intercompany balances and trans-actions have been eliminated in consolidation.

These consolidated financial statements, which are presented on theaccrual basis of accounting, have been prepared to focus on TheElectrochemical Society, Inc. and subsidiary (the Society) as a whole and topresent balances and transactions according to the existence or absence ofdonor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets and changes therein areclassified as follows: Unrestricted net assets—net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations; Temporarily restricted net assets—net assets subject todonor-imposed stipulations that will be met by actions of the Society and/orby the passage of time; Permanently restricted net assets—net assets subjectto donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained permanently by theSociety. Generally, the donors permit the Society to use all or part of theincome earned on related investments for various Society Awards.

2—InvestmentsInvestments are carried at fair value and are generally held until maturi-

ty. Investments in real estate are carried at cost.Investment income and realized and unrealized net gains and losses on

investments of permanently restricted net assets are reported as follows:• as increases or decreases in temporarily restricted net assets if the terms

of the gift impose restrictions on the use of the income and/or net gains;• as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets in all other cases.

Investments, other than real estate, are stated at fair value, as determinedby quoted market prices provided by investment managers, and consist ofthe following as of December 31, 2003:

Money market funds ................................................................997,437Equity Mutual Funds ............................................................3,020,488Short-term corporate fund ......................................................150,843Certificates of deposits ..........................................................2,257,062Corporate bonds....................................................................1,608,450Accrued interest receivable ........................................................33,068Real Estate (ECS Holdings LLC) ............................................1,437,733

Total ......................................................................................$9,505,081

3—ECS Holdings LLCECS Holdings LLC leases office space to various tenants under operat-

ing lease arrangements expiring through 2019. (Rental Income under theaforementioned leases totaled $362,081 for the year ended December 31,2003.)

4—Independent Accounting FirmThe Society engaged the services of the independent accounting firm,

KPMG LLP, to conduct the 2003 annual audit. In the opinion of KPMGLLP, the Society’s financial statements present fairly, in all materialrespects, the financial position of The Electrochemical Society, Inc. andsubsidiary as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the changes in their netassets and their cash flows for the years then ended in conformity withaccounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Notes to Financial StatementsTABLE II. ECS Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Years Ended December 31, 2003 and 2002)

Assets2003 2002

Current Assets:Cash ......................................................$122,113............$152,798Accounts Receivable ..............................141,541..............168,695Contributions Receivable ........................29,200................30,850Inventories ................................................59,912................45,998Prepaid expenses, deposits, and

other assets ........................................115,670..............277,848Investments (note 2):

Marketable Securities ....................8,067,348 ..........6,697,028Real Estate ......................................1,437,733 ..........1,437,733

Land ........................................................350,608..............350,608Buildings ................................................233,329..............239,995

Total Assets ........................$10,557,454 ......$9,401,553

Liabilities and Net Assets

2003 2002Current Liabilities:

Accounts payable andaccrued expenses ............................$187,173 ..........$152,829

Deferred revenue ......................................51,295 ..............99,621Security deposits ......................................26,196 ..............24,246Deferred compensation ..........................48,206 ..............56,914

Total Liabilities ........................312,870 ..........333,610

Net Assets:Unrestricted:General operating ................................940,038 ..........1,248,774Investment in land and buildings ........583,937 ............590,603Custodial ............................................7,296,237 ..........5,954,780Designated..............................................470,712 ............354,094Designated Earnings ..............................118,857 ............100,879Sections ..................................................117,150 ............107,967

Total Unrestricted ................9,526,931........8,357,097

Temporarily restricted ............................347,453 ............340,646Permanently restricted ..........................370,200 ............370,200

Total Net Assets ..................10,244,584........9,067,943

Total Liabilities & Net Assets ....10,557,454 ........$9,401,553

Roque J. Calvo ........................Executive DirectorMary E. Yess ............................Deputy Executive DirectorBrian P. Bosak ........................Director of Information

TechnologyElizabeth Brennfleck................Director of Meetings and ExhibitsBridget Bruin ..........................Customer Service RepresentativeKaren Chmielewski ................Development CoordinatorAnne Clementson ..................Publications AssistantPaul Cooper ............................Journals Systems ManagerAnn F. Goedkoop ....................Assistant Director of PublicationsErin Goodwin ........................Assistant Director of Meetings

and Exhibits

Andrea L. Guenzel ..................Journals Production AssistantSusan M. Liggett ....................Senior Customer Service

RepresentativePatricia T. Lorynski ................Administrative AssistantTerry McCloughan..................Books Program CoordinatorTroy M. Miller ........................Director of DevelopmentEllen S. Popkin ......................Publications Production

CoordinatorDonna Provost ........................Customer Service RepresentativeEllen M. Tiano ........................Director of MembershipCarolyn R. Wroblewski ..........Director of FinanceCarolyn L. Zannoni ................Administrative Assistant

ECS Staff (as of June 14, 2004)

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2004 61

TABLE III. Consolidated Statement of Activities(Years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002)

2003 2002

Revenues:Publications ....................................................................$2,124,143 ..........................$2,395,057Membership ..........................................................................694,483................................854,927Society meetings and activities ........................................1,696,454 ............................1,377,631Interest and dividend income ..............................................258,826................................283,349Contributions and grants ....................................................258,378................................185,599Rental income ......................................................................362,081................................350,047Other revenues........................................................................20,803..................................22,296

Total Revenues and Other Support ................$5,415,168 ......................$5,468,906

Expenses:Program Services:Publications ......................................................................2,031,005 ............................2,011,454Membership ..........................................................................123,793................................107,400Society meetings and activities ........................................1,391,359 ............................1,099,231Awards, fellowships, and grants ..........................................261,528................................278,984

Total Program Services......................................3,807,685 ........................3,497,069

Supporting Services:General and Administrative:..................................................763,319................................780,883Rental Operations: ................................................................292,847................................263,526

Total Supporting Services ................................1,056,166 ........................1,044,409Total Expenses ..................................................$4,863,851 ......................$4,541,478

Increase (decrease) in net assets from operations........................551,317 ..................................927,428

Nonoperating gain (loss): Net change in fair value of investments ........................625,324 ............................(493,158)

Increase (decrease) in net assets ......................1,176,641............................434,270

Net assets as of beginning of year ....................................9,067,943 ............................8,633,673Net assets as of end of year ..............................................10,244,584 ..........................$9,067,943

Advanced MeasurementAdvance Research Chemicals, Inc.AkrionAlfa AesarArbin InstrumentsAtotech USA, Inc.BAE Systems,

Battery Technology CenterBattery Design Co.Brinkmann InstrumentsBroddarp of NevadaCascade Scientific LTDCentral Electrochemical Research

InstituteCFDRCComsol, Inc.CSIRO MineralsCSM Instruments SACypress Systems, Inc.DAISO, Co., Ltd.Danionics A/SDe Nora TechnologieElettrochimiche S.p.A.Dow Chemical Company,

Chlor-Alkali Assets BusinessDuracellE. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,

Inc., HD MicrosystemsECO Energy ConversionElchemaElectrochemElectrolytica, Inc.Electrosynthesis Co., Inc.ElsevierEltech Systems Corp.Energizer

EV GroupEvans Analytical GroupFMC Corporation,

Active Oxidants DivisionFuel Cell Technologies, Inc.GamryGAIA-Akkumulatorenwerke GmbHGBXGamry Instruments, Inc.General Electric Co, Corporate

Research & DevelopmentGeneral Motors Research

LaboratoriesGiner, Inc.H C StarckHeka Elektronic GmbHIbiden Co., LtdIBM CorporationINELIntelligent Micro Patterning LLCInternational Lead Zinc Research

Organization, Inc.Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd.Jobin Yvon SASJohn Wiley & SonsKagaku Gijutsu ShaKerafol Keramische Folien GmbHKerr-McGee Chemical, LLC,

Electrolytic DivisionKluwer Academic PublishersKoslow ScientificLeclanche S. A.Lynntech, Inc.Maccor, Inc.MarketechMaterials Today

Maxtek, Inc.MATS UKMatsushita Battery Industrial

Co., Ltd.Max-Planck-Institut f.

FestkorperforschungMedtronic, Inc., Energy and

Component CenterMetrohm FranceMine Safety Appliances CompanyMitsubishi Electric Corp.,

ULSI Development CenterMolecular ImagingNacional de GrafiteNature Publishing GroupNBT GmbHNextech Materials LTDNovoControl America Inc.NuVant SyatemsOccidental Chemical Corp.,

Niagara PlantOM Group, Inc.Osram Sylvania, Inc., Chemical

& Metallurgical DivisionPalm InstrumentsPEC North AmericaPEC Products NVPermelec Electrode, Ltd.PPG Industries, Inc., Chemicals

Group Technical CenterPraxair ElectronicsPrecious Plate Inc.Princeton Applied ResearchQualiflowQuallion, LLCRadiometer Analytical /

A Hach Brand Co.

Rayovac Corp.Sachem, Inc.Saft Research & Development

CenterSandia National LaboratoriesSchumacherScientecScribner Associates Inc.Siemends AktiengesellschaftSoitecSolartron AnalyticalSpringer VerlagSuperior Graphite Co.TDK Corporation R&D CenterTechnic, Inc.3M CompanyTiax, LLCTIMCAL AG, Graphite und

TechnolgienTokuyama Corp.Toshiba Corp., Research &

Development CenterTosoh CorporationToyota Central Research &

Development Labs, Inc.University of FloridaUTC Fuel CellsC. Uyemura & Co., Ltd.,

Central Research LabValence TechnologyVeeco InstrumentsWacker Siltronic AGWilson Greatbatch Ltd.Yeager Center for Electrochemical

Sciences at CWRUYuasa Corp.

2003 Corporate Partners


October 3-8, 2004Honolulu, HI

May 15-20, 2005Quebec City, Canada

October 16-21, 2005Los Angeles, CA

May 7-12, 2006Denver, CO

October 27 - November 4, 2006Cancun, MX

For information on these future meetings,contact the Society Headquarters office.

Tel: 609.737.1902 • Fax: 609.737.2743www.electrochem.org

Page 6: 2003 ECS Annual Report - Electrochemical Society · 2016. 4. 27. · The ECS Centennial Campaign was another Society program setting some new standards. Over $200,000 was raised in

The following individuals made generous gifts to theCentennial Campaign. We thank them for their sup-port of the Society and the contribution to their field.

Planned GiversThese individuals have made a significant investmentin the future of The Electrochemical Society and thescience it advances. Their generosity will have animpact on ECS in perpetuity!

Robert P. FrankenthalCarl HeringW. Jean HorkansKeith E. JohnsonMary M. LoonamEdward G. WestonAnonymous donors (2)

Centennial ClubThese individuals have given a $5,000 gift, or more,to the campaign.

Dr. Richard C. AlkireBroddarp of Nevada, Inc.*Yukiko Dokiya and Family

in memory of Masayuki DokiyaWalter J. HamerFumio Hine*SemiZoneKatalin Voros

These individuals have given a $1,000 gift, or more,to the campaign.

The James C. Acheson Foundation*Andreas and Jennie AcrivosRolfe C. Anderson and Sholeh Hessiami-AndersonWilliam M. AyersBattery Division of The Electrochemical SocietyTheodore and Ruth BeckBYD Company LimitedWilliam D. Brown in memory of

Mary Elizabeth Smith*Roque and Marianne Calvo*Jefferson C. Cole in memory of Audrey L. ColeCorrosion Division of The Electrochemical SocietyDielectric Science & Technology Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyElectrodeposition Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyDe Nora Technologie Elettrochimiche S. R. L.Energy Technology Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyRonald E. EnstromLarry R. Faulkner in honor of Allen J. Bard*Robert P. Frankenthal*High Temperature Materials Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyCurtis F. Holmes*Industrial Electrolysis & Electrochemical

Engineering Division ofThe Electrochemical Society

Dr. and Mrs. L. Louis HegedusDr. Andrea KeatonJudson and Jeanne KingKim and Shirley KinoshitaPaul and Betsy Kohl*Dieter LandoltPeter A. Lewis, P.E.James McBreenErik M. PellWayne R. PhillipsPhysical Electrochemistry Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyDr. Gautam Pillay*Ferenc E. RosztoczySensor Division of The Electrochemical SocietyYang Shao-Horn & Quinn HornSolartron AnalyticalProfessor and Mrs. Gabor A. SomorjaiKarl and Nancy Spear*John and Robin SuskoGeorge and Davor SutijaJan B. Talbot*Margaret & K.H. TanAnthony Tobias

Carla TobiasEric TobiasJudit & Klara TobiasDennis R. TurnerProf. Isamu UchidaUniversity of California,

Chemical Engineering DepartmentMark Verbrugge and Dawn BernardiGina WhitneyYuasa CorporationFour Anonymous Donors

Additional BenefactorsMark D. Allendorf*American Hungarian FoundationJames Amick*Dale P. BarkeySidney BarnarttSeward E. Beacom*Alexis T. BellJohn M. BlocherPer Bro*Eric CarlsonMichael K. CarpenterEmily A. CarterRobert and Frances ConnickRobert and Filiz CrockerBruce E. DealSheldon W. Dean*Vittorio de NoraRobert E. De La Rue, Jr.Hariklia Deligianni*Dennis & Cathy DeesHoward D. Dewald*Wei-Ping DowJohn Dukovic & Linda FrommerExxonMobil*Jiang Fan*Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Fedkiw*James M. FentonL. FitzAlbert W. FloundersPeter C. FollerDon FowlerGerald S. FrankelFullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nano-structures Division of The Electrochemical SocietyDaniel W. GibbonsStanley L. GordonWilson GreatbatchPhill GuilloryNorman Hackerman*Robert M. HamiltonH. Dale HannanDonald N. HansonKarrie J. HansonWarren E. HaupinKenneth G. HellyarWesley A. HendersonDennis W. Hess*Natalie HolzwarthW. Jean Horkans*Roger T. HoweLimin HsuehKing Lau Hu and Anna Lan SunJorge G. IbanezSilvia A. Ibl-SchweglerIonics Instrument Business GroupMark J. and Alice H. IsaacsonTongchang LiuJacob Jorne and Judith LoveMichael and Susan JordanKay K. KanazawaBradley R. KarasRobert S. KarpiukKang-Jin KimAndrew KindlerKazuhiro KojimaJerome and Mollee KrugerSimeon J. Krumbein*Johna Leddy*Mark & Marie LefebvreCharles H. LemkeLuminescence & Display Materials Division of

The Electrochemical Society

David A. Lupfer*Henri J. Maget*Florian B. Mansfeld*Dr. Bernadett MarkoFrederick Leon Marsh*Nicholas J. Maskalick*James A. McCaffertyRobert C. McIntoshFrank McLarnonProfessor and Mrs. Howard C. MelXiaofan MengTodd A. MerportGeorge MethlieJulio MilkoPaul B. MiliosRichard J. MillardBarry MillerMasayuki MoritaMohammad S. MubarakKathleen MurayGabor Naray-SzaboTakao NagatomoPaul Natishan*John S. NewmanPatrick K. NgKatsumi NikiO&Y Design MarketingCommunicationsYasuhiko Ohsawa Toshikazu OkuboOrganic and Biological Division of

The Electrochemical SocietyElvira M. OrlyCarlton M. Osburn*Stan & Iris OvshinskyCarlos A.S. Paliterio*Paul M. ParishStephen J. PeartonDennis G. PetersSteven C. PetrovicHoward W. PickeringReka R. Pigniczky and Barnabas Z. GeroElizabeth J. Podlaha-MurphyGeoffrey A. PrenticeDr. Kenneth P. Quinlan*Dr. and Mrs. Rajeshwar

(Dr. K. Rajeshwar & Dr. Rohini Krishnan)*Lin RaoRobert A. RappJim RiggsIren RomodaPhilip RussellNorio SatoGeraldine C. Schwartz*Bruno Scrosati*A. John SedricksToshio ShibataYukihiro ShimogakiPaul J. SidesThomas and Rosemary SpiveySupramanian SrinivasanStaff of the UC Berkeley MicrolabEszti Pigniczky and Endre SzentkiralyiKathryn Podolske TaKoji Tachibana*Lawrence TalbotTohru TanakaThe Levant Rug Co.Martin B. TobiasForrest A. TrumboreGabor UrbanElizabeth VorosLaszlo VorosWacker Siltronic AGShaorong WangDavid P. WilkinsonRobert A. WijsmanDavid L. Wood, III*Wayne L. WorrellShigeru YamauchiPeidong YangKatsuhiro YokotaAnonymous Donors (22)

* Multiple-year donors

Contributors to the ECS Centennial Campaign

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J. W. Richards ........1902-1904H. S. Carhart ..........1904-1905W. D. Bancroft ........1905-1906C. Hering ................1906-1907C. F. Burgess............1907-1908E. G. Acheson ........1908-1909L. H. Baekeland ......1909-1910W. H. Walker ..........1910-1911W. R. Whitney ........1911-1912W. L. Miller ............1912-1913E. F. Roeber ............1913-1914F. A. Lidbury ..........1914-1915L. Addicks ..............1915-1916F. A. J. FitzGerald ....1916-1917C. G. Fink ..............1917-1918F. J. Tone ................1918-1919W. D. Bancroft ........1919-1920W. S. Landis ............1920-1921A. Smith..................1921-1922C. G. Schluederberg ....1922-1923A. T. Hinckley ........1923-1924H. C. Parmelee........1924-1925F. M. Becket ............1925-1926W. Blum..................1926-1927S. C. Lind ................1927-1928

P. J. Kruesi ..............1928-1929F. C. Frary................1929-1930L. Kahlenberg ........1930-1931B. Stoughton ..........1931-1932R. A. Witherspoon ..1932-1933J. Johnston..............1933-1934H. S. Lukens............1934-1935J. H. Critchett ........1935-1936D. A. MacInnes ......1936-1937W. G. Harvey ..........1937-1938R. L. Baldwin ..........1938-1939H. J. Creighton ......1939-1940F. C. Mathers ..........1940-1941R. R. Ridgway..........1941-1942E. M. Baker..............1942-1943R. M. Burns ............1943-1944S. D. Kirkpatrick ....1944-1945W. R. Veazey ..........1945-1946W. C. Moore ..........1946-1947G. W. Heise ............1947-1948J. A. Lee ..................1948-1949A. L. Ferguson ........1949-1950C. L. Faust ..............1950-1951R. M. Hunter ..........1951-1952J. C. Warner ............1952-1953

R. J. McKay ............1953-1954M. J. Udy ................1954-1955H. H. Uhlig ............1955-1956H. Thurnauer ..........1956-1957N. Hackerman ........1957-1958S. Swann ................1958-1959W. C. Gardiner ......1959-1960R. A. Schaefer..........1960-1961H. B. Linford ..........1961-1962F. L. LaQue..............1962-1963W. J. Hamer ............1963-1964L. I. Gilbertson ......1964-1965E. B. Yeager ............1965-1966H. J. Read ................1966-1967H. C. Gatos ............1967-1968I. E. Campbell ........1968-1969N. C. Cahoon ........1969-1970C. W. Tobias............1970-1971C. V. King................1971-1972T. D. McKinley........1972-1973N. B. Hannay ..........1973-1974D. A. Vermilyea ......1974-1975T. R. Beck ................1975-1976M. J. Pryor ..............1976-1977D. N. Bennion ........1977-1978

D. R. Turner ............1978-1979J. B. Berkowitz ........1979-1980E. M. Pell ................1980-1981R. J. Brodd ..............1981-1982F. J. Strieter..............1982-1983J. B. Wagner, Jr. ......1983-1984P. C. Milner ............1984-1985R. C. Alkire..............1985-1986R. E. Enstrom..........1986-1987F. G. Will ................1987-1988B. E. Deal ................1988-1989E. J. Cairns ..............1989-1990J. M. Woodall..........1990-1991L. R. Faulkner..........1991-1992W. L. Worrell ..........1992-1993R. P. Frankenthal ....1993-1994J. A. Amick..............1994-1995K. R. Bullock ..........1995-1996D. W. Hess ..............1996-1997B. Miller ..................1997-1998G. M. Blom ............1998-1999D.E. Hall ................1999-2000C. M. Osburn..........2000-2001J. Talbot ..................2001-2002K. Spear ..................2002-2003

Past Presidents of the Society

Past Secretaries of the Society

C. Hering ........................1902C. J. Reed ................1902-1904S. S. Sadtler ............1904-1907J. W. Richards ........1907-1921

C. G. Fink ..............1921-1947R. M. Burns ............1947-1949H. B. Linford ..........1949-1959I. E. Campbell ........1959-1965

R. F. Bechtold..........1965-1968D. R. Turner ............1968-1974P. C. Milner ............1974-1980F. A. Trumbore ........1980-1984

J. A. Amick..............1984-1988E. W. Brooman........1988-1992J. McBreen ..............1992-1996R. Susko ..................1996-2000

Past Treasurers of the Society

P. G. Salom..............1902-1920F. A. Lidbury............1920-1924A. Smith ..................1924-1931R. M. Burns ............1931-1943W. W. Winship........1943-1949

E. G. Widell ............1949-1955L. I. Gilbertson........1955-1961E. G. Enck ..............1961-1964R. H. Schaefer..........1964-1967R. H. Cherry............1967-1973

F. J. Strieter ..............1973-1976J. L. Griffin ..............1976-1982J. Kruger ..................1982-1986R. P. Frankenthal ....1986-1990

R. E. White..............1990-1994W. M. Bullis ............1994-1997Y. H. Wong..............1997-1998W. D. Brown ..........1998-2002


Edward Goodrich Acheson Award

E. G. Acheson ..................1929E. F. Northrup ..................1931C. G. Fink ........................1933F. J. Tone ..........................1935F. M. Becket ......................1937F. C. Frary ........................1939C. F. Burgess ....................1942W. Blum ..........................1944H. J. Creighton ................1946D. A. MacInnes ................1948

G. W. Vinal ......................1950J. W. Marden ....................1952G. W. Heise ......................1954R. M. Burns ......................1956W. J. Kroll ........................1958H. B. Linford ....................1960C. L. Faust ........................1962E. A. Gulbransen ..............1964W. C. Vosburgh ................1966

F. L. LaQue ......................1968S. Ruben ..........................1970C. W. Tobias ....................1972C. V. King ........................1974N. B. Hannay....................1976D. A. Vermilyea ................1978E. B. Yeager ......................1980H. C. Gatos ......................1982N. Hackerman ..................1984

E. M. Pell ..........................1986H. H. Uhlig ......................1988T. R. Beck..........................1990D. R. Turner......................1992J. B. Wagner, Jr. ................1994R. C. Alkire ......................1996J. M. Woodall ..................1998L. R. Faulkner ..................2000B. Deal ..............................2002

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Olin Palladium Medal Award(formerly the Palladium Medal Award, 1951-1977)

C. W. Wagner ..................1951N. H. Furman ..................1953U. R. Evans ......................1955K. F. Bonhoeffer ..............1957A. N. Frumkin ..................1959H. H. Uhlig ......................1961N. Hackerman ..................1965

P. Delahay ........................1967T. P. Hoar ..........................1969L. Brewer ..........................1971V. G. Levich......................1973M. J. N. Pourbaix ............1975H. Gerischer ....................1977R. Parsons ........................1979

I. M. Kolthoff ..................1981M. Cohen ........................1983M. Fleischmann ..............1985A. J. Bard ..........................1987B. E. Conway....................1989J. Newman........................1991J.-M. Savéant ....................1993

J. Kruger ..........................1995R. W. Murray....................1997J. B. Goodenough ............1999N. Sato..............................2001E. Gileadi..........................2003

Solid State Science and Technology Award

W. G. Pfann ....................1973H. C. Gatos ......................1975R. N. Hall ........................1977M. B. Panish ....................1979

G. L. Pearson....................1981N. Holonyak, Jr. ..............1983J. M. Woodall ..................1985A. Y. Cho..........................1987

J. F. Gibbons ....................1989J. D. Plummer ..................1991B. E. Deal..........................1993W. L. Worrell....................1995

K. E. Spear ........................1997I. Akasaki..........................1999A. Reisman ......................2001R. B. Fair ..........................2003

A. Brenner ........................1974R. B. MacMullin ..............1976F. T. Bacon ........................1978H. B. Beer..........................1980

J. C. Schumacher..............1982D. E. Danly ......................1984K. Kordesch ......................1986A. Heller............................1988

C. W. Tobias ....................1990E. B. Yeager ......................1992L. T. Romankiw ................1994

R. Baboian ........................1996W. G. Grot ........................1998D. R. Turner......................2000

Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching

C. W. Tobias ....................1982B. E. Conway ....................1984A. J. Bard ..........................1986

L. Brewer ..........................1988J. Newman........................1990K. Nobe ............................1992

J. O’M. Bockris..................1994T. C. Franklin....................1996R. A. Rapp ........................1998

G. Stoner ..........................2000D. Peters ..........................2002

Vittorio de Nora Award(formerly the Electrochemical Science and Technology Award)

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Carl Wagner Memorial Award

A. J. Bard ..........................1981G. C. Wood ......................1983R. C. Alkire ......................1985

R. W. Murray....................1987W. L. Worrell....................1989D. D. Macdonald ............1991

J. Jorné ............................1993B. R. MacDougall ............1995M. J. Weaver ....................1997

C. R. Martin ....................1999P. A. Kohl ........................2001R. M. Crooks ....................2003

Edward Weston Fellowship

E. B. Sanigar ....................1930K. Solliner ........................1931M. E. Fogle ......................1932R. D. Blue ........................1933

P. A. Jacquet ....................1934M. A. Coler ......................1935H. B. Linford ....................1936G. L. Putnam....................1937

V. de Nora ........................1938W. P. Ruemmier ..............1940R. E. Black ........................1941W. E. Roake ......................1942

R. D. Misch ......................1947M. T. Simnad....................1948

Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship

R. L. Brubaker ..................1961D. Yohe ............................1962H. O. Daley, Jr. ................1963M. D. Hawley ..................1964T. G. McCord ..................1965J. D. McLean ....................1966K. B. Prater ......................1967K. Doblhofer ....................1968L. R. Faulkner ..................1969W. J. Horkans ..................1970W. J. Horkans ..................1971

W. J. Bover ......................1972B. J. Alexander ................1973S. S. Fratoni, Jr. ................1974M. Suchanski....................1975R. J. Nowak ......................1976P. A. Kohl ........................1977C. D. Jaeger ......................1978L. Bottomley ....................1979G. L. McIntire ..................1980J. Pemberton ....................1981M. E. Kordesch ................1982

R. G. Tompson ................1983P. M. Kovach ....................1984J. N. Harb ........................1985S. E. Creager ....................1986X. Zhang ..........................1987C. Amass ..........................1988R. J. Phillips......................1989J. E. Franke ......................1990S. R. Snyder ......................1991P. Pantano ........................1992G. J. Edens........................1993

B. Idriss ............................1994D. Bizzotto ......................1995L. A. Lyon ........................1996C. Claypool ......................1997B. Bath..............................1998A. C. Templeton ..............1999P. W. Wuelfing ................2000K. Balss ............................2001T. Hu ................................2002J. Mauzeroll ......................2003

Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship

P. Brown ..........................1962W. G. Lemmermann ........1963W. G. Stevens ..................1964J. P. Carney ......................1965S. Piekarski ......................1966B. S. Pons..........................1967R. E. Bonewitz ..................1968L. Papouchado ................1969R. G. Reed ........................1970R. Fike ..............................1971D. L. McAllister ................1972

R. R. Chance ....................1973P. I. Lee ............................1974J. B. Flanagan ..................1975J. S. Hammond ................1976P. D. Tyma........................1977S. M. Wilhelm..................1978J. D. Porter ......................1979R. S. Glass ........................1980E. E. Bancroft ..................1981T. D. Cabeika....................1982B. L. Wheeler ..................1983

E. T. T. Jones ....................1984D. A. Van Galen ..............1985J. S. Hanson......................1986P. Gao ..............................1987D. T. Schwartz ..................1988A. E. Russell......................1989J. Xue................................1990C. K. Rhee ........................1991M. J. Shane ......................1992C. M. Pharr ......................1993

J. M. Lauerhaus ................1994S. M. Hendrickson ..........1995J. C. Hutchinson ..............1996P. V. A. Pamidi..................1997G. S. Hwang ....................1998W. Baker ..........................1999A. Crown..........................2000R. Maus ............................2001S. Peper ............................2002M. Alpuche-Aviles............2003

Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship

V. E. Hauser, Jr. ................1960M. J. Schaer ......................1961R. E. Visco ........................1961A. K. Postma ....................1962C. C. Liu ..........................1963M. J. Vasile ......................1964M. J. Vasile ......................1965C. C. Liu ..........................1966B. N. Baron ......................1967L. P. Zajicek, Jr. ................1968K. R. Bullock ....................1969S. H. Cadle........................1970

J. W. Webb........................1971C. P. Keszthelyi ................1972M. Shabrang ....................1973D. H. Karweik ..................1974T. P. DeAngelis..................1975D. L. Feke ........................1976H. Faulkner ......................1977D. M. Novak ....................1978B. R. Karas ........................1979R. M. Cohen ....................1980R. N. Dominey ................1981R. M. Ianniello ................1982

D. F. Tessier ......................1983N. T. Sleszynski ................1984C. M. Lieber......................1985J. L. Valdes........................1986R. Q. Bligh........................1987D. W. Conrad ..................1988S. A. Schofield ..................1989J. A. Roberts......................1990M. S. Freund ....................1991L. Gao ..............................1992H. Gasteiger......................1993

J. Schoer ..........................1994S. Morin............................1995N. Madigan ......................1996S. Petrovic ........................1997J. J. Sumner ......................1998A. Wijayawardhana..........1999B. Liu ................................2000C. Noble ..........................2001C. B. France ......................2002P. Ramadass ......................2003

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Energy Research Summer Fellowship(supported by the U.S. Department of Energy)

M. R. Deakin ....................1985P. B. Johnson....................1985D. A. La Hurd ..................1985S. E. Morris ......................1985D. P. Wilkinson ................1985D. G. Frank ......................1986K.-C. Ho ..........................1986R. G. Kelly ........................1986I.-H. Yeo ..........................1986J. Kwak ............................1986L. C. Dash ........................1987S. A. Naftel ......................1987T. R. Nolen ......................1987D. Schwartz ......................1987T. H. Wong ......................1987S. D. Fritts ........................1988D. A. Koos ........................1988D. A. Hazlebeck................1988M. O. Schloh....................1988

S. S. Perine ......................1988J. E. Baur ..........................1989C.-P. Chen ........................1989D. W. Eng ........................1989R. L. McCarley ................1989C. J. Murphy ....................1989C. K. Nguyen ..................1990I.-H. Oh............................1990T. G. Strein ......................1990J. W. Weidner ..................1990S. E. Gilbert ......................1990C. S. Johnson ..................1991H. Huang..........................1991D. R. Lawson....................1991B. D. Pendley ..................1991C. C. Streinz ....................1991P. A. Connick ..................1992A. C. Hillier ......................1992D. L. Taylor ......................1992

K. K. Lian ........................1992T. T. Nadasdi ....................1992D. G. Jensen ....................1993J. C. Bart ..........................1993G. Seshadri ......................1993J. A. Poirier ......................1993K. W. Vogt........................1993Z. Shi ................................1994C.-C. Hsueh......................1994V. A. Adamian..................1994K. M. Maness ..................1994K. M. Richard ..................1994Y.-E. Sung ........................1995J. C. Conboy ....................1995L. A. Zook ........................1995W. R. Everett ....................1995H. Zhang ..........................1995S. Grabtchak ....................1996J.-B. Green........................1996

S. Motupally ....................1996C. Nasr ............................1996S. Nayak ..........................1996K. Hu................................1997M. E. Williams ................1997A. Zolfaghari ....................1997C. R. Horne ......................1997G. K. Jennings..................1997M. Zhao............................1998S. Sriramulu......................1998J. Ritchie ..........................1998M. A. Elhamid..................1998S. Zou ..............................1998K. Cooper ........................2000K. Grant ..........................2000D. Hansen ........................2000J. F. Hicks..........................2000Z. Liu................................2000

Norman Hackerman Young Authors Award(formerly the Young Authors Prize 1929-1988)

W. C. Gardiner ................1929D. K. Alpern ....................1930F. L. Jones ........................1931F. W. Godsey, Jr. ..............1932B. L. Bailey ......................1933J. R. Heard, Jr...................1934U. B. Thomas, Jr. ............1935W. A. Johnson ................1936R. S. Soanes ....................1937N. B. Nichols ..................1938G. A. Moore ....................1939J. S. Mackay ....................1940E. Adler............................1941S. Speil ............................1942W. G. Berl ........................1943J. P. Coyle ........................1944A. E. Hardy ......................1945N. A. Nielsen ..................1946H. Leidheiser, Jr. ..............1947M. A. Streicher ................1948J. C. Griess, Jr. ................1949G. W. Murphy ................1950J. T. Byrne........................1951W. E. Kuhn......................1952J. Halpern ........................1953M. J. Pryor ......................1954M. Stern ..........................1955R. S. Cooper ....................1956P. Ruetschi ......................1957M. Stern ..........................1958F. A. Posey ......................1959

A. C. Makrides ................1960J. D. Newson ..................1961M. J. Dignam ..................1962J. A. Cunningham ..........1963R. E. Westerman..............1964R. E. Visco ......................1965J. Newman ......................1966H. W. Pickering ..............1967G. G. Charette ................1968G. Dryhurst ....................1969J. Newman ......................1969W. R. Parrish....................1969A. J. Appleby ..................1970D. C. Johnson ................1970D.-T. Chin ......................1971M. S. Whittingham ........1971M. A. Hopper ..................1972F. Kuhn-Kuhnenfeld........1972M. J. Bowden ..................1973L. Thompson ..................1973D. Simonsson ..................1973S. H. Cadle ......................1974A. D. Dalvi ......................1974L. R. Faulkner ..................1975S. Solmi ..........................1975P. Negrini ........................1975B. MacDougall ................1976S. K. Ubhayakar ..............1976C. W. Manke ..................1977W. J. Horkans ..................1977A. G. Gonzalez ................1978

C. H. Tsang......................1978D. A. Antoniadis ............1978D. Y. Wang ......................1979C. W. Magee ....................1979E. Takayama ....................1980H. Reller ..........................1980W. J. P. Van Enckevort ....1981M. W. M. Graef ..............1981C. Y. Chao ......................1981L. F. Lin............................1981D. W. Sittari ....................1982T. P. Chow ......................1982P. G. Pickup ....................1983K. F. Jensen......................1983D. B. Graves ....................1983N. A. Godshall ................1984E. K. Broadbent ..............1984J. C. Farmer ....................1985G. S. Oehrlein ................1985J. Richer ..........................1986T. Tanaka ........................1986C. P. Wilde ......................1987P. N. Bartlett ....................1987J. Maier ............................1987J. A. Bardwell ..................1988C.-J. Han..........................1988A. E. Husser ....................1989D. H. Craston ..................1989J. M. Rosamilia ................1989J. H. Comfort ..................1989M. W. Verbrugge ............1990

C. J. Giunta ....................1990T. J. Mountziaris..............1991J. V. Cole..........................1991D. W. Suggs ....................1991B. W. Gregory..................1991D. B. Bonham..................1992E. S. Aydil ........................1992P. P. Apte..........................1993A. West ............................1993H. A. Gasteiger ................1994F. R. Myers ......................1994R. Vidal............................1995G. D. Papasouliotis..........1995J. H. Nordlien..................1996J. Lee................................1996A. K. Padhi ......................1997S. M. Han ........................1997A. D. Robertson ..............1998Y. Shao-Horn ..................1998S. R. Kaluri ......................1998A. Bautista ......................1999P. A. O’Neil ......................1999R. T. Leah ........................2000J. W. Klaus ......................2000J. F. Whitacre ..................2001P. Feichtinger ..................2001T. J. Pricer ........................2002P. S. Lee............................2002K. Jambunathan..............2003S. Noda ............................2003M. Miyamoto ..................2003

F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship(formerly the F. M. Becket Memorial Award 1962-1999)

R. B. Johnson ..................1962J. K. Johnstone ................1964K. Lehman........................1966H. K. Bowen ....................1967T. E. Parker ......................1971G. M. Crosbie ..................1973

N. A. Godshall..................1975J. D. Hodge ......................1977W. Cheng ........................1979P. Davies ..........................1981P. A. Barron ......................1983G. J. Miller........................1985

M. Rosenbluth..................1987J. D. Cotton......................1989J. Philliber ........................1991P. Agarwal ........................1993H. C. Slade........................1995

K. S. Weil ..........................1997G. S. Hwang ....................1999J. Parrish ..........................2001S. Wasileski ......................2002E. Clark ............................2003

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Turner Book Prize

S. Speil..............................1942W. G. Berl ........................1943J. P. Coyle ........................1944J. T. Waber........................1945B. Cartwright ..................1946A. E. Hardy ......................1947M. A. Streicher ................1948R. E. Hoeckelman ............1949

P. Delahay ........................1950K. H. Stern........................1951C. C. Templeton ..............1951P. T. Gilbert ......................1952R. B. Holden ....................1953D. A. Vermilyea................1954J. G. Jewell ......................1955J. H. Westbrook................1956

A. C. Makrides ................1957J. P. Pemsler......................1958R. G. Carlson....................1959R. E. Meyer ......................1960P. C. Milner ......................1960H. Freitag ........................1961P. J. Boddy........................1962E. J. Cairns ......................1963

M. Weinstein ..................1963R. W. Bartlett....................1964E. M. Hofer ......................1965C. S. Tedmon, Jr. ..............1966F. P. Kober ........................1967J. M. Hale ........................1968

Battery Division Student Research Award

J. R. Waggoner..................1980K. E. Yee............................1980W. A. van Schalkwijk ......1981C. Y. Mak..........................1986T. I. Evans ........................1987C. C. Streinz ....................1988

J. Weidner ........................1989M. G. Lee..........................1990E. J. Podlaha ....................1991G. E. Gray ........................1992D. Qu................................1993P. De Vidts ........................1994

S. Motupally ....................1995J. Xu ................................1996Y. Shao-Horn ....................1997I. Courtney ......................1998G.E. Rousse ......................1999

V. Srinivasan ....................2000M. Zhao............................2001V. Subramaniam ..............2001L. Fransson ......................2002K.-W. Park ........................2003

Battery Division Research Award

J. J. Lander ......................1958D. M. Smyth ....................1959T. P. Dirkse ......................1962F. G. Will ..........................1964J. Burbank ........................1966C. P. Wales ......................1966D. Tuomi..........................1968Y. Okinaka........................1970A. C. Simon ....................1972

S. M. Caulder ..................1972J. McBreen........................1974T. Katan............................1976S. Szpak ............................1976A. Heller ..........................1978K. R. Bullock ....................1980R. A. Huggins ..................1982D. Pavlov..........................1984G. H. J. Broers ..................1985

J. L. Devitt........................1986D. H. McClelland ............1986J. P. Gabano......................1987M. Armand ......................1988J. Jorne ............................1989A. N. Dey ........................1990R. E. White ......................1991D. N. Bennion..................1992

E. Peled ............................1993K. M. Abraham ................1995J. Dahn ............................1996B. Scrosati ........................1997C. Delmas ........................1999J. B. Bates ........................2000S. Wittingham..................2002K. Kinoshita ....................2003

Battery Division Technology Award

Y. Nishi ............................1994K. Ozawa ..........................1994E. S. Takeuchi ..................1995S. Gilman ........................1996

J.-M. Tarascon ..................1997G. E. Blomgren ................1998A. Yoshino........................1999

H. Y. Cheh........................2000B. B. Owens ......................2001D. Wilkinson....................2002

M. Winter ........................2002J. Yamaki ..........................2003M. Yoshio ........................2003

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award(formerly the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Corrosion Division 1973-1983)

M. Cohen ........................1973D. A. Vermilyea................1975J. Kruger ..........................1977M. J. Pryor ........................1979

T. R. Beck..........................1981N. Sato..............................1983P. Kofstad..........................1985H. W. Pickering ................1987

R. P. Frankenthal ..............1989H. Leidheiser ....................1991H. Isaacs ..........................1993W. H. Smyrl......................1995

M. J. Graham ..................1997K. Hashimoto ..................1999F. Mansfeld ......................2002C. Leygraf ........................2003

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award(formerly the Corrosion Division Award for Summer Study 1986-1988)

S. D. Scarberry ................1986C. C. Streinz ....................1987R. Bianco..........................1988M. A. Harper ....................1992

R. G. Buchheit ................1993J.-F. Yan ............................1994B. V. Cockeram ................1995I. Odnevall ......................1996

D. G. Kolman ..................1997C. S. Brossia ....................1998M. Verhoff ......................1999S. Yu ................................2000

S. F. Nitodas ....................2001K. Cooper ........................2002T. Ramgopal ....................2003

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Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award

J. A. Davies ......................1968J. P. S. Pringle ..................1968G. M. Sessler ....................1970J. E. West ..........................1970C. A. Mead ......................1971W. Kern ............................1972J. R. Szedon ......................1973C. M. Osburn ..................1975T. W. Hickmott ................1976

J. R. Ligenza ....................1977R. Williams ......................1978R. J. Kriegler ....................1979B. E. Deal..........................1982L. Young ..........................1983A. K. Sinha ......................1985A. C. Adams ....................1986S. P. Murarka ....................1987R. B. Comizzoli ................1988

E. A. Irene ........................1988R. A. Levy ........................1989M. H. Woods....................1990V. J. Kapoor ......................1991S. I. Raider ........................1992D. W. Hess........................1993Y.-H. Wong ......................1994K. L. Mittal ......................1995W. D. Brown ....................1996

J. P. Dismukes ..................1997R. Singh............................1998A. Rohatgi ........................1999K. Saraswat ......................2000P. Ho ................................2001J. Deen ............................2002S. K. Banerjee ..................2003A. G. Revesz ....................2003

Electrodeposition Division Research Award

W. Weil ............................1980Y. Okinaka........................1981E. B. Budevski ..................1982R. C. Alkire ......................1983L. T. Romankiw................1984R. J. von Gutfeld ..............1984J. W. Dini ........................1985

H. R. Johnson ..................1985H. Leidheiser ....................1986J. P. Hoare ........................1987H. Y. Cheh........................1988D. S. Lashmore ................1989S. Nakahara ......................1990

T. C. Franklin ..................1991R. E. White ......................1992P. C. Andricacos ..............1993M. J. Froment ..................1994D. Landolt........................1995T. Osaka............................1996

M. Schlesinger..................1997Madhav Datta ..................1998R. Winand........................1999H. Honma ........................2000D. Kolb ............................2002J. Switzer ..........................2003

Electronics Division Award

F. A. Trumbore ................1970F. C. Palilla ......................1971M. B. Panish ....................1972W. A. Pliskin ....................1973B. E. Deal ........................1974H. M. Manasevit ..............1975M. G. Craford ..................1976A. Y. Cho..........................1977C. M. Wolfe ....................1978

E. Sirtl ..............................1979J. M. Woodall ..................1980G. A. Rozgonyi ................1981G. W. Cullen....................1982D. W. Shaw ......................1983A. Reisman ......................1984S-M. Hu............................1985E. H. Nicollian ................1986

B. Schwartz ......................1987K. E. Bean ........................1988T. Kamins ........................1989D. M. Brown ....................1990C. M. Osburn ..................1991G. S. Oehrlein..................1992B. S. Meyerson ................1993G. K. Celler ......................1994

L. C. Kimerling ................1995H. Huff ............................1996A. F. Tasch ........................1997U. M. Gösele ....................1999S. N. G. Chu ....................2000S. P. Murarka....................2001S. Cristoloveanu ..............2002T. Ohmi............................2003

Energy Technology Division Research Award

M. W. Verbrugge ..............1994S. Srinivasan ....................1996

H. R. Kunz........................1998A. W. Czanderna..............1999

R. Selman ........................2001I. Uchida ..........................2001

A. Nozik ..........................2003

High Temperature Materials Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award

S. Mohney........................1999 S. M. Haile ......................2001 M. Swihart ......................2003

High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award

J. B. Wagner, Jr. ................1986W. L. Worrell....................1988

R. A. Rapp ........................1990H. Schmalzried ................1992

S. C. Singhal ....................1994C. G. Vayenas ..................1996

C. Bernard........................2001H. Yokokawa ....................2002

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Industrial Electrolysis and Electrochemical Engineering DivisionH. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award

R. Bakshi ..........................1991G. J. Yusem ......................1992J. A. Poirier ......................1993S. Siu ................................1994

M. Vreeke ........................1995A. E. Thomas....................1996S. A.. Leith........................1997

P. Soo................................1998S. Sriramulu......................1999K. M. Jeerage ....................2000

A. L. Prieto ......................2001W. He ..............................2002J. Zhang............................2003

Industrial Electrolysis and Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Manuel Baizer Memorial Award

T. Shono ..........................1994H. Lund ............................1996

H. Schäfer ........................1998S. Torii ..............................1998

J. Simonet ........................2000J. Utley ............................2000

J. M. Savéant ....................2002

Physical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award

F. C. Anson ......................1983J. Newman ......................1985A. Heller ..........................1987

M. J. Weaver ....................1989B. Miller ..........................1991A. T. Hubbard ..................1993

R. M. Wightman ..............1995D. M. Kolb ......................1997P. N. Ross, Jr. ....................1999

D. A. Scherson ................2001A. Wieckowski..................2003

Physical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt Chemistry

M. Blander ......................1987G. P. Smith ......................1990

R. A. Osteryoung..............1992G. Mamantov ..................1994

N. Bjerrum ......................1996H. A.. Øye ........................1998

Y. Ito ................................1999G. N. Papatheodorou ......2002

Y.-E. Sung ........................1995J. K. N. Mbindyo..............1996C. A. Smith ......................1997

J. A. Drake ........................1998R. Lowrey ........................1999

C. Arvin............................2000B. Djurfors........................2001

V. Subramanian................2002P. M. Gomadam ..............2003

Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award

J. Janata............................1994R. P. Buck ........................1996

I. Lundström ....................1998 A. J. Ricco ........................2000 M. Aizawa ........................2002

Honorary Members

Charles F. Chandler ........1919Edgar F. Smith ..................1919Carl Hering ......................1922Edward G. Acheson..........1923Wilder D. Bancroft ..........1925Edward Weston ................1926Thomas A. Edison............1928W. Lash Miller..................1929Edward Dean Adams........1930Charles F. Burgess ............1932Frederick M. Becket..........1934L. H. Baekeland................1936Robert A. Witherspoon....1940Archer E. Wheeler ............1941W. R. Whitney ................1944

Paul J. Kruesi ....................1944Colin G. Fink ..................1946Oliver W. Brown ..............1946John W. Marden ..............1947William Blum ..................1953Robert M. Burns ..............1959George W. Heise ..............1959Frank C. Mathers ............1959Stanislaus Skowronski......1962Oliver W. Storey ..............1962A. Kenneth Graham ........1963Howard A. Acheson ........1971Charles L. Faust................1971Cecil V. King ....................1973Herbert H. Uhlig ..............1973

Norman Hackerman ........1973Henry B. Linford..............1974Sherlock Swann................1974Ernest G. Enck..................1975W. C. Gardiner ................1975Ivor E. Campbell ..............1976Ernest B. Yeager................1977David A. Vermilyea ..........1977Charles W. Tobias ............1977Harry C. Gatos ................1978Ralph M. Hunter ..............1979Dennis R. Turner..............1980Henry F. Ivey....................1980Walter J. Hamer................1980Michael J. Pryor ..............1981

Francis L. LaQue ..............1981N. Bruce Hannay..............1982Theodore R. Beck ............1982Vittorio de Nora ..............1982John L. Griffin ................1983Erik M. Pell ......................1983Samuel Ruben ..................1983Paul C. Milner..................1986Harold J. Read ..................1986Forrest A. Trumbore ........1986Douglas N. Bennion ........1987Ralph J. Brodd..................1987Jerome Kruger ..................1987Glenn W. Cullen..............1990James C. Acheson ............1990

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Richard C. Alkire..............1991Bertram Schwartz ............1991J. Bruce Wagner, Jr. ..........1991

V. H. Branneky ................1991R. S. Karpiuk ....................1996F. J. Strieter ......................1996

W. L. Worrell ....................1996Barry Miller ......................1999Jefferson Cole ..................2001

L. Faulkner ......................2003R. Frankenthal..................2003L. Romankiw....................2003

Honorary Members (cont’d.)

Honorary Associate Member

Mrs. Colin G. Fink

Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

Allen J. Bard ....................1990Robert B. Comizzoli ........1990Glenn W. Cullen ............1990Theodore I. Kamins ........1990Paul C. Milner ................1990Edward H. Nicollian ........1990Robert A. Osteryoung......1990Arnold Reisman ..............1990Lubomyr T. Romankiw....1990Geraldine C. Schwartz ....1990Ben G. Streetman ............1990J. Bruce Wagner, Jr. ..........1990Theodore R. Beck ............1991Elton J. Cairns ................1991Bruce E. Deal ..................1991Werner Kern ....................1991William A. Pliskin............1991Charles W. Tobias ............1991Rolf Weil ..........................1991Richard C. Alkire ............1992Vittorio de Nora ..............1992Jerome Kruger..................1992Barry Miller......................1992Dennis R. Turner ............1992Jerry M. Woodall ............1992Richard P. Buck................1993Larry. R. Faulkner ............1993Dennis W. Hess................1993Vik J. Kapoor ..................1993Rolf H. Muller..................1993Carlton M. Osburn ..........1993Robert A. Rapp ................1993George L. Schnable..........1993Y. H. Wong ......................1993Petr Zuman......................1993George K. Celler ..............1994

Sung-Nee George Chu ....1994John P. Dismukes ............1994Richard B. Fair ................1994Adam Heller ....................1994Richard A. Oriani ............1994Boone B. Owens ..............1994Wayne L. Worrell ............1994Fred Anson ......................1995Laurence D. Burke ..........1995Brian E. Conway..............1995Robert P. Frankenthal ......1995Karl M. Kadish ................1995Digby D. Macdonald ......1995Gleb Mamantov ..............1995Florian Mansfeld ............1995Royce W. Murray ............1995John Newman ................1995Yutaka Okinaka ..............1995Howard W. Pickering ......1995George Rozgonyi ............1995Mordechay Schlesinger ..1995Karl E. Spear ....................1995John M. Blocher, Jr. ........1996Hans K. Böhni ................1996Der-Tau Chin ..................1996Hugh Isaacs......................1996Wolfgang J. Lorenz ..........1996S. J. Pearton ....................1996Subhash C. Singhal ........1996Venkataraman

Swaminathan ............1996James A. Amick................1997Denis Noel Buckley ........1997Eliezer Gileadi..................1997Michel J. Froment............1997Koji Hashimoto ..............1997

Chung-Chiun Liu ............1997Edward McCafferty ........1997Theodore D. Moustakas ..1997Shyam P. Muraka ............1997Stella W. Pang..................1997Joachim Walter Schultze ..1997James D. Sinclair..............1997Norman L. Weinberg ......1997Lawrence Young ..............1997Huk Y. Cheh ....................1998Donald E. Danly ..............1998Dennis H. Evans ..............1998Fumio Hine......................1998Dennis C. Johnson ..........1998Zoltan Nagy ....................1998Katsumi Niki....................1998Jun-ichi Nishizawa ..........1998Fan Ren............................1998Antonio J. Ricco ..............1998David A. Shores ..............1998William H. Smyrl ............1998George Thompson ..........1998Eric Brooman ..................1999Stanley Bruckenstein ......1999Kathryn Bullock ..............1999Shimshon Gottesfeld ......1999Yue Kuo ..........................1999Dieter Landolt ................1999Jerzy Ruzyllo ....................1999Norio Sato........................1999Ralph White ....................1999William Yen ....................1999Cammy Abernathy..........2000Kuzhikalail M. Abraham....2000John C. Angus ................2000W. Ronald Fawcett ..........2000

David S. Ginley................2000Yasuhiko Ito ....................2000Howard Huff....................2000Robert F. Savinell ............2000Roger Staehle ..................2000Charles W. Struck ............2000Sergio Trasatti ..................2000Dieter M. Kolb ................2001David J. Lockwood ..........2001James McBreen ................2001Patrick J. Moran ..............2001Shohei Nakahara ............2001William E. O’Grady ........2001Supramanian Srinivasan..2001Mark Allendorf ................2002William Brown ................2002Cor Claeys ......................2002Martin Kendig ................2002Kim Kinoshita..................2002Paul Kohl ........................2002Zempachi Ogumi ............2002Tetsuya Osaka ..................2002Krishnan Rajeshwar ........2002Israel Rubinstein..............2002Sigeru Torii ......................2002Toshio Shibata ................2002Sorin Cristoloveanu ........2002David Duquette ..............2003Peter Fedkiw ....................2003Charles Hussey ................2003Richard McCreery............2003Frank McLarnon..............2003Robin Susko ....................2003Darrel Untereker..............2003Osamu Yamamoto ..........2003