2005 distinguished graduate award program

April 15, 2005 Alumni Hall Distinguished Graduate Award Medal Presentation

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2005 DGA Program event information and bios


April 15, 2005 Alumni Hall

Distinguished Graduate

Award Medal Presentation

These four Distinguished Graduates matriculated from the Naval Academy in different times, but took with them the same lessons and values of

honor, courage and commitment. For the United States Naval Academy, the Brigade of Midshipmen and all alumni, they serve as superior

role models and leaders who have provided a lifetime of service to the Nation, the Navy and the Marine Corps, and the United States Naval

Academy. These men are truly Distinguished Graduates and are so honored by the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and the Naval Academy.

Captain Slade D. Cutter, USN (Ret.), ’35Rear Admiral Robert H. Wertheim, USN (Ret.), ’46

Admiral Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.), ’50Mr. H. Ross Perot, ’53


ProgramMedal Presentation

4 p.m.

Introduction of Distinguished Graduate Awardees for 2005


March on of the 13th and 18th Companies

March on of the Colors

The National Anthem

Post the Colors

Manual of Arms


Welcome and Remarks Vice Admiral Rodney P. Rempt, USN

Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy

Presentation of Distinguished Graduate Award Medals Admiral Carlisle A.H. Trost, USN (Ret.)

Chairman of the Board, U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and Midshipman Captain Luke Kelvington

Brigade Commander

Remarks Distinguished Graduate Awardees of 2005

Three Cheers

Navy Victory March

Let Freedom Ring Gospel Choir, U.S. Naval Academy

Navy Blue and Gold

Retire the Colors

Departure of Official Party

Video of "Past Distinguished Graduates"


Distinguished Graduate Award—2005Captain Slade D. Cutter, USN (Ret.)Slade D. Cutter


Class of 1935Class of 19 35

When he was at the Naval Academy, Captain Slade D. Cutter was well-known as a boxer and football player. With boxing abilities that were

often compared to the great Joe Louis, Cutter was heavily recruited to pursue a professional boxing career but opted instead to stay in the Navy. However, it was his kick in the 1934 Army-Navy football game that made him a legend. With the game tied 0-0, Cutter kicked the winning field goal, giving Navy its first win over rival Army in 13 years.

After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1935, Cutter went on to serve in the battleship, Idaho, where in addition to his division and watch-standing duties, he captained the ship’s football team. Serving aboard Idaho piqued Cutter’s interest in submarines and he decided to apply for submarine training. World War II was just beginning and Cutter would go on to serve on wartime patrols on three different submarines from nearly the first day of the war until its end. He served as executive officer of Pompano and later as execu-tive officer and then commanding officer of Sea Horse. While in command of Sea Horse, Cutter was known for his aggressive pursuit of the enemy and stand-ing in close to deliver torpedoes on enemy shipping and naval forces. Under Cutter’s command, Sea Horse was credited with sinking 23 Japanese ships. For his patrols on Sea Horse, Cutter was awarded four Navy Crosses. At the end of World War II, Cutter took command of Requin and was on that submarine when the war ended.

After the war, Cutter commanded Submarine Division 32 and Submarine Squadron Six. In 1956, he returned to the Naval Academy to serve as athletic director and was instrumental in the construction of Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. In 1962, Cutter was elected as a charter member of the National College Football Hall of Fame.

After a succession of excellent billets including command of the oiler Neosho and the cruiser Northampton, his sixth command at sea, he served in key Washington assignments and was commanding officer of the Naval Training Center at Great Lakes. He retired from active duty in 1965. Cutter and his wife, Ruth, reside in Annapolis.

To this day, Cutter declares his command of Sea Horse to be his proudest accomplishment, praising his crew as brave and talented men who got the job done.


Distinguished Graduate Award—2005

Rear Admiral Robert H. Wertheim, USN (Ret.)Robert H. Wertheim


Class of 1946Class of 19 46

Rear Admiral Robert H. Wertheim was born and raised in Carlsbad, New Mexico, and graduated from New Mexico Military Institute. During his

time at the Naval Academy, he was a leader on the varsity fencing team, which went 10-0 his First Class Year, including a win over Army.

After graduating in 1946, Wertheim served tours in destroyers in both the Pacific and Atlantic fleet and graduated at the top of his class from Electronic Materials School. He then reported to Sandia Base to work on the military applications of atomic energy and served on the Navy’s first nuclear bomb assembly team.

With a degree in nuclear physics from M.I.T., Wertheim joined the new Special Projects Office and its Fleet Ballistic Missile Program. He was charged with leading the team of government and industry laboratories and contrac-tors that undertook the design, development and production of a new nuclear re-entry system. He is credited with playing a central role in the conception, development, production and operational support of the nation’s most secure and effective deterrent to nuclear war – the submarine-launched fleet ballistic missile systems, Polaris, Poseidon and Trident.

In 1965, Wertheim returned to the Navy Strategic Systems Project Office as technical director and director for the next 15 years. There, he guided development of naval weapons systems that enhanced national security, including the Trident I. After retirement in 1980, he served as senior vice president for science and engineering at the Lockheed Corporation and for the past 17 years has been a consultant to Science Applications International Corporation. He has served on various boards, including Chairman of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Advisory Board.

Wertheim is also an enthusiastic and generous supporter of the Naval Academy. He is a charter member of the Robert Means Thompson Society, a life member of the President’s Circle and a strong supporter and contributor to the Uriah P. Levy Center and Jewish Chapel at the Naval Academy. Wertheim resides in San Diego and enjoys spending time with his two children and his grandson Benjamin.


Ronald J. HaysDistinguished Graduate Award—2005

Admiral Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.)


Class of 1950Admiral Ronald J. Hay’s devotion to our nation and to the naval service is

evident in his numerous military decorations as a naval aviator. Hays is the most decorated member of the Class of 1950, with more than 50 U.S. and foreign military and civilian awards and decorations for leadership in command, personal bravery and selfless dedicated service. These decorations include three Silver Stars, seven distinguished flying crosses, the Bronze Star with combat “V” and 18 air medals.

After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1950, Hays served aboard destroyer Hugh Purvis and then went on to flight training in Pensacola, where he was winged in 1952. His initial assignment in Pacific fleet attack squadrons included deployments to East Asia during the end of the Korean War, flying the A-1 Skyraider. He then received test pilot training and served for three years as a test pilot at NAS Patuxent River, MD.

With his knowledge and skilled flying background, Hays became executive officer of a squadron, flying the new A-6 all weather aircraft that had the capa-bility of attacking heavily defended areas in any weather, day or night. He went on to become the commanding officer of the squadron and introduced the A-6 to Vietnam combat, leading 162 missions into high-threat target areas in North Vietnam. In total, Hays spent four continuous years in the Vietnam theatre.

Having served for almost 20 years in cockpits, he then began paying his dues as a staff officer in the Pentagon. He later went on to hold posts as the commanding officer, NAS Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, commander, Carrier Group Four and commander-in-chief, U. S. Naval Forces Europe. In 1983, he began service as the vice chief of Naval Operations and was subsequently named commander-in-chief, Pacific Forces, commanding all military forces in the Pacific and Indian Ocean theatre.

Hays retired from active duty in 1988 after 38 years in uniform and accepted the position of president and chief executive officer for the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, which focused on renew-able energy. After four years with the Center, he joined Parsons Corporation, a global engineering firm, for whom he still works today.

Hays represented his class as a presentor of gold bars to the Class of 2000, forging another link in the chain of Naval Academy graduates. He is an active member of the Hawaii Chamber of Commerce and led a difficult and complex effort to move and establish Missouri near Arizona as a major Pearl Harbor memorial. He is also chairman of the board of the Military Aviation Museum of the Pacific and active in numerous charitable causes. His selfless activities are well known throughout the community and the Navy.

Hays and his wife, Jane, reside in Honolulu and enjoy a wonderful family life with three children and four grandchildren.

Class of 19 50


H. Ross PerotMr. H. Ross Perot

Distinguished Graduate Award—2005


Class of 1953Class of 19 53

H. Ross Perot has known the meaning of leadership and hard work from an early age. Growing up in Texarkana, Texas, Perot held various jobs

throughout his childhood, including breaking horses and buying and selling garden seed, bridles, saddles, horses and calves. He joined the Boy Scouts of America and within 15 months became an Eagle Scout. Perot continued to hone his leadership skills while at the Naval Academy, serving as class president his second and first class years and developing the Honor Code that remains in place today. He served as first battalion commander during his first class year and chairman of the Honor Committee.

At graduation, Perot was selected as one of the 15 midshipmen who con-tributed the most to the development of leadership and example, an award that was presented by Admiral Turner C. Joy, ’16. Perot served four years a sea on a destroyer and aircraft carrier. He was honorably discharged in 1957, shortly after marrying Margot Birmingham. After the couple settled in Dallas, Perot joined IBM as a salesman in the Data Processing Division.

In 1962, with a $1,000 loan from his wife, Perot formed Electronic Data Systems (EDS), as a one-man data processing corporation. Over the next 22 years, EDS became one of the world’s largest technology service firms, a multi-billion corporation with more than 70,000 employees. After selling EDS, he formed Perot Systems Corporation in 1988, a computer services company, helping to take the public in 1999. Today, Perot serves as the chairman emeritus of Perot Systems, which now has annual worldwide revenues of more than 1.77 billion.

Although Perot’s business success is unprecedented, it is his dedication to his country and his humanitarian spirit that sets him apart. In 1969, he spear-headed and funded a three-year campaign to end the brutal treatment of Ameri-can prisoners of war in Southeast Asia. For these efforts, Perot was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest civilian award given by the Department of Defense. Most notable is Perot’s organization of a successful rescue mission when two of his EDS employees were taken hostage by the Iranian government in 1979. Ross organized and directed the rescue mission resulting in the EDS employees and the entire team returning without injury.

Perot’s philanthropy cannot go unnoted. He has worked with the Pentagon for years to provide the finest doctors in our nation to treat severely wounded soldiers. Through the Perot Foundation, he has contributed more than $200 million to worthwhile causes. He has also been extremely generous to his alma mater, providing funding for many major renovations such as Dahlgren Hall, Smoke Hall, Memorial Hall, Mahan Hall and the Armel-Leftwich Visitors Center. As well, Perot served as chairman of the Naval Academy Board of Visitors in 1970, appointed by President Richard Nixon.

Perot’s most meaningful accomplishment is his family – his wonderful wife Margot, five children and 15 perfect grandchildren.


Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN (Ret.)Class of 1933 — DGA 1999

Admiral James L. Holloway III, USN (Ret.) Class of 1943 — DGA 2000

Admiral William P. Lawrence, USN (Ret.) Class of 1951 — DGA 2000

Dr. John J. McMullen Class of 1940 — DGA 2000

Major General William A. Anders, USAFR (Ret.) Class of 1955 — DGA 2000

Mr. Roger T. Staubach Class of 1965 — DGA 2000

Distinguished Graduate Award

This is the seventh year the Distinguished

Graduate Awards have been presented. The

2005 selection committee was chaired by Admiral

Robert Natter, USN (Ret.), Class of 1967.

Distinguished Graduate Award History

Past Awardees


Captain John W. Crawford, Jr., USN (Ret.) Class of 1942 — DGA 2001

Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., USN (Ret.) Class of 1947 — DGA 2001

Admiral James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.) Class of 1949 — DGA 2001

Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, USN (Ret.) Class of 1947 — DGA 2001

Captain James A. Lovell, USN (Ret.) Class of 1952 — DGA 2001

Vice Admiral Charles S. Minter, Jr., USN (Ret.) Class of 1937 — DGA 2002

The Honorable James E. Carter, Jr. Class of 1947 — DGA 2002

Admiral Carlisle A.H. Trost, USN (Ret.) Class of 1953 — DGA 2002

Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC (Ret.) Class of 1962 — DGA 2002

Ambassador William H.G. FitzGerald Class of 1931 — DGA 2003


Rear Admiral Eugene B. Fluckey, USN (Ret.) Class of 1935 — DGA 2003

Rear Admiral Robert W. McNitt, USN (Ret.) Class of 1938 — DGA 2003

Vice Admiral William D. Houser, USN (Ret.) Class of 1942 — DGA 2003

Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak, USMC (Ret.) Class of 1934 — DGA 2004

Vice Admiral James F. Calvert, USN (Ret.) Class of 1943 — DGA 2004

Rear Admiral Ronald F. Marryott, USN (Ret.) Class of 1957 — DGA 2004

Vice Admiral Gerald E. Miller, USN (Ret.) Class of 1942 — DGA 2004

Lieutenant General Charles G. Cooper, USMC (Ret.) Class of 1950 — DGA 2004

Navy Blue and Gold

Now colleges from sea to seaMay sing of colors true,

But who has better right than weTo hoist a symbol hue?

For Sailors brave in battle fairSince fighting days of old

Have proved the Sailor’s right to wearThe Navy Blue and Gold.

Navy Victory March

On Navy Blue and Gold, fight on down the field.

Vict’ry for us today, so set your sights for this new fray

and hold the foe at bay, Fight! Fight! Fight!

On, team, and never rest, ’Till stands high that Navy crest.

Carry on Blue and Gold both in thought and action bold,

for a Navy victory!

Cover design courtesy of U.S. Academy Alumni Association

Brochure design by USNA Publications Office