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The PAS President’s Statement

W hilst Democracy is not entirely about election, an election that is

both free and fair is a critical cornerstone and bedrock to a sound

and vibrant democracy.

Democracy, however, embraces a wider meaning of the rule-of-law, a fair access

of information to the citizens to make informed decision. Political competition must be

organized on a level-playing-field for all contesting candidates and participating political parties. A

genuine democracy allows for the voters to elect a government of their choice.

A free and fair election ensures that right. However if an election is plagued with abuses of power, irregularities

and unfair practices, the voters will be denied of their rights to choose their government. In such circumstances,

what is being practiced is not electoral democracy, but an ‘electoral authoritarianism’.

PAS Remains Committed to Democracy and its Electoral Process

PAS is an Islamic party that upholds Islamic Principles and believes in the Universal Justice. PAS shall partici-

pate in the general election despite the various irregularities in order to restore justice, prevent the abuse of

power of the ruling government and provide the check and balance mechanism as enjoined by Allah Al Mighty

in the chapter of Al Baqarah verse 251

“If Allah had not checked and repelled some of you through others (of their excesses and injustices), the entire

earth will be in tumult and dissension”.

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For the last 5 decades, PAS has proven her democratic credentials as a political party

that has consistently upheld the sovereignty of the nation, strived for the betterment of

society regardless of race and belief and safeguard the sanctity of Islam. Despite having

to face numerous odds and obstacles in competing on an uneven tilted playing field, PAS

remains resolute and relentless. It is admittedly a difficult task facing a political opponent that

abuses regulations and bends laws in every way they could.

The Nation in Crisis

On the verge of the next General Election, the nation is regrettably again in crisis. While the leadership of the

BN government and the mainstream media spun daily over their alleged achievements, it is only by Divine

intervention, that we are capable of witnessing the opposites.

The specter of ‘revelations’ of malignant corrupt practices in the body politic of the Executive; the expose’ on

the worsening crime rate, the rape and rot of the judiciary, the yawning income disparity of the rich and the

have-little, marginalization of the poor and unfortunate section of society, the unending religious and ethnic

fault-lines that frequently raised their ugly heads, are but some evidences that remind us, that all are not well

after all.

(i) Agonizing Rising Cost of Living.

The people are suffering from the continuing price hike in literally everything of household needs, tariff, toll

and various services. While the civil servants do not feel the significant effect of their wage increase, eaten by

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the inflating prices and cost of living, those living in the rural areas and self-em-

ployed, felt the hole in their pockets even more.

It doesn’t make sense to the rakyat of grand mega project that are about to be launched or

implemented in the future, when all that they could witness and experience themselves, in

the last 4 years under the premiership of the PM Abdullah are ‘Price Hike’- (Barang Naik-BN)

in literally everything that matters to them.

(ii) Threatening Skyrocketing of Crime Rate.

Similar scenario is the case with the hike in crime rate. Safety and security, especially to the weaker section of

society, namely women and young girls no longer could be secured.

The crime rate has shot up phenomenally under the leadership of PM Abdullah. The nation is now riddled with


The current scenario is contrary to what he promised when he took office as the PM in April 2004. He had

miserably FAILED to deliver his promise to reduce crime rate by 5% a year because it actually spiked to 12%

annually from 2004 to 2008. From an average of 4 women raped in 2004, it has now increased to 8.5 in 2007,

a 100% increase.

His failure is now symbolized by the tragic rape, murder and sodomy perpetrated on Adik Nurin Jazimin, Adik

Presheena Varshiny and yet-to-be-found Adik Sharlinie.

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Even more tragic is his lackadaisical attitude in responding to the Royal Commis-

sion’s IPCMC 125 recommendations and in his usual ‘too-little-too-late’ fashion, com-

ing out grudgingly with the Special Complaint Commission (SCC), a far cry from the

original recommendations and a mockery to the Royal Commission for the improvement

of the Royal Police, as lamented by the Commissioners themselves.

(iii) Debilitating Endemic Corruption

This regime is the exact opposite of what it hopes to achieve in yet another dimension ie war on corruption

and unbridled abuse of power. Today, the nation stands staggering under the numerous debilitating and delete-

rious impact of corruption and abuse of power.

The 2006 report of the Auditor General exposed it all in very clear terms. May God save this nation! The

scourge of corruption is taking its enormous tolls in the various avenues of life, wherever and whatever it

invades. It left its victims in a very sorry state of affairs. Buildings and bridges collapsed, found leaking,

deficient or left abandoned for years, the like of Matrade, Sarawak Prison and very recently of Putrajaya and

the just completed Federal Court Complex.

Lives and critical or strategic interests are also at stake, namely in terms of national or geo-strategic security

when procurement of military equipments, be they Patrol Vessels, fighter jets or submarines, ending in ques-

tionable transactions and much-to-be-desired state of art technology and all that, after having invested billions

of ringgit of tax-payers money.

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(iv) Continuing Assault on Democracy and Election

The rakyat are frightened and cowed down by strong-arm tactics of the Executive. The

civil servants are compelled to be submissive through an oath of “Akujanji” ( I Pledge),

while students and their lecturers are coerced by AUKU. While access to information is vital

for the ‘check-and-balance’ to be vibrant in a democracy, information is unfortunately barred

and at times made ‘forbidden’ to the public.

To legalize that, there exist draconian laws and acts that are ‘legally’ enforced through various acts of

parliament, hence making it ‘constitutional’. Various Articles, like Article 10 of the Federal Constitution while

clearly provides for Fundamental Liberties, the draconian acts of the Official Secret Act (OSA) and the Print-

ing and Press Act (PPA) takes it away. What a mockery to democracy.

The 12th General Election – What Is It About?

The 12th General Election, like that of the 10th GE, is not going to be an easy outing for the BN. Their ‘sins’,

crimes and excesses could no longer be contained and kept away from public scrutiny.

The ‘Bersih Peaceful Assembly’ of 10th November, ‘The Walk-for-Justice’ of 26th September and the ‘Hindraf

Rally’ of 25 November were examples of the highest display of protest and dissent against the many wrongs

and failures of the regime. Risking imprisonment and some even their lives they fought hard, remained com-

mitted and steadfast. Indeed it was rare show of patriotism and love for the nation.

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In view of and in respond to the current predicaments and the state of crisis of this

nation, PAS, in all earnestness, conviction and humility present to the electorates a

Manifesto that upholds “A Trustworthy, Just and Clean Government” -Towards a Nation

of Care and Opportunity or in BM “Kerajaan Beramanah, Adil dan Bersih” – Menuju

Negara Berkebajikan”.

PAS now implores and seeks the support of the entire society and electorates and all peace-loving

rakyat; from the partisan and non-partisan civil or non-governmental society, women and youth groups,

religious or non-religious-based NGOs, well-wishers of democracy, old and young, to support an agenda of

reform and betterment of society.

This Manifesto of PAS, resolutely and relentlessly undertake to:

� Defend the well-being of the rakyat and the welfare of the downtrodden marginalised section of the citizenry

and safeguard the interests of the nation through prudent management of the wealth and resources of the

state and a balanced approach to development that is both human- and environmental- friendly.

� Protect the safety and security of the citizenry, especially the weaker section of society, namely the

women and small girls through better enforcement of security measures and uplifting the professionalism

of our Police and Security forces..

� Reinstate the credibility and integrity of our nation through effective integrity plan that uproot grafts,

corrupt practices, abuses of power, cronyism and nepotism.

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YB Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Hj. Abdul Hadi Awang

PAS President’s

19th February 2008/12 Safar 1429H

� Uphold the Rule and Sanctity of Law by reinstituting the Judicial Integrity.

� Restore genuine democracy through electoral reform and a free, clean and fair

electoral process.

� End the absolute control of the legislative power of the ruling regime through the ballot

box as to put an effective element of ‘check and balance’ in our system of government.

Together we could realise this vision and fulfill these commitments. Given a very tilted and uneven

playing field, we implore you to stand together with us and the opposition fraternity so as to end all ex-

cesses and injustices of the BN regime.

The time for change has arrived. Will we miss the Boat Again? Will we lament and sulk again for the next 4 to

5 years because of our wrong judgment in extending the mandate to the BN? Deny them the absolute control of

the Parliament!

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8PAS For All

THRUST 1A Trustworthy, Just and

Clean Government

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9 PAS For All

Conscious of the many excesses committed by the BN, in terms of corruption,

abuse of power, crony practices and nepotism that destroy the integrity and cred-

ibility of the many critical institutions of the state, this Manifesto offers:

� Practice of ‘Separation of Power’ of the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, so as to

avoid the intrusion of the Executive over others.

� Realise the embodiment of Islam as ad-Deen or the ’way of life’ for the Muslims in this country.

� Safeguard the implementation of the provisions of Islam as provided for by the Federal Constitution.

� Legislate the Freedom of Information Act as to empower the citizens with infor-

mation and enhance the transparency and accountability of the Executive and the

government of the day..

� Strengthen the Watchdogs agencies like the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), Au-

ditor General Department, Commission for Human Rights (Suhakam), the Election

Commission (EC) and others, by placing them under the Parliament and equipping

them with better mandate and resources.

� Protect and guarantee safety of whistleblowers so as to encourage the citizens to

feel responsible to protect national interest in reporting grafts and corrupt practices.

� Repeal and/or amend draconian acts that undermine basic human rights like

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10PAS For All

the Internal Security Act (ISA), Official Secret Act (OSA),

Police Act, Printing and Press Act (PPA) and the University and

University College (AUKU). Abolish the pledge of “Akujanji” to

all civil servants.

�Guarantee a free, fair and clean electoral process and systemic reforms

as proposed by BERSIH.

� Put in place Best Practices in all Government departments, agencies and Government-Linked Com-

panies as to provide transparency and accountability to uproot graft and corrupt practices. Public pro-

curement must undergo open tender and those that involve mega projects must be subjected to an Inde-

pendent Tender Board placed under the jurisdiction of the Parliament.

� Establish the Judiciary Commission by an act of parliament and made responsible for the appointment of

judges of impeccable records, so as to maintain a high degree of integrity and trust as perceived by the


� Safeguard that mosques and places of worship for all adherents of other faiths must not be demolished

except after negotiation with the local community.

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11 PAS For All

THRUST 2A Prudent Financial and Transparent

Management of the Economy

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12PAS For All

In view of our natural resources and

national wealth that are now severely

compromised as a result of poor delivery

and gross mismanagement encouraged by non-transparency of the style

of BN leadership, this Manifesto offers to undertake:

� Place the state-owned oil company, Petronas under the Parliament as to en-

sure an accountable and transparent spending of the wealth of the nation.

� Ensure that the price of petrol and diesel be reduced and maintained at a reasonable price as to suppress

inflationary pressure on all goods and services.

� Forge a National Development Program that prioritizes deployment of huge fund

to be in accordance with needs and phases of development as to avoid mismatch of

resources with needs but instead generate optimum employment and to leverage

maximally on the multiplier-plus trickling-down effects.

� Invest wealth and resources of nation on a concerted human resource

development program and R&D on alternative technology and energy.

� Reduce income and equity disparity between the haves and have lit-

tle by focusing on acquiring education-cum-skills and actual income in-

crement (not one-off payments as pacifiers in election period) as to empower the majority to climb the

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13 PAS For All

social mobility ladder, regardless of race, culture or religion and political af-


� Eradicate hard core and reduce relative to poverty both rural and urban to its mini-

mum regardless of race and avoiding the phenomenon of an imbalanced and inequi-

table regional development.

� Increase and broaden the ’middle-income-group’ across all races, as to enhance the purchasing

power and domestic demands plus reducing inter and intra ethnic disparity.

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14PAS For All

THRUST 3Defend the Safety of Lives and Dignity and Security

on Property Through Waging War-On-Crime

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15 PAS For All

Immensely aware of the crippling crime-rate that has become malignant in this

nation of rape-kidnap-murder, armed and violent robberies and a multitude of

other crimes perpetrated on the vulnerable section of society, namely women and

young girls, this Manifesto offers to:

� Establishing and empowering with immediate effect the IPCMC as recommended by the

Royal Commission on the betterment of the Police Force and rejecting the Special Com-

plaint Commission.

� Turning the Royal Police Force to a professional body

that are both citizen-friendly and crime-bustering-

savvy through beefing up the force, better service

scheme and upgrading professional training and re-


� Putting in place Best Practices in all minis-

tries and government agencies and government-

linked companies so as to enhance transparency,

accountability and performance.

� Fighting graft and corrupt practices

through attitudinal change as advocated and pro-

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16PAS For All

pounded by religious and moral teachings. The punitive impact of laws

and punishment must also be intensified as to effect its de-

terrence and preventive aspect of addressing the endemic prac-


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17 PAS For All

THRUST 4Empower a Total Education as a

Transformational Force

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18PAS For All

Disturbed by the constant flip-flop in the educational policies of the Ministry of

Education and the dwindling world-ranking of our public universities, this Mani-

festo offers to:

� Reengineering the national education to be

a thinking-based education and not merely exam-ori-

ented learning, while placing due importance to moral

and religious precepts as cornerstone of a vibrant character-

building process for students.

� Empowering ”Democratization of Education” by providing op-

tions, including the Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) and the SJK

both Chinese and Tamil. Per Capita contribution based on stu-

dents’ population shall be put in place for both the SAR and the


� Opportunity for students of SAR to be admitted to full-board schools.

� Allocate funds for Parents-Teachers Association in the rural areas to help improve educational achieve-


� Provide autonomy to schools’ administration to regulate and manage disciplinary issues.

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19 PAS For All

� Increase the per capita contribution to schools based on the Consume Price

Index (CPI) including worked books and those included in the current ‘extra


� Empower the choice of education but maintaining critical core subjects to be insisted

in all systems of education, namely national history, religious and moral studies so as to

enhance inter-ethnic relationship.

� Emphasising skill-based training for students, besides academic pursuit, so as to broaden the job-

opportunities and enlarge pools of skill-based workers.

Empowering the Public Universities into a World-Class High Performing Institutions by the following

policy prescriptions.

� Generating graduates as creatively enterprising, morally and intellectually vibrant and intellectually


� Write-off the back-log of payments on Educational Loan (PTPTN).

� Providing free education from the primary, secondary right up to the first degree in the public universities.

� Awarding scholarship to deserving students based on merits.

� Increase the seats availability at the public universities.

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20PAS For All

� Amend or repeal the provision/s in the ‘University and College University Act

(AUKU) so as to empower students’ capability and leadership.

�Forging the Public Universities into top-ranking institutions by intensifying profes-

sionalism and R&D in budget allocation and towards identifying one top-notch world class


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21 PAS For All

THRUST 5A National Health Care

System that caters for all

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22PAS For All

With an escalating cost of treatments in both private and public

hospitals, and the likely implementation of the controversial Na-

tional Health Financing System that will further burden the rakyat,

this Manifesto offers:

�First rejecting the proposed National Health Financing Scheme that

will further burdened the rakyat, while benefiting the cronies and a recipe

to perpetuate corrupt practices and compromise on actual health care of the

rakyat. A Fund that receives its added income from an ‘ear-marked’ Value-Added Tax

or Government Service Tax (GST) further burdens the rakyat un-

equally (regressive tax). Other controversial issues are shrouded

in mystery and will only be fully revealed when BN wins big again.

Voters Beware!

� Introducing and implementing a National Health Fund (NHF) that

should not be financed from the pockets of individual Malaysians,

but from an increase allocation from the Federal Budget of 3% (as

advised by the WHO), from the current allocation of 2% of the GDP

on health. Petronas must similarly contribute as to benefit the entire

population from its RM80 billion profit (2006). RM 2 billion could

also be contributed from the levy collected from foreign workers.

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23 PAS For All

� Ensuring that the National Health Care System funded by the NHF fulfils the

constitutional requirement of a basic right of citizens for access to adequate

health care. It should be established by an Act of Parliament as the single-payer

initially for the public sector health care with the responsibility to ensure efficient

and efficient care.

� Focusing on rehabilitating and strengthening the government health sector as 75% of our

population still rely on government clinics and hospital for treatment on a comprehensive essen-

tial package including primary health care components such as immunization and vector control, as

well as all the currently offered tertiary care components such as ICU care, by-pass surgery and dialysis.

� The NHF should work towards retention of experienced health care personnel in the public sector and

avoid the brain drain.

� Provide free care for pregnant mothers and their babies.

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24PAS For All

THRUST 6Well-being of Workers both inthe Public and Private Sectors

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25 PAS For All

In view of the hardship experienced by the citizens as a result of rising cost of

living, this Manifesto offers:

� Implementing the Minimum Wage Act, based on the mutual agreement between

the employers and the workers’ union, commensurate with the nature of employment

and consistent with the minimum wage as practiced by Asean countries.

� Doing away with the Level of Competency Test (PTK) for the civil servants and replace it with

a new assessment scheme that will be mutually agreed with the Workers Union


� Increasing the starting pay for graduates and non-graduates be increased so

as to be commensurate with the inflation rate and shall be reviewed every 5

years based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

� Ensuring the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) to be reviewed every 5

years in accordance with the CPI.

� Permitting civil servants the rights to participate in political activities in-

cluding as members of political parties without constraints.

� Raising the level of personal income tax exemption to RM12,000 as compared to RM 8,000 currently.

� Raising the level of personal income tax deduction for wives who are full-time home makers in

recognizing their important contribution.

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26PAS For All

THRUST 7Project a Policy of Care and Service to the entire

rakyat, by advocating and implementing

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27 PAS For All

In view of the increasing cost of living which burdens the rakyat as a whole, this

Manifesto offers to:

� Ensuring an equal opportunities for the physically handicapped persons (OKU) to

education, training, job and participation in the socio-political activities and provide

friendly environment in public spaces and facilities.

� Doing away with the status of ‘Leasehold Land’ especially for residential premises to a ’Free-

hold’ status as to ensure that those inheriting such properties will be recognized and not


� Empowering the Social Welfare Department in providing services

and care for the less fortunate and low-income groups so as to

increase their opportunities to rid themselves of poverty and climb

the social mobility ladder.

� Increasing the supply of good and comfortable low-cost housing which

meet household space and environmental needs.

� Replacing the Malay-reserved lands taken over the government for de-

velopment purposes responsibly.

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28PAS For All

THRUST 8Special Offers to theWomen of the Nation

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29 PAS For All

Conscious of the critical need to empower women to assume their roles and respon-

sibilities in society both outside and within their homes, this Manifesto forwards:

� Introducing a 90 days maternity leave for mothers and 7 days for fathers, regardless

of number of children.

� A special allowance for single mother under the Armalah Takaful Scheme

� Encouraging employers to permit women working from home. Financial incentives to intro-

duced as to compensate for the extra costs in providing such regimes and

flexibility by way of communication and logistic needs.

� A 14-day bereavement leave for those who have lost their spouses.

�Establishing a Recreational and Sport Complexes dedicated for

women and young girls, as to encourage healthy living and stress-man-

aging measures.

� Flexi-work regimes to be further developed and encouraged in the

light of encouraging young mothers to still contribute to social and eco-

nomic development, without sacrificing maternal responsibility in pro-

viding early childhood care.

� Strengthening laws and regulation as to avoid unbridled exploitation of women in commercials.

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30PAS For All

THRUST 9Pro-Farmers and Pro-Fishermen Policy of

Defending their Rights and the Nation’s

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31 PAS For All

Despite the many big announcements of the various Corridors Development

recently, the sorry state of our agricultural sectors are neither ‘here-nor-there’

kind of position. This Manifesto offers to the farmers and fishermen section of

society a :

� Review and articulate a policy of defining foods and agriculture as a strategic sector that

determines our nation’s need to secure “Food Security and Sovereignty” as not to fall prey to

international cartels and manipulations.

� Reject all forms of bilateral agreements that will inevitably place

the nation as a colony to “Neo-Colonialism” of the Rich Nations that

prejudices our rights to develop and progress at our own pace and de-

termine our governance policies according to our priorities and needs.

� Reduce significantly our reliance on imported food-stuffs and

provide the right policies, incentives and program to develop and har-

ness our potential and increase our local farmers’ income and outputs

by engaging in high-performing agricultural program, both in terms of

quantity and quality.

� Improve the conditions of living of our fishermen by pro-

viding a decent housing scheme and provide financial means to

allow them to be better equipped as to increase their reach and

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32PAS For All

catch. Alternative sources of income should also be provided for, in facing difficult

times of climatic uncertainties.

�Provide for an alternative ‘superior genetic strain-bank’, in order to protect our farmers

from being denied access or manipulated by unscrupulous intellectual property rights com-

ing from bigger players both nationally or internationally.

� Determine the government minimum purchasing price of padi to be reviewed every 3 years

commensurate with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as to protect the interest of padi-planters.

� Regulate the prices of agricultural inputs like seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, machines and to do away

with policies of giving monopoly to importing such inputs.

� Offer to the second generation of the Felda settlers and those in need of such opportunities on plantations

of the Felda Plantations or on new virgin lands.

� Permit Felda settlers to manage on their own as to allow them to maximize their income potential, as

proven by current practices.

� Render back the rights of settlers to be accessible to ‘Replanting Scheme’ without conditions attached.

� Plough back portions of the profit generated by Felda Holding Berhad in various ‘Corporate Responsi-

bility Schemes’ as token of appreciation of their hard work that provides for Felda Holding Berhad’s

wealth generation.

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33 PAS For All

THRUST 10Ethical, Fair and Clean Mass Media

Policy Prescriptions

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34PAS For All

Distressed by the state of affairs of the media practice and press

freedom in this country as compared to the many advanced and

civilized societies, this Manifesto advocates:

� Reform National Mass Media Policy as to make accessible informa-

tion to the rakyat that are both fair and balanced.

� Make accessible to the state-owned media of contesting political parties of their policy com-

mitments and manifesto.

� Ensure that no abuse and misuse of mass media to advocate destructive and

negative ideas prejudicial to ethnic and religious relationship and nationhood.

� Empower the mass media policy be implemented by media stake-holders,

media activists and the citizenry.

� Mainstream the concept and practice of transparent and fair me-

dia as to engender and culturalise a knowledge-based politics in our beloved nation.

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35 PAS For All

THRUST 11Environmental-Friendly Policy

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36PAS For All

In view of the present global warming and the un-

predictable changes in the weather system that cause

flash floods and droughts in the cities as well as the

villages ;

The manifesto offers :

� To formulate a long term policy involving the government,

political parties, and civil societies / NGO’s so that they are actively

participating in the environmental preservation by ensuring all physical

developments are environment and people friendly.

� To construct a smart water drainage system which reduces the cost of agricultural products whilst at the

same time optimize the use of water.

� To protect the rain catchment’s areas, the preserved jungles and their wild life.

� To promote understanding, solidarity and an effective good working relationship with the local and interna-

tional organisations to overcome the disasterous effects of the global warming to the agriculture products.

� To set up an Emergency Financial Aid Fund that will compensate the farmers and the agriculture produc-

ers in times of floods, droughts and livestock/plant diseases.

� To stop the use of dangerous chemicals in the food production processes by providing subsidies for

farmers to use only organic fertilizers which will ensure the safety of the consumers, soil quality and

prevent water pollution.

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37 PAS For All

THRUST 12National Integration and Unity Policy

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38PAS For All

With the backdrop the present political scenario and the possible threats of ra-

cial disunity caused by different beliefs, racial politics and religious manipula-

tion, PAS’ manifesto thus offers:

� To formulate a working integration policy strengthened and based on mutual-respect

and non-prejudiced religious understanding between all the racial groupings and religious af-


� To ensure the establishment of an inter-religious body (except Islam) which oversees the religious

activities and needs of each religious grouping.

� To set up a platform for continuous and open dialogues between each racial group so as to promote better

understanding and respect thus improving the national integration and unity.

Manifesto 12th General ELECTION

Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS)

19 February 2008/12 Safar 1429H

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39 PAS For All




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40PAS For All

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