2009 soln promo binomial mi diffn integn maclaurin soln

2009 Promotion Examination H2 Mathematics Compilation by Topics (Binomial Series 2009) 1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q2 2. NYJC/2009 Promo/Q3 = Combining - =

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2009 Promotion Examination H2 MathematicsCompilation by Topics (Binomial Series 2009)

1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q2

2. NYJC/2009 Promo/Q3




= +…

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Given that the second term is ,


a = 8

Range of x for which this series expansion is valid:

3. SRJC/2009 Promo/Q6



Condition for validity:

Set of values of x :

When ,

4. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q11ii


5. AJC/2009 Promo/Q2


= = …. = 2 34 2 11 8...

3 9 108 81x x x

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Expansion is valid for and

iii) = =

6. CJC/2009 Promo/Q1


(ii) The expansion is valid for ,

i.e., (OR OR any equivalent forms involving x or |x|)

(iii) Putting in the expansion, we have

7. HCI/2009 Promo/Q3


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8. IJC/2009 Promo/Q1

9. JJC/2009 Promo/Q1

The series is valid for

Coefficient of

10. MI/2009 Promo/Q9

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11. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q2

= =

= =

Expansion is valid for < 1

Range of values of x for which expansion is valid is for − < x < , x .

Put x = 0.4

= 1.8945833

37.89167 (5 decimal places)

12. TJC/2009 Promo/Q1

= (1 – x) [1 + ]

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Expansion is valid for or

13. VJC/2009 Promo/Q9

2009 Promotion Examination H2 MathematicsCompilation by Topics (Mathematical Induction 2009)

1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q8Let P(n) be the proposition:


When n = 1, LHS of

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RHS of =

P(1) is true.

Assume P(k) is true for some ,


To show P(k+1) is also true, i.e.






= = RHS

P(k) is true P(k+1) is true

Since P(1) is true and P(k) is true P(k+1) is true, hence by mathematical induction, P(n) is true for n +.

2. NYJC/2009 Promo/Q2(i) Using the recurrence relation, we find .

= 6 – 1, 26 – 1, 126 – 1, 626 – 1 = 5, 52, 53, 54 for n = 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.

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Thus we conjecture that .

(ii) Let Pn denotes for n = 1, 2, 3, ….

For n = 1, LHS = RHS = 5 + 1 = 6 = LHS. So P1 is true. Assume Pk is true for some k = 1, 2, 3, ….

That is, ------ (IH)

For n = k + 1, LHS = by the recurrence relation

= by (IH)

= = RHS.

Hence Pk+1 is true.

Hence by MI, Pn is true for n = 1, 2, 3, …. 3. SRJC/2009 Promo/Q1

(i) Let Pn be the statement .

n = 1, LHS

RHS . Therefore, P1 is true.

Assume Pk is true for some i.e.

To show Pk+1 is true i.e.

Therefore Pk+1 is true if Pk is true.Since P1 is true and Pk+1 is true if Pk is true, Pn is true if Pk is true .

4. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q8(i) As

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we have,

(rejected since ) or 2

(ii) Let be the statement “un = ” where n is a positive integer

When n = 1, ,

LHS = RHS is true

Assume that Pk is true for some positive integer k, ie. uk = for some

positive integer k.

To prove that Pk+1 is true, i.e. to prove that uk+1 =

is true is true.

Since is true and is true is true, by mathematical induction,

is true for all positive integers n. i.e. un = for all positive integers n.

5. AJC/2009 Promo/Q5

To prove for n Z .

When n = 1,


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RHS = 1Since LHS = RHS Statement is true for n = 1.

Assume the statement is true for some n = k, where k Z ,


Require to prove that the statement is true for n = k+1,

i.e. to prove

If the statement is true for n k , it is also true for 1n k .Since the statement is true for n =1, By mathematical induction, the statement is true for n Z .

6. CJC/2009 Promo/Q6

Let Pn be the statement for .

When n = 0, LHS = a


P0 is true and this forms the basis of induction.

Assume Pk is true for some , i.e

Required to prove Pk+1 is true, i.e


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Since P0 is true and Pk true Pk+1 is also true, hence by Mathematical Induction Pn is true for .

7. HCI/2009 Promo/Q6


8. IJC/2009 Promo/Q11

Let denote the statement,

Consider : LHS =

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Thus, is true

Assume that is true for some : i.e.,

Want to show that is true, : i.e.,


Thus, true true.

Since is true, and true true, by mathematical induction, is true for

all (Shown)

9. JJC/2009 Promo/Q2

Let be the statement for all .



Hence is true.

Assume is true for some , i.e.

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To prove is true , i.e.



is true is true.

Since P1 is true and true true, by Mathematical Induction, Pn is true for




10. MI/2009 Promo/Q4

Let for all positive integers .


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RHS: Since LHS=RHS, therefore is true.Now, assume that is true for some positive integer .Then,

Therefore, is true if is true.And so by Mathematical Induction , is true for all positive integers

11. MJC/2009 Promo/Q5(i)


12. NJC/2009 Promo/Q4i)

Let Pn be the statement that for all ( ).

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For ,


Therefore, is true.

Assume that Pk is true for some ( ). ie.

To prove that is true, ie.

Thus, is true is also true.

Since is true, and that is true is also true, by Mathematical Induction,

is true for all ( ).



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13. PJC/2009 Promo/Q7(i) Observe the pattern of the

sequence: 2,2,4,4,6,6,….

(ii) Let be the statement ,

When n = 1,LHS = 2


Thus, is true.

Assume that is true for some k, i.e.

To prove that is also true, i.e.

LHS =2




Thus, is also true.

Since is true and is true is also

true, then by induction, is true for


Learn how to manipulate the numbers to arrive at the required statement. Don’t try to “cheat”.

14. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q11

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(a)Let be the statement for .

When ,



Since LHS = RHS, therefore is true.

Assume that is true for some


Need to prove that is true


Consider ,



Thus is true implies is true.

Since ( is true) and ( is true implies is true), by mathematical induction, is true for .

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(ii)Since series is convergent.

15.Q Let P(n) be the statement for

When n = 1, LHS = = ; RHS =

So P(1) is true.

Assume P(k) is true for some k ≥ 1, i.e.

To show P(k + 1) is true i.e.

LHS = = + = =

= = =

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= = RHS

So P ( k+1) is true.Since P(1) is true, and P(k) is true P(k + 1) is true. By mathematical

induction, P(n) is true for all n Ζ+, n 1 ie. for


Therefore (deduced)

16. TJC/2009 Promo/Q4

Let Pn be the statement for all positive integers n.

When n = 1, and

P1 is true.

Assume Pk is true for some positive integer k. i.e. .

To prove that Pk+1 is true, i.e. .

Hence, Pk is true Pk+1 is true.

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Since P1 is true and Pk is true Pk+1 is true, by Mathematical Induction,Pn is true for all positive integers n.

ie. for all positive integers n.

17.VJC/2009 Promo/Q2

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2009 Promotion Examination H2 Mathematics

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Compilation by Topics (Differentiation & Applications 2009)

1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q4i)


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SRJC/2009 Promo/Q2

3. SRJC/2009 Promo/Q3

Differentiating w.r.t. x,

At (2,3),

Thus equation of tangent at (2,3),

4. SRJC/2009 Promo/Q4



5. SRJC/2009 Promo/Q9

a. The vertical height of cone, (Shown)




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b. Let h = vertical height of cone.

then R = and l =

Thus area of metal sheet, A =


iii) Let



For stationary point,

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or (Rejected)

Using sign test:s 0.4 0.5

-ve 0 +ve

Therefore, A is minimum when (Shown)

6. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q2

7. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q3


(ii) Since f is strictly decreasing,


Method 1:

Method 2: Discriminant =

8. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q7

−−−−−− (1)

−−−−−− (2)

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Substitute (1) into (2):

Differentiating A w.r.t x

When , meters

Since , A will be maximum when meters

When meters,

Hence, when A is maximum, the cross−sectional shape of the drain will be a

semicircle with radius meters.

9. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q10


When x = 11,

Equation of tangent:

so therefore

Assuming tangent cuts the curve again:

Substituting and into equation of tangent,

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Discriminant (Alternatively, show that )

Since there is only 1 point of intersection between the curve and the tangent at P, the tangent at P does not cut the curve again.

10. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q11(i)

Differentiate wrt x

At ,

Maclaurin’s series for



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Equation of tangent to at x = 0 is

11. CJC/2009 Promo/Q10



(c)Shape + Minimum Point x-intercept at -2: Asymptotes: x = 2, y = 0

12. CJC/2009 Promo/Q12



x = 2y

x 0

y = f ’ (x)

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Check when , hence maximum volume

Alternative first derivative test accepted



13. HCI/2009 Promo/Q1




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14. HCI/2009 Promo/Q4

Area of base (hexagon) =

Volume of prism, V =

(since )

V =

V =

Hence, maximum volume occurs when .

15. HCI/2009 Promo/Q9i)





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At t = 1,

ii)b.When t = 1 and k = 2,

Equation of normal:


Required angle =


Required angle =

16. MJC/2009 Promo/Q9(a)(i)

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(b) Consider rectangle ABCD where A is vertex on origin, B on positive x-axis and D on positive y-axis. Then vertex C has to be the point (x,y).

17. NJC/2009 Promo/Q3i)

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Total surface area of hemisphere and circular base =

Total surface area of cylinder =


(Since r > 0)


Hence T is a minimum.

(nearest $)

18. NJC/2009 Promo/Q10a


ii) From part (a)(i),

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19. NJC/2009 Promo/Q12(i),(ii),(iii)i)

For stationary points, .

Since a > 0, thus, there are no stationary points.


For graph to concave downwards, .

Since a > 0, we need

Therefore, when , the curve is concave downwards.


Vertical asymptote :

Horizontal Asymptote:







2 2






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20. PJC/2009 Promo/Q1






2 2














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21. PJC/2009 Promo/Q3Solution Remarks

Given ,

Given gradient at P is 5,

Coordinates of P is .

Equation of normal to the curve at P:

Need to equate to 5 to obtain the x-

coordinate of P.Need to substitute x-coordinate into the equation of tangent (not the equation of the curve) to get the y-coordinate of P.

22. PJC/2009 Promo/Q14(i) By Pythagoras’ Theorem,

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(ii) By Pythagoras’ Theorem,

Curved surface area, A

From (i)


Solving ,

Using 1st derivative test,


+ 0 –

The curved surface area A is a maximum when .


It is easier to do 1st derivative test here as it is already stated in the question that the value of A is a maximum. Also, it is tedious to obtain the 2nd derivative.

23. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q1

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24. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q8

i. Let denote the height of the cylinder in .

by similar triangle or


Let then

(Reject) or

When ,

occurs when .

25. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q1



26. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q4Let the depth of the water be h and the radius of the water level at that point be R.

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at h = 12 cm

27. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q6(i) Base circumference of cone = rθ

To find base radius R,


Height of cone


Volume of cone =

Treat r as a number (say r = 1) and sketch the graph of

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Using GC to calculate the maximum point (students need to resize window first e.g. using ZoomFit) givesx = 5.130, y = 0.403


Volume of cone =

Treat r as a number (say r = 1) and sketch the graph of

Then use to find θ.]

Angle of sector he should cut off= 2 – 5.130= 1.15 radians (3 s.f.)

28. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q8

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At , t = 2

Gradient of curve at =

Equation of normal at t = 2 is

-- (1)

Equation of normal at t = -2 is

-- (2)


The line is y = x.

29. TJC/2009 Promo/Q12By Pythagoras’ Theorem,

Let T be the time taken.

= 0 x = 55.279 55.3

Using G.C.,

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xve 0 ve

By 1st Derivative Test or any other valid testT is minimum when (3 s.f.). Least T is 86.6 s

30. VJC/2009 Promo/Q4

31. VJC/2009 Promo/Q11


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2009 Promotion Examination H2 MathematicsCompilation by Topics (Integration & Applications 2009)

1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q5

i) using GC

ii) Using 5 s.f. answer:Volume of solid formed

units3 (to 3 s.f) (Using GC)

Using 3 s.f. answer:Volume of solid formed

units3 (to 3 s.f) (Using GC)

2. DHS/2009 Promo/Q9

i) = 2cos 2x


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3. DHS/2009 Promo/Q11



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4. DHS/2009 Promo/Q13


To find x-intercepts:

When .

To find y-intercepts:




x O 1


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(iii) Gradient of normal at P(1, 0) is by (ii).

Equation of normal at P(1,0) :

Therefore coordinates of

Thus area of triangle POQ =


5. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q9


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(b) Let

6. AJC/2009 Promo/Q11


Area = area of Triangle

= = … =

b) Volume = =… =

7. CJC/2009 Promo/Q13(a) =

= ln + C = ln + C

OR = = + By cover-up rule, A = =

B = = =

= [ ln |3 + 2x| ln |3 2x| ] + C = ln + C(b) Let = cos

Differentiate with respect to := sin dx = 2 sin d = 2 cos sin d dx = ( 2 cos sin ) d

= [2 cos sin ] d = 2 cos2 d

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= cos 2 + 1 d = sin 2 + C= sin cos + C= cos + C= cos1 + C

= cos1 + C(c) Let u = (ln x)2 and dv = x

du = 2(ln x)( ) and v = x2

= [ x2 (ln x)2 ]

Let u = ln x and dv = xdu = and v = x2

= e2 { [x2 ln x ] x dx }= e2 e2 + [ x2 ]

= (e2 1)8. HCI/2009 Promo/Q10




= …… (A)

or ……(B)




= =



= =



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= = =


9. JJC/2009 Promo/Q9(i) Substitute into :

(ii) Differentiate throughout w.r.t x.


Equation of tangent at P:

Area of OQR

10. JJC/2009 Promo/Q10


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(b) Let

When , .

When , .


11. JJC/2009 Promo/Q11(a)

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(to 2 dec pl)


When ,

, or ,

When ,

, or ,




R1 R2


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12. JJC/2009 Promo/Q12

(i) Let

(ii) Area


(iii) Using (ii) and GC, we have

Using (i),

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13. MJC/2009 Promo/Q6(i)



14. MJC/2009 Promo/Q10

(i)Area of R = dx


R0 1




22 xy


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(ii) Required Volume

= dy dy



15. NJC/2009 Promo/Q6i)

When , .

When ,

Equation of tangent l is


When k = 1, ; .

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Using GC, the other point of intersection is (1, 0).

16. NJC/2009 Promo/Q10b

1 1

2 2y x






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17. NJC/2009 Promo/Q11i)


Area of S =


= (shown)


Area of S =








(ln3, 0)

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=18. PJC/2009 Promo/Q5

LetNote that it is easier and neater if we square both sides and make x the subject before differentiating.

Note that the substitutions are done all at one go.

19. PJC/2009 Promo/Q8(i)

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20. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q10

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Comparing coefficient of x,

21. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q12(i)

Since ,

x-coordinate of P is

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(ii) Area of A



22. TJC/2009 Promo/Q2



23. TJC/2009 Promo/Q6

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TJC/2009 Promo/Q13ii

25. TJC/2009 Promo/Q15



Since x is positive, we get and hence .

Therefore, coordinates of P is . (Shown)

(ii) Area of shaded region A =



a3a 2a


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(iii) Volume generated = .

= 0.813 cubic units (correct to 3 s.f.)26.V


VJC/2009 Promo/Q10

2009 Promotion Examination H2 MathematicsCompilation by Topics (Maclaurin’s Series 2009)

1. DHS/2009 Promo/Q6Method 1

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Method 2

Equation of tangent is y = x.2. TPJC/2009 Promo/Q11i


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Differentiate wrt x

At ,

Maclaurin’s series for

3. CJC/2009 Promo/Q11

when x = 0,

by Maclaurin’s Theorem,


4. MJC/2009 Promo/Q5(i)

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5. NJC/2009 Promo/Q7

(ans in MF15)


Differentiating implicitly wrt x,

When x = 0, , , ,

Maclaurin’s series for y is


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6. PJC/2009 Promo/Q4(i)


7. PJC/2009 Promo/Q11(i)

Differentiate implicitly,

It is easier to do implicit differentiation here.

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(i) OR

Differentiate wrt x,

(ii) Differentiate implicitly,

When , , , .

Thus, the Maclaurin’s series for y is


(iii)The Maclaurin’s series for is


Note that the Maclaurin’s

series of is

obtained through differentiating the Maclaurin’s series of y.

8. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q2

or (Reject, since x is numerically small.)9. RVHS/2009 Promo/Q13

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Using ,

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10. SAJC/2009 Promo/Q5

Differentiating (1) further wrt x,

Differentiating (2) further wrt x,

When x = 0, y = 2,




Maclaurin’s series for y is

11. TJC/2009 Promo/Q14 y2 = 3 +

Differentiating wrt x :

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Differentiating again :

When x = 0, y = 2 , , 2 =

By Maclaurin’s Theorem : y = 2 +

= 2 +

12. VJC/2009 Promo/Q7