2010 1997az zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة c -ا fahma 2,305 2,203...

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Page 11: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


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Page 13: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


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Page 14: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517



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Page 15: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

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Jenin Governorate

Page 16: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

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Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

0100051,5641,6231,6871,7541,8321,9192,007Zububaز����0100102,4832,5772,6782,7842,9083,0463,186Rummanaر������ !#$0100158068378699049449891,035Ti'innik

0100201,7571,8231,8941,9702,0572,1552,254At Taybaا-,+(����3�45010025630653679706737772808 'Arabbuna0100301,6971,7611,8291,9021,9872,0812,177Al Jalamaا-�789

0100357,2467,5207,8138,1258,4858,8889,297Silat al Harithiya<+8� ا-=�ر>+��B+��50100452,7392,8422,9533,0713,2073,3593,514'AninArrana'�450100501,5791,6391,7031,7711,8491,9372,026ا��

010055629652678705736771807Deir GhazalaدCD 4Eا-��5�3KL0100602,5702,6672,7712,8823,0093,1523,297Faqqu'a

4+O-ح ا�)Q �+R�S0100751,0731,1131,1571,2031,2561,3161,376Dahiyat Sabah al Kheir01008012,25512,72013,21513,74214,35215,03315,725Al Yamunا-+���ن

010085275286297309322338353Umm ar Rihanأم3 ا-E4=�ن0100953,7663,9094,0614,2234,4104,6204,832Kafr Danآ4Z دان

4010105104108112116121127133Khirbet 'Abdallah al Yunis�� 5(_ ا^ ا-+��[4g�010110285296308320334350366Mashru' Beit Qadوع �+�c dد

k-�7-4 اlm010115160166172179187196205Dhaher al Malih��+c4g-ا �#n4�0101202,6532,7532,8612,9753,1073,2543,404Barta'a ash Sharqiya

�c4#-0101251,5641,6231,6871,7541,8321,9192,007اAl 'Araqa_+#> o+g-4010130161167173180188197206��اKhirbet ash Sheikh Sa'eed

�c d+�010140642667693720752788824Beit Qadد��+�4p-رة ا�n0101458178488819169571,0021,048Tura al Gharbiya��+c4g-رة ا�n010150133138144149156163171Tura ash Sharqiya

��+7r�l-010155696722750780815853893اAl Hashimiya_Eز o+g-ا �-C�010165537557579602629659689Nazlat ash Sheikh Zeid

010170293304316329343360376At Taremا-,4مB+!t01018026,33227,32928,39429,52630,83632,30033,786Jenin

Table 1-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Mid-Year Population

56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م


Page 17: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Table 1-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Mid-Year Population

56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م

B+!t u�+O�0101858,9919,3319,69510,08210,52911,02911,536Jenin Camp8t0101901,8361,9051,9792,0582,1502,2522,355Jalbun(�ن

���5010195122127132137143150157'Aba010210668693720749782820857Kafr Qudآ�c 4Zد

x+#S 4 ا��E0102153,8974,0454,2034,3704,5644,7815,001دDeir Abu Da'ifB+c4�0102204,3444,5094,6854,8715,0875,3295,574Birqin010225429446463481503527551Umm Darأم3 دار

010230358372386402420439460Al Khuljanا-�98Oنz){-010235272283294305319334349وادي اWad ad Dabi'

4lm010240273284295307320335351Dhaher al 'Abed ا-#(_010245612635660686717751785Zabdaز�_ة

��+g!7-010260117122127132138144151اAl Manshiya_)#E01026510,62511,02711,45711,91412,44213,03313,633Ya'bad

Arab as Suweitat' 45010270370384399415433454475ب ا-E��,�ت0102751,8011,8691,9422,0202,1092,2092,311KufeiritآZ+4ت�=E4010285314326338352368385403إ�Imreiha

010295738766796828864906947Umm at Tutأم3 ا-��ت0103001,2801,3281,3801,4351,4991,5701,642Ash Shuhadaا-lg_اء

�7K8t0103051,3751,4271,4821,5421,6101,6861,764Jalqamusس4 +p7-0103101,6491,7121,7781,8491,9312,0232,116اAl Mughayyir010315193201209217227237248Al Mutillaا-7,��8

�r�)-0103209629991,0381,0791,1271,1801,235�+4 اBir al Basha�+n�)c01034014,50215,05115,63716,26116,98217,78818,607Qabatiya

010365218226235245255268280Ad Damayraا-}4E�7ة�450103707,3567,6357,9338,2498,6159,0249,439Arrabaا��4�0103951,1451,1881,2341,2841,3411,4041,469Mirkaآ�

L010401258267278289302316331Fahma al Jadida=�7 ا-E_9_ة0104052,2372,3222,4132,5092,6202,7442,871Rabaرا��


Page 18: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Table 1-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Mid-Year Population

56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م

010410111115119124129136142Al Mansuraا-7!��رة �+8��0104151,6581,7211,7881,8591,9422,0342,127Misliya

0104352,8442,9523,0673,1893,3313,4893,649Az Zababidaا-��C�_ة�7=L0104451,7961,8641,9372,0142,1032,2032,305Fahma

�EاوC-010460517537558580606634664اAz Zawiya0104655,7585,9766,2096,4566,7427,0637,388Kafr Ra'iآ4Z را�5

4+Q010495566588611635663695727Sir� 950105003,7903,9334,0874,2504,4384,6494,863'AjjaC!50105051,4771,5331,5931,6571,7301,8121,896'Anzaة

���Q0105103,1393,2583,3853,5203,6763,8514,028Sanurر010515664689716745778815852Ar Ramaا-4ا��0105205,1595,3545,5635,7846,0416,3286,619Meithalun�+�8�ن0105653,5923,7283,8744,0284,2074,4074,609Al Judeidaا-E_9 _ة

010585343356370385402421441al 'Asa'asaا-5��#��0105907908198518859259681,013Al 'Attaraا-#,��رة]E4+>0106003,7143,8544,0054,1644,3494,5554,765Siris

z)t0106056,4096,6526,9117,1877,5057,8628,223Jaba'��+��c_!Z-0106152,4762,5702,6702,7772,9003,0373,177اAl Fandaqumiya

4l�-0106254,6094,7834,9705,1685,3975,6535,914<+�8 اSilat adh Dhahr9409751,0131,0541,1001,1521,206Other Localities$79#�ت أ`4ى

192,743200,041207,837216,126225,711236,428247,305Jenin Governorate��<ع >*0;: 78.9


Page 19: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

0100052,0962,1872,2782,3712,4652,5602,655Zububaز����0100103,3283,4713,6173,7643,9134,0634,215Rummanaر������ !#$0100151,0811,1271,1741,2221,2711,3191,369Ti'innik

0100202,3542,4562,5592,6632,7682,8752,982At Taybaا-,+(����3�450100258448809179549921,0301,069 'Arabbuna0100302,2742,3722,4712,5722,6732,7762,880Al Jalamaا-�789

0100359,71110,13010,55410,98411,41811,85712,300Silat al Harithiya<+8� ا-=�ر>+��B+��50100453,6703,8293,9894,1514,3154,4814,649'AninArrana'�450100502,1162,2082,3002,3942,4882,5842,681ا��

0100558438799169539911,0291,067Deir GhazalaدCD 4Eا-��5�3KL0100603,4443,5933,7433,8964,0504,2054,363Faqqu'a

4+O-ح ا�)Q �+R�S0100751,4381,5001,5631,6261,6901,7551,821Dahiyat Sabah al Kheir01008016,42517,13417,85118,57719,31220,05420,804Al Yamunا-+���ن

010085369385401417434451467Umm ar Rihanأم3 ا-E4=�ن0100955,0475,2655,4865,7095,9346,1626,393Kafr Danآ4Z دان

4010105139145151157163170176Khirbet 'Abdallah al Yunis�� 5(_ ا^ ا-+��[4g�010110382399415432449467484Mashru' Beit Qadوع �+�c dد

k-�7-4 اlm010115214224233242252262271Dhaher al Malih��+c4g-ا �#n4�0101203,5553,7093,8644,0214,1804,3414,503Barta'a ash Sharqiya

�c4#-0101252,0962,1872,2782,3712,4652,5602,655اAl 'Araqa_+#> o+g-4010130216225234244253263273��اKhirbet ash Sheikh Sa'eed

�c d+�0101408618989369741,0121,0511,091Beit Qadد��+�4p-رة ا�n0101451,0951,1421,1901,2391,2881,3371,387Tura al Gharbiya��+c4g-رة ا�n010150179186194202210218226Tura ash Sharqiya

��+7r�l-0101559329731,0131,0551,0961,1381,181اAl Hashimiya_Eز o+g-ا �-C�010165720751782814846879911Nazlat ash Sheikh Zeid

010170393410427444462480498At Taremا-,4مB+!t01018035,29136,81338,35439,91441,49343,08744,699Jenin

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Table 1-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م


Page 20: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Table 1-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

B+!t u�+O�01018512,05012,57013,09613,62814,16714,71215,262Jenin Camp8t0101902,4602,5662,6742,7832,8933,0043,116Jalbun(�ن

���5010195164171178186193200208'Aba0102108959349731,0131,0531,0931,134Kafr Qudآ�c 4Zد

x+#S 4 ا��E0102155,2235,4495,6775,9086,1416,3776,616دDeir Abu Da'ifB+c4�0102205,8236,0746,3286,5856,8467,1097,375Birqin010225575600625651676702729Umm Darأم3 دار

010230480501522543565586608Al Khuljanا-�98Oنz){-010235365381397413429446462وادي اWad ad Dabi'

4lm010240366382398414431447464Dhaher al 'Abed ا-#(_0102458208558919289641,0011,039Zabdaز�_ة

��+g!7-010260157164171178185192199اAl Manshiya_)#E01026514,24014,85415,47616,10616,74317,38618,037Ya'bad

Arab as Suweitat' 45010270496517539561583606628ب ا-E��,�ت0102752,4142,5182,6232,7302,8382,9473,057KufeiritآZ+4ت�=E4010285421439457476495514533إ�Imreiha

0102959891,0321,0751,1191,1631,2081,253Umm at Tutأم3 ا-��ت0103001,7161,7901,8641,9402,0172,0952,173Ash Shuhadaا-lg_اء

�7K8t0103051,8431,9222,0022,0842,1662,2502,334Jalqamusس4 +p7-0103102,2102,3062,4022,5002,5992,6982,799اAl Mughayyir010315259270282293305317328Al Mutillaا-7,��8

�r�)-0103201,2901,3451,4021,4591,5161,5751,633�+4 اBir al Basha�+n�)c01034019,43620,27421,12321,98222,85123,72924,617Qabatiya

010365292305318331344357370Ad Damayraا-}4E�7ة�450103709,85910,28510,71511,15111,59212,03712,488Arrabaا��4�0103951,5341,6011,6681,7351,8041,8731,943Mirkaآ�

L010401345360375390406421437Fahma al Jadida=�7 ا-E_9_ة0104052,9993,1283,2593,3913,5253,6613,798Rabaرا��


Page 21: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-1 ����

Table 1-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

010410148155161168174181188Al Mansuraا-7!��رة �+8��0104152,2222,3182,4152,5132,6132,7132,815Misliya

0104353,8123,9764,1434,3114,4824,6544,828Az Zababidaا-��C�_ة�7=L0104452,4072,5112,6162,7232,8302,9393,049Fahma

�EاوC-010460693723753784815846878اAz Zawiya0104657,7178,0498,3868,7289,0739,4219,774Kafr Ra'iآ4Z را�5

4+Q010495759792825859893927962Sir� 950105005,0795,2985,5205,7455,9726,2016,433'AjjaC!50105051,9802,0652,1522,2392,3282,4172,508'Anzaة

���Q0105104,2074,3894,5734,7594,9475,1375,329Sanurر0105158909299671,0071,0471,0871,127Ar Ramaا-4ا��0105206,9147,2127,5147,8208,1298,4418,757Meithalun�+�8�ن0105654,8155,0225,2335,4455,6615,8786,098Al Judeidaا-E_9 _ة

010585460480500521541562583al 'Asa'asaا-5��#��0105901,0581,1041,1501,1971,2441,2921,340Al 'Attaraا-#,��رة]E4+>0106004,9775,1925,4095,6295,8526,0776,304Siris

z)t0106058,5908,9609,3359,71510,09910,48710,880Jaba'��+��c_!Z-0106153,3193,4623,6073,7533,9024,0524,203اAl Fandaqumiya

4l�-0106256,1776,4436,7136,9867,2627,5427,824<+�8 اSilat adh Dhahr1,2591,3141,3691,4241,4801,5371,595Other Localities$79#�ت أ`4ى

258,321269,464280,746292,165303,716315,387327,190Jenin Governorate��@ع <,2=> ;9:0


Page 22: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

� �� �����

Tubas District

Page 23: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

0504201,1391,1851,2341,2861,3461,4131,481Bardala��د���� ا������0504507818128468819229681,015 'Ein el Beida


��.��/0505501,7311,8011,8751,9542,0452,1472,251Tayasir050551154160167174182191200Al Farisiyaا��4ر.�(�

050575187194202211220231243Ath Thaghraا�78�ة050580149155161168176185194Al Malihا�=��>

B05061011,61712,08612,58513,11613,72714,41015,104Tubas@��س050670506527548572598628658Ras al Far'aراس ا��4ر��E)�FG0507004,1524,3204,4984,6884,9065,1505,398El Far'a Camp ا��4ر��0507401,6911,7591,8311,9091,9982,0972,198Wadi al Far'aوادي ا��4ر��

O=B0507557,5407,8448,1688,5138,9099,3539,803Tammun@ن�)PQPQR050851132138143149156164172ا�Al Hadidiya

�X=Y/473492512534559586615Other Localitiesت أ�Uى34,75536,15837,65039,23941,06743,11045,187Tubas District��$ع ()'& %$#"س

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� � ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-2 � ��

Table 2-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tubas District by Locality 1997- 2003

EFد ا�BC"ن @? (�<= ا�>"م


Page 24: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

0504201,5501,6201,6921,7641,8371,9121,987Bardala��د��0504501,0621,1111,1591,2091,2591,3101,362 �� ا����� 'Ein el Beida

050455163170177185193200208Kardalaآ�د��(��)* 0505355,9676,2386,5126,7917,0747,3607,651'Aqqaba

��.��/0505502,3562,4632,5712,6812,7932,9063,020Tayasir050551210219229238248258269Al Farisiyaا��4ر.�(�

050575254265277289301313325Ath Thaghraا�78�ة050580203212221231240250260Al Malihا�=��>

B05061015,80916,52617,25417,99218,74119,50020,269Tubas@��س050670689720752784817850883Ras al Far'aراس ا��4ر �E)�FG0507005,6505,9066,1676,4306,6986,9697,244El Far'a Camp ا��4ر �0507402,3012,4052,5112,6182,7272,8382,950Wadi al Far'aوادي ا��4ر �

O=B05075510,26110,72611,19911,67812,16412,65713,156Tammun@ن�)PQPQR050851180188196205213222231ا�Al Hadidiya

�X=Y/643672702732763794825Other Localitiesت أ�UىTubas District 47,29849,44151,61953,82756,06858,34060,640��&ع +*() '&%$س

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� � ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-2 � ��

Table 2-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tubas District by Locality 2004- 2010

EFد ا�BC$ن @? +�<= ا�>$م


Page 25: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

������ ����

Tulkarm Governorate

Page 26: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

������100250192200208216225236247 'Akkaba�����1002906,4406,6866,9477,2257,5447,9018,263Qaffin

"#�� �%'(1003301,8441,9141,9892,0682,1602,2622,366Nazlat 'Isa����1003451,2141,2601,3101,3621,4221,4891,558An Nazla ash Sharqiyaا%2'%� ا0%/

������ ا0%/��1003503,0153,1303,2533,3833,5323,6993,869Baqa ash Sharqiya100355306318330343358375393An Nazla al Wustaا%2'%� ا%>:9"

100360144150155162169177185Nazlat Abu Nar)'%� أ�> )�ر����/A%100380652677704732764800837ا%2'%� اAn Nazla al Gharbiya


1005306,9697,2357,5187,8188,1648,5508,942Deir al GhusunدD/ ا%NA>ن���Qرو�S%100545668694721750783820857اAl Jarushiya

�U<V#W%100555156162168175183191200اAl Masqufa�YZ�1005705,3735,5785,7966,0286,2956,5926,894Bal'a

���C1005951,4561,5111,5701,6331,7051,7861,868إآIktaba]WQ 1006205,8146,0366,2726,5236,8117,1337,460_��^ )>رNur Shams Camp

��ن 100630641665691719750786822Kafr Rummanآ�/ رg ^��_1006359,94810,32810,73211,16111,65512,20612,765Tulkarm Camp>%�/م


�Cj2�1006655,3915,5975,8166,0486,3156,6146,917'Anabtal100675257266277288301315329Khirbet at Tayyah/�� ا%���9ح

HjZ%1006902,9703,0833,2043,3323,4793,6443,810آ�/ اKafr al Labad100710257266277288301315329Kafaآ��

nI���o%100715118123128133139145152اAl Haffasi�U<Q ��'�100725726754784815851891932 'Izbat Shufa

.-د ا�+*"ن )' &�%$ ا�#"م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� � ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-3 � ��

Table 3-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003


Page 27: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

.-د ا�+*"ن )' &�%$ ا�#"م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� � ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-3 � ��

Table 3-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

�� 1007301,5471,6071,6691,7361,8131,8991,986RaminراU1007352,3512,4412,5362,6372,7542,8843,016Far'un/�>ن

�U<Q1007609249599971,0361,0821,1331,185Shufa�js ��/l100780241250260270282295309Khirbet Jubaraرة

�D100795764793824857895937980:���رSaffarinH�% t��1008004,3544,5214,6984,8855,1015,3425,587Beit Lid100815373387402419437458479Ar Rasا%/اس

1008459249599971,0361,0821,1331,185Kafr Surآ�/ I>ر100870239248258268280293306Kurآ>ر

1008959629991,0381,0801,1271,1811,235Kafr Zibadآ�/ ز�jDد1009001,8821,9542,0302,1112,2052,3092,415Kafr Jammalآ�/ ��Wsل

1009151,0961,1381,1831,2301,2851,3451,407Kafr 'Abbushآ�/ xj�>ش�YWS{105109113117123128134Other Localitiesت أl/ى

127,341132,209137,381142,865149,188156,242163,397Tulkarm Governorate��8ع >");: �89*7م


Page 28: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

������100250258269280291303314326 'Akkaba�����1002908,6288,9989,3729,74910,13110,51710,909Qaffin

"#�� �%'(1003302,4702,5762,6832,7912,9003,0113,123Nazlat 'Isa1003451,6261,6961,7671,8381,9101,9832,056An Nazla ash Sharqiyaا%2'%� ا0%/����

��1003504,0404,2134,3884,5644,7434,9245,107Baqa ash Sharqiya�� ا0%/����100355410428445463481500518An Nazla al Wustaا%2'%� ا%>:9"

100360193201210218227235244Nazlat Abu Nar)'%� أ�> )�ر����/A%1003808749129499881,0261,0651,105ا%2'%� اAn Nazla al Gharbiya


1005309,3379,73810,14210,55010,96311,38111,805Deir al GhusunدD/ ا%NA>ن���Qرو�S%1005458959349721,0111,0511,0911,132اAl Jarushiya

�U<V#W%100555209218227236245255264اAl Masqufa�YZ�1005707,1997,5087,8198,1348,4528,7759,102Bal'a

���C1005951,9502,0342,1192,2042,2902,3772,466إآIktaba]WQ 1006207,7908,1248,4618,8029,1469,4959,849_��^ )>رNur Shams Camp

��ن 1006308588959329701,0081,0461,085Kafr Rummanآ�/ رg ^��_10063513,32913,90114,47815,06015,65016,24716,852Tulkarm Camp>%�/م


�Cj2�1006657,2237,5327,8458,1618,4808,8049,132'Anabtal100675344359373388404419435Khirbet at Tayyah/�� ا%���9ح

HjZ%1006903,9794,1504,3224,4964,6724,8505,031آ�/ اKafr al Labad100710344359373388404419435Kafaآ��

nI���o%100715159165172179186193201اAl Haffasi�U<Q ��'�1007259731,0151,0571,1001,1431,1861,230 'Izbat Shufa

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� � ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��3 � ��

Table 3-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

89د ا�56-ن 23 0�1/ ا�.-م


Page 29: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� � ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��3 � ��

Table 3-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

89د ا�56-ن 23 0�1/ ا�.-م

�� 1007302,0732,1622,2522,3432,4342,5272,621RaminراU1007353,1503,2853,4213,5593,6983,8393,982Far'un/�>ن

�U<Q1007601,2381,2911,3441,3981,4531,5091,565Shufa�js ��/l100780323336350365379393408Khirbet Jubaraرة

�D1007951,0231,0671,1121,1561,2021,2481,294:���رSaffarinH�% t��1008005,8346,0846,3376,5926,8507,1117,376Beit Lid100815500521543565587609632Ar Rasا%/اس

1008451,2381,2911,3441,3981,4531,5091,565Kafr Surآ�/ I>ر100870320334348362376390405Kurآ>ر

1008951,2891,3451,4001,4571,5141,5721,630Kafr Zibadآ�/ ز�jDد1009002,5222,6302,7392,8492,9613,0743,188Kafr Jammalآ�/ ��Wsل

1009151,4691,5321,5961,6601,7251,7911,857Kafr 'Abbushآ�/ xj�>ش�YWS{140146152158165171177Other Localitiesت أl/ى

170,621177,940185,329192,781200,331207,973215,718Tulkarm Governorate��;ع ?-3<= >;�5:م


Page 30: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

�� � ����

Nablus Governorate

Page 31: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����


!"$%�1506951,6901,7541,8231,8951,9792,0732,167Yasid)��1507052,1212,2022,2882,3792,4842,6022,720Beit Imrin"- إ*

3"45 678150745373387402418437458479Nisf Jubeil�">?4@1507652,1432,2242,3112,4042,5102,6282,748Sabastiya%"B?B5150770413428445463483506529إIjnisinyaF�GH1507751,9772,0522,1332,2182,3162,4252,536Talluzaزة

�Fرة%BJ1507851,2231,2691,3191,3721,4321,5001,568اAn Naqura1508051,7861,8541,9272,0042,0922,1912,291Al Badhanا4J%ذان

�فP �1508102,0352,1132,1952,2832,3842,4962,610Deir Sharafد��S"J%TUJة ا�"7V1508205,7245,9426,1756,4216,7057,0227,342 'Asira ash Shamaliya

�S�ر%S7BJ1508259991,0371,0771,1201,1701,2251,281اAn Nassariya%X1508351,4011,4551,5121,5721,6421,7191,798زواZawata

�S"8%�\]J150840660685712741773810847اAl 'Aqrabaniya)"$F�1508551,2791,3281,3801,4351,4981,5691,641Qusin1508602,4102,5022,6002,7042,8232,9563,091Beit Iba"- إ�%4

)?_ -"1508658799139499861,0301,0791,128Beit Hasan1508758268588919279681,0131,060Beit Wazan"- وزن

V cS"d*1508803,7153,8564,0074,1674,3514,5574,765 'Ein Beit el Ma Camp"( "- اTJ%ءiG4P )"V150885146152158164171179187 'Ein Shibli

!"BjJ150890285296308320334350366اAl JuneidF*�V1509102,0092,0862,1682,2542,3542,4652,577 'Azmutط

lG%815092098,919102,693106,713110,966115,872121,344126,884Nablus�m?V cS"d*1509309,3729,72910,11010,51310,97811,49612,021 'Askar Campo>pJا �1509351,6651,7281,7961,8681,9502,0422,136Deir al Hatabد�


Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 �!��

Table 4-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

67د ا�34+ن 01 /�.- ا�,+م


Page 32: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 �!��

Table 4-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

67د ا�34+ن 01 /�.- ا�,+م

�Hq cS"d*15096013,01413,51114,04014,59915,24515,96516,694Balata Camp�اق Fر�(V150975568590613638666697729'Iraq Burin

3X1509903,4963,6293,7713,9214,0954,2884,484Tell1510002,6472,7482,8552,9693,1013,2473,395Beit Dajan"- د5(o"51510102,8882,9983,1153,2393,3833,5423,704روRujeib3"uG� �v1510251,8381,9081,9822,0612,1532,2542,357آKafr Qallil

�وش "- د5(z1510308558879229591,0011,0481,096Furush Beit Dajan1510501,2231,2691,3191,3721,4321,5001,568Madama*%د*%

1510801,8981,9702,0472,1292,2232,3282,434BurinFر�(1510907,6727,9658,2778,6078,9879,4129,841Beit FurikFz -"ر�|

�S"G4\Jة ا�"7V1510951,6861,7501,8181,8911,9752,0682,162 'Asira al Qibliya%XرFV1511354,2864,4504,6244,8085,0215,2585,498 'Awarta

FV1511602,0942,1742,2592,3492,4532,5692,686 'Urifر6�1511807988298618969359791,024Odalaأود~

SF_1511854,2754,4384,6124,7965,0085,2455,484HuwwaraارةF4B"V1511951,6371,7001,7661,8371,9182,0082,100 'Einabusس


)"V%ST5 %��1512301,4471,5021,5611,6231,6951,7751,856زZeita Jamma'in)"V%ST51512454,2634,4264,5994,7834,9945,2305,469Jamma'in




1513801,6971,7621,8311,9041,9882,0822,177As SawiyaاJ?%و��


Page 33: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 �!��

Table 4-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

67د ا�34+ن 01 /�.- ا�,+م

3�%z iB ل!j*1513851,6111,6721,7381,8071,8871,9762,066Majdal Bani Fadil�S"��UJا )S4GJ1514051,8441,9141,9892,0682,1592,2612,365أAl Lubban ash Sharqiya


F�TV151435231240249259271283296 'Ammuriyaر��1514451,6371,7001,7661,8371,9182,0082,100Dumaدو*%

TjX161167174180188197206Other Localities[%ت أ��ى248,102257,566267,650278,317290,621304,347318,240Nablus Governorate��@ع <+1=> ;+:89


Page 34: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����


!"$%�1506952,2632,3602,4572,5552,6542,7552,856Yasid)��1507052,8412,9623,0843,2073,3323,4583,585Beit Imrin"- إ*

3"45 678150745500521542564586608631Nisf Jubeil�">?4@1507652,8702,9923,1163,2403,3663,4933,621Sabastiya%"B?B5150770553576600624648673697إIjnisinyaF�GH1507752,6482,7612,8752,9903,1063,2233,341Talluzaزة

�Fرة%BJ1507851,6381,7081,7781,8491,9211,9942,067اAn Naqura1508052,3932,4952,5982,7012,8062,9123,019Al Badhanا4J%ذان

�فP �1508102,7262,8422,9593,0783,1973,3183,440Deir Sharafد��S"J%TUJة ا�"7V1508207,6677,9948,3248,6578,9939,3329,675 'Asira ash Shamaliya

�S�ر%S7BJ1508251,3381,3951,4521,5101,5691,6281,688اAn Nassariya%X1508351,8771,9572,0382,1192,2022,2852,369زواZawata

�S"8%�\]J1508408849229609991,0371,0761,116اAl 'Aqrabaniya)"$F�1508551,7131,7861,8601,9342,0092,0852,162Qusin1508603,2283,3663,5053,6453,7863,9294,074Beit Iba"- إ�%4

)?_ -"1508651,1781,2281,2791,3301,3821,4341,486Beit Hasan1508751,1061,1541,2011,2491,2981,3471,396Beit Wazan"- وزن

V cS"d*1508804,9755,1885,4025,6185,8366,0566,279 'Ein Beit el Ma Camp"( "- اTJ%ءiG4P )"V150885196204212221229238247 'Ein Shibli

!"BjJ150890382398415431448465482اAl JuneidF*�V1509102,6912,8062,9223,0393,1573,2763,396 'Azmutط

lG%8150920132,489138,141143,846149,598155,409161,273167,195Nablus�m?V cS"d*15093012,55213,08813,62814,17314,72415,27915,840 'Askar Campo>pJا �1509352,2302,3252,4212,5182,6162,7142,814Deir al Hatabد�


Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 ����

Table 4-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م


Page 35: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 ����

Table 4-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

�Hq cS"d*15096017,43118,17518,92519,68220,44721,21821,997Balata Camp�اق Fر�(V150975761794827860893927961'Iraq Burin

3X1509904,6824,8825,0835,2875,4925,6995,908Tell1510003,5453,6963,8494,0034,1584,3154,474Beit Dajan"- د5(o"51510103,8684,0334,1994,3674,5374,7084,881روRujeib3"uG� �v1510252,4612,5662,6722,7792,8872,9963,106آKafr Qallil

�وش "- د5(z1510301,1451,1941,2431,2931,3431,3931,445Furush Beit Dajan1510501,6381,7081,7781,8491,9211,9942,067Madama*%د*%

1510802,5422,6502,7602,8702,9823,0943,208BurinFر�(15109010,27610,71411,15711,60312,05412,50812,968Beit FurikFz -"ر�|

�S"G4\Jة ا�"7V1510952,2582,3542,4512,5492,6482,7482,849 'Asira al Qibliya%XرFV1511355,7415,9866,2336,4826,7346,9887,245 'Awarta

FV1511602,8052,9253,0453,1673,2903,4143,540 'Urifر6�1511801,0691,1151,1611,2071,2541,3021,349Odalaأود~

SF_1511855,7265,9706,2176,4666,7176,9707,226HuwwaraارةF4B"V1511952,1932,2862,3812,4762,5722,6692,767 'Einabusس


)"V%ST5 %��1512301,9382,0202,1042,1882,2732,3592,445زZeita Jamma'in)"V%ST51512455,7105,9546,2006,4486,6986,9517,206Jamma'in




1513802,2742,3712,4682,5672,6672,7672,869As SawiyaاJ?%و��


Page 36: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����� �� ������ � ���� ��� :�-4 ����

Table 4-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

3�%z iB ل!j*1513852,1572,2492,3422,4362,5302,6262,722Majdal Bani Fadil�S"��UJا )S4GJ1514052,4692,5752,6812,7882,8963,0063,116أAl Lubban ash Sharqiya


F�TV151435309323336349363377390 'Ammuriyaر��1514452,1932,2862,3812,4762,5722,6692,767Dumaدو*%

TjX215225234243253262272Other Localities[%ت أ��ى332,299346,476360,783375,210389,785404,492419,347Nablus Governorate��Aع ?,2<= >,;:9


Page 37: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

������� ����

Qalqiliya Governorate

Page 38: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

�����200905495517541565594625658Falamya� ���وم�2009252,4502,5582,6732,7962,9363,0923,251Kafr Qaddumآ

(�)2009451,6271,6991,7761,8581,9512,0542,160Jit232009651,2261,2801,3381,3991,4691,5471,627Baqat al Hatab�� ا0/.-


��? �3�@200995377394411430452476500Khirbet Sir2DE��201015461481503526552582612Far'ataG�H28�2010201,7181,7941,8751,9612,0602,1692,280إImmatin201035462482504527554583613Al Funduqا0�N�ق��P�QP�20104031,35632,74334,22035,79137,58539,58041,616Qalqiliya

2010558528899299721,0211,0751,130An Nabi ElyasاRSN0 إ2�0سV�W ��201065690720753787827871916Kafr Laqifآ

-�S.0�3 اYE201075148155162169177187196 'Izbat at TabibN)2010851,5991,6701,7451,8251,9162,0182,122Jinsafut[2�=ط

�YE2011005,7946,0506,3236,6146,9457,3147,690'AzzunونR3=N90ا G�_2���ب ا0E201105136142149155163172181 'Arab ar Ramadin al Janubi

�PbE201115622649679710745785825 'Isla�PS:2011254,3144,5054,7084,9245,1715,4455,725Habla

201130278291304318334351369Ras at Tiraراس ا0.��ة�8�.E 2011551,1211,1711,2241,2801,3441,4151,488راسRas 'Atiya

�eSf0201170189198207216227239251اAd Dab'ahPi ��2011753,0603,1963,3403,4933,6683,8634,062Kafr Thulthآ

eP) �3YE201190100104109114119126132 'Izbat Jal'ud=د201205155162169177186196206Al Mudawwarاk0�و8ر

2kPn �3YE201210451471492515541569599'Izbat Salmanن�Qop�3 اYE201225293306320335351370389 'Izbat al Ashqar

G���32012558048408789189641,0151,068) أBeit Amin

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� �� ����� ����� ����� �� �� ��� ������ ��� :��5 !"��

Table 5-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

67د ا�34+ن 01 /�.- ا�,+م


Page 39: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� �� ����� ����� ����� �� �� ��� ������ ��� :��5 !"��

Table 5-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

67د ا�34+ن 01 /�.- ا�,+م

2r��Nn2012602,0952,1882,2872,3922,5112,6452,781Sanniriya�kDE ون�YE2012801,1711,2231,2781,3371,4041,4791,555'Azzun 'Atma

2ek9H223233243255267282296Other Localitiesت أ@�ى68,36171,38574,60578,02981,94286,29090,729Qalqiliya Governorate��@ع <+1=8 >:;89:9


Page 40: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

�����200905690724758792827863899Falamya� ���وم�2009253,4133,5783,7463,9174,0904,2664,445Kafr Qaddumآ

(�)2009452,2682,3772,4892,6022,7172,8342,953Jit232009651,7081,7911,8741,9602,0472,1352,224Baqat al Hatab�� ا0/.-


��? �3�@200995525551577603629657684Khirbet Sir2DE��201015642673705737770803836Far'ataG�H28�2010202,3942,5102,6282,7472,8692,9923,118إImmatin201035644675706739771804838Al Funduqا0�N�ق��P�QP�20104043,68945,80447,95250,13752,35454,60856,898Qalqiliya

2010551,1871,2441,3021,3621,4221,4831,545An Nabi ElyasاRSN0 إ2�0سV�W ��2010659611,0081,0551,1031,1521,2011,252Kafr Laqifآ

-�S.0�3 اYE201075206216226237247258269 'Izbat at TabibN)2010852,2282,3352,4452,5562,6692,7842,901Jinsafut[2�=ط

�YE2011008,0738,4648,8619,2659,67410,09110,514'AzzunونR3=N90ا G�_2���ب ا0E201105190199208218227237247 'Arab ar Ramadin al Janubi

�PbE2011158669089519941,0381,0831,128 'Isla�PS:2011256,0116,3016,5976,8987,2027,5137,828Habla

201130388407426445465485505Ras at Tiraراس ا0.��ة�8�.E 2011551,5621,6381,7151,7931,8721,9522,034راسRas 'Atiya

�eSf0201170264277290303316330344اAd Dab'ahPi ��2011754,2644,4714,6804,8935,1105,3305,553Kafr Thulthآ

eP) �3YE201190139146152159166174181 'Izbat Jal'ud=د201205216226237248259270281Al Mudawwarاk0�و8ر

2kPn �3YE201210628659690721753785818'Izbat Salmanن�Qop�3 اYE201225408428448469489510532 'Izbat al Ashqar

G���32012551,1211,1751,2301,2861,3431,4011,460) أBeit Amin

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� �� ����� ����� ����� �� �� ��� ������ ��� :�-5 ����

Table 5-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م


Page 41: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� �� ����� ����� ����� �� �� ��� ������ ��� :�-5 ����

Table 5-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

2r��Nn2012602,9193,0613,2043,3503,4983,6493,802Sanniriya�kDE ون�YE2012801,6321,7111,7911,8731,9562,0402,126'Azzun 'Atma

2ek9H311326341357372388405Other Localitiesت أ@�ى95,25099,860104,543109,307114,139119,054124,047Qalqiliya Governorate��Aع ?,2<9 =;>:;:9


Page 42: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

����� �����

Salfit District

Page 43: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

2512502,7662,8803,0013,1303,2783,4423,610Deir Istiyaد� إ����2512752,6682,7772,8943,0183,1613,3203,481Qarawat Bani Hassan*�اوة &%$ #! �ن

251290743774806841881925970Qira*��ة2512952,3232,4192,5212,6292,7532,8913,032Kifl Harisآ34 #�رس



BH�I2513401,8751,9522,0342,1222,2222,3332,447SartaBاوKL2513603,6473,7973,9574,1264,3214,5384,759اAz ZawiyaP�4Q�2513707,0107,2997,6067,9328,3068,7239,148Salfit2513951,4481,5071,5711,6381,7151,8021,889Rafatرا�Sت


Y<L2514253,6983,8504,0124,1844,3824,6024,826آ�4 اKafr ad Dik2514302,6452,7542,8702,9933,1343,2913,452Deir Ballutد� &Q]<ط

\�* B&�W251440182189197205215226237Khirbet Qeisabc100104108113118124130Other Localities`�ت أ�Wى

46,07747,97449,99352,13754,59557,33960,130Salfit District��*ع )'&% �$#"!

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� � ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-6 !"��

Table 6-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Salfit District by Locality 1997- 2003

FGد ا�CD>ن A@ )�?< ا�=>م


Page 44: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

2512503,7803,9534,1294,3084,4894,6734,860Deir Istiyaد� إ����2512753,6463,8123,9824,1544,3294,5074,687Qarawat Bani Hassan+�اوة '&% $"!�ن

2512901,0161,0621,1091,1571,2061,2551,306Qira+��ة2512953,1753,3203,4683,6183,7703,9254,082Kifl Harisآ34 $�رس



BH�I2513402,5632,6802,7992,9203,0433,1683,295SartaBاوKL2513604,9835,2125,4435,6795,9186,1616,407اAz ZawiyaP�4Q�2513709,58010,01810,46410,91611,37611,84312,316Salfit2513951,9792,0692,1612,2552,3502,4462,544Rafatرا�Sت


Y<L2514255,0545,2855,5205,7586,0016,2476,497آ�4 اKafr ad Dik2514303,6153,7803,9484,1194,2924,4684,647Deir Ballutد� 'Q]<ط

\�+ B'�W251440248260271283295307319Khirbet Qeisabc136142149155162168175Other Localities`�ت أ�Wى

62,96865,85168,78171,75174,77577,84280,956Salfit District��,ع *()' �&%$#

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� � ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ���� 6-ب: ���

Table 6-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Salfit District by Locality 2004- 2010

GHد ا�DE=ن AB *�@? ا�<=م


Page 45: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��� ��� �� ��� ����

Ramallah &Al Bireh Governorate

Page 46: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

اوة �� ز�� �3014551,9322,0192,1102,2082,3202,4442,572Qarawat Bani Zeid 3014601,7531,8311,9142,0032,1042,2172,333Mazari' an Nubani-,ارع ا(�'&%�

567 3014701,2721,3291,3891,4541,5271,6091,693Kafr 'Einآ8 Arura' 73014752,0722,1642,2622,3672,4872,6202,757&رورة 3014804,2984,4904,6944,9115,1605,4375,720Bani Zeid�� ز�� 5�'>73014852,3992,5062,6202,7422,8803,0353,193 'Abwein

&?6@A- B3014903,1063,2443,3923,5493,7293,9294,133Turmus'ayya� G)5 ا?>H)3014951,0541,1011,1511,2041,2651,3331,403اAl Lubban al Gharbi

MN�O3015003,8834,0564,2404,4364,6614,9115,167Sinjil3015051,5211,5891,6611,7381,8261,9242,024Deir as Sudanد� ا(A'دان

U6V%3015152,0202,1102,2062,3082,4252,5552,688رRantis&?6H6NHX301520714745779815857903950JilijliyaN73015251,0131,0581,1061,1571,2161,2811,348 'Ajjul]'ل \6G])3015301,6831,7581,8381,9232,0202,1292,239اAl MughayyirAbud' 73015351,7161,7931,8741,9612,0612,1712,284&'د

301540366382400418440463487An Nabi Salihا(�<� `&(_ e أ' bcحf3015452,8632,9913,1273,2723,4373,6223,810Khirbet Abu Falah

&8 301550503526550575604637670Umm Safaأم] e?6� j)ا e73015553,6123,7733,9454,1274,3374,5694,807ا([,رAl Mazra'a ash Sharqiya

301560635663693725762803844Deir Nidhamد� %l&مm73015651,6401,7131,7911,8741,9692,0752,183 'Atara&رة

M@j- 'أ 3015702,4022,5092,6232,7452,8843,0393,197Deir Abu Mash'alد�&6>6X301575112116122127134141148Jibiya

e6-&O 567301580122128134140147155163 'Ein Samiya ه&م301585395412431451474499525Burham

o)&- 3015902,0982,1922,2912,3982,5192,6542,792Kafr Malikآ8&>qr3015953,0273,1623,3063,4593,6343,8294,028Shuqba


2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :!"7 #���

Mid-Year Population56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م

Table 7-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003


Page 47: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :!"7 #���

Mid-Year Population56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م

Table 7-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

t6>�3016053,4413,5953,7583,9324,1324,3534,580QibyaHO3016105,0645,2905,5305,7866,0806,4066,739Silwad'اد ود>�301615481502525549577608640Yabrud'[HHV63016202,1522,2482,3512,4602,5842,7232,864Beitillu56V>r301625610637666697732772812Shabtinv&?]X3016301,0151,0601,1081,1591,2181,2831,350Jammala

wز� 63016354,6254,8315,0515,2855,5525,8506,154Bir Zeit&6�6O 567301640526549574601632665700'Ein Siniya

HO x?6y-301645296309323338355375394Silwad Camp'اد � X 3016503,0043,1383,2813,4333,6073,8003,998Deir Jarirد�3016551,6861,7611,8411,9262,0242,1322,243Deir 'Ammarد� 7[?&ر

x?6y-3016601,5561,6261,7001,7781,8691,9692,071Deir 'Ammar Camp د� 7[?&ر3016651,0561,1031,1531,2071,2681,3361,405Budrus�رس

3016701,2991,3571,4181,4841,5591,6431,728Abu Shukheidimا' 6yr�م&�8X3016759489911,0361,0841,1391,2001,262Jifna

عq)3016801,9131,9982,0892,1862,2962,4192,545دورا اDura al Qar'e>6m)3016851,4841,5511,6211,6961,7821,8781,975اAt Tayba

e?6H>q)ا e73016952,9643,0963,2373,3873,5583,7493,944ا([,رAl Mazra'a al Qibliyax?6y-3017006,0646,3346,6226,9297,2807,6708,069Al Jalazun Camp ا(HN,ون

3017051,0921,1401,1921,2471,3101,3811,453Abu Qashا' �~U�\�� 3017101,3741,4351,5001,5701,6491,7381,828Deir Qaddisد�

56H@%3017153,3173,4653,6233,7903,9824,1964,414Ni'lin ود>� 5673017202,4832,5942,7122,8372,9813,1413,304 'Ein Yabrud

�& �� �&رثf3017252,0292,1202,2162,3192,4362,5672,700Kharbatha Bani Harith 3017301,3251,3851,4481,5151,5911,6771,764Ras Karkarراس آ آ

دا3017359931,0371,0841,1341,1921,2561,321Surdae6%&N)3017408178548929349811,0341,087اAl Janiyae��])3017459119529951,0411,0941,1521,212اAl Midya


Page 48: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :!"7 #���

Mid-Year Population56د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, ا�+*م

Table 7-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

3017502,2412,3412,4482,5612,6912,8352,983Rammunر-]'نe]@% 3017552,7042,8252,9533,0903,2473,4213,599Kafr Ni'maآ8


&6�6� 567301770564589615644677713750 'Ein Qiniya301775558582609637669705742Badiw al Mu'arrajat�و ا([@ ?X&ت

'3017801,4521,5161,5851,6591,7431,8361,932Deir Ibziد� إ,��3017854,8375,0535,2825,5275,8076,1186,437Deir Dibwanد� د'ان

30179027,60628,83730,14931,54533,14434,92036,737Al Birehا(<6 ةo� 7 5673018001,1901,2431,3001,3601,4291,5061,584'Ein 'Arik

&?83018052,8222,9473,0813,2243,3883,5693,755Saffa30181017,78118,57419,41920,31821,34822,49323,663Ramallahرام ا�

e� 3018151,6181,6901,7671,8481,9422,0462,153Burqa&V�V)7'ر ا w63018203,0813,2193,3653,5213,6993,8984,100Beit 'Ur at Tahta

&6%'V63018259,2689,68110,12210,59111,12711,72412,334Beituniyax?6y-3018303,9934,1714,3614,5634,7945,0515,314Al Am'ari Camp ا�-@ ي

x?6y-3018351,0881,1361,1881,2431,3061,3761,447Qaddura Camp ��]ورة ا6O w63018501,9842,0722,1662,2672,3822,5092,640Beit Sira

�& ا([�<&حf3018553,6623,8264,0004,1854,3974,6334,874Kharbatha al Misbah301860647676707740777819862Beit 'Ur al Fauqaw6 7'ر ا(8'�&

ة6m)3018901,1481,1991,2541,3121,3781,4521,527اAt Tira&6q) w63018955,6345,8866,1536,4386,7657,1277,498Beit Liqya&'% w6301925204213223233245258272Beit Nuba

ىfت أ&@]NB25262728303133Other Localities202,759211,800221,436231,690243,432256,483269,827Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate��Aع ?*0<= رام ا> وا�:89ة


Page 49: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

اوة �� ز�� �3014552,7012,8342,9683,1053,2443,3853,528Qarawat Bani Zeid 3014602,4502,5702,6932,8172,9433,0703,200Mazari' an Nubani.-ارع ا*�)'&�

567 3014701,7781,8651,9542,0442,1362,2292,322Kafr 'Einآ8 Arura' 73014752,8963,0383,1823,3293,4783,6293,782'رورة 3014806,0086,3036,6026,9077,2167,5297,847Bani Zeid�� ز�� 5�(>73014853,3543,5183,6863,8554,0284,2034,380 'Abwein

'?6@A. B3014904,3424,5544,7714,9915,2145,4415,670Turmus'ayya� G*5 ا?>H*3014951,4731,5461,6191,6941,7701,8461,924اAl Lubban al Gharbi

MN�O3015005,4285,6935,9646,2396,5186,8017,088Sinjil3015052,1262,2302,3362,4442,5532,6642,776Deir as Sudanد� ا*A)دان

U6V&3015152,8242,9623,1033,2463,3923,5393,688رRantis'?6H6NHX3015209971,0461,0961,1471,1981,2501,303JilijliyaN73015251,4161,4851,5551,6271,7001,7741,849 'Ajjul])ل \6G]*3015302,3522,4682,5852,7042,8252,9483,072اAl MughayyirAbud' 73015352,3992,5172,6362,7582,8813,0073,133')د

301540512537562588615641668An Nabi Salihا*�<� `'*_ e أ) bcحf3015454,0024,1984,3984,6014,8075,0155,227Khirbet Abu Falah

'8 301550704738773809845882919Umm Safaأم] e?6� j*ا e73015555,0505,2975,5495,8056,0646,3286,594ا*[-رAl Mazra'a ash Sharqiya

3015608879319751,0201,0651,1121,159Deir Nidhamد� &l'مm73015652,2932,4052,5202,6362,7542,8732,994 'Atara'رة

M@j. (أ 3015703,3583,5233,6903,8604,0334,2084,385Deir Abu Mash'alد�'6>6X301575156164171179187195204Jibiya

e6.'O 567301580171179188197205214223 'Ein Samiya ه'م301585552579606634663692721Burham

o*'. 3015902,9333,0773,2233,3723,5223,6763,831Kafr Malikآ8'>qr3015954,2314,4394,6504,8645,0825,3025,526Shuqba


Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-7 !���

Table 7-b : Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م


Page 50: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-7 !���

Table 7-b : Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

t6>�3016054,8115,0465,2865,5305,7776,0296,283QibyaHO3016107,0797,4267,7798,1378,5018,8719,245Silwad)اد ود>�301615672705738772807842877Yabrud([HHV63016203,0093,1563,3073,4593,6143,7713,930Beitillu56V>r3016258538949379801,0241,0681,113Shabtinv'?]X3016301,4181,4881,5581,6301,7031,7771,852Jammala

wز� 63016356,4656,7827,1047,4327,7648,1028,443Bir Zeit'6�6O 567301640735771808845883921960'Ein Siniya

HO x?6y.301645414434455476497519541Silwad Camp)اد � X 3016504,2004,4054,6154,8285,0435,2635,484Deir Jarirد�3016552,3562,4722,5892,7092,8302,9533,077Deir 'Ammarد� 7[?'ر

x?6y.3016602,1762,2822,3912,5012,6132,7262,841Deir 'Ammar Camp د� 7[?'ر3016651,4761,5491,6221,6971,7731,8501,928Budrus�رس

3016701,8161,9051,9952,0872,1802,2752,371Abu Shukheidimا) 6yr�م'�8X3016751,3261,3911,4571,5241,5921,6611,731Jifna

عq*3016802,6742,8052,9383,0743,2113,3513,492دورا اDura al Qar'e>6m*3016852,0752,1772,2802,3852,4922,6002,710اAt Tayba

e?6H>q*ا e73016954,1434,3464,5534,7634,9765,1925,411ا*[-رAl Mazra'a al Qibliyax?6y.3017008,4778,8929,3159,74410,18010,62211,070Al Jalazun Camp ا*HN-ون

3017051,5261,6011,6771,7541,8321,9121,993Abu Qashا) �~U�\�� 3017101,9202,0152,1102,2082,3062,4072,508Deir Qaddisد�

56H@&3017154,6374,8645,0955,3305,5695,8116,056Ni'lin ود>� 5673017203,4713,6413,8143,9904,1694,3504,533 'Ein Yabrud

�' �� �'رثf3017252,8372,9753,1173,2613,4063,5553,704Kharbatha Bani Harith 3017301,8531,9442,0362,1302,2252,3222,420Ras Karkarراس آ آ

دا3017351,3881,4561,5251,5951,6671,7391,813Surdae6&'N*3017401,1421,1981,2551,3131,3721,4321,492اAl Janiyae��]*3017451,2731,3361,3991,4641,5291,5961,663اAl Midya


Page 51: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ��� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-7 !���

Table 7-b : Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

3017503,1333,2873,4433,6023,7633,9264,092Rammunر.])نe]@& 3017553,7803,9654,1544,3454,5404,7374,937Kafr Ni'maآ8


'6�6� 5673017707888268669069469871,029 'Ein Qiniya3017757808188578969369771,018Badiw al Mu'arrajat�و ا*[@ ?X'ت

'3017802,0292,1292,2302,3332,4372,5432,650Deir Ibziد� إ-��3017856,7627,0937,4307,7738,1208,4738,830Deir Dibwanد� د)ان

30179038,59240,48242,40744,36246,34548,36050,398Al Birehا*<6 ةo� 7 5673018001,6641,7451,8281,9131,9982,0852,173'Ein 'Arik

'?83018053,9444,1384,3344,5344,7374,9435,151Saffa30181024,85726,07527,31528,57429,85231,14932,462Ramallahرام ا�

e� 3018152,2612,3722,4852,5992,7162,8342,953Burqa'V�V*7)ر ا w63018204,3074,5184,7334,9515,1735,3985,625Beit 'Ur at Tahta

'6&(V630182512,95613,59114,23714,89415,56016,23616,920Beituniyax?6y.3018305,5825,8556,1346,4176,7046,9957,290Al Am'ari Camp ا�.@ ي

x?6y.3018351,5201,5951,6711,7481,8261,9051,986Qaddura Camp ��]ورة ا6O w63018502,7732,9093,0473,1883,3303,4753,621Beit Sira

�' ا*[�<'حf3018555,1205,3715,6265,8856,1496,4166,686Kharbatha al Misbah3018609059499951,0401,0871,1341,182Beit 'Ur al Fauqaw6 7)ر ا*8)�'

ة6m*3018901,6051,6831,7631,8441,9272,0112,095اAt Tira'6q* w63018957,8768,2628,6559,0549,4599,87010,286Beit Liqya'(& w6301925286300314328343358373Beit Nuba

ىfت أ'@]NB34363840414345Other Localities283,446297,330311,469325,827340,397355,195370,164Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate��Bع @,2?< رام ا= وا�;:9ة


Page 52: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��� ����

Jericho Governorate

Page 53: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

ج ����351045547570595622652685719Marj Na'ja�ات�3511109559961,0401,0861,1391,1971,257Az Zubeidatا"!�

ج ا".!ال351116274286299312327344361Marj al Ghazal3511403,1363,2723,4153,5673,7393,9314,126Al Jiftlikا"2456�:;<=>351510641669698729765804844Fasayil<BC�"3516902,8582,9813,1123,2503,4083,5823,760اAl 'Auja

�D�;CE"3518408308669049449901,0401,092اAn Nuwei'ma<IC6"ك اC;��K ا"L351845580605632660692727763 'Ein ad Duyuk al Foqa

�K ا"R4S>نL TU�V3518651,4511,5131,5801,6501,7301,8181,908 'Ein as Sultan Camp<5Z5"ك اC;��K ا"L351905689719750783821863906 'Ein ad Duyuk at Tahta

<Z;35192014,55115,17815,84316,54617,34918,23919,140أرJericho (Ariha)aB �abL TU�V3519754,5214,7164,9225,1415,3905,6675,947Aqbat Jaber Camp�D�e54575962656871Other Localities>ت أdى

Jericho Governorate 31,08932,42833,84935,35237,06638,96840,894"�(ع "!'&% أر#"!

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ��� ���� ���� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :�-8 ����

Table 8-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jericho Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

DEد ا�AB!ن '? <�=> ا�;!م


Page 54: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

ج ����351045753788823858893929965Marj Na'ja�ات�3511101,3161,3771,4381,4991,5611,6231,686Az Zubeidatا"!�

ج ا".!ال351116378395413430448466484Marj al Ghazal3511404,3224,5204,7204,9215,1245,3295,535Al Jiftlikا"2456�:;<=>3515108849249651,0061,0481,0901,132Fasayil<BC�"3516903,9384,1194,3014,4844,6694,8565,044اAl 'Auja

�D�;CE"3518401,1441,1961,2491,3021,3561,4101,465اAn Nuwei'ma<IC6"ك اC;��K ا"L3518458008368739109489861,024 'Ein ad Duyuk al Foqa

�K ا"R4S>نL TU�V3518651,9992,0912,1832,2762,3702,4652,560 'Ein as Sultan Camp<5Z5"ك اC;��K ا"L3519059499931,0371,0811,1251,1701,216 'Ein ad Duyuk at Tahta

<Z;35192020,05120,97021,89722,83023,77224,72125,680أرJericho (Ariha)aB �abL TU�V3519756,2306,5156,8047,0937,3867,6817,979Aqbat Jaber Camp�D�e75788285899296Other Localities>ت أdى

Jericho Governorate 42,83944,80346,78448,77850,78952,81854,866$�+ع $#()' أر%$#

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ��� ���� ���� ����� �� ������ ����� ��� :��8 ����

Table 8-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jericho Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

DEد ا�AB#ن (? <�=> ا�;#م


Page 55: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

����� ����

Jerusalem Governorate

Page 56: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

4018701,5531,6131,6771,7451,8241,9122,002Rafatرا��ت��� ��4018757,6147,9068,2198,5538,9399,3719,811Kafr 'Aqabآ

4018851,3741,4271,4831,5431,6131,6911,770Mikhmas)&%�س�/0123 456&(4019006,6296,8847,1567,4467,7828,1598,542Qalandiya Camp

�/01234019158448769119489911,0391,087QalandiyaB6C4019301,1701,2151,2641,3151,3741,4411,508Beit Duqqu د3@?

HIJ4019352,3692,4602,5572,6612,7812,9153,052Jaba'4019401,5511,6111,6751,7431,8211,9091,999Al Judeiraا0MN/�ة

0/�INا O6P�Q�ام وN40194518,71919,43720,20721,02721,97623,03824,119اAr Ram & Dahiyat al BareedB6C4019503,1193,2383,3673,5033,6613,8384,018Beit 'Anan �1�ن

�6MN4019553,3953,5253,6653,8143,9864,1784,374اAl JibV�IW �6C4019604,4544,6254,8085,0035,2295,4825,739Bir Nabala

B6C401965490509529551576604632Beit Ijza إYJاOI6I�N4019801,5131,5711,6331,6991,7761,8621,949اAl Qubeiba

4 2Nا� أم@ ا�a401985272283294306320335351Kharayib Umm al Lahim0C4019954,6574,8365,0285,2315,4685,7326,001Biddu@و

d6`?%e fI1N402000160166173180188197206اAn Nabi Samwil�(YP4020054,4594,6304,8135,0095,2355,4885,745Hizma

02IN�161 اP B6C4020101,0141,0521,0941,1391,1901,2471,306Beit Hanina al Baladj1k34020155,4825,6935,9186,1586,4366,7477,064Qatanna

l/ر?m B6C4020202,7922,8993,0143,1363,2783,4363,597Beit Surik�nإآ B6C4020251,1481,1921,2391,2891,3471,4131,479Beit Iksa

�o�1�4020407,0377,3077,5967,9048,2618,6609,067'Anata402045714741770802838878919Al Ka'abina (Tajammu' Badawi)اj1C�stN (0C H@%Moوي)

4v6�YN4020651,7981,8671,9412,0202,1112,2132,317اAz Za'ayyemO5/رY6sN40210012,72413,21313,73614,29314,93815,66016,395اAl 'Eizariyay/د ?C4021208,8589,1989,5629,95010,39910,90111,413اAbu Dis

z6N�{MN4021258819159519901,0351,0851,136��ب ا 'Arab al Jahalin

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ���� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��9 ����

Table 9-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م


Page 57: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ���� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��9 ����

Table 9-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

O563�}N�ة اPا?nN4021453,8103,9574,1134,2804,4734,6904,910اAs Sawahira ash Sharqiya0sm ~6}N4021601,7601,8271,9001,9772,0662,1662,267اAsh Sheikh Sa'd

�s%Mo45474951535658Other Localitiesت أ�aى(J1 89:.) <ع ا�59س��208,404214,832221,414228,152235,041242,081249,270Total Jerusalem (J1 Region)

(J2 89:.) <ع ا�59س��112,405116,721121,342126,265131,962138,341144,835Total Jerusalem (J2 Region)320,809331,553342,756354,417367,003380,422394,105Jerusalem Governorate��<ع 8G0*H ا�59س

.�������� ��� ��� : J2 �����J2 Region: Includes the other parts of Jerusalem governorate.

J1 Region: Includes those parts of Jerusalem, which were annexed by Israel in 1967.

.1967 ��� � ������� ����� ������� ���� ���� ���� ! "��� #$�� %�&�� ������ '� ()*�� +�$ ��� : J1 �����


Page 58: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

4018702,0932,1852,2782,3732,4682,5642,661Rafatرا��ت��� ��40187510,25710,70911,16611,62912,09612,56813,042Kafr 'Aqabآ

4018851,8511,9322,0152,0982,1822,2682,353Mikhmas)&%�س�/0123 456&(4019008,9309,3249,72210,12510,53110,94211,355Qalandiya Camp

�/01234019151,1371,1871,2371,2891,3411,3931,445QalandiyaB6C4019301,5771,6461,7171,7881,8601,9322,005Beit Duqqu د3@?

HIJ4019353,1913,3313,4743,6183,7633,9104,057Jaba'4019402,0902,1822,2752,3702,4652,5612,658Al Judeiraا0MN/�ة

0/�INا O6P�Q�ام وN40194525,21526,32727,45228,59029,73830,89832,064اAr Ram & Dahiyat al BareedB6C4019504,2014,3864,5744,7634,9555,1485,342Beit 'Anan �1�ن

�6MN4019554,5734,7754,9795,1855,3945,6045,815اAl JibV�IW �6C4019606,0006,2646,5326,8037,0767,3527,629Bir Nabala

B6C401965661690719749779810840Beit Ijza إYJاOI6I�N4019802,0382,1282,2192,3112,4042,4972,592اAl Qubeiba

4 2Nا� أم@ ا�a401985367383399416433450467Kharayib Umm al Lahim0C4019956,2746,5506,8307,1137,3997,6877,978Biddu@و

d6`?%e fI1N402000215225234244254264274اAn Nabi Samwil�(YP4020056,0066,2716,5396,8107,0847,3607,638Hizma

02IN�161 اP B6C4020101,3651,4261,4861,5481,6101,6731,736Beit Hanina al Baladj1k34020157,3857,7118,0408,3738,7109,0499,391Qatanna

l/ر?m B6C4020203,7613,9274,0954,2644,4364,6094,782Beit Surik�nإآ B6C4020251,5461,6141,6831,7531,8231,8951,966Beit Iksa

�o�1�4020409,4799,89710,32010,74711,17911,61512,053'Anata4020459611,0041,0461,0901,1341,1781,222Al Ka'abina (Tajammu' Badawi)اj1C�stN (0C H@%Moوي)

4v6�YN4020652,4222,5292,6372,7462,8572,9683,080اAz Za'ayyemO5/رY6sN40210017,14017,89618,66119,43420,21521,00321,796اAl 'Eizariyay/د ?C40212011,93212,45812,99013,52814,07214,62115,172اAbu Dis

z6N�{MN4021251,1871,2401,2921,3461,4001,4551,510��ب ا 'Arab al Jahalin

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ���� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-9 ����

Table 9-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م


Page 59: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ���� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-9 ����

Table 9-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

78د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. ا�-,م

O563�}N�ة اPا?nN4021455,1335,3595,5885,8206,0546,2906,527اAs Sawahira ash Sharqiya0sm ~6}N4021602,3702,4752,5812,6882,7962,9053,014اAsh Sheikh Sa'd

�s%Mo61646769727578Other Localitiesت أ�aى(J1 ;<=0) ع ا�>7سA��256,625264,127271,777279,576287,529295,636303,901Total Jerusalem (J1 Region)(J2 ;<=0) ع ا�>7سA��151,417158,095164,846171,680178,576185,541192,544Total Jerusalem (J2 Region)

408,042422,222436,623451,256466,105481,177496,445Jerusalem Governorate��Aع H2,I; ا�>7س

.�������� ��� ��� : J2 �����

J1 Region: Includes those parts of Jerusalem, which were annexed by Israel in 1967.J2 Region: Includes the other parts of Jerusalem governorate.

.1967 ��� � ������� ����� ������� ���� ���� ���� ! "��� #$�� %�&�� ������ '� ()*�� +�$ ��� : J1 �����


Page 60: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

� �� �����

Bethlehem Governorate

Page 61: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

4521701,2271,2761,3291,3841,4491,5201,593Al Walajaا����������4521753,0543,1773,3083,4473,6073,7863,967Battir

4521806,1956,4446,7096,9917,3167,6788,046Al 'Ubeidiyaا�)&�$"!�Ayda Camp' �344521852,3602,4552,5562,6632,7872,9253,065!2 01"$ة452190143149155162169177186Khallet an Nu'man>;!� ا�:)09ن�344521951,2621,3131,3671,4251,4911,5651,639Al 'Aza Camp!2 ا�)B!ة

452200250260270282295309324Al Khasا�03صF0G H��45221012,07912,56513,08213,63214,26514,97115,688Beit Jala

J"4522151,5701,6331,7011,7721,8541,9462,039وادي ا�)�اWadi al 'Arayis452225721750781814852894937Dar Salahدار OPح

0T�U4522304,1314,2974,4744,6624,8795,1215,366HusanنW�آ�Y 4522358699049429811,0271,0781,129واديWadi Fukin

2\� H��45224021,66022,53123,45824,44425,58026,84728,132Bethlehem (Beit Lahm)2 aG4522451,0071,0471,0901,1361,1891,2481,307Juhdum

J��bcا� d452250264275286298312328344أمUmm al Qasseis���U0T Hر45225511,13711,58512,06212,56913,15313,80414,465Beit Sahur

�;b1 d452260117122127133139146153أمUmm 'Asla�U4522655,1315,3375,5575,7916,0606,3606,664ا�$وAd Doha� 4522706,7206,9907,2787,5847,9368,3298,728Al Khadrا�3

�i��344522756,8037,0767,3687,6778,0348,4328,836!2 ا�$هAd Duheisha Camp4522801,5551,6181,6851,7551,8371,9282,020Hindazaه:$ازة

4522851,9121,9892,0702,1572,2582,3692,483Ash Shawawraا�i�اورة452290569592617643673706740Ras al Wadراس ا��اد

H3Y452295185192200208218229240Fakht al Jul ا���ل4523002,6512,7572,8712,9923,1313,2863,443Artasإر0pس

as452305290302314327343360377Dhahrat an Nada�ة ا�:$ى�(;t d452310192200208217227239250وادي أمWadi Umm Qal'a

$9U ��;<452315344358373389407427447Khallet Hamad

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-10 �!��

Table 10-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م


Page 62: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-10 �!��

Table 10-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

�( "��452320240249260271283297311Bureid'aW��0!\u4523254,6384,8255,0245,2355,4785,7496,025Nahhalin

�9(v H��4523358408749109489921,0411,091Beit Ta'mir452345324337351365382401420Khallet al Louza>;�� ا�;�زة


452365724754785818855898941Al 'Asakiraا�)0bآ�ة452370179186193202211221232Ath Thabraا�y&�ة

J"$"�z452375518539561585612642673ا�Al Fureidis0 452380253263274285298313328Al Beidaا�&�

��0Y H��ح452385368383399415435456478Beit Falouh�p�d;&452390123128134139146153160>;�� ا�Khallet al BallutaW�uا�c452395101105109114119125131>;�� ا�Khallet al Qaranin452400413429447466487511536Wadi Rahhalوادي رU!0ل

452410645671699728762800838Al 'Iqabا�)0cب�;4�U452420548570593618647679711Harmala

2��u ��452425566589614639669702736Abu Nujeimا452430303315328342358376394Khallet al Haddad>;�� ا�\$!اد452440572595620646676709743Al Ma'saraا�9)~�ة

452445538559583607635667699Wadi an Nisوادي ا�:���� ا�$"��<4524551,1321,1781,2261,2781,3371,4031,470Khirbet ad Deir

�(9iرة ا��G4524601,0851,1281,1751,2241,2811,3441,409Jurat ash Sham'a!O(4 �4452470446464483503527553579احMarah Ma'alla

452475130136141147154161169Al Halqumا�\;�cم�u�9;T d452480584608633659690724759أمUmm Salamuna

�!�i:9452490263273284296310325341ا�Al Manshiya'�cv4524954,8275,0215,2285,4485,7015,9836,269Tuquع

44525008228558909289711,0191,068Marah Rabah�اح ر�0ح


Page 63: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-10 �!��

Table 10-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

���Y H!0ر4525257,8968,2148,5528,9119,3259,78710,256Beit Fajjar452535564586610636666698732Al Maniyaا�9:���

452565288300312325340357374Kisanآ0b�نArab ar Rashayida' 14526607778088418779179631,009�ب ا�0��"$ة

W�1452715111115120125131137144ا��واAr Rawa'in9�v582606631657688722756Other Localities)0ت أ>�ى

130,361135,604141,187147,121153,954161,579169,317Bethlehem Governorate��=ع 6*0;: 789 ��6


Page 64: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

4521701,6671,7421,8181,8951,9722,0512,130Al Walajaا����������4521754,1514,3384,5264,7174,9115,1065,303Battir

4521808,4198,7979,1809,5679,95910,35510,755Al 'Ubeidiyaا�)&�$"!�Ayda Camp' �344521853,2073,3513,4973,6443,7943,9444,097!2 01"$ة452190194203212221230239248Khallet an Nu'man>;!� ا�:)09ن�344521951,7161,7931,8711,9492,0292,1102,191Al 'Aza Camp!2 ا�)B!ة

452200339355370386401417433Al Khasا�03صF0G H��45221016,41617,15317,90018,65419,41920,19120,970Beit Jala

J"4522152,1342,2302,3272,4252,5242,6252,726وادي ا�)�اWadi al 'Arayis4522259801,0251,0691,1141,1601,2061,252Dar Salahدار OPح

0T�U4522305,6155,8676,1226,3806,6426,9067,172HusanنW�آ�Y 4522351,1821,2351,2881,3431,3981,4531,509واديWadi Fukin

2\� H��45224029,43730,75932,09833,45134,82236,20637,604Bethlehem (Beit Lahm)2 aG4522451,3681,4301,4921,5551,6181,6831,748Juhdum

J��bcا� d452250359376392408425442459أمUmm al Qasseis���U0T Hر45225515,13615,81616,50417,20017,90518,61719,336Beit Sahur

�;b1 d452260160167174181189196204أمUmm 'Asla�U4522656,9737,2877,6047,9248,2498,5778,908ا�$وAd Doha� 4522709,1339,5439,95810,37810,80311,23311,666Al Khadrا�3

�i��344522759,2459,66110,08110,50610,93711,37111,810!2 ا�$هAd Duheisha Camp4522802,1142,2092,3052,4022,5012,6002,700Hindazaه:$ازة

4522852,5982,7152,8332,9523,0733,1953,319Ash Shawawraا�i�اورة452290774809844879915952989Ras al Wadراس ا��اد

H3Y452295251262273285297308320Fakht al Jul ا���ل4523003,6033,7653,9284,0944,2624,4314,602Artasإر0pس

as452305394412430448466485504Dhahrat an Nada�ة ا�:$ى�(;t d452310262273285297309322334وادي أمWadi Umm Qal'a

$9U ��;<452315468489510532554576598Khallet Hamad

Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��10 �!��

Table 10-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م


Page 65: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��10 �!��

Table 10-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

�( "��452320326341355370386401416Bureid'aW��0!\u4523256,3046,5876,8747,1647,4577,7548,053Nahhalin

�9(v H��4523351,1411,1931,2451,2971,3501,4041,458Beit Ta'mir452345440460480500520541562Khallet al Louza>;�� ا�;�زة


4523659851,0291,0731,1191,1651,2111,258Al 'Asakiraا�)0bآ�ة452370243254265276287299310Ath Thabraا�y&�ة

J"$"�z452375704736768800833866900ا�Al Fureidis0 452380343359374390406422439Al Beidaا�&�

��0Y H��ح452385500523546569592615639Beit Falouh�p�d;&452390168175183191198206214>;�� ا�Khallet al BallutaW�uا�c452395137143149155162168175>;�� ا�Khallet al Qaranin452400561586611637663690716Wadi Rahhalوادي رU!0ل

4524108779179569971,0381,0791,121Al 'Iqabا�)0cب�;4�U452420744778812846881916951Harmala

2��u ��452425770804839875911947983Abu Nujeimا452430412430449468487506526Khallet al Haddad>;�� ا�\$!اد452440778813848884920957994Al Ma'saraا�9)~�ة

452445731764797831865899934Wadi an Nisوادي ا�:���� ا�$"��<4524551,5381,6081,6771,7481,8201,8921,965Khirbet ad Deir

�(9iرة ا��G4524601,4741,5401,6071,6751,7441,8131,883Jurat ash Sham'a!O(4 �4452470606633661689717746774احMarah Ma'alla

452475177185193201209218226Al Halqumا�\;�cم�u�9;T d4524807948308669029399771,014أمUmm Salamuna

�!�i:9452490357373389405422439456ا�Al Manshiya'�cv4524956,5606,8557,1537,4557,7608,0698,380Tuquع

44525001,1171,1671,2181,2701,3221,3741,427Marah Rabah�اح ر�0ح


Page 66: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population in

2010 -2004 ������ �� � �� ������ ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :��10 �!��

Table 10-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

���Y H!0ر45252510,73211,21411,70212,19512,69513,19913,709Beit Fajjar452535766800835870906942978Al Maniyaا�9:���

452565392409427445463482500Kisanآ0b�نArab ar Rashayida' 14526601,0561,1031,1511,2001,2491,2981,348�ب ا�0��"$ة

W�1452715150157164171178185192ا��واAr Rawa'in9�v7918278638999369731,011Other Localities)0ت أ>�ى

177,170185,128193,183201,328209,580217,909226,321Bethlehem Governorate��?ع 2,8=> ;:9 ��8


Page 67: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��� �� ����

Hebron Governorate

Page 68: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

502355643670699729765804845Al Jab'aا���������� ا���502435212221230241252265279Khirbet ad Deir


5025305,9336,1806,4446,7267,0527,4167,790Al 'Arrub Camp:6789 ا�5��وب�8? أو:�75025408,9879,3609,76010,18810,68111,23311,799Beit Ummar


8H5025559781,0191,0621,1091,1621,2221,284Shuyukh al 'Arrub*خ ا�5��وب�1راس5025605,0565,2665,4915,7326,0096,3206,638Kharas


1N�U502590361376392409429451474 'Irqan Turadن �Sاد502595338352367383401422443Kuzibaآ*ز1��

502600186193201210221232244Ras al Joraراس ا��*رةB8? أو�5026156,7267,0057,3047,6257,9948,4078,831Beit Ula

�8�5026209,5459,94210,36610,82111,34511,93112,532Sa'irbcE50263015,47716,11916,80817,54518,39519,34520,320Halhul*ل5026355,0635,2735,4985,7396,0176,3286,647Ash Shuyukhا�8d*خ18:*N�e50264010,42910,86211,32611,82212,39513,03513,692Tarqumiya

67cf: �8�502645135141147153161169178Bir Musallamh8i91ن ا�jN5026509239611,0021,0461,0971,1531,212Qafan al Khamis

kE18? آ�5026554,1594,3314,5174,7154,9435,1985,460Beit Kahilk�*l502665470489510533558587617راس ا�Ras at Tawil�nfbا� ����502675154160167175183192202Khirbet al Hasaka

�o8U ?8*ن5026801,7311,8031,8801,9622,0572,1642,273Beit 'Einun1P50268513,36413,91914,51315,15015,88316,70417,546إذIdhna

5026901,1961,2461,2991,3561,4221,4951,570Ad Duwwaraا��5وارة

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 !��

Table 11-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م


Page 69: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 !��

Table 11-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

502710103107111116122128135Al Khamajatا�1�i9ت�f��5027201,0461,0901,1361,1861,2431,3081,373Al 'Uddeisaا��

5je5027506,9627,2517,5607,8928,2748,7029,140Taffuh*ح�ومw: ?8�502765507528551575603634666Beit Maqdum

5027709459851,0271,0721,1241,1821,241Al Kumأ�n*مk8c9502780117,839122,730127,974133,586140,055147,291154,714ا�Hebron (Al Khalil)

502795415432450470493518544Al Muwarraqا�i*ر7ق�f��5028051,6161,6831,7551,8311,9202,0192,121آKureise

?:1 5028104,0664,2354,4164,6094,8335,0825,338Deir Samitد�� 68�P {o�50281513,40413,96114,55715,19615,93116,75517,599Bani Na'im

502820303316329343360379398Rafadaر12دة(68�P {o�502830166173180188197207218Ar Rawa'inا��واjf:) |8U�ة

�U ?8*7ا5028355,9246,1706,4346,7167,0417,4057,778Beit 'Awwa50284015,30015,93516,61617,34518,18519,12420,088Duraدورا

�w�l5028501,0181,0611,1061,1551,2111,2731,337ا�At TabaqahwcN502855644671700731766806846Qalqas�7n502860572596622649680715752 Sikka

�:M ����502865239249259271284299314Khirbet Salama�8�U 502870107111116121127133140واديWadi 'Ubeid


502885482502523546572602632Al Hijraا����ةS502890104108113117123130136Tawas*اس1`��5028952,4382,5392,6472,7632,8973,0473,200Khursa

7�S502900399415433452474498523Tarramaا:�5029054,7844,9825,1955,4235,6855,9796,280Al Fawwar Camp:6789 ا�j*7ار

��i5029101,2921,3451,4031,4651,5351,6151,696ا�Al Majd502915139145151158165174183Marah al Baqqar:�اح ا�17w�ر


Page 70: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 !��

Table 11-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

�ب أ�j*7ارE5029201,3151,3691,4281,4901,5621,6431,726Hadab al Fawwar1DbDا� kf�502925433451471491515542569د�� ا�Deir al 'Asal at Tahta

�c8b502935707736767801840883928ا�Al Heila�oC1d502940404420438458480505530وادي ا�Wadi ash Shajina

5029501,2671,3201,3761,4371,5061,5841,664As Suraا�7��ة502955233243253264277291306Deir Razihد�� رازح

�78b��5029602,4742,5772,6872,8052,9413,0933,248ا�Ar Rihiya502965648675704735771810851Zifز�)

1N*jا� kf�5029701,3131,3671,4251,4881,5601,6411,723د�� ا�Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa�w�ا� ��c�502975148154161168176185194Khallet al 'Aqed

5029808809179569981,0461,1001,156Imreishإ:����8n 502985118123129134141148155Iskeikإ���E502990708737768802841884929Hureiz

�18ر ا���وس502995650677706737773813854Biyar al 'Arus�ة�U503000126132137143150158166 'Abda

503005381397414432453476500Al Buweibا��*��1DbD8? ا��وش ا��503010352367383399419440463Beit ar Rush at Tahta

503020490510532555582612643Ad Duweirا��و��503030156162169177185195205Wadi as Sadaوادي ا�1fدة{��U ��c�503035137143149156163171180Khallet 'Arabi

�wc�ب ا��E503040381397414432453476500Hadab al 'Alaqa�i�o1ن ا�oN503060114119124130136143150Qinan an Najma�P�N503070194202211220231243255Qurnet ar Ras ا��اس6 �: ?8�503075204213222232243255268Beit Mirsim

�78U12�503080231241251262274289303ا�Ar Rifa'iyya1N*j8? ا��وش ا��503090685713744776814856899Beit ar Rush al Fauqa

5030959661,0061,0491,0951,1481,2081,269Karmaآ�:��iU ?8�ة5031001,2061,2561,3101,3671,4331,5071,583Beit 'Amra


Page 71: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 !��

Table 11-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

|��Az Zuweidin 503105417435453473496522548ا��و���8iا� ��c�5031159009379771,0201,0701,1251,182Khallet al Maiyya

17l�50312030,42031,68233,03634,48536,15538,02339,939Yatta503125279291303317332349367Ad Deiratا����ات

�6d ا�n�م503130420438457477500526552Khashem al Karem503135554577601628658692727Kurzaآ�زة503145433451471491515542569Rabudرا�*د

1j�� 5503150398414432451473497522أمUmm Lasafa1�f�ا� *�503155443462481502527554582Abu al 'Asjaأ

503160402418436455477502527Abu al Ghuzlanأ�* ا�B��ن503165221230240251263276290Al Biraا�8��ة5031701,7491,8211,8991,9832,0792,1862,296Al Burjا���ج

503175283295308321337354372Al Muntarا�1loiر503185342357372388407428450Abu al 'Urqanأ�* ا�1N��ن

���U503190507528551575603634666إI'zeiz�8wj503205291303316330346364382ا�Al Faqir

k:�n5032152,0822,1692,2612,3612,4752,6032,734ا�Al Karmil��1C 1نoN503220292304317331347365384Qinan Jaber��1, ��c�503225300312326340357375394Khallet Salih

18i8f5032301,2101,2601,3141,3721,4381,5121,589ا�As Simiya50324520,27921,12122,02322,98924,10225,34826,625Adh Dhahiriyaا�1�ه�7��

|8�:503260169176183191201211222Ma'in503265168175182190199210220An Najadaا�1�oدة

�8�n17ب ا�oU503295218227237247259273286 'Anab al Kabir'50332012,74313,27213,83914,44615,14615,92816,731As Samuا�if*ع

�8dا� k�*S ����503325133139145151158167175Khirbet Tawil ash Shih5033352,1792,2702,3672,4702,5902,7242,861Ar Ramadinا��:8�1|

���8 ا�� ����503360104108113117123130136Khirbet Bir al 'Idd


Page 72: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 !��

Table 11-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

+5د ا�23*ن 0/ .�-, +*م

503380190198207216226238250Imneizilإ:8o�لU503405302315328342359377396 'Arab al Fureijat�ب ا�1���jت1�i�e1,7391,8111,8891,9712,0672,1742,283Other Localitiesت أ��ى

385,165401,154418,293436,637457,781481,433505,694Hebron Governorate��<ع >*0;: ا�6789


Page 73: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

5023558869299721,0171,0621,1081,155Al Jab'aا���������� ا���502435292306321335350365381Khirbet ad Deir


5025308,1738,5648,9659,3749,79110,21710,651Al 'Arrub Camp:6789 ا�5��وب�8? أو:�750254012,37912,97213,57814,19814,83015,47516,133Beit Ummar


8H5025551,3471,4121,4781,5451,6141,6841,756Shuyukh al 'Arrub+خ ا�5��وب5025606,9647,2987,6397,9888,3438,7069,076Kharas�1راس


1N�U502590498521546571596622648 'Irqan Turadن �Sاد502595465487510533557581606Kuzibaآ+ز1��

502600256268280293306319333Ras al Joraراس ا��+رةB8? أو�5026159,2649,70810,16210,62611,09911,58212,074Beit Ula

�8�50262013,14813,77814,42215,08115,75216,43717,135Sa'irbcE50263021,31822,34023,38424,45225,54026,65127,783Halhul+ل5026356,9747,3087,6507,9998,3558,7189,089Ash Shuyukhا�8d+خ18:+N�e50264014,36515,05315,75716,47617,21017,95818,721Tarqumiya

67cf: �8�502645186195204214223233243Bir Musallamh8i91ن ا�jN5026501,2711,3321,3941,4581,5231,5891,656Qafan al Khamis

kE18? آ�5026555,7296,0036,2846,5716,8637,1617,466Beit Kahilk�+l502665647678710742775809843راس ا�Ras at Tawil�nfbا� ����502675212222233243254265276Khirbet al Hasaka

�o8U ?8+ن5026802,3842,4992,6152,7352,8572,9813,107Beit 'Einun1P50268518,40819,29020,19221,11322,05323,01223,990إذIdhna

5026901,6481,7271,8071,8901,9742,0602,147Ad Duwwaraا��5وارة

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 ���

Table 11-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م


Page 74: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 ���

Table 11-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

502710141148155162169177184Al Khamajatا�1�i9ت�f��5027201,4411,5101,5811,6531,7261,8011,878Al 'Uddeisaا��

5je5027509,58910,04910,51910,99911,48811,98812,497Taffuh+ح�ومw: ?8�502765699732766801837874911Beit Maqdum

5027701,3021,3651,4291,4941,5601,6281,697Al Kumأ�n+مk8c9502780162,315170,094178,046186,172194,458202,915211,537ا�Hebron (Al Khalil)

502795571598626655684714744Al Muwarraqا�i+ر7ق�f��5028052,2252,3322,4412,5522,6662,7822,900آKureise

?:1 5028105,6015,8696,1446,4246,7107,0027,299Deir Samitد�� 68�P {o�50281518,46419,34820,25321,17722,12023,08224,063Bani Na'im

502820417437458479500522544Rafadaر12دة(68�P {o�502830228239251262274286298Ar Rawa'inا��واjf:) |8U�ة

�U ?8+7ا5028358,1618,5528,9519,3609,77710,20210,635Beit 'Awwa50284021,07522,08523,11724,17325,24826,34727,466Duraدورا

�w�l5028501,4031,4701,5391,6091,6811,7541,828ا�At TabaqahwcN5028558889309741,0181,0631,1101,157Qalqas�7n5028607888268659049459861,028 Sikka

�:M ����502865329345361377394411429Khirbet Salama�8�U 502870147154161168176184191واديWadi 'Ubeid


502885663695728761795829865Al Hijraا����ةS502890143150157164171178186Tawas+اس1`��5028953,3583,5193,6833,8514,0234,1984,376Khursa

7�S502900549576602630658687716Tarramaا:�5029056,5896,9057,2287,5587,8948,2378,587Al Fawwar Camp:6789 ا�j+7ار

��i5029101,7791,8651,9522,0412,1322,2252,319ا�Al Majd502915192201210220230240250Marah al Baqqar:�اح ا�17w�ر


Page 75: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 ���

Table 11-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

�ب أ�j+7ارE5029201,8111,8981,9862,0772,1692,2642,360Hadab al Fawwar1DbDا� kf�502925597625655684715746778د�� ا�Deir al 'Asal at Tahta

�c8b5029359731,0201,0681,1161,1661,2171,269ا�Al Heila�oC1d502940556583610638666695725وادي ا�Wadi ash Shajina

5029501,7451,8291,9152,0022,0912,1822,275As Suraا�7��ة502955321336352368384401418Deir Razihد�� رازح

�78b��5029603,4083,5713,7383,9094,0834,2614,442ا�Ar Rihiya5029658939369801,0241,0701,1171,164Zifز�(

1N+jا� kf�5029701,8081,8951,9832,0742,1662,2602,356د�� ا�Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa�w�ا� ��c�502975204214224234244255266Khallet al 'Aqed

5029801,2131,2711,3301,3911,4531,5161,580Imreishإ:����8n 502985163171179187195204213Iskeikإ���E5029909751,0211,0691,1181,1681,2191,270Hureiz

�18ر ا���وس5029958969399831,0281,0731,1201,168Biyar al 'Arus�ة�U503000174182191200208218227 'Abda

503005525550576602629656684Al Buweibا��+��1DbD8? ا��وش ا��503010485509532557581607632Beit ar Rush at Tahta

503020674707740773808843879Ad Duweirا��و��503030215225236246257269280Wadi as Sadaوادي ا�1fدة{��U ��c�503035189198207217226236246Khallet 'Arabi

�wc�ب ا��E503040525550576602629656684Hadab al 'Alaqa�i�o1ن ا�oN503060158165173181189197206Qinan an Najma�P�N503070268281294307321335349Qurnet ar Ras ا��اس6 �: ?8�503075281295309323337352367Beit Mirsim

�78U12�503080318333349365381398415ا�Ar Rifa'iyya1N+j8? ا��وش ا��5030909439891,0351,0821,1301,1791,230Beit ar Rush al Fauqa

5030951,3311,3951,4601,5261,5941,6641,734Karmaآ�:��iU ?8�ة5031001,6611,7411,8221,9051,9902,0772,165Beit 'Amra


Page 76: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 ���

Table 11-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

|��Az Zuweidin 503105575603631660689719749ا��و���8iا� ��c�5031151,2401,2991,3601,4221,4851,5501,616Khallet al Maiyya

17l�50312041,90143,90945,96248,06050,19952,38254,608Yatta503125385403422441461481501Ad Deiratا����ات

503130579607635664694724755Khashem al Karem�6d ا�n�م503135763799837875914953994Kurzaآ�زة503145597625655684715746778Rabudرا�+د

1j�� 5503150548574601628656685714أمUmm Lasafa1�f�ا� +�503155610640670700731763795Abu al 'Asjaأ

503160553580607635663692721Abu al Ghuzlanأ�+ ا�B��ن503165305319334349365381397Al Biraا�8��ة5031702,4092,5242,6422,7632,8863,0113,139Al Burjا���ج

503175390409428447467488508Al Muntarا�1loiر503185472494517541565590615Abu al 'Urqanأ�+ ا�1N��ن

���U503190699732766801837874911إI'zeiz�8wj503205401420440460480501523ا�Al Faqir

k:�n5032152,8683,0063,1463,2903,4363,5863,738ا�Al Karmil��1C 1نoN503220402422441462482503524Qinan Jaber��1- ��c�503225413433453474495517539Khallet Salih

18i8f5032301,6671,7471,8281,9121,9972,0842,172ا�As Simiya50324527,93329,27230,64032,03933,46534,92036,404Adh Dhahiriyaا�1�ه�7��

|8�:503260232244255267278291303Ma'in503265231242253265277289301An Najadaا�1�oدة

�8�n17ب ا�oU503295300315330345360376392 'Anab al Kabir'50332017,55318,39419,25420,13321,02921,94322,876As Samuا�if+ع

�8dا� k�+S ����503325184192201210220229239Khirbet Tawil ash Shih5033353,0023,1453,2923,4433,5963,7523,912Ar Ramadinا��:8�1|

���8 ا�� ����503360143150157164171178186Khirbet Bir al 'Idd


Page 77: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-11 ���

Table 11-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

-7د ا�45,ن 12 �0/. -,م

503380262275288301314328342Imneizilإ:8o�لU503405416436456477498520542 'Arab al Fureijat�ب ا�1���jت1�i�e2,3952,5102,6272,7472,8702,9943,122Other Localitiesت أ��ى

530,541555,965581,957608,520635,603663,246691,426Hebron Governorate��@ع <,2=> ا�;:89


Page 78: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

�!" ��# ����

North Gaza Governorate

Page 79: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

5526811,7581,8541,9562,0652,1892,3262,469Al Qaraya al Badawiya al Maslakhا���� ا���و�� ا�����155269538,22840,29842,52044,89847,58950,57653,689Beit Lahiya-0 /ه-,

155274020,66521,78522,98624,27125,72627,34129,024Beit Hanun-0 68,9ن5527454,7404,9975,2725,5675,9016,2716,657<=1 1-0 68,9ن'Izbat Beit Hanun

,-�,�C D�-EF55275560,00263,25266,74070,47274,69779,38584,271Jabalya Camp ,-�,�C55279053,21156,09259,18662,49566,24270,39974,732Jabalya

178,605188,277198,660209,768222,344236,298250,843North Gaza Governorate��'ع %�$ل "�ة

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����REF!#REF!#REF!#REF!#REF!#REF!#REF!Al Qaraya al Badawiya al Maslakh#552681ا���� ا���و�� ا�����

155269556,92960,30063,80967,46071,24375,16179,208Beit Lahiya-0 /ه-,155274030,77532,59734,49536,46838,51340,63142,819Beit Hanun-0 68,9ن

5527457,0597,4777,9128,3658,8349,3209,822<=1 1-0 68,9ن'Izbat Beit Hanun,-�,�C D�-EF55275589,35694,646100,155105,886111,823117,974124,325Jabalya Camp

,-�,�C55279079,24283,93388,81993,90099,166104,620110,253Jabalya 265,980281,727298,125315,182332,856351,164370,070North Gaza Governorate��'ع %�$ل "�ة

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-12 !��

Table 12-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for North Gaza Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

CDد ا�A@$ن <= >�;: ا�9$م

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :"-12 !��

Table 12-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for North Gaza Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

Mid-Year Population

CDد ا�A@$ن <= >�;: D$م


Page 80: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

�!" ����

Gaza Governorate

Page 81: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

� ا���دة��602700417434453473495521547Madinat al 'Awda60277561,66164,16866,87769,79773,16476,94080,853Ash Shati' Camp�*()' ا�&$#!ء

56602825289,836301,616314,352328,077343,904361,651380,046Gazaة(:6029453,5903,7363,8944,0644,2604,4804,708Al Mughraqa (Abu Middein)ا�BC@ا?< (ا>� ��;

JKL6030452,2632,3552,4552,5622,6852,8242,968Juhor ad Dik@ ا��357,768372,310388,031404,973424,509446,416469,122Gaza Governorate��(ع '&%$# "�ة

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا������ ا���دة��602700575603632663694726758Madinat al 'Awda

60277584,90389,08593,40797,870102,465107,188112,033Ash Shati' Camp�*()' ا�&$#!ء56602825399,083418,737439,053460,029481,631503,829526,606Gazaة

(:6029454,9435,1875,4395,6985,9666,2416,523Al Mughraqa (Abu Middein)ا�BC@ا?< (ا>� ��;JKL6030453,1163,2703,4283,5923,7613,9344,112Juhor ad Dik@ ا��

492,621516,882541,959567,852594,517621,918650,033Gaza Governorate��(ع '&%$# "�ة

Mid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-13 ����

Table 13-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Gaza Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

CDد ا�A@&ن %< =�>; ا�:&م

CDد ا�A@&ن %< =�>; D&م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :!-13 ����

Table 13-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Gaza Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003


Page 82: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

$� �� ��� ����

Deir Al- Balah Governorate

Page 83: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

65306544,45246,45348,59950,90453,52756,44959,465��� � ا���اتAn Nuseirat Camp'(�)65314025,02826,15527,36328,66130,13731,78333,481��� � اAl Bureij Camp

65318010,68311,16411,68012,23412,86413,56614,291Az Zawaydaا1وا)/ة78)6532008,2838,6569,0559,4859,97410,51811,080��� � د)� اDeir al Balah Camp 65321016,75617,51018,31919,18820,17721,27822,415��� � اA@?زيAl Maghazi Camp

78)65324034,32835,87437,53139,31141,33743,59345,923Deir al Balahد)� ا ر/�A6532501,2691,3261,3881,4541,5281,6121,698Al Musaddarا

?E8F6532753,2153,3603,5153,6823,8724,0834,301Wadi as Salqaوادي ا144,015150,498157,450164,919173,416182,882192,655Deir AL- Balah Governorate��-ع +*()' د%$ ا�#"!

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����65306562,56865,76369,04172,41575,87779,41383,033��� � ا���اتAn Nuseirat Camp

'(�)65314035,22837,02738,87340,77242,72144,71246,751��� � اAl Bureij Camp65318015,03715,80516,59317,40418,23519,08519,955Az Zawaydaا1وا)/ة

78)65320011,65812,25312,86413,49314,13814,79715,472��� � د)� اDeir al Balah Camp 65321023,58524,78926,02527,29728,60229,93531,300��� � اA@?زيAl Maghazi Camp

78)65324048,31950,78653,31855,92458,59761,32764,123Deir al Balahد)� ا ر/�A6532501,7871,8781,9712,0682,1672,2682,371Al Musaddarا

?E8F6532754,5264,7574,9945,2385,4895,7446,006Wadi as Salqaوادي ا202,707213,057223,680234,611245,826257,281269,011Deir AL- Balah Governorate��-ع +*()' د%$ ا�#"!

>Dد ا�BC*ن (@ ?�<= >*م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� ���� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ����� ������ ��� :�-14 !"��

Table 14-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Deir Al- Balah Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

>Dد ا�BC*ن (@ ?�<= ا�J*مMid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� ���� �� ������ ����� ����� �� ����� ������ ��� :�-14 !"��

Table 14-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Deir Al- Balah Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010


Page 84: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

����� ����

Khan Yunis Governorate

Page 85: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

70337011,81712,31412,85113,43014,09814,84715,625Al Qararaا���ارة ����703390618644672703738777817As Sureijا�

$%&'%() *'+,70341034,33835,78137,34239,02640,96643,14245,403Khan Yunis Camp7034153,1353,2673,4093,5633,7403,9394,145Al Mawasi (Khan Yunis)ا�8&ا67 (()%'&%$)

$%&'%()70342088,09391,79395,798100,118105,095110,677116,477Khan Yunis;'<= 6>?70342522,89223,85424,89426,01727,31028,76130,268Bani Suheila

�)ن ا�C�CDة (ا�AB'�ة )FG7034303,9384,1044,2834,4764,6984,9485,207 'Abasan al Jadida(as Saghira)�)ن ا�FM'�ةFG70344513,29713,85614,46015,11215,86416,70617,582 'Abasan al KabiraO'P7034502,7172,8312,9543,0873,2413,4133,592Qizan an Najjarان ا�<ND)رS?ع ا�+�ا(P703455643670699731767808850Qa' al KharabaV���ع ا�(P7034652,5652,6732,7902,9163,0613,2233,392Qa' al Qurein

SGاO)7034706,7517,0357,3417,6738,0548,4828,926Khuza'aW'8آ Y7034751,3771,4341,4971,5651,6421,7301,820أمUmm Kameil

703480698727759793832877923Umm al KilabأYمY ا�M;ب7034852,5952,7042,8222,9493,0963,2613,431Al Fukhkhariا�_+N)ري

195,475203,686212,572222,157233,202245,588258,458Khan Yunis Governorate��#ع *%()' &%"$#"!

:Cد ا�A@%ن (< =�>; :%م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-15 !���

Table 15-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Khan Yunis Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003


Page 86: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����70337016,43117,26618,13119,02519,94620,89221,861Al Qararaا���ارة

����7033908609039499951,0441,0931,144As Sureijا�$%&'%() *'+,70341047,74450,17352,68655,28357,96060,70763,523Khan Yunis Camp

7034154,3594,5814,8105,0475,2915,5425,799Al Mawasi (Khan Yunis)ا�8&ا67 (()%'&%$) $%&'%()703420122,484128,715135,162141,824148,691155,740162,963Khan Yunis;'<= 6>?70342531,82933,44835,12336,85438,63940,47142,348Bani Suheila

�)ن ا�C�CDة (ا�AB'�ة )FG7034305,4755,7546,0426,3406,6476,9627,285 'Abasan al Jadida(as Saghira)�)ن ا�FM'�ةFG70344518,48819,42920,40221,40822,44423,50824,599 'Abasan al KabiraO'P7034503,7773,9694,1684,3734,5854,8035,025Qizan an Najjarان ا�<ND)رS?ع ا�+�ا(P7034558949409871,0351,0851,1371,190Qa' al KharabaV���ع ا�(P7034653,5673,7483,9364,1304,3304,5354,746Qa' al Qurein

SGاO)7034709,3879,86410,35810,86911,39511,93512,489Khuza'aW'8آ Y7034751,9142,0112,1122,2162,3242,4342,547أمUmm Kameil

7034809701,0201,0711,1231,1781,2341,291Umm al KilabأYمY ا�M;ب7034853,6083,7923,9824,1784,3804,5884,801Al Fukhkhariا�_+N)ري

271,787285,613299,918314,701329,940345,581361,608Khan Yunis Governorate��#ع *%()' &%"$#"!

:Cد ا�A@%ن (< =�>; ا�H%مMid-Year Population

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ��� ������ ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-15 !���

Table 15-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Khan Yunis Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010


Page 87: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

$�� ����

Rafah Governorate

Page 88: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

ر� ا�����


Code1997199819992000200120022003Locality Name ا�� ا�����

ا�� (ر��)� 7534359841,0261,0721,1211,1771,2391,304Al Mawasi (Rafah)ا#$%&%* 753440565589615643675711748Al Qarya as Suwaydiyaا ,+%# ا

75346017,05017,78418,57419,42320,39321,47722,598Tall as Sultan Camp>;:$9 78 ا *456ن75349049,58051,71454,01156,47959,30162,45265,711Rafahر��

75349541,88543,68745,62847,71350,09752,75955,512Rafah Camp>;:$9 ر��كD:E 7535003,9444,1144,2974,4934,7174,9685,227Al Bayukا

��H آ# اJ7535055,6525,8956,1576,4386,7607,1197,491Shokat as Sufi119,659124,809130,354136,309143,120150,725158,592Rafah Governorate��)ع &%"$# ر"!

ر� ا����� Locality

Code2004200520062007200820092010Locality Name ا�� ا�����

ا�� (ر��)� 7534351,3711,4401,5101,5831,6581,7341,813Al Mawasi (Rafah)ا#$%&%* 7534407878268669089519951,040Al Qarya as Suwaydiyaا ,+%# ا

75346023,75424,94426,16827,42928,72630,05231,408Tall as Sultan Camp>;:$9 78 ا *456ن75349069,07172,53276,09479,76083,53287,38791,330Rafahر��

75349558,35161,27564,28367,38170,56773,82477,155Rafah Camp>;:$9 ر��كD:E 7535005,4955,7706,0536,3456,6456,9527,265Al Bayukا

��H آ# اJ7535057,8748,2688,6749,0929,5229,96110,411Shokat as Sufi166,701175,054183,649192,498201,601210,906220,422Rafah Governorate��)ع &%"$# ر"!

Table 16-b: Projected Mid -Year Population for Rafah Governorate by Locality 2004- 2010

2010 -2004 ������ �� �� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-16 ����

Mid-Year PopulationDEد ا�AB%ن "? <�=> ا�;%م

Mid-Year Population

2003 -1997 ������ �� �� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ������ ��� :�-16 ����

Table 16-a: Projected Mid -Year Population for Rafah Governorate by Locality 1997- 2003

DEد ا�AB%ن "? <�=> E%م


Page 89: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517



Page 90: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��د ا�� �نر� ا����� LocalityPopulation

CodeLocality Name ا�� ا�����

%&'( )*+�,Jenin Governorate01004094As Sa'aidaا�����ة

���� ���� أ� 01006511Khirbet Abu 'Anqar�� /�وج� 01007035Khirbet Suruj

Arab al Hamdun' 01009039��ب ا45�ون�:;��01010054Barghasha

01013527Al Jameelatا4A@?ت�ب��D E01016068أمUmm Qabub

�J@��Kر ا�M�4ا ��� 01017525Khirbet al Muntar al Gharbiya���د ( ��اق ا�وار )U ��� 01020046 Khirbet Mas'ud

�J@D�:ر ا�M�4ا ��� 01020513Khirbet al Muntar ash Sharqiya�ر)V�ا) W�@D01025599Qeiqis

X@�Y/ ��� 01028022Khirbet Sab'einX@J�Z01032539Tannin

(\�01033557Al Hafiraا5@�ة (_@�ة ��[اa�ه�اح اU ��� 01037510Khirbet Marah ar Raha

e@ fZ01038582Telfit���� �Eو� 01039023Khirbet Kharruba01040087Wadi Du'oqوادي د��ق

���A01043054اAl Jarba�@ k01048548اAl Kufeir

l@mا ��M�U01054019Mantiqat al Heish

�� ����س�Tubas District�� nZ ا45[�� 05047091Khirbet Tell el Himma

o�p�05049043Ibziqإt5f/05052553Salhab�Y��05056085اAl 'Aqaba05065029Kashdaآ:�ة

�� ��زة� 05065623Khirbet Yarza�4_x�اس اا ��� 05072062Khirbet ar Ras al Ahmar

�ف{�� ��� 05079076Khirbet 'Atuf �V4_ ��� 05087117Khirbet Humsa

م���� ������Tulkarm Governoratel@4 ���� أp�10065537 'Izbat Abu Khameish

�� ا{?لp�10068569 'Izbat al Khilal

����� ������Nablus Governorate15075014Al Mas'udiyaا4���د�[�

�� nZ ا�Kر� 1508509Kirbet Tall al Ghar15094034Shihda wa Hamlan~5�ة وه4?ن

���{ ��� 15117615Khirbet Tana1512201Ar Rajmanا�4��ن

15123513Jafa an Nun�� ا��ن1512400Ad Dawaا�وا


������ �� 1997 �� ����� �� ������ �� �������� ��� ���� ��� ������ �!��� :1 �# $�%�

Appendix 1: Other Small Localities by Governorate, Population at the End of 1997

and Locality Code


Page 91: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��د ا�� �نر� ا����� LocalityPopulation

CodeLocality Name ا�� ا�����

������ �� 1997 �� ����� �� ������ �� �������� ��� ���� ��� ������ �!��� :1 �# $�%�

Appendix 1: Other Small Localities by Governorate, Population at the End of 1997

and Locality Code

�Y:}ا nZ1513113Tall al Khashaba��[ة ��� 15145025Khirbet Sarra

�� ا�4ا��� 1514656Khirbet al Marajim

������� ������Qalqiliya Governorate� _�4دة��� أp�2009803 'Izbat Abu Hamada

Arab ar Ramadin ash Shamali' 20100551��ب اX@��U� ا:�4��رV�U X@�5Z �JM5U20106019Mahattat Tahseen Mansur

� ��دة�Arab Abu Farda' 20107077��ب أ20112076Wadi ar Rashaوادي ا�~�

����� ���Salfit District���D 25115052واديWadi Qana

nV� ��2513504Dar Abu Basalدار أ� �دم��� أp�25135535 'Izbat Abu Adam�/�/ ��� 25139010Khirbet Susa

Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate,�+*( رام ا< وا�>&;ة� ~@[�ن �� آ� 30179525Khirbet Kafr Sheiyan

Jericho Governorate������ أر���nM��D ��3518803دDeir Quruntul

�f�3519702د�� اDeir al Qilt�fA_ ��3520215دDeir Hajla

a/�U �Y�35207545اAn Nabi Musa

Jerusalem Governorate,�+*( ا��Fس��وي) �E4AZ) �Y�46Jaba' (Tajammu' Badawi)

��� ��� ������Bethlehem Governorate45220549Al Haddadiyaا�5[اد�[��f@A545222074اAl Hujeila45233049Al Khushnaا{:��

�f5�ا ��� 45234027Khirbet an Nahlat��ا �JY�45240593Jubbet adh Dhib

Jf 45241572Khallet Sakariya� �k/ر������ �Jf 4524654Khallet 'Afana

�]45U 45251087واديWadi Muhammad��عZ ��� 45252076Khirbet Tuqu'

�Uازp�45267059اAl 'Azazima

Hebron Governorate������ ا� ����� اM�4�ة� 50250595Khirbet al Mantara

�� U:�ف(��اب)� 50251544Khirbet Mushrif�MY50257558أم اUmm al Butm

50258039Hamrush_4�وش50260527Al Baqqarا�Y[�ر

�ىmا �@[50261067~�4Shamaliyyat al Hawa


Page 92: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

��د ا�� �نر� ا����� LocalityPopulation

CodeLocality Name ا�� ا�����

������ �� 1997 �� ����� �� ������ �� �������� ��� ���� ��� ������ �!��� :1 �# $�%�

Appendix 1: Other Small Localities by Governorate, Population at the End of 1997

and Locality Code

�� 4��ورة� 50262512Khirbet Jamrura�زf50270544��ون اJurun al Louz50272568Wadi ar Rimوادي ا���

���/50273083SubaD50273580Qinan an Namir��ن ا�4�


50284548Wadihوا���U�_ ���� ا� 50293083Khirbet Abu Hamid

��� ��� 50301547Khirbet Bism�D�50302567Al 'Alaqa al Fauqaاf��� ا50305088Al 'Alaqa at Tahtaاf��� ا5����f��5/ ��50305534Abu Suhweilaأ

���� 50308529Khurisa50311023Wadi al Kilabوادي اk?ب

��ل � �ي وآ�5031950Juwai & Kafr Jul�U�ة/50323527Somara50325576At Tuwaniا��ا��

W4~ ��د ��� 50327042Khirbet Deir Shamsp@�آ5032800اAr Rakeez

�k��~ ��� 50328586Khirbet Shuweika��رورة ��� 50329048Khirbet Sarura

���� ا� 50330021Khirbet Asafi�� ا4���رة� 50330573Khirbet al Maq'ura

XMYا t�~ ��M�U50331033Mantiqat Shi'b al BatinW�او�D50331537Qawawis

�� اY�[�ن� 50333022Khirbet at Tabban�� ا�A4ز� 5033400Khirbet al Majaz�@Y�ا ���KU50334527Maghayir al 'Abeed

e@}ا ��� 50335020Khirbet al FakheitX@Uا��� ا�� 50335524Khirbet at Tawamin

�Y�ا �Y��50336550هHaribat an Nabi�Z�E�ز ��� 5033756Khirbet Zanuta

���� ا{�ا� 5033852Khirbet al Kharaba�D���X ا; ��� 50339544Khirbet Ghuwein al Fauqa

�� ا�ه�ة� 50340036Khirbet ar Rahwa


Page 93: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

by Governorate

� ا����ي�� ���� ��د ا��Annual Net Migrants







853Ramallah & Al-Birehرام ا8 وا���5ة



EA� *��83Bethlehem




N#5ا� �B237دDier al – Blalah

12��2�R-285Khan yunis



��ة ا��ا���� ا����� ا������� ��� 2010 � ا��������$��# ر!� 2: ا�Appendix 2: Annual Net Internal Migration till 2010


Page 94: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

Small Area Population, 1997-2010

December, 1999

Page 95: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517



December, 1999.

All rights reserved.

Suggested Citation:

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 1999. Small Area Population, 1997-

2010. Ramallah - Palestine.

All correspondence should be directed to:

Department of User Services

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

P.O.Box 1647.

Ramallah, Palestine.

Tel: 972-2-240 6340 Fax: 972-2-240 6343

E-mail: [email protected] web-site: http://www.pcbs.org

Page 96: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

Notes for Users

1. This report presents the population projections, at the locality level for the period

(1997-2010). It will be revised periodically whenever additional information becomes


2. Furthermore, this report includes projections for those localities whose population

exceeded 100 persons mid of 1997.

3. The Jerusalem governorate includes all localities and areas which were defined for the

purpose of the 1996 Palestinian election. The administrative boundaries were based on

the election boundaries in coordination with the Ministry of Local Governorate and

the Jerusalem governorate. For statistical purposes, the Jerusalem governorate was

divided into two main areas: J1 and J2.

* J 1 area: Includes those parts of Jerusalem, which were annexed by Israel in 1967.

* J 2 area: Includes the other parts of the Jerusalem governorate.

4. The administrative classifications of the Ministry of Local Government were used in

the 1997 census. These classifications divided the Palestinian Territory into 14

governorates in addition to 2 districts. The governorates are Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqiliya,

Nablus, Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, North Gaza,

Gaza, Deir Al-Balah, Khan Yunis, and Rafah.

5. Administrative Boundaries of Localities: The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

spent great efforts to obtain detailed maps of localities in the Palestinian Territory

prior to the commence of fieldwork activities for the Population, Housing, and

Establishment Census – 1997. PCBS obtained these maps from different sources, most

importantly from the Ministry of Local Government, municipalities, village councils,

and engineering offices.

Maps of localities in the West Bank were drawn with clear administrative boundaries

due to geographical and natural partitions among most of these localities. However,

Gaza Strip is distinct in the adhesion of construction chunks that are adjacent to each

other. PCBS was able to define the outside boundaries of all localities in the

Palestinian Territory in accordance with the maps that were available at that time.

However, the working team that was in charge could not maintain the boundaries of

some of the overlapped camps with the central governorates in the Gaza Strip because

of the contradiction between the different sources of maps.

Despite the fact that PCBS had coordinated with and contacted all governmental

parties involved, PCBS was not able to obtain detailed, unified, and approved maps.

There was no correspondence in the administrative boundaries between maps for the

same locality except Ash Shati’ camp, where an official map was obtained from the

municipality of Gaza. This map showed that several Enumeration Areas were

considered part of Ash Shati’ camp and these Enumeration Areas were officially

considered part of Gaza City according to the map.

Due to these facts, statistics about all localities including Ash Shati’ camp were

disseminated according to the actual enumeration which was conducted during the

census fieldwork activities.

Page 97: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

Taking into consideration the ratified official map that was obtained from the

municipality of Gaza, there is an addition in the data related to Ash Shati’ camp of

about 52.1% on the account of the population data related to the Gaza city. This shall

result in an addition of 9.0% to the total population in the camps in the Gaza

governorates; and an addition of 3.2% to the total population in the camps in the Gaza

Strip; and an addition of 1.2% to the population in the camps in the Palestinian

Territory on the account of the urban areas.

6. International migration is affected by political and economic factors operating inside

and outside of the Palestinian Territory. Due to the realities of the peace process, a

very pessimistic trend is assumed during (1997-2010). This of course does not inflict

prejudice upon or undermine, under any circumstances, the right of all Palestinian

refugees to unconditionally return to their homeland in accordance to the UN Security

Council Resolution No.194 which alluded to the right of every Palestinian Refugee to

return to their homeland at any time and live in peace.

Page 98: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

Financial and technical support for the Demographic

Statistics Program is being provided by the Government of

Norway through the Norwegian Agency for Development

Cooperation (NORAD). PCBS extends special thanks to the

Government of Norway and NORAD for this support.

Page 99: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


Until recently, population statistics in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were

characterized by their multiplicity and diversity of resources, coupled with

differences in the degree of details they gave in estimating the traditional

indicators in this field. Estimates of the Palestinian population in the West

Bank and Gaza Strip were generally varying at the single governorate and

locality levels depending on the source. Moreover, the different administrative

divisions in the West Bank (British Mandate, Jordanian and Israeli

administrative divisions) resulted in difficulties for developing practical

estimates of the population size in every governorate and every locality. This is

due to the absence of a unified standard definition for locality, which brought

about clear variations in the population estimates of the West Bank and Gaza


The PCBS is pleased to introduce this report which comprises projections on

the number of Palestinians in each of the West Bank and Gaza Strip localities

for 1997–2010, based on the findings of the Population, Housing and

Establishment Census of 1997. The issuance of this report stresses the

continuity of the approach adopted by the PCBS in relation to providing an

accurate and independent official Palestinian statistical figure for policy and

decision-makers, planners and parties interested in developmental and

academic decision making.

We hope that we managed to offer the Palestinian society a new service

through issuing these statistics, which we hope will be optimally utilized by the

Palestinian planners as well as policy and decision makers in formulating and

putting forward effective plans and decisions in the various demographic,

social and political fields.

December, 1999 Hasan Abu-Libdeh, Ph.D.


Page 100: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

Table of Contents

Subject Page

List of Tables

1. Introduction


2. Previous Estimates


3. Current Estimates


3.1: Base Number of the Population 16

3.2: Assumptions 16

3.3: Population Estimation Methodology 17

4. Locality 18

5. National Code for the Locality 18

References 19





Page 101: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517

List of Table

Table Page

Table 1-a:

Projected Mid-Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 1997-2003 21

Table 1-b:

Projected Mid-Year Population for Jenin Governorate by Locality 2004-2010

Table 2-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Tubas District by Locality 1997-2003 29

Table 2-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Tubas District by Locality 2004-2010

Table 3-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 3-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 2004-


Table 4-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 4-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Nablus Governorate by Locality 2004-


Table 5-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 5-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Qalqiliya Governorate by Locality 2004-


Table 6-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Salfit District by Locality 1997-2003 53

Table 6-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Salfit District by Locality 2004-2010

Table 7-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate by

Locality 1997-2003


Table 7-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate by

Locality 2004-2010

Table 8-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Jericho Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 8-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Jericho Governorate by Locality 2004-


Page 102: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517



Table 9-a:

Projected Mid-Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 9-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Jerusalem Governorate by Locality 2004-


Table 10-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality



Table 10-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Bethlehem Governorate by Locality Code


Table 11-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 11-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Hebron Governorate by Locality 2004-


Table 12-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for North Gaza Governorate by Locality



Table 12-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for North Gaza Governorate by Locality


Table 13-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Gaza Governorate by Locality 1997-2003 99

Table 13-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Gaza Governorate by Locality 2004-2010

Table 14-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Deir Al-Balah Governorate by Locality



Table 14-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Deir Al-Balah Governorate by Locality


Table 15-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Khan Yunis Governorate by Locality



Table 15-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Khan Yunis Governorate by Locality


Table 16-a: Projected Mid-Year Population for Rafah Governorate by Locality 1997-



Table 16-b: Projected Mid-Year Population for Rafah Governorate by Locality 2004-


Page 103: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


1. Introduction

Providing estimates for the numbers of population at the locality level is highly important for

planning at the locality level. The period before the establishment of the Palestinian Central

Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) was characterized by the absence of basic data needed for

drawing consistent estimates on the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip


Following the success of the PCBS in conducting the first Palestinian Population, Housing

and Establishments Census of 1997, it became possible to arrive at realistic estimates for the

number of Palestinians at the locality level as well as to prepare population projections for the

coming years.

The statistical data on the population of these localities are highly important for Palestinian

planners, researchers as well as policy and decision-makers. Thus, this report aims to provide

accurate statistical data essential for proper population projections in these localities at the

single governorate and locality levels.

2. Previous Estimates

Prior to conducting the Population, Housing and Establishments Census of 1997, it was

extremely difficult to obtain precise figures on the population of the Palestinian localities.

This was basically due to lack of relevant information on the population of the Palestinian

localities based on recent Census.

In the past, the PCBS initiated the preparation of projections on the number of Palestinian

population at the national and governorate levels. The findings of the projection processes

were published in the first current status report issued by the PCBS in 1994. Furthermore, the

PCBS tried to develop population estimates at the single locality level, based on figures

obtained from different studies and other statistical techniques. These estimates were

published in 1994 in a special report, entitled “Small Area Population in the West Bank and

Gaza Strip”. Afterwards, the PCBS had access to statistical data that could be used for

arriving at more realistic estimates for the population at the single community level. The

PCBS included these estimates in the “Small Area Population, 1996–Revised Edition”. This

report was characterized by more realistic population estimates at the single locality level and

maintained the base population previously estimated by the PCBS.

As for the credibility of the projections presented in this bulletin, we carried out thorough

examinations and tests to ensure the credibility of all estimates included herein. These

estimates were compared with the number of persons recorded in the voters’ register for every

locality, taking into account the age groups and under-registration ratios. It was evident that

the findings were very realistic.

3. Current Projections

Following the implementation of the first Palestinian Population, Housing and Establishments

Census of 1997, it was essential to proceed on developing projections for the expected

number Palestinian for the coming years as of mid – 1997 to mid - 2010. Such projections

Page 104: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


would be used by planners in formulating effective population strategic plans as well as in

providing various services for the vulnerable communities.

In this respect, it is worthy to point that the PCBS issued special projections for the

population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the years 1997 – 2025. These projections

were published in a special report based complementary to what has been published in the

previously issued report. The findings of the published population projections were utilized in

estimating the current population in the Palestinian localities.

Following is a brief description for the projections prepared of the base year in relation to the

demographic assumptions tackling the future change trends adopted in preparing this report.

3.1: Base Number of Population

All projections start from a base population at a particular point in time. Here, the 1997

census count for West Bank and Gaza Strip provides the base year population for the

projections. Mid-1997 usual resident Palestinian population, excluding non-usual residents

and foreigners, forms the base population for all projections pertaining to the West Bank and

Gaza Strip. Then, the base population in the mid- 1997 was estimated for each Palestinian


3.2: Projection Assumptions

Making population projections requires assumptions about the future course of fertility,

mortality and migration.

Fertility Assumption

PCBS data indicate that fertility rate has declined at the beginning of 1990s and it will decline

during the next years. It was assumed that the Total Fertility Rate in the Palestinian Territory

in continuous decline in all the Palestinian Territory from the beginning of this current

decade. According to this, and on the basic of the findings of the census, 1997, the following

assumptions about the direction of the TFR was proposed:

Medium Fertility Series: It was assumed that TFR would decline by 25% in each of

the Palestinian governments in the West Bank and Gaza

Strip during the period 1997 – 2010.

Mortality Assumption

Results from the 1995 Demographic Survey show an estimated infant mortality rate of 27.3

per 1000 live birth in the Palestinian Territory. It is expected that the mortality rates will

steadily decline during the next two decades, because of the improvement in health situation

in Palestinian Territory under Palestinian National Authority control. It was assumed that

infant mortality rates would decline by 25% in each of the Palestinian governments in the

West Bank and Gaza Strip during the period 1997 – 2010. Then, infant mortality rates for the

period 1997 – 2010 were transformed into life expectancies at birth by using the life matrix

method – Western Model. The linear order method was applied on the values of the two

Page 105: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517


mentioned periods for purposes pertinent to the utilization of life expectancies for the medium


International Migration Assumption

International migration is affected by the political and economic factors prevailing inside and

outside of the Palestinian Territory. In view of the stumbling of the peace process, limited

numbers of Palestinian returnees are assumed to return to Palestine in the future. This of

course does not inflict prejudice upon or undermine, under any circumstances, the right of all

Palestinian refugees to unconditionally return to their homeland in accordance to the UN

Security Council Resolution No.194. Therefore, It is assumed a total of 500,000 persons will

come back to the Palestinian Territory during the period of 1997 to 2010, distributed on single

years as follows:

It was assumed that 5,000 returnees will return in 1997; 10,000 during 1998, 15,000 during

1999 and 20,000 during 2000, which is equal to 50,000 returnees during 1997 – 2000, and

assumed that 45,000 returnees will return annually from 2001 till 2010. They were distributed

amongst the Palestinian governorates according to the proportional representation of each


Internal Migration Assumption

Based on the Census data concerning place of residence, current place of usual residence, and

place of previous residence, we were able to determine the Internal Migration Rates and

Migration attitudes between governorates. We assumed a fixed net migration rate between the

Palestinian governorates until the year 2010. Moreover, we assumed that the net migration

within the same governorate is equal to zero (See the attached appendixes 2).

3.3: Population Estimation Methodology

1– The total number of population living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was obtained,

separately, by gender for the projections period (1997 - 2010) from the findings of the

population projections and the medium series, which were disseminated in the special report

comprising the aforementioned projections.

2– The population growth rates (natural increase rates) in each governorate were obtained

separately by using a special projection program (SPECTRUM). Fertility rates, life

expectancies, international migration, and numbers of population by age and sex in each

governorate were entered into the program, and then the number of population in each

governorate was calculated.

3– Divided the previously obtained number of population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,

separately, by the total number of population projections for each projection year (for the

West Bank and Gaza Strip, separately) in order to obtain the same numbers projected earlier.

4– Multiplied the sum of the previous division by the number of population in each


5– Added the estimated net migration for each governorate.

6– Distributed the estimated population numbers to the Palestinian localities based on the

percentage of each locality from the governorate, and assuming this percentage is fixed for

the projection period.

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4. Locality

We adopted the definition used in the Population, Housing and Establishments Census of

1997, which states that the locality is an area of land (place) that is permanently inhabited by

population and has an independent official administrative authority; or an area of land (place)

that is permanently inhabited by population, geographically separate from any other

neighboring locality, traditionally acknowledged as such and has an independent

administrative authority.

5. National Code for the Locality

A special coding system was adopted to allocate a unique national code for each locality, a

six - digit code for every locality. The first two digits to the left represent the governorate to

which the locality belongs. The remaining four digits represent the serial number of the

locality, according to its location at the national level. A technique was adopted to allocate

codes for the governorate and localities based on the geographic location, from north to south

and from east to west. A five – digit order is used to distinguish the locality from another


Page 107: 2010 1997Az Zababida 3,649 3,489 3,331 3,189 3,067 2,952 2,844 010435 ة C -ا Fahma 2,305 2,203 2,103 2,014 1,937 1,864 1,796 010445 َ7َْL Az Zawiya 664 634 606 580 558 537 517



- Palestinian Bureau of Statistics, 1994. Demography of the Palestinian Population in

the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Current status report series, No. 1. Rammallah-West


- Palestinian Bureau of Statistics, 1994. Small Area Population in the West Bank and

Gaza Strip. Rammallah-West Bank.

- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 1996. Small Area Population in the West

Bank and Gaza Strip: Revised Estimates for 1996. Rammallah-Palestine.

- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 1998. Population Housing, and

Establishment Census 1997. Census Final Results. Rammallah-Palestine.

- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 1999. Population in the Palestinian

Territory, 1997-2025. Rammallah-Palestine.