2010 top 100 accounting today

Most Infl uential People A Supplement to Sponsored by:

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Most Infl uential People

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Mark AlbrechtCEO, XCM Solutions/Xpitax Workflow has become one of the most important tools a CPA firm can have, and Albrecht has positioned

XCM at the forefront of the workflow revolu-tion, not least through recently joining the CPA2Biz Trusted Business Advisor Solutions program.Career Highlights: CEO, XCM Solutions/Xpitax, 2001-present … Founder and shareholder, KAF Finan-cial Group, 1991-2009 … Partner, Kennedy & Lehan, 1983-1991 … Partner, Ryan & Albrecht, 1981-1983 … Staff accountant, Gerald T. Reilly CPAs, 1978-1981 … Staff accountant, Arthur Andersen, 1976-1978.Other Affiliations: AICPA … Massachusetts Society of CPAs … Trustee, Eastern Bank.Education: Bentley College, 1981, Master of Taxation … Boston College, 1976, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1953, Boston … Married to Mary … Three children.

Rick AndersonChairman and CEO, Moss AdamsBesides heading up the West Coast’s biggest firm, Anderson is also chair of a high-profile panel working

on the eternally vexed question of standards for private companies. Will he and his panel be the ones to finally cut the Gordian Knot?Career Highlights: Chairman and CEO, Moss Ad-ams, 2004-present; president and COO, 1999-2004; director of operations, 1993-1999; director of ac-counting and auditing, 1984-1993; partner, 1980.

Other Affiliations: Chair, Blue Ribbon Panel on Pri-vate Entity Accounting Standards … Vice chair, Prax-ity Management Board and Governing Council … Past member, AICPA Council; past chair, Major Firms Group … Trustee, Financial Accounting Foundation.

Education: Western Washington University, 1973, Acctg.Personal: Born 1951, Chehalis, Wash. … Married to Lori … Two children.

C.E. AndrewsPresident, RSM McGladreyHaving successfully nego-tiated last year’s ugly trial separation from audit and attest firm McGladrey &

Pullen, Andrews was able to focus on other things — like this summer’s acquisition of Top 100 Firm Caturano & Co.Career Highlights: President, RSM McGladrey, 2009-present … President and CEO, SLM Corp., 2008; executive VP of accounting and risk manage-ment, 2003 … Head, worldwide audit and business advisory practice, Arthur Andersen, 2001-2002; part-ner, 1984; joined, 1974.Other Affiliations: Advisory Board, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech … Immediate past chair, Junior Achievement of Washington, D.C.Education: Virginia Tech, 1974, Bachelor’s Acctg.Personal: Born 1952, Covington, Va. … Married … Three children.

August AquilaPresident and CEO, Aquila Global AdvisorsWhile perhaps best known for helping firms develop new compensation plans

— he literally wrote the book on the subject — Aquila is also a force in many other areas of consulting, not least firm M&A.Career Highlights: President, Aquila Global Advi-sors, 1995-present … CEO, Chantrey Capital Advi-sors, 2007-present … Director of practice manage-ment consulting, The Growth Partnership, 2003-2005 … To VP of M&A, American Express Tax & Business Services, 1994-2003 … Senior VP, PDI, 1987-1994 …

Partner, Friedman, Eisenstein, Raemer & Schwartz CPAs, 1983-1994 … Adjunct professor of marketing, DePaul University Graduate School of Business, 1980-1994 … Group director of marketing, Coopers & Lybrand, 1979-1983. Other Affiliations: Founding board member, Associ-ation for Accounting Marketing … Author, CPA Firm Merger Strategies That Work; CPAs That Sell; Breaking the Paradigm: New Approaches to Pricing Accounting Services; Client at the Core; Compensation as a Stra-tegic Asset … Contributing author, The Marketing Ad-vantage; How to Hire a Marketing Director and Make it Work; Bull’s Eye! The Ultimate How-To Marketing & Sales Guide for CPAs.Education: Indiana University, Ph.D … DePaul Uni-versity, MBA, BA.Personal: Born 1946, Chicago … Married to Emily Haliziw … One daughter.

Andy ArmaninoCEO and managing partner, Armanino McKennaArmanino may want to start bottling his growth

elixir: Already nationally known for his for-ward-thinking management style, he has al-most tripled his firm’s revenue and workforce during his tenure.Career Highlights: CEO and MP, Armanino McKen-na, 2004-present; partner-in-charge of audit, 1994-2004; senior staff professional, audit, 1989-1994 … Senior staff professional, Arthur Young, 1987-1989.Other Affiliations: Chairman, Moore Stephens North America … Director, Moore Stephens Interna-tional … AICPA … California Society of CPAs.Education: Santa Clara University, Bachelor’s, 1987.Personal: Born 1965, Oakland, Calif. … Married to Denise … Three children.

Erik AsgeirssonCEO, CPA2BizWith CPA2Biz firmly established as a resource for accountants, Asgeirsson has been busy

building a stable of Trusted Business Advisor Solutions that bring the best of cloud-based software to accoun-tants through alliances with leading vendors.Career Highlights: CEO, CPA-2Biz, 2002-present; VP of pro-

fessional services, 2000-2002 … To sales director, Business Services Division, AT&T, 1990-2000.Other Affiliations: National Peace Corps Associa-tion ... Former Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania.Education: Stern School of Business, New York Uni-versity, MBA ... George Washington University, BS Electrical Engineering.Personal: Born 1968, Falmouth, Mass. ... Married to Claudia … Two daughters.

Robert AttmoreChairman, GASBNow in his second five-year term as chairman, Attmore continues to pursue a busy agenda, with projects on

controversial issues such as public pension reporting, public-private partnerships, per-formance reporting, and fiscal sustainability considerations.Career Highlights: Chairman, Governmental Ac-counting Standards Board, 2004-present ... Presi-dent, Attmore & Associates, 2003-2004 ... Deputy state comptroller, New York, 1986-2003; director of internal audit, Office of Mental Health, 1979-1984 ... Audit manager, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, 1971-1979.

Other Affiliations: Trustee, Academy for Govern-ment Accountability ... Board of Advisors, Masters in Government Accounting Program, Rutgers Business School … Past president, National State Auditors As-sociation ... Advisory Council, U.S. Government Au-diting Standards ... AICPA.

Education: Villanova University, 1971, BS.

Personal: Born 1945, Kearny, N.J. ... Married ... One child.

ObamaCare. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Preparer registration. The expiring Bush tax cuts.

Those sweeping events represent just some of the quan-tum change that the CPA profession will be bracing for over the next year.

After struggling to help their clients traverse one of the worst economic landscapes in nearly 80 years, the profes-sion is bracing for another round of potentially game-chang-ing events, this time in the form of health care and financial reform legislation that could impact not only their client base, but the traditional guidelines of how they conduct business — to say nothing of a host of new technologies, new firm structures, new media and much more.

But as with the accounting scandals of nearly a decade ago and the recent financial crisis, the profession has again dem-onstrated that it’s up for any and all challenges — whether they emanate from Washington or internally.

And this year’s roster of our Top 100 Most Influential People will no doubt be at the forefront of those efforts.

Each year with this issue, our staff faces its own challenge — that of whittling down several hundred deserving nomi-nees into the 100 people we feel are the changemakers and thought leaders of the profession.

Given what has transpired on Capitol Hill over the past year, selecting our 2010 century roster was especially chal-lenging, and not surprisingly, elicited a number of “spirited” debates among our editorial ranks.

While there are many “regulars” re-appearing on this year’s feature, the 2010 Most Influential also includes a num-ber of newcomers whose profiles have risen significantly in the recent past.

There have also been some notable deletions of former T100 members, but that does not rule out their return, by any means.

We feel we also have some exciting and thought-provok-ing additions to our “Ones to Watch” category — folks who definitely merit a close look for their accomplishments.

So, the staff at Accounting Today presents the 2010 class of the Top 100 Most Influential People as they prepare to meet a host of new challenges.


New year, new challenges, new vectors of influence

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Tony BatmanChair, CEO and president, 1st GlobalThe face of the national broker-dealer partner to the CPA profession, Bat-man has successfully shep-

herded the company’s 600 affiliated firms through the financial crisis and, in a coup, lured aboard Nobel Prize-winning economist Dr. Harry Markowitz as an advisor.Career Highlights: Chairman, CEO and president, 1st Global Inc., 1992-present ... VP, H.D. Vest Finan-cial Services, 1987-1992 ... VP, Lincoln Property Co., 1985-1987 ... Audit manager, Arthur Andersen, 1979-1985.Other Affiliations: Past chair, Financial Services Institute ... Advisory Board, University of Kansas School of Business ... CFA Institute ... FPA ... Money Management Institute ... Aircraft Owners & Pilots As-sociation.Education: University of Kansas, 1979, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1956, Dodge City, Kan. ... Married to Vicki ... Two adult children ... Pilot ... Cancer survivor.

Sen. Max BaucusD-Mont.As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Bau-cus has taken the lead in crafting and shepherding

major tax legislation through Congress.Career Highlights: Chair, Finance Committee, U.S. Senate, 2007-present, 2001-2003; Joint Committee on Taxation; Agriculture Committee; Subcommit-tees on Taxation and Oversight; elected, 1978 ... U.S. House of Representatives, 1974-1978 ... Montana State Legislature, 1973-1974 ... Executive director, Montana Constitutional Convention, 1972 ... Law practice, 1971.Education: Stanford University, 1967, law degree; 1964, BA.Personal: Born 1941, Helena, Mont. ... Divorced ... One son.

Chandra BhansaliPresident, AccountantsWorldBhansali’s vision has posi-tioned AccountantsWorld to work collaboratively

with accounting professionals through the company’s accounting and practice develop-ment portal.Career Highlights: President and co-founder, Ac-countantsWorld, 1999-present ... President and co-founder, Micro Vision Software Inc., 1986-2002 ... Manager, Perkin Elmer, 1980-1985.Other Affiliations: CEO Club ... Will & Vision Foun-dation, IEEE ... ACM ... Board of Advisors, Infosys International.Education: State University of New York, 1979, Ph.D.

... Indian Institute of Science, 1970, MS ... MBM Engi-neering College, 1968, BE.Personal: Born 1947, Jodhpur, India ... Married to Sharada (co-founder of AccountantsWorld) ... Two children.

Parnell BlackCEO, NACVAThe more CPAs expand into areas where valuation skills are vital — such as litigation support, foren-sics and fraud prevention

— the more value they find in the programs and resources of Black’s 7,800-member, 19-year-old organization.Career Highlights: CEO, National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts, 2002–present; president and CEO, 1995–2002 … President and CEO, Black & Isom Associates, 1992–1995 … Partner, Black/Green & Co. CPAs, 1989–1992 … President, Parnell Black & Associates, 1985–1989 … Senior program manager, Amembal & Isom Consulting, 1979–1985.Other Affiliations: Institute for Credentialing Excel-lence … Board advisor, International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts … Family Firm Institute.Education: University of Utah, 1981, MBA; 1979, BA Acctg./Finance.Personal: Born 1954, Salt Lake City … Married to Linda Melcher … Two children.

Mark BolgianoPresident and CEO, XBRL USBolgiano and his organiza-tion continue to improve and expand the reach of their revolutionary busi-

ness reporting language, including the launch in the past year of XBRL US Labs to acceler-ate R&D partnerships with public and private sector groups.Career Highlights: President and CEO, XBRL US Inc., 2006-present … VP and CIO, Council on Foun-dations, 2003-2006 … VP of finance and administra-tion, Greater Washington Board of Trade, 1987-1996 … Statistical analyst and database programmer, MD-IPA, 1986-1987.Other Affiliations: Board, ANSI X9 … International Steering Committee, XBRL International.Education: University of Maryland, 1986, postgradu-ate work; 1982, BS Agronomy.Personal: Born 1956, Bethesda, Md. … Married to Mandy … Five children.

Gary BoomerCEO, Boomer ConsultingOne of the profession’s earliest advocates of the importance of technology to profitable firm manage-

ment, his well-known Boomer Technology

Circles are comprised of an elite roster of high-performing firms that exemplify both best practices and cutting-edge IT. Career Highlights: CEO, Boomer Consulting Inc., 1996-present ... Partner, Varney & Associates, to 1996.Other Affiliations: President, Kansas Society of CPAs … Accounting Advisory Board, Kansas State University … The Advisory Board … Member, AICPA Council; past chair, IT Executive Committee … Past director, ACUTE … Author, Performance3, Boomer Advantage Guides.Education: Kansas State University, MS, BS Acctg.Personal: Married to Mary ... Three children.Blog/Twitter: www.thinkplangrow.net / @lgboomer

Jim BourkePartner, WithumSmith+BrownBourke has been a true pioneer for technology acceptance at his firm and for the CPA community at

large, and tireless in his efforts to educate, advise and in some cases champion new technology for the profession. Career Highlights: Partner and member, Manage-ment Committee, WithumSmith+Brown; joined, 1987.Other Affiliations: Past president, New Jersey Soci-ety of CPAs … Council member, AICPA; chair, CITP Credential Committee; Top Technologies Work-group, AICPA Tech+/Practitioners Committee; Life and Disability Committee … Board, N.J. Technology Council; Camp Zehnder YMCA.Education: Kean University, 1987, BS Acctg. Personal: Born 1964, Jersey City, N.J. … Married to Jody … Three children.Blog/Twitter: http://njscpa.typepad.com/aheadof-thecurve / @JimBourke

Robert BuntingPresident, IFAC That Bunting sent in his reply to this year’s T100 survey from a Starbucks on Avenue Victor Hugo

in Paris perfectly illustrates his position: A hugely influential name from America mak-ing a big impression on the global stage, as he leads the profession’s global organization at a time when it is increasingly focused on international issues.Career Highlights: Chair, International Services Group, Moss Adams, 2004-present; CEO, 1981-2004; manager/partner, 1972-1981 … Staff/senior, Price Waterhouse, 1968-1972.Other Affiliations: President and board member, International Federation of Accountants … Steer-ing Committee, International Integrated Reporting Committee … Council member and past chair, AIC-PA … Chair, ALAC.Education: University of Idaho, 1968, BS.Personal: Born 1945, Sacramento, Calif. … Married to Maria … Three adult children, six grandchildren.

Peyton BurchDirector of partner programs, DeltekAs 2010 chair of AICPA Tech+, Burch was the catalyst for combining the Practitioners’ Symposium

and Tech Conference, to great success. Aside from heading up the partner program at ma-jor ERP vendor Deltek, he has chaired the Tech+ committee four years running, a rare feat, and is in for yet another year.Career Highlights: Director of partner programs, Deltek, 2008-present … VP of strategic marketing, MIS Group, 2006-2008 … CFO, ERG, 2005-2006 … President, Burch Consultants, 1986-2005 … Senior consultant, Arthur Andersen, 1984-1986.Other Affiliations: Chair, AICPA Tech+ Conference, 2008-present … Information Technology Alliance.Education: University of Texas, 1984, MPA … South-ern Methodist University, 1981, BBA.Personal: Born 1959, Houston … Married to Cathy … Two children.Twitter: @PeytonBurch

Paul CaronPublisher and editor-in-chief, TaxProf BlogProbably the most prolific blogger in the tax field, Caron has made his blog into a must-read, chock-

full of the latest developments in the worlds of tax, law and academia.Career Highlights: Associate dean of faculty, Univer-sity of Cincinnati College of Law, 2007-2010; Charles Hartsock Professor of Law, 1997-present; director of faculty projects, 2002-2007; professor, 1995-1997; associate professor, 1993-1995; assistant professor, 1990-1993 ... Visiting professor, University of San Diego School of Law, 2009-present … Associate, Sul-livan & Worcester, 1985-1990 ... Law clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, 1983-1985.Other Affiliations: Publisher and editor-in-chief, Law Professor Blogs Network ... Series editor, Law Stories; Graduate Tax Series ... Author or co-author, Tax Stories; Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation; Fed-eral Income Tax Anthology.Education: Boston University, 1988, LL.M (Tax) ... Cornell Law School, 1983, J.D. ... Georgetown Uni-versity, 1979, AB.

Stephen ChipmanCEO, Grant ThorntonIt wasn’t easy filling the shoes of his predecessor, Ed Nusbaum, running one of the U.S.’s biggest firms,

but Chipman has already made his mark this year by consolidating and selling off some of the firm’s offices with the goal of concentrat-ing on some carefully chosen markets.

A Supplement to Accounting Today36 Top 100 People

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Page 6: 2010 Top 100 Accounting Today

Career Highlights: CEO, Grant Thornton US, 2010-present; CEO, Grant Thornton China Management Corp., 2006-2009; Central Region MP and senior leadership team, GT US, 2003-2006; Dallas office MP, 2000-2003; MP, global services, 1998-2000; director of international business centers, Grant Thornton International, 1998-2000; head, Greater Bay Area As-surance Department, GT US, 1995-1996; Asia Pacific regional technical director and liaison partner, GTI, 1992-1995; assurance partner, GT US, 1991-1992; as-surance staff, GT UK, 1981-1988.Other Affiliations: Board, Center for Audit Quality … Board, Chicago-China Economic Development Cen-ter … Economic Club of Chicago … Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Education: Plymouth College; Plymouth Polytech-nic.Personal: Born 1961, Plympton, U.K. … Married to Kim … Two children.

David CieslakPrincipal, Arxis Technology Inc.Cieslak plays an integral role in educating the CPA community — he’s no stranger to the conference

circuit, where he can be relied on to introduce accountants to useful technologies and tools they have not yet heard of.Career Highlights: Principal, Arxis Technology Inc., 1994-present ... Partner, Cieslak, Boynton & Speak-man CPAs, 1985-1994 ... Financial analyst, Associat-ed Financial Corp., 1984-1985 ... Senior accountant, Price Waterhouse, 1982-1984.Other Affiliations: Chair, Sage Accpac Business Partner Advisory Council … Past Chair, AICPA IT Executive Committee ... Past board member, ITA ... Council, California CPA Society; member and past chair, State Technology Committee; past president, California CPA Education Foundation. Education: University of California at Los Angeles, 1982, BA Economics.Personal: Born 1959, Binghamton, N.Y. ... Married to Michelle ... Two children.Twitter: @dcieslak

David CostelloPresident and CEO, NASBACostello’s announcement earlier this year that he’d be retiring in 2012 doesn’t diminish his influence: He

remains a powerful voice on all the issues NASBA touches, from CPA mobility to ac-counting standards and beyond.Career Highlights: President and CEO, NASBA, 1994-present ... President and CEO, NASBA Center for the Public Trust, 2004-present … Executive direc-tor, Tennessee State Board of Accountancy, 1994 ... President and CEO, David A. Costello & Associates, 1991-1994 ... President, IGI Adhesives, 1986-1991 … President, General Adhesives, 1982-1986 ... Director of audit, Genesco, 1969-1982 ... Auditor/consulting services, Ernst & Ernst, 1963-1969.

Other Affiliations: AICPA ... Tennessee Society of CPAs ... New York State Society of CPAs ... President’s Cabinet, David Lipscomb University ... Advisory Board, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Man-agement; Vanderbilt DNA Community Services.Education: Vanderbilt University, 1982, MBA ... Da-vid Lipscomb University, 1964, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1942, Nashville, Tenn.... Married to Sally ... Five children, 15 grandchildren.

Gale CrosleyPresident, Crosley+Co.A well-known speaker and consultant on practice growth, Crosley continues to be a thought leader on

niche development, best practices and the elevation of women within firms. Career Highlights: Founder and president, Crosley+Co., 2001-present ... Executive VP of sales and marketing, AnswerThink Consulting Group, 1998-2000 ... Founder and president, Synchrony Networks, 1995-1998 ... VP of marketing, VoiceCom Systems, 1994-1995 ... Director of marketing and senior director of sales, MCI, 1989-1994 ... Indepen-dent consultant, 1987-1989 ... To marketing manager, IBM, 1975-1987 ... Auditor, Price Waterhouse, 1973-1975 ... Auditor, Arthur Andersen, 1972-1973.Other Affiliations: Advisory Board, Journal of Ac-countancy ... Georgia Society of CPAs ... Ohio Society of CPAs ... National Speakers Association … Author, At the Crossroads.Education: University of Akron, 1972, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1951, Cleveland ... Married to Steven ... Two children.Twitter: @gcrosley

Marty DavidoffFounder and firm manager, E. Martin Davidoff & Associates CPAsAs past president of the

American Society of Attorney-CPAs and a frequent speaker at forums and conferences, Davidoff’s voice is heard on issues impacting tax practice at the IRS and Treasury, as well as congressional committees.Career Highlights: Founder and firm manager, E. Martin Davidoff & Associates CPAs, 1981-present ... Tax manager, Leonard C. Green & Co., 1980-1981 ... Tax senior, Richard A. Eisner, 1978-1980.

Other Affiliations: Past president, American As-sociation of Attorney-CPAs; founder, IRS National Tax Liaison Committee; chair, Subcommittee on Tax Legislative Affairs ... AICPA ... Past trustee, New Jer-sey Society of CPAs ... New Jersey State Bar Associa-tion ... Board member and Audit Committee expert, BioClinica Inc. ... Founder and director, Make a Smile Foundation Inc. … New Jersey Leadership Council, National Federation of Independent Business.

Education: Washington University School of Law, 1978, JD ... Boston University Graduate School of Management, 1975, MBA ... Sloan School of Manage-

ment, MIT, 1974, BS.Personal: Born 1952, Suffern, N.Y. ... Two children.

Patrick de CambourgPresident and CEO, MazarsWith his tie-up with Top 100 Firm Weiser earlier this year, de Cambourg

is bringing Mazars’ unique global structure to the U.S. in a big way. With its integrated partnership, the firm offers an intriguing alternative to the ways most firms operate internationally.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Group Ex-ecutive Board, Mazars, 1995-present; senior partner and president, 1983-1995; partner, 1978-1983; assis-tant, 1974-1978.Other Affiliations: Board, Praxity … Knight of the Legion of Honor … Officer, National Order of Merit … Jockey Club … Nouveau Cercle de l’Union.Education: Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, 1973, graduate degree in public and civil law; 1971, undergraduate degree in literature.Personal: Born 1949, Le Pont de Beauvoisin, France … Married to Catherine … Three children.

Michael Di GirolamoManaging director, Investment Advisors Division, Raymond James Financial Services

In addition to codifying its financial planning process into a roadmap for its affiliated advi-sors, Di Girolamo oversaw a move by the bro-ker-dealer to boost its market share by raising the AUM levels required of new registered investment advisors.Career Highlights: Managing director, Investment Advisors Division, Raymond James Financial Servic-es, 2001-present; chief compliance officer and senior VP, 1989-2004; joined, 1984.Other Affiliations: Share Advisory Council, Univer-sity of Florida … Past chair, Compliance Advisory Council, IAFP (now FPA) … Past director, National Society of Compliance Professionals.Education: Securities Industry Institute, The Whar-ton School, 1993, postgraduate … University of Flor-ida, 1984, BS.Personal: Born 1961, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Timothy FlynnChairman, KPMG InternationalFlynn is now focused on the international network of KPMG, but he remains an influential voice on ac-

counting issues at all levels.Career Highlights: Chairman, KPMG International,

2007-present; chairman, KPMG U.S., 2005-2010; CEO, 2005-2009; vice chair of audit and risk advisory services, 2002-2005; vice chair of operations, adviso-ry services, 2001-2002; vice chair, Office of e-Trans-formation, 2000-2001; vice chair of HR, 1996-2000; partner-in-charge, manufacturing, retail and distri-bution — Midwest, 1993-1996; partner-in-charge, middle-market practice — Minneapolis, 1990-1993; partner, 1988; joined, 1979.Other Affiliations: Member, Corporate Governance Task Force, Business Roundtable … Steering Com-mittee, International Integrated Reporting Commit-tee … Trustee, Financial Accounting Foundation; Audit and Development Committees … Member, International Business Council, World Economic Forum … Advisory Committee on the Auditing Pro-fession, 2008 … Member, Transatlantic Business Dialogue … Trustee, University of St. Thomas … Member, Advisory Board, Major League Baseball’s Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities program.Education: University of St. Thomas, 1979, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1956, Minneapolis … Married to Su-san … Two children.

Cindy FornelliExecutive director, Center for Audit QualityWith the nation’s regula-tory framework on the

brink of quantum change, the affable but no-nonsense head of the CAQ has been front and center on burning issues such as finan-cial fraud, the PCAOB Supreme Court case and battling against SOX 404 exemptions for smaller filers.Career Highlights: Executive director, Center for Au-dit Quality, 2006-present … Regulatory and conflicts management executive, Bank of America, 2004-2006 … Deputy director, Division of Investment Manage-ment, SEC, 1999-2004 … Senior associate, Derchert, 1996-1999 …. Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson, 1991-1996.Other Affiliations: American Bar Association … Na-tional Association of Corporate Directors’ 2009 Blue Ribbon Commission on Risk Governance … Board of Advisors, Class of 2012, SEC Historical Society.Education: George Washington University, 1991, JD … Purdue University, 1985, BA.Personal: Born 1960, Los Angeles.Twitter: @theCAQ

Rep. Barney FrankD-Mass.As one of the chief archi-tects of this year’s financial reform law, Frank skillfully steered the bill through the

minefields of the Capitol in an effort to rein in the excesses of the financial industry.Career Highlights: Chair, Financial Services Com-mittee, U.S. House of Representatives, 2007-present; elected, 1980 … State representative, Massachusetts Legislature, 1972-1980 … Administrative assistant to

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Rep. Michael J. Harrington, 1971-1972 … Chief assis-tant to Mayor Kevin White, Boston, 1968-1971.Other Affiliations: Past professor, University of Mas-sachusetts, Boston; John F. Kennedy School of Gov-ernment, Harvard; Boston University … Founder, National Stonewall Democrats.Education: Harvard Law School, 1977 … Harvard College, 1962.Personal: Born 1940, Bayonne, N.J.

Chris FrederiksenChairman, The 2020 GroupA frequent presenter and keynote speaker at accoun-ting events and related

seminars, the head of the growing 2020 Group has, for the past 20 years, spread his philosophies on practice management and marketing expertise both in the U.S. and abroad.Career Highlights: Chairman, The 2020 Group, 2000-present … MP, Frederiksen-Crawford CPAs, 2007-present … MP, Frederiksen & Co. CPAs, 1984-2000 … Partner, Touche Ross & Co., 1969-1976.Other Affiliations: AICPA … California Society of CPAs … Author, Successful Partnership Agreements for CPAs; Accountant’s Direct Marketing Kit; Success-ful Business Kit … Past chair, American Federation of Art … Founder, Museum Management Institute, UC Berkeley.Education: Golden Gate University, 1966, post-grad-uate; 1965, undergraduate.Personal: Born 1942, Bristol, U.K. … Married to Tara Crawford, CPA … One daughter.

Timothy GeithnerU.S. Treasury SecretaryAs the administration’s point man on economic issues, Geithner has been

at the heart of debates on everything from regulatory reform and stimulus spending to the future of the Bush tax cuts.Career Highlights: U.S. Treasury Secretary, 2009-present … President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2003-2009; vice chair, Federal Open Market Committee … Senior fellow, Council on Foreign Re-lations, 2002-2003 … Director, Policy Development and Review Department, International Monetary Fund, 2001-2003 … Undersecretary for international affairs, 1998-2001, Treasury; assistant secretary for international affairs, 1997-1998; senior deputy as-sistant secretary for international affairs, 1996-1997; deputy assistant secretary, 1995-1996… Kissinger As-sociates Inc., 1985-1988.Education: Johns Hopkins School of Advanced In-ternational Studies, 1985, Master’s in Int’l Econom-ics and East Asian Studies … Dartmouth College, 1983, BA Government and Asian Studies.Personal: Born 1961, Brooklyn, N.Y. … Married to Carole … Two children.

J. Russell GeorgeTreasury Inspector General for Tax AdministrationIn his job as one of the main IRS watchdogs, George has

uncovered a variety of problems with every-thing from the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit and security vulnerabilities in the IRS’s computer systems, to tax lien abuses, helping to keep the agency on its toes.Career Highlights: Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, 2004-present ... Inspector gener-al, Corporation for National and Community Service, 2002-2004 ... Staff director and chief counsel, House Government Management, Information and Tech-nology Subcommittee, 1995-2002 ... Law practice, Kramer, Levin, Naftalis, Nessen, Kamin & Frankel ... Associate director for policy, Office of National Ser-vice, White House ... Assistant general counsel, Of-fice of Management and Budget ... Assistant district attorney, Queens County District Attorney’s Office.Education: Harvard University Law School, JD … Howard University, BA.Personal: Born in New York City.

Daniel GoelzerActing chairman, PCAOBNow Supreme Court-ap-proved! With a lawsuit over the board’s constitutional-ity behind him, as well as

new powers from recent regulatory reform and his own extensive experience, Goelzer is well-positioned to move forward on issues like foreign inspections and the future role of auditors. Career Highlights: Acting chairman, Public Com-pany Accounting Oversight Board, 2009-present; board, 2003-2009 … Partner, Baker & McKenzie, 1990-2003 … General counsel, SEC, 1983-1990; ex-ecutive assistant to the chairman, special counsel, Office of General Counsel, 1974-1983 … Law clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit … Audi-tor, Deloitte & Touche, 1969-1970.Other Affiliations: Past adjunct faculty, Georgetown University Law Center.Education: George Washington University, 1979, LLM ... University of Wisconsin School of Law, 1973, JD ... University of Wisconsin, 1969, BBA.Personal: Born in Milwaukee.

Michelle GoldenFounder, Golden Practices blogMichelle Golden is her name and social media is her game: With an AICPA

social media tool kit under her belt, and a forthcoming book on social media, she has

skyrocketed into position as a go-to person when it comes to communicating online. Career Highlights: Founder, Golden Practices, 2005-present … Marketing director, Husch & Eppen-berger, 1998-1999 … Marketing director, Williams Keepers, 1994-1998 … Accountant, Comprehensive Care Corp., 1987-1993 … Accountant, CooperVision, 1985-1987.

Other Affiliations: Senior fellow, VeraSage Institute … Author, Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms … Contributing author, Bull’s-Eye! The Ultimate How-To Marketing and Sales Guide …Past board member, International Association of Fa-cilitators … Past board member, AAM … St. Louis Tax Assistance Program.

Education: Columbia College, 1996-1998 … Irvine Valley College, 1988-1990 … Santa Ana College, 1982-1984.

Personal: Born 1966, Long Beach, Calif. … Married to Nicholas … Four children.

Blog/Twitter: www.goldenpractices.com / @mich-ellegolden

Jeff GramlichPresident, CCH Small Firm Services, a Wolt-ers Kluwer businessGramlich has built CCH SFS into a position of lead-ership through his intro-

duction of cutting-edge tax technology to the profession’s myriad of small practitioners. Career Highlights: President, CCH Small Firm Ser-vices, 2006-present; senior VP of business develop-ment, CCH, 2003-2006 … VP of product develop-ment, Thomson Corp., 1989-2003 … Supervisory senior, Arthur Young & Co., 1984-1989.Other Affiliations: CITP … AICPA … Texas Society of CPAs.Education: University of Arkansas, 1982, BSBA Acctg.Personal: Born 1960, Fort Smith, Ark. … Married to Mary Beth … Three children.

Sen. Chuck GrassleyR-IowaAs ranking member of the Senate Finance Commit-tee, Grassley plays a major role in the bipartisan effort

to draft tax legislation.Career Highlights: Ranking member, Finance Com-mittee, U.S. Senate; past Finance Committee chair, 2003-2007, 2001; Joint Tax, Agriculture, Judiciary, and Budget Committees; elected, 1980 ... U.S. House of Representatives, 1974-1980 ... Iowa Legislature, 1958-1975.

Other Affiliations: Farm Bureau ... International Parliamentary Group for Human Rights.

Education: University of Iowa, Ph.D. work ... Uni-versity of Northern Iowa, 1956, MA Political Science; 1955, BA Political Science.

Personal: Born 1933, New Hartford, Iowa ... Married to Barbara ... Five children, nine grandchildren.

Larry GrayGovernment liaison, NATPA practitioner, educator and representative of the tax professional commu-nity, Gray offers insight on

issues affecting practitioners nationwide.Career Highlights: Partner, Alfermann Gray & Co. CPA, 1977-present.Other Affiliations: Government liaison and past president, National Association of Tax Professionals … Modernized e-File 1040 Executive Steering Com-mittee, IRS Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee; member, IRSAC, Office of Professional Responsibility Subgroup … Past president, Missouri State Board of Accountancy … Past member, Com-puterized CPA Exam Committee, AICPA … NASBA … Instructor, National Society of Accountants.Education: University of Missouri, 1977, BA.Personal: Born 1955, Salem, Mo. … Two adult chil-dren.

Calvin HarrisNational president and CEO, NABAAn avid Tweeter, Harris has brought a focus on technol-ogy to his stint as the head of NABA, which already of-

fers plentiful resources to its members, and has forged strong partnerships with firms and organizations across the profession.Career Highlights: CFO, Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, 2009-present … CFO, Council for Ex-cellence in Government, 2007-2009 … Controller, United Nations Foundation, 2006-2007 … Control-ler, NeighborWorks America, 2003-2006 … Senior analyst, FTI Consulting, 2001-2003 … Acting comp-troller, Morgan State University, 1996-2000 … Senior accountant, Arthur Andersen, 1992-1995.Other Affiliations: National president and CEO, Na-tional Association of Black Accountants Inc. … Past treasurer, Morehouse College National Alumni Asso-ciation … Past treasurer, Maryland New Directions.Education: Morehouse College, 1992, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1969, Richmond, Va. … Married to Monisha.Twitter: @calvinhjr

Roger HarrisPresident and COO, Padgett Business ServicesBoth government and practitioners seek Harris’ practical wisdom on issues

affecting the profession.Career Highlights: President and CFO, Padgett Busi-ness Services, 1992-present; franchise president and chairman, 1982-1992; staff accountant, 1972-1982.Other Affiliations: Past chair, Federal Tax Commit-tee, National Society of Accountants … Chair, Legis-lative Affairs Subcommittee, National Association of

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Enrolled Agents … Past chair, IRSAC.Education: University of Georgia, 1973, BBA Acctg.Personal: Born 1950, Athens, Ga. … Two children, two grandchildren.

Karen HawkinsDirector, IRS OPRResponsible for overseeing Circular 230 enforcement, Hawkins’ role will continue to expand as preparer reg-istration gets underway.

Career Highlights: Director, Office of Professional Responsibility, Internal Revenue Service, 2009-pres-ent … Attorney-at-law, Taggart & Hawkins, 1984-2009 … Tax supervisor, Touche Ross, 1979-1982 … Assis-tant dean of student affairs, University of California – Davis, 1973-1976 … Communications consultant, Pacific Bell, 1969-1973.Other Affiliations: Founder, San Francisco Pro Se/Pro Bono Tax Court Project … Author, LexisNexis California State Tax Practice Insights.Education: Golden Gate University, 1981, MBA Tax Law; 1979, JD … University of California – Davis, 1976, M.Ed Applied Behavior Science … University of Massachusetts – Amherst, 1967, BA Elizabethan & Jacobean Drama.

Bob HerzChairman, FASBHerz has enjoyed little downtime this year, work-ing to meet a June 2011 deadline with the IASB to complete major conver-

gence projects, while issuing standards and proposals on financial instruments, fair value, and receivables, among others.Career Highlights: Chairman, FASB, 2002-present ... Senior technical partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers; board, 1998-2002; senior technical partner, Coopers & Lybrand, 1996-1998; audit manager, partner, 1979-1996 ... Audit staff and senior, Price Waterhouse, 1974-1978.Other Affiliations: Steering Committee, Internation-al Integrated Reporting Committee … Board, IASB, 2001-2002 ... Past chair, SEC Regulations Committee, AICPA ... Past chair, Transnational Auditors Com-mittee, IFAC … Past member, EITF; FASB Financial Instruments Task Force; Financial Accounting Stan-dards Committee, American Accounting Association ... Co-author, The Value Reporting Revolution: Mov-ing Beyond the Earnings Game.Education: University of Manchester, U.K., BA, 1974.Personal: Born 1953, New York ... Married to Louise ... Two children.

Tom Hood CEO and executive director, MACPAWith a social media out-reach in the tens of thou-sands, Hood is well-known for his pioneering use of

Second Life and multimedia tools as a means to communicate and educate, as well as being the mastermind behind the AICPA’s Leader-ship Academy for young CPAs.Career Highlights: CEO and executive director, Maryland Association of CPAs, 1997-present ... Chief financial officer and principal, Bryn Awel Corp., 1985-1997 ... Accounting systems analyst, RTKL As-sociates Inc., 1981-1985 ... Staff accountant, Finance Co. of America, 1978-1981.Other Affiliations: President and CEO, Business Learning Institute Inc. ... Past president, CPA State Executives Association … Board, Shared Services LLC ... CPE Advisory Committee, AICPA; past mem-ber, Special Committee on Mobility … Co-chair, State Societies Network Inc. ... Past chair, CPA Vision Proj-ect ... American Society of Association Executives.Education: Johns Hopkins University, 1994, MS Fi-nance — Real Estate ... University of Baltimore, 1982, Master’s equivalent — Information Systems ... Loyola College of Maryland, 1977, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1959, Baltimore ... Married to Sharon ... Three boys.Blog/Twitter: www.cpasuccess.com / @tomhood

Andrew HultPresident, NCCPAPExpect NCCPAP under Hult to continue as a strong advocate for CPAs, keeping them up to date on the crucial issues af-

fecting their practices, and fighting in their corner with Congress and the IRS.Career Highlights: Member, Andrew L. Hunt CPA, 1999-present … Junior partner and manager of qual-ity control, Owen Peterson & Co. CPAs, 1990-1999 … Senior accountant, Andrew V. Schnurr, 1985-1990 … Director of finance, Silor Optical Inc., 1978-1983 … Marketing comptroller, Schaefer Brewing, 1975-1977 … International budget analyst, Joseph E. Seagram, 1971-1974 … Supply officer, U.S. Navy, 1968-1970 … Trainee, Actuarial Development Program, Metro-politan Life Insurance Co., 1965-1967.Other Affiliations: President, National Conference of CPA Practitioners … Stakeholder, IRS National Public Liaison … AICPA … NYSSCPA … Investment Committee, Garden City Community Church.Education: Columbia University, 1968, MBA Finance … Wesleyan University, 1965, BA English.Personal: Born 1943, Bryn Mawr, Pa. … Married to Marilyn … Three children.

Trey JamesCEO and co-founder, XcentricThe need for advanced technology has never been greater at CPA firms, and James and his company

have taken the lead in making it available to firms in an innovative, hassle-free way.Career Highlights: CEO, Xcentric, 2002-present … Director of sales, CPA Systems, 1996-2002.Other Affiliations: Lighthouse Family Retreat … Souly Business … Vistage … Aircraft Owners and Pi-

lots Association.Education: Texas Wesleyan University, 1996, BBA Information Technology.Personal: Born 1970, Kingsville, Texas … Married to Amelie … Three children. Blog/Twitter: http://xcentric.com/blog / @xcentric

Randy JohnstonExecutive vice president and partner, K2 EnterprisesThose familiar with John-

ston suspect that he rarely sleeps, given his herculean efforts at educating, informing, gathering information and disseminating it throughout the accounting community. He remains relevant among CPAs as both con-sultant and teacher, and the importance of his firms’ research has not wavered. Career Highlights: Executive VP and shareholder, K2 Enterprises, 1990-present ... Executive VP and shareholder, Network Management Group Inc., 1983-present ... Department chair; professor; ad-junct, Hutchinson Community College, 1977-1997 ... Programmer and system designer, Professional Data Services, 1978-1981 ... Programmer and system de-signer, Farmland Industries, 1977-1978.Other Affiliations: Member, Planning Committee, and past chairman, AICPA Tech+ ... Author, Basic Us-ing Micros; Business Computing Systems; Computers: An Introduction; Technology Best Practices; Account-ing Software Solutions; Paperless Office.Education: Postgraduate work, Western Washington University; James Madison University; University of Central Oklahoma ... Wichita State University, 1981, MCS ... Kansas State University, 1977, BS CS Math ... Hutchinson Community College, 1975, AA CS.Personal: Born 1955, Hutchinson, Kan. ... Married to Pam ... Four children.Blog/Twitter: www.randyjohnston.com / @RPJohn-ston

Rita KellerPresident, Keller AdvisorsShe consults, she tweets, she blogs — there’s really not much Keller doesn’t do. Known widely for her

expertise in firm management, she works with forward-thinking firm leaders on how to make long-lasting, meaningful change.Career Highlights: President and founder, Keller Advisors, 2008-present … Shareholder and CFO, Brady Ware CPAs, 1978-2008 … Consultant, author and speaker, 1990-present.Other Affiliations: Planning Committee, AICPA Practitioners’ Symposium & Tech+ … Member Ser-vices Council, Ohio CPA Society … New Horizon Group … Past board member and national presi-dent, Association for Accounting Administration; co-founder, Ohio Chapter; past president, Indiana chapter … Advisory Board, CPA Practice Manage-

QA&We asked the T100 what they thought of the current attempts to create a single set of accounting standards for the world (whether through convergence or out-right adoption of IFRS), and whether it should continue. Most supported the no-tion of a single set of standards, but many had worries and questions about how and when it might be achieved.

A single set of standards will be crucial to world commerce … I’m disappointed the SEC is distracted and not setting a steady pace. — Gale Crosley

The concept is good. But there are a couple of real-world issues to resolve. Many coun-tries that have already adopted, or are ex-pected to soon adopt, IFRS have “country modifications” — if this is prevalent, we do not really have common standards.

— Rick Anderson

They should be pursued, agreed upon, and established. ... Right now, it’s as if we have national railroads with different gauge tracks in each country. At best, it’s terri-bly inefficient; at worst, it simply doesn’t work. — Andy Armanino

I think that the political, cultural and gov-ernance challenges are far more difficult to deal with than the technical accounting issues, and will likely prevent the achieve-ment of the goal. — Robert Attmore

While the objective of global accounting standards seems obvious and noble, there exists far too much deep and longlasting disagreement in many basic accounting theories to make this practical and useful.

— Tony Batman

The marketplace has spoken. As the re-maining economic powers and U.S. trade partners (China, Japan, Canada, Brazil and Mexico) complete their roadmaps to adoption, U.S. accountants will be forced to have expertise in IFRS … no matter what the SEC does. — Bob Bunting

We need to pursue resolution more aggres-sively; i.e., within a time frame founded on a “date certain.” I think if there is a stake in the sand, the U.S. would be compelled to take a more focused approach. … Con-vergence is not a path to a single set of high-quality global standards.

— Stephen Chipman


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A&ment Forum; AICPA Seasonality Success Newsletter… Columnist, Accounting Office Management & Ad-ministrative Report.Education: St. Mary of the Woods College.Personal: Born 1946, New Paris, Ohio … Married to Darrell … One son, two grandchildren.Blog/Twitter: http://ritakeller.com/blog / @cpa-management

Allan KoltinPresident and CEO, PDI Global Inc.One of the profession’s most in-demand consult-ants, Koltin serves as an advisor to more than 100

firms in such areas as mergers and growth strategies, in addition to organizing dozens of partner retreats.Career Highlights: President and CEO, PDI Global Inc., 1982-present…Partner, FERS CPAs, 1982-1998 … Director, Nankin, Schnoll, 1980-1982.Other Affiliations: Founding member, The Advisory Board … Publisher/author, Successful Merger & Ac-quisition Strategies; CPAs That Sell; How to Market a Consulting Niche … Past or present board member, Outsource Partners International; BKD Financial Ad-visors; NACVA; H&R Block Business Services Group; Association for Accounting Marketing … Editorial Advisory Board, CPA Practice Management Forum;Law Firm Management.Education: University of Wisconsin, 1980 BS Acctg. and Marketing.Personal: Born 1957, Milwaukee … Married to Sha-ron … Three children.

Mark KozielDirector, specialized communities/ firm practice management, AICPAThe AICPA knows a good thing when they see it :

They promoted to Koziel to director and gave him the additional responsibility of over-seeing the institute’s niche communities. A well-known speaker and respected resource for many, Koziel is often found on the road gathering information on what makes small and midsized firms tick.Career Highlights: Director, specialized communi-ties/firm practice management, AICPA, 2009-pres-ent; senior technical manager, firm practice man-agement/PCPS, 2006-2009 … Director of media planning, Joe Slade White & Co., 2003-2006 … Direc-tor, Dopkins & Co., 1994-2003 … Senior, Lumsden & McCormick, 1991-1994.Other Affiliations: North Carolina Association of CPAs … Past president, Buffalo Chapter, New York State Society of CPAs; founding member, Young CPAs Committee, Buffalo Chapter.Education: Canisius College, 1991, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1968, Buffalo, N.Y. … Married to Maryann … One son.Twitter: @markkoziel

Gordon KraterManaging partner, Plante & MoranKrater heads up one of the more forward-think-ing large firms, embrac-ing new technology and

methods of communication and marketing. Under his guidance, his firm has successfully used webinars, blogs, and other social media as tools for both client retention and lead generation.Career Highlights: MP, Plante & Moran, 2009-pres-ent; group MP for industries, 2001-2009; Southfield office MP, 1994-1998; Public Sector Group leader, 1991-2001; partner, 1991; associate, 1985; staff, 1980.Other Affiliations: AICPA … Michigan Association of CPAs … Accountant Coalition … Dearborn Commu-nity Fund … Detroit Economic Club … New Detroit.Education: Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, 1980, BBA Acctg.Personal: Born 1958, Detroit … Married to Mary … Four children.

James KroekerChief accountant, SECJust over a year into his tenure, Kroeker and the SEC affirmed their com-mitment to developing a

single set of global accounting standards, but ultimately, his report on the costs of conver-gence and its effect on the U.S. capital mar-kets will be a telling barometer of whether the project receives a go-ahead.Career Highlights: Chief accountant, Securities and Exchange Commission, 2009 to present; acting chief accountant, 2009; deputy chief accountant, 2007-2009 ... Partner, Deloitte, 2002-2007; manager, 1997.Other Affiliations: Practice fellow, FASB, 1999-2001.Education: University of Nebraska, 1992, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1969.

Chuck LandesVice president, Professional Assurance Standards and Services Group, AICPAThe long-time head of the

AICPA’s standards and services unit, over the past year Landes led an initiative to transport the GAAP hierarchy for state and local gov-ernments from the AICPA to GASB.Career Highlights: VP, Professional Assurance Stan-dards and Services Group, AICPA, 2005-present; director of audit and attest standards, 2003-2005 … Partner, Barnes, Dennig & Co., 1986-2003 … Senior manager, KMG Main Hurdman, 1981-1986 … Senior, Ernst & Whinney, 1978-1981.Other Affiliations: American Accounting Associa-

tion … Past board member, Ohio Society of CPAs … Past member, Auditing Standards Board, AICPA; past member, Audit Issues Task Force; past chair, Peer Re-view Committee of the PCPS.Education: Bowling Green State University, 1978, MBA … Miami University, 1974, BS.Personal: Born 1952, Napoleon, Ohio … Married to Peggy … Two children.

Rep. Sander LevinChair, House Ways and Means CommitteeChairman of the House tax-writing committee

since March, Levin is a veteran lawmaker who has already made his mark on major tax legislation.Career Highlights: Chair, Ways and Means Com-mittee, U.S. House of Representatives, 2010-pres-ent; chair, Trade Subcommittee; Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support; elected, 1982 … Assistant administrator, Agency for International Development, 1977-1981 … Fellow, Kennedy School of Politics … Minority leader, Michigan State Senate, 1969-1970; elected, 1965 … Private law practice.Education: Harvard Law School, 1957, LLB … Co-lumbia University, 1954, MA International Relations … University of Chicago, 1952, BA.Personal: Born 1931, Detroit … Widowed … Four children, nine grandchildren.Twitter: @RepsandyLevin

Mont LevyCEO and principal, BAM Advisor ServicesA 15-year veteran of BAM and its turnkey asset man-agement program, Levy

took the reins five years ago and has culti-vated a steadily growing base of CPA firms as financial planning continues its rise among top niche specialties.Career Highlights: CEO and principal, BAM Advi-sor Services, 2005-present; joined, 1996 … Principal and investment advisor, Buckingham Asset Manage-ment, 1995-present … VP of finance and administra-tion, Grand Center Inc., 1988-1993 … Partner, Foll-man/Levy Acquisition Group.Other Affiliations: Past president, Jewish Federation of St. Louis … Craft Alliance … Jewish Fund for Hu-man Needs … Chair, Shakespeare Festival St. Louis.Education: Washington University, 1976, JD … Uni-versity of Washington, Bachelor’s Political Science.

Taylor MacdonaldVice president, IntacctThe “partner’s partner,” Macdonald has long held channel marketing to a

The effort to oversell IFRS under the guise that “every country except the U.S. is do-ing it” is missing the mark and hurting the attainment of an appropriate goal of one set of standards. The misinformation and outright hype and exaggeration of the ac-ceptance worldwide of IFRS is not helping to convert federal and state regulators.

— David Costello

To achieve the objective of a single set of global accounting standards will likely require an independent and well-funded standard-setting body that, while suitably accountable to the world’s capital markets, is insulated from political interference.

— Timothy Flynn

The most obvious approach is to adopt IFRS — after all, it’s just U.S. GAAP against the rest of the world at the moment.

— Chris Frederiksen

The current convergence project has me very concerned because of the extremely short timeframe and the magnitude of the changes being dealt with. — Tom Hood

FASB as well as the IASB are sincerely try-ing to achieve convergence. At the same time, as their work progresses, significant and, in some cases, possibly irreconcilable differences are being unearthed.

— Andrew Hult

Convergence seems to be the logical ap-proach so that, when the U.S. does adopt IFRS, it might be different from GAAP, but it will, in most ways, be as robust as GAAP.

— Mike Sabbatis

Mass standardization efforts are well-in-tentioned, but misguided. They require lowest-common denominator thinking, while at the same time they lead to mass complication of even the simplest con-cepts. — Douglas Sleeter

The convergence process alone is not sufficient. All countries, including the U.S., should ultimately commit to adopting IFRS. — Jim Turley

In the end, the adoption of IFRS is the right approach, rather than convergence of do-mestic accounting standards to something similar. — Jack Weisbaum

For all the T100’s full responses, see the Sept. 13-26, 2010, issue of Accounting Today at www.accountingtoday.com.

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high standard. His latest role heading up the partner program at cloud-based vendor In-tacct will put his skills and experience to the test as the company looks to further embrace the CPA community and key VARs.Career Highlights: VP, Intacct, 2010-present … VP of channels, Promethean 2008–2009 … VP of worldwide channels and sales alliances, Deltek Inc., 2007-2008 … To chief channel and strategy officer, Sage Software, 1998-2007 ... President and founder, Macdonald Consulting Group, 1989-1998 ... Director of management advisory services, Smith & Howard, 1987-1989 ... VP of finance, Resort Storage Manage-ment, 1985-1987 ... Manager, Policy Management Systems, 1981-1985.Other Affiliations: Board, ITA ... Past board member, Southeastern Software Association.Education: Yale University, 1977, BS.Personal: Born 1955, Dallas ... Married to Cindy ... Four children.Twitter: @taylormacd

Teresa MackintoshGeneral manager and senior vice president, Workflow & Service Solutions, Americas – Profes-

sional, Tax & Accounting business of Thomson ReutersMackintosh is responsible for driving growth of all software and services for the profession-al accounting market across the U.S., Canada and Latin America. Her efforts have led the company into areas such as the leading-edge cloud computing market.Career Highlights: General manager and SVP, Work-flow & Service Solutions, Americas — Professional, Thomson Reuters, Tax & Accounting, 2010-present; to senior VP, core market, Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting, 2006-2009; director of product manage-ment, Creative Solutions, 2001-2003; UltraTax CS de-velopment manager, Creative Solutions, 1997-2001 … Tax consultant, Price Waterhouse, 1994-1996.Other Affiliations: AICPA … American Marketing Association.Education: University of Michigan, 2001, MBA; 1994, BBA.Personal: Born 1972, Owosso, Mich … Married to Craig … One daughter and one son.

Janice MaimanVice president of communications and media channels, AICPAThe driving force behind the institute’s communi-

cations initiatives, Maiman has her hands on projects such as its financial literacy pro-grams and its Young CPA Network, as well as overseeing its publications. Her work is paying off — this year alone, the institute saw

more than 600 million media impressions.Career Highlights: To VP of communications and media channels, AICPA, 2004-present.Other Affiliations: Public Relations Society of Amer-ica … American Society of Association Executives.Education: University of Virginia, 1980, MA. Personal: Born 1957, Brooklyn, N.Y. … Married to Rhea … Two children.Twitter: @J_Maiman

Eric MajchrzakMarketing and communications director, Freed Maxick & BattagliaHis digital Twitter bill-board attracted major buzz

and garnered him an AAM award this year, and Majchrzak is just picking up steam. His innovation and willingness to take risks is raising the bar for how accounting firms can get their message out there.Career Highlights: Marketing and communications director, Freed Maxick & Battaglia CPAs, 2003-pres-ent … Senior advertising administrator, Fleet Capital Corp., 1999-2003 … Business development execu-tive, Clear Channel Communications, 1995-1998 … Regional sales manager, ABC Radio Networks/DJA Media, 1993-1995 … Marketing representative, Lake Erie Distributors Inc., 1991-1993.Other Affiliations: Board, AAM … Social Media Task Force, Leading Edge Alliance … Founding member, Upstate New York Merger & Acquisition Council.Education: State University College at Buffalo, 1991, BS Business/Advertising.Personal: Born 1969, Buffalo, N.Y. … Married to Re-becca … Two children.Blog/Twitter: costsegregationpartners.blogspot.com / @FreedMaxickCPAs

Krista McMastersCEO, Clifton Gunderson McMasters has demon-strated her ability to man-age one of the top firms in

the country, expanding its reach through a series of mergers and acquisitions.Career Highlights: CEO, Clifton Gunderson, June 2009-present; chief practice officer, 2005-2009; di-rector of assurance, 1989-2005; assistant director of accounting and auditing, 1987-1989; partner, 1985; joined, 1978.

Other Affiliations: Member, Blue Ribbon Panel on Private Entity Accounting Standards … Member-at-large, AICPA Council; co-chair … Past member, Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council; Audit Guide Task Force … Past member, SECPS Peer Review Committee … CAQ … Past member, AcSEC … Illinois CPA Society … Wisconsin CPA Society.

Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham-paign, 1978, BS Acctg.

Personal: Born 1956, Danville, Ill. … Married to Rob-ert.

Barry MelanconPresident and CEO, AICPAMelancon continues to expand the AICPA in new directions, helping form a

panel to examine accounting standards for private companies, lobbying Washington to carve out exemptions for accountants in the financial reform bill, winning an exemption for CPAs in the tax preparer examination plans of the IRS, overhauling the Uniform CPA Exam, and pushing for greater financial literacy in the population at large.Career Highlights: President and CEO, American Institute of CPAs, 1995-present ... Executive director, Society of Louisiana CPAs, 1987-1995 ... Shareholder, Bergeron & Co., 1979-1987.

Other Affiliations: U.S. Delegation, IFAC ... Ameri-can Society of Association Executives ... New York Society of Association Executives.

Education: Nicholls State University, 1983, MBA; 1978, BS.

Personal: Born 1958, Houma, La. ... Married to Patty ... One son.

Jim MetzlerVice president of small firm interests, AICPAMetzler’s travel schedule is enough to make your head spin, but he’s not slowing

down yet. Known as a champion for small firms, he spends his time advocating and act-ing as a voice for their concerns.Career Highlights: VP of small firm interests, AICPA, 2003-present ... Co-founder, ConvergenceCoaching, 2000-2003 … Chairman, GEMKO Information Group Inc., 1995-2002 ... Partner, Gaines Metzler Kriner & Co., 1970-2002.

Other Affiliations: Past president, Buffalo Chapter, New York State Society of CPAs ... Council of Accoun-tancy, Canisius College ... Advisory Council, AAM ... Outside board, Perry’s Ice Cream Co.

Education: Canisius College, 1972, BS Acctg.

Personal: Born 1948, Buffalo, N.Y. ... Married to Jean ... Three children, three grandchildren.

D. Scott MoorePresident, AAMWith CPA marketing rising to a higher level of sophis-tication, AAM continues to become more visible as

Moore takes the helm. Add in a recent organi-zation restructuring and a growing member-ship, and he’s sure to have a busy year.Career Highlights: Director of marketing and busi-ness development, Dixon Hughes, 2001-present …

The rules change all the time — and so do the rulemakers. And, just as some of last year’s Top 100 had to give way to accom-modate the new additions, some of the members of this year’s list will undoubt-edly have to cede their spots to movers and shakers as yet unknown. That doesn’t mean they’ve lost their influence — only that the profession is large and wide-ranging, and no single group of 100 people can claim to have a lock on it. With that in mind, we’ve assembled a selection of people who we expect to be considering for future editions of the Top 100 list.

The first two have stepped into the shoes of previous mainstays of our Top 100: Joanne Barry, who took over as executive director of the New York State Society of CPAs this year, following the retirement of long-time influencer Lou Grumet, and Ed Karl, who takes up the mantle of Tom Ochsenschlager as vice president of taxa-tion at the American Institute of CPAs. Both Barry and Karl have long histories at their respective organizations, and we expect to hear much more from them.

With the Web changing just about every aspect of the practice of accounting, we’d be remiss if we didn’t note two Web-savvy writers who are using it to revolutionize the way the media covers the field: Caleb Newquist, the wry editor of Going Concern (http://goingconcern.com/), and Fran-cine McKenna, who helms re: The Audi-tors (http://retheauditors.com/).

In the technology area, we’re keeping an eye on Robert Reid, the new chief of cloud-based accounting pioneer Intacct; Ken Koskay, a senior vice president at the Tax & Accounting business of Thom-son Reuters, who’s leading the develop-ment and rollout of its revolutionary CPE system, Checkpoint Learning; and SpeedTax executive vice president David Lahey, who brings years of experience at Sage to the cloud-based sales and use tax compliance vendor.

Finally, we’ve got two people in the realm of standard-setting who bear watch-ing: Teresa Polley, the president of the Fi-nancial Accounting Foundation and one of the forces behind the high-profile panel that’s investigating private company finan-cial standards, and former Italian finance minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa,who’s now chair of the IASC Foundation.

Once and future influencers

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Director of account services, Jackson-Dawson Mar-keting Solutions, 1998-2001 … Director of marketing communications, Liberty Corp., 1993-1998 … Busi-ness analyst, Dun & Bradstreet Information Services, 1992-1993.Other Affiliations: President, Association for Ac-counting Marketing … United Way Palmetto Society … Advent United Methodist Church.Education: Clemson University, 1991, BS Marketing Management.Personal: Born 1969, Anderson, S.C. … Married to Cheri … Three children.

Robert MoritzChairman and senior partner, PwCNow entering the second year of his four-year term as PwC’s U.S. chief, Moritz is looking to build on the

firm’s relatively strong performance in the economic downturn.Career Highlights: U.S. chairman and senior part-ner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009-present; U.S. assurance leader, 2006-2009; New York region and office MP, 2004-2006; practice leader, U.S. financial services industry, 2001-2004; leader, Metro regional financial services, 1998-2001; partner, 1995; joined, 1985.Other Affiliations: Governing Board, Center for Audit Quality … AICPA … New York State Society of CPAs … New Jersey Society of CPAs … Atlantic Coun-cil Board.Education: State University of New York at Oswego, BS, 1985.Personal: Born 1963, New York … Two children.

Dennis NallyChairman, PwC InternationalWith a year as international chair under his belt, and a new operating structure, Nally is leading the global

firm into new growth areas. Career Highlights: Chairman, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers International Ltd., 2009-present; chairman and senior partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2002-2009; MP, U.S. firm, 2000-2001; audit and business advisory services leader, 1998-2000; vice chair for finance and key client service support, 1995-1998; national director of strategic planning, 1992-1995; partner-in-charge, Dayton, Ohio, office, 1988-1992; National Office Accounting Services Group, 1985-1988; partner, 1985; joined 1974.

Other Affiliations: AICPA … Steering Committee, International Integrated Reporting Committee … New York State Society of CPAs … Board of Visitors, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University … Trust-ee, Carnegie Hall Society … Business Roundtable … Finance Committee, Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn.

Education: Executive programs, Columbia Univer-sity; Penn State University … Western Michigan Uni-versity, 1974, BA.

Personal: Born 1952 … Married to Karen … Four children.

Zach NelsonPresident and CEO, NetSuiteWhile “the cloud” and “SaaS” are new to many in accounting, Nelson and NetSuite are veterans in

this area. For almost a decade, he has helped NetSuite evolve from its earliest incarnation as a Web-based accounting product into a full suite of leading accounting, ERP and business intelligence offerings.Career Highlights: President and CEO, NetSuite Inc., 2002-present … Various positions, including CEO of myCIO.com, McAfee/Network Associates, 1996-2001 … To VP of worldwide marketing, Oracle, 1992-1996 … Sun Microsystems, 1989-1992.Other Affiliations: Board, NetSuite … Patent holder.Education: Stanford University, MA; BS.Personal: Born 1961, Omaha, Neb. … Married to Elizabeth … One daughter.

Jay NisbergPresident, Jay Nisberg & AssociatesOne of the longest-run-ning members of the Top 100 Most Influential roster, the patriarch of CPA firm

mergers and strategic consulting has not taken a step backward, serving as an advisor to a number of high-profile firms, as well as orchestrating numerous partner summits.Career Highlights: President and management con-sultant, Jay Nisberg & Associates Ltd., 1972-present.Other Affiliations: Founder and former member, The Advisory Board … Co-founder, Professional Alli-ance Group … Author, How to Manage Your Account-ing Practice: From Chaos to Consensus.Education: Pacific Western University, Ph.D., Busi-ness Administration ... Detroit College of Law, non-degree program, 1968, Labor Relations Training; MA/Ph.D. Combined Program, 1970, ABD ... Univer-sity of Buffalo, 1968, BA Social Sciences.Personal: Born 1946, Buffalo, N.Y. ... Married to Sally ... One child.

Ed NusbaumCEO, Grant Thornton InternationalElevated this year to head GT’s international orga-nization, Nusbaum has focused on expanding its

presence in emerging markets like China while ensuring a smooth transition to his successor in the U.S., Stephen Chipman, and coordinating with him on a strategic shift.Career Highlights: CEO, Grant Thornton Interna-tional, 2010-present … CEO and executive partner, Grant Thornton, 2001-2009; chairman, Grant Thorn-ton International Board of Governors; U.S. firm Part-nership Board; national MP, professional services;

MP, Philadelphia office; national director, assurance services, New York. Other Affiliations: Steering Committee, Internation-al Integrated Reporting Committee … Past member, Advisory Committee on Improvements to Finan-cial Reporting, SEC ... Past member, FASB Advisory Council; FASB Small Business Advisory Committee; Emerging Issues Task Force ... Past member, ASB; past member, ASB Audit Issues Task Force.Education: Purdue University, 1977, MS Manage-ment ... Ohio State University, 1976, BS BA.Personal: Born 1955, Cleveland, Ohio.

Barack ObamaPresident of the U.S.Few presidents in modern history have had the effect on the tax and financial arena — for good or ill — that Obama has. Although

tax reform is currently on the back burner, his health care legislation contains numerous tax policy decisions, and makes the IRS both an administrator and enforcer.Career Highlights: President of the United States, 2009-present … U.S. Senate, 2005-2008 … Illinois Senate, 1997-2004 … Senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School, 1996-2004; professor of consti-tutional law, 1992-1996 … Of counsel, Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, 1996-2004; associate, 1993-1996 … Director, Project Vote, 1992 … Community orga-nizer, Developing Communities Project, 1985-1988 … New York Public Interest Group, 1984 … Business International Corp., 1983.Other Affiliations: Founding board member, Public Allies … Past board member, Woods Fund of Chica-go; Chicago Annenberg Challenge; Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.Education: Harvard Law School, 1991, JD … Colum-bia University, 1983, BA.Personal: Born 1961, Honolulu … Married to Mi-chelle … Two daughters.

Roger OchsPresident, H.D. Vest Inc.To help his broker-dealer’s affiliated advisors weather the economic crisis, in the past year Ochs offered

them a broader range of financial products and services, as well as tools for Roth IRA con-versions and client plan simulations — to say nothing of his monthly “Keeping Pace with Roger” Web audio series.Career Highlights: President, H.D. Vest Inc., 1999-present; president, H.D. Vest Advisory Services Inc., 1995-present; executive manager, sales and market-ing, 1995-1999; manager, tech support, 1987-1995 ... Investment advisor, Prudential Bache, 1984-1987.

Other Affiliations: Vice chair, Independent Firms Committee, Securities Industry and Financial Mar-kets Association ... Financial Planning Association ... National Association of Enrolled Agents ... CEO Advi-sory Council, Financial Services Institute.

Education: Southern Methodist University, 1993, JD ... Trinity University, 1984, MBA Finance ... Angelo State University, 1983, BBA Marketing.Personal: Born 1961, Liberal, Kan. ... Married to Amy ... Two children ... Completed the Boston Marathon each year since 2002.

Judy O’DellChair, FASB Private Companies Financial Reporting CommitteeAs chair of the Private Companies Financial Re-

porting Committee, O’Dell is a key voice in the ongoing debate over standard-setting for private companies and users of their financial statements.Career Highlights: President, O’Dell Valuation Con-sulting, 2002-present … MP, Beucler Kelly & Irwin, 1988-2001 … Staff accountant to partner, various firms, 1974-1988 … Semi-senior, Touche Ross, 1972-1974 … Medicare auditor, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Iowa, 1971-1972.Other Affiliations: Chair, FASB Private Companies Financial Reporting Committee … Participating ob-server/staff, Blue Ribbon Panel on Private Entity Fi-nancial Reporting … U.S. Government Accountability Office Audit Advisory Committee ... Former trustee, FAF … Past member, AICPA Board; past chair, PCPS Technical Issues Committee … CFO, family-owned real estate development company, hotel and restau-rant … Treasurer, Maine Media Workshops.Education: Immaculata University, 1970, BA Eco-nomics.Personal: Born 1948, Darby, Pa. … Married to Doug-las … Five sons.

Nina OlsonNational Taxpayer Advocate, IRSOlson works tirelessly to make the IRS more acces-sible and transparent, and played an important role in

the debate leading to preparer registration. Career Highlights: National Taxpayer Advocate, IRS, 2001-present … Attorney at law, 1997-2001 … Founder and executive director, Community Tax Law Project, 1992-2001 … Owner, Accounting, Tax & Information Services, 1975-1991.Other Affiliations: College of Tax Counsel; Griswold Lecturer, 2010 … Past chair, Special Committee on Ac-cess to Legal Services, Virginia Bar … Past chair, Sec-tion of Taxation Low-Income Taxpayers Committee, American Bar Association … Faculty, Kennedy School of Government Comparative Tax Policy and Adminis-tration Program ... Past adjunct professor, Georgetown University Law Center; Virginia Commonwealth Uni-versity; College of William and Mary School of Law; University of Richmond School of Law. Education: Georgetown University Law Center, 1994, LLM Tax … North Carolina Central University School of Law, 1991, JD … Bryn Mawr College, 1975, AB Fine Arts.Personal: Born 1954, Philadelphia … One child.

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Clarke PricePresident and CEO, Ohio Society of CPAsAs the leader of one of the most influential state soci-eties, Price has been work-ing with the AICPA and

other societies on CPA mobility issues, and on keeping his own state from imposing taxes on accounting and consulting services.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Ohio Society of CPAs; various positions, including assistant ex-ecutive director and PR director; joined, 1972 … In-formation specialist, U.S. Army, 1970-1972. Account executive, Coastline Advertising Agency, 1968-1970.Other Affiliations: Immediate past chair, American Society of Association Executives … Chair, Shared Services LLC; State Societies Network … Past chair, CPA Society Executives Association … Past chair, AICPA Accountants Legal Liability Committee; Ac-counting Careers Committee … Past chair, Associa-tionPAC … Past president, Ohio Society of Associa-tion Executives. Education: Franklin University, 1969, BS BA.Personal: Born 1947, Kansas City, Mo. … Married to Vicky … One son.Twitter: @clarkeprice

Jim QuigleyCEO, Deloitte Touche TohmatsuQuigley is well-known on the world stage, both from leading the international firm to new growth, and as

a voice on global accounting issues.Career Highlights: CEO, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2007-present; CEO and executive committee mem-ber, Deloitte & Touche USA, 2003-2007; vice chair-man; regional MP, Northeast practice; national in-dustry leader, manufacturing practice; joined, 1974.Other Affiliations: Steering Committee, Interna-tional Integrated Reporting Committee … Advisory Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting … Past member, various committees, AICPA ... Past board member, CAQ … U.S. co-chair, TransAtlantic Business Dialogue … Trustee, U.S. Council for Inter-national Business … Trustee, FAF … National Advi-sory Committee, Brigham Young University.Education: Utah State University, 1974, BS.Personal: Born 1952, Utah ... Married to Bonnie ... Three children.

Marc RosenbergPresident, The Rosenberg AssociatesA primary consulting voice in the areas of partner is-

sues, compensation and M&A, Rosenberg’s annual MAP survey is required reading among midsized firms — and he has also turned his keen eye toward working with the

younger generation of CPAs.Career Highlights: President, The Rosenberg Asso-ciates, 1994-present ... National director of manage-ment consulting, PDI, 1988-1994 ... CFO, Friedman, Eisenstein, Raemer & Schwartz, 1982-1988 ... VP of finance, International Division, Mark Controls Corp., 1974-1982 ... Senior auditor, Ernst & Ernst, 1970-1974.Other Affiliations: Founder and publisher, TheRosenberg MAP Survey; The Management Catalyst Newsletter … AICPA ... ICPAS ... Founding member, New Horizons Group … Leader, The North Shore Roundtable and the Wilmette Roundtable Groups.Education: University of Illinois, 1970, BS Acctg. Personal: Born 1948, Chicago ... Married to Ellen ... Two children ... Chicago Cubs fan fanatic (still).Twitter: @mrosenbergcpa

Frank Ross Director, Center for Accounting Education, Howard University Ross has spearheaded the drive to increase minority

representation in the profession, pushing firms to recognize the underlying causes for lack of advancement and why so many Afri-can-Americans decide to leave accounting.Career Highlights: Director, Center for Accounting Education, Howard University School of Business, 2004-present … Various positions to Mid-Atlantic Area MP, KPMG, 1966-1973; 1976-2003; Board of Directors, 1994-2003 … Partner, Ross, Stewart, Ben-jamin, 1973-1976.Other Affiliations: Founding member and first pres-ident, National Association of Black Accountants … AICPA … Director, Cohen & Steers Mutual Funds; PHI Corp … Chair, Hoop Dreams … Treasurer, How-ard University Middle School for Mathematics and Science … Greater Washington Urban League.Education: Long Island University, 1968, MBA; 1966, BS.Personal: Born St. Kitts, West Indies, 1943 … Married to Cecelia … Two adult children

Rebecca Ryan Founder, Next Generation ConsultingGenerational guru Ryan knows what’s up with kids today. Her dynamic

message on how to engage young people in the workforce has gotten her noticed as a sought-after speaker on recruiting, retention and leadership issues who continues to push the envelope and offer firms cutting-edge an-swers to their most challenging questions.Career Highlights: Founder and owner, Next Gener-ation Consulting, 1998-present … Executive director, Keep Iowa Beautiful, 1998-1999 … Adjunct professor, Hamilton College, 1998-1999; contract trainer/high school coordinator, 1994-1996. … Future projects analyst, American Media Inc., 1997-1998 … School-to-work business coordinator and local partnership

coordinator, Iowa Association of Business and In-dustry/Iowa School to Work Office, 1996-1997.Other Affiliations: Partner, The Advisory Board … Author, Live First, Work Second: Getting Inside the Head of the Next Generation; The Productivity Path …Board member/trustee, Alverno College; U.S. Global Leadership Council; Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce.Education: Drake University, 2004, BA Economics and International Relations. … Institute for Europe-an Studies, 1993 … Budapest University of Economic Sciences, 1992. Personal: Born 1972, Green Bay, Wis. … Partner, Marti.Blog/Twitter: nextgenerationconsulting.com/blog / @ngcrebecca

Mike SabbatisPresident and CEO, CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business, North AmericaSabbatis has led the com-pany in developing new

tools for tax and accounting professionals. Foremost among these is the company’s new IntelliConnect platform, soon to be a model throughout Wolters Kluwer.Career Highlights: President and CEO, CCH, North America, 2010-present; president, CCH, 2007-2010; executive VP of sales and marketing, Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting, 2002-2007; VP of business devel-opment, CCH Tax Compliance, 2002; division sales manager, CCH Computax, 1981-1992 … Chief mar-keting officer, Advantage MOTI, Datamatics, 2001-2002 … VP of business development and strategic accounts, Thomson Tax & Accounting, 1998-2001 … VP of sales and consulting, CLR/Fasttax, 1992-1998.Education: Cleveland State University, 1981, BBA Acctg.Personal: Born 1958, Cleveland … Married to Shay … Three children.

Barry SalzbergCEO, Deloitte As chief of the country’s largest accounting firm, Salzberg is no ivory tower executive, as he has been at the forefront of such

progressive issues as increased diversity hir-ing and leadership development, and green initiatives. That may be why he was named Executive of the Year at this year’s American Business Awards.Career Highlights: CEO, Deloitte, 2007-present; member, U.S. Board of Directors, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Global Executive Committee, DTT Global Board of Directors; U.S. MP, 2003-2007; leader, De-loitte Tax, 2000-2003; national tax deputy MP, 1999-2000; Tri-State Group MP, 1996-1999; partner, 1985; joined, 1977.Other Affiliations: Board, Center for Audit Quality … New York State Bar Association … AICPA … New York State Society of CPAs … New York County Lawyers

Association … Board, Committee for Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy; Partnership for New York … Advisory Board, International Business Leaders Forum … International councilor, Center for Strate-gic & International Studies … Chair, Capital Steer-ing Committee, YMCA of Greater New York ... Board chair, College Summit … Board, Vanderbilt Univer-sity Owen School of Management.Education: New York University School of Law, 1981, LLM Taxation … Brooklyn Law School, 1977, JD … Brooklyn College, 1974, Acctg.Personal: Born 1953.

Mary SchapiroChair, SECSchapiro has worked mightily to restore the tar-nished reputation of the SEC in the past year by get-ting tougher on enforce-

ment and bringing charges against some of the mightiest of Wall Street firms, while mak-

With social media such a hot topic, we

asked our Top 100 candidates if they were

participating personally in the revolution

by blogging or tweeting on Twitter. Given

the demands on their time, it’s perhaps not

surprising that just about half of the 102

respondents don’t do either, but we were

surprised to find that a significant number

are on Twitter.

A number of candidates noted that their

companies have blogs or Twitter accounts,

but unless the individual directly contrib-

uted to them, we didn’t count those votes.

And while we didn’t ask about it, a sizable

number reported a presence on LinkedIn

— and two noted that they are frequent


We’ve added the Top 100 People’s blog

addresses and Twitter handles to their bios

this year, but be warned: Many noted that

while they may have a blog or a handle,

they didn’t update or tweet very often.

Social media mavens?

QA&A Supplement to Accounting Today44 Top 100 People

Do you blog or tweet?

0 10 20 30 40 50





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ing sure that the drive toward convergence is closely monitored and not rushed to fit in with anybody else’s timetable.Career Highlights: Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission, 2009-present; acting chair, 1993-1994; commissioner, 1988-1994 … CEO, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, 2007-2009 … Chair and CEO, NASD, 2006-2007; vice chair, 2002-2006; president, NASD Regulation, 1996-2002 … Chair, Commod-ity Futures Trading Commission, 1994-1996; counsel and executive assistant to the chair, 1981-1984; trial attorney, 1980 ... General counsel and senior VP, Fu-tures Industry Association, 1984-1988.Other Affiliations: Past chair, International Orga-nization of Securities Commissions ... Past board member, Duke Energy, Kraft Foods.Education: George Washington University, 1980, JD … Franklin and Marshall College, 1977, BA.Personal: Born 1955, New York … Married to Chas … Two daughters.

Mark SchlageterPresident, Business Compliance & Knowledge Solutions, the Tax & Accounting

business of Thomson ReutersUnder Schlageter’s leadership, Thomson Reuters brands have experienced significant growth on the Checkpoint platform, provid-ing information and workflow solutions to professionals throughout the accounting field, including recent innovations in taking — and tracking — CPE. Career Highlights: President, Business Compliance & Knowledge Solutions, the Tax & Accounting busi-ness of Thomson Reuters, 2009-present; president, Research & Guidance, Thomson Tax & Accounting, 2006-2009; chief operations officer, 2004-2006; gen-eral manager, RIA Compliance/RIA Information Online, 2001-2004; VP of business development, 1999-2001; manager of business analysis, Thomson West, 1997-1999 … Associate, Poulson, Odell, and Peterson, 1996-1997.Other Affiliations: American Bar Association … In-ternational Bar Association … Colorado Bar Associa-tion … Washington, D.C., Bar Association.Education: University of Denver, JD, Master’s in In-ternational Management … Cornell University, BA.Personal: Born 1967, Pittsford, N.Y. … Married to Katherine … Two children.

Gary ShamisManaging director, SS&G Financial Services Inc. One of the most versatile managing directors, Sha-mis not only oversees one

of the country’s top firms, but is also a fre-quent columnist, author and presenter on a variety of accounting issues, and a member

of the high-profile Advisory Board.Career Highlights: Managing director, SS&G Finan-cial Services Inc., 1987-present … Senior auditor, Page, Saltz & Shamis, 1981-1987 … Senior auditor, Touche, Ross & Co., 1978-1981.Other Affiliations: Founder and chairman emeritus, The Advisory Board … Founder and chairman emer-itus, The Leading Edge Alliance … Past chair, MAP Committee, AICPA … Ohio Society of CPAs … Co-au-thor, How to Manage Your Accounting Practice: Tak-ing Your Firm from Chaos to Consensus … Columnist, CPA Magazine … Editorial board, CPA Practice Man-agement Forum … Past member, editorial boards, Managing Partner Report; Ohio CPA Journal; Journal of Accountancy; Practicing CPA … Advisory Board, Case Western Reserve University School of Accoun-tancy … Trustee, Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy … Past board member, Anti-Defamation League; Jewish Commu-nity Federation; Better Business Bureau; National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise.Education: The Ohio State University, 1978, Masters of Accountancy … Tulane University, 1975, BS Biol-ogy.Personal: Born 1953, Cleveland … Married to Mary Ann … Two children.

Douglas ShulmanCommissioner, IRSShulman has successfully exercised the burden of running the nation’s tax collecting agency while at

the same time modernizing procedures, de-veloping new programs and assuming new burdens imposed by Congress. Preparer reg-istration, the tax gap, the balancing act be-tween service and enforcement, and the new requirement for the IRS to administer and enforce provisions of the health care reform law are among the responsibilities he faces.Career Highlights: Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, 2008-present … Vice chairman, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority … Executive VP, Na-tional Association of Securities Dealers, 2001-2007 … Co-founder and executive VP, FoundryOne, 2000-2001 … VP, Darby Overseas Investments, 1998-2000 … Chief of staff and senior policy advisor, National Commission on Restructuring the IRS, 1996-1997 … Consultant, A.T. Kearney.Other Affiliations: Past board member, Depository Trust Co. Education: Georgetown University Law Center, JD … John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, MPA … Williams College, BA.

Jim SikichCEO and managing partner, Sikich Few firm heads have been as active in M&A as Sikich, who in a few short months engineered a total of seven

unions for his practice — from accounting

firms to tech consultancies, and even a design firm — while posting an eye-opening growth rate of nearly 15 percent.Career Highlights: CEO and MP, Sikich; member, Executive Management Committee … Partner, Sikich & Garder, 1982 … Partner, Filbey Summers & Co.Other Affiliations: AICPA … Illinois CPA Society … Past board member, Copley Memorial Hospital; Greater Aurora Chamber of Commerce; United Way of Aurora … Past president, Aurora Family YMCA … Beta Alpha Psi … Beta Gamma Sigma.Education: University of Illinois, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1947, Joliet, Ill. … Married … Four children.

Doug SleeterFounder and president, The Sleeter GroupA consummate consultant and often-touted Quick-Books guru, as well as a

highly knowledgeable advocate for account-ing software usage of all kinds, Sleeter has long been focused on educating accounting professionals and small businesses through his group’s webinars, educational books and seminars. Career Highlights: Founder and president, The Sleeter Group Inc., 1994-present … Director of prod-uct marketing, Quorum Software Systems, 1991-1994 … Software evangelist and VAR sales, Apple Comput-er, 1986-1991 … Software evangelist, Adobe Systems, 1985-1986 … Staff accountant and tax preparer, Stan-ley W. Dowling CPA, 1979-1982 … Staff accountant and tax preparer, Charles Strahal CPA, 1978-1979.Other Affiliations: Host, Next Generation Account-ing Solutions Conference … Board of Advisors, Bill.com … Product development consultant, Intuit, 1994-present … Product development consultant, Fishbowl Inventory; SmartVault; PayCycle; Bill.com; NetLedger/NetSuite; BQE Software; MISys; InsynQ; Bankserv; Avalara; Alterity; PDG Software … Board, Keystone Adult Learning Center.Education: Santa Clara University, MBA courses … University of California at Santa Cruz, 1982, BA Com-puter and Information Sciences … Cabrillo College, 1979, AA.Personal: Born 1959, Fresno, Calif. … Married to Sherrill … One son.Twitter: @sleetergroup

Brad SmithPresident and CEO, IntuitOnly two years into his presidency, Smith plays a key role in helping Intuit and its products maintain

their pre-eminent position with small busi-nesses and accounting professionals, as when he personally led the company’s response to a recent major service outage, responding directly to the company’s public

via social networking and e-mail.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Intuit Inc., 2008-present; senior VP and general manager, Small Business Division, 2006-2007; general manager, QuickBooks Group, 2005-2006; leader, Consumer Tax Group, 2004-2005; VP and general manager, Accoun-tant Central and Developer Network; joined, 2003 … Senior VP of marketing and business development, ADP … Various sales, marketing and management positions, Pepsi, Seven-Up, Advo Inc.Education: Aquinas College, Master’s of Manage-ment … Marshall University, BBA.

Paul StahlinChairman, AICPAOnly the second AICPA chair from private indus-try, Stahlin will encounter a veritable buffet of issues affecting the institute’s

membership, from IFRS and financial re-form, to tax preparer registration and tax patent legislation.Career Highlights: Regional president, Skylands Community Bank, 2005-present … President and CEO, Somerset Valley Bank, 2005-2007 … Execu-tive VP and CFO, Fleet Credit Card Services, Fleet Financial/Bank of America, 2001-2005 … Corporate controller, Summit Bancorp; various positions, UJB Financial, Summit Bancorp, Fleet Boston, Bank of America, 1980-2005 … Senior accountant, Price Wa-terhouse, 1974-1980.Other Affiliations: Past president, New Jersey Society of CPAs … Trustee and Audit Committee chair, Som-erset Medical Center … Immediate past chair, Foun-dation Board, Montclair State University … Executive Board, Somerset Business Partnership … Trustee, St. Charles Borromeo … National Eagle Scout Associa-tion … Past VP, Community Bankers of N.J.Education: Montclair State University, 1974, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1952, Jersey City, N.J. … Married to Nonny … Four daughters.

Sue SwensonPresident and CEO, Sage North AmericaIn just two years, Swenson has taken a multitude of disparate accounting and related brands and helped

deliver a unified message. Though it may take some time for the branding to take hold, her goal of offering an “extraordinary customer experience” across the company should go a long way toward accomplishing the task.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Sage North America, 2008-present; member, Executive Commit-tee, Sage Group plc … COO, New Motion Inc., 2007-2008 … COO, Amp’d Wireless, 2006-2007 … COO, T-Mobile, 2004-2006 … President and COO, Leap Wireless, 1999-2004 … President and CEO, Cellular One, 1994-1999.Other Affiliations: Board, Wells Fargo Bank … Di-rector, MBlox.

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Education: San Diego State University, 1971, BA.Personal: Born 1948, Bremerton, Wash. … Married to Darrell.

Ralph ThomasExecutive director, NJSCPAAs head of the New Jersey society for more than a de-cade, Thomas has quietly built the organization into

one of the most progressive in the country, particularly in the areas of financial literacy and social media.Career Highlights: Executive director, New Jer-sey Society of CPAs, 1999-present … VP, Structured Products Group, Citibank, 1987-1999 … Staff man-ager, American Bell and AT&T Information Systems, 1982-1987 … Senior systems accountant, Potomac Electric Power Co., 1980-1982 … Senior accountant, Price Waterhouse, 1977-1980.Other Affiliations: Pre-Certification Education Ex-ecutive Committee, AICPA; past member, Council; Group of 100; various committees … President’s Advisory Council and past president, National Asso-ciation of Black Accountants … Trustee, State Society Network Inc. … Board, Shared Services LLC … Trust-ee and chair of Diversity and Inclusion Subcommit-tee, Lehigh University … Accounting Advisory Board, Rutgers University; Seton Hall University … Chair, Audit Committee, Shiloh Baptist Church.Education: Lehigh University, 1977, MBA; 1976, BS Business & Economics.Personal: Born 1954, Washington, D.C. … Married to Valerie … One daughter.

Jeffrey ThomsonPresident and CEO, IMAThomson has launched a strategic turnaround of the IMA that boosted

membership almost 10 percent, and boost-ed candidate numbers of its Certified Man-agement Accountant credential by over 80 percent — all while continuing to provide valuable information, research and services to members.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Institute of Management Accountants, 2008-present; VP of re-search and applications development, 2005-2008 … Teacher, Mount Olive Township High School, 2002-2005 … Chief financial officer of business sales, AT&T, 1979-2002.Other Affiliations: Board, COSO … County Social Services for the Mentally Challenged.

Education: Executive education programs, Whar-ton School of Business for Finance and Accounting, Philadelphia; Columbia Business School; MIT Sloan School of Business … Montclair State University, MS Math and Statistics; BS Mathematics.Personal: Born 1955, Paterson, N.J. … Married to Harriet … Two children.Blog: http://linkupima.com

James TurleyGlobal chairman and CEO, Ernst & YoungWhile other firms have been working to coordi-nate their U.S. and inter-national leadership, Turley

is the U.S. and international leadership for Ernst & Young, putting it in a strong position to implement its global strategy.Career Highlights: Global chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young, 2001-present; deputy chairman, 2000-2001; New York area MP, 1998-2000; Area MP for the Upper Midwest practice, 1994-1998; leader, entrepreneurial services practice, 1993-1994; client service, St. Louis, 1990-1994; national director, client services and business development, 1987-1989; partner, 1987; joined, 1977. Other Affiliations: Co-chair, The Russian Foreign Investment Advisory Council … Chair, Governing Board, CAQ … Steering Committee, International Integrated Reporting Committee … Chair, Catalyst … President’s Export Council … Business Roundtable … International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai … Board, Boy Scouts of America; National Corporate Theatre Fund … Trust-ee, Rice University.Education: Rice University, Master’s and BA in Acctg.Personal: Born 1955 … Married … One adult son.

Sir David TweedieChair, IASBKnown in Europe as the most powerful man in the accounting world, Tweed-ie’s influence in the U.S.

has been tempered by the SEC’s reluctance to approve the convergence roadmap. But he has doubled and redoubled his efforts to achieve convergence between international and U.S. accounting standards by the time his term ends next year.Career Highlights: Chair, IASB, 2001-present ... Vis-iting professor of accounting, Edinburgh University Management School ... Chairman, Accounting Stan-dards Board (U.K.), 1990-2000 ... National technical partner, KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock, 1987-1990; national technical partner, Thomson McLintock & Co., 1982-1987 ... Technical director, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 1978-1982.Other Affiliations: Steering Committee, Interna-tional Integrated Reporting Committee … Chair, U.K. Auditing Practices Committee, 1989-1990 ... Interna-tional Auditing Practices Committee, 1983-1988.Education: Edinburgh University, 1969, Ph.D.; 1966, B.Com.Personal: Born 1944 ... Married ... Two sons.

Enrique VasquezPresident and CEO, Genworth Financial AdvisersVasquez proved Genworth’s value to its more

than 4,000 affiliated finan-cial advisors by adding tools that help them build and follow through on strategic plans, programs to help them market their practices better, and a

training program for new advisors.Career Highlights: President and CEO, Genworth Financial Investment Services, Genworth Financial Securities Corp. and Genworth Financial Advisers Corp., 2004-present … VP of business development, GE Financial Assurance, 2000-2004; business de-velopment, Structured Finance Group, GE Capital Service, 1998-2000; VP of finance, GE Asset Manage-ment, 1995-1998 … Assistant VP of finance, Kidder Peabody & Co., 1992-1995 … Financial supervisor, Societe Generale Financial Corp., 1987-1992.Education: Fordham University Graduate School of Business, 1997, MBA International Finance … Kean College of New Jersey, 1987, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1965, Queens, N.Y. … Married to Mi-chelle … Two daughters.

John VeihmeyerChairman and CEO, KPMGVeihmeyer is now fully in charge of the U.S. firm of KPMG as chairman and

CEO, but in his capacity as chair of the firm’s Americas region and through his long rela-tionship with current KPMG International chair Tim Flynn, he’ll continue to make sure KPMG makes the most of its global reach.Career Highlights: Chairman, KPMG, 2010-present; CEO, 2009-present; deputy chairman, 2005-2010; chairman, KPMG Americas, 2007-present; board, 2003-present; area MP — audit and advisory, Mid-Atlantic area, 2003-2005; office MP, Washington D.C., 2003-2005; partner-in-charge, Washington and Baltimore — audit, 2002-2003; area professional practice partner, Mid-Atlantic area, 1999-2001; part-ner, 1987; joined, 1977.Other Affiliations: Co-chair, CEO’s Against Cancer … Governing Board, Center for Audit Quality … Board, Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy … Advisory Council, Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business … Business-Higher Education Forum … Past member, SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies … Board, Kennedy Center Corpo-rate Fund … Partnership for New York City.Education: University of Notre Dame, 1977, BBA.Personal: Born 1955, Washington, D.C. … Married to Beth … Three children.

Jennifer WarawaSenior director of partner programs, Sage North AmericaWarawa has championed the 20,000-strong Sage Ac-

countants Network, as well as leading the creation of an accountant advocate team to augment the services of the SAN, focusing on working with accountants, bookkeepers and CPAs. Career Highlights: Senior director, partner pro-grams, Sage North America, 2008-present … Owner and operations manager, Dreamscape Business Ser-vices Ltd., 1995-2008.Other Affiliations: Board, Courage for Youth Asso-ciation … Founder and past board member, Uptown Rutland Business Association … Past member, Rut-land Task Force.Education: Okanagan University College, 1996-1997, accounting certificate courses.Personal: Born 1976, Kelowna, B.C. … Married to Shane.Twitter: @jenniferwarawa

Troy WaughCEO, FiveStar3 While Waugh’s sales, mar-keting and leadership ad-vice has always been val- uable to accounting practi-tioners, it has proved even

more so during the economic downturn, with doubled attendance at his Rainmaker Academy, and record attendance at his Rain-maker Workshops.Career Highlights: CEO, FiveStar3, 1991-present … Senior VP, Jacques Miller, 1983-1991 ... CEO, Advan-tage Cos., 1975-1983 ... Audit manager, Price Water-house, 1969-1975.Other Affiliations: Author, Power Up Your Profits;101 Marketing Strategies ... National Speakers Asso-ciation.Education: University of Southern California, 1973, MBA ... University of Tennessee, 1969, BS Acctg.Personal: Born 1944, Savannah, Ga. ... Divorced... Two sons.Blog: www.therainmakeracademy

Jeffrey WeinerManaging partner, Marcum Over the past several years, few firms, if any, have post-ed growth numbers like Marcum’s under Weiner’s

leadership, tearing through 2009 with a num-ber of high-profile mergers and reporting a 30 percent jump in revenues. Career Highlights: MP, Marcum, 1990-present; joined, 1981.Other Affiliations: Founding member, Leading Edge Alliance ... Editorial Board, CPA Journal … Executive producer, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ul-timatum … Advisory Board, Long Island Business Development Corp. … Board, Long Island Associa-tion … VP and Executive Board member, Children’s Medical Fund of New York.Education: Hofstra University, 1979, BBA.Personal: Born 1957, Brooklyn, N.Y. ... Married to Tracy ... Three children.

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Jack WeisbaumCEO, BDOIn addition to leading his firm to ever-higher rev-enue and numbers of SEC clients, Weisbaum has

overseen a raft of human capital initiatives that have made BDO one of the best places to work in accounting.Career Highlights: CEO, BDO USA, 2004-present; chairman and acting CEO, 2003-2004; partner and executive director of specialized services, 1982-2003 ... Partner, Benjamin Nadel & Co., 1968-1982; staff accountant, 1958-1968.

Other Affiliations: American Jewish Congress ... New York Institute of Credit … B’nai Brith … Brandeis University … Hofstra University.

Education: Hofstra University, 1964, BBA.

Personal: Born 1940, Bronx, N.Y. ... Married to Mary ... Three children, two grandchildren.

Geni WhitehouseOwner, Even a Nerd Can Be Heard A self-described “nerd,” Whitehouse is extremely comfortable with account-

ing technology and does all she can to en-sure that other CPAs are as well. A long-time partner to accounting software vendors, more

recently she has emerged as a consultant and educator for the profession through her books, seminars and speaking engagements.Career Highlights: Founder and chief communica-tions officer, Even a Nerd Can Be Heard, 2007-pres-ent … Instructor, WISE Academy, 2009-present …VP, Sage Software, 2004-2007 … VP, Accpac, 2002-2004 … COO, Accounting Software Advisor, 2002 … COO, Elliott Davis Technology Solutions, 2001-2002 … Di-rector of product marketing and strategic alliances, Navision US, 1999-2002; manager, CPA Alliances, 1998-1999 … Trainer and software implementer, 1995-1998 … Partner, Gross Duke & Nelson, 1991-1995 … Software consultant, Software Management, 1990-1991 … Contract controller, Touch Industries and PHP Inc., 1989-1990 … Corporate tax director, Dental Research Corp., 1988-1989 … Corporate tax manager, Super Valu, 1986-1988 … To senior accoun-tant, Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, 1982-1986.Other Affiliations: Author, How to Make a Bor-ing Subject Interesting … Consulting Accountants Roundtable … Mentor Plus … XBRL steering com-mittees … Girl Scouts.Education: University of North Carolina, 1981, BSBA Acctg.Personal: Born 1959, Atlanta … Married to Charles … Two children.

Sandra WileyPartner, senior consultant and COO, Boomer ConsultingWiley advises firms on team-building, managing conflict and bringing on

staff. She’s a regular at industry events and well-known for her engaging sessions on the conference circuit.Career Highlights: Partner, COO and senior consul-tant, Boomer Consulting Inc., 1995-present … VP of human resources, FirstBank, 1989-1994 … Financial analyst, First Interstate Bank, 1979-1988.Other Affiliations: Member, AT Advisory Group… Team member, The Advisory Board … Past commit-tee member and marketing leader, Tech+ Conference Committee, AICPA … Guest lecturer, Kansas State University … Co-publisher, Performance3 … Board president and campaign chair, United Way of Riley County … Executive board member, Manhattan High School Site Council … Board, Manhattan Crisis Cen-ter … Youth director, Trinity Presbyterian Church.Education: Friends University, 1990, BS HR.Personal: Born 1960, Stafford, Kan. … Married to Doug … Three children.Blog/Twitter: www.ThinkPlanGrow.net / @san-drawiley

David WilliamsExecutive lead for return preparer regulation implementation, IRSTo his role as director of Electronic Tax Adminis-

tration (including e-filing) for the IRS, this year Williams added responsibility for one of the agency’s highest-profile initiatives: tax preparer registration. Not the least of his tasks will be explaining to accountants exactly how it will affect them.Career Highlights: Executive leader, return pre-parer regulation implementation, Internal Revenue Service, 2010-present; director, Electronic Tax Ad-ministration and Refundable Credits, 2007-present; director, EITC, Health Coverage Tax Credit and Tele-phone Excise Tax Refund programs; chief of commu-nications and liaison, 1998-2003 … Deputy assistant secretary for tax and legislative affairs, U.S. Treasury, 1997-1998 … Legislative director and tax policy advi-sor, Sen. Bill Bradley, 1996-1997 … Assistant staff di-rector, Senate Committee on the Budget, 1990-1996.Education: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, MPP … Colorado State Univer-sity, BS BA.

Jennifer WilsonCo-founder and owner, Convergence-Coaching It’s been a busy year for Wilson as she continues

to inspire ideas in her consulting and writ-ing. Her firm launched four soft skills train-ing programs and she’s been instrumental in teaching social media to firm leaders. Career Highlights: Co-founder and owner, Con-vergenceCoaching, 2000-present ... Co-founder and principal, Success Strategists, 1999-2000; 1995-1997 ... National director, Financial Solutions Group, BDO

Seidman, 1997-1999 ... VP of sales and customer services, State of the Art Inc., 1989-1995 ... Regional sales manager, Pro Systems Inc., 1984-1988.Other Affiliations: Advisory Board, Bill.com … New Horizon Group … Education Committee, AAM ... Association for Accounting Administration … Past chair, Tech Committee, AICPA; Workload Compres-sion Task Force ... International Coach Federation ... American Marketing Association ... Founding member and board member, ITA ... Board and youth leader, Episcopal Church.Education: University of Nebraska, 2002, BS Market-ing ... Landmark Education, Curriculum for Living (Leadership/Communications), 1995-1996.Personal: Born 1964, Hahn Air Force Base, Germany ... Married to Brian ... Three daughters.Blog/Twitter: www.blog.convergencecoaching.com / @JenLeeWilson

Donny WoodsPresident, NSAAs president of the Nation-al Society of Accountants, Woods represents 30,000 accountants at mostly small and midsized firms,

offering them a wealth of resources on the issues that affect them most, from tax pre-parer registration to developing their profes-sional skills.Career Highlights: Partner, Woods & Woods, 1980-present … General accounting supervisor, Interna-tional Paper Co., 1973-1980 … Instructor, Southern Arkansas University, 1969-1973 … Public school teacher, 1968-1971.Other Affiliations: President, National Society of Accountants … Past president, Arkansas Society of Accountants … Past member, IRS Commissioner’s Advisory Group … Nashville, Ark., Chamber of Com-merce … Nashville Rotary Club … Past Board chair, Howard Memorial Hospital … Deacon, Immanuel Baptist Church.Education: University of Houston, 1969, postgradu-ate work … Southern Arkansas University, 1968, BA Acctg.Personal: Born 1946, Nashville, Ark. … Married to Lynda Sue … Two daughters, six grandchildren.

David WylePresident and CEO, SurePrep Everyone complains about the insane hours and ridic-ulous workload of the busy season, but Wyle — as one

of the leaders in developing tools that auto-mate and streamline the tax prep process — is actually doing something about it.Career Highlights: President and CEO, SurePrep, 2002-present … President and CEO, ePace Software, 1997-2002 … Senior tax associate, Coopers & Ly-brand, 1994-1997.Education: University of California at Santa Barbara, 1994, Business Economics.Personal: Born 1972, Santa Monica, Calif. … Married to Carmen … One son and one daughter.

On the theory that those with an influence on the accounting profession ought to be able to

recognize other influential people, we asked candidates for this year’s list to name who they

think has the most influence. The 102 candidates who responded named 86 different people,

slightly more than last year’s 82.

Though both President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner got fewer votes

this year than last, they continued to get more than any previous holders of their positions.

The real standout, though, continues to be American Institute of CPAs presi-

dent and chief executive Barry Melancon. He’s always at the top of the list, but

this year he significantly expanded his usual lead, with more than twice as many

votes as his closest competitor, Securities and Exchange Commission Chair

Mary Schapiro.

It takes one to know one

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Most Infl uential People

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