2011 dairy foods test bank daity foods test bank

2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

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Page 1: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

2011 Dairy Foods

Test Bank

Page 2: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The total pounds of milk produced in the United States currently approximates A. 19 million B. 190 million C. 19 billion D. 190 billion

• D. 190 billion

Page 3: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Pooling in Federal Milk Marketing Orders is A. the comingling of milk from two or more producers B. the comingling of milk from two or more markets C. a system of fairly distributing payment among milk processors in a market D. a system of paying producers within a market according to uses of the milk E. none of the above

• C. a system of fairly distributing payment among milk processors in a market

Page 4: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

If a serving of ice cream weighing 100 grams contains 12% milk fat, how many grams of cream testing 40% are required to make that serving of ice cream? A. 12 B. 24 C. 30 D. 36 E. 40

• C. 30

Page 5: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

A milk marketing order can be voted out by A. milk producers C. state legislatures B. milk processors D. either consumers or milk processors

• A. milk producers

Page 6: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Which of the following finished fluid milk products are commonly sold in plastic jugs of one gallon size? A. nonfat milk, lowfat milk and homogenized milk B. skim milk, half and half C. whipping cream, coffee cream D. soymilk, creamline milk E. all of these

• A. nonfat milk, lowfat milk and homogenized milk

Page 7: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Milk in farm bulk tanks shall be cooled to _____ or lower within ____ hours after

milking A) 40oF_1 hr B) 40oF_2hr C) 50 oF_1hr D) 50oF_2hr

• B) 40oF_2hr

Page 8: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The grade A pasteurized milk ordinance (PMO) is A) a federal law applicable to all producers and processors of milk B) a regulation of the Federal Milk Marketing Administration C) a state regulation that is published and used in a few states D) a set of FDA-recommended regulations that has been adopted by the states to promote uniformity in application of regulations throughout the United States

• D) a set of FDA-recommended regulations that has been adopted by the states to promote uniformity in application of regulations throughout the United States

Page 9: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Milkstone on dairy equipment is often caused by A) the use of hard water for cleaning and rinsing B) the use of only alkaline cleaners on farms having hard water C) failure to use sufficient detergent on farms that have hard water D) all of the above E) none of the above

• D) all of the above

Page 10: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Cracks and blisters in the rubber inflations of milking machines A) reduce cleaning and sanitizing effects B) trap milk solids and bacteria C) indicate reduced elasticity and effectiveness in massaging the teats D) all of these E) both B) and C)

• D) all of these

Page 11: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Federal milk marketing orders do not control A. to whom milk is sold B. from whom milk is purchased C. grade A milk standards of production and processing D. any of these E. both A and B

• D. any of these

Page 12: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Who pays directly to the U. S. D. A. Milk Market Administration for the operation of Federal Orders? A. milk-producing farmers B. processors of the milk C. retail sellers of the milk D. consumers

• B. processors of the milk

Page 13: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The system of pricing grade A raw milk based on the type of product made from it is called A. universal pricing C. the milk product incentive plan B. classified pricing D. the cooperative incentive system

• B. classified pricing

Page 14: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The two dairy product categories that require the highest amount of raw milk from the U.S. supply are A. ice cream and fluid milk products C. butter and nonfat dry milk B. cheese and fluid milk products D. cheese and ice cream products

• B. cheese and fluid milk products

Page 15: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

A major reason the federal government establishes minimal farm milk prices is A. to insure that all dairymen have a market for milk B. to insure that all processors have adequate milk for manufacture of butter and cheese C. to insure an adequate supply of pure and wholesome milk for the consumer D. to provide federal control of the production of milk

• C. to insure an adequate supply of pure and wholesome milk for the consumer

Page 16: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Assuming the total pounds of milk produced annually on farm A is 500,000 and that the average content of milk fat is 3.5%, how many pounds of milk fat would be produced in one year? A. 1,500 B. 17,500 C. 180,000 D. none of these

• B. 17,500

Page 17: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Although they monitor tests for fat, Federal Milk Market Administrators do not check on A. amount of milk sold B. how milk is used C. bacteria counts of milk D. grade A milk shipped into a market from non-qualified producers

• C. bacteria counts of milk

Page 18: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The milk fat differential used in paying for raw milk is A. a value deducted when there is too little fat in the milk B. a value used to penalize milk producers who have too much fat in their milk C. the value to be added or subtracted per 0.1% of milk fat above or below 3.5% D. the difference in value between nonfat milk and lowfat milk E. the difference in value between nonfat milk and whole milk

• C. the value to be added or subtracted per 0.1% of milk fat above or below 3.5%

Page 19: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The minimum concentration for hypochloride sanitizer for use on dairy equipment is ___ parts per million A) 50 B) 100 C) 500 D) 1,000

• A) 50

Page 20: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The reason for doing a count of somatic cells in raw milk is to determine whether it contains A) too many red blood cells C) too many bacteria B) antibiotics D) mastitic secretion

• D) mastitic secretion

Page 21: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

A milk producer would receive the highest price for milk delivered within a milk marketing order if all of it were to be used to make A. nonfat dry milk and butter D. fluid milk products B. Cheddar and mozzarella cheeses E. butter and anhydrous milk fat C. ice cream and yogurt

• D. fluid milk products

Page 22: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Which of the following two factors are involved in production of oxidized flavor in milk

A) copper contamination and exposure to fluorescent light B) copper contamination and high somatic cell count C) bacterial contamination and exposure to sunlight D) contamination with both bacteria and dissolved copper

• A) copper contamination and exposure to fluorescent light

Page 23: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Which of the following off flavors of milk is most likely caused by action of an enzyme that the biological system of the cow places in raw milk? A) lipolytic rancidity B) high acid C) oxidized D) malty E) feed

• A) lipolytic rancidity

Page 24: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The dairy field representative of a milk buying cooperative can feel satisfied of a job well done when milk from one of his/her producer’s farms consistently has A. no offending flavors and odors B. somatic cell counts well below the 750,000/mL limit C. bacterial counts well below the 100,000/mL limit D. all of these E. both A and C

• D. all of these

Page 25: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The most frequently found and highly undesirable off flavor in pasteurized milk is A) high acid B) flat C) oxidized D) rancid E) garlic/onion

• C) oxidized

Page 26: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) A. is administered by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) of USDA B. helps clear the market of surplus dairy products C. has not been utilized in 2008-09 D. was ruled a trade barrier by the Commission on International Trade E. both A and B

• E. both A and B

Page 27: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Public health regulations for grade A raw milk include standards for A. somatic cell count B. temperature C. bacteria count D. all of the above E. both B & C

• D. all of the above

Page 28: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Who should be most responsible for prevention of off flavors in raw milk? A) the producer of the milk B) the dairy sanitarian

C) the buyer of the milk D) the dairy field representative E) all have equal responsibility

• A) the producer of the milk

Page 29: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Adding water to milk raises milk's A) acidity B) freezing point C) bacteria count D) CMT Score

• B) freezing point

Page 30: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The number of Federal milk marketing orders in the United States is A. equal to the number of states B. equal to the number of states within the continental limits C. more than 30 D. less than 10

• D. less than 10

Page 31: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Severe agitation of milk during production is undesirable because it A) frees the enzyme that releases bitter components of milk proteins B) breaks the protective fat globule membrane allowing lipase to attack the fat C) introduces air that stimulates bacterial growth causing souring D) keeps the sediment suspended in the milk so it dissolves rapidly E) all of the above

• B) breaks the protective fat globule membrane allowing lipase to attack the fat

Page 32: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Dairy cooperatives A. deal only with class I milk B. usually process surplus milk, that is, milk not used for fluid purposes C. are responsible for setting class I prices D. market all milk produced on all US farms

• B. usually process surplus milk, that is, milk not used for fluid purposes

Page 33: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

A standard plate count limit of 100,000 per milliliter is applied to A) grade A raw milk being picked up at the producing farm B) grade A pasteurized milk C) manufacturing grade raw milk D) grade A raw milk being delivered to the processing plant

• A) grade A raw milk being picked up at the producing farm

Page 34: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Surplus milk produced under Federal Orders A. is produced under grade A standards B. is planned for in establishing Federal Orders C. commands a lower price than milk sold in the fresh fluid form D. all of the above E. none of the above

• D. all of the above

Page 35: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The major benefit of storing milk cold is A) all bacterial growth ceases C) all bacteria die B) bacterial growth slows D) strong feed flavors evaporate

• B) bacterial growth slows

Page 36: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

In regard to prices paid by consumers for milk, federal milk marketing orders are intended to A. set them fairly on a monthly basis B. adjust them according to consumer purchasing patterns C. adjust them according to total farm milk production D. adjust them according to both supply and demand E. leave them to be determined in the marketplace

• E. leave them to be determined in the marketplace

Page 37: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

The mixture of milk and reagent in the California mastitis test becomes gel-like when milk contains A) too much fat B) too much protein C) too many bacteria D) too many somatic cells E) a combination of these

• D) too many somatic cells

Page 38: 2011 Dairy Foods Test Bank Daity Foods Test Bank

Daity Foods Test Bank

Brucellosis (also known as Bang’s disease in cattle and undulant fever in humans) is A. the cause of milk fever in the female bovine B. another term for a type of mastitis C. transmissible through raw milk to humans D. of no concern to public health officials E. identical to listeriosis

• C. transmissible through raw milk to humans