2011 kingdom advisors annual conferece notebook

KINGDOMADVISORS.ORG Building your faith Strengthening your practice Expanding your ideas for client impact Facilitating your relationships with like-minded peers Encouraging you for tomorrow Randy Alcorn Alistair Begg Ron Blue Steve Franklin Michael Hyatt Bob Reccord Rich Stearns Bob Doll

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The 2011 Kingdom Advisors Annual Conference Notebook.


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Building your faith

Strengthening your practice

Expanding your ideas for client impact

Facilitating your relationships with like-minded peers

Encouraging you for tomorrow

Randy Alcorn Alistair Begg Ron Blue

Steve Franklin Michael Hyatt Bob Reccord Rich Stearns

Bob Doll

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• Learn how to off er biblical professional fi nancial advice that is relevant in any economy

• Bring more value to your clients by off ering life counsel from an eternal perspective

• Diff erentiate yourself in an increasingly commoditized marketplace

“ Absolutely life changing! My only regret is that I didn’t have this 25 years ago!”

Gary Krings, Fairway, KS

“ It was the most valuable training to which I have ever been exposed. I began implementing the material right away.”

Tim Jenkins, CFP®, Peterborough, ON

“ I’ve learned to talk with my clients in a whole new way.”

Richard Voit, CIMA, Chicago, IL


695$ 00REGULAR TUITION: 1,500$ 00


Ron Blue off ers new ideas and strategies for implementing the timeless truths found in the training personally and professionally.



Ground yourself in the biblical basis for professional

fi nancial advice.

Conference Special

e SpeER


CH 31CH 31stst



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Welcome From Ron Blue ................................................................................................5Conference Schedule ...............................................................................................6Conference Host & Conference Music ...............................................................................6Hotel Map ................................................................................................................7Exhibit Hall Guide .................................................................................................13Kingdom Advisors Communities & Study Groups ..............................................................14Kingdom Advisors Partners

Premier Corporate Partners .......................................................................................18Premier Ministry Partners ..........................................................................................19Corporate Partners ..................................................................................................20Ministry Partners .....................................................................................................22Resource Partners ....................................................................................................23

2011 Kingdom Advisors AwardsLarry Burkett Award .................................................................................................24Practice Management Award ....................................................................................25Community Awards .................................................................................................26

Community Groups ...............................................................................................36Kingdom Advisors Members

Kingdom Advisors Board of Directors ..........................................................................26Kingdom Advisors Founding Members ........................................................................28Kingdom Advisors Charter & Champion Members ........................................................30Kingdom Advisors Champions .................................................................................35Qualifi ed Kingdom Advisors™ ...................................................................................38Kingdom Advisors Prayer Team..................................................................................58

Journey Forward General SessionsSession One Rich Stearns .....................................................................................60Session One Ron Blue .........................................................................................62Session Two Alistair Begg ....................................................................................64Session Three Michael Hyatt ..................................................................................66Session Four Randy Alcorn ...................................................................................68Session Five Steve Franklin. ..................................................................................70Session Six Bob Reccord ....................................................................................72

Breakout Sessions ................................................................................................74


• Quick Reference

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Their cutting-edge tools make it easy for me to implement charitable giving for my clients. With NCF, I’m cementing my client relationships, growing my practice, and making a huge impact for eternity.”

“I chose NCF because their expertise is unparalled.

Blair Cunningham Partner, SignatureFD, Atlanta, GA

Blair recommends that his clients use NCF instead of other funds. Why? Because nothing adds value to his practice like NCF. Now Blair has a like-minded, biblical partner whose charitable solutions are a perfect fit for Christian financial advisors, including:

› The NCF Giving Fund, America’s largest Christian donor-advised fund › The Legacy Fund, charitable trusts & annuities, and other innovative planning tools › Instant access to the best giving experts in the country

With NCF, Blair is cementing his client relationships, growing his practice, and impacting the Kingdom for eternity. So what can NCF do for you? Call us at 800.681.6223 to get started, or download our donor-advised fund comparison chart at NationalChristian.com/compare. So how can NCF serve you?

NationalChristian.com/compare | 800.681.6223

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Dear colleagues and friends:

It is with a heart of gratitude that I welcome you to the 7th Annual Kingdom Advisors Conference: Journey Forward. We are thrilled to be in Orlando, and we are looking forward to the learning and interaction that will take place here in the coming few days.

The theme of the Annual Conference this year is: Journey Forward. Kingdom Advisors, as an organization, is energized about moving forward with the plans and purposes that God has given to us. We have gone through a season of maturing that has

led to new clarity and passion as a ministry. You, as advisors, are continuing to move forward through uncertain economic times as you communicate biblical fi nancial wisdom to your clients. Our goal is that you would leave here equipped to move forward in your journey as a Christian advisor with a greater level of clarity and passion, as well.

This year, the speakers, breakout session leaders, and partners are ready to equip you as you seek to integrate faith and practice. You will learn more about enhancing your practice, moving your clients forward in their journey to fi nancial freedom, and growing in your faith on a personal level. Thank you for making the investment to be here. We are excited to continue to partner together for the glory of God.

Yours in Christ,

Ron Blue


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8:00 AM Pre-Conference Workshops

• The Why and How of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI)

• Charitable Strategies for Your Clients’ Journey of Generosity

10:00 AM Registration Opens

1:00 PM General Session

Speakers: Rich Stearns & Ron Blue

6:00 PM General Session Dinner

Speaker: Alistair Begg

Practice Management Award

9:00 PM Dessert after Session

Networking Opportunity

Thursday, February 17

7:30 AM General Session Breakfast

Speaker: Michael Hyatt

10:00 AM Breakout Sessions 11:15 AM Breakout Sessions 12:15 PM Break for Lunch 2:00 PM Community Groups

Session 1

3:15 PM Community Groups Session 2

4:15 PM Community Groups Conclude

6:00 PM General Session Dinner

Speaker: Randy Alcorn

Larry Burkett Award

9:00 PM Dessert after SessionNetworking Opportunity

Friday, February 18

7:30 AM General Session Breakfast

Speaker: Steve Franklin

10:00 AM Breakout Sessions

11:15 AM Breakout Sessions

12:30 PM General Session Luncheon

Speaker: Bob Reccord

Community Awards

3:00 PM Conference Ends

CONFERENCE HOSTRobert WolgemuthRobert is a favorite at Kingdom Advisors’ conferences. His energy and humor will make our time together a lasting memory.

Marty GoetzMarty’s songs are Scriptures beautifully set to music, leaving listeners spiritually moved, inspired and educated.


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J O U R N E Y F O R W A R D • K I N G D O M A D V I S O R S . O R GLo








y Le





























International Ballroom


National Ballroom







International Ballroom Prefunction

National Ballroom


Men Women

St. Andrews


WentworthGlen EaglesBoardroom






Lobby Level

Lower Ballroom Level

Breakout Sessions & OakmontCommunity Groups: Augusta Congressional Olympic Colonial ChampionsGate

General Sessions: National BallroomBreakout Session: National BallroomCommunity Group: Wentworth

Please turn to page 13 for full restaurant details

Upper Level

Community Groups: 2nd Floor: 241 & 245



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CLICK: CROWN.ORG | CALL: 1-800-722-1976


Created for these uncertain times

Purpose: Create a New Plan of Attack

Purpose: Speak Directly to the Issues

Purpose: Deepen Yoiur BiblicalView of Handling Money


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As a financial professional, you work daily with clients to help them expand their wealth. As a Kingdom-focused advisor you also have the opportunity to expand their heavenly treasure. This past year Kingdom Advisors used Generous Giving events and resources to help their clients grow in the generosity journey.

At Generous Giving, our main medium for communicating biblical generosity is stories. Whether you are organizing a 24 hour event or leading a Beyond Wealth group, your clients will hear testimonies from people who have experienced firsthand that “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

Generous Giving is a privately funded ministry that seeks to encourage givers to experience the joy of giving and embrace a lifestyle of generosity, according to God’s word and Christ’s example. It was launched in 2000 by The Maclellan Foundation to stir a renewed, Spirit-led commitment to generosity among Christians. Generous Giving does not solicit donations.

Beyond Wealth –––

A story-based curriculum designed to take you and your small group on an adventure in generosity.

Sign up for Storyline at generousgiving.org to receive great giving stories and more delivered in a bimonthly email.

As professional advisors, we are among the most influencial people in the lives of our clients. Our clients are stewards of great wealth, and every day they seek our counsel on managing this wealth. As a result, we have a tremendous impact on their decisions to invest and to give. Generous Giving is equipping me to reshape my client’s perspective on giving, helping them see their wealth as a gift from God that should be invested to further His Kingdom.

-David Wills, President, National Christian Foundation

For more information visit generousgiving.org or contact Matt Mancinelli, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at (321) 281-8883/[email protected]

Journey of Generosity –––

A 24-hour experience for you and your friends to enhance your journey with Jesus and generosity

Let us know how we can serve you and your clients.

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Faith In Practice Webinar Series: New Spring Line Up!

MARCH 3: Business Succession, Part One with Brian Shepler (Ronald Blue & Co., National Offi ce)

MARCH 8: Business Succession, Part Two with Brian Shepler (Ronald Blue & Co., National Offi ce)

Shepler will share strategies for effective business succession as well as pitfalls to avoid in the process in this two part series. Understanding the issues and best practices for business succession in a fi nancial services fi rm will allow you to address this often overlooked area of practice management.

MARCH 17: How Much Real Planning Gets Done? with Paul Anthes (Financial Advisory Corp.)

Anthes poses the following question: “Real planning requires a client who desires planning and is willing to invest the time and effort required. Without their buy-in, is it a waste of time?” He looks at how much planning is actually done, the implications of how planning is offered, and ways to improve the planning function within a practice.

MARCH 24: Diagnostic Questions with Jim Wise (Ronald Blue & Co., Ft. Lauderdale)

Wise will discuss using diagnostic questions as a key to uncovering meaningful interaction with clients. The questions will help you to discern more about a client’s God given “wiring,” help you to discover where a client is on their own spiritual journey, and will function as a new tool to help you take your client relationships to the next level.

MAY 12: Integrating Biblically Responsible Investing, Part One with Dan Hardt and Other Seasoned BRI Advisors

MAY 19: Integrating Biblically Responsible Investing, Part Two with Dan Hardt and Other Seasoned BRI Advisors

Experienced BRI Advisors will discuss the practicalities of Biblically Responsible Investing in this two part series. You will learn the how-to’s of BRI in a variety of fi rm types, as well as investment screening tools, and BRI investment options.

All Faith In Practice Webinars take place from 4-5 pm EDT. Visit www.KingdomAdvisors.org/webinar to register.

Jim Wise

Paul Anthes

Brian Shepler

Dan Hardt

Experienced advisors present practical client case studies, based on real client experiences.








Page 11: 2011 Kingdom Advisors Annual Conferece Notebook


Ron Blue Answers Your Questions The MasterYourMoney.com website is a public oriented website, organized around the “11 Buckets” model. The “11 Buckets” shows that fi nancial decisions are interrelated. It also shows the need for balance between short-term spending and long-term goals. By visually capturing the balance between short and long term needs, the model helps you make more confi dent fi nancial decisions.Featuring: • Answers to Common

Financial Questions • Scriptures That Apply to Each

Bucket • Helpful Links in Each Bucket • Budgeting, Planning, and Debt

Repayment Tools

Ron’s Videos on Your Website!

Visit us at booth 25 to learn more about a beta test offered to Qualifi ed

Kingdom Advisors™ who wish to make

Ron’s video answers to commonly asked

questions available on their websites.

Surviving Financial Meltdown Ron Blue and Jeremy White team up in this fi ve-week DVD based, small group study. Visit booth 25 to buy the study or to learn more, including special tools available to Qualifi ed Kingdom Advisors™.

Visit us at booth 25

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Jay LinkJay Link is President & CEO of Kardia, Inc., a family offi ce fi rm that works exclusively with affl uent Christian families. Jay’s biblical knowledge and professional experience uniquely qualify him to authoritatively write, teach, and counsel on biblical stewardship for wealthy Christians.

Family Wealth Counseling TrainingLEVEL ONE Family Wealth Counseling, Level One, is available online at www.kingdomadvisors.org/FWC. It is 8 hours of foundational training that will prepare you for Level Two.

LEVEL TWO Family Wealth Counseling, Level Two, consists of four live 24-hour events in Indianapolis, Indiana. Th e 2011 spring sessions are: March 9-10, April 12-13, May 9-10, and June 14-15. Visit www.kingdomadvisors.org/FWC to register.

Th e fi nancial services industry continues to contract and become increasingly commoditized.

To thrive in the future, fi nancial advisors must specialize!

… distinguish yourself from the other fi nancial advisors in your market.

… attract high capacity families with a unique and transformational planning process.

… experience personal and professional fulfi llment in your practice.

… achieve maximum Kingdom impact.

Family Wealth Counseling accomplishes all of the above!

Th rough teaching, How-Tos, and Case Studies, learn to: • Conduct family meetings and discovery retreats • Use the Life on Purpose™ Questionnaire • Design Master Stewardship Plans™ • Use custom letters of engagement, forms, and

templates • Learn the tools and strategies to build “zero tax”

estate plans

Want to explore the possibilities? Th e creator and instructor of the Family Wealth Counseling Training would be happy to visit with you during the conference to answer your questions about this powerful client process for high capacity families. Text or call Jay Link @ 317-345-3793 to learn more about this extraordinary career enhancement opportunity off ered exclusively through Kingdom Advisors!

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Some of our Partners will be providing giveaways to conference attendees. These giveaways will be announced at general session meetings from February 16-18. Additional information is available at participating partner booths.PLACES TO EAT

Piper’s Grille at the ChampionsGate Clubhouse: Lunch specialties include appetizers, homemade soups, fresh salads, fl atbreads, wraps,and deli sandwiches. You may use the golf cart shuttle to get to the clubhouse, or take a ½ mile walk. The golf cart shuttle can be accessed at the fountain at the bottom of the main staircase from the lobby level. Piper’s is open from sunrise to sunset.

Croc’s: The poolside bar and grill offers American poolside favorites such as hamburgers and chicken sandwiches, as well as Florida favorites like shrimp salad and grouper. Opens at 11 am daily, weather permitting.

Broadway Deli: Offers a wide array of snacks and refreshments, including pizza by the slice, made to order sandwiches, and fresh churned ice-cream. It is located on the lower level. As you exit the elevators, it is directly to the right. Open everyday from 10:30 am to 9 pm.

Morsel’s: Open Daily at 6:00 am, Morsel’s offers coffee, bagels, pastries, and seasonal fruits. It is located on the lobby level in the hotel’s retail corridor. As you exit the elevators, it is on the left at the end of the hallway.

Trevi’s features Mediterranean-style dishes in an Italian garden atmosphere. The lunch menu features soups, salads, fl at breads, pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, and pizza. It is located on the lower level, and as you exit the elevators it is directly straight ahead. Trevi’s is open every day for breakfast and lunch from 6:30 am – 2 pm, and it is open for dinner Monday through Saturday, 5 pm – 10 pm.

1 Faith Comes by Hearing

2 Halftime

3 Steward Funds / Capstone Asset Management Company

4 MulliganGolfClub.com

5 Focus on the Family

6 Cornerstone Wealth Management

7 Cambridge Legacy Group

8 Hayden Harper

9 Robert Pittenger Company

10 Aris Corporation of America

11 Overseas Council

12 World Vision

13 Eventide Funds

14 GA Repple & Company


16 Opportunity International

17 Answers in Genesis

18 Hartman Income REIT

19 Financial Professionals Group

20 WaterStone

21 SoulCare Project

22 MMA Praxis Mutual Funds

23 The Stewardship Alliance

24 Faith Based Strategies

25 MasterYourMoney.com

26 Stewardship Asset Management

28 NEXT Financial Group

29 JC+1 - Job Creation Plus 1

30 OneAmerica

31 Anchor Capital Management

32 The Timothy Plan

36 Family Offi ce Services

37 Simple Alternatives A CNL Securities

B National Christian Foundation

C Wells Real Estate Funds

D Crown Financial Ministries






































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KINOur Kingdom Advisors Communities and Study Groups continue to be one of the most important member resources available to help you develop into the Kingdom-minded fi nancial professional God is calling you to be. To maximize and take advantage of your Kingdom Advisors membership, it is important to get locally connected to a Community in your area and participate in a Study Group near you.

Today there are over 70 Kingdom Advisors Communities across the country and internationally with over 145 Study Groups meeting every month. Each Community has one or more Study Groups where you can get connected.

What is a Kingdom Advisors Community? - an environment where deep learning of biblical fi nancial

wisdom and its application takes place - a fun and engaging place to experience unique fellowship

and relationships - a safe and supportive group of fi nancial peers offering

encouragement, motivation, accountability, and prayer - a group with vision to have a tangible Kingdom impact in

their city - a group that is committed to helping every member grow

and develop

What is a Kingdom Advisors Study Group? - an interactive monthly small-group setting for professional

and spiritual learning and fellowship - a group led by a Kingdom Advisors trained member - a group where professionally relevant fi nancial topics from

a biblical perspective are taught, learned, and discussed - a place to share knowledge, best practices, resources,

and ideas - a group focused on applying the learned principles of

biblical fi nancial wisdom into their fi nancial advice and practice

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected] [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@fi nancialnetwork.comfred@crmfi [email protected]

jeffg@livingdefi ned.orgbryanm@livingdefi [email protected]@lighthousefi nancial.bizjeffg@livingdefi [email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected][email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

Birmingham ProEquitiesBirmingham SylacaugaBirmingham South SideBirmingham InvernessBirmingham Vastavia/Inverness


FresnoLA/Ventura Shepherd of the HillsLA/Ventura Stevenson RanchLA/Ventura Thousand OaksLA/Ventura LancasterModestoOrange Co. Mariners ChurchOrange Co. South CountyOrange Co. ECCUOrange Co. Orange CountySan Diego Hazard CenterSan Diego South BaySan Diego TemeculaSan Diego EscondidoSan Jose San Jose

Co. Springs DowntownCo. Springs NorthDenver Smith Barney GroupDenver Westside Denver South DenverFt. Collins Northern Colorado

Ft. Lauderdale Calvary ChapelFt. Lauderdale SW BrowardGulfcoastJacksonville Ponte Vedra BeachJacksonville Jacksonville-MainMiami Coral GablesOrlando Maitland (Metro Orlando)Orlando West OrlandoOrlando DowntownOrlando CasselberryPinellas South PinellasPinellas Pinellas CountyPinellas SeminoleSouthwest Ft. MyersSouthwest NaplesTampa South TampaTampa North TampaWest Palm Beach StuartWest Palm Beach Christ FellowshipWest Palm Beach West Palm BeachWest Palm Beach Boca RatonWest Palm Beach Phillips Point Club

Atlanta SuwaneeAtlanta WoodstockAtlanta AlpharettaDaltonStatesboro Savannah

Steve BriggsHarry Brown, Jr.Andy MeehanHarry PearsonJim Warren

Bob Merwin

Jeremy BeckerRick KaselDavid ReindersRandall SanadaKevin Von TungelnJerry Van HoutenJohn CookeChuck McLucasArlin PennerJames RegitzScott BrobergDaniel GuillenBrett MastersFred VaughtRick Hillsbery

Jeff GottBryan MieselGordon BudreauLynn HindsJeff GottBob Seymour

Steven KowalskiMiguel RodriguezCharles MorseRobert BrownGary WilliamsJoe FernandezZack FulmerHilgardt LamprechtAlec OmbresPhilip Van StadenKristine HartlandCathy NorrisBob SwatlandRenee Porter-MedleyKevin ZylstraJon LocklearRob TaylorGeorge HoughSteve ScaliciRichard EkeyMichael HendersonLacie Stevens

Jerry BlackTerry FordBruce NeurohrTom SpicknallTerri Jarrell

E-mailLeaderCommunity / Study Group


Visit our Annual Conference Resource Desk for more information and to learn how to get started or contact:

Stuart Easterly:National Community Director - [email protected]

Michelle Davis:Study Group Coordinator - [email protected]


V A l C f R D k f

Start a new Study Group in your Community!







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[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected][email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@ampf.com

[email protected]@rfhco.commmacdonald@wyattfi rm.com

[email protected]@[email protected]@fi nancialadvisorycorp.com

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@familyfi [email protected]@qais.biz

[email protected]

dcoffi [email protected]@nmchristian.org

[email protected][email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@wellsfargoadvisors.commjette@carrollfi nancial.com


Cedar Rapids

Chicago Northwest GroupChicago SouthChicago WestChicago DowntownChicago Oak Brook/Merrill LynchChicago North ShoreChicago Harvest Bible Chapel/NW

Indianapolis Indianapolis 1Indianapolis Indianapolis 2Indianapolis Indianapolis 3West Lafayette

Eastern Jackson CountyKansas CityMid-America GroupTopeka

Kentuckiana East EndLexington Bluegrass Lexington Downtown

Bad AxeDetroit DetroitDetroit Northridge ChurchGrand Rapids

RochesterTwin Cities InverGrove HeightsTwin Cities North-NorthwestTwin Cities Arden HillsTwin Cities West Metro - CarlsonTwin Cities South Metro - BurnsvilleTwin Cities Downtown MinneapolisTwin Cities Minnetonka

Ridgewood Northern Bergen County

Albuquerque MidtownAlbuquerque Albuquerque


Las Vegas

AshevilleCharlotte Lake Norman/HuntersvilleCharlotte Matthews/Indian Trail

John Turner

Lance Greco

Luis CruzPaul DillmanAnn ElliottMary McWilliamsBill StevensonBrian VossJohn Yukawa

Brent DunnKyle FoyerBrad HulseKevin Kaufman

Anissa NelsonMatthew SyversonGary TenpennyJames Hanna

Jane Connell-YoungStephen AllenMark McDonald

Jason KrohnBrian GettelAubrey LeeLoran Filson

Steve RehmGinger EwingDavid HitchcockDavid LaurionRick LueckJeff RobinsonKathy WatersDan Westin

Annie Hung-Scanga

Dale Coffi ngMichele Doyle

Ron AndersonJerri Thompson

Joe Caldera

Michael CollieWayne HewettMichael Jette

[email protected]@[email protected]@highergroundfi nancial.comfl [email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]@cox.net

[email protected][email protected][email protected]@assetplanningservices.com

[email protected]@lpl.comSWhite@planfi [email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@shoemakerfi [email protected]

[email protected]@PreservationFinancial.comgishe@fi [email protected][email protected]@ampf.comRichard.fi [email protected]@[email protected]@rbafi [email protected]@[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]

Charlotte GastoniaCharlotte PromenadeCharlotte South ParkHickoryRaleigh/Durham North RaleighRaleigh/Durham West Raleigh Raleigh/Durham Inner Beltline

Cincinnati Crossroads/CincinnatiCincinnati West ChesterCleveland - WestClevelandCleveland - EastCleveland - DowntownColumbus Columbus/WestervilleDaytonToledo

Oklahoma City OKC MetroTulsa

Philadelphia Central Bucks CountyPhiladelphia Philly/Main LinePhiladelphia WilmingtonPhiladelphia Montgomery County

Greenville GreenvilleGreenville GreerGreenville PlanFirstSpartanburg

Chattanooga Brainerd CrossroadsChattanooga DowntownJhsn City Jhsn. City Summit LunchMemphis Greater MemphisNashville

DallasDallas Gateway ChurchForth Worth ArlingtonHouston Riverway-Uptown HoustonHouston DowntownHouston Clear LakeHouston UBSHouston The WoodlandsHouston GalleriaHouston Champions AreaHouston West HoustonHouston Williams TowerHouston ConroeÍ

DC Greater Washington DC


Ron Ownbey Hunter PughJohn PutnamKirk HobartNate OltmansRobert Shipley, Jr.Jason Steele

Steve FrenchJerry SummersKevin DossRandy FairfaxRoger ShumakerChad VavpeticKimberly HolzerEd WhiteDon Roork

Joe WilliamsSteve August

Jeff CaveJack DempseyJack DempseyMichael Halvorsen

Jon RogersRoger SimsSherri WhiteHugh Brantley

James BarberHenry HenegarKevin WilsonRob ClementMark Pierce

John GayDavid SchoeningEd GishDaniel BakerBradley DennisonRichard DvorakRick FigueroaDavid MeredithCraig DawsonMike RiddleRandy SchroederJeff ThomasCraig Wear

Gisle Sorli

Joe Helms Scott RahnHans Boehm

E-mailLeaderCommunity / Study Group E-mailLeaderCommunity / Study Group






















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STUKINGDOM ADVISORS STUDY GROUPSJoin a KA Study Group in Your Community!Study Groups meet monthly in an interactive, small-group setting led by a trained Kingdom Advisors member. It is a forum for relevant spiritual, fi nancial, and business-building topics focused on practical application. The teaching is provided by Ron Blue and other experienced trainers via DVD.

Topics for Upcoming Study Groups: • Getting the Most from Your Time with the Lord (February) • Impacting Clients through Transferable Concepts (March) • Maximizing Your Unique Ability (April) • Building a Business (May) • Your Work: Finding the Sacred in the Secular (June)

START a Study Group in Your Community…Contact Stuart Easterly ([email protected]) or Michelle Davis ([email protected])

FIND a Study Group near you… visit www.KingdomAdvisors.org

Don’t Miss a Word!Catch missed sessions, relive the excitement, listen again or even share with a friend. All general and breakout sessions at this conference are recorded live and are available for immediate sale after each session in the exhibit hall.

Conference CDs are an opportunity to:• Grow in your faith, • Enhance your practice, and• Learn new ideas for you and your clients.

Individual CDs - $8Group Price - Any 10 CDs for $70Entire conference set of CDs - $150(Suggested Donations)

Available after each General Session and Breakout Session at the Conference Resource Desk.

re recorrdeded liveve and areeexhibbiit hall.l.


Ron BlueGeneral Session

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FOR BROKER/DEALER USE ONLY - Dissemination to prospective or current investors is prohibited. Investing in real estate or REITs may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should consult a financial professional to determine whether risks associated with an investment in the shares are compatible with their investment objectives. These risks may include limited operating history, reliance on the investment advisor, potential conflicts of interest, payment of substantial fees to the advisor and its affiliates, potential illiquidity and liquidation at less than the original amount invested.

Investing in





CNL Securities Corp. carefully scans the horizon to offer investment products and services that we believe will help you pursue your clients’ real estate goals. Real Estate. Service. Relationships. These are the areas in which we focus our energies and resources. Our continuous improvement mindset drives every aspect of our business. We invite you to join us as we continue to Invest in the Next.

www.CNLSecurities.com (866) 650-0650


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Kingdom Advisors is pleased to present the following Premier Corporate Partners. These companies represent the highest level of commitment and are integral to the continuing success of Kingdom Advisors. The Premier Corporate Partner designation is reserved for a select group of companies who have demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to the vision and mission of Kingdom Advisors in their work.



Wells Real Estate Funds is a national real estate investment management fi rm that purchases existing Class-A offi ce and industrial properties leased long term to creditworthy tenants. Wells was the largest purchaser of Class-A offi ce and industrial real estate in 2002 and 2003, according to the New York-based Real Capital Analytics. In its investment products, Wells serves more than 160,000 investors nationwide with more than $6 billion in assets representing 31 million square feet of commercial space.

CNL Securities Corp. offers the next generation of real estate investment products to help fi nancial advisors thrive in today’s market. A subsidiary of CNL Financial Group, Inc., the company has worked with an extensive network of more than 367 FINRA member broker/dealer fi rms and more than 23,597 registered representatives nationwide. Since inception in 1986, CNL Securities Corp. has raised more than $11 billion in private and public offerings through its network of broker/dealer fi rms. With a focus on real estate, service, and relationships, the company continues to Invest in the Next™. Contact CNL Securities Corp. managing dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC (866) 650-0650.

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Since 1982, The National Christian Foundation (NCF) has helped thousands of people give more than $2 billion to the ministries and causes they believe in - rather than to the federal government in the form of taxes. NCF helps:

Individual givers make a greater impact with their charitable giving, give practically any asset entrusted to them, and balance their giving with income needs.

Ministries and churches offer their supporters innovative ways of giving, which can lead to signifi cant new funding for their organizations.

Professional advisors (fi nancial planners, CPAs, attorneys, and others) offer their clients charitable giving expertise, which builds stronger client relationships.

To learn more, visit NCF on the web at www.nationalchristian.com or call 800.681.6223.


Crown Financial Ministries is a merger of two ministries: Larry Burkett’s Christian Financial Concepts and Howard Dayton’s Crown Ministries. Crown’s mission is to train Christians to handle money from God’s perspective. It offers biblically-based advice on various areas of personal/family fi nance, including budgeting, debt reduction, charitable giving, and investments. Crown’s primary vehicle is a very well-attested small group Bible study designed for use at the local church level.

Generous Giving was launched in 2000 by The Maclellan Foundation, a recognized leader in Christian grant-making for 60 years. Generous Giving’s mission is to motivate followers of Christ toward greater biblical generosity, and encourages givers to live with open hands to God. Through relationships and experiences, thousands are realizing the joy of giving, and resources are being deployed for God’s purposes around the world.

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CORPORATE PARTNERSAris provides customized wealth management, retirement plan, and trust services. Sophisticated risk management processes and technologies are utilized to create investment portfolios based on client risk profi les and objectives, including biblical, faith-based, or social criteria. Utilizing multiple issues screening software and extensive manager due diligence, Aris identifi es investment vehicles to create portfolios built on the same risk based philosophy as Aris’ traditional strategic and tactical portfolios. Aris provides a complete turnkey solution including investment due diligence and monitoring, account transitioning, rebalancing, consolidated performance reporting, and billing, freeing the advisor to focus on client relationships and planning needs.

Cambridge Legacy Group is a community of fi nancial professionals who have pledged themselves to helping people make smart choices about their money. We are the premiere provider of The Smart Money ExperienceTM, a fully integrated implementation of Values-Based Financial PlanningTM. The result is a fully integrated planning process, complete with a Deliverables Team of Subject Matter Experts, that gives you and your clients the highest probability of achieving your goals. We believe that your clients achieving their goals and fulfi lling their God-given purpose is the greatest evidence that you have indeed served them well as a Trusted Advisor.

Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU) exists to help evangelical organizations and ministry-minded individuals become better stewards of their fi nances. ECCU serves churches, ministries, and Christian schools across the country and missionaries around the world. As a member-owned fi nancial cooperative, we gather funds and lend these to growing organizations to further the Kingdom. Service by service, our job is delivering banking services that support the achievement of your ministry’s goals. We measure our success through the increased effectiveness we deliver to your ministry.

Financial Professionals Group | FPG is a national support organization serving Financial Professionals, Broker Dealers, and Associations. We provide a unique experience relationship through FPG’s value creation process called The Financial Professionals Solution™. Through this 4-step process we learn about you and your vision, while identifying your unique opportunities and strengths. Serving The 21st Century Financial Professional™.

Faithbased Strategies “Your clients face the loss of a loved one, what are you going to do?” As a Trusted Advisor you have an opportunity to help. Faithbased Strategies provides web based tools to allow you to assist families in their greatest time of need, instilling for them “peace of mind.” These tools will allow you to provide families control of the situations they will face in administering an estate. We work with you to integrate these Estate Administration and Planning tools into your website to maximize your brand.

Founded in 1983, the corporate purpose of Cornerstone Financial Services, Inc. is to serve people to the absolute best of our ability. To this end, CFS places the needs, objectives, and desires of the client fi rst, recognizing the heavy fi duciary responsibility that CFS carries as advisors. We, as individual members of the CFS corporate staff, look without apology to God fi rst as our source of wisdom, knowledge, and truth in this world.

We do zero-tax planning. We calculate how much wealth is needed for the client’s after-tax lifetime income and then we zero-out unnecessary taxes on transfers to family and favorite charities. When we start with comments about zero-tax planning, we can usually stimulate discussions that lead to deeper conversations about wealth counseling, wealth blueprinting, legacy funding, or family offi ce service engagements. We offer training programs to equip other Advisors to use our proven marketing, training, case planning, and administrative resources.

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MMA Praxis Mutual Funds is a leader in faith-based investing for individuals and institutions. Grounded in religious principles of the Mennonite and Anabaptist traditions, the funds offer investors the opportunity to engage their faith through stewardship investing practices. Mennonite Mutual Aid, the parent corporation of the funds, is an agency of the Mennonite Church USA and has been offering fi nancial services for over fi fty years.

Our vision at G.A. Repple & Company is to see advisors transform communities across the country through Workplace Ministry. We wish to see advisors impact their communities by teaching biblical stewardship and providing godly fi nancial counsel. We wish to see every church and ministry with a Stewardship Minister and a Foundation.

Simple Alternatives is the adviser to the S1 Fund. The S1 Fund (Mutual Fund Symbol: SONEX) is a multi-manager, absolute return strategy, in a mutual fund structure. The goal of this investment model is to provide consistent returns regardless of market direction.

For more than 20 years, the Robert Pittenger Company (RPC) has researched, evaluated, and purchased undeveloped land in the path of urban growth areas. Through a proven strategy of acquiring property, where the potential for development has been clearly demonstrated, RPC offers exceptional land purchasing opportunities to its investors. To date, RPC has acquired and invested in excess of $200 million of undeveloped land. Our success in determining future paths of progress earned annual returns on average of 20% IRR (compounded annual rate) net to our investors. All investments are through equity participation, with no debt and no future development obligation or risk.

A leader in its fi eld, the Steward family of mutual funds offers investors of faith peace of mind while seeking to meet their fi nancial goals. Fund investors can invest in both stock and bond funds, many of which are index funds. All Steward funds are no-load, which means there are no sales fees to buy or sell the funds. In addition, all Steward funds employ sophisticated screening disciplines to insure investors do not need to compromise their convictions with the companies they own. The Steward funds are the most rapidly growing faith-based fund family in America.

Since 1983 Hartman has been striving to maximize investor value by acquiring, leasing, and managing quality shopping centers, offi ce buildings, and offi ce/warehouse facilities. We have sponsored 19 investment programs, both public and private, and leased, managed, and operated over 6,000,000 square feet of commercial real estate. Our business model, experienced real estate investment executives, and commitment to shareholder value enabled us to weather economic downturns and have positioned us as a sponsor investors respect and trust.

For nonprofi ts… sustainable, proactive planned giving programs are essential to their multigenerational viability. We provide the most cost-effective, time-effi cient system for nonprofi ts to proactively grow and sustain planned giving. For estate planning advisors… we give them everything they need to get paid by charities to educate their donors… and 1. Rise above every other advisor in your area; 2. Attract the affl uent in the fastest way possible, while always maintaining your ethics and integrity; 3. Have quality charities seek you out as a respected and trusted consultant; 4. Have charities pay you to educate and build relationships with their best donors; 5. Establish you as THE “go-to” planned giving resource in your area; and 6. Create an unassailable niche in your area.

At The Timothy Plan®, we believe we have designed an excellent mutual fund family to serve the needs of concerned investors. We believe there is a genuine difference between Timothy and other investment options – one that can help you combine your investment goals with your moral convictions.

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Partnering with local churches, denominations, and Christian organizations around the world, CCC seeks to help fulfill the Great Commission by building spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Our strategy of Win -- Build -- Send guides our activities as we develop self-replicating movements across the globe.

Our mission is to reach poor and illiterate people worldwide with the Word of God in audio, discipling them in their mother tongue. Our commitment is to record Audio New Testaments for every people group and to start Audio Bible listening programs for the world’s oral majority, so that they can experience the hope and salvation of Jesus Christ.

Our team of professionals offer unique legal and fi nancial experience to individuals, businesses, and charitable organizations to put resources into effective evangelism today... and tomorrow.

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We partner with churches by providing resources, speakers, an award winning web-site, and a 70,000 square foot Creation Museum to train and disciple their congregation.

Focus on the Family exists to serve you and your family. That has been our goal since 1977, when child psychologist Dr. James Dobson started a small 15-minute radio weekly broadcast. Our broadcasts now reach 220 million listeners daily, on over 7,000 stations in 160 countries. We’re on the front-lines wherever legislation threatens to harm the family. We keep the printing-presses running with brochures, newsletters, magazines, and books to help make sense of marriage and parenting. We’re here for you. Let us help, however we can.

The SoulCare Project, in partnership with the Maclellan Foundation, is dedicated to providing leaders intentional space for rest and communion with Christ. Our desire is to give leaders a safe place to experience the quiet assurance of God’s love without becoming over-worked, exhausted, and burnt out. The majority of this vision has been accomplished by exposing leaders to the signifi cance of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, and by providing retreats where leaders have an opportunity to set aside the busy and productive life in order to listen and hear God’s voice through stillness.

The World Vision Advisors Network is a network of attorneys, accountants, and fi nancial professionals who are supportive of World Vision and include charitable planning as part of the expertise and advice they provide their clients. We partner with our members to provide charitable gift planning tools and high impact giving opportunities for their clients. www.worldvision.org/advisors.

For 40 years, Opportunity International has lived out Christ’s call to love and serve the poor. Through its network of community banks and through innovations like mobile banking, Opportunity provides access to savings accounts, business loans, insurance and training for more than two million people in the developing world. Given the tools to grow their businesses, clients buy and sell goods, hire neighbors and place profi ts in savings accounts – making loan capital available to others and helping to build thriving communities. Opportunity banks on the spirit of people and on their hopes and dreams, and stands alongside its clients as equal partners in the fi ght against poverty.

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Halftime is an organization dedicated to helping successful people pursue significance. Our partnership with Kingdom Advisors enables you to bring our expertise along side your financial planning practice, to better serve your clients who may be in Halftime.

The Stewardship Alliance is a “marketplace ministry” serving Christian professional advisors, preparing and mentoring them for client leadership in Life Stewardship based on biblical principles. TSA offers education and training, including charitable tools and techniques leading to greater generosity.

MasterYourMoney.com makes a lifetime of Ron Blue’s teaching accessible to individuals with financial needs and questions. The website is a place where those with pressing questions can find answers backed by biblical wisdom and we invite you to use the website as a tool to communicate with and further educate your clients.

Eventide Asset Management, LLC offers the Eventide Gilead Fund (NASDAQ: ETGLX/ETAGX/ETCGX) to individual and institutional investors. Our goal is to sustain market outperformance by investing in companies that operate with integrity and profi t from ethical and sustainable activities. It is our hope that Christian values based investors will fi nd Eventide Asset Management to be a valuable partner.

OneAmerica Financial Partners traces its solid foundation more than 125 years in the insurance and fi nancial services marketplace. Its nationwide network of companies and affi liates offers retirement plan products and services, individual life, group and credit insurance, and annuities.

SAM was formed out of a passion and commitment to excellence in assisting Christian investors and institutions in growing their wealth in accordance with biblical principles. We screen our portfolios using the Biblically Responsible Investing Institute (BRII) screening criteria and they are managed by top-tier investment management fi rms.

Waterstone is a Christian organization whose passion is to help transform your clients’ accumulated assets into “living water,” while keeping you closely involved in the process. Contact our offi ce to explore the many gifting solutions available through Waterstone.

OC equips nationals for Christian leadership through its ongoing partnerships with a worldwide network of leadership training centers. These partners include seminaries, Bible colleges, and Christian universities that share our vision to develop godly leaders for a global church that is fully engaged in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission. They have a successful track record of training pastors, teachers, missionaries, and lay leaders in their own cultural context.

Anchor Capital Management is an independent, fee-based asset management fi rm dedicated to exceeding the expectations of fi nancial professionals and their clients. Anchor serves as a

third party manager for advisors and their clients. Our philosophy is based on the proven power of a long-term investment approach, the intrinsic potential of undervalued, dividend-paying companies, and the desire to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns. Our approach delivers structured asset allocation strategies for choosing quality investments and active management to help maximize returns, minimize risk, and take advantage of fi nancial opportunities.We consistently adhere to our investment discipline to reduce the potential stresses associated with the normal fl uctuations of the stock market.

NEXT Financial Group, Inc. is an independent broker/dealer that shares the vision, voice, and values of its representatives. This commitment, fueled by passion and excellence, has garnered the Broker/Dealer of the Year* award seven times in the past decade.

Hayden Harper Direct Energy provides opportunities to invest in the oil and gas industry through drilling partnerships. Direct investments are made with multiple producers in income-producing, tax incentive-based drilling programs providing both geological and geographical diversifi cation. HHDE’s management and advisory team is comprised of experienced individuals in the Appalachian Basin natural gas industry. The experience of the HHDE team allows for access to operators and thorough due diligence of each producer and drilling program.

Announcing JC + 1! Get an EDGE in your community - incorporate your faith & values to powerfully illustrate Ephesians 2:10 in your business TODAY. This is YOUR chance to get involved with a NATIONAL organization that promotes stability & growth for Small Business Owners by offering the tools needed to achieve your VISION + Visit us at Booth #29 to learn more!

The World Needs A Mulligan! In golf the term “Mulligan” means a second chance or a do-over. We use this term as a metaphor for Jesus; the best second chance ever! MulliganGolfClub.com exists to highlight the activity of God in the world through the game of golf. The MGC was developed by MulliganLife, a team

of friends who want to serve individuals, groups, and churches that desire to use golf as a platform to join people with Jesus, leading them to know the forgiveness, friendship, and fellowship of God. So visit MulliganGolfClub.com or fi nd us on Facebook to be inspired, get connected, & experience the MulliganLife!

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Dave Reinders would tell you that God called him to be a fi nancial planner and then provided the relationships and resources to make it happen. Reinders grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, graduated from college in the mid-West with a music degree, and moved to California where his fi rst job was in a fi tness equipment store. But, from the beginning of his career, Reinders’ primary focus has been on funding the Great Commission. He moved to California as a young man to be a fi nancial backer for a church plant that ministered to students on the UCLA campus, and, in that church, he began to see how God’s stewardship principles apply across income levels and in every fi nancial situation.

Over time, Reinders became the “go-to” guy for fi nancial questions in their congregation. He was eventually invited into the fi eld of fi nancial planning through a relationship with Rob Scribner, a former NFL football player who had gone into the fi nancial services business. As Dave Reinders became an advisor, it was natural to integrate biblical principles into his advice. He says, “the idea of working and making money to be used for the Kingdom’s purposes has [always] been my combined focus.”

Reinders’ connection with Larry Burkett and the original Christian Financial Planning Institute (CFPI) came by way of Ron Blue’s book, Master Your Money. When his church asked him to teach a stewardship seminar, Reinders found the book and asked Blue for permission to use it as a basis for the seminar. Thus began a relationship with Blue, Ken Frenke, Larry Burkett and a handful of others who were passionate about the stewardship message. As someone who was relatively new in the business, Reinders was amazed and grateful to have discovered, through CFPI, a network of other fi nancial advisors who were doing planning from a biblical perspective. He says, “there is safety in a multitude of counselors – good advice is good advice, whether it’s given from a 30 year veteran or someone new in the business, it’s good counsel. To be surrounded by such men gave me great confi dence that I was on the right track.”

Dave Reinders says that the thrust of his life is three-fold: to help individuals with stewardship, to mentor others to do the same, and to fund the Great Commission through charitable gifting strategies. His work and his ministry are oriented in the direction of those three goals.

In his interaction with clients, Reinders sees himself as a partner to help them fulfi ll the God’s call on their life. He says, “I am thoroughly, 100% convinced that everyone can have a much greater degree of success in their fi nances by following God’s principles.” Reinders’ fi rm does not have a minimum requirement for clients to work with them, and he says that he can have the most impact with people in the earlier stages of the process. He says, “I get the greatest satisfaction from working with someone who may not have had fi nancial success if they had not worked with us. You take someone with fewer resources who has not had success, and work with them by teaching biblical principles, and, over time, they have success and begin to have a future – that is the most satisfying part of what I do.”

For Reinders, the most challenging aspect of bringing biblical wisdom to clients is knowing when their hearts are ready to receive the message. He recommends Master Your Money as foundational reading to all of his clients, because the book lays a framework for them to receive God’s wisdom about their fi nances. Reinders says, “If I don’t feel people will follow my advice, I won’t give it. This is where the

comprehensive fi nancial planning approach is benefi cial. It gives us a reason to have regular reviews on a semi-annual basis so we can plant seeds and develop ideas. Whether they are ready to proceed or not, it gives us a way to further the relationship and continue the process until they are ready to receive and act on the advice.”

As Dave Reinders seeks to mentor other planners and see the Great Commission funded, he is highly involved with Kingdom Advisors – as a Founder and a Champion, a Coaching Class participant, and a Study Group leader. Additionally, he serves on his church council and works at a national level with his denomination’s investment committee while also serving on the board of a charitable gifting ministry.

Since his early days as a fi nancial planner, Dave Reinders has seen God provide on many levels. The leadership and mentorship of men like Ken Frenke, Larry Burkett, and Ron Blue allowed him to step out in faith to follow God’s call on his life to spread the stewardship message. His involvement with CFPI and later Kingdom Advisors gave him both a community and a foundation for that calling. His discipleship relationship with clients and other advisors has allowed him to see God’s faithfulness in the lives of others. In summary, Reinders says, “certainly the Larry Burkett Award is the highest award I will ever receive because nothing combines my spiritual and professional life more completely. Plus, the award is named after Larry Burkett and presented by Ron Blue who are the two people who have had the most infl uence on my life both professionally and spiritually.”

Dave Reinders, CFP®, QKA™ graduated with a BA degree from Judson University. He is a founding member of CFPI, a Champion of Kingdom Advisors, a Study Group leader, and a Coaching Class participant. He and his wife, Anne, live in Stevenson Ranch, California where they are active members at Church on the Way. They have three children: Kristen (23), Allison (21), and Andy (18), and two grandchildren.

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Kingdom Advisors is a product of Larry Burkett’s work and vision. Beginning as the Christian Financial Planning Institute in 1997, Kingdom Advisors has grown to over 1,300 members and is committed to training an army of Christian fi nancial professionals who are passionate about helping their

clients manage their fi nancial resources according to God’s timeless wisdom.

In appreciation of Burkett’s life and his desire to see a network of Christian fi nancial professionals, Kingdom Advisors established the Larry Burkett Award.

This award recognizes annually a Christian fi nancial professional who has demonstrated by their life and work those qualities that epitomize what Burkett desired to see in a Christian fi nancial professional:

• An evangelical faith and fervor • Christian character in its most complete

sense • Unparalleled professional

competency • Integration of biblical wisdom into

all of their advice and counsel

2010: T. Randall Fairfax, CFP®

2009: Randall E. Schroeder, CFP®

2008: Janice A. Thompson, CFP®

2007: James H. Shoemaker, CFP®

2006: Kenneth B. Frenke, CFP®

2005: William F. Robertson, CFP®, CLU, ChFC

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When Jerry Foster began The Foster Group in 1989 in West Des Moines, Iowa, he was a believer who was living out his faith at work, but it was not until he read Bob Buford’s book, Halftime, in 1994 that he realized that he could be intentional about integrating his faith and his practice.

Over the last 16 years, Foster has led his 24 employees with the goal of creating a team that “co-labors for the Kingdom” and that seeks to “impact the community and the marketplace.” While all of the employees at The Foster Group are Christians, they serve a client base with diverse spiritual beliefs. Jerry Foster has built his business on the belief that

biblical principles are valuable and valid no matter what a person’s faith is. The Foster Group advisors challenge their clients to complete the statement, “Wealthy is the person who…”, and they seek to use their platform as fi nancial advisors to impact their client’s understanding of “capital” in fi ve key areas: fi nancial, relational, physical, spiritual, and intellectual. Through their proprietary planning process, “LifeWealth,” they help their clients embrace a broader defi nition of wealth as they counsel from a biblical perspective.

Jerry says, “For me personally, when I come into the offi ce, I see my ‘client’ as being the team members and the staff. I’m thinking about ministering, encouraging, and challenging them as I equip them to do their job so that they can take care of the clients.” Foster serves and builds his team through company policies, through training opportunities, and by maintaining to an attitude of service among the leadership.

Any employee of The Foster Group, from day one on staff, receives six weeks of “free days” in addition to eight civic holidays. Foster says, “It’s not a benefi t, it’s an investment. If I give them adequate time to have family time, rejuvenation, and rest time, they will like what they do and serve their clients better.” He believes that giving his staff adequate time off is biblical in that it serves their needs so that they can be prepared to serve others when they are at work.

Additionally, Jerry Foster leads his staff in integrating their faith with their work through teaching opportunities. Not too long ago, they embarked on the “2:15 Project” during which they did a study, as a team, on Philippians 2:1-15 and asked how they could operate with one heart, with a humble heart, with an obedient heart, with a joyful heart, and with a pure heart. Foster encourages his team to look for practical ways to serve their clients, such as praying over their paperwork as it comes across their desk.

The six partners at The Foster Group share an attitude of service. When Jerry Foster began intentionally integrating his faith and practice in the mid-1990’s, his fi rst step was to create more margin for himself to do ministry outside of work by hiring excellent staff. Foster’s commitment to serving ministries such as FCA, Crown, and Family Life as a speaker and facilitator has carried over into the habits of his entire leadership team. Each of the six partners at The Foster Group understands that ministry done outside of work is a vital way to serve God by pouring out. Foster says, “There is no sense that there should be any return on that [time spent away from work], it is strictly that we should be giving back.”

When asked about the biggest benefi t of integrating his faith and his practice, Foster remarked, “There is incredible unity here, and there is a tremendous sense of purpose. Everyone has a Kingdom mentality. If there is a crisis that happens for

a staff member or client, we’ll stop work and gather in the conference room and pray. And, we have virtually no turnover. In over 20 years, we’ve had 0% turnover on the advisor level. That is attributable to the culture we have built here.”

Jerry Foster and his wife, Nancy, have lived lives of service and excellence to the glory of God. Jerry’s leadership of The Foster Group is a major way in which they have impacted their community for Christ over the last twenty years.

Jerry Foster, CFP®, graduated in 1977 from Iowa State University with a BS in Education. He and his wife Nancy have four children and two unoffi cially adopted children, all of whom are adults. They have three grandchildren. They attend Valley Evangelical Free Church in West Des Moines where they mentor a young-marrieds class. Foster has spoken internationally for Crown Financial Ministries and for Family Life ministry. He is a member of the ZeroAlpha group of 9 fi nancial advisors, internationally, who serve as peers for benchmarking and accountability. Jerry is a Kingdom Advisors Champion and Charter Member as well as a trainer in the Kingdom Advisors Coaching Program.

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Kingdom Advisors created the Kingdom Advisors Practice Management Award to recognize Kingdom Advisors Members who have intentionally and systematically integrated their faith into their fi nancial services practice.

The Kingdom Advisors Practice Management Award recognizes:

• Outstanding integration of biblical principles in practice management.

• Creation of a unique biblical culture which exemplifi es Jesus Christ and results in a lasting impact on clients, staff, vendors, and community.

• A practice from which Kingdom Advisors members can learn and emulate.

2010 - James Underwood, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AEP2009 - John W. Moore, CIMA2008 - Jerry Black2007 - Randall P. Sanada, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFS2006 - Paul G. Anthes, CFP®

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CONGod has tremendously blessed our Kingdom Advisors Communities & Study Groups over the last year. We are honored to serve and support every Community, every Study Group, and every leader who has made a commitment to make a difference in the lives of our Kingdom Advisors members. Thank you for your passion and effort and we look forward to an exciting new year with you!

We are also proud to recognize and celebrate several Kingdom Advisors Communities for outstanding development and achievement for the last year! Kingdom Advisors is presenting 4 Annual Community Awards at the conference. We ask you to join us for this special moment during our Friday afternoon General Session. Congratulations to these Kingdom Advisors Communities for a job well done!

The Russell E. Miller Community Leadership AwardKingdom Advisors is proud to honor the memory of Russell E. Miller by renaming the annual Kingdom Advisors Community Leadership Award to the Russell E. Miller Community Leadership Award. Russ went home to be with his Savior on April 10, 2009 after a brief battle with cancer. Russ was one of our most engaged and successful Kingdom Advisors Community leaders, and founded and led our Kingdom Advisors Communities in both Greenville and Spartanburg, SC.










KINGDOM ADVISORS BOARD OF DIRECTORSRon BlueKingdom AdvisorsAtlanta, Georgia

Lloyd BentsenHouston Christian FoundationHouston, Texas

Bob DollBlackRockPlainsboro, New Jersey

Phil DrakeDrake EnterprisesFranklin, North Carolina

Daryl HealdThe Maclellan FoundationChattanooga, Tennessee

Carl LaBarberaKingdomworks SDG FoundationSeal Beach, California

Skip NicholsFinancial Planning ResourcesTulsa, Oklahoma

Larry PowellPowell Family EnterprisesAtlanta, Georgia

Bill SerravezzaKingdom AdvisorsAtlanta, Georgia

Jim ShoemakerShoemaker Financial AdvisorsGermantown, Tennessee

Tony StinsonKingdom AdvisorsAtlanta, Georgia

Janice ThompsonStrategic Financial SolutionsSan Diego, California

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866-882 -1226 WWW.S1FUND.COM [email protected]

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Paul F. Berry, CFP®

The Covenant Group, Inc.Birmingham, AL

Robert H. ClementShoemaker Financial AdvisorsGermantown, TN

Vincent M. ConteConte FinancialAnna Maria Island, FL

Kenneth B. Frenke, CFP®

Kenneth Frenke & Co.Arden, NC

George M. Hiller, JD, LLM, MBA, CFP®George M. Hiller Companies, LLCAtlanta, GA

Cleo W. Holder, CFP®

Shoemaker Financial AdvisorsNewburgh, IN

Steven D. Humphrey, CFP®

George M. Hiller Companies, LLCAtlanta, GA

Carter B. LeCraw, CFP®

American Values Investment, Inc.Johnson City, TN

James M. Mars, CFP®

Holmes Murphy Financial ServicesWest Des Moines, IA

David S. Reinders, CFP®

David S. Reinders, CFP®

Stevenson Ranch, CA

William F. Robertson, CFP®

William F. Robertson & AssociatesFt. Worth, TX

Randall P. Sanada, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFSAlliance Financial Group, Inc.Westlake Village, CA

James H. Shoemaker, CFP®

Shoemaker Financial AdvisorsGermantown, TN

Jerry Tuma, CFP®

Cornerstone Financial Services, Inc.Dallas, TX

Jerry L. Webb, CFP®

Prairie Financial Services, Inc.Naperville, IL

Christina Winch, CFP®

Winch Advisory ServicesAppleton, WI

Kingdom Advisors is very grateful for its Founding Members, Charter Members, and original Champion Members listed on pages 30 to 33 who have a tremendous passion for the mission and vision of Kingdom Advisors. These members were integral in the initial development of Kingdom Advisors both through their funding of the necessary start-up and working capital for Kingdom Advisors in its beginning stages and their generosity in helping us move from the start-up phase to becoming an established organization. We are the organization we are today thanks to God’s provision through their active leadership and participation in the development of Kingdom Advisors.


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Scott K. Anderson, Jr., CPA, CFP®, EANewport Advisory, LLCNewport Beach, CA

Paul G. Anthes, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

Guy E. Baker, CFP®, MSFS, ChFCBaker Jensen Investment Advisors, LLCIrvine, CA

Jim BakkeWorld VisionFederal Way, WA

Todd A. Bauerle, CFP®

Bauerle Financial, Inc.Deland, FL

David F. Biffen, Jr., CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFSBiffen Wealth ManagmentWest Chester, PA

Joseph J. Bilello, ChFCAvanti Wealth Management, LLCLongwood, FL

Stephen Bolt, CFP®

Faith Financial Planners, Inc.Franklin, TN

John P. Brandon, CFP®, CLU, ChFCAtlantes Financial Advisors Corp.Fairhope, AL

Harry I. Brown, Jr., MA, MBA, CFP®

Ison Brown InvestmentsSylacauga, AL

Matt BrownBrown & Streza, LLPIrvine, CA

David A. Cook, CPADavid A. Cook, CPASolon, OH

Judy L. Copenbarger, J.D.Comprehensive Financial ServicesIrvine, CA

Morris R. Cowan, CLU, ChFC, CEBSThe Salvation Army Metro Atlanta Area CommandAtlanta, GA

Steven T. Cox, CFAProvidence Financial Advisors, LLCOverland Park, KS

Sylvia A. CreceliusThe Stewardship Alliance, LLCPrinceton, IN

Timothy R. Davidson, CPADavidson & AssociatesFt Lauderdale, FL

Ted J. DeLisi IVSovereign Investment GroupTroutman, NC

Paul E. Dillman, CPAP&L Accounting & Tax Service, LLPOak Forest, IL

Terry EvearittAbundant Stewardship GroupLancaster, PA

T. Randall Fairfax, CFP®

Highland Consulting Assoc., Inc.Cleveland, OH

Steve FairhallFinancial Professional LimitedLeeds, UK

Ronald C. Finke, JD, ChFCStewardship Capital, Ltd.Independence, MO

Stewart Flaherty, CLU, ChFCThe Flaherty Consulting Grp., Inc.Westerville, OH

Meredith E. Flautt, Jr.Flautt Financial, Inc.Nashville, TN

Jerry R. Foster, CFP®

Foster GroupWest Des Moines, IA

Gregory C. Freeman, JD, CLU, ChFCStrategic Stewardship, Inc.Woodstock, GA

Stuart Funke, CFP®, CIC, CSAFamily Wealth Institute, Inc.Lake Oswego, OR

Ernest T. George III, CFP®, CLUWealth Strategies Group, LLCStarkville, MS

Michael Gibney, B.Th, CFP®

Covenant Planning GroupLangley, BC


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R. Floyd Green, CFP®

Cornerstone Wealth ManagementRaleigh, NC

Michael A. HansonThe Hanson Financial Group, Inc.Peoria, IL

Peter E. HembroughAmeriprise FinancialMorrison, IL

Steven Henningson, CIMASageView Advisory GroupIrvine, CA

Philip T. Herrell, Jr.Palm Financial Group, LLCNaples, FL

J. Lynn HindsLighthouse Financial, LLCBroomfi eld, CO Linda S. Hodges, CLU, ChFC, CFP®

Jacksonville, FL

C. Scott Houser, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCAtlanta, GA

John Howard, CPA, JD, CFP®

Resource Planning Group, Ltd.Atlanta, GA

Jess W. Hurst II, CFP®

The Millennial GroupAkron, OH

Morris Inabnet, CPA, CFP®, MABSI.M. Financial, LLCShreveport, LA

Keith L. Johnson, CFP®

Wealth with a Purpose, Inc.Irvine, CA

Patrick JohnsonNational Christian FoundationAlpharetta, GA

J. Mark Joseph, CFP®, CPA, CLUSentinel Wealth Management, Inc.Reston, VA

Andi YH Kang, CFP®

Crown Wealth Management, Inc.Huntington Beach, CA

Douglas E. Kemp, CFP®, CMFCIn Memorium Rochester, NY

Paul Knoblich, CFP®

Paul Knoblich Retirement Income PlanningCalistoga, CA

Harmon A. Kong, CFP®

Iwamoto, Kong Wealth Management Group.Irvine, CA

Kyle E. Krull, J.D., CFP®

Law Offi ces of Kyle E. Krull, P.A.Overland Park, KS

Jane KupeczCanadian National Christian FoundationOttawa, ON

Kenneth J. LandgrafKenjol Capital Management, LLCAustin, TX

Robert “Buzz” Law, CFP®

Creative Financial Group, Ltd.Atlanta, GA

James H. Legg, Jr.The Granville Investment Group, Inc.Granville, OH

Bruce T. LeonardAttorney Bruce T. Leonard & Associates, LLCCumming, GA

Howard “Rusty” Leonard, CFAStewardship Partners Chester Springs, PA

Marie W. Liu, CFP®

Ameriprise FinancialFullerton, CA

W. Scott Luper, CPAIntegrity Financial ManagementSwannanoa, NC

A. Michael Mayernick II, CFP®

Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management CompanyNashville, TN

Candice A. McFieldiRISE Health & WellnessShawnee, KS

Charles J. McLucas, Jr., CPA/PFSCharitable Trust Administrators., Inc.Tustin, CA

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Steve C. MillerUBS Financial Services, Inc.Naples, FL

Michael D. Morrow, CLU, ChFCMorrow Financial NetworkGrapevine, TX

Joseph M. Mott III, CFP®

Mott & Associates, Inc.Davidson, NC

James P. Mullinix, ChFC, CLUTriune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

Michael J. Mungenast, CPAProEquities, Inc.Birmingham, AL

Gary A. Nagel, RFCWealth Management Group of Kansas CityOverland Park, KS

Curtis W. NeumanFinancial Security Group, Inc.Ocala, FL

James K. “Skip” Nichols, ChFC, CLUFinancial Planning Resources, Inc.Tulsa, OK

Michael D. Novak, CFP®

Integrity Life Planning & Financial ServicesLancaster, PA

Oscar Lee Nugent, MBA, RFCWealth Management & Planning GroupSlidell, LA

William C. O`Connor, CFP®, EA, ATAApplied Financial Planning, Inc.Irvine, CA

Ray V. Padron, CPA, CFP®, CIMA, PFSBrightworthAtlanta, GA

Terry ParkerNational Christian FoundationAlpharetta, GA

Daniel W. PettwayCouncilmark Asset Management, LLCChattanooga, TN

Martin L. PierceMartin L. Pierce, Attorney at LawChattanooga, TN

Larry H. Powell, CFA, MBAMission Hills, KS

James W. Regitz, Jr., ChFCNewport Advisory, LLCNewport Beach, CA

Jeffry L. Robinson, CFP®, EAFamily Financial ServicesBurnsville, MN

Jeff Rogers, CEP, CLSAThe Stewardship Alliance, LLCOcoee, FL

Larry C. Rooks, CPA, PFS, CFP®

Rooks Wealth Management, PLLCChattanooga, TN

Bob Ross, CFP®

Integrity Financial Services, Inc.Independence, OH

Richard S. Sadowski, CLU, ChFCChristian Financial PrinciplesHot Springs, AR

Steven G. Scalici, CFP®

Merrill LynchJupiter, FL

Robert L. Seymour, CFP®

5 Talents Wealth Mgmt., LLC/ Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Fort Collins, CO

Roger L. ShumakerMcDonald Hopkins, LLCCleveland, OH

Scott E. SkjoldagerRaymond James Financial Services, Inc.Asheville, NC

Samuel F. Slabaugh, Sr., CFP®

EST Financial GroupDelmar, DE

Bruce D. Snyder, CFP®

Snyder Financial Group, Inc.Tampa, FL

John Thomas Spicknall, CFP®

Capital Investment Strategies, Inc.Dalton, GA

William L. Stear, CLU, CSA, RFCThe Stear Group, Inc.Longwood, FL

Roger E. Sulhoff, CSAPrivate Client Advisory, LLCGainesville, GA

David E. Taylor, CPA, PFSRaymond James Financial Services, Inc.Corsicana, TX

Gary E. Tenpenny, CFP®, ChFC, CLU, MSFS, CAPMid American Financial GroupOlathe, KS

Janice A. Thompson, CFP®

Strategic Financial Solutions, Inc.San Diego, CA

Charles P. Tiedje, CFP®, CLU, ChFCProven ResultsFort Lauderdale, FL

Robert G. Topping, CFP®, MBACovenant Wealth Advisors, LLCWilliamsburg, VA

James L. Underwood, CPA/PFS, CFP®

Tarpley & Underwood Financial Advisors, LLCAtlanta, GA

Fred M. Vaught, ChFC, CLUCapital Resource Management, Inc.Escondido, CA

Richard J. Volpe, CFP®, ChFC, CLUAsset Planning Services, Ltd.Harleysville, PA

Tim Voorhees, JD, MBAFamily Offi ce ServicesIrvine, CA

Brian A. VossFinancial NetworkWinnetka, IL

Kevin A. WallaceWintrust Mortgage Corp.St. Charles, IL

James E. Warren, Jr., CFP®

Warren Financial Group, Inc.Kansas City, MO

Ray West In MemoriumTrust House, Inc.Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Robert E. WestKingdom AdvisorsAtlanta, GA

Bardie L. Wolfe, CFP®

Peak Financial Management, Inc.Broomfi eld, CO

Gary W. Wood, CFP®

Benefi t Design CorporationGlen Allen, VA


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Bauerle Financial, Inc.Deland, FL

Jay Bennett Esq.The Twin Cities Christian FoundationMinneapolis, MN

Michael E. BlantonSuccessful Financial StrategiesHendersonville, NC

John T. Cooke, CFP®

Cooke Wealth Management, LLCNewport, CA

Eric T. Duncan, Jr., CFP®

Strategic Financial Partners, LLCSuwanee, GA

Lyle E. Hershey, CFP®

Master’s Advisors, Inc.Lancaster, PA

David C. Laurion, CFP®

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Arden Hills, MN

Thomas J. LelandPersonal Financial ServicesMishawaka, IN

Robert E. Merwin, RFCOMNI Financial & Insurance ServicesScottsdale, AZ

Steve C. MillerUBS Financial Services, Inc.Naples, FL

John W. MooreJohn Moore & Associates, Inc. Albuquerque, NM William C. O’Connor, CFP®, EA, ATAApplied Financial Planning, Inc.Irvine, CA

Gary F. PolingFirst Freedom BankLebanon, TN

James W. Regitz , Jr., ChFCNewport Advisory, LLCNewport Beach, CA

Frank T. Reynolds, RFE, IAR, CCFCFrank Reynolds Wealth ManagementDaytona Beach , FL

A. Charles Schultz, JDCrescendo Interactive, Inc.Camarillo, CA

Doug Twohill, CFP®

Merrill LynchWest Palm Beach, FL

Michael A. WinkleMarket Trend InvestorsBonita Springs, FL

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CHAIn 2010, during a very critical time in the history of Kingdom Advisors, a group of our members boldly stepped forward to help ensure the vision and mission of Kingdom Advisors. Through their active participation, personal infl uence, and signifi cant fi nancial support, our Kingdom Advisors Champions are helping to impact the future of Kingdom Advisors. We are grateful for their passionate support and involvement with Kingdom Advisors.


Jason Alexander Merrill LynchPittsford, NY

Ronald W. Anderson, Jr.Wells Fargo AdvisorsLincoln, NE

Paul G. Anthes, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

Bob N. BarberChristian Investment ServicesNew Braunfels, TX

Jerry BlackLegacy Planning Group, Inc.Suwanee, GA

David A. Brown, J.D.Brown & Streza, LLPIrvine, CA

Jeffrey J. Cave, CIMAMerrill LynchDoylestown, PA

Charles V. Collins, ChFCCapital Financial Group, LLCChattanooga, TN

John T. Cooke, CFP®

Cooke Wealth Management, LLCNewport Beach, CA

James DilworthDilworth SecuritiesNew Canaan, CT

Eric L. Dunavant, CFP®

Dunavant Wealth Management GroupMandeville, LA

Vince ElliottDeutsche BankHouston, TX

Jerry R. Foster, CFP®

Foster GroupWest Des Moines, IA

Michael Gibney, B.Th, CFP®

Covenant Planning GroupLangley, BC

John A. Grant, Jr.Grant Law GroupTampa, FL

R. Floyd Green, CFP®

Cornerstone Wealth ManagementRaleigh, NC

Mark R. Hanson, ChFCHanson Financial Services, LLCNaperville, IL

Kathleen D. Hayes, CIMA, CRPC, CPWAMerrill LynchHouston, TX

J. Lynn HindsLighthouse Financial, LLCBroomfi eld, CO

Paul V. Kraus, CPARonald Blue & Co., LLCOrlando, FL

Hilgardt W. LamprechtSignifi cant Wealth ManagementOrlando, FL

Thomas J. LelandPersonal Financial ServicesMishawaka, IN

Jay LinkKardia, Inc.Mooresville, IN

Charles J. McLucas, Jr., CPA/PFSCharitable Trust Administrators, Inc.Tustin, CA

Robert E. Micone, MBALPL Financial ServicesIrvine, CA

Michael W. Miller, CFP®

PlanFIRST, Inc.Greenville, SC

Joseph H. Mitchiner, AttorneyMitchiner Law Firm, PLLCRaleigh, NC

Tim Mohns, CFP®

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Naperville, IL

John W. MooreJohn Moore & Associates, Inc.Albuquerque, NM

James P. Mullinix, ChFC, CLUTriune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

Curtis W. NeumanFinancial Security Group, Inc.Ocala, FL

William C. O’Connor, CFP®, EA, ATAApplied Financial Planning, Inc.Irvine, CA

Ralph C. Ogden IIILaw Offi ce Of Ralph C. OgdenModesto, CA

John H. PutnamPutnam Personal & Business PlanningCharlotte, NC

Jeff ReeterNorthwestern Mutual Financial NetworkHouston, TX

Gregory A. Reid, CIMATelemus Capital ManagementHouston, TX

David S. Reinders, CFP®

David S. Reinders, CFP®

Stevenson Ranch, CA

Jeff Rogers CLSA, CEPThe Stewardship Alliance, LLCOcoee, FL

Jon M. Rogers, Ph.D., CLU, ChFCRogers Financial Group, LLCGreenville, SC

Bob Ross, CFP®

Integrity Financial Services, Inc.Independence, OH

Barrett Rouse, CFP®

Pin Oak Investment AdvisorsHouston, TX

Randall P. Sanada, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFSAlliance Financial Group, Inc.Westlake Village, CA

Steven G. Scalici, CFP®

Merrill LynchJupiter, FL

Randall E. Schroeder, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCHouston, TX

Robert L. Seymour, CFP®

5 Talents Wealth Management, LLC / Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Fort Collins, CO

Bruce D. Snyder, CFP®

Snyder Financial Group, Inc.Tampa, FL

Roger E. Sulhoff, CSAPrivate Client Advisory, LLCGainesville, GA

Gary E. Tenpenny, CFP®, ChFC, CLU, MSFS,CAPMid American Financial GroupOlathe, KS

Jeffrey A. ThomasMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyHouston, TX

Janice A. Thompson, CFP®

Strategic Financial Solutions, Inc.San Diego, CA

Jeffrey L. ToadvineIngram Financial GroupWinter Garden, FL

Jerry Tuma, CFP®

Cornerstone Financial Services, Inc.Dallas, TX

Doug TwohillMerrill LynchWest Palm Beach, FL

Keith A. VanderVeenWellsFargo AdvisorsSt. Charles, IL

Richard J. Voit, CIMAMerrill Lynch Private BankingChicago, IL

Kevin A. WallaceWintrust Mortgage CorporationSt. Charles, IL

Bardie L. WolfePeak Financial Management, Inc.Broomfi eld, CO

William T. Wright, CFP®

Financial Professionals GroupLake Forest, CA

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Kingdom Advisors Community Groups are designed to provide a forum for various groups of Kingdom Advisors members to share their collective wisdom, as well as learn from one another about a particular topic. Many of our Community Groups feature monthly member-led conference calls that are open to all Kingdom Advisors Members as a member benefi t.

Attorneys Community Group Meeting, Part 1Wentworth (Ballroom Level) 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.Ralph Ogden The purpose of the Attorneys Community Group is to serve the needs of attorneys and other fi nancial advisors who work with attorneys. During this meeting, John Grant will be speaking on maintenance programs for attorneys and for their estate planning practices. Any attorney or fi nancial advisor is welcome to attend.

Large Firm Community Group MeetingCongressional 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.Dwight ShortIf you work at a large fi rm and would like to know more about how to develop your practice into your ministry, we invite you to join us. Kingdom Advisors has a desire to help advisors grow in their faith regardless of the size of your company. You can hear about how advisors at other fi rms have adopted different strategies to bring a greater witness to clients and colleagues. Cathy Norris, Ameriprise, and Brad Hulse, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, will lead this session, encourage dialogue with attendees, and help you to develop a strategy that will work for you.

Charitable Giving Community Group MeetingColonial 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.Jerry Black This Community Group session will be all about you as a member or potential member of this community group. It will be a time of Q&A and sharing amongst ourselves as a community group. We will continue to explore what the Bible says about generosity and how this essential teaching should play out practically in both our personal and professional lives. We will consider what happens when we choose to live a generous life. To get the conversation going, selected members will briefl y share how incorporating generosity into their client counsel has brought about life-transformation for their clients and greater Kingdom impact. The idea for this session is to share collaboratively and synergistically.

The Closely Held Business Community Group MeetingOlympic 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.George Cassiere This year’s meeting will present a game changing approach for privately-held business owners. George Cassiere, Pace Financial, Steve French, Lifework Leadership, and Glenn Repple, G.A. Repple & Co., will facilitate a challenging and inspiring interactive conversation about integrated biblically-based strategies for privately-held businesses and their owners for all phases in the life of the business and adult life of the owner. Discussion points include: • Equipping your clients to build a Kingdom business, • Leveraging your resources and relationships to

transform your city, and • Understanding the best strategies for privately-held

business transition and legacy planning.

Advisors with Purpose (Canada) Community Group Meeting Augusta 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.Jan Kupecz Advisors with Purpose is a network of Christian fi nancial professionals in Canada committed to studying God’s fi nancial wisdom, applying it to their own lives, and helping others do the same. We are pleased to have a group from Advisors with Purpose joining us at our 2011 Annual Conference. These advisors will gather together during this community group meeting for the purpose of networking and encouragement. Advisors joining us from Canada are welcome to attend.



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Attorneys Community Group Meeting, Part 2Wentworth (Ballroom Level) 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.Ralph Ogden The goal of this meeting is to provide a forum for Kingdom Advisors attorneys, and other fi nancial advisors who work with attorneys, to meet and get to know each other, share best practices, and to continue the process of sharpening the focus, organization, and direction of the group going forward. During our second meeting, we will facilitate a round-table sharing and discussion of topics and practices designed to grow our skills and Kingdom-mindedness in our practices as Christian attorneys.

Biblically Responsible Investing Community Group MeetingCongressional 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.Dan Hardt The BRI Community Group helps investment advisors invest in a way “that seeks to please and glorify God as a vital act of worship.” In this year’s session we will review resources available to help advisors research stocks and mutual funds. In addition, we will hear about dozens of investment providers we can use to bring Biblically Responsible Investing into our practices. And, we willl review two “mission-based” investments. There are many resources available to the practitioner who cares about what happens “on the other end of our investment dollars.” Join us to learn more. This meeting is open to all conference attendees.

Emerging Advisors Community Group MeetingColonial 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.Dan Westin The Emerging Advisor Community Group is focused on bringing together developing Christian professionals within Kingdom Advisors, assisting them with support and resources to build and grow a Kingdom-focused practice. This community group’s conference session will include an overview of the group’s purpose, an explanation of how it will specifi cally serve and support its members, as well as a Q&A session with a panel of advisors who have successfully built Kingdom-focused practices.

Merrill Lynch Community Group MeetingOlympic 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.Jeff Cave The Merrill Lynch Community Group seeks to connect conference attendees who work with Merrill Lynch. This community group meeting will feature best practices from Financial Advisors including open discussions on how to apply biblical principles in your practice, the use of Biblical Responsible Investing/Values-Based Investing at Merrill Lynch, the benefi ts of KA Study Groups and Core Training, as well as a time for Q&A.

Ameriprise Community Group Meeting Augusta 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.David Duff The Ameriprise - “Christian Franchise Advisor Network” (CFAN) - would like to invite all Ameriprise advisors to join us for a discussion of our mission and goals for 2011.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Community Group MeetingSuite 241 (2nd fl oor) 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.Brad Hulse The Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Community Group seeks to connect Kingdom Advisors members who work with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. This community group meeting provides Morgan Stanley Smith Barney conference attendees an opportunity to gather together for a discussion on how we might grow our ranks in order to be a positive infl uence for Christ Jesus at our fi rm, as well as for our clients and our fellow employees. We will also discuss ways of networking and best practices. Any Morgan Stanley Smith Barney fi nancial advisor is invited to participate in this meeting.

Wells Fargo Community Group Meeting Suite 245 (2nd fl oor) 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.Mark Pehrson The Wells Fargo team member network is looking to connect Kingdom Advisors members working at Wells Fargo Advisors. The member network group meeting will provide conference attendees an opportunity to gather together to discuss the goals and objectives of the next steps in organizing the group within Wells Fargo. Any Wells Fargo advisor is invited to attend this meeting.



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Edward Joseph AielloWellington, FL

Steven Austin Albright, CPAAlbright & Company LLCKnoxville, TN

Jason Alexander, CRPC, CIMAMerrill LynchPittsford, NY

Matthew R. Alexander, CFP®

Stewardship Wealth ManagementOverland Park, KS

Charles L. AlfreyUnited Financial Services, Inc.Lake Worth, FL

Stephen R. Allen, CPA/PFSRay, Foley, Hensley & Company, PLLCLexington, KY

Luis V. Alvarado, MBA, CRPCAXA Advisors, LLCMiramar, FL

Charles R. AmbroselliRonald Blue & Co.Smyrna, GA

Ronald W. Anderson, Jr.Wells Fargo AdvisorsLincoln, NE

Scott K. Anderson Jr., CPA, CFP®, EANewport Advisory LLCNewport Beach, CA

George E. Andrews II, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCSanta Ana, CA

Paul G. Anthes, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

Brenda K. Ashworth, CFP®

Financial Network Investment CorporationAlbuquerque, NM

Art Aube, EA, CFS, CFP®

A&M Tax & Accounting Services, Inc.Athens, GA

Steve P. August, CFP®

JP MorganTulsa, OK

Daniel K. Bachman, CFP®

Holmes Murphy Financial ServicesWest Des Moines, IA

Joel V. Bailey, CLU, ChFCCambridge Legacy GroupFort Worth, TX

Dan C. Baker, CFP®

Northwestern MutualHouston, TX


• Newly qualifi ed

Qualifi ed Kingdom Advisors™ are men and women who, in humility, have committed to serving the Lord for Kingdom purposes through their practices and delivering advice and counsel consistent with the values and priorities of a believer. Kingdom Advisors has created the Qualifi ed Kingdom Advisor™ designation to provide assurance that a particular advisor has participated in the Kingdom Advisors education program, has met certain ongoing continuing education and ethics requirements, and has committed to incorporating biblical wisdom into his or her fi nancial advice.

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Guy E. Baker, CFP®, MSFS, ChFCBaker Jensen Investment Advisors, LLCIrvine, CA

Joseph C. Bantz, CFP®

Foster GroupWest Des Moines, IA

Ronald D. Bare, CFP®

Bare Financial Services Inc.Atglen, PA

Bradley C. Barnes, CFP®

Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyBakersfi eld, CA

Sean BarrettCornerstone Wealth AdvisorsCarlsbad, CA

Scott A. Bass, CFP®, MBABass Financial SolutionsRincon, GA

Gregory W. BergMerrill LynchHouston, TX

Paul F. Berry, CFP®

The Covenant Group, Inc.Birmingham, AL

Rodney L. BerryBBVA Compass BankBirmingham, AL

Joel BeyerJoel Beyer, Inc.Ramona, CA

David F. Biffen Jr., CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFSBiffen Wealth ManagementWest Chester, PA

Joseph J. Bilello, ChFCAvanti Wealth ManagementLongwood, FL

Jerry BlackLegacy Planning Group, Inc.Suwanee, GA

Michael E. BlantonSuccessful Financial StrategiesHendersonville, NC

Elizabeth W. BlumeThe Blume Group, Inc.Overland Park, KS

Erik M. Boehm, CFAAshdon Investment ManagementChattanooga, TN

Paul S. Bolen, CFP®

Cornerstone Financial Strategies, LLCSummerville, SC

Douglas D. Boring, CFP®

LPL Wealth AdvisorsGranite Bay, CA

Hugh H. BrantleySouth Carolina Christian FoundationSpartanburg, SC

Elizabeth Brickman, CFP®, RLPThe Caring Advisor, Inc. Miami, FL

Scott E. BrobergStrategic Financial SolutionsSan Diego, CA


• Newly qualifi ed

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David A. Brown, J.D.Brown & Streza, LLPIrvine, CA

Harry I. Brown, Jr., MA, MBA, CFP®

Ison Brown InvestmentsSylacauga, AL

Robert G. BrownGarSpen Long-term Care Insurance, Inc.Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

D. Max Bruce, ChFCDM Bruce Associates, L L COverland Park, KS

Stephen BryantCrown Financial MinistriesAnderson, SC

James R. Buck, CFP®

The Millennial GroupAkron, OH

Gary L. Busch, CFP®

Busch Financial PlanningHouston, TX

John CabinessFaith Financial PlannersLatimore, NC

Jason D. CainHouston, TX

Dominick J. Calderazzo, AIF®, RFC®

Calton & Associates, Inc.Tampa, FL

Peter H. Calfee, CFP®, CPA, CLU, AEPCalfee Financial Advisors, Inc.Chagrin Falls, OH

Timothy E. Carlson, CRPC®

Merrill LynchWalnut Creek, CA

Jeffrey J. Cave, CIMAMerrill LynchDoylestown, PA

David J. Cereghino, CFMMerrill LynchWalnut Creek, CA

Wade ChessmanChessman Wealth StrategiesDallas, TX

Marty ChiuVantaquestSeal Beach, CA

Stephen C. L. ChongArnold Matheny & Eagan, P.A.Orlando, FL

Mark R. Clark, CFP®

Anchor Capital Management, LLCBradenton, FL

Jody Clayton, CFP®

Signature Financial SolutionsTampa, FL

Thomas G. Cloud Jr., CFP®, ChFCEleven Two Fund ManagementMarietta, GA

Sam E. Clyatt, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CAPEagle Strategies LLCChattanooga, TN

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Michele A. ColeThe Insight TeamOverland Park, KS

Michael R. Collie CFP®, AIF®

Collie Financial Planning, Inc.Asheville, NC

Charles V. Collins, ChFCCapital Financial Group, LLCChattanooga, TN

Patrick D. CombsMorgan StanleySouthlake, TX

John T. Cooke, CFP®

Cooke Wealth Management, LLCNewport Beach, CA

Judy L. Copenbarger, J.D.Comprehensive Financial ServicesIrvine, CA

Leslie T. Corcoran, CFP®

Family First Financial PlanningStuart, FL

Kenneth E. Cottingham Jr., CPA, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co, LLCAtlanta, GA

Alan W. Cox, CPARonald Blue & Co., LLCAtlanta, GA

Steven T. Cox, CFAProvidence Financial Advisors, LLCOverland Park, KS

Timothy G. Creath, CLU, ChFCCreath FinancialS. Barrington, IL

Robert W. Crew, CFA, CFP®

Triune Financial PartnersWichita, KS

Thomas A. CrowCrow Financial AdvisorsAlbuquerque, NM

William B. CrumrineMorgan Stanley Smith BarneySpring Grove, PA

J. Michael Cummins, CLU, ChFC, CAPFlorida United Methodist Children`s HomeEnterprise, FL

Vern Cushenbery, CFA, CPACush CapitalOverland Park, KS

Joseph R. Daigneault, ChFC, CLUDaigneault & AssociatesBiddeford, ME

JoAnne Daudt , Esq.Christian Community FoundationFt. Lauderdale, FL

Christopher F. Daunhauer, MEd, MBA, CFP®

Trustwell Financial Advisors, LLCJacksonville, FL

Eric S. DavisIntegrity Bank & TrustColorado Springs, CO

William DavisHouston, TX


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V a l u e s - b a s e d i n v e s t i n g

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Craig DawsonRDG Capital LLCHouston, TX

John D. Dempsey, CLU, ChFC, MSFSDempsey, Weiss & AssociatesElmer, NJ

Henry Dennard, CFP®, RFCHenry Dennard Personal Financial PlanningTyler, TX

Bradley B. Dennison, CFAMerrill LynchHouston, TX

Jason M. Deshayes, CPARobert Butler, CPA PCAlbuquerque, NM

Paul E. Dillman, CPAP&L Accounting & Tax Service, LLPOak Forest, IL

Dale S. Ditto, CFP®, CRPC®

Hilliard LyonsLexington, KY

Duane L. Dollar, CFP®, ChFC, CASL, CFSRBC Wealth ManagementHouston, TX

Kevin L. DossBalanced Asset ManagementWestlake, OH

Kenneth F. Downer, CFP®, CPAKenneth Frenke & Co.Arden, NC

Ann Jones Druary CFREStar of Hope MissionHouston, TX

Ray Duenas Stewardship Advisory GroupOrlando, FL

David A. Duff, CFP®

Evans, GA

Eric L. Dunavant, CFP®

Dunavant Wealth Management GroupMandeville, LA

Zanese B. Duncan, Enrolled ActuaryNorcross, GA

Daniel A. Dunham, CRPCWaddell & Reed Financial ServicesBeaverton, OR

Robert A. Ebert J.D., RFC, CSAEbert AssociatesSanta Ana, CA

Ronald Eckloff, CFP®

Securities AmericaKearney, NE

Steve EllisSeasons Financial Group, LLCTulsa, OK

Carl Emerick, CFP®, CPA, PFSSentinel Wealth Management, Inc.Reston, VA


• Newly qualifi ed

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Neal Engwall, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RHU, FICF, QKAMangrove Financial GroupSt. Petersburg, FL

Terry EvearittAbundant Stewardship GroupLancaster, PA

Philip J. Face, CFP®

Ameriprise Financial Advisors, Inc.Arden Hills, MN

Suzanne D. Fails, CPA, CFP®

Sugar Land, TX

T. Randall Fairfax, CFP®

Highland Consulting Associates, Inc.Cleveland, OH

Matthew J. Fannin, CFP®, ChFCAmeriprise FinancialSanta Rosa, CA

Mark Farwell, CFP®

Farwell Investment GroupSleepy Hollow, IL

Vance M. FeilerDoraine Wealth ManagementCorpus Christi, TX

Loran J. Filson, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

Warren K. Fish,Christian Financial Planning ServicesNorth Canton, OH

Meredith E. Flautt, Jr.Flautt Financial, Inc.Nashville, TN

James W. Fogal, CFP®, ChFCFogal Financial GroupAuburn, AL

Terry P. Ford, CFP®

Strategic StewardshipWoodstock, GA

Terence A. Foster, CFA, MBAHawthorn Woods, IL

D. Reed FreemanD. Reed Freeman Investment Services, Inc.Cedartown, GA

Gregory C. Freeman, JD, CLU, ChFCStrategic Stewardship, Inc.Woodstock, GA

Brett W. Freese, CFP®

TrustWell Financial AdvisorsJacksonville, FL

Kenneth B. Frenke, CFP®

Kenneth Frenke & Co.Arden, NC

David J. Frizzell, CFP®

Raymond James Financial ServicesBirmingham, MI

Joseph B. Frost, MBA, AAMSRaymond James Financial ServicesKnoxville, TN

Stuart Funke, CFP®, CIC, CSAFamily Wealth Institute, Inc.Lake Oswego, OR


• Newly qualifi ed

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Lynn R. Garrison, PE, CFP®

Legacy Wealth Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

Jordan C. Gary, CFP®

Investment and Asset Planning, LLCWichita Falls, TX

Charlie Gavit, CFP®

PNC InvestmentsIndianapolis, IN

John C. Gay, CFP®

Frisco Financial Planning, LLCFrisco, TX

Ernest T. George III, CFP®, CLUWealth Strategies Group, LLCStarkville, MS

Charles L. Germany, CFP®, CPA, PFSRonald Blue & Co., LLCAtlanta, GA

Terry GeterLake Wealth GroupClermont, FL

Loreen M. Gilbert, CRC, CLTCWealthWise Financial ServicesIrvine, CA

Dennis R. Gillard, CPA/PFSGillard Financial SolutionsWinter Garden, FL

Joshua P. GilliamGilliam, Mease, & Associates, LLCLouisville, KY

Benjamin Crawford GloverBanyon, Rock, And TalentDurham, NC

B. Scott GoldsmithEverday Steward, A Division Of Ronald Blue & Co., LLCIndianapolis, IN

Stewart E. Good, CPAGood Financial Services, LLCGreenville, SC

Loran F. GrahamGraham Financial Planning, LLCSpokane, WA

John A. Grant, Jr., JDGrant Law GroupTampa, FL

Eric F. Green, CPA, CFP®, AIF®

Purpose Financial Advisors, LLCSpokane, WA

Raymond Floyd Green, CFP®

Cornerstone Wealth ManagementRaleigh, NC

Steven R. GreenGreen Wealth ManagementPlacerville, CA

Daniel R. GroverRonald Blue & Co., LLCWaxhaw, NC

Donna Whitson GuinnCrossBridge Wealth Management & Benefi ts GroupJohnson City, TN

Joanie Halfaker, CPA, CFP®

Clarity for WomenTampa, FL


• Newly qualifi ed

Focus on the Family® is working to strengthen and nurture families.


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Debra D. Hallauer, J.D., LLMHallauer Law Offi ce, LLCLeawood, KS

Michael A. Halvorsen MS, CFP®, CEBSAsset Planning Services, Ltd.Harleysville, PA

William A. Hammer, CFP®, PFS, CFSHammer Wealth Management StrategiesColorado Springs, CO

Stephen H. HammondChristian Values Investing, Inc.Statesboro, GA

James C. Hanna, CFP®, MBAAmeriprise Financial Services, Inc.Topeka, KS

Bryan S. HanningInsight Wealth Strategies, LLCWichita, KS

M. Lauree Hanson, CFAEagle Point Asset Management, Inc.Branson, MO

Mark R. Hanson, ChFCHanson Financial Services, LLCNaperville, IL

Michael A. HansonThe Hanson Financial Group, Inc.Peoria, IL

Daniel L. Hardt CLU, ChFC, CFP®, AAMS, CFCA®

Dan Hardt Financial ServicesLouisville, KY

Joseph L. Harkins, Jr., CFP®, CLU, PPC, AIF, MAThe Harkins GroupNewry, PA

Emerson Hartzler, MBATriune Financial PartnersOverland Park, KS

Jennifer HarveyWells Fargo InvestmentsHouston, TX

Ross Haycock, CFP®, CRPCSummit Wealth GroupColorado Springs, CO

Kathleen D. Hayes, CIMA, CRPC, CPWAMerrill LynchHouston, TX

Dale A. Hearn, CFP®, ChFCStrategic Financial AdvisorsHouston, TX

Joseph D. Helms, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCBothell, WA

Henry A. HenegarChattanooga Christian Community FoundationChattanooga, TN

Steven Henningson, CIMASageView Advisory GroupIrvine, CA

Lyle E. Hershey, CFP®, CLUMaster`s Advisors, Inc.Lancaster, PA

Barry G. Hickey, AAMSEaglefl ight Wealth Management LLCMuncie, IN


• Newly qualifi ed

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C. Theodore Hicks II, CFP®

Ameriprise Financial / Hicks & AssociatesCary, NC

George M. Hiller, JD, LLM, MBA, CFP®

George M. Hiller Companies, LLCAtlanta, GA

J. Lynn HindsLighthouse Financial, LLCBroomfi eld, CO

Joe E. Hines, Jr., CFP®

Global View Investment Advisors, LLCGreenville, SC

David D. HiskeyDavid D. Hiskey, A Professional CorporationPlacentia, CA

David E. Hitchcock, CFP®, CFCA, ChFC, CLUNorthtown Capital StrategiesSpring Lake Park, MN

Karen Ho, CFP®

NationwideHouston, TX

Linda S. Hodges, CLU, ChFC, CFP®

Jacksonville, FL

Daniel L. Hoelscher, CFP®

Fort Loramie, OH

Cleo W. Holder, CFP®

Shoemaker Financial AdvisorsNewburgh, IN

Danielle HowardHoward Financial ResourcesBasalt, CO

John Howard, CPA, JD, CFP®

Resource Planning Group, Ltd.Sandy Spirngs, GA

Geoffrey S. Huber, CFP®, ChFC, CFBS, CLUTriune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

Brad Hulse, CIMA, CFP®, CAPMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyIndianapolis, IN

Steven D. Humphrey, CFP®

George M. Hiller Companies, LLCAtlanta, GA

C. Annie Hung-Scanga, CPA, MBAATO Capital, LLCRidgewood, NJ

Jess W. Hurst II, CFP®

The Millennial GroupAkron, OH

Ryan L. IngramMerrill LynchHouston, TX

Derek V. Irish, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCHouston, TX

Lawrence E. Jacobs, CFSJacobs Wealth ManagementBridge City, TX

Terri M. Jarrell, CPAStrathy Hall Investments, Inc.Richmond Hill, GA

Jefferey R. Jaworski, CFP®

Triune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS


• Newly qualifi ed

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Tim Jenkins, CFP®

Jenkins Wealth ManagementPeterborough, ON

Ben L. Jennings, CPA/PFS, CFP®

Soundview AdvisorsOlympia, WA

Michael J. Jette, CFP®, ChFC, CLUCarroll Financial AssociatesCharlotte, NC

John Jay John, CFP®, ChFC®

Faith Financial PlannersFallston, MD

Aaron L. Johnson, CFA, CFP®

Simplifi nancialPhoenix, AZ

Gunnar S. JohnsonGateway ChurchSouthlake, TX

Mark D. Johnson, CFP®

Fountain Financial Group, IncFountain Hills, AZ

Alan Johnston, CFP®, ChFCJohnston, Stuart & AssociatesChattanooga, TN

Michael L. Jones, ChFC, CFP®, MSFSLifetime Financial Solutions, Inc.Louisville, KY

Jeffrey A. Jordan, EAJordan Hatfi eld, LLCSpokane, WA

J. Mark Joseph, CFP®, CPA, ChFC, PFS, CLUSentinel Wealth Management, Inc.Reston, VA

Gary D. Jurden, CFP®, CRPCAmeriprise Financial Services, Inc.Eugene, OR

Richard S. Kasel, Jr.Kingdom AdvisorsMoorpark, CA

W. Scott Kiesel, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCIndianapolis, IN

Mark A. KingLong Term Care Financial PartnersHinckley, OH

Richard D. King, CPARichard D. King, CPASan Marcos, CA

Aaron C. KlopfensteinRonald Blue & Co., LLCIndianapolis, IN

Jerry Klosterboer, CFP®

First Allied SecuritiesZephyr Cove, NV

Kip KolsonFamily Wealth LeadershipIrvine, CA

Paul V. Kraus, CPARonald Blue & Co., LLCOrlando, FL

Gary B. KringsMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyFairway, KS


• Newly qualifi ed

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Kyle E. Krull, J.D., CFP®

Law Offi ces of Kyle E. Krull, P.A.Overland Park, KS

Don R. KuhnEstate EquitiesFallbrook, CA

Maria J. KuitulaWordhouse Wealth CoachingGrand Rapids, MI

Hilgardt W. LamprechtSignifi cant Wealth ManagementOrlando, FL

Nick C. Landers, CPAHinkle & Landers, PCAlbuquerque, NM

Kenneth J. LandgrafKenjol Capital Management, LLCAustin, TX

Damon Lane, CLU, ChFC, IARLane Financial Management, Inc.Woodland Park, CO

Crystal Langdon, CFP®

Crystal Clear Finances, IncAlbany, NY

David C. Laurion, CFP®

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Arden Hills, MN

Robert W. Law, CFP®

Creative Financial Group, Ltd.Atlanta, GA

Rick LaymonBeacon Wealth Consultants, IncRoanoke, VA

John LeavittLegacy Business GroupLake Worth, FL

Carter B. LeCraw, CFP®

American Values Investment, Inc.Johnson City, TN

David M. LeeDavid M. Lee, PCHouston, TX

Bruce T. LeonardAttorney Bruce T. Leonard & Associates, LLCCumming, GA

Christopher A. Lewis, CFP®, CRPC®

Merrill LynchDoylestown, PA

John C. Lindsey, CFP®

Edward JonesSimi Valley, CA

Marie W. Liu, CFP®

Ameriprise FinancialFullerton, CA

Jonathan T. Locklear, CFP®

Snyder Financial GroupTampa, FL

Allen B. Lorenzi, CIMAABL Wealth Mgmt, Inc.Scottsdale, AZ

Ralph E. Luchterhand, CFP®

Ameriprise Financial ServicesWest Linn, OR


• Newly qualifi ed

EXPLORE Your Halftime Journey

We’ve all heard on airplanes that “if the cabin loses air pressure put on your own mask first before assisting others”. This is equally true for advisors helping successful clients through mid-life transition. The Halftime Ministry invites you to attend our Thursday 11:15 a.m. breakout session with Lloyd Reeb, author of Success to Significance, where you can explore your own Halftime Journey. The peace and fulfillment of moving closer to God’s call for your second-half will enable you to better assist clients who want to move from success to significance.

Visit our booth for a free Halftime book. Booth 2

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Timothy E. Luther, CRPC®

Luther, McFarland, Kuehner & AssociatesNew Prague, MN

James F. MacGillivray, CFP®

Mgm Ltd. CompanyAlbuquerque, NM

Mary O. Mahoney, CFP®

MGM Ltd CompanyAlbuquerque, NM

Francis Matthew Manella, CFP®

Haddonfi eld, NJ

James M. Mars, CFP®

Holmes Murphy Financial ServicesWest Des Moines, IA

Monique MarshallMarshall & Associates Financial Services, Inc.Santa Ana, CA

B. Faith MartzinWarren & Martzin, LLCGreenville, SC

Jeffery W. MastersJeffery W. Masters & AssociatesFt. Lauderdale, FL

Wade MattinglyNorthwestern MutualHouston, TX

A. Michael Mayernick II, CFP®

Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management CompanyNashville, TN

William J. McAvinney IIIMcAvinney And AssociatesFredericksburg, VA

Michael C. McCord, CFA, CFP®, CLUMcCord Capital Management, Inc.Dade City, FL

Rachel McDonough, CFP®

Raymond JamesArden Hills, MN

John M. McIntosh, CFP®, CRPC®

Hilliard LyonsLexington, KY

Don McKinleyPortland, OR

Charles J. McLucas, Jr., CPA/PFSCharitable Trust Administrators, Inc.Tustin, CA

Arthur H. McQueenMcQueen Law Firm, P.C.Spartanburg, SC

Mary Kruit McWilliams, J.D.Burke, Warren, Mackay & Serritella, P.C.Chicago, IL

Michael A. Meagher, CFAInroads Capital Management LLCHouston, TX

Eric J. Mello, MBA, IARDaintree Advisors LLCBoston, MA

J. David Meredith, J.D.The Law Offi ce of J. David MeredithThe Woodlands, TX


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Robert E. Merwin, RFCOMNI Financial & Insurance ServicesScottsdale, AZ

Jennifer W. Migdal, CFP®

Forthright Financial Planning LLCAlbuquerque, NM

Frank Migliazzo, CIMA, CFP®

Merrill LynchAuburn Hills, MI

Timothy A. MilksMilks & Associates, Inc.Greenville, SC

Michael W. Miller, CFP®

PlanFIRST, Inc.Greenville, SC

Steve C. MillerUBS Financial Services, Inc.Naples, FL

Joseph H. Mitchiner, AttorneyMitchiner Law Firm, PLLCRaleigh, NC

John W. MooreJohn Moore & Associates, Inc.Albuquerque, NM

W. David Moore, PhD., CFP®

Arkansas Baptist FoundationLittle Rock, AR

R. Hal Moorman, J.D.Moorman, Tate, Moorman, Urquhart, Haley, LLPBrenham, TX

Eric W. Muchmore, CFMMerrill LynchMorristown, NJ

James P. Mullinix, ChFC, CLUTriune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

Gary A. Nagel, RFCWealth Management Group of Kansas CityOverland Park, KS

Roger C. Nagel, CPA, CMARoger C. Nagel, CPA, LLCAlbuquerque, NM

Larry NaultNault Financial GroupEnglewood, CO

G. Wayne Neill, CPA/PFS, CFP®

Financial NetworkScottsdale, AZ

Anissa M. Nelson, CPA, CFP®

Anissa Nelson, CPA, PCBlue Springs, MO

Byron L. Nelson, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCSanta Ana, CA

Joseph W. Nelson, MBA, CFP®

Stewardship InvestmentsBagley, MN

Curtis W. NeumanFinancial Security Group, Inc.Ocala, FL

John W. Newhouser, CRPCJohn Newhouser & Co.Cypress, TX


• Newly qualifi ed

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James K. NicholsFinancial Planning Resources, Inc.Tulsa, OK

Cathy A. Norris, CFP®, CLTC, CRPC®

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.Oldsmar, FL

Michael D. Novak, CFP®

Integrity Life Planning & Financial ServicesLancaster, PA

Oscar Lee Nugent MBA, RFC, QKAWealth Management & Planning GroupSlidell, LA

William C. O`Connor, CFP®, EA, ATAApplied Financial Planning, Inc.Irvine, CA

Ken O`Leary, AAMSEdward JonesWoodstock, GA

Adam B. Obrecht, CFP®

A.O. Wealth AdvisoryWaukee, IA

Michelle Ogden, CFP®

Michelle Ogden & Company LLCWinter Park, FL

Steven E. Opdahl, CPA/PFSStrategic Financial ConceptsSt. Louis Park, MN

H.B. “Buck” OrrOrr Financial, LLCTampa, FL

Christina M. Osborne, CFP®

Wealth Design GroupHouston, TX

Pamela L. OttenSheboygan, WI

Daniel R. Owens, CPA/PFS, CFP®, CMFC, CRPCOwens Financial Group, Inc.Rome, GA

Ray V. Padron, CPA, CFP®, CIMA, PFSBrightworthAtlanta, GA

William E. Palmer, Jr., CPA, CFP®, PFS, CLUAllegiance Wealth Management, IncWoodstock, GA

Karen A. Parisian, CRPCLuther, McFarland, Kuehner & AssociatesMinnetonka, MN

Chris Parker, CFP®

OnTrack Financial Planning, LLCVenice, FL

Hoby D. Pearce, CFP®

Alliance Advisory & Securities, IncWestlake Village, CA

Nicole L. Pearson, CFSFinancial Dimensions Group, Inc.New Brighton, MN

J.D. Pellecchia, CFP®, CIMA®

Pellecchia Financial ServicesTampa, FL

Arlin L. Penner, CIMA, ChFC, CLU, CAPFullerton, CA


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Jay Peroni, CFP®

Faith-Based InvestorMt Pleasant, SC

Paul W. Phillips, CFP®

Edward JonesFort Wayne, IN

M. Tim Philpot, MBA, CPA, PFSPreservation Financial, LLCHurst, TX

Martin L. PierceMartin L. Pierce, Attorney at LawChattanooga, TN

Lon E. Pishny, CFP®

Pishny Financial Services, L.C.Garden City, KS

Brandon K. Pope, CPA/PFS, CFP®, CLU®

Bernstein Global Wealth ManagementDallas, TX

Renee M. Porter-Medley CFP®

Key Private BankFort Myers, FL

Bruno E. Pouliot, CRPCLincoln Financial GroupSunrise, FL

Dixie L. Powell, CPA, CFP®

Dixie L. Powell & Company, CPA, PAVero Beach, FL

W. Hoagan Powell, CFP®

Wallstreet TexasSt George, UT

Larry H. Powell, CFA, MBAMission Hills, KS

James A. Powers, CFP®, CRPCLincoln Financial AdvisorsOverland Park, KS

Cindy Price, CFP®

Price Financial ServicesAltamonte Springs, FL

William R. PrichardAmerican Benefi t ConsultantsFenton, MO

Hunter M. Pugh, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCCharlotte, NC

R. Scott PyleRaymond JamesMyrtle Beach, SC

Scott R. RahnWells Fargo Advisors, LLCSpokane, WA

Vincent J. RamirezRamirez & RainsChicago, IL

Risher RandallMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyHouston, TX

Randy Reed, CPAReed & Company, CPAsBoca Raton, FL

James W. Regitz, Jr., ChFCNewport Advisory, LLCNewport Beach, CA

Gregory A. Reid, CIMATelemus Capital ManagementHouston, TX


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Visit us at Booth 30Visit us at Booth 30

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David S. Reinders, CFP®

Stevenson Ranch, CA

Eric J. Reinhold, CFP®, MBAAcademy Wealth ManagmentMaitland, FL

Kristen Davis Rhyne, CFP®

Sharon, SC

John E. Richardson, Jr., CPA, CFP®

Strongtower FinancialEscondido, CA

Mark T. RieferLevel Paths Investment AdvisersRolla, MO

Arthur R. Riley, Jr., CFP®, CASLMetLife ResourcesOverland Park, KS

James E. Roach, ChFCGreenville, SC

Clifford RobelloCMR Financial AdvisorsHonolulu, HI

Andrew J. Roberts, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

William F. Robertson, CFP®

William F. Robertson & AssociatesFt. Worth, TX

Rebecca A. Robins CPA/PFS, CFP®

Newhall, CA

Jeffry L. Robinson, CFP®, EAFamily Financial ServicesBurnsville, MN

Miguel J. Rodriguez CPA/PFSRodriguez, Kinzbrunner & Company LLPPlantation, FL

Osmundo M. Rodriguez, AAMSUBS InternationalMiami, FL

Jeff Rogers, CLSA, CEPThe Stewardship Alliance, LLCOcoee, FL

Jon M. Rogers, Ph.D., CLU, ChFCRogers Financial Group, LLCGreenville, SC

James Rook, Ph.D.PlanFIRST, Inc.Greenville, SC

Donald W. Roork, CFP®

Asset DynamicsToledo, OH

Bob Ross, CFP®

Integrity Financial Services, Inc.Independence, OH

Barrett Rouse, CFP®

Pin Oak Investment AdvisorsHouston, TX

Harold E. Rumsey, CFP®, CPA, MSBoise, ID

David W. Ruths Jr., CFP®

IPI Wealth ManagementChicago, IL


• Newly qualifi ed


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John S. Ruzza, CFP®

MainStreet FinancialKalamazoo, MI

Jerry A. Sackberger CLU, CFP®

Wells Fargo AdvisorsChesterfi eld, MO

Richard S. Sadowski, CLU, ChFCChristian Financial PrinciplesHot Springs, AR

Anthony L. Saffer, CFP®

Coleman & Johnson Financial Advisors, Inc.San Diego, CA

Randall P. Sanada, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, MSFSAlliance Financial Group, Inc.Westlake Village, CA

Randy P. Sanada, Jr., CFP®

Alliance Financial Group, Inc.Westlake Village, CA

Travis SaundersTriune Financial PartnersOverland Park, KS

Thomas W. Savino, MBA, IARSavino Tax and Investment Advisory GroupNewport Beach, CA

Steven G. Scalici, CFP®

Merrill LynchJupiter, FL

Linda E. Scheideman, CFP®

Pro EquitiesKaneohe, HI

David A. Schoening CPA, CFP®

Preservation Financial, LLCHurst, TX

Randall E. Schroeder, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCHouston, TX

Christopher D ScotchlerRonald Blue & Co., LLCBothell, WA

Michael J. Searcy, ChFC, CFP®, AIFA®

Searcy Financial Services, Inc.Overland Park, KS

Michael L. Searcy, ChFC, CLURonald Blue & Co., LLCMesa, AZ

Robert L. Seymour, CFP®

5 Talents Wealth Management, LLC / Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.Fort Collins, CO

Michael Shipp, LUTCFShipp Insurance ServicesTequesta, FL

James H. Shoemaker, CFP®

Shoemaker Financial AdvisorsGermantown, TN

Roger L. ShumakerMcDonald Hopkins LLCCleveland, OH

Kalvin Sid, CFP®, RFC®, MBANEXT Financial Group, Inc.San Mateo, CA

Alan P. Siegel, MBA, CFS, CLTC, CFP®, CFCAAlan Siegel Financial ServicesN Easton, MA

Gary Silverman, CFP®

Personal Money PlanningWichita Falls, TX

Roger C. SimsSims & Karr Financial SolutionsGreer, SC

Samuel F. Slabaugh Sr., CFP®

EST Financial GroupDelmar, DE


• Newly qualifi ed

For more than 20 years, the Robert Pittenger Company (RPC) has researched, evaluated, and purchased undeveloped land in the path of urban growth areas. Through a proven strategy of acquiring property, where the potential for development has been clearly demonstrated, RPC offers exceptional land purchasing opportunities to its investors. To date, RPC has acquired and invested in excess of $200 million of undeveloped land. Our success in determining

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Rev. Stephen R Smith, CRPCrowned Marketing Group, LLCWest Columbia, SC

Bruce D. Snyder, CFP®

Snyder Financial Group, Inc.Tampa, FL

Stuart W. Sorenson, MS, CFP®

Merrill LynchFresno, CA

Gisle G. SorliMcLean Asset Management CorporationMcLean, VA

Robert A. Sparrow, CFP®

Triune Financial Partners, LLCOverland Park, KS

John Thomas Spicknall, CFP®

Capital Investment Strategies, Inc.Dalton, GA

Vivian M. G. SpinnHinkle & Landers PCAlbuquerque, NM

Randall T. StevensonStevenson Capital Wealth Management, LLCTyler, TX

Roger E. Sulhoff, CSAPrivate Client Advisory, LLCGainesville, GA

Gerald O. Summers, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, CASLGerald O. Summers, LLCWest Chester, OH

James R. Summers, CPA, CFP®

Ronald Blue & Co., LLCSanta Ana, CA

D. Scott Sweat, CFP®

Alpha Omega GroupAlexandria, VA

Matthew J. Syverson, CFP®

Syverson & Company, LLCOverland Park, KS

William H. Taylor, CFP®, CASLPrudential FinancialOklahoma City, OK

Gary E. Tenpenny, CFP®, ChFC, CLU, MSFS, CAPMid American Financial GroupOlathe, KS

Jeffrey A. ThomasMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyHouston, TX

Jeffrey B. Thomas, JD, CIMARaymond James Financial Services, Inc.Dallas, TX

Scott ThomasThe Financial Farmer, IncMaitland, FL

Janice A. Thompson, CFP®

Strategic Financial Solutions, Inc.San Diego, CA

Jerri A. ThompsonMerrill LynchOmaha, NE

Michael W. Tiberg, CFP®

Liberty Capital ManagementSanta Ana, CA

Charles P. Tiedje, CFP®, CLU, ChFCFort Lauderdale, FL

Robert G. Topping CFP®, MBACovenant Wealth Advisors, LLCWilliamsburg, VA

Jerry Tuma, CFP®

Cornerstone Financial Services, Inc.Dallas, TX


• Newly qualifi ed

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John T. TurnerJohn Turner Senior Advisors, LLCKaneohe, HI

Jerry G. Van HoutenAmerican Asset & Wealth ManagementRiverbank, CA

Ken W. Vander Hart, CPA, ChFCHarvest Financial GroupTopeka, KS

Joel D. Vander Meyden, CFP®

Financial Advisory CorporationGrand Rapids, MI

Fred M. Vaught, ChFC, CLUCapital Resource Management, Inc.Escondido, CA

Morris E. Vickers, D.Min., AAMSFinancial Security Advisors, Inc.Rogers, AR

Thomas P. Vislisel, CFP®

Vantage Financial Partners LimitedArlington Heights, IL

Richard J. Voit, CIMAMerrill Lynch Private BankingChicago, IL

Brian A. VossFinancial NetworkWinnetka, IL

Kevin A. WallaceWintrust Mortgage CorporationSt. Charles, IL

M. Ross Walters, CFP®

BB&T Wealth ManagementGreenville, SC

Michael I. Wang, JD, CFP®

Financial Strategy Network, LLCChicago, IL

Deborah F. Warringer, EA, CFP®, CFCA®

Financial Advisory Solutions, Inc.Sarasota, FL

Gary S. Webb, RFCWebb Financial GroupBloomington, MN

Jerry L. Webb, CFP®

Prairie Financial Services, Inc.Naperville, IL

Eric J. Weissgarber, CFP®, CLU, AIF®

RBC Wealth ManagementSan Antonio, TX

Curt Whipple, CWSC. Curtis Financial GroupPlymouth, MI

Jeremy L. White, CPABlythe, White & AssociatesPaducah, KY

James H. WhortonCompass-Finances God`s Way FloridaSt Augustine, FL

John W. Wierenga II, CFCA®

Wierenga Asset Management, Inc.Byron Center, MI

Brent WilliamsTaylor & WilliamsLutz, FL


• Newly qualifi ed

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Steward Family of FundsThe Steward Family of Mutual Funds are faith-

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D. Gary Williams, CFP®

Trustwell Financial Advisors, LLCJacksonville, FL

Jamie Kent Williams, CFP®

Five Talents Wealth Management, Inc.Canton, GA

Joe WilliamsHenderson Hills Baptist ChurchEdmond, OK

Kourt D. Williams, Ph.D.C C & B Solutions, Inc.Torrance, CA

James H. Willis, IIIThe Willis Agency Inc.Land O Lakes, FL

Christina Winch, CFP®

Winch Advisory ServicesAppleton, WI

Bardie L. Wolfe, CFP®

Peak Financial Management, Inc.Broomfi eld, CO

Phyllis J. WordhouseWordhouse Weath CoachingPlymouth, MI

Ira M. Work, ChFC, CFS, RFCPaul Winkler, Inc.Murfreesboro, TN

George R. Yeager, CFP®, CPA/PFS, MTXLife Plan Advisors, Inc.Birmingham, AL

Jane Connell YoungJane Connell Young, AttorneyLouisville, KY

John S. Yukawa, CFP®, EARonald Blue & Co., LLCDeerfi eld, IL

R. Glenn Zimmerman, JD, CFP®

Kenneth Frenke & Co.Marietta, GA

Kevin L. Zylstra, CFP®

Mid American Financial GroupNaples, FL


• Newly qualifi ed

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Chase AdamsAdams AssociatesFt Lauderdale, FL

Erin BaehrBaehr Family Financial, LLCEast Stroudsburg, PA

Paul S. Bolen, CFP®

Cornerstone Financial Strategies, LLCSummerville, SC

Edward E. BradleyRHEMA Financial GroupDallas, GA

Dan G. Brandfast Brandfast & Associates, Inc.Lenoir City, TN

Sandy Capani

George H. CisnerosIndependence Planning GroupMarmora, NJ

Charles J. ClementWoodstock, GA

Michele A. ColeThe Insight TeamOverland Park, KS

Michael R. Collie CFP®, AIF®

Collie Financial Planning, Inc.Asheville, NC

Vincent M. ConteConte Financial Anna Maria Island, FL

Sylvia A. CreceliusThe Stewardship Alliance, LLCPrinceton, IN

Nia Davenport, CPAWinston-Salem, NC

Craig DawsonRDG Capital LLCHouston, TX

Stacy L. DenHerderDenHerder & AssociatesSan Diego, CA

Bradley B. Dennison, CFAMerrill LynchHouston, TX

Cindy DersoRoswell, GA

Stephen A. DistanteVanderbilt Securities, LLCMelville, NY

Ann Jones Druary, CFREStar of Hope MissionHouston, TX

Mike DuffyMerrill LynchMenlo Park, CA

Joseph E. Eakin LPL Financial ServicesTyler, TX

Brenda EdwinDiamond Business Services Network, Inc.Castries, Saint Lucia

Sonia B. Elliott Living Waters Renaissance, Inc.Boca Raton, FL

Daniel C. FlanschaLongs Peak Financial, LLCLoveland, CO

Brett W. Freese, CFP®

TrustWell Financial AdvisorsJacksonville, FL

Steven R. FrenchHarvest Financial ResourcesCincinnati, OH

Charlie Gavit, CFP®

PNC InvestmentsIndianapolis, IN

Ginger GreenArvada, COChristopher P. Hall, CFP®

Atlanta, GA

Catherine Hammond Esq.Hammond Law Group, LLCColorado Springs, CO

Michael A. HansonThe Hanson Financial Group, Inc.Peoria, IL

Daniel L. Hardt CLU, ChFC, CFP®, AAMS, CFCA®

Dan Hardt Financial ServicesLouisville, KY

Charles R. Hart, CPA, PFS, CFP®, AIFVision Wealth Management, Inc.Plano, TX

We are greatly encouraged and blessed by the men and women who regularly pray for the needs of Kingdom Advisors. If you would like to be a part of our prayer team, please send an e-mail to our Prayer Team leader, Zanese Duncan, at [email protected].



“F ishy!”As financial advisors, we try to look at the whole picture for the client,and yet many times forget to ask about their ethical or moral concerns.While we try to go after the big fish in the sea, we fail to set ourselvesapart from other financial advisors around us.

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Jennifer M. Harvey Harvey Legal Group, PLLCNorthville, MI

Kathleen D. Hayes, CIMA, CRPC, CPWA Merrill LynchHouston, TX

Richard Hillsbery, CPA, CFP®

Vista Wealth Management, LLCSan Jose, CA

Barry G. Hickey, AAMSEaglefl ight Wealth Management LLCMuncie, IN

James Hicks, PhDCenter for Growth and ChangeNorcross, GA

Bonnie HongCypress, CA

Lorraine HopkinsPort Alberni, BC

Danielle HowardHoward Financial ResourcesBasalt, CO

Douglas E. Hudelson, CPAWest Linn, OR

Jody C. Hyden, CFP®, CRPC®, PFS® Ameriprise FinancialDaniel Island, SC

Doug G. HyepockJDL SecuritiesNewport Beach, CA

Steven F. Jacob, CPAFort Lauderdale, FL

Norry Jensen, CFP®, MADallas, TX

Jason D. KrohnRaymond James / Krohn Capital Mgmt.Bad Axe, MI

Crystal Langdon, CFP®

Crystal Clear Finances, IncAlbany, NY

Marilyn LuceaMarilyn Lucea Financial ServicesMarina Del Rey, CA

Rick A. MartinFinancial Freedom InstituteElko, MN

Pete MatterCampbell Keller Asset ManagementDallas, TX

Deborah E. Mayes, MBACarson, CA

Richard G. McDaniel Faith Investment ServicesGallipolis, OH

Derek G. McLean First Allied SecuritiesOrange, CA

Toby MeisenheimerStreamline Financial ServicesNaperville, IL

Philip M. Miller Las Vegas, NV

John MurrayJohn Murray & Company Brunswick, GA

Joseph W. Nelson, MBA, CFP®

Stewardship InvestmentsBagley, MN

William C. O’Connor, CFP®, EA, ATAApplied Financial Planning, Inc.Irvine, CA

Ronald Palastro RSPFPS, Inc.Brooklyn, NY

Rita B. ParkerWells Fargo AdvisorsJackson, MS

Susan Paul

Harry Pearson, Jr.Pearson and AssociatesBirmingham, AL

Janet Peavy, CLU, FLMIStrategic StewardshipWoodstock, GA

Mark A. Pehrson, CFP®

Wells Fargo AdvisorsMinneapolis, MN

Jo Rae Perkins, CFP®

Eagle Financial Planning & InvestmentsAlbany, OR

M. Tim Philpot, MBA, CPA, PFSPreservation Financial, LLCHurst, TX

Janice PlowdenHome Services Lending, LLCKennesaw, GA

W. Hoagan Powell, CFP® Wallstreet TexasSt. George, UT

J. Kevin Powell, CFP®

My Strategic MentorLake Forest, CA

Herman RayHerman Ray, CPAWilmington, NC

Todd A. RingoenRingoen Financial GroupMinot, ND

William F. Robertson, CFP®

William F. Robertson & AssociatesFt. Worth, TX

James E. Rowland Strongtower FinancialFresno, CA

Jerry A. Sackberger CLU, CFP®

Wells Fargo AdvisorsChesterfi eld, MO

Eric C. SamuelsonStewardship CatalystsOverland Park, KS

Robert J. Schuldt Jr.Merrill LynchChicago, IL

Daniel A. Shontere Ameriprise AdvisorsSarasota, FL

Kalvin Sid, CFP®, RFC®, MBANEXT Financial Group, Inc.San Mateo, CA

Paul A. Silva, CLU, ChFCFinancial Freedom AssociatesLake George, NY

Gregory L. SperryNational Christian FoundationAlpharetta, GA

John Thomas Spicknall, CFP®

Capital Investment Strategies, Inc.Dalton, GA

Gerald O. Summers, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, CASL Gerald O. Summers, LLCWest Chester, OH

Michael R. SuttleSuttle Financial GroupAlbuquerque, NM

Timothy L. Terry Wellington, FL

Charles P. Tiedje, CFP®, CLU, ChFCFort Lauderdale, FL

Fred M. Vaught, ChFC, CLUCapital Resource Management, Inc.Escondido, CA

Cindy von dem BusschePalm Harbor, FL

Michael I. Wang, JD, CFPFinancial Strategy Network, LLCChicago, IL

Sid Ward IIICrown Financial MinistriesOxnard, CA

Craig G. WearCraig Wear Financial Group Conroe, TX

Gary S. Webb, RFCWebb Financial GroupBloomington, MN

Barron WeeksNorthwestern Mutual Financial NetworkEnglewood, CO

Ronald J. WellmanWe Invest Online, Inc.Lockport, IL

Dan WestinQ.A. Investment ServicesMinnetonka, MN

Thomas P. Whitaker, Jr.Whitaker Law Firm, LCBradenton, FL

John R. Wigington Wells Fargo AdvisorsHilton Head Island, SC

Jamie Kent Williams, CFP®

Five Talents Wealth Management, Inc.Canton, GA

Kourt D. Williams, Ph.D.C C & B Solutions, Inc.Torrance, CA

Bill WilsonFamily Wealth LeadershipMission Viejo, CA

Clifford J. Wilson Brecek & Young Advisors, Inc.Fresno, CA

James G. Winter Fresno, CA

Rita WorsterBKD, LLPColorado Springs, CO

Alan S. WrightMemphis, TN

John T. Young, LUTCFHorizon Financial Solutions, Inc.Cross Lanes, WV

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Rich StearnsRichard E. Stearns is President of World Vision, one of the largest non-profi t organizations in the United States. After a quarter-century business career serving as CEO of two different corporations, he joined World Vision in 1998, leading the Christian relief and development organization to unprecedented growth and calling on the American Church to respond to the global AIDS pandemic.

World Vision has more than 1,200 staff in the United States, and partners with U.S. corporations, government agencies, foundations, churches, and more than a million individual donors to help children and their communities reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.

Stearns chronicles his journey from corporate CEO to advocate for those affected by poverty and injustice in his best-selling book, The Hole in Our Gospel, published in 2009 by Thomas Nelson. Named the 2010 Christian Book of the Year by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, The Hole in Our Gospel challenges readers in the faith community to rise out of apathy to meet the challenges of global poverty and injustice.

Stearns has traveled to more than 40 of the nearly 100 countries where World Vision works. His wife Renée, a lawyer by training, also travels and speaks on behalf of World Vision. The couple lives in the Seattle area and has fi ve children.

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Wisecounsel.World Vision Advisors Network

Professional advisors helping to change the world

1.888.701.4438www.worldvision.org/advisorsWorld Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.




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Ron BlueRon serves as President of Kingdom Advisors and on the Board of Directors of The National Christian Foundation. Ron founded Ronald Blue & Co., LLC in 1979 out of his conviction that Christians would better handle their personal fi nances if they were counseled objectively with the highest technical expertise and from a biblical perspective. That fi rm grew to manage over $2 billion in assets for its more than 5,000 clients nationwide with a staff of over 175 people in 14 regional offi ces. Ron retired from the fi nancial planning fi rm in 2003 in order to lead Kingdom Advisors. Ron is the author of seventeen books on personal fi nance from a biblical perspective, including the best-seller, Master Your Money, fi rst published in 1986 and now in its thirtieth printing, Wealth to Last, co-authored with Larry Burkett, and Faith Based Family Finances.


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Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg is the senior minister of Parkside Church in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, where he has served since 1983. Following graduation from the London School of Theology, he served for two years as assistant to the Reverend Derek J. Prime and in 1976 was ordained to the Gospel Ministry at Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh.

Alistair enjoys the privilege of leading the Parkside pastoral team and seeing a succession of young men settled in pulpits throughout the country. His teaching is heard daily across the nation on over 1000 radio stations that air the program, Truth For Life. He has written a number of books, including The Hand of God, Pathway to Freedom, On Being a Pastor (with Derek Prime) and a revision of Spurgeon’s devotional, Morning and Evening. He has been married to Susan for 35 years and they are the parents of three adult children.


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Hayden Harper Direct Energy (HHDE) believes there is a significant opportunity to invest in a potential solution to future energy demand. Domestic natural gas is a readily available energy source, yet it remains largely untapped. HHDE provides an opportunity to invest in the oil and gas industry through drilling partnerships. Direct investments are made with multiple producers in income-producing, tax incentive-based drilling programs. Relationships in the oil and gas industry have been established over four genera-tions and HHDE has an experienced management team with over 30 years of geology experience and over 20 years of engineering experience.



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Michael HyattMichael Hyatt is the Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Christian publishing company in the world and the seventh largest trade book publishing company in the United States. Michael has worked in the book publishing industry his entire career, as an author, publishing executive, owner of a publishing company, and as a literary agent. Michael has written four books, one of which landed on the New York Times bestseller list where it stayed for seven months.

Michael is also well known for his blog, michaelhyatt.com, which is focused on intentional leadership. There you will fi nd content by Michael on leadership, productivity, publishing, and social media. As a sought after speaker, Michael has been speaking publicly for more than 25 years, and has appeared on more than 1,500 television and radio shows, including all three major networks.

He has been married to his wife, Gail, for thirty-two years and has fi ve daughters, two grandsons, and three granddaughters. Michael resides near Nashville, Tennessee.


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Randy AlcornRandy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM), a non-profi t organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth and drawing attention to the needy and how to help them. EPM exists to meet the needs of the unreached, unfed, unborn, uneducated, unreconciled, and unsupported people around the world.

Before starting EPM in 1990, Alcorn co-pastored for thirteen years Good Shepherd Community Church outside Gresham, Oregon. He has ministered in many countries, including China, and is a popular teacher and conference speaker. Randy has taught on the part-time faculties of Western Seminary and Multnomah University, both in Portland, Oregon.

Randy is a best-selling author of over 30 books including Heaven, The Treasure Principle and the 2002 Gold Medallion winner, Safely Home. He has written numerous articles for magazines such as Discipleship Journal, Moody, Leadership, New Man, and The Christian Reader. He produces the quarterly issues-oriented magazine Eternal Perspectives, and has been a guest on more than 600 radio and television programs including Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, The Bible Answer Man, Revive Our Hearts, Truths that Transform and Faith Under Fire.

Alcorn resides in Gresham, Oregon with his wife, Nanci, and their dalmatian, Moses. The Alcorns have two married daughters, Karina and Angela, and are the proud grandparents of four grandsons.


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Steve FranklinDr. Steve Franklin is the creative force behind the research, production, and presentation of 100: Authentic Wisdom from America’s Centenarians. Dr. Franklin is Chief of New Business Development at Wells Real Estate Funds. Prior to joining Wells in 1999, he was Associate Dean and a tenured Professor for the Goizueta School of Business at Emory University.

Franklin has co-authored two college textbooks and more than 50 scholarly and practitioner articles on management and entrepreneurship. He continues to serve as a member of the Board of Regents for Oxford University’s Harris Manchester College in England and is Chairman of the Governing Board for the American University in Dubai. He earned a B.A. in Theology from Abilene Christian University, an M.B.A. from Georgia State University, and an M.A in Management and Ph.D. in Management and Marketing from the University of Oklahoma.


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Bob Reccord

Bob is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and consultant.

In the fall of 2009, Bob was selected as Executive Director for the Council for National Policy (CNP), a non-profi t educational foundation based in Washington, D.C. CNP’s mission is to restore and sustain American freedom by providing a forum for business, civic, national, defense, educational, and religious leaders to deepen their understanding of the great spiritual, economic, constitutional, and national security issues confronting the nation. In short, CNP seeks to advance the “First Principles” of this nation’s Founding Fathers.

Since 2006, he has served as the Founder and President of Total Life Impact Ministries, challenging people from all around the world to “Live a Life that Matters.” For nine years, Bob served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board and as a pastor. During that time, Bob hosted a national radio show, Strength for Living. He has authored eight books including Beneath the Surface, Forged by Fire, and Made to Count. He has spoken to approximately 165,000 men in the last 3 1⁄2 years alone.

Whether as a pastor, businessman, husband, or father, Bob has dedicated his life to helping people discover their calling and to effectively develop and exercise their passion for God and His mission to change the world. Bob and his wife, Cheryl, have three grown children and reside in Atlanta, Georgia.


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JOU10:00 A.M.

“2011 Market Outlook” Bob Doll - Ballroom

Navigating fi nancial markets in the midst of the current economic realities can be challenging at best. Join Bob Doll, Vice Chairman and Chief Investment Offi cer of Global Equities at BlackRock, Inc., as he shares his insights on the state of the global economy and his predictions for the markets and the best performing sectors for 2011. Come prepared to learn new ideas to position your clients’ portfolios in preparation for an economic recovery.

“How to Find the Will of God in Any Situation” Pat Morley - ChampionsGate Do you struggle to discover God’s will? Pat Morley, author of the best selling

book, Man in the Mirror, will share a model that combines all of the different types of “God’s Will” found in the Bible. Pat will give a few examples of using this model and then allow you to share your questions and actual situations. The goal is that, by the end of the session, you will have increased confi dence to fi nd the will of God.

11:15 A.M.

“ The Belief Matrix: A Powerful Tool for You, Your Staff, and Your Clients” Paul Anthes - Augusta

Our behavior in life, what we choose to do and not do, is consistent with and determined by what we believe to be true. It does not matter whether what we believe to be true is actually true or not. In fact, many of our greatest challenges are rooted in the improper beliefs we hold to be true. Yet, these beliefs determine the course of our lives. Knowing this can transform our ability to communicate and work with others whether they are staff, clients, or family members. Paul will share a tool to help you understand the root of beliefs and provide an opportunity to rewrite those beliefs to change behavior and achieve desired results for you, your clients, and your staff.

“ Transformational Planning Leads to Transformational Giving: Three Case Studies that Prove It”

Jay Link - Congressional In this breakout session, Jay will introduce you to three affl uent families, including

where they were when Jay met them and where they ended up after he had implemented their Master Stewardship Plans. He will also discuss the emotional and planning obstacles that had prevented them from doing comprehensive planning previously. You will see the compelling outcomes in these three cases, where not only their plans were transformed, but their family’s lives, as well.

“ Halftime: Helping Your Successful Clients Pursue Signifi cance” Lloyd Reeb - Colonial

Are you able to effectively counsel your successful clients who are at an infl ection point in their lives, beyond just the numbers? This session will enable you to launch into a deeper conversation by equipping you with the tools you will need. Join author and speaker Lloyd Reeb as he details the Halftime Journey, including the benefi ts to you and your practice, as well as the steps, questions, and processes involved in that journey. Learn how to best serve your successful clients who are in transition by understanding how you can have Kingdom impact at critical points in their journey.

“Leading a Firm by Investing in People” Jerry Foster - Olympic Recently diagnosed with cancer, Jerry Foster has spent the last few months working

through the professional implications of a new reality of uncertainty in his life. As the Founder and President of The Foster Group in West Des Moines, Iowa, Jerry has invested his career in building a team of people who are free to operate out of their strengths in their work environment. Jerry has found himself increasingly taking on the role of “statesman” in the fi rm. Now he fi nds that his most pressing goal over the next three to fi ve years is to invest in his employees to assure that a transition plan can effectively take place. Join Jerry as he shares his journey and gives practical insights into team building and investing in the people with whom you work.

“ How To Work Successfully With Ministries and Attract Affl uent Clients” Scott Keffer - ChampionsGate

Ever wonder why you aren’t more effective at working with ministries and their donors? Want to learn the key secrets to attracting affl uent clients? Scott Keffer, the creator of The Donor Motivation Program™ and founder of The DMP Advisor Network™, will uncover The 7 Myths advisors have been taught about working with ministries and The 10 Advisor “Musts” to work successfully with ministries and other nonprofi ts in your community. He’ll also cover The Three Fundamentals that every advisor to the affl uent must know and apply to attract the affl uent. Each fundamental will be explored in depth and Scott will include proven advisor tools and principles that you can put to work instantly. Whether you’re a successful advisor who wants to take your affl uent practice to the next level by working with ministries or a newer advisor looking to jump start your success, you will be energized, entertained, encouraged, and equipped to work with ministries and grow your affl uent clients.


























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10:00 A.M.

“ Practicing the Principles”Ron Blue - Augusta

As you learn the principles of biblical fi nancial decision making taught through Kingdom Advisors, do you desire stronger practical application in real time client situations? Ron Blue will speak from his forty plus years of experience and client interactions about how to turn theory into reality as you integrate your faith and your practice. He will share four specifi c steps that you can focus on that will broaden your ability to apply biblical wisdom in client settings. Ron’s earnest desire for each member of Kingdom Advisors is that they are equipped with both the wisdom and the skills to share God’s Truth about fi nances with confi dence in the workplace. Join him to hear what God has laid on his heart recently about this topic.

“ Sharing the Joy of Generosity”Todd Harper - Congressional

Are you an advocate for biblical generosity? Do you want to learn more about what that means? Generous Giving exists to spread the biblical message of generosity in order to grow generous givers. Todd Harper, President of Generous Giving, will lead this session and share various tools, stories, and opportunities that you can use with your clients as you encourage them toward generosity. Join us in this open forum to explore how we can infl uence our friends, family, clients, church, and community to bring a revolution of generosity among God’s people.

“ Improving Collaboration Among Advisors To Facilitate Plan Implementation”Tim Voorhees - Colonial

Tim Voorhees, managing partner of Copenbarger & Voorhees, LLP, will review collaboration principles that his fi rm has developed while implementing hundreds of “zero tax plans.” He will explain fourteen proven principles for uniting family members and advisors around plans that minimize taxes while enhancing retirement income, increasing inheritance amounts, and improving charitable giving potential. The presentation will address topics such as understanding why collaboration fails, facilitating client meetings, resolving confl icts among advisors, and tracking success.

“ Adding Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) to Your Practice”

Dwight Short - Oakmont Dwight Short, CIMA, will discuss how to bring Biblically Responsible Investing

(BRI) into your practice. The session will include actual interviews with clients who wanted BRI and why they adopted it, and a discussion of the practical aspects of taking BRI from a “nice idea” to a reality. Dwight retired from Merrill Lynch after 34 years of a successful career managing over $600 million in client assets. Dwight is also the author of the just-published book, Kingdom Gains, which offers a comprehensive look at BRI.

“ Financial Planning: How Much Real Planning Gets Done?” Paul Anthes - Olympic While fi nancial planning is widely accepted and valued within our industry, how much real planning gets done? Real planning requires a client who desires planning and is willing to invest the time and effort required. Without their buy-in, is it a waste of time? What are the implications of being committed to planning but facing real-life limits of accomplishing this? Let’s look at what planning is actually getting done, the implications of how we offer it, and ways to improve our practice.

11:15 A.M.

“ Succession Planning: Key Principles and Practical Applications”

Brian Shepler - Augusta Most advisory fi rms have a desire to grow without much of a plan to accomplish

it. In this breakout session, we will explore the advisor growth options, considerations, and critical success factors. In addition, we will look at the industry growth data and examine the industry value proposition evolution. This valuable and insightful session will give you the foundation to execute an effective growth strategy for your fi rm.

“ From Boom to Bust and Beyond: The Hidden Forces Driving Our Economy” Jerry Tuma - Congressional

Massive economic and market changes have just begun with 76 million baby boomers nearing retirement. What effect will this have on our nation’s retirement systems, your clients’ investments and planning, and our country’s future. In this session, Jerry Tuma, a Founding Member of Kingdom Advisors, will share the hidden forces driving our economy and what you need to know to survive and succeed in your practice and with your clients.

“Are You Asking the Right Questions?” Jay Link - Colonial Every advisor desires for their clients to come up with the “right answers” about their fi nancial and life decisions. But, if you don’t know the right questions to ask, it will be impossible to lead your clients toward right answers. Jay Link, developer of the Family Wealth Counseling process, will share how asking the right questions will lead your clients toward solid fi nancial answers and transformational planning outcomes. Jay’s years of experience as an advisor who views fi nancial counsel as a vehicle for life change has given him a unique perspective on the power of good questions.

“Client Discipleship: Engaging at All Levels” Jim Wise - Olympic Jim Wise, Managing Director of Ronald Blue & Co.’s Ft. Lauderdale offi ce, will

share his passion for client discipleship. Using case studies and drawing on years of experience, Jim will unpack the biblical idea of discipleship and talk about how to apply it in client interactions. Jim believes in discipling clients at all levels - from non-Christians who are hostile to faith issues all the way to those who are surrendered believers. Jim will discuss how to maintain a mindset of client discipleship while sharing practical ways to operate out of that mindset.

“Discovering How to Live in God’s Economy”Christy Speer - Oakmont

Do you want to show others how to live in this world, facing the day-to-day challenges but also experiencing peace, joy, and contentment no matter what may happen in the future? The difference is discovering how to navigate the epic battle between Man’s Economy and God’s Economy. Man’s Economy says that your purposes, goals, signifi cance, self-worth, ambition, and life energy are wrapped up in having money. In Man’s Economy, you want to make as much as you can, as quickly as you can, to retire as soon as you can, and enjoy a life of leisure as long as you can. In God’s Economy, people can be prepared for the future no matter what it may be. Learning to live in God’s Economy begins by understanding that His economy is made up of the divine integration of the mystery of His lordship, your stewardship, and your generosity. When those things come together, people are transformed by the renewing of their minds. Come experience this life-changing message and learn how to convey it to those you serve.


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More Information and Registration For All Events Available On-line: www.KingdomAdvisors.org/Register

K INGDOM ADV ISORS • 5605 GLENR IDGE DR . , SU I T E 450 • AT LANTA , GA 30342 • TE L : ( 404 ) 497 -7680 • FAX (404 ) 497 -7685


Nationally known Christian leaders and fi nancial professionals share messages designed to equip and encourage.

February: Ken Boa, Refl ections MinistriesMarch: Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspective MinistriesApril: John Haggai, Haggai InstituteMay: Gordon MacDonald, Author and SpeakerJune: Os Guinness, The Trinity Forum

CONFERENCE CALLSExperienced fi nancial professionals speak to the practicalities of integrating faith and practice, including specifi c client scenarios.

February: Coaching Call with Ron BlueMarch: Coaching Call with Ron Blue April: Coaching Call with Ron BlueMay Coaching Call with Ron BlueJune: Practice Management (Jerry Foster)


145 small groups meet locally to experience dynamic teaching, engage in group discussion, examine best practices, and network.

February: Getting the Most from Your Time with the Lord (Ron Blue)

March: Impacting Clients through Transferable Concepts (Ron Blue)

April: Maximizing Your Unique Ability (Jerry Foster)May: Building a Business (Ron Blue)June: Your Work: Finding the Sacred in the Secular

(Ken Boa)

LOCAL STUDY GROUPSJoin leading fi nancial professionals as they share best practices in a practical and interactive format.

March 3: Business Succession, Part I Brian Shepler of Ronald Blue & Co.

March 8: Business Succession, Part IIBrian Shepler of Ronald Blue & Co.

March 17: How Much Planning Actually Gets Done? Paul Anthes of Financial Advisory Corp.

March 24: Diagnostic Questions in Client Advising Jim Wise of Ronald Blue & Co.

May 12: Integrating Biblically Responsible Investing, Part I Dan Hardt of Dan Hardt Financial Services

May 19: Integrating Biblically Responsible Investing, Part II Dan Hardt of Dan Hardt Financial Services