2011 phages of pseudomonas aeruginosa response to environmental factors and in vitro ability to...

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Phages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: response to environmental factors and in vitro ability to inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation P. Knezevic 1 , D. Obreht 1 , S. Curcin 1 , M. Petrusic 1 , V. Aleksic 1 , R. Kostanjsek 2 and O. Petrovic 1 1 Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia 2 Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Introduction Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen of a particular medical interest, being able to cause various infections. This organism possesses intrinsic and acquired mechanisms of resistance and can grow in the form of a biofilm, which aggravates its eradication by means of conventional antimicrobial agents. The phenomenon has significantly increased an interest in Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages as potential alternative antimicrobial agents during the last decade. At the beginning of last century, one of the main reasons of phage therapy failure was incomprehension of phage biology (Sulakvelidze and Kutter 2005). Prior to phage application in vivo, there are several prerequisites that should be met: the first and the most important is that each phage intended for therapy should be well character- ized (Skurnik and Strauch 2006). Unfortunately, phage biological characteristics have been neglected in most stud- ies dealing with Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages therapeutic properties. In the majority of prominent studies, only in vivo antimicrobial characteristics of isolated phages are examined (Soothill 1992; Wang et al. 2006; Watanabe et al. 2007; Heo et al. 2009), without a detailed examina- tion of their interaction with environmental factors and or in vitro lytic efficacy. Consequently, the data on Ps. aeru- ginosa-specific phage adsorption and inactivation are scarce, although they are of great interest not only for valid selection of those viruses that can be successfully applied as anti-Pseudomonas agents in specific environmental conditions, but also for better understanding the funda- mentals of phage biology and phage–host interactions. Keywords bacteriophage(s), biocontrol, pseudomonads. Correspondence Petar Knezevic, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21 000 Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] 2011 0222: received 7 February 2011, revised and accepted 27 April 2011 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2011.05043.x Abstract Aims: To examine effects of various environmental factors on adsorption and inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-specific phages: d (family Podoviridae), J-1, r-1 and 001A (family Siphoviridae) and their ability to inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation. Methods and Results: The phages examined in the study were clonally differ- ent, as revealed by RFLP. The temperature in the range 7–44°C had no influ- ence on the adsorption of Podoviridae, but did affect Siphoviridae adsorption, particularly 001A. All phages were significantly stable at pH 5–9, and phages d and 001A even at pH 3. Most of the examined carbohydrates and exopoly- saccharides of the original host efficiently inactivated phage d, while phages r-1 and J-1 were inactivated considerably only by the amino acid alanine. Silver nitrate efficiently inactivated all the phages, while Siphoviridae were more resis- tant to povidone-iodine. Serum of nonimmunized rats had no influence on phage inactivation and adsorption. Only phage d showed ability to effectively inhibit in vitro bacterial growth and biofilm formation. Conclusions: The examined environmental parameters can significantly influ- ence the adsorption and viability of Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages. The phage d is a good candidate for biocontrol of Ps. aeruginosa. Significance and Impact of the Study: The study provides important data on Ps. aeruginosa-specific phage adsorption, inactivation and in vitro lytic efficacy. Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072 ª 2011 The Authors Journal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245–254 ª 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 245

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    Phages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: response toenvironmental factors and in vitro ability to inhibitbacterial growth and biofilm formationP. Knezevic1, D. Obreht1, S. Curcin1, M. Petrusic1, V. Aleksic1, R. Kostanjsek2 and O. Petrovic1

    1 Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

    2 Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen of a

    particular medical interest, being able to cause various

    infections. This organism possesses intrinsic and acquired

    mechanisms of resistance and can grow in the form of a

    biofilm, which aggravates its eradication by means of

    conventional antimicrobial agents. The phenomenon has

    significantly increased an interest in Ps. aeruginosa-specific

    phages as potential alternative antimicrobial agents during

    the last decade.

    At the beginning of last century, one of the main reasons

    of phage therapy failure was incomprehension of phage

    biology (Sulakvelidze and Kutter 2005). Prior to phage

    application in vivo, there are several prerequisites that

    should be met: the first and the most important is that

    each phage intended for therapy should be well character-

    ized (Skurnik and Strauch 2006). Unfortunately, phage

    biological characteristics have been neglected in most stud-

    ies dealing with Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages therapeutic

    properties. In the majority of prominent studies, only

    in vivo antimicrobial characteristics of isolated phages are

    examined (Soothill 1992; Wang et al. 2006; Watanabe

    et al. 2007; Heo et al. 2009), without a detailed examina-

    tion of their interaction with environmental factors and orin vitro lytic efficacy. Consequently, the data on Ps. aeru-

    ginosa-specific phage adsorption and inactivation are

    scarce, although they are of great interest not only for valid

    selection of those viruses that can be successfully applied

    as anti-Pseudomonas agents in specific environmental

    conditions, but also for better understanding the funda-

    mentals of phage biology and phagehost interactions.


    bacteriophage(s), biocontrol, pseudomonads.


    Petar Knezevic, Department of Biology and

    Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of

    Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21 000

    Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    2011 0222: received 7 February 2011,revised and accepted 27 April 2011



    Aims: To examine effects of various environmental factors on adsorption and

    inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-specific phages: d (family Podoviridae),J-1, r-1 and 001A (family Siphoviridae) and their ability to inhibit bacterialgrowth and biofilm formation.

    Methods and Results: The phages examined in the study were clonally differ-

    ent, as revealed by RFLP. The temperature in the range 744C had no influ-ence on the adsorption of Podoviridae, but did affect Siphoviridae adsorption,

    particularly 001A. All phages were significantly stable at pH 59, and phages

    d and 001A even at pH 3. Most of the examined carbohydrates and exopoly-saccharides of the original host efficiently inactivated phage d, while phages r-1and J-1 were inactivated considerably only by the amino acid alanine. Silver

    nitrate efficiently inactivated all the phages, while Siphoviridae were more resis-

    tant to povidone-iodine. Serum of nonimmunized rats had no influence on

    phage inactivation and adsorption. Only phage d showed ability to effectivelyinhibit in vitro bacterial growth and biofilm formation.

    Conclusions: The examined environmental parameters can significantly influ-

    ence the adsorption and viability of Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages. The phage

    d is a good candidate for biocontrol of Ps. aeruginosa.Significance and Impact of the Study: The study provides important data on

    Ps. aeruginosa-specific phage adsorption, inactivation and in vitro lytic efficacy.

    Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072

    2011 The AuthorsJournal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245254 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 245

  • Recently, a number of Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages

    have been isolated, some of them possessing a broad

    activity range against various strains of this species

    (Jensen et al. 1998; Knezevic et al. 2009). This characteris-

    tic is desirable from the aspect of phage application as

    biocontrol agents, as phages are generally restricted in

    their interactive range (Carlton 1999). However, further

    examination is needed to evaluate conditions in which

    the phages can be applied most efficiently.

    This study was undertaken to investigate Ps. aerugin-

    osa-specific Podoviridae and Siphoviridae phage adsorption

    and inactivation under various environmental condi-

    tions and to determine their ability to inhibit bacterial

    growth and biofilm formation.

    Material and methods

    Bacterial hosts and culture conditions

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa reference strain ATCC 9027 as

    well as two environmental strains designated as PA-4U

    and PA-M2 was used as phage original hosts. The strain

    PA-4U was isolated from activated carbon (Knezevic and

    Petrovic 2008) and PA-M2 from river water. The bacteria

    were stocked in LuriaBertani broth (LB) containing glyc-

    erol (v v 10%) at )70C. For all the experiments, theywere cultivated in LB at 37C, stored at 4C and periodi-cally transferred.


    Four Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages, previously isolated

    from water samples and partially characterized, were

    examined in the study. The phages were designated as d,J-1, r-1 and 001A. The phage d belonged to familyPodoviridae and was isolated using PA-4U strain while

    the phages J-1, r-1 and 001A exhibited characteristics offamily Siphoviridae. Two of these phages, J-1 and r-1,were propagated on ATCC 9027, while 001A was isolated

    using a Ps. aeruginosa cocktail and further multiplied on

    the strain PA-M2, considered as its original host in this

    study. The phages d and 001A possessed a broad activityrange when tested against 33 Ps. aeruginosa strains, phage

    r-1 exhibited a moderate and J-1 showed a narrow lyticspectrum (Knezevic et al. 2009). The phages were propa-

    gated on appropriate bacterial host lawns, concentrated

    by NaCl and PEG 6.000 precipitation and purified by

    CsCl equilibrium ultracentrifugation at 110 000 g for

    24 h in a Beckman Ti50 rotor (Sambrook and Russell

    2001). After dialysis, phage counts were determined using

    double-agar overlay method (Carlson 2005) and the pre-

    pared stocks were stored at 4C. The phage final count inthe experiments was 1 106 ml)1 unless stated otherwise.

    Phage DNA extraction and RFLP profiling

    The purified phage suspensions were treated with DNase

    I (10 U) at 37C for 2 h. After DNase I inactivation(65C, 1 h), the capsids were disintegrated using protein-ase K, EDTA and SDS. The phage DNAs were extracted

    by phenol chloroform method (Sambrook and Russell2001) and precipitated by standard ethanol procedure.

    The isolated DNAs were digested by EcoRI, EcoRV and

    BamHI (Fermentas, Burlington, Canada) following the

    manufacturers recommendations. The obtained frag-

    ments were visualized after 1% agarose gel electrophoresis

    with ethidium bromide and illumination by UV light.

    Adsorption at various temperatures

    Prior to the adsorption experiments, phage survival at 7,

    18, 26, 37 and 44C for 30 min in SM buffer(50 mmol l)1 Tris-HCl [pH 75], 01 mol l)1 NaCl,8 mmol l)1 MgSO4, 0012 w v gelatin) was determinedusing double-agar overlay method and their growth

    parameters, including latent periods, were estimated by

    single-step growth method (Carlson 2005). As phages sur-

    vived the temperature treatments without significant PFU

    reduction and their latent periods were approx. 60 min

    for phage d, 75 min for r-1 and J-1 and 90 min forphage 001A, their adsorption rates at the above tempera-

    tures were determined as follows. The phages and bacte-

    rial suspensions were mixed in SM buffer at a multiplicity

    of infection (MOI) 001 and incubated at various temper-atures for 30 min. The mixtures were centrifuged

    (10 000 g, 15 min), and unabsorbed phage counts in

    supernatant were determined. Phage adsorption rates

    were expressed as percentages of adsorbed phages in rela-

    tion to the initial phage counts. The data were plotted

    and fitted with exponential curves using software Origin

    6.0 (Microcal Software Inc., Northampton, MA).

    Inactivation at various pH values

    Phage suspensions were added in SM buffer whose pH was

    adjusted to 15, 3, 5, 7 and 9 and incubated at 37C for30 min. After incubation, the phage suspensions were

    immediately serially diluted in SM buffer (pH 74) andphage titres were determined. The phage survival rates were

    expressed as percentages of viable phages in suspensions.

    Phage neutralization by carbohydrates and amino acids

    To determine phage potential receptors, the modified

    method of neutralization was used (Valyasevi et al.

    1990). Briefly, phages were incubated at 37C for30 min in SM buffer amended with glucose, rhamnose,

    Pseudomonas-specific phages P. Knezevic et al.

    246 Journal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245254 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 2011 The Authors

  • mannose, galactose, glucosamine, glutamine or alanine

    (final concentrations 500 mmol l)1). Phages incubated

    in SM buffer without any compound served as a

    control. The mixtures were diluted, assayed for plaques,

    and the percentages of phage neutralization were calcu-

    lated. A compound was considered as a component of

    phage receptors if it neutralized at least 50% of bacte-

    riophages (PhI50) in comparison with the correspond-

    ing control.

    Phage neutralization by exopolysaccharides (EPS) and

    lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

    EPS of host strains were isolated after 10-day incubation

    on MacConkey plates with 5% glycerol using a slightly

    modified method described by May and Chacrabarty

    (1994). Briefly, the biomass was suspended in 09% KCl,vortexed and centrifuged (3000 g for 20 min at 4C). Thesupernatant was treated by absolute ethanol, and after

    overnight precipitation at 4C, EPS were pelleted(17 000 g 1 h). The EPS were resuspended in 70% etha-

    nol, centrifuged, air dried and finally freeze-dried. For

    LPS isolation, previously prepared and lyophilized host

    cell walls were treated by hot phenol (45%) at 74C for20 min (Bartell et al. 1971). Following the procedure, the

    mixture was subsequently cooled on ice, centrifuged

    (2000 g, 1 h at 4C), the aqueous phase was dialysed for4 days at 4C and lyophilized.For neutralization experiments, the weight of dried EPS

    and LPS was measured and suspended in sterile distilled

    water to obtain twofold concentrations from 019 to200 lg ml)1. The phages were incubated at 37C for30 min with appropriate concentration of the original

    host cell components and titred. Phages incubated in SM

    buffer without any compound served as a control. The

    cell components were considered receptors if the applied

    concentration reached PhI50.

    Phage inactivation by silver nitrate and povidone-iodine

    The influence of silver nitrate and povidone-iodine on

    phage viability was determined by mixing phage suspen-

    sions in SM buffer with appropriate volumes of 1% silver

    nitrate or 10% povidone-iodine to obtain the final

    concentration of silver nitrate 0003, 00165, 003, 01, 02and 05% and povidone-iodine 05, 1, 25, 5 and 75%.The mixtures were incubated for 30 min at 37C, neutral-ized by sodium thiosulfate sodium thioglycolate solutionfor 20 min (Tilton and Rosenberg 1978) and serially

    diluted in SM buffer for phage titring. The logit values of

    phage survival rates were plotted against the log10 of the

    compound concentrations using software Origin 6.0, and

    PhI50 values were calculated.

    Ex vivo experiments

    Ex vivo experiments were carried out using polled sera of

    12 nonimmunized, female Wistar rats 52 days old. The

    phage inactivation was examined in native serum at 37Cfor 30 min, as well as in serum with previously inacti-

    vated system of complement at 56C for 30 min. Follow-ing the phage incubation in the serum, the suspensions

    were serially diluted in SM buffer and phage titres were

    determined. In parallel, the phage adsorption to bacterial

    host cells was determined in mixture of bacteria and

    phages in native serum and the serum with inactivated

    complement, as described for adsorption at various tem-

    peratures. The statistical difference of the obtained results

    was estimated using KruskalWallis test, and the null

    hypothesis was that there was no significant difference

    between phage inactivation in the native serum and the

    serum with inhibited complement. The null hypothesis

    was rejected if P 005.

    Inhibition of bacterial growth and biofilm formation by


    In vitro lytic efficacy of the Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages

    was examined against their original hosts. The phage

    ability to inhibit bacterial growth was determined using

    microtitre plate method with 2,3,5-triphenytetrazolium

    chloride (TTC), while the inhibition of biofilm formation

    by phages was examined by means of microtitre plate

    method with crystal violet as described previously

    (Knezevic and Petrovic 2008). Briefly, for the purpose of

    bacterial growth inhibition assay, wells of flat bottom 96-

    well microtitre plates were filled with 100 ll of inoculateddouble strengthen LB and 100 ll of prepared phage dilu-tions in SM buffer in such a way to provide final bacterial

    count 5 106 CFU ml)1 in each well and to obtainphage counts 5 102, 5 103, 5 104, 5 105, 5 106

    and 5 107 PFU ml)1 in various wells. Consequently,phage in vitro lytic efficacy was examined at several doses

    of MOI (00001, 0001, 001, 01, 1 and 10), and eachphagehost combination at specific MOIs was performed

    in triplicate. The controls of plate sterility, phage suspen-

    sion sterility and bacterial growth without phage addition

    were also included. The plates were incubated at 37C for18 h, each well was amended with 200 ll ml)1 of TTCand the plates were incubated for additional 3 h. To

    examine phage ability to inhibit bacterial biofilm

    formation, plates were prepared in the same way as for the

    bacterial growth inhibition test and incubated at 37C for18 h. After incubation, planktonic cells were removed and

    the plates were washed twice with phosphate-buffered

    saline, air dried and biofilm was fixed with absolute meth-

    anol for 15 min. Upon removal of fixative and plate

    P. Knezevic et al. Pseudomonas-specific phages

    2011 The AuthorsJournal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245254 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 247

  • drying, biofilm was stained with 200 ll of 04% crystalviolet solution. The plates were washed, air dried and the

    stain was diluted in 250 ll 33% acetic acid for 20 min.For bacterial growth inhibition and biofilm formation inhi-

    bition, the absorbance was measured using a microtitre

    plate reader (Multiskan EX; Thermo-Labsystem, Vantaa,

    Finland) at 540 and 595 nm, respectively. The data

    obtained in three independent experiments were calculated

    and expressed as mean percentages of bacterial growth or

    biofilm formation inhibition in relation to the corre-

    sponding controls without phages.


    Phage genome characteristics

    The restriction analysis of phage DNAs is presented in

    Fig. 1. The phage d DNA was sensitive to all threeenzymes, and its size was approx. 371 79 kb. Therestriction of phage r-1 DNA revealed that it was resis-tant to enzyme BamHI, having size of approx.

    634 21 kb. The restriction pattern of phage 001ADNA showed partial similarity to phage r-1. Its DNA wasresistant to BamHI and was the largest (779 60 kb).The phage J-1 genome was cut by all of the used restric-

    tion enzymes, having size of approx. 612 45 kb.

    Influence of temperature on phage adsorption

    The ability of the phages to adsorb to original host cells

    at various temperatures for 30 min is shown in Fig. 2. All

    phages were able to adsorb within the temperature range

    744C, and three different patterns of phage adsorptionwere observed. The first pertained to the examined

    Podoviridae, whose adsorption rate was not influenced by

    temperature and was almost linear, ranging from

    9234 168% at 7C to 9784 021% at 44C. Thephages r-1 and J-1 showed the second adsorption pattern the minimum of adsorption was obtained at 7C as6503 020% of J-1 and 6811 221% of r-1 virionswere adsorbed to host cells, while their adsorption rates

    were considerably higher at 37C, reaching maximum at44C. The adsorption of phage 001A, in contrast to theother phages, was significantly affected by temperature, as

  • Influence of silver nitrate and povidone-iodine on phage


    Silver nitrate showed similar effect on all four phages

    (Table 2). While silver nitrate did not significantly affect

    phage viability at concentration 0003 and 003%,significant reduction was observed with concentration

    01%, except for phage 001A. PhI50 ranged from 0052%of silver nitrate for phage r-1 to 0117% for the phage001A. None of the examined phages was able to survive

    the concentration of 03% of this compound during30 min at 37C.

    The examined phages showed two different patterns of

    survival in the presence of povidone-iodine, as shown in

    Table 2. The first group of phages, d and 001A, washighly sensitive to this chemical, as even the lowest con-

    centration completely inactivated them for 30 min at

    37C. The second pattern of viability loss was observed inphages r-1 and J-1 that were significantly resistant to it.The determined PhI50 values for r-1 and J-1 inactivationby povidone-iodine were 465 and 488%, respectively.The povidone-iodine concentration higher than 5%

    reduced more than a half of the phage viability. Neverthe-

    less, even 75% was not sufficient for complete inactiva-tion of J-1 and r-1 under the experimental conditions.

    Effect of serum on phages

    The level of phage inactivation by serum did not vary to

    a great extent (Fig. 4). In the native serum, the main-

    tained viability ranged from 6599 717% for phage J-1to 9776 388% for phage r-1, while in the serum withinhibited complement more than 94% of phages survived,

    except for the phage J-1 (8375 1794%). However,KruskalWallis test showed that difference between phage

    10 20 30 40








    ge (%


    Temperature (C)

    Figure 2 Phage adsorption rates at various temperatures for 30 min

    at 37C: d (s) (R2 = 0995); J-1 (d) (R2 = 0984); r-1 (h)(R2 = 0998); and 001A (n) (R2 = 0982). Values are the mean SDof three determinations.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







    e su


    l (%)


    Figure 3 Effect of pH on phage viability after 30 min at 37C: d (s);J-1 (d); r-1 (h); and 001A (n). Values are the mean SD of threedeterminations.

    Table 1 Phage inactivation with components of Pseudomonas

    aeruginosa cell surface


    Phage neutralization (%)

    d r-1 J-1 001A

    Glucose 8917 134 4823 191 3032 472 N.D.

    Rhamnose 8472 491 4037 357 0 N.D.

    Glucosamine 8597 610 3404 215 0 N.D.

    Mannose 7912 794 2093 112 0 N.D.

    Alanine 8561 1334 7583 707 5630 758 N.D.

    Galactose 0 037 053 1757 387 N.D.

    Glutamine 0 1206 456 2005 478 N.D.

    LPS 0 2135 470 2673 421 N.D.

    EPS 9420 410 2342 519 4123 274 N.D.

    Values are the mean SD of three determinations.

    N.D., not determined; LPS, lipopolysaccharides; EPS, exopolysaccha-


    *Concentration of 500 mmol l)1, except for LPS and EPS, for which

    was used 200 lg ml)1

    Table 2 Phage inactivation by silver nitrate and povidone-iodine



    AgNO3 (%) Povidone-iodine (%)

    d 0070

  • inactivation in serum with and without the complement

    was not statistically significant (P = 0096). The adsorp-tion of the survived phages in serum, regardless of the

    complement activity, was very high and ranged from

    9968% for phage J-1 to 100% for phages d and r-1 (theresults are not shown).

    Bacterial growth and biofilm formation inhibition

    The results of bacterial growth and biofilm formation

    inhibition are shown in Fig. 5. Phages d and 001A inhib-

    ited bacterial growth and biofilm formation for more

    than a half at all MOIs. Phage J-1 was able to significantly

    inhibit neither bacterial growth nor biofilm formation.

    Similarly, phage r-1 significantly inhibited bacterialgrowth only at very high MOIs and had no effect on

    biofilm formation.


    Four Pseudomonas-specific bacteriophages analysed in the

    study were previously morphologically characterized, and

    their lytic activity was determined, indicating that the

    phages were different from one another (Knezevic et al.

    2009). This has been confirmed in this study by obtaining

    distinctive restriction patterns of their DNAs, implying

    that the phages were not clonally identical. The data are

    important for understanding similarities and differences

    of phage response to environmental factors and their lytic

    activity in vitro.

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a euritherm organism grows

    in temperature range from 10 to 44C, with an optimumaround 35C (Pitt and Simpson 2006). Accordingly, it canbe expected that the highest adsorption rates of its phages

    are also in this range. It was noticed for the examined

    Siphoviridae, but the absorption rates of the phage from

    family Podoviridae were very high and almost identical at

    both 7 and 37C. The phenomenon has already beenobserved in Lactobacillus phages from family Siphoviridae

    (Quiberoni et al. 2004; Capra et al. 2006), but similar

    reports on Ps. aeruginosa-specific Podoviridae phages have

    been absent. According to the adsorption rates at various









    e su


    l (%)

    Figure 4 Phage inactivation by serum of nonimmunized rats with (h)

    and without (n) complement for 30 min at 37C. Values are themean SD of three determinations.







    101104 103





    n (%








    102 100 101 101104 103 102 100 101


    ilm fo





    n (%


    MOI (log scale)

    Figure 5 Bacterial growth inhibition (a) and inhibition of biofilm formation by (b) Pseudomonas aeruginosa-specific phages; bacterial initial count

    approx. 5 106 CFU ml)1; phage d against strain PA-4U (s); phage J-1 against strain ATCC 9027 (d); phage r-1 against strain ATCC 9027 (h);and phage 001A against strain PA-M2 (n). Values are the mean of three determinations.

    Pseudomonas-specific phages P. Knezevic et al.

    250 Journal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245254 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 2011 The Authors

  • temperatures, all of the examined phages can be useful

    as in vivo therapeutic agents, while phage d can beconsidered for application as an anti-Pseudomonas agent

    in environments where the temperature cannot be strictly

    controlled (hospital environments, water supplies, etc.).

    Despite the scarce data on Ps. aeruginosa-specific

    phages viability at various pH values, the results obtained

    in this study are not very surprising, because the host

    bacterium grows at pH between 56 and 8, with an opti-mum at 72. Generally, better survival of phages at neutraland alkaline pH, in comparison with acid pH, has already

    been reported (Adams 1959). However, some phages,

    such as Salmonella-specific st104 (family Siphoviridae)

    and Felix 01 (family Myoviridae), can maintain viability

    at 37C during 120 min in porcine gastric juice (pH 25)without significant reduction of their titre (OFlynn et al.

    2006). Although the phages examined in this study were

    sensitive to acid pH in general, phages d and 001Ashowed considerable stability at pH 3 for 30 min. It is

    interesting to mention that the examined phage d showeddifferent patterns of survival at various pH in comparison

    with the previously characterized temperate Ps. aeruginosa

    phage F116 from the same family, which rapidly lost via-

    bility outside the pH range 411 and was more stable at

    pH 5 than pH 9 (Amin and Day 1988). Accordingly, all

    of the examined Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages can be

    considered for topical skin wound treatment and intrave-

    nous application, with skin and blood pH being around

    55 and 74, respectively. The results suggest that oraladministration of the phages should be avoided.

    The examined Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages belonging

    to Podoviridae and Siphoviridae varied in their inactiva-

    tion and or neutralization by the examined chemicalcompounds.

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages mainly use LPS, pili or

    both of these cell components as receptors (reviewed in

    Hertveldt and Lavigne 2008). EPS, core oligosaccharide

    and O-side chains of LPS consist of various carbohy-

    drates, while pili are proteinaceous structures (Rocchetta

    et al. 1999; Seltmann and Holst 2001). Accordingly, when

    the carbohydrate compounds were tested separately, it

    could be assumed that LPS may be receptors for d phageexamined in this study. However, considering the inabil-

    ity of PA-4U LPS to neutralize this phage and the fact

    that PA-4U EPS inactivate it, we can conclude that recep-

    tor molecules for phage d are rather EPS than LPS. Thelow PhI50 obtained for EPS strongly supports these

    findings. Although there are reports on EPS nature of

    receptors for some phages (Baker et al. 2002; Sutherland

    et al. 2004; Stummeyer et al. 2005), none of them

    pertains to Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages. The significant

    neutralization of phages r-1 and J-1 only by amino acidalanine, along with the lack of inactivation by carbohy-

    drates, LPS and EPS, implies that receptors for these

    phages are probably proteins.

    Silver compounds are frequently used as topical anti-

    microbials, particularly for burn treatment, and possible

    combination of phages and silver ion can be of great

    interest. The effect of silver ion on RNA coliphage MS2

    (family Leviviridae) has been largely examined, and the

    studies have shown its high sensitivity (Butkus et al.

    2004; Kim et al. 2008). The high level of Ps. aeruginosa-

    specific phages sensitivity to silver ion was also noticed

    in this study and can be explained by the fact that the

    antiviral effect of silver is a result of its interaction with

    both thiol groups (-SH) of cysteine in proteins (Thur-

    man and Gerba 1989; Russell and Hugo 1994) and

    guanine in DNA structure (Arakawa et al. 2001). As sil-

    ver nitrate is used for the topical treatment of Ps. aeru-

    ginosa infections as 05% solution (Moyer et al. 1965),and all the phages are sensitive to this concentration, a

    potential phage combination with this antimicrobial

    agent should not be considered.

    Similarly, iodine is frequently used as an antiseptic, and

    inactivation of viruses has mainly been examined using

    RNA bacteriophages as a model for human enteroviruses.

    Brion et al. (2004) examined survival of MS2 phage, GA

    phage (family Leviviridae), lipid containing PRD1 (family

    Tectiviridae) and UX174 (family Microviridae) in thepresence of 115 mg l)1 iodine and found that MS2phage was the most sensitive, while PRD1 proved to be

    the most resistant. Even a filamentous coliphage fd was

    examined from this aspect and shown to be highly sensi-

    tive to iodine that changed structure of viral capsid pro-

    teins (Olivieri et al. 1975). However, there are no available

    data on Ps. aeruginosa-specific Podoviridae and Siphoviri-

    dae inactivation by iodine. The present results with povi-

    done-iodine indicate that the phages d and 001A wereextremely sensitive even to a minimal concentration of

    this disinfectant, while phages r-1 and J-1 were moreresistant to it, with at least ten times greater PhI50 values.

    Although the results may seem surprising, it should be

    taken into consideration that conformational changes of

    phages caused by iodine can be reversible and phages can

    maintain infectivity after iodine removal (Brion and Sil-

    verstein 1999). The difference in iodine activity against the

    examined viruses can be additionally explained by iodine

    mode of action the disinfectant attacks sulfhydryl groups

    of amino acids, tyrosine and histidine rings and oxidize

    tryptophan (Hsu et al. 1966; Olivieri et al. 1975; Cramer

    et al. 1976). According to our results, it seems that phages

    r-1 and J-1 possess less of these amino acids in their caps-ids or in the structure of their adhesins. It is also worth

    noting that Brion et al. (2004) suggest that MS2 phage

    widely used as a model for human viruses is inferior in

    relation to the others, for instance GA. As model viruses

    P. Knezevic et al. Pseudomonas-specific phages

    2011 The AuthorsJournal of Applied Microbiology 111, 245254 2011 The Society for Applied Microbiology 251

  • should be reconsidered for their applicability, phages r-1and J-1 appear as potential candidates for the examination

    of iodine effect on DNA viruses. Finally, although phage

    survival in the presence of silver nitrate and povidone-

    iodine is not encouraging, considering their combination

    for therapeutic purposes, the results are significant from

    the aspect of a potential use of these chemicals in cases

    when phages applied as biocontrol agents should be

    removed from the environment.

    The experiments with the serum of nonimmunized ani-

    mals showed insignificant phage inactivation both with

    the native serum and the serum with inhibited comple-

    ment. The results indicate that the animals had not been

    exposed to the examined phages and thus did not possess

    corresponding antibodies. Similarly, Kucharewicz-

    Krukovska and Slopek (1987) detected a low level of

    Staphylococcus aureus-specific phages inhibition by serum

    of nonimmunized humans the specific antibodies were

    found in 21% of patients suffering from staphylococcal

    infections and only 11% in healthy people. The low level

    of inactivation observed in this study is probably the

    result of nonspecific phage neutralization with serum

    components, and the complement did not play a signifi-

    cant role in this phenomenon. The findings contribute to

    furthering the scarce knowledge on phage interaction with

    macro-organisms (Letarov and Kulikov 2009) and are

    encouraging for intravenous phage application for thera-

    peutic purposes.

    The examination of in vitro phage lytic efficacy

    showed that only Podoviridae phage d attained morethan 95% of bacterial reduction at MOI 10, for both

    bacterial planktonic growth and growth in the form of

    biofilm. It is interesting to notice that the determined

    receptors for this phage are EPS, which accumulating on

    the bacterial cell surface, contribute to biofilm formation

    (Flemming et al. 2007). This finding is of great interest,

    as Ps. aeruginosa biofilms enhance bacterial resistance to

    conventional antibiotics, and some of the reasons for

    this lie in the fact that EPS cause antibiotic inactivation

    and cell impermeability (Gilbert et al. 1997). Accord-

    ingly, the phage d shows very good potential as aPs. aeruginosa biofilm formation control agent. In con-

    trast to the phage d, the other phages did not show sig-nificant potential to inhibit either bacterial growth or

    biofilm formation. Although phage 001A obtained better

    reduction in bacterial count in comparison with J-1 and

    r-1, it failed to reach phage d efficacy. The experimentalresults of phagebacteria challenge test showed that the

    final outcome of lysis was more dependent on a specific

    phagehost system than on the applied MOIs. Thus, it

    appears necessary to examine phage in vitro lytic efficacy

    for each particular phagehost system in the studies

    dealing with phage application as potential biocontrol

    agents. The failure of bacterial eradication after phage

    treatment in some in vivo experiments may be a conse-

    quence of similar in vitro experiments absence, confirm-

    ing usefulness of applied phages for a specific host. To

    make further results on phage lytic efficacy comparable

    to other studies of this kind, and therefore more valid,

    we recommend the examination of in vitro lytic efficacy

    for each phagebacterial system at MOI 10 and bacterial

    count on the order of 106 CFU ml)1.

    Finally, the examined Ps. aeruginosa-specific phages,

    even those genetically related, exhibited different adsorp-

    tion and inactivation patterns under various environmen-

    tal conditions and in vitro lytic abilities. Taking into

    consideration all of the examined characteristics, the bac-

    teriophage d is an interesting potential anti-Ps. aeruginosatherapeutic and sanitation agent that should be further



    This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and

    Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Grant

    OI 172058. We thank Emilija Nikolic-Doric, M.Sc. (Fac-

    ulty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad) for contribut-

    ing to the statistical analysis, Laboratory for Animal

    Physiology (Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad)

    for Wistar rat serum providing and Ljiljana Knezevic,

    M.A. for English revision (Faculty of Sciences, University

    of Novi Sad).


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